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Welcome to Caleb's Web Page. It has been provided to keep our family and friends updated on Caleb's battle with T-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (T-ALL). Caleb was diagnosed on July 3, 2002 and was scheduled to complete treatment in September 2005. Unfortunately, just 4 months shy of completing treatment, May 2005, he had an isolated relapse in the testicles. Obviously, the relapse was a huge blow, but we are fortunate in that his bone marrow (BM) and central nervous system (CNS) were not affected. However, it required us to start over. Our options were to go forward and follow a relapse protocol, which meant approximately two more years of chemotherapy OR a bone marrow transplant. Our family was tested and fortunately, Jared was a perfect match. However, after much deliberation and consultation with Caleb's oncologist and several others around the country, we opted to follow the relapse protocol, AALL02P2. It has been a long haul, but on October 2, 2007, Caleb took his final dose of chemo.

Since I mention Caleb's blood counts so often and since they've become such important numbers in our daily lives, I'm posting what normal counts would be in a healthy child for comparison:

White Blood Count (WBC) - (5.0 - 14.5)
Platelets (PLT) - (140 - 420)
Hemoglobin (HGB): >12
Hematocrit (HCT): Transfuse around 20

ANC: Needs to be greater than 1000 to fight off infection



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Saturday, July 3, 2010 11:13 PM CDT

Wow, it's been a really long time since I've updated anything on this webpage. Haven't really thought too much about it to be honest...that's a good thing. However, I was driving home from work last night, sitting in a bit of traffic, thinking how it used to be us (meaning Wil, the boys and I) that was hitting the road on a long weekend during the summer to go camping. Kinda wondered what happened. Then it dawned on me, as I'd not given it much thought of late, Caleb's diagnosis of ALL is what happened!

It's been 8 years since that day that has been so permanently ingrained in my mind. While the actual diagnosis date may have come up on me with not a tremendous amount of thought...the events of that day, the emotions I felt, the smells, everything, I remember those as clearly as if it were yesterday...actually, I probably remember those events better than what I did yesterday.

Caleb is now 12 years old...he was just a few months shy of turning five when he was initially diagnosed and 7 1/2 when he relapsed. Fortunately, for him, much of what he went through has fadded from his memory. Alot has fadded from mine...but not all of it, never will, and I'm reminded of it every time I pass by Madigan Army Medical Center, what turned out to be home away from home. But, while I remember the pain and sickness and the unknown we experienced, I also think of the good things and times. We met and made some great friendships along the way; had some fun while we were in the hospital.

Caleb has been completely off treatment for over two years; we're getting closer to three. He'll be starting 7th grade in the fall, is a good student, active in baseball and soccer, and has a tremendous amount of friends. He has no residual medical issues from treatment. He still goes to the doctor about every two months, but there are no worries at this point. He has been a slow grower and has yet to make the 5 foot mark, but everything has been checked out and there don't appear to be any issues there. He is being monitored and we'll see what happens over the next few months. So, we can't complain.

The rest of us have weathered this storm as well. Jared will be starting the 10th grade in the fall. He and his brother are close, despite what they will tell you. He's a good student in his own right, very involved in music, and athletics. He has his own memories of Caleb's diagnosis; most of which are positive.

With that, I'll close. I don't know if anyone reads this much anymore, but if you do, thanks for stopping by and taking a moment to think of us.


P.S. I've updated a few pictures.

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E-mail Author: dlong710@msn.com


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