Addie Schmit Adaline Schmit

First post: Mar 20, 2021 Latest post: Aug 4, 2023
After what I thought was a stomach bug that I brought home from work. She was still not getting better a week later. Took her to acute care there they did a strep test and covid test which were both negative. Told it was a virus. After another week and she was not getting any better. My husband took her to the clinic on March 16, 2021. They ran tests. While they were at the clinic we were texting all of a sudden I got a phone call from his number. Will never forget when I answered the phone. “Stop what you are doing and walk away”. It was the Dr. that was the start of a whirlwind of all kind of things. We headed to Avera Queen of peace ER for a little bit for IV fluids and antibiotics. Then an ambulance ride to Sanford Children’s (The Castle). She was diagnosis with Standard risk B Cell Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL).  ALL is a fast-growing cancer of lymphocyte-forming cells called lymphoblasts.