Eric Winans

First post: Jan 24, 2019 Latest post: Aug 1, 2022
**Updated June 11, 2021 see below********

Thank you for visiting and being one of so many people with deep care and love for Eric, Cyndi, Matt, and Emily.  

After some back pain and attempted treatment without getting relieve Eric was diagnosed with lung cancer which has moved into his spine where the pain has been coming from. We have no doubt that because Eric is strong, young, healthy, and able to fight this, receive aggressive treatment, and be out of pain and back camping by this spring! 

Today we spoke with the Oncologist Dr Kuhns who described the first method of treatment and how we are attacking the area of pain first so Eric can get some relieve in his back.  This will start with anatomically targeted, as Dr Kuhn said, radiation to get Eric some much needed relieve and be able to be in much less pain. The following treatments will be discussed this coming week and the next as results come in and the doctors are able to meet together and with Eric and Cyndi. 

Eric had his first treatment of this today and he took it very well. He came out and told me when I asked how it was he said "It was a blast..." Quite literal he was there, and he looked like he hadn't done anything out of the ordinary. He will have four more radiation treatments on this same area, Monday - Thursday of next week at the St Lukes MISTI Downtown. 

The team that Eric and Cyndi have chosen to see him through this treatment is a very competent team where each and every doctor on the team comes highly recommended and handpicked. Dr Kuhns, Dr Duckworth, and Dr Zuckerman are three of the team. We are awaiting results of the biopsy and genetic testing to determine which form of therapy will best be used to treat. 

Eric and Cyndi appreciate so very much everyone's thought, prayers, time and care. They are blessed with a very special group of close friends and amazing family on both sides. Eric and Cyndi are two of the most loving parents to Matt and Emily, some of the best siblings to the whole huge gang of all of us, and amazing friends to all those in their circle now and in the past that you could ever meet.

God be with Eric and the family. He and Cyndi are so positive and know that they are ready to tackle this head on. Matt and Emily are such good kids and are there for their dad as well. It takes a village and there are a heck of a lot of us in that village. 

Saturday I am making dinner for them, Sunday we are having dinner at Carla's, but I bet they could use some meals made for them over the next few days along with the prayers. So, if you have the ability, I am sure it would be appreciated. 

We all love you so much Eric and are here for you night or day anything you need.