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Stacey Roehling

Stacey was diagnosed with Burkitt's Lymphoma in May 2003 only a few days before his 30th birthday. He finished treatments in October 2003 and is currently in remission.
To God be the glory!


Wednesday, July 28, 2004 3:47 PM CDT

I know, I know, it is time for an update. This summer is flying by so fast. We have been trying to keep the kids busy. School is around the corner, so we are hoping that we get all the summer fun out of our systems. I got a new job that I am so excited about. I will be teaching preschool at our church's school. It is so perfect. The thing I like most is that I will be at the same school that Addison and Kyler are. That will make things a lot easier.

Stacey is doing awesome. He had another check up last week and everything looks good. No sign of cancer!!!! One year down, two more to good to being cured! Next week we will go the Baylor College of Medicine to see his neuro-opthamlogist. We are hoping that there is no change in the level of spinal fluid. Stacey had received numerous doses of Ara-C through a port in his head. This nasty little drug caused a fluid build up in his brain. It is called drug induced hypertension of the brain. That is a mouthful. It mainly gave him lots of headaches and blurred vision. He has not had any trouble with the headaches since they last drained the fluid. So, we go back to see if there is any change in the elevation of the optic nerve.(which will indicate if more fluid has leaked)

Other than that, things are truckin' along. Hope that all of my very special "cancer wives social club" members are doing well. These ladies (Jenn, Karen, Ali, Lori, Debbie, Ann, Laura, Krystn and Erika - hope I did not forget anyone) are so special to me. We are all going or have been down this road. It has been nice to have those ladies to share this incredible, but yet horrible experience with! Take care and God Bless!!!

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http://www.caringbridge.org/tx/adamculliver   our son's friend who died of AML


EmailEmail address  : tinaroehling@yahoo.com


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