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Monday, March 29, 2004 6:36 PM CST

The platelets are in and hopefully they are sticking this time. They had worked their way back down to 13,000 again, so I needed them today. Sorry I didn't worn you but I drove. Look no one even knew : )

I've been feeling pretty good, I just have to work up the energy level. It's getting better and better every day.

Tomorrow I have a meeting with teachers at school, so will see how that turns out. I plan on going back Thursday. I want to make sure I can make it the day and that I can get to the front door without being all tired out.

My biopsy site is doing good. I have to leave the stich in for two weeks. So everyday I have to clean it and wrap it up. That medication really messed up my skin when it's put in the sun. I have to be more careful now when I go out into the sun. Lots of sunscreen.

I got to talk to Steve on the phone tonight. That's mitches daddy. That family is the greatest. They would do anything for anyone. They will be friends and family for the rest of my life. You can read about mitchie at Mitchie has helped me through my fight, I know he's there, he helps when I need help and there are times when I pray to him. He's the greatest mitchie I will ever know. I love the whole family.

That's about all I have for today. I will let you go.

Saturday, March 27, 2004 5:58 PM CST

~*~*~I'm Home~*~*~

It all came at a price though. I was half way out the door, my mom and dad walked into the door, I was all packed up and I got a bloody nose, great. They had already pulled my needles, and I had to stay for more platelets. They said I could stay over night, or leave really late, so we left really late. So we put the needles back in and waited it out, but finally got done. We left straight from there.

But I'm at home and loving it. Gosh I slept all the way home, walked in the door and went straight to bed and slept through the night, I always have to get up at least once, but last night, I was out.

This morning I woke up and had another bloody nose, great, they said I had to call, well I watched it for a while and I was fine. And today I have been good, so maybe they are holding their own now. Lets hope so.

Three weeks ago I was on three pills a day, now I'm on 30 pills a day, and on Monday and Tuesday it's 32, ick. And some of them are cow pills. My electrolytes, that's not how you spell it, go out of wack when I am on chemo, so I am planning on being on these for awhile.

Being in the hospital this time, I got to be unhooked for a couple hours each day towards the end, and I would walk up and down the hall, and when you look in the room, it's weird because each room has it's own story, has it's own fight, has it's own determination. Each patient in each room has their own miracle. If you want to see a miracle all you have to do is go to a childrens hospital and walk down the hall, and you can feel the fighting power of each kid. It's all a miracle.

Tomorrow I plan on finishing up my accounting, and in the hospital I finished Business Law, which I hope that's all I had to do. So will see how that all is. I think on Monday my dad has a meeting with the teachers. The new quarter started on Thursday, so it's the last one. It will get done, maybe not the same day as everyone eles but it will get done.

Well that's about it for now. Thanks for all the prayers, they are working a miracle.

Friday, March 26, 2004 4:40 PM CST

If the temp stays down I'm out of here tonight. And so far so good. Jody got me out, the doc wanted me to stay another 24 hours to make sure, but Jody said I should be fine so ya like I said if my temp stayes down in the next couple of hours, i'm out the door.

It's been another good day. I haven't been hooked up to any meds, that was another thing, they stopped all meds to see how I do. Anyway I only got platelets, and then I come back Monday for more platelets. I am to come back the 8th of April to start the next round of chemo, but my platelets will never be up to what they need to be at by then. Will have to wait and see.

Well I'm going to start packing a little and I hope to write the next enrty from home.
Love bunches

Thursday, March 25, 2004 11:37 PM CST

I forgot that I didn't write on here today, sorry about that. THis is going to be really short. I'm so tired right now but the computer is right outside my door, so I thought I would drop a line. Things are still going good, but tomorrow may be ify about coming home, will see. The docs said maybe this weekend but you know nothing is ever in concert here, so will see where things turn up. I have been doing a little more homework, which needs to be done and i missed a call from my sister who is in Florida. I heard the phone ring so many times and I knew it was her but I was talking to Jody in the hall, and couldn't make it fast enough. That's okay I will see her soon, I miss them lots and talking to her on the phone this week. Normally when I'm in my brother hears from me like 2 to 3 times a day, my sister once, and my mom and dad once or twice, depending on bordem level. My brother isn't long distance so I don't have to dial lots of numbers, even though i would. Anyway I'm really tired so I will chat tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 24, 2004 11:26 PM CST

Sorry this this so late. I have been up and moving around. They took me out of Iso, so now I can leave my room again, which was great because Lori, my nurse, took me outside and it was so great out. Then Aunt Jill took me out to the mail box to mail some letters so I got out twice today.

It has been a great day. I have been feeling awesome. I have been sitting at the nurses desk tonight just hanging out. That's why this is so late. I have Holly as a nurse and she is always fun, so I am always chating with her at like 2 in the morning, or whenever she is in there and I wake up. She's great.

I haven't had a temp today which is so great. I need to keep it under 100.5 for 24 to 48 hours to go home, and so far so good. Plus my counts are on the way up. So today was a good day. My new inhalers are working wonders, seeing that my cough has gone gone quite a bit. I think that is one of the reasons I would spike fevers is because of my cough. And you know what they are looking at letting me out of here Friday, Saturday at the latest, but I'm looking at Friday. So that is earlier then I thought, with how things were going the other day.

My biopsy spot is doing good, they just watch it and keep some stuff on it so I don't get an infection.

My brother came for lunch today and brought some Chicken Wild Rice Soup, one of my favorite. Then Laura and Mimi came for a while, and mimi stayed with me while Laura got her scans so that was fun to have company.

Lets see what else happened today. Not a whole heck of a lot from what I already told you. I played cribbage with my resident and he beat me, so he's in for a rematch for sure. And that's pretty much it. I think I have spilled my guts and you know all.

It's getting pretty late so I am going to let you go and I hope your all doing good. Sorry about any delay in email, tonight will be the first time I get to even look at them.
So I will be chating soon.
Love always
p.s. thank you Andy for typing yesterdays entry. We have a thing where I'm on the phone with him and telling him what to write, so thanks for doing that.

Tuesday, March 23, 2004 3:34 PM CST

Hi everyone I am still here at the Fairview Suites. Unfortunately I do not have access to a computer because they put me into isolation. I am still spiking the fevers, however, they are still trying to figure out why the fever is hanging around. So far all the cultures have come back negative. They took me off the Vanco which is a heavy duty antibiotic and put me on a new one. They think it might be Pneumonia
but they don’t have anything to prove it yet besides my cough and my musical lung (wheezing).

Yesterday was a very busy day with the doctors. The pulmonary doctors came in a put me on two more inhalers besides the one I already have. The dermatologist came in because I started to get red spots on my skin, it was determined they were coming from one of my medications. To try and confirm that they did a skin biopsy and nurse Joise came and held my hand. They won’t know results until possibly tomorrow. They started me on lots of new medications to keep my minerals in check.

Laura and her mom Merilee and Mimi came to visit yesterday and made my room look pretty. It is always great to see them. I have been watching DVD’s on the playstation and playing games, last night it was skateboarding.

Still looking up and forward as always!
Thanks for the continued thoughts and prayers, they all help!
Love, Amy*

Sunday, March 21, 2004 6:17 PM CST

I'm here and the fevers are still coming off and on. They get me down to the 99's to later finding out that it has gone up again into the high 100's. I'm on three different antibiotics so things should be covered. They haven't pin-pointed yet what the infection is coming, it will take cultures to grow three days before they can really tell.

Yesterday was a pretty icky day, when I woke up I knew I had a temp, because during the night I drank 4 big bottles of cold water. I wa always thrusty and that is a sign for me. So I was afraid to take my temp in the morning because I knew what was going to show up. But they say the first 5 days out of the hospital after chemo are the most critical and 5 days after that are when you are at your lowest, and I was at day 4. It's good that I'm getting it taken care of. So I'm fine with it.

Guess what they have PlayStation 2's in every room now so that we can play games and watch DVDs so that's great.

I'm been sleeping, and today, don't fant when I say this, I did homework. I took one test that I think already took, but then I did another chapter and questions so I may take that test tonight and I might not.

So I'm doing good.
So I'm going to let you go for now.

Friday, March 19, 2004 6:34 PM CST

Saturday Morning 8:02 CST
UPDATE: I'm sorry to say this, I hate to say this, I cry when I say this, but I have to go back to the Fairview Inn. I don't want too, but I spiked a fever this morning of 102.6 after taking meds.

Now I feel really bad because Laura was in my room yesterday and I don't want to get her sick. so Laura breath out all the air from yesterday. But the thing is my temp yesterday was 96.9, I have never been that low. So now I feel bad. Laura I pray that I didn't get you sick, because that wouldmake me feel awful.

So we are off to the cities like ASAP. I'm not sure when I will be able to update next but I will try whenever I can.
With Love

And another good day was in the works. Each day is getting better and better. I'm still tired and weak but each day it gets a little better, I'm taking baby steps right now. I can go a long with baby steps as long as they are forward steps.

Anyway my dad and I were off to the cities for a what I thought was going to be a normal size bag of platelets. So this bag was Huge. Normal size or volume is 250cc's per bag well the one I had was over 500cc's in one bag and that was from ONE donor. So who ever that was must have had a lot of platelets to give. Anyway you know how friends meet for lunch and do whatever well Laura and I met for a Platelet transfussion today. They were just starting mine when they asked if Laura could come join, well duh of course she could come. So we got platelets together, can I hear a big, UUuuhhhh : ) Anyway we competed on everything, who had the lowest blood pressure, which in the beginning we had just about the same, lowest temp, and who would get their platelets done faster. She was by far the fastest on the plateltes. It's weird because she had 5 different donors for 250cc's and I had 1 donor for 550cc's. Weird ANyway so it was great seeing them and talking with them as always it's a pleasure.

By the time we got home though, I was pooped out, well in fact that's right now. We didn't stay for the Albany Girls Game because it only starts are 9:00 and my dad thought that would be kind of late. But tomorrow, depending on how they do tonight, will go down and see them. i should be staying out of these places, I should be staying away from everwhere with my counts being so low.

I gave some info to my doctor about a drug called Protocel which is helping lots of cancer patients stop there cancer from growing. It is not a recommended drug by doctors but it's an alternitive. I think I will be starting on that sometime soon, or at least I would like to start on it. It's sounds like something good, and if it's worth a shot then I'm going to take it. I don't to have any "What IFs" along the way. I haven't had any so far, I did what I wanted to do, I did what I thought was right and I don't look back on anything and say well what if I did this. That's why I want to give it a try.

Anyway I'm getting kind of tired again, I'm to go plop myself down on the bed and nap,

Hope you all have a great weekend with lots of fun
With Love

Thursday, March 18, 2004 4:00 PM CST

I got a good nights rest and boy to I feel better, not great but better. I will take better for now. What a difference a day makes. I'm still winded going short distances, and weak but it will get there again, it will just take time. Like everything in this bussiness takes time, nothing happens over night.

I actually left the house today, not by choice though. I had to go get my blood taken and boy was that a challenge. I went so slow, but hey I got it done. So here are the marks,
So they are good but not good. My hemoglobin is awesome, but the rest are kind of blah. I am going in for Platelets tomorrow. Which could be a good thing. The Albany Girls Basketball team is playing at Williams Arena tomorrow, so maybe we can run to that. Does anyone here in Albany now what time it starts? I'm sure I will find out somewhere. Anyway we listened to then last night on the radio and they did great. Anyway I will have no energy for that but will go because I love watching them. Sometime you just have to suck it up : )

Thanks you guys that stopped in at the hosptial, I was sleeping, I take it. Well I pretty much slept Sunday through Tuesday when I left. I was so out of it. I didn't remember some of the stuff. Like one night I got some adivan, strong nasuea stuff, and I think I fell because my butt really hurt, so I was pretty sure I fell. So the nurse came in later and told her that, and she's like what you didn't call. Yah I was so out of it. It's kind of scary. I was on crutches and you know that not as good as two legs.

Gosh when I feel better I can yabber a lot. That's okay : )

Well now I don't what to say. I hope each day gets better and better. I'm in the fight for my life, looking for that needle in a haystack, and I will find that needle.

Have a good one.

Wednesday, March 17, 2004 3:08 PM CST

It is a better day today after I took a nap this afternoon. Last night was a bad night after getting two hours of sleep because I was thinking too much. I am looking forward to each day getting better with your the help of your prayers. Tonight we are watching survivor and taping American Idol. Hope they are exciting shows! I am looking full stream ahead and fighting this with 120%, I AM NOT GOING DOWN!!
Have a good day.
With Love, AMY

Tuesday, March 16, 2004 4:20 PM CST

I'm home and totally crapped out. Lower then crapped out, I don't move upless I have to roll over or go to the bathroom. I'm so tired, it just took a lot out of me. The good thing is that one dose in and working it's magic. It's does magic with my boby but emaitionally and phyically it's drainning. There's so many things I want to say but I'm way to tired right now. Just let you know it's may be a couple days before I"m back to my normal self. I'm just pooped. Please pray for better days. I know it's the tough time now, but wow I'm not use to this stuff being so drainning. This is the time I need some pick-me-ups. Yesterday all I did was sleep, sleep, sleep. I sat at the nurses desk in the massage chair from Sarah, and selpt there from 7 utnil 11:30. I got up to go the bathroom and sat back down. Anyway enough about tired. I will talk to you tomorrow, wishing for a better day.
With Love

Monday, March 15, 2004 10:04 PM CST

Hi Everyone
I thought I would surprise Amy and leave a message for all of you. Amy has been spending a lot of time resting and sleeping. She been really tired. Lets hope and pray that this round of Chemo is working its magic for Amy. She really deserves it. When I talked to her today, she is hoping to check out of the Fairview Suites tomorrow(Tuesday). Lets hope that happens so she can be at home with her mom and dad, even though she loves and is loved by all at Fairview. They are definately a second family to Amy. Have a great day everyone or great night whereever you may be.

Saturday, March 13, 2004 10:52 AM CST

It's Staurday and I'm just hanging out doing nothhing much. So far so good. I"m feeling good, just tired from getting up every 1 an half hours to go to the bathroom, whatever.

Last night my aunt and uncle came to visit and we had rootbeer floats which were perfect, and really good. We played a little canasta, which was great. After they left I turned all the lights off and watched Signs. i have never seen that before. One of the nurse aids came in and watched it with me. It was great. Well it was 11:30 and she had to leave right at the scary part. So my night nurse was in there, but she left and told me to yell when I needed her well, 2 minutes later i yelled and she was there, pretty fast too I might add. Anyway it was good and i feel asleep right after.

Well I'm done with the Adriea, (Sp) for two days and now I finish up my ifosemide (sp) for the next couple of days. Like I said before so far so good.

Gosh I really don't have much interseting news to tell you in here. I't pretty much the same ol, same ol during the day. If there is anything big I will let you know.

The surgery went well. They just fixed it up and it works great. Much better then before. .

Guess what my mom just showed up at the teen room door. She drove down here all by herself. She got a little lots but turned around and got here just fine. So then she will spend the day, she's not sure if she will spend the night or not.

So I'm out of here for now. I will catch up with you later.
With Love

Friday, March 12, 2004 1:06 PM CST

I am live here from the Fairview Suites. I just out of a little minor surgery to replace my port because of a kink in the line. It hurts a little bit but nothing I cannot handle. They started the chemo last night which ran for 6 hours the next 5 days. My room has a DVD player which will be helpful if and when we can figure out how to make it work. @ Please continue with the prayers for this chemo to be the one to kick some butt, the chemo and I had a little chat last evening so is knows what is needs to do.
With Love, Amy

Thursday, March 11, 2004 4:46 PM CST

Okay I have 7 minutes to write this so it's not going to be long or anything. I am checked into the Fairview Inn and Suites. I do have a Suite room with a srround sound DVD player in it, so I will be watching movies lots. So I am getting chemo, like a 7 dayer, but hope to get out before that. Gosh they have new computers in the teen room and they are really nice. I like they keyboard. Anyway I just wasted seconds saying that. Anyway I ran to see Olivia and she is doing good, sleeping a lot but okay. She looked great. I'm not sure how much I will be able to update but I will have someone do it for me if I can't. Pray that this is the one. I really need it to work this time. Chemo here I come, your going down.
Anway it takes me a mintue to get down the hall and I have to run. Thanks for everything.

Wednesday, March 10, 2004 8:05 PM CST

Today was pretty cool. We went to the St.Cloud court house and got a tour of a bunch of buildings. We also got to sit in on a few cases, no big ones though.

May do I dislike stairs. Today we had to go up stairs all the time. We had to go up like 25 steps and I just no way. I would pass out by the time I got to the top. So I took the elevater. Well there was one elevater where she said go to the first floor, we were in the basement. So okay I get on and there is a 1 and a 1R, oh no now which one is it. I had a friend on it with me too. I pushed 1 thinking it was the first floor. We ended up in the holding place where they put prisoners before court, yah that wasn't the spot where we were suppose to go. So we went up to the 2nd floor becasue the police person said too. Yah that wasn't the spot either. So we go back down the basement and go up the stairs to make sure were were there. When we got to the top no one was in site. Okay so now were looking in doors to see if we see anyone. We were at the end of the hall when the tour guide called from the other end saying they were down there. So we made it back, without getting into trouble for looking in doors.

The doctor appointment with Dr.Meyer went well. There was nothing to big. Really nothing at all. He just had wanted to look at my skin to make sure it didn't burn, which on my arm it did, and that there wasn't any spots or anything. All and all I got a clean bill of health from him. It was great seeing all the nurses again. I will have to go back and visit someday because there all so great.

Tomorrow is the big day rain or shine. I don't know if I will be writing this from my bedroom or my hospital room. I will find out everything. So tomorrow will be an up and down day. Finding out things I may not want to hear or finding out good things, I don't know. I hope eveything works out with that.

So I guess I will fill you in tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 9, 2004 5:35 PM CST

Okay, I have lots of stuff for you today.

One: I go to the St.Cloud doctor tomorrow, and not Thursday becasue of changes on Thurseday, so tomorrow is the radiation doctor.

Two: My appointment on Thursday with Dr.Neglia is changed from 9:30 to 11:00 and then I have a heart echo at 2:30.

Three: I may be staying down there for chemo and I may not be. Elisa said it was kind of up to me. Which brings me to the next thing. Why wouldn't I keep going? That just got me thinking too much by her statement. Does this mean do I want to keep going or just stop? Meaning there's not much else to do. Okay that pushes it way over the edge. Now I have all these thoughts floating around in my mind and I don't like them. I hate being sick. You know cancer really sucks.

On the brighter note tomorrow my Buissness law class is going to the courts in St.Cloud. We are going to be there the whole day, which should be cool. We get to sit in on cases.

Tonight is the girls basketball game, were number 2 seed and there number 1 so it should be a really good game.

So Please pray for this chemo to start working it's magic. I so dearly need it too. I need something to work. And that my doctor finds something. I need options. I have to say I'm scared right now, not knowing. So please pray.

Monday, March 8, 2004 9:52 AM CST

Well I'm in class again, but this time I can, I think. : )

Well anyway I will tell you all. We left Saturday morning and got to see Andy and Michele's new baby!!!!! They had their baby on Thursday, that's what I couldn't tell you. Anyway he is the cutest baby in the world. Anyway we continued on to the mall, which was awesome. We had a little lunch before heading down. I painted faes for a while, it was great. Laura is all done with her chemo yyaahhh, and she come out to the mall. It was awesome to see her. Anyway we made planes and I ended up staying at her house Saturday night. It was a little sleep over. Doug made an awesome steak and these potatos that you could eat all day. It was great. Then Merilee and I made apple crip which was outstanding. I got to peal the apples, like I said yesterday. It was a great little thing. Anyway we watched movies and I was pooped out before laura was.

So Sunday Merilee and I ran out to the mall and laura slept in. I had lunch with some great friends who I haven't seen for a while. Anyway the rest of the day I was talking to so many great people who I love. I got to see people that I haven't seen for a while. There was a lot of great big hugs.

I got to read my poem on the air, which was cool. KS95 does an awesome job. They have become family. All the families are my family, that's why it was so great to see them.

The ending check was just under 1.3 million dollars. Thank you , thank you, thank you. It was so great to share in the moment.

After everything was all said and done we went up to a great eating place with all the families. I got to eat with Van and his family, and Gwen, who is awesome. She is a cancer survivor. It was just a great weekend all together.

I'm sure I missed something that I wanted to tell you. I will see what I come up with later. Anyway I have lots of home work to do yet and it's a short day today, so you know where I will be after school.

Anyway I have to run.
With Love

Sunday, March 7, 2004 10:06 PM CST

AMAZING, is only a small word that summed up this weekend. I had SO much fun, and caught up and met so many new people. Man was it great to see everyone and just chat. Today was oustanding, you know i have said it before, I just can't say enough about his event. It's very near and dear to my heart. This is just so much I want to say. I will fill you in on all the details tomorrow. We just got home and I mean just got home, and I still have homework to do for this weekend.

On Saturday night Laura and I had sleepover at her house. It was fun, and her dad, doug, is a great cook and her mom, merilee, is a great desert maker. She has this apple pealing thing that takes the core out as well as peals the apple, I took over Ali's job for the night. Anyway I will fill you all in tomorrow.
I have to run and get something done tonight before I crash.
Thank you all for your support
With Love

Friday, March 5, 2004 6:36 PM CST

Oh Firday, don't you love Friday's. Well school was good as usual. It was a Firday day, in one class we the teacher just had to go get pop, which was great. We were all dragging but that was a great pick-me-up.

I really don't have much new info. I'm doing great with really no medical complaints, info, udates, ext. to give you. I'm just doing really good, the way I like it. It's as if there is nothing wrong. But deep down inside there is.

Anyway the Radiothon is going great. Everytime I can get to a radio I'm listening. Remember it's 94.5 KS95 or you can go online to It will change your life forever, I forsure you that.

Were heading down tomorrow morning, but first have to make a stop at my brother's for a certain reason that I'm not sure if I can say yet so I will hold off, and then were off to the Mall of America for the weekend. Please join me and everyone else if you can this weekend.

So I really don't have much else to say. I hope you have a great weekend, and I hope to meet some of you as well.
With Love

Thursday, March 4, 2004 9:56 AM CST

LITTLE UPDATE: Okay I'm not sure what's up with the pictue thing. I can veiw from a couple different computers at school and at home. I'm not sure why it's not working. I will see what I can do. I think a few people were able to veiw it. Things are going good. I'm at lunch right now, but the bell is about to ring. So I will talk to you when I get home.

Hey the KS95 kids radiothon is staring today at 3:00, so tune into 94.5, to listen to great, sad, good, and not so good stories, they all mean a whole bunch and each one is very special.

If you would like you can come see this going on, at the Mall of America in Sam Goody Cental. This is one site that can make you cry by all the support that is coming in. Van and Cherly stay on the air for 76 hours non stop. It's an amazing thing to expericance.

I'm planning on being there Saturday afternoon till late and then again on Sunday early until late. If you want to come at one time, Sunday night at 6:00 would be perfect. Maybe a little before. At 6:00 they show what their work has done by unconvering the check. A lot of families will be there. I must say if you live close to the cities, or are in listening distance, it's one thing that you want to listen too. It will change your life. So 94.5 all weekend. I have a update on my story that should be playing throughout the week and weekend.

Okay well enough about that. But I can't say enough about it. It's my most favorite fundraiser ever. I love it.

I'm in yearbook right now, we got the paper all done. I have to run and get my blood taken after this during lunch. If anything is up with that I will let you know later.

Oh hey you my smore thing, well if you don't have time for that, they is a new candy bar that is smore's. Sharon got me one and it was really good. So if you don't have time, then go pick one of those up if your in the mood.

Oh here comes the teacher, got to go.

Wednesday, March 3, 2004 6:25 PM CST

This isn't going to be long. I have to hit the books, seeing that I spent the afternoon trying to get the photo album done. I have a link at the bottom to see the new pictues though. It's the only way I can get it on here, and it goes into my account so please don't Edit anything on there or anything. I'm not quite sure yet how to do everything but I thought you guys wouldn't do anything so why not let you see them now. So yes PICTURES ARE AT THE BOTTOM.

I am still going to add some from the ones my dad took.

I found a nice and warm hat from Silver Linning last night that I wore to bed. It kept my head very warm.

I'm still feeling great and loving life to the fullest.
Sorry I have to make this so short, homework does call though.

Tuesday, March 2, 2004 9:32 PM CST

Sorry I didn't update earlier, I have been doing homework like crazy. I have so much to catch up on, ick. I started after school and have been doing it since, with a little dinner break. It will take a little bit to get there but I will.

Oh before I forget I think I said I was going to the St.Cloud doc tomorrow, I called and that's the 11th not tomorrow. It's the same day I go back to see Uncle Joe.

Gosh ever since I lost my hair I've had to wear a winter hat to bed, because my head freezes. Or my entire body is under the covers. Most of time it's the hat though. So now I have to go find a good one.

I'm still working on the pictures on here and getting the album up. I just haven't had very much time, so when I get a chance I will see what I can do. They turned out great. My dad has his back already from his camera. They look really good.

I think I'm still on Florida time, or I'm just really tired. Last night it was another early night, and I was out. I think I need that much sleep to function when I get up.

Oh my counts are finally coming up. My platelets were at 40,000 yesterday which is a very good thing, because they didn't come up for a while. Everything else is looking good on that front.

I'm feeling really good. Pretty much like "normal" Now I have a week and a half to feel at my best and get ready to kick this thing in the butt.

Well I'm going to run, I'm going to try and hammer out a little more homework before I go to bed, which I could go right now, and fall asleep.

Will be talking soon
With Love

Monday, March 1, 2004 1:08 PM CST

I'm here in homeroom, doing nothing much. You know I went to bed last night at 9:00 and was sleeping in 5 minutes. I was so tired. It was good to rest up. You wouldn't think that vacation would pooped me out but boy did it. We were doing fun things all the time, no matter rain or shine, or coldness. : )

Anyway we arrived at the hotel Sunday morning at 2:00, in our Minivan, yes minivan, which turned out being fun to drive. And yes there was lights on the van but I forgot to use them, oops, that is something I have to get better at.

Sunday and Monday were great. Sunday we went shopping and hung by the pool to get our only tan of the trip. At least we had to nice days, and I didn't care what the weather was I was in Florida. Monday we went to MGM Studios, which was great. On the tower of Terror my dad held a quarter in his hand and when we fell I saw the quarter spinning in the air above him for a second, before it got dark. It's more cool when you actually see it and not hear about it.

Tuesday we went to the Animal Kingdom which got rained out but we were able to get three things in before the down pour.

Wednesday was Universal Studios, which the rides were really really really big. I love roller costers, and it was scary, I would go on it again, but boy was my head and tummy spinning after that one, and yes I had to visit the restroom after that. It just didn't stay down. I hadn't eaten breakfast so that was a good thing.

Thursday we went to Sea World which was awesome. We spent some time at the dolphin pool where I got to touch lots of dolphins, that was pretty much my favorite part. I got a great picture taken as well, or at least I like it. We were able to get a lot of things in before the rain at night, so that was good.

I think I said everything else yesterday. So that brings us to today. I had my counts taken and hopefully my platelets are starting to work their way up because I have to have them at a desent level so I can have my port dekinked. I was suppose to go in the 3th but that won't work out seeing I just got platelets Friday. So will see where were with that. I go to the St.Cloud Doctor Wednesday but I'm not sure what time, I have to call.

Okay I have to run. If I get any news after school today I will let you know.
Talk to you later
Love much

Sunday, February 29, 2004 1:22 PM CST

I'm back and freezing my butt off. I'm walking around the house again with my jacket on and my right hand is cold : )

Anyway I have the BEST time ever. It was so much fun. Although the weather really didn't cooperate with us, seeing that it rained all day Tuesday and Wednesday night, then got really cold Thursday through this morning when we left the hotel at 3:00 to catch our flight back home. I think one day it was a high of 40 in MN, well it was 46 in Florida, ick, but we made the best of it and did things a little differently. At least we had Sunday and Monday for nice weather.

I got some great pictures, which I'm going to get a whole photo album that I can put a link too so you can see all the pictures. The camera worked out great, but boy does it suck up batteries really fast.

I had gotten platelets again on Friday down in Orlando. I attached to my nurse down there, she was great, so I took a picture of us. Anyway the clinics down there are set up way different. They have seperate buildings for different specialties, so you could end up going to a couple different buildings all the time. We had to stay in one, which it went really well, no problems at all.

Friday was a lazy day that was suppose to be by the pool, but seeing it was cold out what better to do then go shopping. WE found some outlets that were great. Later that evening we met up with Elzabeth, who I met through laura, and had dinner at the Rainforest. She is down there for horse shows. It was great to see someone from home. We went to the Cirque De Soleil, I know I didn't spell that right, o well do I spell anything right ? : ) ANyway literaly AMAZING. That was one of my most favorite things. They did one heck of a job and I was sad to see it end, plus we had great seats, front row, but no seat was back. It was great.

Our last day was spent at Magic Kingdom which was so busy. We got there early in the morning and left early in the afternoon. It was great though we got on Splash Mountain, and Big Thunder Mountain before the lines got to long. We didn't make it to Space Mountain seeing the line was 85 minutes long. So we left there and ran over to the Polynession hotel to look at our brick and my sisters familys brick.

This morning it was up early like 2:30 and out the door by 3:00. We had to catch a 6:10 flight. We had a little over an hour in the air port before our plane left so I slept as did Savannah. Oh Merilee great picking out the seats on the way from Flroida to Atlanta, a cute I mean really cute guy sat next to us. Nice, Nice That's my new thing I say, Nice, Nice : )

And that brought us back home. Now back to reality and a ton of homework that I just took a break from. I have two weeks to catch up on, because remember I was in the hospital the week before we left for Florida, so that didn't help.

WEll that got kind of long. I will give you some more highlights tomorrow from the beginning of the week.

Thank you Andy and Denise for updateing my website when i was gone, you did a great job. Love you both

Talk to you tomorrow.
With Love

Thursday, February 26, 2004 6:29 PM CST

It's Thursday night. Amy' favorite TV night. She put in her requests of all the shows she needs taped because she continues to be a busy young lady in the not so sunny state of Florida. The weather is still not cooperating real well but they are making the best of it. They've seen a lot of rain and clouds. Yesterday it cleared up a little bit and they went to Universal Studios. They had a lot of fun, but the story of the day is this: "Lets go on this roller coaster OK, Lets go again. OK.....I don't feel so well." Lets just say,Amy made friends with one of the toliets at Universal Studios. Just a few too many twists and turns for Amy. She said, don't worry she hadn't eaten very much for breakfast anyway. Last night, Amy and Savannah went to Disney Quest. They really enjoyed it. Amy's mom and dad decided to stay behind and enjoy the atmosphere at Port Orleans where they are staying. Amy also said to pay attention when you use a rental car because she is used to a vehicle that has the lights go on and off automatically when night rolls around. They were driving back to the hotel and had driven for some time when they realized that the lights were not on. She was like, Yikes! Today, they went to Sea World, saw a few shows, stayed away from roller coasters and had the chance to pet a few dolphins. That is one of her favorite highlights of the vacation so far. Amy loves dolphins. They even bought a picture of her petting one. Tomorrow they plan on taking it easy, maybe if the weather cooperates, do a little swimming and sunbathing. If not, I'm going to guess, more shopping. I hope she buys me a good surprise.(just kidding) Saturday, they will spend at the Magic Kingdom to finish off their vacation. Then back to the real world on Sunday. She also wanted to share that she is now wearing her brand new Disney baseball cap because she has lost all her hair. Well, I have got to go Survivor is about to start and I'm taping for Amy. Take Care.

Wednesday, February 25, 2004 7:52 AM CST

We’ll Amy is having a ball in not so sunny Florida, yesterday (Tuesday) was another busy day. She started off the morning by running with her dad to the clinic in Orlando for a scheduled boost, she received platelets, All told it she said it took about two hours from the time they left the hotel at Disney to the time they returned. She said it worked out pretty well, however, it became apparent how nice the hospital/clinic setup is back in Minnesota. Next up for the day was a visit to Disney’s Animal Kingdom, she said they went on a few attractions such as the Safari Adventure, however, and a big however, quite a few of the attractions were shutdown due to the wet weather. She said that the Florida region has been getting hit with copious amounts of rain, not just passing showers but continues downpours, with flood warnings and tornadoes, nothing like a little excitement.

Last night they went the Polynesian Resort for the Aloha Dinner Show, she said the food was awesome, she had the chicken and ribs, one of her favorites, she said the show was really good, however, here we go again, the performers couldn’t do a few of their tricks because of the poring rain. The performers were restricted to a partially covered stage as the audience also watched from a partially covered stage. She said overall it was a blast. Today they were going to plan on indoor activities, as yep you guessed it; more rain was in the forecast for the entire day. They were going to go to Disney Quest at Downtown Disney, where personally I think they are going to have LOTS of fun, as they have lots of neat things to do.
More updates to follow, and hoping for a little sunshine in the sunshine state.

Amy’s Friends and Family

Monday, February 23, 2004 7:20 PM CST

Well we got the call. Amy made it to Florida and is having the time of her life. They arrived late Saturday night in Florida. They are driving a minivan. She thinks this is funny. The convertible didn't work out. Not enough room for luggage. You know she had to bring extra because she was planning on going, you guessed it...Shopping. Sunday was a day spent lounging at the pool and SHOPPING, of course. Can you believe it, Day 1 and she's already shopping. The weather has been beautiful and enough to get a little bit of a sunburn. I'm so jealous. I feel so pale and white after this Minnesota winter. She said, don't worry she's using lots of sunscreen. Sunday night, they went to Planet Hollywood for a little dinner and entertainment. Monday, it was time to go to the parks. They started at MGM studios for a little Rock n' Roller Coaster and Tower of Terror. She loved them and went on both twice. Monday evening, as I write this, Amy is waiting in line to go on Test Track at EPCOT, I could hear the cars whizzing by. She just got done going to Mission Space. She said it was great. Crowds at the parks haven't been too bad. The only thing Amy is worried about right now is that it might rain tomorrow. If it does, I think they might head for Disney Quest in Downtown Disney. I have to tell you we are all happy that Amy and her family are having a blast in Florida but the rest of her family here in Minnesota are terribly jealous and really wish we were with her in Florida! Like you, we already can't wait for the next update. It makes us feel warmer. Glad you're having a blast Amy!

Friday, February 20, 2004 6:20 PM CST

Saturday Morning 10:04
UPDATE: I have butterflies. I am all packed and like sitting by the door waiting to go. Holy Cow I am actually going to Florida for fun. We are going to have a great time.

I'm feeling great, and at the top of my game. I scored 50 points ahead for the determination level. I'm just so happy right now, words can't explain it.

Thank you.
I will talk to you when I get back and via phone to my brother and sister throughout the week.
With Love
p.s. I'm looking forward to my right hand getting warm and not cold : )

I'M GOING TO FLORIDA!!!!!!!!! WWWHOOOOO : ) : ) : )

It's less then 24 hours from now, I can't believe it's here. It hit me today getting platelets and my nurse was in thr room and she's amy are you excited or something becasue your bouncing off the walls, grinning from ear to ear, and talking about everything. The nures was good though, she put up with everything.

We were out to the door at 10:00 and called ahead for my platelets saying that I would be there in an hour and a half. My time that I had to be there was noon, we got there at 11:30 and didn't get platlets until 12:45, so ick. It was a little waiting game but I was reading all on the disney stuff anyway so I was all good.

We stopped at a store on the way home and I got a couple of CDs. So anyway we didn't get home until 4:30. I have so much to do tonight. I'm going to try and get my final pack tonight so that I can have tomorrow to pack all the things I forget.

My brotheror sister will be updating here and there, via phone from Sunny Orlando. I'm sure there will be so many fun things that I won't be able to wait till I'm home for you to know.

Thank you everyone for helping in my dream come true. I love Florida, it's my favorite place to be. This is a dream come true, that I never saw coming. I will have lots of fun as will my mom, dad, and Savannah. This I'm sure will take my mind, and body away from cancer for one week. There are only two places that can do that, Florida and Silver Linning Ranch in Aspen. This is will be a stressless vaction that I have needed. To just get my mind away from everything and live a "normal" life for one week, not having to worry about if my counts, my blood pressure, what's going on inside, what's there and not there, chemo, everything. So Thank you so much for your help in making my dream come true.

With Love always and forever

Thursday, February 19, 2004 9:27 PM CST

I'm HOME, and loving being at home, but you know only for one more whole day. YYAAHH

Anyway I sprung lose late this evening. I had gotten blood later in the morning and platelets followed but not to close. They forgot to order them until late this afternoon so I waited a little, no big deal.

I have to go back tomorrow again to get another platelet transfussion, and then I'm medically set. My WBC was up to 1.0 and my nuets were 800, so both were up, and out I was.

Merilee, Laura, Juli, Becky, and Beth were there today and gave me a few more things for the trip from the Amy Mareck Fan Club. Some really get things, that will help everything out even better. Thanks you guys, your the best and I love you.

Okay do you know i have to pack, like now. I'm sure I will forget something, but it will be covered somehow.

Jody has got everything set for me while I'm down there. On Monday I will call the Childrens hospital in Orlando, and get things set up with them and then on Tuesday I will have a blood draw and platelet transfussion no matter what my platelets are. Hey if that's the only thing I have to do to not have IV meds and what not, I will take it. Plus the hospital is only 9 miles away from the hotel.
Then she gave me the final word of "Don't do anything I wouldn't" so I won't : )

I'm so excited that I'm driving people crazy about talking about it. I can't believe it's Saturday that we get to leave. We leave at 4:30 in the afternoon on air Tran. So that gives me Saturday morning to get whatever else I need, that I forgot.

Well I'm actually really tired and i'm sure will sleep like a baby seeing that I won't be having any blood pressures that need to be taken, or machines beeping, or that I'm getting so much fluid that I have to go all the time. So I will cuddly with my own pillow.

Goodnight everyone.
Love all

Wednesday, February 18, 2004 6:31 PM CST

I'm bored. I'm still here and hoping to get out tomorrow. They are going to try but they will for surely get me out Firday. The doc on call is working hard to make things happen and he is 100n my side.

My counts are going up slowly but surely. I got platelets today and I will probably get them tomorrow again just to make sure. I'm sure I will get blood as well.

I have been messing around with the camera and trying to get it to work and it's going really well. I think I just about have it. My blood drew from the naughty port today so that's good. They are going to fix it though when I get back from the trip. Dr.Salzman came in and said it would be a 10 minute type of thing. I will go to the O.R. and they would make a small cute and fix it. So nothing to worry.

This afternoon I taught Hariet, the social worker, how to play cribbage. She caught on really good. Were playing another game tomorrow.

I'm figuring things out to do, so I"m not so bored. The child Family Life people brought some Legos in. Yes legos. I'm a great builder. : ) I bilt a house today with two levels. I didn't do the top floor yet but it will get there.

The doctor came in this morning and started to say about your scans, I said I didn't want to know. So he went on to talk about other things and I finally said okay were the scans bad. He said NO there about the same. Was he suger coating it? I don't know but you know what I will take it's about the same, so it's good.

My hair keeps falling out a little at a time. Pray that Jody was right and that it won't fall all out for my trip to florida. I was going to get my hair done by one of the people on the beach, but I think that won't be happening. I want to keep every last strand.

My blood pressure has been running really low, like 80s over 50s, and at night it can get lower. They watch it kind of close. So actually the resident is going way back to see if this is noramlly how I run. I mean it only gets up into the 90s over upper 50s lower 60s when I'm up moving around. It's weird. Anyway here is something funny. Okay I came in and I was a little dry, hydration wise. So they gave me a boost. Okay fine. Then I wasn't peeing enough like way to little from what was going i, so they gave me a huge flush. I didn't pee from that, and I gained 7 pounds. Then yesterday, I think it was yesterday I went 1500ml, yes ml, more then went it. okay fine so I was catching up. Then last night they gave me another huge flush. Okay I pee out more then I get so they give me a whole bunch more fluid. I don't get it. Anyway it has to do something with my suger. So whatever.

Olivia is getting her bone marrow transplant today I think, or it's the big chemo thing right now. Or is it her stem cell transplant, anyway she's here for one of the transplants. So pray that everything goes well for her. She's awesome.

Okay well I will let you go. My arm is starting to hurt from typing.

I will talk to you tomorrow from either here or home. I would much rather be it at home.
With Love
p.s. I knew I should have started packing a long time ago :)

Tuesday, February 17, 2004 10:32 PM CST

Sorry this is so late. This is the first time I could get to a computer. I can't leave my room so it's hard to get one in here. They have these PC Pals for the little kids but hey it has the internet on it, i"m all for it.

I'm still a guest at the Fairview Inn. Waiting for my counts to come up and to give me more IV meds. I guess there not in a huge hurry to get me out because the longer I"m here the longer I"m on the IV stuff, and with me counting the antibotics already by a few days, and my temp sometimes hanging out at 99.9 to 100.0 they want to make sure. So As long as I can get home and pack I"m all good.

So this morning started out with a little interview with Van and Cheryl from KS95 for the Radiothon that's happening the first weekend in March. So it was fun hanging out for a little bit and catching up. So yes the great "KS95 for kids Radiothon" is coming up so tune in to 94.5 and hear all the stories, good and bad. It's at the Mall of America, Sam Goody Central. I will be there helping out with painting faces for the little kids. So it's a great thing and keep it in the back of your mind for just a little bit because it's coming up soon.

Anyway my port has been really sensitive lately and they checked it out today. I went down to CV Radiology to have them put some dye stuff in and they found out that my port has a "kink" in it, so as of right now I"m not sure what they are going to do with that.

I was maybe thinking that I would get out of here tomorrow, but Jody doesn't think so and she thinks Thursday may be a better day but we will wait in see. She's the boss.

Oh I almost forgot my CT scan that I was suppose to have Thursday I had today. I actually really don't want to know what the results of it are. I know I'm in good hands. That I will do what needs to be done to get it done. So I would like to cut out the bad part because I see that as maybe putting a dampper on things for Florida. Just because I think it would be in the back of my mind, so I really don't want to know.

Sad thing, my hair is starting to thin out. : ) It's been falling when ever I touch it, so I don't touch it, but know it's lose and pull it anyway. So I"m not liking that very much, but I mean it's worth it if it all works.

Okay it's getting late and I'm getting tired. I will try and get to a computer earlier tomorrow.
With Love

Monday, February 16, 2004 2:49 PM CST

It's Monday and I think everyone is dragging like a Monday, even my nurse said she was way tired. Anyway I slept pretty good last night.

This morning Van Patrick came to visit for just a little while. He didn't like the maskes though that he had to wear when he came. I'm not in Iso anymore, all the tests came back negative. But I still have the bateria in my blood.

I can't remember if I told you this yesterday but they were giving me a some extra fluid because my BP was down and whatever. But then after they pumped in all the IV fluid it didn't come back out. I had gained 7 pounds in one day. I don't think that's right. So then they were going to give me something to take the fluid off, what was the point then in the first place. Anyway I started making up for last night. We got it all taken care of.

My electrolights (sp) are all in wack so I'm taking pills, getting different things to get that all back in order. My WBC is holding at .2, not good enough to go home. Now we wait for the counts to come up.

I will go home on antibiotics, duh, but you have to hear the story first. The doc came in this morning and said that I would be on Vanco, big med, for 10 days IV. Well I stepped in and said wait "I'm going to Florida on Saturday". So he thought about it and they talked about it in rounds and now it may look like I won't go home on any IV meds, which would be nice.

I'm actually feeling pretty good, besides being tired. Oh this morning when I was talking with my brother about Florida, I could have run a mile. I had a burst of energy.

Laura and her mom stopped up here for a little visit during waiting time for blood and platelets. They gave me a digital camera, which was from the Amy Mareck Fan Club. I have to thank you guys so much, you really don't need to, just as long as I know your praying, it works for me. Anyway thanks for helping out. So I will have the camera to putz around with while I'm here. So anyway it was great seeing them, as always. We should run into eachother outside of the hospital though, I think that would be better.

I have to say one little thing to Ms. Thelen (Mrs.Orbeck) That I propbably won't be coming to school service tomorrow.

Tonight it's a movie of Tommy boy. You don't think I will laugh from that do you?!?!? : )

Okay I really don't have much more to say. I may come on and update later if anything happens.
Love all

Sunday, February 15, 2004 6:12 PM CST

Well hello everyone. This is me typing this instead of my brother, but he did do a good job didn't he? : ) Anyway I"m still here and have a bacteria in my blood. The good thing though is that the anitbiotices that they started on Friend when I came in are the ones they should be using for this kind of infection, so we had a small head start. lThat's good because you know I have to get out of here by Friday night for sure, I haven't packed yet. See I knew I should have started packing last week : )

My counts are still down and my WBC is still falling, which this the one that really matters. I need that one to go up not down. It was down to .2 today and was .4 yesterdad. My blood pressure was a little to low for comfort around here this morning so they looked into that, gave my extra fluid and some meds and it seems to be better now, so that is on the up and up.

My great aunt stopped in this morning for a little visit, which was then followed by my sister and her family. We had fun watching the the Daytona 500. My mom had to drive home today and she has never driven in the cities before. So I have to find out from my sister how she did. I'm sure she did fine but she was pretty nervous.

There is so much that has happened and I can't remember any of it right now. I will have to come back in a little while after I remember.

Oh tonight Fuzzy Heads family came to visit. I met fuzzy head along time ago and he has become an angle now but I still keep in contact with his family. They brought very cool balloons that brighten up my room very much.

Okay the nurse is here I have to run. I may be back to update a little more later.
Love you all.
p.s. I haven't been able to get to my email so if you emailed me I'm sorry if I havent' gotten back yet. I will get there.

Saturday, February 14, 2004 3:33 PM CST

My Mom and I made it to Fairveiw Inn last evening. It was a terrible night because my port was very sensitive, it only allowed me to sleep in certain positions and not on my tummy where I normally sleep. I received two pints of blood, platelets, and plasma which I have never received before. Plasma is used to help the blood to clot. This all started because I spiked a tempurature which was discovered by the radation nurses in St. Cloud.

ON THE GOOD SIDE, I finished my radation on my arm, (and got my diploma), however, my arm hurts a little bit yet, but it is supposed to get better.

ON THE BETTER SIDE, I am only 7 days away from warm and sunny Florida, cannot wait.

I will keep you posted in the days to come.


Friday, February 13, 2004 4:51 PM CST

Man did anyone watch Survivor last night??? I cried and cried, it was so sad. One of the contestents mom's was dying of cancer and she wanted to go home and be with her mom. So she left to be with her mom and then they put a message up that her mom died 8 days after she arived home. Wow was there tears coming, and then you have my dad saying oh stop it. I didn't care I cried anyway.

Well I am off to the cities because I spiked a small fever, see this time I called, and Jody was going to get me out of coming but the doctor on call said I had to come, but I may not be there very long. So my mom is coming with me.

Okay I have to run because we are about to leave. I will update when I get a chance.

Talk to you soon.

Thursday, February 12, 2004 6:07 PM CST

Well I just typed this whole page and I hit the clear button which is right next to the delete button. So I don't know if I will remember everything. But here I go.

You remember how I said the chemo was kicking me in the butt well now I'm kicking it in the butt. I feel great, well maybe not great but good. I have a new found energy sourse. So of course I went to school and was there the whole day including school service, which is a very important class :)

Okay why my attitude feels good my counts aren't following along. They are all pretty good except for the one that really matters. My Hbg is 11.00, Plt 52,000, total WBC .8, and my Neutrophils are nothing. I don't have any, which is not good. Okay I spelt that Newt's wrong but you know what I mean.

Well last night I got an email from one of my nurses just asking a favor for her project, which is taken care of, but anyway she is moving away, and I guess last night it all feel on me at once and I started to cry. I think it was me thinking of doing all this icky chemo without her, but she will be helping other kids which makes me happy. ANyway just everything of what I need to do in the future, and how everything is going to happen and how I need to reach into an inner soures to get through this next step and chapter. I know I will need all of you for sure.

Okay survivor just started so I will be back the next commercial..........

Okay I'm back for 2 minutes. Lets see if I can get it done.

My arm is still hurting and that kind of makes me nervous because I only have one treatment left for radiation and the radiation was to take the pain away. I will have to ask about that tomorrow.

Besides all that I'm doing good and it's because of your prayers, thank you for that. Well have to go it's about to start again.
Love always and forever
P.S. guess what..............I'm going to Florida in 9 days. YYYAAAHHH

Wednesday, February 11, 2004 2:15 PM CST

UPDATE: I'm FREE, no more pump, YYYAAAHHH. Wow does that make a world of a diference. I feel better already. I don't know if that really happenes, but I feel better. I think it's a mind thing sometimes. Anyway I'm free of the pump and running everywhere now. Guess what when i went in for my radiation, I got up and the pump/mezna bag fell out of the bag. oops. I was thinking wow did I just lost a ton of weight or what. The nurse had to carry it back for me. It didn't break though, that's good.

Oh I added new pictures. the middle one though is the same but the top and bottom ones are new. I have some up of the ice castle and I like the other ones the best but I will let you see them. I think there cute : )

I got an email from a nurse and she gave me a quote " When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and swing!" I think it's great.

Anyway just had to come say I'm feeling much better and just about back on top of things.

I will see you tomorrow.

As you can see I didn't make the day at school. I stayed home today to just rest and recover from this chemo. I think it did the world of good. School was left out early anyway so I didn't miss much. Anyway I'm still tired as usual but it should be on the up and up. I should get unhooked today when I go to radiation, I'm very happy about that. I took one day at a time and now it's the day to get unhooked. It goes faster when you take it a day at a time. I have a couple mouth soars but they don't bother me really at all. It's kind of funny, I'm kind of falling asleep as i write this. Gosh I really don't know what else to say.
Sorry these last couple of entries have been so blah. I think it's the energy level. I will have to let you go for now. I may be back later to just chat.
Love bunches

Tuesday, February 10, 2004 8:07 PM CST

6 days down, 1 more to go. It couldn't come at a better time. I had to take another nap session today during second block, which was only yearbook. I had to leave for fourth block as well. I could just sleep all day. I'm pooped out again but I'm looking for that to change very soon, seeing that I'm off of the chemo tomorrow. Actually I'm getting a mezna (sp) flush right now. The people came to radiation today and got it changed for me. This morning though, acutally it started last night, the batteries were running low. So this morning I call them and they helped with how to change it and make sure everything was set up right. So I was all set. My counts from yesterday weren't so bad. My WBC was 4.8, Hbg 11.8, and Plt 84,000. I get them checked again on Thursday.

I still have chemo brain, as Merilee says. Like today I took a test in Accounting and I really had to look over my work. The lines sometimes got blurry but I figured it out.

Oh want to hear a funny story, well it's not funny but whatever. I got to switch my chemo over right, well with the mezna I get a smaller bag, but the tubbing at the end needs to stick out. The bag doesn't totally shut then, so the solution is, Duck Tape. I taped up and it works just fine. See Duck Tape can be the answer.

"Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Well as I said yesterday, I'm off to find a pillow to do nothing better then...............Sleep.

Have a good night.
With Love

Monday, February 9, 2004 5:50 PM CST

Man this chemo is really kicking me in the butt. I'm totally wiped out. I am dragging big time compared to what I normally am. I didn't make the day at school either. I left for 4th block which was only school service, so wasn't anything big. I came home and slept. My dad brought me to radiation as well. My arm still hurts but the doc is hoping that with the radiation that it will go away. I think I'm also getting a cold. My sinuses drive me up a wall. They hurt so bad at times. I got my blood taken, but haven't heard what the results from that is. Sorry this is so not in order. My brain isn't in full working terms right now. I actually think this about all I"m going to write. I'm pretty tired and am going to go lay down. I hope this down fall is only for a little bit. I only have the chemo until tomorrow afternoon, and then one day of a mezna flush, so i will be done with the pump wednesday afternoon, which will be nice. Okay I"m going to leave you. Looking towards a better day tomorrow.

Sunday, February 8, 2004 5:20 PM CST

Sorry this is so late. I'm so tired that I can't move. We went to St.Cloud this morning and got some shopping done. I got a new swimsuit for the upcoming trip to you know where. Must I remind you.......Florida!!!!!!

I got home a zonked out on the bed and haven't moved since. I thought I better write something on here seeing that I didn't yesterday and it's late in the day today.

The chemo I guess is where it's suppose to be. I'm tired and have the chemo blahs. My mouth has a coating of something too. I get it everytime I get this chemo. It's just icky. But anyway at least I am making it through this round, Knock on wood. I only made it through once out of 4 times last time. So this is good right now.

My mind is still kind of weird. I just daze off or forget stuff that just happened. I have to really watch what I do.

Oh yesterday we had the Christmas Party for my mom's side. They thought it would be better in Feb. then no one is busy then. Anyway it was great with almost everyone showing up. I got to talk with aunts and uncles, and cousins that I don't see very much. It was good. Guess what I did last night. I went to play Bingo with my aunts again. My mom and sister came along this time. As well as my uncle Joe. No big winners though. It was fun as usual.

Tomorrow is back in the swing. I'm not sure how that is all going to work out. I have been sleeping a lot during the day and well when I'm in school I can't sleep. I don't think they count sleeping as a class. Anyway I'll see how it works out.

That's pretty much what I know right now. I'm off to hit the pillow again. I hope it's a great Monday for ya and a Good sunday night.
With Love

Friday, February 6, 2004 6:02 PM CST

So tired for a Friday. I'm dragging but still going strong. That didn't make any sense but whatever.

The chemo still is going good. I can tell though that I'm getting it because this chemo plays with my mind. I have to concentrate on exactly what I"m doing. I can't explain it but I just forget stuff I just heard. It's different then normal. Mornings are a tough time too, getting up because I take my chemo pills at night so I have a little upset tummy, and I"m still tired. But who isn't tired when they get up. I just count the days until I'm done with the chemo. It will be a good day.

Today at radiation when I get my arm done I have to move to very edge of the table and when I was done "Steven", Jim, moved the table and i almost fell off. I caught myself but it was a big laugh. No one has ever fell off before but he has caught people though. I don't want to be the first either. So I will watch it.

Tonight it's a movie with a friend, I think were going to watch Seabiscuit, have you ever seen it. I have heard it's really good. I still need to see Radio as well. I have heard it's really good. It's coming. I just have been busy. It's in the $1.50 theater now, so it's cheap, that's a good thing.

I'm enjoying life to it's fullest and having fun whenever possible. When I'm not having fun I'm warming up my right hand. Remember my right hand is always cold. It's even really cool now. When I'm done typing this I'm putting a glove on.

Guess what............I have to tell you this.............I can't hold it in any longer.............I'm going to Florida : )...........can you feel the excitement?

Well I have to run and have fun. I hope you go have fun too. Talk to you soon.
With Love

Thursday, February 5, 2004 5:44 PM CST

What can I say it was a good day. I was just really tired this morning but hey I can handle that.

There has been a heat wave here lately. It's got to like 15 and 20. It's so warm : )

Have you ever looked at a snow flake I mean really looked at one. When it has dropped on something black, I mean look at it. No one snow flake is the same. They are really pretty. I noticed that today that each one is different. It's when you slow down when you find these things out. Or at least when I slow down for a sec that I find out cool little things.

Well still just doing radiation on my arm, which is going good. I ended up taking a pain pill last night for it. It was really starting to hurt and now it's much better. I'm actually glad I took. There is no reason to be in pain all the time. So that is all under control.

The chemo is going in. Last night the alarm went off , and I was "oh great, the first day, and I already broke it", so I moved to check it and it started going again and the alarm stopped. It must have been a postion thing. So far everything has gone good. I set it on a chair next to my bed at night, and then put pillows over the top of the bag so I don't hear the pump. Last night you could tell that I had just gotten it, because I was sitting at my computer and went to get up and there was a big thug, oops, I have to bring it with. I had already forgot that I had it. Oh well at least the IV tubbing is long enough.

Tonight is the big T.V. night, survivor, friends, ER, lots. Although I am looking forward to friends and survivor. Have to tape one and watch the other. I am just a reality tv person. Although I have gotten better, it's down to a couple shows : )

Anyway I really don't have much more to say. Have to tend to a little homework, before I plunck in front of T.V. and not move.

Have a great night and I will chat with you tomorrow.
With bunches of love
p.s. I'm going to Florida!!!!, you'll probably hear that a lot from now until them : )

Wednesday, February 4, 2004 7:20 PM CST

I just got done talking to Merilee on aol messanger about everything. I'm am so so so so excited. This entry will take forever to write because American Idol is on and I'm watching and typing. So if something doesn't make sence, nothing ever makes sences though : ), don't worry I'm not going nuts. The florida trip should all work out. Everything is being worked out on the medical front as well. I got the go from the doc and its' all going to be set.

I'm doing good with everything. Not much to catch up with in school just two tests, which won't take long to make up.

I'm hooked up to my chemo now which is bigger then the one I get down in the cities. It's like a school bag that I carry. Hey I would carry a bag with bricks and rocks in it to beat this thing. So a school bag is well worth it.

They didn't do radiation on my arm today, not sure why, but they didn't. I said something but I will check again tomorrow.

I am off to do some catch up homework and to lay down for a little while. I'm pooped.

So until tomorrow, have lots of fun.
With Love

Tuesday, February 3, 2004 5:54 PM CST

I'M GOING TO FLORIDA, WWHHHOOO!!!!!!!! : ) : ) : ) Thanks a whole whole bunch Juli and Merilee for planning everything and everyone of you for helping out. I never expected anything like this at all in a million years. I'm still in shock. And it comes at the perfect time. Everyone was in my room, all family from the hospital and people I have met, it couldn't have been better.

So here is the 411 on whats going to be happening. I will be getting 3 more days of radiation to my lung and and he will up the dose each day. I will be total finish with all my radiation on the 16th. Tomorrow I am starting a chemo that I carry around in a bag. Remember I have had this before a long time ago. They want to start something now because the chemo pills I'm on now are doing nothing. So I will start that chemo tomorrow along with another chemo pill. Jody said my counts may drop with this so I have to get my counts taken which is no big deal. Then on the 19th I go back to see Uncle Joe, Dr.Neglia, and have scans. Depending on my counts then we will leave for Florida either the 21, 22, or the 23 and will be there for a week. Wow that is so cool. I can't wait. You should see the huge smile on my face right now. And as catherine would say my craters, dipples, are bigger then ever. When I get back from there I will be starting the big chemos. We can't wait for graduation anymore. So I will be starting Adrimidicine, I know that's not how you spell that either. Anyway I will be back in the hospital for this and I will lose my hair : (, the whole nine yards. So this trip to Florida will get me geared up to go fight this thing to the death. It's going down and it doesn't even know it. I will stand up and take control. This cancer doesn't know who it's dealing with. It will die.

Oh yesterday's procceder went well as my brother said. They didn't find anything wrong. But I have to tell you, you know how I was worried about if I had to go to the bathroom, well when I woke up my bladder has never been more full in my entire life. I wasn't in pain but was in pain because I had to go SOOO bad. Then they gave me the bed pan and I couldn't go. That didn't help matters. I was saying work with me. It took three hours for my bladder to feel like there was nothing in there. But wow did I have to go.

Oh and Brenda I didn't even get to start counting before I was out. That's the worst I have ever done : ) They put me total out for this. I mean the whole breathing tube and everything. They didn't go in by my groin area, they tried but didn't go there. So they went in my neck, ick, but it doesn't hurt or anything.

This got kind of long, I just had so much to say. I have started my book. I only have like 5 sentences, but hey you have to start somewhere.

I will let you go.
Thanks everyone.
Love bunches

Monday, February 2, 2004 2:26 PM CST

Amy's procedure went just fine this morning, no complications and no big findings, so all is well. They had another tricky drive early this morning as the snow make driving hazardous. Fortunately or unfortunately, however you want to look at it, they were left quite early and beat most of the morning rush hour. The plan is for Amy to be home late tomorrow sometime as she is in for one night only at the Fairview Inn.

Hoping for a Amy update later tomorrow.

Amy's Friends and Family

Sunday, February 1, 2004 2:56 PM CST

Oh my gosh I'm finally back from the outstanding, very fun, and wild night at my brothers. He had it all planned out and it was perfect. Michele made an outstanding dinner. It was lots of fun with my aunt, uncle, cousin and to be cousin-in-law. We played craps, which I ended up with $1,362, thank you very much. It was so much fun, with great food left and right. Do you know what's really good. Strawberries covered in chocolate. Wow if you ever want something sweet that is the way to go. I slept way late this morning. We then ran to get a little BK for lunch, and I was off to back home. I made it home safely, well duh I'm writing on here so of course I made it home : )

This is exactly what I needed going into tomorrow. It got me all geared up and ready to go. My arm has become very sensitive. It hurts to the touch and I can't turn it left anymore, because it hurts way to much. Does anyone know if radiation can make, whatever they're radiating, hurt? I have to ask that question tomorrow. Because I even wake up in the middle of the night every time I turn. I hope it means that it is doing some major butt kicking. I will do some major butt kicking, or should I say some major cancer kicking.

My brother will update for me tomorrow via my dad calling him. He will let you know all the good news : ) My dad and I will be off at 3:30 in the morning so lets see no traffic on the road will be going through Maple Grove at 4:30. I don't think many of you will be out there yet, but if you are, don't worry my dad will be driving : )

Well seeing that I rambled I will let you go now and watch the Super Bowl. I more excited for the show afterwards.........SURVIVOR, oh ya, got to love it.

I hope your all well and having fun, and living life. I'm actually off to start making an outline for my book, that make take awhile but will get there.

Okay, okay I'm going : )
Love you all

Friday, January 30, 2004 7:34 PM CST

Gosh sorry this is kind of late from my normal time. I have been busy ever since I got home reading the book that Andrea sent me. So far it's outstanding. You will for sure have to get a copy when it comes out.

I can't say anything about the cold today. I have said something everyday this week and your probably tired of the whining. I whin more about the cold then I do of being sick : ) But you know it was 31 below when I got up this morning, but there is going to be a heat wave next week with one day getting to 5 degrees, yyaahh. My dad had the day off today and come to start the car for me so it was somewhat warm when I left for school service.

Pretty "normal" day again. My arm is starting to hurt a little more though, I'm sure it's from the radiation kicking butt in there and ripping it up. Because you know, that's what it's doing every treatment.

You know what's funny, my right hand is always cold while my left hand is always warm, how do you explain that one. I mean right now my right hand is just freezing, but my left is just fine. You would think it would be the other way around with the tumor being in my left. I don't know.

Do you want to hear the question that I am going to ask before I have my angiogram done Monday? Okay you know I have to lay flat for 6 hours and not move, well what if I have to go to the bathroom? Knowing me if they tell me not to go, I will have to go really bad. I can go the whole day and not have to go, but as soon there are no bathrooms around I have to go. My bladder sometimes is just messed up : )

Tomorrow I'm going to my brothers house for fun times. I will let you all know on Sunday.

I am off to read more of the book. I will talk to you soon. Have a great and fun weekend.
"Enjoy each day as it is a gift"
With Love

Thursday, January 29, 2004 4:48 PM CST

What can I say, it's cold. The capital cold from yesterday froze down into a little cold today. It's just freezing here, and were not even the worst of it. And what's this with schools being 2 hours late because of the cold, hey it's cold here : )

The hosptial called and I'm registered for the lovely angiogram on Monday in the early AM. I will be moved to the Peds ICU after so that they can watch, and may be spending the night there or moving back over to the home on 5B. Will see how everything plays out. I just hope they can find the problem and fix it.

I have two more days of radiation on my lungs and I have two down for my arm and like 12 more to go with that. So were getting there and I really really hope that things are dying. It's my wish that they are dying.

It's been a good day with things seeming to be rather "normal". I like normal days, they are a good thing.

Please say a prayer for Laura, one of my good friends from the hospital, who is on her second to last chemo and needs a little help to finsih up. She's a fighter though and will get it done and in the bag.

I got to talk to Andrea from camp last night and she reasured me that everything would be okay on Monday with the aniogram. She said she had one done and was fine, so that was good to hear. Plus I love talking on the phone with anyone from camp. She has also written a book about the whole camp thing and all and she's sending the paper copy to me to read. The actually book comes out April 13. It's going to be a good one.

I was wondering does anyone know how I would start to write a book of some sort or someone write a book for me about everything that has happened

Well that's all I know really know for today. Catherine's on the phone and I'm off to chat.
See tomorrow

Wednesday, January 28, 2004 5:40 PM CST

How could it be SO COLD!!!!!!!!!!! Again it's like being in a freezer. My nose froze on the way into school and my backpack was in the car for about an hour and the when I unzipped it, it was like it was frozen. I hope warmer days are ahead.

I have been sleeping whenever possible. I have been so tired lately. I think I need to catch up a little. I think with just everything going on, and running at 2:30 in the morning, it has caught up to me, and I'm run down. I was out last night by 10:00 and wasn't up until 7:15 this morning. My mom thinks that I didn't move during the night, because I was in the same spot as I was when she checked on me at 10:00, and the covers weren't messed up at all. So I guess I slept pretty deep and hard last night. I wonder why? : )

I had to back out of somethings at school because of what's going to happen in the future. I just won't be there to do. So I'm okay with that because I didn't want the other person have to do all of it. So I took care of all that and talked to teachers. It's all covered.

Thank you for the continued support and prayers. They are really working, it may not seem like some days, because of the bad news, but look, I'm still here able to fight this monster and take it on head on. Your prayers have helped me do that. Including all the cheerful notes, that always bring me back up. I'm taking this monster, called cancer, and kicking it out. It's testing me right now, and you know what, I'm not backing down. I'm on it's tale every minute of everyday. It's going down, it's not incharge, I call the shots, and it's a swish from the 3-point-line.

Oh I have to say thank you to all the chemo angels for the cards, they mean a lot. : )

Okay I think i'm all typed out. Oh I have made a word, that I think should become a word and it's "Funner", that's enough of this "more fun", nope funner is the new word to use : )

Okay now I really am all typed out. I will be back.
With Love

Tuesday, January 27, 2004 5:54 PM CST

When will it end. It has been blow after blow after blow, and it doesn't stop. The chest CT from yesterday was seen and the tumor they are treating with radiation got bigger along with another one. Now where do I go with this. I mean I just got over that last stuff and I get hammered down again. I'm fine with this news though. Like I have said before, I'm use to hearing things like that. I really hope there is a break from bad news very soon. 110% isn't working anymore, I will have to kick up into gear with 120%.

They will be starting on my arm radiation tomorrow and I will have that for about 2 weeks and I only have 4 more days to go on my lungs.

On Monday I have to be down at the hosptial at 5:45 in the morning for a little procedure/surgery thing that I have to have done in the OR. They are going to do an angiogram, I know I didn't spell that right, to try and find out where the blood is coming from. So they will insert a big needle thing in a major vein by the groin and then feed it up the vein into my lungs. They will inject dye stuff and try to figure stuff out. I will have to lay flat for 6 hours after and not really move, so that the vein can heal. I think I have to stay over night. Well Jody told me that but then my dad said she said I didn't, so I don't know. More people said I had to. Which I think I rather do that to make sure nothing bleeds anywhere.

Oh I didn't even tell you yet, I'm at home, that maybe a good thing to tell you : )

I got to talk to Olivia today longer then when we met in clinic. It was so great and I gave her some pointers about when she has to have her stem cell transplant. Sorry Bonnie : )

Well I think that's all I know for now. Thanks again for all the prayers, I need them right now.
Have a good one

Monday, January 26, 2004 12:53 AM CST

UPDATE: It's me and I am camping out here tonight at the Fairview Inn. This afternoon after my chest CT they moved me from the peds ICU to my second home on 5B. Like I said up above I will be spending the night so they can just watch and make sure, which I'm all good with.

Yes last night was rough. At about 11:00 I started coughing and very very soon after blood just started coming out with every cough. It was a lot more then what happened last time. Last time it was clots this time it was flowing blood, the bright red stuff. I called within minutes after. It continued for about 15 to 20 minutes and seemed to have stopped for the long long long ride down to the cities which was really bad. Blowing snow and bad roads. Sometime you didn't even know if you were on the road or not. ANyway we made it here safe.

I haven't heard about the CT yet but I will let you know. I have one of my favoritest nurses tonight and another one favoritest is here so I will be in good hands.

Well for now I"m doing okay. I will update you later.
With Love

It is a good news bad news day.

Good news: Amy had a wonderful time yesterday at the baby shower. She played lots of fun baby shower type games, one which involved sucking on a baby bottle. Well Amy had the best technique as she was able to "Inhale" 8oz of juice in record time and win a prize. Way to go Amy. Luckily she and her mother made it home safely before the snow starting flying.

Now for the bad news: Very early Monday morning Amy could not stop coughing and then started to spit up the bright red stuff. Her and her dad braved the early morning cold and snow and headed for Fairview in Minneapolis and she was checked into the ICU. As of late Monday morning things seemed to be under control and the docs where watching her closely.

Hang in their Amy, better days ahead!!

Love, Amy's Friends and Family

Sunday, January 25, 2004 11:01 AM CST

Wow was my butt frozen yesterday!!!!! The Ice Castle was great and we took lots of pictures, so you all will be able to see it. I took some while I was sitting on a ice block, hence my butt being frozen. For those of you who don't know an Ice Castle is a Castle built of Ice, but this year we were able to go into the castle. It was really pretty. I watched the people skating for a while , wishing I was out there, someday I will. Anyway Sarah Hughes, (SP) came out and was skating for us. She was really good and I had no idea that she was going to be there. So that was pretty cool. By the time we left my 5 little toes were about to fall off. I stuck them up to the heater and kept them there for the longest time.

I slept all the way home in the back seat. I was so tired. When I got home I even fell asleep for a little while. I was off to babysit last night though.

And that would bring us to today. I feeling good and back on the top of my game, ready to score 100 points. Look out cancer here I come!!!!

Oh I was accepted into the University of Minnesota Twin Cities.

Today my mom and I are off to my brother's house for Michele's baby shower. I hope i can say it now. I said something about them having a baby a while ago and they hadn't told very many people yet, oops.

Anyway we are heading out the door and I'm not even dressed yet. Have to run. Just letting you know that I have started my truck back up the hill. : )
Love always

Friday, January 23, 2004 6:31 PM CST

I'm so glad it's Friday and I have the weekend to cool it. I need a little time to rest my brain and body from work and stress. It's been pretty hard this week. I'm getting there again. Not at my 100% but close. Everything was said and done in such a short time frame that I haven't digested everything quite yet, but it's coming along. I think, actually, being in school and having a regular day is good. Not that I sit at home and do nothing. Because if I was just sitting at home I would have been depressed by now. Some of those nights I just didn't eat, didn't want to do anything, all I wanted to do was sleep and be alone. So it's good that I'm doing something. I will be back on track soon.

Thank you so so much for leaving notes. I know I said that yesterday and I'm sure the day before that, but they really do mean a lot. I come on late last night and looked for uplifting notes. I was a little blue, and you know I went to bed and was feeling better. So Thank you for that.

School was good as usual. I got to eat more stuff in School service with the Kindergardeners. It was someones birthday. We all had cupcakes. They were good. I ate mine on the way to radiation

I think tomorrow were heading down to the cities to see the Ice Castle. We won't be able to see it at night though, because I have to be back to babysit.

I saw the scan of my arm today. Dr.Meyer showed me and it's pretty big. Well maybe it's not pretty big, but it's not small either. All I want to do is grab in there and get it out.

It's onto the next chapter and I have to start it out strong. I need a impact first sentance as my english teacher would say.

I hope you all have a restfull and relaxable weekend.
With Love

Thursday, January 22, 2004 4:53 PM CST

It was another rough day for me. I have taken a few steps backward on the hill. The news of everything today kind of went over the top of me. My plate is very full right now. I've gone down on my being happy face. I will have to work it into shape again. Like I said it was a tough day.

I was out the door this morning at 5:30 with a very quiet drive down until I hit the major towns. I was there on time and went to have my port accsesed and it didn't work, but flushed really well, but didn't draw blood. So they just pulled it and I had a small IV put in for the injection for the bone scan. The dude got the vein but then it fell out and there was a big bump of fluid, oops. He did another one and got it going this time. I went to visit my wonderful nurses on 5B and they were all very supportive, which is what I needed. I hung out in the teen room for the two hours between the injection and actual scan. I had the scan done and was off to clinic where I met my brother who came with to talk to the doc.

Dr.Neglia drew a picture as to what showed up on the bone scan. There were two spots in my left lung that it's on the bone, that have very little change. There is also a spot on my pelvic bone but they have been watching that for some time and it hasn't changed. They don't think it's cancer. Then there was the arm deal. Dr.Neglia was very honest and said that he doesn't know if this will ever go away, which that right there hit very very very hard, but he said that he would never give up looking and fighting with me. We talked about some plans in the future. I will finish up with the radiation and the chemo pills and then have another Chest CT done Feb. 19. He's trying to look at some agents that won't have me lose my hair and that I have to be in the hospital. He's want's to have me finish school and graduate and then I may be back on the big dogs. I will have IV chemo in the hospital with all the side effects. But I'm willing to have that if it works. I am willing to do anything right now if it works. So over all it was a lot to handle, and it will take a day or two again to get back on my feet.

I'm so very scared right now. It's a lot to handle at once and a lot to think about. The future scares me. I don't know what it holds, no one knows. I just have to keep fighting. Fighting Fighting Fighting.

On a positive note I got to run into Olivia who I went to camp with and she's one of my firends. She looks great and I wish I was able to talk to her more. Next time.

I have to run, my mom is calling me for dinner. If I think of anything else I will come update.
I have to get back up

Wednesday, January 21, 2004 5:02 PM CST

O my Gosh is it COLD!!!!!! It's freezing here. If you have warm weather you could go into a freezer and you may hit on what it is like here. It's so cold. My crutches actually sound like they are frozen when I'm outside. So I'm parking it under a blanket and watching some good ol tv.

Oh for one of my classes I am the editor of the school news paper. Which is pretty cool, but it will be hard. My other classes are good. I got to my first day of school service at Holy Family. I got to eat "The Hulk" cake for someones birthday. Wow first day on the job and I get to sit and eat cake. Now that works. Oh and next Tuesday I'm going to My favorite 6th grade teacher's room : ) It will be lots of fun over there.

Tomorrow is another big scan to make sure it didn't go anywhere else. I really really really hope it didn't, that the chemo pill is doing something in there for me while I'm getting radiation. I will see the good ol doc tomorrow. I'm sure will go over everything thus far and whats going on and stuff.

I have to thank you very much for the notes you leave. I wouldn't have gotten this far if it wouldn't have been for your prayers and cheering me up when I needed it. The last couple days I looked to here for cheering up, and you all pulled through for me, thank you.

I have no complaints for ya today, except that i"m tired but I"m always tired by the middle of the week. That's nothing new for me.

My fingers are getting cold right now so I better put my mittens back on. I can't type then. So I will let you go for now. Talk to you all tomorrow
Love bunches

Tuesday, January 20, 2004 4:20 PM CST

I'm back at 110% Maybe I needed to be in school with friends. Okay maybe not the school part, but the friends : ) I'm in the right frame of mind and ready to kick this thing in the butt. I mean I can't just sit here and do nothing. It has to be done and I am willing to do it. So I'm leading my one point in the game know and starting to pull away.

They didn't start radiation on my arm today. They only took a CT and mapped it all out, which took awhile. They will start as soon as possible though. I am saying this week for sure. I'm a human drawing board. I have marks all over me, my arm, sides, chest, everywhere. There for the radiation spots. I'm starting a new fashion statement : ) It's the new thing : )

I started my chemo pills again last night for 21 days. When I'm done with radiation though I think I will be done with the pills seeing that they didn't do a lot, seeing that it came back in a totally different spot.

I'm writing this with the help of "scooter" he's one of the day care kids. Actually he's not helping he's eating my peanut butter M&M's : ) He says there good.

I head down to the big city Thursday for a bone scan but I don't know if I will see the doc or not. I have it at 7:30 in the morning so that I can be back by 3:30 for radiation. So you know what that means, I will be going through Maple Grove at about 6:30 : )

"You always pass failure on your way to success" -Mickey Rooney
I hope you all had a good day. Stay warm
With Love

Monday, January 19, 2004 6:04 PM CST

Each day gets better and better. I'm almost there, I'm at my 99.9% level and it won't be long to be at 100% level, maybe even by the end of this entry : )

Today was a layed back day. I didn't have school which was nice, it was a little break that I needed. Now tomorrow I start with a new quarter, which will be easier then my first two quarters.

I saw the radiation doc today and he explained how things were going to work. I will get three weeks of radiation on my arm , which should start tomorrow. I have another two to three weeks left for my lung radiation so it's nice that they can do it at the same time. Dr.Meyers looked at my arm and he could feel the mass that's in my arm. Boy does this all Suc*, but what has to be done, has to be done and I'm all there. I will be right in there fighting my way back and staying on top of things. And when new things show up, I may be down but I will get right back up, like this time and times in the future, which I'm hoping there won't be any other times. So tomorrow I'm going in early to get a CT of my arm and then have radiation right away after. They first have to map out which angle to go it.

Which means I miss my first day of School Service at Holy Family School. I went there for elementry. I get to go there everyday for 4th block and help out.

I'm starting to lose my voice from the radiation, or at least I think it's from that. I told the doc today and he says there's a nerve that runs around the area where he's radiating it and it could be. I can't talk loud. People have to be right next to me or it has to be really quiet to hear me. It's just another thing, but it's all good. People will just have to be quiet when they want to hear me talk.

Please continue to pray for all the other kids out there that are dealing with the same thing I'm am. It really bits that so many have it. One of the ways I look at it, when it comes back in me, one less child has to have it, that I'm able to fight it for them, instead of them doing it. I know I can do.

Well I better run.
With Love

Sunday, January 18, 2004 6:17 PM CST

Hi Everyone!
This is Amy's sister. I just wanted you to know that we all really appreciate all the love and support that you give Amy. Today was a tough day for her, but it went really well. Mom and Dad are doing fine and are ready like the rest of to fight this fight with her. She is still a
little down and sad, but we are working hard to cheer
her up. Please continue to do all the things that you do for her because I know it means the world. You can't believe how much you pick up her spirit when she is feeling blue. There will be better days ahead.
Oh yeah---It is really cold here in Albany. I think the
actual temp. is below zero. Way too cold. I think I'm moving to Florida. Amy's coming along.

It's now me, my mom and dad now know, and they handled it just fine, I know it broke their hearts though. I'm still struggling with it but everyday gets better. I can tell that there is something there because it hurts when I do certain movements and sometimes it just hurts. Like when I'm turning right when driving I have to use my right hand and not my left like I always use. It hurts to much. I hope they are able to start radiation as soon as possible. I'm worried about it spreading fast, and I don't want that. I'm trying to take it easy, but there is always thoughts lingering on in my mind. I have to focus on what I have to do to start the next hike up the hill. I can do it, and I will do it.

Thanks for all the support, I still need it.
With Love

Saturday, January 17, 2004 1:14 PM CST

Thanks, I need them all. I new when I was down that you would be able to pick me up. I'm not to tip top yet, the saddness, pain, frustration still lingers, but I'm better, after I was able to think about what was happening, and thinking about where to turn, and how to keep this fight going, which of course it will.

Last night was tough, but I was able to get through it. I talked to my doctor and it is a Osteosarcoma in my left arm. It's above my wrist and below my elbow, right in the middle. The thing is remember when I last mentioned it. It was before Christmas when I was in the hosptial. I'm glad I kept bringing it up.

I think I"m taking this harder because, I mean it's come back lots of times in my lungs, and that was never anything new, but now it's in a whole new area. That scares me that it has moved and I dont' want it to move.

I mentioned the chemos some of you had told me about and he was already on top of it. One of them the Herceptin, was looked at a long time ago, but they do this chemo on a certain type of gene in the tumors and mine doesn't have that in it. The other one samarium, he has looked into and is going to email the Mayo about it Monday. So things are already back on the road. I'm slowly working my way back up the hill, that I fell down last night.

I will finish up with radiation for my lungs and then more then likely start on it again, or at the same time, for my arm. They are pretty sure that's the way they both would like to go, is by treating it with radiation. That has worked well for me in the past, with the bone. They are looking at doing my lung radiation and my arm radiation at the same time.

I'm back on the game and playing hard. I just got behind by a few points but they can be made up and gotten ahead of again.

Please if you have some time, read about a little story Sarah sent me, it's about frogs, and I think it's great. It's in the guestbook. Thank you so much for writing notes, I so very much need them at a time like this. But everything will be okay, and I will again have to fight even harder, because it's not taking me down.

With Love

Friday, January 16, 2004 8:13 PM CST

NO GOD NO, WHY ME!!!!!!!!!this is the by far one of the worst days in my life. They did the MRI and it shows that there is a tumor in the bone of my arm. I'm shaking so much right now I can hardly type this. I had the MRI done later because of an ICU patient and a ER patinet so I just got home a little while ago. I just called the doctor from St.Cloud who I called on his cell because they put a Stat on reading the scan. He had already called Dr.Neglia and told him everything. I didn't quite get it until I called Dr. Neglia and he said that there more then likely is a tumor in there. They are looking at treating it with radiaiton. I will go in for a Bone Scan next week and I will be seeing Dr. Neglia then.

I don't even now what to say I'm so angry, sad, frustrated, and so many other things. I can barely see the screen because of all the crying. How am I going to do this?

I am NOT giving up, I have come way to far. Dr. Neglia said he's not going anywhere, and will keep going at this. He told me not to give up my energy either. It's so hard right now, I am at my lowest right now, and please help me get back up. This is A LOT to handle.

I can't do this anymore, I will write again tomorrow when I will be thinking more clear. Don't worry though I'm not going anywhere.
"Never Ever, Ever Give UP"
"One day, and even one hour at a time"
With Love
p.s., if you see my mom or dad, please don't say anything, I haven't told them yet, I will let them get two good night's of rest and then on Sunday when my sister comes, I will tell them.

Thursday, January 15, 2004 1:27 PM CST

UPDATE: I'm about to blow my top. I don't even know if I should write anything. Well first I'm getting my MRI done tomorrow after radiation at the hospital, in St.Cloud. One thing I kind of don't want this to go through St.Cloud I rather have the cities do it. So that they are still running everything and not that St.Cloud takes over.

I got my counts done at lunch so that they could get faxed down to the cities early, well they didn't send it until I just called 5 minutes ago. Come on people, but I called someone at the albany clinic who helped me out lots, she's great. So I got that taken care of.

I think it's just a combination of everything happening right now that is making me blow. I have to take a couple big deep breaths.

Anyway I got it all done and it's looking onto tomorrow for the MRI, I really hope there is nothing wrong. Well I will say right now, there will be nothing wrong, and that's that.
I have to go eat dinner. I will talk to you tomorrow when I get home.
With Love

Well I have 5 minutes to do this, I'm between classes, a little homeroom thing. Anyway I called for my x-ray results and well it wasn't what I wanted. They had sent them to Dr.Meyer in Alexandria over the computer and he looked at them. He sees something very vaguely in the cortex of the bone, the middle. So with that I have to get and MRI done today and then they will be calling my doctor down in the cities to get everything talked about so everyone is on the same page. This is not what I wanted. I had to go bet my blood drawn druing lunch and I just to stop and take a deep breath, to control the anger of something eles. Please don't let it be anything. I'm bagging for it not to be anything. Please say a prayer for good results from the MRI and maybe it's nothing, or it's just a weak bone. I don't know. But I have to go, I just had to come on here and get a little frustration out. Thanks for listening. I will let you know what happens later, if I find out. They said I may be able to get the scan today when I go for radiation. Anyway I'm going to be late. The bell rang

Wednesday, January 14, 2004 5:43 PM CST

Another day that I"m alive and complaining : ) NNOO I never complain : )

I'm all done with Accounting because we had the test today and I'm done with all the other stuff, so I get to sit and do nothing tomorrow and Friday. I just may go bug my human anat teacher though, plus I have friends who are doing school service in the science department. So whatever.

I got my x-ray today and I have to call tomorrow during lunch and find out whats up with it. I really hope it's nothing to serious. I mean I don't need anything else right now. But why would it be hurting? It's only something the big guy knows.

Tonight I'm going to sit and doing nothing. I'll get a little of my homework done and then take it easy. I think I need to do that more often.

I really don't have anything else that great.
"We never know, believe me, when we have succeeded best" -Miguel de Unamuno

With Love

Tuesday, January 13, 2004 6:08 PM CST

Hey people out there. What do I have for you today.

Lets see, you know school really dragges me down, energy wise. I'm pooped already and it's only Tuesday, that's bad. I just have to build up my energy level again.

The quarter is coming to an end and it's finals on Friday, ya for me. And the people that haven't missed a day, don't have to come and take it. It's not like I was skipping school, I had a very good reason. I have health to think of first, but anyway two of my classes were not even taking finals so that's nice.

Radiaiton went well and I saw the doctor. Not my normal one though. Anyway he want's to get an x-ray becuase it seems to be on the bone. he looked and touched it a few times and it was for sure on the bone, I thought it was in the muscle, but no he thinks bone. So I will get an x-ray tomorrow. Gosh if it's not one thing, it's something else.

I went shopping today after radiation with Catherine and hit some good sales. Sales are good. Everyone likes sales. But I confined myself to what I had gone there for and nothing else.

Tonight is another girls basketball game, which I plan on going to in like 45 minutes. You know, maybe it's becuase I'm always running around doing something, and that's why I have no Energy. NO it's from school : )

WellI must be going. Oh ya and I'm all caught up, I'm very happy about that. Okay must go
Love always

Monday, January 12, 2004 4:36 PM CST

AAhh one day down four more to go. : ) School was good as usual, with listening to stuff, and then trying to remember it. Anyway the same ol same ol.

I got to talk to the nurse of Dr.Meyer's, radiation doctor, who looked at my arm. She felt that it was a little more dense then normal, so a different doctor will look at it tomorrow, seeing that mine is out for the week, I think.

Anyway I got to talk to Mary too, from the U. I asked all my questions and got them all answered. I finished my chemo pill last Thursday and I will start again next Monday the 19th. I will continue to take this during radiation seeing that they work together. I am to get my blood taken once a week to make sure my hemoglobin stays above 10. They want it too while I'm doing radiation. I'm good with higher levels anyway, otherwise I get headaches, and headaches are a bad thing. Oh I haven't had a headache in a while, Knock on Wood, "Knock Knock" : ) Dr.Neglia is looking at my Chest CT that I got when I was down in the ER, and compare it too the one awhile ago. He was going to look at that today.

So I'm glad I got that out of the way. I'm all full of answers now, I don't know what to do with them : )

One more test tomorrow morning and i will be caught up with the old stuff. I total bombed on one of the questions on this mornings test. I did the wrong thing. Oh well I hope I did fine on the rest of it to make up for the dumb mistake.

OooOo, my dad just brought a package in from the mail. Let me see what it is.............It's from none other then the bestest, and my most favoritest camp in the world. It's a great sweatshirt. I love it. Thank you tons. There so great.

Okay that's about enough for today. I'm out of here.
Thanks for always stopping and leaving notes, I don't know what I would do without them. Love you all
With Love

Sunday, January 11, 2004 7:55 PM CST

I can't believe that it's Sunday already, and it's back to school tomorrow. Gosh time goes by so fast. That's why it's so critical to enjoy each minute of each day because there will never be a January 11 of 2004 ever again in a life time. Isn't that weird to think about. I mean if you sit back for one minute and not do anything, that minute that goes by you will never get back again. It will never happen again. I don't know I think it's weird.

Today was good. I went to visit Jake in the hospital but when I got there he was already discharged, that was fast.

I am finishing up some homework tonight, and studying for one of my tests that i"m going in early for tomorrow morning. Then one more Tuesday morning and i will be caught up, so I should finsih on time again with the class. The third quarter will be one of my easier quarter, which I'm glad about because I need a little break for a little while.

I'm still taking pain meds every couple of days for my back, which is still bothering me a little. I hope that gets better with more radiation.

"All glory comes from daring to begin." -Anonymous

With Love

Saturday, January 10, 2004 8:01 PM CST

Gosh sorry for not updating yesterday. I swear, I came home and didn't move.

Yesterday I got a Gov't test out of the way, two quizs, and then another test. Plus our presentation done for Human Anat. So I am liking that. I still have a couple of things to get down with on monday and TUesday mornings. I went to my radiation and then had to stop at my sister's house for a visit. I have this picture of Brittany and I from Christmas and I love it, so look for it soon to be on here. Anyway I came home ate, and was back out the door for the boys basketball game which they lost by 1 point. But it was a good game. I came home and didn't move for the rest of the night.

This morning I was up early for a Saturday because we headed down to the Science Museum, for a forensic thing, and body stuff, which was pretty cool. We also say the Lewis and Clark adventure. I got to see the beginning of the Ice palce here, and were planning on coming back when it's done. It will be really nice.

I have something that's bothering me on my left arm, towards mt wrist. I'm not sure what it is. I know it was bothering me back when I was in the hospital, which was before Christmas. They couldn't feel anything last time and didn't think much of it, but would it still be hurting? Now I feel a little bump under there. It's in my muscle, not the bone. I mean it's tender, and hurtful to the touch. So I'm not sure what's up with that.

Could you again say a little prayer for Jake one of my friends, who broke his ankle at a wrestling match and had surgery tonight. Were going down to see him tomorrow.

So that is about it for today. I am so tired again I may not move for the rest of the night again.

Have a great weekend, or a Sunday.

Thursday, January 8, 2004 9:43 PM CST

I totally forgot to write on here. But this is going to fast and short. I have homework to do yet tonight and a test to study for.

I'm doing good, with things getting back into order around here. It's starting to feel like a normal life a little bit besides the driving to St.Cloud every day. But it's becoming part of my day, so I'm use to it.

The bug has finally caught my mom. She is down and out. I though she wouldn't get it, but low and behold she woke up this morning not feeling so well and as soon as my dad come home, she was off to bed. I don't know what she is going to do tomorrow, with kids still coming. I can help in the morning for a little. I come home for first block for my first class, Child Development, on Monday and Wednesday's but becuase of Christmas is was Friday this week, and it's my last time seeing the qaurter ends next week friday.

Well this has been to long already. I must go, sorry about it. I will catch up with you tomorrow.
With Love

Wednesday, January 7, 2004 5:47 PM CST

I'm pooped, I could curl up and do nothing for the rest of the night, but unfortunatly I can't do that. I am still packing in the homwork for things that have to be done. The quarter ends next Friday, so I have to make sure I have all the tests and quizes made up by then. It's kind of hard making them up because I can't stay after school any days because I have to be down in St.Cloud by 3:45, and that doesn't leave me anytime. So I'm working with mornings to make things up. So lately I have been going in a little earlier to catch up on things. so I'm pooped out.

Radiation continues to go well. Nothing new with that, no mishaps like the other day. I have only two days left with my chemo pills, counting today, so I'm glad about that. It's always good to get rid of 4 pills that need to be taken.

Last night I was doing homework and I was bending over to get something from the ground and my muscle went into a total spasm. Oh did it hurt. It's like my insides were stuck between a rib and it would let go. It hurt for a good 10 minutes off and on. I have had it once before, but boy do they hurt.

"Footprints on the sands of time are not made by sitting down" -Anonymous Did I say this one already? I can't remember.

As always

Tuesday, January 6, 2004 4:44 PM CST

Well what can I say, I have a cold, boring life today. Not really much going on. School was pretty mellow, which was good, so I could catch up more, and that is less that I have to do at home and tonight.

They got the radiation set straight today which was very good. I don't need any little scares like that again. They said they have three different machines that won't let them go if things aren't in place, so that is really good to know.

I'm feeling pretty good, which is very good. I like feeling good. That's the way it's suppose to be.

Gosh I'm just having a bad day for writing, I don't have anything interesting.

Well this will just have to be a short entry. You have to have those every now and then.

Stay cool : )

Monday, January 5, 2004 4:52 PM CST

It is COLD, COLD, COLD, no let me reprase that, it's FREEZING out. This morning my hands were all tingle from walking into school, because they were so cold. Then when school was out, the car is freezing, when only arriving for radiation does it get to a nice warm temp inside.

School was good, but boy was it hard to get up this morning. I woke up and said it's still night time, because it's so dark. But finally I rolled out and got my butt moving.

I still have a few things to catch up on, seeing that they didn't give it all to me, so it will be a couple of days with a lot of homework.

Today in radiation it was kind of scary becuase they have a metal thing that they put over the machine to bend the beam, and they do it from two different angles, always using the metal shield. Well on the second angle, I was all like, umm don't have to put that up there? The machine wouldn't start with out it up there, so I'm glad to know that it's set to how I have it and they can't give it to me any different way.

Tonight it's books and staying warm. I wear my jacket around the house, even though it's 71 degrees.

Well I will be running. The headaches have been very good, but I still have some pain in my back, but it will get better.

Have a great day, and stay warm

Sunday, January 4, 2004 9:20 PM CST

I can't believe it's Sunday night already. It's back to school tomorrow. It will be good to get back, except for the homework, that's the only thing I don't like about school.

Today was a good day, and easy day compared to yesterday. It was spent at home and not the ER. I went to a friends house for the packer football game, just to watch, I really didn't mind who won. I can't believe though that the packers pulled it off.

Anyway I'm feeling pretty good today, with really no complaints. I actually really don't know what to say today.

I'm almost done with my chemo pills, like 5 days left of them, and then a week off. Then if the doc says keep going then I start up again for another 21 days.

Gosh I really don't know what to say so instead of bore you I will let you go.

Please say prayer for Ashely who needs some.

Hope you all had a great weekend, and a nice break.
With Love

Saturday, January 3, 2004 8:02 PM CST

There's nothing like spending the afternoon in the Emergency Room. I started off my morning by coughing up blood, which didn't stop, so I called and was told to come down ASAP, so my mom and I hit the road, and were down in the cities in no time. I had lots of blood taken, and x-ray, and a chest CT but they were unable to find anything, so they think it's because of the radiation. I am to continue with it and keep watching as to what comes up. So were finally home as of 10 minutes ago. So I am way tired. I was laying in the bed, and looking at the doctors and nurses passing giving them their rolls as if they were on the show ER. This ER was way more calm then the show ER. There's nothing like a good ol scare, that gets everyone worked up, but it's all okay in the end. The blood was good, the scans were good, or the same as they were the last time, and I was out.

Last night for my mom's birthday we all went out to My aunts love bingo and on your birthday you get to play free, so I tagged along, seeing that I can play now. No big winners though, but we all had lots of fun. I plan on going again, I think it's kind of funny. We also had a nice dinner with my brother and his wife before. We all enjoyed each other's company.

Well I'm back on the "Take it easy" list again. But I never follow that, but this time I may have too seeing that tomorrow is my last day off, and then it's back to reality, icky. : ( It's back to school. I don't even want to say the word.

Anyway I am off to take a shower, after the ER I feel icky, and then a movie, with nothing to exciting happening, except for taking it easy.

"Never put off what you can do today"
Love you always.

Thursday, January 1, 2004 6:38 PM CST

HAPPY 2004 New Year!!!!!!
Can you believe it's here and the midnight has gone. Well it's a new year and new year to start fresh.

The friend's houses were great. I hung out with friends and had fun. Today I was up by 10 but didn't actually get out of bed until 2:00 and that's because someone was here, so I had too : ) It was my aunt and uncle, my mom's sister. They were here to visit and then had dinner with us. It was great seeing them and then tomorrow I will see my aunt again along with another aunt. My aunt's, my mom, and I are going out to have fun, for my mom's birthday tomorrow. I will let you know what we do, but I am off age to do it now so I'm going to tag along.

I talked with my radiation doctor yesterday, I meet with him once a week, and he talked about how he set everything up. When they shot the radiation in, they put a plate over the machine so that they can make the radiation go where they want it to go. Also he is giving me small doses because of where he has to radiate. It's going to overlap some of the area he did last time. Also he was able to make the route away from my spine which is good, but it's now going to hit my esophagus, I know that's close in how to spell it. Anyway he said he's really HOPING that I don't develop scar tissue from the radiation on my esophagus because then they would have to go put a stent, I'm not sure if that's that way you spell it or not. It's something to keep air way open, because the scaring will push it in and close it up, so the doctor and everyone else are hoping they don't have to do that. It would involve in a surgery. He would also like to give me more radiation then he can but he's going to look into it. Okay I dont know if that all came out right, or if it's all there, but if you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask, i would be happy to answer them. So for this new year can you all HOPE that everything works out with it.

Thanks for always sticking by my side. I can always count on all of you for cheering up, and lately I have been needing it.

So lets start the new year off with having fun, so go have fun.
With love
p.s. Very funny Sharon, I get it BON fire : ) I really didn't know that's what it was. : )

Wednesday, December 31, 2003 12:35 AM CST

Well what do I say today. It's a cold sunny day here in Minnesota, well at least in Albany it's cold and sunny.

I'm still hammering away at the homework which will get down sometime. I go in for radiation again as you know but this time I am heading into St.Cloud to go to the big sale for bath and body. My sister said there's some pretty good deals. So I think I may have to hit on that. I'm going for the vanilla bean noel, which smells outstanding.

Today I have a headache again but it's not as bad as they have been. I still have to play around with my meds to find a good time to take them, what anitnausea pill to take with it, what pill to take for my headache, all without making me go wack.

Last night I was reliving how when I first went to my first chemo, Jody telling me that I would have about 9 months of chemo, but it would work out to be about a year when everything was said and done. Now I think back, and saying, wow I wish it was a year instead of 4. How Jody said it was going to get long, and become hard, well she said it, it has gotten long and become hard. But that won't stand in my way.

Tonight I'm going to a couple friends house for New Years. Can you believe another year is behind us. Let this new year be a great year.
With Love

Tuesday, December 30, 2003 5:47 PM CST

The headaches are getting so much better. I just have them ever so often instead of all the time. I'm very happy about that. I think I have the nasua under control to from my chemo pills. So things are rolling, or at least they are today.

Another day of radiation under the belt. I will be going 5 times a week, so lots of driving back and forth, but at least it's not down to the cities for a 5 minute treatment. So I'm glad I am able to get it up here.

I'm hammering away at the homework. Which is becoming less everyday.

I have new pictures up if you want to check them out. I think they are cute. I have a really good one of my sister but she wouldn't let me put it on so I won't.

I can't believe that tomorrow is already New Years Eve. It's going so fast.

Gosh I don't have very much to say today. I'm stummed. Let's see, I really can't think of anything.

so I will let it be with that.
"Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm." -Ralph Waldo Emerson
With Love

Monday, December 29, 2003 4:36 PM CST

The first round of radiation is in and I pray that it's going to do the job. I was laying on the table waiting, and it's so weird I hear the nose of buzzer going off saying that the radiation beam is going in, Yet I don't feel or see anything. But there is thosands of radio active waves going into my body, but I can't feel them, I can't see them. I think it's so weird. how does a person know anything is going in. I don't know it's just weird.

Anyway my headaches are on good terms again. They seem to be getting better every day now. I asked the docs down in the cities and they think, my back pain, headaches and things are all linked together. They said that as radiation goes on that everything should get better. And they want to have St.Cloud to get a scan of my back on my right side. Gosh if it's not one thing it's another. So I will have a scan sometime here in the very near future.

I had my counts taken today and they are very good. WBC 4.7, Plt 116,000, Hbg 12.2 and ANC 3.7, so very good.

Now onto tomorrow, with another round of radation. I will have it for 6 weeks straight, which is about the same amount I had the first time.

Well that's it for another entry. I hope your all well. You all mean so much to me.
Wtih Love

Sunday, December 28, 2003 6:38 PM CST

This is the first day, the first hour where I didn't have a headache. Only for a little bit but I didn't have a headache. And guess what I did with that time...... I did homework!!!! I'm such a dedicated student : )

Today I went out to a nice lunch with my mom and dad and had spaghetii and meatballs. But when I was full it didn't look like I had even touched it. There was so much food. It was really good though.

Last night was again another tough night for me. Just because I had pain from my waist up. My chest hurt, my head hurt, my back hurt on both sides, so things started to scare me. Then you know me and my thinking. None of that led to any good thinking. It seems like lately things have just been stressing me out with this cancer stuff. I try so hard to always look up and I will always look up, but sometimes. I always look to a better day the next day and it's all I can do.

Anyway tomorrow starts my first day of radiation, and like the 8 day on the chemo pill. So things better be dying in there, that's all I have to say.

Well I must run. I will talk to you tomorrow.
With Love

Saturday, December 27, 2003 9:59 AM CST

I can't believe that vacation is half over, and I think I'm still sick. I am going to be talking to the doctors on Monday so I will have to bring it up. And you know it could all be from the Temodar (sp) that's the chemo pill I'm taking. But if this is how I'm going to be feeling for 21 days out of the month , then that kind of blows. Anyway I try and do things though, even though I'm not feeling well. Just because if I stay laying all the time I will get depressed and I don't want that to happen. Even though I have never been depressed.

Anyway yesterday my mom and I went shopping, wow was it busy in St.Cloud. People drive where they want to drive and park where ever there's room, so it was kind of icky down there, but we hit some sals so that was good.

I went to my appointment yesterday for radiation thing, and yes I think it is the, IGRT (image, guided radiation therapy. So everything is set now and I start Monday for 6 weeks.

Oh Christmas day finished up well. I got some great presents and we had a nice dinner with just my mom, dad, and I. I forget what we did that night though.

I have to jump on the homework wagon soon. I have lots of it. I mean I have been wanting to do it but it's hard when you have a pounding headache and your trying to think about stuff, that sometimes you really don't care about. Not that any of my homework I don't care about : ) Anyway I just have to start doing it.

Well I think it has gotten long enough, so I will let you go. Hope your all well and still have a great holiday season.

Thursday, December 25, 2003 9:57 AM CST


What a great Christmas eve. My sister and her family come along to church with us last night and it was full. We came back here and had a great night with great company, food, and presents. It was all good.

This morning it's my mom and I for awhile. My dad had to work, but he will be coming home later for dinner and a little gift opening. But I don't need anything then what I already have. I am living for Christmas 2003, and i Hope to live many more. My mom and I plan on to watch the Parade this morning wich starts any minute.

I have to tell you this little story quick. I wrote one of my residents doctors and he wrote back last night. He is now a doctor, doctor. Anyway he is moving to Sartell which is where my sister lives and I live like 20 minutes from there. Oh he is one of my favorite doctors, that's why I'm excited. Okay then he said that he accepted a job at CentraCare which is where I am getting radiation right now. Small world. So I am happy about that.

Okay the parade is starting so I am going to run. I hope you have an Outstanding Christmas Day with your family and friends. And you who can't be with them, they are in your hearts.
"May your dreams come true"
with Love

Wednesday, December 24, 2003 1:05 PM CST

Just a quick note to say Hi. Hope your Christmas Eve is going well and I hope you have lots of fun. My sister is coming tonight to get together. It will be lots of fun.

I was heading down the homework road and well I have no energy now. I need to put a little dent in that before it is next Sunday and I don't have anything done. I am hoping to be all caught up when I come back, except for some tests and quizes.

Anyway have a great Christmas Eve with family and friends.

Love always

Tuesday, December 23, 2003 6:45 PM CST

Today one of my dreams came true when I got to bring down the presents for the kids on Christmas day. I was so happy to do it and really I felt so good and wish I could do so much more, and I will sometime. My dad came along down with me, and I got to be little elf for a little bit. Anyway I got to meet a patient who has osteo and has only one round of chemo left. That's way cool. Anyway I had a great time. And Thank you Sharon for bringing more movies, it is very kind of you : )

Well the headaches continue and I would really like to know what is up with them. I mean is this suppose to last this long? I will have to ask my doc.

I called St.Cloud for my radiation and I go back Friday for another scan and then I start radiation on Monday. I'm glad things are moving, because I don't want things to go to long without anything. I am on the chemo pill though so I hope things are being taken care of in there.

Tomorrow should be some what of a quiet day here. There are only going to be 3 daycare kids coming. Then tomorrow night were all going to church and I'm not sure if my sister is coming or not. I can't believe Christmas is right around the corner, like really.

Well I still have presents to wrap so I must run.

"Chirstmas is more then just presents, it's about new life."

Love all

Monday, December 22, 2003 6:15 PM CST

What one day does for a person is really amazing. I am much better today, still not my best but better then yesterday. You know it could be, like people have been saying, a combo of my chemo pill and just being run down. you would think though that with all my sleeping all the time I would be catching up but I guess not yet.

Anyway today I got to do something that i have wanted to do for the longest time. Because of Silver Lining I got to go out and buy presents for kids that will be in on Christmas. So it won't be so bad being in there if you get a present, so I hope it brings some cheer to there day. I think I'm bringing the gifts down tomorrow, for them to put by the door or in the room or whatever Christmas eve and then they will get the gifts Christmas day. I had lots of fun doing it too. I liked buying for the little babies, and little kids. I got this little Gopher football jersey. I like it. So I am pooped out again but I'm good this time.

Anyway for some reason last night was a hard night for me. I just many thoughts running through my mind that scare an 18 year old, well would scare anyone for that matter. I am not sure why but things are just emotional at times. I mean I just can't help myself but to cry, it's weird. I don't know if it's because I'm not feeling well and it's just being dumped on me or what. I don't know, but I deal with it the best I can.

So that is about it for me. I must run and try and get some gifts wrapped.

"A minute's success pays the failure of years." -Robert Browning

With Love

Sunday, December 21, 2003 7:41 PM CST

What a night. Christmas last night with my family was lots of fun with family. Great company, food, presents, and games. We play the pickle game each year. We hide a pickle in the Christmas tree and then you have to find it. We have been doing it for a while now. I got some really cool things from my aunt and uncle. My uncle went to China and brought back some awesome things, like a jewerly case, pearls, a chess set. and some other great things. LIke I said Christmas was great.

Anyway my mom made a fantastic turkey dinner, with everything and the best dressing ever. Everything was perfect. And the even better part I was feeling great.

Well for feeling great last night I paid for it today. I have been down all day today, with headaches and not keeping things down. I don't know why either. Does the flu hang on this long? I sure would like to know. I mean I feel like I was in the hospital, and you know that wasn't good. I have been laying in bed pretty much all day.

So sorry for such and icky update but I guess I tell it how it is. Well I hope I'm getting over this. Anyway I kind of have to go lay down again.

I hope tomorrow brings a better day.

Friday, December 19, 2003 9:40 PM CST

Sorry this is so late. I have been busy all day, well not busy, but you know what I mean. I have been sleeping a lot and doing homework when I'm not sleeping.

Tomorrow were having Christmas here for my dads side. So I am busy helping my mom get things ready and I'm excited about cooking, I'm probably the only one excited about cooking.

Things are still not 100% in me. I am still not hold things down very well. Lunch was back up after a half hour but so far dinner has stayed down. Then I'm still having the headaches but I don't need to tell you that. It's getting better though.

I got my chemo pills today. It's four pills that I have to take once a day. The pharmacy put each day in a different bottle for me. Because I have to take like 2 35mg, 1 10mg and 1 5mg, and you can't mess it up so they did it for me. Plus it's not something you want to mess up either.

Well I am kind of tired right now so I think I'm heading to bed early or at least go lay down.

Hope you have a safe and fun weekend.
Love all

Thursday, December 18, 2003 10:03 AM CST

UPDATE: Well it's me again. Today went pretty well. I went to St.Cloud for my scan that was suppose to be on Monday but I got it done today. Now I wait for a call from them to tell me when to come for radiation. Then Jody called and said that she has my chemo pill in route and on the way through that mail. So I start taking that as soon as it comes for 21 days and then 1 week off. Then my doctor will decided what to do after that.

My headaches still come on off and on but it's nothing like it has been, thank goodness. I have some stronger meds to take care of my headaches but I'm sleeping with in minutes after I take them, but hey if it takes them away, it works.

I am slowly but surely working on my homework. I have plenty of it. My human Anat teacher stopped by and said it would help all he could to catch me up in that, so that's very helpful.

The plan is for me to rest up a little more seeing that i'm still kind of weak. So it will be lots of naps and movies, magazines, books, looking at the department 56 dickens village or whatever. So I am actually off to rest some more.
I'm out

Well I finally busted out of there last night. So I was in my own bed resting well last night. The docs took me off the IV fluid and if I kept things down then they would let me go. I pretty just said I'm leaving and had my ride coming before they actually said I could go.

Now I really really know who gets to read my website. Some of the docs came in and said that "oh so no doctors read your website" I was busted, oh well.

I'm not going to write much, I'm pretty tired. I was maybe going to go back to school tomorrow, but one of my teachers said it's all over school, and well I don't want to end up back there again.

I will fill you in more later. Thanks for all the prayers and thoughts. They mean a lot.

Wednesday, December 17, 2003 1:51 PM CST

Amy again says HI from the Fairview Inn.

After a tough day yesterday she feels much improvement today, in fact enough improvement she might be able to go home today or tomorrow. Yesterday was one of those lousy days, getting sick, severe headaches, and tired.

After getting a leg massage, a treatment for being restricted to the bed all day, she started to perk up late last night. She had some wild rice soup that seemed to agree with her stomach.

Many of the patients on the 5th floor including Amy’s, put up Christmas Lights in their room the other day. They seem to bring a smile to everyone’s face. Nothing like a little holiday cheer as medicine.

Hoping Amy can come home soon!

Amy’s Family and Friends

Monday, December 15, 2003 4:21 PM CST

Amy say's HI to everyone hoping you had a good weekend of shopping for the Holidays.

She is still resting comfortably a the Fairview Inn. She was told she as the full blown flu virus which will take 7-10 days to kick. She as not been feeling very well at all, headaches and getting sick, icky indeed.

She did however have a visitor today, her name was Sharon, who has been following this website. She said Sharon was really a day brightner and they had a nice visit. Amy wished she could have visited a little longer but she just did not feel good. Amy's say's thanks for the visit.

Keep up all the positive comments and prayers. I think she should be able to go home soon!

Amy's Friends and Family

Saturday, December 13, 2003 5:23 PM CST

Hey everyone, it's me updating from the fairview Inn. The cause of the headaches is still undetermined because my head CT was fine. So they are trying to see why I am having so many headaches. They get pretty bad at times.

Anyway I was down here thursday afternoon for my scans and one of the nurses in clinic looked at me and said lets take your temp for giggles, well it was 101.6 that pretty much said "Amy would you like to check in" So my doctor came to see me and I was up on the floor within 10 minutes. They have me on some fluid and antibotics. I have an icky cough as well.

You know what I now know who reads this from the hosptial and who doesn't. Pretty much everyone on the floor knew about my little fever that I had Tuesday night. Merilee wanted to tape my journal from that day on the docs door, thanks Merilee, : ) ANyway I'm here now getting better.

Well my headache is starting to come on a little stronger now. So I have to run, and go lay down. Thanks for all the thoughts.
With Love

Saturday, December 13, 2003 5:23 PM CST

Hey everyone, it's me updating from the fairview Inn. The cause of the headaches is still undetermined because my head CT was fine. So they are trying to see why I am having so many headaches. They get pretty bad at times.

Anyway I was down here thursday afternoon for my scans and one of the nurses in clinic looked at me and said lets take your temp for giggles, well it was 101.6 that pretty much said "Amy would you like to check in" So my doctor came to see me and I was up on the floor within 10 minutes. They have me on some fluid and antibotics. I have an icky cough as well.

You know what I now know who reads this from the hosptial and who doesn't. Pretty much everyone on the floor knew about my little fever that I had Tuesday night. Merilee wanted to tape my journal from that day on the docs door, thanks Merilee, : ) ANyway I'm here now getting better.

Well my headache is starting to come on a little stronger now. So I have to run, and go lay down. Thanks for all the thoughts.
With Love

Friday, December 12, 2003 10:50 PM CST

Hi Everyone
Sorry that this is a little late. Amy is still in the hospital. She is feeling better and her fever is down. Her headaches are still pretty intense. They took another CT to check her sinus area. They think this may be the cause of her headaches. She is still waiting on her chest x-ray results. She said to tell you that she is taking it easy and is resting up because tomorrow Mom and Dad are bringing fresh clothes and HOMEWORK! No rest for Amy. She is thinking her stay shouldn't be too long, but long enough to catch up on news from her friends on 5B. She is also very excited because she has christmas lights in her room compliments of Laura. Thanks, Laura! Until the next update, take care everyone. Thanks for the support.
Love, Amy's Family and Friends

Friday, December 12, 2003 7:14 AM CST

Hello Everyone, its frosty and cold here in Minnesota today, a cool -5 this morning. BRRRRRRR....

Amy checked into the hospital yesterday, she just was not feeling very well, hopefully it is just a terrible winter cold and will run its course in a few days. Anyway lets hope she gets better soon as Christmas is just around the corner. Amy hoped to update her website again later today some time.

Amy's Family and Friends

December 10 2003, 4:48 CST

Oh if you don't like icky stuff you probably don't want to read this part. Today in Human Anat, we disected Pig hearts. Wow was that gross but no one in my group really wanted to touch it so I took charged and cut it open and the teacher said I did a good job at it too. Anyway we found all the valves, ventricals, aorta and things. It was pretty cool. You have to go into thinking it's not gross because if you don't then you will never touch it, if your ever going to be disecting a pig heart in your life : )

Anyway Last night I was in bed by 8:30, and this is the part that can't get to my doctors, they don't read this, or at least I don't think they do, anyway I had a fever last night of 100.9 and I'm suppose to call if it's above 100.5 so, that wasn't good, but I knew my counts were fine and I would just go to bed and get some rest. By this morning the fever was gone, so it's good. I still have my headaches but what else is new. My throat is still hurting when I cough, and I really don't know when tomorrow I am going to the cities and if i am. I called but one person wasn't there and the other I paged but she didn't answer so I will call tomorrow morning.

So that's all I really have now. It's so cold here, but we didn't get any snow like the cities got, so I am glad about that.

Oh one more thing Silver Lining Ranch just called and it was Jen : ) and everyone sends lots of love and Hugs : )

So got to run, I will let you know how tomorrow goes.

Tuesday, December 9, 2003 7:45 PM CST

Some good news has finally come. They should be able to do radiation. It's right above the spot they did last time, and he thinks that it should be fine, but I have to get a CT scan and a PET scan at St.Cloud on Thursday. So things are on the roll again and I like it better. Also on Thursday when I'm done at St.Cloud I move onto the cities in for the afternoon, to get a head CT. I have been having headaches all the time and tylenol isn't working. They just pound, and it's all the time. I also think I'm sick, it's been going around my mom's daycare for kid to kid, then parents to parents. I thought I was out but I still have a hump to get over right now.

I am feeling better about how everything is working right now. Oh I will also start on the chemo pill for 21 days. I will have radiation for 6 weeks total, and they have to watch my spine and thoart because radiation may hit it.

Tonight I went to the Holy Family Christmas Program which a friend and I go to every year because we graduated from there and I still know Taylor Beth, so I go see her too.

Sorry but right now I have to go lay down. I will have to let you know tomorrow what we do in Human Anat. You will think it's gross. But anyway I have to go sleep.

Monday, December 8, 2003 4:31 PM CST

Well it's the radiation doctor tomorrow at 2:30 and hopefully it brings news that I will be able to get radiation. Dr.Neglia called and he wants me to start on a different chemo which I am all for. This is so the other tumors stay in control and don't start anything new. So it's a pill that I take for 21 days and then off for a little bit and then back on during radiation. Everything will be determined tomorrow with how many treatments ext. They will have to check my counts during this time and then in the beginning of January I will go back for scans and check-up. Dr.Neglia said that this is getting harder to treat because we get one area under control and then a new spot starts to act up. But he said as long as I'm doing well with it and keeping the attitude that I have that we will keep trucking along and trying to figure out a way to cure this.

Last night after watching Tori on T.V. tears started to flow. Why do kids or anyone have to go through this. This is one of very very few times where the future scares me, I don't know what it holds. I so badly want to be done with this and only go back for check ups. 4 years is a long time to keep a positive attitude about things when they never seem to go right, but you can sure bet that I will continue to have it. It's my only sure hope of beating this. And all of you help it keeping my attitude up. Thanks

Anyway I will let you know how tomorrow goes when I get home.

Sunday, December 7, 2003 6:18 PM CST

What a great weekend. Saturday I went and finally got my eair pierced and it didn't hurt at all. Of course I did put Emla on to numb it up first but hey if I have it why not use it, right. St.Cloud was pretty busy as it always is right before Christmas. Anyway then last night there was a mass for my uncle in Holdingford and later we went to my aunts house to visit for a while. I came home took a pain pill put the T.V. on the timer and was out within 10 minutes. Then during the night I woke up to rolling over remotes : )

Today we went down to the cities and went to the big mall, the Mall of America and had lunch at the rainforest. Guess what I had the Volcano, and big brownie, icecream, hot fudge,and carmel dessert. Was it good. With my mom, dad, and I we couldn't finish it. We also ran over to Marshal Fields to the Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory display that they have this year. It was a fun day and now I have to hit the homework that has to get done.

I answer you questions Jeanine, they are pretty sure it's osteosarcoma, because it has the shape and it has always been osteoscarcoma that they find. Also my surgon doctor is the best. He is one of three in the worldthat can do the surgery that I had before, the big one, and one I may need again. Ask away : )

I'm doing better then the other day but still am kind of scared as to whats going to happen. I need to trust that things are going to be okay and that they are coming up with what is best.

Thank you again for all the support and prayers I'm sure they will come into play if they already haven't. I will be here tomorrow.
Love always

Sunday, December 7, 2003 6:18 PM CST

What a great weekend. Saturday I went and finally got my eair pierced and it didn't hurt at all. Of course I did put Emla on to numb it up first but hey if I have it why not use it, right. St.Cloud was pretty busy as it always is right before Christmas. Anyway then last night there was a mass for my uncle in Holdingford and later we went to my aunts house to visit for a while. I came home took a pain pill put the T.V. on the timer and was out within 10 minutes. Then during the night I woke up to rolling over remotes : )

Today we went down to the cities and went to the big mall, the Mall of America and had lunch at the rainforest. Guess what I had the Volcano, and big brownie, icecream, hot fudge,and carmel dessert. Was it good. With my mom, dad, and I we couldn't finish it. We also ran over to Marshal Fields to the Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory display that they have this year. It was a fun day and now I have to hit the homework that has to get done.

I'm doing better then the other day but still am kind of scared as to whats going to happen. I need to trust that things are going to be okay and that they are coming up with what is best.

Thank you again for all the support and prayers I'm sure they will come into play if they already haven't. I will be here tomorrow.
Love always

Friday, December 5, 2003 3:40 PM CST

Now there is something on the plate. Dr.Neglia called but I wasn't here to talk to him. He called 10 minutes to early, I was still in school. Anyway he talked to my mom who isn't very good at handling things so I like to tell her what I know myself. Anyway Dr. Maddaus looked at my scans and he doesn't feel very good about doing surgery. So on Tuesday I am going to see Dr.Meyer's in St.Cloud about radiation. and will see where it goes from there. Dr.Neglia also what's to start me on another chemo as well along with the radiation. So like I said there is food on the plate and now I need to see how it tastes.

This all right now is making me kind of emotional. Dr. Maddaus can't do surgery so that eliminates one option that would take it out. Now if I can't do radiation because I have had to much in that spot that eliminates that option and that really doesn't leave me with very much. So please can you say prayers, my chances are in the low. My bucket is getting down there, but I won't give up though.

Dr.Neglia is going to call tomorrow to talk to me or my dad, so I really want to talk to him. Then I will find out about what chemo he is thinking about.

On the positive note, I got my letter coat today, I have always wanted one and I finally said just get it, so I did. Tonight is another girls basketball game. And tomorrow I'm getting my cartilage pierced on my ear. I'm going in with some friends, so I will have to let you know how that goes.

Please please God help me out in this fight. I need you know more then ever. And please everyone can you say a little prayer for something to be found to kill this.

I'm going to restate my quote that has been said before, "NEVER GIVE UP"

Thursday, December 4, 2003 5:55 PM CST

I'm pooped, I could fall asleep right now and not wake up until tomorrow morning. I need to have one of my sleep in in the mornings, which I should get this weekend.

Can you believe that I have been in school now for a straight month without missing a day. That's pretty good for me, I'm always at least gone a day but so far I haven't missed one, thank you very much. : )

Well I'm going back to not saying when anyone is going to call or when I'm doing anything with the doctor because as you can tell I got no call, so whatever. Things much have gotten busy. I feel so bad telling you guys that "oh I'm gonig to here from then tomorrow, and then tomorrow, and the next day, and then it never comes, so sorry about that. I will let you know whenever I find something out myself.

Tonight is another basketball game which I'm heading out too. I have to tape the good shows tonight and then watch them another day.

Last night I was on a thinking rage again when I was suppose to be going to sleep. I was thinking about the future as always. And the thing is who ever knows if they are going to have a future. I hope I have a chance at having a future. I think I'm doing this because there has been so much time where I don't have anwsers and then I think about what's going to happen when really I don't know. That's why I think it's good to find things out right away so that you can get in the frame of mind of doing whatever you need to do. Like having surgery, if I had to wait like 2 to 3 weeks before I had a surgery and I knew I was going to have it, I would go nuts. I would scare myslef way to much and get all worked up. So I rather get it over with.

Okay that's enough of my rambling. I will talk/type to you later.

"We will either find a way, or make one" -Hannibale

Love tons

Wednesday, December 3, 2003 5:04 PM CST

Finally something, it's not very much but it's something. Dr.Maddaus looked and is going to look again today and tonight. Dr.Neglia gets back from where ever he was and they will connect tonight and then I will find out tomorrow what will be happening. Thank goodness for something. So the ball is rolling and on the move.

Gosh I was so caught up in that news that I forgot everything that i was going to tell you.

Oh I got into Concordia Moorhead for college, so now i have to pick from two for sure. So I'm happy about that.

I went to go visit Jill, one of my friends, at work. She was a very good waitress : )

I'm feeling so good right now. My counts are way up, and it's like there is nothing wrong when I have to come back to reality and deal with it all. But for those few moments when I was living it up and not worrying about anything in the world, all the memories, and what's happening now flooded my mind with thoughts. So for that little while I felt on top of the world, and I loved that feeling. I hope to have those feelings some day, and I will have those feelings some day, just not today. It's like I said in my poem, that star in the distance has not yet arrived but the day will come when I can say I survived.

Live each day out for all the kids who have died from cancer who didn't get the chance to live out all there days.


Tuesday, December 2, 2003 3:50 PM CST

Good very cold day to everyone. It's so cold here and it's not even the worst of it yet. I think I'm cold blooded, like all my blood is cold, I'm always cold. The only time I'm warm is in the morning when I have been under covers the whole night.

I won't even say it today, "No news" sshhh I didn't say that : )

Last night I took one of my heavy dutie pain pills. My back in the same area was killing. You know where I was getting PT done on it. I'm not doing PT anymore, because I can do everything on my own now. And part or most of the reason it's hurting is because that's where the tumor is and it's pushing on it so that's why it hurts a lot at times. So every 4-5 days I take a pain pill to keep the pain down, and it helps.

School was good. We only had half a day because it's mid quarter, can you believe it were half way done with the second quarter. And get this next week the senior class is getting measured for caps and gowns for graduating, aaaahhhh, I'm just a kid though. It's going so fast. Where does the time go. I think it's because this year I have only missed less then 10 days of school and that was only for going down for chemo. This is the most I have been in school since 7th grade. I have been in and out of school since 8th grade, missing everything that I was suppose to be with, so it feels good to be in school with friends, for weeks at a time instead of days at a time.

Also today we had a school lock down drill. That is in case of a person brining in a gun. So now everyone knows what to do. It's scary that we have to think about that. You know that the Rocori is only like 10 minutes away from where I live and go to school. So you never know what will happen.

Well I will let you know anything when I find out.
Thanks for the continued support, even when I'm not in for chemo right now and waiting for news.

- "it's not about what we want or don’t want to do; it's all about what we have to do to give her the best chance to beat this." -Michael M. (Olivia S.'s dad)
Love it and it's so powerful and so true. It's not want we want to do it's what we have to do, as cancer patinets.

Love all

Monday, December 1, 2003 11:38 AM CST

UPDATE: Well as usual I don't know anything. No one called so I have to trust that things are happening, and I do trust that I'm in good hands.

My dad got me a ginerbread kit today. I love making them and I plan on doing it one of first days I have off from school. I am also going to look into getting a train kit too, it will be a whole town with transportation : )

Tonight I went to Scooters swimming lessons again and he did great. He jumps in the water all by himself now. He's pretty cute.

Well that's all I really know, besides that I'm an ice cube right now. I'm freezing. I have to go sit in front of the heater now.
Love all

I'm sitting here not knowing what to do so I will talk to you guys for a little while.

The party at my brother's house was fun with doing all kinds of stuff. Last night I watched The Lord of the Rings, the two towers. I have never seen that before so it was really good. At the end I was all, "That's it", but see the good thing is that I don't have to wait long to see the next one seeing that it is coming out very soon.

I have been intrusting in God lots, that he is taking care of things inside while I am not getting chemo. That he is my chemo and making it stop. I need his help and your help with prayers. Your prayers are powerful things seeing that it got me this far and they will help me make it to the end when I'm cancer free.

I had the weirdest dream this morning at like 3:00. Jody was in it and I was at the clinic and she came up to me and said "I think I have it, a way to cure you" and then she gave me a big hug. So I hope that means good things. Dreams happen for a reason and I'm taking that as a good one.

Well I must run, I will write more later whent he good ol' doc calls.

With Love

Sunday, November 30, 2003 8:20 AM CST

Good Morning everyone. Wow it seems like I have written on here for a couple days and it was only yesterday.

Well things are going well inside and out. I'm feeling really good, better then ever. My leg is working out really good. I have been shopping with it on lately, walking around stores and things. It's going really well. Yesterday I was working on my scrapebooking stuff and got a few more pages done. Then in the after noon we ran into St.Cloud for a little more shopping. We also went out to dinner too. So yesterday was all and all a good day.

Today I'm headed to my brother's house for a little party his wife is having. A friend is coming along and were going to leave a little early so that we can go and play. : ) He has a hot tube that needs using and. And I love water so it works out well. I'll be leaving in like an hour.

Gosh not knowing what's going to happen in your life is a little nerve racking. I'm sitting in the hands of my doctor and other doctors. Doctors save lives everyday just because they have gone to school longer and know so much stuff. So all you doctors out there, thanks for saving lives. I will be awaiting my phone call tomorrow to find out any news as to what is going to happen. Because right now I'm a week behind in getting chemo. I should have had it last week, and this week, so nothing better be going on in there. I pray that nothing will go on in there, and that God will be my chemo right now keeping things under control while I wait for some answers.

"Live what life you have"
With Love

Friday, November 28, 2003 3:27 PM CST

Hope you all had a Awesome Thanksgiving!!! We all went out to Dinner and I ate really good turkey. Later on we went to my sister's house and spent the rest of they day. But before that I went shopping, and got some Christmas gifts and found a great buy on jeans so well you know me, it was in the cart.

Today has been a great day. I got 4 good news things in a matter of minutes. 1, I got a scholarship thing that i can fill out for cancer survivors, 2 I got a letter from Van and his wife, 3 I got accepted into St.Cloud State for college next year, and 4 my scans have been unchanged from the last time. There was a little activity in the upper left hand side but that's where the growth is so my doctor wasn't surprised and neither was I so it was good news. So It's been a good day, with good news. Dr.Neglia is going out of town Tuesday so he is going to work on Dr.Maddaus first thing Monday morning, so things are still rolling with that. So all in all I think it's been a really good day.

Gosh that pretty much summed up the day to now. I'm not sure if were going to run into St.Cloud again tonight, it's really busy though I'm sure. My sister was up at 5:00 at the shopping mall and there were people 3/4 through the parking lot. So it's not my kind of shopping day.

Okay I hope you all have a great day and I will be back with more good news some time.
Love you all

Wednesday, November 26, 2003 6:08 PM CST

Well I guess I have to start over, I had this long entry and I was going to spell check it and it all went away. That shows me for spell checking so now there will be lots of spelling errors for awhile.

So lets start again. I have the scans done and ready to read. Dr.Neglia is going to look that them tonight and then I have to call him on Friday to find some things out. Dr.Maddaus is on vacation so that's why he hasn't been getting back. But his nurses are making him come in and look at my scans, so things are on the road with that. Dr.Neglia still thinks that he may not want to do it because it's wrapped around veins that supple my brain blood. And at a point Neglia said "I didn't need those" but was followed up with "well you do need those" So will see where that one heads. Dr. Neglia gave me a CD with my scans on it, and i was trying to look at them but can figure out how to look at them. I have an apple computer and lots of things don't work with apple. There for Dr. Meyers though, he's the St.Cloud radiation doctor that I see when I need radiation. Maybe I wasn't suppose to be able to look at them. Who knows we will let it where it is.

I was talking to some of my nurses both from clinic and the hospital and they said it's a miracle that I'm even here. There have been so many times where I was put in the corner and I worked my way out. I remember a long time ago, before I had this website, that one of my tumors was crushing my esophagus and they need to put something down there to stop it from doing it and prolong my life, well that was 2 years ago and they never had to do that. There have been many times where I was put in the corner and had to decide what I wanted to do and I said fight. There are lots of time where the doctors didn't think that things may turn out differently then they did. My big surgery for example. I was suppose to be in the peds ICU for 3 or 4 days and I was there less then a day. I was suppose to be in the hospital for 2 weeks, I left in 5 days. So through this all I think I have become stronger, or at least i Hope I have.

I got to see Laura and her mom, Merilee, in clinic. Laura was in for a picker upper with blood and platelets. I love seeing them. I also got to see Boaphon, I have no idea how to spell her name, but anyway she has her last chemo next week. I'm excited for here. I also got to see a lot of my favorite nurses, which was nice.

Well this has gotton pretty long, sorry about that. If I am not able to stop in tomorrow I hope you all have a Happy Thanksgiving. Eat lots of turkey and then take a nap.

"Give thanks for what you have and not for what you don't have"
With Love

Tuesday, November 25, 2003 4:26 PM CST

Finally something to go by. Tomorrow I'm going in for Bone Scan, to see where things are at and if any has spread to the bone. Please think good thoughts and pray that none of this nasty stuff has gone to my bones. I really don't need that right now. I have to deal with one thing and then move onto the next one but no cancer on the bone would be great.

For some reason right now I feel so strong in my fight. I have my mind set and it's not looking back. I have the will and strength to go on and win. I will go to the ends of the earth to win this battle, and I will reach my goal, with hopefully prayers from all of you, which I know I can count on, thanks so much. I will make it. It's so going down.

The tests went well. I think I did good on all of them, well I know I did good on them, because I knew the answers so when you know that it's a pretty good guess that I have them right. I have a nice little break from school which will be nice and I can get over my cold, which is good besides blowing my nose every 5 minutes, then washing my heads every 6 minutes.

Okay so I will be heading through Maple Grove at like 11:30, so you should all be at work by then, so don't worry. I will maybe in traffic on the way home though : )

Well I must run and not go and do homework. I don't have any homework over break with is awesome.

"You may be disappointed if you fail, but you are doomed if you don't try." -Beverly Sills
With love

Monday, November 24, 2003 4:51 PM CST

It was nice to sleep in a little this morning. School was running two hours late. I knew already Sunday night so that was good, I knew I didn't have to get up at the normal time. We got like 7 inches all together, but not as bad as other people got.

Well you can guess it I don't know anything yet. So I'm not going to wait by the phone anymore, I'll just wait for the call doing whatever.

Tomorrow I have 3 tests, which is so nice of the teachers to do. They all want to get it out of the way which I can't blame them, so I will be busy studying tonight.

Our village is coming along. All we need to do is put the people and things up and then my favorite part is throw the snow on it all. It looks so awesome at night when it's all lit up. I have a piece in my room, my mom and dad have some in there room and then there is some on the top of our hutch in the dinning room. Then the big huge one in the living room, that's the best one.

Well Seeing that i don't know anything else and need to hit the books I will be talking to you tomorrow.
With Love

Sunday, November 23, 2003 11:32 AM CST

Well I'm pretty sure my mom and I are snowed in for the day. My dad is at work so hopefully he will be able to make it home. Anyway like I said Friday it's being dumped on us, and winter is here to stay.

Well today is going to be a homework and study day. On Tuesday I have a couple tests to get down before the big Thanksgiving break, which I'm looking forward too.

I got a bunch of movies yesterday and had lots of fun picking them out too. All teen DVD's so that they can watch movies too. Because right now they only have little kid movies, so this works out good.

I have been feeling really good. I think I have a start of a cold. Not a bad cold but a old fashion cold. It's kind of weird I have been sick but I haven't had a cold in awhile.

Gosh I really don't have anything else to say. Let me think.......You know I'm having a brain freeze. Maybe it's all the snow.

Well if I think of anything later I will let you know. I don't know if you saw but I have my new pictures on here , so you may want to check them out.

Stay safe in all the snow.
With Love

Friday, November 21, 2003 4:28 PM CST

Still don't know any news. Elisa called but people were out of there offices, people were running around all day and some people were in the O.R. so nothing was really done today. Not a big deal but Monday she said she would have some answers for me.

I'm going to enjoy my weekend and have some fun. Tonight I think Catherine and I are going to our school play and then some friends are coming over afterwards. It will be fun. One of my friends gets weird with Mt. Dew so who knows what will happen with her. It will be fun.

Tomorrow I'm going shopping for movies on DVD for the hospital. I am going to buy around lots of them for the older teens becasue they really only have little kids movies. I get to do this because of my wonderful camp who has helped in this process. Everyone says thank you.

Were suppose to get like a foot of snow this weekend and then some other station said were going to get 2 feet of snow. Very intersting. Who knows what will happen but I will let you know. Some stations have even said that this won't be forgotten. Which means lots.

I'm feeling pretty good. Nothing to say. I am happy to be alive as I'm sure all you are.

Have a safe and fun weekend

Thursday, November 20, 2003 4:17 PM CST

Plans have been changed and I won't be going in for chemo next week Wednesday. Dr. Joe has decided to hold off on that for now. Dr. Madduas hasn't gotten back to him yet either so I'm kind of at a stand still. I can't tell you where what is going. So for now I will have fun.

Wow this morning I woke up with my throat hurting kind of bad. It's really really dry and has been all day including now. I'm not sure if that's a lead to something. I don't know. Or I'm getting run down again. I have been running a lot and doing lots of school activities. Who knows about me sometimes. I have unexplained things happen or hurt, but doesn't everyone once and awhile.

My counts were going today and back on track to where they are suppose to be. I won't bother you with the numbers, there good.

I think I did pretty good one my big Human Anat. test today, or at least I hope I did good. Then it's med terms tomorrow. I love that class.

Lets see what else is interesting. Is there anything ever interesting. Sorry for not getting the pictures up yet. It may take a day or two yet. I have studying to do tonight and survivor. I mean who can miss survivor. I'm sure lots of you. : )

Well seeing that this is cutting into studying time I must run.
Be positive

Wednesday, November 19, 2003 6:41 PM CST

Am I full. We had Chinese tonight, one of my favorite.

My dad and I had to go into St.Cloud for a school thing I'm looking at. Which I have to say I have all my college Apps in and on there way. I also have some scholarship stuff in the mail that is in transit right now. So I'm glad I have all that done. Now I wait to see where I get into and then I will pick where I want to go.

Today went well, same ol. My stocks are doing good, some up some down. The one that is heading in a down fall is Toy's R Us which I thought would be up for the Christmas season but I guess not right now.

Last night was a thinking night. I thought of the future. Which isn't good because I don't know what's going to happen in the future. I was thinking of if I would have surgery what would happen, how it would be the same major surgery that I had last time. Just thoughts that scared me so much. I can't do that. I have to cross those bridges when they come and live my life now in the present time. But it's hard sometime not to think about what's ahead.

Anyway please continue to pray that it shrinks. And also Tori, she's part of my second family, had surgery today. Pray that she is recovering easily at the Fairview Inn. Also Laura who is in for chemo.

Thanks for everything, and for listening when I need it the most.

"The first blow is half the battle" -Oliver Goldsmith
Love all

Tuesday, November 18, 2003 3:40 PM CST

Well the plan is in action. I'm going in next Wednesday for a Bone Scan and chemo. I will continue to do chemo because it's working on the others and hopefully it will start working on the one that's growing. So I should see Dr. Neglia sometime next week after he talks to Dr. Maddaus, the surgery doctor. He's going to look at my scans and see what he thinks. Dr. Neglia said though that he more then likely won't want to touch it just because it's wrapped around a vein that's important. This is a little scary for me because it's getting into the territory of not being able to do surgery on it, which means I can't get it out, so I have to pray hard that the chemo works otherwise, I don't want to think of what's going to happen after that. But I will leave that for down the road, because you know what this drug I'm getting now WILL work, we will have a little talk : )

Anyway it was a good day as usual. I'm looking at the bright side of things. Which is all I can do now. There's no point in feeling bad, it's not going to do anything so I look at the good.

Swimming lessons last night was fun. Scooter did awesome. I wanted to jump right in with him.

I will work on getting some of my pictures up from Dawn of a Dream. I actually didn't take that many, so I will pick the good ones.

Thanks for listening, sometimes I just need someone to listen, and your doing it.
With Love

Monday, November 17, 2003 5:48 PM CST

Another day that I'm alive and living. I love life and am happy to live it.

Well today went pretty good. Nothing to exciting happening, it is only school : )

I went in to have my counts taken and my Hbg is 13.9, plt. 53,000, WBC 19.0, no more shots now. Everything is looking great and right on track. At least something is what it's suppose to be.

I had my PT again today and she said it's getting loser and I think so to.

Also Elisa called, she's basically a doctor, anyway I asked if this could be from stress and she said for sure, so I think this bump on my back is from stress. So I need to take it down a notch, me down a notch, ya right. NO no, I need to take deep breaths and let things go. Anyway I asked how much that spot has grown and it "was" 3.0 by 3.5 by 5.5, and is "now" 3.6 by 5.3 by 6.0 so it has grown a lot and that's not good. I had a bunch of other questions for her and she's going to ask my doctor about them and get back to me tomorrow.

I don't know where I'm going from here but I know I will take it on head on and with 110ffort.

Total forgot yesterday was Brittany's 13th birthday, shes my niece, and the best one ever. Anyway we went to her house and had a little party for her, it was lots of fun.

And tonight I'm going to Scooters, daycare kid, swimming lessons which will be great. He's 4 years old and it will be fun.

"Things could always be worse"

Again that's for lifting my spirits, I need them right now.
With love always

Sunday, November 16, 2003 9:36 AM CST

Good morning everyone.

Well Friday after my not what I wanted news, I went out with friends and had a good time. We went to see Texas Chain saw Massacre. What a movie. I was sitting half way in my friends seat pretty much the whole movie. I think the people in the theater thought we were nuts. Anyway it was scary but lots of fun.

I'm all better today. I have moved on and geared myself up for fighting this next bump and getting across another bridge. I have done it before and I will do it again. I have to look at the good side of it all. It's hard to but it's all I can do right now. I have to look at that the other spots didn't grown and that the one that did it didn't grown out of hand. So that drug I was on had to have been doing something. I have to look at that I have a great doctor who's not giving up on me and finding new things.

Fighting cancer is no easy thing, but there are ways to make it easier. By having a good attitude and not pulling yourself down anytime something bad happens. I still have the will, the drive, the determination, and the attitude to beat this thing. I'm not going away at any means.

You know I always say that I'm going to fight harder, but how do you fight cancer? The drugs I get fights the cancer. Not total, that's only half the battle. It's in the mind. You have to be willing to take all the crap, go with the flow when bad things happen. Have the attitude to make bad things into somewhat good things. Looking at the good side of things. Trying to put humor into it all. And the most of all trying to keep a smile on your face. So fighting cancer is not just getting the medications that you or I need, but it's keeping all the other things in your mind.

I WILL beat this. I WILL win. I WILL overcome what it's doing to me. I WILL be a fighter.

"The other side of the stone always shows something different".
Love always

p.s. thank you for the wonderful messages, they all mean so much and all the prayers will pay off.

Friday, November 14, 2003 5:01 PM CST

UPDATE: WHY WON'T IT JUST GO AWAY. Well I got the call that I knew what was coming. It's growing again. The spot in my upper left lob is on the move and it's wrapped around major veins. The other spots are staying stable, but this one needs to be taken care of and my doctor doesn't know if my surgeon doctor will do the surgery just becasue of where it is. And if he can it will be another one of those I don't know if I will come out a live. Why is this happening, what have I done. I fight so hard and it keeps coming back. I will fight even harder then normal, but please stop growing. My doctor will talk with some other doctors to see what they think, and he's going to talk with the radiation doctor to see if I would be able to get radiation. I have had radiation on both sids and you can only get so much radiation, so who knows about that. I will be getting a Bone scan next week sometime to look at things on the bones. I knew it was back, I had the feelings and the feelings are pretty dead on everytime. This is going to have to stop sometime. Each time it comes back or grows makes my chances go down a little more. I want ever chance, I have so much more to do with my life. My doctor told me that he's still heading for a cure of it, and I thank him very much for it. He will never know how much he means to me. He's keeping me alive. He has spent the day going over my history and looking at chemos that I have had and haven't. He has to talk with some other doctors and see what they say. He said he has some more things up his sleeve and will pull them out when it's a good time.

The funny thing is, is that there really isn't any tears. I have become so use to it coming back. It's been my life.

Please pray that one day it will go away and I can live my life helping. Please God help me.

I'm still waiting for the call. It's gut wrenching. I'm waiting for good news saying that everything is working the way it's suppose to.

I'm going to a movie tonight with some friends, so it will take my mind off things.

Anyway I will update more when I find out. You will be one of the first ones to know the good news.

Thursday, November 13, 2003 8:56 PM CST

Well this is going to be quick. First I have no scan results. My doc wasn't able to look at them today, so he will call tomorrow when I get home from school.

Second, I got platlets because they were 10,000, and blood, so I only got home at 8:00. It has been a long long day.

Third I'm so tired that I think I'm sick. So I am actually going to try and go to sleep right now. I will tape my shows and watch them later.

That's all I can right for now. My back is hurting, I'm tired and need to go to bed and rest.

Sorry for a short and kind of icky update. I will update tomorrow after the good call I get. : ) Think positive

Wednesday, November 12, 2003 4:38 PM CST

Well another day that went well, I guess.

This morning I was tired and couldn't get myself out of bed but had to because I had a NHS meeting at 7:30. Then we watched a 45 minute movie in my first class and wow did the eye lids get heavy. I made it through the class though.

Anyway after school I went to have my PT and that knot, I think, is almost, if not gone. It doesn't hurt anymore like it did before.

So tomorrow is my scans. I really really really hope that they are fine. I have good feelings that everything will be good and I will continue with the miracle drug. I pray hard for that, to keep going in the right direction with no bumps that come in the way.

so tomorrow I'm heading to my first class then leaving early to head for the cities. Aren't I such a good student. I will be in school for a little over an hour and I'm going. Now if that isn't good, I don't know what is : )

Okay I'm heading out of here. Hope your all well.

"One's real life is often the life that one does not lead." -Oscar Wilde

Love all

Tuesday, November 11, 2003 5:49 PM CST

Another day that were alive.

Today was a good day, with not much happening. It was a pretty normal day, with school, listening and then forgetting what was said. I have to pay attention more.

For Gov't we are doing a Stock buying and selling thing.
Does anyone know any good stocks to invest in right now, that would make lots of money over a 8 week period? It would be much helpful.

Thursday I am going down for scans. My doc would like to have them now. He's going to try and have them read that day and then come talk to me. I may have to get some platlets when I'm down there. Which if it goes how it always does, my platlets will be fine and I won't need them. Just watch I bet that's how it happens. It always does.

Lets see not much happening right now. Just small headaches here and there, nothing major though.

Got some homework to do tonight, that needs to get done. So I'm going to get on that now.

"Reality is the other person's idea of how things should be." -John M. Shanahan

Love you all

Monday, November 10, 2003 10:35 AM CST

I'm in Human Anat right now and were doing nothing. We have a sub so that pretty much takes up the time of doing nothing. So I came to talk to you guys.

Feeling pretty good. I get dizzy though when I stand up from a sitting postion. So maybe the blood is getting a little low,who knows. I am getting my blood taken during lunch and then right after school I'm going back to have PT. Hopefully that works out the knot in my back. They tummy is acting up a little but not bad at all. Which is a good thing.

Yesterday I recovered from the night before and did a little homework. It wasn't a rough day at all. I watched Finding Nemo. I love that movie. IF you haven't seen it,I recommend it very much so. Very good movie for both adults and children,well duh for children : )

Lets see what else. I have the next two weeks off to get stronger and healthier. Does look right, that word looks wrong. Anyway I don't have chemo now for two weeks, so that will be good. I can go on with somewhat of a "normal" life for two weeks at least.

Last night was kind of weird. Like I know i have cancer, I have had it for more then 4 years, but then I was thinking, "I have Cancer". I think about everything I have done to try and beat it. It's weird how that feeling just came on. Because I know I have it an everything, but it was just like I have cancer. A deadly diesase. It's the weird things that keep me on my toes.

Well I must go. The teacher calls.
"Always pray for those in need"
With Love

Sunday, November 9, 2003 1:12 PM CST

I am all partied out. I had a blast last night. It was so much fun, with friends and people who are like family to me. There was lots of talking, having fun, and enjoying everything.

I got my hair done yesterday morning and it turned out GREAT, or at least I loved it. Have no fear I have a picture that I will put on here. I got dress at like 3:00 for my ride at 4:00 Thanks a whole bunch to Juli and John Evers for letting me come with you and helping out lots : ) I was Juli's daughter for the night. Oh and guess what I wore my leg. It was my first time in public with it. It felt pretty weird, but it worked well until it made lots of noises and I took it off. But I wore it so I am happy with that.

I was feeling great last night with no nothing happening. No headache, no tummy ache, no nothing. I felt great and it showed.

So anyway the dinner was good, and one of my favorite parts was when they were auctioning things off. It was fun to listen too.

I sat with Tori and her family. Tori is just like a little sister to me. Tori invited me to come along with her and her family. She was the butterfly winner this year and it looked great. Thanks Doll face for letting me come with you. We all had a great time. Everyone looked very pretty.

Jill, Tori, and I went up on stage to try and raise more money and it worked. When we were standing up there they raised 230,000 dollars. Wow, amazing. It was so great to see. We talked to get people to give more and it seemed to work. Anyway that was lots of fun.

I got to see lots of doctors and nurses. The one person I didn't get to see was my doctor. I wanted to see him in his tux. I heard he looked very nice.

Anyway I the night ended with dancing. Lots of fun. I had a blast and was happy to go this year and be apart of it, because I missed mine last year because of being in the hospital. So last night was awesome. It couldn't have been better.

Well this is getting kind of long so I will let you go. Tonight I start my shots, i was suppose to do it last night but I got home way to late.

Now I will go. "Conscience is the inner voice that warns us somebody may be looking" -Henry Louis Mencken

With Love

Friday, November 7, 2003 11:36 AM CST

Well I'm here dearing my lunch break because all my friends left to go to the volleyball game, and I couldn't go, : ( My mom and dad said no because I would have been up all night tonight and then tomorrow as well, so now I'm sad. I will get over it. Another time.

Right now I'm feeling fine with no headaches, no tummyaches, no nothing. Oh maybe, I mean maybe just a little tired but I don't know if even that.

There is like no one in school today because everyone left. Maybe then we won't do anything in any other classes. That would be nice.

I got to write my cousin who is in Iraq last night and he's doing good. It's in the 60s right now and he's running in a 10k race.

I'm getting my hair done Saturday before the big gala. I will put picutes on here when I'm all prettied up. Yes I know that's not a word. I'm still debating if I'm going to wear my leg. I will see how it goes today when I get home and things.

Well I really don't know anything else at the moment. So I will run.

Have a fabo weekend.
Love all

Thursday, November 6, 2003 5:59 PM CST

Well I'm back and tired. It didn't really hit me until after dinner. Well maybe I'm tired because I"m full. That happiness. Anyway I will take it easy and watch Must See T.V. along with Survivor.

Today went well. I got some answers and taking care of things stuff done. One my shoulder is most likely a muscle knot which I will be getting PT for on Monday and to follow. They want to try and work it out with certain exercises and massage. Which I am all for because I really want it out. Hopefully it works. Two I should be getting scans before I start my next round in two weeks. It's been two months since my last ones. So that will be good.

The chemo went well. So far the only thing is that I'm tired and I knew that was going to happen.

I'm not going to the Volleyball game tomorrow with my friends because it may be to much right now. Since I"m going down on Saturday anyway for Dawn of a Dream which Tori (Doll Face) is bring me, Jill, and some other people. It will be a fun night. Do you guys think I should wear my leg? I'm not sure yet, I want to, but I don't know yet. Jody wants to dance with me. I got to talk to her today. And I got to see one of my nurses Casey, who I have seen in over a year. He has been in Hawaii, and California being a nurse. I told him, whenever I'm in he has to fly back to take care of me. He's awesome.

I'm getting my Christmas present as I type. We have 85 and above pieces of Department 56 Dickens village, that we have set up ever since I got cancer and that's all I wanted for Christmas so my mom and dad are setting it up for me. I love it. So I put Christmas music in yesterday to get into the mood for a while. It may have been a little early for that but whatever.

I am going to try and get a little homework done before I park it for the night. Again thanks for always coming back and helping me through all this. I really couldn't have done it without all the positive notes you leave. It makes me live each day, and makes me fight harder and longer. So thank you for helping keep me alive: )

"I have learned to use the word impossible with the greatest caution" -Wernher von Braun I like this one. I never say impossible. I will achieve it somehow. Like beating cancer. Some people say my condition is impossible to cure, seeing how long it's been and how many times it has come back, but I don't see it as impossible. I see it as a challenge in life that I need to face with pride, character, willingness, determination and attitude. It's a bumpy road but I will make it to smooth surfaces, someday, not today and not tomorrow, but someday. I will wait until that time comes to the best of my ability to keep a smile on my face.

Love you all very much

Wednesday, November 5, 2003 11:35 AM CST

Hey everyone, I have 10 minutes to kill so I will write a little update.

Things are going well for me. Still taking Tylenol for some pain but I am only taking half the dose right now so hopfully I can shake it off.

School is going well right now. I had to spit in tubes for Human Anat and find out how much Carbs. were in it. It was weird but fun I guess. It's better then listening to a teacher talk the whole time.

I am off to the cities again tomorrow, but my dad is coming with this time. He has the day off. It will be another round of chemo, but hopefully it's doing it's job. And I hope I don't get sick this time. Because our Volleyball team is in state right now and I would like to go to that.

I have been enjoying these couple days here, before things break lose again. I have to take the good days and do everything that I can because I never know when I am going to have a good day again.

Well the bell is about to ring so I must run.

Love ya all

Tuesday, November 4, 2003 7:10 PM CST

Well I have been busy ever since I left school. Guess what I did today for the first time??? I voted on a levy thing in our town. That was pretty cool. I was the leader of friends because none of them wanted to go first, so I went and did it. I had to register first, that's what no one knew what to do.

Anyway I ran home and then my dad and I were off to St.Cloud to get my leg fixed once again, but that's to be expected. It's fitting better again. I have been walking with nothing, so basically walking. It's pretty wired. I feel lost without my crutches.

And I went to get my Licensed renewed. My hair was a big mess and I tried to use snow to make it look wet because it looks better wet. It didn't work so well.

Well I have been taking Tylenol for my pain in my back and that seems to be taking off the edge and letting me have a better nights rest. I will be asking about all this on Thursday.

The new classes are going okay. I'm sure I have to get into them. The only different classes this quarter is Child Development, and Accounting. I'm still taking the second half of Human Anat, and Gov't.

Thanks for listening again as you always do. Your all great.

"It is a golden rule not to judge men by their opinions but rather by what their opinions make of them." -Georg Christoph lichtenberg

Love ya all

Monday, November 3, 2003 9:56 AM CST

Today brings a little better day. I made sure to get on the Tylenol right away which is taking some edge off my headache. It's still there but a little better with the medicines.

Yesterday I pretty much slept the whole day which was very good for me. I needed that and I need this day today for a little extra which I'm thankful for.

My back has been starting to hurt again, which makes me a little nervous. It's where the bump is on my left shoulder. And at night my lower back is hurting and is actually waking me up. I'm not sure what's going on with that. I would feel so much better with scans taken.

It's so hard right now because I don't know what's going on inside. I want to know but that only way is scans. I have my gut feelings, and sometimes those scare me, because most of the time they are right. Cancer is a very scary thing, physically and mentally, as you already know. Sometimes thoughts are even worse.

Anyway, I hope today goes a little better then yesterday. I pray for it.

"Fortune does not change men; it unmasks them." -Suzanne Necker

With Love

Sunday, November 2, 2003 11:30 AM CST

Today has brought not a very good day. It pretty much started yesterday afternoon.

I am starting to have my headaches which actually are coming on strong. Yesterday I had some lunch later on in the day but by night it had come back up, and I was just laying around. I went to bed early last night because I wasn't feeling good at all.

This morning it's not much different. I am still having my headaches which are the same as yesterday, an uneasy tummy, and am very tired. So right now it's going down hill. I'm going to try ever so hard to go back up hill.

I'm glad that tomorrow we have a day off from school. So I will have one extra day to recover before going back.

Right now I'm pretty much hanging out in bed just laying around. Not doing very much at all.

Sorry for such a icky update today. These days are rare days, so hopefully there aren't anymore for awhile.

I am going to have to let you go. I need to lay down and take it easy.

"Wit makes its own welcome and levels all distinctions" - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Love you all

Friday, October 31, 2003 10:59 AM CST

I have to do this quick. I'm in Human Anat. right now and were looking up disorders. I'm done so I was going to write a quick update.

I'm doing okay. Really tired, headaches, not eating well, or little. All the usual. That's okay I'm use to it so I will stand up and take control.

My birthday cake this year was not ordenary. Okay I know that's not how yous spell it but I don't have time right now. Okay you make a German Choc. cake like the box says. Poke holes all over it and let is sit for like 5 min. Then pour sweet and condensed milk on the top, let seep in. The mix half a jar of Hot fudge and carmal together then pour that on top and let seep in. Then a layer of whip cream topped off with crushed Heath bars. Yum yum Yum. It was great, but fattning. You have to cheet sometimes.

I have a huge knot in my back from doing homework. Looking down all the time while working or being on the computer. That's what Elisa said and she's pretty much a doctor. I have to have someone rub it out becuase it's acutally sticking out. She was a little scared when I said that yesterday. To tell you the truth so was I. Well now I know what it is.

Tonight I'm going to a couple Halloween parties but not to much. I'm not at my 100% anymore.

Oh I got an "A" on my big paper in comp. I was very happy about that. I'm done with this quarter today. I am done with Advanced comp. and forensics. I am going to miss forensics. I liked that class.

Anyway were having a little halloween party after school for the day care kids. I mad graves for them to eat. It will be fun. Oh I am a Vikings fan this year with the horns hat and yellow hair. I have big black lines under my eyes.

Anyway now I must really go. See you all later and have fun trick or treating. Or at least your kids or whoever. Have lots of fun
with Love

Thursday, October 30, 2003 4:46 PM CST

It's been a long day. I was late getting started and then the rain didn't help. I made it down just a little late but it's not like they were waiting for me. Get this I made 5 rounds around the parking lot without finding a spot. It was really busy this time for some reason.

Anyway I got in right away but my both my lines were clotted off at the end so no blood came out. I got TPA for an hour which did the good. During that time I went to see Laura and met some of her friends who are really nice. It was great to meet them. Laura is doing good as well as Merilee. I also stopped up to see Olivia and her mom, bonnie. They were doing good and are hoping to get out Sunday sometime.

I got to see one of my nurses who I haven't seen in awhile, Amy. She's one of my favorite. She's leaving though : ( when I graduate. That's when she graduates too. She's moving onto a job like Jody.

Well I'm very tired right now and I think I am going to go take a nap.

Oh I didn't even tell you. My birthday last night was great with family. I got everything that I wanted. My mom made my favorite meal, turkey sandwitches and the best dress west of the Mississippi. That dress it pretty popular with my family. It was a great birthday.

Okay now I'm going to go take a nap now.

See you all tomorrow.
With Love

Wednesday, October 29, 2003 9:07 AM CST

Hey everyone, I'm in school as you can tell by the time. Or my mom could have let me stay home, ya right like that would have happened. Anyway the day is going great do far. I handed in my comp paper and now it's out of my hands. We have the rest of the time to do homework, which I finished so I'm up here talking to all you great people that I really do love.

My aunt made National news this morning. She was on the Today show. It was pretty cool seeing someone I know.

I'm in the library with Nikki, one of my friends. She's keeping me company. Actually she is looking up brackets for volleyball because they won last night against Melrose. She has nothing else to do either, so were in it together.

Tonight my sister and her family and my brother and his wife are coming over for a little family party.

I'm off to the cities again for another wonderful treatment of chemo. So again I will be on the road and through the Maple Grove area around 8:45ish. : ) Wish me luck!

Well I must get back to doing nothing : ) Hope you have a great day and always pray for all the kids in the hospitals.

I will talk to you later.
Love lots

Tuesday, October 28, 2003 4:40 PM CST

Another day down that will never come back againg.
I was thinking about that today that we will never live October 28 2003 ever again. Never will we live at 4:30 on this day. So it is important to live each day to it's fullest because you will never get this/that day back ever again.

As usual today was no different from yesterday. I am feeling great, the leg is working great, school-great, health great, everything great.

Tonight we are going into St.Cloud so that I can pick out birthday gifts so then I can be surprised tomorrow : ) whatever.

I'm all done with my big paper and I hand it in tomorrow. That will feel good getting of my hands. Also I don't know if I told you but our arm go 60 out of 60. That was another project that I was happy to get done and out of my hands.

Well I'm going to go enjoy the time that I have feeling great right now.

Monday, October 27, 2003 3:49 PM CST

And it's snowing again, actually really hard at times. Ick ick ick.

School was good as usual. Nothing much happening with that.

I'm trying to fit everything in right now while I'm feeling good, before Thursday. The day again to get harsh stuff pumped through my veins. That's okay as long as it does the job.

Gosh I don't have much else to say, that's sad. Well I guess maybe that's a good thing too, because nothing is happening, bad wise I mean.

The leg continues to go well. I'm getting better and better everyday.

Feeling great as you can tell. counts I think are good. I didn't have to get them taken today because they were good last Thursday. I still want to get my cartilage pierced on Wednesday but I don't' know if that's going to happen. One my mom doesn't want me to because the next day I go get chemo. But if I keep it clean that it shouldn't be a problem. I don't know it will take a little talking yet to be for sure. If I can I am going to put emla cream on so I don't feel it as bad. Gosh I'm such a wimp : )

Well that's all I can think of that's interesting. Oh my aunt on my mom's side, sister in-law was one of the winners for the powerball. Very exciting news. My uncle was sending a sign from heaven telling her to have fun and that he's okay. That's what my mom said.

Okay I'm out
Love ya

Sunday, October 26, 2003 11:45 AM CST

No more football games : ( We lost last night in overtime. Was there A LOT of tears going around on and off the field. It was very eerie on our side. No one talked on the way out, it was silent. It was a tough one to lose. Actually there were lots of upsets last night. Almost all the higher ranking teams lost to the low and not even ranked teams. It was weird. But anyway no more fun with football games.

Anyway the funny part about last night was that it was SNOWING, I mean SNOWING. Instead of a blanket to cover up with I brought a sleeping bag and it was nice and warm, I must add. People kind of looked but hey I was warm. : )

Yesterday we stopped at my sisters house and got to watch Survivor, it was a good one. All of them are though. So I was happy to see that.

Last night after the game we went up to the bowling ally as always and this time we actually bowled. It was fun watching. Fun times let me tell you.

Today is going to be a quiet day here. I'm finishing up on homework, my mom is doing something, and my dad is outside putting up Christmas lights so that he doesn't have to do it later when it's 20 below.

Hope you all have a great rest of the weekend and stay warm.
With Love

Friday, October 24, 2003 4:01 PM CDT

It worked and I'm done. The arm did it's thing today and should recive a pretty good grade or it better. I now have that out of the way and am so very happy. It's feels so good to be done with it.

Tonight is the first finals games for volleyball. I think I will go to the beginning of it becuase afterwards it's off to babysit. Have to make money some time. Love babysitting for these kittys though : )

I hope this weekend will be somewhat slow. I am going to try to get ahead of some homework and rest up big time.

Oh did ANYONE see or tape ER last night. I forgot to tape it beause I was at that meeting. I was so mad last night becuase I was looking forward to watching it. Thursday night is like the only night I like to watch t.v. Then Survivor didn't tape so we don't have it, but hopefully my sister has it. She said she taped it but wasn't 100% sure it was on the tape but she was pretty sure. So can anyone fill me in on ER?

Well right now I'm feeling my 100% and it feels great. I love feeling 100%.

Have a wonderful weekend. Have lots of fun.
With Love

Thursday, October 23, 2003 5:59 PM CDT

Another day has come and almost gone. wow today went fast, for me at least.

My counts are great with Hbg at 12.3, Plt. 134,000, Wbc 3.2. Perfect and I don't have to go in on Monday if I don't want to. So everything on that end is going well.

Tonight I'm going to a meeting with my dad. It's for our local watershed. I guess the meetings get pretty interesting and I want to sit in on one, tonight is the night. Gosh I will miss survivor though, I will have to tape it. I'm a big survivor fan as you know.

Lets see what else. Oh I don't know if you saw that I have new pictures on here. There of my best friends and I. My dad took them, and they turned out really well, I think.

There really isn't much else right now. It's down to my boring week, but good week for health. So I like those weeks. When I feel on top of the world and feel somewhat "normal".

Love you all bunches

Wednesday, October 22, 2003 7:51 PM CDT

And the arm is done!!!!!!!!! We got it all worked out, drawings done, and stick things in position. It's set to pick up the egg, dip it in dye and then put it in a cup. I tried doing it, and wow did I freak out. I think if you were a neighbor you would have heard me yell when I almost dropped the egg, oops : ) Anyway it's a load off my back.

Today was another good day but long one for some reason. The Human Anat test went well. I think I did well but what I think and how I actually did are two different things.

I went to see Fred for my leg and got that worked out so it's back on the road of walking.

Ever since I have gotten home I have this pounding headache. I think it's because I'm running low on fuel, or sleep. Last night was not a good night for falling asleep, it took awhile. Don't ever take falling asleep for granted. Wow what it feels to have a good nights rest. Anyway I think it's from that. I mean all I do is run, do homework, help out, and sleep somewhere in there. I think it's going to be early to bed tonight.

Oh the football team won last night 64-21. It was a blow out. We play Sauk Center this Saturday.

Okay that's enough of my rambling on.

"Life is a work of art designed by the one who lives it"

With Love

Tuesday, October 21, 2003 3:53 PM CDT

Well whats up everyone? I don't even know if you guys want me to update during these days. I love doing it, but they really aren't medical things, they're feeling good things. Which I think is good.

So anyway today was another "normal day" Going to school , doing homework, listening to things that I forget 20 minutes later, and hanging out with friends.

Tonight is the big football game again. It's playoffs now. Hopefully they do good.

My leg is going great. I have to go back and see Fred about making it a little smaller. I have been walking around the house with nothing. No crutches or cane. I still limp really bad but it's better then before.

The arm project has it's little things that don't work. So once it's over I will be relieved.

I have a big Human Anat. test tomorrow. So lots of studying is coming up tonight.

Well that's about it for the boring news.
Out of here.
Love ya all

Monday, October 20, 2003 6:01 PM CDT

HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAVANNAH!!!! It's my best friends 18th today.

What a day. I need to just sit for a second. You would think I would be recovered from the long weekend, yah right.

School is back in full swing with test, quizs, projects, and whatever is in the middle. Gosh I'm sorry I'm always talking about school. It's just right now I kind of feel like a "normal" teen, going to school, dealing with lots of homework, I'm not saying I like the homework, : ) but it's better then doing it all on my own. It's going to be my good week now, from today till next Thursday morning when I go down for another dose of the Miracle drug.

My counts are perfect with my WBC at 3.2, Hbg 12.4, no more headaches : ) Plt 72,000, Newts 66%, and ANC 2.2, or something like that. So they are right where they should be for this week.

Our arm turned out pretty good. Thanks Uncle Denny for all the help. We are just making some adjustments with the cables and things. Now hopefully it works. Will need lots of luck for that on Friday.

I asked Elisa today if I could get my cartilage pierced on my ear, for my 18th birthday which is the 29th. My counts would be good and it would be a day before my chemo. She said as long as I keep it clean, but she said had to ask Uncle Joe first, he may have a different view on things : ) as in now you can't. Will see.

Well until next time, will be talken
With Love

Sunday, October 19, 2003 9:42 AM CDT

Can you believe it's Sunday already?!?!? Wow did that vacation go fast. It really wasn't much of a vacation either, but I wasn't in school so it was all good. I have been busy doing fun, boring, and hard stuff.

Yesterday was awesome. Brandon came along with us. He was a great guest to come along. We had fun, even if the Gophers lost, we cheered hard. We even had bubble gum smashing contests with the plastic bopper things we got. It was a fun day.

Today is the big day of building our arm. Hopefully it all comes together. My mom and dad went off to St. Cloud to pick up the things I need. I would have gone with but I have other homework that I need to get done. Plus they know what I all need. I will put a picture of it on here when I'm all done. It will be interesting.

Yesterday and today the headaches are still there. It's better today then yesterday though, so maybe it's on it's way to getting better. I really don't know what's up with them either.

I am writing a big 7 page paper for comp right now. It's on that children/teens should be involved in extracurricular activities. I am making my outline today. I have all my info, now I have to put it together. Wish me luck on that one.

Well I must get cracken. Have a good one.

Friday, October 17, 2003 9:31 PM CDT

Lets see I left this morning at 9:30 and just got home right now. I am tired out big time. I was suppose to be there at 11:00 which I was. It took 2 hours for the type and cross for my blood, and it took an hour for my platelets to come up. But I didn't end up getting my platelets until 1:30. So of course I went visiting. I went and pretty much spent my time in Laura's room doing exercise with her PT person. I said okay if you have to do so will I, so I did.

When I got back to my room I slept, read my book, and did a little homework. And the funny thing is, is that I got 2 units of blood yet I still have a headache, actually a really bad one right now. Maybe it takes a little bit for the blood to take effect. Man my Hbg yesterday was 9.5 and today it was down to 8.8. So if I didn't get blood today by Monday I would have been major low, and would have had a bad weekend. My Platelets also fell.

The drive home was long. I called Auntie Jill on the way home, for a half way home stay awake call. I tried to break it up a little. I made it home just fine though.

Well I am off to go to bed, literary.
Have a good weekend
With Love

Thursday, October 16, 2003 5:41 PM CDT

Boy does it feel good to have a day off. I slept in as long as I could before the kids started to make lots of noise. It felt so good to just sleep for a little while longer.

Oh was it an AWESOME, EXCITING, AMAZING, NAIL BITTING, game last night against Melrose. Both teams were fighting for everything, like their life depended on the game. It was 14 to 14 pretty much the whole game until Melrose scored with like 6 minutes left. So now it was 21 to 14. The crowd got into it like crazy. Albany had the ball on the 15 yard line with 1:30 left. It was 4th and 12 and our quarterback ran it in for a touchdown. Okay now it was 20 to 21 were still losing. Now what, do we go for the win or for the tie. Our coach didn't even make the call, he asked one of the players to. They said were going for the win. They lined up on the line and oh we scored the 2 point conversion. Now were on top 22 to 21 with 1 minute left. They bring in down to the 45ish, through it and we intercepted it. We kneeled the rest of the game and won game. Was it loud at the end of the game.

Wow half my entry was about football.

So today was going well until headaches started to hit. Tylenol was on the menu after that. I got my counts and my Hbg was 9.5, WBC was 15.4, and Plts were 14,000. So tomorrow I am going down for platelets and Dr.Neglia thought it would be good to get some blood as well. So hopefully that will stop the headaches. So once again I will be on the road but it won't be in morning traffic so you don't have to worry you will be at work already. : )

On Saturday were going to the Gopher Football game. I got some tickets from Glen Mason. It will be lots of fun. They play Michigan State.

Well this has gotten long enough. I'm sure your falling asleep by now. So I will let you go.

Love you all

Wednesday, October 15, 2003 4:09 PM CDT

Ah it's Wednesday and I get a four day weekend, I am loving it. Now hopefully I can catch up on my sleep, and get well rested, so that my counts start coming back up.

The headaches are still glooming around. Who knows what's up with that. I have been wheezing A LOT lately and in the morning its terrible. I have been taking Albuterol, which seems to help lots. Thanks goodness for good medicines.

Today in Forensics we did blood things. Know I can figure out what type blood people have. I had lots of fun with it. I love learning that kind of stuff. I am just amazed at the medical field. That's why I hope to go into it some day.

Tonight is the big huge football game against Melrose, our enemies. They have burned our goal post in the past and burned a huge M in the middle of the field. So it's going to be an intense game. Along with who wins the division title. Kiss 96 is going to be broadcasting live there tonight.

Some friends are coming over before and were going to have the best pizza in the world besides frozen pizza.

Well I'm off to have fun and not do homework : ) I will catch ya guys later.
Love ya

Tuesday, October 14, 2003 8:03 PM CDT

Sorry for this being so late in the day. I have been busy. After school I went to babysit right away. And since I got home I have been doing homework, what else : )

I just got finished filling out a scholarship app. so hopefully that goes well.

Today was better then yesterday, which means my WBC went down a little or my extra strength Tylenol helped. I am thinking it's maybe a little of both.

Did I ever tell you that the Silver Lining Foundation is an awesome foundation. That's the camp I went to last summer. If you ever want to donate to them that would be great. I am going to give you their website, because even if you don't donate the website is pretty cool. If you ever have extra time, check it out.

My leg continues to go well. I am actually excited for Thursday to come, 1 because we don't have school, and 2 I get to wear it all day, I still haven't worked up the courage to wear it to school. That's okay I will get there.

I'm listening to the Lion King sound track and it's great. I love the songs on there as well as a lot of other Disney film songs.

"He will send down help from heaven to save me because of his love and his faithfulness." -Psalms 57:3

Well I think I am out of hear. I won't even say what I have to do, you already now : )
With Love always

Monday, October 13, 2003 5:40 PM CDT

Why howdy everyone : )

Today I had to take a quiz from last Thursday in Gov't which I think I did pretty good one, or at least hope. Then after that I was escort for the picking up garbage people, for Environmental Club. Lots of driving back and forth, which was all good.

Today continues with headaches which I found out is from a high White Blood Count (WBC) I am taking my shot now so that's why it's so high but I need to stay on it because they think my counts will still be dropping more. My WBC was 14.3, Plt. 52,000, Hbg 9.8 So now I'm hoping for my WBC to drop a little so that my headache will let up a little.

My appetite still isn't that great. I don't know why though. I get full really fast. Maybe my stomach has just shrunk, who knows.

Last night I was looking up stuff for my paper on Tornadoes and then had a big urge to watch Twister the movie. So I pulled it out and watched for a while before falling asleep. I love that movie.

Okay all you peoples out there I have to hit the books once again. Man I say that everyday. Anyway hope your well. See you tomorrow.
Love lots

Sunday, October 12, 2003 6:51 PM CDT

Well everything was taken care with Caringbridge and it's back up.

I hope everyone is having or had a great weekend. Mine was busy busy busy like I said on Friday. Now today I'm pooped out.

I have still been having my headaches, I'm not sure what's up with that. Food also has not been sitting well with me either. I mean When I went to Space Aliens for a friends birthday I just had French fries and ice cream, and got sick. So not very much is going in right now. Just simple things. My cough has come on full blown again. I think it's just my counts are kind of low and I'm just going through my low stage now. I need to sit.

This afternoon two of my best friends and I took pictures at the park. My dad took them. It was so cool because the sun hadn't been out really today and right when we went down there it came up for pretty much the whole time we took pictures and then went away. So someone was pushing for sun up there. Thanks to whoever it was : ) Anyway I think they turned out good. I will put them on here when we get them back.

I can't believe the weekend is over. It flew by, I mean flew by. There was no time for a little R & R. Oh My partner and I got pretty much most of our arm figured out. How to work it and all. Now we have to build it.

Well that's all I really know now. So hopefully this will post. I guess I will find out in a minute. Anyway I will chat with you later
With Love

Friday, October 10, 2003 4:13 PM CDT

Guess what I wasn't crabby today : ) It was a long day though. This morning I was super tired, nausea, headaches. And that still kind of is continuing, that's okay I will deal with it.

I am loving my leg. I wear it everyday when I get home from school until I go to bed. I want to get a little more comfortable with it before I wear it to school. Did I say this yesterday or the other day. Sorry about that if I did.

School went well, but like I said it was a long day and I'm glad to be home.

Tonight I am heading out to the football game. You are all probably wondering well how can I go to a game when I am feeling like this. Well I'm not going to let this cancer beat me. I will deal with the symptoms and go on with my life. I won't let it win and keep me down. So i will go on living my life by going to the football game and enjoying the company of my friends and having a good time.

This weekend is going to be packed, a little to packed though. I am babysitting all day tomorrow. Then a working on our arm for Human Anat, on Sunday, birthday party for a friend, followed by pictures with my best friends. We didn't take buddy pictures in the studio so my dad is going to take some of us. Like in the trees, swing set, fun things. Hopefully they turn out.

"Just think how happy you would be if you lost everything you have right now, and then got it back again. -Frances Rodman, Love this quote very much. We take things for granite, when we shouldn't but things can be taken away from you faster then you think.

Have a super weekend. Remember that Caringbridge will be down so if I don't update it's all good.

Thanks for continuing to come here. It warms my heart when I read messages in the guest book. They mean so much to me, knowing that there are people out there who care, that take the time to read what I ramble on about. so Thanks for always keeping my head above the water. : )
With Love

Thursday, October 9, 2003 5:00 PM CDT

Well I"m home and that means your free to drive now : )

Now before I forget I got a notice from Caringbridge that on Saturday from 3:00 to 6:00 it will be down and that I may not be able to update for 72 hours after. I am letting you know that if I don't update well I'm sure I will be fine.

Chemo went good. It's pretty much the same ol. I have a headache right now but nothing to bad. I am actually kind of tired right now, like I could sit in bed cuddle up and watch a good movie. I almost wasn't able to get my chemo today. My ANC has to be 1000 and when they did it on the computer it was 1000, exactly, so they counted it by hand, and it was 1100, so I was all good, just a little scare, but it's all good.

I went to visit Laura when I was done. She's doing all right, just tired. We had a little scare with her platelets. She reacted to them and scared the crap out of me and her mom. I stayed to make sure she was all right, and then headed up.

I also got to see on of my all time favorite residents, well he's a senior resident. He was with me pretty much the whole time. I met him 4 years ago, when just a med student. He and his family actually need some prayers. He's going to be a daddy and they have to watch the baby very close right now, it hasn't been born, but they are watching the brain. It may or does have something wrong with the brain, so if you could say some prayers for him, along with Laura.

The drive home got pretty tiring, but I brother called a couple times to make sure I was doing okay and for a keep awake sake. I'm glad to be home and done driving.

I got to see Austin my buddie. He was in for a spinal tap and blood draw. He is doing good. He's so cute, I told him that again today. It was great seeing you Austin and Sara.

So please if you could those people in prayer along with everyone else.
Love lots

Wednesday, October 8, 2003 4:19 PM CDT

Wow, is it an awesome day outside : ) I'm am loving it all.

Well I'm doing good, no complaints, I mean I could make some up if you wanted to? I will stick with that no complaints. : )

Tomorrow it's me and the road again. Should be heading through the Maple Grove area at about 8:45ish. It's my round of chemo again, so now you know what that means. Friday I will try and not be crabby, I am actually going to mention that to the doc and see if people have noticed it before, at least people who admit that they are crabby.

My leg is still going well. I'm still getting use to it, and know I have to see if I can drive with it. You know because I always used my left foot and just crossed it over there but now the leg will be in the way, but I will figure something out. I tried it in the passenger seat and it worked out fine, so will see.

I have got to get on the ball about doing my college apps. I still can't beileve that I have to do this, I'm to big of a kid, but it has to be done. I should start on that tonight.

Well continue to pray formy friends in the hospital. They all need them.

I hope tomorrow goes well, but if not I will cross that bridge when it gets there. There should be no bridge to cross though, it will go just fine.

Love you all lots

Tuesday, October 7, 2003 3:52 PM CDT

Hello all you wonderful people out there. It's great that you came back. Well actually I don't know if you came back, but if you did it's great that your back, : )

Today went better then yesterday. I didn't have the splitting headache but still have a headache just not as bad.

The leg is going good. I can't believe I'm going to say this but last night I tried going to the bathroom with it on and when I sat it popped off. I don't think that's suppose to happen. I will have to learn better next time.

In human Anat. I have to make an arm that moves, picks up an egg, puts it in dye, then put it in it's ending spot. Any ideas as to how to do that? I think I have some but will see how they work out when I actually build it.

Lets see what else. A friend and I went to see our Elementary school teacher again but she wasn't there, again. We will try tomorrow, one more time.

Today we had our big last class picture in High school. We ended up taking it on a jungle gym. I think it will look really cute. Hopefully it turns out.

That's about all for today. Enjoy the awesome weather, it couldn't be better. In the upper 70's, perfect.

Love you all bunches

Monday, October 6, 2003 6:10 PM CDT

Guess what I picked up leg. I have it on right now and have been walking around with it. I am down to a cane already instead of crutches, but that's because I had this for a long time but fell out of using it. Anyway It's on and ready to go.

Today started off terrible. I had a pounding headache this morning and continue through 1st and 2nd block even with extra strength Tylenol. It seemed to have gotten better as the day went on, and now it's a slight headache. I also had a bad morning with nausea. I felt like anything I ate or drank was going to come back up. I kept down a granola, because I thought that's why I had a headache but it wasn't it. That got better as the day went on, thank goodness.

We had to run to Miller Pontiac on the way to get my leg and after. Our car had the service engine soon light on. Well that had to be fixed. The gas tank cap was broken so air was getting in. The part cost $9.00 and the service was $79.00. Wow, but I guess they got the job done and it's fixed so whatever.

Well I am going to work on my leg, and do some homework, so I will let you go.

"Always look for the end of the rainbow, you never know what is at the end."

Have a good one.
Love much

Sunday, October 5, 2003 11:37 AM CDT

Good news, the crabbiness has moved on again for this round, just wait till next Friday again, : ) just kidding

I went to the football game on Friday, Homecoming, and we won. Were 6-0 now. That helped me in my recovering from my crabbiness. I have just slept lots now, and it helps bunches, What a little sleep can do, it works wonders.

Yesterday morning I went to Brandon's football game in Sartell, he has a good little team. They beat the green team which they have lost every game this season but now they finally won.

Today I curled up with my Marry Higgins Clark book and was reading. I love her books. I have to start a paper today, which shouldn't be to bad.

I'm so thankful for this weekend. Because we had tests in Human Anat, and Gov't so therefore I didn't have homework in those classes, then I finished my Forensics on Friday. So I go to sit a little this weekend and rest. Resting is very good.

Thanks for all the up lifting notes, it's just what I need. I'm so glad I can turn to you guys when I need help. And boy do you help, lots. It makes me be stronger, and fight harder. Thanks

Well I think I will let you go for now. I am looking forward to a good day, with smiles, giggles, and laughs.

"Look for the little things in life"
Love always

Friday, October 3, 2003 3:33 PM CDT

You can definatly tell that I just had chemo yesterday. I think with this one I get crabby. I noticed it last time and this time it happened again. I mean I'm not mean or anything but I can tell that I'm not it a fun mood. It's my down day. Then the test in Gov't didn't help. I don't think I did so well on that one. The one in Hum. Anta when well, I think. I have to pick myself up again. Get myself out of this rut.

You can even tell in my entries that I'm not my fun self. It's just blah blah.

I have tons of homework this weekend and I was hoping to rest and recover but there really isn't much time for that.

Well before this gets any more blah I will let you go. Thanks for even reading this and actually coming back to read more.

I will look for a better day tomorrow.
With Love

Thursday, October 2, 2003 4:50 PM CDT

Well I'm home and doing non-other then homework. It's the story of my life these days. I have a big Human Anat. test, and a big Gov't test tomorrow. I have to tell you I'm loving Human Anat. I just find the stuff so interesting. I so very much want to be a nurse, person when I'm older. I want to help, just like the nurses help me.

I got to see Auntie Jill today, that's one of the nurses. I said that one day and she said it was funny, and there is a big huge story behind it. So now I call her that. But anyway she showed me the BMT unit and it was so different then the 5B unit. There were not kids walking in the hall, no noise really. It was kind of weird because there is so much noise on 5B and I love it. I never want to go to an adult floor, I don't know what I would do with myself.

Chemo went fast today. I got to see the big doc and told him that I met him 4 years ago, and he just said wow, it's been awhile. I stared to get a headache on the way home, but shes to be better now.

Lets pray that it was a good start today of the 5th year, for the good chemo. I hope it's killing cells right now, as I type. That would be awesome.

Tomorrow is the Homecoming football game, so I am getting decked out.

Well I must hit the books yet again. I have to open up tonight for Survivor. Yes yes I watch that, it's a great show.

Okay must go.
Love you all tons

Wednesday, October 1, 2003 1:44 PM CDT

Wow, October 1st already. Well 4 years ago today, I was sitting in a doctors office getting the worst news of my life. And look at me today, I'm still dealing with this. 4 years, that's a long time. I remember writing on here last year on October 1st and I thought that this past year would be the year that I would be conquering this crap, but I guess it wasn't meant to be. Well I really hope that this year is a better year for that.

I can still hear the words plan as day. You have a cancer called osteogenicsarcoma, and need to start intense chemo right away. I didn't have time to think about it, I had to do it. I had to fight war.

Over the past year there have been, bad, good, and great times. Hearing that I couldn't receive the new drug anymore was disheartening, and hearing that my scans came back with more growth, was terrifying, but recently getting the news of things looking good and shrinking, is awesome.

I still can't believe that I have cancer. Never in a thousand years did I think it would happen to me. Well it did, and now it's my reality. I deal with it everyday. I may not show it, but on the inside all covered up, it's there, fighting for my life. I mean how many 17 year olds can say that for 4 years they have fought for their life. I know there's some, but not lots.

I don't even look like I have cancer, except for my leg, because I have hair, I go to school, I'm not in the hospital that much, these days, but I sure do go through it all. I still go through, pain, sickness, nausea, headaches. I have full blasts of it, but yet still try to put a smile on my face and make it look easy, but it's hard, its very hard work.

My doctor has kept me alive for the past 4 years. I have to give him lots of credit, if it wasn't for him, who knows where I would be today. But because of him, I'm still here being myself and causing trouble. What trouble, no way.

Well I look forward to a great year and hopefully by this time next year, I will be cancer free. Starting tomorrow with the Miracle drug. It's a good way to start off the year, getting something that's killing those nasty things.

"You don't know what you have until it's taken away from you"

With Love

Tuesday, September 30, 2003 8:11 PM CDT

Well what a day. It's been super busy with school lately. Papers, tests, quizs, they never fail. I just got done finishing up my comp paper. We can hand them in tomorrow or Thursday and I won't be there Thursday. I have to be out the door at 6:30 for the big city. I'm on my own this time. I will definitely be in morning traffic. I will be very careful : )

Today I was suppose to get my leg and bring it home. I tried it on the first time and it fit pretty good, with not much pain at all. I could even walk with nothing, so I could say I walked!!! No crutches, no bars, no can, nothing. I had to take it off and fix a few things and when I put it back on again, lot of air kept getting in and then it doesn't work, and the alignment was off a little, so I had to keep it there again. Next Monday I should be able to bring it home.

We had the famous Chinese take out for dinner, one of my favorites. Egg rolls are the best. I'm sure they are so bad for you, but how can a person eat health 24/7. So I splurged.

Tomorrow is formal day. All my friends want me to wear a dress. I'm not a dress kind of a person though. Maybe I will wear my PJ pants under the dress and a long sleeved shirt on top, because it's freezing in our school. Will see. I may have to bring my camera for that one.

My days will become limited in two days. I won't be at my %100 for a couple weeks. So I am enjoying it now. It's kind of weird, I feel somewhat "normal" Who knows what I will do when I don't need to go to the hospital anymore. I won't know what to do with myself.

Well I have to run. I asked my mom to check my paper and she needs me at the moment.

With Love

Monday, September 29, 2003 8:07 AM CDT

UPDATE: Gees I'm just getting time right now to write on here. It's been busy, but I guess busy keeps me out of trouble. What, I don't get into trouble : ) So school went well. It was a pretty easy day with nothing too exciting. It was PJ day though, so I was living today with my PJs on. It was great. It's homecoming week so each day we dress up. Tomorrow is 100 item day. Oh I will find 100 things.

I just finished my comp paper, and before did a gov't paper. I have papers coming out of my ears. Again it keeps me out of trouble.

I'm still feeling good from this morning. Just tired now that it's the end of the day.

After school some friends and I went back to our old school to visit teachers but our left. So we visited other teachers, which was great. We took a trip down memorie lane. It was so much fun looking at what has changed since we were there.

Well that's pretty much it for today.
I will chat with you tomorrow.
Love all

Sorry I didn't update yesterday. It was a busy day. I had coronation, which turned out great. and I was babysitting. I stayed over night last night, it was all good.

I'm feeling great, I can't complain. I was busy also yesterday doing my homework to make sure I got it done for today. I finished a book and wrote a paper, plus did med terms, we have a test on them today.

I really don't have anything else right now. I will be updating after school. I just had to let you know that I'm still here. I didn't go anywhere.

Have a fun day.
With Love

Friday, September 26, 2003 3:59 PM CDT

Today has been a great day, with smiles, laughs, and everything in between.

Yesterday I was so excited that I forgot to tell you my other good news. Well okay you know how when a new cancer patient goes in they get a set time as to how long everything is going to last, from 1 year to 2 years and so on. Well besides my very first set plan just about 4 years ago, I have never had one through out this whole thing. Well yesterday I got a set plan again. They are going to continue with the Miracle Drug for 6 months then do surgery, to take out what's left. I was so excited about that just because of the fact that I haven't ever had a plan besides the first on. Just more good news.

Tonight is another football game. So far were 4-0. We have a different coach this year. Our last one retired. So hopefully tonight goes well.

School went well today, with nothing to exciting happening. Just that nothing would have dragged this day down.

"Attitude is half the battle"

Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend.

Love everyone

Thursday, September 25, 2003 9:37 AM CDT

P.S. UPDATE: Can you hear me YELLING from the top of my lungs. YYYYAAAHHH, oh and another YYYYAAAAHHHH, I just got the call, I mean just got the call. It's the first good news that I have gotten in a LONG time. The prayers worked, and thank so so very much for them. One of the tumors is staying the same, and the other one got SMALLER. Another yyaahh : ) Did I say smaller, when have I ever said smaller. Dr.Neglia said he was very happy to call this time. Normally he has to call with bad news, but this time it was great news. So I will go back in next Thursday for the "Miracle drug", or at least I hope it's going to be. It did a Miracle already. Thanks so much for the prayers, you say the power today, they worked wonders.
Oh and I have the rest of the pictures on. I will be talking to you later. I have to go call everyone. See, you guys are the very first people to know, besides my mom and dad.
Love you all so very much
Amy* : )

UPDATE: I put a few new pictures on here, I'm not sure if it worked, but I will be putting more on later today.

Well I'm up here at Fairview in right now. I don't have to stay or anything but, I am wasting some time right now. I saw the doc this morning and I had my scans early early morning. He thinks everything is going good, but the resultes of the scans are not back yet. I will find out around 5:00 5:30 tonight. I will update after that. I am waiting for good news, or am at least hoping for good news. I will more then likely be returning to school this afternoon, which is a downfall, but then I don't get to far behind. I was hoping for an off day.

Well I will update more later today when I find out more. Oh tonight is Survivior. I am a huge fan : )

Until later
Love you

Wednesday, September 24, 2003 6:38 PM CDT

I am going to be running around here like crazy the next couple of days, so there will probably will be weird times when I update.

I got picked to be a Homecoming MC, and three people including i, have to put it together in three days. The whole coronation thing. We have to have a script written out by Friday, so I will be busy. Then you through homework in there at the same time. Gosh I really complain about homework a lot, sorry about that.

Tomorrow is the big day again. It's the day of truth. I'm out of here tomorrow morning at 5:30, to be down there by 7:00, icky, it's going to be a early morning. But hey if early mornings bring good news then I will get up early every morning : ) Could you guys just say a little prayer for good scans. I need good scans.

I'm feeling pretty good right now. My pain in my right side went away, so I have no idea what it was from. If I slept on it wrong or what. Whatever it was from, I'm glad it's gone.

"Reach high, for stars lie hidden in your soul. Dream deep, for every dream precedes the goal. -Pamela Vaull Starr

Hope your all doing outstanding. I love you all

Tuesday, September 23, 2003 3:45 PM CDT

Busy, Busy, Busy, it's the story of my life. Man if I'm not doing one thing, I'm doing a hundred things. Most of it's homework, but still, it makes me busy.

Yesterday I signed up to be a MC at our homecoming. It's this Sunday. Isn't that crazy they don't have the MC's picked out, they don't even have the royalty picked out yet. how are these girls suppose to pick out a dress in three days, it's crazy, but o well what are you going to do.

Today I have been having trouble with my right side. It hurts when I breath, and worse when I take a deep breath. I'm not sure what's that from but I sure would like to know. It just came on today, so I don't know if I slept on it wrong, or what. I hope though that it goes away.

UUm, lets see what else. I can't think right now, it's like I'm drawing a blank. I can say that please continue to pray for all the kids with cancer. Each one of them needs prayers.

This is a different quote today, it's kind of funny in a way. "Don't bug me, Hug me" -Bumper Sticker

Hope everyone is well and full of life.
With Love

Monday, September 22, 2003 4:00 PM CDT

Well Heidi Ho everyone : ) This is going to be a quick one. I have lots of homework with not enough time to do it. Also tonight I have a NHS ceremony thing for the new people. It should be long night, but I will fit everything in.

School was good today. I ran to the hospital during lunch to get my blood drawn and my counts look great. My WBC is 5.4, Hbg 10.6, Plt 76,000, ANC 4.4, and newts 76% So everything is looking great. I could actually start chemo right now, but I don't until next Thursday. I go see the doc though this Thursday for scans. Start praying already. I really hope this chemo is doing it's job. It would be a miracle if it was.

I will have to cut this off here. Oh I have my pictures back from Duluth and as soon as I get a chance will put them on here. I also have some from when my great aunt, aunt, and I were making pickles. They should be getting yummy right now.

"Miracles do happen"

Love all

Sunday, September 21, 2003 4:14 PM CDT

Had a fabulous time in Duluth. The weather was perfect for the air show on Saturday. It was in the upper 60's, with the sun beating down on us. Who wants to sit out on the run way when it's 80-90 degrees out and who wants to sit out there when it's 50 degrees out, so it was perfect. We left at 5:30 on Saturday morning and met my sister in St.Cloud. I slept pretty much all the way up. We stopped for a little breakfast in Duluth before we went onto the air show at 9:00. The plans were flying fast, load, and great. Let me tell you if anyone knows anyone who flies in those jets and they give rides, I am so there. That would be so much fun. I would like to go sky diving to someday, but I would have to have 4 different parachutes on though, just in case : ) The Blue Angles were great, doing outstanding tricks. All in all, I had a awesome time. I always do though. I love Duluth. I love just sitting by the water on a nice rock.

Well today it was up early and off to church. Afterwards we had a nice breakfast. I got to do one of my favorite things this time, feed the birds. You should have seen how much bread I brought. At first they weren't eating it, because there were so many other people feeding them. Eventually though I got to feed up all my bread. I also say someone that I met in the hospital up there. She was there with her family. It's Davis's aunt I think. It was great seeing them. It's a small world. I drove half the way home, so that my dad could have a break.

I'm feeling great. No complaints at all. Just happy to be alive. : )

"When you give of yourself, you receive more than you give." -Antoine De Saint-Exupery

Hope you had a great weekend, with a little more to come yet.
Love you all

Friday, September 19, 2003 1:28 PM CDT

Hello everyone. I'm in school right now, it's homeroom time. I had to let you know that today is a 100% better day for me. I'm happy and back to normal. I'm so sorry about yesterday. I hope none of you felt that I was taking it out on any of you. It was just a long day. Thanks for understanding and thanks for still coming back.

Yes I'm a new person today. I feel bad for even saying that I had stress. I mean there are so many people out there that have far more stress then I do, and I had nothing compared to them. I didn't mean for yesterday to be such and icky one. I'm truely sorry.

Well onto better things. This weekend, well 5:00 tomorrow morning were leaving for Duluth, one of my most favorite places to go. Were going up to the air show. It's there 100th year, so it should be good. My sister and her family are coming as well, so it should be lots of fun. We sit right on the runway whichis great. We will have lots of fun.

I'm going to have to let you go for now. It's time to start class again, so I have to run.

Still pray for all those cancer kids. For Laura who is starting chemo again, Olivia who is still in the hospital, and for Katia who was in remission but her cancer has now come back. They all need prayers. Every single one.

I hope everyone is having a GREAT day. I know I am.
Love you all

Thursday, September 18, 2003 4:28 PM CDT

Well things today weren't any better then last night. I hit a peak of my stress level, can right now isn't going so well. I got my Human Anat. test out of the way, and that went okay, at least I think it did. I just spent last night studying and tonight I have to do the same thing. I have a test in Forensics tomorrow, along with a quiz in gov't. I don't need to go down tomorrow. My blood actually turned out to be fine, which I am very surprised. So it's off to school tomrrow. I guess it's one day I don't have to catch up on later. I'm not sure for what reason everything is caving together right now, like this. I just don't feel like I'm in a good mood. Actually for today I think it would be good for me to go. I don't want any of you to feel like I'm taking it out on you, so I think I will leave with that. Tomorrow should be 100% better, seeing that it's the weekend. Plus were going up to Duluth for the air show. That will be lots of fun. Sorry about this entry. I even feel bad for putting it on here, but I guess it's the way I feel right now.

Wednesday, September 17, 2003 9:51 PM CDT

Sorry this is so late and sorry this is going to be super super short. I have a big Human Anat. test to study for. I have been busy since I got home from school. Things are going good, I'm still doing fine. I'm going to get my blood drawn during lunch tomrrow so that the hospital gets it faster, so that if I need to get fuled up they can get things rolling. I will let you know how everything turnes out tomorrow. Sorry but I really do have to run.
Love you all

Tuesday, September 16, 2003 3:38 PM CDT

Why hello everyone. It's nice to see you have come back to read about my boring life right now. With going through cancer things, boring is a good thing. That means nothing bad is happening. So boring is good right now. I just have to find fun things to keep me busy.

My counts weren't too bad yesterday. They are heading in the downward position but that's to be expected. My HBG was 9.9, Plt 43,000, WBC 5.5 that's because I'm on the lovely shot, that I give myself every night. So all in all there not terrible or anything.

Today in Forensics we had a police officer come and talk to our class. It was actually interesting, and you can sign up to go on a ride a long. That would be cool, I think. As long as there is no bad things happening.

I'm actually feeling pretty good right now. The only thing I notice is that I go to bed way early. Last night I was out by 10:00, and that's not me at all. So either it's my blood or school is just dragging me down that much that I need more sleep. Sleep is good all around though.

"Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all." -Helen Keller I actually wrote about this in Advanced Comp, last week. If you never do anything daring your life will be plan and simple. You learn from daring adventures.

Live today like there will be no tomorrow.
With Love

Monday, September 15, 2003 4:03 PM CDT

Can't believe it's Monday already. Time is flying by for me, at least right now it is.

School was the same ol' Go to a class then goof off then go to another class then goof off, you get the picture.

I must say the movie "Toy Story" is a great movie. I watched it yesterday and it's just so good. I mean grown ups should love this movie or at least I think they should.

I got my blood taken today so I should be finding out in a little while what they are at, hopefully not to bad.

I'm feeling pretty good right now. Just small headaches, but nothing bad at all.

Oh guess what, I got new crutches. My old ones needed new rubber things at the bottom, and we have gotten them in the past but they were really hard to find so we just got a new pair. It's going to be hard letting go of my old ones. They have been everywhere with me. In the ocean, Aspen, up 172 stairs at the Light house in Duluth, and so much more. They have a lot of memories in them. It will be hard to part with them. I think with my new ones I'm going to have my friend paint them. On my old ones I had stickers on them, but I'm going with a new look this time.

Well that's about all I know. I know it's boring but hey you can't have an interesting life all the time. : )

"The human spirit cannot be paralyzed. If you are breathing you can dream." -Mike Brown Dream big : )

Love always

Sunday, September 14, 2003 11:14 AM CDT

Good Sunday morning to everyone. It's a chilly morning here. How can I say that when it's 60, wait till it's 20 below then I will really be saying it's chilly. : )

Anyway our garage sale went well, i guess. There seemed to be lots of people coming through. So we got rid of a lot of stuff.

Yesterday was a very tiring day, even though I really didn't do much. I think my body is just taking a hit. So last night I was going to go visit a friend working at the bowling ally and I feel asleep at 9:30 and didn't wake up until 8:30 this morning. I mean 9:30 on a Saturday. I was so tired and it's exactly what I need at the time. I am slowing down right now, but that's to be expected, so I'm not worried at all. I am also starting to have headaches, which could mean low blood. I will find out about that tomorrow.

Oh I have scans on the 25th. Finally the truth is coming. My doctor said they were waiting because they were giving the tumors time to shrink, which in my mind, I'm all for that. Now they better have shrunk.

Today my mom and dad went into St.Cloud and I stayed back home to do homework. Again it's stuff that's not due until Tuesday and Wednesday, but if I can do it now why not. Then I won't be pressured the night before it's due.

Well that's all I can think of right now. Oh the football game was fun on Friday night. We won 38 to 8, or something like that. Oh and I couldn't leave one of my friends alone. It's a long story. : )

"Hope is the parent of faith!" -Cyrus Augustus Bartol

Love all

Friday, September 12, 2003 4:26 PM CDT

Well I survived the very long day and now very pooped out. I think I could sleep for hours. I got through the test and quiz fine, at least I hope I did fine.

Today went all right. Smells kind of set me off though. We had fish for lunch and someone brought it by me, and I had to leave like a flash, other wise I would have, well you know, kind of decorated the fish. So I left and sat in the library for awhile. My tummy is rolling around and my head kind of spins when I stand up quick. So I will have to take it a little more slow for the time being.

Yesterday I forgot to write a quote on here, sorry about that. It slipped my mind.

Well it's the weekend and I am loving it right now.

I may go to the football game later, even though I don't think I should, but I have a certain reason. Can't say though.

Hey if your in the area of Albany come to our garage sale. It was yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

Lets see what else. I can't think of anything to big. So I'm out of here to go lay down and take it easy for a little while at least.

"A thousand words will not leave so deep an impression as one deed." -Henrik Ibsen

Have a terrific weekend.
Love a whole bunch

Thursday, September 11, 2003 4:47 PM CDT

The coast is clear, I'm home now : ) It was a long boring day sitting in the clinic, getting my chemo, but it didn't last long. I was out in about 2 1/2 hours. Once I hit the 5th floor it got better, cause I got to see Auntie Jill, it's one of my nurses, it's kind of an inside joke, plus she said I could call her that.

I stopped in to see Olivia, she was back after three days at home. She had low counts and fever, but is on the road to recovery. They say maybe over the weekend she can break lose. She's hanging in there.

It was an interesting drive home because it poured half of the way home. I mean in some spots I couldn't see 10 feet in front of me, but I take care of it all. I made it through just fine. Thank goodness for that. The cool part about the whole thing is, that I never turned on the Windshield wipers. We have this coating over it that shields off water. It worked really good.

Right now I don't feel to bad. I have a slight headache but nothing that I can't handle.

They are going to get some scans going for me. I asked and they said that they were giving it time to shrink. I still really didn't talk to my doctor. I passes him on the floor. He is really busy now because he's on call.

Well I have to hit the books now to get things done. I want to get to bed somewhat early, because I have to be at school at 7:30. Wait I said that yesterday, never mind.

Well enjoy the rain if you live in MN.
Love all

Wednesday, September 10, 2003 3:44 PM CDT

Back to writing at the normal time again. Before I forget I forgot to put AJ's website on here yesterday, if you would like to drop a line of comfort, I'm sure they would welcome them all.

Now onto today. For some reason today was a long one for me. Last night I couldn't get to sleep because I was thinking about AJ a lot and then me, and then all the other cancer patients. It's sometimes just so hard to take that there are so many kids sick, and they didn't do anything to deserve it. I wish I could take it away from everyone, so that there would be no more pain, suffering, and sadness. One day though, they will find a cure. It will be the greatest day ever. It will come.

Tomorrow I am back down to the cities for chemo, yyaahh, I'm so excited : ) Hey I guess if it does the job, I am all good with it. Hopefully it keeps going as well as it has been. It will be another long day tomorrow. I am driving myself again, I'm warning you now. I will be heading through the Maple Grove area around 9:15 : )

It always works out that the day I'm gone we end up having test, and quizzes. Every time. So on Friday I am at school at 7:30 for NHS, then quiz for Human anat. and then after school for Gov't. That will be a long day as well.

Lets see what else do I know for sure. UUmm okay nothing.

"It is the heart that makes a man rich. He is rich according to what he is, not according to what he has." -Henry Ward Beecher

Enjoy the rest of day. Don't work to hard : )
Love bunches

Tuesday, September 9, 2003 10:07 PM CDT

UPDATE: AJ did pass away but very peacefully with family, firends, and his favorite docs and nurses around him. His family and him spent a great last night together. AJ love you big guy, you will never be forgotten.

O my goodness, I forgot that I hadn't written on here yet. I'm so use to writing when I get home from school, but I was getting my leg today, which I still didn't get but by next week it should be totally done.

This is going to be short today. One because I really don't have anything new, and two I am kind of tired. So anyway. Elisa called and said my counts looked great, well I and you already knew that.

I have been busy with homework pretty much all night. Writing papers, and studying for quizes, and tests. You know the school stuff. I have to tell ya this, ever since I started Forensic Science, I have been having nightmares, about murders, crimes, and so on. It's kind of scary. I haven't been dreaming all summer and now it started. Who knows what's up with that. I just found it kind of interesting.

I need lots of prayers going out for AJ. I haven't checked his website yet, but the docs didn't know if you was going to make it for another 24 hours, and that was yesterday. Whatever the turn out, He and his family need lots of prayers.

"The meaning of things lies not in the things themselves, but in our attitude towrads them" -Antoine de Saint-Exupery
You know I think I may have used this one or one that sounded like it, because it sounds familier to me. Sorry if I have already used it.

So I am out of here. Sleep tite everyone, or good morning to most of you who will be reading this in the morning.
With Love

Tuesday, September 9, 2003 10:07 PM CDT

O my goodness, I forgot that I hadn't written on here yet. I'm so use to writing when I get home from school, but I was getting my leg today, which I still didn't get but by next week it should be totally done.

This is going to be short today. One because I really don't have anything new, and two I am kind of tired. So anyway. Elisa called and said my counts looked great, well I and you already knew that.

I have been busy with homework pretty much all night. Writing papers, and studying for quizes, and tests. You know the school stuff. I have to tell ya this, ever since I started Forensic Science, I have been having nightmares, about murders, crimes, and so on. It's kind of scary. I haven't been dreaming all summer and now it started. Who knows what's up with that. I just found it kind of interesting.

I need lots of prayers going out for AJ. I haven't checked his website yet, but the docs didn't know if you was going to make it for another 24 hours, and that was yesterday. Whatever the turn out, He and his family need lots of prayers.

"The meaning of things lies not in the things themselves, but in our attitude towrads them" -Antoine de Saint-Exupery
You know I think I may have used this one or one that sounded like it, because it sounds familier to me. Sorry if I have already used it.

So I am out of here. Sleep tite everyone, or good morning to most of you who will be reading this in the morning.
With Love

Monday, September 8, 2003 4:18 PM CDT

Aahh it's Monday, worst day of the week for me, but I guess we should look at it as everyday of the week is good because were alive. So let me start again. Aahh it's Monday, great day of the week. : )

School went pretty good today, nothing out of the norm. Class after class. It's so much better when your there for the classes and know what's going on rather then catching up from behind.

Got my blood taken today so I am waiting for those results to come back. Well actually if you hold on a minute I will give them a call. I will be right back : ) Okay I'm back and my counts look great. I am surprised. My Hbg is 12.9, WBC is 5.5, and my Plt are 132,000. They are looking outstanding. I can't believe my platelets actually went up from before I started chemo. Maybe it takes a little while for them to drop, I forget how it went last time. Anyway they were great.

I'm still feeling pretty good. Just minor things, nothing to big, or that I can't handle. So all is well on that front.

Tomorrow afternoon I'm heading down to St.Cloud after school to get my leg. It should take like 2 hours, Fred said. Hopefully it goes well.

"Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless." -Mother Teresa

Stay cool if your liven in Minnesota, because it's kind of warm out.
Love always

Sunday, September 7, 2003 11:39 AM CDT

Oh now how do I start todays entry. Well I guess I don't have to because I already did : )

My homework pile is getting smaller and I like that. I am doing the things I can do now rather then later when i don't feel like or am to bogged down by other homework. I work I'm doing now isn't due until Wednesday, well by the end of the quarter actually, but I am doing it now and am finished with it. So that feels pretty good. Now I just have to sit back and read my Harry Potter book for Adv. Comp.

I think my computer is going to crash. I can feel it. I think maybe the fan is broke because when I touched the back before it was way hot. So now I put my little, little fan by it. I'm sure it's not helping but hey at least I trying to do something, right, right : )

Last night we went to my aunt and uncles cabin to celebrate his birthday. I jumped into the lake and it was cold for the first 10 seconds but then was really nice. We jumped into their hot tube afterwards to warm up. Can you believe that it was a Saturday night and I was sleeping by 10:45. I turned the t.v. off and I was out like that. I was really tired. I can tell that I'm dragging a little more but that's what comes with it. I can handle it.

Yesterdays lunch didn't sit very well with me, so that ended up coming back up but I felt much better. I guess that's whats part of it to. I can handle that too. Chemo and cancer just don't know who they are dealing with. I am surprised they haven't figured out yet that they are not going to win.

I just realized the other day that I haven't had scans in awhile. That kind of scares me. Are the doctors staying away from scans because of more bad news, have they forgotten about scans, or do they think everything is working and I don't need scans. Well I hate not knowing. There are things that roll around in my mind all the time, even in happy times. I always have those worries and probably will always have them.

I don't know where I heard this , but it really is true. When people hear a certain noise, a smell a certain smell that is painful they don't forget that. Do you know what I mean. Like when I was in the hospital and they were doing dressing changes on shorty, non leg, when there was literally dressing stuff in my sick, and they had to pull it out, I screamed. I mean screamed louder then I have ever. It hurt so bad. I had to stick a pillow in my mouth to keep the noise down a little. That is a sound I will never forget. I don't know if you know what I mean, but it probably every cancer kid has. Something that they won't ever forget. I know that day, that screaming, that pain will never leave my mind. It's something that I will live with for the rest of my life.

"Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see." -Mark Twain Love that quote

Wow this has gotten a little long, sorry about that. I will let you go. Hope everything is well with you all.
With Love

Friday, September 5, 2003 4:30 PM CDT

It's Friday and it couldn't have come at a better time. I'm pooped out. I couldn't wait to come home and sit and turn my brain off for at least one hour before hitting the books for homework over the weekend.

I'm not doing to bad. I am starting to get my headaches again. So far Tylenol takes the edge off for awhile. But I shouldn't complain. I mean I read other peoples caringbridge sites and I have nothing that I should be complaining about. There are so many kids out there and when you don't know someone then you really don't know but when your touched by it, you know everyone.

Tonight I think I'm going to take it easy. There is a football game up in Morris for Albany, but that is like almost to South Dakota from here so I think I will park it right here for now.

I would like you to add another little girl to your prayer list. Her name is Katia. She as relapsed with Leukemia and it's in her bone marrow, blood, and spinal fluid. She's very sick right now. She could really use some prayers.

"Little deeds of kindness, little words of love, Make our earth an Eden, like the heaven above." -Julia A. Carney

Have a safe, health, eventful weekend. Have lots of fun. you never know when it will be taken from you.

With Love

Thursday, September 4, 2003 4:06 PM CDT

Well I'm back from getting icky but life saving drugs pumped through my veins. It went pretty well. I ended up not seeing the doctor but a NP instead, because my doctor is on call up on the floor. I was hoping to see him though, just to say hi. I haven't seen him in awhile. I call him Uncle Joe, it's a long story.

Well the NP said that my right lung sounded whezzy, but everything else sounded good.

Well I'm just kind of tired right now and am going to try and go to bed early tonight so that I can be half way decent tomorrow in school. It's going to be a quarter where many days can't be missed so I will be pressured to go, but I will take it a day at a time. That's all you can do.

I went to see Olivia and she will be able to go home today. She's hanging in there and will come back in three weeks for more chemo. I also stopped too see AJ who needs lots of prayers. The poor little thing, he's an awesome fighter. Also pray for Brittany's family as she passed away the other day. She fought to the end.

I go back again next Thursday for more chemo and then two weeks off. That will be good.

"Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around." -Leo Buscaglia

You all continue to put a smile on my face, and make me feel better. Thanks so much
Love you all

Wednesday, September 3, 2003 5:05 PM CDT

Oh has the homework started to roll in, I'm so excited : ) Can you believe that I am already studying for tests. I can tell you right now this quarter is going to take a toll on me. I know for two of my classes for sure I will be stressing. I have the same teacher for both classes and he normally has tests on the same day for both classes, which is not good news for me. Once this quarter is over I will be a much happier camper. But I have to look at it as, at least I'm in school, and having to do it at home by myself. So I'm glad I'm able to go.

Tomorrow I go back for chemo, and a check up with the doc. I think my dad is coming along this time but I'm not sure, will see. It should go pretty good. I'm not excpecting anything exciting to happen.

I'm at my peaking point where I feel so good but I know that's coming to and end again. At least I have these peaking points where I feel good. I enjoy them when they come.

Last night I slept the best that I have in awhile. I think it was because I was so tired out from school. I don't what it was from but I slept great, and I loved it.

"Never Place a period where God placed a comma"
I think this is a good one. Period's mean your done with that one thing and when God puts a comma that means you still have living to do. So take advantage of the comma's that come along.

Have a good one.
With Love

Tuesday, September 2, 2003 10:47 AM CDT

UPDATE: Well I survived, I'm alive, hehehe : ) It wasn't that bad but that's because it's the first day and we really never do anything on the first day. Oh but don't worry the homework will pore in later. I won't be so chipper about school then.

I got my counts taken and they are fantastic. My Hbg is 14.4, outstanding, and my plt are 121,000, wonderful, but my WBC was 25.2 which is way way high, but that's because I'm on GCSF, so I can be done with that.

That's all I really know today.

It's going to be the famous quote today. "Don unto others as you would have them do unto you" -The golden rule

Hope your all well and talk to you tomorrow if I survive. hehehe : )
Love always

Oh guess where I, yippy : ) I had my first class and it was all right. It was Adv. Comp. I get to read the 4th Harry Potter book for my book report. I didn't bring it though and when everyone was reading and I was writing, oh well what are you going to do.

I'm in Human Anat. right now. Were doing nothing. So that's why I'm writing on here.

I will right more when I come home. I have to run, but I just wanted to say hi, and what's up : )

Love lots

Monday, September 1, 2003 7:56 PM CDT

Hope you all had and are still having a good Labor Day. I can't believe it's over. Gosh I say that all the time. O well.

I really didn't do much today. I helped my mom and dad out with the garage stuff this morning, and then took it easy. Catherine came over and we watched Red Dragon. That is so a movie to watch in the daytime. There were times where I was just scream, because it jumped out at me. Tonight we went out for nice dinner to just relax. So there was no cooking or dishes to clean up.

On the way down to St.Cloud and say the building that changed my life. I mean I see it just about every time we go to St.Cloud but today I really saw it and remember that day that will never leave my mind. It was the building where I got my MRI in, that told the doctors that there was something there that shouldn't be. The building changed my life from that day on. It's just a building but what it stands for now, is something more then you will ever know.

I have to go to school tomorrow. Wow, summer is over for another year. Wish me luck. : )

Please pray for a little girl named Katia. She has recently relapsed with Leukemia. She needs lots of prayers.

"No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted." -Aesop

I will write when I get home from School.
With Love

Sunday, August 31, 2003 12:34 AM CDT

It's a picture perfect day out here in the good ol town of Albany. They sun is shinning, the temp isn't to warm and not to cold, and there is a slight breeze in the air.

Wow does it feel so much better to be feeling good.

Oh my goodness guess what I got in the mail the other application. How can I think about college when I can't even think about going to school in 2 days. Oh did you notice I said school : ) hehehehe

You should be proud, I cleaned all morning from 9:30 to 12:30. I cleaned my room. Were having a garage sale and I wanted to get rid of old things, clothes, and stuff. I was in a cleaning frenzy. I was going from one thing to another. I actually dusted my room. And now I'm sneezing like crazy.

I won't have to miss the first day of school. I don't have to go back Tuesday for chemo. I go back Thursday. It's because I am on GCSF, and you have to be off of that for 48 hours before you can start chemo. So Thursday is the day.

Please continue to pray for Olivia. She is awesome and doesn't deserve this no one does.

"Great opportunities to help others seldom come, but small ones surround us daily." -Sally Koch

Have a great Labor day tomorrow free from Labor.
With Love

Friday, August 29, 2003 7:51 PM CDT

Guess where I am at............Home. I made it home today with a jump of my ANC from .4 to 1.0, which is really good. Once the ANC starts going it goes. I got the final go ahead from the doc this morning but had to wait around until 2:00 because of getting meds, and the insurance was being a real pain. I have to give myself shots called, GCSF, short name, and they cost somewhere around 500 for like 1cc, which is a very very small amount. Anyway it's more so then they don't want to pay and yada, yada, yada. But We were finally able to go.

What the funny thing was is that Tori, Laura, and I came in around the same time and we all left today around the same time as well. Who knows what's up with that. Maybe we just needed each others company, and that's why everything worked out the way it did.

Tori got some Awesome news. The tumor they took out, which they thought was a tumor, ended up being scar tissue. Which is so great. She is 6 months out now.

I'm still feeling good. I just can't go out into big, big crowds yet. That's okay.

Well school starts in 3 days, OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!!!, that's like 3 days, 70 hours, 4320 minutes I think. That's not very long.

"You can't live a perfect day without doing something for someone who will never be able to repay you." -John Wooden

That's about it for me. I hope everyone is good.
With Love

Thursday, August 28, 2003 4:18 PM CDT

Well I'm still here today but that's okay. I am hoping tomorrow is the day to leave.

I'm feeling 100etter then what I was feeling on Monday. I am done with my antibiotics and now am just waiting for my ANC to come up. It is 300 today,100 more then yesterday.

Last night Laura's mom, brought, stuff for s'mores and I an Jackie, tori's sister, made them for everyone. We had a good time last night. Jill came and spent the night with Tori, which that's what I was going to do as well but, hey I'm already here : ) So ya last night was fun.

Today we all piled into Laura's room to watch the game show. There was like 7 or 8 people in there and it get very full.

Lets see what else. My aunt is coming up later. I plan on watching a good movie tonight.

Want to here a funny story. Well you may have to have been there but anyway, Well last evening I was fixing my own pump when it beeped. My nurse was really busy but I was giving myselfs flushes. So during the night like 3:00 in the morning my thing was beeping, so I got up and was trying to fix it, well my nurse came in and I let her take care of it, and then she said I layed down and fell asleep like that. When I had gotten up later I was thinking, did I try and fix my pump. I called my nures in and I asked her, if I had tried to fix it, and she said yes but I was half sleeping, so I was making it a weird. But I wasn't sleep walking, I was sleep fixing my pump : ) Then later on she said I almost fell out of my bed. Oh well : )

Okay yes it was a you had to be there kind of a moment.

Well that's about it for me. Hopfully I will talk to you tomorrow at home.

With Love

P.S. Happy Birthday Dawn

Wednesday, August 27, 2003 1:57 PM CDT

Well one more day almost down, but it should go slower becasue each day I get closer to the "S" word : )

I'm feeling not to bad. This morning or I should say afternoon, whatever, my resident came in and told me when she had come in I was sleeping, so she let me sleep. She had said that in rounds because the docs wanted to know how I was feeling when she went in. The docs then told her well you let her sleep but we woke her up so it was no different. THey were goofing around. Then they asked how the headache was and I said well now i have one, now that you woke me up. Okay you had to be here for it to be funny.

So my ANC is still 200 but I am getting GCSF now to help boost up my counts. and I probabaly won't get my chemo on Tuesday as planned but will see. I am getting another unit of blood today again. To keep my Hbg up, and my blood presure has been really low latly so they are tring to figure out what is happening with that. Will see how that turns out. They are watching it closely today.

Today I a surprise when I met Mary Lee, one of the mom's of the kids that I follow on caringbridg, Davis is her son. It was so great meeting her and she is so nice. It's so cool when get to actually meet the person on the other end of the computer. So it was nice to have met her.

Also Cheryl Kay, from KS95, came to visit me. I had called her yesterday and talked with her. It was so nice of her to come in visit, with her busy days. It was great.

Well Olivia is n=in surgery. I'm not sure if she is back yet but I will check on my way back. She doesn't have a website so I will fill you in on how she is doing. She as been pretty sad. But I try and help bring a smile on her face when I'm in there. IF it's only for 5 minutes, I know it helps. Anyway Laura is still doing good and Doll Face, Tori, is doing good.

Wow this has gotten kind of long. My blood is waiting. Thank you to whoever gave there time in giving blood. I am sure benifiting from it.

Love you all

Tuesday, August 26, 2003 1:53 PM CDT

Hello from the Fairview Inn. I am here getting things taken care of so that i feel better. So I'm good with this stay. I juust couldn't shake that cold, so I am getting heavy duty antibotics. I am feeling better. My Hbg ended up being 7.9 and they always keep me above 9.0 so that could have been why I was having headaches and being dizzy, and tired all the time. It's getting better though.

There are lots of people here that I know, which is not good because they are here. Laura, with her surgery, Tori with her surgery, Olivia who has relapsed and me.

Please pray for Olivia, her cancer has come back in the spine and that's not good. She could use some prayers. She is an awesome young ladie, and so nice.

They are taking good care of me here, so no worries. The docs think about Thursday I can go home. My ANC is only 200 and they want it to be above 500 before I can go. I rather be doing this now then when school starts. Which it starts next Tuesday. AAAHHHH The summer has gone by so fast.

"Bad things happen to good people" It's all in the quote. I thought that one would be good for today. There are so many people in here that shouldn't have to be.

That's all I can think of right now. If i hear anything else I will let you know. Thanks for all the notes. They made me smile.

Love lots

Monday, August 25, 2003 12:47 AM CDT

Hello everyone : )
I will be admitted today, for everything that has been happening. My WBC has gone down to 0.8 so they want to check everything out before something bad happens. I am all for this stay because it has been an icky few days. I am ready to get rid of it.

I will update when I have a chance.

Sunday, August 24, 2003 11:11 AM CDT

UPDATE: I am back from visiting my and my mom's friend in the hospital and she's doing okay. The lump they took out was cancer of the kidney. I am feeling really bad about that. She is a great person who would do anything for anyone and she doesn't deserve this at all. They caught it very early and are now just going to do a CT scan in 3 months. I pray that they caught it fast enough so that she can be done with this. She is an outstanding women and a great mom. Please if you could just say a little extra prayer for her. I am still not going to share who it is. I don't know if she want's everyone to know, but know she is great. I know she would thank you all.
Thanks much and love you : )

It's Sunday already and it's going to be a warm one. Thank goodness for AC.

Babysitting went good on Friday night, but there were times where I would over heat and almost feel like I was going to pass out. That was not good. I came home and went to bed, and slept the night away.

On Saturday morning I was up at 7:00 to go babysit again for the same family. The dad was going back to the hospital to be with his wife and I stayed with the kids. I like babysitting for that family anyway. It was a long morning. I wasn't feeling good at all but I kept that behind me and did the best I could. We played a lot and it was fine. When i came home I took a 4 hour nap. Now isn't that a nap.

I really think it's my blood that's low but I don't know. I am still having headaches, tummy aches, I don't eat every much, and when I stand up I get dizzy. I am still running low grade fevers. And that's even today. I think if tomorrow it's still happening I will have to call the hospital. I am getting my blood drawn anyway so i will be talking to them. If staying in the hospital one night to get IV antibiotics is the case then I am up to it, if it takes care of it. But maybe they could give me something that I can do at home. Will see.

Today I think we may run to see my friend in the hospital. Just a quick Hi. I may be able to tell you who she is after today. I have to ask first.

Laura's surgery went well but the after affects were kind of icky. She was in the ICU for a day but is not rest on the best unit ever, 5B. Also Tori is having surgery tomorrow her self. So please keep her safe.

AJ need a miracle so please send some prayers up for him as well as Brittany. Her mom just had surgery the other day. They found that her cancer came back as well. Image as a father having your daughter having cancer and being sick, now add your wife in as well. And they both have to go to different hospitals for chemo. Pray for all these families and many more.

Thank you for what all you do. The messages you leave make me feel so much better, and I know the prayers are working. I keep fighting for you as well.

"Every star has it's own story to tell."

Loving you all

Friday, August 22, 2003 5:37 PM CDT

It's been a long day for me. I went straight to bed last night when i got home from babysitting, and slept the night away.

This morning I was out the door at 8:00 to head down to the big city. When I got to the Masonic day clinic they took my temp and it was in 99.5, so that's not to bad but the other day it was 100.4, plus my White count is kind of low so they were afraid it might be the start of something, so I ended up getting an antibiotic. I was almost admitted though, but Jody saved me from that one. They took cultures, but I'm pretty sure nothing will show up in those.

Well anyway I got my platelets and antibiotic and took a nice long nap while getting them. When i was done I went to sit with Laura's family in the surgery waiting lounge and was happy to sit with them. Juli and Nicole were there as well. I have never been the waitie, I have always been the one in surgery. So I was there for awhile. I had to head out though, I would have liked to stayed longer but I had to get back to babysit tonight too.

The traffic was Unbelievable. It's was so bad, and when you don't feel 100%, it's not a place to be sitting in.

I'm still having the blues, but seems to be getting better. I hate when I'm like this, because I'm no fun. And my entries are very uplifting either. Sorry about that.

Anyway, continue to pray for Laura as she is finishing up surgery, and for my special friend having surgery tomorrow.

"It's not the fight you give on the outside, it's the fight that you give in the inside that counts the most." I like that one.

Have a good weekend.
With Love

Thursday, August 21, 2003 3:41 PM CDT

Where has this week gone. It's Thursday already. It's going by so fast.

Well today started off good and is turning out to be not so good. I slept in this morning. Then this morning I went to get my blood drawn and my school classes changed. I am going to be taking Forensics. I will be solving murders and stuff.

Well anyway I was doing good, until I took my codeine pill. I got really tired, which happens with this pill, but then all of a sudden I got really sick to my stomach and threw-up. And now my head is spinning and I have a headache. So that is so not cool. My Hbg was 9.5 and I normally get headaches at 9.0 so I'm not sure what's going on.

I have to go down for platelets tomorrow because they ended up being only 14,000.

Plus I have to babysit tonight. It's just been going down hill.

Please pray for Laura who is having her leg surgery tomorrow. God please watch over her and keep her safe. Please help the surgeons do the best job and to save her leg. And to also get all the cancer out so that it doesn't come back ever again.

Also please pray for a special friend, who I can't say who she is at the time, who is having surgery on Saturday. The doctors found a lump on her kidney and are taking it out. Please pray that it's nothing and that she comes out okay.

"Start off with small stepping stones and work your way up to big ones"

Looking for a better day tomorrow.
With Love

Wednesday, August 20, 2003 2:53 PM CDT

Guess what, I got to go Fishing. : ) Some people say it's over rated, like Jody from the hospital. She just likes riding around in the boat. But I find it fun. I really didn't catch much, but it was fun anyway. AND, I took the fish off the hook, by myself. Thank you very much. Okay, Okay, I was wearing a glove though, that's okay, it's a start. : ) I took some daycare kids, and we had a good time.

I went up to school this morning to look at my classes and try and move some around, but that didn't work out to well.

This afternoon, I took some of the daycare kids to a movie, "Freaky Friday" Great movie. Perfect for the kids. This is one that I would take the whole family too. I would see it again in a heart beat. So if you have nothing to do, I strongly recommend going to this movie.

The codeine is helping my cough out. Thank goodness for that. Pills are so great when they work. : )

My last two weeks before, you know what starts, is filling up like crazy. I am doing something like every day. So this sickness is not going to mess any of that up. I should be coming back up on everything right now. This week and next week are my weeks off from chemo. If I start on the same day as I did last time, Tuesday, then it will be the first day of, you know what : ) It's the S word, it's just to harsh to say right now : ) I will have to work that out some how.

"Don't be afraid to lean into the wind, love the earth in all of it's natural glories, and take care of each other." -Tom Brokaw

I am off to go sing Happy Birthday to Jack, a.k.a Scooter.
Also daycare child.

Love you all

Tuesday, August 19, 2003 3:31 PM CDT

It's another warm one out there, that's okay though I kind of like it. People are probably like, "What your crazy" That's okay maybe I am crazy : ) hehehe

I'm glad you guys liked the s'mores. They are so good. I gained a few pounds from them, but you know when it comes to something like s'mores you have to spill it out sometime.

My doc visit went pretty good today. I don't even have to tell you but my cough is driving me up a wall but now I am on codeine which should help. Thank goodness for pills that work. My lungs sounded better then last week so that's a positive. I'm always up and down so whatever. Like today I have a low grade fever in the clinic. What's up with that?

Today I was on the floor visiting AJ and when I went back out to see who else was there I saw this name that looked very familiar. I asked the nurses if it was who I thought it was. It so happens that I read Austin Frekings website, but I have never met him before. He's not in the hospital that much. But anyway to finally got to me the famous Austin and his mom, who are so great. Austin was in for a fever but hopes to get out soon. It was so great to finally put a face to a website. They are so great and Austin is one cute little guy.

It's so funny how you read these websites and it's all good but then when you actually run into the person behind it, it makes it all the much better. I would love to meet all of you because your so great.

I get my counts checked on Thursday for maybe platelets on Friday again, but I doubt it. They are still running kind of low at 33,000, which isn't that bad but I may need a little boost.

"Fear is out greatest enemy. It blinds the soul and paralyzes the spirit."

With Love

Monday, August 18, 2003 4:02 PM CDT

What a warm day it is hear in Minnesota. You don't hear that too much. Most of time you hear that it's freezing here. Thank goodness for air conditioning.

I had a pretty good day today. I had a little scary thing happen this afternoon with my left side. All of a sudden it hurt really bad, then it would go away and then come back again. I have no idea what that was all about but it's over. My cough is still driving me nuts, but I'm getting use to it.

Tomorrow I head back down to the cities for a check-up, to make sure everything is sounding all right in my lungs and stuff. Because last time they heard crap in my lungs and they want to make sure now that it's better.

Did you know that you can make s'mores in the oven? They are so good. Well I will have to tell you how I make them, not that it's any different. I use little marshmallows and not a big one. But you put them on the crackers and put it in the oven at 350 for 5 to 8 minutes, or until golden brown. Then you put your chocolate on as soon as there done and then the other cracker on top and let sit for 1 minute. Then enjoy. They are so good. The chocolate melts and goes everywhere but it's worth it. Try it sometime.

"I'm a slow walker, but I never walk back." -Abraham Lincoln Always take steps forward not backward.

Well I'm off to find some more trouble : )
With Love

Sunday, August 17, 2003 6:44 PM CDT

UPDATE: Oh who say I got my scanner figured out. YYAAHH : ) Oh that is one big huge YYAAHH. Thank you so much Abigail. Oh my gosh you should have seen me when my picture showed up. My mom came running. Now to Aspen pictures.

I can't believe the weekend is just about over. Where did it go?

I don't know if you can believe it but I can't remember what I did? : ) It must be my old age showing up : ) hahaha Now let me think, Oh on Saturday I went to get my scanner and I still haven't figured it out yet but I am on the edge with it. I keep getting closer.

Today was a kind of layed back day. I putzed around here pretty much the whole morning. The evening we went out to dinner with my sister and her family. Brittany did my hair, so now I have a new hair look, which I really like. Thank you Britt : )

I have to send some in to get some college applications. Did I just say college, I think I'm crazy. I am to much of a big kid to be doing college stuff. I think I will always be a big kid. I will be yound at heart. That's why whenever I'm at the hospital I'm still on the pedatric unit. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. And they have the best nurses and doctors.

I got my classes for school already. I will give you a little low down on them. Lets see I'm taking, Adv. Composition, Algebra 3, Human Anat/pys, U.S Govt, 20th Centur World Histor, Adv. Psychology, and Photography. There are others but those are kind of the main ones. I am going into school tomorrow to check on one of my classes.

"We can look at the world through a narrow lens and see the ground or open the shutter wide and see the stars." Open your shutters wide today and see whats out there.

Hope you have a good rest of the weekend.
With Love

Friday, August 15, 2003 4:02 PM CDT

UPDATE: Okay I got a scanner, printer, copier thing all in one so there should be pictues soon. But does anyone know how to use it. I keep reading the reference guide to use it but it's not helping. So if anyone, I mean anyone out there thinks they can help, please let me know. Thanks much

I'm back from getting my outstanding platelets. They were just so good : ) I was there this morning at 10:00 but didn't receive them until 11:30. They were one nurse short so I said why don't I go visit people and then come back. They said "perfect" So I went visiting up in the hospital.

I'm still feeling pretty good. I met my dad in St.Cloud for lunch, which was good.

Laura's biopsy went well but the results were just what they thought, osteosarcoma. Gosh this cancer stuff just suc**, don't you think.

I don't have much news for ya today. Could you say a little prayer for one of my friends that I went to camp with last year past away. Dre' was his name. Pray for the strength of his family.

"Fear stops you in your tracks. Self-Confidence propels you forward" Have lots of self-confidence and you will go places.

Have a great weekend, with lots of fun things. Stay out of to much trouble.......ya right. : )
Love ya

Thursday, August 14, 2003 2:33 PM CDT

It's a much better day today : ) I like this one better then yesterday. It's funny how one day, and a good nights rest can make another day great. So I'm feeling good and pretty much back to myself.

Today is the monthly going out to eat with friends. I'm the driver this time, and were heading down to T.G.I Fridays, yum, yum : )

My back pain, I am 99.9% sure that it was from lifting weights, because it's pretty much gone again. I like that better anyway.

My counts are hanging in there. My WBC on Tuesday was 1.5, which explains the mouth soars, and today it's 6.5 but that's because I'm on Steroids. My Hbg was 11.4 and now is 11.0, so that's hanging in there. And my Plt were 44,000 and now are 32,000 so tomorrow I'm heading down to get some yummy platelets.

Happy Birthday Michelle, that's my Cousin.

Wow I can't believe how much a day makes. How yesterday I was crappy but today makes up for yesterday and I feel, well pretty good.

I still have to get some fishing in before school starts so next week I am going to tackle that.

Keep praying for all cancer kids. Each one needs prayers, I will name just a few Tori, Laura, Davis, AJ, Jackie, and so many more. Each one of them is fighting a battle that they shouldn't have to. Every cancer kid is so tough and amazing!!!

"You can reach the finish line with small steps and determination." Also one of my favorites.

Stay cool : )
With Love

Wednesday, August 13, 2003 11:17 AM CDT

Hi everyone, it's going to be short again. I hate to complain but my headaches are back but at least not as bad as they were that one day when driving home.

And now this makes me really mad is my back pain is back again. It really is the saying, if it's not one things it's another. I think I know what it may be from too. It may be from lifting weights. I haven't lifted in a while and it got better last week but on Monday morning I lifted again and now it hurts. So I am going to lay off the lifting weights for a while. Will see if it gets better.

Last night during the night I woke up to a really really sharp pain in my tummy. It was so bad that I wanted to cry and I don't do that really at all. It hurt so bad and I have no idea what it was from. Maybe some of the new pills I'm taking or something. It seems to be better this morning and I hope it stays that way.

This afternoon I have to go to St.Cloud and pick up my fake leg, it's done. It's not a very good day though. I really would like to get up on it but now when I feel like crap.

Wow this entry is not a very up beating entry now is it. Well sorry about that. This chemo just drains you of everything but you know I'm not going to let that last long at all. I will be out on ledge again, running around as normal.

"If I have the belief that I can do it, I will surely acquire the capacity to do it, even if I may not have it at the beginning." -Mahama Gahdhi It says it all.

I looking forward to a better day tomorrow.
With Love

Tuesday, August 12, 2003 6:04 PM CDT

Well I'm back and tired as ever. So this won't be long. I am heading for my bed right next to me in a few minutes.

Anyway it was a long day of doctor seeing and scans, not to mention coughing. They took an x-ray to check out what's happening in there because they heard some rattling going on and wanted to make sure it was anything bad. Everything look okay but I'm taking some pill that will help with it. I am starting to get month soars as well, which I haven't had for a long time, so I'm back on the swish and spit stuff, and then a sucking pill thing. My counts took a big dip so I am set up for Platelets on Friday. So far the headache is very minor, Now lets hope it stays that way. I'm back in a week again for a check over.

Did you know that in three weeks today school starts, AAHHH, that's crazy. I will be the big senior

"Great expectations inspire you to greater heights" -Beth Mayers

I hear the pillow calling me and another cough drop is on the way too.
Love you all

Monday, August 11, 2003 6:06 PM CDT

What a terrific day full of second families. Today the gang from the hospital went over to Juli Ever's house for a day of fun. It was a girls day out. We had a great lunch and then tori, Jill, Laura, and Jackie, went up into Sarah's room and watch old movies of her and her friends. It was great to hear her voice again. We also watched the great camp movie that tori brought with.

I called the clinic today, because I was suppose to, and told them my back pain is all better. But I had to tell them about my cough. So the good doc wants to check it out tomorrow, when I go down for my chemo. Yes yes, I will be in morning traffic again : )

I am heading down again by myself. My dad just can't go which kind of stinks. But I have plenty of stops that I can make on the way home if something happens, like my headaches. I have my brother, aunt and uncle, great aunt, and friends. And plus if I wasn't in the condition to drive I don't think they would let me.

"Why not go out on a limb? Isn't that where the fruit is?" -Frank Scully Why not go out on a limb, for something or somebody you care about. I know I would go out on a limb for something that I cared about, and if there is fruit, then that's even better, hehehehe : )

Anyway I am out of here. I will talk to ya when I get back tomorrow. Hopefully it goes well.

P.S. My sister send me this email and I thought it was great. I love it, so I though I would share it with you. Hope you like it.

    There are moments in life when you miss someone so much that you just
want to pick them from your dreams and hug them for real! When the door
of happiness closes, another opens; but often times we look so long at
the closed door that we don't see the one which has been opened for us.
Don't go for looks; they can deceive. Don't go for wealth; even that
fades away. Go for someone who makes you smile, because it takes only a
smile to make a dark day seem bright. Find the one that makes your heart
smile. Dream what you want to dream; go where you want to go; be what
you want to be, because you have only one life and one chance to do all
the things you want to do. May you have enough happiness to make you
sweet, enough trials to make you strong, enough sorrow to keep you
human, enough hope to make you happy. The happiest of people don't
necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the most of
everything that comes along their way. The brightest future will always
be based on a forgotten past; you can't go forward in life until you let
go of your past failures and heartaches. When you were born, you were
crying and everyone around you was smiling. Live your life so at the
end, you're the one who is smiling and everyone around you is crying.

Sunday, August 10, 2003 5:46 PM CDT

Hello everyone out there. I hope this finds you all well and feeling good.

Well first off, I'm feeling pretty good. The only thing is my nagging cough, which has come back, is out of control. I think all I do is cough. I suck on about half a bag of cough drops a day. Anyway it's always something isn't it, : ) O well what else is new : ) At least I don't have back pain anymore, which I still don't know what it was from.

Today it was the Mareck Reunion in St. Joe. Everyone gets together every other year. It was great seeing everyone. In two years it will be in Seattle, and were pretty sure were going.

Yesterday it was just my mom and I and guess what we did,......... nothing other then shopping. I got some new shoes. It was buy one get one half off sale. I wish I could only buy the left shoe, because you know that's the only one I need. So I have a whole drawer full of right shoes, : ) hahaha Anyone have only a right foot and is a size 9. I have a bunch for ya : )

I am half way through the Harry Potter book and I love it. They are so good. I can't put it down at times. Even adults will like them. But I am such a big kid so that's okay. So if you have a chance to read them, take it up, you won't be let down.

I need some prayer going out to one of my friends from the hospital. Laura Jahnke has been cancer free for some time and her life was back in order and doing "normal" stuff again. She was headed out to college next weekend. Well she has been having pain in her leg. Laura also has Osteosarcoma. Well I met up with them last Tuesday in clinic. She was doing great. The doctor ordered more scans and to their worst fears her cancer has come back in her knee joint. The will do a bone biopsy, and the then surgery to follow. I feel so bad for her and her family. So if you could keep her and her family in mind, that would be great. She has a website at
She is a great friend.

"You must do things you think you cannot do.", Eleanor Roosevelt. Jessica sent me this quote and I think it's great, so thank you. There are so many things that people are put up against and they don't think they can do it. Well remember what all the cancer kids are faced with everyday. You can over come what ever you set your mind to. It's the reason I'm here today. You can do it.

I will leave you with that.
Love you all

Friday, August 8, 2003 3:50 PM CDT

It's a even better day then yesterday. My headache is gone and my pain seems to be gone as well. I'm so happy about that. I'm not sure if it was the chemo or the pills I was taking. Whatever it was it worked and that's just fine with me.

Today I started the 3rd Harry Potter book. Everyone said they're so good so I decided to read the third one. I already read the first and second so why not the third one as well. So far it's good.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DENISE!!!!!, that's my sister. She's going to be how old today, oh ya she will be ??, hehehe: ) I think she would kick my butt if I said that on here. Even though she's not that old.

Watched my movie again. It's just so good. I had a good time last night hanging out with friends. We caught up with things and looked at pictures.

"It is easier to take your first step when someone is holding your hand." Remember that the next time when someone is taking there first step towards something. Maybe you will be there right with them holding there hand, taking the first step. If I could be there when someone needed me to hold their hand, I would be there in a flash. So whenever you need someone to hold your hand think of me and I will be there : )

Hope everyone is good and I hope you have a good weekend.
With Love

Thursday, August 7, 2003 7:08 PM CDT

It's a better day again. The headach is pretty much gone. Just a couple times today that it poped up but not bad at all. : )

Well today my aunt called to see if I wanted to come can pickles with her. Of course I did, I have never did that before and I found it fun. Stuffing pickles in jars. So my aunt, and greatgreat, and I went to work. So I have been in Brookyln Park all day. I being such a dumb bell forgot to bring my pictures for them to see. That will be another day.

Tonight I am going to hang out with friends. Who knows what we will get ourselves into. We are trading pictures with eachother and watching my movie. O yes my movie I watched it last night with my mom and dad and then the day before that once. It's just so good. It caps everything we did out in Aspen.

"Climb the stairway to the stars one step at a time" I like that one. Because you take everything a step at a time.

Well my friend is here so got to go.

Wednesday, August 6, 2003 3:53 PM CDT

It's a better day but not a great day. I'm still having headaches but not as bad as yesterday, thank goodness. My tummy is still a little uneasy but getting better. I am pretty much laying around the house today. I'm drinking lots of fluid, like more then I have ever. There is a constant flow from one end to the other end, if you know what I mean , hehehehe : )

Yesterday when I went to see AJ and I saw his cute little face I just thought to myself, "Why him", what did this little boy ever do to deserve this. "Why anyone" I'm sure those are questions that everyone would like to know but never will know. The way I look at mine is that every time it comes back in me it's just one more little kid that doesn't get it. I know I can beat it and maybe that little kid can't so I'm doing it for him. I wish I could take AJ's pain and sickness away for him but I can't. But I can keep him company when I see him. Everyone some day will be affected by this, if it's through a caringbridge website, friends, neighbors, relatives, or you, but each person deals with it in there own way and each person knows what they need to do to stay ahead.
I wish no one would have to deal with it. My wish is a world free of cancer.

"Remember that it takes many stars to light the night sky."

Looking forward to and even better day tomorrow. : )
With Love

Tuesday, August 5, 2003 8:11 PM CDT

Hey everyone. This entry will be kind of short. I'm not feeling the greatest right now. My head feels like it's stuck between two walls. I have a pounding headache that's not really going away with extra strength Tylenol. I will look for tomorrow being a better day. I was fine during the infusion but I was on my way home when it hit hard. I did okay going home though. I made sure I had the phone close just in case but everything was good.

I say a different doctor today, Dr. Cloisy, I think I spelt that wrong, but Dr. Neglia ask if he could see me for my back thing. And he thinks it's in the muscle too. I am going to take some pills for a couple days and then call Monday to see if I need a bone scan.

I met a new little boy today, AJ, he is one of the cutest, darlingest, is that even a word, kids I know. He is such a fighter. His website is He's one tough cookie and he has great parents and siblings, and friends to stay by his side.

O my goodness I almost forget, Guess what I got in the mail today............ My Aspen movie, yyaahh. I watched it two times already. Maja did and outstanding job. I wish you could all see it. And yes still working on pictures. It's so much fun to watch. And I'm telling you know you will be hearing about this movie for awhile. Last year I watched it 15 times the first week. : ) Anyway its great.

Well I think I'm going to end with that. My head is starting to pound so I think I'm going to lay down. Tomorrow will be a better day : )

Love you all.

Monday, August 4, 2003 5:46 PM CDT

What a busy but fun day. I went to the movies with some friends, American Wedding. Wow was that gross and funny. We went to hang out at a park afterwards, which I haven't done for a long time. I like the swings. One of my friends gave me an underdog. Remember those, aren't they the greatest, I think so. Anyway we hang up pretty much the whole day.

Tomorrow I'm out the door at 7:00 to head down to the big city. I am getting my chemo tomorrow in the clinic. My mom took the call and she just said that the doc would talk to me tomorrow about it. I am driving myself though, my dad can't come, well because of work, so all you people down there watch out I will be in morning traffic : ) I hope this is the one.

"I avoid looking forward or backward, and try to keep looking upward", Charlotte, Bronte I live by this quote. I always try to look upward and you should too. Keep the star in front of you and not behind you.

Thanks for caring : )

Sunday, August 3, 2003 2:44 PM CDT

Hi everyone, : ) wow is it a busy weekend here in the good ol town of Albany. Yesterday was our Heritage Day's it's where we have a parade and fun things to do all day. So last night we went to the parade and Brittany and Brandon were down and they got so much candy. It was like trick or treating. So I was up town most of last night. They had awesome fireworks I mean they were really good. I would rank them up at the top for fireworks this year that I have seen.

Yesterday my mom and I went down to the cities for my scan. My scan took 30sec's and I was in the room for less then 2 minutes. So we drove 2 hours for 2 minutes. That's okay it was all good. I actually like driving down in the cities, when I know where I'm going that is.

Today is the Church Bazaar, so there is lots of games and fun stuff to do up at church. There are lots of people in town and my favorite part is the fried bread which is so good. It's bread dough that's fried and then dipped in cinnamon and sugar. If you ever have the chance to get some, take it. It's so good, or at least I think it's good.

"Tomorrow has an infinite number of possibilities" Don't be down if your having a bad day, tomorrow is a whole new day filled with possibilities.

Well that's about it for me. I hope your having a good weekend.
With Love

Friday, August 1, 2003 3:17 PM CDT

Hey everyone, it's Friday. Well it really doesn't matter if I say it though because is doesn't effect me much but everyone else, I'm happy for you. : )

I called Dr.Neglia and he said that I should come back Tuesday for chemo. He was actually working on it when I called. He hadn't looked at my x-rays yet but he was getting to it. Elisa called though just a little bit ago and said that my x-rays were clear which is great but not good for not knowing what it is. It must be in the muscle, which I think it is and it won't show up on a x-ray so I'm not sure what were going to do about it.

I'm still working on pictures so I haven't forgotten at all.

Tonight were going to the Little Crow water show up in Willmar. If your ever around that area on a Friday night, I would run over for a show, they do an awesome show.

Well that's all I know right now but if I think of anything I will let you know.

Hope you have a great weekend with lots of fun.
Love you lots

Thursday, July 31, 2003 3:11 PM CDT

It's safe to drive on the road again, I'm home : )

Well the doctor went good, well as good as can be. My next step is a new chemo again. But this one isn't new new, it's been around for awhile, I just never had it. Dr. Neglia said "there are chemo drugs out there you haven't had yet", hahaha, you know, because I have been on so many different ones. Well I thought it was funny : ) So yes it will be in clinic once a week for 2 weeks and then 2 weeks off. Something like that. I guess we didn't finalize on that. To tell you the truth I don't know when I am even suppose to go back for that. I will have to find that out. He might be calling though because I had x-rays, and I'm getting a Chest CT on Saturday. It's for the back pain I have been having. It is a concern of mine. He just want's to get a stand at where we are at right now. The last time the two tumors in my left lung were 1/2 inch. And I guess there is one in my right lung as well, which I didn't know. I guess it's been there but it hasn't done anything, we like when it doesn't do anything. So will see what those scans show. I would really like to know though what my back pain is from so that we can take care of it. So I ended the chapter and will start a different one. Dr. Neglia talked to Dr. Madduas about surgery and he's not to happy about going in there again, because he doesn't want to take away more lung that I end up needing O2 all the time. Because I really only have 1 lung when you put everything together. And when they keep taking away lung that it can become harder for me to breath, we don't want that. So chemo is the new way and will go that way.

"Everyday brings it's unexpected turns" You never know what's going to happen today tomorrow or the next. You never know when a turn may jump out at you and you have to be prepared, but some you may never be prepared for.

Thanks for caring.
With Love

Wednesday, July 30, 2003 2:08 PM CDT

hello everyone out there and I hope your all well and feeling great : )

I'm feeling good, just small complaints here and there but nothing to big. I will have to mention some things at the doctor tomorrow though. Pain is never good with all this.

Today I spent a lot of the day with my dad. We went to St.Cloud early this morning. I had to get my leg fitted again. See I have had one for a long time but I got smaller and it was to big so I had to get it fitted again. We visited with some people and just looked around at things. We scope out Best Buy because I'm in the market for buying a scanner. I'm not sure what kind to get and if I should get a copier, scanner, printer in one for buy them separate. I don't know will see.

I pray that tomorrow goes well and that my doctor has a good plan because I'm not giving up on this yet. Yet, did I say YET, I will NEVER give up on this. I'm not sure what my future holds but I am coming at it full force, with 130%. I still have a lot of fight in me. I'm driving down by myself so all you people on the road in the cities, beware that I'm coming. No no I'm a good driver : )

"The world belongs to those who are loved, and those who are loved have the world at their fingertips." Tell someone that you love them so very much. Everyone like to hear those words, and it makes them feel like a better person. : )

I will let you know how tomorrow goes.
With Love

Tuesday, July 29, 2003 12:44 AM CDT

'What a great day outside. A little warm but I like it that way. It's better then 3 feet of snow.

Today I am pretty much hanging out helping my mom. You know if I didn't have those daycare kids around to bug me I don't know what I would do. : ) Maybe sleep longer in the morning hehehe There great though.

I don't know what's up with my photo album. I can't get any pictures on there. They just show up as red x's. I have to look into that. I hope to get some other pictures on here soon from my trip. I am working on it.

On Thursday my brother is coming with me to my doctor appointment because my dad can't. It's going to be a bigger day then usual because it's our day to see what the next step is going to be, and there will be a next step. I'm just not sure of it yet but I will take that next step no matter what.

"Never draw the curtain on the window of opportunity." When one door shuts a window opens, but never cover it up. Keep things open and fresh.

I'm out of here. I will be working on the pictures
With Love

Monday, July 28, 2003 9:39 PM CDT

Good evening : ) Boy it's been a long day. It was all my niece, Brittany, and I today. We went shopping, and to a movie. Then out to eat for ribs at Timberlodge. I went shopping today for the hospital. I bought some fleece throw blankets, crayons, markers, glue, ect. for them. I thought why not. So I was on a shopping spree today and it was for a good cause. I feel good now : )

I stayed then tonight for Brittany's softball game which she did great for.

I have been having this back pain again, and it has me a little worried. I even took a pain pill for it, and I don't ever do that. I will have to make sure to bring that up on Thursday. I don't know if it's muscles or what.

"The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible", C. Clarke The only way to know if things are possible are to do them and find out for yourself. Take a chance find out.

Have a good one.
With Love

Sunday, July 27, 2003 10:54 AM CDT

LITTLE UPDATE: Patrick sent me a picture from camp and I put it in my photo book. It's of me and him at Kevin Costner's ranch again. It's our annual picture. So you can see one so far. i will get more

Good morning everyone : ) I'm catching up on my sleep.

Everything is going good. Yesterday it was just my mom and I. We went shopping, school shopping : ( ick. I picked up my pictues too. They turned out great. I put them all in a book already. I will get some pictures on here for sure. I have to pick some of my favorite ones first.

I'm not sure what were going to do today. We might do something with my sister and her family. Will see

Not much else is new.

"You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here.", Desiderata Everyone has the right to be here.

Have a good one

Friday, July 25, 2003 12:49 AM CDT

Hey, hey everyone : )

I had so much fun doing everything, and I mean everything. There was never a dull moment. Well maybe one dull moment, going home.

On Tuesday we all went to play tennis at the Aspen Club. I had lots of fun doing that. Then it was fishing at Kevin Costner's ranch. I caught 4 fish this year. I didn't catch any last year. I went for a canoe ride around the lake and it was so nice. I even rocked the boat as we were going and Andra was freaking out. When we got back from that it was time again to head down to the pool. It was a warmer day and it felt good to jump in.
We headed out to Dinner at the Cantina. The have awesome food there and a movie in town.

On Wednesday we went shopping. Wow Amy let lose to shop in Aspen, oh look out. I got some good buys though. We went on a Gondola ride to the top of Aspen mountain and I had to be given 02, oxygen, because my lips started to turn blue along with the tip of my nose. That wasn't good. It was 11,212 feet up so the air got pretty thin. My 02 level wouldn't stay above 80 so they said no way. Normal peoples 02 level is 100% on normal level and in Aspen upper 90s well me with 1 lung all together, didn't stand a chance so they just gave me oxygen, which was all good. So anyway we got some great pictures and I will be putting them on here once I find someone with a scanner. We had a talent show and dancing the last night, Wednesday. We had a miss Silver Linning 2003 pageant. I was the MC for it. It was fun. That was our talent. We watched Maya's film that she was making throughout the week. Remember last year when i said I was watching my movie, well you will probably hear it again this year. It was great. We had a little party in our room the last night too. everyone snuck into our room. Shhh don't tell : )

Thursday morning came and I was thinking about hiding in a closet so that I wouldn't have to leave but that didn't work. I said bye to everyone but Patrick because he said he was going to be on the other end but we had to board so I never got to say goodbye. I cried on the plane for like 20 minutes but then I was good. I was sad to leave, but now I will have memories and pictures. I took 6 rolls of 24 : ) You can never have to many pictures.

All in all I have One AWESOME TIME. Couldn't have been better.

Thank you, Andren, Hidie, Maya, Petra, Bill, Patrick, John, Forrest, Jerelyn, Jen, Annie, Kathleen, James, and anyone that I forgot. I had a GREAT time.

"Never forget the memories" They will always be with you.
With love

Thursday, July 24, 2003 6:09 PM CDT

Well I'm back in Minnesota. I had a safe flight in. I sat right across the aisle from Tori. We kept eachother company. I went and got my blood drawn and everything is good.

I will tell you everything tomorrow. I am going to unpack : ( my stuff and go to sleep. I'm beat

With love

Wednesday, July 23, 2003 9:48 PM CDT

I'm cry my eyes out. I have to go home. Can you believe my trip is over. I have been waiting for this for so long, and now it's over. : ( I have had such an awesome time hanging out with everyone. I am going to miss everyone. I had the best time of my life again.

I get in tomorrow at 1:00, and then I have to get blood drawn. I will talk to you tomorrow in Minnesota : (

Miss you all

Monday, July 21, 2003 10:20 PM CDT

It's an Amy update. She is still having an incredible time in sunny, beautiful, no humidity, no bugs, Colorado. She said the weather could'nt be nicer. She's been a very busy girl. They went horseback riding, had a pool party, went on carriage rides and the favorite event so far---WHITE WATER RAFTING!!!! She sat in the front of the boat and said that she nearly fell out a couple of times. She loved every minute of it. When there was a lull inbetween the dangerous rapids, they had watergun fights with the other boat of rafters. Of course some people wanted to get soaking wet and others didn't. What group of people do you suppose our Amy belonged to? The group that wanted to get soaking wet, of course. They also had a picnic by the river. One of the camp councelors said that they wanted to keep Amy at the camp for the summer. I'm sure she would love it but we would miss her too much, so we told him that they had to send her back. Once again, Thank you everyone for supporting Amy. She's an incredible young lady whom we love very much. You are truly one of the reasons she continues to fight as hard as she does. We are thankful to have all of you on her side. Stay tuned for another update soon.
Love from Amy's family

Monday, July 21, 2003 10:20 PM CDT

It's an Amy update. She is still having an incredible time in sunny, beautiful, no humidity, no bugs, Colorado. She said the weather could'nt be nicer. She's been a very busy girl. They went horseback riding, had a pool party, went on carriage rides and the favorite event so far---WHITE WATER RAFTING!!!! She sat in the front of the boat and said that she nearly fell out a couple of times. She loved every minute of it. When there was a lull inbetween the dangerous rapids, they had watergun fights with the other boat of rafters. Of course some people wanted to get soaking wet and others didn't. What group of people do you suppose our Amy belonged to? The group that wanted to get soaking wet, of course. They also had a picnic by the river. One of the camp councelors said that they wanted to keep Amy at the camp for the summer. I'm sure she would love it but we would miss her too much, so we told him that they had to send her back. Once again, Thank you everyone for supporting Amy. She's an incredible young lady whom we love very much. You are truly one of the reasons she continues to fight as hard as she does. We are thankful to have all of you on her side. Stay tuned for another update soon.
Love from Amy's family

Saturday, July 19, 2003 9:04 PM CDT

Well look at that 2 days in a row. I'm having such a blast out here. Guess what I did today. I climbed a rock wall, all the way to the top, thank you very much. I was so tired. One of the nurses said when I got back down that my lips were blue, I was breathing a little heavy for a while but I was all good after I rested. We went swimming again but lots more people came this time.

We had a game room tournament with air hockey, bowling, basketball, pool, and more. Guess what I was the basketball champ. The last game was close but I pulled it off. There was a couple other ones that was really close. Tori and I were the air hockey champs.

Tonight we went out to boogies. Dan and I shared Malts and desert. We are watching a movie right now, XXX I couldn't get into it so I'm here updating.

Well until next time.
With Love

Friday, July 18, 2003 4:34 PM CDT

Hey everyone, Guess where I am. Who knows.......Anyone??? Oh ya that's right, Aspen. So we made it to the ranch on time and the flight was good. We all met at the United ticket counter this morning at 7:30. We were all on time except for one person, that would be Dr.Dan. He was late but it was all good.

When I got here I got to see all the people from last year which was so great. It's been so long and it was really good to see them.

There is flight trouble with the other groups so Minnesota is the only one here right now. Nope I lied there is someone from Denver and someone from Wales. It's pretty cool.

We arlready went swimming, which was awesome. The water was great. We had to get out though becasue of thunder. It's all good though. Now were pretty much hanging out doing whatever.

I already bet Dan on a game of air Hockey. It was so much fun.

Okay well I have to run but I'm here and enjoying myself already. Talk to you whenever I can. Hope your all doing good.
With Lovep

Thursday, July 17, 2003 8:40 AM CDT


Well I had to update one more time for now. I got to sleep last night. I was so tired, so I am all caught up again. I'll need it for out in Aspen.

Like I said yesterday, I'm heading down to my second home today, actually in about 20 minutes to get blood and platelets.

I finally got all packed and have everything in order. Until I leave and a hour down the road remember that I forgot something. Don't you hate when that happens. I made a list before hand to make sure I got the things I really needed. I have like 6 rolls of film and I'm set. I will take lots of pictures and show as many as I can. Maybe I'll put new one's on once a week, or something. I don't know will see.

Tomorrow my flight leaves at 9:15 in the morning. So I need to be at the airport at 7:45 I think. We fly into Denver and then into Aspen. Then next Thursday we arrive back here in Minnesota at 12:59. It's going to be so much fun. : )

"Try to please everybody and you please nobody." You can't be perfect all the time. No one is perfect in this world. There are times when you need to do something for yourself. So today treat yourself to something. If's it's extra time getting ready, or an extra snack.

See you when I can update.
Love you all

Wednesday, July 16, 2003 8:48 AM CDT

Guess what, I'M GOING TO ASPEN!!! Whooohooo : ) Oh it's starting to settle in that in 2 days, counting today, I get to go to Aspen. I'm so giddie right now. Last night I couldn't fall asleep because i had talked to Patrick about everything and it brought back everything I did last year. It's so much FUN : )

And for more good news, Jody called yesterday and my scans are good : ) The tumors are still there but nothing grew at all. My heart echo was good, and they are still waiting for my EKG. So yes my scans were good. I love good.

I am already up this morning early to go lift weights. Wow I'm so motivated, hehehehe : )

Today I have to pack. I haven't packed anything. And when I wait for the last minute I forget stuff. So I will be packing all day. Because once I'm out the door tomorrow morning, I'm gone for a week.

It's so funny, in the last three weeks I have been at my aunt and uncles house and the hospital more then I have been at home. Which is another thing,

I want to shout out a BIG THANK YOU to my aunt and uncle for letting me stay at your house. You make things so much more easy. My aunt and uncle are great people, and so much fun. So thank you.

When I'm out in Aspen, I don't know if I will be able to update at all. I got to a few days last year, but I will probably call my sister or brother and they will be able to do it. So have no fear I will still be here : )

"The meaning of things lies not in the things themselves, but in our attitude towards them", Antoine de Saint Exupery. Great quote Our attitude has to be good towards everything or it's going to make things 10 times as hard, to get along with whatever it is. So look at the good things. With me, I hate cancer, but look at the good side, I have gotten to meet some outstanding people that I would have never met. I have met some awesome doctors, nurses, and patients. I have met all of you out there, who are great. So try to have a good attitude toward those things.

Oh one more thing, I'm going to ASPEN : )
With Love

Tuesday, July 15, 2003 12:30 AM CDT

Hi everyone, it's a great day outside compared to last night with the down pours of rain.

Nobody has called yet as to how my scans turned out and everything, but I am not expecting them until later today. So maybe later I will have an update.

This morning I was up early because I drove my aunt up here to Albany for a funeral. So I had company for the drive home.

As you can see I added my poem that I wrote, above. I have wanted to write a poem for a long time and this weekend I sat down and just wrote and that is how it turned out. I hope you like it.

Tonight I think I'm heading to Brandon's baseball game. I am going to wear long pants, and a long sleeved shirt with a hood, so that I don't come home with tons of bug bits. The bugs are really bad this year, who knows why, but I don't like them.

On Thursday, I think I told you this, but I am getting blood and platelets. I am staying at my aunt and uncles again, because then they will bring me to the air port in the morning to go to, who knows where..........?, duh Aspen. My dad couldn't get off. So when I leave here Thursday then I leave for good, for a week.

Well when I find out more for the doc, i will let you know.
Love you all

Tuesday, July 15, 2003 12:30 AM CDT

Hi everyone, it's a great day outside compared to last night with the down pours of rain.

Nobody has called yet as to how my scans turned out and everything, but I am not expecting them until later today. So maybe later I will have an update.

This morning I was up early because I drove my aunt up here to Albany for a funeral. So I had company for the drive home.

As you can see I added my poem that I wrote, above. I have wanted to write a poem for a long time and this weekend I sat down and just wrote and that is how it turned out. I hope you like it.

Tonight I think I'm heading to Brandon's baseball game. I am going to wear long pants, and a long sleeved shirt with a hood, so that I don't come home with tons of bug bits. The bugs are really bad this year, who knows why, but I don't like them.

On Thursday, I think I told you this, but I am getting blood and platelets. I am staying at my aunt and uncles again, because then they will bring me to the air port in the morning to go to, who knows where..........?, duh Aspen. My dad couldn't get off. So when I leave here Thursday then I leave for good, for a week.

Well when I find out more for the doc, i will let you know.
Love you all

Monday, July 14, 2003 6:46 PM CDT

HI everyone, I'm hanging out here at the hospital waiting for my scan. They couldn't fit me in earlier, so 7:30 it is. But now there has been a change of plans, I'm staying with my aunt again tonight, because I wouldn't be leaving here until 8:00ish and wouldn't get home until like 10:00. Plus there is bad weather up I94 so I think it will be better this way. So I am meeting her and my cousin for dinner. Boy latly I live at my aunt and uncles. I'm never home. At least I can do this now in the summer and now during school which would be bad.

So anyway things so far are going good. I met with Jody and Dr.Neglia and they said things are good. I'm coming back on Thursday for blood and platelets. To spike me up for Aspen, which I might add is only 5 days away.

Jody will call me tomorrow with all the results of what happened today. Hopefully she calles with good news.

I watched How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days with Crista, here at the hospital, during my scan. It was something to do to pass the time away. It was so good. Crista is one of the best nurses ever. So I found out today that one of my doctors, well he was the intern that I had as a med student, has skin cancer. It's good I think, I mean he's doing good. They took it out and he was here today. I ask that you pray that he recovers well ant that it stays away. It's a bummer. I mean he's helping cancer patients and then he turns into one himself. I felt so bad.

Okay I have to run, I will talk to you later.
With Love

Sunday, July 13, 2003 10:34 AM CDT

Top of the day to you all : )

Yesterday was a great day until the little incident. But before that we went to my brother's house to check out how it all turned out. He and his wife got a new house and they are pretty much done with it. It's turned out great. We were celebrating his birthday that was like a week ago. So anyway we were going to go out to dinner when I was sitting there and all of sudden my chest started to hurt kind of bad. I was sitting there like, "oh this isn't suppose to happen". I was freaking out, because that chemo does stuff to your heart and I thought it was that. I was going to call the doctor but held off to see if it would get better, and it did. I think I had a good case of heart burn. I have never had heart burn before. Kind of scary but it's all better now. So we stayed in last night and just had frozen pizza. Wow I'm glad that is over.

Anyway I think we going to see a movie today. I think "Pirates of the Caribbean". It is getting really good reviews, so we will probably check it out.

6 days until I get to leave for ASPEN, yyaahh I can't wait.

Tomorrow I am back down in the cities for more tests. I won't be back until late seeing that one of my scans isn't until 7:30 but I will have to see if they can squeeze me in because it only takes 2 minuets, not kidding.

"Success comes in cans, failures in can'ts" -Anonymous Always look for the cans

With Love

Friday, July 11, 2003 2:07 PM CDT

It's a new day and I'm feeling better but still not at my 100%, but better. Things are still rushing in and out of my mind. There are so many things to be thought about. It will take a day or two to feel totally better but I'm hanging out with friends and trying to make the best of it.

Last night was a little girls night with my best friends. We talked about things and everyone got things off there mind. Friends are the greatest.

Today I am taking easy for right now, but later some friends and I are going out to eat, because it's that time again, and maybe to a movie after, will see how things plan out.

Last night I got a call from camp, yyaahh. It made me cheer up to hear their voices. It made the night better. I am keeping my mind set on camp and making sure I don't get sick anytime from now until next Friday. Can you believe it, it's next Friday already. I get to go with one of my good friends, Jill, from the hospital and Olivia which I kind of know, she's pretty cool though. Then three guys as well. It will be fun.

"Our spirits soar on the wings of angles", Sarah Michelle I like that saying, and I think it's very appropriate.

As I said yesterday, I will never give up : )
p.s. have a good weekend

Thursday, July 10, 2003 2:10 PM CDT

The chapter that I started with this new chemo has ended. I can no longer get the chemo anymore because my heart did it's stuff again. So they can no longer give it to me and I'm off the study. : ( I am really having a hard time with this one. I wanted it to be the drug so bad. I prayed that it would be the one to take it all away, so that I could get one with my life and start helping other kids. But it has been put on hold again.

I was suppose to go home, aunt and uncles house, yesterday at like 2:00 but they had to wait for what the people in charge said. Jody dropped the bomb on me at 5:30 and said I could go home. I didn't leave until 7:00. I was having a really hard time with this one. Crista came and sat and cried with me. She helped me out. When she left my doctor came and say with me for over a half hour, trying to help me out , and to comfort me. Like I said this was a hard one to take. The thought of this is the end of the road was running through my mind and that made it even worse.

My doctor said that he won't give up, he will have something else. He told me not to give up, and I'm not going to. I told him I have come to far to give up, I have worked so hard, to get where I am today and I'm not done yet. I will never be done. He said he's going to look at some other things to do.

I asked one of the worst questions that can be asked, and the hardest for me, "Will it ever go away"? He said "I'm still shooting for it"

So I got out all my frustrations and my nurses walked me to the car and I left after that. But they made sure I was okay before I left. I called when I got to my aunt and uncles house too.

I have my game face on again and I'm ready to go. I should be able to go to Aspen now, and when I came back it's back at it. The cancer won't win, it's trying too but it won't.

Next Monday I go back for lots of scans, and labs.


Wednesday, July 9, 2003 10:47 AM CDT

Good Morning : ) I'm up early as you would know there are docs and nurses in my room left and right, that's okay though.

Guess what my platelets acutally went up!!!!!! Is that great or what. There are up to 58,000 or something close to that. She that talked did work. I have to keep thinking good vibes.

Yesterday was a boat ride on lake Minnetonka, I was suppose to go to that. There are so many things that you have to give up in this stuff.

I'm still counting on going to camp. I have to keep thinking good vibes on that too.

I should be getting out of here later today, hopefully but I won't say anything yet : )

I had a great time with Crista last night. We played a few rounds of cribbage. I am finding more and more people that know how to play it, it's a great game.

I am going with a new look now with my hair. I have two small pig tails in. I think they look pretty cute : )

I will let you know more later today as things come up.
Have a good and fun day
With Love

Tuesday, July 8, 2003 8:48 AM CDT

UPDATE: Hi guys, well I'm all done with my chemo already. Now I just wait for EKG's and a little blood work tomorrow morning. I probably won't be able to leave until like 5:00 tomorrow because I need another EKG 24 hours after. I don't know if I told you this already or not but if my heart does the same thing again I can't be on the study anymore, which would be so bad because as of right now I'm doing really good with everything except for my heart. So please pray that everything is okay with my heart. I kind of have bad news to in a way. As of right now, going to camp in Aspen isn't looking to good. I have been looking forward to this for so long. My platelets as I say below have taken a big hit in the first week. Imagen what they have done now. I am black and blue everywhere. I am still looking at going. I will keep that positive attitude and say that I'm going to be able to go. A good thing though is that I have Crista as a nurse tonight. She is my most time favorite person to have. So the night will go by quick with fun things to do. That's all I know for now. I will talk to you tomorrow.
Love lots

Good morning everyone. THis will have to be a really quick update for now. I'm going to get my chemo today but I have to be in the hospital for it because of what happened last time. I feel a little more safer that way too. Because they explained some of the things that could happen if my heart does that thing again. So I just checked myself in. I have to have a monitor on again to watch my heart, which is all good so that they can stay on top of things. My blood work came back yesterday and my platelets took a big hit. They are down to 35,000 in one week. They were up at 119,000 last monday. So it looks like I will be getting platelets in the near future. Now this is not good camp wise, because if my platelets are down then I can't go. I am still thinking positive thoughts. My platelets and i will have to have a talk later : ) hahaha

Okay I have to run but I will update later with more on what's happening.
Love you all

Monday, July 7, 2003 7:41 AM CDT

Good Morning everyone : )

I'm still here and doing pretty well, if I say so myself. Just a little tired here and there but over all no complaints. Yesterday I ended up taking a 2 hour nap but doesn't every teenager sleep all the time : )

Saturday night I ended up going to a movie with a friend. He hadn't seen Phone Booth yet so we went to that. It's a good movie, but NOT for the kids.

Yesterday it was my mom and me most of the day, my dad had to work. We played games to keep ourselves busy. Last night I made homemade pizza, and was it good. I must say I am a good cook : )

I hope everyone had a safe 4th and made it home safely from there destination okay. I'm sure there were a lot of cars on the road yesterday.

In a little while I am heading down to the cities again, but this time by myself. I have to get a bunch of labs drawn and a EKG. I am staying at my aunt and uncles house. They have been so nice in letting me stay there. I have to be back at the clinic in the morning then for the 2nd dose of chemo. I should be able to go home after this one. So hopefully everything works out. Now all you people who live in the Twin Cities what out for a white grand prix coming down the road, it may be me, and you never know about my driving, so says all the docs and nurses : ) hehehe, NO no I'm a good driver : )

I will be updating at weird hours now, it won't be on any time thing. Since I will be there, here, back and forth but I will try hard to always let you know what's happening.

Here is a quote to live by, "Remember the Past, live in the Present, and look forward to the Future". Live each day to the best you can, you never know when it will be the last. But always look forward to those good days. And always remember the past, with love ones and great memories.

Have a great one
With Love

Saturday, July 5, 2003 2:09 PM CDT

Were back from Duluth and I had a great time. It was perfect up there. : ), the weather could not have been any better.

So yes I left on Thursday from the hospital and slept all the way up there, but when I got there I was wide awake. When they said I could leave, I left no room for "Oh wait you can't go", I ran out of there, there was no stopping me : )

On Thursday night I went and sat down by the water. Wow was that a little refreshing. I love every minute of it though.

On Friday we went shopping, oh no me shopping, well I got two things, but I am already looking towards that "S'' word that I have to do in the fall, you know what I mean? Anyway afterwards, we took a walk on the boardwalk where I put my roller blade on and my dad pushed away. I stayed back by the water though. I found a perfect rock to sit on, and stayed for a couple hours just sitting there looking. That's my favorite thing to do, along with feeding the birds. It's the smallest and cheapest thing, just sitting by the water, is all I need when I'm there.

Chemo when pretty well. I really haven't had any side effects besides being a little more tired and I have a nice sizes black and blue mark on my leg, it's a small price to pay.

"Your success and happiness lie in you", Helen Keller You don't need material things to be happy, it's the things inside that count the most. You may get something and be happy at the time sooner or later that something is going to come to an end, but you will still have the happiness inside. It's all you need, believe in yourself, and let your inners come out.

Hope you had a happy, fun, and safe fourth.

Thursday, July 3, 2003 10:58 AM CDT

Good morning to you all, I hope your bright eyed and bushytailed, is that one word or two? : )

Anyway I should be out of here today. They gave me the clear here and we have to wait what the big head of this studie says and people over at St.Judes. They have done this drug a few more times there then here. They will get back within the hour. I have to be back here on Saturday at 10:00 to have my blood taken and see Dr.Neglia. I may have to get another EKG again too but those aren't bad at all. My EKG today was better then yesterday but still a little abnormal, but they are fine with because it's getting better.

Last night I hung out with the nurses pertty much all night. I went to teeen night and had a blast. So it wasn't all bad staying here but it would have been better in Duluth. That's okay I rather have it taken car of now then later.

I got to see another one of my docter people that I had as an intern 2 years ago. It's funny how you never see them and then one day there all back.

Well I have to run but have a extra safe 4th but have fun. Don't do anything stupid as my mom would say.
With Love

Wednesday, July 2, 2003 12:15 AM CDT

UPDATE: Amy is very bummed out, she cannot go to Duluth today after all. Her Heart Scan showed a slight deviation. They think it is nothing however they want to keep her another night for observation. Hopefully she can go tomorrow. Keep the fingers crossed???

HI everyone, this will be quick. I'm still doing really good. I am having some headaches but nothing else to major. Now I'm just hanging out until I get my final EKG, and get my moniter taken off and it will be off to Duluth : )

Last night I was beat. I went to bed at 10:15, which is early for me, and slept like a log. I needed that though. They are rechecking my bone scan because I guess they read the thing backwards. They had me a little worried at first because they said there was something in shorty, that's what I call my non leg. So that was so not cool. But anyway they are reading it again and hopefully it's read right.

My counts and i had a little chat last night and they have agreed that they can drop a little but won't drop to far that I can't go to camp. So I am still counting on going : )

I have to run but will chat the next time I have a chance.
Love you all

Tuesday, July 1, 2003 2:53 PM CDT

I will have to make this quick, I have to be back in my room at 3:10 for a blood draw. I will update more later though.

I'm doing awesome, no side effects yet, and I handly it really well. Nothing happen and I ended up having my own nurse and we played cards and had a little field trip over to the clinic to drop off my blood. One of my favorite doctors is here. Along time ago I said I had him when he was a first year, and then an intern and now he's up here again. He cracks me up : ) Anyway, so the prayers worked and I'm handling it well. Now if everything keeps going well tomorrow, I will be able to do it out patient next week. I will come down on Monday and get all my blood done and then I will stay at my aunt and uncles house, then come back early on Tuesday for the dose. The following week then I will be back in Monday thru Wednesday, which is not bad. The reason why is because I get blood drawn all the time. It's like 15mins after the infusion, then 1/2 hour, 1 hour, 2 hours and so on, Up to 20 hours. So I will be hangen out again. If everything is good and my counts are up then I will leave for Aspen that week. I pray so hard that I will be able to go because I have been looking forward to this since I first heard, so hopfully I will be able to go.

My moto during this stay is. "Staying Positive", and "It's all good", I even made a sign with the saying on it. I think that's what is gettiong me through is staying positive. So I am really happy with how everything is turning out so far and I think the docs and nurses are too, because they no idea. I'm the first patient that they have had to give it too. And it's not hard or anything. It's just they need to have the blood test done and certain times and on the time. Which means I need to run soon. I am even drawing my own blood now and putting it in the tube. But SSsshhh don't tell : ) hehehehe

I think I actually got everything in here but if I think of anything else you will be one of the first people to find out.

Remember to stay POSTIVE

Monday, June 30, 2003 10:03 AM CDT

UPDATE: Well I'm bored already. There really not doing anything with me tonight. I am pretty much here in case there was something wrong with my EKG, and that the druges person doesn't mix any of my chemo and things up until I"m actuall here so now I will be here and they can start as soon as they get in tomorrow. So tomorrow morning around 9:00 I will get my first dose and I will be watched, with lots of blood tests being done, seeing that it is a new drug and everything. So besides that I have nothing else to say. I will fill you in on how everything goes tomorrow. Until then
Love ya all

Good Monday Morning to you all. Hope you got to work, or wherever you going, fast and safly.

Well yesterday for dinner we went to Red Loster and my mom and I shared steak and lobster. Let me tell you I won't be ordering lobster any time soon, well never :) I'm very fond of lobster, but at least I tried it, it's just not a thing for me, the steak was good though. I'm a chicken girl : ) hehehe

Well I'm sitting at the hospital in the teen room waiting for my bone scan. I have another 1/2 hour before I have to be back. They injected me with radio active stuff, that's weird now there is radio active stuff flooting around me, hahaha. I really don't know much on the treatment side of it yet, I have to wait to see the doc, which I will see later when I go to my room. The problem with me being in the hospital is that they can never find me. I'm either in here, the teen room, or in another patients room. They need to keep a beeper on me. hehehe

I am heading into the is new chemo treat with a full rush forward and no looking back. This will be the one to make it all go away. This drug could even maybe make it all go away, that's a 1 and 1,000,000,000 chance but it could happen, you have to be positive about these things.

I will maybe update another update later when I know a little more as to what is going to happen. I pray that this is the one. God please be on my side for this one.

I will talk to you later and have a great day doing whatever your doing. Make it a fun filled day : )
With Love

Sunday, June 29, 2003 9:15 AM CDT

Good morning to you all. Don't ask me why I"m up so early after a late night? : )

The Twins game yesterday was so much fun. My mom and I went early with my sister, and her husbands mom and dad. There was a party thing, pre game that we were invited too. It was food, drinks and music stuff. It was fun though. My dad couldn't come yesterday because of work. When we left to go to the game it was pouring out and I a long with others got socked. We were in the 7th row in left field, they were great seats. It was easy going down the stairs but getting back up. I could have passed out from going up them. I couldn't do one step more. I was so glad though that I could skip steps and not go up one by one, because that would have been bad. Well I made it up in one piece and living still. As we were walking back to the cars that tornado siren went off oops. I was one driver and my sister was another driver. We decided to take it one. It wasn't to bad, but the clouds were not very user friendly though. It looked pretty black outside. Well rest assure we got home safely.

Today I think we plan on running into St.Cloud, as always, and who knows what else. Will let the day plan itself.
Have a good one.

Friday, June 27, 2003 4:48 PM CDT

I'm feeling GREAT : ) I'm at the top of my peak and it's growing higher each minute.

This morning it was up to go lift weights. After that it was a little poker with the older daycare kids. I over took every ones poker chips : )

This I went to see Bruce Almighty with some friends. Great movie. I really liked it. Jim Carry does an awesome job. I thought it was really funny. It's one that I'm getting when it comes out on film.

Tomorrow my mom and I get to go to the Twins game with my sister and her family. Thanks Jerry : ) Hope they win. Next week both my mom and dad are on vacation. So Monday I go to the hospital and Wednesday we leave straight from there to Duluth. Wait a minute did I say this yesterday. That's my age showing through : ) hahahaha

I'm off to have more fun so I will let you go. Thanks for all the support, I sure needed it these last few days and it proved to have worked. God does great things.

Have a outstanding weekend. Live life : )

Thursday, June 26, 2003 4:26 PM CDT

IT'S FOR THE !~!~!~!BETTER!~!~!~! Amy is jumping for joy. It all comes with the goods and bads though, but I can sure deal with he bads.

My scans came back with a positive result. There has been two tumors in my left lung, which I didn't know. Anyway one of them grew 1/2 a centimeter, but the other one DIDN'T grow at ALL. (One big yell)!!! : )

I'm onto another chapter in chemo. I will be starting a phase 1 drug on Tuesday, so I didn't get chemo today. This phase 1 drug will consist of lots of blood draws the first time. I will be back at the U on Monday morning for a normal bone scan. It's been awhile since I had one so they are doing it now. When I am done with the scan I will be admitted to the hospital for scans and blood work. Then on Tuesday morning I will get a 4 hour infusion of the chemo. I will be on a heart monitor the whole time because this stuff can do bad stuff to your heart, and since they really haven't had it one a pediatric patient before, they want to keep a close watch. I will be getting lots of EKG's through this, that also monitors your heart waves. All my blood work has to be done down at the U so I will be driving back and forth Mondays and Thursdays to get blood work done. I need to be watched a lot because it's a study. I will get this once a week for three weeks and then two off. Then re-scan and if everything is the same then another round. I will be in the hospital until Wednesday and then from there we will leave and go to Duluth for the 4th of July. They have big fireworks on Friday. We come back Saturday and go to the cities for blood work seeing that I will miss Thursday. I will get the chemo through a IV line put into my arm so that after the 4 hours they can pull that out and just use my port for the blood work.

The clinch to this right now is that it can drop your counts. The one's that would be hit the most are the platelets. My three weeks would be three days before I got to camp. And if my platelets are low, or I have a fever I can't go. So there is a big chance that I might not be able to go. I would be crushed but I will hope for good platelets.

So this new chapter has opened to me and I am going at it with 110%. I sure hope it's the one. The doc told me that all chemos they use now were once phase 1 studies.

I will let this thing unfold a day at a time. What comes up I deal with it when it comes.

Thanks a TONS for the prayers, they worked : )

All those butterflies were released when Jody said my scans were good. It's like a ton of bricks were lifted off within seconds. It was a great feeling.

I'm onto a new chapter and I will do what it takes. I am at this point because of the prayers, they do work. Thank you God for the watching over today.

My doctor said the we are going to out run this thing, whatever it takes. That is exactly what were doing.

I have the biggest smile on my face and you helped in doing it.

Wednesday, June 25, 2003 12:46 AM CDT

P.S. UPDATE: I'm updating right now at 4:23. It may take a little bite but it's coming.

UPDATE: Well it's 7:00 this Thursday morning and I'm having the uneasy butterflies in my stomach. I'm trying so hard to keep thinking good thoughts, I keep trying to trust in God that he will make everything all right, but those bad things come to mind every once and awhile. I'm so scared for today. My life will change in less then 4 hours for the better or for the worst. Please God let it be for the good. Let my pain be from lifting weight's. I so badly want to come out on top of this disease. But you know if worse comes to worse, I will cross that bridge again. I still have the drive to live. My doctor said that WE would cross the bridge and that we have crossed many bridges already to get us here. He's so right, we have have crossed mountains. Whatever I here today, I will deal with in, as best I can. Thank you for all the prayers and thoughts. It makes me feel better going into today knowing that there are prayers out there. I will update when I get home.

I just typed a long entry and it erased. Now I'm bummed out. I will try again but I'm sure it will be shorter then the one I had.

I made it home and in one piece. The drive was good this morning. I stopping in St.Cloud to pick up part of my brother's Birthday gift.

I had a great time with my aunt. We had a blast. We went to the ZOO. It was so much fun to watch the monkeys and giraffes. We saw lots of animals. After we were done there we ran over to the science museum to see a show.

I did my scan last night instead of 7:00 in the morning tomorrow. I thought as well as I was down there why not do it. Now it's for the finally truth on Thursday. I trust God is helping me in many ways. They sometimes may not show but he could be helping the pain stop, or stopping the growth of the tumor, and trying to make it GO AWAY. That's all I want. I got to talk to my doctor and he had just got off the phone with a person about my chemo. You know that chemo drug that I got picked for, well my name has finally come up and it's a new thing that I can try. I really don't know much about it, but I will find out more tomorrow. I told him about the pain that I was having and he said that he would look at my scans as soon as possible. He said we will cross the bridge when it comes to it. And that is right. He is such a great doctor.

My chemo angle sent me this great poem and I would like to share it with you.

To A Beautiful Person
If God had a refrigerator, your picture would be on it.
If He had a wallet, your photo would be in it.
He sends you flowers every spring.
He sends you a sunrise every morning.
Whenever you want to talk, He listens.
He can live anywhere in the universe, but He chose your heart.
Face it friend, He is crazy about you! God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way.

You are a special person and don't forget that. You mean something to someone and you all mean a lot to me.
With Love

Tuesday, June 24, 2003 2:03 PM CDT

Amy is out and about today down in the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St.Paul. She went to her favorite Auntie and Uncles yesterday for a two-night stay at the DesMarais bed and breakfast. Last night they had a lovely dinner on the deck complete with the lighted torches and bug free, gee how did they manage that? Today her and Auntie were headed over to the Como Park zoo for some fun with the animals.

Amy has her big scan scheduled for this evening so she has a big day ahead. I think a little extra prayer is in order. Hoping all turns out well.

Until tomorrow, Amy

Sunday, June 22, 2003 4:12 PM CDT

Hello wonderful people out there, I hope this finds you well and happy : );

Friday night we ended up running to New London Spicer for the Little Crow water ski show. They did and awesome job for it being the beginning of the year. I love going to watch them. I actually went to watch them last night too, but it got rained out. It was a big carnival thing this weekend in the town over from us. So yesterday I went to a parade and got lots of candy. Like I said before I'm such a big kid.

Today we ran into St.Cloud and Amy was in the mall again, but it wasn't to bad. I didn't make a big crater in my dads money stash : ) No no I only got a couple little things.

The next couple days I'm going to spend with my aunt in the cities. My uncle will be out f town, so I will keep here company.

I need to ask some favors. Can you PLEASE start praying for my scans coming up on Thursday at 7:00 in the morning. I so need my tumors to be stable, which I'm not sure they are from pain I'm having. I still stay positive and hope for the best. But please and you start praying for good scans. Maybe even pass it along to someone. It would be the best gift to have good scans. It's been a long time since my scans were clear. Each time this stuff is there the more the chance of me being cancer free. I never will give up though, I don't care how low my chances are or will be, I will not be giving in and giving up. I'm still in this for the long hall. I just need your help for the prayers to come.

Thanks so much for your help.

Sunday, June 22, 2003 4:12 PM CDT

Hello wonderful people out there, I hope this finds you well and happy : );

Friday night we ended up running to New London Spicer for the Little Crow water ski show. They did and awesome jpb for it being the beginning of the year. I love going to watch them. I actually went to watch them last night too, but it got rained out. It was a big carnival thing this weekend in the town over from us. So yesterday I went to a parade and got lots of candy. Like I said before I'm such a big kid.

Today we ran into St.Cloud and Amy was in the mall again, but it wasn't to bad. I didn't make a big cratter in my dads money stash : ) No no I only got a couple little things.

The next couple days I'm going to spend with my aunt in the cities. My uncle will be out f town, so I will keep here company.

I need to ask some favors. Can you PLEASE start praying for my scans coming up on Thursday at 7:00 in the morning. I so need my tumors to be stable, which I'm not sure they are from pain I'm having. I still stay positive and hope for the best. But please and you start praying for good scans. Maybe even pass it along to someone. It would be the best gift to have good scans. It's been a long time since my scans were clear. Each time this stuff is there the more the chance of me being cancer free. I never will give up though, I don't care how low my chances are or will be, I will not be giving in and giving up. I'm still in this for the long hall. I just need your help for the prayers to come.

Thanks so much for your help.

Friday, June 20, 2003 3:16 PM CDT

Hey hey everyone. I have to say it again, it great here today. The weather is terrific!! : )

I was playing lots of cards with the kids today. It got pretty intense here and there but my mom ended up winning by a hair. Phase 10 is great game, if you have never played it i would maybe think about making an investment.

I got a call from the hospital today and my counts are good. I am on time for scans, check-up, and chemo next week. I still am feeling good, no complaints.

"Don't ruin today's sunshine thinking about tomorrow's storms", said by Joe, my chemo angels husband. I think I am going to start living by that saying, along with all the others. Don't worry about things that are in the future. Live in the time right now, not tomorrow, now. Tomorrow will be there for you to worry about things. Maybe the storm will pass over and you won't have anything to think about. So don't ruin the sunshine thinking about tomorrow's storms.

Have an excellent weekend.
With Love

Thursday, June 19, 2003 12:09 AM CDT

It's another great day out. This morning I had to run to the store and get milk for my mom. I got to talk to some people that I haven't seen in awhile. We finished our game of phase 10 that we didn't have the chance to finish yesterday, I won : ) Anyway I run up to the hospital and got my blood drown. I'm thinking it should be fine. My black and blue marks are getting better. I will hear from the bosses soon.

This afternoon the kids and I are off to the park to play and goof around. I'm such a big kid, that's okay though : )

Like I said yesterday I'm feeling great but I can't help to not notice those lingering thoughts that seem to pop up. There are those certain feelings that scare me. Those feelings that I get when something is wrong. It scares me a bit. The scans will tell the truth come next week. My world will change again, either for the good or the bad. It's so funny how you can be on top of the world one week and the next you feel like your under it. Well I'm deciding to keep feeling like I'm on top of the world. I have control over my life to a certain extent and I choose to live it well.

Here is my quote for the day said by Charles C. Noble, "You must have long-range goals to keep you from being frustrated by short-range failures". Again it's so true. I have to keep concentrating on the out come of all the chemo treatments, rather then a small infection along the way. You should always look at the big picture and don't get down when something small happens along the way of achieving your goal. You have to get back up on the horse and ride again. : )

I'm off to the park. Later

Wednesday, June 18, 2003 6:05 PM CDT

What a terrific day outside, in Minnesota that is. We Minnesotans deserve it, for what we put up with in the winter : )

It was a fun, fun day today, with the daycare kids. We played tons of things. First this morning I went up to school and lifted but I brought a daycare kid, kind of, along. When I got home it was straight to scrape booking. I finished my nurses people book, it looks great, or at least I think it does. Now I started a friends one. This afternoon we played a good game of Jobs. We all have different jobs and what not. I was the banker person, and one good one too : ) When we were done with that we all had a tournament of bocce ball. When that was over it was a game of phase 10, great game. So it was a day of fun. I was or am going to do something tonight but that seems to have slipped my mind at this time. It's showing my age : ) hahaha

I continue to feel great. It's like I'm back to "normal", like there is nothing wrong anymore. That's okay with me though. I'm glad that I am able to enjoy the summer this year. I know the last couple of years I went in for a big infection at the beginning of summer break. I think I missed like a month each time, I'm not sure. Anyway it's good to be outside and in the sun.

Here I go again, I found a good saying but it doesn't have an author, "If you never take the plunge, you'll never discover the delights of the water." In life you have to take chances, or it would be life. Those chances could end up being good. Sometimes you have to suck it up and do it. It's not always going to be bad. So next time take the plunge and live life a little.

I'm heading back outside to enjoy the weather. It's not everyday that we get it.
With Love

Tuesday, June 17, 2003 12:56 AM CDT

HI everyone, this will be a quick on today. I'm at the library right now, I had to look up a few things. Anyway I just got done picking out my pictures and now it's final, and I'm done.

Everything is going great for me right now. The only bad thing, and it's not bad, is my platelets being low. I really don't know it so it doesn't bother me.

When you have the chance to help someone out, don't be afraid, and do it. People need help left and right in this world, and I'm sure that people would take the help if someone offered. So take a stand and help someone in need. If it's mom, dad, brother, sister, even a stranger. Helping is helping and it is the best way to go.

Sorry this is so short but I have to run. I will catch up with you later.
With Love

Monday, June 16, 2003 12:24 AM CDT

Good morning, well afternoon to everyone! : )

I skipped lifting weights this morning. I was way to tired. I have been running all the time that I need to just sit and relax a minute, so that's what I'm going to do today. I slept in this morning to catch up on sleep, it helped too. But even though I slept later I could take a nap now. Maybe I should go lay with the little kids.

I am going to start my scrape booking again. I started one with nurses the very first time I was finished with chemo, like 2 years ago, so that I could remember everyone. Little did I know that I would still be seeing them regularly, not that that's bad. I love seeing all the nurses, there great. They have turned into my second family. But I rather see them on better terms, like out in public, you know what I mean.

It's so funny, last week I had something to do everyday, the whole day. This week I have nothing planned. That's good and bad. O well I'm sure I will find something. Most of the day though I help my mom out with the daycare kids, so it's all good.

I got another good saying for you out there, it's by Mike Domis. "Love everybody. It's easier that having to pick and choose." Everybody has there goods and bads about them, but most of the people in the world are striving for the same thing, food for family, love for there family, and health. Everyone what's to be important to someone. All people breath the same air, and "walk" on the same streets. It's much easier to love then to hate, so give a smile to someone your not fond of and see what happens, you may be surprised.

Have a terrific day.

Sunday, June 15, 2003 11:57 AM CDT


The cabin was great. The weather out there could not have been any better. The sun was shinning, a slight breeze, and the temp was perfect. We went swimming, tubbing, and just laid out in the sun, which my face got sun burned, but that's okay. There was good food and fun times. My butt is black and blue from tubing though. Because my platelets are down, my butt took a beating, but a good beating.

We had father's day yesterday. We also had some good food.

Now today just my dad, mom, and I are going out to eat for Father's Day. It will be nice. Thanks dad for everything.

In life change is good at times. There is a saying, Follow an old path and you find the expected. Blaze a new trail and you have an adventure. It's good to do some things the same way but always look for something new; it will make life interesting. So whenever you have have the chance to take on something new, or try something new out, take the chance, you may end up liking it. In life there is always room for change.

All you dad's out there, have a great day devoted to you.

Friday, June 13, 2003 1:29 PM CDT

What a great day out today. This entry will be a quick one. I'm going out to my aunt and uncles cabin this weekend, and I'm leaving round 2:00ish, so I have to get my butt in gear. I still have to pack some things. I love going there. Just to sit by the water, it's great.

This morning I went to lift again, that's going good. Now I just finished a game of Life on the computer with one of the daycare kids.

This morning I woke up with the biggest headache, worse then my ones before. It's going away as the day goes on though. I think it's from not getting enough sleep, and being on the go all the time. I need to take a time out. I took some extra strength Tylenol. I hope that helps some more.

Tomorrow I'm babysitting at night and celebrating Father's day during the day. I need to just sit. My whole family needs to just sit.

I'm sorry but that will have to be good for today. I will catch up with you later. Have a great weekend : )

Thursday, June 12, 2003 1:46 PM CDT

Good day to you all. It's a gloomy day outside in the good ol' state of Minnesota.

This morning I was up a little early then normal to go fishing. When we got there and were fishing for like 2 minutes, it started to rain, oops : ( We jumped into the boat with a cover right next to us and it was all good. Anyway it was bad fishing today. We got maybe 5 fish : ( That's okay another day.

I just got done having my blood taken and I'm thinking everything should be fine. I mean all I do is run so I don't think there is a really big drop in anything, at least I hope there isn't.

This afternoon I'm going shopping with friends. Great that's all I need to do is go shopping. I will keep it under control, at least I hope I will. NO I will, hehehe

I found this great quote from Dolly Parton, "The way I see it, if you want the rainbow you gotta put up with the rain". It's so true, like with me if I want to see results and beat this thing (rainbow) then I have to put up with the side effects, (rain). Nothing comes easy anymore in this world. So you always have to put up with a little rain, but if you keep a good attitude then you shall be covered with an umbrella, : ) Wasn't that a good thing to say : ) hehehe In Wife we put up with a lot of rain but rain isn't bad all the time. Maybe you have to look at what rain does. It helps plants grow, flowers look better then ever, and it keeps the earth clean. So maybe it isn't so bad to have a little rain. : )

Sorry, I don't know if you get my point or not, but I really like the saying. I tried to explain it. Just look at the quote and I think you'll get my point.

Hope the rest of your day is great. Be thankful for what you have.
With Love

Wednesday, June 11, 2003 9:49 PM CDT

Sorry everyone for this entry being so late, it's been run, run, run, all day.

This morning I went into school to lift. I'm really liken this program. Anyway when I came home I cleaned up and my dad and I went were off to St. Cloud to bum around. It was a good day going to like 15 different places. We even stopped at the Cold Stone Creamy, that was really good. I had a cake batter with brownie in it, one of my new favorite. I picked up my different fishing rod and I'm set to go. When we got home I had to have Jake come over and put it together, but it's all good now.

I was out the door like an hour later to go to a baseball game with a friend. We caught up on a lot. I had lots of fun. And now I finally got home.

Last night a friend of the family came over to visit for awhile. Her and her husband went to Rome and they got a cross blessed by the Pope for me. It was very nice of them.

Tomorrow will be another run, run day, but that's okay.

Last night I was having one of my thinking spells again. I have been doing a lot of that lately. It's when it's all quiet in the house and it's dark. There are a lot of "What Ifs", wonder in my head. I was thinking about my Scans coming up the 26th. What if they are bad, as they normally turn out? How would I react to hearing more bad news? What if I hear the words our options are getting limited? I have just been having some gut feelings and some pain in some places that doesn't make me look forward to these scans coming up. I'm always scared for my life. I know it may not show it very much but under everything, it's a scary world. But I think what gets me through it is all the positive thoughts and prayers. I so badly would like to win this battle and get on with my life. But what would my life be like without going to the hospital once a month? I don't know, its been a long time ago that I didn't have to go to the hospital. It's been so long ago that i was a healthy kid. I am in this battle for the long run, and will fight as hard and as long as I need to.

With Love

Tuesday, June 10, 2003 12:29 AM CDT

It’s a quiet day in Amy land. There’s not much going on today. It’s a day of rest and relaxation : ) You have to do that everyone once and awhile.

It a little bite I’m off to watch Die Another day with Pierce Bronsnan. I didn’t watch it the other day and I’m going to watch it today with some daycare kids. I’m so good to them. Like I said before James Bond movies are one of my favorites. They are my dad’s favorite too.

In life it doesn’t matter what other people think. Freedom is the ability not to care what the other person thinks. It’s all there. When you make a decision don’t worry about what other people think, it’s for yourself and nobody else. There are a few things that I’ve done that some people wouldn’t like but I did it not caring what other people thought and in the end it turned out to be great. So the next time you make a decision don’t worry about what other people are going to say or think.

I’m all out of things to say.
With Love

Monday, June 9, 2003 1:48 PM CDT

What's up everyone?!?!?! It's great here today. I'm feeling great and there is not a problem in the air. I love these days.

It's kind of funny because these last few months you would really never know that I was sick. I mean I only go to the clinic once a month for chemo and I am handling it really well. I hope it's doing it's job though. I mean besides the visual, you would never know anything is wrong. Isn't that weird : ) It feels weird to, not going to the hospital as much, very little actually. It has been my home for a couple of years and now I really don't go there. It's kind of sad though because I miss everyone. But I like to visit, only visit, not stay. Visiting is good for me : )

This morning I was up early to go lift weights at school. I will be going Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, to work out. I kind of like doing it. It keeps me in shape, for what I don't know.

I was walking around with my fake leg today. I don't know how to spell the other word but I could get close. Anyway it's too big. I need to get it fitted again. I haven't been on it for so long, I mean long, but I will be back in the works again. I have a long way to go again. It's the simple thing in life, that people take for granite, walking. You can get up and walk. I can't, or at least now I can't. It's always about the little things in life.

I found this saying by Grandma Moses, "Life is what we make it, always has been, always will be." It's so true. Life is what we make it. It can be fun, good laughs, loving, and whatever else. Or it can be dark, down, and icky. It is what we make it. It's like dealing with cancer , I can make it worse for people or I can stay strong and make it okay. I'm for the okay one. I could always more it worse but I chose not to, because that's the kind of person I am. So always remember "Life is waht we make it"

With Love

Sunday, June 8, 2003 5:54 PM CDT

Busy, busy weekend. Well not really but it was. On Friday we ended up missing the movie so we goofed around St.Cloud for awhile. So it was nothing big.

Yesterday we ran into St. Cloud again and I got a fishing pole but when I got home I realized that it was the wrong kind. Shows you how much I know about fishing. Like I said before, one day I wanted to go fishing and now I'm fishing. So on Tuesday my dad and I are going to go back and get a different one.

Today my mom and I went down to my brother's new house. It's looken pretty good. I love their basement. It has a fire place, big screen T.V. and their pride and joy, a bar. It looks really nice, I could live there in a heart beat. My mom and I then stopped in St.Cloud on the way home, yet again and bought more stuff, that wasn't needed. That's women for you. You put us in a mall and we go crazy. That's okay we need someone to keep this up and running.

When you have a problem you think it's so bad. No body could be worse then you. You feel bad, and your angry. Well you can change your Attitude, and your perception of the problem will change. Is that not so true. If you change the way you look at it, with your attitude, things won't be so bad. It's just like me. The day I found out I had cancer, I thought nothing could be worse. I thought I was out there on my own, then I changed my attitued in a heart beat and my perception was a whole new world and I knew I was going to be okay if I kept my attitude in the game. And now look how far it has got me. So the next time you have a problem, change your attitude and your perception of the problem will change.

I have to run Were going to watch "Die Another Day" Bond, James Bond : ) Love those movies. I will be talken to you tomorrow.
With Love

Friday, June 6, 2003 2:19 PM CDT

Rainy, rainy, here in the state of Minnesota. It's a good day to play games, talk on the phone, read a book, or for most of you the same, go to work.

Lots of games with the daycare kids has been going on today. It's fun most of the time, well pretty much all the time.

Tonight I'm going out to a movie and then out to eat with some friends. I'm not sure which one were going to see but were going. I let you know which movie we decided on later.

The road to success is always under construction. That's the way I see it. There are always going to be slip ups, or bumps, or road blocks, but there is always a way to get out of it. Keep your head in the game and the construction will be over. There has been lots of construction during my fight but there are still ways to get out, or to find a different route. Some kids/teens/adults don't have the chance to take a different route so when you can, make sure to thank God for the chance to take that different route. So always remember the road to success is always under construction.

Have a great weekend.
With love

Thursday, June 5, 2003 6:28 PM CDT

HI, Hi, hi, I hope everyone is well and kicking : )

I have been running around all day today. This morning I ran to the hospital here in town to have my blood taken and my counts are great. Mary called during the day to say they were good, my mom talked to her though, I was out bummy (sp). O wait time out I went to the store first to get milk for my mom, then went to get my blood taken.

I ran to my sisters after that. Well I didn't run, I drove. : ) I'm so funny, hahahaha : ) Just kidding. ANYWAY, that was really good. I got to talk with everyone and had her look at my senior pictures to see which one's she liked. We agreed on a lot of them. I will put some on here when I get the chance. Then I went to pick Brandon up from basketball camp. He had no idea that I was coming so he was looking, and looking but finally figured out that it was me.

When I was all done there I went to St. Cloud with Catherine, to renew her driver's license. O by the way Happy Birthday Catherine!!! We came home right away so there wasn't much with that trip.

Now I'm at home and we just had dinner. It was a pretty much go, go, go, day with me. I kind of like those days but not all the time. I take it a day at a time and thank God for what I have this day not the next day. Enjoy the time when you have it.

It's finally rainning here. It's looked like rain all day and finally started to rain. It's about time.

Well I see this one was long then yesterday but it's long enough for today though. I don't want you to be falling asleep on me, so I will let you go.

Have a good one : )
With Love

Wednesday, June 4, 2003 4:47 PM CDT

What a wonderful day out today. I was looking over my yesterdays update and I'm sure you all noticed that when I said I had spelling errors, I spelt Sorry wrong, I do know how to spell it. : ) Maybe I should just read it over to make sure.

I don't have much to tell you today. I spent my afternoon thus far trying to pick out my senior pictures. I think I have it all down to what I want. There is so many to pick from. I get to keep the book though.

I have to go start the grill right now, because my dad isn't home. He has a whole new job now with his job. It's pretty sucky if you ask me. It's a huge long story, but let me say it's NOT Good.

"Sorry" that it's so short today, and boring but it's all I could come up with today. Today will be better.
Love you all

Tuesday, June 3, 2003 6:54 PM CDT

Oh my goodness, it was Amanda and I's Tuesday today. We went to IHOP this time and it was great. I had the French Toast, and it was really good. I had to have a dog bag to go though. After that we went to the mall to do some shopping. I held my ground today, I only bought some flip flops at Target. They are so cool, I love them. There were so many things that I could have gotten but I help my grounds, you should be proud of me.

Guess what, Guess what?!?!?!?!?!? I went FISHING, yyaahh. It was at the Schoenbergs house, there so nice to do that. It was so much fun. I caught a pretty nice base right away but after that was slow going. Jake and Jacob, people I went fishing with, caught a 2 1/2lb base. They were trying to catch it for at least a hour, and finally got it. It was huge, or at least to me. You would never believe that I took 2 fish off the hook. I never touch fish. I used a rag though, but I still took them off. I had a super dopper time. Thanks Brenda for letting me come, it was awesome.

I don't know if I was suppose to get my blood taken today or if it's Thursday. They, the doc, came and talked to me when I was getting chemo, but I was sleeping. I was half awake when they were talking and I don't remember, even thought "I think" it was Thursday. So that's when I will go. They'll call if they need it sooner.

Today was another good day, and I'm glad to be alive. Will see what tomorrow brings, but it will be good. Every living day is good.
With Love
p.s. I would like to emphasis again that I never go back and read what I wrote so I'm sure there are tons of spelling errors, so soory.

Monday, June 2, 2003 2:00 PM CDT

Hi everyone!! I hope this finds you well and kicking : ) What's new today? I have been helping my mom a lot with the daycare kids. Taking them to the basketball courts, to the library, and the park. They are keeping her busy for sure.

There really isn't much new today. I am still feeling pretty good. Nothing that i can say is bad right now. I thank God for that. I pray every night for other kids with cancer. That they can be strong and fight. I see my cancer at times that when mine comes back that means another little child doesn't have to get it. I know I can fight so I rather fight for them then have them fight for themselves. My wish is a world free of cancer. Whatever I can do to help, I will be there 110 One day there will be a cure and I just hope that I'm still around to see it. I want to see all the happy faces that it will bring. I think right now they are doing and awesome job with research. I mean look at how far it has come for lets say 10 years ago. Now what the future will hold is a mystery. But everything that helps, helps. I saw last night that they had a cancer breakthrough. They finally proved that cutting the blood supple off to the tumor makes in shrink, and die. I think we probably knew that but now they proved it. See that's another step forward. We need to keep taking steps forward, it's all we can do.

Everyday tell your loved one's that you love them. Never go to bed being angry, because you never know when your time is going to be over. You can never tell your loved one's that you love them enough. So I'm saying right now that I love you all.

Keep helping, praying, and thinking. It all helps in the long run.

Sunday, June 1, 2003 7:44 PM CDT

I can't believe it's Sunday night already. Time goes fast, and I really didn't do that much.

On saturday we went to put the rest of the basketball hoop up . It took longer then we thought but we got it done. O I was trying to think of what we did last night but I remember. My aunt, from my mom's side, was over with some of her family. It was a really good visit. Catching up on things, was good for my mom.

Today I was babysitting until 2:30 and then ran to the movie theater looking for my mom and dad. It's a long story. We went to my sister's once I found them and then went back to the movie theater to see Finding Nemo. It was a great movie. Your kids would love it. Well at least all the kids in the theater liked it. Even parents would like it. It has it's humor.

I'm feeling pretty good right now. This chemo isn't dragging me down that much. How could it when I have fishing in the coming days. Nothing can hold me down now...........well maybe my mom telling me to "stop it, your going to hurt yourself". That's what mom's are for. What would the world be like without mom's. They're the greatest. So are dad's too. : )

Thanks for being here for me everyone. I know I'm not the worst off person but it makes me feel good that people care. It's more then some people. There are far more people that are worse then me, I don't want it to be that way though. I hope my story helps other kids/teens/adults, showing them that it can be done. You can have a live with cancer. You can do what you want if you put your mind to it and do it. You can beat it with determination, and having a good attitude. Just remember things can be done.

Have a good one. Love you all

Friday, May 30, 2003 12:28 AM CDT

Hi everyone : ) It's kind of a windy icky day out right now. It's a good day to rest up. I'm helping my mom out with the daycare kids. It's the end of the school year where she was a couple days when she has up to 16-17 kids. It's nuts around here. So I'm trying to help out as much as I can between naps.

I'm doing okay. I have a slight headache and tummy ache but not much.

I got my senior pictures back and they turned out great. I have so many to choose from and I don't know which ones.

I'm keeping up the fight on this end, I just you to keep up the prayers on your end. It will help a lot.

I'm going to let you go for now. Have a good weekend with lots of fun.
With Love

Thursday, May 29, 2003 7:03 PM CDT

Hi everybody. I'm back from the round of chemo and it wasn't to bad. I am pretty tired right now but I think it will be okay this time, knock on wood, knock knock, hehehe : ) I won't write much then.

I saw Dr.Neglia and he thought everything was going good. My counts were/are good. He listened to my lungs, and he said they sounded good, so I am happy with it. He raised my dose of chemo 10%. So far I'm all good. For some reason right now even though I just got done with a treatment. I feel on top of the world. I feel like this is the chemo for me right now. I'm not sure where that feeling is coming from but I like it : ) I sure hope this is the one.

I got my camp forms in and I found out that the doctor coming with us doesn't have his done at all so now I don't feel so bad.

So I am going to leave you for today and get some rest.
love you all

Wednesday, May 28, 2003 6:23 PM CDT

Hey people out there. It has been another great day out. I don't ask for anymore.

I'm all done with school. I finished everything up today so I don't have to come in Friday. It still hasn't set in that I don't have to go to school for another 3 months. Wow.

Guess what I got today? fishing license, yah. I am really excited about that for some reason, who knows why, but now I can't wait to go fishing.

I got my letter today in school too. It's a nice big A for Albany. Wtih purple and white on it. I also got an award for band. I was the most imporved player. So that is pretty cool.

Tomorrow I head back down to the cities for check up and chemo, ick, but I know it has to be done, and I'm all for it. If it helps I'm there 110%. I think it's going to be the same thing as what I got last time, but they are going to up the dose. So will see how that goes. It could be as good as last time or what chemo normally is. I don't know how it's going to turn out. I have to turn my camp stuff in tomorrow though so the doc coming with us can sign stuff. I need to have it back in Aspen by June 1st. Oops it may be a day late.

Wish me luck tomorrow. I'm in for a long day. It's up at 5:30a.m.
With Love

Tuesday, May 27, 2003 6:06 PM CDT

What a good day. Don't you LOVE good days? I couldn't be feeling better. The weather was great out again. I am just in tip top shape right now. I love it.

I already have lots of things planned for the summer like going to Aspen, Duluth, the cabin, my aunt and uncles. And my newest things that i am going to do is fishing. I love fishing, I just never get to go. So tomorrow I am going to go to Don's, it's a gas station in town, and get a fishing license, because I'm over 16. I'm really excited about that. I just don't understand why you need to have a license to catch FISH?!?!?!? Anyway that will be fun.

Tomorrow it's to school early for a NHS meeting. It's the last one we have for the year. I always lettered this year. So I'm happy about that.

Tomorrow is my Last Day!!!!!! If I'm feeling good though I will maybe go in on Friday, will see. It's getting kind of boring in school right now. I mean we learn things and they're interesting but I think everyones brains have shut down and aren't going to open until next year. There are 2 of my classes that we do Nothing, but that's okay with me.

I keep forgetting that it's Tuesday already and not Monday.

Okay well that's about it for me. I will catch ya later.
With love

Sunday, May 25, 2003 4:05 PM CDT

What an outstanding day out. I have been outside from 11:00 until just now when I am typing this.

You would never guess what I just did?...............I Amy Marie Mareck rode my BIKE after 3 and 1/2 years. Not just pushing around I mean up and down the street. Down the drive way up, down, and back up the drive way. O the little things in life. This has been a mild stone for me. Who would of thought that I could ride my bike with 1 leg. My dad was taking his down and I thought, huh.......can you take my down to just sit on it. The seat was to high so then my dad lowered it. Then I did more then just sit, I rode. I have my battle wounds from it but they are a small price to pay.

I was even jumping rope today. But then I found out that it could cause stress on my hip and down the road could cause me trouble. so i won't be doing that, that much anymore. I have to ask the doc about it.

Well my sister is in Florida soaking up the rays. It is probably so hot down there and it's perfect here. I'm trying to make myself feel better, it's working though.

2 more days of school left. Wow I can't believe the year is almost over. It's like just yesterday it started.

My mom is at a bridel (sp) shower right now, so it's just my dad and me doing some bonding.

Tomrrow were going to go put my sister's basketball hoop up that they bought 10 years ago and still haven't put up yet so were going to surprise them. SSshh don't tell.

Have a great Memorial Day, with lots of fun. Stay safe
Wtih Love

Friday, May 23, 2003 4:27 PM CDT

Not much to say today. 2 more days of school left, yyaahh. Todays graduation at school so I am heading to that and then having some friends over afterwards. It will be fun.

Tomorrow is babysitting for the favorites. That should be fun, well it always is.

Who knows what the rest of the weekend will bring. Have a safe and fun Memorial Day.
I will talk to you soon.
Love always

Thursday, May 22, 2003 9:45 PM CDT

O my goodness I forgot that I didn't update on here. I will make it quite today.

It was a good day today. School is getting less and less each day. I am having a shut down already. I only have three more days left, maybe, maybe four. Because I have chemo on Thursday, and who knows how I'm going to feel on Friday. I talked to all my teachers already to get things squared away.

Tonight we ran into St.Cloud to take care of a few things. We went to see my sister and her family before they leave on their trip. There going to Florida Again. Brittany and Brandon are done with school today becuase they started school a week early. So they thought why not go on a little family trip. They have a time share down there, so that is always why they go all the time.

That's about it for now. I still have some homework to finish up. I will talk to you tomorrow.
With Love

Wednesday, May 21, 2003 5:17 PM CDT

Hello everyone, it's a great day out and in. The weather is great and I'm feeling good. I had a good night without a lot of thinking spells. I guess I really only do it ever so often when things kind of pile on.

School was good. These days it's getting less and less each day because there really isn't much left. It's not like they are going to give us homework on the last day or anything. My Algebra teacher said though that he is going to teach up to the day we leave. I guess that's okay because it's just a jump start for next year.

I went to talk to our counselor today during lunch to ask what I need to do this summer coming into my senior year, college wise. he said that I'm sitting pretty. I actually have all my stuff that I need to get into college. All the required stuff. So I could go to college right now if I wanted to, but nope I don't.

Who's going to win, Ruben (sp), or clay. It's the talk of the television world. It's the big night to find out who the American Idol is.

Well that's all I really have right now. I hope everything is good and living with you. Thanks for being here.
With Love

Tuesday, May 20, 2003 8:39 PM CDT

Hey hey, boy is it chilly out for May 20th. I hope there is warmer weather coming up. But I guess it's alright because it's not to hot but there is a chill in the air.

Anyway now I forget how many days of school left, 8 I think. But it might be 6 for me. I am going back down on the 29th for chemo and that's the second last day of school. The last day is for people that haven't missed a day, that they don't have to come. Well it's not like I was skipping school to do whatever, I had important stuff. So anyway if I'm goneThursday I may be feeling crapy on Friday and not come, well then what happens? Are they going to make me come into school and make up whatever I missed. So I am going to talk to the man in charge and see what he thinks.

My counts were good day with my plts at 133,000, Hbg 12.4, and WBC 4.6, something like that. So they are good.

Last night I was having one of my times, where my mind was floaded with all the things that have happened in the past three and a half years. That's a long time. But I wouldn't change a thing with how I did it. So anyway, I have lived the past, I have lived today but I'm scared of what the future holds for me. I so badly want to live. And I'm going to say something that I have never said before on here, I don't want to die. I'm scared about that. I have so much to give, that's why I'm fighting so hard. I so badly want to come out on top. Last night I was thinking about all my surgerys, mostly the big one I had. I was going into that not knowing if I would see my mom and dad again, but I knew I had to do it, if I wanted to live. I knew I had to take that chance. I faced it with strenght and courage. There are some pretty extreme things that I will do to beat this suff down. I will never know what the future will hold and I always pray that it's good. I hope God sees me down the road helping people out on Earth. I'm not afraid of heaven but I don't want to die. I guess no one knows what the next day or the day after will hold, or bring. That's why I try and live each day as a good day. There are lots of things rolling around in my mind and those things happened to pop up last night. I guess I need to think about it sometimes. It helps me fight harder and longer. I will do anything to live.

Have a great night/day
With Love

Monday, May 19, 2003 8:17 PM CDT

Okay I was on here before to update but then I had to watch a movie for a class and my friend came over then so sorry it's so late.

I went to do my homework paper that I need to type up tonight for a presentation tomorrow and Jermey took my notebook home with the stuff I was suppose to type. I don't think he realized that he had. Now I will have to make sure to get it early tomorrow to hand write it well.

I was thinking about something today. You never know how lucky you are until you lose it. You never know what you have until you lose it. There are so many things that I thought I had but then I ended up losing it, like my health. I know I use to think, "Oh I can't get cancer", but let me tell you it can happen to anybody at anytime. I'm living it now but i will gain back what I lost by continuing to fight to win. Just remember that things may not always be there. I'm not saying something is going to happen but you just never know.

I'm having a mind block and really can't think of anything else to say so instead of trying to ramble on, I will just stop now.
With Love

Sunday, May 18, 2003 3:08 PM CDT

You know I shouldn't be alond any money when i go to the mall becaue I just buy dumb stuff, but it's dumb stuff that I like, : ) Anyway we went shopping and out to eat.

Last night was a girls night out for the girls, duh. We just chilled at Catherine's house for awhile. So tonght Jermey and I are watching the movies for Diversity Issues. I need to get it over with.

Yesterday durning the day the NHS had a carwash, so I was washing cars and yelling on the corner for people to come get their cars washed. It was kind of fun but not like whoo fun, hehehe

I'm am feeling fantasitic. (sp) It always feels good to feel good. It's something that I don't take for granted. I'm not always going to feel like this. So when those days come around I do what I can. But then it's the bad days that make you look forward to these days. So remember the next time your having a bad day look forward for the good days coming up. Things could always be worse. Like with my cancer, it could be worse. At times when I first hear about something that's going to happen I think it's the worst but then once I get everything together, I know it could be worse.

Well I still have some homework to do so I must be going. I will talk to ya later.
Love Much

Friday, May 16, 2003 3:45 PM CDT

What an outstanding day outside. The weather couldn't be perfect. The sun is out with a slight breeze.

Today was spring fling and it was the best day to have it. After 3rd block everyone shut down but we still had a block to go. It was alright though no body really did much anyway. I got lost of pictures, good food, and fun with friends. Only 9 days of school left. I really can't believe that it's almost over. I will miss seeing everyone everyday. We got our yearbooks and they're great. There are some great pictues in there with some of me in.

Tonight I'm heading out with Catherine for dinner and a movie after her game. I'm not sure what were seeing but will figure something out. Then tomorrow night Jermey and I have to watch movies for diversity issues. It's going to be a busy weekend again but a fun one.

Nancy called and I am up for the same chemo on Thursday the 29th or Tuesday the 3rd. The 29th may be bad because it's the second last day of school and that's when they give a lot of the tests. But on the 3rd the clinic is normally really busy because it's after a holiday. But I guess either day works.

I think I'm heading outside. The weather is just to nice out. Have an outstanding weekend.
Love you all

Thursday, May 15, 2003 6:07 PM CDT

Is it not a great day outside. The weather here is perfect. I was sitting out in the sun for most of the afternoon once I got home. Played a little kick ball with the kids too.

School was same ole same ole. You know what........10 more days of school left, YYaaHH.

I really don't have much to say today. I'm feeling good these days.

Tomorrow is spring fling and we finally get our year books, double yah. We were suppose get them last Friday but it was all rainy and they cancled spring fling, duh. Anyway tomorrow will have it weather permitting. (sp)

Tonight is the big season finally for all the good shows. Friends and ER are leaving for another summer. I watch reruns all the time of those shows. They're great to watch.

Wow I'm pretty much rambling on right now. I wish I could make it more interesting, but there is nothing.

Oh last night went well with the senior thing. Savannah and I were hostes for the night. It was pretty boring but we watched the awards thing instead of staying in a room the whole time. Then there was the big clean up at the end for everyone to do.

Okay I will be done so that you don't have to read anymoe. It was pretty much ramble but that's okay.
See ya tomorrow.
Love ya

Wednesday, May 14, 2003 3:57 PM CDT

Good afternoon on this partly sunny Wednesday. How is everyone doing?

I'm doing good with lots of energy. Guess what 11 days of school left. I told you I would tell ya everyday. School was good. The work is getting old. I hate the end of the school year because I get into a mood where it's so old and I don't give 100% effort. I think that is with everyone though. Just as long as my grades don't slip.

Today I have a senior banquet for NHS. We have to go serve the senior class. It's from 7:15 to at least 11:00 tonight, ick. Not that I don't say up till that late, because most of the time I am on weekdays, but I am all settled down and not running around. On weekends I am up all hours of the night but thats when I can sleep the next day all I want. Oh well, it will just be a long night.

Mary called today from the hospital and I can't get anything until a month after my last chemo. Which was April 29th. So I guess I will be going down sometime around May 29th. I hate that though in a way. It's good because then I don't miss school and I'm feeling good and I like feeling good. Bad because It's been a month and they gave me a very small dose, and what will that cover. It's just that in the past time has been against me. Whenever we waited something always seemed to pop up somewhere to make my life more complicated. But if that happens again then I jsut deal with it again. It's not like it's never came back before : ) I meant that in a funny way, hahaha, get it. Well at least I thought it was funny.

Okay I must get to my homework if I am going tonight. So I'm out. Hope everything is good with everyone.
Love ya

Tuesday, May 13, 2003 9:32 PM CDT

Hello people out there in the internet world. : )

Today was the second Tuesday of the month and you know what that means. Amanda and I went out to eat, but this time Dustin came along too. And this time we didn't go to perkins. We went ot Space Aliens, a new bar and grill that opened in St.Cloud. It was Awesome. They have really good food. It lookes really cool inside too. We played lots of games too, with lots of tickets. I got a dolphin keychain, and stars and plants that go on the celing. I had like 109 tickets, from playing basketball and skiball. Then we had Alien ears for an after the dinner treat. It was so much fun.

School is still coming to an end 12 days to go. I am going to say that everyday now. I am going to say how many days we have left.

I got my blood taken today and the results are good. My Plts are 114,000, Hbg 12.6, WBC 6.3, so it's all good. Now just if the hospital would call and let me know what's going on. I have been strug by a string and I don't know what's happening. Thats not good when you have certain feelings.

I still have some homework to do so I have to get rollen.
Love you all

Monday, May 12, 2003 5:01 PM CDT

Hey, hey, my crazy weekend is over and it's back to school. It was a pretty laid back day, at least I think it was. I finished my papers last weekend. I think I said that yesterday. See it's not always old people that lose there mind it's me too : )

O my gosh did I stuff myself yestday at dinner. I had serloin tips, and they were outstanding. I couldn't fit another bite in my mouth. On the car ride home I had to recline my seat so that I laid flat, so the food wasn't all sitting in spot.

Survivor was great last night. I knew Jenna was going to win. I really didn't want her to win at first because she was such a snot but last night I kind of liked her, so it didn't matter to me.

Tomorrow I get my blood done again. Hopefully it's good because then I start another round. Which is good right now, because I am having my gut feelings and sometimes those aren't so good. I get these feelings in me and most of the time I'm right with what I think. I won't tell you what I feel but I want something done about it.

My mom is making turkey tonight, one of my favorite, so i must run and eat again. Gosh all I do is eat. Okay not really. Enjoy the weather.
Love always

Sunday, May 11, 2003 1:22 PM CDT

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all the great Mom's.

Today so far my mom and I went to pick out flowers at the green house that we go to each year. I bought her some kind of flower that's in Hawaii. I even picked out a few of my own, or at least to be planted outside somewhere. I saw lots of people there that I knew, so it must be planting season.

Last night we went out to eat with my brother and his wife at Grante City, for Mother's Day. It was really busy and we had a half hour wait. But that's okay we watched the Twins game and chated away.

Today were going out to eat again for Mother's day. I am not sure yet where were going but it's somewhere good, I'm sure.

The sale this weekend turned out great, even with the weather being cold and rainy. I went there yesterday to help out a little and I also got some homework done.

I survived my pile up of homework. I actually finished things that are suppose to be due on Friday, my big 5-7 page paper. It's all done and with time to spare. That's good with going out to eat at 4:00, then tonight is the big night.

It's the final show for SURVIVOR. If your a fan it's on at 7:00. You know I love that show. It's my regular show on Thrusday night along with Friends, ER, and Scrubs. Thursday night is like my night to watch T.V. It's the Must See T.V. night.

I am getting a few mouth soars in my mouth. Duh where else would they be : ) Anyway, I haven't had mouth soars in a long time. They're not bad or anything but it's different.

Okay I must run, but home all you moms out there and every women has a great Mother's Day, filled with family and loved ones.
Love you

Friday, May 9, 2003 8:48 PM CDT

O my goodness is it nuts around here. Today was good in school. We were suppose to have our spring fling but weather kind of killed that. It was rainning, so we will have it next Friday, but now we have to wait to get our yearbooks. In a way it was good for me that we didn't have it today because the teachers didn't plan much for today and then we got extra time in class to catch up on things. I have a BIG load of homework this weekend and it got me a really good start on it in school, so it was all good.

Tonight we had a charity basketball game that supported the good shelf. We had the girls team, boys team, staff team, and community team. The boys team ended up taking it all but it was a close one. I had to do the clock and keep time for it. I enjoyed it very much.

This weekend is the garage sale and my sister said it go a good start today even though it was a rainy day. I'm not sure when I'm going there because of the homework. Which I should be doing now. I am serious, I have lots.

Tomorrow night were going out to eat with the whole family for mothers day. I'm not sure yet where were going but I'm sure somewhere good.

So I am out of here. Have a excellent weekend.
Love ya

Thursday, May 8, 2003 3:53 PM CDT

Busy, busy, busy, it never slows down. Like I said yesterday the quarter is coming to an end and things are coming in strong. I have lots of things due but not tomorrow, which means then I put it off and am totally stressed the night before.

My mom and I are driving down to my sisters house tonight to bring Garage sale stuff for this weekend. My dad already went down with a load and then we will meet him for dinner somewhere.

Right now I have a little guest sitting on my lap and she is very intent with the things on my desk. It's Sadie, my mom's new little baby that she takes care of. Actually she has been coming here for like 2 months already.

I think I'm going to call the hospital right now and find out whats up with things. I will let you know, or I will actually call right now and let you know now. Hold on then let me dial and see what she says. Okay I just got off the phone with nancy and Dr.Neglia and the reason my counts didn't drop was becasue in wasn't with one of the other big doses of chemo. Another reason why they really didn't drop was becasue I didn't get a big dose of it. I have to get my counts checked again next and then the following week I would maybe go back for my next does. Something like that. See look at that info right away.

Now I must run to get some homework done around here.
Love much

Wednesday, May 7, 2003 7:04 PM CDT

Hey everyone this is going to have to be a quick update. I had my senior pictures taken at 5:00 and it last unitl 7:00 about. I pictures turned out super nice. I got to see them on his digital camera. There are some great shots, now I can't wait to see all of them printed. School was good and busy. I have tons of things to do tonight. It's getting down to the with school and now stuff is a coming. I have papers, reports, quizes, tests, and whatever else they can think of giving me. No one called from the hospital so I think I may give them a call tomorrow, just to see what's going on, or when I am suppose to come back, things like that. Okay I must run but I will catch ya later.
Love much

Tuesday, May 6, 2003 6:17 PM CDT

I'm just so excited about the results of my news that I can't help not smile. I got my counts done today and they're perfect. That's good and bad. Bad because I still don't know where my headaches are from but good because well duh, I like them when they're good. My hbg is 13.7, WBC 6.5, and Plt 140,000, perfect. Now I need to go back to the hospital and start another round of chemo to stay on top of things. I think they didn't think my counts would be at this level. Which brings up a question, did the chemo do anything? If my counts didn't drop then I don't expect my hair to fall out either, but will see. So yah clinic would be good right now to make sure we stay on top of things, so that no new spots come, and the one in the left stays under control. I'm just all good today.

I think I may know the source of my may be my eyes. I mean things in a distance aren't that blurry, but they are a little. Don't you get headaches when you see double, or blurry, whatever. I have no idea, will see what happens. I can see the board in class and everything, I just squint. I will have to get that checked out next time I see the doc.

I got my camp papers today in the mail and I was so excited that I already filled out all my stuff and my medical things. The only thing is for my mom and dad. The thing is I have tons of homework and I don't have to have this done for awhile but fun things do come first : )

Okay that's enough of my yappen. I will let you go.
With Love

Monday, May 5, 2003 3:11 PM CDT

UPDATE: Guess what, Guess what.....Nancy called back today and I asked her about my scans and there is NO NEW Cancer, YYaahh, there is still that spot in my left lung but no new stuff, which is really good for me. It's better then new spots. Now there's NO new spots.

Hey everyone I hope this finds you well. Not much going on today. It's been another rainy, gloomy day out. School was good with lots of learning, okay maybe not that much. There really isn't much new today or that I know.

I'm feeling pretty good but my headaches are coming on strong, which I think my Hbg is low but I will find out tomorrow if it's true. I kind of hope it is so then I know why I'm having the headache and then I know how to fix it. But if it's not low then I don't know and I don't like not knowing. I still don't know my results from my scan that I got like a week ago. Which means that they either "Misplaced it", or forgot about it, or don't even know that I got it done. I will ask tomorrow to find out. My cough is coming back again which for me is never good. A cough, most of time, leads to something bad. I'm really hoping not.

I think I need glasses, which I don't want. I may be nearsighted, because things in the distance are kind of blury. Today I put a friends on and they weren't so blury anymore. I will maybe have to get that checked out.

That's about it for now. O but hey I have to ask a question to you guys. Last week I taped ER but what I didn't know is that the president gave a speech and everything was pushed back a half hour, so I missed a half hour of it. I got up to when they were takeing the boy off the plane to bring to the hospital. If anybody watched it and know what happens could you drop me a line and fill me in. I would be much happier. I watch ER and Friends religiously (sp) and I have never missed a show and now I'm lost. Thanks much.
I will catch ya later

Sunday, May 4, 2003 6:26 PM CDT

Good rainy Sunday to everyone. : ) It's been a good, busy, fun weekend for me. The play Friday night was pretty good. They had a good turn out because the theater was full with extra chairs in the back.

Yesterday I spent the morning and afternoon writing papers for school. I finshed one, and started and finished two other ones. Now I have 2 left, with a 5-7 page one, icky. Last night Catherine and I went to Phone Booth, which was excellent. It was very intense and kept you on your toes. I really enjoyed it and if your looking for a movie, that is a good one. We went to see her sister's new house here in town and it's pretty nice.

Today my mom and I went shopping for new clothes for my Senior pictures, and I found winners. I actually really like them. I can have props to bring but I'm not sure what, any ideas, what would be good for me? The hair is still intact, I'm not sure if it will fall out or not, but right now it's good and we like good. Today is Brandon's birthday so I have to say a big Happy Birthday Brandon. That's where we were all afternoon. He had a little birthday party with the grandmas and grandpas, it was all good. Now I'm here at home and I'm going to clean out my closet, wish me luck.

I have to tell you this really cool saying by Ralph Waldo Emerson. "What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." I love it. It has different meaning to many. Think about what it means to you.
Have a good one
Love much

Friday, May 2, 2003 5:39 PM CDT

Much more better day then yesterday. I'm still having trouble getting up in the morning but I think everyone has that. Today was a pretty good day at school, with classes and learning and that stuff. Pretty much boring as usual, but at least I can go to school, so I can't say much.

I forgot to tell you the other day that........Guess what I figured out that I can do.........Jump Rope!!!!! Now some of you are like jump rope what's so hard about that but on one leg. I went outside and the daycare kids were jump ropping and I thought, "now why can't I do that", so you know me, I got a jump and my mom was all "amy don't do that your going to hurt yourself". Again you know me I did it anyways and Yes I can jump rope. It's pretty cool actually.

My dad stopped in at a photograph place yesterday to ask about senior pictures. I am going to get my senior pictures taken next week Wednesday because I don't know if I will have hair in a week or not, so why not get them now. Now lets just hope they stay in. Now I'm running around looking at what to wear, where to go, and all that stuff.

Today I am going to the school play with Matt, a friend. It school be fun. Then tomorrow a movie, homework and I'm sure I will find something to do. I'm not going to let this chemo drag me down anymore. That is enough of that.

My mom is calling me for dinner so I have to run. I will talk to you soon.
Love ya much

Friday, May 2, 2003 5:39 PM CDT

Much more better day then yesterday. I'm still having trouble getting up in the morning but I think everyone has that. Today was a pretty good day at school, with classes and learning and that stuff. Pretty much boring as usual, but at least I can go to school, so I can't say much.

I forgot to tell you the other day that........Guess what I figured out that I can do.........Jump Rope!!!!! Now some of you are like jump rope what's so hard about that but on one leg. I went outside and the daycare kids were jump ropping and I thought, "now why can't I do that", so you know me, I got a jump and my mom was all "amy don't do that your going to hurt yourself". Again you know me I did it anyways and Yes I can jump rope. It's pretty cool actually.

My dad stopped in at a photograph place yesterday to ask about senior pictures. I am going to get my senior pictures taken next week Wednesday because I don't know if I will have hair in a week or not, so why not get them now. Now lets just hope they stay in. Now I'm running around looking at what to wear, where to go, and all that stuff.

Today I am going to the school play with Matt, a friend. It school be fun. Then tomorrow a movie, homework and I'm sure I will find something to do. I'm not going to let this chemo drag me down anymore. That is enough of that.

My mom is calling me fore dinner so I have to run. I will talk to you soon.
Love ya much

Thursday, May 1, 2003 1:11 PM CDT

Hey everyone I'm in school right now during comp and I really don't feel like doing it so I am going to update for ya. I'm better today, just like I said yesterday you have to wait for the good days. The sun is out and I think I will sit on our deck when I get home.

I'm still feeling icky but I'm taking it much better then I was. There is no time to be icky so I said to myself, get your butt going and don't be sad. So here I am. I'm still blah but it's all good. My tummy is a rubbling and my head pounds and my muscles ache but hey "It could be worse", right.

I don't have to get my counts taken until next Tuesday, but I'm wondering about my Hbg because I have like no energy. I really don't think many people or teachers know what really happens with me. I'm not that kind of a person to be all boo hoo. Have you noticed that I am using that a lot latly, boo hoo. O well it works. When people ask me how I'm doing, most of the time is "I'm good". The worst thing you will hear out of me is "I'm okay". I try and be an upbeat person and the best way for me to do that is by not thing about it.

I know that I have said this before but never take things for granite. (sp) Your health is so much to you and some people think that "O that's not going to happen to me" but hey that's what I thought and look at me now. Don't take walking for granite, being with kids, doing anything, it's just something that you have to keep special. Even doing my hair, I use to take for granite. I loved doing my hair but there were days where I didn't want to put up with it but now I wish I could put up with it. Even though I do like my hair short and I probably won't have long hair again because I have had short hair for a long time. Even friends say that I can't have long hair because they won't know me at all anymore. Anyways never say never.

Okay I have to run because school calls and the teacher is giving me a funny look because I'm typing so much. So I must run. Again thank you for everything, really.
Love you all

Wednesday, April 30, 2003 4:26 PM CDT

Read the bottom then the update.
UPDATE: I just got out of the shower and my worries and ickys went down the drain. I'm feeling better but not 100ut I'm getting there. I needed to work my way out of the hole that my shoe was stuck in on that bridge. Get it, I have to cross the bridge, and my show got stuck, : ) well at least I thought it was funny : ) Anyway I had to tell you that I am feleling better and thanks so much for the messages again, they really do help a lot.
Love always

That's just what I needed was all those wonderful messages that you left. I have had the crappest, is that how you spell that, days ever. I had to warn people that I was sorry for whatever I said because I was so crabby. Ask anybody at school, or my friends. It just wasn't my day. I don't what to be all boo hoo, but it was icky. It was a long day and I will be happy when it's over. But I have to say I needed this day because it's one more day that I'm alive. so I guess I can look at it that way. Even the worst of the days can be the worst but you have to look at it, at least you were here to live it and not you know where. I feel icky and I still have school to deal with. That is getting alittle over the top right now, but it's getting close to the end of the year and I really don't want to do things in the summer so I am going to stick it out as long as I can or God willing. This is just not a happen update is it. Maybe I will go now before it gets really bad. I don't like be sick and icky and crabby and I don't want to take it out on any of you because you are all so great and you deserve good updates. So i am out of here for now. Maybe later I will come update when hopefully I am feeling better.
With Love

Tuesday, April 29, 2003 6:49 PM CDT

Were back and I am as tired as ever. This entry will be short because I'm not feeling the hottest right now. I feel like the life has been sucked out of me. I don't have much energy right now but hopfully that will get better. I have reached a low for me and that's not good. I need to get out and fast. I will look forward to tomorrow, God willing. My counts are going to take a big hit, so says Mary. Will see where were at in a week. Another bad thing is that my hair will more than likely go. It's getting so long and I hate to lose it again. It's like the 3rd time where I had it back and then I had to lose it all again. I am kind of bummed about that . Not many teenagers lose their hair. They are busy making sure that it looks all great. That's a luxery that I don't have garented to me. It's a lot for me to go through but I will keep kicking it in the butt. I just need to get out of this hole right now. My back pain came today but it wasn't to bad. Well I'm going to run because I still have homework and I'm getting really tired.
I love you all

Monday, April 28, 2003 4:43 PM CDT

Tomorrow is the big day again. My dad and I are leaving early for my heart echo, and then chemo. I hope it goes well. The last time I had this chemo I had major back pain that lasted for awhile. I'm not sure if I will lose my hair or not. I really don't want to but I know those sometimes are the breaks of the game. It is starting to get long. My doctor told me that I'm not getting a heavy dose but it could and then Jody told me I might. Will see what happens but I'm hoping for not.

I am finally all caught up in school. This morning I went in to take some quizes but that teacher ended up forgeting but I had a test to take in another class so I found that teacher and it was all taken care of. So I took the test in the morning and quizes durning homeroom. Now I am done, all caught up.

Tomorrow I won't miss a lot becasue were taking a big state math test, but it is just to show where everyone is at in high school. The first two classes I won't have so I won't have homework in them, then the last two were doing nothing really. That is all good.

Today I had a surprise from my athletic in charge person. When I was in the hospital last time someone from the Gophers was going to come see me but I left about and hour before you came. Anyway he got me a really nice Minnesota Gopher coat. Now on Wednesday i will get to meet someone at school. It was so nice of them and thanks a bunch.

Tonight were going out for pizza with my sister for my dads birthday tomorrow. He gets to bring me down to the hospital on his birthday. I told him at least you don't have to go to work, right. : )

It's time for me to go over another bridge with chemo and I am ready to take the steps. I will be there all the way, you can count on it.

Thanks for all the continued support. It helps knowing that people out there actually care and that I can count on you when I need too. Thanks a bunch.
Wtih love

Sunday, April 27, 2003 5:15 PM CDT

What a great day outside. The weather couldn't be any nicer. The sun is out, there is a breeze in the air and the temp is just right, it's perfect. I have been sitting outside pretty much all afternoon, early afternoon. I think I am going to pay for it tonight though when I sleep on my arms. They got fried, it will be all right.

Yesterday I ended up staying home and doing homework. I ran out to a friends for awhile. My dad went to help my brother move. My mom said they had lots of stuff. They were done when my brother said that they forgot the crawl space under the stairs, oops. Last night I had to babysit.

Today I did some more homework but like I said before I tried to do it all outside, seeing that it was so nice out. I just got back from a little drive with the neighbor. There was a neighbor gathering at our house, not really just everyone came over hear and were talking. Anyway that kind of got boring so I went for a drive with the other neighbor.

If you have any time see if you can catch time outside, if you live here in Minnesota. Got to run but will catch ya tomorrow.
Love ya

Friday, April 25, 2003 4:17 PM CDT

Happy Friday to you guys. It's the weekend and it couldn't have come any sooner. I needed a break even though I was off from surgery. Now I need a break again. It's becoming way to much for me right now. I have a thousand and one things to do and that need to get done.

Tonight is Confirmation for me. I have to be at church at 6:45 and then there will be a mass with the bishop. Afterwards some family members are coming over for a little thing. It should be fun. Tomorrow my brother is moving and my mom and dad are going to help him. My sister and her husband are going too so I am staying with Brittany and Brandon. I have to be back at 3:30 to babysit for the night. Long day and then Sunday is left for homework and I will be doing it all day.

I hope you guys have a good weekend hopefully not as busy as mine but if you like busy then a busy weekend to ya. I will write when I have a spareing moment.
love ya

Thursday, April 24, 2003 7:01 PM CDT

I have to make this one short. I only got home at 5:15 from school because I have been staying after to take tests and quizes and doing new stuff that I missed. So I am all done with Algebra and working on the rest. I am close with the other classes.

Today was a good day with everything. No pain, no headaches, no nothing, but it's highly busy as usual.

I have tons of homework again and they're just not enough hours in my day. I do home work until 10:30, but then I need at rest time to just sit before I go to bed and then my nights get pretty late and it's up early in the morning.

Tomorrow I have an NHS meeting so I am off to school early tomorrow. It will be another long day. It's time for vacation.

Sorry it's so short but I have to run.
With love

Wednesday, April 23, 2003 5:16 PM CDT

Hey everyone this will have to be a quick one. I have tons of homework and tonight I have confirmation practice at 8:00. I get confirmed on Friday night.

It was back in the groove today at school and let me tell you I am way out of groove right now. The only way I can get back in is by staying in school. It's funny how after 2 weeks of missing school you fell out there.

Today I was suppose to go to this speaker thing but at the very end I decided not to go because I had to go to my classes. I am really glad that I did stay behind. It's so hard staying caught up with everyone, and I'm doing it all on my own. Yah when I was gone from surgery all the homework I got and I did it all on my own. I had to fend for myself. And let me tell you it's hard. I do pretty much everything they do in school. I'm not saying boohoo or anything but it's hard.

I have another prayer for you today if you don't mind. Remeber last summer when i went to that camp? Some of my friends from there have relapsed and one is at Duke getting a transplant and one is trying to get a match for bone marrow. So I am praying for everyone that I went to camp with.

Well I must be going to make a dent in the homework. I will talk to ya later. The weather outside is outsanding so if you can get out, get out. I will talk to ya later
With Love
p.s. Go Wild!!!!!

Tuesday, April 22, 2003 5:41 PM CDT

UPDATE: Can I ask you guys a favor? My dad is having a little trouble at work and of June 1st he may be out of a job. His company is cutting 15 percent of the people and he may be one of them. Thats why we had to go back to his work this afternoon as you will read farther down. Anyway could you say just a little prayer that he can find a better job. Thanks a whole bunch.

Were back after a long day which wasn't suppose to be a long day. I drove down to the cities this morning. It was a nice drive down until we hit a crash site. We actually had a notice so we could take 494 instead 694. So it was a different way in but it was all good. So we get there and I have my blood taken and everything is good with that. Acutally my counts couldn't have been better. My doctor said that's what happens when I don't get chemo for so long, but that won't last long. The next step is to get chemo again. I have to go back next Tuesday at 9:00 to get a cardiac echo, then at 10:00 I will get about a 4 hour infusion of chemo. I know what it is called but I am not going to try and spell it because I will be way off. I have had this chemo once before and I had major back problem so hopefully it won't happen this time. Anyway I would get that and then at 5pm I would get a chest CT. I really need somethings to go right now. I need to keep the cancer away. Because everytime it comes back it keeps lessening my chance of being cured and I will fight like He** to make sure I get cured. I will fight till I can't anymore. So I will have that chemo and my doctor put my name into a lottery for a new chemo and most of the time no one gets picked from up here but I got picked this time. I was #6, so it will go like this, the first 3 people will get it this month and if nothing weird happens to them then I will get it next month. And the fight goes on and it will go on. So anyway then I had to go over to the hospital and get a chest x-ray and bring it back to the clinic, it looked good. The doc came out and talked to me and he said yes you have had surgery, by looking at the scan, I said I know. You had to be there for it to be funny. But ya then we went out to lunch with my brother at 1:30 and Paul Maliter (sp) he use to play for the MN Twins. That was pretty cool. Then on the way home my dad got a call from work and they needed him to come stop in at work so we ran to his work but I fell asleep on the way. Now finally were at home.

Okay I know that was a lot yaber but it is all in there. I know i have bad writing but you will have to bear with me. So I am all done and I will talk to ya tomorrow.
Love ya

Monday, April 21, 2003 1:00 PM CDT

I don't know about you but I don't think I could ever eat as much as I did yesterday. I think I gained a few pounds and tomorrow I have to get weighed at the doctor. But I have an reason, it was Easter.

Yesterday started off with a little egg hunt. I know what your saying, aren't I a little to old to hunt for Easter eggs. I find it kind of fun so my dad does it every year still. Yesterday though I couldn't find one so we ended up leaving for breakfast with one missing egg. I found it right away when I came home though. My dad forgot where he hid it too. Anyway way we went out to breakfast with my sister and her family and then went over to there house. We stayed until half time of the Timberwolfs game. If only they would have gotten off to a better start. We were at home for the rest of the day watching movies. I watched 8 legged freaks, Mississippi Burning ( it was for a class), and Harry Potter again.

We have today off from school as you can see. It's are little spring break but not really. I get to have one more day tomorrow because it's back down to the cities to see the good ol doc. I guess were going to talk about what to do next, because you know I'm still not giving up, if it's going to be chemo or radiation again, will see. Will probably be leaving around 9:00, so not early at all.

The dreaded headaches have come back. I think it's because the last 2 nights I haven't gotten to bed until 1:00 but then I sleep until 10:00, but I need a good nights rest again. After that hopefully they go away. They are killer right now.

I have to run but have a good day. The rain has finally stopped and it's sunny out. I will let you know how everything goes tomorrow.
With Love

Saturday, April 19, 2003 4:27 PM CDT

Hello on this misty, rainy day. It's been this way all day so far and no look of getting better. Hopefully it clears up tomorrow for Easter. I'm excited for tomorrow. Were going out to eat with my sister and her family and going back to there house or coming to ours, will see. It should be a fun day ahead.

Today we ran into St.Cloud but I didn't get anything. We just ran in to look at things and have lunch. We ate at the famous Grizzles. I like that place. We forgot one of our packages there so when we got home we had to call and see if they still had it. Thank goodness they did and will have to pick it up soon.

So tomorrow is Easter. I hope everyone who has it has a good Easter. If you don't I hope you just have a good day then. Like I don't have enough candy already. I could run a store out of my room. I still have some from Valentines Day. I guess I should throw that out.

I have to tell you guys that I think your the greatest in the world. I thank you so much for sticking by and helping when I need it. You never know how much someone really cares. So I must say I care a whole bunch and thanks. Like I have said before it's the little things. A message, a smile, a hug, a Hi. It all counts and I'm sure everyone likes them. So never forget the little things. I know I have said that before but never forget it.

I am going to let you go but I hope for whatever you do tomorrow it's good and that you have fun.
I love you

Friday, April 18, 2003 8:20 PM CDT

Wow was is it a full day of kids. We did about everything. There was a little game boy playing, some more movie watchen, and more card games. We even played cops and robbers. I forgot how much fun that game is. this afternoon I made a bunny cake that turned out great. It's just the one where you make 2 round cake pans of cake and then on one of the round cakes you cut 2 ears and what your left with is a bow tie. Then the other round cake is the face. So I frosted it and decorated it and it turned out really good. I did a little homework today and actually finished some of my classes. This entry is going to be rather boring but hey they can't all be good. This one makes other ones sound so much better. : ) It's so bad bacause I'm done with all the stuff for today so I am out of here quick. I will talk to ya tomorrow.

Thursday, April 17, 2003 6:06 PM CDT

Hi everyone : ) It was a better day out today. Everything is just melting away as it normally does.

Today has been full of daycare kids. Playing games watching movies and whatever else in the middle. We watched the new Harry Potter movie, The chamber of Secrets. I liked it even tho I saw it in theaters.

This afternoon I colored Easter eggs. I did speckled ones, all one color ones, and some of both. When i was done I made a tie dyed shirt. One of my old shirts that I wear to bed and I used the left over coloring stuff from the easter eggs. I guess I should have done some homework, o well I will do it tomorrow. I don't want to wait for the last minute though.

Tonight is T.V. night. It's all new shows on. You've got survivor, Friends, ER, Scrubs, Will and Grace, all of them. It's my one night that I watch t.v. a lot. You need one of those nights though. It's must see TV.

Okay my mom is calling me for dinner so got to run.
Love ya

Wednesday, April 16, 2003 4:15 PM CDT

How we can go from 80 to 90 degree weather down to freezing with mist, sleet, rain, and whatever else is falling, is beyond me. First of all I have to think it is Minnesota weather. I bet on like every Minnesota website they say something about the weather. It's so weird how it does that. How we can go to wearing shorts one day and are back in pants and long sleeved shirts the next.

So I picked a great day to go back to school. I started off by blowing away this morning when walking into school and then walk really slow going back out to the car because of all the slush on the ground. Thanks manda for the help. Anyway I had to be very careful to make sure I didn't fall because that would have really hurt and it would have not been good to do that. I made it safely and got home safely as well. Now I don't think I should go anywhere even though I things planned for later.

School wise I am not all that far behind. I just have to catch up on a few things and I should be back in the full swing of things. I am glad now that we have a little Easter break so that I can catch up on things, it helps a lot. It was great seeing friends again that I haven't seen since I left. We talked and talked and talked. The band had a concert thing or whatever today so the band people were gone and when I found those people it was a whole reuion (sp) right in the hallway.

Now I must go spend time on none other then homework so I will be talken to ya later. Will see you tomorrow.
Love bunches

Tuesday, April 15, 2003 8:40 PM CDT

I was doing some homework right now and remembered that I didn't update today. So here I am to let you know what's up.

It's back to school tomorrow, after my vacation. Yah right it was hardle a vacation. I got all caught up on homework until I got the new stuff for yesterday and today, so it's back at it again.

The pain is getting much better. Each day seems to get better and better. My headaches are gone, knock on wood. I still am not sure why I had them. It could have been from stress, a whole bunch of stress I guess.

I had a friend come over today and help me with Algebra and I seem to be getting it now. All it takes is just a little time to explain somethings and I was off.

I am having a mind block right now. I guess after 5:00 my brain just shuts down for the night, that's not good. I still have homework to do and seeing that I can't think of anything right now I will let you go.
With Love

Monday, April 14, 2003 11:47 AM CDT

Good Monday morning to you all. I hope it's a good Monday and not the ones that are bad because it's Monday. I hope your weekend was good and filled with lots of fun.

Today is a good day with so far NO headaches. It must have been stress from the ACT's and other things. Now lets hope that they stay away.

I am decideing as you can see that I am going to stay home today and tomorrow yet and then go back on Wednesday. I am still finishing homework from last week and now I need to get todays and tomorrows. I hope it's not to hard to catch up this time. I have a friend coming over to help me wiht Algebra because that is a class that you need to be in the class to know how to do.

The weather outside is perfect. I hope that you guys have been able to go outside a little, it's great. I need to make a desk outside so that I can do my homework ouside instead of at my desk.

I have run though need to get back to writing a paper.
Thanks for all the tips for headaches.
Much love

Sunday, April 13, 2003 10:41 AM CDT

Good Morning one and all!!! : ) It's yet another nice day outside, with just a little wind, partly cloudy. Yesterday was a great day too. I took a nape after the ACT's out on our deck for the afternoon. My face even got a little read from being out there so long.

The ACT's went good but not good. I think I did really bad but everyone thinks that. I came into it with a positive attitude, and saying that I would do good. Halfway through my headache unfortuneatly (sp) came on strong, so that didn't help for the reading and science part. I got really tired and I think it was a little early for me to be doing full intack school things. When I got home I wasn't feeling the greatest but I stuck it out. The main thing is, is that I'm done. Or atleast until I take it over, becasue I did bad, : ) I have that covering me. You can take them over if you don't like your score on the first time you take it.

Last night my mom, dad, and I went out to dinner at Charles cafe. We haven't been there for literally 5-6 years. We use to go there all the time. I guess our lifes have been a little busy latly as you can imagen.

Where my chest tube was is draining and that's not suppose to happen this far out, or at least I didn't think so. My mom and I will have to keep an eye on it, to make sure it doesn't get infected. We wouldn't want that.

Today were going to do a little shopping, yah. i haven't been shopping in a while, so you can imagen my list. No it's not that long just a few things that I am going to look at. Hopefully it's not to busy in St. Cloud so that we can get around good. Whenever I go in the wheel chair shopping I become a human cart. I end up carrying everything. It's not like I can't, so I am nice. It's to early to be walking around on my crutches in the mall. I walk on them already but the mall would be a little much right now.

My headaches seem to be better today. Maybe it was all the ACT stress that made them so bad. Hopefully it's the turn around where they get better. Thanks for all the prayers that they get better. Headaches sometime I think can be the worse pain. I got an email from one of my nurses and she gave me some reasons why I might be having a headache. Thanks Amy Marie.

Well I better get going, I am getting the calling of Amy hurry up lets go. So I will talk to you later. Have a great day.
I love you all

Friday, April 11, 2003 1:29 PM CDT

UPDATE: I just read Mitches page and he won the battle against cancer but it wasn't here on earth it was in Gods world. He passed away this morning with family all around him. Say a prayer for his family to stay strong and they he found is way okay. He was loved by many and will ALWAYS be remember. We love you Mitchie.

Could they get any worse. The headaches I thought were going to get better today but they are coming on strong. It's really bugging me because I don't know why I am having all of them. It's something that I may have to get checked out. Does anyone else know what it might be from?

Wish me Luck tomorrow at 8:00 for my ACT test. It's the big one, the final day so I have to do good. It's time to pull out all the stuff I've learned and put it to good use. But hey if I do bad I can always take it over. I have been taking some online tests and some book tests to prepare a little more for it, who knows if it will help or not. I would like to get a good nights rest and but ready to go tomorrow morning. I'll have to eat a good breakfast and make sure to bring a calculater and a watch to pace myslef. I am really hoping that it goes well though.

I'm not sure when I am planing on going back to school. I think I will for sure go back on Wednesday for the last day before Easter break, but I'm not sure about Monday and Tuesday. I mean last time it was just about 2 weeks that I was at home and that one was better then this one. I still get really short of breath walking any kind of distence, I mean like from our kitchen to my room, it's hard. Just going from the parking lot to the front door of school will be tough and that's not in school yet.

The pain is getting better but for sure is still there. Like I said before I get really short of breath and tired out really easy. I try and not sleep during the day as much becuase then I'm up all night. Hopefully it turns pretty soon and it will go in the way of getting better faster.

Make sure to go outside agian it's a great day out. Have a great weekend filled with fun stuff. I will see in next time and hopefully it's without a headache.
With Love

Thursday, April 10, 2003 3:19 PM CDT

UPDATE: The stiches are out and it is looking good. The doc put a little covering over it to make sure it stays closed. My counts are looking great so my headaches can't be from my Hbg being low so I have no idea what it's from. Will see what happens in the coming days. Have a good one.

It's going to be another quicker one today. Yah I know that didn't make sence but you know me and making stuff up.

Today was a little better but still not great. The headache lingers around but I am getting my blood drawn today so maybe will find out if my Hbg is low. That could be a cause of it. Now I am hopeing for it to be low so then I know whats wrong. I hate not knowing. I also have to get some stiches cut out so I will be seeing a doctor here in Albany. I will let you know how that goes when I come back home. So look for an update later.

I have been working on the homework load alittle more today because it has to be done, but I do wish it would just like that be done, what do you think of them apples, : )

It's a great day out so make sure you get outside and enjoy the weather. When you live in Minnesota take the good warmer days with greatfullness because who knows what tomorrow will bring.
Talk to you in a little while
Love bunches

Wednesday, April 9, 2003 2:48 PM CDT

Hey everyone it's going to be a quick update today.

I'm not feeling very well right now. I have this really bad headache and it's not going away. I have been sleeping a lot of the day because of it but Ihave been trying to get some homework done here and there. Today I am pretty much reading my book and now I might work on my Comp paper.

The pain is a little worse today so I probably will take more pain pills today then i did yesterday. I am trying to keep it under control. Today is just not the day to be doing much.

Tonight somebody from the church is coming over seeing that I am missing a class for confirmation and he just wants to talk with me. Some friends are coming as well so it's not so wierd. See because all the confirmation students get asked questions and I am missing it. Hopeful it goes good.

I am going to let you go for now. I will look forward to tomorrow as a new day and hopeful I feel better.
Love you

Tuesday, April 8, 2003 1:20 PM CDT

HELLO, Hello, hello, I'm back from vacation stay at the Lovely Fairview Universtiy Childrens Hospital 5B. I had lovely room overlooking the mighty Mississippi, and had a room to myself. : )

Surgery went well as you already now, and I once again proved my strength. I had gotten blood and platelets in the O.R. and that was good because there were some small spots that would bleed out from time to time but they had in all under control. When I woke up in the recovery room I had a little trouble breathing, I always felt like I wasn't getting enough air. But I layed there very well until they they moved me up to 5B. When I got up there I was having an even harder time breathing and the pain was outrages, it was kind of making me scared. They got me settled in and it started getting better. I rested for awhile after that until the doctor come up and check on me. He looked a listened to everything and said that I had an air leak but he was going to come back later to fix it. To fix it he had to stich it up again. Laura and her mom come and visited with me for awhile, as well as my brother and his wife. When they left I could her air leaking out by my chest tube, my nurse was already in there and she called the surgon right away. He came up with a med student and stiched me up again. Then I was in dream land for the rest of the night. Saturday morning I woke up with yet another air leak but this time they were just going to watch it. Nothing happend after that. The rest of the stay was pretty unevenful. I got to talk to casey, one of my primarys, who is in Hawaii. He said it was great down there. He'll be down there until July. O I forgot, On Sunday night Monday Moring shit I got to see Holly who I have seen in a long time. Everytime she came in the room we talked for like 20mins. At 5:00 in the morning we took pictures and it was great.

My brother came to pick me up yesterday and brought me to his house where we met my dad. It was off to home and my own bed. The hospital beds arent' that bad though.

Really nothing else to say so I will let you go for now. Hope you have a good rest of the day I and I will talk to you soon.
With Love

Monday, April 7, 2003 3:16 PM CDT

Quick Note for Today


She will leave the hospital this afternoon and should be home by early this evening, pretty tired and very sore she is really looking forward to going home.

Look forward to tomorrow's update as Amy will again be in charge of the "Author" duites.

Way to Go AMY!!!!!!!

Amy's Friends and Family

Sunday, April 6, 2003 3:18 PM CDT

Amy say's HI Everyone!!!

Amy is doing pretty good as of Sunday afternoon. She might be able to go HOME as soon as tomorrow. Her Mom and Dad stayed over with her on Saturday evening.

Mitche, her friend who also is in the hospital, had his little dog up visting with everyone, the dog was a hit as it brought many smiles.

Hopefully by this time tomorrow Amy will be able to update her web site from HOME! Fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!

Amy's Friends and Family

Friday, April 4, 2003 2:12 PM CST

Hello Everyone!!

Just a quick update for all you Amy fans out there, keep up the good work with the thought and prayers as they yet again have brought her out of a successful surgery. I think it was a little longer than anticipated, because of what appears to be some minor complications, she started surgery at 7:20 this morning and finished up about 11:30, however everthing appears to be well.

At this time, early Friday afternoon she is with all her "PALS" up on Unit 5B, she really likes them up there.

More updates to follow over the weekend.

Cheers to AMY - way to go kid!!

Love Amy's Family and Friends

Thursday, April 3, 2003 3:20 PM CST

BE CAREFUL!*!*!*!*!*!*! It is SO slippery out. It hasn't gotten better today. We got out of school early so that we had extra time getting home. A friend was nice enough to go get my car and drive it up to the door. You see There is a huge walking place where no one can drive in front of the door, but he drove over that. It was a huge help because I never would have made it to the car without falling. So I got there safely and then I drove him to his car where I met up with my dad, who had come to see if I needed any help. He got the rest of the ice off the windows and there was layers of ice, it was bad. After driving very slowly I got home safe and sound. Now I just home that it's better by tomorrow morning, when we leave.

The time has come yet again where I have to stand up and face my fears, going into surgery. It's a mind game, if I think I will be just fine, I will be just fine. I go into this surgery with a positive attitude and will come out of it being better then what I was before. I am up to the challenge and I will come out on top.

My brother is going to keep the site up again so you can check up to see how everything is going. Pray for a successful surgery with a good recovery. Also continue to keep Mitch, Ali, and all the other kids in your prayers.
I Love You,

Wednesday, April 2, 2003 4:56 PM CST

Well hello on this windy day. My gosh I almost blew away. Everything is going good. I really don't have much to say today. School was good, except for the end of the day, but I won't get into that. I stayed after to take a math test that I missed from when I was gone the other day. I think it went good but what I think and what it is are two different things. The hospital called today and the first call was that surgery was at 2:30, then they called back and said will need you here at 5:30 in the MORNING. Well I guess I will be the first one so no waiting longer. If it's at 5 I will have to get up at 3 to take a shower, then will have to be out the door at 3:30, 3:45. It will be an early morning, but that's okay.
Since I have nothing to say I will leave you with a top 10.

Top 10
10. Your child names her new stuffed animal "Anesthesia" instead of "Anatasia".
9. When drawing a smiley face on daddy's tummy with the iodine stick feels like an ordinary day.
8. Your kids think the song "BINGO" is sung b-i-n-p-o, b-i-n-p-o, b-i-n-p-o and binpo was his name oh
7. You ask your child what she wants for christmas and she answers "a box"
6. You know how to get out blood, betadine, and fenretinide stains , but when a crayon makes it into the dryer you're stumped.
5. You see your child's chart while waiting for a CT and it's 4 inches think and has "vol II" written on it.
4. You get lost driving to your mother's house but know the quickest route, most scenic route and best bad weather route to the hospital.
3. You don't remember how to use a blow dryer but can reset an IV with your eyes closed.
2.You are up reading this list at 3am because you can't sleep...and you are trying not to laught too hard, because you don't want to wake the baby up.
1. When you're as excited about your child's broviac coming out as you are about his first steps.

See ya tomorrow

Tuesday, April 1, 2003 6:32 PM CST

Happy April fools day. Did anyone get a good joked played on them? None for me but I was going to say that I had purple spots all over, but I didn't. Todays visit was laid back. I was looking at my scans and I hadn't really relized that I only have a half a lung on my left side. I was looking and I asked the doc, and he was like, well ya. He said high tolerance (sp) for pain and that I recover so well and fast. So that is on my side. Well the date is set for the O.R. and it's Friday, as in this Friday the 4th. Now if that isn't service, I have no idea what is. They are going to take a stab at the one on the right with the scope again. Seeing that last time I came out of that one in 2 days. Now for the other one. That one I don't like. It's 1cm big and it's in as Dr.Maddaus said "Tigar Country". It's in a bad area again and if they take it out it would be the whole cracking the chest open and doing what they did last time, when I had my big surgery. So I am faced with that huge bump again. But we are looking at possible radiation. Both my lungs have been radiated though and you can only have so much radiation so will see how that one goes. If that doesn't work out Dr.Neglia already has a back up and a back up for that one, so I'm covered. There are so many things that I'm faced with and i'm not the worst of them, I'm sure. My plt. were only at 47,000 and they like them to be up at 75,000 to 100,000 to do surgery, but they will give my plt when I get there. So even that is covered.

After everything was said and done I went up visiting. My first stop was to see Mitchie. He's fighting the best that he can. His days are limited so please pray that he can at least make it too the weekend so he can see the rest of his family. He's done a great job fighting, and he couldn't have done it any better. He's a hero in my books. I also got to see Laura back from her trip and Jill. It was a little cancer reuion. Ali is slowly be surely getting better as well. I got to see some of my favorite nurses and already have mine for Firday when I come out of the O.R.

That's all I have for today. Have a good one.
With Love
p.s. I have to say I'm always sorry for spelling errors, I never go back and read it.

Monday, March 31, 2003 4:01 PM CST

UPDATE: Hey I forgot to tell you that I have a doctor apointment tomorrow. So if you could say a little prayer that it goes well. That they can come up with a great way of dealing with it, that my counts are up to have this surgery and get it over with.

Hi everyone, did you have a restful weekend? I pretty much did as I said yesterday. Now it was back to the grind. School was good again, just like everything else. I still am loving Pysch. and diversity iss. They're just so interesting. I may have to think about doing something along those lines in the future. O the future, knowing what your going to do with your life. Well ya I don't know yet but I have an idea. It's forsurly going to do something with the medical field. Maybe nurseing, which is the number 1 possiblity, social worker, pysch, something along those lines, will see. I don't need to know now but it would be nice.

I got a card today from a special person to me and on it it had a poem, I would like to share it with you if you don't mind.
Life's Rainbows
The road that we travel
through life is not smoothly
paved all the way,
And the sun doesn't
always bring rainbows
to brighten every day.
But with faith and friends
we can make it through
even the darkest night,
Because when we believe
rainbows often appear
to fill our lives with
beautiful sunlight.
"Mary Alice Michaels"

I really like that poem. It's ture the road that people travel is not always smoothed for us. We have to come to them with the right frame of mind to get over them. No bodies life is perfect. People's roads will always have a bump in them. Some bumps may be smaller then others. And some people's road might be smoother to travel. Everyone has there own limitations and their own road. No one person has the same as anyone else. The only thing that can be the same is how you fight it. You can go full speed ahead or become down because what you are faced with. There have been many times where I was faced with possible death. When I had my big surgerys. It could have gone wrong in so many places. But that is where I had to make a choice. Do I go at it full speed ahead or do I sit and putt ahead. I choose full speed ahead and look where it got me. The cancer is gone in that spot (knock on wood). There were many a times where I could have just sat back and did nothing, but I chose to fight harder. Days aren't always going to be perfect but you look forward to the good days. People always have a choice as to how they approach those bumps and I would recommand full speed ahead. You don't get anywhere by sitting and dwelling on how bad it is you fight what you have and be done with it. It's something to think about.
With Love

Sunday, March 30, 2003 7:57 PM CST

Hey hey, it's sunday night and I'm taken it easy. I just got done writing my letters for the week and I watched Survivor with my dad. I taped it last week. Like I said before my whole family watches survivor. Anyway, on Saturday I didn't do anything. I took a practice ACT test on the net but that was about it. Today though we went out to eat and looked at a few homes that were in the Parade of homes. We looked at one that $500,000, it was pretty nice. Then we ran to see my brother and his wife. My dad dropped off the good ole taxes. We ran to see their new home that they bought and it's pretty nice. It's like 5 miles down the road from where they live now. On the way home then we stopped at the Albertville Malls to look around. I didn't buy anything though. Now I am off to take another online ACT test. That is coming up on the 12th of April, so I have to get all the studying that I can do before that. I really don't have much else to say. SO I will let you go
With love

Friday, March 28, 2003 4:52 PM CST

It's Friday and it will be a 2 day weekend, : ) that will be nice. I'm looking forward to sleeping in, one of the small things in life that I enjoy. It was so funny this morning, I was having a dream that I turned on the TV and saw that school was 2 hours late and I was going to sleep in. Well normaly my mom shuts the door, when there is no school or school is late. My door was shut so I was going to sleep. What I didn't know is that my dad had a day off and he shut my door. Well that resulted in me getting up late when I had to be at school early for a NHS meeting. But all was good and I was on time for everything. So this morning I didn't know what was happening to me or what was a dream, o well.

This early morning I was awaken by my nose bleeding, well that's great. I think It may have been for a little bit because it was going down the back of my thoart. Anyway it was a quick up and hopping to the bathroom. Where it lasted 10 minutes. Then I went back to my room and washed my pillow off because it got on there, not to much though. When I was done with that it started bleeding again. That time it only last 5 minutes or so. It was all taken care of and back to bed. I'm really not sure why I had a bloody nose. I normally only get those when my platelets are low so I hope they didn't take a spill or anything. I need them to go up, not down.

I hope you all have a great weekend with lots of fun. I will be talking to you really soon. Have a good one.
With Love

Thursday, March 27, 2003 4:11 PM CST

One day down of the new quarter and it wasn't too bad. I think I will really like diversity issues. We only have 7 people in the class so that will be nice too. I think I will like intro to pysch to. I don't know I like that stuff. Human, brain, how people act stuff.

Not much is happening around here except for it's getting cold again and I don't like it. I rather have warmer temps instead of cold. Were suppose to have a big snow storm in Minnesota and I won't be happy but I will survive. It's just that snow and ice don't mix with crutches very well. And as I write this it's starting to snow. Thats not good. I have to go back up to school yet for my ACT test pre class. Then it's dark out and I can't pick out the ice patches as well.

I really don't have any other news to share with you so I will share a top 10 with you so here I go.

Top 10 if you can't remember
You know your a chemo mom when
10. You can draw up 10 different meds without checking a list at 6am while making the kids breakfast, feeding the cat and juggling a nauseous baby on your sholder.
9. You have a birthday party at your house and on every of the table, you have a bottle of Germ-x purell
8. Your children have 5 different antibacterial soap bottles in their own bathrooms and they love washing their hands.
7. Your 5 year old writes her firest book and the title is "The many other uses of you mask"
6. Your 3 year old gets his firest wiffle haircut and cries, now it looks like I got chemo too.
5. Your 5 year old makes up bone marrow hokes such as "what does santa say on the bone marrow unit? Grow , grow, grow
4. You brave the expressways for the firest time in you life to get to the hospital.
3. Whne your chemo kid can deliver her own top 10 resons why it's better to be bald, bavid letterman style.
2. While spending a weekend with another cancer family, you overhear your 6 year old son and their 4 year old daughter discussing whether or not he took his 71/2 pills, if she took her 61/2 pills all at once and how many 6mp tablets they take.
1. When your friends call you up and ask where your chemo kid would like to have their kids birthday party.

There you go. I hope you have are having a good day and I will see you tomorrow.
With love

Wednesday, March 26, 2003 12:27 AM CST

UPDATE: Okay I'm back. I went to get my counts down and the results are back. My Hbg is 11.8, Plt. 32,000, WBC 1.8, and ANC .7. So things are coming up but my ANC is a little low.
I had to read a story the other day about a guy that was really rich and everyone thought he had this great life, and he couldn't have it any better. Well in the end he killed himself. It was kind of a shock. Anyway it goes to tell you that Things are not always as they appear to be. When you see someone that's all mad you think o whats there problem. But maybe somehthing happened to them. Maybe they were or are having their worst day. Maybe all they need is someone to tell ask them are you okay. Maybe all they need to know is that someone cares and loves them. So don't judge a book by it's cover. You may think someones life is so great but what you might not know is that they hate it. Things are not always as they appear to be. That's something I will always remember.

Good sunny day to you : ) I'm not doing much right now. It's a day off and the daycare kids are running like mad around here. We played a litttle "pay day", hooked the VCR back up downstairs, and like 50 other things. I was going to work on my scrapebook but then I relized I need more pictures so I will be taking lots of pictures of things.

A whole new quarter starts off. I am taking Intro to psych., Algebra 2, Intro to Comp. and Diversity Issues. So it's one of my harder quarters but will see how it works out. I am just a little afraid of when I am gone how things will work out. But again I will cross that bridge when it comes. Or I will attack that bump when it's in front of me.

I got this GREAT blanket from someone that's special to me. It's such a beautiful blanket. It's from a nurses mom and she's great. I won't say who it is but you know who you are. Thank so so much.

I have to go get my blood taken and i just thought of that so I think I will run day there when I am done writing this. I am lost for words right now. I have no idea what to say. Maybe I will go bet my blood taken and then come back and update a little more when I have something good to say. Maybe one of my moods that I get into and talk about good stuff, I think. So I will probably catch ya later.
With Love

Tuesday, March 25, 2003 6:02 PM CST

Well hey, hey, I didn't have to go to the cities today. I called yesterday and asked what for, because it was Dr.Maddaus office that called. Anyway they just wanted to see me because Dr.Maddaus sees his patients before surgery. Again anyway, I will go down next tuesday when the Boss, Dr.Neglia, is back and my counts are up, then we can talk about more of a time frame.

I walked into my speech class today and my teacher said "Amy what are you doing here", I was like um, um, am I not suppose to be here. She just said it's Tuesday. Then I got it because I have been gone just about every Tuesday for her class but as you know I didn't have to.

The quarter is done and behind me. So we have a nice day off tomorrow. I can't believe were starting the 4th quarter. When that's done I will be a Senior and then I have to grow up. I mean go to college, get a good job, know what I want to do with my life. I won't start worrying about that though.

I am all good. Nothing hurts, I have a good amount of energy, and am ready to take on the world. So I will catch ya all later, and have a good one.
With Love

Monday, March 24, 2003 3:46 PM CST

Heidi Ho everyone, how are you all this fine Monday afternoon? Things are going good as of right now for me. Well I'm always good so whatever.

This weekend went good. Ichibons (sp) was great with some great food. I had the steak and chicken along with shrimp, fried rice and soup. Wow was there food that come. We had a table of 13 people with everyone and it was great. I love watching them cook the food right in front of you, it's kind of cool. Everyone came out of there with a pretty nice bill, but it was good clean fun so it was alright.

Sunday I really didn't do anything for the first time in days. I slept in did homework and was done with it. I went to my sisters house for awhile, while my mom and dad went to look at some homes, that were on the prade of homes.

I guess tomorrow I have to go down to the cities to meet with Dr. Maddaus about the up coming surgery. Meeting with him normal take 5 minutes or less, so it shouldn't be long. You should see my missing days list. There are only just a few : ) But health does come first in my books so we will leave it at that.

My dad went into St. Cloud to pick up our car that finally got fixed. They got the part and it's all taken care of. The head light was lose so my mom asked if they could fix that while it was in and it cost $174, just for them to put a screw in. It was probably more than a screw but that's what I am telling everyone, hehehe

Well that's all I know for today, so I am out. Will be talking real soon.
Much love

Saturday, March 22, 2003 11:13 AM CST

I am still living. I made it home safely from the hospital, and the drive was good. They took my counts yesterday and my platelets were at 14,000 so they through a pack of platelets on seeing that I was there and everything. Might as well get it done. The doc stopped in while I was there and he really didn't know that much more becasue Dr. Maddaus was in the O.R. at the time, but my brother called later and found out the scoop. What's more then likly going to happen is that we are going to wait for my counts to come up and Dr.Maddaus and I will have another date in the O.R. He thinks that he can take it out with the scoop, one of them. Then they would keep the other one in to gage how the new chemos work. So will be getting a call from Maddaus office for a time. On the way home the slowest you could go was 75 on the freeway, but I wasn't going that : ) It was a fast moving day.

I got home changed and had to be up at school at 5:30 for a show for TAC. That was pretty good. There were all kind of different acts.

Today were heading down to the cities again. My whole family is to Ichibans, (sp) for dinner tonight. It's Jappenes Steak house where they cook the food right in front of you. It's pretty cool. But it has a pretty nice amount of money that you have to fork out, it's a once or twice a year thing, but it's great.

I'll be pretty free this weekend, seeing that i really don't have much homework to do, so I am really glad about that.

Have a great weekend and I will be talking to you soon.

Thursday, March 20, 2003 9:43 PM CST

Well I finally got the call from the good old doc and he doesn't even say "unfortunately" anymore, he says "as normal" it has grown again. So yup it has grown from 10mm to 18mm. AND there was something small on my right side last time but they weren't sure if it was something or not, well that was 8mm and now it's 10mm, so ya it's something. Like I said last night I would cross that bridge when I came to it, and well I have come to it and I will cross it just like always. He is going to talk with Dr.Maddaus tomorrow, maybe about a whole section of the lung that he would take out, On my right side. But there was good news in there, The last surgery that Dr.Maddaus did on me, the big one, there is nothing that has come back there. The tumor on the right side is in the same spot that Dr.Maddaus did last time with the scope, so I guess the cells were to tiny to pick up. To sum it up the new chemo didn't work to my liking. But what else is new. Dr.Neglia will come see me tomorrow when I am getting blood to give me the low down on what's going to happen. Yup I am heading down for blood tomorrow, by MYSELF, talk about boring. I have to bee there at 9:30 so out the door at 7:30.

On a better note, the band concert went great, and the lost song we played at the end everyone was silent, because it honnered the war. It's so weird that we picked this song out last December and that we would play on the first full day of the war.

I'm Done with my speech and I got 434 out of 441. I am so happy that I am done. I was kind of frecking out. The speech had to be 7-10 minutes and mine was 9:56, just under, thank goodness.

Well that's about it for now. Wish for a safe trip down and back tomorrow.
Love lots

Wednesday, March 19, 2003 9:07 PM CST

Please pray for all the American soldiers fighting for our well being. The war has started and I pray that they all stay safe and that we can have them ALL come back safe. I'm sure that won't happen, but I will pray for that. If they would die they were dying for our country and dying a hero. They are all heros in my book and I thank them for fighting for our safty.

Well I waited to see if I would get a phone call from the doc but he didn't call so I have no idea how my scans turned out. Hopefully it's good news, but any news I will be able to handle. I will take it when I cross that bridge.

Today I played a little basketball with the daycare kids and had a pretty good time. I can still make a basket or two. Actually I did pretty good. I won't be making the WNBA or anything though, : )

I got my CD today. Mary Jo sent me a free CD thing that I could pick one that I liked and I picked Jimmy Buffett. That is a great CD. I praticularly (sp) like Cheeseburger In Paradise, it's pretty good.

I am acutally sitting at home and doing nothing. I came home and got to play basketball and didn't have to do homework right away. It was a good day : )

Tomorrow I have to give my big last speech. It has to be from 7 minutes to 10 minutes and I have having a problem keeping it under 10. It I go semi-fast I can get it in, but if I go slow in anyway I won't get it done in time. I am the first one to go tomorrow so after that I will be done with speech for awhile. Acutally a lot of my classes now are coming to an end. We handed in our last paper for Lit. I'm going to do my last speech, but we will keep going in math until the last day because I just pick on that next quarter, and then there is band and we have our concert tomorrow night at St. Ben's and were done there. So it's just math that keeps going. If anyone want's to come tomorrow night for the band concert, it's at St. Bens in St. Joseph at 7:00, I think. It's either 7:00 or 7:30.

Again Pray for the American Men in Women in harms way. Along with all the other's that are in harms way that haven't done anything. May they know that they didn't do anything, it's their contry.
With Love

Tuesday, March 18, 2003 10:00 PM CST

If someone asked me how many hours a day I just sit and do nothing I would tell them 7 hours, that's whe I am sleeping. It's up at 6:30 in the morning and doing homework until 10:30 at night. Then I will read a book for lit. until I can't keep my eyes open and I forget what I just read. It's busy busy around here.

My appointment went good today. I really didn't get any news seeing that my scan was after my doctor visit. My counts are still way down and I have to go back on Friday for more blood, at 9:30. So I think I am going down by myself for that one. My Hbg was at 8.8 last Thursday and it's only 9.0 now plus I got blood last Friday. So who knows what's up with that. I think I said this before but when ever I am at 9.0 or below I start getting headaches. But they are no problem compared to othere things that I have had or other kids. My scan tonight was suppose to be at 6:30 and my doc visit was at 3:30 so when I was done I ran over for the CT and asked if they had time to do it earlier seeing that it would only take 5 minutes. So they were able to do that. It actually only took 3 minutes I was watching the time.

I have a request tonight. Don't pray for me but pray for all the men and women that will probably have to fight for our country. That they stay safe, and kick their butt. That they come home to there families in one piece and unharmed.

I am going to leave you on that note and have a good rest of the day.
With Love

Monday, March 17, 2003 5:04 PM CST

What's up everyone? Today is a day where I don't have to go anywhere but I have tons of homework. So I can't be on here long. It's the last week of the quarter so it's crunch time. The teachers have to put it on.

Tomorrow my dad and I run down to the cities for a CT Scan and see the good old doc. Which one of the other doctors told me to call him Uncle Joe. So could you pray for good scans. That my chemo is doing it's job. So that I can continue with it and be good and happy. If it's bad news I will deal with it, when I cross that bridge. I just hope that it goes well. It's later in the day, and I probably won't find out my scan results until Wedesday. Seeing that I see the doc first then have the Scan.

Jennie sent me a list about "Attitude Determines Attitude" So here are some of them.

I woke up early today, excited over all I get to do before the clock strikes midnight. I have responsibilities to fulfill today. I am important.

My job is to choose what kind of day I am going to have.

Today I can complain becasue the weather is rainy or I can be thankful that the grass is getting watered for free.

Today I can grumble about my health or I can rejoice that I am alive. I like that one

Today I can cry because roses have thorns or I can celebrate that thorns have roses.

Today I can complain becasue I have to go to school or eagerly open my mind and fill it with rich new tidbits of knowledge.

What today will be like is up to me. I get to choose what kind of day I will have! I like that one too

Thoes are only a few that were on the page. Think about them.
Okay I have to run as always but I will catch up with ya later. Have a good one
p.s. Happy St. Patricks Day

Saturday, March 15, 2003 10:41 PM CST

I just looked over my entry and it's long, but good.

Well Hey hey, Look I have a free moment to update this. Really when do I stop? I keep going and going and going. I could become the energizer bunny at the rate I'm going. You should see my calender, the last 2 weeks are ALL full with something that I was doing. Including today. I don't know how I did it with low counts.

Well I went down for my blood and platelets on Friday. They were just what I needed. I even got my crutches fixed. The screw going through the middle where my hands go, one of them broke, don't ask me how, but they did. So Nancy and I went up and down lots of halls in the hospital looking for one. We finally found one and I was late for my date with the pump and blood. So it was more trucking to get to the Day hospital but I got there. My date was a waiting. Once I was done my dad and I went to pick up some groceries to bring to my Great Aunts house. I cooked her lunch, and was happy to do it. We stayed for awhile and visited and ate some good food. By 5:30 we were out the door to catch the Albany girls play state and I am sorry to say that they lost by 2 points, but actually 1. They gave Dani 2 points for a 3 pointer. She was clearly behind the line and everyone knew it but the refs. But o well, if that 1 point would have been all we were behind and lost, I think something would have been said but we lost by 2. They played a great 2nd half but came short. They lost today too, so they took 4th. Still really good for out of the state. We got back at 12:00, ZZzzZZzz

Today it was up early to go to the Chanhassen (sp) Dinner theater. We go to that at least once a year. It was really good. I almost fell asleep once but I made it through. Now since I got home which was like 4:00 I have been doing my homework. Working on my speech, which I finshed the outline, now have to make a script, word for word. It's our last speech for the quarter, yyaahh.

I was thinking today. I have been fighting cancer for 3 and a half years. Where now it's doesn't even phase me. I have come so acustom (sp) to it. When I think about it, there are a lot of kids that wouldn't be able to fight this long. Then I ask myself the question, Why Me, Why am I able to fight so long? Cancer is a part of me and will always be a part of me but it doesn't live my life. It doesn't control my attitude, my sence of humor, or my fighting power. I really turely believe that if it weren't for my determination to over come this crap that I wouldn't be here. Yes the amazing doctors help but there is no medicane for attitude, or determination. That is something the person has to have and let me tell you, I have it. Beating cancer is phyical but it's also mental. I really never let the fact that I have cancer let me down. I may have my moments but there aren't that many. I live my life just about the same as the next teenager. If it weren't for going to the doctor every Tuesday, about, I would be a "normal" teenager. I mean I go to school everyday. I do homework, talk on the phone, get into trouble, (I'm not a perfect angle, although I think I am), have problems with everyday life besides cancer stuff, and hang out with friends. So I am living with cancer, it can be done. I have lived a life of cancer for 3 1/2 years, and for awhile you really haven't noticed that I am still going through treatment, besides being gone on Tuesday. I mean I have hair, go to school everyday, and go to tons of school events. There was even someone at the radiothon that said that I was a cancer survivor, which I am not, YET. I plan on being one though, I heard it's great : ) Most of the time you would never know it, if it wasn't for outside characteristics, I don't think you would ever know that I had cancer. I live my life day by day, treasuring all the good moments. And that's how I plan on doing it the rest of my life, till the day I die, which is a long time from now. I will continue to fight and win. I'm not going down and I WILL win.
With Love

Thursday, March 13, 2003 4:31 PM CST

UPDATE: Well I got the call from the Hospital and my Platelets were down to 11,000 so it's down to the big city tomorrow for platelets and blood. It will be a day affar then my dad and I are going to stay down there for the big game. Read about that at the bottom.

Okay that day is over and it got worse but then it got better. Well first after dinner last night, with no car at home, I got a bloody nose that lasted 20 minutes, so not cool. My mom started panicing and I said it's fine don't worry. Well then we got a call and they said a rental car just came back and if we wanted we could have it. Well duh of course we wanted. So we call the neighbor Brian to ask if he could run my mom and I into so that we could pick it up. Of course he said it would be just fine. So we finally got a car and now we were sitting in better bussiness than before. So I closed the night out with a movie and then bed.

Now today was a much, much better day and I am waiting for my counts to be called back. I'm pretty sure I will have to go down tomorrow. Hopefully I can get them in the morning so that I can come home and then jump on the bus to go back to the same place. The Albany basketball team is playing at Willams Arena to defend there 30-0 record. We play a 28-2 team so it will be a great game.

Thanks for all the cheering up, it's what I needed. Until tomorrow, have fun and live every moment.
With Love

Wednesday, March 12, 2003 4:35 PM CST

O my Gosh, It started as a so so day and then turned out to be a bad day. This may be long I don't know yet.

Okay I will start from the beginning. Last night Amanda and I went to perkins, right, okay everything was okay then. We go to Hallenbeck (sp) for the basketball game. I drive in the front row to find a spot to park, there are none so I go to the second row. So I take a left to go into the second row and I hear a click. Let me tell you a "click" is never good around me. Well I didn't think anything of it and I stopped by a spot and we called some friends to see where they were and what door we had to go in. They didn't know so I backed up to go into the parking spot. Well I couldn't turn the steering wheel left. It took A LOT of elbow power to do it. Then I saw a teacher and he parked it for me. I could turn it right but not left. Now I am frecking out, what do I do. So I just go in and my sister was working so she helped and everything. After we got done playing gre game todd, a friend, when out and looked at it. He said that there was something that needed to get fixed. So it ended up that he drove the car home for me, which was so nice. Well I got it home. I just told my mom that we would have to call Miller poniac, yes yes thats not how you spell it, in the morning. Now what I didn't tell you is that my dad isn't home. Ya well thats just my luck that it happenes when he leaves. Okay now it's today and my mom calls down and they say well the sooner you bring it in the more likly that someone can look at it. So my sister's husband was going to come here and drive it down there. But then a neighbor called and he and his brother brought it down for us. So it's there and they look at it. They call my mom the 1st time and say well your stearing shaft is broke, Not cool. So then they were going to check to see if there were any cars that they could take one off and put it on our car. 2nd call was that no they didn't have any cars in the area but will keep looking. Along with there are no cars for you to rent. Okay now the 3rd call yes we have a problem there is not a part like that in the U.S. Now what do we do. 4th call said that they "earliest" that we would get it fixed was next week and they said the "earliest". That is so not cool. So my mom and I have no car to drive. Now that's a probelm. Now that is my LONG story.

Now my platelets are at 17,000, which "normal" is 150,000 so I will maybe have to go down friday. My Hbg is at 9.9 and when I get below 9.0 I start getting headaches and lets say I think there starting to come because I have had one all day.

So to sum up everything it's a bad day and not one I want to relive. So I will let you go so that this doesn't get any longer.

Tuesday, March 11, 2003 3:20 PM CST

Guess what it's the second Tuesday of the Month, do you know that means? It's time for Amanda and I's trip to perkins, yum. We are going later do to the basketball game tonight at 8:00. The girls start at state now so good luck Albany. It's in so we will eat and then head over to the game. The car right now is full of drums in the truck and holders in the back seat. Along with a clarinet and trombone. So tonight the car is the insturment car.

I just got done done getting my blood drawn here in Albany. I am getting a lot of black and blue marks and that's never good. So will see what they are in a little while.

This weekend I got the movie Shawshank redemption. That is one of my favorite movies. It's so mean and it's hard seeing them getting hurt but it is one of the best. If you have never seen it I would say have a movie night and rent that one.

I am feeling pretty good. I am starting to get caught up on sleep. I am glad that I can do all these things though. So if tired is what comes of it then that's just fine. I can hadle it just like everything else that comes along. I have A LOT of fight left in me. I use it when I have to. To get through those tough times that come along. But when I look back I am sure glad that I fought it the way I did. I wouldn't change anything about how I act with hearing things, how I deal with things, or how I cheer myself up. I am doing the best I can and I think that's good enough. I only thing I wish is that I could pass this fight onto some other kids that need it. I would love to help them fight so that they come out as pink as a rose. So my advise to handling things is never give up and keep fighting.

I will leave you for today. I would put a top 10 on but I will reserve thoes for days when I need cheering up. Because they always make me laugh. So I am out of here.
With Love

Monday, March 10, 2003 4:25 PM CST

Hey, hey, I am still alive and kicking as strong as ever. Okay I'm tired while I kick but I am kicking. It's going to be a long week, because my week so far going to busy again. But I can't say it's bad because I could be in the hospital be sick, or something like that. Like I have said before, it could always be worse.

Tonight it is my first pre ACT class to help people get prepared for it. I think tonight is going to be science stuff. That's good because I like science, so I am good with that, then it's back home to hammer out some homework.

Lets see what else can I talk about. There really isn't anything else that happened or is going to happen today. So I guess I will leave you with another top 10, so here I go.

10. You put a plate of food on the table at dinnertime and your 6 year old shouts, Hey this isn't what I ordered.
9. Your child cires her first night home because she's homesick for her favorite nurse so you make a special trip to the hospital for a visit.
8. Your daughter's favorite hoke is Last night I dreamed that I was eating spaghetti and I woke up I was bald.
7. When a year after treatment ended, your 5 year old daughter answers the question from a stranger, Why is your hair so short and your sisters so long, with Cuz I had cancer and all my hair falled out. without skipping a beat.
6. When you watch the chilren's miricle network on tv and see most of your 3 years old's friends.
5. You're surprised when you don't feel a port while picking up your other child.
4. The pharmacist knows you by your child's name.
3. You stockpile pb&j sandwiches durning "that time of the month" the dexametha SONE
2. Your child has had so many surgries that you've started to put notes on their surgical sites to give the O.R. stoff a lsugh, "Objects in my body may appear larger than they are."
1. With a 5cc syringe in his hand, your child wants to play vet and chases the family cat under the table say, Here kitty, you need a spinal tap now."

Well there you go. I am off to studing. See ya tomorrow

Sunday, March 9, 2003 9:39 PM CST

What an Amazing, Outstanding weekend that I had. You are "looking" at or reading about one pooped out girl. It has been non stop action this weekend including Friday already. But it was a GREAT weekend filled with Amazing people that I have never met and people that I have known for years. It was great seeing everyone and it was just a great weekend.

Let me start with Friday. Well like my last Friday entry said I was off to the Girls basketball game in Monticello, which turned out great Albany won 70 to 34 or something close to that. They had the 9th grade team in the last 2 minutes of the game. I rode down with some friends which was so much fun and really funny by the way. My brother came to pick me up at the game and then I stayed over night at his and Michele house for the night.

On Saturday my mom and dad came through and picked me up and we were off to the Disney on Ice show. I know what your saying, "Aren't you a little to old for that", but I enjoy going to it. It's fun to watch and see all the little kids all happy and haveing fun. After the Ice show we stopped at TGIFridays for some lunch. Once we were done there it was off to the mall for the the big event which was about 2:30. When I got there I was on the radio right away and got to see some people that I haven't seen in a year and it was great catching up with them. I got to see Britty and her family. After that I was painting little kid's faces until 9:30 last night. I was so glad that the kids were happy so I was happy to do it. We stayed over night so that we wouldn't have to drive down again this morning. So when we got back to the motel or hotel, whatever, I laid down on the pillow and didn't wake up until this morning.

Now today was a great day. I met some great people. There were people comeing up to me and saying that you don't know me but I read your website and so on. Let me tell you that really touched my heart to know that so many people follow my website. I see it as a site where I express myself and get things out when I need too. So it was Amazing meeting those people. So thank you very much. Well at 2:00 I presented Van and Cheryl with the check that Melrose and Albany raised for a grand total of $5,774.53. That was so great and they were blown out of the water by that so I was happy to do it. Well the grand total at the end of the night was $1,225,700.34, I know that's not the right amount but it was somewhere in that area. So thank you everyone for your help. It's just like I said on the radio, all of you are keeping me alive because I am living off of new chemos and this is what the radiothon helps with, so thank you for keeping me alive.

I will let you all go and go jump in bed becaue it's back to school tomorrow and getting up at 6:30, so I need lots of rest. Again thanks so much for your help and support, I couldn't do it without you guys. I love you lots.
Love lots

Friday, March 7, 2003 4:01 PM CST

Hey everyone it's Friday and my school rasied a whole ton of money for the Radiothon this weekend. I say a GREAT BIG THANK YOU to the Albany High School and the Melrose High School. You guys are the greatest. Remember to keep listening if your in the car, or runing to get things around town.

It's the start of this busy weekend. I will be leaving in a hour for the basketball game. I am staying at my brothers house tonight. Then it's out to the mall of America.

I have to say again thank you so much for being here for me. You do so much and your great at it. Thanks a bunch.

Thursday, March 6, 2003 3:41 PM CST

If you live in Minnesota LISTEN, LISTEN, LISTEN, 94.5 FM KS95. The Radiothon has begun and in full swing. Call 1-877-253-kids, every penny helps. Or go to and donate online. Everything will help even if it's a dollar. I wouldn't be here today if it were for CCRF which the money is going to from the radiothon. They rasie money for cancer research and if it were for that I would have never made it to this day. I have been living on new chemos that they have just come up with in the last year. You can come join me at the Mall Of America on Saturday and Sunday. I will be there off and on, on Saturday and all day Sunday. Come hear the good and bad stories. See the kids that have benifited from this radiothon. If you never knew what to do to help, hear is one of the options. Please help

Well my dad was half spent taking a test to see if I can take co llege comp next year. It went alright, I think. My day just got a whole ton better because my mom just brought me the delivered girl scout cookies. I got the caramael deLites and they are a deLite. I may gain 5 pounds from these cookies. WoW they are good.

I have to finish my homework this afternoon because tonight is the start of the boys playoffs. So I will be heading up to school later. Guess what I'm done with our panel. It went really well today and everything was covered, we made time, and everyone did a good job. I'm so proud of our group because we worked hard on it. I think we got a pretty good grade.

Does it seem like a Friday to anyone else. For some reason I think it's friday. I don't know why but o well.

So I'm out of here and I will with ya later to catch up on more stuff.
With Love

Wednesday, March 5, 2003 9:47 PM CST

Hey everyone this is going to be a quick entry. Everything went great today with our band concert. We got one of the highest ratings, so everyone was happy about that.

After school we put the finishing touches on our speech for tomorrow. Wish me luck with the 40 minutes that we have to yak. It should go well with all the information that we have.

I have literally been doing homework since I got home from school with a break for dinner. I am so tired right now. I don't know how long this can keep up becasue I am getting tireder and tireder everyday from my Hbg dropping. My jucie, as i say, is running on empty and needs time to replenish it self. So I am hitting the sack early and hopefully will fall asleep right away.

So I am off to ni night land. Hope your day went and goes well. Depends on when you read this. So thanks for all the love.

Tuesday, March 4, 2003 7:53 PM CST

How is everyone doing this might fine day?!?!?!? Well I'm beat. It was a busy day at school with learning new stuff, taking quizes and testes and having an asembly. Melrose came for the money drive to try and get us to donate more money.

Well my dad and I were off to the cities at 2:00 and I read my book all the way down except when I was complaining to him about something. When I got to the clinic I actually got in right away, which is a first. You normally have to wait like 1/2 hour to just get blood drawn. That went pretty fast so after that I went up to the best floor ever to visit a little while to wait for my meds. When I got up there Britty was up there. She is one of my friends that I made when I was in the hospital and she went to camp with me last summer. We all planed out when were going out to lunch on Sunday at the Radiothon. So we have a few people already lined up to go out. It'g going to be a fun weekend, filled with good and bad stories. Well anyway I got to see a lot of my favorite nurses on the floor. It was so great seeing all of them. It's so weird that your there so much and then your cut off for a period of time and you really miss them because they have been a big part of your life. The nurses on 5B are the best hands down.

The chemo is starting to finally catch up with my counts as they are taking a spill. My Platelets are down to 42,000 from 93,000 from last week. My Hbg is also 2 points down and the WBC is dropping. So I will have to keep an eye on things now for a little bit. But I guess thats not somthing new.

I would write more but I have to run and get some homework done. It's a crazy week and I'm trying to finish a paper thats due on Monday but I won't be able to do it this weekend so I have to do it now.

This entry is sealed with hugs and love

Monday, March 3, 2003 6:46 PM CST

Good day to all of you out there in computer land. I am so tired, even after this weekend when I had some sitting down time. That all changes with this weeks things to do. I will tell eachday as they come but I will outline my week. Today we worked on our panel again for speech. Tomorrow I head back down to the cities for the next dose of chemo. Wednesday we have a contest in Minnawaska (sp) and then were working on the panel again. Plus there is church for Ash Wednesday. Thursday I am taking a big test to see if I can get into college comp next year. Thursday night is the boys basketball game, starting playoffs. Friday night is girls basketball in Monticello and the game only starts at 8:30. I am going to ask my brother if I can stay overnight at his house so that I don't have to come home and go to sleep right away in prep for the weekend. Saturday were going to an Ice show and the Raidothon after. Then sunday will be at the Mall of America all day. That's what I am looking and facing this week. It could be worse and I have had worse. I could be sick and be able to do all these things. So if busy is what it is than so be it, I'm glad to do it.

Think of today, what you did. Now think of years down the road. Think of the things you did that you will be glad that you did today. Daydreamed, laughed, excercised, said I love you more often, spent more time with family, paused to praise, spent less money, gave something without a return, lifted another person up, thought good thoughts, listened, spoke kindly, and most of all relaxed. Eachday you do something to make someone feel better if you know you did it or not. Maybe it could be as simple as smiling at someone. You never know what one person sees as something great and you see as something simple. You never know who's watching you. You could be someones idol and you would never know it. Life is full of good things that you can give and recieve. You make a difference in somebodys life. Everyone is important in their own way. Everyone has a qulity that someone else doesn't. There is no one person that is you. You are yourself and your the best person to play that part. You may change someones life by just being you. Your great no matter what.

Don't forget the Radiothon starts Thursday P.M.
I am out of here and I will catch up with you tomorrow after my visit down in the big city.
With Love

Sunday, March 2, 2003 9:01 AM CST

Good Morning everyone, I hope this finds you all well and happy. Look at the time that I am writing this. Amy get up that early in the morning on a Weeekend. Well it's not that early. but but it's early enough.

Firday night I was babysitting for Schoenbergs. It was Brians 40th birthday and they were going out. So Happy late Brithday Brian.

Yesterday was a slow, busy, fun day. Again I was up early to go to a friends house to work on our Panel which is almost done now. When I got home I got to sit, I mean sit and do nothing. Do you know when the last time I got to do nothing. Well I enjoyed it all to pieces. Last night was the big game for the girls basketball team. They were going for the District champs. It was a close game here and there but Albany came out on top by like 20 in the end. So Way To Go Albany.

Today were going out for breakfast somewhere in St.Cloud and then going shopping. Don't worry I am not buying anything because my money is going to the KS95 Radiothon this week. In school I brought up the idea if we had a money drive for it and they said yes. So this week is the money drive against Melrose. Everyone that reads this from both schools bring your money. Later on in the day we are going to Brittanys Basketball game on the St.Bens campus, she is getting really good.

I would like to share some " " with you. "I never lose sight of the fact that just being is fun." -Katharine Hepburn. Isn't it true though. Often we think having fun means going out and doing something. It's not true. Just being yourself, whether it's having a good sense of humor, being silly when the mood strikes you, or taking life in stride and embracing the facts that you are alive is what makes life grand. Never forget it. "Little things seem nothing, but they give peace, like those meadow flowers which indibidually seem odorless but all together perfume the air." -Georges Bernanos Don't understimate the importance of small gestures that bring you and others happiness. Any kind word or deed counts. Pieced together, thses tine gifts wave a fabric of peace that makes life easier and more enjoyable. Think of how you can add pockets of peace to every day with just a slight adjustment to your routine.

Aren't those great. They mean lots when you think about them. It can teach us a leason in life. How doing a samll deed for someone. You may think it's small but to them it means the world. How just being happy and having a smile on your face can make someone else feel happy. So here is my big smile : ) with the dimples on both sides.

I hope the rest of your weekend is great.
With Love

Friday, February 28, 2003 4:02 PM CST

Hello, hello, It's a bright, sunny, great day outside. The temp actually isn't that bad. Everything is going good. The chemo has been going pretty good too. There are really no side effects that I have had yet, hence the word "yet". Whenever I say something won't happen or hasn't happened it happens anyway, just because I said it.

Tonight doing something as usual but I can't say right now becaue I don't know who reads this and it's a surprise so I won't be saying. It may be a long night/morning, if it's anything like one of the times.

My mom and dad are going to the hockey game tonight. The huskies. I said that I am going to be busy so that I could go to the hockey game. But it will be nice for my mom and dad to go out on there own. It will give my dad a break from me "fighting" with him. Him and I are always at it : ) It's all in a fun way.

I am listening to the song "your my inspiration" by chicago right now. That is one of my favorite songs. I like the beat to it.

Top 10
10. You have a x-ray of your child's favorite stuffed animal.
9. On a clinic visit for a vad cough/cold the doctor asks "how long have you been sick?" and your 2nd greader says "since kindergarden"
8. When on an active day your child yells "I'm a little hypodermic today" (aka hyperactive.)
7. Whne your 6 year old can carry on in conversation about platelets with his playmate's mother.
6. When your chld know what the entry code to punch into the prize room.
5. When you use empty syringes as squirt guns.
4. Other parents email you because you have more information about the lastest neuroblastoma treatments than the official website.
3.You schedule a blood transfussion before you go on vacation "just to be on the safe side".
2. You allow your daughter to wear hat with hair to the McDonald's playplace just so you can get a good laugh when she decides it's too hot and whips it off in front of the other parents and kids.
1. Your daughter's oncologist has her son's first birthday at Camp Ronald McDonald for Good times so all her patients can come.

Have a great weekend and stay out of trouble as much as you can.

Thursday, February 27, 2003 9:03 PM CST

O I could go to bed right now. It was another full day, they just don't stop. School was all good. It was the normal as usual. I went over to a friends house to work on our panal again for speech. It's coming along pretty good. When I came home I eat and left for St.Jonhs for the girls basketball game. It was great. They won again and are moving on. Let me tell you they are one excellent team, each player. Now I am at home working on homework. Well not right now seeing that I am writing this. And from reading every other entry you probably already know that tomorrow is going to cut any slack either. Run, run, run. It's all good though, it keeps me busy and my mind off other things.

Don't forget about the KS95 Radiothon coming up March 6-9. you can start a coins for kids bag. AT

I need to run as always but I will be back.

Wednesday, February 26, 2003 9:39 PM CST

Another Full but better day. School was good again. It keeps me so busy. After school some friends came over and we had to work on a speech together. Well every topic we said would always lead into some kind of a story by someone. So we didn't get that much done but we got some done. Were going to meet again tomorrow. It's our big speech where we have to talk for 40 minutes. So we have to research a lot.

All day today I seemed to have a headache. It's one of those headaches that are they most hurtfull. They just seem to stick around and not go away. So hopefully a good nights rest will be good.

Tmorrow will be another busy day again. I'm sure I won't be able to update until later. I will tell you all the stuff tomorrow.

Each day is a happy day for me. I wake up in the morning chooseing to be happy. It doesn't matter what happenes durning the day, I choose to be happy no matter what, to the best I can. It's a decision I make every morning when i wake up. I have a choice, Spend the day being sad and counting the difficulty I have with the parts of my body that don't work, One leg, or I can be thankful for the ones that do work. Each day is a gift, and as long as I am happy and "healthy" I focus on the new day that comes my way and all the memories I 've stored away. Inspired by Kathy, thanks.

It's all so true, each word of that. You can choose to be who you are and how you act and present yourself. You can choose your attitude, your ways you look at life, and what moments you want to remember forever. Well I choose to live, to fight, and be happy. I choose to be the person I am. I wouldn't have it anyother way

I am out of here. I will catch ya tomorrow.

Tuesday, February 25, 2003 10:23 PM CST

I am SO tired. This is the first time I have got to sit down and gon on the computer. It was school then I left early to go to the cites. I got home ate dinner and went right away to band for the girls game which by the way we won, then came home and did homework until now. I want to jump into bed and sleep. This not a time I want to be getting run down.

The visit at the docs was GREAT to some extend. Well that spot that they saw, there not sure if it is cancer or something else. They are leaning towards cancer because it grew there so of course it's somthing but will see in about 3 weeks when I get scans. So I continue with the million dollar chemo, as I like to call it. I got my next dose and am on track. My counts are starting to go down a little but still are in good shape. I talked to Nancy today and she got an email from Silver Linning camp, which is the camp that I went to last year in Aspen and had the BEST time of my life. Well the U can bring 3 girls and boys again and they asked if I wanted to come again. I was honered. You're only suppose to go once, I think. So I am pretty sure I will go again if I can. You don't know how much fun I had there. It was literaly the best time of my life.

Tonight at the basketball game I was called to the bench and was presented an award. Each free throw made this season they donated a $1 to the Amy Mareck Cancer fund, which will then go to CCRF. So a Big THANK YOU to the girls basketball team. You guys are the greatest. Tonight was a special night for Darby Noreen, she scored a past her 2,000 point mark. She is great.

I got 11 out of 10 on my math qiuz today which I was really happy about and then I got 10 out of 10 on my Lit quiz. So today was one of my BEST days. It was filled with lots of fun and good things. Good news, good grades, good everything.

I have to say this. Thank You a whole big bunch for sticking by me. I look to you guys for support and you sure help a lot. I wouldn't have gotten this far without your upbeat notes, and helping me feel that I am fighting for a good reason. Thank you, Thank you , Thank you.
Love always

Monday, February 24, 2003 6:12 PM CST

Why hello all you computer people that are reading this. How goes it? My day went good with starting with the beep beep of my alarm telling me to get my butt out of bed. Was it cold out this morning or what. It was 20 below 0 when I got up. Just a little to cold for me. I rather be to warm then be to cold. So that's why I'm going to move to Florida, anyone coming with? Carolyn and I are going to have houses next to each other with pools that are connected and then my sister is going to live on the other side of me and will have pools connected, so it will be 3 pools in one, : ) I know I can dream but what can you say dreams are great.

My dad and I are off to the cities again tomorrow for blood draws and my new batch of chemo, the $3,500 one. Hey if it works then I'm not saying anything. I would pay anything for a cure. I might meet with my doctor tomorrow, I'm not sure yet but will find out, I guess.

I did my speech today, finally. I was the second to last one. I did great though, my last speech was a little better but this one ranked right up there with it. I still got an awsome great though. So I'm not saying anything. This was my favorite speech by far, because it was on osteosarcoma. I guess I like telling people about things that are close to my heart. I wasn't nervous at all. Okay I am done talking about it but it was good.

I got a ton of homework tonight so I need to boggie. I am going to leave the top 10 out because again I need to go. So as in my words,
"With Love"

Sunday, February 23, 2003 12:16 AM CST

Well Hey hey, hope your weekend is going good thus far. It's good to just sit and doing nothing for a change today. I don't have anything going on and that's good. Because the chemo is setting in a little more now. I am sleeping in longer in the morning and and more lazy. Where I feel like doing nothing not even homework and that's not good because it has to get done.

I went shopping yesterday and I got some really cute Tank tops for summer already. I have one with a monkey on it and another one with read flowers. And of coures I got new jeans. I didn't need them but I did. : )

Last night I watched "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" with my mom and dad. They had never seen it before and they liked it. I had seen it before so it was good to see it again. I watched "Gone in 60 seconds" too. It was a night of movies, which I needed.

Today will be a day of homework and rest. Do you know what I haven't been putting on here for like the last week is the the Top 10s. So in honor of that here it goes.
Top 10
You know your a chemo mom when...
10. When you feed french fries through an oxygen mask when they are on prednisone.
9. Your 4 year old uses his sister's empty syringes to play with in the bathtub.
8. The receptionist at the ER says It's been awhile since you've been here.
7. your kid thinks that Everyone who has been to disney world had lewkemia at some point in their lives and must've had a wish granted.
6. Your son is the only pre-schooler around that can name off the blood cells and their function.
5. The cashier at the hospital cafeteria has seen you so often that she mistakenly rings up your food with and employee discount.
4. When you take the sibling to the ER and one of the ER nurses says Didn't you use to work here, you look so familiar.
3. Waiting at a busy junction in the car you get your child to remove their hat and look pathetic in the hope someone will let you in.
2. When sleepin with your syes open is the only sleep you get.
1. You're watching football with your son whose on prednisone and think if his "Chargers" lose again in the last few minutes it'ss kill him.

Hope your weekend goes well, what's left of it. I will see you tomorrow.
With Love

Friday, February 21, 2003 3:34 PM CST

Well hey! : ) I don't know what to say. Do you ever have a time where you just have no idea what to say? Well I am having one of those moments. Lets see, we can start with the normal. School was good. I didn't get to do my speech once again so I will do it on Monday, but I wish I had it over with already. I am one of those people that likes to go first, second, or third. I like to get it over with and not think about it again. The teacher pickes from a cup so it's the luck of the draw.

My wheezing has gone away a little but is still there at times. But none that that left my cough is back. If it's not one thing it's the next but I guess that's normal for me. O well having a cough is nothing like having some of the other things I have had or other kids have had.

I finished my ACT form and it will be off in the mail tomorrow morning. I talked to a teacher today and he said that it's really long. o well what's like a good old test to take on an early Saturday morning, right. : )

The chemo is still going good. I am kind of starting to feel a little from it. This morning when I got up I was SO tired. And through out the day I have been more tired then normal. But maybe I just didn't get into a deep sleep last night. I don't know what I do when I am sleeping.

Tonight I am going to a band concert thing at ST.Johns for band with Catherine. Our teacher is playing in it so I it will be intereseting. Will see how it turns out. Were going to eat at Bo Diddles, I have never been there before. I guess it's really good.

Hopfully very soon I will get some more new pictures on here, brought to you by Savannah, love ya. There is a really interesting picture on there though. It's looks like I'm high or somthing it is a fun picture though. It's actually pretty fun, or at leat I think so.

Well look at that I found something to say didn't I? See if you let your mind wonder you can think of something or the othere to say. Or just ramble on which pretty much I did. That's okay thay can't all be great but I put heart into every entry though, just for you. : ) So have a great weekend. Until next time
Love and Hugs

Thursday, February 20, 2003 7:05 PM CST

Well yesterdays news is done, gone, and overwith. Last night it hit me that it was back and I was going to come on here and ask for some cheering up messages but then when I came on here there was already some, so thank you very much. It brought me back to the happy side, and then I was on my way. The chemo is still going good. No noticable things that are happening. This morning though I woke up and was really weezy (sp). I'm not sure why but it seemed to get better as the day went on. School was the same ol same ol. I don't have much time on here because I have to finish my homework and finshes filling out my ACT form so I can send it in. Because tonight is the big night of T.V. Friends, Survivor, ER, all the good shows. It's my one night that I watch the most t.v. but I have too. I got sucked in early on Thursday and it has stuck with me ever sence. Okay I have to go but I will be here tomorrow as usual.
Love bunches

Wednesday, February 19, 2003 4:24 PM CST

Why Won't It Just Go Away!!!!!!!!!! Well as you can tell a little from that I got my scans result back. There is a small tumor that has grown yet Again. They said it was very small but when you have cancer in you there is not small it's just bad. I really though this time it would stay away, but just like everyother time it has come back. I have done everything to stay positive about it, but it keeps coming back. I will just have to keep digging deeper to keep fighting and you know I will keep fighting. It's getting so old and normal. It's so normal that when I hear it's back that I say ya what else is new, and that's not good. For once I would like good news on scans as I'm sure other families think the same thing. But wait I did get good news though, there is no cancer in my left lung. And the wierd thing is is that it really was never in the right lung for a long time until this last surgery. When they got the results of the scans my doctor had just left the airport so nancy will talk to him when he hears her vocie mail. I will maybe end up seeing him on Tuesday, so that he can explai things more. So it has come to yet another bump in the road. Let me tell you never take the Amy road because there are WAY to many bumps in the road. I wouldn't want your car to fall apart from the bumps. : ) So it's onward and looking for this new chemo to work it's wonders. Which by the way wasn't to bad this morning when I had to drink it. I just took a gulp of cold water, shot it in and made it go down as fast as possible, without touching any taste buds on it's way down. And so far I don't notice anything different, so that's a plus. But will see what I say 7 days from now when I have more of it in my blood stream.

I have to get going but I will see you later. Don't worry people you haven't seen the last of me. I will keep fighter and fighing and will NEVER let go of that. I don't care what news they give me. I will just fight harder and longer. I have to battle for my life because I have so much to give yet and I really want to help kids that are going through this too so I have to fight. That's something not every teenager has to do, fight for their life but it's something I have to do and will continue to do. I haven't done this for over 3 1/2 years for nothing. It will NOT win. We've just went into overtime.

Tuesday, February 18, 2003 9:17 PM CST

Well I'm back with and oral chemo. But the bad this is that I have to drink it. Iam not very good at drinking things. But I will plug my nose and get it over with. O my gosh, okay, I have a 7 day dose which maybe like half a month full. I don't take very much a day, maybe like 1 1/ 2 CCs but anyway that 7 day dose cost.......are you ready. Maybe you need to sit down first, lay back and put a something over your month so you don't sream. Okay a 7 day dose cost $3,500. Now thats dollors not pennies or anything. And I have to take 21 days of this a month. Thank goodness for insurence. The guy who mixed it up said for that kind of money he wasn't going to mix it until he say the whites of my eyes himself. Since they only give it in 7 day spans I have to go back down next tuesday and the following tuesday for the doses and get blood taken because it will probably drop my counts. So I'm on a new adventure with a new drug and hopfully this is the one that can clear it all up. I got my scans but I don't have the results from it yet. It was a quick in and out of the room and we were off seeing that it was 6:00 and we still had to drive 2 hours and I had homework to do yet. Which I am all done with. So I look forward and keep plugging away at beating this cancer, which will not overcome me.

Okay I had something to say before catherine called and now I forgot. I was talking to catherine on the phone.

I am getting ready to take the ACT test ick, which means I am getting older. I am taking class for it, which helps you in the long run. I have to send it this letter to take it in Albany instead of somewhere else.

I have to run but I will talk to ya tomorrow.
Love ya

Monday, February 17, 2003 1:07 PM CST

Good Monday afternoon to ya'll. Hope your presidents day is going well. Mine is pretty much boring. I finished my book though for Lit. and got some homework done, so that's a plus. Scooter (Jack) was doing my hair before, he was "washing" it with a spray bottle and I had to go change shirts because mine was all wet. Then we were playing Red light, green light, yellow light. It made the morning interesting.

Shopping was good yesterday. You should be proud of me I only got ONE shirt from American Eagle. I was going to get some tank tops that had monkeys on it but I thought I don't "need" it so I let it go. Guess what, I got my second hole percied in my ear. It didn't hurt at all. It felt like somebody pinched it but then the ladie put some cool stuff on it and it made it feel much better. One of my friends said I should put emla cream on it. I was going to stick it out though and it wasn't bad, it's all good. So then I had to look in the mirror like 2 hours. Catherine came over last night againg and we watched Spider Man. She had never seen it but I had. I forgot that I liked that movie.

Tomorrow I have to go back down to the cities for a CT scan and blood draw. It's not until 5:30 but my blood draw is at 4:00 so then I only miss half of my last class in school. I think I will start some kind of a chemo then. I am not sure but I know I will start something, will see when I get there. They have something cooking up. It kind of depends on my scans a little so hopefully there is nothing there. I have really never had clear scans where there was nothing on either side. So that's what I am hoping for tomorrow. It would be a step forward, and you always have to look for the steps forward.

Continue to pray for mitch that he can do everything that his body allows him to do. That Jill and Laura stay cancer free, and that tori continues to get better. And for ALL the other kids that need a prayer.
With Love

Sunday, February 16, 2003 10:44 AM CST

Good Morning everyone, how is everyone doing this fine day?

Well I didn't go down to the cities yesterday. We were going to go but then I didn't get an email back in time from my friend saying the right place that she was going to be. I knew the area but not were so will see if I have an email this morning and maybe I will go see here tomorrow, we have a day off from school.

Last night Catherine came over and we chilled out here. We ended up watching Blank Check on the Disney channel. She stayed over night. Now today Savannah is coming over and then were going to go into Cloud 9, which is St. Cloud. I am tring to get my mom and dad to let me get my ears percied the second time. I am pretty close. It kind of depends on how old you have to be to get it done on your own. I mean it's just the ears not like my tough or anything so I hope it's like 16 because then I can do it on my own. I wanted to get it done now before I start chemo again and my counts go down. My counts should be pretty good now since I haven't had chemo in 6 months.

I have to finish my speech on Osteosarcoma today, I thought I was done but then it's too short. But that's good because I still have a lot to say about it. I thought I was going to go over but I guess not.

Well I have to get ready so have a great day and don't forget about the radioathon. Mark your calender, March 6-9,
With Love

Friday, February 14, 2003 11:28 AM CST

HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!!!! Hope it's filled with lots of Love, Hugs, and Kisses. Today is a day to show how much you love someone. I don't think you can every tell someone to much that you love them. Kids, adults, grandparents, aunts, uncles, everyone, needs to know that they are loved. That could make someone feel special for one day or one minute, but I'm sure it will last a while. I love you are three very powerful words and you should mean it when you say it.

Tonight I am off babysitting for my favorite family. So I have three little dates, : ) Well keep busy building forts, playing games and whatever else we can get our hands into.

I am getting closer to having my dad bring me down to the cites on Saturday. He just wants to make sure the weather is okay to drive in. So will see. Thank you Deb so much for the offer, that means a lot.

The Albany girls won their game last night 74 to 29 against Sauk Center, way to go.

I really don't have anything else to add so I will see you later.
Lots of Hugs

Thursday, February 13, 2003 6:32 PM CST

A 4 day weekend, I just love them. Well the loving season is upon us. I am in a very loving mood. Hope everyone is doing good. I got all my homework done last night that I need to get done. Tonight I am so excited it's the first show of SURVIVOR!!!! Remember I am a reality show nut. Well Sruvivor is my "favoritest: one. I have to tape it though because I have pep band tonight for girls, 23 or 24 and 0 still. I am in a really good mood right now. I couldn't be any happier, okay maybe if I were in Florida or something, somewhere warm. I am still working on my dad brinning me down to the cities on Saturday because my Friend from camp, Margot is coming to Minnesota for the weekend and it would be so great to see her.

O I have to let you know, I'm not saying you have to do this but the KS95 radioathon is coming up March 6-9 and they will be on the air the whole time, no sleeping breaks at all. They will be rasing money for Childrens cancer research. It means a huge deal to me and I will leave the website up here until then everyday. You can go to and donate or start a coins for kids drive. It's all on there. So I will leave this message up.

I hav to get running so I will write my top 10 and get out of here.
Top 10
you know it.
10. When the hspital has assigned you your own parking space.
9. When you child prays every night that she willw ake up in the morning with hair.
8. Your child has been in the hospital so long that when he returns to school everyone thinks he's the new kid.
7. Your child learns in Health that not all females have a tube in their chest.
6. Your child's life-care worker has used his/her teddy bear to demonstrate how the chemo kills the cancer cells.
6. After finishing treatments your child realizes that not all food has a metallic tast to it.
5. Your child can tell you her temperature within .3 of a degree without a thermometer.
4. Your child can start her own IV-Prep.
3. When referring to your bald chlid, people say note that she still has her eyebrows.
2. You potty train your child at the age of 6 because he has finally had his catheter removed.
1. When you can stand in the mall talking to another cancer patient that you don't know about how to tie bandanas.

I will be seeing you tomorrow for an earlier entry then normal, I hope

Wednesday, February 12, 2003 6:16 PM CST

Hey everyone, this is going to be a quick entry, I have a bunch of homework to do in so little time. I had a great day besides my quiz in Algebra, as soon as I handed it in I knew what I did wrong. We don't get them back until tomorrow so I will see how I will do. I am living life good and doing whatever makes me happy. We had a little valentines party here with the daycare kids and it was actually pretty fun. All the kids were high on surger, boy was it loud in here. Sorry that this is going to be so short but I really need to get to work

Tueday, February 11, 2003 6:50 PM CST

Were back from the doc and all I got was pretty much good news. I love good news and it's been awhile since I have had good news at the docs office. The report on the tumor was that there was active osteosarcoma in it, which I already new that because they hadn't done anything with chemo or anything, so I knew what it was before. I have a few ways to go. Dr.Neglia has found a few studies and things to get into. One of the studies I would have to go to New York to get it. That one is on the back burner for now but it's there if I need it. Dr.Maddaus was very pleased with the x-rays and he said that I could start chemo again any time. Did you know it's been 6 months since I had chemo. That's a long time. So on this coming Tuesday I will go back down for a CT scan and start a new chemo pill that i take everyday for 21 days. The only bad thing about it is that it will lower my counts so I am back to getting them checked. I got to stop one of my pills, it's always good when you can take less pills. After I start taking the new chemo pill I will go back for another scan in 4 weeks. If something shows up on those scans then they would probably take it out again and start a new chemo drug. So we have all of it covered. I'm not giving up this fight yet. I got to see a lot of my favorite nurses and hang out for a little while. It was great seeing them.

Everyday you make choices and you have to live with those choices. Well I choose to live my life the best I can. I choose to be positive and keep upbeat. I don't have to do that but I choose too. I try to make the best choices that will help me or someone else get along in life. I choose to live and not give up. I choose to always be the best I can and do the best I can when it may not be the best it's the best to me. I choose to be the person I am.
May your life be filled with great chocies and that they fit you just right.
With Love

Monday, February 10, 2003 6:01 PM CST

It was Perkins day for Amanda and me. This time I decided to have breakfast and o what a breakfast it was. I had a ham and cheese omelet, with hashbrowns and pancakes, yyummie was it good. There was a lot of food left over but hey I can't fit it all in. There was no Toys R Us stop though this time. Amanda had to get home, next time.

I am so very happy today with speech. I finally gave my first speech and it was on the places I have traveled. It had to be 4 to 7 minutes and I had 5:09, perfect. At first I was so nervous and I thought my vocie was quivering but I guess it turned out that it wasn't. I went up and did my speech and I thought I did great. Some people asked if I had did this before because it was really good. I was so happy to have it done. The end result was that I got 102 out of 102, yyaahh. I was so happy.

I got my homework done last night that I needed and did extra that I wasn't suppose to do. I read a story for lit and the class ended up not taking that quiz when I was gone so I guess I start over with a different story that I do have to take a quiz on.

My mom is a little under the weather so I am helpen out more around that house. I was going to make her soup but then she didn't want any. Feel better mom.

I go down to the cities tomorrow afternoon for an appointment with Dr.Madduas and Dr.Neglia. Can you believe it's only been about 2 weeks from my last surgery. I don't show it at all. I don't even feel like I had surgery 2 weeks ago. But my cough is back yet again. I don't know why have it but it's way to old and should just go away.

Well that brings us to the end of the day. What left anyone know, yes yes the top 10!!

10. Your 6th grader missed so much school that he's now hooked on Days of our lives, and he's glad when Friday is hospital instead of school so he can stay up late to watch ER.
9. Your 4 year old who is finished with treatment tells the hairdresser, "I guess you have to cut it, the doctor won't give me more chemo to get rid of all this hair in my eyes."
8. You catch your children playing "doctor" and it makes the show ER look amateurish.
7. Your childs first case of poispn ivy really confuses her younger brother, he thinks it's a
"poison IV".
6. Having receivd chemo and radiation for a bone marrow transplant, your doaughter pulls out clumps of her hair stating, THis one's for grandma, this one is for aunt niki, because the famoly wants locks of hair.
5. When your jusband has more hair than your daughter.
4. When your family from out of town doesn't recongnize your child because after a BMT her hair grew back curly and not stick straight.
3. When you have more pictures of your child bald than with hair.
2. When you don't have any change left in your purse because you child threw it all in the fountain at the hospital.
1. When you know the people at the hospital's McDonald's on a first name basis.

Hope your all well and doing great.
With Love

Sunday, February 9, 2003 7:16 PM CST

It's Sunday night and the weekend is almost over, it's back to the grind again.

Saturday went really good with the family gathering. But I have a bad, bad fall there. When I came in the door I put my crutch in the door so that it wouldn't shut on me. When I pulled my crutch back up the rubber thing at the bottom came off but I didn't know that. When I went to walk on regular floor my crutch slipped out and I kept moving forward. The side of my face and head hit the side of the door opening and then I slid all the way down and then hit my knee on the ground. Not so cool. I laid on the ground for 5 minutes without moving. I was a little lucky that my platlets aren't down becaue I would have been one big black and blue mark. But I just have a black and blue mark on my knee, chin and jaw, a bump on my head and some scratches but besides that it's all good. My ribs hurt though a little from my crutch hiting me when I went down. I will heal though.

I was reading on Davis's website that words hurt more than actions. I really never thought about it before. I have but haven't. It's true though words can hurt a lot more than someone hitting you or something. You never know who's listening so you always have to be careful.

Today my mom and I went to Brittany's basketball games in Sartell. She is a really good basketball player. They ended up playing there own team the last game. Sartell split up the team for this tournament and they ended playing eachother then. Brittany's team lost by four points in the last 30 seconds but they played really good.

I have to get down to my homework again. Knowing me I saved it for tonight and now I have to do it. So I have to run. Hope you had a great weekend and I will be seeing you tomorrow.
Love always

Friday, February 7, 2003 3:41 PM CST

It's Friday, don't you love Fridays. We got out of school early today because of purple pride invite for wrestling.

I don't know what made me start thinking about this today but I thought things could always be worse. I mean having cancer is bad but it could be worse. I mean look at all the things I can do and there's people that can't do it. It could always be worse, so I am thankfull for what I do have. In a way this is going to sound strange but I wouldn't change me having cancer. I know that sounds like what am I talkinga about but I mean I have learned so much. I would rather have it be done and over with and I would have already won this fight but if this is the way it has to be than so be it. I have learned so much about myself, my limits, how to keep a positive attitude, and how not to take things for granted. I have met so many people that I would have never met before. It makes me a more understanding and caring person. To take things a day at a time and not a week at a time. To look at all the small things in life. To take the bad things with a gran of salt and move on. So of course cancer is not a good thing to have but yet I wouldn't take it back. So for all the bad things that cancer brings it always brings some good points and you have to take those good points and make the best of them.

Have a great weekend. On Saturday we have a family gathering on my moms side so I will be there all day Saturday and I'm sure I'll go out at night but will see. I will write soon.
With Love

Thursday, February 6, 2003 10:18 PM CST

Yah tomorrow is Friday. It's what I llok forward to on Monday, but I still love every day. Sorry for the entry being so late. I have been way to busy. I am all caught up in Algebra with the test I took today. I stayed alittle bit long to to work out in lifting room. I really didn't do much but hey it counts. When I got home it was down to homework, then dinner. As soon as I was done I went to the albany girls basketball game now 22 and 0, way to go Huskies. We played Melrose, booo, : ) hehehehe. Well it was pretty much over at half time. We were leading by 30. When I got home I had to watch my shows, ER, can't miss it. Don't worry I taped Friends too. Now it's down to more homework, it's not going to get done on it's own. I have my speech all in order and ready to go tomorrow. I just got done saying it to myself and it was 6 minutes. They have to be 4-7 minutes. 6 is perfect because if I speed up or forget something I won't go under and if I say more I have a minute lead way, it's all good.

Boy has it been cold out latly, bbrrrrr. I freeze my be-hind off in the morning and when I come home from school. Only it it could be warm but still have snow, now wouldn't that be great.

Top 10
You know the saying
10. Your daughter's favorite song is Veggie TAles "Oh where is my hairbrush"
9. Your idea of a romantic date with your husband is getting adhoining chairs so you can watch the same movie while donating platelets.
8. You're so busy with all the appointments for your cancer kid that your other kids haven't been to the doctor for a checkup in three years.
7. Upon discharge you leave two bags full of brand new toys and books on the curb and don't miss them for a couple days.
6. Your daughter says she could clean her room a lot faster if she didn't have cancer. When you ask why she says then I wouldn't have so many toys to put away.
5. Your friends give you scented hand sanitizer for your birthday.
4. You've taken your child trick or treating in the hospital dressed as a doctor.
3. Everyone rubs your childs head because the new hair is so soft.
2. When you can use the hospital bed railing as a pillow without discomfort.
1. You give directions around the hospital to the medical staff.

I hope your all well and I hope you kow how much you mean to me. I wouldn't be as happy as I am without you guys, so thank you. Have a good one.

Wednesday, February 5, 2003 4:49 PM CST

Lets see what should I talk about or say today. Not much is happening around here. It pretty much the same thing everyday. Go early to school for Modern American Lit., be in school for the rest of the day and then stay after for Algebra. Well that should change a little after tomorrow. I have to take y final test in Algebra and then I am all caught up but I still have to work on Lit. I did my pantomine today and it went very well, except I forgot to throw away my egg shells, oops O well. I just am a person that leaves egg shells on the counter, hehehe. I made time and she said I had good facial exspressions.

My dad got chinese food tonight, umm, it's one of my favorites. It's the stir fry stuff and an egg roll, and sweet and sour chicken, o my gosh I think I need to eat some now.

It's only wednesday, can you believe it. This week is long but I guess you have to look at it, that tomorrow is Thursday and day away from Friday. Or you could think hey it could be Tuesday and not Wednesday. It's Wednesday right? Not that I'm saying all this and it's not Wednesday. Okay yes it is Wednesday, I'm safe.

I am pretty well back to normal with very little pain and running around like usual. Except for this pain in my back like right where my kidneys are. I'm not sure what that's from. It's on both sides and right on the kidney spots. It's hurts when I walk a distance, so hopfully that goes away. I have been drinking extra water to see it that helps.

I just got done sweeping with alittle daycare kid. He was always taking the big broom off the hook, so my mom found a little broom for him to use, so we were sweeping my carpet. Now it's much cleaner : )

Now that just leaves us with the Top 10, so here you go.
You know your a chemo mom when....
10. All of your grocery lists have lab results on the back of them.
9. The doorbell rings and your 2 year old runs to open it yelling "my medicines here" with a big smile on his face.
8. You're the only mom in the grocery store reading the lavels so you are sure to buy kiddie food with the most calories in it.
7. Your teenager is arguing loudly in the radiation clinic with friends he has met in treatment about what songs to play or not to play at their funerals, just in case, and you think nothing of it as everyone around you stares absolutely appalled that you are saying nothing.
6. Your child asks if the oncology nurse knows what she is doing when acdessing the port.
5. The second opinion oncologist says you know more about the specific sarcoma then he does.
4. You don't have anymore squirt guns because your 13 year old says he can shoot a lot farther and more accuratly with the 30ml syringes.
3. You have so many get well cards on the wall you forget if it's wallpapered or painted.
2. You are thankful for EZ-MAC invention. They are all my sons eats in the hospital. Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner.
1. The coat rack has more hats than any thing on it, we have to have a hat for everywhere we go now.

There you go done and I'm sure a lot of spelling errors in it. O well, sorry about those I am really bad about going back and actually reading it myself. Which I'm sure you all noticed. So I will catch you tomorrow, on the flip side.
Love always

Tueday, February 4, 2003 5:51 PM CST

Another long day and it's not over yet. I have been going in early to school to make up qiuzes in Modern American lit., then staying after to work on Algebra 2. It is really tuckering me out. Tonight I have to go play pep band for the boys basketball game. There aren't as good as the girls but aren't to bad. I could really just lay down and sleep until tomorrow morning. I am busy writing my speeches, latly. I have to do a pantomine, and I am going to make brownies. I have it all done and it the time limit, so I will be giving that tomorrow. I am also working on a story about something in my life. So I picked the traveling that my mom, dad, and I do. And I am working on an inforitive speech. I am going to tell everyone about osteosarcoma, seeing that I know a lot already and have like 30 sources, all my doctors and nurses. So I am hard at it, and it's keeping me busy. Not much else is happening around here. So I think I'm out.

Top 10:
You know your a chemo mom when.....
10. You can joke about the fact that your child has cancer.
9. Your compassion is little to non-existant to people whose children have had, say, a hernia repair.
8. Your child is reaching celebrity status from all the newspaper and television appearances.
7. Your surgeon is met with a ball of soap foam nearly hitting him in the head as he enters pre-op to inform you that it is time to remove that tumor.
6. Your 2 year old corrects his uncle, insisting that blood can also be yellow.
5. You don'ot feel comfortable leaving the house until you make sure that your diaperbag has a fresh supply of heprin flushes, medical tape, bandages and a day's supply of pills.
4. You can consider yourself the martha stewart of hospital supplies when you realize the endless crafts that can be made with a few tongue depressors, medical tape, bandages and a magic marker.
3. The twenty minutes it takes to go to the hospital caferteria for coffee is your escape for the day.
2. Your 2 year old can pass as a prep nurse as he helps gather and lay out the supplies needed for central line maintence.
1. Chemo in the day hospital translates into "one hour naptime" for you... and you look forward to it.

Keep prayen for all the kids out there. There is a lot of them that need prayers, and Miracles.
With Love

Monday, February 3, 2003 6:17 PM CST

I got the 2 hours late this morning that I wanted. It was so nice, I got to sleep an extra hour and I was ready to go. Which I needed for the day ahead. I got caught up on thinngs in school from when I missed, I still have a few things to do but it's getting smaller. I stayed after today too until 4:30 to do math homework. The teacher was nice enough to show me how and help out. Thats more than other teachers, from last year in math when I was gone. But I won't name any names. That was a big blow up and not a good thing to remember. When I was gone because I was sick from the chemo, the teacher actually thought that I was skipping school. He said that he had no idea that's what I was doing or that I was sick. Or for the matter of fact that I was still going through treatment, so he says at the time. Well okay look at me, I have no hair and carry a bag around with an IV cord coming out of it. It's not like I was carring it around for fun. My dad went to talk to him one day and he said that he didn't care. It wasn't his problem that I was sick and had cancer. He didn't care, each student is responsable for themselfs. So now that I don't have him we pass eachother in the hall with no one else there and there is not a word spoken. Or I say something but he walks by and says nothing. I still have a few words for him but won't go into detail, I'm sure you can imagen. I won't say anymore.

I relized that I forgot to put the top 10s on her. So inlight of that here we go.
You know your a chemo mom when....
10. When your son asks "So, where do I get my shot today?"
9. You are so anxious to get the morning meds out of the way, you reach for the wrong kid, and push the syringe of Diflucan into her mouth. She then stands there looking at you, crying, and saying "Mom, that is not mine."
8. Your 2 year old comes into the kitchen to get the Lysol spray bottle and tells you he's going to clean his room.
7. Your 2 1/2 year old asks you to order heparin and sausage pizza instead of pepperoni and sausage pizza at 8:00 in the morning.
6. Your kids break into hysterics every time you tell them to fetch you the stool because they know it's another word for "poop"
5. The cat barfs on the floor and your little one scolds him for not doing it in the basin.
4. Your other kids fall and scrape their knees and a Band-Aid is not enough anymore....They want EMLA and a tegaderm too!
3. The maild mand delivers the mail to your door every day because your daughter has so many cards and packages from her chemo angels that they won't fit in the box.
2. When the new resident, in an effort to be friendly, asks your kid where she lives and she replies with a serious face, Here.
1. Your 6 year old daughter has to cancel a meeting with the make-a-wish lady vecasue she's cutting her last molar and has to go to the hospital for a platelet transfussion.

Keep safe on the road and I will see you tomorrow.
With Love

Sunday, February 2, 2003 10:08 PM CST

What a weekend!!! It was a go, go , go one. On Saturday, there was a religion retreat for conformation and I wasn't going to go, I was going to take it easy and get some homework done. But knowing me I went and was only going to stay for a little while. Well alittle while ended up being from 11:30 until 7:00, a full day of activites and learning. It ended up being a lot of walking and going up and down stairs. That tired me out but I kept going. We went to the 5:00 mass and had to walk up in front of everyone in chruch. When mass was over we all went back over to the school and had a very nicely perpared candle lite dinner. It was very nice of parents and helpers to do this. When I got home it was stright to homework until 10:00, and then a little well deserved t.v. time from then on.

This morning was going to be another day of homework. My sister and her family came over for the afternoon and dinner. We played phase 10 which got heated up when it was close to the end. We went out to eat for dinner and had a nice family meal. When I got home it was off to the books yet again. And thats what I have been doing ever since and still when I'm done writing this will go back to. So it has been a busy weekend but a fun weekend.

Will see now if I have to get up early for school tomorrow. It's snowing right now and were suppose to get some 6 inches of snow tonight. Believe it or not it's the first "real" snow fall of winter. It's really icey out though. Driving back form dinner we swerved (sp) on the road. So stay carefull out there Minnesota.

I hope you had as good a weekend as I did. Your never far from my mind. Stay safe on the drive into work tomorrow morning and stay warm. I have to get back to my book but I will catch you tomorrow.
With Love

Sunday, February 2, 2003 10:08 PM CST

What a weekend!!! It was a go, go , go one. On Saturday, there was a religion retreat for conformation and I wasn't going to go, I was going to take it easy and get some homework done. But knowing me I went and was only going to stay for a little while. Well alittle while ended up being from 11:30 until 7:00, a full day of activites and learning. It ended up being a lot of walking and going up and down stairs. That tired me out but I kept going. We went to the 5:00 mass and had to walk up in front of everyone in chruch. When mass was over we all went back over to the school and had a very nicely perpared candle lite dinner. It was very nice of parents and helpers to do this. When I got home it was stright to homework until 10:00, and then a little well deserved t.v. time from then on.

This morning was going to be another day of homework. My sister and her family came over for the afternoon and dinner. We played phase 10 which got heated up when it was close to the end. We went out to eat for dinner and had a nice family meal. When I got home it was off to the books yet again. And thats what I have been doing ever since and still when I'm done writing this will go back to. So it has been a busy weekend but a fun weekend.

Will see now if I have to get up early for school tomorrow. It's snowing right now and were suppose to get some 6 inches of snow tonight. Believe it or not it's the first "real" snow fall of winter. It's really icey out though. Driving back form dinner we swerved (sp) on the road. So stay carefull out there Minnesota.

I hope you had as good a weekend as I did. Your never far from my mind. Stay safe on the drive into work tomorrow morning and stay warm. I have to get back to my book but I will catch you tomorrow.
With Love

Friday, January 31, 2003 at 09:12 PM (CST)

Busy, busy, day. I got to school, believe it or not. I was up early, got myself out of bed, and wasn't hurting to much, so I went. It was a pretty easy day. We didn't do much in most of the classes and in Algebra 2 we did problems on the overhead and I knew more then the class did, that were in school everyday, but I guess math has always been one of my stronger subjects. I got home and as soon as I was in the door, I was back out again. I had to go to the dentist and get that tooth taken care of. Well he didn't say much about my tooth, maybe that I was biting high and he ZZZzzzZZzzzed away. He said to let it sit for awhile and it should get better. When I got home from that I went out to eat with the Schonberg's, thanks Brenda, I jad a great time. As soon as I cam in the door from that I was out the door and I mean out the door just as I came in to the Albany girls basketball game. I had to play pep band. He said I "Had" too, not just me everyone. Well Albany kicked butt. They are 20 and 0, they do an outstanding job. This weekend it's me and the homework. Catching up on things and trying to get everything back to where I don't need to catch up. So have a great weekend and have tons of fun.
Love always

Thursday, January 30, 3:50 CST

O my gosh I don't think I have read that much in one day before in my life. I am reading 3 different books at the same time, did I just say that the other day, I can't remember. Wow switching form one book to the other and then another, it's hard keeping them straight but so far it's going alright. I stayed home from school one for day because yet again I couldn't fall asleep because my mind was flooded with thoughts. It was much better though last night. I spent my day, as you guessed it, reading. I plan on heading back tomorrow, that's if everything is a-ok in the morning. I have to go back to the dentist tomorrow afternoon because my tooth is giving me trouble. The one I got filled last time I went. I was better off not going. But the doc is going to look at it and hopefully make it feel better, and not like I am bitting tin foil, yuck.

Today I was yet again, "thinking" that how I'm very pleased with the little things in life. Getting a letter in the mail, getting an email from someone that I love hearing from, as simple as watching my favorite show on t.v. I heard a say on t.v. last night you never know how good you have something until it's taken away from you. You take for granted looking outside and watching the snow fall, and yet some people can't do that. Listening to your favorite CD, or hearing your favorite song on the radio, yet some people can't. It's the little things in life that make me happy. Seeing the smile on friends's faces. Hearing someone laugh at your joke. There's not many things that I take for granted anymore because with a snap of a finger they could be taken away for some reason. I love the little things and when they come around I appreciate it in many ways. Then now I look back at what I wrote up above and think, there are some children that are lucky to read a book. There are people that have to live with tooth pain but I am lucky enough to be having it looked at tomorrow. I do it everyday but then I stop and think, look at what I have and how lucky I am. I wouldn't give it up for anything. If I every won a million dollors I would probably donate a very good persent of it to charity. I wouldn't change at all. You would probably not even know that I had won anything. Maybe except for the new car in the driveway, hehehe, Just kidding, okay maybe I'm not kidding, hehehe. So I will always take the small things as being the biggest things.

I hope your day was great and filled with small things that make you happy. I have to run because I told someone I would call them back in 5 minutes and well it's been like 10minutes so got to go.
Love lots

Wednesday, January 29, 2003 at 12:28 PM (CST)

Good morning, well technically, (sp), it's the afternoon, so Good afternoon to everyone. I hope your night and day so far are going as well.

Last night I was having trouble sleeping because I was to busy thinking. No one has the same thoughts as me and some of my thoughts haunt me. I think of all the stuff, all the surgerys, all the bad things that have happened. Yet I think about all the good things, like being able to meet great people, kicking butt on the fastest recovery in the hospital after surgery, and most of all being alive. My thoughts will always be with me wherever I go, whatever I do. In a way they make my school work a little harder, becasue when I'm suppose to be reading, my mind wonders and I start thinking. No one really nows the extend of my thoughts but me, but some people now to some extend but no one will really understand them. Everyone has there own thoughts and dreams, which everyone is different. My sister told me that if it wasn't for my positive, upbeat attitude that I would not be here today to write this. Beating cancer is like25% a mind game. You have to set your mind to something and complete it. In my thoughts that's what I do. I set my mind to something and thus far have completed each task. I have bad thoughts pretty much all the time that I think. When I had surgery the last time, the one before this one. I look at myself laying in the bed with a tube down my thoart keeping me alive. I see all 8 lung surgerys. I remember waking up from my amputation and the first thing I did was tried to move my right foot, but it wasn't there anymore. Yet then I think of the good thoughts. Being able to help other little kids going through chemo and surgery. Sitting at the nurses station because I was bored, and just hanging out. Going to teen night and having fun. Help rasie money for CCRF. So if I don't always get everything right it's probably because I was thinking. There is a lot flooting around in my brain. More than any other "normal" teenager. So to sum it up I have good thoughts yet bad thoughts, but I try and concentrate on the good thoughts.

Top 10:
You know your a chemo mom when:
10. You've cried so much in front of your 5 year old cancer kid that, without any change of expression, he calmy asks you "are you crying no because you're mad, because you're sand or because you're happy?"
9. You can drive down the interstate with one hand and hold the puke bucket for your child in the backseat....and still never have to pull over.
8. When you are proud of your 4 year od who tells the surgery starff, I want bubble gum flavored gas, I use blow by oxygen, and take the IV out before I wake up. And if this takes more than 15min, I'm coming after you.
7. When you mistaenly put Emla cream on your tooth brush.
6. When your child would rather stay inside and eat then go outside an play.
5. You kind yourself at Taco bell at 10:30 a.m. ordering tacos and hotsauce.
4. The 5 year old girl wants to play with YOUR hair instead of wanting you to play with hers.
3. Your bald 4 year old goes up to people smoking at the airport and calmly says, "chemotherepy makes you barf," and you don't die of embarassment or scold them for talk to strangers.
2. You're filling syringes on Halloween night and you're NOT psycho.
1. Your midwife gives you the "birth kit" list for your next baby and you have every supply listed in mass quantities.

Have a great rest of the day.
With Love

Tuesday, January 28, 2003 at 04:43 PM (CST)

Well I don't know I think this surgery, the smaller of them is making me the most tired, that's weird. Okay I go to bad at 11:30, maybe that's my problem right there, but I get up at like 9:00. I read my book for Lit., eat lunch and by 12:30 I was out again until 4:00. I guess that's good though, I'm catching up on some much needed ZZzzZZ's. Everyday it gets better and better. I actually think I might be back in school by Thursday but I don't know, that's if my energy level is up. I still have a hard time walking long distances, I get so tired out. I am have to go back down to the cities on Feb. 11th to meet with Dr.Maddaus and probably Dr.Neglia. There is a couple plans that were looking at for treatment, I think, even though I don't know much. They didn't get the report back on the tumor yet to see if there were living cells or dead. Well duh I didn'd do anything from the time it showed up to when they took it out, so of course it would be still living. You never know my body it is know to do strange things, at dumb times.

This will be my entry on where I fill everyone in on some patient friends of mine, that I have "met" in person or on caringbridge sites. I am sorry if I forget someone I don't mean to but I am thinking about you.
Davis: Is doing great. He just had his IV chemo on Monday and starts Steroids.
Tori: Goes in for surgery on her lung on Wednesday, but other wise she is keeping her head up.
Mitchie: Is doing as good as he can. He is living everyday. He is getting radiation right now to try and shrink some of the tumors.
Laura: Is in Florida living her Make-A-Wish dream of riding horses. She is doing great and done with treatmeant.
Jill: Is finished with her chemo. They had to cancel her last one because of heart problems, which is getting better now that she has meds to take.
Austin: Goes in for a spinal tap on Thursday and tests.

I know, I know more people that should be on here. Everyone of these kids needs prayers and there are plenty of other children that need lots of prayers too. It seems like it keeps growing and growing. Could you say a special prayer for ALL cancer kids along with other kids that are sick from something. Everyone in the world needs a prayer sometime or the other. I choose to pray for them today. Please don't me mad at me for not putting someones name on here I do not mean anything by it.
Stay warm and keep praying. Thanks for always being such great people.
With Love

Monday, January 27, 2003 at 06:35 PM (CST)

Hello everyone I hope this entry finds you all well and happy. Sorry that I didn't write earlier. I was pretty much sleeping all day. Well except for the cartoon fest in my room with the daycare kids and talking to catherine, it was pretty much ZZZzzzZZZzz's the rest of the day. Yesterday we watched the superbowl which I'm sure just about every guy around was doing. My team won, the Bucs. I really didn't care who won but I was hoping the Bucs just because they have never made it to the superbowl before. I didn't think that they were going to win by that much either. Is that some kind of a record or at least close to it. Didn't they end up winning by 27 points? That's what I call a blow out.

Okay yesterday my story about Dr.Neglia didn't sound so good I guess, so says Catherine but she has a sick mind, no I'm just kidding. It wasn't bad it was sweet. Chris was massaging my had and he came in and I think he thought was I was feeling down or something but he asked if he should hold my other hand. I had no idea what he meant so I said sure, so he came and held my hand which was so nice of him because he thought that I was feeling down and he was going to try and help. Well Chris threw the lotion over to him and he said Ooooo, then he got it. But I thought it was SO VERY nice of him to do that. Now that we got that out of the way and straightened up I'll move on.

I think I should be heading back to school by the end of this week because everything seems to be going in the right direction. It still hurts but it's getting better. I really don't have anything else new that I can tell you and keep you interested so I will leave it with that.

Top 10
You know your a chemo mom when...
10. You go to a restraunt and REQUEST the table closest to the bathroom.
9. Your childs teddy bear and stuffed cat have their hair cut off and they're sporting a hickman and an IV.
8. When you bring your 8 year old son to the salon to get his hair dyed blue you bring pictures of him bald so they don't think you are a strange mother.
7. You remember to grab the puke bucket when discharged because it is useful for cleaning supplies.
6. When school sends home a letter about head lice and there's no need to check your childs head-they're already bald.
5. When you start carrying your 9 year old up the steps to go to the bathroom.
4. It's 7:55pm and the local grocery store closes at 8:00pm. You live 5 minutes away and your child who is at the weight needed to start IV nutrition says he is hungry for chips and dip. So you run to the store and as they are mopping the floor you beg them to please check you through.
3. Also after driving 100 miles a day for 30 days for radiation, your child looks at you and tell you that youare no longer his mother, you are his chauffeur.
2. Your 2 year old kisses all her nedicines, her BP cuff and thermometer before bed.
1. 2 years after treatment stops and you see this list and your old entries still make you smile with tears when you ream them.

There you go, but I have to go because I am going to fall asleep any minute so I will talk to you soon.
With Love

Saturday, January 25, 2003 at 04:43 PM (CST)

Well guess what, I'm HOME, already. And you know what I could have come home yesterday, but I didn't feel up to par yet for coming home and which I'm glad that I didn't come home, becasue I still needed the wonder drugs (morphine) last night. Is that how you spell it, ya well the drugs that make you go into la la land for a little bit. But I am all good today and was ready to come home. This entry is long so know if you read it all, you'll need time.

Let me start off by telling you how it went. On Thursday morning my dad and I headed down for the big city at 5:00. Did you know it was 22 BELOW when we left in the morning, was it cold. We arrived at the hospital promptly at 6:30 to be checked in. I saw my nice "LITTLE" chart, it was 7 cream colored folders full which reached about 2 feet high. The nuse had to step on here tip-e-toes to get them all. I was brought back to the pre-op room to get changed and have an IV put in. They couldn't use my port bacause it's on my right side and surgery was on my right side. I had to put a mark on me to make sure the surgons did the right side, instead of doing the wrong side and then saying OOPS, even though they wouldn't have. I was taken to the O.R. at 8:20, 10 minutes ahead of time. I have never known surgery to be ahead of time or on time for that matter. I got the gas to go to sleep and Brenda I only got to 5 this time, the guy didn't tell me when he was giving me it so I got a late start, O well. As you already now surgery went great. Dr.Madduas was very pleased. And guess what I had a visiter in the O.R. with me during surgery, Dr.Neglia came in, isn't he the greatest. Anyway they used scopes, so therefore only small incisions. I always have a chest tube in and there is a bubbler on it that pulls all the fluid and left over blood that is in my lung, and it re-inflates my lung. On a normal lung surgery the bubbler is on for 2 days, well this time it was already off when I came out of the O.R., very cool. I asked if Jody could come down in the recovery room, and she did. I needed her there instead of my dad. I got up to my room and rested pretty well, Amy, one of my favoritest nurses, came and visited for and hour and a half. She wasn't even working that day, she just came to visit. I was already started getting up later that night. I mean 6 hours after surgery i was moving around and getting up. So those of you praying for little pain, it sure helped. My pain was very good this time.

Friday moring they were calling me early for a x-ray and a x-ray down stairs, which to shorten it up was just a "little" painfall. But I had Jill as a nurse so that made it better. Josie made me feel better when I came upstirs too. The results of the x-ray showed that my lung was still pneumo, which means a part of my lung was still de-flated yet. The surgeons I guess didn't mind that becaue they pulled the chest tube out later in the afternoon. Which then I could of come home but said no that I would just hang out for the night. My uncle Denny came last night to visit and he brought some fried rice, yum. I didn't eat very much of it but what I did eat was great. I spent the rest of the night watching movies, Tommy Boy, GREAT, and Billy Maddison, GREAT. There was a great story that happened when Chris Frie(child family life) , me, Dr.Dan, and Dr.Neglia, but I won't say it because I don't want to upset the doctor, which narrows it down to 2 people, and it wasn't Dr.Dan, so that only leaves one. Lets say there was lotion, some misunderstanding, and A LOT of laughing. But it turned out that it was very sweet, if it would have been true. Okay I'm going to stop with that story because you don't get it but it was worth saying something about it.

This morning my mom and dad came to pick me up. I was watching a movie that jill brought me, it had little weiner dogs in it; I want to get one of those one day. I had a question for Dr.Neglia before I left, but he already left so I asked Dr.Dan. Anyway it was about my last, last surgery, if they had cracked my chest open, which they did. But I found out that they wired it back shut. So I have a big long wire going down my chest. Dr.Dan said that I might have a little trouble going through the airport now. I might set off the alarms. I will have to say no I am not going to pull this wire out of my chest and stab the pilot with it, hehehe. So my questions were answered and I was ready to go. We were off for home, which I slept pretty much the whole way, and I am home 2 days after surgery.

I will leave the top 10 out of this entry seeing that it is way long. Thanks for all the prayers, they sure helped and thanks for being with me.
Love lots

Friday, January 24, 2003 at 01:37 PM (CST)


Amy say’s “HI EVERYONE”!

Amy is doing great, she had been busy visiting with all her favorite nurses, in fact, as I was taking notes for her update she was visiting with Jill.

She starting to get her appetite back, however she still has her chest tube in which can be very painful at times, she needed an x-ray this morning which required her to get our of bed and make her way down 6 floors, needless to say she said it was not fun. She has to have the chest tube in because they are waiting for part of her lung to re-inflate, maybe she should inhale some helium, boy would she have fun talking to the nurses then.

The doctor’s think she might may able to go home tomorrow, Saturday. She said she was going to spend the rest of the day watching a couple of movies she ordered, Tommy Boy, and Billy Madison.

With any luck the next update will be from Amy once she arrives home!

Amy’s says “GO Tampa Bay Bucs, there going to win it all”

AMY and her Family and Friends

Thursday, January 23, 2003 at 12:23 PM (CST)


Amy is resting comfortably as of 12:00 noon in her room on Unit 5b at Fairview/University after a two-hour surgery. The surgeon was able to complete the surgery by using scopes which should greatly speed the recovery time. In fact, barring any complications she might be able to go home late on Friday. She is delighted to say the least!

Amy thanks everyone for all the prayers and thoughts as she has made it through yet another surgery, keep up the good work.

Way to go AMY!!!

Amy's Family and Friends

Wednesday, January 22, 2003 at 06:27 PM (CST)

Sorry, Sorry I'm late, it's normally around 3:40 and 4:00 when I write on here. I couldn't get on, so therefore I couldn't write anything, aren't I smart, hehehe.

The new classes are good. I think I will do pretty good in Algebra 2 because I am pretty good in math anyway. Mod. Ame. Lit., well I don't want to say I didn't like it because I don't know who reads this so lets say it was different. And I think I am going to like Speech, I already did one today and I did it pretty good, I only said "umm" once, thank you very much.

I'm in a good mood today if you couldn't tell, well I'm always in a good mood except for those very select days, which don't come very often. I thought hey I feel good today, you never know what tomorrow will bring. It will be last day to be running around for a couple days, so why not run a lot. Now if one or a couple of my friends read what I just said about running they would make fun of me because I said run. And I can't run, get it. They always do it, it's part of the day. Something would be wrong if they didn't. I have even made a couple jokes about me not having a right leg. We were talking about sprained ankles and I said O I think I have a right sprained ankle. My friend had to think a minute and it popped, O I dont' have a right ankle, get it, ha ha ha. Okay that was pretty dorky but whatever.

My surgery is changed to 8:30 tomorrow morning instead of 9:30. Somebody broke up there date, get that one too hehehehe, with Dr.Madduas so he wanted to get mine done and out of the way. So I will be heading downt to the cities at 4:30 tomorrow morning. Which means I have to get up at 3:45-4:00 because I have to take a shower. They won't have to give me stuff to fall asleep, I could fall asleep on my own. I will probably drive in the morning because I think it's fun when there is no one on the road. Which if you recall relates back to one of the top 10s. Dr.Madduas was thinking about using a scope, no not a gun scope ha ha, wow I just have funny stuff, well to me it's funny. Thats where he will make a small opening to put it in and get things out that way, but if that doesn't work then they would open me fully, which wouldn't be anything new.

Ya well that's enough of me yabering on, is that even how you spell that. Here's the only thing left,

Top 10
You know your a chemo mom when....
10. Your 4 year old tells her friends, "My brother is special, he's neutropenic!"
9. You have a panic attack each time you pass through the fresh flower section of your local supermarket.
8. You show those pictures to friends and family without blinking an eye, while they all get queasy.
7. Your child's photo albem includes pictures of before, during, and after surgery.
6. You're making twice as many trips to the grocery store because your kid's on prednisone.
5. You explain to your teen daughter that the hospital is not a hotel and the nurse at the front desk is not her private secretary for personal calls.
4. Your child has there own private collection of scrubs and footies in every color.
3. Your 5 year old brings in her port, that was recently removed, in a urine specimin container to school for show and tell.
2. People in the supermarket are looking closely trying to figure out whether your child is a boy or girl.
1. At the restaurant, your child circles his meal selection on the menu and hands it back to the waiter.

There you go another hard day at work, hehehe. Well not work. My brother will be here tomorrow letting you know how things are going. Until next time, thanks for the prayers, everyone helps. Your all so great, and I'm lucky to have you all. I'll will be back sooner then later.
With Lots of Love

Tuesday, January 21, 2003 at 07:18 PM (CST)

I am finally home. It was a long day, but a good day, I guess. We headed out this morning at 8:30 becasue I had to make a stop at Kripy Kreme for a little snack to bring mitchie. We got to riverside a half hour early so I pretty much sat there until I was done. As soon as I was done we headed over to the good side, the campus side so that I could go visit. I got to see Crista one of my favorite nurses. I ended up having lunch with her, Joise, and Denise. We talked for a while in the nurses lounge. It was so great to see them. I got to the clinic and they said that Dr.Madduas was 20minutes behind which isn't that bad, but 20minutes turned into a hour and a half. Then it ended up I only talked to him for a total of 2 minutes. I got the results of the scan and well good and bad news, which do you want to here first? Good news is that nothing has come back in my left lung, knock on wood, "but" the tumor on my right side has gotten a little bigger. Which is bad but it will be out in less then 38 hours. I still have a date with Dr.Madduas in the O.R. at 9:30. I had a nice little suprise, Dr. Neglia came to visit me, a quick hi, and you know a doctor doesn't have to do that. He's the best. And he's on call on Thursday so he will be there when I get out. We stopped at mitche's house on the way home and visited for awhile. It was so great seeing him and hangen out. He liked his krispy kremes too. It was great seeing becky and steve and can't forget Melissa as well. There such a great family. That was pretty much my whole day. We just got home at 6:30 so it's been a busy day.

Top 10
You know your a chemo mom when?
10. You notice that when you go to the hospital that they have been redecorating and you were just there last week.
9. You put another bed in your room for your child.
8. Your 4 year old can take his own temperature and does a good job.
7. All the kids in the neighbourhood are having water fights with syringes.
6. A common question between parents is, "So, what are you in for?"
5. When your 7 year old thinks all kids, lose their hair, have ports, and get chemo.
4. When you gell more at home in the ER then the new doctor does.
3. When your child turns in homework with medial tape on it.
2. When, at home, you try to dial "9" to get an outside line.
1. You're overjoyed when someone comments on what long eyelashes your baby has, and you know it's his second set.

Well there you go. It's time for relaxing and just sitting down. Have a good night. I will be taken to ya tomorrow.
With Love

Monday, January 20, 2003 at 01:19 PM (CST)

That's it. I just got done watching Lord of the Rings and there is nothing else, so I have to go see the next one. How cheep is that. I sat down with my mom and we were going to see if frodo, or however you spell it, destroyed the ring or not and it just ended. The director was smart though because now people have to go back and see the next one. We started last night but my dad fell asleep and he wanted to watch the rest so we were going to watch it tonight but I watched it now, but will watch it again tonight. Ya Ya I know what was another huge run on sentence, but hey I have 1 more day to write bad grammer. I will have to start checking my spelling on here to. I am really bad about going back and reading what I wrote.

I talked to my brother and he said that he would update my page while I was in the hospital and during my surgery.

My dad and I are off to the cities tomorrow morning for a CT and then a meeting with Dr.Madduas. Pray that the scans are the same as they were the day after Christmas. Please pray that nothing else has shown up. I am fighting so hard to make it go away. I still won't give up but I want it to go away, and not just for me everyone.

Top 10:
You know your a chemo mom when
10. You fill empty 10cc syringes with pancake syrup so you can transport it along with pancakes to an early morning Drs. appointment so you child can have breakfast while being transfused.
9. You know you're a sister of a child with cancer when you little sister draws on her bald head with markers.
8. The old phrase, "bald is beautiful," takes on a whole new meaning.
7. Your son askes, "Who am I having therapy with today?"
6. You start to cry when after three years of chemo, your child's baby sister tells perfect strangers, "My sister doesn't have chemo anymore!"
5. You receive your "childrens art project" catalog in the mail and you and your child personally know the kids in the pictures.
4. You are taking pictures of that momentous first haircut since your 10 year old's hair grew back, and you have to explain that he hasen't had a cut in over a year.
3. Your 9 year old daughter accidentally takes her IV pole for a walk around the ward even though she is not connected.
2. You can hook up a feeding pump with your eyes closed.
1. You can laugh and cry, at the same time while reading this list.

Thats it for today. Hope your having a good Martin Luther King Day.
With Love

Sunday, January 19, 2003 at 02:01 PM (CST)

Well hey everyone!!! I had the best time at the hockey game last night. St.Cloud played providence college at the National Hockey Center. We had great seats, 8 rows up from the ice, perfect. Brittany and Brandon were able to stay by us the whole game. The person sitting next to my dad never came so he moved one down and Brandon sat on my lap most of the time and then between 2 seats the rest of the time. It was great. Thanks for the tickets Dicky. I went to my sisters house yesterday morning so that I could visit before the game. So I was there most of the day.

This morning my mom and I were watching Trading Spaces on TLC and then we watched While you were gone, Great shows. Right now I think we are going to hammer out the Lord of the Rings. So I will let you know if I fall asleep or I totally love it.

Please pray for Tori, her cancer has come back in her lung and she needs to keep fighting. And still keep mitchie in your prayers. My dad and I are going to stop and visit him on Tuesday and I think were going to bring a little snack. Lets say it's really good, very fattening, has lots of suger and it's in Maple Grove.
Love you all

Friday, January 17, 2003 at 12:45 PM (CST)

UPDATE: Make sure to read the bottom first. Okay I'm back at home now. I thought of some more stuff to say and well the doctor called. It started that I was going to see Dr. Madduas on Tuesday at 1:00 and I could catch my first 2 classes of the new quarter well now they would like a CT scan at 11:00 so forget about going to school. I'll have to just head down there. It's over on riverside though, I don't like that side. Last time I was over there I was in the ICU recovering from "ONE" of my other lung surgerys. I was in a room with someone that wanted to kill herself and I couldn't have gotton out of there fast enough. Dr. Lenord, my other lung doctor, wasn't going to let my go over to the campus side until I got my chest tube out, well after some crying and a lot of whining, well and after called Dr.Neglia to tell Dr.Leonord to let me come over, I got to go over to the good side, campus side. I know that was a huge run on sentence but I don't have to start grammer yet. So I got to ride ina ambulence over to the campus side and I was all better. So that is why I'm not that fond of riverside. But it's all good because it's just for a CT scan which I hope is good and that the tumor is the same size as it was last time. This weekend I am going to the ST.Cloud State hockey game. They are my favorite. I will let you know how that all goes.

I will get on with it. Now for the top ten.
You know your a chemo mom when...
10. A year after dx your other child exhibits the same symtoms as your ck and you thank God that it's only mono.
9. Your child believes boost is more medicine he needs to take.
8. When the siblings think mommy's new home is the ronald McDonald house and your child wth cancer now lives in the hospital.
7. Your most restful sleep is the ten minutes you spent waiting in the hospital cafeteria line.
6. You walk into your child's room and find a trail of vomit, and you are thankful that he kept on playing.
5. Your kid is known as the "kid with the "brown head" because he refused to wear lotion or a hat and it is very tan.
4. You use a cart to get all of the changes of clothes, toys, and favorite food into the hospital on admission days.
3. You learn to read x-ray films as good as the radiologist and can recall lab values for the past two months without looking at the chart.
2.Your child wants a band aid first thing because that means he can go home.
1. You look for the nutritional value of cookies.

Have the bestest weekend ever. Do lots of fun stuff.
With Love

Well hey everyone. I'm in school right now bored out of my mind. I have 2 hours to kill before my next class because were not doing anything in band so I come up to the library and do whatever. Okay I think I said that yesterday but whatever. I thought i would write on here early unlike my normal time of around 3:50 or so. I will get a pretty good grade in all my classes which I am very proud of because of the school I missed from surgery. I got it all made up, of course and am ready for the next quarter. I have no idea what to talk about. My life is pretty boring these last couple of days. I can't write my top ten on here until I get home unless I can think of more on my own. Will see let me think. uumm lets see. okay I can't think of any so I will have to let you go until I Get home

Thursday, January 16, 2003 at 06:09 PM (CST)

Hello everyone, I hope your all good today. It was a good day again in school. I took a couple tests to finish up the quarter and the rest of the day I pretty much sat around in the media center studing for tests reading magazines and whatever. Tomorrow is going to be another one of those days. I am not saying anything about it because I love those days. know I have to start looking towards Algebra 2, modern American Lit., and Beginning speech, ick. I have to start talking in the right gramer and I can't say "funner", maybe I will tell my teacher that it should be a word. Today Dan and I were raising down the stairs and I jamed my knee into the side and now I have this black and blue mark, did that hurt but I have had worse. Tomorrow there is going to be a rematch. This morning I was putting Mr, and Mrs potato heads together with the day care kids and some of them turned out pretty interesting. Lets see what else, I don't think there is anything else to say. My mom and dad are downstairs working on the basement and they jsut found a frog in one of the plants down there, who knows how long that was there. Well that's about it. I have to get ready to watch a new Friends show at 7:00, that is the best show and next is ER, couldn't live without them.

Everybodys favorite, or at least mine.
You know your a chemo mom when....
10. Your child is so used to staying in the hospital that she sleeps all night there and wakes up in her won bed at home because she doesn't feel comfortable.
9. Your child lovingly hugs or kisses anyone in a white lab coat.
8. Your 2 year old can correct a nurse when they forget to change the caps of their tubes.
7. Your child feels naked or lonely without their IV pole.
6. You're happy that your child has awakened you at 2 in the morning asking for meatloaf.
5. You take your son to his favorite restaurant in a lost ditch effort to get him to eat.
4. Your child's babydoll is named after her favorite craving: Pickle
3. Your 2 1/2 year old will only potty train in the hospital.
2. A year after treatments stop you find the emergency overnight bag in the back of the car, it's filled with clothes that don't fit anymore.
1. Your parking and toll reciepts for doctor and hospital visits are fully deductable on the 1040 itemized form.

And there you go another 10. Stay warm and never stop praying.

Wednesday, January 15, 2003 at 03:49 PM (CST)

What a long and coughfull day. My cough is back and I hate it. Maybe because I was giving presentations in two of my classes and I get nervous so therefore I cough. I need this cough to go away because if I have a cough then the surgerys don't like doing the surgery and I want to get it done and over with, and on the road to recovery.

Last night I went to the girls basketball game and they played Holdingford. We won 89 to 37 or something close to that. The Albany girls are ranked number 2 in the state. They are doing really good this year. O okay I have to get back to writing. I was watching tv for the last 10 mins. Anyway, the girls have a good chance of going to state.

Yesterday the plumers turned off our water to work with the pipes, so we didn't have water until 8:00 last night from 10:00 in the morning. Do you know how much we rely on water. There was so many times where I went to get a drink or wash my hands and there was no water. It was kind of strange.

Blah, Blah, Blah Lets get to the good stuff.
Top 10
You know your a chemo mom when
10. When your child has done all of the puzzles in the play room at the hopital so many times that they can now do them in five minutes with the pieces upside down.
9. Your child has their own website to keep family and friends updated on their progress because calling everyone get to be too expensive and repeating the repot over and over i stiring.
8. You swing past the video store to pick up some entertainment for your child whle they have a "quick" blood tranfusion.
7. You hear yorself say "just becasue you have cancer does not mean you can be rude" and you don't feel bad about it.
6. You have a bottle of purel in every handbag and use it after riding on the escalator.
5. When asked which kid on the playground is yours, you reply, "the bald one."
4. You get exited when your child gets head lice.
3. Your child has only thrown up twice and you smile with satisfaction at what a good day they had.
2. The hospital nursing staff asks you to train the new nurses/techs on when and how to accomplish dressing changes and flushing tubes.
1. Your two year old has been out of the hospital for a week and begs to watch a Doctor movie" on TV becasue it feels like home.

My saying for today is Never Give Up. I won't and neither can you. Your problem can always be worse so be thankfull that it's not worse. Thank you for contiueing to check in, it makes me feel good and it keeps me going. I have always looked to the notes for cheering up and they always do there job so thank you.
With Love

Tuesday, January 14, 2003 at 03:47 PM (CST)

GUESS WHAT , You'll never believe it unless you look. I have new pictures. They're all on the same thing but It tells you who is who, Thank you Savannah a whole bunch.

School was good. Nothing to wonderfull. I did my yogurt lab showing in biotech and I don't think the teacher liked it very much. Our yogurt turned icky and I wasn't about to eat or should I say drink it. The yogurt didn't turn out so great, it was pretty much warm milk.

I don't know what to write today, I am fresh out of stuff from world geo so I can't tell you anything about that. Our basement is getting close to being done. I think I am going to start my chia pet, I got it for christmas. I had wanted one for a couple years and I finally got one this year. Little things make me happy. I don't think there is much more for me to blabber about so I will head to the good stuff.

Top Ten:
You know your a chemo mom when......
10. At dinner your, one son refers to ketchup as blood and th sone with cancer corrects him because blood is a darker red.
9. The local small town emergency room calls you at home and asks what size huber needles to stock in case they have to access your child's port and then ask if you could inservice them.
8. They guys use viale tops instead of pocker chips on poker night.
7. When you think that anything that your child will eat and keep down is a "Nutritionus meal", even if it is chocolate cookies and candy.
6. Your 2 year old learn shis colors from all the pills he has to take.
5. All your body lotion and tattoo badaids are gone because the doll needed Emla too.
4. When all the other bous in the seventh grade shave their heads to look as cool as your son.
3. When your 6 year old is making appointments for nursing staff to do their manicures, because they love her nail art.
2. A wing of the pharmacy is now dedicated to your family.
1. Training for the New York City Marathon consists of laps around the Pediatric Oncology Ward with your kid in her wheel chair.

I have to run but make sure you check out the pictures, my favorite one is the top left with Brittany and Brandon.

Monday, January 13, 2003 at 03:51 PM (CST)

It's snowing, I sound like I haven't seen snow before, there really hasn't been much snow on the ground yet.

School was good. World Geo. was good. We had a speaker come in and talk about the worlds population. I have to tell you this becasue I find it very interesting. You might think it's boring but whatever. The worlds population is over 6 billion. It has doubled in the past 40 years. Earth's population is increasing by 150 people every minute, another Ney York city every month. There are 80 million more people every year. It's said by 2025 there will be 9 billion people on earth. Now I say wow to that. See I do listen in class. I'm a very good student. : )

I was thinking today, it doesn't phase me that I am having surgery in alittle over a week. It will be my 7th or 8th one, I've lost track. It's like it's normal for me to have surgery. Hopefully this one WILL be the last one untill I get my port out when I am finished with this stuff.

I was reading in a magazine that Dr.Madduas, the one that did my last surgery, is one of the top doctors in the Twin Cities. Now if that doesn't give you enough trust in him than I don't know what else to say.

I found another great candy that I like, "Trolli sour frite crawlers". Those little buggers are pretty good. I have a whole room full of daycare kids eating them and watching tv so it's a little kid party goen on.

Our band concert went well last night. I liked it but I don't know what other people thought.

And now for the best part the top 10.
"You know your a chemo mom when"
10. You can tell the nurses where their supplies are.
9. When you can whip up a seven-course meal in minutes for a six-year old having a prednisone pig out.
8. When your child tackles you screaming, "I'm starving to death! Why won't you feed me?!" in public and you can laugh instead of scolding them for their manners.
7. You can make a bariety of arts and crafts out of hospitasl supplies: isolation masks become turtles and spinal fluid tubes filled with glitter and baby oil make great key chains.
6. When the doctor finally enters the examination room and finds you and your child with latex glove powder around your mouth from blowing up the gloves.
5. The nurses and techs call out, "see you next wekk!" with true joy knowing that you will pass on all the get-well candy and the leftover "bribe-sicles" that yuo can't get them to eat.
4. When it's time for your 2 year to have her vital signs taken and she lifts her arm and sticks out her leg, without crying or fighting you.
3. Your child names pills after superheros.
2. When you are helping your daughter, the sibling, pull her hair into a ponytail and she says, "Look at my forehead, I have great veins there don't I? If I ever need to get a sho, I could get it there!".
1. When you have a collection of "throw-up buckets" in every room of your house!

Have a great snow filled day. Please keep praying for mitchie, so that he stays pain free. they got the worst news from the doctor, that they can't do any more for him. Please pray for a Miracle.
Love forever

Sunday, January 12, 2003 at 11:32 AM (CST)

Good morning or almost afternoon to everyone. I hope this finds you well and happy.
Yesterday we ran into St.Cloud and did a little shopping. Yes I went into the store so therefore I had to buy somthing. I am so bad at that, and I don't need any of it but I would like it so then I get it, o well. I got this new watch, which I did need one because I never knew what time it was and now I can be on time to places. When I got home at like 3:00 I went straight to homework and worked on it until 8:15 when I went out with catherine. We went to go see a movie, 8 Mile. It wasn't to bad of a movie but not adviseable for anyone under 17, that's why it's rated R. That's the only good thing about turning 17, you can get into rated R movies.

Today it's going to be pretty much the same thing. Homework and more homework but then I should be almost done for the rest of the week. Tonight we have our band concert at the hight shchool. You are all welcome to come if you live in the area.

I have to touch bases with this. In worl geo. were learning about the rainforest and it's said that by the year of 2025 there will be only 10% of the rainforest left. The rainforest produces over 20% of the worlds oxygen and were just cutting it away. Did you know that we found a cure for HIV and it came from the rainforest. But that plant can not be found anymore, becasue we copped it down becasue we wanted land. When these people want to have ranches on the land grow crops, after 5 years land is worthless. It's also said that we get 1 hamburger per acre per year, that's it. Also from stearnes county to the Alantic ocean a squirle could never touch the ground becasue it could go from tree to tree. Futher more there are over 3,000 drugs for cancer and over 2,000 of them come from the rainforest, and were destroying it. Now to me I found this all interesting and kind of disheartning. I am not ragging on anyone but it's just like wow.

Top 10
"You know your a chemo mom when"
10. You cannot try auroma therap for yourself because the smells trigger nausea in your kid.
9. Your kid wears out a pair of Nikes pushing an IV pole around teh hospital during BMT recovery.
8. The "CK" on your tee shirt stands for Chemo kid not Calvin Klein.
7. You make Jell-O with pedialite.
6. You drow smily-faces on your isolations masks.
5. Your kid has received so many get-well cards to fuel a small bon-fire.
4. Your child receives sooo many toys whilein the hospitall that at christmas time thatyou can now open your own toy store.
3. When you are thankful for steroids becasue there will not be turkey leftovers after the Thanksgiving meal.
2. Every little think can make you cry in a heartbeat, but this lis, on the other hand has you rolling on the floor.
1. When your child is estatic becasue all she's getting is counts from her arm and a shot in her leg. (Now that's a good day on the chemo ward!)

Always keep your head up and never give up on anything. Never stop fighting.
With Love

Friday, January 10, 2003 at 04:45 PM (CST)

Good day to you all!!! Do you know what I was just playing, "Cancer Smash", there are 10 levels and I am determinded to kill until level 10. Same in life to, I am ready to kill till level 10 or whatever the hightest level. The game was kind of funny, you have to kill little germs and they try to out smart you but I killed. They are big huge germs that you have to collect white blood cells to kill. It's kind of cute.

It was the same boring day in school. The teachers are craming everything in becasue Thursday is the last day. If you haven't missed any days the last semester that you don't have to go to school on Friday but well, can I say that I haven't missed any, NO. If I didn't miss any days it would be right, of course I miss days, only had a perfect year in 5th grade. I did do something intersting in school today though. I turned a regular penny silver and then into gold, colors I mean. It's really cool, I think I am going to make more on Monday. We were talking that we can make these pennies gold but then sell tem for 25 cents, hehehe.

Tonight I have to go play pep band for the boys basketball game. I think I am going to leave early though so that I can start on homework and get things done so that I'm not doing homework all weekend.

Top 10:
"You know your a chemo mom when"
10. When you walk down the hall in your house holding your baby and feel add becasue you're not trailing an IV pole with the other hand.
9. When the siblings want to know what the child's counts are to see if they can go inside and eat at McDonald's.
8. Six months after treatment ends and the hair starts to grow back someone stops you in the grocery store ans says, "I just love her haircut. Where did you get it done?"
7. When your idea of funny is to ask, "Where's your line?" and then giggle while your toddler takes off all of her clothes looking for it, even though you know it has just been removed.
6. You can reset the IV machines overnight, in you sleep, every 30 minutes without waking up once and still call it a good nights sleep.
5. You have a kid who did not wake up by 5 AM on Christmas morning.
4. You kid takes more pills than you.
3. When you say "Get up and smell the coffee" your kids says "Tje coffee's going to make me puke"
2. When your kid asks for a Happy Meal you don't say, "Wait until we get home to eat." Rather, "Really?"
1. Your best friend buys you a relaxation tape for your birthday and you swear it doesn't work right.

Have the best of weekends. Always keep cancer kids in your prayers, I know they need every single one.
Love always

Thursday, January 09, 2003 at 05:58 PM (CST)

Is it cold out, o my gosh this morning I almost blew away on the way into school. It was the same ole day at school nothing to big except for a test and well whatever else we did, I can't remember right now, my memory is bad, well at least right now it is. I have lots of homework to do but it's Thursday, Must See Tv is on and that means great shows and they're all starting new ones again. I will have to make sure to watch them or at least tape them.

I had an interesting day because I ended up called the hospital this morning because I have been having this cough that won't go away and last time I had it I had phnomenia, I don't know how to spell it but you know right. So I talked to Dr.Neglia and he said to have it checked out here in Albany so that I didn't have to come all the way down there. So I called my mom to make an appointment and she called back and it was for 3:00. I got checked in and met with the doc and he ended up called back down to the U to talk with my doctor and they came to the conclusion of giving me this inhaler thing, different from the one I have already. The doc in Albany didn't think I had phomoneia so will see how this new med works.

I am off to do my home work but first today top 10 list
"You know your a chemo mom when"
10. Your child can easily pronuounce "Neuroblastoma," "chemotherapy" and "coagulate," but has trouble pronouncing the state you live in.
9. Your child uses legos to build "MRI" machines.
8. You hear yourself say the words, "I'll buy you anything you want" at least twice a month.
7. You have been asked by more thatn 25 friends and family members, "So, when is your nect treatment?"
6. Your four year old's critique of the medical student's examination skills is the same as the supervising physician's.
5. Your daughter has more beanie babies in her room than the specialty store in the mall.
4. When your seven year old begins to sound like Doogie Howser, MD
3. You give out barf buckets as birthday party favors.
2. When a Paio flyer wagon is considered an essential transportation device.
1. You don't have to ask, "What's that mean" to the previous ones that I wrote on here.

There you go will be right back with Brad Pitt, o wait I'm not on a late night show. Hehehehe
Love lots

Wednesday, January 08, 2003 at 05:17 PM (CST)

Isn't it nice outside, well for Minnestota winters it's great, almost 50 degrees today. Florida right now is only 10 degrees higher then us. Okay I got side tracked for like 15 minutes, we just got a dish and I am trying to learn how to use it. I am never going to get homework done.

School was good again today, not much happened but I was so glad I got to come home after school and stay home after a little trip to pick Taylor up from choir at 4:00. It's getting down to the end of the semester so the teachers are pileing everything on and it's come on hard. But i think I have the worst homework to have, it homework thats due in a week so I don't do it right away so it comes down to the last minutes and then I finish it. I am getting better though in not doing that.

Right now nothing else has happened today so I will go stright to todays top 10 list

"You know your a chemo mom when"
10. You and your hubby get matching strss tattoos for fun.
9. You start teaching your daughter the parts of her body, and you point to her chest, and she says that's her port.
8. None of the security guards on the pediatric floor ask for your ID anymore and your on first-name basis with the operating room staff.
7. Medical students borrow your notes.
6. Your toddler refuses to sit on Santa's lap because he's too germy from all the other kids.
5. You wrap presents and packages with medical tape.
4. Your main source of nutrition comes from aspirin.
3. Your child is more familiar with CT scan and bone scan pictures than the portrait studio.
2. When you use the term six-pack, you are talking about platelets not muscels.
1. Your child is going on a field trip and wants to know if you have signed his "remission" slip.

O my mom is calling dinner time. I will write tomorrow.
Love always

Tuesday, January 07, 2003 at 06:31 PM (CST)

Good Tuesday to you all. Today was a great day. I love having great days. I wish it could always stay like this even though I know it will come to an end in 2 weeks, but you bet that will come back again. I betch ya I will be up with in 2 weeks after my surgery running around and always being busy. It's good for me, it keeps my mind of everything else that's going on in my life. I am feeling great and am happy as always. I am happy to be alive and live every moment because you never know what tomorrow will bring.

After school Amanda, a friend, and I went to Perkins and was it good. I had a chef salad bread bowl, but I ended up taking pretty much everything off of it and just eating the salad. I ended up eating only half and now the rest in the fridge for later. Amanda and I put everything in the box and we were even going to take the dressing bowl and fork with to but we thought better not, that wouldn't be nice. Were going to do this the second Tuesday of everything month. Guess where we stopped when we were done,.........Toys R Us. We went in and played the video games and we were playing with all the toys. Were just like big kids. We even played a little football when no one was watching. All you could hear was me saying "Go Long", it was so much fun. We had to play with all the little instruments along the way too, the piano, drums, and even a little guitar.

It's time for todays top 10 list, here we go.
"You know your a chemo mom when"
10. You can read the doctors prescription word for word, and are asked to decipher it by the pharmacist.
9. You know medical terminology better than your family practitioner.
8. There are 4 new Mercedes in the doctors' parking lot due to your child's payments.
7. The pharmacy sends your family Christmas presents.
6. You get excited when there is a 15% off sale at the pharmacy.
5. The local needle program comes to your door.
4. You have a syringe in your purse and you're not a diabetic.
3. You have more meds in you cupboard than food.
2. You can read your son's chart better than his nurse.
1. You look like you're tan but it's really betadine stains.

There you go another days entry, will see you tomorrow.
Love always

Monday, January 06, 2003 at 03:53 PM (CST)

Why hello peoples. Today went really good for a Monday except for the getting out of bed this morning. School was the norm as always. But I have really good news, remember my Africa paper, the one that was 10 pages. Wll I got 96 out of 100 but then I got 5 extra credit points for turning it in early so that would bring it to 101 our of 100. O ya that's the best paper I have ever written or my teacher read my last late at night and said o this looks good. Whatever I'm happy with what I got.

Pictures are on there way, my friend has to scan them and send them back and finally there will be new ones. I will let you know when I put them on here.

Yesterday afternoon and night I watched all three Mighty Ducks movies. Do you remember those? I loved them and my mom said that I always made her watch them with me. Whenever we watched a movie it would be the Mighty Ducks.

And heres todays top 10 list.
"You know your a chemo mom when"
10. Your new bathroom trash can has "Hazardous Waste" written on it. (recycled sharps container)
9. You can maneuver a double pole with six boxes and a kid riding in a wheelchair, on a tour of the hospital, and make it back to the rookm before the low-battery alarm sounds and the kid has to pee.
8. The nurses stop respinding to the IV alarm, knowing you'll fix it anyway.
7. Your 2-year-old knows where all of the medical equipment goes, and how to use it
6. Your child's first word is a medical term
5. You keep a bag packed at all times like your 9 1/2 months pregnant.
4. You can eat with one hand while you hold the barf bucket with the other.
3. Your child's bedroom looks like a Toys R Us store
2. You ask your CPA if bribe toys are tax deductible
1. You correct the doctors spelling on the chemo meds.

until I have more news, which is tomorrow, stay well and have fun.
With Love

Sunday, January 05, 2003 at 02:43 PM (CST)

O the weekend is almost over, : ( My brothers house was so fun. We got there at about 2:30 and almost right away went into his hot tube. O was that nice. Now I could use one of those. We sat in there for about an hour, then we went out for dinner at Old Chicago Pizza. Wow was that good. It was a classic deep dish, and a taco deep dish. We came back to there house and again went in the hot tube for a hour and a half. This time it was dark out and we put the lights on in the tube. They also have chilly pepper lights around their deck. I ended up watching the end of the Gopher Huskie hockey game. We watched the Scorpion King. That movie was a big box office saler, and I have no I idea how it did that. I really didn't like it but that's me. By the time it was over, on HBO I'll never say a word was on. I had never seen it before so we ended up watching it. I really enjoyed it and stayed up for the whole movie. It was over at 1:30 in the morning but it keep you interested. There is like 5 different stories going on at the same time but they're different but at the end it all comes together. Went to bed and this moring as soon as I got up we were back in the hot tube, drinking some orange juice. And that was the end of my stay.

I think I am going to put "You know your a chemo mom when" list on here everyday so I will start from here.

1. You carry a tube of Emla, numbing stuff, in your purse instead of a tube of lipstick.
2. Kids with hair look kind of strange to you.
3. You can sleep anywhere, and anything that reclines more than 15 degrees looks "comfy".
4. Your spouse asks what that sexy perfume is, and it's betadine.
5. You don't realize that sharps container is on the kitchen tabel until half way through dinner.
6. You enjoy the drive at 3:00am to the energency room because there aren't any other cars on the freeway.
7. You can name all the equipment used on ER
8. You can dx the patinets on ER before the docs do
9. You hear a truck backing up and you think the IV is beeping
10. You are so proud when your baby finally gets hair (At again 8)!

Look tomorrow for the next ten
Have a great rest of the weekend

Friday, January 03, 2003 at 04:13 PM (CST)

Yah it's Friday, if it would have been Tuesday I would have been way to pooped out. That coming out of my mouth, the person that runs everywhere, and never sits down.

Tonight were going out to eat, not sure yet where but somewhere. Later a friend is coming over and will hang out for awhile, maybe watch a movie. Any good ones that you think I might like. I am always open to movies.

I have a big weekend planned full of fun stuff. I am going over to my brother's house tomorrow. He got a new hot tube outside and I am going to test it for them, you know just to make sure it works and everything. Don't tell my mom because she thinks that I'm not going in. I was even going to call my doctor and ask him but what she doesn't know won't hurt her. Anyway my brother said he had fun things in mind. And of course we will be watching a movie on his big screen suround sound, pretty much movie theater, system. I will be there through Sunday and come home and finish homework and that will be the end of my weekend.

I was thinking that I should put a top 10 list of "You know your a chemo mom when" everyday. What do you think? I think it would be fun.

Could you please say a special prayer for mitchie. His tumors are getting bigger and his cancer is spreading. He wants so much to live. I asked for my guardian angle to be with him. I want so bad for him to get better. They have a vactaion coming up, and I really would like for him to make it. Thank you

Have an outstanding weekend

Thursday, January 02, 2003 at 08:02 PM (CST)

It's my mom's birthday today as you can tell. I found out how old she is but I think I would be in a little to much trouble if I put it on here. My dad and I got her one of those in side grills, I forget the guys name but you know what I mean. We also got her a puzzle, and this carpet checkers game. I don't have to worry about her seeing this becasue, well lets say computers are of greek desent. I have to give her one thing, she knows how to turn it on.

My 2 aunts, my moms sisters, came to visit her and then we went out to eat. I got to see my cousin that I haven't seen in awhile. It was great to just sit and visit.

It was back to school today. Up early and no sleepen in. It was a easy getting back into it. It was great seeing everyone. Everything fell back into place just when I left.

The surgery date it set. January 23 at 9:30, I have to be there at 7:30. Dr. Madduas will do the surgery again since he had good outcome last time, knock on wood. I will have 3 days into my 3rd quarter at school, so I will find out who is in my classes and kind of get a feel for the class.

Last night I couldn't fall asleep, and I had found a website with statements with "You know your a chemo mom when?.........., and then there were like 400 of them. I thought of some of my own.
MY List
You know your a chemo mom when..........
1. Your child says "You can't get mad at me I have cancer".
2. You know the hospitals phone number by heart or have it on speed dial.
3. Your child becomes a human cart in the mall when riding in a wheel chair.
4. You have a box full of free things people give your child when they're bald.
5. Waiting for a hour for someone doesn't seem long at all compared to doctor appointments.
6. Your child knows about how much pee they went from always peeing in a hat.
7. Med students ask to use your records.
8. When you carry a thermometer in your purse just in case.
9. You've seen all the movies on the movie list at the hospital.
10. Your child hasmore hospital booties then socks.
11. you live out of a suit case.
12. you have to vacum off your childs pillow when their hair starts falling out.
13. Your childs bed is too filled to sleep in because of all the stuffed animals they have gotten.

That's my list, I think they fit well at least me they do, some of them. I will let you go until next time though.
With Love

Wednesday, January 01, 2003 at 10:58 AM (CST)

Have you all recovered from last night. Not to sick or not to tired. I'm all good.

Maid in Manhattan was GREAT. I will really saw you should go see it. I thought it was extremlly good. I won't tell you anything about it because I don't want to give it away, but I saw you should go see it.

We watched the ball drop in time square. I think that would be fun to go to someday. But I think the bad part about it is all the people. I would be like get off of me. But hey what are you going to do. I think it would be fun. We waited then till it was actually the New Year here and said Happy New Year. It's so weird because when I was a kid I always wanted to stay up for New Years, it was a big deal. Now it's like O I was up late last night and the night before that. So it's not as big anymore to stay up until midnight because I do it every other night. But it's still really fun though.

I'm working on getting some new pictures on here. It's way long overdue. I found out that one of my friends has one and I had no idea. So Savannah I am coming your way.

Have the greatest beyond greatest New Year. Don't be to hard on yourself with the resolutions. My resolution is to beat this cancer crap. I don't have control of how it grows in me but I have control of my outside actions. I have control of my attitude. I control my will to live. And I control those 4 little words, "I'll never give up". When in fact those 4 little words can be big words, in the meaning of living or dying. And I choose to live.

Please pray for one of my friends, Mitchie. The cancer is spreading and he needs a miracle. He keeps positive through everything and is a great kid. Also pray for all the other kids with cancer or are in remission that they stay in remission. There are way to many that I know to name. But know that I pray everyday for you.

Have a good one!!


Tuesday, December 31, 2002 at 02:44 PM (CST)

I survived the dentist, I'm still alive. I went to the dentist this morning and was there for about 2 hours. They did a cleaning and then they used the drill, ZZZzzzZZzzzZZZZZ. Was that kind of weird. They gave me some gas and it was no problem. The dentist said that I couldn't write anything bad on here about going to see him. Him and his family are friends of my mom and dad. They took x-rays and I am happy to say I have NO cavities, thank you very much.

Last night a friend came over and we watched "The Last Castle", it wasn't to bad. I actually really liked it. I had never heard of it before I got it. It's about this general got in trouble and is in a jail for people that have served our country. They took over the castle at the end but the general ends up dying in the end of the movie because he stood up for what he thought was right.

Tonight I'm going out with friends to a movie, Maid in Manhaten. Were going to watch the ball drop into 2003. Think of everything that you have done for the last year. Did you do everything you could, did you have fun, did you live each day to the fullest? You never know what tomorrow is going to bring so live today and don't worry about what is to follow. Wow I don't know where that came from but it sounds good, so I'll leave it there.

Have a fun and safe New Years. I will talk to you next year. Hopefully it brings a medican to make me and tons of others cancer free. This is the year where I will get cured and go into remission for ever. I hope it brings happeness and Miracles to everyone.
Love always

Monday, December 30, 2002 at 04:05 PM (CST)

Good day to you all. Hope your day has gone well so far.

Today has been a pretty easy day. I put one of my pj pants on and have been veggiating out around the house. The daycare kids, my mom, and I have been playing cards pretty much most of the afternoon. It was actually pretty fun, there was a lot of laughing and giggling going on. We made smoothes for snack with our new smoothy maker that my mom and dad got for Christmas.

Ya I am drawing a blank with nothing to say. Lets see what can I talk about. Well school is in like 2 days again, ICK. Not looking forward to going back, but yet looking forward to seeing everyone. That's the only good part about school.

My life is pretty boring today, maybe tomorrow will be more exciting to write about. Unitl then stay well, have fun, and don't get into too much trouble.
With Love

Sunday, December 29, 2002 at 08:14 PM (CST)

I hope your weekend was good and full of fun or rest and relaxation. Today it was a little early morning for me. I woke to the door bell ringing because my mom and dad were in church and I didn't know that. So here I was running to the door in my pjs, luckily it was someone I knew.

We headed down to my brothers to bring him some of his old things that were here. Since were doing our basement were finding all kinds of things. We only stayed for a minute or two and then it was back to St.Cloud for shopping, well shopping for me, money lose for my mom and dad. I exchanged some things at Marshall Fields and got something new too. We ran into Target and I found a really cool scarf, with different colors of blue. I was going to get some Christmas lights for my room to hang up even now, for half off but well I got cut off with that one. I wanted to put lights up around my room, I think it would look kind of cool.

This afternoon I got just about all my homework done. The homework that I said I would get done last week.

I have been watching the Sound of Music for a little while now. It's one of my old favorite movies. Okay I have got to run. See ya later

Saturday, December 28, 2002 at 04:00 PM (CST)

Lets see how should I start this entry. I am again eating my "Mike and Ikes". It' a big box and there right by my computer so whenever I am on here I eat them.

I am having a little trouble getting to sleep at night. When I take my pain meds they put me to sleep right away. But then I cut down to a half pill and I get really antzy, don't know how to spell but you know what I mean, like I just took benadryl. Whenever I take benadryl, IV or pill, I get really antzy, my muscels feel like they could lift 100lbs or run a 5 mile run. It's one of my worst feeling in me. I lost track of where I was going with this..............O ya the not sleeping thing. Now last I didn't take any pain meds because I don't need them any more, my pain is just fine, I don't have any to speak of. But then last night I couldn't get to sleep for an hour because I would just shake to get the antzyness out of me. Then I woke up in the early AM and couldn't get back to sleep because I still for some reason was really antzy, so I just sat up for awhile walked around trying to get it out. It took maybe 15 minutes to finally fall asleep again.

It was up a little earlier this morning to go watch my brother play basketball. There was a tournament thing here in Albany with old basketball teams. I think from like the 70s to 1997. My brother was in the 88 year team. The first game was at 9:00, then 11:00, then 1:00. They actually played the 1997 team for 5th place and gave them a run for the money. We were down by 1 point with 5 seconds left on the clock we had it down at our basket nd the guy had a clear backboard shot but he had butter figures and it went out of bonce. They ended up losing by 3 points. It was really fun to watch everyone play. How they use to be the top players when they were in school and now going against everyone.

I don't plan on doing much of anything the rest of the day, I don't think. Will see what comes around.
Will write to you soon.
Love always

Friday, December 27, 2002 at 01:28 PM (CST)

I don't know how to start this entry so I will just say HI, how are you? Maybe I could start by saying that "Mike and Ikes" the candy are really good. I got a big box from my aunt and uncle and I just opened them and they're really good.

Last night I went over to Savannah's house and we hung out for awhile with some friends. I was suppose to be home at 12:00, becasue my mom gave me the gilt trip, "I sleep better when I know your at home", so 12:00 it was until I got there and I called back and asked to stay until 1:00 and she was like "what are you saying" I said "Let me talk to dad." I always get what I want when I ask him. That was a whole story that you had to be there for it to be funny. So I got to come home at 1:00.

I got the phone call from Dr.Neglia this morning. The new chemo drug from California will not be avaliable for another 4 to 6 weeks. So the solution is Surgery here I come........Again. Dr. Neglia and I, I guess, want it out. Were going to stay on top of it and not let it get out of hand. Dr.Madaus, the one that did my last surgery, will be doing this one. He will be out of the country until January 15 but when he comes back I will have it very soon after. So I'm back on the surgey list again.

I am not quite sure about how I feel on this. I am pretty much on the same wavelength as Dr. Neglia but it's like I just got done, not to long ago, with my last surgery. I know it has to be done and I am there. I will fight till the end of my days which will be long from now. I can pull more strenght together and I will over come this road block that I'm put up against again. I can do it.

I am suppose to be doing homework right now. I have to make a molecule for chemistry. So I will be off
Love always

Thursday, December 26, 2002 at 06:00 PM (CST)

Wow what a Christmas!!! The dinner couldn't have been better, great seeing family, and fun opening presents, playing gams, and much more.

Well santa clause was good to me. I got a DVD player along with some DVDs. I got some clothes, money, and chocolate. I also got one of those new little remote control cars. It's for the kid in me that shows all the time. So I was playing with that yesterday and today.

You probably want to get to the good not so good news. My dad and I headed out the door at about 5:45 this morning to head down tot he cities. The traffic was perfect this morning and we ended up getting there a little early so we had a quick breakfast before my scan at 8:00. The scan went good but the IV wasn't working very well so we had to putz around with that for awhile but it worked after alittle bit. I ran up to the floor to see if any of my favorite nurses were up there, because I knew none of my favorite patients were there. There were only like 3 nurses there. Which was very good because that meant there were very few patients there. Which was good becasue that meant they were home for Christmas. Okay wow did that make any sence. Anyway, I went over to the clinic and actually got in right away, I saw one of my side doctor people that helps out every once and awhile, because Dr. Neglia was going to go look at my scans. I went to get my blood drawn, it took 4 times for one of my ports. Someone different came in and got it right away. Once I was done with that, my doctor was wating for me. Guess what happened, they LOST all my scans, no no they miss placed them. Dr. Neglia said that it might be hours before he got to read it. It ended up that Dr. Madaus had them in his office. Once all was read, are you ready, after I dragged it out this long, The scans were CLEAR where they did the surgery. YYAAHH THe othere spot that they left in , the one that wasn't doing anything, hasn't chaged at all. Another YYAAHH, BUT, there always has to be a but, there is a spot on my right side now. It was there for a little while but it wasn't quite noticeable but it is now. So the fight continues and boy will it continue, I'm not giving up. It's a never ending battle for me. So Dr. Neglia put my name into a study, for some newer drugs. They will page him tomorrow from California and tell him where he and I are at with a time line. I will know more about that tomorrow and let you know.

Boy was that long and most of it probably didn't make sence. I got to see Tyler from camp today, he's doing good. He was in for a spinal tap.

Okay Okay I will be done with this entry, I'm sure your sleeping by now. If you can't fall asleep tonight just come read my website and that will put you to sleep.
With Love

Wednesday, December 25, 2002 at 10:45 AM (CST)

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Were off to the cities to celebrate Christmas at my aunt and uncles house. Santa stopped by last night and I got everything that I asked for. I hope you did too. I hope you make it to your destination safely and back again. I wish you the Very Merry Christmas.
With Love

Tuesday, December 24, 2002 at 12:45 PM (CST)

It's here, Chirstmas Eve, wellin another couple hours but it's here and I can't believe it. It doesn't seem like it's Christmas yet, I don't know why. Maybe because Thanksgiving was so late, I don't know.

I got some homework done yesterday after I played hockey down the hallway with the kids, between playing play station, and before making my ginger bread house. My ginger bread house turned out great. I like it very much so. I think we are planing on saving it and not eating it. I don't think we would have eaten it in the first place because the ginger bread is hard. I had gotten a kit to make it so it came with all the stuff. I just supplied extra candy that I wanted to have on it. I even made a snowman, and pine trees.

Tonight we are going to 5:00 mass in Albany and my mom made chili. We never had chili on Christmas before but hey what the heck why not. It smells really good and that's coming from me who really doesn't like hamburger that much. I think after wards we will open some gifts and do some fun things.

I wish you the best Christmas ever. I will be saying a special prayer for all the cancer kids and teens that I know. They mean so much to me and you do too.
Have a fun and safe Christmas Eve
Love always

Monday, December 23, 2002 at 09:33 AM (CST)

Good Monday morning to you all. I hope you had a fun filled, running around for last minute gifts, weekend. At least that's what we were doing this weekend. Running from store to store trying to find that perfect gift that wasn't found before. It was so busy in St.Cloud, hardle any room to walk. But I think we have all the gifts and I think most of them are wrapped and we are set.

So that's what we were doing yesterday, shopping, shopping, and more shopping. We even ate at Olive Garden, it wasn't to bad. My mom and I had the same thing but her's had chicken and mine just had the noddles. We should have shared because she had half a plate left and I had over half a plate left, but it was all good.

Today it's playing with the daycare kids asnd making my gingerbread house. I had wanted to make one so we got a kit and it's all there already, all I have to do is put it together. I am really excited to make it too. It's the little thing in life that I like.

Well as you can guess I didn't get any of my homework done this weekend, and I actually wanted to get it done but had no drive to do it. So I'm going to try and finish it up today.

I go back for scans the day after Christmas, so Thursday. Scan days are always scary day, I'm sure for anyone. It's the day of truth, and sometimes the truth is never good. Could you say a small prayer that the scans go good and that the surgery really took out everything. It would be the best most ever best Christmas present it the whole world if my scans came out clear. You don't know how much I hope and pray that they are clear.

If you don't read this any other time before Christmas I wish you and your family a Very Merry Christmas. I hope it's filled with family and friends, and with lots of hugs. I hope you get what ever you asked santa for.
Merry Christmas

Saturday, December 21, 2002 at 12:09 PM (CST)

O the weekend. Don't you just love the weekends. Babysitting went good last night. After school yesterday friends and I exchanged gifts. I got the DVD movie of Lilo and stitch, and finaly got a chia pet. I asked for a chia pet for the last 2 years. I loved everything that I got. On Christmas day were heading to my aunt and uncles house in the cities. I love going to there house for chirstmas. They always have everything looking nice and my aunt always does a good job cooking.

I'm going to try and get all my school stuff done this weekend so I don't have to worry about it. Ya will see if that happens, even though I do want to get it done. I did good on my test in World Geo. yesterday. We were taking notes all day everyday for the last 4 days so that we could take that test on Friday. But I'm glad that I did good on it because I really didn't know that much about it, but I guess I did.

I don't think we are going to be doing that much today. The painter guy is here painting the basement, but I think he's just about done. I think we might run into St.Cloud and finish up some last minute shopping. I have to pick up one more gift. And I think I will be done.

We just got our Christmas letters sent out today, sorry for them being late. And for all of you that I don't know your address, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. That's what I wrote in them. Always thank you for everything. For the prayers, thoughts, cards, gifts, and the hello's, for everything, thank you.
Love always

Thursday, December 19, 2002 at 06:03 PM (CST)

Hey everyone, it's going to be a short entry today. I have to hurry up and finish all my gift wrapping for friends because I plan on giving them their gift tomorrow. Then wrap my mom and dads gifts. I have to finish homework for our last day for 2 weeks, well almost 2 weeks. Because tonight is the BIG night, it's the last show for SURVIVOR. Remeber my family is reality show frecks. Last night my mom and I watched the end of Amazing Race too. Like I said they're great. I got my Africa paper turned into today so it's out of my hands from now until after Christmas. I plan on doing all my homework for Christmas break done all this weekend so then I don't have to worry about it at all and I can sit and do nothing. Me do nothing, I don't think so.
I hope you are having a happy holiday season and be safe on the roads.

Wednesday, December 18, 2002 at 05:02 PM (CST)

It's a foggy, ice filled day out there today. That's okay if I don't have to drive anywhere.

I think tonight is one of my nights off in a couple days. It will be good to just sit and watch a movie/tv. I already did my homework and my Africa paper is total done. I just have to find out tomorrow if the bibliagraphy page goes in the back of my report or in the back of my maps and the very end of everything. If any of you know that could you write a little note. I'm thinking it's at the very end of everything.

It was another good day. I'm feeling GREAT and living it great. I get to be with my friends. Dustin and I talk about our regular survivor talk in the morning because tomorrow night is that last show. Can't wait. Always have fun in chemistry with great friends and world geo. School isn't that bad. People my age that go everyday hate it by now but I don't think it's that bad. O my gosh I better check the temp, I may feel slightly warm.

Our basement is going good. They put dry wall up yesterday, I think. and are redoing the stairs today, or they were until something broke. And Yes Mary I wrote on the boards. Now 60 years from now somebody will find it, I think that's pretty cool. Okay that's just me.

Be safe on the roads.
Love always and always

Tuesday, December 17, 2002 at 10:32 PM (CST)

Did you see it outside right now it's raining. Is that normal for now. Well that rain is going to be pure ice tomorrow morning and probably is already ice. Crutches and ice don't mix very well and you can see why I'm already afraid of going to school. Once I get it I'll be just fine.

Just as my life was and still is, I'll I do is run run run, not really. Ha Ha Pep band went good homework is going good, all is going good.

For the last week or so I felt like I had a normal life, that I never had caner, except for the no leg part and very short hair. But it was good getting back into the seing of things. I pray so very hard that my scans will come out perfect. Because this is really starting to get tiring. Not that I'm saying anything about giving up because I still will never give up. I want so badly for a normal life. Not going to the hospital and clinc every month. Not being sick all the time. Not being weak whenever you get chemo. To go a whole quarter of school and not miss like 10 days. People that don't have cancer can sometimes take their life for grantued, that it's always going to be normal. That's probably what I thought before I got cancer. But from here on out I will never take my life for grantued. There are very few things that I take for grantued nowif any. I am so thankful that I'm alive and can do as much as I do. Sometimes my "normal" life is threatened by a cough which always meant that something was going wrong again. Again I have a cough and things always linger around in the back of my mind. There's not a day that goes by where I think it could be back, I never know. I just have to go with the positive thoughts and keep fighting. I say a prayer everyday saying thank you for letting me be alive. I love each and everyday that I can be here with my family and friends. They help me so much. They including you to make me the person that I am today. Thanks for doing that. You are always and will always be with me.
With Love

Monday, December 16, 2002 at 09:41 PM (CST)

BUSY, Busy, busy. Yet another day of running around and getting my paper done. School was good. It was the norm. As soon as I got home I started in on my Africa paper. I did that for a couple hours and had dinner. As soon as I was done I went to the Holy Family Christmas Program which was great. I went with Savannah and Catherine. It's like a thing we do every year, ever since we left Holy Family School we said that we were going to go to the Christmas programs and so far were doing good. Everyone did so well. I got to talk, give hugs and wave to some of my favorite teachers. It was good seeing everyone again. But anyway they did great. They had an old Christmas with all the origanl songs. When that was over I headed home and did yet another couple hours of my Africa paper and guess what I finished it. YYAAHH I just got done typing it all so I'm, kind of sick of typing. I'm not total finished I still have to do a bib. page, and check over everything. I'm going to have my homeroom teacher read it because she is an english teacher. Wow does it feel good to have it done.
Okay I have to end this entry right now because I'm all done typen for today. Always thank you for the notes you leave. I always look forward to looking at them. And always keep 5B kids along with other cancer kids in your prayers.
With Love

Sunday, December 15, 2002 at 08:52 PM (CST)

Okay wow it's been a busy weekend!!! This is one of my free moments that I can sit down and write this.

Saturday went good. The funerul was beautiful. There were tons of people. That made everyone cry even more that there were so many people that knew Roger. But everything went great and in order.

Babysitting went really well too. We had spagetti for dinner and we had noddle races. Tony said he won but I don't know about that. It was all good though. We did lots of stuff, played cars, did puzzles, played games, and watched movies. We watched the new Scooby Doo movie, it wasn't to bad. We started to watch Joe Dirt but Brenda came home. The first part is sad yet really funny.

Today as soon as I got up we went to St.Cloud to get some Christmas shopping done. I have one more gift to buy and then I am done. I had to wait for my mom and dad while they went off and what have I said before like 10 times, "I'm better off not going into the store for the sake of my money. I'm just like my sister when she was my age. I can't go in a store and not come out with nothing. So I got a new shirt but that's it, nothing else.

When I got home my head hit the pillow and didn't come up for 2 hours. I took a nice long needed nap. But as soon as I got up I was at my Africa paper. Wow is that thing long. So far I have 5 pages and I have 3 questions to answer so I'm in good shape. I got to the point of I don't care anymore and that's never good for me with doing homework, because then I skip good things and it doesn't turn out as good. And that would bring me to 9:02, right now. I'm just eating my super, an orange. It's pretty good too.

I hope you guys had a excellent weekend full of fun.
With Love

Friday, December 13, 2002 at 04:12 PM (CST)

Another long day at work I mean school. Things are going pretty good with everything.

Last night i decoraded cookies with my mom. Well lets say I helped eating them. Know me I got frosting everywhere but that's alright, it was fun anyway. My mom made a bunch of different kinds of candy and well she needs to get all that chocolet out of here before I gain 10 pounds. It's very good though. Who can resiste homemade snickers. MMmmmmm it's good.

They're slowly but surly getting our basement done. I haven't been down there in awhile so I'm sure it looks a lot different since I looked last. It should look really nice when it's done.

This weekend I made a date with me and my Africa paper that I have to write. It's not due until Friday but if we turn it in early we get extra credit and if I can get it why not get it. It has to be 7 to 10 pages long. The longest paper I every wrote. Wait I take that back I wrote a small little book on how I'm getting through cancer. And what people could expect. That one is like 15 pages but who's counting.

Tomorrow is the funeral for my uncle. It should be full of lots of family. Also tomorrow night I am babysitting for my favorite family, the Schoenbergs.

Have a great weekend filled with lots of fun. Until next time
With Love

Thursday, December 12, 2002 at 05:02 PM (CST)

Okay today was a tiring day for me. It was a lot of walking and standing all day and running around to finish things. We are making homemade yogurt in biotech and I guess it doesn't taste so well at the end if you don't add a lot of sugar. I'm sorry I really don't have to much to write.

I have a some bad news, it's not about me but my uncle died last night. It makes me sad but I know he's in a much better place where he can golf all the time and can move his right side again. He's having a much better up there then he was having the last couple weeks down here so I'm happy that he's doing better. I hope that Cathy, his wife, and family are doing alright. They need to stay strong. So tonight I say a little prayer for my uncle that he's having a great time in heaven and that the rest of his family stays strong.
Love always

Wednesday, December 11, 2002 at 04:01 PM (CST)

6:03PM CST
PRAYER UPDATE: Will you please pray for my uncle Roger (My moms brother) who had a stroke 2 days before my surgery and is not doing so well right now. He wasn't suppose to make it through the night last night but he did. He can't move his whole right side, so please can you say a little prayer for him.
Thank you so much

Hey everyone, how are ya'll doen, as if I were a western person, ya'll. School was good today, everything was peach-E-keen.

You know what I did today, I helped the American Red Cross with their blood drive at school. It was actaully pretty fun. I watched them with what they did with the blood when they were done. I was watching them and this guy came up to me and said what are you doing. I said I was just watching and I thought it was interesting. Okay you had to be there. Whatever

When I got home my mom said that I had to go get my flu shot. I cried like a little baby.......actually no I didn't, I asked her to tell me whe she was going to do it and she said, I'm already done. Well there it was all done. It stings a little bit but nothing to bad.

Last night my mom and I went Christmas shopping and it was great. There wasn't to many people so it was great shopping time. I have pretty much everyone done. I was the human cart, I had all the bags. We only made one car stop to drop everything off and go back to shopping.

My brother is going to call tonight and I am really excited to talk to him. He's in florida taking in all the rays. I think he's hogging them all. I think he should share, but I guess I can't say anything because it hasn't been so bad here for the last couple of days. It could be worse, it could be 20 below and colder, so I'm not saying anything.
That would be all for today. Have a good one.
with love

Tuesday, December 10, 2002 at 04:42 PM (CST)

Well 2 down and 3 to go until the weekend. I'm already counting. Babysitting went good last night. We played hide-go-seek, is that how you spell it I don't know. But anyway it was actually really fun. I always had the best places to hind and once I was right out in the open and she didn't see me. Her face was a foot away from my leg and she didn't find me. I thought I was going to give away my spot because I was going to laugh, but I sucked it in and shout my month and I won that round. I had to go in early to school today and take a test for chemistry. I didn't finish in 20 minuts so I finished it after school. I think I did pretty good on it. Guess what I can finally go to the dentist after 3 years. I called Dr.Neglia and he said it would be fine if I took a big dose atibiotics. Well I probably could have before but they never said it was a good idea. So now that I have been off chemo for a couple months why not go now. I am use to going every 6 months and then all of a sudden cut it was cut off. Don't worry I brush 2 or more times a day so it's all good. But well see how well I took care of them when I see the dentist. He might get mad at me but I don't think so his family and him are friends with them. But now I have to think of the ZZzzzZZZZZzzzzzzZZZZZZZZzz sound of the drill. That's always scary not really. But hey I have had worse things done to me. Ha Ha O and I have to get a flu shot the sooner the better. I could get it when I go back the day after Christmas but Dr.Neglia said the sooner the better. So I will get that done. Make sure you get that flu shot. Okay I am done for the day.
Love always

Monday, December 09, 2002 at 04:39 PM (CST)

Guess what I stayed the WHOLE day of school today. It was so the pain meds that I was on. I am down to half a pill in the morning and half a pill at night. Besides me staying in school all day I don't have that much to say. I have to babysit tonight for a little bit and of course the lovest homework but I don't have that much. We have to bring in some things for biotech and she asked if anyone had any antibotics and there I was with my hand up. I have a whole medince cabnet full of antibotics. I got this great frame from my camp that I went to this summer. It's one of my cutest frames that I have. It was so nice of them to send it. They are some of the greatest people. O but hey I have to run I guess I am babysiting right now so I'm out of here.
Love always

Sunday, December 08, 2002 at 10:49 AM (CST)

FINALLY, I can get on here to update. That last couple days for some reason either my computer or caringbridge didn't let me on here to update. I even tried going into the guestbook and writing something and I couldn't do that either. So my profound apologies that I haven't had anything on here.

Okay going back to Friday I came home again to rest. Which is just fine with me. This week I am going to try and stay the whole day now. I think a lot of it was my pain pills that I was taking. If I stayed active I would be just fine but as soon as I just sat in class and listened or watched a movie I was off in la la land. Now I know I did something on Friday but as of right now I can't put my fingar on it. See that's why I'm better off writing the day of and not 2 days later.

Saturday I spent the whole day with my sister and her family. My mom and dad had to do some christmas shopping and they were going to pick out a new shower for the basement and that wouldn't thrill me at all. It all worked out for the best beacaue I got to go watch Brandon play his basketball game. Brittany wasn't there because she had basketball of her own. Anyway I got back in the game because I got to run the clock. There was this ladie that was going to do it and she would have had to run the clock and keep score and I just asked if she wanted me to help. It was my pleasure and I really enjoyed it. I got some homework done at their house but we ended up watching Ice Age, which is a cute movie. I love the squrial and his nut that he is always going after. My mom and dad came to pick me up just as the movie was starting but my sister said that she would bring me home later, so I got to stay and finish it. They brought me home and they stayed for awhile and looked at the nice and messes basement that we have. It was funny the people fixing our basement found a piece of wood that my brother and my sister wrote on it 1978 that was built in when they first finish the basement. That's what I want to do this time. I want to write and note or write on a board and they sign it and maybe leave a picture and maybe 50 years from now someone different will find it. I think that would be cool.

Now that brings us to today. O wait before I forget I can't believe I forgot this. Guess what my mom and dad bought me yesterday, A CHRISTMAS TREE. It's so pretty and were going to put it up today. So you know what I will be doing. And my brother left for Florida yesterday for 8 days. What a putz but I guess the weather isn't all that warm right now.

Okay Okay this is long enough, You have to get back to work if you only read this on Monday. You never know when your boss will be in just to check on you. But if he does catch you just say that your reading this website and this girl has cancer so you can't get mad at me. He He He!!!! Have an extra special day : )
Love always

Thursday, December 05, 2002 at 01:54 PM (CST)

I hope this entry finds you all happy and feeling good. I had a much better day today then yesterday. I am feeling actually pretty good. Just a little headache when I got up this morning but that's gone, history, disapered. Guess what I stayed for a whole day of school today. But do you want to here why I stayed the whole day of school, It was only a half day so I only was there 2 hours more. Well you got to start somewhere. I'm back to my old self with running around all the time. Tonight I am helping at the Elementry school for their Christmas program, there is pep band tonight, and a girls basketball game. I have to make up a couple tests and quizes in school and write a 7-10 page report on Africa. I'm sure I will find out stuff that I never new before. I'm doing a praject like that in Biotechnoloy with yogurt. Yogurt can help ulcers, and certain types of cancer. I never knew that before. I'm so glad that I'm feeling better because that was just a down time yesterday and I hate feeling that way, it's just not my personality. Uumm lets see what else do I know. I still have to think of a good gift for one of my friends so if you have any good ones, I'm all ears.
I think I am going to do some school work but I will catch ya'll later.
Love always

Wednesday, December 04, 2002 at 04:43 PM (CST)

I had to get up a little earlier this morning because we had a NHS meeting at 7:30 and you can't be late. So it was another day of coming home and I was glad to come home today. I wasn't feeling very well. I thought I was going to lose it all in World Geo., if you know what I mean. I came home and it wasn't to long before I............, well you know what happened after that. I'm not sure why I am sick. I have a headach and stomach. I think I have reached my full limit. And you know what I went back to school. My doctor thinks that there's people that take me for granite. That they always think that I should be good all the time and that I will do everything without any help, hence make-up homework,. People just come to expect that of me. But that's not anyones fault because that's the way I am. I could make it a lot harder on teachers, doctors, nurses, my mom and dad, anyone, but that's just not me. I don't complain that much, I just deal with stuff that's put in front of me and don't sweat the small stuff. I fight so hard and it's starting to show now that I'm starting to get sick because I am always tring to please people. I don't mean this in a mean way at all. I hope this is coming out right because it sounds better in my head. I don't know if you know what I mean or not. I just had this on my mind and thought that I would share it with you. Tomorrow is a new day and I hope it goes better.
With Love

Tuesday, December 03, 2002 at 03:58 PM (CST)

UPDATE: Okay I have had time to think and I still don't know much. I finished up my homework tonight. My dad got home safely at 7:00. My mom and I put more Christmas light up. YYaahh. Like I said before I LOVE Christmas lights. My mom felt bad when I told her that I said she said would you be mad if we didn't get a Christmas tree. She didn't mean it in a mean way. She meant it in a we are way to busy way. I'm sure we will get one but who knows how big it will be. She said that we were going to get the small one at target. Ha Ha I went downstairs tonight for the first time since we starting remodeling. Wow what a change. It looks so different. But then I found my old hockey skates, they were brand new, worn once, and my hockey stick. I loved playing hockey with the guys on our local pound. You don't know how much I miss that. How much I miss rollerblading, how much I miss just riding my bike. I need to get on my prosthetic. I want to do all those things again. It's been way to long since I did those things and I miss them a whole ton.
Always say a prayer a day for someone speacial and if you don't know who to pray for, pray for all the kids with cancer that they stay strong and positive, even though that can be hard at times.
With Love

Today was better then yesterday, sleepful wise. I still came home after 2nd block and came back 4th block. I need that little break in there. I took a nap again but hey what are you going to say. That kind of rhymes, o thank you very much. My dad comes home from the cities tonight. He had meetings down there for work.
Wow I am in like a brain freeze, I have no idea what to say. School was good and yah. Wow I really can't think of anything to say. So maybe I will go but I will write more later when I can think of it.

Monday, December 02, 2002 at 04:15 PM (CST)

Top of the day to you all. Well I headed to school this morning bright and early. I went to the first two blocks and came home to sleep. I was really tired and needed a rest. I then went back for 4th block. So I hit all the important classes. I found out that I am pretty well at the same spot as everyone else. I only have to make up a quiz in biotechnology and I think I am right with everyone else. So I am really glad about that. But I am really tired right now and could sleep for a couple hours. But if I sleep now then I won't go to bed tonight. Whatever. I did homework all day yesterday and I got it all done.

We are redoing our basement so there is a huge mess in our house. Anyway after this I am going to go play with my doll house stuff. I remember playing with that all the time when I was small, it was the best. My mom asked me if I would be mad if we didn't have a Christmas tree this year. Can you believe it, Christmas without a tree, I don't think so. There is no time to go get one and put it up. My dad is really busy this week and my mom has no idea how to put it up. Then the Christmas tree lights are up in the atic. I told my mom that I would crawl up there myself if I had to. Okay that was my little stress out for the day.

I will be back tomorrow to tell ya whats up. Until then
With Love

Sunday, December 01, 2002 at 10:41 AM (CST)

Good Morning to all!!! Are you having a good weekend so far? Mine isn't going to bad but not one of my best. Yesterday I didn't homework all day and I mean all day, starting when I got up, which was like 10:00. I took a shower first and had breakfast but starting at 12:00 I did homework until 5:00 and then we went out to eat and I did homework from 7:00 until 9:30. I was kind of stressing out about it because it has to get done. I am back at it today too. As soon as I get done writing this I have to type some papers for World Geo. I think I may start back to school tomorrow but I would like to start off with half days. But if I do that then I will miss Biotech at the end of the day and that's one of the important classes, so I will probably end up staying for the whole day, I don't think I should but that's what probably will be done. Someone is coming over to help me with chemistry today, but maybe I won't need him I have to check the book yet.

I still have some pain but it was getting better but then this morning I woke up with sharp pain and it hurt like heck. I ended up taking one of my fast acting pills. It will be the first time I take 3 pain pills in a day instead of 2.

Okay I really have to run, not really, but you know what I mean. I have to get busy typing. I will write tomorrow.

Friday, November 29, 2002 at 09:19 PM (CST)

I'm stuffed!!! I ate way to much yesterda even though no one else thought I did. It was such a good meal. The turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, it was all good. My sister made my favorite salad too. If where my chest tubes were healed up we would have went in their hot tube but they're not healed up yet. We watched Spider Man instead. It was a pretty good movie, but not one I need to see again right away.

Guess what we did today..........put Christmas lights up. I love Christmas lights. My mom and dad would say that I am obsessed with them. I say the more the better but not to many. But when we got home the ones in the front yard didn't work so my dad has to check what doesn't work tomorrow. We ended up going to see the new Harry Potter movie with Brittany and Brandon. It was really good, I liked it. That is a movie I would go see again at any time. You should see the first one before you see this one. You might be lost in some places if you haven't seen the first one. My mom and dad went shopping early this morning. The big after Thanksgiving sale. They said it was it was so busy that they couldn't move around at all.

My sister told me this story. Her and her husband were shopping at Toys R us and the line was 1/2 hour long so Denise went to Kohls but then that line was 20mins long but she got in front of some other people. But in that time my brother in law had walked form Toy R Us to Kohls with a shopping cart full of toys. But then when they were done with the cart some ladie asked for that cart to go shopping in Kohls. So there was a Toys R Us shopping cart in Kohls.

Hope you had a great Thanksgiving and a great day.
Love always

Wednesday, November 27, 2002 at 09:44 AM (CST)

Thursday, Nov. 28, 2002, at 11:38 CST

HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!! Eat lots of turkey. : )

This Thanksgiving I am thankful for A LOT of things.

I'm thankful for having such a great family that supports me in everything I do.

I'm thankful for have great friends at school that help me whenever I need it.

I'm thankful for having great friends from the hospital that know what i'm going through and I can talk to them. Friends that are still here and friends that have passed.

I'm thankful for having such great nurses that take care of me as a person and not as a number. Nurses that I can tell anything to.

I'm thankful for such a great Doctor that helps me in everything. A doctor that I have been with for 3 years. A doctor that will always be my doctor.

I'm thankful for great surgeons that did my surgery. They did a outstanding job. They helped me be here today.

I'm thankful for outstanding people like you that support me. I need that and thank you for giving it to me. I'm so very glad that you read my website. There are so many GREAT people that I have talked to and met because of this website and I'm so glad that I got that chance too.

But most of all I am thankful for being ALIVE. I love being with my family and friends. I love listening to people and talking with them when they need help. I love life and I think I can do so much yet. I feel that someday I will do something in the medical field and I will help kids/teens that are going through cancer because I know how they feel. I want to help.

These are a few things I'm thankful for and I know there are A LOT more that I am forgetting but you get the just of it. I hope you have a GREAT Thanksgiving filled with family, friends and of course Turkey.
love you all

Tuesday, November 26, 2002 at 07:29 PM (CST)

Okay I am back home. Well I have been home since 5:00 but whatever. We stopped at my brother's work before I had my appointment and I got to meet with some of his co-workers, which they were really nice. His company sent me flowers when I was in the hosptial, birds of Paradise, they were beatiful. The best part about it was that your not suppose to have flowers in the hospital room but none of my nurses "saw" my flowers so I got to keep them in there. We went out to lunch at Champs, soup and salad.

I got to go up to 5B and visit before I had to be at the clinic but I was glad because non of friends/patients were there so that means they're doing good. When I went to the clinic I got to see Laura and her mom Merilee, they're great. Laura was in to see the doc for when she had her surgery awhile ago. Tonya, she is from CCRF (Childrens Cancer Reaserch Fund), gave me my poster from Dawn of a Dream. They had a big board/poster thing that had my butterfly on it and people signed it for me, it was so nice of them.

Well let me get to the appointment. It went well, actually there was really nothing to big going on, it was just so they could look at how things are going and what the next step will be. The doctor that did my surgery said to give me 6 weeks to heal up. So now my doctor is putting my name into some trials for chemo. He called it the lottery because it is a nation wide trial and only a few people can get the stuff. He said that I have a few more options now then I did 2 weeks ago, so thats good. I just have to say Dr. Neglia is the bestest doctor in the world, I wouldn't trade him for a million dollors and I mean that. He's so great and he does so much for me. He has kept me alive for 3 years and counting. And he will keep me alive for the time the cancer is in me and then I can live the next 80 years of my life keeping myself alive WITHOUT cancer cells. Because you know I am still going to win this fight of mine, there is no looking back.

Keep praying for all the kids with cancer and that all the kids that are free of cancer can stay cancer free. And also that all the people that have passed away from cancer that they're living a awesome live in heaven pain free and cancer free doing whatever they want.
Happy Holidays

Tuesday, November 26, 2002 at 09:54 AM (CST)

Hey guys I'm just writting a quick entry. I am off to the cities to meet with the docs. I only have to be there at 1:45 but we are going to make a bunch of stops along the way. I thought I would let you know. I will update when I get home a little later tonight. Have a great day at work.
With Love

Monday, November 25, 2002 at 09:30 AM (CST)

Hope you all had a great weekend. Sorry I didn't write on here yesterday but I really didn't do or have anything to say. Yesterday I pretty much did my homework and that was hard enough, sitting up for that long. I was up the whole day sitting. It wasn't very good on my back and when it started hurting I knew it was time to be done. The thing is is that I didn't even do that much, which is hard to believe when I was doing it all day.

I am looking foward to Thanksgiving. We are going over to my brothers house. My mom has to bring the dressing/stuffing. Let me tell you it's the best dressing West of the Mississippi, I think that's right, are we west. My sister and I look forward to it ever year. My aunt has it down too. Michele, my brother's wife makes good turkey.

Jack, daycare kid, is in my room playing with my singing hamster that I got from Isa,Tanya and their family. It's a Disco Don, it's pretty cute. Okay this is like his 10th time pushing the buttom, wait no now it's his 11th time.

Well I am off to do some homework. Have a good day at work. I know it's Monday but hey your making money, and money comes in handy. : )
With Love

Saturday, November 23, 2002 at 09:11 PM (CST)

Sorry it's a later update; I have been busy today. I was up earlier that other days, 9:00. My mom changed my dressing from surgery and she said it is looking good. I also took off the old strips of tap from surgery because they were itching like crazy. I cleaned it up and put 2 by 2s on the scar, it's looking really good. We did the normal Saturday thing, went to St.Cloud and got groceries. We went to the 12:00 show of James Bond which if you like that kind of a movie I would go see it, I loved it, but I like James Bond movies along with action. The theater was pretty full but it only opened yesterday. Next weekend I think we might go see the new Harry Potter movie with Brittany and Brandon. We were going to see it this weekend but my sister said that they were busy, which they were. I hammered out just a little bit of homework but I got tence and I couldn't just sit there. My back started to hurt and I just stopped. I think it's dawning on me how much I have to make up. I'm just not ready to sit and do hours of homework but I know it has to be done. Tomorrow is a new day tho so I will see how I do then. And then my scar was itching and I took a benydral to stop it. Guess what it stopped it but benydral dose the opposite for me, instead of making me tired I get real antzy. I hate having that feeling. But I normally only get antzy with IV benydarl but now I do the same thing with oral so I have to watch out now. My mom rubbed my back and she worked some of it out and it helped a whole bunch.
I am probably boring you with my entry today, sorry about that. Thank you for your continued prayers they are working a miracle. I love living my life and look forward to each day. I love being with my family and friends. All your prayers are helping me do all that. Thank you so very much
Love always

Friday, November 22, 2002 at 06:00 PM (CST)

It was a tired but not so tired day. I am working on staying up all day and not taking a hundred naps. That was working out until I took those darn pain pills. Wow do they knock you out. I just took one like 10mins ago so I better write this fast. I am trying to work away to only take one pill in the morning so that I don't sleep during the day but that's not working out so well. I make it until now, like 5:30, and I start to hurt. So I guess I will be stayen with the pain pills for a couple more days, during the day.

This weekend if I am feeling up to it we might go see the new James Bond movie. I love those movies, we have a lot of them. I love the saying "Bond, James Bond".

Oh no here comes the yawning : (). I really don't have much more to say. Kind of a boring entry but what are you going to do.

Thursday, November 21, 2002 at 02:02 PM (CST)

Today I woke up just in time to see the Price is Right, great show might I add. This ladie won three cars, wouldn't that be nice. It's been a slow day not doing much. Resting up, which I seem to be doing a lot latly but I guess that's okay.

Last night before I fell asleep, I was thinking to myself, what if they didn't get all the cancer out of me. What if they missed cells and it is now growing. What if the next time I have a scan it shows a spot. There are a lot of "What If" questions. I would be heart broken if it came back. But I have to think of it the other way. What if the doctor got all the cancer out. What if there is not a cell left in me. What if I am cancer free right now and forever. There is two sides to the what if questions and I try and look at the good ones. It's hard at times because it's always going to be in the back of my mind, even when I am 30 years old and have been cancer free for 13 years. The word Cancer will be in my life for the rest of my life. That word will always be a very frighting and scary word to me and probably my family.

I go back down to the cities next Tuesday to see Dr.Neglia and Dr.Maddeus at the same time. Aren't I lucky, two doctors in the same room at the same time. You never get that kind of serves. I guess Dr. Maddeus will look at everything and Dr. Neglia will give me a time and plan on my next chemo.
Until next time

Wednesday, November 20, 2002 at 07:40 PM (CST)

Sorry this is so late but my computer wouldn't let me on before to update. Wasn't it a beautiful day outside. My mom didn't let me go outside tho, she was being to motherly, whatever I didn't get cold then.

Today was better then yesterday but I still get very tired and I still hurt a lot. At times it feels like a truck is parked on my chest. Hopfully that gets better.

Tonight I already started doing some of my homework. I am slowly working my way back into it. I am going to try and see if I can get caught up during Thanksgiving break so that I will be even with everyone else and if I'm not ready to go back to school yet then I will see if I can maybe get ahead of them. Will see how this all plays out but I will take it slow.

Because I haven't gotten chemo for 2 months my hair is starting to grow back. It's coming in dark but I think it's not as dark as it did last time. I like having hair on the top of my head. It looks so pretty. : )

Slowly but surely I am getting better. I am a fighter and don't give up easy. I am fighting till the end which will be in 80 years.
With Love

Tuesday, November 19, 2002 at 12:59 PM (CST)

Hey everyone it's great to be back. It's a Miracle that I am home already. Nobody in there thoughts, thought that I would be going home 5 days later after that major but not as major surgery. I thank all of you for the because the prayers worked so well. And my brother printed them off for me and I got to read them and made me get stronger and fight harder. You guys helped so much with this surgery because the prayers worked and that the surgery turned out to be the greatest news ever. They didn't have to do half of the major stuff that they thought they were going to have to do. 2 of the doctors didn't even have to do anything. Everything went great and I couldn't be happier.

When I first woke up from surgery I still had the tube down my throat which really bothered me. I also couldn't move anything. It was really scary. After I started to wake up a little more my sister and I started to communicating. I would spell out the words. She started at the front of the alphabet and I moved my head when it was the right letter. It worked pretty well. I hated having the tube in because I couldn't talk and tell them what I was feeling. I was so scared yet happy to be alive. I never told anyone this but I wasn't sure if I was going to make it through this surgery. I had gut feeling about everything but I was super happy to know that I was alive. I was fighting for my life and I came out on top. I wouldn't have given up in that O.R. I was going full steam ahead. I am a living Miracle. I told my doctor that I wanted to see him when I got out and I did get to see him. He's the greatest doctor and I wouldn't trade him for anyone in the world. I was in the peds ICU for less then 24 hours which they thought I would have been there for a couple days. My aunt come to stay with me on Thuesday night because I didn't want to be alone. I was still kind of zoned out until Saturday. It is a very painful recovery but I take little steps at a time. I am even up on my crutches already. I started on those on Saturday as well.

I'm still super tired and I pretty much sleep most of the day but thats okay for now. I think later this week or next week I am going to get some school work and have a tutor come over to catch me up.

That's going to all for now I am about to fall asleep on you. Again THANK YOU A MILLION for all the prayers. I maybe wouldn't be here right now if it wasn't for the prayers. And thanks for all the visiters that came. It was great seeing all of you. And thank you to my brother for keeping my site up when I was gone.
From my heart

Monday, November 18, 2002 at 09:06 PM (CST)

GUESS WHOS BACK!!!!!!!! o ya that would be ME!!!!!! And guess where I am writting this from, HOME!!!!!!!! I got home at about 7:30 tonight. They thought I was doing good enought to come home. I htought I would let you all know but, you will have to forgive me, I will fill you in on my thoughts and how everything went over the past couple days. I am extremely tired. I will be on here tomorrow as soon as I get up. It feels good to be back.
Love you

Sunday, November 17, 2002 at 09:21 PM (CST)

Another quick update today, its Sunday, a day or rest! Except for Amy, happy to report nothing but visitors and phone calls today kept her busy. She was able to hear a little segment of the show from last nights Dawn of the Dreams live via cell phone. She got to hear the portion of the program where they played the video clip of her receiving the award for the Children's Cancer Research Funds butterfly winner, she really enjoyed it. She had a suprise visit from Van from the radio station KS95, she was thrilled.

Like I said earlier she has been busy all day with vistiors and phone calls. It's nice to see all the attention, it really keeps her "fire" buring stong. The progress is all straight forward.

Look forward to Amy, hopefully returning this week, to report on her web page, I know she is really looking forward to it, even through we have enjoyed the guest appearance.

Hope all is well!!!
Amy her family and friends.

P.S. Amy said the movie "Behind Enemy Lines" was kick but movie on DVD sorround sound...

Saturday, November 16, 2002 at 01:56 PM (CST)


Short update today.

Amy is doing great, she got her test tubes out today and it could not have come any sooner, she couldn't wait. The doctors and nurses backed off on some of the pain medicine so she feels great not so dizzy and tired as in past days.

Tonight is the big night for the Children's Cancer Research Fund fundraiser at the Minneapolis Convention Center, they go all out as it is a black tie event. Amy was supposed to attend to receive an award for this year's winner of the butterfly contest. She drew the winning butterfly which is used on numerous CCRF mailings and materials. She even bought a new dress. The day before her big surgery the CCRF sent a film crew up a taped a segment of Amy receiving her award. They are going to feature this clip this evening at the ball, so she will be a star. Sorry she won't be present afterwards for autographs.

That's all for today!

Amy her family and friends

Friday, November 15, 2002 at 01:16 PM (CST)

Another day forward and Amy keeps getting stronger. She is getting strong every hour although she still has a great deal of pain which is exremely difficult to deal with at times. She sat up for the first time today and they are hoping to get a few X-Rays in sometime later today. She fought very hard to have them bring the machine up to her room but the machine they want to use is not portable. She will have to tough it out and be moved to the X-Ray room. Personaly I think she should be able to have a shot of something from the BAR, we'll maybe not we don't want to go there we'll leave that to the adults!!

They hope to remove the chest tubes tommorrow which will bring more comfort to her and should really speed her recovery. The doc said he is really impressed with how she is doing as she is a week ahead of where he thought she would be. A real tribute to her, all guts and determination.

Tonight she hopes to watch a DVD, maybe, MONSTOR'S, Inc. The hospital was on the receiving end, (donation) of two sets of surround sound DVD systems which was installed in two separte rooms. Amy's doctor pulled some stings and was able to get her into one of them. This will help pass the time. Any suggestions on Movie Title's???? Maybe we can get a Top 10 or Top 5 list for her to choose from..???...

Have to run, Amy's is getting ready to go to the X'Ray, I can hear her Ye__ing already

Lots of Love
Amy and her Family and Friends

Thursday, November 14, 2002 at 01:53 PM (CST)

Hey everybody guess who says HI!!

It's AMY

She say's "Hi to everyone" she says "thank you to everybody you prayed so very very hard for her" she has been truly blessed to make it thru this difficult surgery.

As of mid afternoon she was having the some the lines removed from her as they loaded her up with them so they were prepared for any possible complications during the surgery. Luckily a few of them were not needed as she did a fantastic job! Nice job Amy!! Anyway, she was happy to get them out as they are very uncomfortable especially when one is sticking out of your neck. Makes resting very uncomfortable.

She got her breathing tube pulled out late last night and it could not have come any sooner as she said it was very painful to have this stuck down her throat. She was aware of her surroundings put couldn't make hand jestures as she was still to weak, anyway, she a lubricant put in her eyes which they use during long surgeries to keep the eyes moist, and wanted someone to wipe it out of hers, eventually they figured out what she wanted as she kept fluttering her eyes. One of her requests was to see a copy of all the posts on her website and what a thrill it was to tell her that there were plenty, in fact lots, she had lots of reading to do. To all you "Guestbook Signers" out there all we can say is "Incredible" you are amazing, THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Speaking of eyes she said she made it to the number "6" (a new AMY record) on the countdown before she fell asleep at the start of her surgery. Sorry Brenda, Amy's friend from home, sounds like you lost the bet....."6" is the winner..

Amy looks great today as she is getting stronger and can talk again. Sometime later today they were going to move her from the PEDS ICU to the Unit 5B at Fairview-University Children's Hospital (East Bank), in Minnepolis. She was actually excited to be going there because that is where all her "favorite" nurses are.

Enough for the day we don't want her overdue it on the first day out of surgery.

Amy says thanx again to all who watched over during this difficult surgery. She feels so blessed to be touched my your magical thoughts and prayers. You will always be in her and our hearts forever as she continues onward and upward with this beautiful thing called LIFE!!!!!!

With Love
Amy and her family and friends

Wednesday, November 13, 2002 at 02:27 PM (CST)


Here's the latest, Amy is out of surgery and resting comfortable in the Peds ICU. She did remarkable, the surgeons are so very very pleased how everthing turned out. Her surgery lasted exactly 9 hours, 4-5 hours earlier than they anticipated. She still doesn't know how the surgery went as she is still recovering from the effects of the anithesia (sp). Believe me when she wakes up she is going to be one happy camper.


More updates to follow!
Thanx everyone for all the support and prayers, they are working miracles!!!

As Amy would say
With Love
Amy's Family


Mid afternoon update,

What can you say this kid, can battle with the best of them! Period!!!

As of 3:15 P.M. CST Amy is in the thick of the battle and just as expected she is fighting like a prized fighter. Her surgery started on time at 7:15 A.M. CST this morning and is proceeding through the morning without any complications. Early this afternoon these wonderful magic makers called surgeons began the very complex and high risk portion of her surgery. I can tell you via updates from her father that things are going very very well. In fact there is a good chance that they might be able to complete there gifted work late this afternoon or early evening vs late tonight as they had planned. Way to go AMY!

To all you people out there, thanx so much for your thoughts and prayers and pour them on in the home stretch as she is so close to making it thru this battle and declared the "WINNER"

We will try to give an update later tonight on how the surgery finished up. I think she has done it!!!!!!!!!

Amy's Family

Tuesday, November 12, 2002 at 03:41 PM (CST)

This will be my last entry from me for awhile. My brother, sister,friends, somebody will update it. The big surgery is in about 15 hours. Wow is the blood rushing now. I am ready to fight this battle longer and I have all my positive things to go on. All of your messages and prayers will help. They will get me through this long surgery. I am ready to fight and am in the right frame of mind. Surgery here I come. Tumor you better get your last breath of air because you are coming out for good. School was good today. All my teachers are all so helpful and will figure a way out so that I can get it done. My dad went in to talk to my principal to get things squared away for when I will be gone. Thanks to each and everyone of you for always supporting me. I want you to know that you mean the world to me. Your always cheering me up when I need it the most.
Until next time

Monday, November 11, 2002 at 03:54 PM (CST)

Well lets see what do I have for you to read today. School was pretty, well............boring, but that's nothing new.

Not much news today. Tonight were going to Godfathers pizza for my bestest neice ever, Brittany's, birthday. My family is coming to celebrate it and I have a very special gift to give her.

I found over the last couple days that this surgery coming up is becoming harder and harder to deal with. Most of the time I am just fine but when I start thinking of the bad stuff that could go wrong, I have tons of stress and my level goes beyond the regular limit. I always try to be a very positive person and that's what I will always be but when I have so many thoughts rolling around in my head, it's really hard. This surgery is still really scary for me and probably will always be scary even after I RECOVER. But I always tell myself that I can do it and it can be my answer to solving my cancer. I have so much to give yet and so many things that I can do to help. I WILL come through this surgery but it's going to be a long road ahead. I know this doesn't really sound like me, but it's always hiding when I write on here, just because it knows that I don't stand for it, and that I will do whateve to get through it all, it will be a slow recovery but it will happen.
Love always

Sunday, November 10, 2002 at 07:26 PM (CST)

Sorry this is so late I have been busy all day even though I never left the house.

Back to yesterday, The Santa Clause 2 was great. I would totally recomend it. It's great for kids and even for adults. I think I would even see it again, if one of my friends wanted to go. Maybe I will see it when it comes out in the dollar theater.

The Hockey game last night was awesome, but that's because I am a fan of the Huskie Hockey team. There was tons of fights and sometimes it involved the whole team. It was kind of fun to watch. But the game was a low scoring game so it brought funness to it. Is that even a word, funness, who knows, I'm sure english teachers know that read this. If it's not a word then it should become a word just like funner. What do you think of that, I think it works. Anyway back to the game. They ended up losing in overtime but they played a great game, despite the blood puddle left on the ice. Yes that was from one of the fights. O ya they played North Dakota.

I went to bed early last night, a maybe not that early , but I woke up feeling much better. My nose was stuffed up the last couple days, and I hda my lovely cough. But today it's much better. I got some homework done and a friend came over for awhile.
Hope you had a good weekend
O wait a minute The Albany Huskies Football team won on Friday night so we will go to the dome next Friday.

Saturday, November 09, 2002 at 10:16 PM (CST)

Hey everyone didn't want to leave you hangen so I will have a quit update. My mom, dad, and I went to the Santa Clause 2, which was great. I went over to my sisters house afterwards and hung out until the St.Cloud State Huskies Hockey game. They ended up loseing in over time but more about that later. I have had a very busy last couple days and I hate to say it I think I am maybe coming down with a cold. Which is SO not good. I will write more tomorrow but it was a little update. I need to get some needed sleep.

Friday, November 08, 2002 at 04:25 PM (CST)

Yet another day to live to the fullest. I made it down to the cities this morning with no problem. I was on time for the MRI, which went good. I was in there for about an hour and half to 2 hours. I fell asleep on the table thing while I was getting it done. I went up to talk to some of the nurses on 5B and got a little of my scaredness out which I feel better now. When I got home I stopped to visit Juli for a little while. It was a long overdue visit that I should have gotten over there sooner. Tonight I am going to the football game. It should be a good one. If we win tonight we go to the dome next week. I know I will have a busy weekend and I will fill you in on fun stuff that happens. Also My brother or sister will update my site when I am in the hospital. Thank you Mrs. Thelen, o I'm sorry Mrs. Orbeck for the flowers, I love them. There so pretty.
Thank you for all the prayers and you all me a whole ton to me. I wouldn't be so positive if it wouldn't be for a lot that you do. You have help me come so far and I thank you for that.

Thursday, November 07, 2002 at 05:07 PM (CST)

I got up this morning at 5:20 to get up to school at 6:00. We left on time and were on our way down to the cities. We got there at about 10 to 9 just before the game started. The first 2 games were good because we kept it close all the way to the end but ended up losing. The 3rd game we were blown away 15 to 1 so that wasn't very good. We go back tomorrow to play again and if we win there then we play Saturday for 3rd place.

I met my dad at the gate and we went out for lunch. We had 2 hours to kill so we headed over to the Como Park Zoo. I never knew how funny monkeys are. There the greatest, so are seals. We went in the plant thing and there are some huge plants. I found some of them quit interesting.

On the medical front. Hear I go, it may be long, I know it will be long. I met with the spinal cord doctor, Dr.Ogleve. He is much nicer then the last doctor I met with. Guess what I will be having Surgery Wednesday the 13th of November. Next week at 7:15 in the morning. I will have to be there at 5:30 tho. I finally have a date set and it's in the book, this time. He said that when they do this surgery that the tumor doctor and the vascular doctor will first open me up on the front side by making a Y, or C or T, how ever they can get at it the best. They will sperate all the veins, muscels, nerves and whatever else is in there. When they get down to the tumor the vascual doctor will do her job and sperate the veins from the tumor, and the tumor doc will sperate what he can. Which will take about 5 to 6 hours. They will then call dr.Ogleve to come in, which would be around 4 in the afternoon, and sperate the tumor from one of my ribs in the front. NOW that's only in the front. They will close me up, NOT taking the tumor out yet, and flip me over and cut a huge cut on my back. Dr. Ogleve will proceed and continue to sperate from the bones. He said that he will have to shave 5 or more of my vertebra. Now they are hoping that there are no veins in this tumor that supple my spine blood because if they have to cut through that then I could become very weak or become paralized. sorry don't know how to spell that. Hope for the best with that. Anyway Once he has done all that and every thing is detatched then they will lift the tumor out and close up. Which will be midnight. I will spend the night in the peds ICU and they will see how I am doing to transfer me over to 5B. Dr.Ogleve said that he has COMPLETE confindence in Dr. Mades, tumor doc. They wouldn't be doing this surgery if they didn't think that it would have a success rate at the end of it. He said that he doesn't know of anyone else in the world, besides maybe France, that can do this job. And there right in my backyard. The funny thing is that I have the chance to be in the O.R. with them. 3 big doctors and 3 second big doctor, 6 major doctors will be in the O.R. with me. I feel like they will get there job done, and I hope they do there extra best. It will be about a 15 hour surgery and it's the only thing they have for that day, so it's all in those great doctors hands. I have to go back down tomorrow for a MRI at 10:00. I said that I would do every scan that there is if they think it would help them know more.

Okay I think that's long enough. Please pray that it goes well.
Love forever

Wednesday, November 06, 2002 at 04:29 PM (CST)

Guess what no school tomorrow, yyaahh. It's off to the volleyball game at 6:00 in the morning. So it will be an early morning. I will have to get up early on friday morning too if I want to go to the game. I am not sure yet about that one. My dad is going to meet me at the ticket booth and then I will leave with him to go to my doc appointment. Nancy called and she thinks the surgery will be next week but that's what they said 2 weeks ago so I''m not sure, I will find out more tomorrow. I will let you know how it goes and if there is a date set.

I had to stay after school today for chemistry to finish a lab from last quarter. There are people in my group that aren't in chemistry this quarter so we have to come in after school and do it.

Life has been great this last month and a couple weeks. I have been feeling GREAT and going to school. It's like I am back to normal but the thoughts are always in the back of my mind that the fun time will end and I will be put to the test again. I have been enjoying my life to the fullest. I love feeling good and feel like there is nothing wrong with me. It's one of the greatest feeling in the world.
Thank you so much for always being here for me. Continue to pray for Nicholas, mitchie, Davis, Austin, Laura, tori, Jill, and many more. They all need prayers. There great people.
Love always

Tuesday, November 05, 2002 at 03:57 PM (CST)

Hey everyone, just a quick update. Not much is new today. We started the new quarter and it's going good. I am in all the same rooms that I had the first quarter. I even have the same teacher 2 times a day, but that's okay because she's really nice. I am still waiting for my doctor to call and give me some info. I really don't like waiting for information that involves my life. So I will give him one more day and then I will have to knock on the door. Did anyone see me on tv yesterday. As I'm sure you found out it wasn't on at any time but the 11:00 live show. Only a couple of people saw it. I wish I could have gotten it on tape because I didn't even see it. On thursday we don't have school because our volleyball team is going to state. So we have to play pep band at the Xcel energy center. I'm not sure yet how I am going to do it because I have to meet with a doctor at 1:15 on thursday and the game is at 9:00. And then on friday we have school but we still play pep band. We have to go, so that the football players can be in school. If your in a sport you have to be in school for 2 blocks to play that night. so I don't know if I should miss school or go to the game, will see. Thanks for your continued support, you guys are great.
Love always

Monday, November 04, 2002 at 05:36 PM (CST)

Well we got good and maybe bad news. The good is that my iterview was great and I had a blast. The maybe bad is that it was on live at 11:00 this morning, so I'm not sure it they will show it again or not. I told my brother to write a note on here to watch at 5, 6, and 10 but I guess his computer wasn't working wite. You don't have to worry because it wasn't on at 5:00. While I was there I stopped in to say hi to van and cheryl. It was great to see them. They have there studio in the same building as KSTP Ch.5.

When I was done with that the hospital is only like 2 miles away from the station so I had to go see Michie who is in for a round of chemo and tori who is recovering from surgery. They both are doing good. I got to talk to my doctor too, he was on call. He told my dad when he saw me from down the hall that he was going to here it from me because he hasn't found out anything yet on if I'm going to have surgery or chemo. He said it should be tomorrow when I find out but don't count on it. Doctors have a different language then us and a day may mean 2 days or 3, you just never know.

Because we were already in the cities my dad and I went over to the Mall of America. I was let loose in the biggest mall. Don't worry I didn't spent to much money. I only got 2 pairs of jeans from Old Navy, and I had a gift card. I contained myself.

That's all she wrote for today. I hope the interview is on tv so that you can see it but if not don't worry about it.

Sunday, November 03, 2002 at 11:49 AM (CST)

P.S. I know these messages go at the bottom but I didn't have it on when I actually worte it. I am not sure what time i will be on but as soon as I know you guys will be one of the first people to find out.

Can you believe I just got up, and I still only got 7 hours of sleep. A friend was over until 4:30 in the morning. Last night we went to see Lilo and stitch at the dollar theater. That movie is so good. Lilo is such a cute little girl. We were kind of late though becuase I didn't get my butt moving. I was in a cleaning mood and was cleaning my room. Can you believe that. A 17 year old in the mood to clean, like that ever happens. It was a break through in history.

On Friday my doctor never called, go figuar. But he said that he was going to at least need until the afternoon to find out. But I guess it was to late.

Albany won against Sauk Center, 41 to 25. Sauk Center was winning going into the second half but we came out on top. Now we play International Falls or Herman town next Friday here in Albany. If we win then we go to the dome. That is so cool. Also our volleyball team won last night. We go to state now down in Rochester. That is so cool.

Tomorrow we don't have school because the quarter ended on friday. I think over all I did pretty good this quarter. Next quarter I have Chemistry, World Geo., band, and Biotechnology. It will be a fun quarter. Anyway on my day off I'm going down to the cities and I will be on T.V. on chanel 5. I shouldn't tell you this because I might mess up and then I wouldn't want you to see it but whatever. It's for Dawn of a Dream which is coming up the 16th of Nov.

Hope you have a great weekend, whats left of it.
With Love

Friday, November 01, 2002 at 04:14 PM (CST)

What a good night out with the pals. We went to Apple Bee's which was good. I only had a basket of fries because I was pressured and couldn't decided and I know I like french fries. Guess what movie we went to see, "Jack Ass". O my gosh it was Hilarious. O the old guys, the golf carts,pretty much everything was funny. But yet at the same time it was gross. The movie is just about a bunch of guys who do stupid stuff. There is no storie line or anything. It's just a bunch of clips put together. It's so funny. It may be worth seeing. I actually would see it again.

No one called yet from the hospital and it's 4:30 so they probably won't call anymore but you never know. They always do stuff different.

Tonight is another big night of football. Albany vs. Sauk Center. We bet them last time but they bet Melrose and we lost to Melrose so the game is a toss up.

Have a good weekend and I will be writing you tomorrow.

Thursday, October 31, 2002 at 03:06 PM (CST)

I think I'm going to explode. My brain is reaching extreme temputures. I got some good news and bad news, not cancer wise through. The good news is that my pet scan was good. The cancer is contained to one area which is great. The bad news is that when I talked with one of the new doctors nurses said that she may be only looking at surgery in DECEMBER. That's why I'm going to explode. I said right away that if were not doing surgery then were doing some kind of chemo. I haven't come this far to have it all messed up because they can't get an O.R. time. I'm not just going to let it go. I'm not going to be push to back of the crowd. I will be heard and I was. My doctor is the greatest doctor ever. I wouldn't trade him in for anyone else. He talked to this nurse and he's going to get things going for me. He said that it would all be alright. If I don't have surgery now were going to do another round of chemo and he has that all planned out already. He has a back up plan and a back up plan for that one. He's the best. So he will call me tomorrow with the plans for the future.

Tonight a couple of friends and I are going to a movie and probably out to eat. Were not sure yet which one we want to see, the ring or jack ass. It's a toss up.

I would like to say a prayer for all the kids trick-or-treating, that they stay staff on the roads. And also for every child that has cancer. For Davis, Austin, Laura, Jill, Nicholas, tori, and everyone that I missed and I know I miss someone. These people mean a great deal to me. They all mean something different to me. These guys are amazing. They go through so much and do it with style. They are great and deserve a prayer.
Love always

Wednesday, October 30, 2002 at 06:42 PM (CST)

I'm back safe and sound. My brother-in-law brought me down so that my dad didn't have to take another day off of work. Isn't he nice. We got there on time and everything was good. The nurses even sang happy birthday to me in the clinic. They are one of the best ones but 5B nurses are still in the lead. For my first scan I had to go over to the Main hospital and check in but I ended up going right back over to the clinic anyway. They injected me with radioactive stuff and sugar. Which I found out that cancer cells, tumors, need sugar to grow. So my first thing I said is "Hey can I stop eating sugar" No that wouldn't work because your body produces that sugar anyway so it can still get sugar without you eating it. That was just something I found out and I thought it was interesting, so I shared it with you. Anyway back to where I left off, where did I leave off? O ya right they injected me with that stuff and I had to sit in a chair, a recliner chair, for a half hour and not move. Well I moved, go figuer, I can't control the energy, but it wasn't too bad. After that I had to lay on a table for 50min, which during I fell asleep and the guy was all yaking at me to keep my head stright. I had an hour and a half before my pulminary function test. You have to blow into this tube thing. I went to visit on the floor and I got to see one of my intern peoples that I had. I call him Johnny Murphy. He's all right, he's really nice.
I have taken enough of your time, I'm sure you have other things that need to be done. So I will stop now.

Wednesday, October 30, 2002 at 06:42 PM (CST)

I'm back safe and sound. My brother-in-law brought me down so that my dad didn't have to take another day off of work. Isn't he nice. We got there on time and everything was good. The nurses even sang happy birthday to me in the clinic. They are one of the best ones but 5B nurses are still in the lead. For my first scan I had to go over to the Main hospital and check in but I ended up going right back over to the clinic anyway. They injected me with radioactive stuff and sugar. Which I found out that cancer cells, tumors, need sugar to grow. So my first thing I said is "Hey can I stop eating sugar" No that wouldn't work because your body produces that sugar anyway so it can still get sugar without you eating it. That was just something I found out and I thought it was interesting, so I shared it with you. Anyway back to where I left off, where did I leave off? O ya right they injected me with that stuff and I had to sit in a chair, a recliner chair, for a half hour and not move. Well I moved, go figuer, I can't control the energy, but it wasn't too bad. After that I had to lay on a table for 50min, which during I fell asleep and the guy was all yaking at me to keep my head stright. I had an hour and a half before my pulminary function test. You have to blow into this tube thing. I went to visit on the floor and I got to see one of my intern peoples that I had. I call him Johnny Murphy. He's all right, he's really nice.
I have taken enough of your time, I'm sure you have other things that need to be done. So I will stop now.

Tuesday, October 29, 2002 at 04:25 PM (CST)

It was a good day in Amy Land. Well the last hour that I have been home. School was boring as usual. The quarter is ending and in 2 of my classes I don't do anything, but that's alright with me. Next quarter will be a little more hard.

Doctors can make my mind go CRAZY. The doctor that I was suppose to meat with on Thursday is sick so he had to cancel on me. The worst part about it is that when they called to reschedule it he said that the next time avaliable was in DECEMBER. Ya RIGHT in your dreams, like thats happening. So now I have to go back next Thursday the 7th to meat with the spinal cord doctor. I am kind of really mad because I could have had a whole round of chemo and recovered by now. So again my surgery will be pushed back and I WON'T have it the first week of November unless they would do it on Friday which I'm sure they can't, and won't. I still have to get my scans done tomorrow and thursday.

I have to say THANK YOU to everyone who sent a card or said happy birthday. It really makes me feel good. Thank you Holy Family School, 6th, 4th, and 1st graders for the cards. They were GREAT. And Joe said that I was suppose to say something about the 6th graders so I will say you guys are AWESOME!!!!! I loved all the cards. And thank you AHS office people for the card and gift. I will put it to good use.

I will let you know how tomorrow goes when I make it back home. Until then have a great day.

Monday, October 28, 2002 at 09:13 PM (CST)

Wow what a day. It's still not over yet. It all started at 6:30 this morning when I got up. I went to school but then stayed after until 6:00 stuffing envolpes for band. A friend and I were going to go out for supper but then my dad told me that my sister was coming over. So forget the dinner thing. So ya my sister came over with her family and we had a surprise my brother, his wife, and my aunt came. I had no idea that they were going to come but they were in the area and decided to stop in. We did a little gift opening and were going to have some birthday cake but I could part with my VW cake just quit yet, nobody wanted any either, so it all worked out. And I still have homework to do after this. I really don't know where all this energy is coming from but it's just fine with me that it's here. I love having energy, it's the best.

Well let me tell you about yesterday. We ate at Bucaus down in Maple Grove. They have Italinain food. The scary part was that they ordered something I had no idea what it was, (let me tell you never try anything that you don't know what it is), can you see where it's going. It was SQUID, YUCK. They never told me it was squid, they said they were little onion rings, which I can say were NOT.

It was a close on time when we left so my dad was going like 80 all the way home so that I could be on time for band. We had to make a little stop though because I drank to much lemonade. I couldn't hold it any longer and had to go other wise my bladder was going to explode. We made it home safe with no tickets from the cops, thank god for that one. My dad made sure to follow someone going that fast so that he wasn't the leader.

Okay that's long enough now. I will write tomorrow, but as most of you will read this Tuesday anyway I will write today then for you guys. Did you get what I just said? It sounded better in my head then how it come out in words, but that's okay.
Love always

Sunday, October 27, 2002 at 10:03 AM (CST)

Did everyone turn there clock back? We had all of ours done last night at like 7:00 so I always forgot what time it was. I sure enjoyed the extra hour of sleep this morning but I'm sure it will feel much better tomorrow when I have to get up for school.

Today is yet another busy day at the Mareck house. This morning I have to make sure I have all my homework done because when my dad gets home from work, 1:00, we are heading down to Maple Grove for a little family get together. Then were there for about 2 hours and then we have to rush back to make a 5:00 rehersal for my indoor marching band show tonight. If your in the area feel free to come. It's at 7:30 at the Albany High School. When that's done come home and go to sleep and that would bring me up to tomorrow.

I got an early birthday gift yesterday and it's 4 bamboo shoots. I saw them a Coach House awhile back and said that I would like some. There really kind of pretty. It's in a small vase with a frog on a lily pad and a flower. I think they are so cute.

Albany won last night against Staples, 35 to 20 yah. We will play Sauk Center at home next friday. It will be the section 6AAA finals. Sauk Center beat the undefeated Melrose last night. That will give us a little better chance on going farther. It will be a good game it will be the #3 seed against the #4 seed.

Okay I will be running now, I have to get a head start on the homework. Hope you have a good rest of the weekend.
Love Always

Saturday, October 26, 2002 at 02:20 PM (CDT)

It was a great volleyball game and BONfire as Carolyn would say. The Albany girls won the volleyball game against Sartell, actually it was a clean sweep. Albany did a great job. The fire was a little cold last night but I survived. Everyone went in the house for a bathroom break and no one went back out, it was to cold.

This morning I was up at 7:30 to go to the bathroom and I was wide awake but went back to sleep until 10:00 and when I got I up I was butt tired. So I think the more sleep you get sometimes the more tired you are. I don't know but that's what I think. I was thinking about this today. I think the word "funner" should become a word. Instead of more fun. Because I say funner all the time. What do you think?

Guess what I got my birthday cake today. Guess what it is? It's a VW bug. It's so cute. It's a green one, I would have gotten red or blue but green was the only one there so I like that it.

Tonight is the football game up in Staples-Motley which is like 2 hours away and I am still not sure if I want to go. It's a little cold out. Did I say little it's really cold out. I will have to see what kind of mood I am in later. I just may have to make some popcorn and cuddle up in a warm blanket and watch a movie. I don't know will see.

That's all my news for today. Hope you have a grea Saturday night.
With Love

Friday, October 25, 2002 at 05:11 PM (CDT)

Just a quick note. Don't have much time tonight. A good friend of the family came to visit and she just left. I had a good day in school and told the major teachers that I will be gone next Wednesday and Thursday. So they will help me out with things before hand and one even said that he was going to give me a break with the test. Tonight is pep band at the volleyball game. It's the first game of the play offs. Were playing sartell. After the game I am going to a friends house for a bomb fire. It should be lots of fun but hopfully it's not TO cold, which I am sure it will be but the fire will keep me warm. Okay sorry I have to run and eat dinner and then leave but I will write again. It's not the end of me.

Thursday, October 24, 2002 at 03:56 PM (CDT)

It's back to normal around here again. I am running all over the place and never have time to sit at home. Tonight I have to go to a choir concert, tomorrow a volleyball game and then a bombfire, Saturday football game, and finally Sunday indoor marching show for the band. Like I said never any time to sit, but that's okay it keeps me busy and my mind off other things. Today was some ole in school, took quizes, wrote papers, painted, and played music.

A nurse called today and gave me the times of my scans. On Wednesday I have a pet scan (just like a bone scan, kind of) at 10:00A.M. It takes about 1 1/2 hours to 2 hours. Then I have a pulminary function test at 1:15 On Thursday I have a Chest CT at 7:30A.M. Do you know what time will have to get up at to make it down to the cities at 7:30? Like 5:00 which is way to early for me. Then right after that I have a x-ray. I meat with Dr.Oligve, don't think that's how you spell his name but o well, ,thats the spinal cord guy, at 1:00. So I will be missing two days of school and it's the end of the quarter so I will have to make up everything very fast, to get it in. Okay I think I hit everything on the list, if not you'll never know if I did or didn't. hehehe

That is about it for today. Thanks for continuing to support me. It really helps.

Wednesday, October 23, 2002 at 03:50 PM (CDT)

Well yesterdays entry was a little hard but I am all better today. It just took some sinking in to get simmered down. I took a couple deep breaths and sucked it in and toughened up. This could be the surgery that makes it all better. If it goes good enough I may not have to have chemo after this, slim chance but you never know. I went to school today and it was all good. I was pooped out by 4th block but who cares. I had pep band last night but decided not to go because it was cold out and I only got home at 20 to 7 and we had to be there at qaurter to 7. So I said the hell with it. I wasn't in the mood to play pep band music anyway. I got a call from the U and I will be meeting with the spinal cord doctor on the 31st of October which is a Thursday and on wednesday they are going to try and get all my scans set up. They want to do like 5 more scans to see where everything is. They are even going to do a test where they inject some stuff in me and then when I have the scan it shows where there are living cancer cells. It's a new test they just came out with not to long ago. The doctors nurse said the more the doctor knows when he goes in the better he will do. So I will take that, and do 100 scans if I have too, just to make sure that he knows where everything is. One good thing about not having surgery until Nov is that I get to be at home on my birthday, the 29th. The last couple years I have been in the hospital. So that will be good.
I want to thank you for your very kind words. They always help and cheer me up when I am having a bad day. So they were just what I needed.
Love always

Tuesday, October 22, 2002 at 07:19 PM (CDT)

Well how do I start this entry. I had a good day until I got down to the clinic. The report is in and it's very scary for me as a person and as a patient. I met with some new doctors who seem very nice. One of them is very straight foward with what he says and that's the scary part. He is an adult doctor and you can tell that he hasn't worked with young people. They still plan on doing surgery but not until the first week of November, because there are 3 big doctors that are involved and it's hard finding a time where they're all free to do my surgery. There is the main doctor who is going to be doing most of the tumor stuff and then there is a vein doctor who is going to do all the tumor thats pushed up against my veins and last there is a doctor who works with the spinal cord. The tumor is pressed against my spinal cord and that's maybe why my back hurts. There are lots of veins involved and a couple major ones as well. Well fist the aorta one and then a vein that gives my left arm blood and a vein that gives my head blood. So she will have an important job. This surgery is going to probably be the biggest surgery that I have and the most scarest and the most critical. I sit here and cry as I write this because it's going to take all I've got to offer, all that strength that I have stored up, all my positive attitude, everything. The doctor said that it's going to hurt a lot more then any other surgery that I have had. He scared me the most with when he said that there is a very slim chance that I would bleed out on the table and not even make it out of the O.R. That really pushed it over the edge. I know that's with every surgery but I was just never told that before and he caught me off guard. It's a little more with mine tho because they are messing with the veins. They may have to reconstructe some of my veins as well. I will probably be in the peds ICU after the surgery because of how critical it it is.After the doctors left and my dad, brother and nancy were only in the room I broke down crying because this is something a 16 year old shouldn't have to here. No one should have to here this ever. It was way to much to handle in such a little time. I'm am still having a little hard time digesting all this and it's a lot to take in.
Please if you could start saying prayers that I come out of it good, that I do make it out of the O.R. It's going to take every last prayer and it's going to take every last ounce out of me to make it over this very steep hill that I will be put against. I have the will to live. I will fight it all the way. It will be put in the hards of the doctors to do there thing and make it all work.
With Love
P.S. Thank you Merilee, laura, and mimi for being there for me when I was done. You guys are the best.

Tuesday, October 22, 2002 at 07:19 PM (CDT)

Well how do I start this entry. I had a good day until I got down to the clinic. The report is in and it's very scary for me as a person and as a patient. I met with some new doctors who seem very nice. One of them is very straight foward with what he says and that's the scary part. He is an adult doctor and you can tell that he hasn't worked with young people. They still plan on doing surgery but not until the first week of November, because there are 3 big doctors that are involved and it's hard finding a time where they're all free to do my surgery. There is the main doctor who is going to be doing most of the tumor stuff and then there is a vein doctor who is going to do all the tumor thats pushed up against my veins and last there is a doctor who works with the spinal cord. The tumor is pressed against my spinal cord and that's maybe why my back hurts. There are lots of veins involved and a couple major ones as well. Well fist the aorta one and then a vein that gives my left arm blood and a vein that gives my head blood. So she will have an important job. This surgery is going to probably be the biggest surgery that I have and the most scarest and the most critical. I sit here and cry as I write this because it's going to take all I've got to offer, all that strength that I have stored up, all my positive attitude, everything. The doctor said that it's going to hurt a lot more then any other surgery that I have had. He scared me the most with when he said that there is a very slim chance that I would bleed out on the table and not even make it out of the O.R. That really pushed it over the edge. I know that's with every surgery but I was just never told that before and he caught me off guard. It's a little more with mine tho because they are messing with the veins. They may have to reconstructe some of my veins as well. After the doctors left and my dad, brother and nancy were only in the room I broke down crying because this is something a 16 year old shouldn't have to here. No one should have to here this ever. It was way to much to handle in such a little time. I'm am still having a little hard time digesting all this and it's a lot to take in.
Please if you could start saying prayers that I come out of it good, that I do make it out of the O.R. It's going to take every last prayer and it's going to take every last ounce out of me to make it over this very steep hill that I will be put against. I have the will to live. I will fight it all the way. It will be put in the hards of the doctors to do there thing and make it all work.
With Love
P.S. Thank you Merilee, laura, and mimi for being there for me when I was done. You guys are the best.

Monday, October 21, 2002 at 04:32 PM (CDT)

We had to long of a weekend off to come back to school at 7:30 in the morning. I think we should have been 2 hours late but thats me. School went good. We took a pratice puiz in chemistry and we don't get any points for it, but I think I did really good. O well I will have to keep all that info stashed away in my brain but then when I want to pull it back out I won't be able to find it. I took a world geo quiz and I did good on that. We got points for that one. I had to stay after school too to do a lab for chemistry. It was all good. I had to bring savannah home and the car got all dirty and we washed it yesterday. So I brought that right down to the car wash and now it's all clean. Aren't I a great daughter, I think so. I got my dress by UPS today for Dawn of a Dream. It's a huge party that rasies money for research for childhood cancer. It you want to check it out I have a link at the bottom, It's a long dark blue dress. It's so pretty. Tonight I am going to take it easy beacause last night I got very little sleep. I had to many things on my mind and wouldn't stop thinking about them. Please pray that I can have my surgery this week. Because my back is starting to hurt a little more and that botheres me a lot. So doctors you and I better get a date for the O.R. This is to much time with doing nothing. It's time to do something.

Sunday, October 20, 2002 at 01:08 PM (CDT)

I have to start my entry by saying HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAVANNAH!!!!!!! She is one of my best friends and is turning 17. What a Snowy Sunday. I don't have much for you guys today. I got all my homework done, if I did it right is another story tho. I forget if I told you this before but I will be heading down to the cities on Tuesday to meet with the doctors that are going to be doing my surgery. They want to meet me and check me over and everything. I think I already told you this but o well. My doctor won't be there but he wanted to. He said that he will find out everything tho. When I have my surgery I want him to make sure everything is going good while I am under. He's the number 1 boss, then I am the 2nd, he he he. I'm not sure why I want him to be there, I should be a pro at this surgery, I mean I have done it 6 times before. It would just make me feel better if I know that he looked in. My back is starting to hurt a little where the tumor is, which means they NEED to get it out NOW. Mine always follow a pattern and this one is not going in the direction that I would like it to.

I have lots of prayers today. That Sarah and Karolyn are having a great time watching over all of us. Karolyn is one of my friends from awhile ago that passed away. Also pray for Davis the best little man and Austin the best little buddy of mine. These people and parents have helped me when I was down and I thank them for that. And thank you everyone else, the notes always cheer me up.
With Love

Saturday, October 19, 2002 at 02:03 PM (CDT)

Is it not cold out or what. Way to cold for my blood. I am a warmer kind of a person. I went to visit my sister yesterday afternoon. I got to see there Florida pictures which were great. While I was gone my doctor called with the results of my bone scan. Well what do you what to here first, the good or the bad or the maybe. Will start with the bad, maybe news. On my right side where I broke my rib awhile back there is a spot showing up on the bone scan and they are not sure what it is. It could be a peice of my bone from when I broke it, becaues that would show up in that spot. But it could also be tumor which I am not hoping for. They want to take some more scans to make sure what it is. And the nice thing about the whole thing is that my doctor said that we look on to whats in the future and we deal with this. So he's not giving up on me. The good news it that there is nothing eles that was showing up. Nothing new in any areas. I will that anyday.

I stayed over night at Catherines last night. We watched the movie "Not another teen movie." I wouldn't waste your time on seeing that movie. It's not that great. But some parts were funny but a movie that you should buy. My mom and dad were through at 10:00 this morning to pick me up. We went to St.Cloud. I was very good. I didn't go into any stores so therefor I didn't buy anything, even though I wanted to go to the Fashion bug, they had some shoes that I had liked. These ones are more dresser, not really, but they are shoes.

Not sure what I am planning on doing tonight. I know I have to do a little home work so I dont have to do it all tomorrow. So I think I will get cracken on that. Have a good one.

Friday, October 18, 2002 at 08:49 AM (CDT)

Happy Friday to everyone. It's the end of the week and time for the weekend.

Catherine and I made it down there and back safly, it must have been the prayers. The roads from here to were kinda bad, they could have been much better, but from there on the roads were just wet and that wasn't bad at all. We got there in plenty of time so we went to eat in the cafeteria for lunch. Who thought that I'm not staying in the hosptial and I eat cafeteria food. Never thought I would do that. Well after that we headed down to the clinic to get pocked in my port so that they wouldn't have to start an IV. My doctor came and found me. He said that he got the results back from the doctors that were looking at my scans and that the one doctor wants to bring in another doctor to help out but they still plan on doing surgery. They want to meet with me next week to go over things and to meet me before they do the surgery. I really hope that they do the surgery next week because I am getting funny feelings in my gut and I don't like them and most of the time I'm right with the funny feelings. So they either have to get it out or do more chemo and my vote is for to get it out.

With getting the bone scan you get dye stuff put in you so that your bones show up better, but you have to wait 2 hours from the time you get it to the time they do the scan. So after I got the dye we went to visit Laura who is doing great. She still was a little tired but she looked great. I also got to see Mitchie, he's another guy that has osteosarcoma, he's 10 or somewhere close to that.

When I finally got to the actual scan it was 3:00. I didn't get done until 4:00. I looked at the scan myself and my left side looked good to me but I'm no doctor. Now remember it only shows cancer cells in your bones. There was stuff on the right side though that was a little questionable. But a while ago I had radiation on my rids on the right side because it was in my bones, so that wouldn't dissapear, so that would still be on the scan. I don't know it was just the cells that they radiated or there was new cells there. I will have to wait for the call today from my doctor. Wish that it's just the old cells from a long time ago.

We were finally out of there at 4:30 and on the road. What surprised me the most was that the traffic was really good. Nothing bad at all.

So that was my day. Hope your day went good and I hope today goes good too. I will let you know what the results of my scan is when I get the call. Thanks for everything that you do. I wouldn't be the person I am today without your notes that you leave. They truly help keep going.
Love always

Thursday, October 17, 2002 at 09:16 AM (CDT)

It's snowing, AAAAHHHHH!!!!!!! Normally I wouldn't be that upset but I still would. The reason today is that I have to drive to the cites with no one else but me and Catherine, and she's not an adult. I really have never driven in the snow before, that's not good. So this is my big huge warning Amy's coming down I95 and then 694 and then 94 up to the hospital, so if your in that area you may want to watch a little extra. I am sure we will be fine but it's going to be a little nervous. O I suppose you want to know why I'm to the cities, well they wanted to get a bone scan before I had surgery and I asked if they could do it today or tomorrow because I don't have school. Mary got it set up for me and I am on my way. And my doctor was wrong, the doctor that is going to do my surgery only meats with her people today at noon, so I will find out after that. I am going to start bugging Dr. Neglia when I get there.

O I have some upsetting news. Albany lost to Melrose, 27 to 9. How bad is that. Melrose just wanted it more. It was a good game and Albany played good but Melrose was just better then we were and everyone knew that going into the game. We had a good driver that drove last night and there was no incedents that happened, al got back safe and sound.

Well I have to run and pick up Catherine but could you stop now and say a little prayer that we get there and back safe and that my scans turn out good. Thanks a whole bunch. Love you all
P.S. Sorry if there are lots of spelling errors, I can't go back and read it. Just no time.

Tuesday, October 15, 2002 at 01:29 PM (CDT)

UPDATE: My entry from before was a little short. We only have 15min in homeroom so I didn't have much time to write and I knew I wasn't going to home after school so I thought I would put a little something on there. At perkins I ended up having breakfast which was really good by the way. The volleyball game was good too. We were winning two games to none when I left. Tomorrow night is a huge game for the Albany football team. We play Melrose which is a huge rival to us. I will let you know how that turns out. Friends and I are car pooling up to Melrose for the game.

Please pray for Sarah and her family tonight and tomorrow. She will be having her funeral tomorrow and visitation tonight. I would have gone tonight but both my mom and dad were busy tonight and I have no idea where to go. But Evers family know that I am thinking of you guys.

Hey everyone!!!! I'm at school right now in homeroom. It gets pretty boring in here because you really don't do anything but sit around, but that's okay you need that sometimes. So far it's been a pretty boring day. After school Amanda and I are going to perkins. I am still deciding what to have.I think I may go for the breakfast style. Now i am getting really hungry. Tonight i am going to the volleyball. We have to play pep band, which is okay becuase we sound pretty good. At least I think so. Got to go bell rang, more later.
love ya

Monday, October 14, 2002 at 04:15 PM (CDT)

Tip top to the afternoon to ya. I think that is a funny phrase but it works, that's all that counts. I had a good day at school. I had to go in early to take my chemistry test but the teacher came in later so I didn't get it done so then I had to stay after to finish it. So I just got home. A friend and I were maybe going to go to Perkins to eat after school but I had to cancel on her, I felt bad about it but if she can go tomorrow then I am there.

I am still awaiting a call from the cities. It's starting to be crunch time because my tumor has gone in a pattern that if it goes without something it tends to grow on me and I DEFINATLY don't want that. So I really hope that they call tomorrow with the plan. And it will help a little with school too because it's MEA weekend this week so we have Thursday and Friday off. It won't help a lot but it will a little and I need that little help.

My mom and I watched You've got mail last night. I haven't watched that in a long time. What do you think of those Twins. What were they thinking in the7th? I couldn't wait for it to be over. Actually I turned the chanel to something else. But on the other had the Vikings won. It would have been better if the Twins won though.

I hope you all have a great rest of the day.
with love

Sunday, October 13, 2002 at 04:04 PM (CDT)

Good Sunday to you all. I hope you had a good weekend so far, with a few more hours of it let. It's sunny out yet cold. I think it's wierd it looks warm outside kind of because it is sunny yet it's cold, cold cold, out there. In another month or so I am going to be wishing for this weather back because it's going to get colder then this. Thats what's bad about Minnesota weather. As long as I have snow for Christmas after that it could be done and I would be fine with that. But if I had a snowmablie I prabably wouldn't be saying that.

Did you see that the vikings actually won a game. I didn't think it was true. I fell asleep during it and didn't get to see the end but that's alright with me. Now it's on to watching the Twins. I hope they win today. I was going to go on a hanted hay ride in Sauk Rapids with a bunch of friends tonight but my mom thinks it's a better idea if I don't go because I already have a cold from friday night, and I can't be getting sick if they are going to maybe be doing surgery next week. My throat hurts and my nose is running, so maybe my mom is right. But wait my mom can never be right I'm always right. Ha Ha Ha : ) I did all my homework that I would be doing in class tomorrow so I don't know what I will do tomorrow instead. I'm glad that I got it done anyway. I had to write a paper on the pro's and con's about kids starting sports at an early age.

I want to thank each and everyone of you for praying for my friend Sarah and for praying for me. You guys have helped me along when I was down and you always picked me up with your messages, and I want to thank you for that.
Love always

Saturday, October 12, 2002 at 07:30 PM (CDT)

Hello everyone.

I had one of the busyest Fridays ever. I had to be up at the school at 5:30 for the big field show practice. I would tell you the whole storie but it's kind of long. Lets just say it was a TON of walking around and going up and down, up and down hills and it wasn't fun. The rained held out for us to show off the show and it was great. We did everything good and sounded good, so says the parents. We won too, which is always good on your homecoming. I was going to go a friends house after the game but I went home first and asked if I could, because she asked me at the game. I sat on the bed and there was no getting up after that. I was so tired, so I had to call and cancel but she had other people coming over so I'm sure she didn't miss me.

Today I went to St.Cloud and we ate at Granite City, which was very good. No I didn't buy anything this time but there is always tomorrow. No I can't buy any more I am out of money. I got home for like 30min and then went to Catherine's for an hour and then to a movie with Shari and Taylor. We went to "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" It was so good and funny. I have to tell you this one part. The dad, whenever you had a rash or a zit or something like that he put windex on it. It was the best part of the movie. You have to see it. So it has been a lot of running the last couple days and I'm puppering out. Is that even a word, who knows, it sounds good.

I have to end this entry with some sad news. My friend Sarah died yesterday morning. Her platelets just went to far down from chemo and they couldn't stop the bleeding in her lungs. She was having trouble with her platelet for a little while already. This one has hit home and it's really scary. I just get things in my mind about everything. Because she has the same thing as I do. It's just scary. But please pray that she is all better and pain free with no suffering. She will always be remembered in my heart. I love you Sarah!!

With Love

Friday, October 11, 2002 at 11:34 AM (CDT)

Hey everyone!!! I am updating from school because I won't have time after school or later tonight to do it. So here it goes. Today is Homecoming for our school. I am all decked out. I'm wearing the jersey, the pompom (don't know how to spell) in the back of my hat so it looks like hair. My mom painted huskie paws on my finger nails and I have huskie paws on my face. It's all good. I love homecoming and dressing up for it. We have the big football game tonight. We play New Londen Spicer. We are like the only school that doesn't have a homecoming dance though. It's kind of weird. I'm sure I will be going out somewhere after the football game. It's always easy to find something around here on a Friday night. We had a chemistry test today but I decided not to take it because I missed a day and last night I relized that I didn't know how to do. So this morning I went to her room and she showed me how to do it. I will take it on Monday morning now. I am not sure what I am doing this weekend but once I find out I will let you know, if it's interesting. They called from the hospital last night and they wanted me to know that they are not letting me hang but the doctor that is looking at my scans isn't done yet and they are giving her until Tuesday. So I should know by then. Okay I have to run class is going to start any minute and I have to go across school for my next class.
Thanks for everything you do.
With Love

Thursday, October 10, 2002 at 04:21 PM (CDT)

Okay this is going to be the most boring entry ever. Catherine had to pick me up for school because my dad had oto bring our car into the shop to get repaired. The sevice lights were coming on. And the funny part about it was that I was driving around like a week with it one and the day he made an apointment to bring it in is the day that the light goes off. But everything was fine with it. tonight I have to babysit. So I have to miss the volleyball game. I have to be there at 4:30. Which I have to go, otherwise I will be late.
Love always

Wednesday, October 09, 2002 at 04:28 PM (CDT)

Well what do I say. We only had a half day of school today. Well we were there for the whole day but half of the day we had Fall Fest. There was volleyball and girls football, O yah, girls rule. We just kind of sat on the benches with a bunch of friends and had root beer floats. It was alright, it was better then being in class and doing hard or wierd stuff. Tonight a bunch of friends and I are going out for tacos, I'm having grilled cheese, for Amands birthday which was yesterday. I havn't heard anything from the hospital yet and Mary said that she wouldn't leave me hangen. Who watched the TWINS game last night? What a game it was a nail bitter at the end when they switched pitchers. One down Three more to go, to win. GO TWINS!!!!!!!!
Love always

Tuesday, October 08, 2002 at 03:04 PM (CDT)

UPDATE: Well I got the results from the CT scan and one of my tumor spots hasn't done anything this whole time, it may have even gotten smaller. But then there is the other spot. It in fact grew about 2mm and Dr.Neglia feels that he want's to go in and take it out. He will be calling tomorrow and talking with us. He had called my brother who gave me the info. So within the next couple weeks I will have yet another thoracadomy,don't know how to spell that, but it's a lung surgery. It will be my 7th one. I have had 2 on the right and which now will be 5 on the left. We're not sure what were going to do after I have the surgery but that will all come into play when we get there. Dr. Neglia doesn't think I will be going in for my round of chemo next week. He just wants it out. But the good news about it is that there is nothing on the right side. Which is good. That is my little update.

I am home and no damage done. The driving went really good. Rush hour kind of stank this morning but what can you do. Maybe I could have gone off on the shoulder, No I better not do that. That was my first time alone, alone in the car. I think I did pretty good but I don't know what other drivers thought but whatever.

Well the results are in. I got good but not good, and bad but not bad news. Wow does that make sense. So it was a good but yet bad visit. My tumor may have gotten 2mm bigger, that's not much but Dr.Neglia is going to have the radiologist look at my past scans from when I first started this chemo, to see if it has over all gotten smaller. But it may just be stable, they are not sure yet until it is read really well and I won't find out until tomrrow or later today. The plan is still to do chemo but this time I would be doing it In patient. I forget if I told you what happened last time. I kind of got really really down. Like a depression and I had to get rid of the chemo bag or I would have fliped out. So they maybe thought I would be better off trying it in the hospital. That's what I said too. And it's kind of a good week, school wise. It's MEA weekend so I don't have school on Thursday or Friday. I am going to check with my teachers if i can stay after school and do some of those days already to make up for it.

I got to see Laura who is looking great. She has to have surgery next week and I will see her up on the floor. We can be roomies. I also got to talk with Tori who gets to go home today, she had surgery last Friday.

I will let you know how everything turns out as soon as I know.

Monday, October 07, 2002 at 04:21 PM (CDT)

Hey everyone!! Did you all have a good weekend? It's to cold out for me. Today we got to wear pjs to school and it was a little chilly.

School went good. It was a pretty easy day, nothing to hard. I had to stay after and take a test though and I think it went pretty good. For band we had to go ouside and it was freezing. I didn't have a jacket which didn't help. Tonight we have practice too, it's for the field show on friday. I will be wearing layers of clothes. I am playing the bells, not that anyone can here them anyway, but I guess it works.

Did I mention yesterday that I have to drive down to the cities ALONE tomorrow. Well my dad will be in front of me in a different car on the way down but on the way back it's all ME, no one else in the car at all. So this is my warning to you now. WATCH OUT!!!!! : )

O does anyone want to hear/read about my shopping. Well it came true again. I ended up buying shoes this time from American Eagle. They are so cool. They have orange laces and are brown boots. They are so cute. I got this really cute "Philly Pretzel Twist Contest" shirt. It's got a big pretzel on the back and a small one on the front corner.

I am all typed out. I hope you had a great weekend.
With Love

Sunday, October 06, 2002 at 01:45 PM (CDT)

AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! Do you know what it was doing here this morning? It was SNOWING. AAAHHH!!!! I am not ready for snow at ALL. Mostly because snow and crutches don't mix to well and it's always to cold to do anything outside.

Miy sister got home safely last night. She said that they drove through rain all the way home. It was a little cold for them tho when they got of the plane and were back in Minnesota. The plane on the way back wasn't very full so they each got am empty seat next to them. I have never been that lucky on air planes.

Catherine and I are going into St.Cloud to go shopping. Yes I know I shouldn't go in but what can you do I am a girl and girls love shopping, exspecially if it's for yourself. Tonight we are going to coronation for homecoming. One of my best guy friends is the junior representitive. I can't wait to see him in his tux.

On Tuesday I go back down to the cities for scans and a check-up. I am kind of nervous about the scans because I want the chemo to have worked so bad. I am working my butt off when I get that stuff and I really really would like it to work. So please could you if you have time to say a little prayer that the chemo did work and that I am still on the path and not on a detour. Thank you so much. And please continue to pray for Sarah.
With Love

Saturday, October 05, 2002 at 04:15 PM (CDT)

It's the weekend and I love weekends. No getting up early, no going to school, being able to sit around and watch tv, aahh it's the life. Babysitting went really good last night. We watched the movie "The Rookie". It was as really good. It's a family movie, so everyone can watch it. And for the guys it's not a chick flick, it's about baseball so I think you'll like. O before I forget I am suppose to say that they didn't stay out until 3:00 this morning they got back at like 1:00 this morning, not bad at all.

Remember what I said awhile ago about shopping, I would be better off not going in, well I should listen to myself more offen. First of all I had to get a birthday gift for one of my friends, I got her this really cool........wait she might read this, so you will have to wait until I give it to her. Then I had to get some new jeans. I brought back the ones that I got first because they were to short, so I got that taken care of. It was a shop, shop, shop, day. Which is totally fine with me.

I'm not sure yet what I am planing on doing tonight. I may just curl up in a warm blanket with a bowl of popcorn and watch all the shows that I taped on Thursday. I haven't watch any of them yet. I have to get on the back ball.

Have a great Saurday night. And please keep praying for Sarah and her family to be strong. Sarah is doing a great job fighting.
Love always

Friday, October 04, 2002 at 04:11 PM (CDT)

Not much news today. I had a NHS meeting this morning at 7:30 that I was a little late for but only by like 3 minutes but they had already started but there were lots of other people that were there even later so I don't feel that bad. It was a pretty boring day in school. It was the same old same old. Well as I said yesterday I am babysitting tonight. And If I wouldn't have been babysitting I would have gone to the football game, so I would have been busy either way. Did I say "would have been" a lot or what. Last night the Albany Volleyball team won. It was an interesting game but I was out of there right before 9:00 so that I wouldn't miss ER. One of the best medical shows and personally one of my favorites. I taped the rest of my shows. My sister is coming home tomorrow and I'm not sure if we are going to the airport or not. My dad will probably say that we go down to the cities enough already, but well see. Please continue to pray for Sarah and that Tori, another little friend that I made in the hospital, had a good surgery and that everything went okay. Thanks
always loving

Thursday, October 03, 2002 at 03:42 PM (CDT)

Well the day of tests is over and I had no idea what I was doing in chemistry and I think I did pretty good in world geo. Last night when I was studying for both of those tests I shut my eyes for 2 minutes and I fell asleep until 9:00 and that was so not cool. I was suppose to be studying. So I studied for a little bit yet and then went to bed because I was still really tired.

For band we went outside to pratice for the field show and it was freezing exspecialually if you didn't have a coat, like I. We were playing Croquet while everyone else was playing the music. It was all good.

You would think that my life would have slowed down by now well you can think that over again becaue tonight it's the volleyball game and I have to play pep band for it. Won't that be fun. Don't think I will be done then, tomorrow night I will be babysitting for the Schoenbergs. Who knows how late they will stay out. I say that because when I babysat there for my first time they said that they would be home around midnight and didn't get home until 3:00 in the morning. It's never ending. Wait did I say that at the begining of the week, o well.

I will talk to you all tomorrow, I hope.
Love always

Wednesday, October 02, 2002 at 06:14 PM (CDT)

Home at last. I'm all done with garbage picking up even though I didn't pick any garbage up, I drove the car behind with the flashers so the people wouldn't get hit. Afterwards we went over to the teachers house and had hotdogs and stuff. It was all good.

I have to study tonight for a chemistry and world geo. test. In chemistry I have no idea what I am doing with formulas but I guess I will have to learn that tonight before I take the test. In world geo I also have no idea what it's all about and everyone is lost on that one. No one in my class knows what they're doing. We talk about different this and none of them fit together. You would think that in World Geography that we would learn Geography but no we are learning thinking skills and religion and how to answer things. I don't know.

I'm still feeling really good. Nothing going on inside that would make me feel icky. I have lots of energy and love having it. It's the best in the world.

Thats' all for today
With Love

Tuesday, October 01, 2002 at 03:51 PM (CDT)

A day where I get to come home after school, yah. It won't last long though, I have to stay after again tomorrow to help with the enviornmental club. They are picking up garbage and I am driving the car where they put it in. So I have an easy job but I am still there. It was an uneventful day except for band. We are having a field show for homecoming and I am going to play the bells but we didn't bring those outside so I got to sit and watch with the football players. There are some of them who are my really good friends, and we were carving canoes out of sticks. but one of my friends was chucking sticks at the band players, which wasn't nice but it was so funny. I know none of you get this but you had to be there. I was laughing so hard. I haven't laugh that hard in a long time. Besides that it was a boring day. I have to figure out these eqautions for chemistry tonight and I have no idea how to do it. But I will figure it out. Oh and before I forget, Thank you Sarah F. for the answer for that chemistry thing. It was right. I talked to my sister last night, she is in Florida socking up the sun. They are having a great time. They got on the Disney Curise on time and everything went good. They had a blast. They're going to be there until Saturday and we might go down to the airport to see them get off the plane.

THREE years ago today I was diagnosed with Osteosarcoma. A day I will NEVER forget. I can still here the words from my doctor, "You have cancer and will have to start chemo as soon as possible." I'm still fighting this nasty sh**. Sorry but that's what it is. But the thing is I won't let the cancer win. It's going down and there is no ifs, buts or whats about it. I will fight until I win and there is no other answer. So those doctors better know that if one chemo doesn't work that they better find something else because there is NO WAY that I am giving up. I won't let in. This cancer doesn't know how hard I will work to get it out. It will get tired before I do and it will have to give up because I'm not. And you can take that to the bank, it's a saying that I learned.
Continue to pray for my friend Sarah and the rest of the kids on 5B. Thanks for everything!!!!
With Love

Monday, September 30, 2002 at 06:03 PM (CDT)

Was it a nice day or what. I love this weather. Now only if it were like this for another 4 months. I could handle that. It was another busy day. I just got home from school. We school was over I had to run up to the hospital to get my blood drawn. My counts are good but my platelets are being pokey but they always do that so I am not worried. Anyway I had to run back up to school and put things into bags for "TAC". We were handing bags out for parent conferences. No I have to eat then go to band practice at 7:00 for the field show for Homecoming. It's a never ending thing latly of staying after school to help out.
That's about all the news I know for today.

Sunday, September 29, 2002 at 10:48 AM (CDT)

Good Morning people around the world.
The Game Friday night kind of blew. We lost 23 to 25 with 43sec to go. We got the ball down to the 25 yard line with 8sec to go and the coach decided to go with the pass and not the kick which I would have taken the kick, but I'm not in charge. We should have beaten them, but I guess it wasn't meant to be. But it was fun anyway. So many memories and driving back to Don's is a story that I'm not going to put in here. Because my mom might see it and then not let me drive with this person again. But wow was it FUNNY. It's going in the year book when I am senior.

Really didn't do much yesterday. I finished some homework that needed to get done and went to for the usual. We ate at Timberlodge though. I had the paraire chicken and it was really good. It was a chicken breast with bbq sause on it with bacon and chedder cheese on it, Nummy. Then last night I watched "The world is not enought", the James Bond movie. I love his movies, they're one of my favorites. My dad has a nice collection so I watch them every once and awhile. When That was over I caught the very end of the "Green Mile". It's so sad, I got tears.

Today I am not sure what we are going to do. I know some friends and I have to do our thing for chemistry. Does anyone know an element whose atoms contain 3 electrons in the third energy level? I really need to find that out and I have NO idea. Hey Mr. Notch if you read this you could drop me a line or I will have to call Mr.D, either way I will find out.

Have a great rest of the weekend because it's back to work/school tomorrow. YYAAHH : )

Friday, September 27, 2002 at 03:41 PM (CDT)

It is such a great day outside. It actually warmed up here a little. It felt really good.

Tonight I am heading to the football game up in Minnawaska which is like 55 miles north of here so a bunch of us are going up. We're car pooling like 3 cars. It's going to be fun. You need to have fun once and awhile. That's what fridays after school and weekends are for.

I kind of have a bunch of homework this weekend and I kind of don't, if that makes any cents. I know thats not the right spelling for cents in that sentence but my brain is all thinked out from school. See now I am putting ed's at the end of words.

I got to stop my shot last night because my WBC was high enough. That's always good to stop the shot. Nobody likes doing that anyway. My Plts are only at 34,000 but you have to start somewhere, so it's good enough for now.

Pray for my friend Sarah who got some bad news and needs a Mircale. She needs all the prayers she can get. I believe in Mircales because I think everyone one of the kids that goes through cancer and comes out healthy is a Mircale. The things that I and everyone else have to go through and still come out good is amazing.

Thanks for everything and thanks for being here for me when I need it. Your all the best.

Thursday, September 26, 2002 at 07:58 AM (CDT)

Yesterday was one of my busyest days in a long time. Forget about that no homework thing they're pulling it on now. Here is how my day went. I went to school form 7:45 to 3:00, then I stayed after to stuff packages for band until 6:00. Come home and ate dinner for 15 min. Did homework until 8:00. Took an hour break to watch the final show of Big Brother. Then worked form 9:00 until 11:00, and then went to bed. No time for play yesterday so I am updating this from school this morning. Aren't I so nice. I had to make sure you all got a update sometime today because I didn't have one yesterday.

I have another quiz in chemistry today but that one "should" go all right. It's just remember things and so far I have been pretty good and memorizing formulas and stuff, knock on wood. Just watch i will forget everything for today.

Life is good and I am feeling really good. I have lots of energy and I seem to be getting around better in school. Not getting as tired as I did before. So I am really happy about that. Today after school I have to run to the Albany hospital and get my blood drawn to make sure the blood and platelets that I got the other day are doing there job.

Sorry if there is lots of spelling errors but I have to run the bell just rang and I still haven't put my stuff away. Hope you all have a great day.
Love always

Tuesday, September 24, 2002 at 07:44 PM (CDT)

What a long day. It started this morning at 7:30 and I wasn't done until 5:45 tonight. Dr.Neglia looked into my stomaches and he really didn't know what they were from and as long as it was getting better they're just going to watch it. We kind of have a little plan for the future and that is that I will have another round of ifos, and they maybe look at surgery if it is a good option at the time and they follow up with taking a chemo pill everyday for the next 8 months to a year. The only bad part of this pill is that it can damage my liver bad so they would be keeping a close watch on it, with taking blood tests. Plans always change but at least there is a plan. My headaches are gone now that I got my blood. It turns out that this morning when they drew blood the my Hbg was 7.4 so that wasn't cool at all. I'm still have a little trouble with the cough but the doc said my lungs sound really good and he was suprised that they sounded as good as they did so that's good. My body works in weird ways, you never know what's up with it.
I stopped up and talked with Sarah who is in the hospital with a fever. She gets to be in this new room with surround sound in it, what's up with that. Theyre getting all these new things when I leave. First they get cable, then new menus, now a surround sound room.
I think I told you just about everything.
With Love

Monday, September 23, 2002 at 03:56 PM (CDT)

Hello all I hope this finds you all well and warm because it's cold out, I think.

Yesterday my sister and her family came to visit because they are going to Florida on Thursday and we had to see each other before the leave. Must be nice to be able to go to Florida all the time. She always finds really good deals and you can't pass them up.

Not much happened in school. It was the same ol same ol. Go to class don't get anything out of it and then go to the next one. It will all fall into place sooner or later.

I am starting to have my headaches and getting light headed. I don't know if that's from my blood getting low or what but I will find out within a 1/2 hour because I got my counts drawn today and they should be calling anytime. I also have been having these really icky tummy aches and I don't know why. They kind of never really go away. So I am going to really start watching when they are the worst and what I eat to see if it's like spicey foods or sugars or something. I don't know. I am also getting this bad cough that isn't good because a cough normally always leads to something bad.

I hope you all had a great weekend and that you had tons of fun. Thank you for your continued support!!!
With Love

They just called and my Hbg is 8.7 (normal 11-12) so I will be going down tomorrow for blood and I will also be getting platlets because they're down to 27,000 and they are going to do it all in one shot.

Saturday, September 21, 2002 at 03:05 PM (CDT)

Is it getting cold out or is it just me. I have finally switched over to pants on Friday. It's the first time.

Well lets see here I think I did a good job on my big chemistry test. I seemed to know just about everything on there but what I know and whats right are 2 different things but will see. Last night I went to the big ol Albany football game which are always great. We played Sauk Center and I thought it was going to be a close game because they're number 10 and were 2 but after the first Quarter it was all Albany. They won 42-21. They did a great job. Kiss96 the radio station was there bradcasting the game. I got a free water bottle and talked to the DJs.

I was suppose to go to a birthday party last night but the driver didn't know that it was in St.Cloud and then decided not to go so I was kind of stuck which was okay. I didn't want to make them drive. Next time.

Now that I am done with chemo for a month and I was feeling better it was back to shopping. I would be better off not going into the mall, because if I do and I see something I like there's no turning back then. I had to get a skirt and white shirt for Monday night for the acceptence into the NHS gathering thing. Can you believe that I didn't have a dress or skirt until today. I'm not a dress kind of a person. I rather go for the dress pants. And those that see me know that for a fact because they never see me in one. Whatever

I am off to do some lovely homework, I just can't wait,......... ya like that's true. Have a great Saturday. Stay warm
Love lots

Thursday, September 19, 2002 at 04:45 PM (CDT)

Look at that 2 mins. before yesterdays entry. I'm getting good at timing these not that I was trying to but whatever.

I am finally done and passed every test and quiz with with very good grades on all of them. It was a long day but it all went pretty well. By the time is came to last block I was kind of dead but I would perk up here and there and that kept me going. Now it's on to a big test in Chemistry and then I should be done for a couple days, or at least I hope. I guess that not having any homework thing went out the window fast for the teachers. I'm not getting that much but it's enought to keep me busy everynight. But tonight I am going to try and get everything done before 7:00 because it's must see TV night. And it's the start of SURVIVOR. I'm sorry but like I said before I'm a reality show person. They're the greatest. If I were in the hospital when survivor was on, no one was allowed in my room from 7 to 8 and if they did I didn't pay attenion to them, unless it was between the show. They put that on my chart when I came in too, it was kind of funny because they sometimes came in there to bug me, what putzs.

I got my labs done today too and I should be getting a call anytime with them. O hold on the phone is ringing. And the results are in,
Hbg- 10.6
Plt- 75,000
Not to bad but falling and that's normal.

My energy level seems to be going back up alittle which I am very happy about.

I got a nice little surprise today. Taylor, daycare kid, brought me a card from Ms. Thelen, actually Mrs Orbeck but it was Ms. Thelen when I was there. She is my favortiest 6th grade teacher. Anyway her whole class signed a card and gave me this really cool feather pen. It's has lots of big feathers coming from the top. I will always remember her saying of "Build a bridge and get over it" and that "A Lot" was always 2 words and not one.

O and I almost forgot, I am proud to say that I was accepted into the National Honor Socitiy today!!!!!

That is long enough, way to long. But that's okay
"A Lot" of love

Wednesday, September 18, 2002 at 04:47 PM (CDT)

The days are looking up and I'm starting to feel better. I went to school today and it got kind of long but I stuck it out the whole day. I noticed that my strength has taken a huge fall. I can't even make it across school without being really tired. Even being really refreshed at the bottom of the stires by the time I get to the top, 15 to 20 stairs, I am ready to fall over. I hope that it comes back soon because I hate not being able to zip around, it's what I do best.

I have a bunch of tests and quizes that I have to make up tomorrow or just have to take in class. I have one for chemistry before school. Another one in chemistry in school and a World. Geo one after school. And I have to get my blood drawn after that. So it's going to be a busy day. I have to get plenty of rest and eat some kind of noddley thing becuase doesn't that give you energy. I know the football players are always eating it so it works.

I have been having some wheezing a little latly, which doesn't worry me but does. Because I always get that when I have pneimonia, I know that's not how you spell it but you know what I mean. I am also caughing a little more not as much as I use too but enought to bother me a little.

Okay I rambled on enought, I'm sure your getting bored but what are you going to do about it.
Thanks for everything
Love always

Tuesday, September 17, 2002 at 01:19 PM (CDT)

Wow was yesterdays entry kind of bad, no offense Catherine but it was a bad update, sorry about that, but it was an icky day. Well enough of that, it's on to better updates today.

I stayed home from school again to recover a little more. I slept in again and that seemed to help out. Isn't it wired that a little sleep can go a long way. I have been down in the dumps for the last couple of days and hopfully that will be getting better because I switched over from my chemo to the mesna this morning at 4:00. I got a great surpries, I called Nancy to see if I could get unhooked a little earlier because my dad and I are going down to the cities this afternoon for a butterfly meeting. So I get to get it unhooked today instead of like 3:30 tomorrow morning, isn't that a great deal.

Hopfully everything is on the up side now because I'm sick of being sick. But I will never give up.
Thank you all for the notes that you left. When I read them they cheered me up right away. So thank you a whole bunch.
With Love

Monday, September 16, 2002 at 03:42 PM (CDT)

Hi Everybody,
This is Catherine, Amy's bestest friend in the whole wide world. I am updating Amy's website for her while I visit her. She went to St. Cloud on Sunday to get food. Than today she didn't go to school because her chemo is crappy. But on the plus side she got to sleep all day. Her dad went to get homework for her so she wouldn't fall behind. (Isn't he nice?)
Sorry this is so short but she says she has nothing else to say.

Love Always,

(written by Catherine Patefield, did I do a good job or what?!?!?)

Saturday, September 14, 2002 at 10:39 AM (CDT)

Sorry I didn't update yesterday but it's all coming back. I am starting to get sick, icky. It's still not that bad but it's starting to come. This morning it's a little wores then last night so we will take it easy today. My dad is out at Pioneer Days. It's pretty big this year. Well because he's out there I got to sleep in a little this morning which is good.

I ran up to the football game last night to play pep band but ended up leaving after half time because I wasn't feeling very good. When I left we were winning 43-0, but we have harder teams coming up.

I'm still having trouble with my port. It still continues to bleed and I can't pin point to where it's coming out. I had to change the dressing again this morning. I think it has something to me laying on it or something because it normally on there in the morning.

If you have any exra time could you leave a cheer up note because I'm kind of feeling down there with this chemo. I always love reading the notes and they make me feel better. Thanks a whole lot. Also pray for Sarah who is stuck in the hospital again with fevers. She's needs to get out of there so she can run her garage sale.

Thank you for everything you do.

Thursday, September 12, 2002 at 08:42 PM (CDT)

A new day and I'm still feeling good which I am very happy about. It ended up that we didn't have a World Geo. test and that's on Monday but I did take my Chemistry test after school and I think I did pretty good, I hope. I will take a painting test tomorrow becaue I missed that today.

Catherine came after over aftere school to hang out before the volleyball game, which may I add we kicked Melrose's butt. It was over in less then an hour.

My new port ended up bleeding all day and I didn't even know about it untill I got home and then I called Nancy and she said to change the dressing and I did and it wasn't bleeding but know tha I got home I looked at it again and it was bleeding a little again so I will check it out tomorrow. Nancy said that it was alright that it was bleeding. Some new ports do that.

Tonight is the big crying show on "ER" I have to watch it. I watched it last year and I cried my eyes out. My mom said that she was going to turn the tv off because I cried so much.

Okay got to run and have a great Friday.
Love you

Wednesday, September 11, 2002 at 08:30 PM (CDT)

Happy Anniversary to my mom and dad!!!
Well I made it back from the cities. We got home at about 6:30, the traffic was really good.
Well my dad and I left this morning at 8:45 to go to clinic so they could check my blood one more time, and make sure that my shingles were okay. It all went well and my Plts were up to 134,000, that is really good. I was suppose to be a preop at 11:00 but didn't get there until 11:30 because I was held up in the clinic. I got in right away and they got everything started. My nurse that had looked at my shingles got all bunched up because she said they were still draining, which I knew they weren't because Mary, she is just like Nancy, had just looked at them and they were fine. So another nurse looked at them and she said they looked really good and that they were healing just fine so it was on with the show. At 12:30 I went into surgery and didn't even go under. They just sadated,don't ask me how to spell that, me and that worked really good until the last 5-10 of it because then I woke up and could actually feel them and I was talking to them. It was kind of weird. I was in recovery for about a hour or 2 and then my dad wheeled me down to the clinic, I almost fell asleep on the way there because I was still tired from the suregery, so that I could get my chemo hooked up. What the O.R. people forgot was to leave my needle in so they had to put a new needle in and that kind of smarted a little but was okay. I got everything set up and we were on our way back home. And now here I am. It was a LONG day.

I am studing for a Chemistry and World Geo. test tomorrow, isn't that just great. They have so many things waiting for me when I come back. Wish me luck in those. First test of the year have to make them good ones.

Thank you for everything that you do. Say a prayer for all the heros of 9/11 and their families. They will always be in our hearts.
Love always

Tuesday, September 10, 2002 at 03:45 PM (CDT)

What a great day out. Not to hot not to cold just right.
It was a pretty boring day at schoo,l but at the end of the day in World Geo. we got to argue about sylligism and I'm really good at arguing. It was the best part of the day. I also got my pictures too. I smiled pretty, I think. I hope they turn out because I hate taking retakes. Even though I never had to before it still would be icky. I changed what I was wearing like 6 times and I'm not kidding. My room was such a mess after I got done with it, but that's okay. Mind block can't think of anyting else. So I am going to head outside and get all this good weather. I hope you can do the same. It's just so nice out.
Thank you for everything you do. And I love reading the notes in the guestbook, so thank you.
With Love

Monday, September 09, 2002 at 04:21 PM (CDT)

Home after a very stick and humid day at school. It's very warm in our school but I'm sure it's just like that in any other school.

Tomorrow is school pictures and I'm still not sure what I want to wear. I have this new long sleeved shirt but I will pass out in that, but I think I might bring a T-shirt and change. The thing with school pictures you only see your head and a little below that so it's not worth getting to dressed up for it. That's what I think.

I finally got homework not that I'm bragging or anything but I'm just saying that I finally got some. It's in Chemistry and I'm done already so it wasn't very hard at all.

It's a go for Wednesday. I will have my surgery for my port at 12:30 and as soon as I'm done with that I have to go over to the clinic and get my chemo hocked up. It's going to be one busy day. Also my shingles are finally going away. They're a couple that are pretty much gone but I still have some other ones.

That's all for me. Keep praying for all cancer patients.

Sunday, September 08, 2002 at 09:05 PM (CDT)

I hope everyone had a great weekend.
Today I really didn't do that much. I made sure that I slept in to cover me for the week. I went over to Catherine's house to hang out for awhile. She burned me a CD. Then for dinner we went out to eat at our local dinner. My mom and I played Gin rummy like 10 times and I think it was pretty even on winning but my mom said that I won but I don't know. That was pretty much my whole day.

Baby sitting was good. They went to see Master of Disguise, I think that's how you spell it. They said it was really good and it's really funny, yet one of my friends saw it and she said that it was a bad movie and that they would have left but she paid, so I am deciding if I want to see it or not. I think I should go see Austin Powers. Thoes movies are always good. Last night I watched "Chucky". It's this play doll that is living and kills people. It's an old movie but still good. Okay that was my little movie update.

Have a good day at lovely work and I will have a lovely day at school.
With Love

Saturday, September 07, 2002 at 02:09 PM (CDT)

Wow is it a warm one out there. It's just like it's summer again, which still is ,but normally it's starts to get a little cooler, but you know Minnesota weather, it can never make up it's mind.

Last night I headed to our school football game, the Albany Huskies. We played morris and kicked their butt, 57 to 7 was the final score. I had to play pep band before and during half time.

O before I forget if you saved my website or any other caringbridge website in your favorites or bookmarker, would you please resave them because they moved to a higher speed system and it will be different now. So if you continue to use the saved one from before it might not let you on. That was my understanding. It may not change but I don't want you to all of a sudden lose everything. Just thought I would let you know that.

I didn't get any homework this weekend, this no homework thing is really working out well. I should start to get more next week but o well that's life.

Tonight I am off babysitting my favorite family, the Schoenbergs. They're so much fun to babysit for. The funny part is that this morning I total didn't remember that I had to babysit, but then my dad asked me what time I had to be there and I remembered that I had to go.

I hope you all have a fun filled weekend.

Thursday, September 05, 2002 at 05:16 PM (CDT)

HI everyone. Nothing happened today. Just did the normal. I went to school but had passengers though. I took a new 7th grader, he's my neighbor and my other neighbor, he's one of my friends. My classes are still going good. I still really don't have any homework, and it's scaring me. This would have been the best week to be gone because I am not getting anything so I wouldn't have had to make anything up. Painting is the best class ever mainly we never get homework and we do everything in class. We get to paint a brick on the wall and I am not sure what I want to draw, anyone have a good idea let me know. I think I may put the cancer butterfly on it but I can put more. I am still not use to getting up in the morning. I need to learn to go to bed earlier too.

My shingles seem to be getting better. They still burn but o well. I am feeling good just tired but that is from school.

Okay I have to run because my dad is yelling at me to come eat so I will write tomorrow if there is anything good. Sorry if there are lots of spelling errors, don't have time to check it over.

Wednesday, September 04, 2002 at 04:18 PM (CDT)

It's my second day and I am still going strong. I had another good day, just a little warm in school but it's all right. I have been exspecting lots of homework but in fact haven't really gotten any. That's okay with me but I know it's all going to be piled on.

Tonight is the big fianl for American Idol. I told you I get sucked into thoes shows, it's just bad. I really haven't watched the show that much but I have gotten into it here at the end. Also it's the month for all the TV shows to come back from their break. I can't wait for September 26 because Friends and ER start again. I am adictited to my shows and my friends can tell you that.

I am having a mind block and can't think of anything else. So I guess I am done.
I hope you all had a great day and thank you for everything you do.
Love always

Wednesday, September 04, 2002 at 06:55 AM (CDT)

Sorry everyone I had this updated yesterday but it wouldn't let me do it and I couldn't get back on so I am doing it early this morning.

I made it through my first day of school and it actually went really well. It was good being with friends all day. I have really good classes and I am with my best friends 3 out of the four classes and the 4th class I only have like 15 people in it and there is only 4 juniors. That would be my painting class. I have Chemistry, painting, band, and World Geography. I think those are pretty good courses, but I probably won't be thinking that half way through. I get to drive to school this year, and I am very excited about that.

I got some good news from the doctor today. My Plts are coming back up and I should be ready for my surgery next Wednesday. I am happy about that even though it's surgery I have to get back on the road sometime and the sooner the better. My shingles are statrting to itch and hurt alittle more but not to bad. I think it's getting better but I don't know. It should be with the big cow pills (and may I say it's a big cow) that I am taking, they're huge.

I will make this entry shorter then yesterdays so I will cut it off here.
With Love

Monday, September 02, 2002 at 03:49 PM (CDT)

Happy Labor Day!!! I would have written earlier but my mom and I had to make a trip down to the cities this morning. I had these spots on my back for a couple days and at first we thought they were bug bits from camping, but then they weren't going away. Then we thought it was poison ivy, but then that wasn't getting better with Cortizone cream. So this morning I called and talked to my resident, who I had when I was in the hospital, and it happend that my doctor was on call so he said that I could come down today or come tomorrow. School is starting tomorrow, so I picked today. I was suppose to go to the ER but he said that he would look at it first. I ran up to 5B, not literaly, and saw him and Jane, that's the resident. He took one look at it and said it's "Shingles". I will try and explain this. When you have the chicken pox the virus stays with you but you don't get it again, and sometimes when your immune system is low and your stressed out you can bring that virus up in the form of shingles. It's a rash and red spots that itch, but I have been luck because mine don't itch. I also just excaped a hospital stay too. Dr. Neglia said that if he did it by the book I should have stayed because my immune system was low but he said that I am responesable enough, and trusts me, to do the pills at home. I would have had to take them 5 times a day but there is a more resent drug that is the same, that I can take it 3 times a day for 7 days. But if it doesn't get better I am back down there getting IV stuff instead of pills.

Wow that was a very long paragraph. The traffic coming home was really good but if you are heading back down to the cities give yourself like an extra hour. It was SO busy. When I got home I was hungery, I hadn't eaten yet today, so I had some of my mom's apple pie and may I say that stuff is really good.

Tomorrow is the big day. Up at 6:30, ick, and off to school around 7:50. It will be fun, o my gosh did I just say fun, maybe I should check my temp, I might be alittle sick.

Okay that is long enough. Sorry about that but I just had a lot to say. Good luck to all the people starting school tomorrow. And everyone else have fun at work. I hope you all had a great Labor Day.
With love

Sunday, September 01, 2002 at 01:54 PM (CDT)

Wow is the time going by fast. It's Sunday afternoon already and my freedom is almost over. On Friday I went to visit my sister for the morning and part of the afternoon. I did something else Friday night too but I can't remember. Yesterday we went to St.Cloud, the usual. I was really tired so when my mom and dad went to pick up some things I jumped in the backset and took a nap, but the sun was coming in the back window and it was really hot. There was an umbrella in the back there, so I put that behind me and that kept the sun out just fine. Yesterday afternoon I went over to Schoenberg's because Catherine was babysitting and I hung out there till they came home later last night. That brings us to today. I haven't done anything today.

I am starting to have my headaches again. I am not sure why or if it's because my Hbg is dropping. But I think last week it was still okay, so I don't know what's up. Maybe I'm just getting run down. I am getting stressed out about school. Even though it hasn't started yet. I just know how hard it is to get chemo and try and stay up with everyone,because you feel like crap. It's really hard to miss a day or two because then your total lost. And with surgery and chemo coming up the second week of school i'm not sure how that is all going to work.

Hope everyone had a good weekend and have a great Labor Day, without labor.

Thursday, August 29, 2002 at 02:17 PM (CDT)

Well we made it back from bad traffic of the cities. I got some of the BESTEST NEWS I have had in 3 years. My doctor actually used the term "SMALLER". He has never said those words so confidently to me ever. So ya It got SMALLER for sure no what's, or if's about it. YYAAHH There is also another first that I have not had in the last three years, I'm Lineless. They took out my Subclaveun, okay I have NO idea how to spell that, but it's like a PICC, but in my chest. And you want to hear the funny part about it, I keep it, the line. We put it in a rubber glove and brought it home.

So here is the plan. My Plts fell again to 26,000 but my doctor said that he didn't think that they were going to be up anyway. So I was going to have my new port put in on the 13th of Sept., which happens to be a Friday. So I was like hey that's Friday the 13th. Then they said well do it Thursday but Dr. Leonard, he has done all my chest surgerys, was busy, so they are going to do it on Wednesday the 11th. Which is my mom and dad's anniversary and it's Sept. 11th. How weird is that. So I will have my port put in and then go over to the clinic to get my chemo hooked up. Wow I'm just doing it all. That's good though because then I won't have to take another day off of school. Even though I don't know if I will make it there anyway because I get sick, but we will take it a day at a time.

I slept all the way home. It was kind of funny because We made the turn where 494 and 694 meet and I remember that but after that turn, nothing. I think I fell asleep in less then a couple of mins.

I think I am headed back out to the camping site. I hope they didn't get to rained out last night and today. I am not sure if I should call to see if they are even out there. I am not going to stay over night though.

Okay this entry is long enough but is full of GREAT news so that's okay. All those prayers worked, thank you.
Love always

Wednesday, August 28, 2002 at 12:20 PM (CDT)

It's finally here not that I wanted it to abe here that fast, Camping with the girls. Savannah, Catherine, and I are going camping this afternoon. It will be so much fun. Savannah said that she didn't know how to put up the tent so it will be interesting. They're going to stay out there until friday. I have to come home tonight though. But I get to be out there. I will get to go back out tomorrow afternoon again because we are not staying over night in the cities so we are coming home and I can go. It's going to be so much fun. : )

Tomorrow is the big day again. I go back down to the cities to get scans and a check-up with Dr. Neglia. It will be a big day because we'll decide if I stay on the same chemo or switch, have inpatient chemo or outpatient chemo, if it shruck, got bigger, or stayed the same, when I start my next round, and whatever else there is. So ya it is a big day for me. I hope it goes well and that it shruck down to a little pea size or it could just be gone. We all know that didn't happen but you can dream. Also my platelets have to be up so that I can get my third different port in on Friday. So I pray that it all goes well.

I wrote my report for the National Honor Society. It turned out pretty good. I don't know if that is what they are looking for so I gave it my best shot.

Continue to pray for all the children with cancer and the kids and teens on 5B. I'm sure they all would welcome the prayers. Thank you so much for helping me through my fight even if I don't know you, you helped in some way. Thanks a million
With Love

Tuesday, August 27, 2002 at 12:19 PM (CDT)

It's a great day out and I am feeling good. This morning I took the daycare kids swimming at the motel. We just pay for a hour and we can go swimming. I didn't get to go though because I have the line thing in and it can't go in water. That's okay it was rowdy kids in the pool anyway. They were good though.

This afternoon Catherine and I are going to see "Blue Crush", I am excited. I'm sorry it looks like a really good movie. I would have seen it with sarah when I was in the hospital but I couldn't go out on pass so now I'm seeing it now. I will let you know how it is. I will give you the 411 on it. I''m sure it will be good.

I am writing this report on why I am good for the National Honor Society and I don't know what to write. It's for school. It's like a club thing if you keep your GPA above 3.50. So I am shooting for that. I followed the report form from English but it's just a bunch of repeating things, so I don't know if it will work or not. I have to get the rest of my Signatures too. You have to do Community Service and get a paper signed. Well knowing me I forgot and now I have to go find those people so then can sign it. I am just packing everything in this last week.

Okay I am done. Everyone stay well and never give up on anything.
With Love

Monday, August 26, 2002 at 01:06 PM (CDT)

The days are coming to an end of being free everyday. Can you believe that I went to school today to get my lock and locker. Now I have to remember my locker number so I am not locked out the first day. I think I got it down, it's pretty easy. Ya I won't be saying that if I forget.

The nurse came today to draw my labs. I am a little disapointed about them though. My Plt went down from 51,000 to 37,000 and I don't know why. I need them to be up so that I can get my port in on Friday. So can I ask a favor of you. Will you please pray that my platelets are up so that I can get my port in and start my next round of chemo. I would like to keep everything on track and not get pushed off. My WBC kind of fell too and I am not sure why but it should be on it's way up, I hope. I need them to fight all my germ that are in me.

Last night my dad and I played cribbage and he was kicking my butt but he didn't skunk me but then Schoenberg's came to visit for alittle bit and we didn't get to finish so I said it was a draw. He would have won but technically he didn't win so I'm happy with that. This afternoon Jake, me, and my mom are going to play Gin. Jill and her dad taught me how to play that when we were in the hospital. Jill is another friend that I made while being there.

Tomorrow I think I am heading to a movie with some friends. I think we are going to see "Blue Crush". I wanted to see that really bad and tomorrow is really the only time we can go. You know I am thinking right now that we should just go today. I don't know will see.

I hope your all having a good day at work, home, or where ever you are.
Love always

Sunday, August 25, 2002 at 03:09 PM (CDT)

It is such a great day outside. I hope everyone is out socking up the rays and the warmth before it gets to cold.

Well my mom and I went and did some major shopping. Who every says Kohl's doesn't have it is totally wrong. I think I got all my school stuff for the year. I am set and ready to go, not really but clothes wise I am. I had to get all new jeans a tops, because none of mine fit anymore. O you can't forget the most important thing to get, Socks. I don't know about my mom but I think we did a pretty good job. The dressing room had a sign of a limit of 6 items well I was like 8 over that. O well what are they going to do. After a lot of trying on I got down to the ones that I really liked and needed with some things that I didn't need too but that's okay.

My dad is planning on cutting down some big bushes in the backyard but my mom doesn't want them down yet, I know who is going to win but I won't say. Let's just say that my dad is outside right now looking at things.

I am feeling great and nothing is making me feel icky or anything. I go back down on Thursday for scans and stuff and they said that they wanted to start my chemo if my platelets were high enough and I am pretty sure they are going to be but I am having surgery on Friday so I am not sure how that all is going to play out. If I am not going to start chemo and get the port in and then start on Tuesday for chemo, then that is the first day of school. I have no idea how it's going to work. If I miss school it's not like I have never missed a day before. Will see

That's all I have for you today. I hope you had a great weekend. And good luck to all the kids starting school tomorrow.
Love always
P.S. I hear the chain saw going so now you know who won. : )

Saturday, August 24, 2002 at 02:02 PM (CDT)

I hope this is finding you all well. Last night we went to the ski show in New London. It was great because my sister and her family came too. The skiers did a really good job. I love going to that show but there is only one show left next weekend so it was our last show for the year.

Today we went to St.Cloud the usual. We ate at Timberlodge this time. It was pretty good but I don't think I am going to eat for a day. Tomorrow I think my mom and I are going to go back in to St.Cloud to go school shopping for clothes. None of my clothes fit anymore, they're all to big. We may even end up going to a movie with Sand's because it's a girls weekend. Will see what we do, but one thing is for sure I will be sleeping in. It's my last week to do that before school. The vanco is going good and I am doing just fine on my own. See I could be a nurse already, okay maybe not quit yet, but I know how to give antibioatics. I miss my nurses at the hospital a whole bunch. Once your there for so long you get use to seeing them everyday and then you miss then more when your not there.

Ya well I don't know anything else so I am out of here
Love tons

Friday, August 23, 2002 at 12:36 PM (CDT)

It was good to sleep in my own bed last night. But one thing that I found out is that It's quieter in the hospital then it is here at home becaue of my mom's daycare kids, if you can believe that. Even with the docs coming in in the morning. Anyway the home care nurse came this morning to bring my vanco, the antibioatic, and draw blood. They were going to come everyday for my vanco but they found out real fast that I already knew the drill and that I would do fine on my own. So they are going to let me do it by myself. They will only come for blood draws and I will only need them until next Wednesday because I go back down there anyway for the check-up one day and my port the next.

Last night I went with Savannah and Catherine for a little while. We hung out and planned our camping trip which I will only be able to make it to one day. That's okay though, health first, and I will get in before school.

School is coming so fast. It's less then a christmas vaction. It's like 9 days or so. AAAAHHHH I am really not looking foward to going back because it's so hard doing school work when you feel like carp during chemo and staying up with everyone when your missing so much school. Will see how it goes I may end up getting a temorary tutor who can come when I can't make it to school. I am not sure how it's all going to play out.

Thanks for your continued support and prayers. They always help when I need them most.
Love ya

Thursday, August 22, 2002 at 04:52 PM (CDT)

Guess where I am? HOME!!!! I got to come home finally. They let me go and it was for sure, because I went through the doors and then I believed it. It's good to be back at home. It was a long enough stay for me. I haven't been in there for that long in a long time. I will be on IV antibioatics until the 29th and then on the 30th I will get my new port. So everything is going good. I am going to get Vanco (antibioatic) two times a day but my leavel was to high, that means my body wasn't getting rid of it as fast as it should, so I am going to get it once a day and then they will draw labs to see where the leavel is at next.

Last night I had a great surprise. My intern that I had when I first came in stopped in to see me for awhile. He was over on Riverside and had to come over and say hi. He was there for like15, 20 mins so it was really nice of him to do that. It was all good. I had Jill as my nurse too last night but she was really busy most of the night but I got to hang out with her towards the end of her shift.

I played more cribbage. This time with a new doctor person who would like to get an internship at the U. She was really nice.

I hope everyone is good.
With Love

Wednesday, August 21, 2002 at 05:42 PM (CDT)

The answers are in and it is a GO, I get to come home tomorrow. My counts are up and everything is looking good. Now I am 99.9% sure that I am coming home tomorrow but I won't be 100% until I actually leave through the doors. You know doctors they find one little thing wrong and you are here for another 3 days. I find out my results from my TB test tonight at 10:00. If all three spots are down then my system isn't that good yet and they will test me again in a couple months. If the TB one is up and the other two down then I don't have it. So we are hoping for that one. Which I think it is. I had Amy as my nurse today and she is one of the best. We played three rounds of cribbage and I bet her each time. Then my resident came in to play and I bet her too but we were tied all the way to the end. Tonight I have Jill who is the greatest. She is so much fun. There all my primarys.

Today I went to the patient, family picnic in the library. We had subs from subway and pie from Baker Square. They were both good. They took me off my potassium pills and I get to be unhooked whenever I am not getting my meds. They even took me off this fluid stuff because some of my counts were going wak. So it's all coming to a stop.

I got to go out on pass yesterday. I can't remember if I said that yesterday or not. But anyway I went to my aunt and uncles house, but my uncle wasn't home. We made good food and played some games. Then I had to come back but we were a little late coming back, o well what are you going to do about it. It was just good getting out.

That is it. I hope to be writing this from home next. Pray for my friend Sarah who is having trouble getting out of this place. And pray for all the kids on 5B, they all need it.
Thanks for everything

Tuesday, August 20, 2002 at 02:39 PM (CDT)

Well hey everyone!! I am still here. And again I have good news and bad news. Which one do you want first. Well we will start with the bad. I am not out of here for another couple of days. They are going to wait for my counts to come up alittle more and they want to make sure that I don't have the TB thing. So the results take 72 hours. I am feeling really good but still have to stay here. Okay for the good news. I get to go out on pass now. My aunt is coming to pick me up and she is going to bring me back to there place for dinner and just getting me out of here for awhile. It will be good for me to go somewhere else but the teen room and the desk.

I have been playing more cribbage with Tammy and played with Sarah for awhile. It keeps me busy and not bored. Jody told me that I will get me new port on Friday the 30th and on Thursday I have scans and a check-up with Dr.Neglia. Hopefully everything goes good and that those nasty tumors are still skrinking. I will pray for the best. Last night I got my test for TB. They had to give me 3 shorts in the arm and they make a little bubble and then in 3 days they go back and feel them, to see if they are still there or not. So I hope that it's not there.

Lets see what else. O I have to get blood today because my Hbg is down and Jody said that my Plt are still dropping and that's not good. It's not bad but I would like for them to go up.

I had a nice surprise from home today. One of my mom's daycare families sent me a card and a picture of Scooter. That's what I call him. His name is Jack so I don't know why I call him scooter but I like it. So I hung the picture on my bored and wrote next to it "So cute". It's a really cute picture. I hung the card up too. Thank you guys.

I think that's about it. Take care and stay well
With Love

Monday, August 19, 2002 at 08:02 PM (CDT)

Well I got good news and bad news. My WBC is up to .9 which is good but the new intern, I lost my old good and cool one, came in this afternoon and said that I was exsposed to TB. I would spell that out for you but I have no idea where to start. It's like a lung infection and I really don't need that right now, in fact not at all. Anyway they are going to test me for it. All the docs, Jody, and nurses said that I wouldn't have it because the roommate that I had wasn't coughing on me and I really didn't have any contact with her, and I switched rooms the next day. Long story and I am not going to get into it. So hopefully I don't have. But could you say a little extra prayer that I don't because I am kind of frecking out over it.

I still bored out of my mind. My brother and his wife came to visit today and brought me good food. I need that other wise i don't eat. But tonight I had chicken noodle soup.

This is all I got for today. It's short but as you know nothing ever happens in here. I will let you know if I get out tomorrow.

Love always and always

Sunday, August 18, 2002 at 07:12 PM (CDT)

Okay this is the third time I am doing this so this one might not be as long as the other ones. It's pretty quiet up here on 5B. Not to many patients which is good. One then nobody is sick right now and two I get my own room which I like. There's more room to work with.

My mom and dad went home today. My sister and her family came to visit which Brittany and Brandon always keep me intertaned. My great aunt and friend came to visit too. Lots of visiters today. Everyone is gone now so I am back to my old bored self.

This morning one of my doctors came in and was checking on me. He asked if he could take a listen to me and I said what's it worth to ya and I got a piece of gum out of it, winter fresh. Which may I add it quit good.

I am still waiting for the counts to come up. My WBC is still at .3 which is NO WHERE nere the levle that it's suppose to be at. It's just a waiting game from here on in.

I played cribbage with my nurse before and it was a really close game the whole time until the last hand. I pulled it out with a 15 point hand to win. I sujust that game. It's a great game and it keeps you busy if you have someone to play with. Actually you can play it by yourself but it's not as fun that way.

School starts in less then 2 weeks. ICK It went way to fast. That's like a Christmas vacation. Not long at all.

Lets see what else? I think that's it for now. I hope you all had a great weekend.
Love forever

Sunday, August 18, 2002 at 05:40 PM (CDT)

Hey everyone!! Things are pretty quiet here at the hospital. They're no that busy up here right now, so then I get my own room. I like having my own room. I am actually writing this from my room. They brought this portable computer in here because I was bored. It's kind of big it's for the little kids but it works.

My sister and her family came down today to visit. It's always good seeing them. Also my great aunt came to visit too. I have been watching golf all weekend. It gets pretty interesting at times. I just got done playing cribbage with my nurse, Tammy. We were really close the whole game like always one ahead or behind her. But I pulled it out in the last hand. I got like 15 points. I would sujust that you learn how to play if you don't know how, it's a fun game once you learn how to play.

My counts are still down and haven't come up yet. I am just waiting on them to hurry up and come up. You should see my board here in the room. It's full of pictures that nurses and famliy have drawn. It's pretty cool. This morning was kind of funny. When my intern came in to check on me he asked if he could listen to me and I said what's it worth to ya and I got a piece of gum out of it, Winter Fresh. I don't know, I have to amuse myself.

I don't know anything else so I will leave it at that. I hope you all had a good weekend.
with Love

Sunday, August 18, 2002 at 06:13 PM (CDT)

Okay let me try this again. I wrote a nice kind of long up-date and the thing wouldn't go in so I will try again. Maybe it's because I am writing this from my room. They brought this portable one in because I was bored. It can get that way here if you can imagen which I am sure a lot of you can. I played crbbage with my nurse this evening, Tammy. It was a very close game the whole time until the last hand where I bet her. I had a really good hand of like 15 or more. If you don't know how to play cribbage I would learn. It's fun and it keeps you busy for hours, that's if that's what you want to play.

This morning one of my doctors came in to check on me and he asked if he could listen to me. I said what's it worth to ya and I got a piece of gum out of it, winter fresh. Very goood gum might I add too.
See what I have to do around here to amuse myself.

I have been watching golf all weekend. Not to bad, it get's pretty interensting at times. I don't know if I could handle all it all the time.

I am still waiting on my counts. There are being dumb and not coming up. My WBC is still at .3 which is NOT high enough. That's alright it gives me time with the t.v. but that gets pretty boring fast. I am not sure what I am going to do tonight yet. My nurse said that we would play more cribbage later. That will be fun. I will find something to do or I will watch some kind of a movie. I can watch my C.O. movie. That's always good. I watched that last night and wathced it again today. That movie will never get old.

Lets see what else is there. I don't think anything. I hope you had a great weekend and had some kind of fun.
Love Forever

Sunday, August 18, 2002 at 06:13 PM (CDT)

Okay let me try this again. I wrote a nice kind of long up-date and the thing wouldn't go in so I will try again. Maybe it's because I am writing this from my room. They brought this portable one in because I was bored. It can get that way here if you can imagen which I am sure a lot of you can. I played crbbage with my nurse this evening, Tammy. It was a very close game the whole time until the last hand where I bet her. I had a really good hand of like 15 or more. If you don't know how to play cribbage I would learn. It's fun and it keeps you busy for hours, that's if that's what you want to play.

This morning one of my doctors came in to check on me and he asked if he could listen to me. I said what's it worth to ya and I got a piece of gum out of it, winter fresh. Very goood gum might I add too.
See what I have to do around here to amuse myself.

I have been watching golf all weekend. Not to bad, it get's pretty interensting at times. I don't know if I could handle all it all the time.

I am still waiting on my counts. There are being dumb and not coming up. My WBC is still at .3 which is NOT high enough. That's alright it gives me time with the t.v. but that gets pretty boring fast. I am not sure what I am going to do tonight yet. My nurse said that we would play more cribbage later. That will be fun. I will find something to do or I will watch some kind of a movie. I can watch my C.O. movie. That's always good. I watched that last night and wathced it again today. That movie will never get old.

Lets see what else is there. I don't think anything. I hope you had a great weekend and had some kind of fun.
Love Forever

Sunday, August 18, 2002 at 05:40 PM (CDT)

Hey everyone!! Things are pretty quiet here at the hospital. They're no that busy up here right now, so then I get my own room. I like having my own room. I am actually writing this from my room. They brought this portable computer in here because I was bored. It's kind of big it's for the little kids but it works.

My sister and her family came down today to visit. It's always good seeing them. Also my great aunt came to visit too. I have been watching golf all weekend. It gets pretty interesting at times. I just got done playing cribbage with my nurse, Tammy. We were really close the whole game like always one ahead or behind her. But I pulled it out in the last hand. I got like 15 points. I would sujust that you learn how to play if you don't know how, it's a fun game once you learn how to play.

My counts are still down and haven't come up yet. I am just waiting on them to hurry up and come up. You should see my board here in the room. It's full of pictures that nurses and famliy have drawn. It's pretty cool. This morning was kind of funny. When my intern came in to check on me he asked if he could listen to me and I said what's it worth to ya and I got a piece of gum out of it, Winter Fresh. I don't know, I have to amuse myself.

I don't know anything else so I will leave it at that. I hope you all had a good weekend.
with Love

Sunday, August 18, 2002 at 05:40 PM (CDT)

Hey everyone!! Things are pretty quiet here at the hospital. They're no that busy up here right now, so then I get my own room. I like having my own room. I am actually writing this from my room. They brought this portable computer in here because I was bored. It's kind of big it's for the little kids but it works.

My sister and her family came down today to visit. It's always good seeing them. Also my great aunt came to visit too. I have been watching golf all weekend. It gets pretty interesting at times. I just got done playing cribbage with my nurse, Tammy. We were really close the whole game like always one ahead or behind her. But I pulled it out in the last hand. I got like 15 points. I would sujust that you learn how to play if you don't know how, it's a fun game once you learn how to play.

My counts are still down and haven't come up yet. I am just waiting on them to hurry up and come up. You should see my board here in the room. It's full of pictures that nurses and famliy have drawn. It's pretty cool. This morning was kind of funny. When my intern came in to check on me he asked if he could listen to me and I said what's it worth to ya and I got a piece of gum out of it, Winter Fresh. I don't know, I have to amuse myself.

I don't know anything else so I will leave it at that. I hope you all had a good weekend.
with Love

Sunday, August 18, 2002 at 05:40 PM (CDT)

Hey everyone!! Things are pretty quiet here at the hospital. They're no that busy up here right now, so then I get my own room. I like having my own room. I am actually writing this from my room. They brought this portable computer in here because I was bored. It's kind of big it's for the little kids but it works.

My sister and her family came down today to visit. It's always good seeing them. Also my great aunt came to visit too. I have been watching golf all weekend. It gets pretty interesting at times. I just got done playing cribbage with my nurse, Tammy. We were really close the whole game like always one ahead or behind her. But I pulled it out in the last hand. I got like 15 points. I would sujust that you learn how to play if you don't know how, it's a fun game once you learn how to play.

My counts are still down and haven't come up yet. I am just waiting on them to hurry up and come up. You should see my board here in the room. It's full of pictures that nurses and famliy have drawn. It's pretty cool. This morning was kind of funny. When my intern came in to check on me he asked if he could listen to me and I said what's it worth to ya and I got a piece of gum out of it, Winter Fresh. I don't know, I have to amuse myself.

I don't know anything else so I will leave it at that. I hope you all had a good weekend.
with Love

Sunday, August 18, 2002 at 05:40 PM (CDT)

Hey everyone!! Things are pretty quiet here at the hospital. They're no that busy up here right now, so then I get my own room. I like having my own room. I am actually writing this from my room. They brought this portable computer in here because I was bored. It's kind of big it's for the little kids but it works.

My sister and her family came down today to visit. It's always good seeing them. Also my great aunt came to visit too. I have been watching golf all weekend. It gets pretty interesting at times. I just got done playing cribbage with my nurse, Tammy. We were really close the whole game like always one ahead or behind her. But I pulled it out in the last hand. I got like 15 points. I would sujust that you learn how to play if you don't know how, it's a fun game once you learn how to play.

My counts are still down and haven't come up yet. I am just waiting on them to hurry up and come up. You should see my board here in the room. It's full of pictures that nurses and famliy have drawn. It's pretty cool. This morning was kind of funny. When my intern came in to check on me he asked if he could listen to me and I said what's it worth to ya and I got a piece of gum out of it, Winter Fresh. I don't know, I have to amuse myself.

I don't know anything else so I will leave it at that. I hope you all had a good weekend.
with Love

Sunday, August 18, 2002 at 05:40 PM (CDT)

Hey everyone!! Things are pretty quiet here at the hospital. They're no that busy up here right now, so then I get my own room. I like having my own room. I am actually writing this from my room. They brought this portable computer in here because I was bored. It's kind of big it's for the little kids but it works.

My sister and her family came down today to visit. It's always good seeing them. Also my great aunt came to visit too. I have been watching golf all weekend. It gets pretty interesting at times. I just got done playing cribbage with my nurse, Tammy. We were really close the whole game like always one ahead or behind her. But I pulled it out in the last hand. I got like 15 points. I would sujust that you learn how to play if you don't know how, it's a fun game once you learn how to play.

My counts are still down and haven't come up yet. I am just waiting on them to hurry up and come up. You should see my board here in the room. It's full of pictures that nurses and famliy have drawn. It's pretty cool. This morning was kind of funny. When my intern came in to check on me he asked if he could listen to me and I said what's it worth to ya and I got a piece of gum out of it, Winter Fresh. I don't know, I have to amuse myself.

I don't know anything else so I will leave it at that. I hope you all had a good weekend.
with Love

Sunday, August 18, 2002 at 05:40 PM (CDT)

Hey everyone!! Things are pretty quiet here at the hospital. They're no that busy up here right now, so then I get my own room. I like having my own room. I am actually writing this from my room. They brought this portable computer in here because I was bored. It's kind of big it's for the little kids but it works.

My sister and her family came down today to visit. It's always good seeing them. Also my great aunt came to visit too. I have been watching golf all weekend. It gets pretty interesting at times. I just got done playing cribbage with my nurse, Tammy. We were really close the whole game like always one ahead or behind her. But I pulled it out in the last hand. I got like 15 points. I would sujust that you learn how to play if you don't know how, it's a fun game once you learn how to play.

My counts are still down and haven't come up yet. I am just waiting on them to hurry up and come up. You should see my board here in the room. It's full of pictures that nurses and famliy have drawn. It's pretty cool. This morning was kind of funny. When my intern came in to check on me he asked if he could listen to me and I said what's it worth to ya and I got a piece of gum out of it, Winter Fresh. I don't know, I have to amuse myself.

I don't know anything else so I will leave it at that. I hope you all had a good weekend.
with Love

Sunday, August 18, 2002 at 05:40 PM (CDT)

Hey everyone!! Things are pretty quiet here at the hospital. They're no that busy up here right now, so then I get my own room. I like having my own room. I am actually writing this from my room. They brought this portable computer in here because I was bored. It's kind of big it's for the little kids but it works.

My sister and her family came down today to visit. It's always good seeing them. Also my great aunt came to visit too. I have been watching golf all weekend. It gets pretty interesting at times. I just got done playing cribbage with my nurse, Tammy. We were really close the whole game like always one ahead or behind her. But I pulled it out in the last hand. I got like 15 points. I would sujust that you learn how to play if you don't know how, it's a fun game once you learn how to play.

My counts are still down and haven't come up yet. I am just waiting on them to hurry up and come up. You should see my board here in the room. It's full of pictures that nurses and famliy have drawn. It's pretty cool. This morning was kind of funny. When my intern came in to check on me he asked if he could listen to me and I said what's it worth to ya and I got a piece of gum out of it, Winter Fresh. I don't know, I have to amuse myself.

I don't know anything else so I will leave it at that. I hope you all had a good weekend.
with Love

Sunday, August 18, 2002 at 05:40 PM (CDT)

Hey everyone!! Things are pretty quiet here at the hospital. They're no that busy up here right now, so then I get my own room. I like having my own room. I am actually writing this from my room. They brought this portable computer in here because I was bored. It's kind of big it's for the little kids but it works.

My sister and her family came down today to visit. It's always good seeing them. Also my great aunt came to visit too. I have been watching golf all weekend. It gets pretty interesting at times. I just got done playing cribbage with my nurse, Tammy. We were really close the whole game like always one ahead or behind her. But I pulled it out in the last hand. I got like 15 points. I would sujust that you learn how to play if you don't know how, it's a fun game once you learn how to play.

My counts are still down and haven't come up yet. I am just waiting on them to hurry up and come up. You should see my board here in the room. It's full of pictures that nurses and famliy have drawn. It's pretty cool. This morning was kind of funny. When my intern came in to check on me he asked if he could listen to me and I said what's it worth to ya and I got a piece of gum out of it, Winter Fresh. I don't know, I have to amuse myself.

I don't know anything else so I will leave it at that. I hope you all had a good weekend.
with Love

Sunday, August 18, 2002 at 05:40 PM (CDT)

Hey everyone!! Things are pretty quiet here at the hospital. They're no that busy up here right now, so then I get my own room. I like having my own room. I am actually writing this from my room. They brought this portable computer in here because I was bored. It's kind of big it's for the little kids but it works.

My sister and her family came down today to visit. It's always good seeing them. Also my great aunt came to visit too. I have been watching golf all weekend. It gets pretty interesting at times. I just got done playing cribbage with my nurse, Tammy. We were really close the whole game like always one ahead or behind her. But I pulled it out in the last hand. I got like 15 points. I would sujust that you learn how to play if you don't know how, it's a fun game once you learn how to play.

My counts are still down and haven't come up yet. I am just waiting on them to hurry up and come up. You should see my board here in the room. It's full of pictures that nurses and famliy have drawn. It's pretty cool. This morning was kind of funny. When my intern came in to check on me he asked if he could listen to me and I said what's it worth to ya and I got a piece of gum out of it, Winter Fresh. I don't know, I have to amuse myself.

I don't know anything else so I will leave it at that. I hope you all had a good weekend.
with Love

Sunday, August 18, 2002 at 05:40 PM (CDT)

Hey everyone!! Things are pretty quiet here at the hospital. They're no that busy up here right now, so then I get my own room. I like having my own room. I am actually writing this from my room. They brought this portable computer in here because I was bored. It's kind of big it's for the little kids but it works.

My sister and her family came down today to visit. It's always good seeing them. Also my great aunt came to visit too. I have been watching golf all weekend. It gets pretty interesting at times. I just got done playing cribbage with my nurse, Tammy. We were really close the whole game like always one ahead or behind her. But I pulled it out in the last hand. I got like 15 points. I would sujust that you learn how to play if you don't know how, it's a fun game once you learn how to play.

My counts are still down and haven't come up yet. I am just waiting on them to hurry up and come up. You should see my board here in the room. It's full of pictures that nurses and famliy have drawn. It's pretty cool. This morning was kind of funny. When my intern came in to check on me he asked if he could listen to me and I said what's it worth to ya and I got a piece of gum out of it, Winter Fresh. I don't know, I have to amuse myself.

I don't know anything else so I will leave it at that. I hope you all had a good weekend.
with Love

Sunday, August 18, 2002 at 05:40 PM (CDT)

Hey everyone!! Things are pretty quiet here at the hospital. They're no that busy up here right now, so then I get my own room. I like having my own room. I am actually writing this from my room. They brought this portable computer in here because I was bored. It's kind of big it's for the little kids but it works.

My sister and her family came down today to visit. It's always good seeing them. Also my great aunt came to visit too. I have been watching golf all weekend. It gets pretty interesting at times. I just got done playing cribbage with my nurse, Tammy. We were really close the whole game like always one ahead or behind her. But I pulled it out in the last hand. I got like 15 points. I would sujust that you learn how to play if you don't know how, it's a fun game once you learn how to play.

My counts are still down and haven't come up yet. I am just waiting on them to hurry up and come up. You should see my board here in the room. It's full of pictures that nurses and famliy have drawn. It's pretty cool. This morning was kind of funny. When my intern came in to check on me he asked if he could listen to me and I said what's it worth to ya and I got a piece of gum out of it, Winter Fresh. I don't know, I have to amuse myself.

I don't know anything else so I will leave it at that. I hope you all had a good weekend.
with Love

Sunday, August 18, 2002 at 05:40 PM (CDT)

Hey everyone!! Things are pretty quiet here at the hospital. They're no that busy up here right now, so then I get my own room. I like having my own room. I am actually writing this from my room. They brought this portable computer in here because I was bored. It's kind of big it's for the little kids but it works.

My sister and her family came down today to visit. It's always good seeing them. Also my great aunt came to visit too. I have been watching golf all weekend. It gets pretty interesting at times. I just got done playing cribbage with my nurse, Tammy. We were really close the whole game like always one ahead or behind her. But I pulled it out in the last hand. I got like 15 points. I would sujust that you learn how to play if you don't know how, it's a fun game once you learn how to play.

My counts are still down and haven't come up yet. I am just waiting on them to hurry up and come up. You should see my board here in the room. It's full of pictures that nurses and famliy have drawn. It's pretty cool. This morning was kind of funny. When my intern came in to check on me he asked if he could listen to me and I said what's it worth to ya and I got a piece of gum out of it, Winter Fresh. I don't know, I have to amuse myself.

I don't know anything else so I will leave it at that. I hope you all had a good weekend.
with Love

Sunday, August 18, 2002 at 05:40 PM (CDT)

Hey everyone!! Things are pretty quiet here at the hospital. They're no that busy up here right now, so then I get my own room. I like having my own room. I am actually writing this from my room. They brought this portable computer in here because I was bored. It's kind of big it's for the little kids but it works.

My sister and her family came down today to visit. It's always good seeing them. Also my great aunt came to visit too. I have been watching golf all weekend. It gets pretty interesting at times. I just got done playing cribbage with my nurse, Tammy. We were really close the whole game like always one ahead or behind her. But I pulled it out in the last hand. I got like 15 points. I would sujust that you learn how to play if you don't know how, it's a fun game once you learn how to play.

My counts are still down and haven't come up yet. I am just waiting on them to hurry up and come up. You should see my board here in the room. It's full of pictures that nurses and famliy have drawn. It's pretty cool. This morning was kind of funny. When my intern came in to check on me he asked if he could listen to me and I said what's it worth to ya and I got a piece of gum out of it, Winter Fresh. I don't know, I have to amuse myself.

I don't know anything else so I will leave it at that. I hope you all had a good weekend.
with Love

Sunday, August 18, 2002 at 05:40 PM (CDT)

Hey everyone!! Things are pretty quiet here at the hospital. They're no that busy up here right now, so then I get my own room. I like having my own room. I am actually writing this from my room. They brought this portable computer in here because I was bored. It's kind of big it's for the little kids but it works.

My sister and her family came down today to visit. It's always good seeing them. Also my great aunt came to visit too. I have been watching golf all weekend. It gets pretty interesting at times. I just got done playing cribbage with my nurse, Tammy. We were really close the whole game like always one ahead or behind her. But I pulled it out in the last hand. I got like 15 points. I would sujust that you learn how to play if you don't know how, it's a fun game once you learn how to play.

My counts are still down and haven't come up yet. I am just waiting on them to hurry up and come up. You should see my board here in the room. It's full of pictures that nurses and famliy have drawn. It's pretty cool. This morning was kind of funny. When my intern came in to check on me he asked if he could listen to me and I said what's it worth to ya and I got a piece of gum out of it, Winter Fresh. I don't know, I have to amuse myself.

I don't know anything else so I will leave it at that. I hope you all had a good weekend.
with Love

Sunday, August 18, 2002 at 05:40 PM (CDT)

Hey everyone!! Things are pretty quiet here at the hospital. They're no that busy up here right now, so then I get my own room. I like having my own room. I am actually writing this from my room. They brought this portable computer in here because I was bored. It's kind of big it's for the little kids but it works.

My sister and her family came down today to visit. It's always good seeing them. Also my great aunt came to visit too. I have been watching golf all weekend. It gets pretty interesting at times. I just got done playing cribbage with my nurse, Tammy. We were really close the whole game like always one ahead or behind her. But I pulled it out in the last hand. I got like 15 points. I would sujust that you learn how to play if you don't know how, it's a fun game once you learn how to play.

My counts are still down and haven't come up yet. I am just waiting on them to hurry up and come up. You should see my board here in the room. It's full of pictures that nurses and famliy have drawn. It's pretty cool. This morning was kind of funny. When my intern came in to check on me he asked if he could listen to me and I said what's it worth to ya and I got a piece of gum out of it, Winter Fresh. I don't know, I have to amuse myself.

I don't know anything else so I will leave it at that. I hope you all had a good weekend.
with Love

Sunday, August 18, 2002 at 05:40 PM (CDT)

Hey everyone!! Things are pretty quiet here at the hospital. They're no that busy up here right now, so then I get my own room. I like having my own room. I am actually writing this from my room. They brought this portable computer in here because I was bored. It's kind of big it's for the little kids but it works.

My sister and her family came down today to visit. It's always good seeing them. Also my great aunt came to visit too. I have been watching golf all weekend. It gets pretty interesting at times. I just got done playing cribbage with my nurse, Tammy. We were really close the whole game like always one ahead or behind her. But I pulled it out in the last hand. I got like 15 points. I would sujust that you learn how to play if you don't know how, it's a fun game once you learn how to play.

My counts are still down and haven't come up yet. I am just waiting on them to hurry up and come up. You should see my board here in the room. It's full of pictures that nurses and famliy have drawn. It's pretty cool. This morning was kind of funny. When my intern came in to check on me he asked if he could listen to me and I said what's it worth to ya and I got a piece of gum out of it, Winter Fresh. I don't know, I have to amuse myself.

I don't know anything else so I will leave it at that. I hope you all had a good weekend.
with Love

Saturday, August 17, 2002 at 05:43 PM (CDT)

Okay it's starting to get really boring here. My mom and dad came down this morning and brought Krispy Kreams, yyuumm. It's good that they did because I haven't been eating very well. Hospital food is just to much for me and I am just never hungery. The update from the docs today was that were just waiting on my counts to come up. My WBC is .3 and there is no way they are going to let my out of here with that kind of a leavle. You know what I found out yesterday that was really really shocking. That when I came in on Saturday night that my blood was full of bacteria and that I was in pretty bad shape. My nurse told me that I could have ended up in the PICU. I guess when things start to happen, like your BP falls and your heart goes wak, that they go really fast. And that if I would have shown up any later that it would have been even worse. I had no idea and nither did anyone else but the docs and nurses. Shows to tell you what they tell you. But I don't blame them one bit, i am sure they didn't want to scare me. That's enough about that.

I got a chest x-ray done this afternoon because they heard crackling in my chest and they want to make sure that everything is going alright and that they don't have to start me on any other antibiotics.

I watched Crazy/Beautiful yesterday afternoon and it wasn't too bad. It's not my favorite but not to bad. I also watched Orange County. That is a really funny movie. I would tell ya to see that one.

It looks like I won't be able to blow this pop stand until at the earlest Tuesday. That's what Jody said. I have to wait for the lovest counts to come back up.

I am not sure what I am going to do tonight. My mom brought my movie from C.O. along and I may just have to watch that. Will see

Until then Last of Love

Friday, August 16, 2002 at 09:57 AM (CDT)

I'm all better now. There should be no more infection in me, hopefully. It was an interesting morning yesterday. I was suppose to go to the O.R. at 7:30 but then they weren't going to do it because one of my potassium was at 2.7 and they want it at 3.0 to do anything. So then my dad left to go read the paper and let me sleep but the docs came back in and they could do it and they wouldn't put me to sleep but make me really sleepy and I could fall asleep on my own. So we did that. But then the problem was WHERES my dad. They couldn't find him and couldn't find him. They even overhead paged him and he didn't come. Finally I said that he was maybe at Micky-D's drinking coffee and reading the paper. So they called there and sure enough he was there and he was back to the hosptial in less then 5min.
So I got the sleepy stuff to go to the O.R. and Brenda I didn't make it to 10. It was stupid I didn't even get to start counting. We were going down a hall and the nurse said "pull over" so I can give her some more sleepy stuff and that's that last thing I remember. So I didn't even get to 1. Everything went good with the surgery and they took the port out and put in a PICC but it's not in my arm it's in my chest and I can't wait to get rid of it.

As you can see it's Friday and I am still here. Doctors always keep there time frames, Ya right. They took cultures from this new PICC and I will have to wait to see if anything grows. That will be another 3 days maybe. Will see the doctors havn't made there rounds yet today so I will find out later. I am hoping to go out on pass though. Tonight Juli and Sarah would take me out for a little bit but will see if that happens. Carolyn my nurse today said that it will probably not work but o well. I have Carolyn for my nurse today. She is my primary and one of my bestest nurses ever.

My aunt came over yesterday after my surgery and brought outside food. She stayed for awhile. We ended up playing cards with Jill and her dad. Then they taught me how to play Gin. It's a fun game. Then last night I played cards with another patient. I was really bored.

I hope everyone is good and that you have a great Friday.
Thanks for all the support and prayers, they all helped.
Love always

Wednesday, August 14, 2002 at 05:42 PM (CDT)

Hello everyone

I'm still here but doing good. Just getting antibiotics and hangen out. I found out when my surgery is. It's tomorrow (Thursday) at 7:30 in the morning. Forget about sleeping in. My dad is coming down in the morning, I think I haven't talked to them yet so we will see but I am pretty sure it will be him. Plus I need one of them to sign stuff. When I first go under for the surgery I try and see how far I can count until I fall asleep. In the past I have gotten to 6 or 7. My goal is to make it to 10.

Last night I watched a movie with Jill, Vanilla Sky. It was okay. You really have to watch to make sure you see everything. If you miss something then you won't get something else. But all in all it was pretty good.

This morning I changed rooms so my new number is
612-273-0343. There were many reasons that I moved but I don't want to sound mean so I won't say anything at all. That's what you are told to do. "If you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all." Jill is my roommate now.

Today I watched "I am Sam", I sujest seeing that you see it. It's a very good movie. I would tell you some stuff but then I would ruin it for you if you haven't seen it.

I have to say a big THANK YOU AMANDA for the flowers!!!!! They are so pretty. They made me smile as soon as I saw them. Amanda is one of my friends from home. Were hosptial buddys.

I will let you know how the surgery went. I hope everyone is good. And pray for all the childern with cancer they all need it.
Love forever

Tuesday, August 13, 2002 at 05:41 PM (CDT)

Hi again form you know where,yup you got it the hospital, but this time I am writing it in the teen room.

Let's see what did I do today. Well being in the hospital you really never do anything. But today I read the news for the TV show they have here. Brittany and her dad came to bring me some clothes, because I wasn't planing on staying this long when I came,from home. Britt came at the best time because she and I both got to read the news. She was really nervous about it, but she did a great job.

I got a new roommate today. Which is alright, they are from a different country and have a different language so I have no idea what they are saying and they could be talking about me and I would no idea. That would be cool. The other person has no idea what you are saying so you can say whatever you want.

Right now I am getting blood. My Hbg is down to 8.9 and they gave me some. I kind of have a little bad news. They want to take my port out, 1. it's getting old 2. it's too short and 3. they don't want the nasty bug to come back. So I may have to go to surgery tomorrow or Thursday to have it taken out. They will put a PICC line in for 10 days or so then it's back to surgery to have my new and longer port.

Okay I can't think anymore My brain is whereing out. I will let you know how the surgery thing goes and when. Wish me luck and pray that it goes well.
Love always

Monday, August 12, 2002 at 06:53 PM (CDT)

Hello from no where else but the FUMC 5B(Fairview Univercity medical center).

Well I am still here but am hoping to get out soon, like maybe Wed., Thur. I am feeling much better from when I first come in on Sat. night at 10.00. I had a chest x-ray to make sure everthing was good with that, and it was. Now today I had to get this die stuff put into my port because it hasn't been drawing blood. They found out that there is a clot at the end of the line and it a little to short. So right now I am down in this office room getting TPA, a blood thinner, to try and break up the clot.

They found out where the fever was coming from. It's the port. Gram positive would be the name for it. A new medical term I picked up, from the lovly doctors and nurses. So now if you ever here someone say that then you will know what it means. So I am getting atibiotidcs and fluids, lots of fluids, lets just say I am never in the same spot for more then 2 hours. My fevers have come down and seem to be holding right now, knock on wood, knock knock, at 99.0 higher and lower.

Last night I had Jill, she's the nurse that went to CA for 4 months. And tonight I have Crista one of my all time favorite nurses. When I first started she was an aide and now she is a nurses, that's pretty cool. she is going to watch a movie with me tonight well as much as she can see without someone needing here. Juli, sarah's mom, brought 3 bags of movies for me to go through. Thank you Juli and sarah.

If anyone want's my number to my room it's -612-273-0351 I think

Well I think I am going to end on that note. I hope everone is good and staying HEALTH.
With Love

Sunday, August 11, 2002 at 02:44 PM (CDT)

Hi Everyone

An update brought to you by Amy's sister, Denise. She is still not feeling well. She has started to spike a temperature which has been over 103 degrees at some points. Her mom and dad brought her to Fairview University Hospital last night because of the high fever. She will probably be staying there for the next week. Amy seems to be in good spirits considering all that she's been through the past week. She really looks forward to reading notes that you all send to her. It helps her to stay connected and it lets her know that you care. Thank you for your continued support. It's one of the things that keeps her fighting.

Friday, August 09, 2002 at 03:31 PM (CDT)

Amy isn't feeling too well today. She has about all the side effects of chemo that are available. Hopefully she will be her informative, sassy old self in a few days. If she doesn't start keeping something down we will have to take her to the hospital to receive some fulids. I know she is starting to worry about school already. We keep saying we will take it a day at a time. We'll sign off now and hopefully Amy will be up to doing this herself tomorrow.
Peace and Love
Judy (Amy's mom)

Thursday, August 08, 2002 at 01:49 PM (CDT)

Not the best day. I am going to make this short again. I am not feeling very well. I actually feel like crap. I have the biggest headache ever and a stomache that's ready to go anytime, you know what I mean. Tonight we will maybe run out to my sister's house. It's her Birthday. Happy Birthday Denise!!!! That's if I am not sick, which more then likely I will be. I am trying to sleep it all off, so I am sleeping a lot. Okay that is going to be all for me. sorry it's so bad but you have to have some of these days.

Wednesday, August 07, 2002 at 01:37 PM (CDT)

Hello everyone. Today I am not doing much. I am getting back into my habit of sleeping late. I guess that's good in a way. I need all the sleep I can get right now.

I watched the movie Atlantis the lost Empire with the daycare kids. That movie is pretty good. I didn't think I was going to like it but it's kind of good.

I am really tired today and the chemo is starting to do it's job. I am getting stomaches and everything. It's not my favorite. But I guess that's what comes along with it.

I am going to make this short because I am really tired. So I hope you have a good rest of the day.
With Love

Tuesday, August 06, 2002 at 10:39 AM (CDT)

Today I think I am just going to take it easy. I can tell the chemo has started. I am feeling alitle more tired and a small headache. It's not bad but I can tell that it is there.

I am sure I will play something with the daycare kids today. Maybe something on the computer or card games. If I don't sleep all day. I already to take a nap. That's alright though.

I am going to try and put some pictures from Duluth on here. But the pictures on the CD are to big so I am not sure how to make them smaller to put them on, so I will have to figure that out first, I will let you know if I get it.

During the time I didn't have chemo my hair started to grow back a little. It actually looked lighter then I was before. But it will fall out soon. It's all part of chemo. You never know how small a head you have until you lose your hair. I found out that my head fits into Brandons hats. Brandon is only 9 years old and he has a samll head for his age, so then I have a very small head. I think it's kind of funny.

I think I am off to take a nap.

Monday, August 05, 2002 at 06:01 PM (CDT)

Sorry this is so late. I was in the cities today. I had to get my chemo hocked up. My brother-in-law brought me down becaues my dad had a doctor apointment himself. We left early this morning and didn't get back until 5:00 to night. They were really backed up in the clinic. I went to visit sarah while I was up there and got to see "Aunt" Jocelyn, that's sarah's aunt but I think she is pretty cool. I got to see one of my nurses that I haven't seen in like a year. She was in California. It was so great seeing her. They took my counts today and my PLT were 174,000 they haven't been this high in 3 years and that's no lie. My HBG was 11.4 and ANC 3.3, WBC 4.3, so they're all really good, but that won't last for long.

The rain held off for our parade but my sister didn't come. I had one of my neighbors sit by me so I could yell for candy. Otherwise I would have been a 16 year old yelling for candy at a parade. Ya well what can you do.

Okay I think that's it.
Thanks for everything
Love ya

Saturday, August 03, 2002 at 03:20 PM (CDT)

Hey Everybody were back. I had a great time in Duluth. We had the best room too, as my sister told you before we were on the 12 floor and could see all the ships come in. I think all togethere we saw 15 ships come in and out and it may have been more. On Friday we went to tour the 1800s ship that came in. It was pretty cool. We also ran up to Goseberry falls. The water was running pretty good. We were going to go to split rock but decided not to go. We came back to duluth and went shopping. I got some new sunglasses which are pretty cool. I went swimming again last night. I had the whole pool to myself. We had a good yet bad trip back this morning. It rained all the way home. It was kind of bad in some areas. Tonight we are planning on going to the Albany parade that's if it doesn't get rained out. My sister is coming too. But if it rains then they won't come either. So hopfully the rain holds off until the parade is over. Tomorrow I have to work for our church bazzar. I am doing the nickle toss. I hope you have a great rest of the weekend
Love always

Thursday, August 01, 2002 at 02:10 PM (CDT)

Amy's Update from Beautiful Duluth!

Amy was up bright and early this morning, 7:30 in fact, to early I think for a vacation, but if you know Amy she wouldn't want to miss a thing. She went swimming with her friends from Albany, who also happen to be her neighbors, they had lots of fun as the pool was pretty quiet at that time of the morning. She said it was a pretty active night weather wise, "quite a light show", free of course, provided by mother nature. After her morning swim, they went to the Duluth Aquarium, she said it was very interesting, in fact, she drove a boat simulator around the great lakes, the lakes were calm making for a smooth ride. After their boat adventure they stopped at canal park to see the Niagara, a pirate ship, arrive in port, she said there were "LOTS" of people watching, even some standing in the rain, led by, Amy of course. Later this afternoon they are going to the boardwalk for a another stroll and rollerblade ride, how does she do that? as the weather has cleared making for a beautiful day. This evening they were headed to the Timberlodge for good hearty meal as tomorrow they have another big day planned with the highlight being the adventure to Split Rock Lighthouse, Amy adds, "only 180 steps to the lake front!" oh yeah, "another 180 steps back up". I would recommend the porterhouse for supper tonight Amy, that is alot of steps.

Having Fun in Duluth,

Edited by Amy's brother, Andy

Wednesday, July 31, 2002 at 05:48 PM (CDT)

Hi everyone! It's Amy's sister, Denise checking in. I just talked to Amy and they are having a great time in Duluth so far. She wants you to know that she drove all the way to Duluth herself. They are staying on the 12th floor of the Radisson and have a great view of Lake Superior. They've seen 3 ships come in and 3 ships go out so far. They had stormy, wet weather this morning, but the afternoon was great. It was 76 degrees out today. Must be nice, it was 86 and humid in Sartell. Thank God for air conditioning. She also wants you to know that she went rollerblading on the boardwalk today. I wish I could have been there to see that. I hope someone took a picture. While out touring, Amy ran into some neighbors from home. She's planning on doing some swimming with them tonight. AND if there is time, she is hoping to get in Big Brothers latest episode. What a busy girl. Well, thats all I've got for today.

Tuesday, July 30, 2002 at 11:29 AM (CDT)

UPDATE: Change in plans we are heading up to Duluth right now instead of tomorrow. My mom said jokingly why don't we go today because we aren't doing anything. My dad said why not and the number to the motel, called and we are leaving with in the hour. Pretty cool huh, I don't have to wait now. Thought I would let you know. While I am gone my brother or sister will update for me.

It was a early morning well not that early but my mom and dad were shampooing our carpets. That woke me up right away but that's alright. So our carpets are all wet so I am stuck in my room for alittle bit. That's alright because then I have time to write on here.

I don't think we are going to do much today. Just pack and get things in order for our trip up North tomorrow. I can't wait but I want it to go really slow, so then I think that I am there longer. I am going to bring my rollerblade up there so when we going walking on the boardwalk then I can somewhat fell like I am rollerblading. I would try with my crutches but my mom would freck out, so I won't but maybe when she's not looking. The first night we are up there one of my mom's daycare families will be at the same motel as us and I will go swimming with the kids. It will be fun.

That will be all for me unless we do something later that's interesting, then I will let you but I doubt it.
Thanks for all the prayers, I couldn't do without them.

Monday, July 29, 2002 at 06:24 PM (CDT)

Lets see what do I know. Today we ran into St.Cloud to go shopping. But it was bad shopping because it was back to School shopping, ick. I just got the normal, notebooks, pencils, folders, all that stuff. I had to get a new calculator because mine finally died after 4 years. We ate at Grizzles after words.

We went to see my sister to visit for alittle bit. I got some movies that she taped for me. We are going to watch them tonight.

O my gosh I really don't have anything else to say. This is short. Thanks for everything that you do. It helps all the time.
Love to you

Sunday, July 28, 2002 at 02:57 PM (CDT)

We are back from our little trip up north.

I had a good time and so did my mom and dad. When we left yesterday it was pouring out. We ran into bad weather on the way too, but it wasn't a problem or anything. We got up to Akley at about 1:30 and checked out the theater. We headed over to Walker which like 15min down the road, that's where we stayed. We all got checked in right away and it was off to the pool. Some people went swimming and most of us sat around talking. The show at the "Wood Tick Theater" was at 8:00 so got there on time. It was pretty good. They had all kinds of music and jokes. There was this one joke that they told and everyone was laughing but I still don't get it.

We were all going to go to this blueberry fair thing this morning and have blueberry pancakes, but then we realized that it was another 30 miles North and nobody really wanted to drive that far anymore, so we just went back in the pool area again. At check out time everyone headed in there own direction. Now we are back at home. I pretty much slept all the way home.

I'm feeling great, just alittle tired but that's because I stayed up way to late last night and got up to early this morning.

That was my weekend, I hope you had a good one too.
With Love

Saturday, July 27, 2002 at 10:53 AM (CDT)

Hey everyone.

Really don't have anything to say but I just wanted to say to everyone have a good day and have fun. We will be leaving in 2 hours. I will have to miss the family picnic for my hospital but that's okay. I say hi to everyone that is going.
Everyone have a great day
love always

Friday, July 26, 2002 at 12:03 PM (CDT)

I put a couple of new pictures from camp on here. Just some of the people.

Lets see not much is happening.

I think the kids and I are going to hang out this afternoon. We will as always probably play "Life". I don't know why they like it so much. Maybe because they like getting all the money or it might be because we always compete to see who can get the most kids, I don't know.

Catherine is coming over later to hang out. I have no idea what we are going to do. There is never anything to do around here. It's pretty much to go to a movie somewhere.

I am starting to pack for this weekend. It's going to be really fun. I can't believe that it is tomorrow, this week has gone by so fast. That's what I mean with time, school isn't that far away.

I think that's all I know. I am still feeling good, not a thing going on. Just a small cough but that is way better, knock on wood.
Love to everyone

Thursday, July 25, 2002 at 02:00 PM (CDT)

I hope this finds you all well.

Today was a kind of a dull day. I am getting exctited for my trips. I need a vacation. I am sure a lot of you do too. I was invited to Chicago to one of my friends that I made from camp. I can't remember if I told you that already or not, well you heard it again anyway. She is going to have a couple of people from camp over, so it will be cool to see everyone. That's even if I get to go but we will work something out.

Today my mom, Tony and me played Golf the card game. It was pretty fun. My mom won. We will probbaly play Life later.

I have to find out if babysitting is helping the community. It's for school. You have to have 30 hours helping the community, to be in the honor club. So do you think it is helping the community. I am not sure I will have to call the person in charge for it.

I have been feeling pretty good. Everything is going good. No headaches, stomaches, nothing.

Did you know school will be starting pretty soon for me. I know it's a month away but that's no far at all. I am not ready for school one bit. I will be a junior, wow i am getting old.

Thanks for everything that you all do. All the prayers help. Thanks

Wednesday, July 24, 2002 at 12:23 PM (CDT)

Things have quieted down from yestereday.

Nancy call from the hosptial this morning and said the mono thing would be okay if they didn't have any symptins.

About chemo she dosen't think that it will matter if i start tuesday or start when i come back from Duluth. So I think I will start after Duluth so then I can have a good time and go swimming. We leave next Wednesday.

The radiolagist is still looking at my x-rays or he just hasn't looked at them yet but Dr.Neglia wasn't sure what was going on with my ribs.

It's a short update today. I hope this found you all well. Pray that everone on 5B gets better.
Love Much

Tuesday, July 23, 2002 at 06:33 PM (CDT)

What A Day!!!! Do I Have Some Stories To Tell You. It may be long though.

Today I ended up going in for my blood. We got down to the citites at about 9:30 and sat in the waiting room for a hour, they were really backed up. Once I got my blood drawn my doctor was suppose to look at my ribs but he was really busy so a different doctor that I know looked at it, she said that I needed to get a x-ray. So off to x-ray I went. We hand carryed my x-rays back for my doctor to look at them. He came out and said he needed to talk to me. We got back in the room and he said I had a cracked rib, but the funny part was it wasn't even in the area that was hurting. So he felt around to see if he could feel it. He said that it could have been from my surgery because it was in the same spot and everything, so he sent the pictures down to radialogy. Nancy called before and said that yes it was a cracked rib. The good thing is that it doesn't hurt (knock on wood). Well anyway that is one story, I am only half way done.

So then I went up to the day hospital to get my blood. I was going to get 2 pints. My dad brought up my counts from the draw earlier. My Hbg was 9.7 which is good for me. So I didn't need blood but I was already getting blood at the time. So then I talked to my doctor and he said that I only would need 1 pint of blood. Okay just about done but 2 more thing to say. If you need to take a break now is your chance.

Guess what my Plts were? 89,000 which is prefect for chemo but I couldn't get it anymore because I was getting blood. So the place that I got my counts taken at, I won't say where but it wasn't in the cities, totally screwed up BIG time. I didn't need blood and I could have started chemo today. The person who drew it didn't get a good blood sample, obviously.

Okay just one more, I have been exsposed to mono again. Another one of my mom's daycare kids has it. I have no idea how they are getting it. My mom talked to Nancy about it today because I forgot to ask. She is going to ask Dr. Negila what he thinks. So she will call back tomorrow. She is going to tell me about the mono thing and she is going to ask when I would like to do my chemo. I have no idea what I am going to tell her yet. I am not sure if I want to wait till I get back from the trips or keep everything going. I will ask her if i don't do it till I get back will that make a big deal with my tumor. So I will wait to see what she thinks.

Okay I promise I am done, I think. If I think of anymore stories, I will let you know. If it isn't one thing it's another in my world.
I will just let you go then
Love always

Monday, July 22, 2002 at 12:13 PM (CDT)

Icky Icky Icky!!

Well I got my counts done this morning and there NOT what I would like at all. My Plt are only 62,000 and my Hbg is going down big time, it's 8.2. Which mean maybe blood. I'm not sure if I heard right on the Hbg but I am pretty sure. So I am not sure what's going to happen now. I may have to sweet talk my way into it. I really really really would like to start tomorrow other wise it will screw up our vacation to Duluth.

Last night my mom and I played cribbage. That is a really cool game. I won the first game and I skunked her and then she won the second game and skunked me. So we played the winning game and I won. That's a fun game, if you don't know how to play I recommend that you learn how to play. I can play it for hours. I am even good at beating doctors, you know who you are.

Were having a little party in my room with Jake, Tony and Emily, my mom's daycare kids. We have the music way loud and dancing, it's pretty fun

I'm feeling pretty good. I am wondering about my Hbg because normally I have headaches when it's that low, so I don't know whats up with that. My ribs still hurt alittle. That should get better soon, I hope.

Now it's a wait for a call from the hospital. I will update as soon as I know. That's about it for me.
Love always

Okay I know already, what is going to happen alittle. Nancy called and I will get blood sometime this week. She will call back with an exact date. Then when I go in for blood they will check my plt again and if there still low they might just wait until we get back from Duluth to start my next round of chemo. So I might be good for both of my trips. About my ribs, Dr.Neglia will maybe take a look at it and I might get an x-ray taken.

Sunday, July 21, 2002 at 03:34 PM (CDT)

Not much is going on today, just taken it easy. My mom and I watched another movie. wow Sunday is becoming our movie day. We watched " Miss Congeniality". It's a good movie, one of my favorites.

Tomorrow I have to go get my blood drawn again to see if my counts are high enough for chemo on tuesday. I think they will be. I will let you know how it turnes out.

I'm feeling pretty good. My right side still hurts from yesterday. If I go down on Tuesday I think I will ask if I can get a x-ray, just to make sure that nothing happened.

Sorry this is so short, but I really don't have anything else good.
Love always

Saturday, July 20, 2002 at 03:16 PM (CDT)

I'm all better.

I got over my counts thing in no time. Lifes to short to be upset. It happened for some reason, who know why, but that's okay.

I had a good time at the ski show last night. They had a Great show almost perfect. Their jump team only had one fall which is really good. It was just a good show.

Once again I was exsposed to mono. One of my mom's daycare kids has it. The thing is that she went to the doctor like 4 days ago and they said nothing, and it didn't get better so her mom brought her in again and they gave her a test and it was positive. So the doctor messed up big time. They should have tested her right away, because it was going around. So hopefully I don't get that, that would be a huge set back.

We just got back from St.Cloud and on the way down I was putting something away in the glove compartment and I was bending wrong on my right side and I coughed and I heard a "crack" on my rib and it Hurt. So that is not good at all. The radiation was going to make my bone weak and I don't think that helped when I heard the crack. I hope nothing is wrong with it, but it kind of hurts though.

I am feeling pretty good. Just a little headache and a cough, but that's nothing new.

Thanks everyone for praying for my counts. It was very kind of you.
With Love

Friday, July 19, 2002 at 10:49 AM (CDT)

: ( : ( : (

As you can see by the faces up top my platlets didn't make it to 75,000. They are only 55,000 so they should be ready on tuesday. It was worth a shot to try but it failed. My Hbg is 10.3 and WBC is 1.7. So that kind of stinks, o well.

Brandons game was really good last night. His team won and they haven't lost a game yet. He's in little league. His team is has inproved from the last time I saw them. We went to visit after his game for awhile.

Tonight we are going to the ski show with the neighborhood again. Last week my mom and dad went and they said they got 42 skiers up on a pyramid. They even have pyramids 5 tears high. It's really good.

I'm feeling pretty good, nothing is bothering me. But now I am a little down from the counts but I will work myself out.

Please pray for all the families on 5B and everywhere else. They need lots of them
Love to all

Thursday, July 18, 2002 at 01:01 PM (CDT)

Hope and pray.

Last night I was doing some thinking, what if I get my counts taken Friday? So this morning I called Nancy to see if that would be alright if I got them taken Friday to just see if they would be high enough so that I could start my chemo. Because if they are high enough Friday then I would have the chemo for a week and be done before we go up north. I wouldn't have to carry it around. And then I would maybe be good for our trip to Duluth. So if I could ask you for a favor, could you pray for lots of platelets, I think at least 75,000. I will get my counts checked right away tomorrow. Knowing my counts they won't be up there but hey I have to try and you never know.

Tonight I think we are heading down to Sartell for Brandon's baseball game. Hopefully it doesn 't get rained out or something. It should be fun there team has been doing really good.

Not much is happening health wise. Everything seems to be going good, I guess. I am a little tired today but thats about it.

So everyone pray for platelets and a Go for chemo.
Thank you

Wednesday, July 17, 2002 at 03:40 PM (CDT)

Thanks everyone for checking in.

This morning the daycare kids and I took a little road trip to the motel. I brought the kids swimming. It was actually really fun. I went in for a little bit and sat outside in the sun. There was this older lady there and I think she was getting mad at them because they were getting her wet, o well what do you do. We were up there for about an hour an a half.

Then this afternoon I won over $2,000,000 again. In the game of life. We played it yet another time. See now I would be rich if that game were real. Everyone gets into the game, it's kind of funny in away.

I got my rafting pictures from Colorado finally. They turned out really good. I got a frame from there too so it looks really nice.

I am feeling really good. Nothing is wrong anywhere. Maybe just my right side from where I had radiation but nothing to big. And still no headaches.

Thanks for everything that you do.
Love from me

Tuesday, July 16, 2002 at 03:01 PM (CDT)

Great, Good, Bad, News

Today my dad and I went down to the cities for my scans and check-up. I had to get up at 4:30 this morning because we had to be down in the cities at 7:00 and sometimes you never know about traffic down there. Well we got there in time, and I got my scan done. They had to start an IV to give me contrast, it makes the tumor cells show better. But the thing is that they got one started after 2 sticks and when they were done they took the needle out and my arm started to turn black and blue and it was puffing up. So yah that wasn't good. My vien was still bleeding under my skin so there is this huge black and blue mark. I mean it's pretty big for me. It's like 3in long and 2.5in wide.

So after my scan I putzed aroung for a little while because my check-up wasn't until 9:00. I went up to 5B and got to see some of my favorite nurses. I also talked to juli for awhile.

Okay the Great news is, that my tumor shrunk alittle. YYYAAHHH!! So the chemo is kicking in. The Good news is that my Plt came up from yesterday. The Bad news is that I won't be able to start chemo until next Tuesday. Which we are going up north for the weekend and I will have to carry around my chemo for that. I will be done the following tuesday and we leave for Duluth Wedesday, so I won't feel very good for both my trips, that kind of stinks big time.

We had a bunch of things that we had to do but on the way home we stopped at Krisppy Creams. Those things are so good. They melt in you mouth when there warm. I got one fresh off the line.

That's my update for today. Write tomorrow. Have fun in the sun
With Love to all

Monday, July 15, 2002 at 01:00 PM (CDT)

What a nice day outside.

I got my counts done this morning, not to bad but my Plts are being dumb and not coming up. They were 30,000 and they should be coming up by now. My Hbg was 10.8 and WBC was 2.3, so all in all not to bad.

I just got done playing the game of "Life" with the daycare kids. I had over $2,000,000. Only if it were really money, dream on. It was pretty cool.

I think right now i am going to go outside and sit in the sun reading my doctor book. That big is turning out to be pretty good. If you don't like doctor stuff it's not the book for you but if you do, it's great. All the kids are going to go through the sprickler. It's the fun for the day. I know I will end up getting wet but that's good. The best thing is water.

That's about all for today.
Thanks for everything that you do and all the prayers.
Love always

Sunday, July 14, 2002 at 07:20 PM (CDT)

It was a pretty easy day today. Really didn't do much. My mom and I went to rent a movie to watch, "One Fine Day". It was a pretty good movie. I really liked it and so did my mom.

I sat outside most of the afternoon with no bugs. That was a surprise. There have been a lot of mosiquitos (I don't know how to spell that but you know what I mean) around here. I burned alittle but mostly tan. It felt really good to sit outside.

Tonight we went out to dinner, but I wasn't very hungery seeing that I ate half of a pizza for lunch. I havn't eaten that much in a long time, but the pizza wasn't that big.

I'm feeling pretty good today. Just a slight headache, this morning. Sorry to say but it went away alittle while after I got up.

That's about all that I did today.
With Love to all

Saturday, July 13, 2002 at 01:00 PM (CDT)

What a GREAT Day!!

I had a BLAST!! The boat ride was so much fun. Well I started on Friday morning and drove to my brother's house. It went good, I didn't hit anyone. We got on the boat at about 1:00 and we were on there till 4:00. Laura and her mom and Laura's friend came too. It was great seeing them. We sat up top at first. But ended up at the front of the boat where there was sun. I had one of the best spots on the boat. There was a bunch of people that I knew on there, so it was good visiting with everyone. I went back up top towards the end of the boat ride and made a ankle bracelet. Laura showed me how to do this really cool weaving way to do it. It turned out really good. After the boat ride my brother, Michele (brother's wife), me, Laura, her friend, and mom went out for ice cream at this great little shop that was really close. The ice cream was really good. Laura and her mom also gave me a Jesus doll. It keeps watch over you. Thanks you guys, I love it. On the way back to my brother's house we took back roads because the freeway was packed with traffic. It ended up everyone was taking the back roads too. It took us 1hr.and 1/2 to get back which it should have taken like1/2hr to 45min. Whatever

Last night we went out for chicken and ribs at this little place in Buffalo. My aunt and uncle came too. They were on there way up to the cabin. Wow if you want a full stomach just go there. They have this prim rib that was like a whole cow. It's huge and people eat it. I mean were not talking about something little it is huge, hands down.

Then we watched a movie later yet too. It was a pack filled day of fun stuff. We watched "A Beatiful Mind". It's a good movie but not the best that I've seen. My brother was waiting for it to be over.

This morning I met my mom and dad in St.Cloud, and now I 'm back home. Wow that got a little long.
I am done for now
With Love

Friday, July 12, 2002 at 09:26 AM (CDT)

Greetings all.

Yesterday afternoon I went to my sister's house to bring her some stuff. I was only suppose to stay for a little bit but you know me I stayed for dinner and visited for awhile. It's always good visiting with her.

Today I'm driving to my brother's house and then were going on a boat ride on Lake Minnetonka. It's with CCRF. I have heard that's were the biggest house are, that will be cool to see. It should be really fun. The weather turned out great so far and hopfully it stays that way for the rest of the day. I am going to stay over night at my brother's house so that I don't have to drive home tonight. Then tomorrow I will meat my mom and dad in St.Cloud.

I'm feeling really well and it should be a good day. No headaches at all. Sorry that I keep saying that but it feels good not having headaches.

Have a Great day and be happy
With Love

Thursday, July 11, 2002 at 12:10 PM (CDT)

Hello everyone. 8>)

Last night my mom dad and I watched Big Brother 3. I'm a sucker for reality shows, don't ask me why. It's a whole family thing.

I am actually getting up at normal times now. Like 9:00 and not 11:00. That's pretty good for me. I have been going to bed early though.

I had to go pick up Jacob from wrestling this morning. I love driving. My friends and I still have to go on a road trip. I think will go to Chicago. I doubt that it will happen but I can wish. We would go visit some of my friends that I met from camp. And some of my friends have friends from there so it would be a good trip.

I am feeling GREAT. No headaches, no nothing. It feels good not to have anything wrong with you.
Thanks for everything
With Love

Wednesday, July 10, 2002 at 11:24 AM (CDT)

Wow is it cold out compared to last week. It's like 60 degrees out.

Not much is happening today. Jack, one of my mom's daycare kids but I call him scooter, is sitting on my lap and playing with my little Lilo and sticth glode.

We had tons of rain last night and this morning my mom had to go get our garbage can because it was flooting away, because our street flooded. oops it still is flooded as I write this.

MY HEADACHES ARE GONE, yyyyaaaahhh. This is the first morning that I got up in a week and I didn't have a headache. So it must of been the blood. It's about time.

Wow this is going to be really short. Thats pretty much it unless we do something tonight.
With Love always

Tuesday, July 09, 2002 at 07:34 PM (CDT)

Early morning for me.

Sorry that this update is so late. This moring my dad and I went down the cites because I needed some blood. My Hbg was actually lower then yesterday. It was down to 7.6. My plt were down at 25,000 and my WBC was 2.1. So everything but my WBC took a spill. Well one good thing I pretty much got rid of my headaches. I still have a slite one but not as bad as they were. Jody kind of gave me a little talking too today. She saw that I had a temp and I didn't call. oops Who told on me? No next time I will call the minute I know.

I have to go back down next Tuesday for scans and a check up with my doctor. He will decide by the scans if I will do the same chemo again or start a different one. It all depends on how my scans look. Pray for the best.

I'm feeling pretty good, now that I got my blood. Really no compliants.

That's all I got.
With Love

Monday, July 08, 2002 at 12:30 PM (CDT)

Well everyone is back to work.

This morning I went to get my blood checked at Albany. I think I know more why I have been having headaches. My Hbg is way low for me.
WBC 1.8
Plt 35,000
Hbg 8.0
Now 8.0 is low for me I can't believe that I am moving around as much as I am with that being low. So I am pretty sure that I will be going in for blood tomorrow, and if they say I shouldn't I will anyway because I want it to be higher than it is.

I think this afternoon I am going to watch the Wedding Planner, and Jimmy Neutron. I will watch them with the daycare kids. Being that it is kind of a rainny day out why not watch movies.

As you know I still have my headaches, and my cough was kind of icky yesterday but is a little better today.

Continue to pray for everyone on 5B. They all need the prayers up there.
With Love

Sunday, July 07, 2002 at 03:33 PM (CDT)

Hello to all who have checked in!!

Last night Catherine came over for a little while. We talked and watched a movie, "The Shawshank Redemption". I must say that is a great movie. I highly reccommend, okay I don't know how to spell that, it. Anyway it's about prisoners in jail and this guy was sent to jail for something he said he didn't do. That's all I am going to tell you because I don't want to ruin it for you if you haven't seen it yet.

Today my mom and I were going to run in to St.Cloud but just went to get subs and watch a movie instead. We ended up watching Shawshank Redemption again. My dad came home, he had to work, and watch most of it with us too, besides the stuff that he missed in the begining.

Tomorrow I have to get my blood checked and if my Hbg is low I will have to go to the cities on Tuesday to get blood. I think I will because I am still having headaches and Nancy said that it could be because of the low blood. Also my mom said that I am looking pale, but she said it looks better then a couple days ago. That's always good.

Tomorrow it's back to work, sorry bout that. I will sleep in for you. : )
With Love

Saturday, July 06, 2002 at 06:13 PM (CDT)

What's up everyone?

Today we went to the Mall of America to go shopping, one of the best places to shop. I say if you can't find it there then there's something wrong. There's tons of stores. Anyway it was kind of busy. We ate at the Rainforest Cafe. It was really good. I had this bar-b-Q- wrap thing and well my mom got to try it and I mean she tried all of it. I ended up having half of her hamburger and she took my wrap, isn't she nice. I got a tank top from Old Navy and a flag shirt from the Disney Store. My mom got the same flag shirt too so now we match.

We also went to visit my great aunt, Marcella. She was doing good. I like to go visit her. She's always fun to talk to.

I slept all the way home, aren't cars the best to sleep in? We were going to go to the ski show tonight but it looks like rain so don't think were going to go.

That's all I can think of right now. Stay cool
With Love

Friday, July 05, 2002 at 04:37 PM (CDT)

Greetings all!!

Well did everyone recover from yestereday. Last night we went out to eat at T.G.I. Fridays. My mom and I shared the ribs. I'm trying to raise my Hbg a little on my own. Although don't think that will happen, but you never know. We went to my sister's house after that to visit before the fire works. Then we went to fire works and they were really good. They had a couple smile face ones and I my nephew saw a hamburger one. The bugs weren't that bad because there was a little wind.

Today we were going to go to the Mall of America but then went to our own mall in I got a book called "The Year of The Intern". I think it's going to be good. Being that I like all that medical stuff. I watch all the medical shows too. I even watch the new one Houston Medical, it's pretty good. Tonight we were going to go to the River Bats baseball game but my mom doesn't like the bugs and I really don't either. They can eat you alive. So I think were going to pull out a good movie and watch it in the house with no bugs and the AC on.

I feeling alright today. I just have that icky headache. It's about the same maybe alittle better.

Have a great rest of the Day ; )
With Love

Thursday, July 04, 2002 at 11:41 AM (CDT)

Happy 4th of July!!!!

Last night was a interesting night. We went to the Landing for my brother's birthday and that went good. But when I got home I felt like crap. I had a really bad headach that would pound. So I laid down for awhile and then took my temp. Well it turnered out to be 102.0 That wasn't good. I was going to call the hospital but last time I got a temp after chemo and it was gone the next day. So I just took tylenol to see if I could bring it down and to help my headach out. I just slept it off. I woke up this morning and the temp was gone but the pounding headach is still there. So it's good and bad.

Today I think we are going to take it easy and not go to far from home to make sure my temp stays away. If it does come back I will have to call. I think we are going to grill though. I mean you have to grill or eat some type of grilled food omn the 4th. Tonight I think were going to fire works in St.Cloud with Brittany and Brandon, my sister's kids. My sister and her husband are coming too. They normally put on a good show.

Hope you have a great 4th and be safe if you use fire works.
Love always

Wednesday, July 03, 2002 at 12:13 PM (CDT)

What's new with you?

This morning I went to have my blood taken. It went good. I just had a finger prick, not to bad. Here's my counts,
WBC- 6.4
Hbg- 8.9
Plt -31,000
Not to bad everything seems to be coming back up except for my Hbg. I have to get my counts done on Monday again and if my Hbg is still low I will go in for blood.

I got a call from one of my neighbors last night and they are going on vacation and they were wondering if I would take care of there hamsters. So I am on hamster duty through Monday. That should be interesting.

Tonight we are going out to eat for my brothers birthday. Happy Birthday Andy!! I think we are going to the Landing for tacos. But I won't be having a taco. You don't want to know the reason why so I just won't tell you.

I feeling pretty good, but I am having trouble with having headachs. This morning it was just pounding in my head. I told Nancy about it and she said it's probably from my Hbg being low. Otherwise everything is about the same.

That's all I got for ya
Love always

Tuesday, July 02, 2002 at 02:47 PM (CDT)

Hey everyone.

Nothing to big today. Just slept in again and played with the daycare kids. Tomorrow I have to go get my blood drawn again, I will let you know what they are.

I had a great visit with my sister and her family. It was great seeing them. I got to show them all kinds of stuff that I got on my trip.

Okay this is reallly short but I don't have anything else that is good to say. Have a nice cool day. And thank you for all the prayers and thoughts.
With Love

Monday, July 01, 2002 at 02:08 PM (CDT)

Hello to all!!!

okay change in plans I guess I'm not going down to the cities tomorrow. It's next tuesday but I don't know how all that works. It's kind of confussing right now. You know them nurse peoples. Anyway my sister called and she and her family are coming to visit tonight. She hasn't seen my pictures yet from colorado, so I will show those to her and I will show them my movie. It will be fun.
With Love

I had my blood taken this morning, I actually got out of bed, to see how low my counts went. They are,
Hbg (hemoglobin)- 9.4
Plt (platlets)- 14,000
WBC (White blood count)- .7
As you can see they kind of dropped low. They haven't called from the hospital but I am pretty sure that I will go down tomorrow and get platlets and probably some blood.

I spent most of my time after lunch playing kings in the corner, and seqence with my mom's daycare kids. Emily and I won a couple of times, we were a team.

I'm feeling good. Just the usual and I don't need to tell you about those. Everything is going good.

Well sorry I really don't have that much to say. Have a great day.
With Love

Sunday, June 30, 2002 at 04:55 PM (CDT)

Another hot one.

Last night my aunt stopped over for a little visit. It was nice to see her. She was going to her class reunion. I got to show her my pictures and my room. She hasn't seen my room since it was redone. My dad was watering the roof yesterday too, becasue it was so hot. It cooles the attic down. He just puts the sprinkler on top of the roof and lets it go. It actually looks pretty funny but it works.

Today my mom and I went to the movies. We went to see Lilo and Stitch. I think it's a good movie and I'm old. It's kind of sad though, I almost cried but I was alright. We then met my dad at the Park Dinner. Very good place to eat.

I am back to my usual. I slept this morning till 10:45. Wow do I get a lot of sleep. I went to bed at 11:00, so that's not that bad.

I'm feeling good just the usual headach but tylenol, forgot how to spell that, takes care of it. The cough is acting up again alittle. Tomorrow I go and get my blood checked and if it's low I will go to the cities on Tuesday and get some blood, or platlets.

See you tomorrow, or should I say "write" you tomorrow, and have a good night. : )
With Love

Saturday, June 29, 2002 at 03:28 PM (CDT)

Hot Hot Hot!!!

Wow it's is hot outside. Actually I don't think it's that bad. I like warm weather without the humidity. So I am vegging out in our AC socking up the coolness instead of the sun. O well what can you do.

Last night the ski show was pretty good. They did some awesome jumps off ramps and same good dancing things on the water. I think Savannah and Catherine liked it too, there friends. I know Catherine did because she saw a cute guy. ; ) They came over after then and we watched a movie and ate pizza. Guess what movie we watched first. O ya Colorado. Savannah had to leave but Catherine stayed over night.

Today we did our usual, went to St.Cloud and went shopping. But this time we ate at Apple Bee;s instead of Grizzles. I don't think there is anything big planned for tonight. Will have to watch a good movie and no we won't watch the Colorado one even though it is a good movie.

I am feeling pretty good. The headach is almost gone or it's just because I took tylenol this morning. I don't know but it's getting better. The cough is still there, but better, you never know about that though.

Have a Great Saturday and have Fun!! ; )
With Love

Friday, June 28, 2002 at 11:59 AM (CDT)

Time for some fun!!!

Tonight some of my friends are coming over and we are going to the ski show in New London Spicer. It's a great show that they put on. Then were coming back and we are going to watch movies. Guess what movie I am going to say we watch. Yup you got it my Colorado one. It's going to be like a girls night out. We haven't done that in a while.

Otherwise nothing to big is going on around here. I am sitting in the house with the AC on even though I should be outside working on my tan. Shhh don't tell any doctors because I shouldn't be doing that yet with some of the chemos that I had.

I asked my brother yestereday if him and his wife would like to go on a boat ride on Lake Minnetonka. It's for the children's cancer research fund. They said yes so we will be going on that on July 12th. The summer is going by so fast. I have so many things planned for the weekends. One thing that I will have to miss is the hospitals family picnic. We are going up North with some of the neighbors the same weekend. I guess you can't get everything in.

I can't think of anything else that I could say. Have a great Friday. :-)
With Love

Thursday, June 27, 2002 at 10:55 AM (CDT)

What a great day outside!!

Nothing big is happening at the house of Amy. We went to St.Cloud last night to look at a new car and ended up buying it. The best part was that I got to drive it home. Don't worry I didn't break anything, at least I don't think I did.

I had to bring one of my mom's daycare kids to golf this morning and will be picking him up in a hour. See I help around here. I do my job, sometimes. : )

Guess what I watched my movie yet again yesterday afternoon. I even watched it this morning. It never gets old.

I start my G-CSF tonight. That's my shot that helps my White blood count (WBC) come up a little faster, so that it doesn't sit at such a low level for a long time. Otherwise I could catch something easier for a longer period of time.

I'm feeling better and the headachs seem to be getting better. I guess it's all getting better whcih it should be.

Have fun outside in this good weather. Hey at least it's not raining.
With Love

Wednesday, June 26, 2002 at 12:41 PM (CDT)

It's on the up!!

I'm feeling better today still have the headachs but those are getting better. The food is staying down too which I needed it too. It's much better once I was off the icky stuff.

Once again I watch my Colorado movie this morning. It's a great movie and I wish I could show everyone because it's was so fun.

My dad brought the car in to be looked at after yesterdays incdent. He doesn't want that to happen again. I told him while he's at miller pontiac he should test drive some cars. We may be getting a new pontiac. It's all my family drives. Don't know what's up with that but whatever, as I always say.

Nancy called from the hospital and she got my counts. My Hbg was 10.9, Plt 90,000, WBC 3.7, and 97% newts. They're all pretty good, but they will be taking a big hit in the next couple of days. I have to get my blood taken on Monday and I will let you what they are.

Thats all I have for today. Enjoy the rest of the day. : )
With Love

Tuesday, June 25, 2002 at 03:23 PM (CDT)

O no, car trouble!!!

okay I got side tracked. I was watching my movie from Colorado again. It's a great movie.

So savannah and I went down to the cities and everything went fine until we left. I started the car and it didn't start. So I stayed calm, ya right. I frecked out and tried to start it again, and it went, BUT it was making a load noise and I don't think that was right. I put it in "R" and the car jerked and went flying back and I put the breaks on and they didn't work. So then I put it in "D" and went back in my parking spot and again it jerked and went flying forward. So I "P" and didn't move. I called my brother, Andy, and he came and helped us. He ended up looking under the hood and a hose was off. As soon as he put it back on it was fine. Thank god for brothers. So we were fine after that. Savannah, my brother and I ended up going to lunch at Champs. It was pretty good, I think. We had a safe trip home after that.

Wow that was long. I am already feeling a little better now that I am off the chemo and mesna. It was good to get rid of the cords. I still have a headach and stuff but whatever.

Thanks for all the support and prayers. Have a great rest of the day. : )
With Love

Monday, June 24, 2002 at 03:57 PM (CDT)

Rain, Lightning, more Rain, Canceled

Well it was the break of Minnesota weather. We got tons of rain and lightning, so they canceled the Challenge. O I have to break this writing we have a special report. My mom just came in and showed me my mail and I got my movie from Colorado. They taped us the whole week that we were there and sent it to everyone. So you know where I will be when I am done writing this. Okay were back at regular scheduled writing. We had the breakfast this morning and that went really good. My mom, dad and I sat by Laura and her family. They also brought along Tori, she also has caner. Anyway the first couple of groups got to go but they called it off when there was lightning in the area. So we were inside the rest of the time. I ended up going upstairs and took a nap in a room. I didn't miss anything though. I would have been the captain of Tom Lehman, Ty Tryon, and Chi Chi Radriguez. They were even going to let me drive the cart around. Well the players won on the aspect because they were kind of worried about me driving around the golf course.

I switched my chemo over this morning to mesna. That protects my bladder. I still feel blah but it should be getting better now that I am done. Tomorrow I go down to the cities to get my needle pulled. So I will be driving on the road around 8:30, 9:00 so watch out. One of my friends is coming down with me. Thank you savannah.

Have fun in the rain.
With Love
p.s. Catherine is the greatest friend ever. She told me to write that, I am on the phone with her.

Sunday, June 23, 2002 at 11:39 AM (CDT)

Sorry Sorry that the site didn't get updated yesterday. I tried but something was wrong with my server and it wouldn't let me on to caringbridge.

Nothing really happened yesterday. We went to to go shopping. My mom and I went to bath and body and we got some lotin. My mom got country apple and I got rich citrus cream and my favorite fresh waterfall mist. That one smells really good. We ended up eating at Grizzles again. I only had a cup of soup. Things still aren't holding down very well. If you know what I mean. I pretty much laided around the rest of the day. Last night my dad was talking to the neighbor and the dog bit him on the ear. It actually looks really bad to me. The dog took out a nice sized chunk. My mom and I fixed him up even though I think he should go to the doctor.

Today is a new day and yet again it brings me sleeping till 11:00. I am already having the chemo blahs. My body just isn't handling this chemo very well. I am always nasuaed and have a headach. One good thing is that my cough is better.

Tomorrow I am going to the Marshall Fields Challenge breakfast. They are going to be rasing money for children's cancer research. I will be a captain for one of the players, that should be fun. I hope I don't fall asleep on them. You never know me. I will tell ya about it tomorrow.

That's all the news I have right now. I would write later but I don't think anything is going to happen. Have a great and HOT day.
With Love

Friday, June 21, 2002 at 02:25 PM (CDT)

Rainy day. It's been raining all day here. It stopped a little bit ago.

Yet another tired day. I slept till 11:00 again, but this time I took a nap at 12:00 for 2 hours. I didn't know that this chemo made me this tired. It could be bacause I was up like every 2 hours last night going to the bathroom. The chemo makes me do that.

Have you ever had a day where you just felt like crap. Well I am having one of those days. Not to complain but I have a headach and stomach, and everything is just blah.

Sorry it's just a bad update but I can't help it.
With Love

Thursday, June 20, 2002 at 12:33 PM (CDT)

As you can see I didn't make it to the turtle derby. My mom and dad didn't think it would have been good for me to drive down to the cities while getting chemo. And I didn't get a ride from anyone. I didn't want to bug anyone.

What a tired filled day I am having so far. I got up at 11:00 and I was ready to take a nap at 12:00, that's just not right. I guess this round of chemo is just making me really tired. I mean I fell alseep before Lettermen and Leno, came on.

I am feeling kind of blah today. Not to much energy. My stomach is not doing the best either. It's all from the chemo. And I still have my normal things, like the cough and headach.

Thanks for the notes, I liked reading them. Enjoy the rest of your day. ; )
With Love

Wednesday, June 19, 2002 at 12:21 PM (CDT)

Not much happen here. It's pretty boring around here today. I am playing with my mom's daycare kids. It's not that bad.

Tomorrow I am going to try and get down to the hosptial to see the turtle derby. I love that thing. It will be my third year. I don't know if I will go alone or get a ride from someone, although I have no idea who but will see. I will probably end up not going but I will try.

My chemo is going good so far. I just have my lovely headachs again. It's not that bad but I know it's there. I also still have my wonderful cough. I am really not sure why I have that, but I guess it's just something that I do. It's not a good thing to have though.

Thanks for writing in the guestbook. It makes me happy when I have them to read. So if you check in could you leave a little note. I love reading them. Thank you.
With Love

Tuesday, June 18, 2002 at 04:08 PM (CDT)

Guess what I have pictures on the website. Thanks Juli and everyone.

Well were back from the cities. I saw my doctor this morning and he said it's a go for my next round of chemo. So I am hooked up to some more chemo. The scans from last time have showed that nothing has grown. That is really good. My airway is also clear that is good too. Last time they were a little worried about the tumor pushing up against my windpipe, blocking off air but, it's not doing that so it's good.

It took awhile to get everything mixed together for my chemo so in the mean time I went to go visit laura and her mom. She's doing good. I also got to meat a new patient, Hope. She seems very nice.

I feeling pretty good but a little tired but I think that's just from the car ride. I will take it easy the next couple of days to make sure I don't get sick. Don't want to land a room in the hospital.

I am all out of things to say, so see ya later.
With Love

Monday, June 17, 2002 at 03:59 PM (CDT)

Well Hello everyone!!!

Today I went to hang out with Sarah for awhile. We talked and I showed her my pictures and gave her her little gift. I left some of my pictures there and her dad was going to try and put them on my website so will see if it works out. I hope it does, i have some really good ones that I left there.

Not much else happened today. I am feeling good but still have the cough. Thats not new.

Tomorrow I go back down to the cities for my next round of chemo, thats if my counts are good. Which I think they are. I will let you know how everything turns out.
With Love

Sunday, June 16, 2002 at 12:06 PM (CDT)


Not to much here it's pretty boring right now. I kind of only got up a hour and half ago. My mom is outside painting the windows. I just got done writting one of my friends, that I made from camp, an email. I will be keeping in touch with a lot of them. Most of them are from chicago.

This afternoon I was going to go visit a friend but then i remembered it was fathers day and didn't want to interupt anything. I am going to grill for my dad or take him out to eat for fathers day. I am not sure which one yet.

My great tan that I got in Colorado is pealing. So I have a white spot in the middle of a brown area. It looks kind of funny.

I'm feeling really good. Still have my dumb always there cough. I don't know about that thing.

That's all. Have a great day, it's nice outside. Spend it outside.
With Love

Saturday, June 15, 2002 at 03:03 PM (CDT)

Well things have settled down.

Yesterday I just sat around and recovered from last week. My sister and her family came over last night for awhile. We talked and I told them everything about my trip. It was a good visit.

Today I went to with my mom and dad. We went out to eat with my brother and his wife for father's day. We ate at Granite City. It was pretty good.

I got my pictures back from the trip and they turned out great. I am going to try really hard to get some of them on my website. It may take a couple of days, but I will get them on there.

I am feeling really good today. Nothing is really bothering me, health wise. I will probably go back to the cities on Tuesday for my next round of chemo. I will let you know.

That's about it for now. Have a great day, and thanks for all the prayers and messages you leave in the guestbook. I love reading them.
With Love

Thursday, June 13, 2002 at 06:31 PM (CDT)

I'M BACK!!!!!!! WHAT A TRIP!!!

Okay now this may get long, I have a lot to say.

I had a GREAT time out there. We did so many things. Everyday was full of things to do.

On Friday we arrived at 1:30 in Colorado. Kids from Chicago and Cincinnati arrived at the same time too. We drove to the ranch and first had orientation and praticed a fire drill. We then went to find our rooms. I had GREAT roommates. I am really glad that I ended up with them. We shared many stories. They were fun.

On Saturday, o by the way we had breakfast everyday at 8:00, we had a ropes course. Where we had rock climbing, obstacle course, etc. After that we went on a Gondola Ride to the top of the Aspen Mountain. That was so pretty up there. I took lots of pictures. Then we had a Game room tournament of bowling ping-pong, basketball, air hockey, pool, and more. I took second in basketball. At night we went to Sam Goody and everyone got a CD of there couse. We at Boogie's.

On sunday I went horseback riding up and down Snowmass mountain. That was a lot of fun. SI had no problem. My horse's name was Ranger. When we got back we had a huge pool party with volleyball and basketball. We made tiles at night for them to remember us by. They are going to go on a wall.

Monday we went Whitewater rafting. That was sooo much fun. I sat in the back most of the trip but then I sat up front at the end. One of our group's boats flipped and we had to spend extra time there. For the rest of the day we had free time because everyone was tired.

Tuesday we went and played tennis at the Aspen club. I had the most volleys. We then went to Kevin Costner's ranch to go fishing. No he wasn't there but he normal comes out when we come but he was gone making a movie. I didn't catch any fish, nobody really caught anything. We went back to the ranch and played Bingo. I won tons of stuff. We ate at the Cantina. They have pretty good food there. We went out to a movie that night. I saw "Ya-Ya sisterhood", it was pretty good.

Wednesday some of us got up early and watched the sun rise which was pretty. It was a big shopping day. I spent all my money and I was broke. But I did get some pretty cool things. We had free time the rest of the day to practice for our talent show. We went to the Caribou club and ate dinner there. Never get this noodle and sauce, chicken thing. They have jews sauce. Which is ketchup and water. It wasn't good. Everyone got that. So we did our talent show and then had a little party. We went back to the ranch and had an award ceremony. We also watched a film from the last week. Someone taped us the whole week and we watched half of it, it was so cool.

That brings us to today. We left the ranch at 6:15 this morning and our flit left Aspen at 7:45 to Denver. At Denver the Minneapolis group had a 2 hour lay over and everyone else had 20mins. We got back to Minnesota at 12:55. My dad and brother were waiting for me.

We stopped at my brothers on the way home and had some pizza, and talked about a whole bunch.

Okay that is definatly enough. I have to finish un-packing, :( I will miss that place. I had so much fun there, but it's good to be home seeing everyone.
With Love

Wednesday, June 12, 2002 at 09:51 PM (CDT)

Amy is coming home tomorrow. We can't wait. We missed her alot,but knowing she was having an awesome time helped, She went fishing on Kevin Coster's ranch on Tues, Amy said she didn't catch anything and the fishing was different there, What she actually meant by that I don't know, I'LL let her tell you about it, She went shopping today but ran out of money so she had to quit, Who would have figured that?Well I'll sign off for now. Amy's MOM @ DAD

Monday, June 10, 2002 at 07:31 PM (CDT)

Writing form sunny Colorado!!!

I am using the internet in the nurses office. I am having a total awesome time. It's so fun out here. I am not going to write much because I am using there time.

Today I went White Water Rafting and sat in the front. I was the leader of the boat. The people here are really really nice, even some cute ones. I have great roommates. There both from Chicago.

On sat. I went rock climbing which was really cool. I got up those rocks like a pro. I just hopped from rock to rock. Sunday I went horse back riding. That was really really fun. My horse was kind of slow.

Okay they are kicking me off so I will write more, and i will, later.
With Love

Sunday, June 09, 2002 at 05:54 PM (CDT)

AMY is having a good time in Aspen COLO. Her flight from Denver to Aspen was a little bumpy. On Saturday they got on a gondola and went up the mountain. AMY said the scenery was beautiful. She also did some rock climbing. She was very tired tonight. Today she was going horseback riding. We will try to keep you posted on her adventures until she gets back home.

Thursday, June 06, 2002 at 01:24 PM (CDT)

Friday, June 07, 2002 at 04:58 AM

Good early moring to everyone. : )
I had to write before I go. Bye and I will write.
With Love

"I am flying on a jet plane"

Tomorrow is my big trip. My dad and I are leaving tomorrow morning at 5:30 to go to the airport. We have to be there by 7:30. I can't wait. We fist fly into Denver and then out to Aspen. It's suppose to be really nice there right now, thats what they said.

This morning I had to go get my blood drawn. It wasn't bad I just got a finger stick. It was to make sure all my counts are go enough to go. They haven't called so I guess it's a go.

When I was done getting my blood drawn I went to the park with the daycare kids. It was actually fun. I was swinging and went down the "tornado slide", that was fun.

I am writing this at the library. For some reason I couldn't get onto caring bridges from my computer so I am here.

This afternoon one of my friends is coming over. We are going to hang out for awhile.

I am not sure if they have computers at camp so I am not sure if I will be able to update. I was showing my mom how to do it, she's getting better. She's not that good on computers but she is getting better. If I call or something I will have her updated it and tell what I am doing.

That's about it for today. Have a great rest of the day. I will write tons when I get back. : )
With Love

Wednesday, June 05, 2002 at 12:15 PM (CDT)

Whats up?

Nothing is happening around here. This morning I made fish tank things with my mom's daycare kids. They're actually pretty cool.

I am getting ready for my trip on friday, packing and getting things together. That is going to be really fun. I am going to take lots of pictures.

I have to go over to my friends house to give her her birthday gift. It's her 17th birthday. I would tell you what I got her but she might read this before I get there.

I'm feeling pretty good, just the dumb cough that won't go away.

I am going to go outside and play games with the kids, yah ; ) Thats about it.
With Love

Tuesday, June 04, 2002 at 02:51 PM (CDT)

Hello all. : )

I had to go to the doctor today. Don't worry it was the one in It was for my radiation follow-up. It only took like 5min. really. I drove there all by myself too. I am getting good at this driving thing.

I went to visit my sister who only lives 5min. from the doctor. I had to pick up a water shoe that I could use for my trip. On Friday I leave for colorado. I am going on a camping trip, with the hospital, the cities hospital. It's for one week. The water shoe is for white water rafting. I will have a big letter when I come back. I will have to tell you all about it. I am not sure if I will be able to update when I'm out there. I am not sure if they have computers. I will have to have my mom and dad write something on here if I call or something.

Thank you for all the letters you leave in the guestbook, and thank you for all the prayers, everyone helps, i know it.
With Love

Monday, June 03, 2002 at 06:04 PM (CDT)

We made it!!!!

It was our first ROAD TRIP.
I'm finally back from the cities. What a long day. It started off at 5:45 this morning. I had to get up and make sure I was ready by 6:15. I picked up catherine, thats one of my friends, at 6:30 and we were off. The traffic wasn't that bad until we hit Rogers. I had to wait for my blood because they were type and crossing it. That took like2 hours. Well it got pretty boring and both catherine and I fell asleep tons of times. I was finished at 3:00 and had to go visit at the hospital. I got to see a bunch of nurses, and some friends too. The way home was pretty good, traffic wise,.

Now I think I am going to take a nap and get caught up on some sleep. I'm feeling a lot better now that I have some blood into me, my headachs seem to have stopped, but still have that cough.

Thats about it.
With Love

Sunday, June 02, 2002 at 09:59 AM (CDT)

What a Night! ; )

WOW was it a great Party last night. It was my first night for a lot of stuff. First of all it was a great surprise, my great aunt didn't even know about it, so when she came in and saw us, she cried a little. Then my uncle ordered a "Boot" which is this huge boot filled with beer. You pass it around the table and you can't set it down, or else you have to take another drink. You have to flick it when your done. Okay then for dinner I ordered a "meter Bratwurst", and you know what I ate it all, but passed some over to my dad. It was thin bratwurst so it wasn't that bad. I got a certificate for eating it too. Okay next is something that I don't think I should have been doing, I sniffed some snuff, it wasn't the real stuff but whatever. Everyone had to do it. We then went down stairs for the dance part of it. My brother picked me up and we dacne for just a little bit. And that was the night. I had to drive home too. I was the driver.

Okay sorry that got kind of long, but it all had to be said. Wish me luck tomorrow my friend and I are going down to the cities and I am driving. All by myself. I have to get blood. So be careful on the road for 6:30 to 8:30, because I will be out there.

Thats enough you are probbaly bored reading all this, so I am done.
With Love

Saturday, June 01, 2002 at 12:38 PM (CDT)

Good Afternoon to you. : )

I was up early this morning to go babysit my neighbors. We played outside most of the time. I got to play with there little hamsters, they're pretty cute.

Tonight we are going down to the cities, to the Germen House for my great aunts 80th birthday. It's going to be a surprise, so don't tell. There should be a lot of people there.

I still have my wonderful cough that seems to not get better, I will have to talk to my doctor about that. I also still have a kind of a bad headach. Last night I went to sleep at 8:00 because I wasn't feeling that great.

Hope you have a great day and stay cool.
With Love

Friday, May 31, 2002 at 03:16 PM (CDT)


I'm DONE!!! School is all over, thats to bad. : ) It feels great that I don't have to go back for another 3 months. Then I am a junior, wow i'm getting old. It's good to be done, I need a little break.

It's so nice out, the weather is beautiful outside. We played games outside most of the day, beside the 2 big tests which went really good.

I am feeling pretty good today, not to much to say. I just have a headach and the dumb cough.

Thats about it for me
With Love

Thursday, May 30, 2002 at 03:16 PM (CDT)

Hi to all

What a warm day in school. It's so warm in our school, it's like you don't get any air. Well ONE day to go. School is finally done tomorrow. I have to big final test in my first 2 classes then I am done for the rest of the day.

It was kind of boring today not much happened. I am keeping the temp down and not scaring my mom because I have to go to the emergencey room. I am going to try and get some pictures on this website. I don't know how to do that but I am going to ask Juli how to do it.

One of my old babysitters, and my mom's daycare kids, is coming over right now so got to run.
With Love

Wednesday, May 29, 2002 at 03:46 PM (CDT)

It's all Good!!!

I just got back from the cities, I didn't have to stay as you can tell. My temp went down and my doctor said that I should be all right with taking antibiotics at home. Last night they take a CT here in albany and the doctor there kind of flipped because he saw a big mass in my left lung. It's all right though, because it was there before. It was way out of his league to do anything about it so thats one of the reasons I went down to the U. The good news is that, we had brought copes of the CT down today and my doctor looked at them and he said It's the same if not a little smaller. Thats GREAT for me. My counts are down again from yesterday. So next monday I have to go down for blood. I am driving by myself, so I am giving you a warning now.

I got to see some of my friends at the hospital today. It was good to see them. I also got to see one of my favorite docs, or intern. I had him went I first started with all this, he was just a medical student. Then I had him last fall and he was an intern. He's pretty cool.

That is all my stuff for today.
With Love

Tuesday, May 28, 2002 at 03:35 PM (CDT)

Hey there everyone.

Today was good yet bad day. I found out in band that I had to play this song on the drums and I had NO idea how too. So I got all stressed out about that. The good part about it though is that our teacher didn't have enough time to listen to me, so I can do it tomorrow morning.

I am not feeling very well today. I had a tummyach this morning and I thought that I was going to throw, well you know what mean. Then during the day I got this bad headach and I still have it. I am not sure what that is from. I still have my bad cough, whichI don't know what's up with that.

I got my blood drawn today and they should be calling with the results in a little bit. Never mind they just called and my Hbg is 9.4, Pla 79,000 and WBC 10.4.

Talk to ya, or should I say write to you tomorrow.
With Love

Change in plans. I spiked a fever and I had to go to the Emergence room here in albany. They didn't some scans and decided that they couldn't handle it there so I am heading down to the cities tomorrow. I will let you know more later.

Monday, May 27, 2002 at 03:26 PM (CDT)

Happy Memorial Day! ; )

The day turned out good after all. There were no rain showers here. I sat out on the deck again and got an even better tan. I even think I bruned a little. O well it will get better.

I had to go play in the band this moring for the Memorial Day service. We did pretty good.

My mom and I went to St. Cloud to bum around. We stopped at a flower place on the way back to pick up some flowers for our garden. They look really pretty. My dad didn't come along because he was painting our house, it's his favorite, ha ha.

I am feeling pretty good today. No complaints.

Were grilling tonight so got to go help.
Have a great day!!
With Love

Sunday, May 26, 2002 at 02:06 PM (CDT)

Why hello there!!

It's another easy day. I really didn't do that much so far. I slept late, got up and did something that's always fun, homework.

I got an email today that said "If God brings you to it-He will bring you through it". I think it is true. I think it's a great saying.
I played a cool game with my mom this afternoon called "phase 10". She really doesn't like playing it with me because I always win, She has not won a game against me yet.

I had to call my doctor this morning becasue last time I was in clinic I had one of my pills filled, and didn't realize until today that I never got the pills back. So he had to call and give them a new perscription. It's all taken care of.

I am really tired today and have a headach. It's not that bad but I know it's there.

Got to get back to the homework. Later
With Love

Saturday, May 25, 2002 at 04:07 PM (CDT)

Whats new with you?

It's been a pretty easy day today so far. I sat out on our deck for a couple of hours and did some homework. The sun was nice and wram, got a small tan, nothing was better.

We went to St.Cloud this afternoon to just look around. We ended up eating at Grizzles, their food is pretty good there. I always get a chicken ceaser wrap, it's one of my favorites.

I am feeling pretty good today. A little tired, but nothing new. I still have my dumb cough that is driving me nuts. I hope it gets better soon.

Have a good rest of the day. Go outside, if you can, and enjoy the weather, it's great!!
With Love

Friday, May 24, 2002 at 03:33 PM (CDT)

What's up peoples : )

Is it a nice day out or what. I think I will be outside for the rest of the day. Even though I'm not sure if I should be doing that. One of the nurses called from the hospital today and said that my WBC is pretty low and should watch what I do, and you never know whats flooting in the air. And I really shouldn't have been in school either because everyone is sick. But I can't miss school. Ya right, like I have never missed a day before.

Today was a pretty easy day in school. Which is good and bad. That could mean the teachers are done with teaching a lot of the stuff or their going to pile it all on the last 3 days. They have been known to do that every once and a while.

I think I have to learn how to chew my food again. Today at lunch I kind of choked on a pickle, oops. All my firends were looking at me saying "Are you okay". It was kind of scary in away, I would cough until I didn't have any air left. Finally I was done, then it was kind of funny after that, long after that.

I am feeling alright, but not the greatest. My throat kind of hurts, plus a headach. So I better rest up or I will end up in the hospital with an infection.

I'm all out of things to say, so I will say bye. Bye
With Love

Thursday, May 23, 2002 at 01:12 PM (CDT)

I updated at the bottom so if you saw it yesterday make sure you look at the bottom.

Hello everyone!! : )

Again I am in school. Good old school. Only 5 more days after today is over. It will be good to have a break. Today I had a big Science test. I think I did pretty good. Thats what I always say and then I do bad. I think I did alright though.

Today I am feeling kind of tired. Acutally a lot more tired. I think it's because my counts are going down. So I just take it easy and do what I can. I also have this bad cough that won't go away. It's kind of getting old.

I have to go to the Albany hospital today and get my blood drawn. Hopefully that will tell me why I have been tired, the blood counts.

Thats really all I have for now, maybe I will update later if something happens.

Say a prayer for someone today. It will make you feel better.
With Love

Thursday, May 23, 2002 at 6:30 pm (CDT)

Well I told you I would update again. I went in for my blood test and my port wouln't give up any blood. I have a port which is connected to a major vien. Well anyway it would give up any of the blood, so they poked my finger. So sorry if there are spelling errors. I have a band-aid on my finger. My counts are dropping, my white blood count is .6 and it's normally like 5.0

My sister and her family came to visit too. It was a nice surprise.

Well again thats about it for today.
With Love

Wednesday, May 22, 2002 at 03:25 PM (CDT)

Hey what up : )

Not much happened today. I had to sign up for my classes next year. It was kind of funny I started filling out one of my friends schedules, oops. I am taking lots of stuff to do with the medical field. I want to be a nurse or something with medicine. I think it's pretty interesting. Well seeing that I know half of the stuff already.

Tomorrow in school we have a bunch of tests. The days are running down. 6 more days left and then summer break. That will be nice.

I am feeling pretty good today. One of the bad things is that one of my friends has been exsposed to mono. So if he has it then I have been exaposed. So if that is bad for me I really don't know. My counts are dropping so I am not sure if it will be a problem. I will have to wait and see.

Well thats about it from me.
Think happy thoughts the rest of the day.
With Love

Wednesday, May 22, 2002 at 4:03 PM (CDT)

Okay I just got an email back from jody and she said I should be fine about the mono thing. So thats good. Just thought I would let you know.

Tuesday, May 21, 2002 at 05:00 PM (CDT)

Hello everyone!! : )
Sorry I didn't update earlier.

I drove down to the hospital today, my dad was in the car too but I still did it by myself. I am a very good driver.

I had a good visit with Dr.Neglia. Thats my doctor, he's pretty cool. But anyway it went pretty good. He said my lungs sound good and now we have to wait on my counts to drop, which they started to already. I have to get my blood drawn on Monday and Thursday at the Albany Hospital.

I have to go back in 2 weeks to get a CT done and see the doctor again. They are watching my lungs very close to make sure nothing is getting out of hand again. Also in clinic the my doctor said if my scans are the same the next time I come in, there is this new chemo that he wants to try. I have this certian cell in my cancer and this new drug kills those kinds of cells. Also I could get started on methotrexate. So we have lots of options yet.

I went up to the hospital just to "VISIT" and I got to talk to one of my nurses who has been in California for 4 months. It was really good talking to her.

I am feeling pretty good today, kind of tired. I slept on the way home from the cities. I also have this dumb cough, which I can't get rid of. O well what are you going to do.

Have a great night,
With Love

Monday, May 20, 2002 at 01:15 PM (CDT)

Happy Monday : )
I am at school right now in homeroom. It's our 15min break a day, we just hang out and do whatever.

School is pretty good. I did really good on a math test which brought my grade up, and that makes me really happy. In Science I had to give a report on Huntington Disease. It was all good, I did a good job. Health was pretty boring. We had projects to show the class, it was boring.

I am feeling pretty good. I went to the hosptail this morning at 6:30 because my mesna was done. There was actually air very close to going in me. Like a whole line of air, which could have been bad.

I have to go to the U tomorrow for a check-up with my doctor. He's pretty cool. So wish me luck.

Hope you have a great rest of the day
With Love

Sunday, May 19, 2002 at 01:44 PM (CDT)

What's up all?
Another nice day. We haven't had 2 days of nice weather in a row for a long time.

Last night my mom and I watch a movie called "All around the town". It was actually really good. It's based on a book written by Mary Higgins Clark.

This moring My chemo ran out a little early, by like 3 hours. It was done this morning at 6:00, which was a surprise, but whatever. So I got up and switched the bags. Now I am getting Mesna to protect my bladder from the chemo. It will run until tomorrow morning. I have to go to the Albany hospital then and get my needle pulled out. It's all good.

Today I am a lot more tired. I think the chemo has finally caught up to me. I slept until 11:00 this morning, and I haven't done that for awhile.

I had to go outside and messure our swing set for a Geometry project. I have to Scale it down to fight and action figure. It looks pretty cool, if I don't say so myself. It has a swing and an arm hang bar too.

My mom and I went down to subway for lunch. I love subs, there pretty good. So the chemo has not yet affected my eating yet, that much, "Knock on wood". I just don't eat as much.

Thats about it for now. Hope you have a great rest of the day.
With Love

Saturday, May 18, 2002 at 01:55 PM (CDT)

Good Afternoon everybody!!
Wow is it nice outside today. I just came back from St.Cloud, from shopping with my mom and dad. Got some new shorts and tanktops, for this summer. I hope I can wear them, so the weather has to warm up a little more for me to wear shorts.

This afternoon I think I am going to do some homework and then help my mom outside in the garden a little, playing with the dirt : ). I am looking out my window right now and there is a beautiful humimng bird right there. I love humming birds.

Today I am feeling a little more tired but still am doing pretty good. I will be done with my chemo bag tomorrow morning around 9:00. It's about time I get done with that stuff.
Well thats about it for now, Later :-)
With Love

Friday, May 17, 2002 at 03:15 PM (CDT)

Hello my name is Amy Mareck, and i am 16 years old. I have osteogenicsarcoma, it's a bone cancer. I have been fighting for 2 and 1/2 years. I am going to the University of Minnesota for treartment and care. I made this page to keep in touch with friends and family.

I am doing pretty good today. I am still on chemo and will be done on sunday. Then i have to switch to a different bag that has medicine to protect my bladder. I to our local hospital to get my needle pulled. I have a port so that is really easy.

Today I went to school, i have been in school for awhile, but it was good today. I did good on a math test and a science project.
Well thats about it for now.
With love

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----End of History----