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Welcome to our Child Web Page. It has been provided to keep people updated about Matthew


Thursday, June 29, 2023 6:35 AM CDT

Here it is the last day of work and the last day of this page. Not really sure if either one has sunk in completely or not. I am ready for some change though. Matthew continues to do well in his apartment. We are more than thrilled about that. He needs that to ease some of the worries we have about the future without us. I'm sure there will be plenty of things we will need to do in the months ahead to insure that he indeed has a future without the two of us. Right now we are enjoying his new found semi-independence.

He was good last night when I checked in on him after dinner. We talked about bows of course. Better that than guns....right? He is so into the sport and the use of them for hunting. Hats off to the guys at AFS for being so good to him as well as patient over the many years. Also a big shout out and thanks to his hunting buddies over the years that have made it possible for him to discover and love the hunts he has been on and hopefully the many more ahead. Guys like Josh B, Dallas, Steve P and Steve G., Todd the turkey master, Ranger Tyler too. Of course Jerry Wells has been a stellar partner in many blinds with him. Thank you all and those I've forgotten.

The road ahead for Matthew remains one of the great mysteries. It will forever be Forrest Gump's Box of Chocolates for sure. You just never know. Hopefully his box is full of the good stuff. It still makes us sad to think of what should have been, could have been and how life cheated him out of so much potential at such a young age. He is a breathing example of life is not fair. No it isn't buddy....no it isn't.

So I would like to end all of this with a huge thank you to the faithful followers of Matthew. I know I don't know who all of you are, but some I do and you all have been so kind. Anne and Buck you are so wonderful and we love you dearly as you do Matthew. Chris, your love for Matthew has always motivated you to be a better man. My sisters, Deb and Barb, time has treated you less than kindly, but you give so much love on earth and heaven to Matthew. Gail you have been there forever and we will stay in touch. Thank you for your faith. Tom and Connie, Tracy, Shelley you all have made where we are possible. To all the others that have been our rocks....you rock too.

You'd think after over 18 years of writing this page that someday I would run out of things to say. That will probably not come until my last breath. The old windbag goes on and on. Everyone, please enjoy your life to the fullest. You just never know when the worlds largest and most deadly curveball will be tossed at you. We hope that you will be able to hit that curve way out of the park. Life has never been the same since that January day in 2005 for any of us on this end. That life ended that Saturday morning. We have made a new one that fits our situation and you are all a part of that transition. You are a part of Matthew. Bless you all. Always Hope that life decides to be kind to Matthew from now til the end. COURAGE MPJ is you, son. It is you. Keep the faith everyone. You can always give us a shout at jpcmjessen@q.com if you want any updates on the boy.

Love to All and peace my friends


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E-mail Author: jpcmjessen@q.com


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