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Tyler Lakota King (AKA) T-Man

Hello, and welcome to Tyler's Webpage. This page was created to help keep his family and friends updated on his fight against Leukemia.

Tyler was diagnosed with Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia on February 12, 2002 at the age of 3 1/2 years old. He was on a chemotherapy protocol for 2 years and 7 months. He successfully completed his therapy on September 24, 2004.

Now, almost 9 years later, I'm happy to report that Tyler is a happy, vibrant, and healthy young man! We are truly very blessed! Tyler has come so far in those 9 years. Today, he is a 5' 11" teenage boy who has just begun his freshman year in high school. He has played guitar for the past two years and currently plays in his youth band at church. He also enjoys dancing and is currently taking Hip Hop. Tyler is attending a specialized arts academy for high school where he is getting the opportunity to study both guitar and modern dance. He truly is an exceptional young man! We are incredibly proud of him! He is talented, responsible, loves God and loves others. What more could a parent ask for? After seeing the kind of young man he has become, despite all that he has been though, I can definitely say that he's my hero! I am honored and blessed to be his Mom!

Thank you for visiting Tyler's webpage. Tyler would love to hear from those who have stopped by so if you would, please take a moment to sign his guestbook.

View this clip of Tyler at the Annual White House
Egg Roll.


Friday, October 13, 2006 0:45 AM CDT

Hello everyone!

Wow! It's been a REALLY long time since I've updated. I am SOOO sorry for that.

Well let's see, where do I start? I guess the best place to start would be by letting you know how Tyler is doing.

Tyler is doing great! On September 26th 2006 we officially hit the two years off of treatment mark. Tyler completed his chemotherapy protocol on Sept. 26th 2004 so this last Sept. 26th marked 2 years off treatment for him. Hip Hip Hooray!!

In Sept. T-Man had a check-up with his Oncologist in Tulsa and everything looked great!

Tyler has been having some issues that have us concerned. He has been having pretty frequent headaches. Most of these headaches haven't really concerned us but there have been two episodes that have worried us. One episode was about two weeks ago and the other was just today. Both of these times Tyler developed a sudden severe headache that was accompanied with dizziness. Both of these headaches were quite sudden and quite painful for him. Today's even made him cry and he very rarely cries. He's also been complaining of his eyes hurting lately.

After today's episode I have decided that we are going to have him checked out. We do have a strong family history (including myself) of Migraines. I'm hoping that this is all that's wrong but knowing his Leukemia history is enough to have us pretty concerned. Anyway, besides the headaches he's been great! He is full of energy and full of life!

I am homeschooling both kids this year and they love it! I must admit that I'm enjoying it too. I love watching them learn and I love being able to spend the extra time with them.

Serenity is doing great too! I can't believe she's five! She was only 8 months old when Tyler was diagnosed. Now she's a little lady. She is certainly a treat!

We bought a new home the past February. We closed on it on my birthday. (Feb. 22) It is a 3178 sq. foot underground home. Yep, that's right. It's underground. We literally have to mow the roof! We love it! It's not what you'd typically expect for an underground home. It's brighter than our last home. There is a large sky light in every room and a huge skylight/atrium in the formal living area. The entire east wall of the second living room is lined with windows and there is a huge sunroom on the south side of the home. The home has 3 bedrooms and 2 1/2 baths. It has two large living areas in addition to the sunroom. It also has the kitchen, the formal dinging area and an office. It is sitting on 3 acres. We have a large creek on the property. The creek is completely stocked and large enough take paddle boats and row boats out on. We have a dock so all we have to do is walk out our back door and take the kids fishing. We love it! We also have a 2400 sq. foot workshop on the property that my husband Terry loves!

It has been a great deal of work but well worth it. We are in the process of trying to remodel it but it will be very nice when we're done.

Well, I guess that's it. I have noticed that despite my lapse in updates some of you have still kept visiting here. I am so very grateful! Someday this page is going to mean a great deal to Tyler. It will be a tribute to him showing him how many people thought about him and cared about him. I love you guys for giving him that.

I will try and not wait so long between updates. Of course, if anything comes up I will certainly let you guys know. That's not going to happen though, right. I will also try and get some current pictures up of the kids. They have changed so much! You guys wouldn't believe it.

Hugs to everyone. I hope this finds everyone doing as well as can be expected. Thank you again for remembering T-Man. It really means a lot to us. And as always, please continue to keep him in your prayers. Please especially say a special prayer that these headache episodes aren't anything serious.

Hugs always,
Jennifer King, mommy to Tyler and Serenity

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Hospital Information:

Saint Francis Hospital (Warren Clinic)

Tulsa, OK, 74136


http://quiltsoflove.com/quilt/tylerK/tylerK.html   Tyler's Virtual Quilt of Love
www.jenniferking.net   Jennifer's Blog (AKA-Tyler's Mom)


E-mail Author: jennifer@jenniferking.net


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