Clay Mullin

First post: Dec 8, 2019 Latest post: Feb 23, 2020
"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.Therefore will not we fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea"  Psalm 46

It feels as though our world has been removed this past week.   Clay sustained a gunshot wound through his abdomen on Sunday December 1, due to a hunting accident.  He underwent surgery in Sidney that evening, then was flown to Billings where he underwent another surgery.  More Surgery followed on Monday in Billings.  Tuesday morning it was discovered Clay had suffered a stroke and he was life flighted to Swedish Hospital in Englewood, CO (Denver metro).  He underwent surgery to removed the clot in his brain and additional follow up surgeries for his gunshot wound.

At this time Clay is awake and seems aware.  He has not yet spoken, but does nod and recognize his family.  He is able to sit upright with assistance.   His right side is impaired.  There has been some reflex type movement on that side and some response in his foot.  His eyes are tracking together and track to both sides.  We are grateful to God and his medical teams for keeping him with us.  It is too early to know what recovery will be like, but we have every hope that stubborn Clay will overcome any obstacle.