abigail garvey

Hi everyone Special Needs awareness journey name is Abigail Lousie Francis Kirby diagnosed with chromosome 12 deletion and have learning disabilities. I have Perthes disease in my left hip - and also have leg length discrepancy and contracture 5th finger in my left hand know as camptodactyly , eczema and asthma, right upper renal scarring with cyst in lower pole kidney. I also has hypertension, ADHD and behaviour problem ( fatty liver and gallstones diagnosed in June) also wear glasses due to a lazy eyes I Had a big operation in feb 2014 where i had a metal rod inserted into my leg from my hip to my knee as my leg was 5cm shorter then the right leg when i was in surgery along with my other disabilites i was so good at coping with it all after all I rock this world part of amazing charity called strongbrones am a young advisory and helping out at all our events and activities for the children so watched this space for that 2020 going be amazing year for strongbrones charity many years and months to come worth updates and photos ... strongbrones charity has support though be amazing add in Thank you so much Abigail 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

Darlington, AU

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