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J.D. Hurta and Mary Kay Hurta

Jeffrey D. Hurta (J.D.) age 23, diagnosed January 13, 2005 with Rhabdomyosarcoma, a rare sarcoma of the maxillary sinus.

J.D. went home to heaven on Friday September 12, 2008.

Mary Kay - JD's mom - diagnosed with Breast Cancer - 11/12/2008 - Masectomy - 11/18/2008 - CURED?


Monday, January 11, 2010 9:35 AM CST

WOW - have I been a bad girl about updating! I have realized that I am not an "internet" junky so I am not diligent about getting on-line and doing anything! But I've been asked by several caring people about updating JD's website so I decided that today - while I'm off from work - I would make this a priority. One day I know that I will want to go back and read this journal because I realize that my memory continues to be fuzzy - my doctor says that is the stress of my life so I am trying to work on de-stressing! Sounds so simple but it isn't when life continues to throw us curve balls!

My last entry I had just had my annual mammogram - well I get a call back and have to do a "do-over" - they see a spot they don't like! OH MY GOODNESS - I will admit that I just knew that I had cancer and would have to have my other breast removed. The only silver lining would be that I would now have a "matched" set of boobs and could throw away my bra's and never have another day of wardrobe malfunctions. Blessedly the spot was just that - a spot and I don't have to go back for another year!!!! And my doctor wants me to work on my stress issues - RIGHT!

Rusty continues to look for work. My brother, Paul, has a good lead on a local job through the company that he works for but nothing firm - yet! Rusty is expanding his search to Bryan/College Station. Brenham just doesn't have anything that fits his skills.

Annie treated me to a trip to New York City to see the window displays, the Rockets and two plays: MEMPHIS was fabulous and the ROOM NEXT DOOR - aka THE VIBRATOR STORY - was different! I prayed for snow and we got a blizzard - lesson learned: be careful what you pray for! We were a bit worried about getting out of Newark the Sunday before Christmas but the only hitch we had was our plane was an hour late getting to the terminal - we felt very lucky not to have to spend any more time than that waiting! We had a blast in the City and can now mark New York City during the holidays off of our "bucket-list"!

Christmas was GREAT this year. Christmas eve I worked until 11 a.m. and then Rusty and I drove to Austin and visited with Annie until Joe and Katie arrived from San Antonio. They brought their dogs - which had to stay on Annie's balcony and shivered while we shared Christmas. Rusty and I had found John Deere hats that said "I (heart) J.D. so we couldn't resist buying everyone a hat. Pink for the girls and green for the guys - everyone loved it! Katie and Joe's grandmother made Annie a lap blanket out of JD's jeans - she loved it and will cherish this special gift. Katie and Joe left to go to Brady and to Joe's MamMaw's house and Christmas with Joe's mother's family. Katie just adores her new family - especially MamMaw who is the grandmother that Katie hasn't had since my mother passed away in December 1999.

Christmas morning Rusty, Annie and I met Annie's friend Angie at the Mobile Loaves and Fishes ministry at 7 a.m. to load trucks with clothes, food, coffee, hot chocolate, blankets and bags filled with toiletry items. Them we circled up for a prayer and last minute instructions and we were lucky enough to all get to ride in one of the loaded trucks. Our driver, Bob Ford and his lovely wife, Gail, are pros at this ministry so we were in good hands. Also Bob is currently battleing prostrate cancer and Gail has won her battle with breast cancer. Needless to say we had a lot of stories to share! It was amazing how at our first stop people were running to the spot where we were to park. It was close to the Austin jail and courthouse. Annie and I were put in charge of doling out the clothes while everyone else gave out breakfast sandwiches, coffee and/or hot chocolate with whipped cream. We were amazed at how grateful these lost souls were for getting the basic needs of life. Our next stop was in a parking lot with 3 other Loaves and Fishes trucks by the homeless shelter. We were inundated again and soon our truck was depleted of all items. Cute story: I looked up and saw Rusty without his jacket on so I asked "Honey - where is your coat?" and he looks over the parking lot and points at one guy and then another. Rusty had seen that these two guys were in t-shirts and shorts without jackets so he gave them the two jackets that he had. Well Annie and I decided that we needed to give our jackets too! What a wonderful feeling - now we are on a mission to find cold weather apparel for next year so that we can give more to those that need it the most. When our truck was empty we went to brunch with all the volunteers at IHOP! and then back to the warehouse to clean our truck. This was one of the most wonderful Christmas' and we plan on doing it again next year and until we have little one's, aka grandkids, and then when they are old enough we will find some community service to do so that the children will learn that there are others that are not as blessed as we are.

We continue to miss J.D.! I find it interesting that I thought that if I can just make it through the "first" year then I would be ok! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA - year two sucks worse than the year of firsts! Because you realize that every year is going to suck when it comes to family get togethers, birthdays, mother/father days, etc. We continue to find comfort knowing that JD has beat his cancer and it can no longer hurt him!

Katie has been told that she needs to have her wisdom teeth removed. Needless to say I totally FREAKED OUT! This is how JD's journey began but I have to trust that God would not do this to us again. JD had fallen from a cliff at our deer lease and landed exactly where his cancer was so I feel that Katie will be fine. With no insurance and no money we have contacted the oral surgeon that did JD's wisdom teeth removal and he has agreed to do the surgery and let us make payments. We continue to be blessed as our journey continues.

Well this pretty much catches us up to current. OH! Forgot to say that Rusty has gotten two deer- a buck and a doe- they are being processed and we will share the meat with Katie and Joe.

We pray that 2010 will be a better year for us, the country, our friends and the world. Until next entry - God BLess - hugs - Mary Kay

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www.adamsangelsministry.org   Adam Culliver's Ministry
www.curesearch.org   Childhood Cancer Org.


E-mail Author: mhurta@hotmail.com


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