Cindi Rhodes Cindi Rockin' Rhodes

First post: Sep 13, 2018 Latest post: Sep 19, 2018
Welcome to our CaringBridge website. We are using it to keep family and friends updated in one place. Cindi is in the ICU fighting sepsis. Currently, she is on consistent dialysis, is sedated and intubated and still in critical condition.  The doctors haven't yet discovered what caused the initial infection, but are helping to support her body continue down a healing path.

We so appreciate your support and words of hope and encouragement. Cindi can't sit still when someone is in need, and her friends and family are proving to be quite the same - you all are amazing! For those looking for ways to support the Rhodes family through donation, meals, tasks or prayers and kind words check out the "Ways to Help" tab! Thank you for visiting.

'Cast your burden upon the Lord and He will sustain you.' Psalm 55:22