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Welcome to our angel's web page. It has been created to help people understand her disease and the treatments that she went through. It is also a source of healing for the family that she has left behind.

Trinity was born May 25,2001 and recieved her angel wings December 7, 2002. Such a short life.

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Monday, June 7, 2004 11:35 PM CDT

Well it has been a very long time since I have written any updates here. I often think I should but it seems as though no one is ckecking in so I should just leave things alone. After some thought Sean and I decided it best to update here and remove the photo's of baby Serenity. This page was created for Trinity and that is what it should be. I will be updating the photo's on here as well.

All is well with our family. We struggle with the loss of Trinity each and every day but find ourselves also very happy to have the children that we get to raise. They are growing so fast. Life just keeps moving along even when you don't really want it to.

Trinity would have just turned 3 on May 25th. What a doll she would be right now. I can just imagine her running all over the place. I know she would keep me busy! She had such a wonderful personality and was so full of life. Imagine that at the age of 3! It would be such fun! We miss her so much. We each picked out some flowers for her and took them to her grave. Such a horrible way to spend a birthday. Sean and I both stay really busy on those days, I for one don't want to stop and spend the day suffering and in such pain. I would rather just move through it as quickly as possible. Not that it is really possible, but it is worth the try. Sean feels pretty close to that also, he does not like to sit and dwell on what we can not change. I know it kills him to think of her, he missed so much of her short life. I wish I was able to change that for him. Something I will always regret is us being apart during that time.

Well for now we are trying our best. Seth is almost out of Kindergarten and getting really for the summer. He just learned how to ride his bike without training wheels. He is so cute! I can't believe how big he is getting. He is really growing up and wants to do everything on his own.

Serenity is learning how to eat finally! She is also rolling over and starting to say things like DA, DA! Daddy is very happy and can't wait to get home from LA to hear it for himself. Yes we are in different places again for a short time. It is just life for us right now. But soon things will be different. Anyways, she is growing fast and is so much fun. I love being able to stay home with my babies! It is such a honor to raise a child. I love every minute.

Thanks for thinking of us,
Sean Tracy and family

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Hospital Information:

Children's Hospital
Seattle, WA.


http://www.geocities.com/trinitylunarierson/   Trinity's new web page
http://www.madisonelizabeth.homestead.com/madispage.html   Our little friend Madison
http://www.caringbridge.org/ak/aarynandfamily/   Aaryn a little friend from Seattle


E-mail Author: seatra@hotmail.com


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