Dax Ryan Schaefbauer Dax Schaefbauer

First post: Jul 10, 2018 Latest post: Jul 19, 2018

Dax Ryan Schaefbauer was born on July 4th, 2018 at 2:52 p.m. weighing 6 pounds, 12 ounces and 20 inches long. He is absolutely perfect, with a full head of dark brown hair, the cutest bottom lip quiver, and his ladykiller eyelashes. After delivery, Dax was not feeding well and became very congested. We consulted a pediatrician, and after an evaluation,  it was decided that he needed further care in the NICU. On July 5th, 2018 at 2:30 a.m., he was transferred to the Essentia Health NICU in Fargo. Nate was able to go with Dax,  but Macey had to stay and recover before being discharged. After further evaluation in the NICU, he was diagnosed with an esophageal atresia with tracheoesophageal fistula and transferred to the Sanford Children's Hospital in Fargo for surgical intervention. Dax underwent a successful surgery on July 6th, 2018 and is now in the recovery process. 

We will be using this website to keep our family and friends informed. We are very grateful for all of the love, support, and prayers for Dax in his healing. Although Dax would love to see you all, we ask that he is given the time to rest and recover from his recent surgery.  As he continues to heal, we will do our best to provide updates to you all. In the meantime, you can view Dax at the following website:

http://www.nicview.net  (http://www.nicview.net ) (http://www.nicview.net  (http://www.nicview.net ))
Username: whiteparrot7728
Password: 9Fc$q3%L
