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Welcome to Aschdon's Caring Bridge Page. It has been provided to help keep friends and family updated on how he is doing.
Aschdon has a rare genetic disease called Spinal Muscular Atrophy Type 2. He was born 7 weeks premature weighing in at only 3lbs 13.9 ounces. He only had to stay in the hospital for one week, what a fighter!!
All things considered, he was doing good. He then started passing milestones that I know even for a premie he should have reached. At 6 months he got hospitilized for his first pneumonia and things went down hill from there. Since birth Aschdon has been in the hospital 5 times for pneumonia and with each one he has lost more muscle and strength. It took 2 years fighting with doctors to find out that my son as weak as he was (and is) could only live until his tenth birthday. Of course as a determined mom I only take this with a grain of salt as God only knows when it is time for Aschdon to come home, until then it is my job to make him the best person he can be.
The hard part of this disease for me was coming to grips with that my son would never walk, crawl, sit himself up, be able to just play like a boy does. My life went from trying to find out what was wrong to finding out ways to make my sons life as good as possible.
With the help of many on line friends and some wonderful doctors my son has now made it his first year with out having to be in the hospital with pneumonia. We were able to handle it at home. I hope you will continue to visit this page and keep up to pace with our fast paced busy lives and watch not only Aschdon grow and live life but how it affects all of us on a day to day basis.

God gave us life. It is what we choose to do with our life that makes life worth living.

give aschdon more *HUGS*

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Friday, January 1, 2010 3:30 AM CST

As of today, Aschdon has a new caringbridge site. I will be deleting this one in about a week. If you know of anyone that follows Aschdon please pass this information on. http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/aschdon


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Hospital Information:

PO Box 1408
Wheatland wy 82201


http://www.our-sma-angels.com/aschdon   My SMA page
http://www.hugsandhope.com   Send a Smile today!!
http://www.smasupport.com   Learn more about this devastating disease


E-mail Author: smamom2three@yahoo.com


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