Melissa Ramsey Healinghands

First post: Jul 16, 2021 Latest post: Apr 25, 2024
Melissa's Journey: Battling Myelofibrosis with Courage and Hope

Dear friends and family,

It's with a mix of emotions that I share my journey with you all. For years, I've known something wasn't quite right with my health. Countless doctor visits, misdiagnoses, and unanswered questions left me feeling frustrated and scared. However, in 2021, after enduring a bone marrow biopsy, I finally received a diagnosis: Myeloproliferative Neoplasm, an elusive blood cancer that defied classification.

Since then, my life has been a whirlwind of treatments and appointments. Oral chemotherapy became a daily ritual, and in July 2023, I added injections to combat the relentless scarring in my bone marrow. Despite these efforts, a follow-up biopsy at MD Anderson Cancer Center revealed a sobering reality: my condition had progressed to Myelofibrosis.

The news was daunting, but with the unwavering support of my medical team and loved ones, I found strength in facing this new chapter. While the medications I'm on can't cure the cancer, they offer relief from some symptoms and slow its progression. Yet, the ultimate hope lies in a stem cell transplant, the next step in my battle against Myelofibrosis.

MD Anderson has confirmed that I am now a candidate for this procedure, and I await further details on the timing and logistics. Through this website, I aim to keep you all updated on my journey, sharing both the challenges and moments of triumph along the way.

Your love, prayers, and encouragement mean the world to me as I navigate this uncertain path. Together, we'll continue to face each day with courage, hope, and unwavering determination.

With all my love,