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Nolan "The Tank"

In December of 2004 our son was diagnosed with stage 3 FH Wilms Tumor. A few days later,he underwent a six-hour surgery during which his right kidney, a portion of his Diaphragm, a portion of his liver, his Omentium and several Lymph nodes were removed. Immediately following his surgery he underwent six radiation treatments, a second surgery to repair an obstructed bowel, and chemotherapy. He has now ended all treatments. We pray he remains cancer free. This website was established to keep all of our friends and loved ones around the country up to date on our little “Champion’s” progress. Thank you for visiting!


Saturday, December 29, 2007 11:39 AM CST

NED!!! Nolan's recovery continues and we are so blessed!!
Haven't updated in a long while, so here goes...
I cannot believe that it has been 3 years since diagnosis. It feels like it was so much longer ago. Jason and I were talking about it the other day and it was difficult to believe that it's only been 1.5 years since OT. It feels like life-times ago. I guess it's because Tank is so well, so healthy, so "normal" (I hate that word). I can't imagine him being any other way anymore. For that, I am thankful.
Nolan is growing like a weed and developing into quite a boy. His language is finally catching up and his social skills are coming right along. Although, screaming at the top of his lungs is still his main choice for getting heard. He continues to torment his sister every chance he gets and he continues to be proud of himself when he's successful.
In a strange way, it's good to hear him fight w/his sister because HE CAN. Although I will soon be a candidate for "hair clubs" around the nation, I am comforted by his fighting spirtit.
For Nolan, the negative memories of his illness are mostly buried in his personality. They lie somewhere deep inside him and only ocassionally surface. When they do, it's usually in relation to "pokes" or doctor's coats. He also continues to prefer to eat throughout the day rather than a typical eating pattern.
We have a picture of him and his sister in our hallway from when he was in the "thick" of treatment. Nolan knows its him, but NEVER acknowledges how he looked. I believe his perspective is: "this is me when I was two and I look like every kid does when they're two". His experience is so encorporated into who he is that he doesn't see it from a "then I was sick, now I'm not and now I'm a different person". Instead, it is all a normal part of him.
For that, I thank my husband, Poppy, Nana, Aunt Donna, a few angelic friends, and Nolan's medical team who helped me maintain some sanity- those were the folks who worked day in and out to help create the normalcy.
We value our time as a family so much. We have our good days and our bad days like any other family. We are blessed though that those days are kept in perspective by Nolan and his prior illness.
I often think of all the other Wilm's warriors we encountered along our way. I still pray for them and their families. I also wonder about all of those who are newly diagnosed. I hope that our journal helps some of them to find a little humor and faith to get them through day-to-day.
Scans this Friday Jan. 4th!
Much love to all of you...

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Hospital Information:

Patient Room: We're Home!

Cleveland Clinic
9500 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland, Ohio,44195




E-mail Author: tafty77@windstream.net


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