Collin Brown Collin Brown

First post: Jul 5, 2018 Latest post: Mar 28, 2019
Dear Family, Friends, Clients, Colleagues, and Loved Ones of Collin Brown,

Collin experienced a small stroke on the morning of July 1st that has left his body fully functional, but the language portion of his brain impaired. He can understand nearly everything spoken to him, but he is having a hard time finding the right words to say all that he wants to say when he wants to say it. We carry a lot of hope for a full recovery, but for now we are taking it one step at a time. He is surrounded by family and loved ones who are helping take care of his needs while he recovers at his home in Port Townsend, WA. We are using this website to keep you all updated on his progress and how you can help contribute to his wellbeing and speedy recovery. 

So many of us love Collin dearly. He is a mentor, coach, guide, elder, lover, friend, teacher, healer, sibling, uncle, father,  partner, student, and devotee to so many beautiful and incredible things. We honor him with this website where you can see journal entries from people coordinating his care, as well as share a piece of yourself by speaking to Collin and his family directly. As you can imagine, this event is effecting Collin's life in a dramatic way, and he needs all the support he can get from his local, national, and global community. Please consider helping in any way you can as we get a clearer picture of what help is needed. Stay tuned. 