Alia Hanson

First post: Sep 10, 2017 Latest post: May 10, 2018
Alia found a lump in her breast this summer.  She quickly went in for evaluation.  Unfortunately,  she was diagnosed with Stage 2 breast cancer.  She underwent many diagnostic tests to identify the extent of her condition.  There is a 6cm area that is classified as invasive ductile carcinoma. This is relatively  small and there is no signs it has spread outside of the milk duct.  The tiny tumors have HER2neu positive receptors. Thankfully, scientists have developed chemotheray drugs that are able to aggressively attack cancers with HER2neu receptors. This will reduce the size of the tumors, reducing the extent of any surgical removal in January.

Alia has recently met with an oncologist, a surgeon, a therapist, a naturopathic doctor, and a nutritionist. This team of experts work closely together and have developed a plan of attack based on scientific evidence and research. 

She had a procedure which placed a small device called a port-a-cath under her skin.  The port-a-cath ends in a large blood vessel near the heart.  The purpose of the port-a-cath is to ensure safe and easy delivery of chemotherapy to her system.

Alia had the first opportunity to use her port-a-cath on September 8th when she began chemotherapy.  Her treatment lasted all day, from 8 am - 4 pm.  Alia  was a champion.   She received two  immunotherapies and two chemotherapies without any sensitivity reactions.  She worked on an art-journal all day, with her family by her side.   She went home and slept well.  Her strength and courage are astounding. 

Alia's treatment plan includes medications that can diminish her immune system for the 10 days following treatment.   
She cannot accept visitors during these 10 day windows for health reasons.   Friendship is crucial! So,  later in the cycle,  when it is okay visit,  be sure you are well.  Please, no sharing sniffles, colds, or other bugs. Also please get a flu shot this season if you plan on visiting. 

Alia is scheduled for treatment every three weeks.  Her treatment cycles will occur for the next year.  These treatments will become less intense in January when the two chemotherapies are complete.  

Alia's doctors will be evaluating her progress and continuing to run tests during  her treatment cycles.

Currently,  Alia is feeling fatigued and needs to stay home and rest.  This is a expected side effect and is likely to continue or increase.  

Alia decided to take the semester off.   She has been an English teacher at Columbia Falls High for 9 years.  Eric is continuing as an Art teacher at Glacier High School.  Charlie is attending kindergarten.  Oliver is attending preschool. 

Alia and Eric greatly appreciate loving thoughts and considerations.   Due to the beauty of their friend groups and their dear families, they have received many calls and messages.   They cannot sufficiently answer all their loved ones, as their energies are being put into healing.   With the demands of family life and the rigorous chemotherapy schedule ahead, they request that loved ones communicate primarily through Caring Bridge.  They ask us to refrain from posting on Facebook or other social media regarding such a personal matter.   This page will be updated with journal entries.  Please leave messages and check back frequently.

Thank you for your love and support, it is greatly needed, and will be needed in the future.   Please offer any assistance that you  wish to provide.  The Hansons will need help with kids, meals, and moral support on this journey.  Prayers and well wishes are lovingly accepted.  

With Love,

Adriane, little sister to Alia

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