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Joshua's Heart

"The Lord is my Strength" - Psalm 118:14


Born: 8-3-03 9:21PM

Weight: 9lbs 5 1/2oz Length: 20 1/4

Here's Joshua... an active toddler who loves hitches any trailer within reach to his little pick-ups. He'd rather play than eat and everything is JUST FINE, as long as you don't try the alter the course of his day. His difficult recovery from surgery to correct, Tetraology of Fallot, a congenital heart defect is hardly a memory for him. For those who love him, that time following surgery does produce fleeting memories. When we look up in the blue sky, we might see a passing gray cloud to remind us that storms enter our lives for a reason. . .
to remind us of God's love and how He works through His people to protect those who are hurting.


Thursday, August 14, 2008 9:54 AM CDT

Hello friends.

Josh is five now. He got a new backpack at Menards filled it with one box of Kleenex, a package of markers and two glue sticks. Now he is ready to start preschool. He will go Monday, Tuesday and Thursday afternoons with his friend from church Shandon.

No West Nile this Year. We praise the Lord for that!

Attaching a column for this week...
Turns out grandma was right all along. She has always told me that all kids are different. Time will tell what personality traits define each one. It has been a defining summer.
At my house we have
*Mr. Competitive
*Mr. Social and
*Mr. Spitfire with a comedy edge.
Mr. Social met someone new the other day. He walked away from the encounter shaking his head. “You know,” he told me, “She was a cup of sunshine!”
Never having heard that description before I asked for clarification.
“You know,” he explained rhetorically, “Hyper and friendly and fun – all rolled into one”.
That got me to thinking. If she’s sunshine, is a cup enough? Perhaps its like ice cream – a gallon goes a long way.
I wonder how he describes me. I can hear it now.
“That’s my mom…she’s a bucketful of rain water. You know – rolling off the roof and down the gutter.”
But I digress.
I simply adore how each individual has a unique perspective and lately I’ve tried to identify a cupful of sunshine in each one of my days.
Today for instance I ran into my friend Sue. She was at work. She informed me she did not have time to talk because she had to lower the price on gasoline.
Ta-da – she’s a cup of sunshine.
Yesterday was a bit more difficult. I was feeling cloudy. My dog has this nasty habit of pouncing on all rays of light. Sometimes the light sources catch her by complete surprise and she bolts at rapid intervals stirring up a fright. Turns out my vacuum cleaner has a headlight. Ever tried to vacuum with a dog attacking the headlight?
Some days are like that. Keep looking for sunshine. A cupful is all you need.

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Hospital Information:

Patient Room:


Harrisburg, SD 57032


http://www.caringbridge.org/la/marshall_n_amelia/   Amelia and Marshall from Louisiana, are home again.
http://www2.caringbridge.org/in/aidanflipse   Aiden's journey
http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/grantsantema   Our church buddy - Grant


E-mail Author: jklemme@sio.midco.net


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