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Welcome to our grandchild, Olivia Goods, Web Page. It has been provided to keep everyone up to date on her progress. Olivia was dx with bi-laterial Wilms, with nodules in both lungs in February 2004, stage 4/5 favorable histology. However that changed after 10 rounds of chemo and the removal of her left kidney and two spots on the right kidney. They changed her to unfavorable histology Diffused Antaplasia in 06/04 and the treatment changed to 54 weeks of aggressive chemo. Due to complications her dosage had to be lower than protocol called for. Please keep our precious little girl in your prayers. We welcome you to leave messages in our guestbook, we love reading them. Thank you for checking on us.

Gary & Sheryl Johnston


Thursday, July 22, 2010 9:06 AM CDT

Gosh I didn't realize how long ago I wrote in our journal. The girls have been having a great summer.
Olivia's appt was great.... she looks good, she is growing and maturing into a young lady. She will now go to the long term survivor clinic and will be followed til she is 21 or so. He told us that he would feel safe that Wilms will not return at this point (if something should show up it would be a secondary cancer) pray that doesn't happen. But for now we accept the blessing we've been given with Olivia. She'll be 10 in September what more could you ask. We are so very fortunate she is still here and doing awesome. I am shocked at how fast time goes. They will be starting back to school in a month. They've always shared their rooms and now want their own separate bedrooms so for the past week I've torn down my office and replaced it for Ireland's room. My house is a complete disaster....we have been running alot this summer too. They've started doing twistars which is a cheerleading squad. They are enjoying that too.

I hope everyone is doing well. Some people are so skilled at writing the journal entries but I am not a writer. But you get the jest that she doing awesome. I pray for all our kids who are struggling and for all the parents and siblings. Keep fighting.

Sheryl J

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E-mail Author: Johnston_sheryl@mail.dublin.k12.oh.us


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