Dan Makitalo

First post: Jun 13, 2019 Latest post: Jun 29, 2019

UPDATE: On June 29th, he passed away peacefully in his home surrounded by his wife, children, & family.

For Dan’s Donations: https://www.gofundme.com/1nymsqiwtc

Sisu (see’-soo) noun, from the Finnish language 🇫🇮

Extraordinary endurance in the face of adversity, persistence, determination, guts, full of courage, tenacity, resolve, willpower, and an indomitable spirit - that is the definition of Daniel Makitalo! 

On June 11th the doctors at Mercy Hospital in Moose Lake  informed us that Dan has stage 4 cancer called Urothelial Carcinoma which is another name for bladder cancer. It’s spread to his sacrum. This has been causing all the pain in his lower back because it’s causing inflammation on the nerves in that area. Surgery isn’t an option because of the location of the mass. Radiation isn’t an option either because he had too many treatments with his first cancer. Chemo is an option but because of his weak condition they’re going to use a very mild version of chemo that wont cause as many side effects. He has lost over 30 pounds since Jan of this year and has not gotten much sleep because of the pain. According to the oncologist (cancer doctor) the chemo has up to a 60% chance of extending his life expectancy. At this point they just want to make him comfortable so his quality of life is better. Let’s fight this cancer and send him good vibes. 

We ask that you send him and our family positive thoughts to carry us through this hard time. We love you so much, Dan.

We’ve created this site to allow people to support Dan and the family in any way they’d like. 
If you have questions you can email makitaloem@gmail.com
You can donate money to help with medical bills here: https://www.gofundme.com/1nymsqiwtc

Let’s fight this cancer! 💪🏼

🇫🇮Carry SISU, Dan!❤️