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Welcome to Erin's very own Web Page. Erin was diagnosed with Fanconi Anemia in September 2003. She received a Bone Marrow Transplant on May 11, 2005 by means of an unrelated 5/6 match Cord Blood. Thanks for checking in to see how Erin's doing.....God Bless and Keep those prayers coming!


Tuesday, September 11, 2012 11:16 AM CDT

Well, it's been over a year without any updates! That must be a record for me. Regardless, as the old saying goes, no news is definitely good news! Erin continues to thrive 7 years post transplant.

We made our annual pilgrimage to Cincinnati Children's Hospital in July. Though I suspected we might need to tweek some medications or possibly add some to the mix as Erin has gotten older, everything came back fabulously normal!! Erin is a healthy sophomore in High School, and is playing soccer on the high school team. She's involved in every normal teenage thing you can imagine, and she's just loving life! We simply could not ask for more, and we are grateful every single day.

Erin was able to travel to France in June with several of her classmates, and she had an amazing time. We're still trying to get the photos scrapbooked from the trip. There don't seem to be enough hours in the day right now to get it done. As the seasons change, I'm crossing my fingers that we'll be able to make some headway on this most enjoyable project!! We've got all the supplies -- just need the time.

As a result of Erin's test results this year, we were able to eliminate some testing from her annual visits. That was great to hear! We've eliminiated the pulmonary function test, the EKG and the Echocardiogram from her annual check-ups, and will have these tests done every three or four years instead. Overall, we could not be more pleased with how well Erin is doing. She is definitely a blessed young woman, and I hope that she lives her life with a sense of purpose, in honor of all the children we know with FA who have not survived. The thought of these children is never far from my mind, and our joy is tinged with sadness over their loss. I cannot imagine...

As for the rest of the family, we are doing well! Katie is a sophomore in college, and she loves it! She has gotten involved in campus life, joined the Navigator's group on campus, and she's a HUGE UC football fan. Her class schedule this semester is ambitious, and she set the bar pretty high by making Dean's List last year. We're really proud of her.

Jessica and Brett's wedding took place in March, and it was an absolutely beautiful cermony, followed by a amazing celebration! As far as Kevin and I are concerned, Brett's been a member of our family for a long time now, but with the wedding I guess it's official! Kenzie continues to thrive, and she has every member of our family wrapped around her darling little finger. She truly is a joy, and we simply adore her. Can't wait for Christmas this year with a two year old in the family! :)

That is the latest news from Ohio. We think of our FA friends (family?) often, and pray for all who have been forced to make this journey with us. As always, we appreciate your prayers for Erin.

Until next time...

- Barb, Kevin, Katie, Erin, Jess, Brett & Kenzie!

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