Cole Loves To Fish! He forgot his Cooler on the night he caught his biggest fish, he got so excited thru that fish In his Honda CRV and it flopped around all the way home!! That was a funny and great night, we laughed so hard!! Cole you are so Funny!!

Cole Dalton

First post: Dec 30, 2020 Latest post: Aug 27, 2021
On Christmas Eve Cole his Brother Wyatt and their best friend Neil Morrison was grabbing a pizza fromDominos Pizza on Hwy 24.  These boys had went to pick up the pizza and return to Neil’s house! Totally innocent accident Coles car was pushed 122 feet from Dominos and his injuries are un Real!! He is injured from Head to Toe. His brain shook so hard he has bruising all over the Brain! His ribs cracked, both lungs collapsed, his spleen was immediately removed Christmas Eve, his kidneys damaged, liver, Bladder torn has already had surgery to repair that his Pelvis is broken in a way that the doctors do not see it break! Bleeding in the muscles Every inch of this 17 year old has been injured! God has already done so much for Our son and is not finished with him yet! Wyatt was released from the hospital on Christmas Day! Wyatt and Neil are doing great, they are worried for their Buddy and Brother Cole!! Please Please Please Pray Pray Pray!!! 