Evyn Schneider Evyn Elle Schneider

First post: Jul 15, 2020 Latest post: Dec 6, 2020
Hi!  I am Evyn Elle Schneider.  I am an extremely happy, 5 month old girl.  I don't act sick....but I am.  I need to fix my liver, so I can continue to do all the fun things this world has to offer.  I will be having a liver transplant.  In my journal you can read about what I have been doing over the last few weeks with my new friends at the University of Minnesota Masonic Children's Hospital.  My parents and I love our "Get Better Team" (Surgeon Team, GI Team, Transplant Team, and all the staff on the PICU and Floor 5).  I call them my friends because they will be with me forever.  It sounds like I get to go home today, so I can hang out with my family  in a much comfier place until it's time for my surgery.  I can't wait to get back on the pontoon and go for walks with Mom and Dad.  We will keep writing in my journal, so you can keep updated on my health. Thank you for checking in on me.  😘