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Saturday, May 17, 2003 8:51 PM CDT


The first photo portarys Barb's feeding efforts at El Corral restaurant at Unicentro mall. Apparently, Sammy didn't want to sit up in his snugli and therefore insisted on reclining on the table.

The second photo shows Barb with Debby Steinkirchner, Betty, and the female American Ambassador to Colombia at a Mother's Day brunch at the Ambassador's mansion. It was quite a day with beautiful fashion models and all. Mark and I would have liked to have seen it--- uh I mean the spread of food, of course!

The third picture shows our sick sense of humor as we inserted a staw from a container of pop into Sammy's mouth. Poor Sammy puts up with a lot from us!

Yesterday Barb, Samuel and I went to FANA to say our goodbyes. We spoke for a while with Maria Teresa Maldonado and thanked her and FANA for all that they have done for our family. We took some pictures and promised to return in two years, God willing, for a little brother or sister for Sammy.

Later Barb and I went shopping at a store called Fedco. We wanted to purchase a small gift for each of the maids, Alicia (the sitter) and Betty. It was a very interesting place-- more employees than customers! There is a guard at the door and at least one or two clerks stationed at the end of each isle. I used to complain in the States of the lack of service. Now I am surrounded with more service than I ever wanted. They are very helpful and pleasant.

Afterwards Barb and I went to Oma Cafe. "Oma" is considered one of the best Colombian brands of coffee. The cafe is quite nice and the coffee and hot chocolate were delicious. Barb and I walked home and cheated death several times while crossing the various streets. Apparently, in Colombiam stop signs are optional.

Today the Steinkirchner's and we (including Sammy) took a cab to an upscale neighborhood for breakfast. We had our meal at the famous Crepes & Waffles restaurant. I ordered a "crepe sensacional" (containing ham and Hollandaise cheese) and Barb polished off a waffle.

Afterwards we took a stroll through a beautiful park, took photos and went window shopping-- true torture for Mark and me!!!! As Mark Steinkirchner followed his fashion conscious wife into a boutique, he moaned "Welcome to my world". I replied with "I know what you mean". We both agree that clothes shopping has to be the most painful experience known to "man".

We then hailed a cab en route to Carrefour, a huge shopping center, for more "shopping". As poor Mark gasped for air while inhailing the diesel fumes from the traffic, Debby and Barb changed their mind and decided to return to Betty's instead. As the group's interpreter, I can tell you what fun it was to explain to the cab driver than his efforts to get us to other side of town were exchanged for a u-turn to the Pepe Sierra. Being bilingual is great as you can blame everything on the people in the back seat without their knowing.

Within two hours of our arrival home, guess what!, the girls decided they wanted to go to Carrefour after all! I accompanied Barb and Debby to this super shopping center. Imagine BJ & Sam's Club combined!!! It was amazing-- even for a guy!

However, the highlight of Barb's day was when I bought her an emerald/diamond pendant from Elizabeth (the head nurse of FANA and her husband sell emeralds). She has a beautiful collection with reasonable prices. I guess between the shopping and the emerald, Barb did pretty good today.

We are still planning on returning to Buffalo via Continental Airlines this Thursday, May 22 around 9:40pm. Our travel agent informed us that an earlier flight does not look good at this point. We are fine with that especially since it will be difficult to leave Bogota after 32 days.

We will be in touch. God bless!
The Antonio's

Thursday, May 15, 2003 7:19 PM CDT


If Sam thought he had his hands full when Elizabeth and Carlos Escobar came over with their jewels, he was in for a big surprise when we went to visit Freddy's! It's funny, since our visit this morning, everything I see has a special green glow to it! Wow! He has some beautiful pieces and Deb and I lost control for just a little while this morning but have since regained some strength! In fact, Deb actually felt a little faint from the experience. Mark came to her rescue with a nice cold compress of Clorox Wipes!!!! Prior to Deb's near fainting experience, Mark was beginning to break into a sweat himself when Deb was showing him the rings she liked. He grabbed the Clorox Wipes and to cool himself.

When the driver dropped us at Betty's, Sam had to run to Continental Airlines. We had a short amount of time before our next appointment so Mark and Deb were thoughtful enough to pick up a pizza for us at the Lebanese restaurant around the corner.

This afternoon Annette took Sam, Samuel, and I out to get his passport and to visit the embassy doctor. Samuel's physical went well and he has grown 4 inches since his birth! He also is weighing in at about 12 and a half pounds. He is very healthy we are delighted to say, so on Monday we will be going to the embassy for his Visa. They apparently do not process Visas on Friday. Samuel did very well at the doctor's office.

Our original plan of return was for May 22nd, but since we signed already we were hoping to change our tickets to Tues. However, there are no available seats until Thurs. so it seems we will be home when we had planned. We are currently on a waiting list with Continental Airlines but we aren't expecting any changes with the holiday coming up.

Tomorrow we are off to FANA to say good-bye to those who have cared for Samuel from birth and have made this dream a reality for us.

God Bless,

Barb, Sam, and Samuel

Wednesday, May 14, 2003 7:25 PM CDT


For you gringos... that means we signed the final adoption decree today!!!

We received a call from Maria Teresa Maldonado that our lawyer had signed our adoption papers enabling us to prepare for home! Tomorrow (Thursday) we have to get Sammy's passport and visit the American Embassy for his medical check-up. Monday we go for his visa. Tuesday we are planning to get a flight (although nothing is definite yet). We will update this website with flight information as soon as we find out.

Tonight Elizabeth and her husband "Carlos" visited us with their emerald collection... very impressive! Mark Steinkirchner and I kept a close eye on our wives while we heard a lot of "ooos and aaaahs" from Barb and Debby. You would be proud of my "generous" heart as I told Barb something that she heard from me only on our honeymoon--"Whatever you want honey!"

Later Barb did a slide show with our digital camera for the Steinkirchner's. She showed us pictures of Sammy, Mark and Debby's son's presentation, Monteserrate and the Salt Mines. Eat your heart out Mario Gualtieri!-- we are now becoming techno-savy!!! By the way Mario, if you're reading this, how long were you in quarantine in Toronto? LOL

I almost forgot to mention that Barb and Debby Steinkirchner (boy it takes a long time to type out that name) went to the American Embassy for a Mother's Day Brunch. Barb was very nervous at first but after a quart of tequila she began to loosen up (LOL). Actually it was a very extravagant affair..with supermodels, important dignitaries and chocolate! Barb was rubbing elbows with the elite and up & coming! She took a lot of photos as well... including one with her and the American Ambassador to Colombia (Mrs. Patterson).

I've been thinking lately about the things I miss most about Buffalo and they are..
1. bagels & cream cheese!
2. Our church
3. My barcalounger
4. brushing my teeth with tap water
5. My students at Lockport High School
6. Smoke-free restaurants and airports
7. Consistent water pressure
8. American television

What I am going to miss about Colombia..
1. The cheap prices & bargains EVERYWHERE!
2. Being waited on hand & foot
3. Betty mothering us
4. Rafa's sense of humor
5. The terrorists that were so kind to me in the elevator (just kidding- I made that one up!)
6. Jorge Rico's accent.. "Iz my playzur!"
7. Josie Gualtieri throwing her body into traffic!
8. Those amazing dinners at Betty's
9. Carbon de Palo Steakhouse
10. Jacques French Cafe
11. Haircuts for $4
12. Hugs from the birthmothers at the Hogar
13. Having Alicia, the sitter, on call anytime for about $1 an hour!
14. The gorgeous Andes mountains
15. Our friends from Japan-- Jim & Shelly "Pomono"
16. The artesans
17. Annette's entertaining stories
18. Our tour guide in Cartagena-- May God rest his soul.
19. Milkshakes at El Corral!!!! Ay de mi!
20. The driving-- especially the daredevil cab drivers!

We hope you are doing well. We miss you and can't wait to get home sometime Tuesday night!

Sam, Barb & Sammy

Tuesday, May 13, 2003 8:22 PM CDT

Today was, next to receiving Samuel, the most meaningful day we've had since our arrival in Bogota. We visited the Hogar, the home for unwed mothers. For those of you who are awaiting your referrals, this is a must of places to visit when you are down here.

First of all, the home is very beautiful and well kept. We are greatly impressed by the facility and how well run it is. Most important, we had the opportunity to sit and visit with the mothers. Honestly, it's a bit frightening at first because we had no idea what to expect, whether we would be welcomed or not. The mothers asked many questions of us, mostly pertaining to whether or not our children would know of their heritage here in Colombia, and that they were given up for adoption as an act of love. There were many tears in the room, but they were tears of joy from both sides of the table. These women were grateful to know that their children would be loved and cared for and understand the depth of their birthmother's love. Truly they appreciated our visit.

By the way, SEPTEMBER 2002' COUPLES, these mothers that we met are more than likely carrying your sons and daughters (we guesstimate). From the experience we had today you can rest assure that your child is deeply loved by a very brave woman. You are truly receiving a gift from very "good hands"!

On the ride home, I was grateful for the fact that one day, I will be able to tell Samuel that these birthmothers have made the ultimate sacrifice in love and he will not wonder why he was adopted out.

Once again waiting couples, of all the excursions you make, this should be at the top of the list.

We will keep you all posted when we find out anything about our return. We look forward to introducing Samuel to each of you!

Monday, May 12, 2003 8:31 PM CDT

We updated some NEW PHOTOS yesterday. The first depicts Barb at her wildest doing the can-can with Josie Gualtieri and Betty Castillo. Betty had us over for dinner last week and we had a great time. Rafa, Betty's other half, is an amazing person. He has a great sense of humor and can be very diplomatic.

The second photo is of Samuel at the Hilton resort in Cartagena we vacationed at a week ago. Sammy did a lot of sleeping in the shade. The Hilton is a beautiful hotel however if you are ever feeling "financially generous", stay at the Santa Clara in the historic section. My teacher salary would not permit that.

The third photo reminds us of the reason we support the Golf Tournament. FANA is one of many orphanages in Colombia. We must never forget the gift of life God gives us and the responsibility that comes with that gift.

Today was tough on me as Montezuma's revenge finally caught up with me. Betty reminded us that the water on the coast (i.e. Cartagena) is not as clean as that in Bogota. I spent the day resting while Barb and the Steinkirchners went out shopping. Later for dinner they served spaghetti and meatballs. I nearly had to straddle the garbage can while consumming my pasta specialty. Nonetheless, a trip to the grocery story (Carulla) for a box of Cipro (an antibiotic) and I was back to my normal obnoxious self.

During her shopping excursion to the department store "Exito" (like a huge Walmart), Barb purchased a lot of baby clothes for a very good price. However, the manager would not allow her to use her credit card because they require the "original" passport as opposed to the photocopy that we usually carry on us.

For Mother's day, yesterday, I surprised Barb with a huge arrangment of 48 long stem roses which only cost around $40 American. Flowers here are so inexpensive. We placed them in the livingroom as there is no space in our room for them. My second Mother's Day gift to Barb was waking up at 3:30am (which she usualy does) to change Sammy's poopy diaper. In addition, I fed Sammy his bottle which gave mommy a big break. Sammy and I went downstairs around 7am in order to let mommy sleep in late. Boy, I can't wait for Father's day now!

We love spending quality time with our son. Sammy makes us laugh all the time. He tries to communicate verbally and has the most gorgeous smile I've ever seen. I love kissing him. Whenever I lean over to plant one on him, he opens his mouth and licks my face! He's an absolute riot! In all my life I never thought I'd enjoy getting tongue from a short Colombian. Shhhh! Don't tell anyone I said that.

Tomorrow we are going to the Hogar Marguerite for Unwed Mothers. We are looking forward to meeting these brave women. We cannot express the respect we have for these mothers that choose to give their child the right to life and the right to a family. We need to keep these women in our prayers.

Well, Sammy is laying next to me as I type and he gets a bit miffed when I don't look at him. So I must go and give him some one-on-one time. I think he wants to lick my face again. Oh boy....

Sam & Barb (& Samuelito)

Saturday, May 10, 2003 5:41 PM CDT

NEW PHOTOS TODAY! (Thanks to the assistance of the Steinkirchners)

We are spending Barb's first Mother's Day tomorrow just relaxing. We don't want to fight the crowds at the restaurants with a crying infant because it seems Mother's Day is even bigger in Colombia than back home. In fact, our tour guide today was surprised Americans even celebrated it.

This morning Barb and I were picked up by our tour guide Patricia (Jorge Rico's wife). She took us to the Salt Mines. What an incredible place!!! My only regret was not having a better camera to take photos. The chambers of this salt mine/Cathedral are rather dark and the type of camera we cheapskates own would not be able to take good pictures inside.

The Salt mine contains a huge cathedral with the largest crucifix underground in the entire world. The various stations of the cross depicting Christ's death, burial and resurrection were very impressive. We strongly recommend that waiting families put this tour on your agenda while in Bogota.

We stopped in a small town called Cajica to look at the shoppes. Cajica is noted for their hand made rugs. It is very quiet and peaceful in Cajica. Bicycles are the main mode of transportation in this little town. We saw a gentleman with three small goats. He was selling goat-milk. The handwork of these people was amazing. The prices were very good too.

After touring we went to a restaurant that served excellent Ajiaco. This is a typical Colombian soup consisting of chicken, potatoes, capers, broth, cream, corn, cilantro and yuca (a type of potato).... very delicious. The main course was steak, salted potatoes, and vegetables. The dessert was also included... all for about $5 American! Everything here is so cheap!

We are becoming more and more Colombian as we live here. I keep thinking about the children at FANA. The older kids running out to us, hugging us, playing with us really impacted us. I still think of the little boy that climbed into my arms and told me that his mother was comming to take him to Mexico. It was very difficult to leave these children behind. They are depending on us to help them find families through our involvement with the Golf Tournament. Barb and I saved our son from a lifetime of poverty. Now we can help do the same for other orphans through Families of FANA. Believe me.. when you meet these children, you'll be hooked!

Betty has been wonderful to us. We can't imagine doing this without her! She checks in on us everyday by stopping by for several hours or at least via the telephone. The maids are very helpful. We feel like royalty here as they tend to our every need. We would love to bring them home with us but we were told it takes two years to get a visa here.

Samuel continues to grow fast. He eats about 4 oz. every two hours. He changes just about every day. Now he is able to manipulate his hands together and he is almost able to turn over onto his side! We think he will be giving us a run for our money!

Yesterday Barb informed you that I went to Norberto's for a haircut. I went to the "MEN'S" side and received the best haircut ever! And it only cost me about $4 American!!! And I asked Barb "And why would we be leaving this country?!?" They wanted me to get a manicure but as tempting as that was (LOL) I declined.

We miss the Pomonis' and the Gualtieri's as they left for home last week. We also miss the Steinkirchner's as they are basting on the beach in Cartagena. However, Betty is taking good care of us and besides it's nice to have the house to ourselves.

We hope you all have a wonderful and special Mother's Day tomorrow! When I look at Sammy in his momm's arms, I thank God that He gave this little boy such a wonderful mother! We both came from dysfunctional families. Breaking the chain of dysfunction starts here. And we are committed to starting a new generation of Antonio's with Sammy. God truly enables us to pass on a new legacy. And I am proud of the Mother Barbara has become. But please pray for me because Elizabeth is bringing her emeralds for sale next week and I see a very expensive twinkle in Barb's eye as we wait. How big is this twinlke????... It's shininng mighty bright these days. Oh boy. :)

God bless! and we'll be in touch!
Sam, Barb & Sammy

Friday, May 9, 2003 8:56 PM CDT

Betty's Place has been exceedingly quiet these last two days as the Gualtieris left for home and the Steinkirchners flew to Cartegena for a long weekend.

Samuel has been missing his friends but enjoys the one on one attention he gets also. Yesterday we had to make another trip to Jacques for the cafe! We are certainly going to miss that when we get back to the Buffalo area. After that we went and spent a few more pesos at Maku's. What a great place! It's a good thing there isn't one of those back home. It can be dangerous.

When we got home, Barb had to update her manicure here at the house. Being pampered is just so hard!!!!

Today we ventured off to the Museo del Oro while Samuel stayed back for a little down time with Alesia. The museum is an excellent place to visit and provides a great deal of insight into the history of Colombia's indigenous people. We ate lunch at a little place called Amarillo's and it was pretty good. It's a wonder the meal stayed down with the taxi ride we had back to Betty's! Despite the amazing cornering this driver could make his little taxi do, Barb actually fell sound asleep! It felt good to step out of the vehicle! Seems our rides in taxis are always interesting.

Sam went to Norberto's for a haircut with Ivan and is very pleased with the results. It is a very nice cut! He decided not to accept the offer for a manicure however.

Other than that, we have just been relaxing and spending precious time with Samuel. He has found his thumb (most of the time)and his "chuppo" (pacifier) is a good substitute when he can't. Samuel has also discovered his hands so he is fun to watch. He loves to kick and and to stand more than sit so it seems he may be an active little boy. He'll keep us young! He is truly a precious gift from God and we count our blessings each day for the privilege we have of caring for him.

Tuesday, May 6, 2003 8:20 PM CDT


WE'RE BAAAAAAACK from Cartagena!!!! We left Saturday morning and just arrived back in Bogota Tuesday night. It feels good to be back in good ole Bogota!

First, Jorge Diaz picked us up at Betty's early in morning to transport us to the "puente aereo" (domestic airport). The flight was a little challenging because Sammy cried quite a bit despite the tank of Similac Barb was pumping into him :)

When the airplane doors opened up in Cartagena, the heat and humidity overwhelmed us. At the airport a bus transported us to the Hilton Hotel. The hotel staff really seemed to understand "American customs" as every bellhop was holding out their hand for me to slap or something. And high five them I did!!! But they seemed to be looking for something else as we walked away???...LOL

We spent a lot of time by the pool with Sammy all covered up--- He looked like he was one of the "Taliban". We basically had all five pools to ourselves because there was hardly anyone at the hotel. And I took Betty's advice and told people we met that we were from Europe (for safety purposes only). Most Colombians really do appreciate Americans but there is a small minority that would not understand our adoption journey. Consequently we were very private about the purpose of our trip. When strangers, cab drivers, etc. inquired where in Europe we were from, I responded with "Jolly Old England" (We had to be quick on our feet!). Barb reminded me how I needed to work on my Brittish accent... too many "cheerio's" "Elementary my dear Watsons" etc. Pretending to be Brittish turned out to be more fun... but I just couldn't resist a chance at being a ham!

On Sunday I inquired about a tour of Cartagena. The bellhop, still holding his hand out, suggested a
taxista-lead tour. The driver appeared to be about 90 years of age and his cab didn't seem much younger. He seemed to weigh about 90 lbs. as well. Barb and I were very careful not to cough on our driver as he might have easily tipped over. After a few short prayers we entered his unique "traveling relic" for the adventure of our lives.

David, our "tour guide" informed me in Spanish of the many interesting sites of Cartagena as I interpreted his words for Barb into English. Sammy slept in his mother's arms for the majority of this tour. As David put his four-wheeled burro into high gear, we climbed up a very steep mountain reaching a very old church known as "La Popa". As we putt-putted along, we witnessed several "local people" hanging out in the streets giving us some very "serious" looks.

Then all of the sudden David's mechanical companion stalled on a very steep incline!!! As this prized "chariot" began to roll backwards, I leaned over to Barb and calmly Whispered into her ear "Now it is I that needs a new diaper!". Luckily David was able to restart old Bessie after several turn overs and flooring the gas petal.... Our praying didn't hurt either.

When we reached "La Popa", we entered a very beautiful church and saw a gorgeous view of Cartagena-- the highest point in the city. The tour guide was very nice and informative. While gliding down the mountain IN PARK (in order to save on gas, of course), we passed by the same locals that we had seen during our earlier ascent. Although they were a rough looking group, I knew they must have really appreciated us trespassing through their "barrio" as they kept on using some kind of ancient Colombian "finger gesture" in my direction indicating that I was "number one".

Afterward David gently coasted into town to show us the beautiful fortess that was built to protect the city. We were unable to enter as it was too late for tourists. But we did get to see some beautiful sights of the "Parte Antigua". There are some very impressive Colonial style buildings boasting bright colors. The tour, although a little scary at times, would have been much more enjoyable if Alicia, Betty's baby-sitter, had been available in Cartagena. It's difficult to take in the beauty of the historical landmarks while your son is spitting up Similac on your attire. By the way, if you ever need a good tour guide in Cartagena for future visits, just give David a call at 1-800-CHUG-A-LUG.

The last two days we spent by the pool. Samuel slept a lot while Barb and I took turns in the water. Not many Colombians appreciated my thong bathing suit. Quite a few locals even evacuated the beach upon my grand entrance. Even Sammy turned his head the other way. But as they say, when in Rome...

The flight home went better than we had expected. Sammy is eating about 5 ounces on every hour. He's slowly working his way up to Carbon de Palo's Steakhouse down the street. He is also gaining some weight. We love watching his facial expressions. You can tell he's trying to communicate but gets frustrated when he can't verbalize his thoughts. He makes us laugh so much when he blurts out these cute but unintelligible sounds. He has truly captured our hearts!!!

I hope our son appreciates my warped sense of humor. Once I get started, like David's faithful old chariot, I keep rollin & rollin down that hill. We hope you guys are doing well. We miss you, Buffalo, the English language, and boxer-swimming trunks a lot! When you guys meet Samuel, you are going to fall in love with him just as we have. We are so glad we found FANA. FANA has really changed our lives... for the better!

One last word for all you waiting familes reading this: Since you joined Families of FANA, you probably never thought in all of your life that you could consume so much cheese-pizza. But your son or daughter will be worth all the constipation after you meet him/her. Hang in there! The jouney is well worth it!

Sam, Barb & Sammy

Thursday, May 1, 2003 8:04 AM CDT

NEW PHOTO OF THE CHILDREN!!! Check it out! Sam & Ben have become good friends.

What an emotional past few days! Tuesday we went to FANA for a tour and our son's social history. Yesterday (Wednesday) we witnessed the presentation of the Steinkirchner's son.

First, on Tuesday morning we went to FANA for an hour tour of the facility. It really is a remarkable place! They really love and care for the babies there. During the tour we walked by a classroom for older children (elementary age). When they saw us, they immediately ran out into the hall and jumped into our arms.

They were fascinated with my videocamera. They loved seeing themselves in the LCD screen and enjoyed mugging for the camera. I spoke with them in Spanish and we played with for a short time. They took pride in showing us their school-work. They held tightly onto our hand because I think they thought we would leave.

One little boy climbed up into my arms and very innoncently whispered in my ear in Spanish "My mommy is coming to get me tomorrow to take me to Mexico." Sadly we all suspected that this most likely was not the case. All these children are waiting for a family and it deeply saddened us to leave them behind. When we left the classroom, a little boy ran out into the hall after us. One of the teachers picked him up and carried him back to the room. Now we "know" (experientially) why we do the Golf Tournament every summer.

After the tour we had our son's social history. After speaking with Flor, we had an even deeper respect for the mothers that make this very difficult decision. They lovingly and unselfishly choose the "right to life" for their child.

We are leaving for Cartagena in a few days. We will keep you posted. Have to go now, our friend Maritza just called and is taking all three of us to the Chia park.

Take care & God bless!
Sam, Barb & Sammy

Monday, April 28, 2003 11:22 PM CDT

FINALLY NEW PHOTOS POSTED!!! Thanks to the expertise of the "invincible" Gualtieri clan we were able to upload a few pictures (We had to use their digital camera). You must check them out! Sammy is already giving us something to worry about... you'll see what I mean. LOL

Today was another wonderful day.. how could it not be, we have our son! After breakfast the Pomonis family (no, they're not Japanese) and we walked to Maku's. This store contains numerous souvenirs that are difficult to resist--especially for a Spanish teacher. I bought a lot of things to use in the classroom. The "chivas" are very colorful statues of the typical bus that Colombians in the countryside use for transportation. It has neither windows nor doors and is packed with campesinos, chickens, pigs, produce, coffee etc. It's amazing how much one can spend when a credit card is within reach (I think we are catching up to Sue Schauer)!!! This was Sammy's first outing. (We usually keep him indoors as FANA babies have been so conditioned to a clean/sterile environment.

As we were exiting Maku's with Jim, Shelly & Brianna, Betty raced by in her fancy Taurus beepimg the horn! She motioned to Shelly that their lawyer was ready for them to sign the final adoption decree. We all were very excited! The Pomonis' went home while Barb, Sammy and I went to Jacques for lunch. (By the way, Samuel's appetite is catching up to mine).

Barb and I ordered pastries with coffees and little Sammy had his first "vino"... Just kidding. Jacques is incedible and extremely inexpensive. Before we ate Barb and I bowed our heads and prayed. The owner noticed us and asked if we were Christians. When we said yes, she invited us to her church (an Alliance church). It turns out her husband is the pastor and we even got to meet him at the cafe. God brings people together in unexpected ways.

Later we left for Betty's place for dinner. She and her husband Rafael live in a beautiful high-rise overlooking Bogota. The sight was gorgeous! We sat and talked for a while over entremeses (appetizers). Okenis, the maid, prepared empanadas (tastes a little bit like an eggroll) and "pan de bono" (a type of cheese ball). Later we had tortellini for dinner and arequipe (a caramel cake.....mmmmm) for dessert.

After dinner we talked, laughed and danced a bit. Rafael played some Latino music-- the Gypsy Kings!.... Ole! During conversation with Rafael I shared my experience in San Andrecito guided by Jorge Rico. Remember that San Andrecito is a rough Colombian barrio and is not safe for tourists (however, I had a well-trusted escort). Rafael revealed that all the merchandise displayed and sold in San Andrecito was "hot" (and I had purchased some)!!! Apparently it's difficult for the government to control this market place because it does provide jobs for several Colombians. Besides, Rafael's stereo system was purchased through this very little barrio too. ssshhhh! You didn't hear that from me.

Barb and I are contemplating flying up to Cartagena perhaps next week in order to explore a very historic section of South America. Tomorrow we will have a tour of the FANA Orphanage and then receive the social history of our son. Later Barb and I plan to go to a book fair. Around 10pm tomorrow we will welcome the Steinkirchner family. They are anxiously awaiting the presentation of their son Caleb. We are looking forward to seeing them tomorrow night.

We hope all is well with you guys. We miss home but are sincerely enjoying our stay here. There is so much we wish to do before we leave this great country and we are not in a hurry. We were recently told that we are in court 9. This judge tends to take the maximum amount of time to finalize adoptions especially if she feels rushed. Therefore we are enjoying ourselves and especially our son with the time we have together down here.

in 1978, upon entering the 6th grade, I decided to take take Spanish. It came very easy to me and it was one of the few subjects I really excelled at. Later I added German, French, and Italian to my high school course load. Although I struggled in my other subjects, Spanish always remained my favorite for some unknown reason. I couldn't understand why I was given this ability to acquire foreign languages rather easily. After meeting our son, I now know why. And I think sometimes a "plan" is revealed only outside the time-line that we impose on a world that we are still trying to figure out.

We have been truly blessed by our Heavenly Father (our ultimate "adoptive Parent"). As the home page of this website reminds us, He predestined all of us to be adopted as His children... the difference is we, as potential adopted children, make the choice to accept a new birth- certificate.

Take care & God bless!
Sam, Barb & Sammy

Sunday, April 27, 2003 7:49 PM CDT

Today was a bit more of a relaxed day as we didn't make plans to leave until 11:00 to go visit the marketplace at LaFontana Hotel. On Sundays here in Bogota, they have a practice called "Ciclovia." This is when they close down some of the streets to auto traffic giving pedestrians and bicyclists room to travel about. The Gualtieri's and we walked with our babies in our snuglies and strolled to the market. This was Samuel's first outing really and he enjoyed it immensely.

The marketplace has many beautiful items to sell and Sam and I picked up a few souveniers there. Then we walked over to UniCentro, a mall, to have lunch at Jeno's Pizza. It was a very relaxing way to spend part of the day. Shortly after we got home, Maritza, Oscar, and Nico came over to Betty's Place for a visit. It was a nice time and we hope to see them again on Thurs. and Sam will visit the university where Maritza teaches on Friday. Maritza and her family are friends with the Giansantes.

I think the walk was very good for Samuel. He had 7 oz. of formula tonight. That was a first!!! I'm hoping the good eating continues and that will help with longer periods of sleep at night. He's getting another walk tomorrow as we'll be heading for Maku's once again, a little shop with lots of fun things to spend our pesos on.

It's almost Samuel's bathtime so we're off until tomorrow.

Saturday, April 26, 2003 9:02 PM CDT

Wow! We can't believe it's been one week since we left for Bogota to meet our son. The time down really flies. The beautiful Andes mountains in the background, the friendly people, the excellent food, being waited on hand & foot, and the great friendships we've made make our journey very enjoyable. We will seriously hate to leave!!!

We were recently told that we are in court 9 and that many FANA families have had positive experiences in that court. It's exciting to hear that the clock has started ticking but truthfully we are not in a hurry to leave. There are so many things we still want to do. We want to see as much of Colombia as possible for Sammy.

Although we enjoy the many sights of Bogota, it is more for the purpose of giving our son a sense of cultural pride and indentity. Mario Gualtieri, a FANA dad, with a very strong background, told us today that due to the adoption of his children he considers himself more Colombian than Italian. Barb and I totally understood as we now find ourselves becoming more and more Colombian each day.

Today the Pomonis', the Gualtieri's and we set out for Montserate. Jorge Rico, a very good tour guide, drove us to a beautiful part of Colombia. We took a cable car to the top of a mountain where a church named Montserate was situated. The view from the top of this mountain is incredible! What a kodak moment! Our digital camera worked well and the Pentax was reliable. However, our camcorder, once again, failed us! It turns out that we didn't realize that the new battery needed to charged first. Needless to say Barb was in a very "bad way"......Don't ask.

Despite this minor setback, we still took advantage of our other "media equipment" despite the teasing from the Gualtieri and Pomonis familes. I plan to make slides to show my Spanish students when I return to work down the line.

What an amazing place! The church was modestly ornate. And the stations of the cross were very moving. It reminded us of what is really important. My only complaint was having to pay 600 pesos to pee. I should have found a nearby tree.

Mario Gualtieri stopped at a small trickling waterfall near the stations of the cross. He knelt down to collect some of the water in order to use for his daughter's baptism after they return home to Canada. This is not holy water but rather it is symbolic of Michaela's origin and will be used for this upcoming sacrament. Unfortunately for Mario, he inadvertently left this bottled souvenir in Jorge Rico's van. We are hoping that it will be retrieved soon. Hopefully the next group of Jorge's tourists will retrieve this symbolic bottle of water instead of drinking it.

After Montserate we ventured into the leather district. We purchased two leather coats for about 400,000 pesos (about $65 american each). I must admit that Barb looked quite tempting in leather. All we need now is a motorcycle and helmet. Va-va-va-voom!!! Later we ate lunch at a restaurant called La Parilla Boyacense... muy delicioso!!!! A steak (which covered almost the entire plate) salt potatoes, yuca (a type of potato), and the best arepa I've ever tasted in my life for only 9,000 pesos (about $3 American)!!!! When finished, our guide Jorge took the left overs, put them in a doggy bag and gave them to the poor.

When we arrived home we played with our children. Christian Gualtieri and Brianna Pomonis had a dance party in the courtyard of Betty's place. For dinner we ordered pizza from Archie's giving the maids at Betty's a big break from preparing dinner. After pizza we just sat at the table talking for hours.

Sammy has been feeling much better today. He has been suffering from gas lately. Barb is great with him. Although Sammy has spit up on us every day, it's not as bad as it may sound. But the gas drops have helped him so much that Barb is considering getting an order for me too. It's all that Colombian cooking!

I have to say when Samuel smiles at us, it makes all the dirty diapers worthwhile. The three of us are bonding so much. The Kallinikos reminded us at the airport that we were about to have the most incredible experience of our lives.... They were right... it is the most wonderful gift we've been given!!!

Well, we need to check up on Samuel. We love him so much. Take care and God bless!
The Antonio's

Friday, April 25, 2003 8:25 PM CDT

Hey, we have NEW PICTURES posted on this website!!! We were able to use the Gualtieri's digital camera for uploading two new pictures that Mario took. By the way, don't believe anything Mario Gualtieri tells you guys. He is tormenting us mercilessly.... just because we are "technologically challenged".

This morning we arrived late for our Bienestar interview. We ran behind schedule because we needed to help Mario Gualtieri climb up on his rented mule. Gravity was his enemy (LOL). (I hope he doesn't read this) The social worker was very understanding despite our late arrival. In addition, they were equally forgiving of us after we discovered that we had left our passports at Betty's. OOOOPS!! We felt very relaxed and it lasted only about 15 minutes.

At Bienestar they ask us how we are feeling about the adoption so far. They asked us twice if we would return to adopt a sibling for Sammy. They were also concerned about our impressions on Colombia-- how will we as parents portray Bogota to our son etc. They were extremely pleasant and wished us well. I sighed with relief upon departing their office-- no technology questions- THANK GOD!!!

Later today Betty invited Barb to get a make-over at Norberto's (a fancy Salon). Pictures of Barb's tantalizing new look can be accessed through this website. Mario and I decided to pick Barb up at Norberto's because, as you know, a woman (especially one that has been made-over) should never walk home alone in Colombia. When we arrived at Norberto's, some very "happy" men were providing the finishing touches to Barb's hairstyle. Mario was so impressed that he contemplated a new look as well. (Just kidding). Actually, it is a beautiful place, the stylists are very kind and entertaining, but there is a scarcity of straight men there.

We escorted Barb home safe and sound. We had a delicious meal-- honey mustard chicken, rice & veggies, French fries, Minestrone soup and carmel-coconut icecream. Delicious!!! I changed my first poopy diaper without hand over hand assistance from Barb. It wasn't too bad. I just worry about the moist missles he fires at me while changing him. Sammy is a surprise every minute but we love everything about him-- wet & dry!

Well, I have to get off the computer now because mommy needs me to escort her to Carulla. It is dark and she is a hot-momma! So I will be her body guard tonight. Take care and God bless!

Sam, Barb & Sammy

Thursday, April 24, 2003 10:00 PM CDT

Hola amigos! Sammy is feeling much better today. Yesterday Sammy had his immunization shots and it was not a pleasant experience for him. Our poor little guy was quite unconsolable and it was difficult to see him this way.

Today he finished his last few doses of Tylenol and seems to be a lot better. His slight fever seems better and he is eating better. Betty reminded us that due to the adjustment he is enduring an increase in his appetite will slowly be evident. He now consumes between 3 1/2 to 5 ounces of formula per feeding.

We love watching him. And he apparently enjoys watching us as well. As I was eating dinner this evening he would not take his eyes off of me. I think he was trying to figure out how he ever ended up with a father like me...LOL.

Samuel enjoys being held and walked/carried around the house. He loves it when his mommy changes his diaper; however today he hosed both of us down including the bedspread!!! When he smiles at us, we just melt. We never knew having a child would bring so much joy to our lives.

We had a wonderful opportunity today to have some pastries and coffee at a cafe called Jacques. They have the most amazing chocolate filled croissants and the best coffee we have ever had!!! Jacques is a must for you waiting families!

Then we stopped by Maku's. What an awesome place!!! Being a Spanish teacher I just had to purchase a variety of items for the classroom. Barb selected a few things as well. The chivas are a very big here. They are statues of typical Colombian buses colorfully handpainted. These buses have no windows or doors and are filled with people, chickens, pigs, produce etc. It is a candid look at the real Colombia. We decided to purchase a few at a later date.

This afternoon the Rosary-lady stopped by to share her craftwork. She makes and sells rosaries containing roses instead of the usual beads. They very beautiful and only cost (depending on the size) between 60 and 70 pesos. I ordered four-- one for Cathi Reesor, one for Colleen Gaglione, one for a colleague at work and one as a souvenir for Sammy. You don't have to be Catholic to appreciate this wonderful expression of the Colombian people's faith.

Mario and Josie Gualtieri, a Canadian family, are teasing us mercilessly about our lack of "technology skills". We are still having difficulty uploading the Steinkirchner's baby. After we went to FANA yesterday for Sammy's immunization shots, Maria Teresa was kind enough to take a photo of their son. However, we have been unable to send it to Mark & Debbie because our laptop does not have a USB port. By the time we work things out the Steinkirchners will be here and have little Gabriel in their arms.

Well, Sammy is sitting right here next to me and is beginning to wake up from a long nap. He is so cute. When you eventually see him (or any of the FANA babies down here for that matter) at the homecoming, you'll get a glimpse of the beauty of the Colombian people.

Take care. And thank you for all the guestbook entries. They really mean a lot to us. God bless you!

Sammy's parents

Wednesday, April 23, 2003 9:47 PM CDT

As you can see, our trip has been a wonderful experience thus far. We forgot to mention that Samuel had his first bath yesterday. "Alicia" was here yesterday so we took the opportunity to have her help us with our first attempt. Of course we were very anxious to capture the moment on video. That was when we realized that our camcorder still didn't have a functioning battery although we had just purchased it a little over a month ago. Once again, we were rescued by the Gualtieri's who happen to have a camcorder that uses the same kind of tapes AND has power. They also ended up taping the presentation of Samuel just the day before. This is not the end of our technology tale!!!

Today we rushed around early to take Samuel back to FANA to finish up his immunizations. We took our digital camera, which DOES actually work, to take some pictures at FANA. Samuel did well with his shots and of course it was probably harder on us. He has been doing fairly well most of the day though his eating and sleeping patterns are a bit off. He was also feeling crankier than ususal (well, compared to the one other day we've actually had him!) He is resting peacefully now and I hope he does sleep through for a while as he needs another dose of Tylenol at 2 a.m.

We decided that having a new battery was an absolute must! So we enlisted the assistance of Jorge Rico to find a new battery (a little less than the cost of 510 thousand pesos which we would have paid yesterday at Photo Japon.) Jorge took Sam on a most unique cultural experience into an area called San Andrecito (sp?). Sam got the new battery for the camcorder, and a new umbrella stroller that allows the baby to recline. We hope to use that in Cartegena if we get there, and definitely in the airport during our layover on the way home from Bogota.

Miriam, the sweater maker, came by tonight with her wares and so I ordered just 3 sweaters. I think that showed a great deal of restraint. I may not be quite done. She does beautiful work.

Sam and I wanted to "upload" or "download" our pics from FANA so that we could forward them on. We have been anxious to do so since we arrived. So, the guys turned on our laptop, which had been plugged in for two days and still had a low battery, to try to get the software downloaded. Not only did the laptop which we brought down have a low battery, it also seems to lack a jack for the ether net cord.

Thank goodness for the couples that are staying here at Betty's Place with us. They have laughed at our technological handicaps and we have many other good laughs as well. They have also provided good support as practiced parents in areas of feeding, sleeping, and administering Tylenol to babies!!!!

Tuesday, April 22, 2003 8:58 PM CDT

Hello everyone! Today we were picked up by Annette, our driver(our adoption legal rep), in order to go to the notary's office to sign the powers of attorney to our lawyer, Dr. Polo. Annette informed us that our Bienestar interview will be next Tuesday, April 29th (one week from today). We were hoping to begin the process this week but the earliest they could schedule us is next week.

Annette is a remarkable woman. She is very efficient and really cares about the families she helps. She speaks German, Spanish, French and English of course. It really feels good to be under her wing so to speak. If she turns out to be your adoption driver, you will be in very good hands.

Later today Alicia, the sitter for the children at Betty's, taught Barb and me how to bathe Samuel. Although we learned a lot from the Well-baby class that Barb Surace and Colleen Gaglione taught last fall, our memories needed a brush-up. (By the way Colleen, Sammy had his first poop today. I never thought, during my entire existence, that I'd get excited about seeing crap... but mums the word on that one Colleen). Alicia is amazing as well. She really has a way with the children at Betty's. She works very hard, like many Colombians, for very little money. And it really made her day when I mentioned all the well-wishes from all of you back at home.

We had some time to go shopping at Carrulla (a grocery store right across the street) and at Unicentro mall again. We went in search of a new battery for our camcorder. Apparently the new camera we just purchased (purposely for Sammy's presentation) came with an old battery [thanks a lot BEST BUY!]. Fortunately, we were saved by the Gualtieris' camcorder for the videotaping of Sammy's presentation yesterday. Thank you Josie & Mario for coming to the rescue!

We looked high and low for a new camera battery at the mall but the only store that had one (Foto-Japon) wanted over 500,000 pesos for one!!! On the positive side we did find one of the many "El Corral" fast food joints. We had the most delicious chocolate milkshake!!! I had a large shake because I heard that due to the high altitude in Bogota people can eat all they want and never gain weight!!! In fact we've also heard from numerous FANA families that people can't help but lose weight in Bogota. So, I'm indulging myself without the guilt! -- and this time I'll keep it off! LOL

Barb is learing a lot of Spanish while here. It's amazing how much she understands. The difficult part comes when she attempts to form complete sentences. I speak to Samuel mostly in Spanish and Barb speaks to him in English. We are hoping he will be bilingual as this will work to his advantage down the line. In addition, we want Sammy to be proud of his Colombian heritage. We think God created Colombians in order to display His artistic talents. And when you new families come here for the first time, you'll know what we mean.

Colombia has truly enriched our marriage and our family. Don't read the newspapers. Don't believe everything you hear on the evening news. If you are willing to view a part of the world with different lenses, you will love Colombia as much as we do! The experience is really preparing us to be better human beings.

Tomorrow we have an appointment at FANA for Samuel's immunization shots. We are a little nervous because we can't imagine our son enduring a needle. I guess as parents we now know what our moms and dads meant by "This hurts me more than it will hurt you." We love our son much. All the paperwork, all the fundraising, and all the pounds of pizza and wings consummed at those long golf meetings are well worth the joy of holding your son or daughter in your arms for the very first time! New couples--Don't throw in the towel! He/she is well worth the journey!.....and he/she is waiting for you!

Faith is knowing that things will make better sense in reverse. God has a plan.

Sam, Barb & Sammy

Monday, April 21, 2003 5:54 PM CDT

What a day! Barb and I just had the most awesome experience of our lives. Words cannot adequately describe the joy we are experiencing in holding Samuel-Javier in our arms.

First I got up early because I couldn't sleep. I took a shower and walked to Carulla, the supermarket. I purchased a cake for Samuel and carried home (Betty's place is just around the corner). Then Barb and I had breakfast and then the phone rang. It was Annette. She informed us that we would be picked up around 10:30 to be escorted to FANA.

Before our transportation arrived at Betty's, Barb asked me to pray with her. We prayed that God would give us strength to be good stewards of this child, peace and guidance. We always feel more confident when we involve God in this process.

When Guillermo and Annette arrived at Betty's, there was another family from France in the van. They were adopting a little girl (a sister for their son Paul). On route to FANA, Guillermo, who speaks no English, told me a lot about Colombia. He is very friendly and quite knowledgeable about the area. We observed a lot of poverty but also much beauty. Don't worry about the driving. We didn't think the traffic was that bad at all. We felt very safe, ironically.

As we entered FANA, Josie Gualtieri (another FANA mom) was kind enough to videotape our new adventure. Elizabeth, the head nurse, gave us a medical history of our son and he is in excellent health.

The French family received their daughter first. It was very emotional seeing this wonderful moment. Their son Paul was very excited to receive his new sister. After their presentation we received Samuel. It was amazing!!!

He took a quick liking to his mother! Cameras were flashing and videos were rolling. Barb gave Sammy to me and as I held him in my arms I welcomed him to our family in Spanish. I then began to speak to him in Spanish. And I think he understood some of it---LOL.

Afterwards we went into another room to celebrate the two new presentations! The French family brought their champaigne and we contributed a cake. The father from France made a brief toast in French and after that I did the same in Spanish.

Before we left we bought formula (Similac). It is the cheapest at FANA (Thank you MasterCard!). We were picked up in the underground parking lot of FANA because it began to rain very heavily. While driving home I sat next to Barb in amazement at how beautiful a person she is. The sight my son resting himself on her was the most precious sight I've ever seen. This mental picture will remain with me forever.

When we arrived home, we were greeted by Betty and her staff. They literally rolled out a carpet for us. We showed off our son and then brought him to our room. As I was holding him I sensed a "missle" firing from down south and immediately notified his mother. Barb was kind enough to offer to change his diaper. I went to assist her and noticed his eyes follow his mother wherever she goes. He indeed is in love with her.

He took a nap for about 45 minutes and then wanted some attention. Barb thinks not spoiling him will be very difficult and I agree. We just love looking at him. He is such a blessing. We look forward to showing you our son in the future. Like many Colombian children, he is a very beautiful child.

We'll continue keeping you posted each day. Please check out the new pictures in this website. There is a picture of the head nurse carrying him to us and two other photos of our family at Betty's.

God bless you!
Sam, Barb & Sammy

Sunday, April 20, 2003 9:00 PM CDT











Friday, April 11, 2003 7:10 AM CDT

We just got current pictures of Sammy from the Gualtieri's who are already in Bogota with their daughter Michaela (She is a doll by the way!). We tried downloading the pictures to our website but to no avail. If you would like us to forward them to you, just email us at

Sammy is growing very fast-- we can't wait to see him. He has big beautiful eyes. His full head of hair sets a new precedent for the Antonio family line. We were told that his large forehead signifies intelligence. I guess we better start putting a little $ away each paycheck for Harvard...LOL. Actually in all seriousness, we would be happy with whatever path our Sammy takes as long as he sees his meaning and purpose in that very pursuit-- whatever that may be.

We are getting more and more anxious to go down to Bogota to meet our boy. I can't believe I'm a father!!!! Barb is going to make the best mother for this little guy! If you could see how she interacted with babies and toddlers in our church nursery, you would know exactly what I mean. God has truly blessed us!

Without our Lord and Saviour, we would be nothing. Thank you Father for being more faithful to us than I have been to you.

Sam, Barb and little Sammy

Thursday, April 3, 2003 7:33 PM CST

We finally have pictures on Samuel's website!!! Barb firgured out how to transfer the referral and baby photos to the site. And with the help of our nephew, Bernie, in Rochester, she was able to wallpaper our monitor screen with Samuel's photo. We love him so much.

Today I drove out to Baker Victory in Lackawanna to get the certified apostilled license of agency for our portfolio. Our paperwork is basically done-- for now. When we arrive in Colombia, there will be much more, we know. It's so hard to believe that this is all happening.

My students have been great and the faculty are so encouraging. That has sustained me during these last 13 months. Barbara is tying up many loose-ends at work preparing for the sub that will take over. In addition she is finishing her annual reviews.

A picture of "Samuel" is posted everywhere in our house and in various locations at work. We can't wait to hold him in our arms. We miss him very much. We are flying down to Bogota on Saturday, April 19th and will meet our son on the 21st-- Easter Sunday! What a blessing he is! We know God intended for this little guy to be in our lives. It's so awesome how He works!

Sam & Barb

Sunday morning, March 30, 2003

It is 4am and I can't sleep because Barb and I received the most wonderful news last night. At the annual FANA Membership meeting our buddy couple, Matt & Katie supersleuth Giansante, gave us our baby referral. Katie announced that Barb and I would be home in time for Spanish camp (this summer) since we were going to Bogota to get our son!!! It was the most amazing experience we have ever been through.

As we stepped up onto the stage, Katie gave Barb a basket of beautiful flowers with a balloon attached saying "It's a boy!" and Matt, while handing me the referral picture announced "This is your son!" [Matt & Katie, you really surprised us! Thank you again for making our referral an awesome and memorable experience! We love you guys:)]

I had the opportunity to briefly share our adoption journey and the many many ways we feel blessed. God's timing truly is perfect.

Families of FANA were so nice to us as we were surrounded by hugs, good wishes and lots of helpful advice. We feel like part of the FANA family and are grateful for the support that we get from this group.

I'm going to try to get some sleep. We have a big day tomorrow. God bless!

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----End of History----