Doris Knuth Bring mom home

First post: Dec 23, 2020 Latest post: Mar 13, 2021
Dori is  now at a long term care facility. Doctors said it would take 1 year for her to get home. She is doing quite well. She is coming home Thursday. Do I feel she should be coming home? NO NO NO. She has a long road ahead of physical , and occupational therapy. There will be a nurse and therapists that come in a couple days a week. I'm hoping she also gets a PCA. My mom is going to need her friends and family more than ever now. I am working with moms Social worker on getting her what she will need when she comes home. This is a huge step, but I'm going to be honest with you all. Mom can take 34 steps on a good day. That's with taking a seat every like 10 to 12 feet and resting before she goes any farther. Mom fell 2 days ago. Her knees buckled out from under her and thank God she didn't get hurt. Angelique, Jerry daughter is bringing her home. A big shout to her for taking time off work. Flying to mom and making sure she makes the trip home. Angelique is going to stay until Sat. or Sun. She will be showing Jerry and I a lot of things. We are going to see how mom does when she gets home with Angelique helping. Angelique doesn't agree either that mom should be coming home. It's because her insurance will only pay for 21 days of acute facility care. So we will decide as a family if mom will be safe enough to be home, and if we feel she is not, we are hoping insurance will give her more time since she's back in MN. I have seen my mom. Yes it's been a few weeks ago. I know though because I've seen her just how hard this will be for her. Even with People coming in a couple days a week it's much different than her getting help everyday. Quite honestly, I'm so afraid my mom is going to get hurt because of her not being ready. So please, I beg everyone to continue to pray for a full recovery. The doctors told her it would be 1 year before she gets home. Let me remind everyone that we were told this just a few days after she was given a trach. That hasn't even been 2 months. So that tells you just how not ok this is. Please keep my mom and Jerry and us kids and all the grand kids up in prayer. We have a long road ahead of us. Especially my mom.