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Jack Morea

Hi everyone! My name is Jack.
Welcome to Jack's Page. It has been provided to keep people updated about our Child. Jack was born in August, 2002 with a rare liver disease, Extra Hepatic Biliary Atresia. Biliary Atresia is the congenital absence or closure of the ducts that drain bile from the liver. There are approximately 300 babies born with this disease in the US every year. Jack was diagnosed after becoming jaundice around 5 weeks of age, and after a week of testing was diagnosed. He had surgery at Columbia University, called the Kasai Procedure, which removes the bile ducts that are diseased and attach the small intestines directly to the liver to allow bile flow. Unfortunately, Jack had a very scarred liver and bile drainage wasn't fully accomplished with this surgery. Jack started liver failure and had to be put on numerous medications to allow him to thrive. When it became apparent that the only alternative for Jack was a liver transplant he was listed in March 2003. Fortunately, Jack's Dad Dominic was a match and was able to become Jack's living donor. Jack received his most precious gift, from his hero (and ours) his dad on April 8th 2003. We now have a wonderful, spirited, feisty son who is ready to take on the world!
We do not take any day for granted, and remind all around us how much we love and care for them. Life is so precious, we are thankful to have such beautiful children who love their baby brother so much. We know how fortunate we are to have Jack's life in the hands of such amazing surgeons, doctors, and nurses. You will never know our gratitude. We would never have been able to take such wonderful care for our son if it had not been for our amazing family, and our wonderful friends.

Remember, become an organ donor today!


Wednesday, August 20, 2008 7:35 AM CDT

Happy 6th Birthday sweet Jack!
I think back, six years ago, and the miracle we were given when you were born. I felt like the luckiest woman alive. I had your sister, your brother, and you came along to complete our family.
We brought you home, and they couldn’t get enough of you. Everywhere you went, Catie and Carlo followed. They lay next to you, they helped with your bottle, and they watched you sleep. We were all in love with you. What a blessed family.
I know we all know what happened next, and how our lives would never be the same. But in the past six years Jack, you have thrived; you have shown us a true miracle! Here you are, ready for first grade, I am so thankful. We are so blessed.
Jack, you are special, so are Catie and Carlo, but each of you are different. I love all of you so much. But you came into our lives and made us take a step back, and realize there is so much more to life, that we need to stop and smell the roses, enjoy every day, be thankful for those around us.
You got all of us involved. We are so much more aware, as are so many of our family and friends around us. We know now about liver disease, about transplantation, about allergies, you have educated us Jack. We are all a lot smarter today because of you.
Things are a bit harder for you, and you do face challenges. We are there to help you through them, as well as the wonderful teachers and specialists who continue to work with you. We celebrate every step along the way.
Today is a great day Jack, you were chosen for us, what a beautiful day. I want you to have so much fun, know how special you are to so many, and how blessed we all are that you are here with us today.
Happy Birthday Jack, rock on little sweetie!

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Hospital Information:



http://liverfamilies.net   Helpful site for families of children with Liver disease


E-mail Author: mmorea@optonline.net


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