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Nick Leslie's Journey

Thank You for Visitng Nick's Web Site. It is a place where our family and friends can learn more about his battle against cancer. Nick was diagnosed with Stage IV Neuroblastoma on June 18, 2002. He has completed his planned treatment which included 5 cycles of chemotheray, two stem cell transplants, many surgeries,and 14 days of radiation. After all standard treatments, Nick still has cancer. Just this summer we went to NY where they removed 80% of the tumor and then to Philadelphia to receive an experimental radiation treatment (MIBG Clinical Trial). It's a long battle, but we feel it's worth it to get rid of this horrible disease. We know God is still in contol and with us. That's the ONLY way we make it day by day.


Saturday, November 8, 2004 9:40 PM CST

We have been doing great and I hope you are too. Nick is now 6 weeks post MIBG therapy that we did in Philadelphia. Everything has gone smoothly. Praise God. The therapy had the potential to kill some of his blood cells especially his platelets. So far, his blood counts depleted slightly but never in any dangerous zones. Nick never had any platelets or other blood transfusions. He also never had to take any GCSF shots to assist his blood cells growth ( you know he's happy about that). He also had the huge catheter removed from his chest in October.

He looks great. He has lots of energy and is having lots of fun at school ( I'm a little nervous about all the ilnesses going around. People see him and have no clue that he had cancer. Praise God. This week is a tense one for our home because Nick has scans and tests this week. All are painless except the bone marrow aspiration. These tests will show if Nick still has cancer or not. After the tests, the doctors will decide what treatment will be necessary. Regardless if there is cancer or not, Nick will still have to undergo some sort of treatment because this cancer is so aggressive.

Please Pray for Nick this week. Please pray that he will be free of cancer forever. Please pray for God's control - He knows best. Here is Nick's schedule next week ( the MIBG test is the one which really lets the docs know if there is any cancer).

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Hospital Information:

OU CHildren's Hopsital

Oklahoma City, Ok


EmailEmail address  : tleslie19@cox.net


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