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Welcome to JOSHUA'S Web Page. It has been provided to keep people updated about our Child. Joshua has Neuroblastoma stageIV, since November 11, 2002, his little life has changed so much, he has been through eleven rounds of chemo, and four surgeries. He had his stem-cell transplant Nov 11,2003. He has been thru 3 cycles of the 3F8 antibodies, and had 28 days of radiation crammed into 14. Joshua is now 5 years old and so full of life. It's hard to believe there was once this terrible monster growing inside him. Please keep JOSHUA in your prayers that he beats this monster. We were told that Joshua had relapsed with disease in his marrow on the left posteria sample on April 30, 2004. Since then he has received 7 more days of radiation to the hip area and 6 more rounds of irinotecan and waiting on a miracle as he has been fighting low counts since the first round of radiation. October 25th Joshua had seven more days of radiation to two new spots found in scans done Oct 12th & 13th 2004. One on the left jaw and one on the base of the skull. December 6th, 2004, Joshua started CEP-701 at CHOP. CHECK OUT JOSHUA'S SMILE QUILT AND QUILT OF LOVE AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS PAGE Joshua lost his battle with neuroblastoma but won the war of life flying into the arms of Jesus as the perfect Valentine February 14th, 2005.

Joshua and Travis are featured in the 2006 Littlest Fighters Calendar in February, to honor Joshua joining the angels. Each calendar sold raises money to send free gifts to caringbridge children. Joshua received one of these gifts, a T-shirt, and it meant a lot to him and to us, so please support the calendar fundraiser if you can.

Click the banner to visit the store


Sunday, September 13, 2009 9:28 PM CDT

I have started a new Webpage on my Joshie. Caringbridge has a new upgraded one and lots of backgrounds to add. I'm still going to keep this one too, I will be updating the new one. It has lots of pictures on it of Joshua and Travis.I have decided to write poems to my Joshua on the new web-page, and sometimes update on our lives too.The new web-page is www.caringbridge.org/visit/joshuayoung1
If anyone has a problem logging on , just email me @ travjosh@yahoo.com
Love you all,

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Hospital Information:

Patient Room: Cloud Nine

Jesus's Arms


http://loyalangellambs.tripod.com/JoshuaYoung.html   Joshua's Page on Loyal Lamb Outreach
http://www.geocities.com/cogdill2/fightforacure.html   JOSHUA IS CHILD OF THE MONTH OF JANUARY
http://www.smilequilt.com/joshuay.html   joshua's smile quilt


E-mail Author: travjosh@yahoo.com or tjshill02@ yahoo.com


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