Dec. 16, 2021 Biopsy Day

Bernice Creager Bernice's Cancer Journey

First post: Dec 28, 2021 Latest post: Jun 22, 2022
Houston, We Have a Problem... 

If you are on this site chances are you either saw the news on social media, heard from a friend, or were one of the lucky few to be told directly from the horse's mouth...

Me, I am the horse, and to be frank I kinda wish I was a horse right about now, or anything other than what I am, which is a F!*&#$@ cancer patient😖 

On December 17 at 5:39 pm I received the call that changed my life, the mass in my right breast that brought me in for imagining on the 14, along with the one found under my right axilla (love saying that word) that same night both tested positive for cancerous cells. I had a biopsy on Dec 15 and it took slightly more than 24 hours to get the results, no bueno.

The hardest part of this has been telling folks and seeing their eyes tear up or their smile fade. Disappointing people is extremely hard to digest. 

The whole experience from the first screening to diagnosis has been a whirlwind, but as someone with a history of breast cancer in her family this moment has always been a matter of "when" not "if." I had tested negative for BRCA two years ago and that gave me a sense of hope, however I never stopped doing selfexams and that is what  saved my life.  

I am now embarking on a scary journey and there are A LOT of questions. As a Type-A person with generalized anxiety disorder, I respond well to having an ironclad plan. I thrive on being told what to do, what to expect, what to eat, what products to use, yet, there is very little out there that isn't supertechnical medicine journals or blogs with annecdotal information that doesn't really fit the mold.  

With this resouce and through this experience one of my main goals - other than surviving this shit - will be to give back by sharing as much as posible. 

It is my sincere hope that sharing every part of this, from what to eat before a PET scan to what products to use during chemo, can provide someone going through this a first hand look into navigating  one of the most scary, difficult and exhausting experiences and know that they are not alone. 
