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Miles Justice Dauphinais' Web Page

Welcome to Miles' web page. It has been provided to keep people updated about Miles and his condition.


Tuesday, June 8, 2004 11:57 PM CDT

Hello everyone.

Well we had a very busy weekend which started on Friday morning when Miles went in for another bone marrow biopsy and have blood drawn. The blood results were great once again and we won't know the bone marrow results until mid week. We are praying that the results be positive results like his last few have been.
We also attended the Relay for Life in Devils Lake which was a very inspiring event for all of us, I told a little bit of Miles' story and a lot of people who I haven't seen in awhile or some who I never met, came up to us and wished us well and really told us some encouraging stories.
It looks like it will be a pretty busy, but fun summer for us. We are planning on traveling for softball trips and doing some fun things like that this summer since Miles can be out in the sun and enjoying the types of things that little kids should be enjoying.
Monico is great, he is getting very strong each day, he and Miles get along so great already it is pretty cool. Miles loves his little bro a lot, he always wants to play with him and talk to him, but he kinda freaks Monico out when he gets a little wild.
Well, thats about enough for now but if anyone wants to look at the article that the Devils Lake journal had about Miles you can find it at www.devilslakejournal.com and you just look in the archives under Miles Dauphinais and you should be able to access it. It is a pretty cool article on the little fart.
Well, thanks everyone, I hope all is well with your families and I hope everyone has an enjoyable summer.

Take care and God Bless.

Dad Dauphinais

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Hospital Information:

Patient Room: 733


Fargo, ND


EmailEmail address  : buflo_kilr@yahoo.com


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