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7th December 2002 Kaitlyn was diagnosed with Wilms Tumour Stage 2 at the age of 3 and a half....we would like to share our experiences and our journey which is taking place..and hope you can learn and read all about our little princess.

I am re-writing my journal which started in Dec 2002 (i have hand written it but would like to share it) Plus I am keeping a current journal as well..So i do apologise if there is a mixing of dates

May God be with you all
and give you all the strength you
need to cope with your daily lifes.

" I can do all things through Christ,
because he gives me strength."
Philippians 4:13



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Wednesday, May 28, 2008 3:55 AM CDT

Well it has been 12 months since an update, I guess the wording, NO NEWS is EXCELLENT NEWS.................

And so this is correct, on the 6th of May Kaitlyn celebrated her ninth birthday, she also celebrated 5 YEARS CANCER FREE.

We share this blessing with many freinds and family who have supported us through many years, and our prayers to our Heavenly Father have been answered. Without our prayers and faith we could not have gotten to where we are today.

Kaitlyn is a happy nine year old, she loves her flute, her family life and her freinds. She is a wonderful miricle and blessing to us her family.

Through the past five years our family has grown in strength and more understanding of the meaning of our life here on this earth.

Meanwhile we continue to see our little freinds suffer and have to endure so much, our prayers will always continue for these little / and big ones!

And thankyou to all who have regularly checked in, and left messages of support, without this who knows what our minds would have been thinking.

As for now, we have reached a massive milestone, and for now kaitlyn is happy and healthy. SO for now there is not alot to report on, so i guess again we will have to say no news is excellent news!

Kaitlyn our lovely, happy healthy caring and sensitive daughter, we love you dearly and we are so ever thankful that you have come through and taught us your family soooo very very much, for that we thankyou for being a HUGE part in our lives.

Love Dadda Mumma, Olivia and Mack

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E-mail Author: myhidding@bigpond.com


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