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In Loving Memory
September 30, 1965 - February 1, 2007


Thursday, February 2, 2012 8:32 AM CST

Yesterday marked the 5th anniversary of Sheila's return to God. In some ways it is impossible to believe that is has been five years, but in others it feels more like 100 years. We still think of Sheila with love every single day and I feel her guidance and presence as I try to muddle through life with the kids. We've got another angel in heaven this year as my mother, Ann, joined Sheila on December 27th. I am quite sure they are enjoying a great reunion and conspiring to keep me on the straight and narrow!

The kids continue to do well and I am very proud of them. Molly is a junior at Sacred Heart Academy and is about to get her driver's license. I never thought I'd say it, but I am looking forward to it as it will be great to have some help in getting the kids where they need to be. Kevin is in 7th grade at Berner Middle School continues to keep very busy with soccer and basketball. He loves anything to do with sports, so he can always find something to keep his interest. Katie is in 5th grade at Unqua and doing very well. She keeps me on my toes and most days functions as my personal assistant in keeping the house running!

I have come to a decision that this will be my last posting on this website. I think it is time. Sheila will never be forgotten -- I know that -- but I feel like it is time to move forward. So much of this website is associated with Sheila's illness and death, I think that it is time to put my focus in another direction. I know just what Sheila would say -- "It's about time, it only took you five years!"

I am on Facebook and I see many of you there, so please feel free to look me up. I am not sure how many people still check this site, but for those that do, this is goodbye for now. Thank you for the love and support that you have given us for the last seven years. Please know that you will always have a special place in our hearts and prayers.



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E-mail Author: bmurray@cullenanddykman.com


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