Caroline Carver

First post: Aug 20, 2018 Latest post: Aug 24, 2018
After a long wait for more than a year, Caroline has undergone heart transplant surgery.  Her doctor has been waiting for the heart that he felt would be perfect for her and it is finally here.  On Friday, 8/17/2018 Caroline received the call that she has a donor that has a heart that would be perfect for her.  Steve and Caroline had been waiting for this call for a long time and immediately packed their belongings, found baby sitters for all the animals and headed to Denver for the surgery.  Early Saturday morning, 8/18/2018 Caroline went in for her surgery and after about 10 hours she is in recovery.

If anyone would like to leave messages for Caroline, please post them here and she will be able to read them when she is feeling up to it. 

If you have any questions feel free to reach out to Brent Carver at (307)630-6774 (tel:(307)630-6774)