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Welcome to my Daughters Web Page. It has been provided to keep people updated about my Child.

Aplastic Anemia, Myelodysplastic Syndromes & PNH can strike any person of any age, in any gender or any race, in any neighborhood anywhere in the world.

In the United States, thousands of men, women and children are stricken with these non-contagious bone marrow diseases every year. They occur when the bone marrow stops making enough healthy blood cells. Although all of the causes are still unknown, they have been linked to toxins and viruses that we are in contact with every day.


Tuesday, October 3, 2006 3:47 PM CDT

Update Past Due ~~~~~~~~~~~


It has been way to long since my last update. Shawntae is doing wonderfully !!!! Praise GOD for my MIRACLE BABY !!!! I will first update you on the medical stuff. There have been no really large health issues since our battle with shingles. We meet with Endocrinology in January and again in July to discuss putting Shawntae on hormone therapy. You see she had to go through Chemotherapy and Radiation to get ready for the transplant and not to mention the numerous cat scans etc. Anyway blood work results showed that her ovary function was little to none in January and again in July so endo also tested her thyroid and found that it too was functioning very little.. Shawntae has now been placed on thyroid medicine in hopes that it will boost ovary function therefore helping her adolescent growth, bone density, etc. She also has a partial seizure disorder in which she has partial seizures usually once a month on and off all day. But other than that all is good… She did not have any seizures for the month of September PRAISE GOD and she is showing signs of adolescent development since she was placed on thyroid medicine so yet another miracle…. Shawntae seems to defy all odds!~~~~ GOD has blessed us many times over !!! I just can not express my gratitude enough !!!

Shawntae will be 13 October the 21st…. I can not believe that we have made it this far and on the other hand I can not believe that we almost did not… Shawntae is such a wonderful child. She is very funny and almost always up beat. She loves to be loved by everyone !!! She has not gone through that teenage thing yet where kids become defiant and I hope we pass right by that stage.. She is mature in some ways but still very much wants to be my baby and hides behind me when being introduced. She is very shy.. But loves to dance around and act silly. You can not tell that she has ever been sick if you were to look at her besides for the surgery scares and the stretch marks going vertically across her legs which came from a growth spurt she went through while on prednisone… School is going so much better for her this year… Last year was a real challenge because all the girls were extremely mean and jealous of her… She is so cute and the teachers gave her lots of attention because she was sick a lot… Shawntae loves to dance, sing, jump on the trampoline, swim, make jewelry, draw, ride dirt bikes, play with her puppy, spend time with Nanny and Pop and all her cousins. She is very fun loving and easy to get along with.

Make a Wish sent us on a 3 Day Disney Cruise where of course we had a blast we blinked and it was over but we had fun… We swam with dolphins and swam in the ocean for the 1st time in 3 years.. Shawntae loves the oceans and was totally excited.

I think that just about sums it up (briefly)… I just wanted to let everyone know that Shawntae is doing wonderful and that she is a miracle definitely a success story in the midst of so many failures… I sometimes read through emails and my journals written on this site and wonder how I did not go crazy… My only answer to that is GOD !!!! He will make a way where there is no way, and will not give you any more than you can bear!!!!!

Feel free to email me questions, etc… I would love to talk to everyone that supported and still supports us… With love and appreciation always !!!!


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E-mail Author: shesorangerose@aol.com


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