Andrea Whitted

First post: Jul 18, 2021 Latest post: Aug 12, 2021
On the morning of Monday, July 12th, 2021, Andrea's parents were picking her up for work and found Andrea unresponsive in her home. Andrea was rushed to Ball Memorial Hospital with a lot of unknown. After running several tests at the hospital, a large amount of blood was found on Andrea's brain.  Andrea was then immediately rushed into surgery and placed into a medically induced coma. The intent of the surgery was to remove the blood from the brain and to relieve the pressure the blood was causing. After not having much success,  Andrea was then immediately transferred to Methodist Hospital in Indianapolis to receive more intensive care. Andrea's team of clinicians at Ball Memorial Hospital were worried that she may have developed a brain aneurysm. After receiving more tests at Methodist Hospital, an MRI showed that Andrea has a ruptured brain aneurysm that doctors are still trying to get under control. According to the team of clinicians at Ball Memorial Hospital, they have no idea how Andrea survived with the amount of blood that was initially found on her brain. It is a miracle that she is still with us today. Please be praying as Andrea has a long road ahead with still a lot of unknowns. 