Amanda Beatty

First post: Apr 20, 2018 Latest post: Nov 26, 2018
Seven weeks ago I felt a lump that caused concern in my left breast.  I waited a few weeks to see if it was just a pulled muscle and then scheduled a doctors appointment.  Since that day I have been in a whirlwind of appointments including, mammograms, ultrasounds, biopsy, oncologist, and surgeons.  I was diagnosed with invasive ductile carcinoma and will require a full mastectomy to remove all cancer.  I have chosen to go with a double mastectomy to eliminate the risk of it coming back.  As soon as I have dates or have any other updates I will add to this page to keep everyone informed.

God was not surprised that I got that phone call and that all of this is happening!  He knew this day was coming since before I was born and He has an AMAZING plan to make something great out of it!  He has wrapped me in peace and I trust in HIM more now than I ever have before.  I am fully confident that I will beat this and that a year from now I will be better than I ever have been with an even stronger deepening in my faith than I have today.

Thank you all for caring so much for me and my family!  I look forward to sharing this journey with each of you and am overwhelmed by the love and prayers I can already feel!

