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Welcome to ERIC'S Web Page.

It has been provided to keep people updated on Eric.


Wednesday, April 16, 2008 8:21 PM CDT

Eric had his rescan/tumor evaluation yesterday and we met with the oncologist today. We are very thankful he has NO SIGN OF TUMOR and is doing very well. The oncologist was very pleased with how far out he is from diagnosis. In fact, this was the last set of scheduled scans and we don't have to go back to oncology for a YEAR. At which time he will only have an ECHO and blood work.

Eric's kidney function is now in the high normal range. He is still on blood pressure medication and procrit for the anemia but all is controlled and very stable if not slowly improving with lots of time. Eric is now giving himself his procrit shot. (how far he has come)

Our next appointment will be on Monday the 14th to see the endocrinologist to get the results of his growth hormone study that we did last week and to check his thyroid and other hormone levels. The endocrine issues seem to be the newest medical focus which we are working on getting straight. His thyroid levels are low and has been taking synthroid.

On May 21st it will be 4 years since Eric was diagnosed. I have to say it has been a long 4 years with a lot of hurtles. We thank God everyday that Eric is still with us and are very grateful for the normalcy we have had over the past year.

I plan to update his website this week and add some new pictures for those who haven't seen him in a while. http://www.caringbridge.org/tx/eric/

Thank you for keeping Eric in your prayers.

April 16, 2008
Eric went to endocrine this past monday and his thyroid is stable. His growth hormone stimulation test shows he is growth hormone deficient but he did grow 4 cm since August. So we have decided since he is showing signs of growing to re-evaluate in July and do a bone density test at that time as well. Growth hormone deficency can affect bone density not to mention fat stores and other things. Everything else looked good.

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E-mail Author: bslbkb@aol.com


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