Antonio Guevara

First post: Jan 12, 2021
From the moment Tonio came to this country, he has been helping people. He has helped many friends and family get jobs, lent money, sponsored the bar at many weddings and given me the most precious gift of all, our daughter Meli. After years of Tonio giving, it is time for us to give to him! He is fighting cancer and this site is where you can come for updates and to see how you can help. You can bring food, visit (call first!) or donate to his medical bills fund. Tonio would never ask for help, but we know he needs it. 
Click on the Planner to see if Tonio has any requests. If you would like to bring him food, post a comment and we will add it to the Planner. Click on Ways to Help for a link to Tonio's Go Fund Me site to donate for his medical bills. And add any comments and well wishes you like! Tonio will get through this with the love of his community!
Thanks all!  Sue

Desde el momento en que Tonio llegó a este país, ha estado ayudando a la gente. Ha ayudado a muchos amigos y familiares a conseguir trabajo, prestado dinero, patrocinado el bar en muchas bodas y me ha dado el regalo más preciado de todos, nuestra hija Meli. Después de años de donaciones de Tonio, ¡es hora de que le demos a él! Él está luchando contra el cáncer y este sitio es donde puede obtener actualizaciones y ver cómo puede ayudar. Puede traer comida, visitar (¡llame primero!) O donar a su fondo de facturas médicas. Tonio nunca pediría ayuda, pero sabemos que lo necesita. ¡Gracias a todos! -Sue