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Welcome to Jose's Arnold-Chairi Malformation and Syringohydromyelia information page. It has been created to keep you UPDATED On his fight with this disease!! Thank you for supporting us and visiting his website! If you are unfamiliar with these diseases or with our fight and struggle for the last three years, please read our past journal entries for more information and a closer look at our life!

Please stop in and sign Joey's Guest Book, he loves to hear from you all!! God Bless!


Friday, January 14, 2005 1:16 AM CST

God Bless you all and thank you for continuing to visit my husband's website. It has been a year and two months since Joey had his craniectomy and he is still alive and doing well. Unfortunately his pain has not subsided and he is still living on methadone to get him through each day, but thank our Lord that it can't and will not further the condition. We knew that the surgery would stop him from getting worse, but would keep him where he was before surgery, and honestly he tries everyday to live a normal life. Working hard to provide for his family, taking care of himself by staying lean and trusting in the Lord God to one day heal him completely to where no more methadone! Please do keep us in prayer as right now we are really struggling and suffering in other ways then his disease. There is a battle going on and Satam is trying to destroy marriages, but as long as God's people stay fixed on prayer, the devil can never win the battle...because the battle is the Lord's t win! He will take up our case...and in him we will take refuge. Our safety is Christ and underneath his wings we are protected and safe!

Lord God I come before you right now asking you to break the chains of bondage, Lord I ask that you hear my cry tonight and search my heart, Lord I ask that you have your way in our life and father God you said to pray to you with a pure heart, and as long as it is according to your will you would always grant us the desire of our heart. Lord in your word you said "seek and ye shall find, knock and the door will be opened, ask and you shall receive" and Lord we know that your word does not come back void Lord God. So father God I ask that you listen to my heart, hear my cries and deliver us from this captive state. The devil is a constant liar, set out to destroy God's people and I ask right now that you take away my spirit of fear, Lord that you give me peace and power and a sound mind, to know that even though the devil tries to devour me, he can never steal my Joy nor can he kill me! Lord God I pray for each and every person that comes here and needs a healing of some kind, Lord by your mighty stripes we are healed and this we stand firm and believe. Lord allow us to take refuge underneath your mighty wings. Father you are our keeper and in you we can always hide. Please forgive me for my sins, for Lord God I was born into sin and set out to fail, but with you I am loved and forgiven..and lord your love is pure, supernatural and unconditional, it forgives and forgets and I thank you each and every day for giving us the strength to keep going, even in pain and in agony we keep pressing towards the mark!! Lord bless every soul and have your way...LET YOUR WILL BE DONE! IN JESUS NAME....AMEN!



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E-mail Author: djgomez350@msn.com


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