Bill Nahalea

First post: Nov 1, 2020 Latest post: Dec 18, 2020
Welcome to our CaringBridge website. We are using it to keep family and friends updated in one place. We appreciate your support and words of hope and encouragement. Thank you for visiting.  

In one moment, life changed for the Nahalea's.

October 17, 2020, Started the day with the normal workday, shopping for the cafe supplies, only this time, my wife, Gloria joined Bill for the ride.  Bill driving on the freeway, suddenly began to experience a stroke, leaving Gloria to navigate the horrific ride of trying to slow down and pull over to take control. To stop, the van had hit objects to slow down and get off the freeway traffic. It was necessary to self crash to stop the car while Bill was going through the stroke.  911 was called, and Bill was transported by the aid car to Tacoma General Hospital.  Bill had a serious stroke which landed him in the ER and immediately placed in an induced coma.  Bill suffered from a brain bleed stroke and damages to his right side of his body, recovery was uncertain.

For the next two weeks, Bill was fighting for his life, a ventilator, tubes attached to medicine which kept Bill alive. With the current COVID social distancing and protocols the hospitals restricted visitation, allowing only one visitor a day.  The health medical team was remarkable, the family, friends, Hawaiian community pouring out prayers, love, support, well wishes helped Bill to move from ER to ICU, to progressive care unit, and finally to an In Patient Rehabilition Hospital for intensive therapy.  
