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Welcome to our Child Web Page. It has been provided to keep people updated about our Child. I want to give a special thanks to our daughter Briana, who acted like a Big sister to Aniello.Briana understood what was going on, and she is a hero in our eye's Aniello was diagnosed with Wilms Tumor on May 2, 2003. I can say it was the worst day of our lives. Our boy has Cancer...We had taken Aniello to the doctors prior, due to stomach pains. Aniello seen his doctor, everything was normal. The doctor didn't think it was anything to worry about.But decided to do some blood work. the results came the following day. It showed his blood was elevated, meaning there was inflamation. So they decided to just keep a eye on him. The next day Aniello was getting better. He was playing on his scooter and running around until that night, Aniello fell in the backyard, came running in the house, screaming and doubled over in pain. We rushed him over to Jersey Shore Hospital.His stomach was very hard, also he was very tired, with a high fever. The doctors were all thinking appendix. Well the Cat scan showed a large mass.He HAS CANCER....Aniello was put in PICU, that night. So we had to wait until the morning to find out what was going on. A MRI was done and confirmed, Aniello has Wilm'sView this montage created at One True Media
My Montage 9/3/07


Monday, April 2, 2012 6:07 PM CDT

Is about time! Its been over 5 years now since our last update. Aniello is doing great. We are now going on 10 years since, Aniello was diagnosed with Wilms tumor.He continues to grow. He is now 11 years old, and plays football n lacrosse. Aniello been playing football since 5 years old, and loves the game. He has been selected to the all-star games in both sports. He has become a role model to other kids.He continues to become a great player, and we, as a family are greatfull for this. Wilms tumor, will never be forgotton in the Russo family. Many children n famlies are facing Cancer everyday, and the names and faces,will always be remembered on this site.And as a family, we make sure Aniello knows about his childhood cancer.

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E-mail Author: dorneal@comcast.net


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