Gil Kloster

First post: Nov 12, 2017 Latest post: Nov 3, 2018
Many of you know that Gil was diagnosed with Kidney Cancer in October 2017. Our family immediately began our research for the best treatment options.  We found that the Cleveland Clinic was the #1 facility for treating this type of Cancer. We were originally told he had Renal Cancer, after a CT was done in Atlanta.  The girls and I decided we needed a team approach to fight this battle.  We formed what is known as Team GRIT.  (It stands for Gil's Resilient Indestructible Team). Our Bible verse is Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me". We put our team name and bible verse on a bracelet to wear every day.  If anyone would like to receive any bracelets please contact me at  I will be happy to mail them. 
   Gil and I made 2 trips to the Cleveland Clinic to begin the diagnosing process.  Cleveland Clinic was exactly what we needed!  They were amazingly efficient and helpful throughout this challenging time. We consulted with both a Urologist and Oncologist on our first visit.  We returned for a biopsy a couple of weeks later. The outcome from the biopsy was Kidney Cancer.   The recommendation from our Oncologist at CC was an infusion of Keytruda every 3 weeks.  This course of treatment allows us to stay in Atlanta instead of traveling to CC for each infusion. Our Oncologist at the CC drives the therapy with the coordination of a local Oncologist.   We were referred to a wonderful Oncologist in Atlanta for medical clearance and treatment.  Gil had his first infusion October 19, the day after our 37th Wedding Anniversary.
Our Oncologist called me this morning to check on Gil.  He told me Gil was in the 1% of the population that appears to have had a significant positive response from his first infusion.  His pain has diminished significantly.  This has been a wonderful blessing to not only Gil but our family!  His biggest struggle is his loss of appetite and exhaustion.  There are several functions the Oncologist is going to check at our upcoming visit.  The Oncologist reassured me this morning that our focus going forward will be improving his lack of energy and loss of appetite.  He thinks we are on the right track with therapy. 
We have had an amazing amount of support from our family and dear friends.  I started a new job at the same time Gil started his treatment.  So many people have surrounded us with love and support that we are embracing life with the joy of another day and comfort from our Heavenly Father.  We believe in very focused prayers and ask that if you are going to pray with us,  then these are the areas for prayer: that Gil's second infusion continues to target the T cells that allow them to do their job and fight to destroy the tumor and cancerous cells.  We also need prayers to give Gil encouragement to nourish his body when he has diminished appetite. To give him energy and strength needed to fight this every day.  We appreciate all of your prayers, love and support of each and every person that has prayed and continues to pray for Gil. 

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