Andrew King

First post: Dec 14, 2017
On November 29, 2014, Andrew had a freak accident which resulted in head to toe x-rays and CT scans. Thankfully (and amazingly) there were no injuries from the accident, however, doctors discovered a tumor in the occipital/parietal region of his brain. Andrew named his tumor Timmy as a way to cope. We were referred to a neurosurgeon in Atlanta at Children’s Hospital Scottish Rite. Over the past three years, Andrew has cycled through MRIs every 3/6/9 months. At his 9 month checkup this past August, we were informed that his tumor had started to make changes and was growing. Additionally, there was now blood flow to the tumor where there wasn’t in prior MRIs. On December 20th, Andrew will have surgery to remove Timmy the tumor. We created this page to keep our family and friends updated as we begin the countdown to evict Timmy. Thank you for your continued thoughts and prayers.

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