Alison Rieman Ali's Army

First post: Mar 30, 2018 Latest post: Dec 29, 2020
October 6, 2015 our world changed drastically. At the age of 18 Alison was diagnosed with Acute myeloid leukemia. That night she was admitted to Rainbow Babies and Children's Hospital to start a brutal battle for her life. After 7 months isolated in the hospital , she was able to come home, continue treatment, and get stronger. She was in remission. She slowly built her life back up. She was able to start working out and rebuild her muscle and things were almost back to normal. In June, Alison was able to get her own apartment with her boyfriend Jake,  and went back to school. 
After a routine bone marrow biopsy, Alison's world was once again turned upside down. They saw one funky cell and wanted to repeat it. About this time, she noticed a lump in her breast which also was biopsied along with a lymph node. On her 21st birthday, she received the call  from her Dr letting her know her AML was back. 
Today she will be admitted to battle Round 2. Chemo and eventually another bone marrow transplant, her only chance for a cure. Please keep her in your prayers!