Corbin Sikes

First post: Jul 7, 2016 Latest post: Aug 10, 2016
Corbin is our sweet, smart, wide open little boy. However, the last month, something just hasn't been quite right. It started with a right ear infection that was resistant to amoxicillin, and soon turned into a double ear infection with what the doctor thought was a viral illness on top of it. About a week after completing the antibiotic, Corbin began to have fevers again. We thought maybe he was teething. He then starting waking up frequently in the night, which was also chalked up to teething and maybe a growth spurt. He had fevers off and on that we treated with Tylenol and Motrin and kept a watch on him. Saturday night, Corbin came home from a day on the lake with his daddy and other family members for a Fourth of July celebration. He seemed very tired, but that was expected after a fun-filled day on the lake. Sunday morning around 9 am, he spiked a fever of 101.7. He was given Tylenol ad Motrin for the fever and it soon broke. Unfortunately, it did come right back, and was accompanied by a nasty wet cough and Corbin was complaining of pain in his left rib area. By that night, he wouldn't even lift his left arm. He was taken to the Childrens Urgent Care in Monroe for evaluation. After the doctor checked him out, he decided Corbin needed a chest x-ray and abdominal x-ray. After looking at the x-rays, the doctor was actually concerned that Corbin may have a bowel obstruction. We were sent to Levine's Childrens Hospital ED for further evaluation. After sitting in the ED for several hours, we were told the x-rays were normal and Corbin could be discharged with the diagnosis of Upper Respiratory Infection. At 7 am that morning (Monday), we got home and spent most of that day lying around. Corbin continued to have a fever that we continued to treat with Tylenol and Motrin. Later that day after giving Corbin a bath, we noticed a large, swollen, bruised area over his left clavicle that was painful to touch. Tuesday morning, we made an appointment with Corbin's pediatrician. She sent him for a clavicle x-ray to insure the chest x-ray from Sunday hadn't missed anything. She called back just after lunch and reported that the x-ray was normal. We still knew something just wasn't right with Corbin, so we pushed for some blood work. They agreed, and brought us back into the pediatrician's office for some blood work. After pricking Corbin's finger twice and running blood samples three times, we were sent to the hospital for a lab draw. His lab results from the hospital revealed something we were all afraid of...his blood levels were low and he was pancytopenic. His little body had no immune system to keep him safe and protect him from infection. We were told to come straight back to Levine's and the ED physician as well as the hematologist knew we were coming. We were here for a little over an hour when we were taken back to triage. From triage, we were rushed to a room in the back where Corbin had an amazing nurse and team of doctors that came in to assess him. We were admitted shortly after knowing he would have more blood work done throughout the night and into the morning, and we would see a hematologist and oncologist the next morning. Unfortunately, the next morning brought terrible news. After looking at Corbin's blood smears under the microscope, the doctor diagnosed Corbin with leukemia. After further testing, he was known to have Pre-B Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia......fortunately, this is the most common type and has the most success rates with treatment. At this point, we are praying for the best and hugging our sweet little boy a little tighter. We will continue to keep you all updated throughout our journey and would appreciate the continued prayers and support. 

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