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Tuesday, March 20, 2007 10:59 AM CDT

Lots of thoughts and memories fill my mind today as it is Dan's 4 year anniversary of being with the Lord. I am grateful to God for being married to Dan and now Scott - 2 incredible men!

I sure love these two men! It's AMAZING how I can cry about missing the one while the other one is holding and loving me!

What makes me cry just as much, is my conversation with the Lord this week. I feel like He is telling me that He was always with me even when I felt alone. It makes me cry to think that He was always there, always with me after Dan died, never left me. When I cried out to him in desparation, he was there holding me! When I questioned him about the boys - he was with them at every corner! WOW! Is that not powerful! To really understand that this was reality - that I was never alone!

I know somewhere inside I questioned His plan for our life and how this could be good. Maybe you did too? Not seeing good in this, but choosing to trust. Even so, I opened a door in my life to DOUBT. Doubting the goodness of God, questioning if I can really trust Him with my boys lives, etc... It played out in subtle ways. Well, I am shutting this open door. This seed of DOUBT swirled in my mind and eventually numbed me to the reality of what was true about God. Not only that, but it grew within me a self focus. How can this be good for ME OR THE BOYS?? So I am calling out doubt and self focus for what they are as sin, confessing and turning back to the truth of who God says he is and his calling on our life! The more I KNOW of Him in truth the less the lies have to feed on.

Today, we celebrate Dan and the gift that he was to us!! We indulge in canadian bacon and pineapple pizza (his favorite) and will watch some home movies tonight. Those of you that know Dan, also know that he loved to mow and care for his grass. He always made our grass look so thick and healthy, so we are going to serve our elderly neighbor today by doing some of her yard work together!

Family News
The boys have done great at settling in and making friends here. They are busy with sports and the basketball season just finished up. They both greatly improved this year and really started playing well as a team and then the season had to end! Scott coached Taylor's football team and Reid's basketball team and did a great job teaching character along with sport. We just poured a new cement slab outside our house, so the boys new favorite past time is playing basketball after school. Taylor played for an hour in the rain yesterday - I love it!! Reid just turned 9 years old on the 12th of March. Reid loves to play sports trivia and likes Scott to ask him all kinds of questions to see if he can stump him. The boys are growing up fast. 11 1/2 years old and 9 years old. What a gift they are! We're going to cherish these years!!

Blessings to each of your families!!

My new email address is troelofskessler@gmail.com


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http://www.danroelofs.com   Dan's New Website
mailto:rossr@nhcconline.com   Ross's E-mail Address


E-mail Author: troelofskessler@gmail.com


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