Elaine Bretz Lewis

First post: Mar 29, 2020 Latest post: Aug 3, 2020
Thank you for visiting my page and joining me on this journey.  Never did I imagine that I would be here in this position, but here I am, and here you are, entering this scary turn that life has taken.  I appreciate all of you for your presence and support.  

On February 10th of this year, after feeling unwell for a while, I stepped into Methodist hospital for what I feared might be a gallbladder removal and precautionary biopsy on a small mass.  To my dismay, those fears would be soon surpassed by a reality that was far worse than a small surgery and a few overnights at the hospital—a mere hiccup compared to what was ahead. The doctor spoke clearly and carefully and delivered the type of news you always assume will never belong to you, the kind of news that stuns you, brings you to your knees, and changes your world in every way imaginable.  

My gallbladder was not the source of my malaise. No—it was Stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer. So many questions flooded my mind, so much unknown, so much still to see, to experience, to live. Was I ready for this kind of battle? Can I do this? 

Once the shock wore off, I was able to focus on the next step, which is where I am today. My first chemo treatment was March 11th, just over a month beyond that fateful hospital visit. My future is unknown, but that path is mine to walk as daunting as each step might be. I plan to fight with everything I have in me. I'm fortunate to have such incredible family and friends in my corner. My family has set up a GoFundMe page to help with the mounting medical bills that sometimes consume me.  If you are willing and able to help, I'm so grateful and I appreciate any relief you can provide. Your thoughts and prayers are amazing too—and much needed!  This won't be easy, but it will be easier knowing I have so many loved ones in my corner. I'll do my best to send updates as I have them. Thank you! I love you all!  Elaine. 
