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DID YOU MISS ME?? SOOO SORRY. BUT, better late than never, eh? So, Here's a new JULY 2010 update :) !!!


New plan is antibiotics (vanc) til tomorrow (July 30) , prep for surgery (3 days--move back to 5200) Aug. 1-3, with surgery (THE BIG DAY!) AUGUST...4th. rejoice & pray in agreement with me here and tell every Christian and church who prays through Jesus unto the Master with faith that He will do what He said He would do! Details of times, new room number, etc. TBD,




I Corinthians 9:24

Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize.

winans phase 2 lyrics

song lyrics

Welcome to my Medical Update Web Page. It has been provided to help me keep a record of medical information and to provide others with updates on my health status. I am followed by the Duke Pediatric BMT team but have not had a transplant. I'm currently on immunosuppresive therapy.

We transfuse red cells at Hgb < 6.0 (changed to 8.0 in June 2005 and platelets at 0 or if bleeding (no the 0 is not a typo)

Where Ya From? Please sign in on my guestmap!

**The guestmap is getting full. If you can't find a place in your state and you would like to post there, please try clicking "zoom+" a few times and you should be able to find a spot. For those of you who have resorted to the ocean, that's A-ok with me, please just make sure you actually list your state ok? Thanks for signing in!!**

Posting Directions for the Postingly challenged:

Click the map. Click zoom + a few times if your state is crowded. Find your city location (as close as possible). Click "post" at the top of the map, stick the pin wherever you are, just like you would if posting on a "live" map with a push pin. email me if you have trouble. Thanks for signing/posting!

Check out my photos! I might have the cutest
nephew in the world! And please don't forget to sign the guestbook or guestmap. I like to know who visits so I can thank you for stopping by!


God bless everyone and I look forward to sharing with you. May the songs and the ministry that flow out of these pages forever change your life.

Tax deductible Donations will return sometime in 2008. The HE CARES Website is currently under construction. Please continue to check back for the date of the new and improved HE CARES Website Launch! Until then, save your pennies, dollars or gifts-in-kind, they could help make someone's day or save someone's life!!!



Thursday, July 22, 2010 9:53 PM EDT

Time for my quarterly report..sorry for the delay in updates. it's been a crazy week and i haven't been able to keep in touch as much as i would like. However, I am going through a difficult time in the Hospital at Duke.

The short of it is that I was admitted to Duke 5210 in prep for a major hip surgery (on the same hip as before--read the caringbridge history)for bilateral AVN. Due to a fibular graft that did not work well, we now have to move on to a more serious approach--resurfacing and replacement starting with the right side. Wouldn't you know as they did the routine blood cultures to rule out infection before any invasive procedure grew positive (gram neg cocci for those in the know). Sooo...we had to cancel surgery until my lines cleared. In the meantime, I'm on IV vancomycin to kill the bug so they had to move me to 5100 while we monitor cultures and do my other routine meds, transfusions, and PT to prepare for when they can put me back on the unit for the pre and post surgery care I need. I am SOOOOO ready to go back home to 5200. Those of you who have been in this position know what I mean, so PLZ spread the word as to what's going on with me after you read this update as I don't have the strength to contact everyone myself.I'll give more details as I am able. Here's the most recent facebook update and if you want to keep up with more in depth detail, you should look there. I put the latest facebook entry below, but I will continue to place quarterly updates here on caringbridge...

I'll save you the displeasure of reading the gory, dirty details of the happenings. Let's just say I've had a bunch of ppl in here trying to address my concerns including a pager that was OFF and left me bleeding all night so much that I needed 4 units of red cells this week. Anyways we're trying to get those things fixed.

Medically, besides the bleeding ordeal, I'm still just getting strong IV antibiotics for a line infection and trying to build a bit more strength before we can move forward with surgery. Today I also found out that some of the things on my wish list are now necessary. I had neuro-psych testing as a prep for surgery and for possibility of participation in new trials and/or drug therapies. In the meantime, I need to work up to 4 hours of cognitive retraining to build a new "highway" in the white matter that has yet to be destroyed by treatments.

This means now, I literally NEED games that I can play alone in addition to with someone else. That pretty much means DSgames or Books/Board games or gift cards I can use to buy these or similar things online or to send money to the store with the people who visit often who can go and get what I need for me. Not to mention funds we need for medical necessities I will need post surgery like a furnished apartment we can stay in for the month or so that I'll need to go to the hospital every day for close monitoring. Some things that I can do on the computer or by myself in addition to just the old fashioned games can be bought with gift cards as well would be a HUGE help.

Sooo, to make a long story even longer, she (the neuropsych doctor) suggested some games to help from store bought, to PC games to DS games that are used for the kind of cognitive rehabilitative games to help. Therefore we decided to put some of these more specific games and items on an amazon wishlist entitled "Hospital Wishlist" that you guys can access by typing in my email address (khalita@yahoo.com) where it asks for it. Go to amazon.com and click "wish and gifts lists", and then look to the right side bar to find where you can put my name in.

I tried to make it simple, but if you have problems just send me an email or call me and I will walk you through the steps to send it from the list. If you want to just buy something on your own and send it, I'll take it off the wish list manually so we don't run into duplicate gifts.

Please note that I am NOT ASKING anyone to spend money they don't have to buy something for me. I am just sharing this list as a response to ppl who have asked what they can send that will be helpful and the psychologist's recommendations.Calls, cards and visits are free and those things are what's keeping me going--in addition to fervent prayers TO GOD IN CHRIST which is ALWAYS the MOST important thing-- as I endure this (at least) 2--2 1/2 month stay in the hospital/every day clinic days.

In other news of encouragement, my best friend came down with her mom and kids from RICHMOND, VA. Folks in the triad & triangle can feel free to do the same. I can have and would love visitors now since we'll need driving,PT & meal help post surgery. It makes my days SO GREAT even though I'm always in pain and getting meds, to see, hear & talk to ppl I love while I am able.

By the time I get to surgery in August (date TBD), I'm going to be down for the count for a while so now is the time if you want to see, talk to, visit or send a "pick me up" Thanks for all of the support I've had already.

And, oh, please pray for my platelets and other blood counts...for the big 3-- plt = 1, hgb 8 ish (transfusion thresholds= platelets only if bleeding, hgb=8), wbc =1-2.5 (supported with filgrastim or pegfilgrastim). I love you all and am praying for you as you are praying for me. Another update will go up as soon as there's something else to share. Also, please check www.caringbridge.com/khalita. For now I'm putting this same update over there, but that may not always be the case so you can try the caringbridge update page. God bless...

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Hospital Information:

Patient Room: 5119

UNIT 5100, ROOM 5119
Durham, NC 27710
919 681 5119




E-mail Author: khalita@yahoo.com


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Duke Pediatric Bone Marrow and Stem Cell Transplant

Duke Pediatric Bone Marrow and Stem Cell Transplant Program

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