Monday, April 27, 2020 6:34 AM CDT

Good Monday morning to you. Little damp out there on my way in to the office. Really didn't think it would rain today. April showers I guess. How was your weekend? We kept it pretty low key for the most part again. Lots of work around the and out...and that was about it. Probably sounds like what most everyone has been doing. Was able to get out and enjoy the nice weather, for the most part. Matthew once again caught up on his beauty rest. That boy is a world class sleeper for sure. Just hanging in there until the smoke clears from this terrible time we are living through. So darn scary out there.
Matthew is doing fine. Bored out of his socks....when he is wearing them. He hasn't thrown much of a fit about having to hang so close to home all of the time. Appointments and an occasional drive is about it for getting past the boundaries of our property. The world is going to go nuts with freedom once this all ceases. Keeping our distances from friends and family is killing us all. Maybe we will have a new respect for the ability to roam and be free after all of this. I sure hope so. We have really taken for granted that part of our lives here. Matthew misses his buddies at AFS. Misses the yearly turkey hunt and playing catch up with those folks he has grown to know. A year to forget, but that would be impossible to do. Just hang in there a while longer.
He did have a very nice surprise on Friday. Steve Greer, a hunter guide we met at the old Whitetail Challenge days, stopped by the house with a huge treat for him. A pile of his mother's world famous cinnamon rolls!!!! These are hands down the best I've ever had. He stopped by the house and handed off the gold. He is a super nice guy and has always gotten a kick out of Matthew. Someday those two will need to share a blind for some hunting. Boy did that make the weekend for Matthew and me too as I helped with the tasting of the rolls. We sure have benefited greatly from that hunting event. Lots of great folks continue to play a part in Matthew's life.
We did drive to Ames yesterday so Matthew could get the lunch that he wanted. He had a hankering for a Firehouse Sub. So we made a couple hour road trip out of this need. We like our rides. The sub was good too. I've always liked Ames as a town. Fun to slowly explore some of the neighborhoods. The drives on Sunday take me back to my childhood. Dad loved to go for drives on Sunday. Especially when there was a car or two to be looked at. Like father like son.
No Josh again this week. It may be a couple weeks more before he shows for work again. Not a huge deal for us, but Matthew really misses him. It will almost be strange to have him back. Patti and I are in no big rush to have him return. Nothing against him, but just adding another body to the mix is not good for anyone right now. Who knows how careful he has been.
So on with a new week we go. Nothing big on the horizon that I can think of. The months is almost at an end too. One strange month it has been. Thanks for giving Matthew the needed care that keeps him floating in times of rising waters and times when they are still. He never lacks for a need it seems. You take good care, please. Always Hope that someday the corner will be turned. COURAGE MPJ until that day. keep the faith everyone.


Wednesday, April 29, 2020 6:39 AM CDT

Hold onto your hats today. I heard winds up to 50 mph by noon. That should make my outside walk interesting to say the least. Our Ash tree in the backyard will be shedding again with the winds like that. What a dirty tree. I just spent hours on it this past weekend getting it trimmed up and now it will be dropping branches all over the roof again. I hate climbing on roofs.
Matthew is hanging in there the best that he can. He and Patti do a nice job together.....most of the time. It is hard on both of them being so close so often every single day. Not much break in it for either. Right now he only leaves the house three times a week for appointments. Two at PT and then weekly, if he makes it out of bed on time, to see Dr. Swain for a little crack of the back and shoulders. He has to be feeling like a caged animal about now. Patti is right there in that same cage I guess. They stay away from all stores etc. That is my duty. I am the designated shopper in person. Patti is that person for online things. A little teamwork goes a long way.
Patti is feeling more down, right now, than Matthew. All of this is weighing heavily on her. She has had a few days now where she just is so very sad about things. I worry about that. Very understandable for sure. I don't think many of us are feeling up to par that way anymore. Between that feeling and being cooped up with Matthew is not the best way to break out of it too. I know what could bring her out of it in a second, but it just isn't happening. She is totally missing Kaylee. She is such a big part of her life and now that part of her is missing. A little dose of the princess would cure her ills.
Nothing much new at all as you can expect. Just biding our time until things get better. We certainly will not be headed to sit in a cafe any time soon. Let's be stupid now that the wave of virus is killing people in record numbers in the state. We are not that desperate for a sit down lunch being waited on. Matthew may beg to differ, but he isn't always in tune with the severity of what is happening out there. We remind him that if something happens to his parents, he is on his own. Talk about a total disaster waiting to happen. Let's hope that doesn't occur. Holy buckets!
Thanks for seeing how we are all doing. About as good as can be expected. Hope the same can be said for you too. Hang in there and be careful. We appreciate all the good you have sent and continue to send our way. We wish the same for you. Always Hope for brains to take charge over desires. COURAGE MPJ to keep trying your best through the crazy days of 2020. keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, April 30, 2020 7:14 AM CDT

Another day in the life has just started. Seems like one day just morphs into the next one. I can easily remember what day of the week it is, but the actual date......that isn't so easy to remember. So I just looked and here it is the last day of the month. So two solid months of this crazy crap has ruled our everyday being. I'd like to think that we will soon turn a corner to this, but common sense.....and the daily news reports on how many new cases here in this state.....reminds me that the end is not near. Not even close.
Matthew is tiring of it all I do believe. Not any different than most people. Especially people in his age bracket. He is really missing Josh. Been over 6 weeks since he last was with him. He is more like a brother to him than just a worker. He was spotted yesterday at the local post office by Patti and the boy. I'll bet Matthew was like a puppy bouncing off the walls hoping to see their friend. Matthew is also dying to get back his favorite hang out too. No it is not Dairy Queen, AFS. The home of the bow shooters of Polk County. Nothing is quite the same without Josh and AFS. Losing them both is one heckuva hit. It will be another two weeks before Josh is back and that is just an estimate not something concrete. Going to be a long couple weeks I do believe.
Nothing much new of course. I am still working and Patti is still the captain of the ship. We are healthy or at least healthy enough to keep moving forward. Is anyone our advanced age really healthy? Our heads are not as healthy as we would wish they were. Stress is everywhere. You all know that for sure.
So time to roll. Again please stay safe and take good care. We will do the same over here. Thanks for being there through it all. Always Hope the sunshine today helps flush some blues away. COURAGE MPJ to keep it together for us and yourself too. Keep the faith everyone.


Friday, May 1, 2020 6:34 AM CDT

Hey it is another FRIDAY! Happy May Day too. Wonder what this month will be bringing us? So far, this year has been less than stellar without a doubt. So much has been missed and left out of our lives. Things we took so much for granted that they would always be available. Doubt if the world will ever quite be the same. I imagine that we will adapt and adjust to make the best of it, whatever that may be. Just how we roll isn't it.
Nothing new as is the case with most people out there. The same old same old has a different meaning here lately. Matthew is no different than most. He is tired of being shut in for the most part along with torn apart from the things he loves the most. No hunting, no AFS, no Josh, no freedom and Kaylee June. He truly misses that little bug. She thrills him so.
Last night I refurbed our 30 plus year old picnic table. Guess that top wood just couldn't last forever. A fresh coat of paint on the metal legs and all new wood on top. I made it extra long with one end hanging out two foot longer without any legs to get in the way. That should give Matthew his spot at the table without the hassle of trying to fit underneath with his legs/chair. Looks good and should last quite a few more years. Now all we need is people to come and fill it up someday. Boy that would be nice for sure.
As for the weekend, no plans as usual. i guess we do have one big thing, if it happens. The delivery of the playhouse/she shed to the back yard. Haven't heard any news on it and we were told he would stop and make sure it could be placed in the yard. Looks like perfect weather for it so I do hope he pulls through for us. Then we have time to get it all fixed to Patti's liking before it is used by Kaylee and her. Hope it happens.
We will try to get Matthew safely out some this weekend again. The big treat on the weekends is the usual driving trip somewhere. Last week it was Ames and the week before Carroll. Not sure where we will roll this weekend. Go where the people are not that is the key. Even only being able to sit in the car has been good enough right now for Matthew. Been months since he was really exposed to the public. Can't see breaking that habit in the near future either. Not quite sure of the logic used by our Governor with opening things up. The toll keeps rising for the virus and she thinks this is cool? Commerce over people and their safety I guess. Careless and cold hearted is the way I look at it. We will choose to stay put.
So have a good weekend if you can. We are safe and healthy so worry not about us. Take care of yourselves and see you all back here next week. Thanks for the never ending care. Always Hope that brains are used by others too. COURAGE MPJ
today and always. keep the faith everyone.


Monday, May 4, 2020 6:37 AM CDT

What a weekend. I will need all week to recover. Like so many out there, lots of projects are getting taken care of outside. The old body isn't happy with the new found need to get things accomplished. The house is looking good, but I'm looking and feeling beat down. It's worth it though. What else is there to do?
Matthew is good. Looking good and feeling good. He has been behaving well and has even been fairly cooperative through all of this mess. Can't blame him a bot when he gets grumpy about being caged for too long. He and millions of others are feeling the same. His life is pretty small in the first place. Didn't know how large that would seem after having hardly any outside contact for 6 weeks or so. Maybe we will all turn into hermits before this is all over? He does miss his people he is around. Of course, Josh is the main one since they have been side-by-side for over three years now. Looks as if he will be coming back this coming Friday. Boy will Matthew be glad for that. Bet he asks everyday if it is Friday.
Matthew got plenty of sunshine in him yesterday. He sat out on the patio for hours once the sun came out and the rains drops ended. Even if he were still playing games on the phone, it least it was outdoors in some fresh air. Patti and I were big-time busy all morning long. The "she shed" or Kaylee's playhouse......depends on how you look at it....
was delivered yesterday morning. Wow, was that a tight fit into the yard. It took a good three plus hours from start until the time he rolled out the gate again. Then we had to adjust some things in/on it before it was ready to go. Getting it level was not easy and it wore us out slamming wood under it to make it better. It looks very impressive. Roy, the builder, makes one nice little shed/house. I will take pics of it soon.
So the boy has about one more week of mommy training camp. She has really stepped his workouts up. No slack is being cut. he doesn't complain most of the time and he has plenty of company as he does his minutes back there in the room. Patti is right there working out with him. Been plenty of mom time the past two months. Wonder if it will take him a while to adjust/break away from her schedule? I think he will miss the routine. Josh is not the taskmaster that his mother is. She didn't succeed as a teacher for decades without it.
So here we go into another week of at home living to the fullest. Lots of folks are getting their moneys worth out of their rent. Hope you are well. We are good and healthy on this end. Hope that this finds you thinking the same. Big hugs from us and the end will come someday. Thanks for the support. Always Hope today starts a great week ahead. COURAGE MPJ to make that happen at the ranch. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, May 5, 2020 7:44 AM CDT

A wet one again out there. Got to the office a little later this morning. Shopping at Sams to see if I could score some Clorox wipes for work. Not to be once again. 4 times there without any luck. Did get a big bottle of hand sanitizer though. So that was my score of the day. Doesn't appear that we will not be needing these things anytime soon here in Iowa. Cases of the virus are climbing....the death toll let's open things up. Brilliant!
Matthew was a bit cranky last night. I'm sure he is fed up with all of this. When Josh comes back, that should help. Or at least in theory it seems that it will. Just a little more edgy with his mom. I hate to see that since she is his #1 care giver and always will be. One day he needs to figure out who butters his bread. We need a good break from the world and its issues soon.
Really nothing more happening. Just a couple things in store for his day. The normal schedule of things. Later, we are heading west for a road trip. To the big metropolis we go. Dexter is the destination. Going to pick up some things we bought on an online auction. Never done it before and it was kind of fun. What we do now for entertainment. So we will probably stop along the way for something to eat if we see a place of interest. That always helps out his attitude. Well at least for the short term that is. It's a bigger treat now than it ever has been probably. We just took it for granted before.
Stay dry my friends and keep safe. Health is worth every penny on the planet right now. We need you with us. Thanks for seeing what Matthew has been up to. Always Hope for an easy day with good numbers for once on the health front. COURAGE MPJ to keep it together a bit better. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, May 7, 2020 7:37 AM CDT

Well I enjoyed a day off in the middle of the week yesterday. Had a few things to do and a project or two to get after. Not a big deal to get time off when nothing is really going on at work. Nice to have that option. Tried, in vain, to find some cleaning supplies for work this morning at the early Sam's Club hours. Not happening again there. Must've quit making Clorox wipes.
We are fine at the ranch. Getting mighty tired of this stay at home.....well kinda....thing going on for the 6-7th week. I can see that my tolerance level is fading a bit. Little things are starting to bug me. Matthew is way past that at this point, but he had a big head start on us since things like that have gotten to him years ago. We are all a little on the blue side. The up and down weather is not helping us either. At least we have our health. That is the number one priority for sure.
We celebrated Cinco de Mayo with an Americanized version of Mexican food. Taco pizza from Casey's is a favorite at our house. Had one on the road in the little burg of Dexter. Had to pick a few things up there and so there we sat at the school parking lot eating our pizza. What a special thing it was.....not. I would not rate that pie as one of the better ones we have consumed over the years. We dusted it off without any issue in spite of that. another successful road trip.
Matthew has been keeping up with his brother and family via Facetime on his phone. Not hardly what he really would like, but it is what it is. He also visited his case manager via the phone yesterday too. Nothing is in person any more. They did go out for their weekly back snap appointment in the morning. A drive later and picking up to go chow and that was about it for leaving the house for a Wednesday.
So hope this finds you well. It had better is all I have to say. We worry for lots of folks out there. You are certainly at the top of the list. Thanks for everything over the years. Always Hope that this crap ens soon for everyone's sake. COURAGE MPJ to hang tough until it does. Keep the faith everyone.


Friday, May 8, 2020 6:47 AM CDT

The weekend is just a few hours away for me. Mothers Day weekend at that. Going to be plenty sad for Patti this year. On top of feeling the loss of her mom and my mom too, she has the added sadness of not having both of her boys there along with her grandchild. She isn't going to be the only mom out there feeling low this year. I will do my best to cheer her up. Hopefully, some home-cooking will help out just a little or more than a little. The flowering plants have already been picked out and are sitting in the garage ready to be planted. A yearly tradition around our house as well as many others.
Matthew will be so very happy today I figure. Josh is making his way back after being gone since early in March. Don't know how much he can do for Matthew after his surgery, but it has been over 6 weeks. Lifting and moving Matthew will be the main issue. Not sure he will be ready for that part of the job. Going to be very strange for Patti though. She will be there at home while they are there too. Now with all the stay at home time and no Kaylee, that could make for some issues. Who will be in charge? Hope it is an easy transition after all of these weeks. Matthew has missed Josh and what he brings to the table. The boy is excited for sure.
Not much else to say. We are hunkered down for the most part and will continue to be so until it is cool to be out of the shell again. So take good care and enjoy the weekend. Happy Mothers Day to all of the most important person in the world to us children. Thanks for checking in with us. See you next week. Always Hope for a great weekend ahead. COURAGE MPJ to realize what your mom means to you. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, May 11, 2020 6:48 AM CDT

Well another weekend in the books along with another Mothers Day. Hope it all went well for you folks. We did just fine on our end of the world. Note quite like it should be, but we made it the best we could under these strange conditions. Patti was pretty down, I could tell, without getting to be with all of her loved ones. Not just to be with, but to actually hug and kiss too. Chris did come over, but it was decided that Kaylee probably should steer clear since it didn't go well last time she was around Patti. Too much of a tease for both of them.
Matthew is hanging in there. He is doing pretty well, but at times he is a little too much for us to take. He has always been, and always will be, one who is always going to push it to get just a bit more. Whether it is food, so often it is the main item now, or whatever he wants. He gets it and then that is not enough. Well.....we've had about enough of that for sure. Trying to do what is right around him is not always what he wants to hear. Then you hear and feel it. That act gets mighty old. Right now, my tolerance levels are not very high. Enough other crap going on that I do not need a 26 year old act like he is 5. He rolled to timeout more than once over the past few days. That is as far as it has gotten. At least another world war hasn't erupted on us.
He did enjoy having his man, Josh, back last Friday. He should be back from now on unless there are issues along the way. One never knows anymore do they. He blasted through all of his ammo for the plastic bb gun he got last week. Had a blast with that. Hope that the two of them can continue on the workouts that mom had been doing with him. Needs to get that work in too. Not time for nothing but play you know.
Looks to be a challenging weather week around here. Going downhill fast after Tuesday and will last the rest of the week. Not a good thing for those held hostage indoors. Could be a long week for all of us. I am in the middle of a big project and this forecast does nothing to ease up on that load. Does little to help out Matthew either. It will be a mess if they are correct on all of the rain headed this way. Give us sunshine, please.
Not much else going on. Should be a fairly normal week for everyone. Josh is the only new piece added to the puzzle. Take good care and see you back here soon. I have a morning appointment Tuesday so I will probably not write down anything tomorrow. Thanks for checking in and a big hug for all of the support. Be safe out there. Always hope things get a little more normal every day. COURAGE MPJ to be a little more satisfied with what you have. keep the faith everyone.


Wednesday, May 13, 2020 6:56 AM CDT

Well it was a little bit of a challenge to get signed in this morning. Every once in a while it happens. In a round about way, I made it here. Been kind of a strange morning so far. Not too surprised that there was one more thing getting in the way of progress today. Hope it doesn't continue down this path the rest of the day.
Well there have been some negative things happening since Monday. Matthew blew up when I got home Monday and turned into the Tazmanian Devil. Very little set him off so i think it was just coming no matter what was going on. We could see that his fuse has been shortening the past two weeks and finally it hit the powder keg. In a bad way for sure. It was certainly not pretty. It was over within an hour and all was peaceful afterwards, but by then the damage had been done. His small life just got a bit smaller. Lost about all of his fun things to his anger. He knows it and knows why too. Now will that keep him at bay for a while? Doubt it. He will start pushing for his things back again very soon. It is going to take a long time before he can earn his way back to the things he loves. No bows, no phone, no internet, no new air soft and whatever else we could think of. If there was some other alternative to his living situation, he would be on his way there. Patti and I are well beyond our limit to his anger. Way too old to deal with it any more. It just hurts too much physically and mentally. We needed that right in the middle of all this other crap. Thanks Matthew!
He did make it through the day Tuesday. he now has rediscovered the great outdoors. Went fishing yesterday with Josh. No nibbles, but enjoyed being outside. They hope to go again today. Possible a different lake. the weather will play a big part in that the next few days. He even asked to go and sit outside last night. Nice not to see him with his face buried into his phone sitting there at the kitchen table. Hope he realizes how deep of do-do he has gotten himself into.
So life goes on at the ranch. Dinged up, but still moving forward. At least Patti has less dealing with him since Josh has returned. That should ease the pain. Funny how he erupted after Josh came back. Guess the joy of his return didn't make as big of a difference as we had thought. Didn't see that coming.
Have a good day and remember to be as safe about things as you can. We try our best to stay sanitary as much as possible too. Sometimes I think my blood is half hand sanitizer. Thanks for checking in on us. We just keep taking it one step at a time. All we can do. Always Hope that we never see that Matthew again. COURAGE MPJ to please learn for once that good behavior rules. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, May 14, 2020 6:48 AM CDT

Cold and wet is the theme of the day it seems. Could be damp for a few more days ahead too. Not a good thing when you need to get outside to escape. We got all of the plants in their pots and the grass was mowed before all of this started to go down outside. So we are good, but you know, there is always something else waiting for you to do outside. For Matthew, it has become fishing. He has gone the past two days and planned on it again today. So far he has but a few nibbles on his line, but you know, that is okay. He needs to get out there and learn as well as try. A great way to take care of some of that open time that he has each week. Doubt if they will get out today unless the forecast is way off base. Like that has never happened....duh.
Last night he was already asking about getting back some of his fun things that he just lost. We put the slow down on that and made sure he understood, or at least for that minute in time, that it needs to be earned back as we go. The small stuff gets earned first and then the big prize at the end. Just like a game show I guess. Not sure he liked that order of things. I've always thought that his phone and its access to the internet.....even though we have mighty restrictions on it, is the root of lots of his evil. That little menace, will be the very last thing he can earn back. The longer the better. Then if/when it happens, it will be hours of use at a time not just free for all use of it. That will be an issue I can guarantee you that one without a doubt.
So not much else new. Just taking care of the everyday things and moving forward. Hope this finds all of you well. We are dinged up, but solid. Thanks for the help in all matters of Matthew. As you see, we are never without the need of something. What basket cases we must seem like. Thanks again. Always Hope that fishing days are here to stay. COURAGE MPJ to be better to make your life better. keep the faith everyone.


Friday, May 15, 2020 6:41 AM CDT

Happy FRIDAY once again. This week seemed to roll bye just a bit faster than most. That is a good thing, isn't it? Not that we didn't have a major issue or two to fight through. we did it and we made it to this favorite day of the week. Hope it is a good day on the planet. We all could use a few more of those.
Not much new happening on Thursday around the compound. Matthew continues to try his luck at fishing, but without....well....any luck I guess. Three times out without a catch of the day. yesterday, Josh caught a couple small ones. That made Matthew a bit sad and grumpy that he wasn't on that end of the pole. Patti told Josh that maybe, if they do indeed fish again, that he should probably not cast a line and that way Matthew wouldn't feel bad if the same thing happened again. I am not expert on fishing, but I have seen it many times that you get zip and the guy next to you scores. Same bate and same everything. That is why they call it fishing. Just because you put bait on a line doesn't insure that you will score. Not an easy thing for Matthew to grasp. he has had enough letdowns in his life so winning and scoring always feel so good. Maybe more to him than the normal person feels.
Absolutely nothing going on this weekend. Weather will mess with outdoor plans if you/we have any. Going to be hard to find a time to get out and mow if the grass stays wet all the time. I'd like to get going on the finish of the playhouse or right now, an empty she shed. Weather permitting, I can take care of some of that this weekend. Not looking good however. I really don't want anything to do with fishing. Matthew and I don't agree on anything when we have tried before. I need to stay clear of that for sure.
So have a good one or two out there. Thanks for seeing what we are up to and how Matthew is doing. Other than the big issue on Monday, he has been great. Take good care and be safe as you can. Use that noggin and keep it on the low side for now. Always Hope for better days for us all. COURAGE MPJ to keep it civil and keep it cool. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, May 18, 2020 6:48 AM CDT

Wet, wet and more wet is how to call it the past few days. Monsoon season has hit. Right now it is still trying to dampen the start of a new work week. Had about enough of it....if you couldn't tell. Not good for the soul. The ground could use it, but this human says enough already. It messed with my chores this about yours? Let the sunshine in.
Matthew was on edge again over the weekend. These are times when if it is not going his way, you'd better get out of his way. Nothing erupted, but it well could have if we pressed. Not a good time to be living at the house. Like life is not stressful enough without having an active volcano living under your roof. The rains did nothing to help that's for sure. We did manage to get out for a few hours each day and drive around just to get away from the house for a while. It helps, but not enough I'm afraid.
His mood meds were upped last week a bit, but we have yet to see any difference in behavior. He has been extra tired in the morning and took total advantage of nothing to do this weekend to sleep in. Hope that we soon see some good things come of this extra bit of calm down medicine. Not sure what we will do if he remains on this angry and edgy way for much longer. It is really rough on us.
Not sure that it will help to have Josh around or not. By the end of the week, the boys were not too happy with each other. Not going to be any help to Patti if she has to play ref between the two. Makes me glad that I am at work M-F. Not good for Patti though. The corner on this behavior needs to be turned....and turned sooner than later. That is, if we want to survive it.
So have a good week and be safe as well as good to yourself. Obviously you care about others, but don't forget to keep you near the front of that line too. Thanks for coming here to take care of us. Now take care of yourself. Always Hope that the world makes sense again pronto. COURAGE MPJ to see our side of the issues before you demand more of everything. keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, May 19, 2020 6:41 AM CDT

Can you believe that it is raining.....again? Each day the weather app tells me that it is not going to be that way and then it is here once again. Yuck! Somehow I did manage to mow the grass here at work and at home yesterday. A modern day miracle. Matthew also was able to get out fishing again. He hasn't given up, even though his luck has not shown up with a pole in his hand. Very happy that he seems to enjoy it and it gives him something else to distract him from the phone that he lost. Haven't heard about that for a few days. That is good. Nothing good ever seems to come around when that phone is involved.
His attitude was on the mend yesterday as far as I could tell. I'm not sure if Patti would agree since she was around him for most of the day. The hours I was there, he was better than he has been for a while. Just maybe, the extra happy med is taking a hold. Sure wouldn't have know that was the case over the weekend. I don't recall him fighting wither one of us about anything last night. A nice change for once. Hope that he can continue this new way. You never know.
He was kind of in need of some mother time last night. He was sad earlier about things. He had out the photo book of our old best pup, Jack, and was thumbing through it. he and Jack were best buddies before Matthew got sick. They spent hours together running in the back yard together. That all changed with him losing his ability to run. They still were buddies, but things had changed. Matthew does get melancholy from time to time. This shuttered in life along with the depressing weather doesn't help one bit. Patti and I have a touch of the same affliction. Bet most people do right now.
So on with another day. it will probably resemble the one before.....if we are lucky I guess. Take good care and be safe out there. Thanks for the support. Always Hope 2020 starts to get livable once again. COURAGE MPJ, until it does. keep the faith everyone.


Wednesday, May 20, 2020 6:42 AM CDT

Not more rain today? Geez, it is getting mighty old. Instead of working on the she shed/playhouse, maybe I should be building the ark? We have the long weekend ahead and once again it calls for rain. Not surprising since the Memorial weekend has been plagued by rain forever. Just like the Drake Relays. Nice weather is hard to find for those two things. It will be nice to have a third day off no matter what it is like outside.
Matthew was good again yesterday. I didn't see much of him since I worked and then worked on the project in the backyard. By the time I was done, so was he. Been in bed for a while. I know he seemed fine around me the little I was around him. He sounded positive and that is always good. He tried fishing once again, but he was shut out. A few nibbles at best. I asked someone I work with about that since she is an avid fisher. Just the time of the year I guess. Too cold for much action is what I heard. Give Matthew credit. he hasn't thrown in the flag, or in this case the pole, quite yet. Glad he is out and about enjoying the world instead of hooked up to his phone all day. he hasn't mentioned that device for a while. Life is good for the time being.
Not much else going on. Just like so many of you out there. The world has gotten very small. Small worlds even smaller on top of that. Wonder how long we will be able to keep him positive through such a negative time? My guess is not for long. He can only tolerate things not going his way so much. It will not be pretty when he lets loose again. will be ugly.
Take it easy, if there is any other way to do it right now....duh. Be careful, smart and safe. That is what we all strive for around here. Thanks for coming and seeing what is up even though it is not much at all. We appreciate all of the effort through the years. Always Hope that today is still a good one for Matthew. COURAGE MPJ to hang in there until the sun shines on everyone again. keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, May 21, 2020 6:43 AM CDT

Well we all made it through another day. Matthew was on the tired side yesterday. Just didn't have the gas to get up and get going. He was in the middle of his workout when his tank hit E. Had to retreat to the bedroom to sleep it off. One thing that he is a champ of and that is sleeping. Been that way since his injury. Some days, he just can't get enough. So much stress on that brain to do the little things that we take for granted. Right now he is probably dealing with the med change on top of any extra stress. The times we live in doesn't help him at all. He knows what is happening around him. To what level is his understanding......not really sure. he isn't stupid that's for sure.
He laid low yesterday after the slow start in the morning. Missed his weekly session with Dr. Swain for his aching shoulder and back. Patti said he slept in until 11 after his brief time up earlier. He did go to the back yard and work on his marksman skills with the air soft. Had to quit as the neighbor boys started to run wild in their yard which is within his shooting range. I'm sure it was tempting to have a moving target......just kidding. He did say that one of the youngest ones, about 6, started swearing up a storm at the others. I'm sure that about blew him away. He made sure to tell me about it as soon as I arrived home. We have a bunch of wild ones next door.
Not sure what is on store for today. Weather could keep them inside again. I know he mentioned fishing again. That kills some good time and gives Patti a little break in the action. She is usually home right there with Matthew and Josh. Not sure how that works out. I come home just as he leaves for the day.
So on with it we go. One good thing happened yesterday that I almost forgot to report on. Finally, after a good solid year, his new wheelchair has arrived!!! The company is coming out to the house next Tuesday to fit it for him. Pretty excited to see this new one. His last one is falling apart and the older ones I bought years back are almost as bad. He is hard on the equipment without a doubt. Should be good to get a new one under him. This one is more heavy duty. Wonder why?
Have a good one and be careful please. We are trying our best to keep away as much as possible. Why be stupid about this evil. Thanks for the support and care. Always Hope for the good news to keep on coming. COURAGE MPJ to get out and enjoy the great outdoors as much as you can. keep the faith everyone.


Friday, May 22, 2020 6:45 AM CDT

Wow, a drive into work without using the wipers. What is that all about? Looks like they will get turned back on and used quite often over the next three days. So much for a nice weekend of solid weather for us to enjoy outside. Like people need to spend more time in their houses and apartments. So depressing out there. Seems like little is going our way to make things a bit more livable. 2020 is not going to be a favorite year is it.
Nothing really new at all with Matthew. Hanging close to home once again. Days are mostly repeats of the one before. Nice to have Josh there to buffer between him and Patti. He has been better this week. Less anger and maybe a little less needy. All of that may go down when I am at work too. Patti inform me many a time about the negative things in a day. I imagine she figures it is in the books already and there is no use in getting me all fired up once the flames are put out.
Nothing really new going to happen over the long weekend either. We will stay close to home and more than likely get out and about a few times just to shake things up a bit. My sister did the cemetery run already so I don't need to travel west this weekend. My turn at the wheel will come in a week or two when it is time to fetch and store all of the really nice decorations. Been a family tradition since I was little. Small really, I've never been little. Matthew will ride shotgun with me as he usually does. I almost look forward to this trip this year. Something to escape the every day boredom. Lucky for me, i still love to get behind the wheel. I inherited that from my dad. He died shortly after he could no longer drive. I imagine that will be me too.
Matthew may have a chance at fishing today if he chooses that option. if not, he will want to use the backyard shooting gallery for that sort of fun. either with bow, now that Patti gave him one back, or with that air soft rifle. I would prefer that it is fishing. I do understand that the real fun comes when you reel one in and that is not happening for him right now. I do hope he finds something to do that keeps him active and outdoors as long as he can. The rains will swamp that sort of thing for a good share of the holiday weekend. May as well use it up when it is there.
So have a great holiday weekend and as usual, please be safe about it. Thanks for coming here and for the care that you continue to give. You are amazing after all of these years. Always Hope that we are all back here next week to share a little more of the saga of Matthew. COURAGE MPJ to keep towing the line. keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, May 26, 2020 6:41 AM CDT

Made it through the long weekend without much issue at all from Matthew. Patti and I were quite busy with projects around the house so it was a real relief having Matthew behave. The only issues came and went around his bedtime. He seems to grow mighty needy about that time of day. His need for attention goes up when our tanks are just about empty from the day. Not a good mix, but we get by. I would have to give him a solid A for his behavior over the past three days. Makes me more than a little weary of what is ahead. Some serious history there.
Matthew got plenty of sleep in over the long weekend. One day, he basically slept in until noon. He was staying up later at night and that never helps in the morning. Today he will be very tired and probably a little grumpy. He needs to wake earlier than normal and get going. This morning his new wheelchair is suppose to find its way to the house. After a solid year, or more, it is finally coming. They send it with a tech that makes the final tweaks so it is fit to his length etc. Pretty exciting to have new wheels. Just like when we get a new car. So he needs to be up and ready to go in probably an hour. That is early for him. Hope that it all works out well.
As usual, we really didn't go anywhere except for a few drives around the metro and the lake area. We did stop for a treat or two along the way. It is a big deal, right now, to just get out and about even though it has little purpose. The ride is the biggest treat. Yesterday we did take a ride to the cemetery where his grandparents, on Patti's side, are buried. We put out a couple flowers before the rains hit hard. It was very pretty out there. Flags, people and flowers all over the place. Matthew had plenty of questions for us. He usually does quiz us about everything when we are out. His memory is not good so we need to update his hard drive often.
Now if we can just get the weather to turn around for us here in the metro. This rain everyday is not good for the soul. Soon it will not be good for much at all as we will be looking at flooding. You know it is bad when you mow your lawn twice in one weekend. Granted it was a long one, but still.....geez. This will put a halt to his outdoor activity too. I know he wants to shoot bows and go fishing. Both need a little break in the rains to let things dry a bit. He has to be getting tired of our four walls. I cannot blame him about that.
Have a good start to the short work week. I needed to come here to take a break from all the work at home. Retirement is going to kill me if I go at this hard all the time. Be good to yourself as well as to others. Thanks for being there through it all for us. Always Hope that you all are safe and healthy at this crazy time in history. COURAGE MPJ to hang in there until you can catch a break. Keep the faith everyone.


Wednesday, May 27, 2020 6:33 AM CDT

Hump Day already. Boy do four day work weeks rule! I could do this every week. Another damp one outside. That I could easily do without. The humidity is terrible and it really melts this old fat dude whenever he is outside. I'm more than ready for the sunshine to take over and dry this mess up. Mowing the lawn every three days is not how I want to spend my time when it isn't raining.
Matthew did get his new wheelchair in and fitted yesterday!! More than a year in the making. Thank goodness that we had plenty of other options for him. It looks just about like the last one I bought him online from the factory. TiLite is his brand of choice. They are the only maker that seem to build one beefy enough to take his punishment. They are deadly expensive so you pay for what you get. This could be the last one provided by insurance. he qualifies for one every 5 years, I do believe, and he will be off of our plan in less time than that. It is a nice ride. He did say that he preferred the other one like it. Not sure why, but he is the driver of the beast so he would know. I think he will get use to this one in time. It is a little wider than his old ones so it is more of a challenge to get through the doorways without scraping one side or the other. I have fitted most of our doorways with thick corner guards that I made. The woodwork in the house has taken a good beating over the years.
He did make it outside when it was clear skies yesterday. Shot one of his simple bows in the yard for a while. This is a recurve style that does not travel the length or speed of a compound. Looks like a jazzed up traditional style of bow. Lucky for him we have such a deep yard without any houses behind us. They set the target up way away from danger and make sure to stop as soon as people come out and about. We are not too hip about him shooting at AFS quite yet. Too many yahoos out there that think this whole virus thing is overblown. That is not how we look at it and try our best to stay clear from those who think in that manner. So for now, this has to do.
I will try to post a few new pictures later today with his updated chair and other things in it that I've blabbered on about. Been a while so I think I can still figure out how to get things from my phone to this site. I'm not too tech savvy you know. That is about it for the day. Matthew is fine and we are about as good as to be expected too. Nobody is feeling the best with all the crap going down in the world. We are all just hanging on for dear life. So hang on tightly folks and we will keep our grip the best we can too. Thanks for the help in every way. Always Hope that the planet spins a bit slower here soon. COURAGE MPJ to keep making good decisions. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, May 28, 2020 6:33 AM CDT

My next project will be an ark. Looks as if that has moved up the priority chart as the rains keep falling around here daily. Hope the Menards card has that much room on it to pay for the lumber. This is certainly depressing in an already depressing time. Just what the doctor ordered. I think the farmers are even getting tired of it. Time for the clouds to move out for a few weeks.
Enough of my weather bitching. Life goes on no matter what the skies decide to do to us here on the planet. Matthew decides how we live from day to day so he trumps the weather. He has been pretty good for the past two weeks after his major league blow up. I think not having that stupid phone in his paws every waking hour has much to do with that. He would argue against that for sure. We had told him that the first of June he could possibly start having it back a little. I would bet big bills that he somehow can remember that! It may end up being the end of a good streak of behavior. A deal is a deal around our house so we must stick to our end of the bargain. Probably a huge mistake.
Patti was very sad this morning. She was talking about things when it came up on how terribly lonely Matthew is. I forget about it from time to time, but that is the truth for sure. He has nobody close to his age to hang or even chat with. Josh is the only one and that is not the best solution as the possibility of him moving on or Matthew not qualifying for the program is always present. Then what? Nothing, nada, nobody.....alone again. I think this is way too common of people with issues like Matthew. Everyone moves on once school is over. He is stuck in the same place with the same parents and little else. Hardly any time to spend away and with others. He gets a little taste when he is out hunting or shooting his bow, but that is friendly not friends. It is certainly a sad thing that he will face the rest of his life. Just one more crappy thing that he has to live with. What else can shoot him down? It does add to the everyday anger.
We are all healthy physically, but mentally, well that is up for opinion. Most everyone out there is stressed out too so we are not much different than the masses. At least we are not sick and hurting that way. A little sunshine sure would help in this matter. Hope you are well too. Thanks once again for helping out with Matthew. Never seems to be too far away from the next downer. Nice to have people who really care backing us up. Always Hope that someday we will figure this mess out once and for all. COURAGE MPJ to please hang in there until that light goes off in our pea brains and we have an ah ha moment. Keep the faith everyone.


Friday, May 29, 2020 6:48 AM CDT

Hello Friday! Looks like I can put away the lumber and hold off on the ark for at least a few days. Yes! Finally a few good looking days ahead. Why am I at work? I should be taking advantage of the whole work at home thing that 80% of the staff here is doing. Work at home....what a great idea. So here I sit knowing how nice it will be and all of the fun things I could be doing instead of sitting here. Guess I will just have to wait 8 hours for that.
Matthew had another solid day. He didn't get very far from the ranch and has not done the fishing thing in over a week now. That ship may have already sailed I'm afraid. I think he spent most of the day indoors just hanging out with his best friend and helper, Josh. We all have those kind of days. With the weather being so darn good today, I will be sad if he wants to repeat that for today.
His shoulders have been very tender here of late. Been bothering him for years, but the pain has increased over the past months. So he will be going in for another shot in them to try and calm it down. Been about three years since his last one. When you are as large as he is and depend totally on your arms for everything, it is not a big surprise that the shoulders give out. Pretty young to endure this pain so often. The future is not looking too promising on this front for him. Just one more thing that he will be dealing with. Add it to the growing list of not fun things to look forward to down the line for Matthew. Never a break.
No huge plans for the weekend. We may roll to the western part of the state for a quick out and about. The mission is to pick up the huge flower arrangements left for Memorial Day. We do this dance each year my sister Deb and I. This year, I will have no problem finding riders to go along. Matthew has gone many a time as of late, but Patti is more than willing to go too. This year more than ever. A chance to get out of the house and see the world....or at least the budding green of the Iowa countryside. Sounds better than ever. We may just keep that trip for another week. It will almost be too nice to spend it in a car. I hate to wait too long. She has her annual driving trip to St. Paul coming up in less than two weeks. Hope they haven't burned the area down by then.
Have a good time over the weekend. Just be safe about it if you would, please. Hard to resist grabbing some of the freedom that we all have enjoyed our whole lifetime. We just need to remind ourselves to behave and proceed with caution in these times. Thanks for coming here to keep up with the family. Nice to have you all. Always Hope that things shake out the best that they can for you and us too. COURAGE MPJ to continue to act like the good son you can be. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, June 1, 2020 6:41 AM CDT

Well the world around us is just falling apart it seems. Can it get any crazier out there? I should shut my mouth, because it sure can and the way it has been going, it will. What the hell is wrong with people, I ask? It appears to be plenty if I can answer my own question. Des Moines has been hit hard by the latest of the bad things that 2020 has brought to the table. Getting plenty stupid out there. Wonder when it will come to our neck of the woods since it is so close now? Too close for comfort. I understand the protesting, but the looting and damaging.....that is just plain wrong. I was concerned when the action came within two blocks of my office Friday night. We need to get it together and get it together real soon.
Off of my soap box and back to what I personally know......Matthew Patrick. We had a fairly decent past couple days with the boy. We took a long road trip on Saturday and he got more than a little worked up by the end of it. One of the main issues that we have with him is his not being consistent with his needs. One time he wants all the help he can get with something and you'd better deliver it right now and the next time or so, he is upset because you are coming to help. You just can't win and it makes it really bad when it upsets him to the point of anger. We are not mind readers here so it seems that we just can't pick wisely lots of the time. He seemed mighty needy on that day and then when I volunteered some help, well that was just too much. Our backs are rounded over from bending over backwards for that boy. It really stings and stings hard when he turns on you for willing to help when nine times out of ten he wants it and wants it now. It took a while for him to straighten back out, but no real damage was done. We aired our thoughts and peace was made at least for the time being. That is about all we can get out of peace keeping missions with him.
He slept plenty again over the weekend. The extra dose of calming drugs has some to do with that. Right now it isn't an issue since nothing is going on that requires him to rise and shine early. His walking has slowed some too. Harder for him to lift the feet. More than likely due to him being on downers more than before. Not much choice there though. Either we do this or we suffer the wrath of his anger more than we do. We are not up to that fight any longer. We told him going in that it would or could be this way since he chooses to be the way he is towards everyone. Once again, biting the hands that feed you. Seems to be a real pattern here.
We are safe and healthy and that is a major plus right now. Hope you are the same. be careful out there and use your smarts. We sure do appreciate you being there with and for us. It means so much. Always Hope for much better days for the planet. COURAGE MPJ to see the need for some personal changes to be made. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, June 2, 2020 6:35 AM CDT

The world is not on fire as I woke up this morning. That is a nice change. Everyone is left scratching their heads about what the heck has happened to life as we knew it. This year, 2020, has been something less than good. Wish it were nothing more than a nightmare, but it happens to be reality. Maybe some good will come from all of the suffering. Hope all of the bad has not gone on without at least some good to come out of it in the end. It really needs to happen.
The events of the year had a little change in plans for Matthew next week. His annual visit to MEG in St. Paul was to happen a week from today. Probably not the best time to visit the Twin Cities. Patti called up there yesterday and found out that they had changed his visit to one over the internet. They had a wrong email address for us so we just found out in the nick of time. Matthew was looking forward to the trip, I'm sure he doesn't think of the consequences that could arise from that location, and was bummed about it being cancelled sort of. I was thrilled to hear that news. I think Patti was relieved too. Maybe more that she didn't have to drive up and back in a day more than any other reason. I think it is a win for the home team. Now he still has to go in for blood work before then so that will happen ASAP.
Matthew was tired again. Monday is not a real busy one so he was able to sleep in. He got things that he needs to do taken care of so it mattered little that he stayed in the sack a while longer. By the afternoon, he was out and about with his bow. Went to the AFS parking lot, it is out of the city limits, and shot his bow. He hasn't gone in the building since March. What a waste of our yearly pass we bought him for Christmas. He and I had used this space before. Mark, the owner, is cool with it. So the guys got some practice in without having to sneak it in from our back yard. Too many moving targets surrounding the property at the house.
Kaylee is coming back to be with Patti this week. By Wednesday she will be visiting for the first time since early March. She will be so thrilled to see everyone including her toys of course. The new playhouse is open for business in the back yard. Patti has loaded it up with things to play with. Wonder who will be more excited.....Kaylee or Granny? I know Matthew is happy to have her around. He misses his favorite niece too. It will be a joyful house.
Not much else going on. We are all healthy and safe. Does it get any better than that? Right now, probably not. We have been lucky. Hope you have been too. So take good care of yourself and to others you love. You sure have taken good care of us. Thank you. Always Hope that life gets better soon for everyone out there. COURAGE MPJ to behave like a gent not like a jerk. Keep the faith everyone.


Wednesday, June 3, 2020 6:34 AM CDT

Well today may be a little more than nasty around the ranch. Seems that the AC unit is giving us fits again. Pretty sure we did about the same dance last year the first time it really got hot outside. Patti discovered it yesterday and took action. All fans on deck! Matthew is hot blooded and this will not go over well I imagine. Right now it is just stuffy inside, but as it warms, ouch. The service folks should be able to come today so we can survive the heat wave this way for a little while. I don't know about you, but I grew up without AC. Since then, I'm never without it though. My Momma didn't raise no idiot.
Matthew was good.... as far as I know....yesterday. The evening was filled with everything Kaylee who spent the night with us. Patti was so very delighted for this reunion. Matthew was very happy too. After being a fixture around the house for two years, it was a little sudden to lose her so quickly with the virus stuff. Matthew is fun to watch around her. he tries so hard to be gentle and that is very hard for him. She is not scared of her huge uncle in the wheelchair. Not one bit. She has grown up around him and he is just another big person to her. How wonderful is that. that doesn't happen often.
I don't think he and Josh strayed too far from the house yesterday. It got so hot so quickly that I'm pretty sure they stayed put in the workout room. Matthew doesn't fare well in the heat and real heavy air. Today will be about the same only with the threat of rain hanging over the head some of the day.
So most of the day will be a repeat of about any day of the work week for Matthew. Things have not changed much over the past few years. It would be nice for him if there were some new and positive things happening for him. Doesn't appear to be the case for now though. He is happy to have Josh back in action and today he has Kaylee to brighten up his day. Hope everyone does well.
Take good care and I plan on being back here again in the morning. My days are not much different than the repeats in Matthew's days I guess. Creatures of habit. Thanks for the care and support. Be safe out there in many ways these days. Always Hope for fun fun fun at the house. COURAGE MPJ to show your niece what a good guy you can be. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, June 4, 2020 6:34 AM CDT

Good morning world. Another scorcher coming our way here in the metro. The weather has been a bit crazy here lately. I'm not a fan of this high of temps. The old fatman tends to melt like butter during streaks like this. I am a mess after my noon 3 mile walks. Not fun for Patti and Matthew too. At least the AC was taken care of yesterday afternoon and the house is finally cool again. That helps keep all of us happier. I guess we will just wait this one out like we have been doing with everything else that has been tossed at us this year so far.
Matthew did endure the oven like temps to get outside for about two hours yesterday. He and Josh hung out on the back patio while he popped off some plastic bb's at the targets set up there. One day it is the bow and the next day it is the air soft. Keeps his juices flowing and his hand eye working out. I've said it many times before, but he is an amazing shot with either weapon. Go figure how he is able to pull that off with the major league issues his brain has. He'd be well suited for a ranch somewhere. Especially if things had not gone so south for him 15 years ago. Give him a dog, a pickup truck and some weapons and he'd be well satisfied I do believe.
I changed his picture, as you can see, to him and Kaylee. Last night, when she was heading home, the two hugged for a long...long time. That big ape is a softy around her. She loves him too. That minute made his whole day. She brings so much life into the house. Never a dull minute as she is on the go all the time it seems. It was great having her back with us. Matthew really enjoys being around her. Fun to see those big paws try their best to be gentle. Now that takes some effort for him.
So nothing really happening today that is much different than 90% of our days here lately. Hope it is a good one for all at home and for all of you wherever you may be. Thanks for letting us into your hearts and homes. The love is mutual. Always Hope in this world that could sure use a large dose of that right now. COURAGE MPJ to keep showing off this gentle side of you. Keep the faith everyone.


Friday, June 5, 2020 6:36 AM CDT

TGIF everyone. Can't wait until the whistle blows for the end of another work week. Patti on the other hand will be bummed since it signals the end of the time she got to be with Kaylee. Not sure if she will be back at all next week. I'm not sure that the weekend means all that much to Matthew. Just another day or two in the week for him. But, he will miss his buddy Josh I suppose.
A stormy start to this day. The sirens were blaring at 4:45 about the storms that were coming.....they were actually here already. Of course it woke us, but not Matthew thank goodness. What a rude awakening for Patti and I. I will probably miss that extra 45 minutes of sleep today. They came and passed rather quickly it appears. Going to be nasty outside with this rain and high 80's for temps. I didn't walk at noon yesterday and may have to think about it today too. Hope things shake out for the best over the weekend. Would like to get Matthew out and about some. Nasty weather makes that very difficult.
He had his blood work done yesterday morning. Has to have that draw each year before his appointment with Dr. Frost. I doubt if there will be any changes made to his meds. Hasn't had any for years on the seizure drug front. If it is working, and it is, then why mess with it. It will be strange to visit via the computer instead of in person. Matthew will miss his time flipping crap to Frosty. Those two have bantered back and forth for years. I think the old Doc enjoys it as much as Matthew. We just have to tighten the reins down on Matthew when he starts to cross the line. He does that often.
Not much else on the horizon for Matthew. Seems that the routine has become the routine. Not a whole lot of change in plans from week to week for him. That is good in a way, but not so much in other ways. Boredom takes over and he makes everyone around him rather blue right along with him. His life is so very small and that is so very sad. Just not the way it was suppose to be.
Have a good weekend and stay away from danger. We will attempt to do just that too. Thanks for coming here today to see whassssupp with the Jessens. We appreciate it5. Always Hope that we find something exciting for the boy to take up some of his idle time. COURAGE MPJ until that happens. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, June 8, 2020 6:29 AM CDT

Made it through the hot weekend without much issue at all. Matthew was good for us and that makes all the difference in the world for sure. He took advantage of the down time to store up a little sleep as he slept in both days late before getting up and started. Not much to get up for in the first place. We didn't even take a car ride anywhere this weekend. That is about a first in many weeks. Patti and I were busy most of the day both days so it left little time in there between that and him not climbing out of the sack until close to lunch both mornings.
Matthew made another pie, along with Josh, on Friday for supper. This time it was like a giant choco chip cookie in a pie crust. It was more than good. Last week it was the peanut butter pie so what is it this Friday? Both of these were very tasty so he has plenty to live up to. Saturday afternoon, he helped make a chicken and rice bake along with Patti. That was good too. He has gotten into this cooking thing as of late. Nic4e to see him trying something out of the norm. He has his favorite cookbooks on the table and thumbs through them to find something that he thinks will be good. So far he is at 100% on target. He helps as much as he can, but there are things he just can't do or is not comfy with doing.
Spent a good deal of the time yesterday working on his room(s) and getting things cleaned and arranged better. Kind of my thing I guess. We/he has tons of sports stuff on display and it needs some updating and cleaning to keep it looking good. His rec room area needed a little help too. We got on a roll and couldn't stop. Guess putting our time in with this work is better than just sitting and gazing at the tv. We also made more room on the patio for him. It was too crowded and he uses the picnic table often for his backyard shooting. Now he should not be running into so much clutter. We are constantly thinking on how to make things better for him. Better for him generally means better for us too.
His meeting with Dr. Frost, via the internet, will take place this Wednesday. Better than driving the nine hours up and back for the less than hour visit. He also has a time coming up this week, I do believe, to get that shot in the shoulder to ease that pain some. Patti had one in her hip this week and it seems to be doing just the opposite for her. More pain this weekend than ever. That sucks big time. Hope it fares better for Matthew. Nobody enjoys shots, but if they work... great. If not....well that just is not good at all.
Have a good start to the work week. That is our plan here. Couple more hot ones headed before the rains kick in again. Going to be one humid week. Be careful out there. Thanks for helping with Matthew. Always Hope that this week the planet can heal. COURAGE MPJ to do your part in making things better for others as well as yourself. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, June 9, 2020 6:31 AM CDT

Well yesterday was a total disaster for the Jessen house. The building itself was left alone, but the people inside of it took a major league hit. The whole healthcare plan for Matthew came crashing down. What is proposed will change the game for all of us. He will no longer be able to stay on our plan that is from SEP. So his is up in the air not knowing how it will cover, what it will cover and what will it cost. Then it changed my options from staying on the plan until Patti hits 65 even though I am Medicare eligible this September. Now I will be off of it too and depend on my old folks insurance. So the scramble is on to find the right plans. Patti will stay where she is so at least one of us is not a mystery. Patti spent most of the day on the phone dealing with everything. So much connected to Matthew and insurance. She was absolutely totaled out by t5he time I arrived from work to hear the crappy news. I could just see our coverage sinking while the cost will rise big time for us. Now that is what you want to see happening as you ready yourself for retirement. Today has to be a better one. Smooth sailing is not in our daily plan it seems. Where there is room for trouble, it usually finds us. Wonder what will be next?
So that pretty much sums up yesterday. Stress on top of stress on top of worry. Not a good way to start the week. The boat was sailing just fine before the tidal wave hit. We don't see any advantage for the government, but somehow they do. Matthew has never used Medicaid for health plans. Always been on Patti's plan. Now, they get to deal with the costs. Sounds stupid doesn't it? What a messed up way to do business. On the other hand, SEP pr4ovider will be thrilled.
Enough bitching for today. Got nothing much else to say that is not going to sound any different though. I think I will close for today before I really let loose. Thanks for all the years of care and support. keep Matthew in your hearts today as always. We will weather yet another storm. Always Hope that the skies clear a bit more today for the home team. COURAGE MPJ to just be good as it helps as much as anything. Keep the faith everyone.


Wednesday, June 10, 2020 6:38 AM CDT

Another rainy day in the metro. That will not go over too well at the house. Matthew was not in a good mood at all having to be stuck inside all day as the rains took over the day. Patti said that he was on the edge and was to the point where you could easily see him going over it with her. He seems to have it in for the person that loves him the most whenever he gets in this frame of mind. I could see him challenge her on what she said last night more than once. He seemed to calm down some after we ate. The boy gets mighty grumpy before feeding time at the zoo. So very unfair to Patti. She deals all the time with everything Matthew and then is treated like this by him. I don't know how she does it. Not my style to take that much without giving a little payback in return. She is not wired that way.....thank goodness for that. She is a saint around our house and in our lives.
So there really wasn't much going on yesterday. Patti was on the phone more getting better information on all of the changes coming our way. People she talked to were flattened also about the way this stuff was dumped without notice in our laps. They know, because now it was dumped on them in the same manner. That helped Patti out a little just knowing how govt. treats its own. Everyone is left scrambling now. It is not the way it is suppose to happen. She has more calls to make today.
Later they have a video conference with Dr. Frost from the Twin Cities. So glad they are not traveling there for this meeting in more ways than one. Patti is having major pains in her hip. The shot did nothing but irritate what was already painful. I've driven distance with that sort of pain and it sucks. Absolute torture. Let alone the crap that is the cities this time in history. So glad they will do this from home.
That is it for this less than nice looking day in Iowa. Thanks for coming here to see what is up. We are hanging in there. A little bruised from a tough week mentally so far. Thanks for the help with it all. Much appreciated I hope you know. Always Hope for rains to clear and worries to clear up too. COURAGE MPJ to step up your game and appreciate what you have and know who provides it. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, June 11, 2020 6:49 AM CDT

I can almost see the weekend from this view. I think we all could use a few days off and away from the grind. All this stuff we have been talking and researching on retirement insurance really has me getting juiced about the end o9f my everyday working life. Not too thrilled about having to change insurance, but slowing down the time that I work would be nice. For now, we just look forward to the weekends. Never much planned, but nice to have options on how we want to spend our time.
Matthew hung in there again yesterday. Don't think that he spent much of any time outside of the house. I'm sure he is tired of it. I did take him along for a couple hour roadtrip last night. Had an errand to run. So he enjoyed just getting out and about with some different scenery. He also enjoyed his Taco Bell supper while we were on the road home. I asked him about fishing again and he said he wasn't giving up on it. I think it would be a good choice compared to home and videos. He thinks he has a doctor visit today that may creep into the picture. Could be the perfect day for a fishing expedition. The weather is really nice the next few days.
He was very tired on our little trip. Fell asleep on the
ride back the last 15 miles or so. He wanted to hit the sack soon after getting home. It was way early too. Well before 7. He did roll off to bed, but he laid there watching tv instead of sleeping. Was up another couple hours almost before calling it a night. Maybe being able to stretch out is what he really wanted.
That is about it for today. We are hanging in there and are healthy. Safe and healthy, what more can you ask for these days? Hope you are feeling the same. Take care and remember......FRIDAY is almost here! Thanks for being there for Matthew. Always Hope there is more energy in him today. COURAGE MPJ to give an honest effort each and everyday. Keep the faith everyone.


Friday, June 12, 2020 6:24 AM CDT

It is finally here....Friday again. My favorite day of the work week. Been quite the week so far. Ups and downs, it seems, every single day. Maybe today will be different. At least the weather will not be an issue for outdoor stuff. The boys should be able to get out there and enjoy. Patti has a project planned for the back exit deck/ramp. Staining the rails on it today. That has been her thing whenever we stain it. So on with it we go.
Matthew did try his luck at fishing yesterday. Same results though. Not even a bite he said. Better to go out and try than sit and do video games and such. They say the worse day of fishing is better than the best day of work. I am glad that he thought of it. I kind of sowed the seeds for it the night before. Doubt if they go again today. He can only take defeat so often. He did get to witness a terrible dad and his two little ones while fishing. It made it very hard to sit there and fish while this piece of work barked at the kids. I would bet that Matthew was about ready to charge. Josh probably had to bite his lip too. What the world needs is another angry person. Like there aren't enough idiots out there already.
Got to think of something fun to do over the weekend. Been spending way too much time with projects and not enough fun each weekend. It is always a challenge with Matthew. What fits his likes and what fits his mobility. Makes for some hard times when it comes to finding entertainment. No sporting events to go to doesn't help out either. He made it to three or four ballgames each year. By now, we probably would've been to two at the I Cubs. Guess I will need to scratch my head a little harder to come up with something for us all.
Have a good weekend and keep it safe. Too many people are not acting smart enough out there for our tastes. Don't think that close social contact with the world is a smart idea yet. Just my opinion though. Be careful. Thanks for the support, care and attention all of these years. Always Hope things get straightened out soon. COURAGE MPJ to keep your cool as things heat up. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, June 15, 2020 6:31 AM CDT

Good Monday morning to you all. Sure was some decent weather we had over the past few days. Patti and I got to enjoy the patio for coffee more than once. Yesterday we even started off with a fire in the pit before Matthew got up. Almost like we were camping. That was sure nice. Glad that we were able to have that kind of time, just the two of us. it doesn't happen often enough.
Matthew was good for us over the weekend. Once again he slept in both mornings late. He will get up before 8 and then want a little oatmeal before he crashes back to sleep for another two to three hours. We normally have zero planned outside of the house that we need to have Matthew get up for anyway. He sure takes advantage of that. he has been staying up much later than his normal lately too. He went to bed not long before we did. That is different. He does get lots of rest.....about 12 hours at least....each day of the weekend. I don't recall the last time I did that at all. He does use lots of energy just to function even at a low level of action. His brain is always working overtime no matter what he is doing.
We got out of the house the other night and went over to the Dahl's for a little entertainment. That was nice. Matthew enjoyed playing bags on the driveway. He struggles with it, but he did catch on to a style by the last couple games. It breaks my heart to see such a good athlete struggle with such a simple game. That injury stripped so much away from him. It still saddens me greatly. We practiced good social distancing habits while there. Kind of strange to be that way, but health is our biggest concern. it was nice to be invited out even if it was only about two hours. Matthew enjoyed the heck out of it.
We backed off of our normal working 8 hours or more each day on the weekends for once. Shut it down to enjoy the weather and some earned time off. Plenty out there to do, but it will get done. Not often is the humidity low and the sun shining in this state. Matthew and Patti spent hours on the front deck watching the 4th Street drama roll by. Kept it low and slow.
Kaylee is returning for a few days this week. Patti is thrilled and Matthew is unaware of it at this point. he will be a very happy camper to see his favorite niece. She adds quite a bit of action to the day and the house. It is fun to see that big old bear around her. The thunder in his hands is reduced to mush when he is near her. Gentile is not his forte, but he musters up all he can to keep it safe with Kaylee. Fun to see.
Well that is that and we are ready for the next week of action or whatever. Hope you are well as we are doing just fine on our end. Take good care of yourselves as you do for Matthew and us. Thanks from the bottom of our hearts. Always Hope that Good Matthew stays a long time. COURAGE MPJ to keep it all under control. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, June 16, 2020 6:38 AM CDT

Right now it is nice outside, but it will turn ugly in a few hours. Yesterday I walked three miles plus at noon. I'm telling you this, it was a hot one. Could be the same today when I stroll. Matthew did get out and catch some fresh air at least for a while yesterday. He and Josh rolled over to a nearby park and Matthew tried his skill at batting the baseball. He hasn't played ball at all this year. I asked if he wanted to play some catch a while back and he was not interested. His shoulder is not good and that probably had much to do with that. That boy loved to play baseball. Still in his blood it seems. Glad that they went out and took a few swings.
Monday was good for Matthew and kind of half and half for Patti. She enjoyed Kaylee being there again, after a week without her, but she had to deal with all of the new changes to Matthew's healthcare. What a cluster this has caused for her. She was still working on it about 8 or later last night. She is closer to having it all straightened out than she was to start the day, but the picture is still not as clear as it was under her coverage. Been one stressful week and Patti has certainly paid the price. Matthew doesn't have a clue how much of a deal it is. Guess he is lucky that way.
For me, the day was good too. I dumped the truck I bought a few months back and had regretted ever since. One of those vehicles that you just couldn't trust. I don't often get burned on one, but I took it in the shorts here. So happy to let it go. Strange looking out the door this morning and not seeing a machine sitting in the driveway. Down to two cars now. Had as many as 5 at one time, so this is really a different kind of thing for me. Probably a very good thing at that.
Today should be fairly easy for Matthew. Just another typical day. Now Wednesday he will be hopping a bit more. Has a couple doctor visits and the one is for a shot or two in the ailing shoulder. Those are not always much of a joy to get. All three of us here have had them. Guess we all are ailing from all of the heavy, and I mean heavy, lifting that is required to keep Matthew in the house. It has taken a severe toll on all of us.
Have a good one and be good to yourself as well as keeping safe out there. Health is key to happiness right now. Thanks for the care and support. Always Hope for things to turn around soon on many fronts. COURAGE MPJ to continue to stay active. Keep the faith everyone.


Wednesday, June 17, 2020 6:36 AM CDT

The middle of the week is here. Glad that we are to the halfway point already. Seems like we really live for the weekends. Usually all it means is more work, but being able to do it at our own pace makes the difference. For Matthew, it means he gets to sleep in and kick back even more than he does during the week. I know he would certainly like more out of life, but it is what it is for him. Especially now in these strange times it is impossible for him to expand much on his life.
Yesterday was pretty good for Matthew. Did what he was suppose to before going to the park and swinging at a few balls with the bat. So for now, fishing is in the backseat as well as the bows. He has a history of doing that. Finds something from his past that he hasn't done for a while and then it takes over for a week or so before it gets put back into the toy box for another wait before it is discovered again.
Today is the day he goes for that shot in the shoulder. Sure hope that someone can go in with him. Not sure that will happen or not. I think he first has an eye appointment and then off to the west to get the shot he has been wanting for quite some time. He is lucky that Patti is so good and so on the ball about his insurance. She has it all but figured out right now. There is always some new hoop to jump through with the government to throw a wrench it to everything. Must be their job. Guess we will find out how this all is going to work. After 26 years on one plan, it is not real comforting to do a 360 degree turnabout. It is a major concern.
Stay cool for another day if possible. Downright nasty the past few days. Be safe in whatever you are doing and we will follow right along with you. Thanks for the never ending care and help. Sure has been great. Always Hope that transitions are seamless. COURAGE MPJ to keep your cool as things heat up around you. keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, June 18, 2020 6:29 AM CDT

Over the hump in the week and on the downhill slide until another weekend. Nice! We made it through another day without too much issue that I know of. Matthew was busy with a couple extra appointments and so his usual day was much different for once. I expect it to return to the normal sort of day today and the rest of the week. Not much on the horizon that would make things different for Matthew. Something to be said for that.
His big deal was the double shot he got yesterday late morning. Had to roll way out to the other end of the metro for it. He got a shot in each of his ailing shoulders. He said that it helped out already. Not sure if that is mental or that it really did give him some help. I have had a few and usually it takes a couple days or more to get the goody out of it. Hope he is right and it does make a difference for him. It should help us too if he is able to lift more of his own weight when transferring or if/when he hits the floor again.
Later on he had a eye appointment. His eyes could be better. From the brain injury, he has suffered some effects to the eyes. He has drops that he takes at night and the doctor said we need to be better with that. I don't think Patti misses too many nights of those. He sure sees more doctors than most 26 year olds do that's for sure. Most don't have a mom right there making sure you get in and get checked out on schedule.
That is about it for another day in the life. Hope the shoulders start to mend for him if not already. Sure can't hurt. Thanks for stopping by and seeing what is up. We appreciate that. Take good care and be safe as you can be. Not easy in times like these. Always Hope we all stay healthy. COURAGE MPJ to stay civil to those around you. keep the faith everyone.


Friday, June 19, 2020 6:36 AM CDT

Nice see the weekend is so close to being here. Easy to say that I live for the weekends. Somethings will never change as long as I am working. The way the economy is going, that may be longer than I thought. Right now, retirement is just a word. No need for me to get down on life since it is another FRIDAY for Petes sake.
Matthew has been doing well this week with keeping his anger in check. I have only seen one flash of it and it was over as quick as it started. The heavier dose of happy meds has helped, but it has also increased the hours of sleep he requires to function. Normally, now, he sleeps in later by more than an hour from what he did before. On the other hand, it seems that he is staying up a bit later too. So maybe it is just the internal clock in him that has changed or even a combo of the two. Whatever it may be, it is certainly different than what it had been for a long time. Boy is he going to have issues if/when he goes hunting again this year. Those 4 am wake ups will be a disaster for him. Lately he has done more evening hunting than the early mornings. Turkey season, which he missed, is the real early one. Wonder what deer season will be this year? Not sure he has a partner for the blind.
Last night, Matthew was into the cooking frame of mind. This is like the 4th meal he has taken part in making for us. Last night it was calzones from scratch. They were tasty too I may add. He enjoys doing what he can in the kitchen. it is not easy for him, but he seems to be enjoying it. It is in the Jessen male DNA I think. Chris is the cook at his house. I think Matthew is going to make another meal tonight. Cheeseburger soup is in the lineup today if he chooses.
Being a Saturday, tomorrow I would bet he sleeps in until just before lunchtime. He will rise for meds and breakfast, then back down. That is the pattern of late. Kaylee is coming again in the morning. She has been at the house for 4 days this week. She is action packed in a small package. So the normal Saturday has me out in the yard, Matthew in bed and Patti inside working. Work will take a backseat to playing with the princess for sure.
Have a good, happy and safe weekend. You deserve it. Thanks for being there through the muck and through the better times. Nice to have you with us. Always Hope for happy days ahead for our loved ones and friends. COURAGE MPJ to keep the peace on the home-front again. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, June 22, 2020 6:37 AM CDT

I could've used just one more day off before returning here this morning. The weekends go by so fast anymore. Time goes by so fast, period. Hard to comprehend that I am as old as I am. What the heck happened to all of those years? Poor Matthew, most of the time he doesn't even remember how old he actually is. At my age, maybe that would be a good thing. There are still plenty of things I want to do before I check out for good, so I'd better start working on that as the sands fill the bottom of the hourglass on me. Yikes.....I do need another day to get started or maybe two more.
Our weekend was fine. It started off with another Matthew assisted meal on Friday night. It was good and to top it off, he had another of his pies there for desert. We are trying to keep him active on the cooking front for many reasons. Maybe he will see that he needs to pick up his game so that when the time does come, that he is more ready to take on living without his parents right there. Not sure if that will work or not, but if we can get him primed a bit better, it just may surprise us. He helped make Fathers Day supper too. Some of our family recipes that he did most of the making of it. We did the baking, but he did most of the putting it together. He didn't complain at all. I think he is liking it. We certainly are. Going to try and remember to keep him going down this road. We all need to eat so it is a skill of survival.
We laid low most of the weekend. Kind of a lazy one actually. He got his extra sleep in both days and that is just how it is on the weekends. We did get out a bit on both days. Car rides rule right now. About as safe of an activity as there is. One trip ended up in getting supper on the road and the other was to look at a hunting hauler to replace the now gone truck I bought a few months back. Nice to get away from the ranch for a few minutes and even hours. Thank heavens for AC in cars!
Fathers Day was a real hit for this old boy. Doubt very much if I deserved the treatment I got. No, they didn't pelt me with rocks, now that one I would understand. I really hauled in the booty and some top notch booty it was. Chris and family came over for a couple hours just before lunch and we enjoyed some good conversations. Probably the longest ones we have had since all hell broke loose months back. Treasures of new music, signed sports items, and team shirts were laid upon me. It was a big day for the big old man.
That brings us to another start of a week. Should be about as normal as they get. Patti and Matthew are happy to have Kaylee coming back again this week. She does light up the place with her never ending energy. I don't see any unusual events on Matthew's agenda for the week. Not a bad thing. Hope he can get outside a bit more this week. Maybe a fishing trip? Who knows what will trip his trigger this week. It changes so often.
Take good care and hopefully your weekend was as good as ours. Be safe out there and good to yourself. Glad that you were here today and thankful for the care that you hand to us so often. Always Hope things get straightened out in this crazy world before too long. COURAGE MPJ...and to all of us on the and every single day. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, June 23, 2020 6:31 AM CDT

Well that was some rain we got yesterday morning. Our building had quite a few leaks in the lower level. The old gal is over a hundred years old and weeps at times when the rains are that heavy. At least the casa in Altoona is nice and tight. She is no spring chicken either as I think it is about 56 years young now. Enough rain for a while. Let the earth absorb what we got before the next rounds come here. The grass was happy and so was Patti's garden. Got to take the bad with the good like everything else in this life of ours.
Matthew was very tired yesterday. At supper, he said to me, that he could've slept all day. You know, I think he is capable of that. So not a ton of energy along with a very rainy day for a good deal of it did not allow much action outside of the house. The weather is cooling so maybe they can find a pond to fish today. Could be a nice day for it. It is also nice and easy without too much effort. Maybe I should take it up too?
Made a big pot of bean soup last night. Not quite the same as the the long drawn out version I do each winter, but it really hit the spot. One thing to do with leftover ham too. Made some sweet cornbread along with it and we all feasted. Patti is already talking to the boy about this weeks recipe for him to make. I should've employed him making the cornbread. Nothing too hard there. He was pooped and relaxing in his workout room so there was no need to try and have him bake something.
Bought an old truck yesterday. It fits Matthew well. Always have to consider that factor when buying a vehicle. I had sold the one I bought 3 months ago because it didn't fit him and on top of that......I hated it. This one is a Toyota Tacoma so it is smaller and lower. It will be the new pulling, hauling and hunting truck. Matthew can transfer between the chair and the front seat without help. BINGO! That is a deal maker right there. Hope that this one works out for us. Even Patti likes it. That isn't always the way it goes.
Well that is it for today. Not much going on then and I doubt if much will happen today. Hope that the boy has more energy than what was there yesterday. Rainy days and naps go together though. Thanks for caring and being there from the very start. You are wonderful to us. Always Hope that someday we can pay you all back and double it. COURAGE MPJ to hang in there and try your best at what you do. Keep the faith everyone.


Wednesday, June 24, 2020 7:17 AM CDT

Had a few things to do early here at work so I'm off my usual before clock in time writing. Everything is hunky dory back at the ranch. Well as hunky as it gets I should say. Not sure what dory means. We live to fight on another day and that is what is important isn't it. Each day seems to bring a new challenge to the table, but somehow, we get past it. Without Patti in charge, this whole house of cards would implode. She is the glue.
Matthew had a good day. Spent hours, most of the afternoon hours, outside doing various things to keep entertained. Did some shooting of the air soft, I presume, as well as broke out the bags game to toss a few bean bags. So he did'nt lack in getting his daily dose of sunshine. It was a glorious day out there. Nice to see the rains go bye bye and the sun out with temps in the 70's. Not often do we get one like that. Glad that he wanted to be out in it. Hopefully they repeat today.
Not much else going on yesterday. Today will probably be about the same for Matthew. Wednesday is a pretty open day for him as it normally comes without a shower. I'm sure he doesn't mind that. However, he really gets along, most of the time, with his shower person, Patty. She started with him way back in the apartment years and maybe before that.
She is entertaining and tells some great stories to him that he gets a kick out of. Nice to have her there for him. It helps us out with a tough chore.
Well I am out of thoughts right now. The old wind bag is deflated. Thanks to all for still showing up to see how things are going as well as the thoughts and words headed Matthews direction. You all rock! Always Hope today is as good as the day before. COURAGE MPJ to push yourself forward and not hit reverse. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, June 25, 2020 6:29 AM CDT

Wow is it nice out there right now. If the day could just put a hold on the rising temps and keep it locked in here. Nice not having the rains for a few days now. Weather is so important now that so many are stuck at home and the world is so depressing. At least we have a big enough backyard to entertain us and Kaylee too. The new playhouse is getting some good use here lately. Not so much inside, as she is way too scared of that for some reason, but the porch is a must play everyday place. Matthew uses it as often as he can too. Like our own small park.
Matthew had a good day again. No shower, that happens around noon, and so they took advantage of that to try a little fishing again. Same let down results I'm afraid. That has to be a real bummer. But, they also got to take a couple Subways with them for lunch at the park. How can that not be good? They came back and it was right out to the yard for some batting practice. Hitting away with the zip n hit. It is a training device that delivers the ball down a line so no chasing and no damage to things. Had it since he was in little league. Matthew said he sucked at it too. That's too bad. With the injury he has, it is a miracle that he can even hit the ball as often as he does. He forgets what his brain has to overcome for every aspect of hitting a baseball. That boy loves that sport. He loves all sports, but I think baseball was his favorite of all of them.
Had a good and short evening. He went to bed early and hung out there watching videos or playing with his phone for quite a while. got a good stretching out. When it was bedtime, he was pretty confused about things. Couldn't recall much of what the day had going. So sad to see that happen. Just the way his poor brain functions some of the time. Life is a struggle for him a great deal of the time. Seems like if it isn't one thing bringing him down it is another. Very rarely is he hitting on all cylinders. Makes his mom and I very sad indeed.
So another day in the books and another ready to start. Nothing new on the horizon for today that I know of. I guess that is good, but also not so good at times. This life is pretty darn boring right now. He isn't the Lone Ranger on that one though. So be safe out there and take all the care needed to be safe. Thanks for taking your time to check on Matthew. He is doing fine and keeping healthy. That is about as good as it gets. Again, thank you. Always Hope for a clearer thought process today. COURAGE MPJ to get right back into the batters box and hit away. Keep the faith everyone.


Friday, June 26, 2020 6:38 AM CDT

Well it is storming out again this morning. That pales to the storm that we had to wait out yesterday with Matthew. I feel mighty blessed this morning to be able to write this after the huge scare that took us by surprise before noon. Here is what happened and where we are right now.
Matthew is in Methodist Hospital as I write this. He was hauled out of the house by ambulance around noon yesterday. He was tired that morning and had a little gap in things before the shower aide was coming. So Josh put him down for a siesta. He said the transfer was not easy for Matthew. He went in a half hour later to wake him, but the boy would not wake or respond at all. Patti came in and tried too. Nothing. Just about that time the shower person came and the three of them teamed up. No getting anything out of him. So they called in the rescue to take him in to Methodist. Vitals were good and so was breathing. In the emergency they ran blood work and did a quick CT scan of his brain. Nothing unusual showed. His eyes were not looking good at all. Still unresponsive. They kept checking on this and that and no dice on what happened or why. Still out, they admitted him around 4:30 or a little later. So about 4 hours after arriving. Not looking good at all. They thought of taking him to ER, but they would have to have him breathing on a machine and that was not needed. So to the general floor of neurology he went. Still no response at all. Moaning some and that was it. Snoring like normal too. More tests and more blood draws. He started to react a little towards that kind of action around 5 or so. I went home and packed the bag for Patti since she was going to stay right there as always. I couldn't go up with her because of the Covid crap. So when I got there with supper and the bag, I went up to the room as Patti sat in the waiting area. Oh my did it look bad. I thought for sure this was the big one that does him in. he hasn't looked this bad since he did the initial stay 15 years ago. I thought all was gone. It seemed he moaned a few times when I talked to him about things. It was very sad indeed. Many flashbacks to desperate times. The plan was to do a MRI stat. They worried that he wouldn't be still as he continue to breathe hard and moan. The next plan was to insert a tube in his nose to give him meds that couldn't be given in liquid form. I couldn't see that happen. Visiting hours were about up so I chickened out and handed the baton back to Patti. Skip to about a half hour later......when starting to shove the tube in, his eyes lit up to say no way is that happening! First sign of life. He then tried his best to get out a few words and Patti understood what he was talking about. He knew her as his mom, knew who he was and where he was! Hope came back into play. He kind of went back down and up after that. He woke many times after that and improved along the way. Patti got next to zero sleep as he was up so much and she was so worried. She wonders how she did the marathon years ago. I still don't know how she did that. One strong person. This morning he was much improved. Speech is better and his sense of humor sprang back. Nurse came in to ask if he needed anything and of course he answered back "a million dollars". Hope he said please! I talked over the phone with him about 5am. Little slurred but I could understand him and my phone ears are terrible. Patti said at night he would blurt out some strange things. Once it was just a shout out to Bernie Sanders! So I packed up his wheelchair glasses and phone......first thing he wanted of course....and brought them to the hospital. Sorry for waking you, Patti. Not sure what the plan is from here. Last theory was that maybe his happy med dose is too high and it finally rooted in deep enough to take him out like that. Got a feeling we will never know once again. Bottom line is never let your guard down with Matthew.
So where are we headed from here? Good question without any answer as of now. I think if he shows improvement, like he has, and remains in good shape that we will probably be seeing a today exit. Maybe not, but as long as he stays stable, there is no way he will be kept in all weekend. He is now on Medicare and they will not stand for too long of a stay.
Hang in there and we will hang on for life. Thanks for the support and thoughts. Send a few his way if you think about it. I know plenty were already headed his way last night. Always Hope that recovery is not long. COURAGE MPJ to fight on another day. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, June 29, 2020 6:26 AM CDT

Made it through the rest of the weekend without any issues with Matthew. He seems to be back to normal, but he was absolutely pooped on Sunday. I'm sure between the issue that knocked him cold and just the trauma of being in the hospital took its toll on the little fella. You know, never go to a hospital to get rested up. Half of the the night you are poked and prodded alone being in a less than comfy bed and surroundings. I think a combo of all of these is what nailed him on Sunday. He will totally agree that is sure is great to be back home.
Quite the scare he put in us. This was certainly another in a string of unsettling mysteries around that boy. When they spoke to Dr. Frost the other day, that is what he said to them too. Matthew is just a mystery. Of course, Matthew didn't waste a chance to talk a little smack with good old Frosty. Those two have a long history of bantering. They both seem to love it. Dr. Frost was not in the same thought of a seizure med causing this to happen. He read the results and said that Matthew was easily in the good range of the side effect product. He was not thinking it was a seizure either. Can't say 100% sure, but he was not leaning in that direction. We trust his opinion much more than the Neuro doc they saw at the hospital. He was pretty sure of himself and didn't want to hear or speak to Dr. Frost. Hey guy, if you were that good, you'd be asked to join the big league club that Frost is in!
So we hung out in the room there at Methodist for an extra day of observation out of caution. Very little was done that day and all further tests/scans were put on hold since he was back to normal. Better safe than sorry with the whole second day there. He was finally released about 1 or so on Saturday. Patti was home and heading our way when it happened. Good timing for sure. So we burned rubber and pointed the Subaru Towards Altoona.
So far, so good at home. We were alarmed with how much sleep he was needing and so Patti asked Cathy for an opinion about that. All of her RN experience said it was no big deal from what he had just gone through. He was up a few hours before he was too tired to sit up any longer. So he spent a few hours in bed with the phone in his hand watching this and that before turning the lights out for bedtime on Sunday. I doubt if he was really awake more than 6 hours in that 24 hour period.
Patti will make a few follow up calls this early week just to touch base on things with his doctors and others. Looking to make one change in meds. Not seizure ones, but attitude ones. Think he needs to back off the dose of the one. Our untrained minds have thoughts that it was the culprit here. Pretty strong stuff. He was on the maximum dosage of it the past month. Lots of meds take about that long before they are totally up to the top level in the blood. Makes sense to us that this could easily be the reason for the knockout. Not really an OD, but just too much in him to be able to function. Just a fine line between that and keeping him from being in angry attack mode. Hard to find that balance.
So that is that. Thanks to everyone for the mighty prayers and thoughts that were sent to Matthew. It pulled him out of danger once again. You sure seem to have the power to mend. We are so blessed. Always Hope that there are years in between trips to the hospital again. COURAGE MPJ is what it took once again to find your way home. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, June 30, 2020 8:06 AM CDT

So9mething is messed up here at this site. I have written twice and it won't let it go through. So quickly, we are all right. Nothing too new. He has another issue that isn't something with the head that needs attention. Patti has it lined up already for a clinic visit. Thi8s is it for the day since I doubt if it will be posted.


Wednesday, July 1, 2020 6:29 AM CDT

Well I hope this works better than yesterday.....that was just a bit frustrating. I really didn't need that. Life is hard enough without having to repeat yourself and still not a good take. Guess I will find out here in a little while if this will go through or not.
Things are OK on the home-front. As I pointed out in the small blurb yesterday, Matthew has an issue that turns out to be a UTI that more than likely came after a forced urine sample while he was non responsive. So now he is dealing with that pain. It is not fun and he is not a happy camper. Patti got him in to see the doctor and yup, it was what she thought. So now you can add another pill to his growing list of meds. At least this should run its course fairly quickly.....we all hope.
He was very tired after supper last night, which we ate early too. He went to bed around 6 last night. I don't think it took him all that long to pass out too. He has been very tired ever since the weekend visit to Methodist. The pain from the infection isn't helping any either. Hopefully he can snap out of it before the week is up. We don't have plans, rarely do we ever, for the weekend. Josh will be there Friday with him while I actually get that day off for the holiday. So Patti and I have some freedom, but what do you do when so much is a no no right now? Dine in your car and give everything the roll by. Doesn't sound all that interesting. I'm sure we can come up with something to take advantage of some time off together. That doesn't happen too often.
Last night I rolled to the Cumming area to buy a pair of wheelchair ramps for Matthew. Wow, there were some pretty nice cribs out that way. Lots of money for sure. Lots of horsed too. Found these ramps on Marketplace and they were dirt cheap. Never pass up a chance to buy something for Matthew like that when it is offered so cheaply. We have sets at Chris's house and now we have some for the road or wherever they are needed. You can never have enough equipment to make life easier.
That is about it for today. Thanks for thinking of Matthew and us today. You are life changers. We do appreciate all that you have done. Always Hope that mending happens sooner than later for Matthew. COURAGE MPJ to hang in there until it does. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, July 2, 2020 6:42 AM CDT

This is my Friday here at the office. It will be nice to have the extra day off this weekend. Patti and I may have a little time to ourselves and do something.....if we can come up with some sort of an idea. We always have the Prairie Meadows Fireworks on the 3rd this year to keep us entertained. Nice that we can see most of the show right from our front deck. No trying to navigate the gridlock that takes over Altoona every year.
Matthew is hopefully on the road to recovery from his latest issue. He thinks the meds are working and the pain is less than it was. That poor kid just can't catch a break, I swear. He still seems to need to rest more, but he is also getting into, it appears, laying in bed for a good hour or so and watching something on Netflix. Probably feels good to stretch that big old frame out after hours in a chair. Patti has been keeping a very careful and watchful eye on him this week. Just like every other week, but maybe a little more intense for sure.
Really there isn't much else to say. Got the bill from the Altoona taxi service, aka the Fire and Rescue ambulance, already. Boy they don't waste any time at all. Expensive 10 mile trip. Should get a limo for that kind of money. I imagine the rest of the bills will show up soon too. He has all new insurance so it ought to be an eye opening experience for us.
Have a fun and safe weekend. Happy 4th of July to you all. Thanks for helping the cause here. We sure do appreciate it every single day. Always Hope for lots of smiles and no more issues this week. COURAGE MPJ to hang tough, it has to get better. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, July 6, 2020 6:26 AM CDT

Everyone rested up after the long weekend? Maybe your area was a war zone of fireworks going off to the wee hours like ours. We get the big, legal, shows at both Prairie Meadows and Adventureland near us so we don't really need to have all of the amateur ones going off so close. That doesn't stop them from firing off thousands, it seems, of rounds. Glad Matthew and the dog are not bothered by these at all. This year seemed really out of hand. We survived it and I sure hope you did too.
Matthew has continued to mend from his infection and is down to the end of his pills for that. No complaints from him so I would say he is back in the good side. No other incidents of him being unresponsive either. We could easily do without that for a long old time. Been there and done that. No need for another reminder. His stamina has been up and down lately. More up than down I think. Patti may say other wise, but he has been staying up later. Yesterday he did sleep in way late though. I think this is something that he will have to deal with forever. When his tank runs empty, it is lights out right now.
We didn't do much at all over the past three days. Matthew got out to shoot a bow or two and also popped off rounds with his air soft. He enjoys both of them almost equally. he really wants to shoot the real guns, but we are not too hip on that one. Right now, we do not have a place, a safe place, to do so. That at least keeps it under wraps for the time being. I'm sure he will keep beating on us about it until we give in. That may be a while though. Just not a good time to do that sort of thing. So he will just have to be satisfied with what he gets. Matthew and satisfied.....those really don't go together in one sentence for sure.
So back to a more normal week for him and us too. I think we are all getting a bit stir crazy being shut in so often. Every time I think about traveling somewhere, I remember how risky that could be and I pass on that thought. At this point, we are still planning on our vacation to Colorado in October. We have a house rented in the Big Thompson Canyon for a week. At least we would be away from most everyone. Guess we will just wait and see how all of this virus stuff heads from here. Not looking too darn good at this point in time.
So have a great start to another week. We hope to be doing just that too. We appreciate all that you do and have done for us all. Keep Matthew in your thoughts, please. Always Hope that a corner can be turned in all of the crap that has become our world. COURAGE MPJ to hang in there a little longer. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, July 7, 2020 6:25 AM CDT

One hot day down for the week. Yikes it was miserable out there again yesterday. My noon walk was a torture test and I barely passed it. Don't think today will be any different. The heat is not good for Matthew in more ways than one. The meds he is on do not jive well in the extreme heat. Even the antibiotics warned of that sort of thing. He is now done with them by the way as he had his last dose Monday. They did the trick. He is feeling like a real human being once again.
Besides his Monday shower, his big thing was actually enduring the heat and shooting one of his compound bows for about an hour. He set up in the backyard, aiming towards the back of the garage. That area was covered with padded targets as well as plywood boards. He has been told, and hopefully follows the rules, not to shoot it when the kids are out next door. Doubt if they were out in this heat. Sure makes things easier when you don't have to load up and go somewhere to twang a few sets of arrows. Today it will probably be his air soft rifle aiming to the targets in the backyard. What would we do without our big yard? It does get used.
He hit the sack early again last night. He has gotten in to stretching out and ending his day that way. He likes to watch Netflix there. Last night he was able to watch a whole movie before calling it quits for the day. It seems to work out well for him. I think we all are watching too much tv, but with everything going on around us, what else can one safely do without much worry? We are all getting pretty darned sick and tired of hanging out so much. This heat wave doesn't help much either.
Really a pretty dull day for the home team. I would bet that today is about the same. One day tends to just blend into the next anymore. Pretty sad that this is what is the new normal. The future is not looking the best it appears. At least I get to escape to the office each day. Poor Patti and Matthew don't have that option. What a strange world we are living in right now.
Take good care and be safe and smart. Ride this thing out the best that you can. We sure do appreciate the efforts made to keep this thing up and running. Matthew, and us, have been blessed. Always Hope that the doom and gloom clears out soon. COURAGE MPJ to just hang tough until the norm is much better for you. Keep the faith everyone.


Wednesday, July 8, 2020 6:47 AM CDT

Suppose to be the hottest day of the year to date. Boy that doesn't sound too inviting. Iowa.....the land of extremes. That should be our new motto. 2020 is not going to be looked at with much nostalgia in the history books. This has been one tough ride so far and it doesn't seem to be taming down a bit as the months go by. Just when you think things are improving, then wham, the next hurdle gets thrown down in your path. I'm sure I am not the only one seeing things through these glasses.
Not much new on the Matthew front. Pretty much a normal day in the life. He did go back to PT for the first time since his visit to Methodist though. Steve was on vacation so it worked out well that Matthew had a full week to get back to his normal self. He was glad to see his gumba Steve again. They are like a big brother/little brother pair after all of these years together. Matthew got some leg workout in both walking and lifting.
The remainder of the day was a good shower and time spent hanging out for the most part. What else could he get done when the temps are virus are working against him so. His new pattern at night is the lay in bed and chill for an hour before calling it quits for the night. We all are spending too much time in front of one media device or another. Feeling mighty cooped up.
Well not much else to report on that isn't depressing. We all need some positive things to happen soon. Now the weather is an issue to put the skids to outside things unless you are a real trooper. I walk at noon and that is about it for this dude. So hang in there the best you can until we get something good to celebrate. It has to come around sooner or later. Thanks for being there through the muck that is Matthew's life. Not an easy one that is for sure. Take care and be safe. Always Hope for future smiles across the planet. COURAGE MPJ to hang loose as you can. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, July 9, 2020 6:23 AM CDT

Well there really isn't anything new on the Matthew front. Just as I thought, it was a typical day in the life on Wednesday. Diddo goes for Patti and I too. This life is really mighty boring for sure. I know that we are not the Lone Ranger on that one as the new norm is about the same for all sane people. All we can do is drool thinking about a time, down the line, when we are able to roam and be free once more. For me, I keep thinking about our planned trip to Colorado right after I hit the magic number of 65. That thought is keeping this old horse moving forward. The trip, not turning 65 that is.
So this is going to be a short one. We are fine and our friends and family are good too. That is so important. Matthew is hanging in there and I know that he is about stiff as a board from spending so much time at the house. Too hot to fish or about anything outside these days. For him it is more dangerous than most. So he stays put, for the most part, in the cool AC of the house.
Have a safe and good day. Keep putting up with it until things get brighter for us all. Thanks, so very much, for keeping Matthew and us in your thoughts. it makes a big difference I do believe. Take good care and see you back in the morning. Always Hope we get breaks in the weather as well as life itself. COURAGE MPJ to keep hanging in there until things are less restrictive. keep the faith everyone.


Friday, July 10, 2020 6:30 AM CDT

Happy Friday! Gee I like this day of the week. Someday, all of the days will be like Friday. Maybe take another year for me to realize that one, but the day is coming. Even though I turn the big six five this September, I plan on staying on part-time for possibly a year. Not a bad gig I think. That way I can continue to build time on the old Social Security before starting to cash in. Who knows if that plan will work either. So far, nothing has gone to plans for this year....has it.
Not a whole lotta of different things going on yesterday than what did the day before. Matthew stayed close to home the whole day. Did get outside to hang and shoot his air soft, but that was about it. The rest of the day went pretty much to plan. Got his workouts in, ate, took a nap, and got in a shower. Pretty dull stuff. I'd like to get out of that cycle, but right to impossible. So many factors are stacking up against anything else to do. Not much break in the weather ahead either. Just have to hang on until the smoke finally clears.
The big news of yesterday was a call from our family doctor reporting on the final results of Matthew's blood work. One of the tests took this long to come back. Wow, he could've been long gone before this one returned. That is scary in itself. well folks, it seems that Patti and I were not that stupid after all. The levels for his "happy meds" came back dangerously high! Duh is the word. yes indeed his levels were twice the level that it is suppose to be at the very high end of being safe! Twice is not good. So just as we non-doctor types thought, he was on the verge of over-dosing on it! So for now, he has been taken off of it totally until he chats with the the other party that authorized it. I imagine they will back off the dose or find something else to take its place. So one can only think that it is still too high in his system right now. So he will be kept under a close eye until we find out what the next step will be. Holy crap!
Well at least that big question has been answered. It sure seemed like an OD to Patti and I even though we were poo-pooed on that one. So we will be walking the tight rope of his attitude and anger until all of this gets straightened out. He needs something in him to help back off the outbursts and the need to get physical. Going to be a long couple weeks for all of us if he is dropped off the plan too long or too far. Not good for any of us around him. You never know with Matthew.
Well that is it for the week. Have a great weekend and take good care of yourselves, please. Not a good time in life to take chances. Thanks for the help in keeping Matthew afloat. You are the greatest. Always Hope that good can come of this new discovery with Matthew. COURAGE MPJ to keep your cool as things continue to heat up. keep the faith everyone.


Monday, July 13, 2020 6:30 AM CDT

Another start to another week. At least I am not so far gone in the head that I can remember what day of the week it is. Right now, that isn't always the case with folks since the world has been turned upside down since March. Things are still not back in order at the office. Been just a few of us around since then. I really like it that way. Less is better for me.
The weekend slid by too quickly. Matthew is doing just fine. His med change has helped him with his stamina some already. He is staying awake so much longer each day. He still wants to sleep in, but he is also not calling it quits at night until after 9 each night. That is a good hour and a half to two hours later than usual. Seems that now he has taken a liking to laying in bed and watching the tube while stretched out. It is becoming an every night thing. Nothing wrong with that. Just different.
The heat outside is keeping him inside most of the time. It was a little better yesterday so he spent a good three or four hours outside under the shade on the patio. Kaylee was there too. He wanted to be outside to watch her play and splash in her little pool. She is a busy girl. Glad to have her back after two weeks away. Caution taken after Matthew was in the hospital. We even had lunch out on the patio. I think we have used it more this year than any other year in recent history. Patti and I like to chill out there after work. Chill is not really a good word for it since it has been in the 90's for quite some time now. Matthew uses the area almost daily while firing off either his air soft rifle or his bow. Big backyards rule. Mowing it does not.
Kaylee will be here in the mornings this week. Matthew enjoys that almost as much as Patti. Nice that she is not too timid around the big guy. He can be pretty daunting in his wheelchair at his size. She will be excited to spend the time at the house. Grandma is just the best. Of course she rules once there. Matthew doesn't seem to mind giving up his throne for her.
The week should be pretty much the same each day. No wonder it is hard to figure out what day it is. Hope all is well with all of you. Be careful out there as always. Glad you are with us and are keeping Matthew in the game. amazing for sure. Always Hope that the health of the world around us improves this week. COURAGE MPJ to be kind and gentle to those you love. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, July 14, 2020 7:23 AM CDT

Finally the computer let me in. Hate it when I can't get online right away. Boy, are we ever hooked up to these machines for our lifeline to the world. Sad, but oh so very true. Glad that adventure is over and time to carry on with the day.
Matthew was fine yesterday. No health issues and maybe a touch of attitude at times, but it did not rule the day. He went out early in the morning to test out his newest airsoft rifle that arrived Friday. Sure beats him wanting to go a shoot the real things. Safer and cleaner for all let alone finding somewhere to shoot them. He seems to enjoy this and for the person with him, this time Josh, it is so much better than chasing down arrows and pulling them from a stiff target block. Matthew loves using the rebuilt picnic table as his shooting table. He slides right under it since I offset the legs to allow for his high sitting legs to slide under. It is in the morning shade so that is the best time to use it. Kaylee was there yesterday, and will be all week, so he wanted to do it before she was ready to head outside. The backyard has gotten plenty of use since the virus took over our lives. Glad it is there ready for action.
They had a visit with the psych nurse that works with him and his attitude adjusting meds. Obviously she was very concerned over the news of the way high levels in his system that caused him to go to sleep, so to speak, for those terrible 8 hours. A plan has been launched to not let this happen again. That was a close call for sure. He has totally recovered and shows no signs of any issues that incident had caused.
Nothing else new at all. I could see the boredom in his face last night when I arrived from work. I hear you bud. This stretch of doing very little has everyone, and I mean everyone, on edge. The options are not very good if you want to remain safe as possible. Too risky to have him go to AFS where the general public using the place are non-believers in being safe. Too many rednecks there that really don't give a you know what. That just will not work for us and Matthew. I guess we need a how to guide on surviving this shutdown and staying active and entertained. Been a long four plus months.
Speaking of safe, you all be careful out there and take it easy whenever possible. Someday it will get better. Glad you are hanging in there and doing so right along with us. We appreciate it. Always Hope something fun comes your way soon, Matthew. COURAGE MPJ until that day arrives. Keep the faith everyone.


Wednesday, July 15, 2020 6:35 AM CDT

Made it through some pretty stormy stuff last night. I think that we were lucky that the really bad weather hit elsewhere in the metro. Patti and I ran around like mad trying to batten down the hatches as the winds picked up and the sirens went off. It is always a concern since we really would be hard pressed to get Matthew in the basement in any short time if needed. Worse would be attempting to get him back out. We have been lucky not having to attempt any of that. Storms are a reality of living in this state.
The rest of the day was a piece of cake it seems. No issues to speak of that I am aware of. He seems to be handling the less dose of the meds all right too. No big flare ups of anger have been seen, but as usual, that is always subject to quick change. He has sure been less tired lately. Probably due to less meds too. Loves to lay in bed and stretch out at the end of the day. he usually stays up to around 9 or even later. A good hour later than what was his old normal. It works for everyone.
I would bet that indoors is where they will be today. More rains are headed our way and it was spitting when I came in to work. That will be a bummer for him. It could clear enough to use the yard for some activity later on. He stays high and dry on the patio as wheeling in the grass is a major cluster. I'm sure he will come up with some idea on what to do. Being held captive at home, for most of the time, takes away from one of his favorite things to do. He likes to go check things out at stores. Well, I should say, sports stores that have weapons. Not happening now with the virus going crazy. We spent enough time in the hospital already this summer.
Well that is about it for today. Stay high and dry if you can. The grass is loving it even if we are not. Be careful and be good to yourself. I know you are good to others as we are a perfect example of that. Thank you all. Always Hope for continued health for Matthew and you too. COURAGE MPJ to hang tough until freedom is a reality again. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, July 16, 2020 6:41 AM CDT

Well there really is nothing new on the Matthew front this Thursday. He was pretty much his usual self yesterday. The only difference is that he actually was a little more tired than he has been for a few days. So much so that he ended up taking a bit of a siesta in the middle of the day. That is a first for a while. He has been staying up later every night for the past two weeks and I guess it finally got to him a little. Not a surprise at all. he was fine the rest of the day and into the night.
Today he has a long meeting, via the phone, with some agency that is worried that he actually may not be disabled. What a joke. Yes indeed, a miracle has happened and he is now an able bodied person once again without any issues. Every year he gets to go through this song and dance just so they can see and understand that he is what he is and what he will always be. Kind of an insult to injury I think. Save your time and efforts on someone like Matthew. Go after the deadbeats and stop reminding people like Matthew that they are less than what they should be.
That is it for today. Short on things to write about. Thanks for hanging in there with us through the many years and as many ups and downs as one can live through. We are certainly very fortunate to have you on our side. Always Hope that today doesn't drag up some old feelings that are not positive. COURAGE MPJ to endure this shake down one more time. Keep the faith everyone.


Friday, July 17, 2020 6:29 AM CDT

Happy Friday everyone. Made it, well almost at this point, another week in the life. Not always the easiest thing to do anymore. What a crazy world that we live in. Things have sure gone south this year without any doubt. Our home life remains about as steady as it gets right now. Boring as all get out, but steady. Maybe this is the new norm and the new world that we are faced to live in from now on. Who really knows. Not much of a comforting thought is it. Just the reality of it all.
Yesterday had one big slap of reality for Patti and to Matthew too. I said yesterday about the upcoming meeting to determine if Matthew is indeed still messed up. So they get to answer a thousand questions that made Patti realize just how messed up he is again. Things that we just accept as being Matthew now, are off the charts for the "normal" person of his age. Nice to get to dig up all of those feelings of loss and somewhat hopeless feelings once again. Patti was pretty shook up after the meeting, which lasted two hours. What a terrible annual ritual people in this situation get to go through annually just to determine if they are in need. Things do not change for someone like Matthew. More than likely, any changes will be to the negative end not the positive. I have been fortunate not to sit through this type of interview. I'm not sure that I would be strong enough to take it without totally letting loose.
Everything else is just about as usual as it gets. A little of this and a little of that to go along with too much of somethings. Such is life at our house. Been that way for so long that we hardly know any different sort of life. Distant memories when life was so darn easy. We just didn't see it at that time like that. Wish that we had. That life doesn't exist anymore.
Enough of the downer for the day. it is Friday and I should be doing my happy dance. Sometimes it just is too hard to see the good. Thanks for the help in getting us over such times as these. We are so lucky to have people who care. So lucky. Always Hope that the weekend is good for everyone out there. COURAGE MPJ is what you do every single day to cope with the hand that you were dealt through no fault of your own. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, July 20, 2020 6:56 AM CDT

Well that took a few times and extra minutes to get on this page this morning. Not what this old dude needed on a Monday morning. It was enough of a challenge to get up and come in today. Getting very lazy in my old age I guess. The thought of retirement surfaces in my brain almost all the time anymore. Two months to go, but who's counting.....right. The change will be good I hope.
Made it through the weekend without any issues. How about all of you? We sailed through it, but it was pretty dull for the most part. That is how I would sum up most of our weekends and evening at the ranch. Dull is much better than sick so we count it as a blessing. Didn't accomplish a whole lot, but the weekly chores were done and we stayed as cool as we could. AC is just the best thing since sliced bread. How did I survive my youth without it? I'm not that tough anymore for sure.
Matthew was pretty mellow over the past few days. Sure he has his "wants and needs" that he sees as a priority, but other than those times, he was very well behaved. He spends too much time on the internet looking at stuff and then thinks that he just has to have it. Too much like his old man I guess. It would be great to have more time spent doing things that he likes and what we like too. Right now it just isn't going to happen. We are pretty cautious when it comes to Matthew and what/where he goes and does. We are all suffering from the same lack of action. It does wear on you in time.
This week looks to be another normal one for him......we hope. No surprises would be a win for the home team. At least there are no two hour meetings to determine if Matthew is still messed up. Kaylee will be around for a good chunk of each day and that brings a smile and a calmness to the boy. She is action packed so it wears you out trying to keep up with her. Matthew sure likes having her around again. She brightens his long days.
Really there is very little else to day today. We are all good and healthy. These days, that is all that matters. Hope you are feeling the same way. Take care of yourselves the best that you can. Thank you for caring about us. You are so good. Always Hope this week is just an easy stroll through the park. COURAGE MPJ to keep cruising the easy street you are on right now. keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, July 21, 2020 7:04 AM CDT

Well this is two days in a row that this site would not let me in right away. Been a good half hour since I last tried and finally success. Hope that this is not a sign of things to come today. I am more in the slide mode rather than the fighting mode. Some days it just can't be helped I guess. How about5 a hall pass on this one.
Matthew continues to do just fine. His lower dose of meds has not caused him to be extra feisty towards us. Sure there still will be times that he is not a happy camper with anyone around him, but we haven't seen the ugly side that lets loose from time to time. The meds are cut in half, but they are given 4 times a day instead of twice. Hope that this can continue to be the pattern of behavior even with the less dosage. One thing is for sure, he is able to stay awake longer and seems to need less siesta time during the week. That is very good.
Today Patti is flying solo with both children this morning. Should not be an issue. She is a seasoned pro at dealing with tons of kids at a time. Matthew will be her helper with Kaylee this morning. He is happy to help there. Josh needed a day and has decided to exchange his time today for Saturday. That means that we actually have 8 hours to do what we want......just the two of us. Not a bad trade for sure. Now the only issue is what to do. We are not taking chances at our house so being very social or shopping is way out of the picture. Hope that the weather is good so we can walk and maybe have a picnic or something. Live like a semi-normal couple our age. Wow.....that will feel very strange indeed.
We are fine and doing so much better than many out there in this messed up planet. Sure wish the same for all of you. Take good care of yourselves out there, please. We really want to keep this circle of friends in tact. Thanks for being there each step and stumble along the way. Always Hope for good reports from everywhere and from everyone. COURAGE MPJ to take extra good care of your niece today. Keep the faith everyone.


Wednesday, July 22, 2020 6:25 AM CDT

A little stormy last night. Not enough rain to help the cause though. Getting pretty dry out there. I even heard that we are getting a little relief from the heat wave as the temps and the humidity are sinking a bit today before the oven gets turned back up by the weekend. Looks like we will have to get outdoors today. I would bet that Matthew is out shooting one of his toys this afternoon if not earlier. Good day to do that.
He was good for Patti yesterday as she was caring for him and Kaylee both until nap time.....for Kaylee. Matthew had already had his siesta. Funny, I just said how he was having better stamina and less naps and boom......time to take one. Patti said he was just gassed. That was fine as she was able to give Kaylee a little more attention while the big boy sawed a few logs.
Really not much else going on right now. Most of the med issues seem to be covered and no appointments or doctor visits are planned for this week that I am aware of. But then, what do I know. Josh will be back today, but not Kaylee. Patti will be going through a rough time without her little Princess there. Guess she is not coming back for a couple weeks. Covid quarantine after Josh spent the day at Adventureland. He has fun and then Patti and Matthew have to pay the price by not having Kaylee. Doesn't seem too fair.
So that is that and here we are on a Wednesday. The house was mighty quiet this morning as I got ready to head off. Not a creature was stirring. Hope that your day is a good one and that things are going well for all of you. Stay safe out there and stay healthy. We will do just that too the best that we can. Thanks for the support. Always Hope this screwy world gets turned around sooner than later. COURAGE MPJ to keep handling the slow life until the smoke can clear. Keep the faith everyone.


Friday, July 24, 2020 9:47 AM CDT

Well finally.....after more than two days I am able to get here. Been one tough week for this page to be had on my end. I heard that it has been an issue for some of you followers too. Hopefully it has been resolved. Be nice to start the week off Monday on the good foot.

Not much to say after all of that. Matthew is doing all right. Did notice more than a little anger in his tone last night. Could be the day or whatever. Sure hope it isn't the less dose of attitude meds starting to wear a little thin. At this point in time, I'd like to think it was just the day not the meds. He was pretty quick to get defensive whenever he was asked something. Never a good sign. Time to back off and let the angry bear mellow. The bad thing is that many times that just doesn't cover it and he gets totally out of control. Patti has really been over the top nice and patient with him. Lots of bowing down and "sorry about that" type of responses to his responses. Lots of hoops need to be jumped through to keep the peace at home.

Patti and I have time off Saturday. Josh is making up a day so we are free to roam. So what is there to do away from the ranch for 8 hours? Nothing has come to mind that sounds all that good. The crazy times have really restricted anything that sounds like fun to us. Going out to eat and then gulping it down in a 100 degree car just isn't going to cut it. We refuse to eat in so that really limits what you feel like eating in either the heat outside or the cramped spaces of your car. Shopping is basically off limits too. Visiting people means spacing apart and no contact. Once again we will probably find ourselves driving the time away.
That is getting old.

We are all healthy and that means more now than ever. Don't want to chance it with being sloppy either. Hope that you are well and that your loved ones are too. I don't want any part of this virus. It is a killer. So take good care and we will be back, if this web page lets me, on Monday. Glad you are safe and also glad that you are on our side. We are luckier than most. Always Hope for better days for us all. COURAGE MPJ to chill when you are feeling the anger take hold...please. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, July 27, 2020 6:36 AM CDT

Well being able to click right on to the site is a little bit of heaven. Glad that the issues were taken care of. We made it through another weekend without too much issue. Always a good thing. Seemed like a very short weekend though. Patti and I enjoyed our 8 hours away, but it did seem like almost a challenge to stay away for that much time. With all the don'ts that are out there with the virus, it is not like we had the freedom to do what we wanted. Put on over 250 miles on the van as we drove all over the southern part of the state. Did some exploring in areas that we have hardly been to. It was refreshing to just get away for the day. Matthew didn't seem to care either as he must've enjoyed the time with Josh instead of us. I can understand that. So the weekend was a hit for all of us.
It was good to see some rain hit the ground yesterday. It was sorely needed for sure. That should make the grass and farmers happy. Pretty wet out there this morning. Patti will not need to water her garden and flowers this morning. Matthew slept in late, but by early afternoon he was ready to be sprung from the house. He and I took off for a couple hours as we drove all over Polk County checking out things. We rolled up to Saylorville Lake and it seems that they have been busy building an outdoor range for archery practice. Our Ranger friends mentioned that being in the works, but it has been two years, at least, since I last spoke to them about it. I was going to contact them today to see if it indeed is what we think it is and find if it will be friendly for Matthew to use. Being up there got the hunting juices flowing for Matthew. We wonder what all of this virus stuff will do to his season or if there will even be one for him. It wiped out his turkey hunt, but that is one which required plenty of human contact. This deer hunt at the lake, well it is pretty much a solo thing. Matthew is the only one that goes out5 with someone. Hope that this makes the call easier for the Army Corp who put it on for the lake area.
Matthew remains all right, attitude wise, that is. Not perfect by any means, but fairly stable. Patti has gone way over the top in being patient with him. Really has the kid gloves out and using them at all times. His physical health is strong. No more signs of being totally out to lunch. We are 99% sure that it was the drug level that got him and put him into the deep sleep. The main concern now is keeping the levels at a working level. Not too light and not too heavy. Not an easy task keeping him somewhere in the middle and able to keep the anger levels low. Matthew is one major challenge for us at all times. It sure does wear one down to the bone at times.
This week should not be much different than last week. No Kaylee for a while yet so that does make a difference around the house. Hope that she will return as soon as her folks allow it. Patti is pretty much lost without her. He M-F purpose is gone. Gets lost without having that and her in her life. Matthew misses her too. I am rarely there when she is since she comes after I take off and leaves before I return.
Well be safe out there and take care. We are doing what we can to balance life and the times we are living in. Just one more thing to add into the mix. Thanks for always being there and I do mean always. Wow are we fortunate. Always Hope that a good rain brings happiness and growth. COURAGE MPJ to continue to grow as a human being. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, July 28, 2020 6:33 AM CDT

One down and four to go this week. Glad that the oven has been turned down a bit outside. Makes a difference in many ways. Matthew was outside some while the temps were almost human yesterday. He was doing some whittling on the back patio for a while. Matthew and any sort of weapon is just meant for each least in his mind. Well, it didn't end up too good for the home team. Matthew got a little carried away and shaved off a bit of his hand while he was at it. Josh was not paying close attention, as he was on his phone messing with it, and ouch! Dr. Mom to the rescue as he was bleeding pretty good right away. Patti was not happy with the lack of supervision. It has probably been years since he was given permission to do this and then this result. Could be another few years before he gets to do it again. A bad situation. Matthew is fine and his hand is nicely wrapped and kept clean.
Matthew broke out one of his new shirts that his nice mom ordered for him last week. She looked at his stash of clothes and decided it was time for some new shirts that aren't as worn. All of them are team oriented t-shirts of course. We all wear tons of that sort of wear. Yesterday he was Aaron Judge of the Yankees. That one sort of surprised me. A Yankee wearing Cub fan? Just not right. He has a whole bunch to try out this week. At least one for every day. Hope he didn't get blood all over the new shirt. That would be a bummer.
Patti started her sessions of PT yesterday. Of course she went to see Steve for it. Best place in town. He gave her quite the stretch and poke workout. Her hip/leg has been an issue for months. A shot did nothing for her. So now it is PT's turn to see if they can give relief. She though it was less sore last night. We are hopeful that it will reduce the pain she is in.
Going to be nice out there today. I would lay money on the boy being out in the back patio shooting something. More than likely it will be an air soft rifle. The new toy in the toy box. I would be bummed if he didn't get outside to relax and soak up the nice weather. Hasn't been like this for a while. Suppose to get even better by the weekend. Thank goodness for our big back yard. It has really come in handy this strange year.
Have a good one and keep away from jackknives! Thanks for coming to see what is up with the boy. He is doing fine because of the love he has been gifted from you all. Thank you from the bottom of my pea pickin Tennessee Ernie used to say....for all of you oldies like myself. Always Hope that it is safe out there today. COURAGE MPJ to take it easy on yourself and be careful. Keep the faith everyone.


Wednesday, July 29, 2020 6:35 AM CDT

Hump day is here. All days seem to be blending together as the world has changed so much the past 6 months. I wonder if I would be this aware of the day if I had to work from home or even not be working at all. That scares me when i think about retiring soon. The good news, for me and my sanity, is that I will continue to come in and work 15 hours each week. That should keep me a little busy and also aware of what day of the week it is.
Matthew had a decent day yesterday. By the end of it, he got a little upset and had that tone in his voice that we hate to hear. I absolutely hate it when he gets that smart a#@ tone towards his mom or me too as a matter of fact. It is totally unwarranted and obviously unwanted by us. That is the time that I think of all the things that we do to make his life as livable as we can and his less than grateful responses towards us makes one feel like a real fool for sacrificing everything for him. It passes, on both ends, but it is still a reminder of where one stands. He did get cooled off and it was once again at the end of the day, so he was out of sight which helps us back off too. Taking care of someone with a brain injury is not for the weak I guess. You need pretty thick skin and even after all of the years and all of the trials, my skin has never thickened as much as Patti's.
Another typical day is ahead for him. Being it Wednesday, it is a day off from his shower. Yesterday he had PT where he walked. His stamina has gone downhill when it comes to walking. Sometimes I do think it is being lazy on his part too. He isn't a ball of fire when it comes to working hard. So he had to skip the shower since he was not able to walk that far I guess. I'm thinking it he worked that a little. Bet if there were cake at the end of that distance he would've been able to make it. Maybe not, but it seems a bit hinky to me.
Well maybe I should stop this right now before I go downhill any further. Just one of those days where I am not thrilled with Matthew I guess. They happen more than i would like. The way it is and will be more than likely. Have a good one and take extra care in making your life safe. Thanks for the support. Always Hope my attitude can change with good reason. COURAGE MPJ to push yourself a bit harder when things get heavy. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, July 30, 2020 6:31 AM CDT

Well I was certainly wrong about the weather being a bit cooler the past few days. It was not pretty yesterday, but I am assured, for real this time....maybe..that it will be more people friendly today. Good if that is true. About time and about time Matthew gets to spend a little more time outside again. The heat and his meds are not a good mix as I have said for years. whether this also is accurate, but why would you chance that.
Not much new really. His behavior was improved from the night before. The little window of time that I was around him was positive. Maybe he got some things sorted out in his head and realized he needed to straighten out before the hole he was digging also buried him. Who knows with Matthew. Expect the unexpected whether it is for the good or the bad. Don't get caught on your heels. That is never good at all. One also never should think that everything is going great. We have learned that from many letdowns over the past 15 years. It really makes living with Matthew a challenge on a daily basis. Don't get me wrong. Most of the time he is just fine, but it is hard to get past some of the hellfires he has put us through too. Keep a filled barrel of water handy at all times is the best way to handle it I guess.
On Friday they have a visit, via internet, with Jen. She is the one that writes the scrips for his attitude drugs. She is very caring and takes things with Matthew very seriously. There are options for other meds in case he continues to build anger with the half dose of what he is on now. He is right on the border at times. I would bet that he stays on the same path, med wise, for a while. Glad that he is getting this much attention from her.
Not much else going on that is unusual or unique. Like many of you, very little changes especially with the virus getting out of control again. Just the way of life probably for a long time ahead if not forever. No one really knows at this point. Time to stay safe and live smart. We are trying and we hope you are doing your best too. Stay healthy my friends. Thanks for caring so deeply for Matthew. Always Hope that good things dwarf the less than good ones. COURAGE MPJ to stay on the right path. keep the faith everyone.


Friday, July 31, 2020 6:46 AM CDT

Hello Friday! Nice to see you one more time. Can't wait to have a couple days of freedom from here. The shorter my time here, the harder it has been to get fired up about it. Two more months and I will be rocking away in my chair.....well at least 5 days a week. That will be a major change for sure. Hope that I am up for that challenge. It will be tough to change.
Matthew is hanging in there. He seems to be doing a little better than the day before. He did find something to upset the apple cart some however. Out of the blue, he has once again brought up finding a full time job. Wanting to be a gunsmith. Things that just aren't in the cards. Where did all of that come from? Just out of the blue he has this great need to asking the questions. The issue becomes a very sore spot when he is educated on why this is not happening. Of all trades, it involves some pretty precise skills along with great fine motor skills. This request is coming from someone that totally lacks both let alone the ability to remember just about everything. It is just as hard for us as parents, to tell him that it isn't going to happen. We've been down this same road often and it never ends nicely. The longer he keeps on it, the worse results will become of it. He just will never give up hope I guess.
Hope isn't going to make this happen though. Too much damage upstairs that will never be repaired. It is so hard to see and even harder for Matthew to understand. Maybe his memory will fail again today and this will all be in the rear once again. It won't be gone forever though. Just put in the closet for a while.
So we may have our work cut out for us ahead. The warning bells have sounded. We've been through this many times before. Not fun at all. Something to not look forward to the rest of the weekend. We will need to find something else to do in order to keep his mind away from any of this. That is not an easy task either with so little going on that we can safely do. Our life was pretty small before the pandemic. Now it is absolutely tiny. Everyone in the world is feeling the crush too. We are far from alone in this area.
Have a good weekend. We will do our best to get through it without too much trouble too. Be good to yourself and stay healthy my friends. Thanks for stopping by and checking on the life in progress. We appreciate it greatly. Always Hope that someday you will find your way, Matthew. COURAGE MPJ until that time comes. keep the faith everyone.


Monday, August 3, 2020 9:21 AM CDT

Better late than never I guess. Started my day off here at the officer two hours late. Just a small thing had to be done before I checked in with all of you this morning. Patti, Matthew, Josh and I were all given the Covid test this morning. What a great what to start the day. It came because of me and work. Someone in the office tested positive last week. They were only in a day last week and we were notified Friday morning. Doubtful that any of us are positive, but we were qualified, for various reasons, to be tested. I want to know yes or no. So we loaded up the Subaru and trucked off to the test site this morning for our 8am appointment. It was slick. No issues whatsoever. They had it down that's for sure. It really wasn't as painful as you have been led to believe at times. She said it is like getting water up your nose in the pool. That is a great way of explaining what it feels like. We should be getting results back in a couple days.....hopefully. Then we can get on with it.
So we stayed together away from people this weekend for the most part. Chances are fairly slim that we are infected. So it was a long weekend for Matthew. He was OK for the most part. We will always have to deal with some unknown anger or mean mouthing attitude from him. That is just part of the way he is wired now. I'm sure that it gets mighty old hanging with his old folks so much of the time. He really was good 99% of the time this past weekend. Can't ask for more out of him than that.
So until we get our results back, Matthew is grounded from any of his weekly visits. Hopefully we will know soon so he can get back on schedule. I just had a dentist visit cancelled because of it. That broke my heart. So it could make the long week even longer for the boy since his outside contacts may be out the window for a while. What a freakin mess.
Well that is it for today. Take care and be aware that this stuff can get you any place at any time. Do the best you can to stay safe. Thanks for the support. Always Hope that things are just as good as they can be. COURAGE MPJ to hang tough until this passes. Keep the faith everyone.


Wednesday, August 5, 2020 9:50 AM CDT

Well it has been a rough couple days here at the office. Our systems were down so I am finally able to get back online here quickly. Nothing was or is wrong with any of us. Just issues with getting online.
Just to let you know that all three of us and Josh were tested Monday for the dreaded 19. All have gotten results back and we were negative.....yes! That is a major relief. So on with the show we go. Keeping ourselves as safe as we can. Hope that you are able to do this too.
So I will try here again in the morning with more. Just wanted to get that out. Thanks for caring. Always Hope that the cure for this fear can be found soon. COURAGE MPJ each day of your life. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, August 6, 2020 6:32 AM CDT

Well this is different. Checking in on this page at a normal time. Seems like it has been a while since I was able to do that. Get my day off to a more "normal" start for once. Now all I need is a cup of Joe so I will be right back with one steamy mug.
We made it through another day here on the planet. All in one piece too I may add. That is saying something anymore. Matthew had a bad headache in the morning, which is always a concern, but he recovered after a nice siesta. Anytime he has any sort of head issue, the warning bells go off for Patti and I. Not good history there. Glad that it was just a short term issue that passed. Other than that, not much new or different than most of the pandemic days have been. I think in that manner, we are pretty much normal for the times we are living in.
Nice to have all of us get the clean bill of health from the test. Not the most pleasant thing to have done to you, but it wasn't as bad as I feared. If you have a hint that you may need one, get it done, please. The peace of mind is worth a million bucks right now. Looks like next week, Kaylee, will be back with us or I should say with Patti. I am at work while she is there. That is one thing that will help Patti get through all of the crap going on around the globe. Matthew enjoys having her there too. She does liven up the house.
So we are hanging on like so many of you are out there. Waiting for some better news and better days to take over. Hope that you are all healthy and thanks for the support and thoughts that help fuel Matthew and us through it all. Bess all of you. Always Hope that today brings more good news on our doorstep. COURAGE MPJ to be patient and kind to others. Keep the faith everyone.


Friday, August 7, 2020 6:28 AM CDT

Been kind of a strange week, but that is all going to be thrown out the window as it is another FRIDAY!! Just a bit happy to see it roll around again. Seems like we took a step backwards this weNo plans for the weekend that I know of. So pretty muchek instead of forward. Things at work have gone from bad to worse and now we are concerned again for Matthew. He has been slower and also needing more sleep again to function. The caution flag was out so Patti called in and he went to the clinic for a blood draw to check on med levels. It was time for a follow up from his stay at the hospital anyway. We are searching for answers to why all of a sudden he is back to this sort of routine that we thought had gotten better after the one drug was cut in half. Very much a concern once again. Hopefully we will get lucky and have an answer to it soon. Until then, we will keep all of this under close watch. Josh is on alert as well as the two of us. Being the weekend, he will probably pull his stay in bed thing, but he was starting to be that way in the weekday too. Not a good thing.
So it has been up and down times with Matthew and that in turn gives us the same sort of ride. One never gets use to it even though we do realize that things change with Matthew all of the time.
Not much else new on the homefront. We are taking things as they come. As one famous person recently said....."it is what it is". Brilliant, perfect, and beautiful. Plenty of sarcasm there for sure. Nothing is planned for the weekend
that I am aware of, but that isn't saying much. We will probably do our normal weekend thing......hanging out together close to the ranch with an occasional car ride. That seems to be the new normal.
Take good care of yourselves and be as safe as you can. Glad that you have always been there for us. Means so much. Thank you. Always Hope we can get this latest hurdle taken care of ASAP. COURAGE MPJ to hang tough until we do. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, August 10, 2020 6:22 AM CDT

Wow, a morning that I could get right on to this site! Now that is a much better way to start the week than the one I had previously. Maybe that will be a good omen for the week? I sure hope that is true. We could use some good Karma. The whole world could use a huge dose of that. We survived the about you?

The weekend went by too quickly as they normally do. Matthew got his share of sleep time in, but thinking about it.....he usually gets more than what he did the past two mornings. No siesta times either. Maybe he is changing his format and now will sleep in during the week and want to live it up on the weekends. One never knows with that contrare of a son of ours. He sure marches to the beat of a different drummer. Not sure that we care for the beat sometimes, but he is unique in many ways.

He/we were excited about having the little one over this weekend. She spent hours with us on Saturday and returned back on Sunday for a few more. Been two weeks since she had been around. Caution from the exposure that I had here at work. She lit up the room and brought more than a few smiles to Uncle Matthew. He loves having her around. She is action packed and that sure does fire up the dull house we live in so often. I love to see her interact with him. Of course, grandma is the main go to at the house, but she is not shy around Matthew. I love hearing her call out his name. It is so sweet and innocent. I think that the big guy likes it too. Like a big old bear and a small cub when he embraces her. So cute.

We really accomplished little this past few days. Pretty darn uncomfortable outside for the most part. Matthew stayed inside generally, but I did get him out and about a few times for some easy peasy rides. That is what we do the best when it is hot and nasty out there. He is my co-pilot as his spot is in the shotgun position all the time. He doesn't fit well in back seats. Only the van works that way for him. We take it low and slow as we cruise the streets and back roads of the area.

So the week we are heading into should be pretty much normal as far as I can tell. Kaylee will be here this week so that will be nice for Patti as well as Matthew. It seems to give Patti a purpose that she really needs. So I look for it to be a good one. Hope that yours will be that way too. Thanks for coming around to see what is up and also I want to let you know how grateful we are for all of the care you have shared with us for so long now....amazing. Always Hope good starts to the week carry us through it all the way. COURAGE MPJ to be at your best and give Kaylee a good example. Keep the faith everyone.


Wednesday, August 12, 2020 9:53 AM CDT

Well after two days without power and computers at work, we are finally up to speed. What next? Been just terrible here at the office the past few weeks. So we have had the floods, the plague, and darkness so far. Bring on the locust I guess and we will have it all covered.

Nothing too big around our house. It survived the terrible wind storm and is still in one piece. Lots of tree mess to clean up, but nothing like the neighbors. Lost a whole tree and half or so of three others. So we were without power for 12 hours and I thought that was bad. Not really. Friends and family are still without it and who knows when they will have juice again. Hope that you out there fared as well as we did if you were in the path of this storm. It was really something for sure.

Matthew is hanging in there. Been two nights in a row where he got growly again. That had been the pattern a month or better ago. Thus the upped meds to help combat that anger. Not this time though. Those we the ones that got him in trouble. So he is actually on half as much as before. Starting to see why he was upped to a higher level. He let me have it last night. I just walked away. Can't win often with Matthew. It has us beaten down. That is just life at our house and has been for as long as I can remember. Not for the faint of heart.

So everything is sitting at status quo right now. Not5hing too much different at all. We are all hanging on by our fingertips from one blow after another this year. I know we are not flying solo there. Everyone on the planet could use a break. Thanks for helping us through it all. It still amazes me. Always Hope that things get better before too long. COURAGE MPJ to find a better you inside. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, August 13, 2020 6:28 AM CDT

Well the tables turned against us again yesterday afternoon. Matthew is back in the hospital once again. Pretty much the same look as the last time he was rushed in by ambulance. The emergency guys are getting to know our location by heart. Once again it is a drug thing. This time, however, it was by accident instead of a steady increase in a level that knocked him out. This one is a more serious than the last time. Matthew thought he was to take pills at noon that he wasn't suppose to. So he gobbled up a multiple days supply all at once. The next thing Josh knew, he was sleeping at the kitchen table. He could not wake him enough to transfer to the bed, which is probably a good thing. It was then discovered what he had done. The call was made and off to the hospital he went. Patti had just taken off with Kaylee to their house for a nap. She arrived just as they were carting him off.

This incident saw his breat5hing go south so he had to be put on a respirator since he was breathing too shallow. He was in deep sleep from the overdose. This is not good folks. There is no antidote for this drug. It has to be absorbed naturally. It can stop his heart. He was sedated, and still is, to enable having the tube down his throat. With all of the Covid increase, the hospital has returned to the no visitor policy after the emergency ward. So for the first time in the million hours spent at a hospital, Matthew is by himself. So a bad situation is made even worse. We are absolutely beside ourselves.

Right now he is still out and under sedation with the tube in him. His vitals have been strong all night. Patti can call in to check which she has done about every 4 hours. He is certainly a big old bull, but this nailed him terribly. He is far from being out of the woods right now. Around 8 or so, they will drop off the sedation to see if he wakes and if he can breath properly on his own. This is a going to be a really hard thing for him as well as us. So much depends on this and his ability to get back on track.

That is all I know right now. We have certainly felt better about his health than we do at this point. Very touch and go. Not really sure at all what this episode will bring and the baggage that it will carry from now on. Say a good word and think hard for him to recover once again. He is a fighter who needs to muster up all of his will to survive. Always Hope for that strength to carry him once more. COURAGE MPJ for the fight of your life. Keep the faith everyone.


Friday, August 14, 2020 6:40 AM CDT

Well not too much new on the Matthew front. He remained on the vent all day and night. Patti calls in to get the reports every 4 hours or so. Terrible not being able to sit by his side. These are uncharted waters for us and his care. We don't like it at all. Not having a pair of our eyes on him is not good. He is still in the ICU floor and at least that steps up the care that is given. He was breathing more on his own earlier in the day, but that faded enough to have them go full on respirator later on. Sounds like they are turning it down again now and are waiting to see what he does before taking the next step in removing it. The nurse told her that he has been more responsive to things so that shows some improvement. We are more than a little worried as you can expect.

We are hopeful that he can bounce back as he was before this happened. Obviously we need to make sure that our guard is never lowered again. As Patti said yesterday, she felt like she was paralyzed. Just can't seem to do anything, but worry and think about things. Stress on top of stress is not good for any of us. Our heads are about to explode I think. Just too much to take in and process.

So we are still in the dark in how all of this will end up. Say a good word for the boy and help him muster up enough strength one more time to climb another mountain. Thank you all for your support. Always Hope that hope remains. COURAGE MPJ to fight for your life. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, August 17, 2020 6:21 AM CDT

Hard to recall where I was at with the Matthew story the last time I wrote down anything. Matthew is back! He has been home since mid afternoon on Friday. So strange.....he went right from ICU to home without going to the general floor at all. That is certainly different. They had taken the tube out and he did just fine breathing without any help. In a matter of minutes he was alert and waking up. Of course, one of the very first things that he asked for was.......his phone. That thing is just an extension of his hand I swear. We were ready to have him go to the general floor since that has always been the procedure before, but they called and said he could bolt for home if we wanted him to. Of course we jumped at that chance and were there to pick him up ASAP. Before that call, we did Face Time with him so we saw how he looked and got up to speed on how he felt. I can't repeat what he said when asked how he felt. Good to see his humor was still functioning.

So it has been a couple of sleepy days for him at home. He is probably still in recovery, but strong enough to just do it at home. That is a lucky thing for both him and us. Not being able to sit at his side was a killer. Neither he or us were prepared for that. He did spend a good deal of the time in bed over the past two plus days. The pattern was sleep in late. Then have breakfast. Minutes later go back to bed until about noon. Get up for a few hours. Lay back down for a bit. Up in time for supper before heading back for the night in a few hours. Yesterday he was up a little more than Friday or Saturday though.

It was a few terrible days for us. We wonder when things are going to get a little easier on us and the world too. Seems like the roller coaster we ride on so often has taken over the lives of so many out there too. Not a fun ride to be stuck on for so long. You kinda get use to it, just a little, but it is never any fun at all. We are getting way too old for this crap. It surely isn't getting any easier. It would be nice to get a few years off from all of the anguish. Doesn't appear that this will happen anytime soon, sorry to report. I think everyone out there feels like they know what riding for hours in a clothes dryer is like. We sure do.

So we hope that this new week will turn out better for the home team and the visitor side too. 2020 has been really hard on us all. Thanks for supporting us and Matthew through the highs and the lows of his life. Couldn't do it without you. Always Hope that there is peace and quiet in the days ahead. COURAGE MPJ to recover in mind, body and soul. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, August 18, 2020 6:30 AM CDT

One day in the books for this work week. Matthew spent a good deal of it in the sack. Not sure if he has gotten all of the meds out of the system or not. From the way he is sleeping it off it appears that he is still working on it. Took him most of the morning before he was able to function. After that start, he was fine for the rest of the day. It didn't stop him from being tired and resting again after supper before finally calling it a day around 8 last night. He seems to be hanging in there, but it will take a little more time before he is totally back to a more normal routine. Maybe today he can turn a corner on this.

As you can tell, there isn't much to report on when most of the time is spent resting in one manner or the other. The other day, Sunday, I had him up on his feet walking to the bathroom. Doesn't sound like that much of a big deal, but it had been a while since he strolled in the house. He had no issues at all while walking. Now granted, what we call walking is actually closer to a very slow movement where his feet just barely clear the ground each step. I am holding on, for dear life, tightly with his gait belt for safety and also for stability. He wouldn't stay upright for long without some assistance. It was good to see him up and on his feet.

That is about it for today. Maybe, just maybe, he will have more energy today. It isn't that he just lays around without motion. He did get outside for some catch and was up in his stander when I got home from the office. He just seems to Jones for so much sleep. Maybe not today? So take care and be safe out there. Thank you so much for being in the corner to help prop Matthew up when he is just about hit the canvas. It is much appreciated for sure. Always Hope that today is better than the day before. COURAGE MPJ to push yourself a little harder today. Keep the faith everyone.


Wednesday, August 19, 2020 6:32 AM CDT

Matthew seemed to have a little more pep yesterday than he has since all of this started. Patti told me that he and Josh spent hours outside and plenty of time playing catch in the year. Matthew has always loved playing ball. It matters little what kind of ball as long as there is one involved. Wonder how Josh's arm feels this morning? They are still staying pretty close to home, but the more active that Matthew can be, the better off he is. So it is good to hear that news.

There is still plenty of quick anger in him though. Seems that each night, since I am gone most of the day, brings on another issue that he feels must be met with anger in one form or another. I felt the wrath last night as he was getting fired up over something small that Patti and I had to talk about first. Like a 5 year old, if he doesn't get what he wants....and right is gloves off time. There was some things that needed to be changed in what he wanted and he didn't like the sound of that. He had calmed down enough that he was talking about it with his mom and I made the mistake of coming into the room. I was quickly told that I was not needed in any of the conversation. So I got the heck out of there and cooled off with a trip to Menards. They did work out a solution to the problem, but by then, I could even care. My solution would've been quite different as in forget it.

So life is still a joy at the house. Doubt if we will ever have much time to relax and enjoy any sort of peace and quiet. One of the reasons I decided to continue to work some each week instead of walking away from it completely. I'm not sure that I may find another job or something like it to keep me occupied so at least I will have that 8 hours of peace. Matthew sure makes being happy a real challenge. I'm sure he is miserable and he is certainly going to let us feel his pain too.

Time to get to work where people don't get mad at me quite as often. Thanks for letting me vent a little here as I feel my temperature rising as I write this. Sorry about that. Take good care and we will see you back in the morning. Thanks for being there through all of highs and lows. Always Hope for patience and reason to take over. COURAGE MPJ to back off more than you are right now. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, August 20, 2020 6:30 AM CDT

Getting closer to the weekend. Just a heads up that this will be the last entry for the week. I am out of the office tomorrow as it is almost Patti's birthday and I thought some time off together would be nice. So that is that. It should be fun spending some alone time as Josh will have it handled on the home front.

Matthew seemed to take things a little easier yesterday while I was around at least. Didn't get upset and use this tone of voice with us that is not one that you would consider appropriate. That voice bothers the heck out of me. Not sure why he was better. Never know with him why or even more importantly, for how long will he keep it up. After all of the years you learn to take it for what it is worth right now. It may not be around for much longer. Enjoy the peace when you can get it. Sure would be nice to have things like this for more than a day.

Patti is going a little nuts right now. No Kaylee for this week and another after it. Hopefully she will be coming again then. Sometimes she feels like there is no purpose for her. She went right from teaching to caring for Kaylee. She misses that feeling of need. I'm sure that having another birthday doesn't help matters either. One can only piddle around the house so much. Not having the freedom to do much else kills too. So many restrictions on living a safe life....or one that seems to be as safe as you can make it.

Hopefully Matthew can stay in this better frame of mind. It helps everyone around him smile just a bit easier and often. Too many days have been spent walking on eggs around him. Not a fun way to live a life. So on with another day we go. Keeping my fingers crossed. Thanks for the help in all things Matthew. Nice to be thought of and propped up by all of you. Always Hope today can slide right by. COURAGE MPJ to lead this slide with a smile on your face. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, August 24, 2020 6:35 AM CDT

Well good Monday morning to you all. It sure was nice to have an extra day off last week to celebrate Patti's birthday. We had a good couple days as we hit the road for 8 hours both Friday and Saturday. Just the two of us as Josh was there with Matthew. Now that doesn't happen very often. We burned up a few gallons of fuel along the journey. Headed Friday to SW Iowa all the way to Clarinda just to get a Runza for lunch. It was certainly a tasty treat. Saturday it was following the storm path from home, down highway 30 all the way to CR. Boy, is it something to see. Just an unreal amount of damage for a hundred miles. CR is in terrible shape. What sad.

Matthew behaved well over the past three days. Much better attitude that I saw. Less quick to be upset. Not sure what the reasoning for that is, but whatever it may be, I wish I could bottle it. He got out a little, but not much. Now the weather is turning deadly hot again so that means less having fun outside. We are also suppose to start seeing the residue from the California fires hovering over the state. Near 100 degree heat and bad air....not good at all. Time spent away from the AC in the house will probably be short. That never helps the attitude any.

Patti had a nice birthday. Matthew was well behaved for it too. We have a bingo here! Has not always been the case over the years. We certainly will take it with a smile and a thank you. Glad that he decided to be a gentleman for her special day. Matthew can be as charming as he is nasty. When he is on and good....he is wonderful. Not so much when he feels the need to be angry.

He is trying to watch his eating this week. Hopefully it will stick with him longer than the many times he has wanted to do this before. Cut down on portions and watch a little closer at what he is eating. Maybe when he is eating in there too. He wants to try some sort of weight plan that they have the meals for you. Patti thought he should give it a spin with just doing the same at our table first before that sort of investment. His one problem is that he does not have a wide range of things he likes to eat that are considered healthy. He is wanting to try so we have set him up with some healthier alternatives for the week. Would be great if he drank the Kool-Aid and it worked this time. He and we could all use that to happen.

Well that about does it for today. I feel a bit more energy today. It helped to have some time off from work and from Matthew chores. Maybe we are all doing better now. Thanks for checking in and for the helping hands that are never out of reach for any of us. So lucky are we. Always Hope that this week is positive all the way through. COURAGE MPJ to make your weight plan work out. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, August 25, 2020 6:24 AM CDT

Monday is in the books and we are still standing. Matthew had a decent start to his week. Everything seemed to go well as far as anyone told me. He was in a good mood when I arrived from work and it carried through until it was time for bed later on. Sure is nice not having to deal with severe swings in mood every night. Been a good few days now where that hurdle needs not to be cleared. Life is so much better at home when Matthew is mellow.

Looks like we may be doing some updating to his rec room here in the next few months. It was getting too crowded in there with all of his stuff and some of ours. Last night I pulled and pushed the piano out of the room and outside with it. Kind of a sad thing to see it going, but it has sat for so long without use. Kaylee liked pounding on the keys, but Matthew not so much. It became just a place to stack things on. I am thinking of taking it apart and doing something creative with the bones. It played such a big part in the story of Matthew when he decided it was time to sing and play his way out of his silence 15 years ago. Patti says she is all right with it going, but I know there is a part of her that is not. We have put this off for years. Would've been nice to pass it on to the next owner knowing that it lived on, but pianos are a thing of the past in homes. Hopefully I can come up with a way to preserve some of it instead of just destroying the piece.

The heat will be keeping our outdoor son inside I'm afraid. It was downright nasty yesterday and I don't see much, if any, relief in store for today. Some cooler weather would help the cause of getting Matthew outside for some exercise. He did start his smaller portion for eating yesterday. We are not calling it a diet as much as cutting back on how much he intakes. I had smoked a pork loin Sunday and he will be eating plenty of meat for the next few days. Lots of eggs and meat and less carbs. It would be great if it took and he could slim down some. It would help every one of us here.

So have a good day and keep safe. We try our best to keep distances and always wear a mask in public. Hope that you are doing your best too. Thanks for the large helping of kindness that you give us so frequently. Boy does it help! Always Hope for happy Matthew to be the boy that lives at our house. COURAGE MPJ to keep up the effort. Keep the faith everyone.


Wednesday, August 26, 2020 6:38 AM CDT

Good Wednesday...hump day...greetings to you. Not a whole lot new going on for any of us including Matthew. The unseasonable heat has kept him home-bound unless he has an appointment to go to. I'm sure he is starting to feel a little bottled up by now, but I doubt very much if he would like being outside either. Been a few miserable days out there and I don't see much of a break for a little while. August in Iowa.

Yesterday I had to pull the plug on our long awaited return to Colorado in October. We had rented a cabin in the Big Thompson Canyon for a week. Just to get away and enjoy the scenery. That took place a few weeks before all of the virus stuff hit the fan. Months before Matthew had a couple retreats to the hospital. So many things have popped up since that it seemed to be careless to take such a trip at this time. It made Patti and I very sad to see it go. We probably could've done it, but why chance it with the lack of luck we seem to be having. I guess we will have to wait another year, hoping that things get all straightened out by then.

Matthew is heading into his third day of watching his intake of food. So far he is doing great on it. I went and bought some lo-cal snacks that crunch for him last night along with some fruit he likes. We are praising him and saying plenty of positive things about his effort. Doing this is about as hard a thing as he has to do. Food has taken the place of many other things that give us able bodied folks joy. His life is so very small and I think food became something that gave him joy that is lacking in so many other areas of his life. Hang in there son.

That is really all I have this morning. We are doing our best with the hands that we have been dealt. Staying safe and make good decisions is what we have to do first and foremost. Hope that you are well and keeping away from troubles too. Thanks for coming here today and checking on things. It is always appreciated. Always Hope for life to get better for everyone. COURAGE MPJ to use your inner strength to deal with the empty feeling in your belly. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, August 27, 2020 6:36 AM CDT

Well we are headed down the backside of another week. Not much is happening on our end that is newsworthy that's for sure. Like so many out there, we are pretty much stuck in low gear waiting for the open road to shift gears. Our life before all of the virus issues was not all that exciting, but man, it seems like it was compared to what we are left with now. I'm not really complaining about it, since we are all safe and sound, just realizing what little I thought we had before was actually not too bad.

Again, Matthew was held to the confines of the house for the most part. He has really been good considering the small nature of his world right now. He doesn't complain often about that. It would be driving me nuts so I give him big credit for that. I can see that he is starting to think of bows and getting back into the swing of shooting. He has been looking into improvements to at least one of his bows here lately. He misses his time spent at AFS with his shooting friends. It is not a place where social distancing and masks are common. With that said, he is staying clear from it. He hasn't complained much about it. He realizes that it could be deadly for him and for us too. We three are all in the danger zone for the virus. He has seen what it did to our friend and how it knocked him down. Some things he will never get back to normal either. Glad that he is better and that Matthew did pay attention.

So it will probably be another boring day around the ranch for Matthew. He is far from being alone in this way. Someday things will brighten up and we will be free to roam again.....we hope. Until then we will just keep taking it day by day. You take good care and know that we are doing the same on our end of the planet. Thanks for the support and care. Always Hope that we will have something to cheer about soon. COURAGE MPJ to keep doing your best to steer clear from danger and anger. Keep the faith everyone.


Friday, August 28, 2020 6:26 AM CDT

Well we are heading into the weekend with a fairly blank slate. Kaylee is coming for a visit, the first since Matthew's last trip to the hospital, and that is about it. The experts tell us that we are to get a little break in the heat in a couple days. Be nice if we didn't have to sweat out the entire weekend before the work week brings some needed cooler temps. There are plenty of things that I should try to accomplish over the weekend, but no guarantee that it will happen. At least there isn't any grass to be mowed. One good thing about heat and lack of rain.

Matthew has been good. I hate to pull the rug from under us like that, but I have to say it out loud. Even with him cutting way back on the food consumption, he has been able to stay civil with his mom and I. He is not one that handles being hungry very well. The big old bear growls when it is feeding time. We are very proud of how he is handling all of this. He is not asking for extra food and actually is turning some of the offers down. Just week one, but he is doing so well. We are optimistic that he can pull this off. We all know how hard it will be.

Last night he wanted to stretch out in bed and watch a show. Patti had gone to visit some friends, carefully I may add. So it was he and I at the time. Must've been bored with the old man. He was content to lay there and surf through Netflix until he found a show to watch. It was almost too quiet around the house. Somewhere around 8:30 he had enough and wanted to turn out the lights for the night. That was all she wrote for the day. Never heard another peep out of him since. With the weekend coming, I'd imagine that his bed will get plenty of use as usual. He loves his sleep and especially on lazy weekend mornings.

So everythi9ng seems to be falling into place at home. No problems or fires this week to stomp out. Sometimes it worries us to have things go this easy. Just a set up for the rug being pulled out from under us once again? Who knows. We will take it though. Peace is nice. Thanks for help making it happen this week. Be safe out there and we will be back with you on Monday. Have a great weekend. Always Hope for more weeks like this one. COURAGE MPJ to make that wish come true. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, August 31, 2020 6:37 AM CDT

Well here I sit in the lot at the office. Messed up and don’t have a key for the front door. Now I wait until the next up arrives. That may be an hour. Boy I’m feeling old and stupid right now. At least I had the wits about me to try and write this on my phone. Could be some errors here today so bear with this old man.
Matthew was pretty well behaved over the weekend. He slipped a few times letting his mouth get carried away with his mom, but for the most part he was good. He did good with his self inflicted diet too. He has cut way back on portions and for the most part what he is eating too. He decided to let loose a bit on the weekend and ate not quite as good on Saturday. He was back on the wagon by Sunday, but did have a small dish of icecream as a big treat. Back to salad and meat for supper after that. So he is doing his best. Hope it can stick.
We had Kaylee on Saturday. Matthew was up and down. He tried to stay awake, but ended up back in bed after a couple hours. He was back up before she took off that afternoon. He made sure to give her plenty of loving while they were together. She looks so tiny next to the big bear. Got to see her and his brother and sister in law later that day too. We went there for supper. Nice visit.
Yesterday he slept way in late. Once up, he and I ended up going to look at ball cards and stuff in Ames. Small show up there that we have been to before. Good and safe outing for him. We were masked up and slipped plenty of hand sanitizer on more than once. Did our best not to handle stuff and stayed away from others. It was a good time for about an hour. Didn’t buy anything. Just shopped.
Should be a normal type week ahead. Nothing jumps out that will be unusual. That is I hope nothing does. Have a great week and hopefully I can return to my computer tomorrow. Thanks for being there watching over Matthew. Happy Birthday Buck Wheeler too. Always Hope for the days to come. COURAGE MPJ to keep on the straight and narrow. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, September 1, 2020 6:33 AM CDT

Happy Tuesday and a happy first of September. In less than three weeks I get my membership card in the rocking chair club. It would be nice if this month was a little bit brighter than the last month....or the 6 months prior to that one. The way things are headed in this state, I doubt if that wish will come true. I thought this year would be a great one with my so called retirement coming, but 2020 is easily the bottom of the barrel year. Simply terrible.

Matthew is hanging in there. Been keeping up with his back off the groceries plan that he has created. He has done about as good as he can in his latest attempt to drop some weight. Very pleased with how it is going for him. He won't be able to track any loss though. His only means of weighing in came from a scale at the retirement village he went to volunteer at. They had a roll on scale there. We should be able to tell once his clothing starts to fit better. Maybe he will lighten up enough to make transfers easier too. Now that would be a bell ringer for Patti and I. Us getting older and weaker while he gets bigger is not a good thing at all. Let's hope that this plan of his works.

There was more joy around the ranch for at least half of the day yesterday. Kaylee June was there and of course she lights up the place with her action packed ways. Everyone enjoys having her around. So much life in children. They are not all depressed like us adults living in these times. I had a dental assistant, last week, ask me if there were changes in my mood since the last visit. I said heck yes.....aren't we all feeling it? I am so glad that Kaylee is not a bit intimidated by the large human in the chair that rolls around. Matthew can look very scary to those who don't know him. He tries so hard to be gentle around her. Should be a fun week for them all.

Not much else going on right now. Like so many, we are hanging on just waiting for good changes. You be careful out there and stay safe. So glad that you are helping Matthew out daily. Mighty selfless of you all. Thank you so much. Always Hope we can turn the page on the bad things soon. COURAGE MPJ to continue to take your health and well being seriously. Keep the faith everyone.


Wednesday, September 2, 2020 6:46 AM CDT

Hump Day! I can just about start to smell a long weekend ahead. I have plans to labor this Labor Day weekend. Isn't that what you are suppose to do? Time for some updates in Matthew's rec/therapy room. Fresh paint and new carpet is in the works. I'll be thrilled to get the painting done over the weekend. It is certainly overdue.

Matthew has continued to do well with his cut back on the chow. Last weekend was the first, in any recent memory, that he never even asked about going out for something. Even though all we do is drive through or pickup, he just has a need to get some each weekend. Not last weekend though. He is consuming quite a bit less and what he eats has been improved too. Hope that he starts to feel some body improvements so that he can keep the ball rolling. We all know how hard that is to accomplish. Much easier to lose weight than to keep it off.

His attitude has been good too. Not perfect, but who is? Patti has been going way out of her way to avoid any sort of "could be" conflict with him. Backing way off. He isn't pushing it too hard either. Sometimes you just can't avoid stuff with him. He at least has lessened his needs in that area of behavior. Maybe Patti has a different view on that one though. He has been doing fine around me when we are together. I do miss 8 hours each work day so I am no authority on those times.

He is headed to see Dr. Swain this morning early. Needs to get in line for a quick back tune up. I haven't heard him complain about it, but Patti says he is hurting. Been quite a while since he was there getting adjusted. His whole body is a mess, really. Shoulders still are bad along with the legs, feet and back.

Well take good care today and be safe as you can. We will follow that rule too. Thanks for coming here to see what is happening or even what isn't happening around the ranch. The support is great. Always Hope that Matthew can keep his efforts up in his desire to trim down. COURAGE MPJ to steer clear from the extra things that have been your downfall. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, September 3, 2020 6:27 AM CDT

It seems that I am getting here at work earlier each morning. Having a terrible time sleeping to when the clock alarm goes off and that is early enough. Lucky for us, Matthew, has no problems sleeping in. I would bet this morning he is going to be hard to wake. Last night he stayed up and watched a movie with us that took him well past his normal bedtime. I am glad that I am not the one blasting him from slumber today. That honor will be Josh's.

Last night was the first time, in a week, that I have seen and heard Matthew get a little bummed about food. He was a hungry bear last night. He fought it off and had just a little more than what he was suppose to. It is amazing how one small slice of pizza does the trick. I hope that this is not a sign of things to come. he has 10 days of good under his belt and I don't want to see that fly past and be forgotten. This is a very tough thing for him to do. Especially right now in our times that we are held captive in our homes for so many hours a day. He needs a diversion to keep his thoughts away from his singing belly. Hope they can find such a thing today. That would help out greatly.

Started pulling things off the wall last night to get ready for a coat of fresh paint in his rec room. I asked if he wanted the stuff replaced or to be re-hung afterwards. I was kind of surprised that he wanted the same things back where they were. I didn't think that he looked at his huge box of track medals anymore. Guess that I was wrong about that one. I also asked about a series of pics from way back with him and Chris, long before the wheelchair, on vacation on various beaches and mountain sides. No he wanted those up there too. He must be sentimental....more than I thought that he was. That is nice.

Not much else going on. His world has really gotten so small. Not having AFS to hang out at and practice is the biggest thing. That and going to the movies. Matthew has hung in there pretty darn good for the duration of this Covid crap. What a curse it has been. No end in sight here in Iowa. It is really embarrassing to lead the nation in that bad statistic of positives. Sure exposes the stupidity of our leadership and us all in general. What a shame it is.

Thanks for seeing what is going on in our little world. Wish there were more tales of fun and adventure, but not this year. Those have been relegated to trips to the hospital I guess. Yikes! Be safe and again......thanks. Always Hope for the tide to turn on this curse. COURAGE MPJ to do your best to steer clear from the groceries. Keep the faith everyone.


Friday, September 4, 2020 6:33 AM CDT

Hello Friday! Just about time to enjoy an extra day off from this place. I'm also within the month of going part-time here too. Lots of things going to be changing for me in the next 30 days or so. May take a little time to get use to it though. I am a creature of habit and coming to work 5 days a week is a huge habit to break. Winter is when it will be rough. Going to have to figure that one out. Until all of that takes place, I want to kick back and enjoy the end of the ride here at the ISBA.

Matthew is hanging in there. Did not hear of him getting upset or anything yesterday so that is a great way to be. I can see that the cut back on the food is starting to wear on him a little. For the second night in a row, he was asking for more than what he was suppose to have. He got a little more, but he had to surrender something else later in order to get a few more shrimp. Must be really hard for him. I know the feeling and it is not a good place to be. Hang in there, Matthew. You know it is for your own good and for the good of everyone around you.

Had a nice visit with Kim and Jerry last night. Stayed our 6 feet away of course. Glad to see that they are of the same thought. We were outside too. Sure was nice out last night. Matthew came out and there were plenty of hunting stories tossed around. So many that Kim and Patti retreated to the front deck to get away I would suspect. I need to find out about the hunt at the lake. Going to text my Ranger contact today. Matthew needs to qualify with his crossbow if there is going to be a hunt. Needs to practice a few before going in to AFS to get tested on his shooting skills.

Nothing but work planned for the weekend for us. I am slowly getting things ready for painting this weekend. I don't seem as motivated as I wanted to or should be. Got a body blow yesterday when we found that the carpet we wanted was already gone. That was something that we counted on. So it may just be painting this weekend instead of that and carpeting. Matthew will have to keep out of his room back there for a few days. Hope that these old knees have one more paint job in them. The back and the shoulders are not far behind in failing body parts. Should be a challenge to get it done and walk upright the next day.

Have a great long weekend. We will try to do just that too. Be safe and enjoy what is left out there to enjoy. Thanks for being there through it all. Always Hope that we all come back next week happy and energized. COURAGE MPJ to find inner strength to stay out of the fridge. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, September 8, 2020 6:34 AM CDT

It was rough getting up this morning to come into the office, I'm telling you. I have one more day to get everything stowed away, hung up and touched up before my project in the rec room is finished. I am one sore old man for sure. The legs/knees are absolutely spent. But, the room looks better than ever right now. Pretty darn proud of what we accomplished in there over the long weekend. Team effort as Patti and Chris shipped in tom make it all work. Hope is that it will work out better for the big guy. He should be able to roll more freely on the new carpet. We also took out some clutter that should free up his space and he needs all the space he can get.

That project dominated the entire weekend. It started out with a little trip to Ames on Friday after work. I found a very, and I am talking really old set of three deer hoof wall hanging gun rack/plaques. They had to be 50 years old. Talk about old school stuff. Perfect to hang some of his bows on in the newly decorated room. Of course no trip to Ames would be complete without dinner at Hickory Park. Pretty slick system for take out. Don't even enter the building. We dined in the parking lot under a shade tree. Just about perfect. Great start to the weekend.

Matthew slept in most of the mornings. Either that or got up and then retreated back to bed for his siesta time. The house was fairly torn up storing all of the stuff from the project room so he had little room to roam. Most of the nights he stayed up later than normal. Watched a couple movies with us until he couldn't take it no longer and had to lay down. His attitude was pretty good for us too. A little on the needy side at times, but that is not something out of the ordinary. He did his part in the working weekend by being good for us. Best hand he could give us. He and Josh have some sorting to do today. So many pieces of gaming gear that need to gone through. No use keeping the stuff that doesn't work. That little project will help us out greatly.

Chris had been over multiple times to help with lifting and then going through the gaming and electronics for re-installing them. I really appreciated that help. He and family came over last night for a cookout to celebrate. Nice to have at least that time to enjoy the holiday like we should. I know Matthew enjoys seeing his big bro whenever he can. It has always been a little brother idolizing the big one. Wish there were more times for them to hang. Just too crazy of a world out there. Chris works pretty much non-stop it seems. He hardly has enough time for his own little family. Maybe someday it will get better and they can do a little more hanging like they did years ago.

All of this action was hard on the old folks. Patti and I are not spring chickens or even summer ones. We are old stoved up tough birds anymore. Getting too old for this stuff. So much in life that line seems to fit....and fit with a reason or two. We all survived the weekend and stayed safe. Beaten down a little, but healthy and happy. That is what really counts. Right now these stiff fingers are having troubles hitting the right keys. Too much carpet cutting for sure. So I am bringing this to an end for the day.

Thanks to all for helping us make our lives as good as they are. You have held us up when we stumble and cheer us up when we are down. What can I say, but thank you so much for being there through it all. Always Hope today and the week are full of good news for the world. COURAGE MPJ to make your world a happy one. Keep the faith everyone.


Wednesday, September 9, 2020 6:38 AM CDT

Short weeks do rule. Already Wednesday here at the office. Quiet and dark. That is a bummer driving in when it is totally dark out. Too much of a reminder of the winter that will be here before we know it. It's been a rainy couple days and cold on top of that. I think fall has started. At least we didn't get snow like the people one state to the west of us. I am dreading the winter this year. I know it is not a favorite of Matthew either.

Made it through the day without any problems at home that I am aware of. The whole cut down on the groceries is in trouble. He slipped too much over the holiday and now is back thinking he needs more chow than he is getting. That will lead to issues for us very soon. It's like taking a bone away from a junk yard dog. Hopefully he will snap back and try to keep the eating to just what he needs and not what he thinks he needs or wants. Heck I battle that same thing each and every day myself. Hope that he is strong enough to do battle and win this time.

He did get through a bunch of electronic junk and has sorted it to useful and not. The not is already in the trash. This will help out greatly in the attempt to keep his room tidy and with much less clutter and useless stuff that just builds up after time. The goal in the room is less is better. We have created less floor items to maneuver around
for him and his wheelchair. That alone helps greatly. Last night I hung up his prized deer mount and some bow holders made 50 years ago at least. It looks so much better than before. Like there is rhyme and reason to it all. I hope that he likes it and it functions better for him.

I tried to find out about the hunt at the lake without any answer yet. That scares me more than a little. This is his only real shot at hunting this fall. Without it, well, he will be a sad hunter for sure. We have tried to stress to him how difficult the times are and hunting just may have to take a hit this year. I hope he understands. The pandemic took out turkey season and now it could do the same for deer. I will stay on it until I find out for sure.

That is about all I have this morning. Hang in there the best you can folks. This has been a terrible experience, this year I mean, and I fear it isn't getting any better before the real cold and flu season hits us. Be careful and be safe. Thanks for checking in and for the love you have spent on us through the years. Always Hope that things can turn around and smiles can take over our faces once again instead of masks. COURAGE MPJ to hang in there too right along us and everybody else. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, September 10, 2020 6:29 AM CDT

Another cold and rainy day it appears. Yesterday was not very nice out at all. Not good news for Matthew as he would probably like to get outside some and do something other than hang at the house all day. Not even a break in the weather enough to go out and toss the football around. When I got home, he was watching a very funny movie in his rec room and I guess that will just have to do on a rainy day. Looks like this stuff is hanging around for a while too. Had thoughts of a road trip on Saturday morning, but not interested in sitting in the rain watching freshman football. My mom didn't raise that big of an dad did though. Just kidding of course.

Did get some good news on the hunting front though. My contact, Ranger Cody, texted me that the hunt is on for the year again. The bad news is that he sent an email to us with the info a week ago....we never got it. So we need to get that resent, hop-e he did it by now, and get busy filing it out for him to be registered to hunt there. Then he needs to get qualified with his crossbow. He hasn't shot it in about a year. Doubt if he has lost his touch or eye. So at least we should have one place to hunt. Jerry Wells is on board this year for duty in the blind with Matthew. He is off of work and available. Our good friend Mark, from Carroll, is taking the year off. This season I will be able to get him up there during the week since by then I will be only in the office two days a week.

Matthew seems to have calmed down just a bit about food. That is good news. I think that he could do a little better, but so could this old guy. He is consuming less and that is about all we can ask for. He is trying so I give him all the credit in the world for that. Cold weather is a hard time to back off the groceries. I think that is when I eat more than ever. Not an easy time to lose weight when we are stuck inside so often either.

His behavior slips from time to time. Mostly it is in a tone of voice or a little angry come back to something we have asked. Many times his slow to do the things he has been asked to do is what triggers issues. On one hand he expects us to jump whenever he needs something, and believe me there are plenty of things he needs. It is frustrating to have to repeat and repeat things that we ask him to do on the other hand. He is a master of procrastination. Always been that way. He is much worse now than ever about things like this. Hard not to get upset going through this so often. Doubt if it will ever change. So we will always have some conflict between us.

That is where we are at today. Hanging in there like everyone else. Waiting for things to change for the better. Hope you all are well. Take care of yourselves. We appreciate the help that comes our direction from all of you. Keeps us from drowning way too often. Always Hope that better days are ahead. COURAGE MPJ to hang in there until they show up. Keep the faith everyone.


Friday, September 11, 2020 6:19 AM CDT

Another early morning for me at the office. You'd think that with the little that is happening here that I would be sliding in a bit later instead of earlier. Not going to happen whe3n this well oiled internal clock wakes me shortly after 5 each morning. Today it was before 5 as Matthew called out for some help. Nothing serious, but he needed a hand and I heard the request. Patti was sound asleep for once. She has been, notoriously, having issues getting to sleep and then staying asleep. Not this morning. So up and facing another rainy day here in the metro.

The rains have held us all captive for days now. Seems if it isn't one thing it is another in doing that to us. Wheelchairs and rain are not a good mix. He fares better in the snow than the rain. There are enough things at home to keep him busy, but I know he has the need to spread out and go too. If the weather behaves, which it isn't suppose to, we may take a road trip east to CR. We'd like to go watch our friend Kyle's freshman football team play. Chances are against it happening from our end. That means we will have to find another way to get out and about with Matthew.

His attitude was pretty fair last night. Now I know that Patti doesn't always fill me in on everything that happens during the time I am at work. So when I report things like this it may not be the full truth. I usually can tell when things have been good and when they are not even without the verbal response. Matthew has been good enough not to get into any troubles with anger for quite some time. Now that could just put the halts to that streak, but it is well worth mentioning. I think he is doing rather well considering how his small world got microscopic here in 2020. Sure hope the hunting thing can be worked out. That would make a huge difference for him. I enjoy the challenge of it all even though you would never know it at times.

Have a great weekend and as always.....please stay safe. We plan to follow your lead and will do what it takes to keep us all healthy. Thanks for the never ending support and care. it sure does make a difference for us all. Always Hope for the strength to carry onward. COURAGE MPJ is what it will take. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, September 14, 2020 6:27 AM CDT

Nice to start the work week off without rain. I think we have had our share to last us a while. I actually had to go out and mow yesterday. I do see that some warmer temps are on our way again too. I do love fall. It sure is starting to feel like that season around here. Hopefully many other things can change, for the better, along with the season. I think all of us could use something positive to lift us from this 7 month funk. All of at the ranch are certainly under that spell. The funk of 2020.

We had a decent weekend with Matthew. Didn't do too much or leave the property often. Still plenty of work to do from all of the changes made to the inside last weekend. That, and there was plenty of football to be watched. So far, all of the teams that we back were on the losing end of the scoreboard. Matthew's Giants still have a game tonight so they are are only chance at a W. We did get plenty of things done and the p-lace is looking pretty good. I really like how his rec room turned out. More space for him and much less clutter. He really can roll on these carpet tiles. So the work there has paid off.

Matthew was about as well behaved as he gets for us. A few times he wasn't happy or was a little too demanding, but overall he was good. There haven't been any eruptions of Mt. Matthew here lately. Sure hope that doesn't put the hex on us here. Patti still treats him just a little on the gentle side if that makes any sense to you. She lets things slide maybe a touch more than she has before. One thing about him.....he does not like to be corrected on things. Even though it is obviously not correct, you are much better off letting it go. Maybe that is the difference.

Had a couple visitors over the past few days. Mike and Cathy came over Friday night for a quick chat. Nice to play catch up there. Chris and Kaylee were over for a few hours Saturday to watch a good sized chunk of the ISU disaster on the tube. Of course Kaylee was off playing with Namma. Matthew does love it when big bro comes over. Hard for Chris to juggle everything and still find time for Matthew. He and family were back on Sunday night for a get together and meal. Three weeks in a row we have done this. Just a simple little time to eat and chat. Really has been nice.

Nothing huge on the horizon for this week. The application for his deer hunting is finally here. So we need to fill it out and get Matthew certified with the bow. That will be a priority for this week. His season should start by the first of the month. Gotta get on it ASAP. So it should be about as normal as it gets for us all this week.

Time to move on. We appreciate all of the good things that you have done for us over the many years. Hard to believe that it has been so long. Glad you care so much about Matthew. Always Hope for the world to chill out a bit and make peace a priority. COURAGE MPJ to do your share and keep trying your hardest. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, September 15, 2020 6:30 AM CDT

Nice to have one in the books for this work week. Lots of action around the house....or I should say outside of the house next door. Like a three ring circus out there. Three4 different contractors working on the property at once. Plenty of things to watch when outside. Kaylee was interested in it all, but didn't care for the jackhammer. Matthew and Josh were playing catch when I arrived yesterday. They too were keeping an eye on the destruction/construction. Better happening at their house instead of ours. That place has sure been run down since Jerry left us. About time they do something positive.

Got the paperwork all filled out for his hunting spot at the lake. It is now in his corner to get the testing done at AFS so that he is qualified skill wise. That should not be an issue. He is going to practice some before he goes there. I suggested he use his old crossbow for this. The bolts...arrows...are much cheaper and we have plenty that fir with it. His new crossbow is much harder on the pocketbook if you toast a bolt. It is easier to cock and load too. Not an issue in the field when hunting. You only get the one shot so it is cocked and loaded before he sits down in the blind. That hunting will be taking place in a few weeks already.

Matthew was good for us last night again. Getting kind of worried about it. He has been pretty cooperative for a few weeks now. That is usually about the time when the yellow and red flags start to be waved. I hope that I am way off this time. Much easier, on all of us including Matthew, when he is in good behavior mode. He will need to keep it up if he intends to go hunting. That is not a right, it is a privilege. He needs to earn and maintain for it to happen. That motivation hasn't always prevailed.

He is feeling good and doing good. Thanks for the help in keeping the bad things in check. We do appreciate all of what you do and have done to make this whole thing work. Can never thank you enough. Always Hope that his shooting skills remain in tact. COURAGE MPJ to stay happy and healthy. Keep the faith everyone.


Wednesday, September 16, 2020 6:31 AM CDT

Well it seems that I need to write this on my phone instead of the computer today. Not a good start. It will keep this entry short since I am terrible with this small keyboard. Hope that the day is t filled with issues.

It happened last night. I knew I should keep my mouth shut about Matthew and anger. He flashed it at bedtime, aimed right to his mom. In the other part of the house I heard the raised voice and the angry outburst. Just knew his good streak had ended. Nothing advanced from there though. That’s the good thing. Just can’t seem to keep cool too long. Like he gets tired of behaving like a good son. At least he was in bed and went to sleep a while later.

He passed his shooting test and bought his tags and such. He is ready for fall hunting. Now all we need to do is turn the stuff in and get the word on when his shack will be put in place. I will need to get his barber chair in there and clean it out inside. Probably throw some sanitizing spray down too. Masks will be mandatory in the blind.

That is it. Thumbs are tired. Thanks for the help in all matters. Means so
Much to us. Always Hope that a new good streak begins today. COURAGE MPJ to get it together again. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, September 17, 2020 6:22 AM CDT

I can start to see signs of the weekend ahead. It will be another long one at that since I have Monday off. Already have plans for that day with Patti and Kaylee. Maybe the leaves will be turning for us as we have penciled in a picnic for the entertainment of the day. I do love a nice fall day. So I am thinking of Monday on a Thursday.

Matthew was better yesterday. That few minutes of anger, from the night before, were gone by morning. More than likely he can't even remember it happening at all. Guess that is one good thing about memory issues. Easy to forget and move on. All I know is that he seemed happy last night and was less slow when it came to doing things he was asked. So we star4t a new streak with one day in the books.

Tonight, he and I are headed up to Saylorville Lake to see our favorite Rangers there. We need to turn in all of his paperwork for the hunt that is coming up before we know it. Have to see if they have placed his shack out into the meadow area that they usually do. Sometimes it takes a while for that to happen so I will be priming the pump as I have done before. It seems that we will want to get him up there as soon as possible. Last year he was in the field the first weekend allowed and that is when he scored. I'm sure Coty will let us know what the Corp guys have been seeing up there for deer movement. Most are hunters too so they keep a lookout for that at all times. I thought we could bring along a few bribes for them. Matthew has plenty of his sticks left from his last deer. Sure they would be appreciated in the break room.

Not much else new to talk about. Everything seems about as normal, well the new normal, as it gets for us. Keeping our heads down and out of way of danger. Hope that you are able to do the same. Be careful out there. Thanks again for the support and care. it is working. Always Hope for good things for everyone. COURAGE MPJ to keep that sharp tongue anchored and out of commission. Keep the faith everyone.


Friday, September 18, 2020 6:32 AM CDT

All righty everybody, time to celebrate another FRIDAY! I do love this day. Only two more working Fridays for this old boy before my schedule goes down to T-Th workdays. I am happy for that. Long weekends will be every week at that point. Going to be really different. Hopefully I am up for this challenge. I think I am more than ready.

Well the biggest deal of the day was Matthew getting all signed up to go hunt again at the lake. He and I drove up there last night and met with Ranger Coty. He was glad to see Matthew. Matthew noticed right off that Coty was now sporting a soul patch. A hipster for a ranger. Gotta love it. Matthew had a bag full of his deer sticks from the deer he took at the lake. Coty was thrilled and humbled at the same time. Doubt if he gets many of those given to him. We just appreciate the extra things he and the other there have done for Matthew. The blind is in place and he was out there the other day checking it out. Opened the door to a nest of hornets. So he said he will go that way again and take care of that issue. When I go to take the chair up there, I will have a can of killer along with me just in case it gets forgotten or they return. Coty was still pumped up from last year having the thrill to see Matthew bag one. An encore performance would be nice this year. Glad we are set on that end. Season starts on October 1. Now we need to get ready on our end too.

Matthew was out in the front yard when I got home. He and Josh were playing some football catch. They are using a little smaller version of a football. It works better for both. Josh was/is not an athlete. More of a band guy in school. He can throw a better pass with the small ball. Matthew can toss it pretty fair with it too I noticed. It's that time of year. Wonder how many hours he has spent outside playing ball in the yard over the years? It has been a staple of fun for him since he was old enough to toss one. He gets lots of stares from passers bye. Not everyday you see a wheelchair person playing catch.

Had his feet looked at yesterday too. All they did was trim his nails and then charge plenty for doing that. His nails can get mighty sore from not being on his feet much. It is a problem many like him face. Someday he will have to have a few removed like he did years back with his big toes. They get ingrown so easily and you know the pain that it causes. He is not at that stage yet, but there will be a day that it is.

Well that is a wrap for today. I will be out of commission on Monday as I do have plans and will not be here at work. Have a good weekend and of course, be safe out there. We sure do appreciate the strength that you pass on to Matthew and to us too. Amazing powers. Always Hope that times are good to everyone in the days ahead. COURAGE MPJ to keep throwing the long ball whenever you can. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, September 22, 2020 6:14 AM CDT

It's official.....I am now considered a senior in every place I would go. I kinda feel like a can of beans that is just about to its expiration date. They say your age is just a number. Well let me tell you this, 65 is a mighty large one. I did have a good birthday and extended weekend. Still had enough energy left in this tired old body to muster up enough giddyup to have some fun.

Matthew made it through the past few days on the good foot. He has been pretty good here lately after an outburst about a week ago. Don't know if he got it out of his system or that he is just trying real hard to be cool. Whatever it is, it has worked for him. He could back off some of the extra need this and that times, but overall he has been better. Give him a big star for that.

Didn't get out and about much over the weekend with Matthew. His mom and I were quite busy Saturday and Sunday so we hardly even left the house. He and I did make a run into the office for a quick drive on Saturday. We chatted and hung for a while and then it was right back to work. Had to get some things moved around in order to get the Ranger out and up and running. Lucky for me it started right up. Once it was out of the way, the big clean began. The garage is a much happier place right now. Clean and uncluttered....well as much as my garage gets uncluttered that is.

I was hoping to get some crossbow practice in, but that never happened. Not sure where all of the time went, but it sure did fly by. We will need to catch up on that this week soon. The weather is perfect and it should be easy to get him back up to speed with that bow. Because he will be the only one hunting, at the lake, from a ground blind, he is restricted to using his crossbow. There are people around the area and so he is much more on target with the crossbow. The only time he actually uses it all year. So he hasn't picked his good one up since last October when he downed his deer the first night out.

It was quite the Monday for he and us. I had the day off and so Patti, Kaylee and I went on a picnic. Matthew and Josh stayed home, but Matthew ended up getting a new phone. Boy was he a happy camper there. We had a wonderful time playing up at the Ledges in Boone. Like old memories for me being there. My folks loved that park and we went there every year it seemed when I was little. Kaylee sure enjoyed it. Hot dogs on the open fire too. It was just perfect. I think Matthew though the same as he was all over that phone like Oprah on a canned ham. Our heads were all filled with happiness yesterday.

Time to move onward into the work week now. I have 8 days left, after this one, before I am no longer full time. Looking forward to it. Should be an interesting transition. Have a good rest of your week and know that you have helped Matthew, and us, make it through the ups and downs of this 15 year new life we have. Thank you all. Always Hope that happiness remain on the scene for a long time to come. COURAGE MPJ to be good like we know that you can. Keep the faith everyone.


Wednesday, September 23, 2020 6:28 AM CDT

Well not much new happening around the house yesterday. Pretty much a normal day in the life. So many restrictions have kept us so very close to home most of the time for about 7 months now. Heck it is starting to feel like doing this is normal now. Maybe time will be marked as BC....before Covid and AC.... after Covid from now on. Sure is feeling that this is the way it will be.

Matthew was solid yesterday for all of us around him. He seems to be in a good state of mind right now. Maybe it is feeling almost drunk with his new phone close to his hands at all times that has him on a little bit of a high. Who knows? The mystery child is one that we can never seem to quite figure out. Whatever it is, though, glad it is happening and the peace around the house is great.

Really, I don't have anything else this morning. My old tired brain is drained. Happens when you are this old I guess. Better get use to that too. Patti is going to shoot me soon if I don't stop talking about how old I am and everything. We are all doing pretty well right now. Matthew is on a roll and that makes everything look a little brighter. We all could stand a little something good happening in life right now.

So take good care and be safe out there. We always try to do that too. Thanks for all of the care and support. It helps us make it through every single day. Always Hope the world gets back on track here soon. COURAGE MPJ to keep yourself in line and happy as long as you can. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, September 24, 2020 6:24 AM CDT

Well this should be a rather short entry today. Good news is that nothing out of the ordinary out there to report on. Just another normal day for the home team. It may sound a bit boring, but I would bet there are plenty of days like that for you too. Nothing wrong about being on the slow side. Sure beats going crazy with too much. That seems to be what is happening all around us in this nutty world that we are living in today.

Hope that things are going well for all of you. Kinda hard, sometimes, to think back on what was a more normal life like. I do miss the freedom that we enjoyed at the start of this lousy year. Don't know when or even if that will be around for us ever again. We try to keep our heads out of the water as much as possible. It is hard to keep ones spirits up when nothing but bad news seems to hit the air waves. Do your best to stay healthy and happy. We will follow right along with you on that. Thanks for being there through the muck as well in the sunny days. You are all champs of the world. Thanks for everything. Always Hope that the world can get a grip on things soon. COURAGE MPJ to keep plugging away at the issues that you face daily. Keep the faith everyone.


Friday, September 25, 2020 6:23 AM CDT

All righty...another Friday! No big plans for the three of us this weekend so far. I'm sure we will find something to do and/or accomplish. I need to run his barber chair up to the lake by the weekend and clean out the shack that he hunts from. In a week he will be rolling up there for his first hunt of the season. Sure hope that the weather behaves and i9t would be nice if the temps would drop a bit for hunting. Easier to get warm in a blind than to cool off. So I guess I have just thought of all of the other things that need to be taken care of before next weekend. Yes, I do have plans for the weekend now.

Matthew is hanging in there. His cutting back on the food intake kind of comes and goes. It is up to him to make it work. We can encourage and such, but it boils down to him and how badly he wants it. He is better than what he was a few months ago, no doubt. I know from experience how tough it can be to drop weight and be happy. He doesn't have the same options of walking or running it off. His shoulders are so bad that he can't really recreate in a wheelchair very well. He pays the price right away. So cutting back on food is about the only option. He does a workout each day, but it is not like going for a 2 mile run for losing weight. Hope he keeps on trying.

His attitude has been pretty consistent. The usual ups and downs. Nighttime gives him issues. That is about the time he starts to get a little out of sorts. It is hard to take after putting in a long day of helping him out to get chewed on some for seemingly little or nothing. Not a good way to end the day. it happens way too often. It is really hard not to bark back. All that does is lead to more barking so you have to do your best. Sometimes that just isn't going to happen though.

Not much else going on so I think it is time to close out another week here. Glad you are with us and very thankful for your support. It makes a big difference for us. Always Hope that we all enjoy the weekend ahead. COURAGE MPJ to realize that we are on your side. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, September 28, 2020 6:26 AM CDT

Good Monday morning to you. Kind of an up and down weather weekend around these parts. Yesterday seemed more fall like than Saturday. Pretty gloomy out there. We did manage to get out in the rain a little. Nothing too big, but a little needed shopping for food and a little lunch too. Guess food is the common thread here. Had a few things to get done over the past two days and i think we got them covered. Not much else was accomplished though. More of a kick back weekend than we have had for a while.

Patti is thinking that Matthew is starting to get edgy once again. With me he has been all right, but I have heard a few things he has said or acted out towards his mother. I know that she deals with him more than i do most of the time, so she should know. His behavior helping meds were halved after his first stint in the hospital this summer. There is a reason that they were doubled before that. Hate to see a little increase to combat the upcoming issues that will be coming our way. We will hold off on that for as long as we can. He is slow enough without having to be slowed down even more. I think his coordination has been worse since his two visits to the hospital. More fumbling and dropping for sure. I don't think he is as sharp with the bow either. He practiced some with the high dollar crossbow on Saturday and I was not sold on him being as good as I have seen him. A little less sure of himself. Took longer to pull the trigger. None of that is good when it comes to deer hunting. Could be a big issue this fall. Guess we will keep an eye on him on many fronts....we usually do anyway.

Did get out to the blind to clean up, shoot down some wasps, get his barber chair in there and generally get the lay of the land. Saturday, Mike Dahl and I walked the chair out and did some wasp spraying. Let it sit overnight and the Jerry and I rolled there Sunday to finish it all up. Knocked down some overgrown weeds and stickers so that Matthew can walk into the blind from the Ranger. Took out plywood for him to walk on so the way is flat and clean. Got a sheet under his barber chair too so that it balances better. Jerry opened it all up and took ranges of landmarks to locate the 20-25 yard markers. He can only shoot within that distance. I'm glad we got all of that done for next Saturday. He will be going in by 6am so it will be too dark to do much and not disturb things around us.

Mastthew hit the hay a little earlier last night. he did lay there and use his pad to watch and listen to a program. Good for him to stretch out after hours of sitting. Right now, with things outside the house the way they are, he is not getting up too early. That will be a big change coming up with hunting if we decide to do more morning hunts. Could be a challenge in keeping him awake those mornings. I really try to avoid two morning hunts in a row. he is better off doing the afternoon to evening ones. Guess we will see how he does.

So that is about it for us. Things are OK, but with an issue or two in there too. Nothing that we can't handle. Thanks for being there for us. Much appreciated, folks. You take good care of yourselves too. Always Hope that this week is good for everyone out there. COURAGE MPJ to make ours good close to home. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, September 29, 2020 6:24 AM CDT

One day is in the books for this work week. We have all survived the Monday and are in good shape for today. That is at least my opinion this morning. Matthew seems to be hanging in there and did not cause any distress last night when I was home. He was fairly quiet and went to be fairly early so he could stretch out and listen to his book being read to him on one of his devices. Patti had found an app that lets you download free books from the library for your listening pleasure. Works well for Matthew since his reading skills are lacking. He struggles, at times, to understand the words that he is reading. So sad for sure. At least they have found this and it seems to give him something other than videos to watch.

He did get to spend some time outside yesterday even though the weather turned a bit ugly before it started to rain. He will miss all of the time he gets outside once the snows fall again. He and Kaylee both are very much outdoor kids. She will be bummed when her little hose in the backyard has to be shut down for the year. Our house gets mighty small, it seems, once the outdoors gets to be off limits. So glad that we cleared out and made his rec room more functioning for him. That will help greatly. Not having AFS, due to the outside world, will make keeping busy a challenge for sure. He lives at that range in the winter.

So things are rolling along at the house. Lots of anticipation for the first hunt of the season on Saturday. Now I see that it may be raining. Now that would be a shame. But, between me being off three days a week and Jerry being retired too, he should have more opportunities to hunt during the week. That makes all the difference in the world.

So we head into another day. Thank you all for making life this good for us here. Could not have accomplished much without the care and support of you all. Always Hope today can be a positive one for Matthew. COURAGE MPJ to choose words carefully and thoughtfully. Keep the faith everyone.


Wednesday, September 30, 2020 6:22 AM CDT

Well things had been going good here lately. Yesterday they took a little detour. It happened when I was at work and after Kaylee had left. The boy got frustrated and that led to anger and it all came spewing out of his mouth. It was aimed directly at Patti. He did calm down and got it together in a little while. It just so happened that it was right before his conference with his behavior person. How convenient was that. So it got talked over and talked about for the time they had. Some suggestions were put out there and some reasons for the anger outburst came out. Seems he is rather uptight about hunting. I thought I was the one that got uptight about that not him. But, he says that it makes him nervous. Doesn't want to mess up. Lots of pressure to be good. Sorry he feels that way since it is doing what he wants to do. Not hunting sure would be easier on Patti and I for sure. I guess his brain just can't seem to handle what it takes to hunt like that. He still wants to go, but if he lets loose again like he did yesterday, well it is all off for sure. Not a good hour or so. He was fine when I got home so if Patti didn't tell me about it, I would never had known. Glad that I do know.

Other than that the day was a piece of cake. He knows that he cannot do that again if he wants to go into the woods. Very simple thing to get into his head. For his sake, I hope that he can calm down some and just get out there and enjoy it like it is suppose to be enjoyed. I always could see that he would get bummed when he didn't see anything or one was close, but not close enough. When it is no longer fun, it is time to hang it up. I thought, and assumed, he would feel that this is so great to get out there since the year has been filled with little to enjoy. Hope he can keep it together.

That is about it. Wish that the report would be better, but that is life with Matthew. All the cliche's about expecting the unexpected and such, really fit him to a tee. Just the way it is and will always be. Thanks for thinking of him today and keep him there in your thoughts if you could. It does help. Always Hope better days and clearer heads are in the near future. COURAGE MPJ to relax and enjoy what there is left to be enjoyed. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, October 1, 2020 6:21 AM CDT

Things were better yesterday. Matthew kept his anger in check and actually seemed to have a good day. He was in fine spirits when I arrived late in the afternoon for work. All good things. He understands that his future hunting trips are in danger if he doesn't clean up his act and keep it cleaned up. We are hoping that it was just an little burst of anger and frustration and nothing that signals worse behavior ahead. Obviously, we will keep a close eye and ear on things.

Speaking of hunting, we are going to head out Friday afternoon instead of Saturday morning. Some rain coming and it will be much easier on all of us to go into the field in daylight and leave in the dark. A first time out we will need to brush the rust off of our system and we also don't have to deal with Matthew being so tired. We will have everything ready to roll by tonight so all that needs taken care of Friday is dress the boy and load up.

Matthew/Patti heard from his new case manager yesterday. Patti thought she sounded very nice. Because of his change in med plans, he had to leave Hannah who has been really the best rep he has ever had in my opinion. She gets things done and they have a good relationship over the past 4 years I think it has been. She will be missed. Hope Michelle, the new one, is as good for him and us too.

Pretty normal day in the life Wednesday. Today he has a dental visit in the late morning. That should be interesting to say the least. That game is sure different now that Covid has taken over our world. Hope it goes well. My last visit was not real promising for sure. Other than that trip, everything should be as normal as it gets.

Have a good day and be safe my friends. That's the best advice anyone can give right now. Thanks for helping us so many times along this long old journey. We are forever grateful. Always Hope that everyone stays healthy as well as happy. COURAGE MPJ to keep yourself in the ballgame and not get benched. Keep the faith everyone.


Friday, October 2, 2020 6:12 AM CDT

Well the big day for me has finally arrived. After a few years of thinking about it constantly, today is semi-retirement day for me. I will continue to come into the office 15 hours a week from now until I don't feel like I guess. One good thing about being 65. So with that said, it may be a little hit and miss some days with writing this page. I will try to keep up the normal routine, but it has always been a struggle to do it when I am out of the office.

Matthew came out of his dentist visit without issue. Of course the standard, "do a better job flossing" applies. I don't think I have ever gotten out of there without that being said. So we were glad that no further action is needed for him. That may not go so well I fear. He probably could've used braces, but that time came right when he was in no shape in having metal in his teeth. Braces and seizures do not work well together.

Everything else was normal yesterday. He was hotting and hollering when I arrived yesterday. Playing a football game in his rec room and he was winning. Hope he will be whooping it up tonight after the hunt. That would be good for sure. I doubt if he will ever be able to replicate the one and done as he did last year there. You just never know though. I'm thinking we will be there for a while before he takes his shot. Let's hope that it works out for the best for him. A victory for the home team would go a long way in cheering us all up. Give us something to shout positive about in this less than positive year.

Hunting may be what we do this weekend. He may get out there more than once. I hope he does get the chance to do so. This year it really depends on Jerry and the time he has to give up for Matthew. He loves to be out in the woods so I think he will find the time. I am worthless when it comes to that. Just let me arrange and take care of those details. I could sit and look out for deer and that is about it. Matthew is not fond of me in the blind. It never works out well.

So have a good and safe weekend. We will do our best to follow your lead. We appreciate all that you do and have done for Matthew along the way. Unreal that you still hang in there. Thank you so very much. Always Hope that the gods of hunting are on Matthew's side this weekend. COURAGE MPJ to enjoy being out there if nothing else. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, October 5, 2020 5:43 AM CDT

Well here I am at home this early Monday morning. Getting ready to start the first day of semi-retirement. Having some issues with this laptop that I am using. I like being at the keyboard of my old school computer better. Oh well things are changing. Better just learn to roll with the changes.

Matthew was good over the weekend for us. I don't recall him doing anything that would make me change my mind about that. He was his usual tired and loved sleeping in both days. Nothing unusual about that at all. He did get out hunting twice and both nights he didn't see anything close. Don't know if it is going to be a rough year out there or not. He was spoiled last year so probably he will come crashing back down to earth this go round. Both Friday and Sunday nights were nice out in his field. There should've been more moving out there than he and Jerry saw. I talked to a Ranger, he also hunts that area, and he was not seeing much at all either. It was a couple nice nights to get the feet wet and our system up to speed again for future hunts. Doubt if he goes in again before the weekend. Just going to be too hot this week.

Hunting pretty much took over things around here this weekend. Between trips there and getting things rigged up and put together, it kept me busy. The later nights keep Matthew wanting to sleep in. So we didn't go or do anything else the past few days. He has a normal Monday ahead today. Suppose to go in to the clinic for a flu shot too. Other than that it will be about as normal as it gets.

Hope you had a safe and easy weekend. Glad that you are here helping us in so many ways. Thanks for always being there. Take good care of yourselves. Always Hope that things turn around and the deer pay a visit to the meadow. COURAGE MPJ to keep your chin up and keep on trying your best. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, October 6, 2020 6:17 AM CDT

Back at the office today. Seems kind of strange actually. Going to take some getting use to, this part-time retired thing. I think I am up to the challenge....I hope. I enjoyed the first day of the rest of my life yesterday. Had fun with Patti and Kaylee.

Matthew is good. he survived his flu shot without any issue. He said that the nurse who gave it to him was very grouchy though. Patti went in later and got hers and she didn't experience that same attitude. Glad that I am not a healthcare worker at this point in time. Brave people for sure. The rest of his day was just like about any other one for him. A couple appointments, workouts, lunch, standing in his stander and then some free time to game. Life is good right now for him.

I would lay money down on the fact that he will be out shooting some sort of bow today. The weather is going to be much warmer....too warm for hunting really. So he can get some practice in on a bow. Probably not the one he hunts with, but keeps his eye in shape. I am so glad that he basically turned his back on gun hunting. This type is so much more fulfilling to him along with safer for everyone. I doubt if we go out again before the weekend. May not even go then if the weather hits the 80's. More of a waste of time than anything else. The less frustration he finds out there in the blind, the better we are off. It is easy to get down and out when you see nothing moving in your area. This is especially true for Matthew.

Thanks for help making life this good for us at home. Not perfect, but we know how rough it can get so we enjoy the nice wave we are riding on right now. You are great people and great friends of Matthew. Always Hope that smiles rule and the frowns stay in the closet. COURAGE MPJ to hang in there until we hunt again. Keep the faith everyone.


Wednesday, October 7, 2020 6:57 AM CDT

Well here we go this morning at the house. Going to take some getting use to this new work pattern. At least I slept past the normal 5am wake up today. Now that is a good start. The house is still quiet right now. It won't be for long.

Nothing new happened around her yesterday. Guess that is a good thing. Pretty much the same old same old. Do you all find that is happening even more with the way the world has turned here this year? I certainly can see it. So the little life we had turned even smaller. I don't see any progress being made to make things better either. So sad. Until that time comes, we will just need to hang in there and enjoy what we have left.

We did fill out our ballots yesterday. Took that very slow and carefully. Didn't want to make any mistakes on that considering the scrutiny that all of these will be going through. Matthew was serious in doing his duty. This actually worked out better for him. He could take his time and not feel rushed to get it filled out. Hope that our picks turn out to be winners. So much depends on it.

Today will be pretty normal. Wax up the bow strings as they may get some use. We plan on being outside as much as we can. Enjoy it while we can for sure. Not good weather for hunting, but darned good for hanging out.

Have a good and safe day. See you back here in the morning......I hope. Thanks for keeping Matthew in your thoughts. Sure does the trick. Always Hope for lots of fun in the sun today for us and you too. COURAGE MPJ to keep giving it your best as often as you can. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, October 8, 2020 6:20 AM CDT

We are all in one piece, just like we were yesterday morning. Nothing much went on yesterday at all. Matthew did seem a bit upset at one point or two during the day, but was able to get it out of his head and continue on without any further issues. His moods can change so fast i9t will make your head spin. For the most part he is fine, but it doesn't take much working against him before he will flash his anger and let you know how he is feeling. He would be so much better off without this happening as often as it does and of course we would be too. The key is to stomp out the fire before it spreads. It will always be that way. Has been for most of the 15 years plus of this journey.

They did zoom conference with the new case manager. it was a marathon meeting that lasted well over an hour. Patti thinks that she is nice and that things went well. Matthew was pretty much well behaved and only got a little loose tounged once she said. He has a tendency to get a little carried away with his antics at times. Likes to joke around when he probably should not be doing so. That filter doesn't hit on all cylinders sometimes. Well actually quite often when around other people. Around us we just know what is going on where outsiders probably don't. So the two sides seem to be on the same page.

That is all I have in my mind, small and shrinking as it is, for today. Get out and enjoy the balmy weather if you can. Hard to pass up days like this. Thank you all for being there for Matthew through the ups and downs of his life. Helps knowing that people still do care after all of the years. Always Hope that things stay at a livable level around the ranch. COURAGE MPJ to keep from making mistakes that you will pay for dearly. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, October 12, 2020 5:42 AM CDT

The weekend is in the books and we are still hanging in there. Matthew did all right the last few days with us. Nothing much went on so we spent most of the time hunkered down here at home. He did enjoy sleeping in as he does most of the weekends. I am amazed at how he can do that. I still can't seem to shake getting up so early. I do hope that it can pass soon. Makes for some long days early on.

No hunting this weekend. Not sure if/when there will be any more this year. Pretty much got hosed this weekend between the heat and being let down hard by the person going out there with him in the blind. I really hate to ask people to help out and when I am left holding the bag, well let's say that doesn't fly with me at all. We knew going in that this year hunting would be a major challenge. Very hard to pull off when I am not suited to sit there with him. It's not the sitting and watching, it is the what to do if he actually shoots one that I can't handle. Never been a hunter and I can't do what is needed when it comes to dealing with any sort of dead animal. So that makes me worthless in the hunting world. Obviously Matthew can't get down and take care of it either. At this point, we have no options for someone to be there in that capacity for Matthew. Our best person just can't do it this year due to safety concerns. So it is totally up in the air. Not a good place to be.

WE really didn't accomplish much of anything over the weekend. These long weekends may be a real downer for me until I find something to take up my time. The whole Covid thing isn't helping me out any either. Pretty safe to say it isn't helping anyone out. Going to take some getting use to. Seems like our little world here has gotten so much smaller. Just like everyone else.

I am out of thoughts for the morning. The coffee hasn't kicked in yet. Should end up being a pretty nice week out there. Hope is that we can do the same inside too. The new normal is in the drivers seat. Hope you are all well on your end. We are fine and are staying safe as can be. Do the same, please. Thanks for keeping Matthew near your hearts. Always Hope we all find our new way soon. COURAGE MPJ to keep happy and healthy until better days roll around. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, October 13, 2020 6:23 AM CDT

Back at my favorite office computer. So much easier for me to write than the smallish keyboard of the laptop. Maybe I won't make as many mistakes. Doubt that as these fingers aren't as nimble as they once were.....and that's not saying much in the first place. Being part-time is sure going to take some getting use to. Easier to feel that you don't need to go to the office when you are out of town on vacation. It is not easy to sit and think why am I not at work? Winter will be tough for sure.

Matthew was good again on Monday. He seems to be getting along fine since his last episode of blowing up on us a while ago. He is like the oceans tide. Always up and down. We knew going in that the brain injury was not one that you can have much of a day off from. Considering the extent of his damage, we are lucky to enjoy the good days more often than the ones you would like to forget. Things just to click quite right up there at times to go along with the loss of other functions. Sad, but true and it is just the way it is and will always be. As long as he behaves, it is much easier to be around Matthew. For most of the time, he is just that.

Nothing really new happening yesterday. Things just fell into place like a typical Monday. Not one of his busier days of the week. Sleep in a little longer. Get up and going before breakfast. Watch Kaylee roll through the house asking what is this and that. Get a little workout in. Do some standing along with the exercise. Shower up and have some lunch before it is time to finish things up before having some gaming time. Seems like that is his typical routine right now. He has been shooting the bow less lately. Don't know why, but he goes in spurts from this to that and then back again. He does have a hard time sticking with any one thing for very long.

Not sure what the plan is for today. The bottom line is to stay busy and out of trouble. Not much different than what I need to do too. So this is the end of it for today. Again I thank you all for taking the time and effort to stay in the know about Matthew. We are certainly fortunate for having you all with us so often. Always Hope that life is easy on Matthew he has suffered enough. COURAGE MPJ when the cards are not falling for you. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, October 15, 2020 6:16 AM CDT

Happy Thursday. For me, it is the end of the work week. Still having issues trying to figure this new way of working out. Too much time on my hands it seems. Need to find a project at home to keep me occupied in a positive manner. Hanging out just isn't going to cut it. I am also, as you can see, having troubles sitting down and writing this page when I am at home. Just keep spacing it off as I am not in my element like here at the office. Will try to do better.

We are fine at home. Matthew is hanging in there without much issue on the behavior front. Such a good thing. His shoulders are hurting him once again. He has had shots in them and they do help for a while, but he is complaining about them again. He is constantly trying to stretch the pain away, but it helps very little. Taking off weight would help plenty, but it seems that goal has gone by the wayside as it usually does. Unless he totally buys into it, nothing is ever going to last very long. I think that he is actually still eating less, but doubt if it is helping all that much. So sad to see him so big. If you have ever tried to take off pounds, you know it is so very hard. Like I said, it is depending on his willingness to sacrifice. Not happening right now.

Yesterday when Patti, Kaylee and I got home from one of our walks, it was about lunchtime. Looking in the fridge, I saw some leftover buffalo chicken that Matthew had the day before. So I asked if he would like a pizza from it. Yes was the answer, but I also said that he would make it. Agreed on, I took care of the crust. He did the rest. He made it while standing in his machine. It has a little tray in front and he made it while working on his legs. Got a great picture of he and Josh making the pie. I will try to get it on here later this morning. It turned out good by the way. So as they said....."as much fun to make as it is to eat."

Nothing much planned for the today or Friday. I don't see him going hunting any time soon either. That is sad. We are going to try to take a road trip to Cedar Rapids on Saturday morning. If it all comes together, we will go fairly early that morning and watch a friend coach his freshman team that morning at 10. I think we would all enjoy a little break from the normal routine. That is about all we have in store for the weekend or the rest of the work week that is not just another normal thing.

Well that is it for this day. Nice of you all to come and see how Matthew is doing. It is so appreciated as well as humbling. Always Hope for good health days to be the norm. COURAGE MPJ to keep behaving like we know that you can. Keep the faith everyone.


Friday, October 16, 2020 6:09 AM CDT

Here at home early again. Can't seem to find a way to sleep in yet. I may start working three shorter days instead of two next week. Just too much free time right now with nothing to do. I'll figure it out in time. For now, it's get up everyday around 5 or a little after.

Matthew was good again yesterday. No issues that I am aware of. Being away kept me totally up to speed on his day though. I'm thinking that I don't always get the whole picture quite correctly at times. Somehow, some of the info gets left out or forgotten. I get told what they want me to know. Been that way for years. For the best more than likely. From what I have seen, Matthew is holding his own against the bad Matthew that can appear out of nowhere. We appreciate him keeping on top of his anger. That anger is the number one enemy around these parts.

No hunting still planned. That is a shame, but I haven't heard Matthew be bummed about it either. Not sure if he was/is too fired up about hunting this fall. He has cut back on his bow practice to basically nothing right now. A sign that he is not into it at all. Just another casualty of 2020.....the year from hell.

Weekend plans are simple. Hang out for the most part. Probably drive to CR for a football game and that is about it. Not quite sure if we will make it to the game. Like to, but never 100 percent sure of it.

Have a great weekend. Thanks for being there for all the good and bad times along this journey. Your help has made such a difference. Always Hope for happy days and happy trails this weekend. COURAGE MPJ to keep up your battle against the bad that appears in your mind. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, October 19, 2020 6:19 AM CDT

Happy Birthday goes out to my sister Barb in Wisconsin! I'm not revealing her age, but she is even more of a classic than I am.

We are living the dream here in Altoona......just being a bit on the sarcastic side early this morning. We are OK and that is a good thing these days for sure. We did take our trip to CR on Saturday morning. Man was it windy out there. I was the only one that went into the game. Matthew decided that it was too cold, windy and rainy for his taste. Patti then thought she would hang out with him. They ended up driving around some, checking out the damage that still remains after the big winds that hit that area hard. Lots of downed trees still remain there. It is an awful mess. They hung at the parking lot and watched a movie while I watched the junior Cougars win their 6th game in a row. Social distancing and totally covered up from head to toe was the name of the game while sitting at the stadium. Big place with few people. Easy to be there by yourself. We had a little lunch after the game and headed back home in just as much wind as we drove there in. My arms and hands got a workout gripping the wheel. It was good to get out of the house and see Kyle's team in action.

The rest of the weekend we stayed at home. The winds never died until dark on Saturday. Couldn't really do anything constructive or fun outside. Then we woke Sunday to cold and snow on the ground. No wind, but it was hard to take seeing the snow. It made a mess of plans to get out and work in the yard as well as just getting out again. Matthew was into his sleep and did plenty over the weekend so he didn't miss out on anything anyway. We hunkered down for football and a hearty supper of chili and cornbread. Great on a blustery and cold day.

Matthew was good for us considering he had to be pretty bored. I know I was and I am more mobile than he is for sure. It was a good thing that he was behaving so well since we were all stuck as one since Friday afternoon. I can see that this winter is going to be a real bummer. I'd love to get him out hunting again, but our options are slim that it will happen. It sucks for him that I am worthless as a hunting partner. Good for other things, but no good in the blind if he actually brings a deer down. A little late in life for that to change for me. That and I don't do dead things well if not at all. Yuck!

So here we are at the start of another week. The house is quiet now, but will pick up speed here shortly. Nothing huge on the horizon that I know of, but then again I am not up to speed on all that much. I am just the chief cook and driver around here. Thanks to all for seeing what this family is up to. Please know that Matthew is as good as he is because of help from you all. You are simply wonderful. Always Hope for warmer weather and cool heads. COURAGE MPJ to hang tough until we figure things out. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, October 20, 2020 6:15 AM CDT

I was not happy having more snow fall on us Monday. This time it was quite a bit more than what came Sunday morning. What the heck is with this stuff? I actually had to, well I could've let it sit and melt sometime, brush off the built up snow from the decks. I haven't bothered to get things winterized quite yet outside. Looks as if that will be happening sometime this week. Yikes....winter already...are you serious?

Matthew and I had a little dust up only an hour or so after I wrote this page yesterday. He got up and came out firing and I made him mad I guess. A little early to take that kind of guff from him or anybody as a matter of fact. I had errands to run at the office, so off I went. ended up staying and working until noon. I have the freedom to put my 15 hours in anytime I want to. Now that is a good thing. Thought that it was in the best interest of peace at the ranch to stay away for a while. I was not a happy camper with the boy. I didn't deserve that sort of treatment. That seems to be the pattern around here. Don't see it coming and when you do, you are left scratching your head. I was still not ready to see him when I did get home after working. I let him know and he retreated to his rec room. Good news for both of us.

He was pretty mellow last night. Been trying hard here the past couple days of taking more charge of himself. Getting ready for bed, getting up and dressed, taking care of his personal needs, even cooking for himself a little. Things he should be better at years ago. I just don't think he was all that interested. Granted, he has really limited ability to do many of the daily things, but he could do more than he was. So hopefully he can keep it up. It won't be too long before he will need to fend for himself since we won't be around forever.

Looks like another crappy day outside. That means all free time for Matthew will be spent indoors. Not a great thing. This weeks weather looks terrible for most of the days. Not good at all. Going to be a long fall and winter if this keeps up. His one go to place to hang and have fun, AFS, is not an option right now. Not a place where Covid is taken very seriously at all. Too many non-believers and that is not a place that we will let Matthew go into. We bought him an expensive year long pass for that place too. Probably used it less than 5 times. Not a great bargain. Won't do that again.

That is it for today. got to be a better day, I hope. It was quiet this morning before I left for work. At least I didn't get barked at already. Take good care of yourselves and will be back on here soon. Thanks for the support as it helps us all deal with the curveballs of life. Always Hope for the snow to go and the sun to shine again. COURAGE MPJ to keep trying to take care of your own needs. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, October 22, 2020 7:44 AM CDT

What a wet week so there any end in sight? The house sprung a small leak last night as Patti discovered about 1:30 AM. Boy that sucks. There was an issue in the same area over 10 years ago and nothing since. We had it looked at and there was nothing out of sorts on the roof. Guess where I will be when the rains stop. Probably a boot around a vent leaking a bit. Sure killed a nights sleep.

Matthew is doing better since his little dust up on Monday. Nothing much in the way of the tone in his voice or the sudden anger showing. Maybe a little bit, but nothing that a look or a single word took care of. I can't imagine that he is feeling bottled up or anything. Shoot, freedom is easy to come by here t5his year....not. It could be worse so we will just keep a close eye on his emotions.

Going to try hunting on Friday afternoon. Not sure if we will be able to or not, but it could be the last shot he has before the weather really turns against him. Jerry is on board and it will be a rather chilly evening out there in the hut. We are plenty prepared for the cold. Between insulated bibs and a portable heater, it will not be all that bad in there. The ride in and out of the field will be the real cold one. No top or windshield on the Ranger and I can tell you it feels really cold whenever it dips to about 30 or below. I have plenty of time to plan for this hunt. May be a little muddy retrieving the trailer from the backyard.

That is about it for today. Stay warm and dry if possible. This is the type of weather someone usually gets sick around the house. We have all had flu shots so hopefully I am wrong. Thanks for checking in and for the tons of support. Always Hope the rains clear out and the sun shine again. COURAGE MPJ TO HANG LOOSE UNTIL BETTER TIMES ARRIVE. Keep the faith everyone.


Friday, October 23, 2020 7:31 AM CDT

Happy Friday to you all. Another rainy day and night kept us all inside again. Not ideal that's for sure. Today it will be much colder, but no rain or so the experts say. Not quite sure of that. The rains we have had are making everything a mess out there. I need to get the trailer out of the back yard in order for Matthew to hunt. What a sloppy mess where it sits. Not looking forward to slogging through that. I think we should be able to get him out there tonight. Probably not many more good days to do that. He will be dressed for the cold as it will be in the mid 30's when he is out there. We do have little gas heaters to combat the cold if it comes to that. Maybe tonight will be the night. You never know.

Well our issue with the roof seems to be over. Thank goodness since it poured again last night. Just as we thought, there was a pipe right at the sight of the leak and the seal around it had hardened and cracked. Josh went up there and re-sealed it quickly and it worked. No drips,no runs and no errors. May have to adopt that boy.

I feel bad that I am not in Wisconsin right now. My nephew, Lance, is getting married on Saturday. What bad timing to have a wedding set for this time the way things are. Especially true in Wisconsin where this Covid crap is out of control. We wish them well and hope things work out for their big day.

Nothing past the hunt planned for the rest of the weekend. May see if we can get two in if the weather holds, Jerry is able, and if needed. Other than that I imagine we will be hanging here and trying to clean up the leaf mess that has taken over the yard. Looks like time to winterize is here. Too bad for that as I was hoping for a longer warm fall.

Have a great weekend and please take care of yourselves. Stay safe as best as you can. Thanks for helping the cause since 2005. Amazing you still think of Matthew. Always Hope for some good fortune tonight so we can close the door on that adventure on the good foot. COURAGE MPJ all day and every day. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, October 26, 2020 7:28 AM CDT

Snowy morning once again and we still have almost a week before November. Wat the heck is with this? I guess I'd rather have some melting snow than the steady rains we just got over with. Glad that we had a little break on Saturday before it went south again Sunday. Was able to get the outside of the house all switched from summer to winter along with raking up bag after bag of leaves. We are at least ready for this new season even though we are not too thrilled about it.

Matthew was well behaved for us the past few days. Even though he spent a great deal of the time cooped up with us at the house. He suffered through another bad start to the football season for the beloved Huskers. Ouch that hurt, but was not a surprised a bit. Probably the biggest thing to overcome this weekend was the cancellation of the hunt we had planned for Friday afternoon. We were ready, but the weather really let us down. Too wet and way to windy to sit in the cold for nothing. We will try again this week. So thinking about it, there were more down things than up things for him over the weekend. He handled it all like a champ.

He did his usual sleep in thing the past two mornings. The boy loves his sleep for sure. Wish that we had more options for him to keep busy with. He did have a good time on Saturday with his brother. Chris stopped over for a few hours and of course Matthew grabbed him and headed to his game room. I think Matthew did most of the gaming while Chris sat there and helped out with advice. That few hours had to be the highlight of his weekend. Patti was in heaven too as Kaylee was there too. It has been one shining thing with this staying put because of the pandemic. Kaylee has been at our house most weekdays and has had plenty of time to connect with her uncle. He loves the heck out of her and she is very at home being around the big guy too. He can be kind of scary with his size and being in his chair. He is very gentile with her.

That pretty much sums up things around here. We are fine and hope that the same can be said for you. So until the next time, stay safe and stay healthy. Thank you all for caring so much. Always Hope the snow melts and the skies clear for some outdoor time to become a reality. COURAGE MPJ to keep your head in the game. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, October 27, 2020 6:46 AM CDT

Well at least it isn't snowing out there this morning. That's a plus already for this Tuesday. Actually it seems pretty calm and nice out even though the temps are fairly low. Hard to think that winter has come already. I know we will have plenty of time left for Matthew to get outside before the real deal smacks us in the face come December. Just hate seeing it so darn early this year. Why not? Everything else has been stupid this year.

Matthew was kept inside for the day on Monday. Not much else he could do with the snow and cold. From all that I know and hear, things went just fine. He had a few chores to get done around the house before it was fun time. Going to be a long winter at this rate for Matthew. Not a good thing being stuck inside so often. We will just have to keep his spirits up the best we can.

Did plan on another try at hunting this week if the weather behaves for us. Shooting for a Wednesday afternoon hunt at the lake. Jerry is up for it and it looks on paper that the day should be warmer for us. High 40's at least. Now if we can get the winds to stay calm that is another story here in this state. So we will be packing up and heading that way by the early afternoon. Sundown is now real close to 6:15 so that means the hunt is officially over 30 minutes past that. He will be home and probably in bed by 8 so that shouldn't mess with everything else on Thursday. Will keep trying to get more hunting in when possible. Not an easy thing to get planned with all of the things that are working against us.

That is about all I can think of right now. I am at the office and my machine is giving me all sorts of grief right now. Not a good start to my day. Hop[e all of yours and Matthew's get a better shove off than this. Take good care and be safe out there. You never know where evil lies anymore. Thanks for keeping Matthew close to your hearts. Always Hope for sunny and warm temps to melt away the snow and frost. COURAGE MPJ to stay busy and content until better days arrive. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, October 29, 2020 6:27 AM CDT

Here it is, the last day of my work week and the last work day in October. Been almost a month now of my semi-retirement plan and I have yet to adapt to it very well. Guess it will take a bit longer than I thought. Not a problem. At least the weather has turned back into fall for the time being. That will certainly help out.

Matthew is doing all right. Yesterday he was kind of in a funk we thought. Not happy or sad, just kind of indifferent for the most part. It wasn't a hard day either. Thought having the chance to go out to the shack and hunt would put a smile on his face, but it really didn't do it for him. That makes me sad. Don't know what is going on in his head. Maybe he was just tired all day. It's a bummer when you go out of your way to make something good happen for him and he just doesn't seem to fire up about it. The hunt, yesterday afternoon until dark, was not a real winner either. Saw one doe from a distance. She stayed out5 of his safe range the whole time there. Jerry tried a few calls to no avail. Just stubborn enough to keep her distance. Other than that one it was a shut out again. I spoke with my Ranger friend, Coty, and he said that only 6 deer had been taken so far in the first month. Way down in numbers. He's been out and has seen just a few. Maybe this won't be a good year. Why would it.....2020 has been a total washout so far. I've left it out there for Jerry if he wants to roll back there again before the week ends. Maybe try an early morning hunt. Gotta try something different.

So there haven't been a tremendous amount of smiles here the past few days. Our heads are full of crap from all the evil things going on around us. Life is seemingly very iffy right now. It has to be that way for most everyone as far as I can tell. We don't have a magic bullet for it either. Just have to be safe, smart and patient I guess. So take good care and will see you back here again soon. This may be it for the week, I am not sure. Heck I'm not sure about a lot of things. Thanks for the care and support for Matthew. He certainly is lucky to have a team backing him up. Always Hope that the smiles return soon. COURAGE MPJ to enjoy what we have because it should never be overlooked. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, November 2, 2020 6:29 AM CST

Another Monday has rolled around. We are still moving on our end and we all hope that you are too. Something to be said for doing that these days. Things have certainly gotten worse in this state and so many others over the past month or so with no end in sight. Unless everyone does their part, it won't be getting any better out there anytime soon I fear. Hope that all of you are safe and healthy. We are doing the best we can on our end.

Not much has happened over the past few days. Pretty much nothing at all. Been way too much hanging around in the house doing nothing. Not good for any of us really. Not sure why it came to that either. Maybe it was due to getting so much outdoor stuff done last weekend? I felt really lazy and what I didn't get accomplished shows it. Matthew, as normal, spent more than a good share of his time resting and sleeping. He has been staying up later at night and that means he will sleep in as much as he can. On the weekends, he doesn't move until late morning. That kind of slows us down if we have anything that needs to be done outside of the house. We never leave him alone for more than a few minutes. Haven't even done that in probably 6 months either. One of us is always around him unless Josh is here. One gets an anchored down feeling often. Just the way it is.

We did do the trick or treat thing. I insisted and took care of it for the most part. Did it as safe as possible. Set up a table and dressed it up real festively. Laid out the candy bars on it and sat back about 8 feet or more from it. Matthew came out and sat at the end of the ramp that goes up the front deck. A good ten feet from people. That way nobody would head towards the front door. We were shocked to see the numbers this year. I thought it would go down and we actually had almost double the normal. Big groups three or more times. Good to see them get out. Wished that some of them would've been a bit more aware of not masking up. We were masked and gloved. Can't take this stuff lightly. Noticed our elderly neighbor handing out stuff just like normal. Hope she stays healthy.

That was about all that happened with us lately. Matthew has remained calm and I hope that he can keep that way with this election happening Tuesday. He is all worked up about it and concerned as we all are. Glad when it is all over and hope that it goes our way.

Take good care of yourselves and please be safe out there. Not a good time to be careless. Thanks for giving Matthew the strength to carry on. Every little bit does help and we know that. Always Hope for better days for the planet. COURAGE MPJ to keep cool when things heat up. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, November 3, 2020 6:23 AM CST

Election day is finally here. Glad to rid the airwaves and social media of all of political crap for what seems eternity here in Iowa. We voted weeks ago and avoided all of the hassles that are there now. Now it is time to kick back and hope that our people get to the winner circle. All of this has been hard on Patti and especially Matthew. He gets very upset when he hears some of the lies being spread and we don't need one more thing to make him angry. There is plenty there without more fuel being thrown on the fire. We have noticed the anger here lately in his tone and attitude. Bet that some of it has to do with the intense finish to this campaign. Could be a long few days and even weeks ahead for not just him, but for all Americans.

As I just said, Matthew has been on the edge a little more than usual lately. Seems that whatever Patti says to him is being questioned by him and usually met with some sort of level of anger if it isn't something that he wants or would like to hear. That happens often, but the frequency has seemed to be higher than normal. He is not always fun to be around. Right now the walls seem to be shorter around us. Too much time spent inside and way too much on the internet. He did get outside to shoot a bow yesterday, but not until the end of the shift for Josh. They should've been out longer. Maybe today they will get the hint and get outdoors. Matthew is much happier outside.

Looks like a normal week without much change at all. I don't see any hunting happening soon either. Left that door open for Jerry to make the call and the phone is not ringing even though the days have been good for the most part. I'm thinking that this season is just going to be a waste. Just not in the cards, as is everything else this year, for the home team to come out on top. Actually, it doesn't seem to bother Matthew that his hunting times a few and few between. As long as he is cool with it, so be it.

That is about it for today. Some pretty dicey times may be ahead for us around our house. Much depends on what happens at the polls today, I'm afraid. Just make it all go away, please. Thanks for letting Matthew be a part of your lives. Your help is always appreciated. Always Hope for a home team victory today. COURAGE MPJ to hang on the best that you can. Keep the faith everyone.


Wednesday, November 4, 2020 5:42 AM CST

Well this will be short. Writing from my phone. Matthew is in the field hunting already this morning. I was up about 3:20 to get it together. Patti too. Matthew about a half hour later. Jerry called yesterday late morning to see if he wanted to hunt. Yes he did. So we made it happen. Mighty early and I am use to rising early. He will stay in there until 9. Maybe today will be the day. One never knows.

So that is it. Stay safe and healthy my friends and we will do the same. Thanks for being there again and again for the boy. You are the best. Always Hope that the hunting gods smile on Matthew today. COURAGE MPJ no matter what. Keep the faith everyone.


Wednesday, November 4, 2020 5:42 AM CST

Well this will be short. Writing from my phone. Matthew is in the field hunting already this morning. I was up about 3:20 to get it together. Patti too. Matthew about a half hour later. Jerry called yesterday late morning to see if he wanted to hunt. Yes he did. So we made it happen. Mighty early and I am use to rising early. He will stay in there until 9. Maybe today will be the day. One never knows.

So that is it. Stay safe and healthy my friends and we will do the same. Thanks for being there again and again for the boy. You are the best. Always Hope that the hunting gods smile on Matthew today. COURAGE MPJ no matter what. Keep the faith everyone.


Wednesday, November 4, 2020 5:42 AM CST

Well this will be short. Writing from my phone. Matthew is in the field hunting already this morning. I was up about 3:20 to get it together. Patti too. Matthew about a half hour later. Jerry called yesterday late morning to see if he wanted to hunt. Yes he did. So we made it happen. Mighty early and I am use to rising early. He will stay in there until 9. Maybe today will be the day. One never knows.

So that is it. Stay safe and healthy my friends and we will do the same. Thanks for being there again and again for the boy. You are the best. Always Hope that the hunting gods smile on Matthew today. COURAGE MPJ no matter what. Keep the faith everyone.


Wednesday, November 4, 2020 5:42 AM CST

Well this will be short. Writing from my phone. Matthew is in the field hunting already this morning. I was up about 3:20 to get it together. Patti too. Matthew about a half hour later. Jerry called yesterday late morning to see if he wanted to hunt. Yes he did. So we made it happen. Mighty early and I am use to rising early. He will stay in there until 9. Maybe today will be the day. One never knows.

So that is it. Stay safe and healthy my friends and we will do the same. Thanks for being there again and again for the boy. You are the best. Always Hope that the hunting gods smile on Matthew today. COURAGE MPJ no matter what. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, November 5, 2020 6:13 AM CST

Well Matthew didn't get a shot off yesterday. Not too surprising after not seeing anything the last time out and only two does total over the previous hunts. This time, however, he had a big old buck come and hang out about 30 yards from the blind for a good 10 minutes or so. From what he and Jerry said, it was a real stud. Only an eight pointer, but the girth was huge. This big old boy weighed around 230-250 pounds Jerry said and he would know as he has taken more than one this size. They were really thrilled to see this up close. Not the same thrill of being able to take it down, since this is doe only at the lake, but something to behold and talk about for days to come. I am glad that they at least got that thrill. It's not looking too promising for Matthew to get a doe this go round. Other years there have been plenty around and a few to shoot at. Not so much in 2020. We hope to get him back up there again. Who knows when, but if the weather holds he can keep on hunting.

I was shocked how well Matthew did with the early rise and shine. He didn't blink out on me driving up there and stayed awake the whole hunt. Not always the case in the mornings. Usually he catches a nap or two. He never did crash at home after it was over either. Highly unusual for sure. My guess that he will be worthless for the next day or two. I feel it this morning too. It will be a challenge to get him through the daily things he has to do. He always pays the price for early morning activities. Everyone around him usually does too.

Everything else is OK around the ranch. Nothing outside of the norm even though our norm may not be like anyone else considers it to be. I would bet that his mouth gets him in trouble today as he will be tired and grumpy. That is a formula for quick temper from Matthew. Heck probably for anyone. Josh does a good job of containing this 99 percent of the time. Years of practice between the two of them.

That will do it for today. Thanks for checking on things and please know that we survive and have survived all of these years because we have people behind us propping us up. Thank you so very much for the steady hands. Always Hope today is better than I think it may be. COURAGE MPJ to realize we are all in this together. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, November 10, 2020 5:58 AM CST

Well I am finally back in the office and my mind tells me it is time to write. Sorry it took so long to get back at a computer. Out of sight and out of mind, especially when that mind doesn't work the best anymore. The rains are not making my return here any more cheery either. That stuff is cold I'm telling you. I will do my best to recap the past few days.

We are all in good shape. Nothing is wrong that hasn't been wrong before. We did have a scare about another Covid exposure, but that ended up being just a scare. We had been in contact with someone who was in contact with someone who was in contact. We dodged a bullet again. In these times, that is really saying something I guess. Things are not quite back to normal, routine wise, at home. Working on that. We laid pretty low over the past few days until we got the all clear. So not a ton of new stuff to chat about.

Matthew has not gone hunting since last Wednesday. I'm thinking that those days are very numbered. We may get out again once or twice, but seems that the hunting gods are not with us this year. It seems that Matthew is fine with that. Not as much excitement in him about hunting this year. He hasn't been too much into the bows this fall either. Not sure what is with that, but it makes sense since he doesn't appear to be too thrilled of hunting either. Much easier on the old man so I'm not going to press the issue. he has to be the one that wants out there. Just a sign of the times I would say. So easy to get down and just not care as much.

We are all glad that the elections are in the books. Such an annoying time to get through with the flood of messages sent out in every media outlet. I know it really was bothering Matthew. The more questions he asks about things like that, the more it bothers him. So much negative statements made that it is very hard not to be bothered. Matthew is very relieved that it is over.

He and I did take a trip to western Iowa over the weekend. Came in contact with nobody while out there. Could tell by the lack of masks that we were deep into the land of the non-believers. Sure makes me sad, but also glad that I didn't stay there long after I became an adult. It is no wonder that it is such a hotbed for the virus. We made it to my folks cemetery and decorated for Christmas. It was early, but our neighbor, Corey...aka Clark Griswold, had already been out with his thousands of lights so it was time. Haven't done anything at home yet. Plenty of time before then. It was nice to hit the road and get out of the house for a while.

Other than hanging out at home, there is little else that is going or has gone on. We are homebodies in the first place, but now we are sometimes entering the hermit lifestyle. Well not any where near it, but it seems like that. So we are here, ready to take on another day. Thanks for helping with Matthew for the many years. He/we are the lucky ones having all this attention. Always Hope that the world becomes a happier place soon. COURAGE MPJ to hang on tightly until that day comes. Keep the faith everyone.


Wednesday, November 11, 2020 6:25 AM CST

Not much new on this Wednesday morning. Normally I am not here at the office this day, but I will be late in the morning Thursday so with my nice flexible schedule, I came in. Nice having the ability to come and go whenever. I am still not on the same page with this semi-retirement thing, but I am getting closer to getting with the program.

Pretty much another day in the life on Tuesday. Patti was thrilled, and I'll bet Matthew was pleased too, having Kaylee back after a few days away with our scare. She brings quite a bit of action and happiness to the boring everyday life around the house. I heard that there was dancing going on yesterday. Matthew absolutely adores her. She is always wanting to know where Matthew is when he is not around. Other than that, the day was pretty much like about any other. We did get in the car for a little ride. I think that was the first that Patti had gone anywhere since last Thursday.

Today will be a repeat of yesterday and probably the day before that. Get things done that are on the list and chill. Not much else to do right now. This state is under attack from the virus and it is wise to back off as much as possible. We are trying our best to do that. Doubt if there is any hunting this week. That decision is based on Jerry right now. I think that Matthew is fine with either going or not. Been a bad year for this hunter.

As they said in the Looney Tunes cartoons, "on with the show this is it". I loved those old crazy cartoons. So take proper care of yourselves and others while staying as safe as possible. Thanks for caring for Matthew throughout the years and right now too. Means the world to us here. Always Hope for everyone to remain healthy. COURAGE MPJ to be patient like you have been. keep the faith everyone.


Friday, November 13, 2020 6:34 AM CST

Good morning from my phone this Friday. Not working today at the office. Still seems strange even though I’ve been at this for over a month now. Someday I will get use to not working every day. Hard to do after a lifetime of being at one job or another.

Matthew is fine. No changes in anything related to him this week at all. He has been stuck at home for the most part where it is as safe a place as any. He would not do well if he ever caught this terrible plague that has wrecked the world. We fear that it will happen to him no matter how safe we try to make it. Maybe we have just been lucky. As the numbers pile up quicker than ever, being at home will probably have to be the néw norm for us all. None of us care for it, but what else can you do. His small world really has shrunk the past 9 months. Doesn’t appear that it will open up to what small use to be for him anytime soon.

No plans for the weekend. Just hang here and do what we have been doing. No hunting planned either. That may be done. So we will get plenty of time looking at each other again. We are invited to dinner Saturday night at Chris and Jessica’s. That will be good. Née four walls to check out rather than these tired old ones.

Take care and be safe. Know that we care for you as you do for us here. Thanks for always being there covering our backs. It is never overlooked. Always Hope for better weekends down the line. COURAGE MPJ to keep doing your best to cope. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, November 16, 2020 6:14 AM CST

Morning everyone. We are still hanging in there this Monday morning and we sure hope the same can be said for you all. Things around us just seem to be getting worse by the day. I am at work this morning, but for how long before we are shut down? This is not good at all. Thin gs are sure strange and it appears that stranger times are ahead for us all. Just do the best you can to put space between you and everyone else I guess. We still need to live, but how we do that is so darn different than a year ago.

With that being said, not much at all happened on the Matthew front over the weekend. He only left the house one time and that was a trip to his brother's house for what could end up being Thanksgiving dinner for our family. It very much is looking like the three of us a week from Thursday. So sad, but it is what may need to happen. Matthew, as well as Patti and I, enjoyed our few hours out of the house to spend time with the other Jessen family. Kaylee was so upset when it was time for her "Namma" to leave. Those two are so very close. Patti was none too happy either. Going to be a while before the little princess comes back over to our house it appears. Matthew will miss that time spent around her too. She has a way of bringing out the gentile side of him. So we made the most out of evening that we were given.

Lots of sleeping in time for the boy over the weekend. He did rise early on Saturday, but went right back down after breakfast and a little conversation.....or was that Sunday morning? Time and days are really running together anymore. They are all basically the same so it is hard to tell which is which. He wanted to get outside on Sunday to shoot one of his more power packed bows, but the winds and cold kept that from happening. Like most everyone out there, his day was filled with internet, video games and movies. Throw in a football game, or at least one playing while in the room, and you have the weekend in a nutshell. His Huskers and Giants both pulled out big W's this weekend. How about that.

I don't see anything new on the horizon. Same old stuff just a different day. May end up being less before too long with the state of Iowa being what it is. We will all need to hang on tightly to our sanity in the weeks ahead. Could be a very sad holidays indeed.

Well I am depressing myself more than I need to be right now. Time to fold this hand for the day. We are fine as one can be right now and feeling mighty fortunate at that. Hope you all are well and please keep it that way. We need you and we think about you people often too. Thanks for everything. Always Hope good changes are coming. COURAGE MPJ to watch your attitude and keep it positive for your sake and ours. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, November 17, 2020 6:26 AM CST

Well there isn't much else going on that wasn't covered yesterday. We are all doing all right and Matthew is holding his own against the urges that his brain sends out to act up and act out. Always a good thing to put those thoughts clean out of his mind. Like most everyone else out there, we have kept very close to the house....especially Matthew. I did go to work and am here again this morning. Think that I will probably blow the 15 hour thing out of the water this week as I have more than enough work that has to be done here. Patti made one trip yesterday and that was to bring me lunch. Matthew, again, never left the property. We are very cautious here at the office. Masks, distancing and sanitizing are the rule. We pretty much steer clear from each other unless needed. Less is better.

None of this is going to change anytime soon. We need to come up with new things to do with Matthew that will at least seem interesting to him. Figure out something that will challenge him enough to stimulate his brain without over working it. Hard to think of things that fit into that category. The poor boy has been robbed of so much skill. It so very sad to see what limitations dominate his abilities. We will have to try just a little bit harder. He needs something other than gaming and the internet. Patti and I came up with a few ideas last night. A good start.

So that is it for today. Please be careful out there and stay healthy. Thanks for the care and comfort that you provide us here. Much appreciated each day. Always Hope for new ideas to make time at home better for Matthew. COURAGE MPJ to be open for them if and when we present them to you. keep the faith everyone.


Wednesday, November 18, 2020 6:24 AM CST

This is the last work day of the week for me. Suppose to be really nice tomorrow, so it will be good having the day free. Maybe we can get Matthew out to recreate some. Breathe in a little fresh air. Could be the day for it. I know he was wanting to shoot his bow again so that could work well.

We made it through another day on the planet. That is saying something anymore. Again outside activity was restrictive as is for many of us these days. Matthew never left the ranch at all I am pretty sure of it. He is spending plenty of time each day in his rec room. We are pleased how much of that time is spent working out with either the stander, the weighted balls, or just plain old exercise on the mat table. That is one piece of therapy equipment that we have gotten our moneys worth out of. Patti ordered him a puzzle to start working on with the many free hours he has going. We were brainstorming ideas to keep his mind busy as well as his hands. He needs to work it in order to keep it going as well as it does and that isn't all that good some days. He is also looking into writing out some cards for the holidays. Good activities that will he will need to muster up all of his attention to accomplish. I may bring up a high table from the basement for him to use as his base for action and projects. Just hate to clutter up his rec room after finally getting it looking so good. If it helps, then we will just do it and live with it.

Should be a new normal type of day today. This is going to be one long winter ahead. Hope that we all don't go full Jack Nicholson in "The Shinning" before it is all said and done. I know we are all in the same life boat. Just hope that the seas are not as angry as they can be. The holidays are easily taking a hit this year too. A time to cheer us up may not get that done this go round.

Take good care and we will do our best to follow your lead. Thanks for keeping Matthew so close to your heart. Much appreciated every single day. Always Hope for sunshine and smiles today. COURAGE MPJ to bring out the happiness in this downer of a year. Keep the faith everyone.


Friday, November 20, 2020 5:41 PM CST

Well I thought better late than never to get online and peck out a few thoughts. We are fine here. How are all of you doing? Pretty depressing to think that Thanksgiving is not going to be much of a deal for us. Hope that this plague starts to wane here sooner than later. Getting
Mighty old I know. Matthew is handling it better than one could expect. He is not too happy with it, but he just has stayed in a good groove throughout the months of drastic changes. Give him so much credit for being this good. Things would be unreal around here if he went the other way with this.

Nothing has changed over the past few days. Are health is good and that is the most important thing of all. We are trying some new activities for him to keep him interested in something other than the internet and video games. He smoked through a simple 100 piece puzzle yesterday. Didn’t take him that long either. Patti ordered a stack of cards for him to send out before Christmas. He was compiling his list. Some cooking chores could be coming too. I got the high table set up in his rec room and it works nicely. We will continue to search for activities around the house.

Well that is it for the week. Take good care of you can. I know it is t easy, but very necessary. Thanks for the love and care and we wish the best for all of you. Always Hope for us all. COURAGE MPJ to keep smiling even when you get tired of the same old same old. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, November 23, 2020 6:26 AM CST

Happy Monday to you. Back at the office after another 4 day weekend. A year ago, a long weekend would've been full of action....well at least in my mind....not now in these times. Just another day of being bored for the most part. At least on the weekends, there is football to watch. Even that has lost some of its shine for me too. Matthew isn't watching much at all this year. It's strange to watch without any crowds there, but then it gets me upset to see thousands i8n the stands too with all of the issues that arise from crowded places. What a mixed up times it is.

We are all hanging in there. Health wise we are strong....knock knock. Having issues with keeping somewhat busy is the biggest thing in front of us lately. I can see myself losing motivation to accomplish much at all. Matthew is in the same boat. Is it ever going to be a long winter ahead. At least now we can bundle up at times to go outside. Had some nice days here too. Doubt if that sort of weather will last too much longer. I'm sure the rest of you are going through much of this too. Not sure if there is anything to do about it and stay safe. Even the car drives are starting to be old hat. Spending the holiday without all of the family will not help at all either.

We did go out and buy a handful of puzzles for Matthew to work on. He buzzed through the one in a couple hours so we stepped up the pieces on these. Hope they are not too hard for him. I am not a puzzle person. Been probably 50 plus years since I did one. Matthew seemed to enjoy the first one. The table in his rec room works out nicely for it. He also will be starting his cards soon too. They are there on the table to get going on. Still coming up empty on other activities for him. He was talking about some sort of cooking adventure. He enjoys that.

Not much else new at all. Everything seems to be either put on hold or just a repeat of the day before. This week will be different with the holiday. Hopefully it will all work out for us. We are shaking up traditions and going casserole instead of turkey. Matthew is excited about scalloped taters and ham. Should be much easier on the cook too.

Be good and be safe. We do the best on those too. Thanks for coming here to see what is happening. Very little actually and maybe that is a good thing. Thanks again. Always Hope for good days ahead. COURAGE MPJ to hang tough until better days arrive. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, November 24, 2020 6:24 AM CST

Snow....ugh...can you believe it. Not something that we desired to see again this early. Like things weren't depressing enough. Now we have that ugly thought burned into our hard drives. Yes indeed, winter is either coming or already at the doorstep. None of us here were too happy to see it, but on the other side of town, Kaylee was having a ball making a snowman. We knew it would be here before too long, but again before Thanksgiving....ouch.

Matthew is doing the best he can I would think. Not easy to be stuck in the house for so long each day. Now with the weather turning, there won't be much relief from any of this in the near future. He and Josh did get out yesterday for a short time. Took a break in between workouts to go to Ankeny for a coffee break. Had a gift card to a shop up there so they decided to have one. I'm sure it was good for the boy to get out without parental units for once. Other than Josh, he is with us whenever he goes anywhere. Suppose it is the safest right now anyway. Glad I don't have to pay those prices for coffee. Ouch indeed.

I can see that his attitude is slipping a bit on us. Probably fed up with being around us I guess. He is not being bad, but a little more touchy than he has been. His fuse seems to be lighting a little quicker than it should be. so far the TNT has not ignited, but the chances of it happening are a bit greater. I imagine that there are plenty of people out there who don't have a brain injury who are about at the same point as Matthew. He has done pretty darn well over the last 9 months considering the times. Just need to keep it cooled off the best that we can. He feeds off of our emotions, so if we get testy so does he. Time to smile a lot.

Not much else going on right now. Survival is the key word. Hope all of you remain safe and healthy. We will get through this time and be stronger for it.....or at least that sounds good. Thanks for caring and helping out. Means the world to us here. Always Hope to keep things cool and calm. COURAGE MPJ to hang on a bit longer until the world makes sense again. Keep the faith everyone.


Wednesday, November 25, 2020 6:23 AM CST

Well it is still raining out there this morning. I think it has been for 24 hours plus so far. Sure hope it dries up for all of the travelers out there rushing to make it to their destination. Going to be a strange Thanksgiving for us. I am pretty sure that the last time Patti and I spent this holiday with so few since our first Thanksgiving together. Patti was very sick and missed the turkey dinner when it was just the two of us in Portage Wisconsin 1982. Like to forget that one for Patti's sake. Hope that we fare better with the addition of Matthew at the table. Speaking of old times, Patti and I will be celebrating our 39th this coming Saturday. Now that is saying something. For better and for worse.....I couldn't do any better and she couldn't do any worse!

Nothing is new around the house that I haven't talked about before. The same old thing is the best way to describe it. I would bet that many out there feel the same. I think the blues is setting in on Patti and Matthew. Patti is missing the family and especially her little girl. Maybe we all need to start drinking heavily.....probably not. Spirits don't flow often at our house. Just the way it is for this terrible year. I'd love to throw this one out if I could. 2021 better be improved or there will be lots of folks in trouble in so many ways. Think positive and just maybe it will happen.

Have a wonderful and safe holiday tomorrow. We will be thinking of all of the things in life that we are thankful for. Of course, you all will be in that thought. Thank you all from the bottom of my pea pickin heart. Now that is a trivia question for you. Be safe and healthy. Always Hope that we all can have a peaceful and warm feeling Thanksgiving. COURAGE MPJ to make that happen for us too. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, November 30, 2020 6:20 AM CST

Well this isn’t the best of starts to the day. Woke at 4:30 again and now I am wary at work and my computer won’t allow me to sign in. Hope the rest of the day is a bit more in my favor. At least we are all healthy and that says plenty to be happy about. Hope this finds all of you safe and sound too. The last day of another troubling month is all but memories. Someday things will get better. I can tell that we are fading a bit on our end. Just tired of all of the bad news and restrictive living. What can one do though. Just do our best.

Matthew is fine. He has been good for us this holiday weekend deluxe. We didn’t get very far from the ranch the past four days. We took a nice drive together and that is about it for adventures. Matthew did go to Ames I guess. Almost forgot about that. He and Josh ventured there to get lunch one day. I think he remembered about Hickory Park after his mom and I went there a while ago. I am glad that they shook up the day a little with the short trip. Food was good too

He did get his last puzzle finished, but I think that Josh did more than his share. We have four others for him that may be just a bit too hard. More pieces for sure. We will break one out for him this week. He seems to like working on them. He still needs to get on with his cards too. Maybe that will be the project of the week.

We had Kaylee two mornings over the weekend. She was almost excited about coming as was her gramma. Lots of playing to be had. Matthew got up to be there when she was here. She had to go in both mornings to check on him. That really made his day. We broke out some of the animated snowmen that we have for her to dance to their tunes. She really enjoys them. We have like 16 plus of them. Now to buy batteries for them all. Ouch! She is not going to be back this morning or the rest of the week more than likely. That will be a bummer. Always perks Matthew up. Safety first I guess.

Nothing néw this week for Matthew. Should be a normal everyday sort of week. He is hoping to get some archery items in at AFS. He thinks Tuesday they will arrive. Could be just nice enough to fire a few arrows off this week. He did say that he is retired from his blind at the lake for this year. Not much of a season. What a letdown. So we will roll up there to fetch his belongings from it and lock it up for the season.

So that is it for today. Take care and please be safe and healthy. Thank you all for seeing what is happening along with all of the thousands of good words given. Always Hope that Matthew remains healthy. COURAGE MPJ to hang in there a bit longer. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, December 1, 2020 6:23 AM CST

Made it through day one being back at work. I will be here both today and then Thursday for about 9 hours total. Spreading the fifteen hours each week out to three days now. I like it much better this way. Finding it hard, still, to keep myself occupied in this semi-retirement gig. The weather has been nice enough for Patti and I to walk a little most days. Take advantage of the weather and having Josh there a few hours while I am not at work.

Matthew had a pretty good day. Like most of them this year, not filled with much action. Did what he needed to get done and crossed off those tasks before it was time to have some fun. He really gets the use of his rec/workout room. He pretty much stays out there most of the working hours each day. Now that he has a high table to work on, he doesn't sit at the kitchen table near as much. Now if we only had a bathroom out there for him, he could stay out there all the time.

We did have some excitement before the day was over. He was in his bathroom when Patti and I heard the big thump. Yes he had fallen out of his chair and into the shower. His balance and trunk control is poor and he had started leaning to get something and he just kept on going. His size doesn't help him in this issue either. Once he starts to is game over if you are not there to stop him. It was a tough place to land for him. He didn't hurt himself, but later he said a toe was hurting from it. So we had to pull and drag him to a better spot to try and lift him. The Hoyer lift to the rescue again. We got him picked up and then rolled him over to his bed where we could get him down and take the sling from under him out. Not an easy task and he really rocks that lift when he is up off the ground. Glad there was two of us. Patti got him dried off and he came back out to the living area before he again checked out for the day. Now that kind of excitement we could do without. Not going to be too many years and we will not be able to handle this kind of situation. Don't want to think about that.

So we are all in one piece this morning and ready to take on another day. Thanks for helping the cause in so many ways. We do appreciate it greatly. Take care and be safe my friends. Always Hope that our strength remains good for many years to come. COURAGE MPJ to think a bit clearer before you lean too far. Keep the faith everyone.


Wednesday, December 2, 2020 6:19 AM CST

Hope this finds you all warm, safe and healthy as we are here on our end of the world. Something to be said for just those three things. Matthew remained in his chair yesterday without taking a spill. He didn't suffer any issues after the tumble on Monday so that is good. Not so sure that Patti and I aren't still feeling it though. Someday we will not be able to handle that load and that both scares and saddens me to think of that day. Right now, we just deal with it and move forward. All that one can do. If we think too much about the future our time right now will not be good either. Just put the old head down and march on.

Matthew w3as in a growly mood yesterday so maybe he was hurting some without letting us know. He got off to a rough start right out of the gate with Patti. He asks for her advice, and so she gave it, but it wasn't what he wanted to hear. That set him off enough to get the famous tone and attitude. So not a good start in the day for Patti either. I think he was on edge most of the day. Got that way going again before bedtime too. It got to the point where I just needed to leave and say goodnight right there and be done with it. Going to be a long winter I am afraid. Too much of each other is, well, just too much.

Nothing else happening that I can think of. Same routine just a different day. What version of Matthew will show is always up in the air. Just another day in the life. You know, I'd probably be just like him if I were in his shoes. Wish that he wasn't this way, but hard to really blame him. 15 years is a long time to be stuck in a wheelchair and there is no end in sight. Just too sad.

Thanks everyone for caring and helping. Nice to be thought of and backed up. We do appreciate it each and every day. Take good care and please be safe out there. Always Hope that happy Matthew comes to visit today. COURAGE MPJ to realize you are not alone in your suffering. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, December 7, 2020 6:17 AM CST

Well there hasn't been much going on over the course of the last 4 days or so. Like everyone, or most everyone I should say, our lives are pretty much on hold. Stay home as much as possible until we freak out and then it is time to go for a spin. Matt6hew has been hanging in there even though he has had just about enough of this too. He is all over the map at times with his attitude and behavior. Sometimes he is just fine, but then he gets an attitude that we are way too use to seeing. He seems to forget, or just plain not care, who it is that puts up with his act where nobody else would or has. It is not always fun to be around the boy. The whole Covid thing has not helped this out at all. I can see another of his famous blow ups coming here before the holidays. I could be wrong, but he seems to be building up on some anger. One of these days he will blow. Not going to be very pretty when/if it happens.

Everything else seems to be about the same around the house. Same routines are followed almost every day. The weekends are beginning to drag quite a bit. Matthew sleeps most of the mornings away and so that eliminates doing certain things. What makes that even worse is that I cannot kick the getting up super early habit. Most days I am up before 5 and sometimes a good half hour before that. So combine that with Matthew not getting out of bed until 11 or so, that makes for too much time for me sitting without any purpose. Winter will be a real challenge I can see.

Matthew is healthy though. Knock on wood there. Much to be said for that. We have been very fortunate that way since this summer when he was not so lucky. He is missing the contact with other humans. His world is so very small right now. He should be out there hunting right now, but that is not going to happen. Patti and took home all of his gear that was stowed at the lake blind. That hunt is done now for the year. 4 times out is all he got. I don't think his head or heart was in it this year. Hopefully it will be better in the future.

Nothing new happening this week. Just the same boring hours that we just went through. I am sounding rather depressing this morning. Guess the truth can be that way. Well I should end this before I get too blue. We do appreciate the help in all things Matthew. You've all been so good to us. Huge Thank You to all. Always Hope there is more cheer in the days to come. COURAGE MPJ this week to do your best and be your best too. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, December 8, 2020 6:13 AM CST

Looks as if it will be a decent day outside.....especially when you consider it is December. My hopes are that Matthew takes advantage of the weather to get outside for some sort of activity today and even Wednesday and Thursday as they will be nice too. Have to rejoice in something good and it may as well be the weather. That is something we can do without risking much to our health. What a year it has been. The next one up sure needs to get better, and fast.

Matthew did well yesterday. I didn't witness any hostile attitudes the times that I was home. He did his usual routine and workouts before it was time to hang and entertain. Josh said the other morning, when he was in a foul mood and barked at his mom, he worked out like a demon. Really had at it. Hate to see it take that to get some real fire going, but we know that it is there. His shoulders are hurting him daily. That does restrict what he can do in his workouts. Nothing seems to help his pain. His arms take a beating and have for years. Pushing his girth is just too much for them I guess. The problem will only get worse down the line. Just what he needs, more issues to overcome.

Matthew is back on the cooking kick. He, with plenty of help from Josh, made supper last Friday night. Calzones were on the menu that night. Breakfast ones at that. They were tasty. I forget what he was talking about next. Think it may be some sort of desert. It would be nice if he did this once a week. Good for him to do something like this. Chris is a cook and I think little brother wants to still be like him. I do plenty of cooking myself so it is in the genes.

So one day down and all is well. Safe and healthy and that is so darn important. Matthew, as well as us too, check off too many boxes when it comes to COVID risks. We will continue to do our best. Hope that you can do that too. Thanks for coming here today to see what is happening. The support has carried a good portion of the load all of these years. Always Hope for tasty recipes in the weeks ahead. COURAGE MPJ to keep fi8nding new outlets for your time. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, December 10, 2020 6:27 AM CST

Well this is my Friday, as my work week goes. Just have 4 hours to put in too. Semi-retirement hours are nice I tell you. Come and go as I please as long as I get 15 hours in. It does help break up the longs says/weeks at home too. The story may have been different without this pandemic. At least there would be more options.

We are doing just fine on the home front. Our health remains good and Matthew has been behaving for us too. Good stuff...all of it. Matthew has not really ventured too far from the house for quite some time now. Most of his trips away are with us just going for a cruise to get out. I see this weekend they are saying the snow word so that may cut into our little voyages around Polk County. I hope it isn't5 much to speak of....snow that is. Patti and I have been hitting the concrete almost daily for a long stroll. Been nice to get out still and walk outside in December. Matthew on the other hand doesn't seem to mind being in the house. We have made the suggestions to get out and enjoy and it seems that it just isn't happening. He is an adult, in some ways, so he can make his own decisions on that one.

Nothing else going on right now. I can't see that changing anytime soon either. Was very glad to get three cards in the mail yesterday. These three people we were worried about, health wise. Seems that they are still kicking and that is great. I don't think any of them would last long if they got the virus. Matthew has his cards ready to mail. Been working on them for more than a week now. He still may have one or two to get done. Been a worthwhile project for him. I think another puzzle has been opened up too. Glad he is getting good use out of that high table I put in the rec room for him.

So take care and I will be back at it here next Monday probably. Be good to yourself and to others too. Stay safe and dry and we will see you next week. Thanks for keeping Matthew in your thoughts. The years are sure piling up aren't they. Always Hope that we all stay happy and healthy. COURAGE MPJ to keep staying on the sunny side. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, December 14, 2020 6:23 AM CST

Well it certainly looks the part of Christmas outside here in the metro. The snow that arrived on Saturday isn't going anywhere fast I'm afraid. The cold is here for the week too. Shoveling and blowing was not as much fun as it use to be. Spent two hours out there in it before the task was finished. Getting too old for this. I understand the snowbird concept a little more each year.

Matthew was held captive by the white stuff for most of the weekend. Wheelchairs and snow are not too friendly to each other. Especially when your chair is as big as his with the rider even bigger. I don't think he mined too much though as he looked out to see what was out there. I doubt very much if he wanders too far from the homestead this week at all. Keeping him happy this week will see us having our work cut out for us.

Friday he cooked again for us. He and Josh picked out supper plans and carried it out. Matthew helps out more than he leads on these things. Very hard to wheel around in tight quarters while carrying things. He does what he can and comes up with the plans. They shop, well Josh goes in and Matthew waits. This week it was meatball subs and baked a strawberry rhubarb pie. It was impressive. Tasty too I may add. Wonder what this week's creation will be?

On Saturday afternoon, he and I baked some cookies for the first time. From scratch peanut butter ones. Matthew mixed and smashed the balls down. I probably could've let him put them in and out of the oven too, but more than a little concerned about the heat and his coordination issues. He was also the chief tester for the results. Kaylee helped out with that too. It was a tasty activity for a cold and snowy afternoon. The sugar helped take the taste of another Husker loss out of our mouths.

Lots of sleeping in going on over the past two mornings. Not much to rise up for I guess. If I could sleep in, I would. Not to be as it makes no difference what day it is for my internal clock. We did get out and about late in the afternoon. Took a drive to Ames to pick up supper at Hickory Park. Killed two birds with that trip. Food and get out of the house for an hour and a half. There were dozens of deer feeding in the fields on the way up and back. Where were they a month ago? Good food and good time away from the ranch.

Nothing new on the horizon for this week. Never is much deviation anymore. Pretty much the standard in most peoples world too. Thanks for taking the time to check in on us. It is always appreciated I hope you all know that. Always Hope that the week slides bye nice and easy for the home team. COURAGE MPJ to be good as Santa is watching closely. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, December 15, 2020 6:08 AM CST

Not much new going on with Matthew. The snow and the cold kept him inside the whole day. Nothing surprising there at all. His ramps at the front of the house are nicely cleared of any snow, but the morning frost can make them as slippery as ice. I just about took a spill on them myself the other morning. His wheelchair is not unlike any car on the ice. It slides and spins on the stuff. He is not quick enough to combat this type of issue so it makes it really important to have clear roads and ramps. Transferring is the biggest issue in the winter. Between his lack of footing on winter surfaces as he slides and lifts between chair and seat and the sliding of the wheelchair itself under that sort of stress, it is really a combo for danger. Josh carries a rubber mat that we provided that helps keep the transfers a little safer. The perils of winter for Matthew.

His attitude has been solid for the most part. That is what we worry about most of all next to his general health and safety. Both of those have been very good too....knock knock knock! The last place anyone would want to end up is in the hospital right now. His last visit was a nightmare. So we are pleased that that sort of worry with Matthew hasn't become a reality again. Health is key to living. More true for him than most of us.

All of us here are staying safe and warm. Hope this finds you doing the same. Not much more going on at this point. Just trying to maintain and that is the most important thing we can do. Thanks for helping us out through the many years with Matthew. We are so much better off because of such caring people as yourself. Always Hope things can get better for everyone. COURAGE MPJ to hang in there a while longer until we all can breathe a bit easier. Keep the faith everyone.


Wednesday, December 16, 2020 5:52 AM CST

I still am not seeing any of the snow melt at all here. Looks as if we will have that picture book "White Christmas" after all. I thought it may not happen, but what do I know. The cold and snow has kept Matthew indoors for the most part. He did get out yesterday for PT and then a trip later to AFS. He waited out in the car and Josh went in and out quickly to pick up some arrows that he had bought more than a month ago. That is about it for his getting away from the ranch. We do our best to at least go for a nice drive on the weekends to scope things out. He has to be very bored by now. His little life has really taken a hit over the past 10 months. 2021 needs to be kinder to us all.

His health is good and that is the most important thing for sure. He sticks to his daily routine of workouts and standing. He spends most of the days in his workout/rec room. It is his own world back there. That what it was built for. Can't imagine what we would've done without it these past months. It has been used double from what it was before. No more Campus to workout in so that transferred to his own area. He does about everything but eat and sleep back there during the day. Most nights he spends with us in the family room area. We do the best that we can to make things good for him.

Nothing new and nothing much different in our little world coming up either. Keep it pretty much the same day in and out. Matthew rarely complains about it. I probably get more jacked up from being shut in and I get to go out and about. At least I have 15 hours a week here at the office to be in another world. We are very isolated here too. Everyone stays apart and mask wearing is a way of life. I have to give Matthew credit for being as good as he has been considering what he is up against each day.

So have a good one and please, be safe out there. The world is not as friendly to us all as it use to be. Thank you all for the care and good words. Life wouldn't be the same without you all in it. Always Hope that someday a better normal takes over. COURAGE MPJ is the name of your game. Keep the faith everyone.


Friday, December 18, 2020 7:26 AM CST

Just a short note from my phone to say we are good here. Matthew is going just fine considering the times we are living in. That can pretty much be said for most of us these days. Nothing new has been happening here and I doubt if much new will be happening until things straighten out. For now, time to be happy with our health and keep ourselves as safe as possible. No plans ahead for the weekend. Keeping it low and slow. A week from now it will be another Christmas. I hope that it is a merry one indeed in spite of the hurdles in front of us. Have a great weekend and be safe out there. Thank you all for the uplifting care and support we receive. We are so blessed. Always Hope that everyone can escape the issues of the world and remain healthy. COURAGE MPJ to keep off of Santa’s naughty list. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, December 21, 2020 6:22 AM CST

Good Monday morning to you. Back at the office after another long weekend. Feels almost strange coming back to work lately. Not sure how long I am going to keep this 15 hour gig up. May be months and it could be years. Just up to the way I feel I guess. Kind of nice having the option though. Spending more time at home has been good. I do get stir crazy, but that is just part of it it seems. Been good to be there when Kaylee is visiting. Fun watching her grow.

We are all doing all right. Patti has been up and down with a little stomach issue, but it hasn't slowed her down all that much. Matthew has been just fine. Been keeping it civil and that is always a bell ringer for him. Like me, he does get bored. We do things to keep him occupied, but even with that there is just too much time to cover. At times, the three of us get a little sick and tired of each other and the toleration levels start to drop, but I think that is more than a common issue right now with most families. If I were to grade Matthew on his behavior the past few weeks, it would be a B plus at least. Better than my grade point average.

We laid pretty low over the weekend again. Not many travels. Matthew did get out of the office for a couple hours, but that was about it. Josh was there on Saturday and he and Matthew went to a drive thru for lunch. What a big treat. Yesterday, he and I went for a country drive looking over the snowy fields for signs of deer and turkey. No deer this time, but we did catch 5 or more turkey in a field by Runnells. They sure stick out in the snow. Look mighty big too. Kind of been our thing for the past few years. Drive and gawk at the fields. Hopefully next year will be a much better one for his hunting. This year was a total wipe out.

Will be another slow week for us and Matthew. Final prepping for the big day and that is about it for action until the 25th. We are staying home and hopefully, Chris and family are joining us. You just never know at this point what lurks around the next corner. Having them gone would be a first class bummer. Hope that things are working out for all of you on that subject.

So be safe and stay healthy my friends. Right now that is the top of the wish list. Thank you all for the wonderful care that you have given us all. What a blessing. Always Hope that our loved ones stay safe, warm and healthy. COURAGE MPJ to continue to be on Santa's good list. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, December 22, 2020 6:22 AM CST

Not much has changed since I wrote yesterday. Pretty much the status quo in our small lives at this point in time. Not a bad thing though. We are just hanging in there until things get better.....much better...out there. Hope that you can do the same. Matthew is doing about as well as we could expect. His world is Josh and us and that is close to about it. Boring, but safe.

He has been getting a few Christmas cards and that always seems to brighten his day. He surprises me at times with the sentimental side of him. So big and burly yet he is very soft at times too. Kaylee is one that makes the big old bear melt. We don't have her this week and that makes him sad. She loves to try to help him with some things in the mornings. It is cute. He adores her and not having her there this week is going to put a dent into his days. She will be back on Friday though!

Health-wise, he is fine. Shoulders give him issues daily, but other than that he is doing well. Knock on a block of wood there. He has given us our yearly dose of problems back in the summer with his two visits to the hospital. We can pass on any more of those for quite some time, thank you.

I don't see much action for the remainder of the week for Matthew. Even therapy has closed down for him until after Christmas. His one and only weekly appointment out of the house. All of his others are via zoom or just over the phone. Had one yesterday with his case manager. None of this will be changing anytime soon I would think. Not until the world stops getting sick. So we will just have to hold on with both hands until things do change.

Thanks for the care and support for Matthew and us too. We would be sunk like the Titanic without it. We will never be able to pay you all back. Good health to you all. Always Hope for safe holidays for everyone. COURAGE MPJ to try your best to keep it all together. Keep the faith everyone.


Wednesday, December 23, 2020 6:26 AM CST

This is the last day of work for me in 2020. What a strange year it has been. So many changes to our everyday lives and our habits too. Glad that we can turn the page on this year and have a fresh start again. It doesn't appear that things will be getting any better on the virus front anytime soon, but the addition of a vaccine can only help, one hopes. Time for us all to take our medicine and do what we are told to do so we can gain some control of things. It won't be easy, but hey, we are all use to things not being easy.

On a brighter note, Matthew is feeling good and staying healthy. He may not always be happy about how he has been able to do so, but I do think he understands that he needs to do these things in order to survive. He gets really bummed when he reads the daily tallies of the virus. Hate to see that, but at least he can see how serious things are outside of his little world. Hopefully that motivates him to behave. He has had enough trips to and from the hospital this year already. His good health keeps all of our spirits up.

Yesterday he was busy helping out making gingerbread men. Some turned out better than others and they all tasted good. He enjoys making and tasting his projects. There is a heavy dose of Josh helping him out with these things. Matthew does what he can to make it all work, but he has lots of issues with doing the fine motor skill parts. he is trying and that is what is important. Who knows, maybe someday he will be cooking for us more often. That would be some good paybacks. Love to see that become a reality.

My boss at work, Harry, really likes the boy. He has given him lots of baseball cards over the past decade. Harry is a big collector of high end cards. Yesterday he sent home with me a Christmas bag with a couple hundred 2020 cards to be opened. Said it will be a good activity for Matthew and I to do over the time off. Matthew was excited. Opening packs of baseball cards is quite the rush. There is always a chance to hit the jackpot with a real expensive card. Harry has been a champion of Matthew for years. He was the one that has asked for Matthew to come to the office and watch the front door when we had events. Too bad those are a thing of the past right now. Maybe someday he can start doing that again. He really enjoys meeting the people and doing something to earn a few bucks.

So we are winding down or winding up to Christmas. Going to be very strange this year. Hope that you all get to spend some time with family if possible. We do hope that you all stay healthy and safe as well as happy over the next week or better. Take good care and we will be back at it on this page soon. Merry Christmas to all! Thank you for being with us for another year. You ease our pain. Always Hope for the cure soon. COURAGE MPJ to be jolly this Christmas. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, December 29, 2020 9:30 AM CST

Well I hope that everyone had a wonderful Christmas even though the times made it very difficult for so many. We enjoyed our day with the family on Christmas Day. It made our day. Maybe we will all appreciate family just a bit more now that we have seen how bad things can be. We were lucky on our end.

We have been laying pretty low since last Wednesday when I wrote last. Now we will be kept indoors even more with the storm that they say is coming our way soon. Seems that it does this every year about this time when I am off of work. The older I get the less I care for winter and especially storms. Matthew is not in love with this stuff either. His tiny world shrinks even further. Very dangerous for him to be out in it. The wheelchair becomes a sled. Hard to roll and even harder to transfer in and out. We are loaded up on provisions so we need not go out anytime soon.

Matthew has been really pretty good for us since last week. He has been sucked in to his néw video games and movies that Santa left for him. We still have issues keeping the groceries in check with him. I guess that goes for me too. Other than some snarls there, things have been good. His health is good and so goes us too. We have been very fortunate.

No big plans for the week. He has a couple things to do and that is about it. Doubt if any of us will see the next year come and this terrible one put out of its misery. Just another day in the life of an old fart. Sleep is more important. Time to put us out to pasture. Matthew struggles to stay up to ten so he won’t see the dawn of the née year either.

So have a good one and thank you all for another year of love and care. Thanks to each of you for making our lives better. Always Hope for the next year to be kind. COURAGE MPJ to be happy and healthy in 2021. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, January 4, 2021 6:08 AM CST

Well I am back at the office after a week and a half being away with our Christmas break. That was the longest that I've been away from the desk in a year. 2020 was not a good year to take vacations so instead, I just built the time up. This year has got to be different in so many ways. At this point I am not sure about it happening anytime soon. A new year did not let us escape what the reality of the country. All one can do is hope.

We did very little over the two holidays and the time in between. Really not much out there to do. The weather was not the friendliest to start out with. We did get out and about some, but not much really. Matthew seemed to deal with being cooped up rather well I'd say. Boy, was that a blessing. He could've easily gone the other way. So much time hu7nkered down has not worked out well for him. Maybe he is just getting used to the new normal. Not really sure, but he did just fine. I can't remember more than one or two times where he was upset with us. By upset does not mean fly off the handle. We know very well that it can go from that to ballistic in a matter of seconds. Not this time at all. Way to go, Matthew!

We had Kaylee most all of the days. That kept us busy and active inside the house. She lights up the room. Matthew adores her and is on his best behavior when she is near. The contrast between her being little and him, well, not being so little is something else. Like most kids her age, she is not the bravest person. But, she is not intimidated or fearful of Matthew. I'm sure his size and wheelchair look so very big to her, but she is used to it all by now. So happy about that.

Things should be getting back to the new normal type of weeks for Matthew. Back to the appointments and the routines that got a little mixed up over the holidays. I'm sure that he will be happy about that. Routines are good for him. I don't see anything newish coming his way anytime soon. He really wishes to go to AFS with his bow and friends there, but that is not happening. Not a place where safe behavior is practiced with COVID. Just a bit too macho for that to happen. If this all continues to much into the year, we are talking about joining the Ikes again. They have an outdoor archery range that usually nobody uses. At least there he can let it rip and not be so restricted as he is in the backyard. We will just wait and see.

So hope that all of you enjoyed the holidays as much as you could. Also, we hope that you are well and warm. That means more now than ever before. Take good care and we will do that too. Thanks for the helping hands that keep this whole thing upright. You are so very kind. Always Hope that this year things are so much better. COURAGE MPJ every day in every way. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, January 5, 2021 6:31 AM CST

Well we made it through another day all in one piece. That is a very good thing for sure. Not much going on to report on that I haven't covered a thousand times before. Matthew is healthy and happy. Josh was back Monday and that brings a smile to the boys face. They have been together now in the apartment and at our house for around 4 years now. We are very lucky to have such a stable situation there after years of people coming and going faster than we could remember names. Having a real guy there helps too. Not saying that the female help was not good, just something about having someone to relate to in different ways. Josh has also grown some since being with Matthew. He knows quite a bit about archery and hunting from Matthew. That and other sports too. Josh was not a real sporto coming into this and now has had his eyes opened up in that area. We sure hope that he stays with Matthew for a long time. At this point in time, Josh is Matthew's best friend. Other than his brother, Matthew has little to no contact with anyone his age. Sad, but we knew that it was coming once high school was over. It is a pretty lonely life for him. It hurts to see him have to live this way. Maybe that is the big reason that we spoil him. We hate to think about reality when we are gone from this planet. it won't be very pretty we fear. Live for today as there are no guarantees in life.

So hopefully we have another good day no matter what is tossed our way. Whatever it is, we have been able to work around as well as get over it. Can't fail with all the love you give. Thank you for keeping the faith through all of this. Always Hope for clear visions of the future to guide us along the way. COURAGE MPJ to try and improve your situation the best that you can. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, January 7, 2021 6:23 AM CST

What a crazy 48 hours since the last time I wrote here. Oh my oh my. What the heck has happened to this country? I'm not going to give you my opinion on this subject, but things need to change for the better right now. The picture that is being painted is not one that I really want to see. Not surprising considering all the crap that has been thrown out there as facts the past few years. Let's all try to get and be better than this. Enough said.

Matthew is all right. Could tell that he was rather disturbed over the events unfolding around us. He added those fears on top of the list of many others about his future on this planet. As we get older, his world gets a little bit cloudier. Nothing to be feeling secure about at all. Throw in all this other crap and it is a recipe for some troubled times ahead. He does not need any more insecurities that's for sure. So far, he is hanging in there. I know he believes that good will rise above evil and things will shake out. Well, at least he did previously. It has yet to manifest into anger, but that is probably not too far away. How could one not feel anger. We will have to do our best job ever in keeping him calm and feeling about as secure as he can. Our work will be cut out for us.

He and we are all healthy. Number one priority in these times. Sure hope that you can say the same thing about your health. Nothing within our house has changed at all. Same routines and same arrangements. Josh helps keep things in order for Matthew. Not only does he work with him on personal things, but keeps his head crewed on the best that he can. He is Matthew's Swiss Army Knife. Glad that he has been there for Matthew for all of these years.

Stay healthy, warm and safe my friends. In these strange times, that is about all you can do. Hang on tightly as it seems that things are not getting any better on any front. Thank you all for giving and giving to Matthew and us too. You are shining lights in some pretty dark times. Always Hope that people everywhere get their acts together. COURAGE MPJ to keep holding your breath until that time arrives. keep the faith everyone.


Monday, January 11, 2021 6:17 AM CST

Another Monday is here and I am back at the office. Things are just fine around the house....well...about as fine as one can be with the world around us in such chaos. Things seem to have gone from bad to worse on many fronts. I am happy to report that our little world is doing the best that we can. Keeping safe and warm during these terrible times. Our wish is that you all can say the same thing.

Little has changed since the last time I wrote here. We just go about our business and try to do the right things. Matthew has been on good behavior for us too. The key to our happiness runs through him. I know that he is tired of all of the restrictions that we have put on his life, but he does understand the reasons for it. Matthew is aware of the issues that surround us and is acting like an adult in taking the medicine he must to keep healthy. By that, I mean keeping himself and us as safe as can be done. A cure for the ills cannot come any soon enough for him or us either. I do tip my hat to him for following safe procedures and living. We all know that this is not easy. So glad that he does understand the purpose and the dangers out there.

We went out and about twice over the weekend. Mainly just to get out of our four walls and into the sunlight. Sometimes we just manufacture a reason to get out if we have been stuck too long. We are all like dogs in the fact that we are happy riding around in cars. None of us are liking the cold weather much even though it has been much colder out there. The older I get the less I seem to tolerate the cold. Lots of sleeping in time for Matthew. He is a world class sleeper. On the weekends, I generally am up a good five to six hours before he gets up and moves. At this point in life, I don't see any harm in it though. Maybe I am just jealous.

Nothing new on the horizon for this week. Just as it has been for most of the weeks the past few months. Spring can't come soon enough so Matthew can get outside and at least enjoy practicing out there with his bows. I think we all need a little spring to get us motivated to move more. Matthew is no different than any of us that way.

So on with another week we go. Take good care everyone. We are all in this together and hope that you know we all care. Thank you for being the best of the best in our lives. We are certainly the lucky ones. Always Hope that the world makes a great comeback soon. COURAGE MPJ to keep your spirits up the best that you can. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, January 12, 2021 6:20 AM CST

Well nothing has changed for us since I wrote yesterday. Not a bad thing since we were doing well at that point. One blip on the Matthew screen as he did get more than a little upset last night over....well.....nothing. In his mind, Patti did something to upset him even though it didn't happen the way he thought. We both caught the wrath of Matthew's mouth at that point, but it lasted less than five minutes before he was back to his normal self. Not good I guess in looking back so maybe I should change the opening statement I made t5his morning. Should say that we survived a little verbal abuse last night without any further incident. There, it has been modified. May as well be truthful.

The rest of the day was all right as far as I know. Wasn't there for the opening bell and returned from work around 1 in the afternoon. Things seemed about as usual as they get. Same routines and same activities. We are pretty much a broken record when it comes to our daily affairs. I know that we are not the only ones rowing that boat in circles. Just the way it is these dark days.

There isn't anything coming up soon that is much different either. All we hope to do is keep the peace and keep safe. Hope that you can say the same. It is getting really old having to say the same thing over and over again. Closing in on a year of this life and the changes made since then. Not sure that this year will end up being much different at all. One can only hope that it is and I am wrong.

So keep safe and stay healthy my friends. We thank you all for the well wishes coming to us for so very long now. That does keep this ship afloat. Always Hope changes for the better are in the works. COURAGE MPJ to not be so touchy and quick to boil over. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, January 14, 2021 6:17 AM CST

Everything at home seems to be back on track. Matthew has been fine since his little outburst the other evening. You'd like it not to happen, but the nature of the beast is such that it simply is not if, but when. There isn't much of anything normal left in his brain after all of the abuse it has endured over the almost 16 years now. The two episodes that landed him in the hospital over the summer didn't do much to help out either. I have noticed a decline in his motor skills. He has had a case of the dropsies ever since his brain took a beating originally. Now the frequency has gone up quite a bit since the past summer and after all of the years. We were told that it would happen and I can see that it is. He tries, but it just isn't there. He is forever knocking things over or flat out dropping them. He once had great hands and coordination, but those days are in the rear view mirror for sure. So sad to see the decline. Knowing that it is happening makes me extremely bummed out for him. Life isn't tough enough already. After the two incidents in the summer, I could see even a a loss in his shooting ability. That is not good at all since he lives for that at times. Just not fair at all.

Nothing much has changed for us around the house. Day in and out it remains very much the same. The weekends get long for Matthew since Josh is not around. He misses that one on o0ne contact with someone close to his age. Not fun to be disabled and an adult. It is a very lonely time. No matter how much we try, we will never replace the interaction with those his age. That was more than evident by his last year in school. Everyone had moved on, but Matthew stayed where he was or even retreated.

No plans for the weekend either. His routine sees plenty of sleep. What little we were able to do together on the weekends before the pandemic, has shrunk to new lows. Just the way it is for most everyone. Matthew's small world has been made so much smaller the past 11 months. No sign in that changing anytime soon. We as free Americans are far too into ourselves to think of our consequences for others. You see it every single day out there and it really is such a sad thing.

Have a good weekend and please, stay safe. Health is something we took for granted for too long. Now we need to work to insure a fighting chance of survival. Be careful out there. Thanks for being there for us through the good and the less than good days/weeks/years. Much appreciated each and every day. Always Hope that we can keep each other happy and healthy. COURAGE MPJ to know that we do care as do many of you out there. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, January 18, 2021 6:12 AM CST

A little more snow was dumped on us again since the last time I wrote. Not the blizzard that they gave us all the warning about, but enough to make it a mess. Glad that I was home that day and didn't have to come into the office. Funny, Patti and I actually did come in here later in the afternoon. Had some computer work to do on our updated will. By then, the roads were easily traveled upon. Is winter about over already? Wishful thinking on my part for sure.

We survived another weekend at home. Matthew got out and about just once since Friday. We went for a cruise on Saturday afternoon to deliver some sweets to friends that are going through hell right now with a very sick father. What an awful time to be dealing with this. Never a good time, but with all the restrictions out there. Oh my. Matthew was glad to get out of the house even though it was for less than an hour. Just nice to see some different scenery than what he sees 90 percent of his time. He rarely asks to get out or go somewhere with a purpose lately. He understands the price that one could pay for exposing themselves too freely. Glad that he doesn't fight us much if any about that reasoning. I pretty sure he doesn't want any part of being sick right now.

He behaved well for us through the weekend. Had plenty of chance to sleep in and he certainly took advantage of that opportunity. There was very little to get for so why not. At least there was a few football games to be watched. Our teams fared well on Saturday and not so much on Sunday however. He spends plenty of time watching videos on bow shooting and researching things for his bow as well as new ones that he just has to have. Right now, that is about all he has going with his bow hobby. The weather can't warm up enough or fast enough for him with that itch needing to be scratched. His indoor shooting spot has been off limits to him for nearly a year now. No competition this January either. So sitting there checking things out online is about the only option he has right now.

Nothing new happening this week. That is both good and bad. I'm sure most of us feel that way about life right now. Matthew is no different than any of us. Someday this has to improve....right? Matthew will follow the normal schedule this week just as he has for months. The only place that he actually visits is his PT time with Steve at 21st Century Rehab. That is really it. He speaks to people on the phone or over the computer for his other appointments. Not much interaction with other humans outside of family and Josh. A very small world.

So that is about it for today. Nothing really new at all. Just another few X's in the first month of January of 2021. Hope all of you are well. Please take good care. You all are so important to us here. Thanks for caring so deeply for Matthew. Always Hope the light at the end of the tunnel gets brighter soon. COURAGE MPJ to keep it all together. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, January 19, 2021 6:21 AM CST

A little slick out on the side streets this morning. It was nice enough yesterday for Patti and I to get our walk in by the middle of the afternoon. Wonder if it will be nice enough by then today. Everything is pretty much status quo around the ranch. Matthew seemed a bit on the touchy side in the afternoon when I got back from the office. He just seemed a bit off in a negative way. Not sure what bee got under his bonnet, but it really never went any further. Knock on wood that we are all healthy right now and doing what we can to stay that way. Hope this finds you all the same.

Today and the rest of the week will probably look about the same. Nothing earth shaking in our days ahead....I hope. Just trying our best to stay on top of whatever comes our way. What else can one do? That is the real challenge out there. I know it will get harder and harder to keep Matthew happy with what little he gets to do. Until the snow melts and the temps warm, shooting his bow is just not an option. He has done a good job in trying to keep active in working out along with Josh. It is a struggle at times, but Josh does his best to keep him focused on the job at hand. I know that Matthew misses spending time at the campus. He loved one of the machines there. I watched him destroy it once. Man did he make that machine scream. Things just have to get better before that can happen again.

So take good care and know that we really appreciate all the hard work and efforts on your part to keep Matthew in the black. Without this support, he/we would be in big trouble. Thanks again. Always Hope that there is hope for us all. COURAGE MPJ in making the best you can out of this bad situation. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, January 21, 2021 6:23 AM CST

Well this is my Friday and I am happy that it is. Has been tough to want to come in this week even though it is for only 15 hours. I do like the money and I am a greedy one. What else would I have to do right now? Absolutely nothing at all. So bite the bullet and just get it done, fool.

Matthew is doing fine. He had lottery dreams yesterday that took over his brain. I see as I drove in this morning that someone has won the Powerball. Really have little faith that it was our two tickets. Hope that Matthew and his dreams are not totally out of control with that result. It is fun to dream and scheme though. C'mon, we all did it.....right? Sure gave us some false hope in these troubled times. Matthew is no different there than any of us.

His attitude has been good the past few days. He gets a bit funky from time to time and that is easily expected. Life is both easy and hard for him. Being cooped up doesn't help matters at all. I know it takes its toll on me too. I'd have to give him credit for the most part. He has handled this year better than I thought. It sure will be something when this clears up and we can all live again. Right now the price of living is just too costly to risk it all. Maybe things will change for the better with the new man and team in charge of us all. They really can't do much worse that's for sure.

Nothing new to either report on or talk about things in the coming days. We are all happy to hear that Josh is getting a covid shot this week. Thanks to Patti, she got that ball rolling. Hope that it works as it should for him. We all have a ways to go before we can line up for it. Until then, we will hang in there and stay as safe as we can. Hope that you all can do that too.

So have a great weekend and we will see you back next week. Take good care and thank you all for keeping us safe and above the ri8sing waters of life. Always Hope today puts smiles on our faces. COURAGE MPJ to endure until the light shines again. keep the faith everyone.


Monday, January 25, 2021 6:25 AM CST

Well here we sit on another Monday morning waiting for the snow to fall. Not the best way to start the week is it. Like we haven't had enough already. Now if they are correct, we will get dumped on pretty good this go round. That will bring what little we have going on outside of our house to a halt. I guess that isn't much, but it will sure mess up things for at least a day or two.

Matthew never left the house this weekend. None of us hardly did. I am grateful for leaving and coming in to work this morning. We did very little over the past few days. Getting really lazy in the middle of winter. Matthew got his usual big sleep in both mornings, but stayed up later each night too. None of us seemed very motivated to do anything at all. I suppose we are all suffering from a little depression these days. I don't know too many folks that aren't in this same boat. Pretty much tired of everything. Matthew is included with us all too. At least he hasn't angered up and lashed out at us. Give him credit for that. Him and the happy meds he is on I should say.

Patti has been busy here lately with all things Matthew. So many papers to fill out and so many phone calls. All of this to keep the ball rolling in his favor. Every year an update of 20 pages is needed for his guardianship. Three different meds of his have been refused by insurance. Lots of calls and emails to try and get that straightened out. We just got our will updated. She is marvelous at taking care of all of these. I don't think Matthew has the slightest clue on how much extra work there is on top of all of the work that is done with him. It does scare us knowing that there will come a time when this is not possible for us anymore. Someday, we all know it will end.

The end of the week will mark the 16th anniversary of our lives being changed forever. The 29th is the infamous day in our history. What a long and difficult 16 years it has been. Thank goodness we had the help of the greatest people on the planet helping us out. Plenty has been overcome the past decade and a half and without you all.....well I wouldn't want to go down that road very far. Thank you all for being so good to us. Not sure we are deserving, but we are certainly better off because of you. Always Hope that someday soon the world can start to heal. COURAGE MPJ until that sunny day comes. keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, January 26, 2021 6:56 AM CST

Well that was fun. Quite a bit of snow fell this time around. Went out before 5 today to blow it out. Glad I had the big boy blower going today. Not an heavy snow, but plenty of it and a few drifts to boot. The worse was the end of the driveway where the plows buried us in. Glad it is at least done for the first time as it continues to snow some. Made it into the office without issue. Gotta love that four wheel drive.

Matthew is hanging in there. Whether is storms or not is of less importance to him. Mostly his appointments get KO'd when the weather stinks. He does have an important doctor visit today so hopefully things look better by the afternoon. Josh has AWD so it should not be a problem for the most part. Transferring will be an issue, but he has a rubber mat of ours to help keep things steady on the ground. Not his first rodeo here with the snow either.

Looks like pretty much another indoor day for the boy. That is not unusual at all the past year. He is really anxious to get back to shooting the bow. He has already picked out multiple bows he just has to have. Unfortunately for him, he just got a new one within the year so he is not getting one right now. Looks like winter is going to cut into that need for shooting. Wish he could do the AFS range, but no way with the virus still raging on. Not a place of business where it is taken all that seriously I'm afraid.

So that is about it. We are hanging in about you? We are keeping a low profile as much as possible and hope that it works in keeping us safe. Take good care everyone. T%hanks for being there once again through the good and bad. You are great. Always Hope for the skies to stop shedding and the sun to take over. COURAGE MPJ to stay as positive as you can. Keep the faith everyone.


Friday, January 29, 2021 6:13 AM CST

Well today marks the 16th anniversary of the day that changed our lives forever. Hard not to remember with horror what that was like. Not just that day, but the days and weeks at the beginning. We were so much stronger then to deal with it. We may be older and wiser, somewhat, now, but being able to handle the immense strain that this event laid on us then. No way. Somehow we have survived and moved forward at times along with staggering and falling, but through it all we are still standing. Many thanks to each of you for picking us up off the canvas to fight another day. We are trying our best to keep up the good fight each and every day.

Been a not so good time around here since I last wrote a few thoughts down. Matthew went totally off the rails on Wednesday afternoon over absolutely nothing. To him, it must've been something I guess. He took his anger put on Patti and scared the living crap out of her. It was a quick, but very dangerous situation. I was home, but downstairs and I heard the thump and the scream. I raced to the surface and it was over. Josh came to the rescue as it happened. Been about six months since he did something like this to us. Getting way too old to battle these things. Sorry only goes so far. Caution around the boy is all we can do. It was just a flash and then it was over. Not forgotten though.

So we have all been walking lightly around here since. Been no further problems and once again he had to listen to the old man do his best to reason and to warn. It does little good since all of that will be tossed out the window in the days to come. It would be nice if he learned and then took it to heart not to repeat it. I am dreaming. It never works. The damaged brain just does not function like that.
That is that and we need to move forward and hope for the best. You can bet that one eye will never leave watching what he is up to. Not much trust right now.

A shout out to my big sister Deb. She turns......well let's just say she has a birthday that is north of my 65 years on the planet.......this Sunday. Have a great weekend and be ready Iowa for some more fun stuff falling from the sky. Yuck! Take good care and be safe out there. Thank you all for keeping us all in your thoughts for the past 16 years. We are just so fortunate. Always Hope to keep our heads above the waters when they rise. COURAGE MPJ to someday be at peace. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, February 1, 2021 6:20 AM CST

We survived another weekend and another so called winter storm. I'm thinking that the food stores are in bed with the weather folks around here. Wow, what a big storm it was.....not. I didn't mind that they were so far off again. I've had just enough winter to last me another year or more. How about you?

Matthew was well behaved over the past few days. He kept his temper in check and was pretty cooperative with whatever we said. Not always the case. He did plenty of sleeping and resting over the weekend too. That boy is world class in that department, especially on the weekends. I guess there is generally not much else going on around the house so he kicks back and enjoys his sleep. It gives Patti and I a chance to sit around and chat. Have some morning coffee and chill out together. We've been listening to more music here of late in the mornings. His room and the area of the stereo is on the other side of the house so we don't disturb him. We have quite the collection of music too. It has been nice for us.

Josh had some time to kill and came over on Saturday afternoon. They hung in the rec room and played video games and may have even watched a show or two. He stayed until about 4 so Matthew enjoyed the hours spent that day. It was nice for Patti and I too. We really didn't do anything special, but did enjoy the time. Our expectations of having fun or being entertained are pretty darn low. One thing about the times we live in, being low and slow are not something that is new to us. We've kept it that way for many years now. I'm sure it has been much harder for those use to being social. The last 16 years have well prepared us for the way it has been for almost a year now. It is getting mighty old though.

Not much new happening this week either. Same old same old. Could be much worse and we know that all too well. So we will hang on with both hands and make due with the everyday life that we have. We are glad that our health is all good. Thanks for checking in on us and we do hope that you are just as well. Take good care of yourselves. It's a mean old world out there. Always Hope this week is without bumps. COURAGE MPJ to keep your act together, please. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, February 2, 2021 6:20 AM CST

Didn't feel quite as cold out there this morning. Groundhog Day is here. Looking at it from an Iowa point of view, one cannot see how we will not be having at least 6 more weeks of winter. So it really makes no difference in what the little animal sees today. I have had more than my fill of about you? Time to move on to greener times.

Not much new around the house yesterday. Matthew did his usual routine without much issue at all. His health has remained solid and one can't expect much more than that considering the state of things outside our home. His contact with outside people is minimal. Josh, Kaylee and Patti the shower person is about it. I guess he does go to therapy where they keep the numbers low. He is missing out on prime archery time with his buddies at AFS. I would think that he misses that about as much as anything over the past almost year now. Not sure when that will ever change.

He got a good laugh last night when old dad appeared on TV news. No I didn't rob a bank or something stupid like that. I was volunteered to be in a video about jury trials and the new hoops that jurors will need to jump through. This was a project through work that was filmed months back. Courts are ready to go back in session so this video has been shown a few times on local news. It makes me cringe to see myself there. We all got a good chuckle out of it and so did a couple people that sent texts to me about it.

Nothing else going on right now. Laying low and keeping it slow. That is the Jessen family motto. Hopefully you all can do the same and stay safe. You all have kept us going for the many years of this. Thanking you will never be enough. Always Hope that we all can overcome the many roadblocks out there. COURAGE MPJ in being as good as you can until things get better. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, February 4, 2021 6:24 AM CST

Well here we are right before another so called winter storm. Doesn't look like it will be as much a snowstorm as it will be cold as all get out along with high winds. Not a good combo at all. Be safe out there as well as smart if you have to go out and about. Lucky for me that I get out of here today by 10:30. Shouldn't be an issue.....hopefully.

Matthew is hanging in there. Seems like his brain has been struggling to make sense of things here lately. It rises and falls from time to time and this looks to be a fall time for it. So sad to see him when the already damaged thought process is even more dinged up and slow. Lots of repeating going on between us and him. The short term memory is not good at all. It will improve in time. It does make the everyday struggles that much harder for him and for those caring for him. This is the time we get short tempered too. It has to be so frustrating not to know what is going on as well as you did the day before. It doesn't help being so captive at the house. Not much in outside stimulation to speak of. Rough time for him.

The cold, snow and winds will not help matters at all. It's not like we have to cancel anything planned, since there are no plans. Just makes the already depressing long days spent inside at home that much tedious. Lucky for him that he has multiple areas to hang out in. He was bummed yesterday as I brought home a used rowing machine. He thought, and I didn't see this one coming, that he could use it. There was one like it, only ten times as nice and expensive, at the Campus that he used. He thought this one could do that too. Not quite the same machine. He understood, or at least I think he did, that they were different after some reasoning. He does the best he can at working out in his rec/therapy room every M-F. Josh is good about getting the workout and standing in each day. It helps plenty.

As I said before, nothing going on from now until the weekend passes. Not even all that interested in the big Bowl game Sunday. I'm sure it will be on, but probably not watched intently. Hanging out is the theme we have employed for almost a year now.

So have a healthy and safe weekend. Be very careful and we will see you back on Monday. Until then, be good to yourselves and to others. I know you will be since you are so good to us here. Thanks a million. Always Hope for better brain days ahead. COURAGE MPJ to please keep it cool and calm in the days ahead. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, February 8, 2021 6:35 AM CST

Not too happy with the added snow over the weekend. That and the frigid temps to go along with it. Enough is enough I say. Time for spring. Been a very long winter so far and no end in sight. Not what we needed to make us all feel just that much more trapped in our house. When will the craziness end? Better be soon before we all go bonkers.

Matthew seemed on the edge this past weekend and the day or so before it. The addition of more snow and sub zero temps did little to help him or us out. It was not a lot of fun being home with him over the weekend. It was a smokey the Bear weekend as we had to put out one fire after another. It wore on both Patti and I and our patience is shot for the near future I'm afraid. The world revolves around Matthew and if you don't abide by this.....well there is going to trouble guaranteed. It gets very old. For some reason, he feels that it is our duty to be there in an instant whenever he wants something. If not, then the barking begins. I think we were barked at once too many times over the past three days. Time for that dog to behave.

We need some sun and some sign of better days to pull us back up to feel at least at a low level of happiness. Right now everything seems to be dim. Don't know if even that would take care of the ills. Just depressing as many of you are feeling out there. I know we are not flying solo there. Sometimes it just starts to pile up too high. Just like the snow banks surrounding the driveway and decks. I could easily grab for the towel to throw into the ring. Been a year from hell with no end in sight. I guess it could be worse and we do know that.

Maybe we will catch a break this week. Never know do you. Well take good care and hang in there as we will do the same on our end. Thanks for being there through it all. What a long strange trip it has been. Always Hope for corners to be turned on many fronts. COURAGE MPJ to think of others more than you think of yourself. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, February 9, 2021 6:27 AM CST is mighty cold out there this morning. My truck, which sits outside, took 20 minutes before it actually was spitting out warm heat. Crazy low temps out there and I hear we don't get much of a break for a few days either. Stay inside unless you really have to be out. Doubt very much if Matthew is going anywhere today. Maybe he is smarter than his old man? Just be careful. This has been a public service warning from this station.

Nothing new going on really. More snow, cold and too much time spent inside our four walls. Patti and I got out and about a little to run a few errands and then retreated to the warmth of our shelter. Matthew went nowhere at all. He seemed a bit more patient yesterday, but then again, I was not around him all that much. Maybe that is why I think that to be the fact. He was better at feeding time and bedtime and I used that as my judging points. Those are two key times when he generally can have issues. Seems, at times, that the older he gets the more demanding he is. Probably also the older I get, the less tolerant I am becoming. Typical old dusty folk mentality I guess. Monday was a decent day from what I saw and I will stick to that claim.

Been a lot of weeks and months with nothing much new to say about things. Today is not any different. Like so many out there, we are just in a holding pattern that started close to a year ago. We have behaved pretty much to way we have been asked to do. Sure has made our simple life even that more simple. I know that we are not the Lone Ranger on that one. Until we get the all clear, we will behave as such and try our best to keep the virus at bay. Have zero clue when any of us will be able to get the shot, so we keep our heads low and keep it slow.

Take care everyone. Be good to yourselves and others. Be safe especially out there in these frigid temps. Thank you all for keeping in touch here and helping make the impossible....possible. So very grateful to you all. Always Hope that peace stays in the forefront at home. COURAGE MPJ to keep your cool and think before you act. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, February 11, 2021 6:22 AM CST

Nothing new has happened over the last two days. Pretty much one day just blends right into the next. Some mornings I'm not really sure what day it is until I sit and think about it for a while. Doubt if I am the only one that has this happen on a regular basis. Part of being old and another part of been kept inside and out of action for too long. I can't imagine how rough it must be for Matthew. Not only does he not get out of the house more than a couple times a week, but having the brain injury, he can't remember much on the short term. Been that way for years now with him. Guess I am catching up to him.

Been low keyed the last couple days. Matthew has his routine and we have ours. Kaylee comes and brings with her some energy that none of us have. She is on the go. Funny how she reminds us of Matthew when he was growing up. I know it probably scares Chris to see that...hahaha. It is definitely there in some of her ways. Glad that she is able to come each day and brighten up the dreary days for us. Matthew just adores her.

Nothing planned for the weekend for the most part. Kaylee may be coming to spend some time and then Chris is going to swing over and hang with Matthew so Patti and I can do something. What is the word of the day, though. Matthew loves having big bro come and hang with him. Some things never change. Big brother worship has always been in place for Matthew.

I really have nothing else on this chilly morning. You all stay warm and comfy the best that you can. We will be back here again on Monday. Until then, please stay safe and healthy. We sure do appreciate all that you have done for u. Life would be more of a struggle without you. Always Hope for easy days and nights while we try to escape this crazy world's ills. COURAGE MPJ to be the kind of man we hoped you would be. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, February 15, 2021 6:16 AM CST

Just a bit cold out there this morning. What a miserable weekend of temps we had here in the metro. It was worse elsewhere in the state so I shouldn't complain too much. Not fir for man or beast out there. It was so cold when I pushed the couple inches of fresh snow the other morning. enough is enough already.

Matthew was good for us over the weekend. He didn't leave the house and hasn't for a few days. On Thursday, he had two toenails removed. That makes me sick just thinking about it. he doesn't seem to mind so much though. His feet are not the best. Not as much circulation as the rest of us have there. This marks a few times he has had them removed. Guess there will be a couple more to come sometime down the line. Doctor mom has been taking care of them and he is not complaining about the pain. So he isn't real mobile at this point. I think we all have had about enough of this stay at home stuff. Spring can't come soon enough.

Matthew, along with Josh, did their Friday night cooking for Patti and I. Last week it was Stromboli sandwiches and this week it was breakfast calzones with apple pie. Matthew helps out as much as possible and he seems to enjoy it. Josh is cool with it too. A little Home Ec class on Fridays. The meal is planned a few days in advance from internet recipes. Matthew is pretty proud serving it all up. Pretty tasty too I may ad.

Got a call on Saturday from the turkey organization, the WTF of Polk County, and it appears that the hunt for the elusive Tom Turkey is on for this year. It got KO'd last spring, but they have the go ahead from the Army Corp to go for it. So we will get signed up. They are taking many steps to insure a safe hunt environment. Everything will be outdoors and masked up at all times. Hope things look better by then. Matthew will need to be given his Covid shot or I'm not thinking he will be able to go. That will break his little heart. Patti has one lined up for me this coming Sunday. She and Matthew should be next up in line....we hope.

Well that is it for today. The weekend went about as good as they do. Thanks to all of you for the help in making it a peaceful one for Patti and I as well as keeping Matthew's head screwed on straight. Thank you all. Always Hope things get brighter and the temps soar higher soon. COURAGE MPJ to hang on with both hands until the coast is clear. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, February 16, 2021 6:16 AM CST

Well it is even colder this morning than it was on Monday. Yikes! Not going to be much of anything going on outside the house today for anyone, but me here at work. Matthew may have an appointment with his PT, so maybe he will get out of the house. His toes are healing so far and they are not giving him any issues pain wise. PT is an option for him since he missed his Friday session with the fresh toenail removal. I would bet that he will be glad to get out of here for even that half hour. Don't blame him one bit.

He was in good for yesterday and I didn't see any behavior that was out of line at all. He did what he needed to get done and then was able to do his own thing. The addition that was built for him, sure has gotten a workout this past year. He used it quite a bit before the Covid thing, but now it is his space totally. Sure glad that we renovated an updated it for him last summer. He does about everything back there but sleep. Things would be rather tight without that space.

Really there isn't much of anything going on around the house or anywhere else for us. I get out and about so I'm the lucky one. Spring cannot come soon enough. The boy needs to get out and get himself in tune for his next hunting adventure. May be a good time, this spring, to get back to some fishi8ng too. Just get out and enjoy what he has been missing for so long. The great outdoors is calling him. Hope that he can hang on until then.

Stay warm and safe my friends. Thank you all for your kindness and generosity that you have given us all for decades now. You make a big difference in our lives. Always Hope for better days and warmer ones too! COURAGE MPJ to hang loose until we can turn you loose again. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, February 18, 2021 6:09 AM CST

Seems like every day is just about a repeat of the day before. Matthew is all right, but I did see some attitude with him at one of the usual times, bedtime, last night. Right now, Patti has to soak and wrap his toes each night before bed. Not a fun job, but has to be done. Somewhere along the line, Matthew has time in there to complain about something and there we go again. He is so up and down with his attitude and how you are treated by him. Makes no difference if you are involved, right then, in taking care of him. One of these days he is going to find out again, since he sure saw the care he got at the apartment, how good he has it. You know, I doubt if it really would change his mind about how you are treated. It is all about that moment. We sure did make some mistakes in raising him. He can be as sweet as pie and then as sour as can be a minute later. Life is just so nice around him. Getting more than a little fed up with it.

Health wise we are doing fine. We are very fortunate in that regards. Winter and the feeling of boredom has taken over more of our lives than we care to think about. This has to be about as bad a winter as we have ever faced. Not only has it been snowy and cold, but not having any freedom at all is a killer. At least the weather is turning a bit warmer the next few days. That can't hurt for sure. We need spring and we need it soon.

We do have a big birthday to celebrate this weekend. Kaylee turns three this Sunday. We are to get together that afternoon to celebrate the big event. Hard to believe she is that old already. Next thing you know she will be in school. Right now she attends the Grandma Academy right in our house. Patti teaches her things each day she is with us. The little girl is sure lucky to have her. They both seem to love it. Sometimes I think she is already older than three. She is well ahead of the game.

That is it for the day and the week more than likely. Time to get moving here at the office. Until then, take good care of yourselves and to those around you. Be safe out there and a big thank you from us all for being there for the family through it all. What a team! Always Hope for more smiles and less frowns in the world and at home. COURAGE MPJ to lighten up and smell the roses. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, February 22, 2021 6:23 AM CST

We were blessed once again with more of the white stuff over the weekend. The piles are growing to an almost record level at the house. I looked around to the others near us and we win the prize for the tallest banks! The place is a drift magnet. Getting a little old to be dealing with this so frequently. This snow fighter is about ready to hang up his least for this season.

Matthew is fine. Another weekend where we did very little. We did go for a cruise and a stop or two on Saturday. Nice to see something other than what lays around us at home. Had a little frozen yogurt for something sweet and then headed back home to retreat in the warmth of the house. We are an exciting lot for sure. I have seen on social media where plenty of people are getting out and about and going places. The pictures I see of friends without masks and distancing alarms me. I got the first dose of the vaccine yesterday, but I am not going to go out for dinner and dine in anytime soon. Come too far and suffered through this enough not to blow it over food or drinks. Matthew and Patti have yet to make the list of those who can get the vaccine. No time to be stupid.

We enjoyed ourselves yesterday with a little party for Kaylee as she turned 3. It ended up at our house because of the snow. Chris, Jess and Kaylee stay away from 99% of places and people that could infect them. They are twice as careful as we are about it. I guess we are exposed to each other 5 days a week with Kaylee being at our house. It was a fun little party for her. Lots of presents of course. Seems that she really scored big yesterday in that department. Hard to believe she is 3 already. Matthew gave her a Colts #18 Peyton Manning jersey that has sparkles on the numbers. So cute on her. Jess wanted one too. That is their NFL team by the way. Glad that we were able to be part of it.

Not much else going on the end of the week or to start this new one. Talk about a routine. We go as Matthew goes so as long as he is healthy and are we. He not only steers the boat, but actually is the boat too. Guess that has been the case for 16 years now. Everything revolves around Matthew. Don't really know if we could handle life without it being that way after all of these years. It just has become the way it is.

Hopefully we have another dull week...if you know what I mean. Always could be worse and we sure do testify to that. Thanks folks for being there through the times, no matter what the times were like, for us all here. We have certainly been blessed with your care. Always Hope that we all get a break from the ills of the world soon. COURAGE MPJ each day to carry on with a smile. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, February 23, 2021 6:24 AM CST

How nice is it to see and feel the temps upwards to 40 degrees!!!! Wow, that sure hit the spot. What a mess the snow is leaving on the streets and in my driveway. Dealing with wet is so much better than dealing with the ice. Matthew and Josh would totally agree with that. It is almost March. Sure would be great to have it finally turn to spring around here. Matthew needs to get outside. Needs to practice his bow shooting for the upcoming turkey quest. Time to see some green again.

Matthew kept it all together yesterday for us. He seemed happy and content. Well he did come up with something else that he needed so badly. He does not need more stuff. Especially things that go boom. Out of the blue he now had his eyes set on a new gun of some sort. That was brought on by Josh giving him a round from a .50 cal gun of some sort. These things are a good5 inches long and as big as a good sized finger. Matthew has always talked about the holy grail....the .50 cal. No son, don't even go down that road. He hasn't shot guns in years. He fired one round out of a shotgun in the fall of 2019. Before that, it had been at least 4 years. We'd rather it stay that way too.

I'm sure he is thinking that we should get him something like that for his birthday, which happens to be this Friday. The boy is turning 27. I think we will take a hard pass on that and stick to the video games and such. He did pick to have Patti's lasagne for his birthday dinner. That is much safer and tastier than takeout. Don't know when we will get back to dining in at an eatery. So that and a big birthday cookie will be on the menu this year.

Nothing else going on right now. Most days are spent doing his thing indoors. Hopefully that can change over the next few weeks or so. May take weeks for this snow, and the high piles of it, to melt. We will be more than ready for that to happen. That is about i9t for today. Stay warm and healthy, please. We will do the same on this end. Thanks for caring. It means the world. Always Hope for a good solid week around the ranch. COURAGE MPJ to keep it all together while surviving the ills of the world. keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, February 25, 2021 6:07 AM CST

Hope that all of you are able to get some of this balmy weather into your system to heal some of those winter blues. Been nice getting outside to walk the past few days. Little on the sloppy side, but it sure beats what we had the past month or so. Matthew isn't quite able to get out much other than his appointments. Today, he will be going out to pick up lunch....his Birthday he calls it. His day isn't until Friday, but he doesn't want to eat a big lunch to spoil his Lasagne supper. He's a thinking man.

Pretty much the same old same old around the house. Very little changes from day to day. Patti said, this morning, that Matthew is really thinking about this birthday. He seems more excited about it than he has the past few ones. Still a kid and will probably always remain so. He has been pretty good for us and Josh too. I haven't seen much behavior that is not good lately. You know that is always subject to change in a heartbeat though. Like the weather, we are enjoying it while it is good.

He will probably start thinking about turkey hunting here real soon. I was in contact with his guide, Todd, who has been with him for years at this event. He was real pumped about hunting again after last years event was cancelled. Of course he wants to hunt with the boy. Maybe, just maybe, this will be the year. He is more than due for sure.

Well that is it for this day. better get hopping on my work here. Only have 4 hours in the office today to round out my 15 hours. So have a great weekend and we will see you all back next week. Take good care and be safe. You all mean so much to us and we are so thankful for you all. Always Hope that good times keep showing up on a regular basis. COURAGE MPJ to really have a Happy Birthday! Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, March 1, 2021 6:24 AM CST

Good March 1 Monday to you. We are all doing just fine on our end of the planet. Nothing much new going on at all. Seems like I am nothing more than a broken record aren't I. Not always a bad thing though. It's been almost a year that we have been in hiding from the rest of the world. Here at work, we still have very few people at the office at one time. Some of these folks I haven't seen in close to a year. Just the way i9t is and will be until the all clear signal goes up.

Matthew had a good birthday last Friday. He was in a funk for a few days leading up to it. Think that he had been thinking about how small his life is and how little he has grown since high school. That would be depressing for sure. All of his old friends, which have long been gone from his life, are married and some with kids. He is reminded of it on social media as he does see what they are doing. That is as close as he gets to them. So birthdays are not always a cheery thing for him. He was OK by the time that his brother and family came for the celebration. Patti did a great job with the meal and desert. That cheered him up some for sure.

Laid low, once again, over the weekend. The biggest deal was a trip to Ames where we had some take-out from Hickory Park. It was a nice afternoon for a drive and to get out and worship the sun a little. Before we had our supper, we stopped and looked at a new vehicle. Me and wheels.....I know about my bad habit. I didn't like the way that Matthew fit in it so we moved on. Very few vehicles out there make the passing grade for fitting the boy comfy. It does eliminate an option though. It was just nice getting out and about.

Nothing else was happening. Don't see much going on this week either. Just the way it is and has been for a year. I'm sure you can attest to that yourselves. So on with the show we go. Time to get this week rolling. Thanks for coming here along with the never ending support that you have given us all. Much appreciated, folks. yes indeed it is. Always Hope better days are coming soo9n. COURAGE MPJ to hang in there until something exciting happens in your life. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, March 2, 2021 6:18 AM CST

Kind of a ho-hum day around the ranch. Not a bad thing really. Just another day that nothing new or exciting came to be. So many of these days the past year now. Pretty much been a year since we all went into hiding from the virus. Like most people, we are getting tired of it too. Spring will help and it appears to be coming here this week. Now if it will only be here to stay. I would bet the skies have at least one more good snow outing planned for us before we can stow away the shovels for the year.

Matthew was good yesterday from all that I know. I wasn't around until about 3 yesterday as I had the enjoyment of a dentist check up. Ouch is all I have to say. By then he had settled in the rec room playing a game. Maybe in the days ahead he will be able to get outside some and enjoy the weather. Still too much snow on the ground to let loose with a few bow shots at our backyard target set up. I'm sure he will be plenty rusty after a good 5 month layoff from any sort of shooting. Something to possibly look forward to for him.

We are just hanging in there until we get a break in many areas. We will take the weather break and run with it. Kaylee will enjoy getting out to romp too. Maybe we all will be doing a bit of romping about. That sure would help the spirit a little.

So here's to a good day for us all. Thanks again for being there for Matthew for the decade and a half. He has sure been fortunate to have a team such as you behind him all the way. Always Hope for spring to have sprung. COURAGE MPJ to remain as positive about things as you can. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, March 4, 2021 6:16 AM CST

Did you get out and enjoy the balmy Iowa weather yesterday? It was mighty nice out there. Should be another good one today. It is just about nice enough for the boy to be able to fling a few arrows outside. Even the big old drifts and piles in the yard have receded. Nice to see earth underneath once again. Been a nice change. Not sure how long it will last so we need to get out and enjoy.

Matthew is doing all right. Still have some issues with his moods. He had a meeting with his psych nurse and it was decided to add a different pill into the mix. It is one that will help with some of the ups and downs that he seems to be having. Something needs to be done to ward off the aggressive behavior he shows at ti9mes. Hope it works for everyone's sake. He is just ready to start it so we will see if it helps.

I found and bought a vibration plate machine over the weekend. Kind of like a human paint mixer. I had Matthew in mind when I did this latest move. I read up on what they claim it to be good for. You can modify how you use it for those with disabilities. So Matthew is now adding this to his exercise and workout times. It rotates his hips and ankles as well as the knees when he sits in front of it and rests the legs on it. For the much needed moving of the shoulders and back, we raise it to his level and he can lay the arms on it and off it goes. He thinks it is helping some. Maybe for a while, but I hope that it will last longer once he is doing it multiple times each day. I really doubt if it could hurt. We try about anything we can to help him out.

Today it is back to the foot doctor. A follow up to having two nails removed. He, being Matthew that is, wants a few more gone. Poor nurse mom is the one that really has to deal with the healing process. Soaking and wrapping every night. It gives me the willies just to hear and see what they do to his toes. He says it helps with the pain. Foot issues are so common with wheelchair people.

Happy Birthday to our Jessica. It is a big one for her this year. We are getting together tonight for a small celebration of her milestone. I'm sure it is a letdown from the real party she deserves, but times being the way they are still, this will have to do.

That is about it for the day. Take good care and enjoy some sun while it lasts. It is Iowa you know. That means all weather is subject to quick and sudden change. Thanks for caring and keeping Matthew in your hearts and thoughts. Always Hope for more answers than questions as we roll along this life of ours. COURAGE MPJ to keep a smile on as long as possible. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, March 8, 2021 6:04 AM CST

Hello Monday morning. Well we are all still in one piece since last Thursday, when I wrote here last. Had a few dust ups with hard feelings with Matthew, but that in itself is nothing out of the ordinary as you all know by now. Just seems to be the nature of the beast. He is a hard one to please for very long. We are all good right now and are going to be slowly dragging ourselves into the new work week.

Probably the biggest news of the weekend actually happened after midnight last night. Patti woke up to try and schedule Matthew for his Covid shot. Finally he was eligible. She did it!! Yup, she battled through it and was able to get him one next Monday. She had hers last Friday at the CVS in Urbandale and Matthew will be going there too next week. Pretty excited about that. I am up for my second shot this coming Sunday and by the first week of April, we will all be given our full doses. Never been so pumped about a shot before. Sign of the times for sure. Patti is just the best.

We didn't do much away from the ranch over the past few days. With the weather finally being good, we had plenty to keep us occupied around home. Matthew spent many an hour in bed recharging his batteries. That boy is a champion sleeper without doubt. Maybe this coming week, he will be able to do a little bow shooting. Bet he will be mighty rusty with that. The grounds are a little too mushy at this point. We have set up a backstop and targets in the yard for him before. May do that again. If the ground is dry enough, he can roll into the yard and shoot to the same backstop against the garage. The safest way to go. It is not easy rolling him in grass though. Especially if it is spongy.

Nothing much new other than the shots being lined up. The same old same old as most people are going through with us. Sure will be nice when we can roam a bit more easily out there. Not sure when, but getting the shots are a step in the right direction. Matthew will have both in him before his turkey hunt scheduled for the middle of April. That was kind of a deal breaker or deal maker I should say. So now he needs to tune up his shooting eye before then.

Have a great start to the week. Glad you are and have been on board with us since.....forever. We are blessed. Always Hope that the world heals before too long. COURAGE MPJ in dealing with the many ups and downs of being you. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, March 9, 2021 6:19 AM CST

One day is in the books for this work week. We are all still hanging in there and are enjoying this relief from the cold winter weather. I do see where more of the "S" word, snow, is in the forecast. What a lousy thing if it really happens. So nice to be able to expand our little worlds by having a place outside to sit and enjoy. Gotta love the Iowa weather for sure.

Matthew did not get left behind in enjoying the sunshine and almost 70 degrees. He was outside when I arrived home from work. On the back patio of course with a weapon in his paws. I was surprised to see he broke out an air soft rifle that he bought last year. It was kind of a rip off item since I don't think it ever worked correctly. Nothing had changed. It was a bit frustrating for him, but good old Josh got on the internet and figured out at least one of the issues. Matthew said it was working much better. I'm sure it will be seeing plenty of backyard time in the weeks ahead.

Today he has to go to Ankeny for a blood test. Just checking drug levels in his blood since he is having a new one added to the already large number of pills he takes daily. Hope that everything looks like it should. We all could use some of the help this med is suppose to give. Life around Matthew is not getting any easier and Patti and I are not getting any younger. We need all the help we can get.

Not much else out of the normal going on around the house. Today it is suppose to get even warmer before the rest of the week is taken over by less than great weather. I hope that we all get out and enjoy it while it is here. Everyone in the world deserves a nice bit of sunshine in their lives right now. Keep us on that list. Have a great one and catch some of these golden rays while you can. Thanks for being there right along side us for so very long now. It is never forgotten. Always Hope today is a bell ringer type of day. COURAGE MPJ to work hard and try to keep improving yourself. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, March 11, 2021 6:08 AM CST

Happy Thursday to you all. It is my Friday with the way my schedule is now. I am in the office enough to feel that I still belong in the workforce, but out of it enough to taste retirement too. Guess I have the best of both worlds going on right now. It seems to work. Especially with us not going anywhere or doing much of anything away from home.

Poor Matthew felt like a pin cushion on Tuesday. He needed to go for a blood draw and the vampires were not on their game that day. His veins were terrible to find and they ended up sticking him seven times before finally finding the blood they needed. Usually they get it from his hand so seven sticks there makes one sore hand. Haven't heard anything of the results as of yet though. Hope it was worth the pain. This comes as a check as he is starting a new behavior med. Sure didn't seem that this new med helped any last night.

Yesterday was kind of a teaser for being outside. For Matthew, he wanted to go outside and shoot a few arrows into targets. The winds were not very friendly for that happening. Not for his air soft gun either. They are planning on getting out there today if the winds are better. Right now they seem quiet. He really needs to get out and spend some time on the other side of the house walls for everyone's sake. He is a bit on the edgy side. What he really needs is a safe and dry place to practice his skills with the bow. AFS, his old home away from home, is not a place where caution has been big with the pandemic. With that said, Matthew hasn't been there shooting in over a year now. He was use to being there at least once a week if not 2-3 times. Been a rough go for him. We are looking into options. All I need is a 120 foot pole building in the backyard.....right?

Nothing much else new. Sometimes I feel that we are stuck in the mud every day. Like the movie "Groundhog Day". Peat and repeat. Just the way it is. I'm confident that we are not Lone Rangers in this feeling. It has to get better doesn't it? Until then, we hang on tightly and sometimes loosely. All one can do. So you all hang in there too and have a good rest of your week. We will try to do just that too. Thanks for keeping Matthew in your thoughts and hearts. It is a great thing you have done for us. Always Hope Matthew can cope with things a bit better here soon. COURAGE MPJ to understand the stress you can cause that is not needed. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, March 15, 2021 6:15 AM CDT

Snowing......ugggggghhhhhhh. I was hoping to be done with this stuff, but not to be. Better than my cousins in Colorado that have has 18 inches of the white stuff as of Sunday night. The last time we were there, in Colorado, we got hit hard with a terrible spring storm. Just when I could see a little green popping up in the yard too.

We made it through the weekend without much issue at all. Matthew was not perfect, but he was in the ballpark from Friday on. He was busy entertaining himself lots of the time while Patti and I worked on a project or two. Glad that he took charge of himself. He needs to do more of that for his future to be brighter. We got one big thing done on Saturday and our bathroom thanked us for taking care of it. Couldn't have done so well without the cooperation of Matthew.

We stayed pretty close to home over the past few days. I made trips to the home stores and then one to CVS to get shot number two. Matthe4w goes in this afternoon for his first round and Patti is up for her second in a couple weeks. I was happy to get mine over with. Other than a sore arm, nothing seemed to bother me. Matthew is a tough guy so hopefully his shot will be painless too. He will get the second one in about three weeks it seems. We will all breathe a bit easier once that is done. Not going to ease off the restrictions much, but we will feel just a bit more secure with it in our bodies.

Nothing else new with us. Should be a fairly normal week around the house. Guess that is a good thing. Not going to be as pleasant of a week outside as it was last week. Matthew really enjoyed being outside with his favorite bow some. Like a reunion with lots of joy for him. I'm sure he misses his time at AFS. Up until a year ago, he was out there probably twice a week if not more. For right now we will have to patch together places for him to practice up.

So be safe out there this day and week. We need to keep this winning team all together. Thanks for all of the help in so many ways. Always Hope that this week can bring a few more smiles to the faces of loved one. COURAGE MPJ to keep trying hard in everything you do. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, March 16, 2021 6:09 AM CDT

Kind of a dreary start to this day outside. Dark and misty is not what the doctor ordered for the blues. Hope that it gets better before the day is done. I need a little sunshine. The week of higher temps was a mighty big teaser. I don't like to be teased that much.

Matthew seemed to be doing fine after his shot. No real complaints from him at all. I did notice, and so did his mom, the appetite was a little off at dinner. He kind of sat there and looked at his food for a while before starting to eat. Not typical Matthew behavior towards food. He also didn't ask for another bowl of soup. That is unusual since it was a good day for homemade soup. I thought it was pretty darn good. So just maybe the shot took away a bit of the hunger that is there at all times.....normally. Now if we could just bottle that effect for him we'd all be happy campers. He was asked many times that evening about how he was feeling. He seemed to be fine. We will see how it is this morning.

That shot was the real focus of the day. So important that he gets going on this. Seems that everyone is getting back into old habits and until this thing is whipped, we just can't be doing that. I hate seeing pictures on social media and the news of large gatherings and freewheeling at bars and such. I don't see how that can be a good thing. We certainly will not be participating in that sort of thing. Problem is that you can never be sure about the behavior of some around you.

So we will carry on as we have for the past year. Stay healthy and safe my friends. We are doing are best on this end. Thanks for keeping Matthew in your thoughts. It means so very much. Always Hope no side effects appear in the boy. COURAGE MPJ to hang on until the coast is clear of worry. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, March 18, 2021 6:23 AM CDT

Not much new happening around the ranch the past few days. Doubt if there is going to be anything out of the norm the rest of the week. Everyone on our end is physically all right. Mentally.......well that one is still out with the jury. Not too sure if anyone can say that they are mentally great in these times we are living. We all could use something in the drinking water to keep us calm. I don't think we have that drink on tap at the Jessen house.

We haven't seen any improvement with Matthew and his attitude since he started his new happy med almost two weeks ago. Not sure that it would take this long to saturate his system, but so far we've got bupkiss. Too bad about that. He could use something to level him out. It is not the crazy mad Matthew, but it is the nasty tone and attitude Matthew who then elevates his game to somewhere in between mad and really angry. Never a fun place to live in. Been doing this dance for too many years. Hope that he/we get some relief sometime

The weather, here of late, hasn't helped matters. Not being able to go outside and recreate has hurt the cause. Looks like we will get a break in that department for a few days. Hopefully the boys will get out and do something that tires Matthew out some while getting him active. He is much happier when he is busy with things he enjoys doing.

That is about it for the week I guess. Hang in there folks. This all has to pass sooner or later. Thanks for keeping up with things and supporting Matthew along the way. We are blessed. Always Hope for sanity to take over and rule. COURAGE MPJ to get busy doing something constructive as it will make you feel better. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, March 22, 2021 6:00 AM CDT

Glad that we had a couple of decent days to end the week and one to start it up again. Nice to get outside and accomplish a thing or two. Matthew came outside with me both Saturday and Sunday afternoon to catch the sun. It was a little too windy to try out the backstop I made for slinging arrows in the backyard. I suppose he should get the chance to try it out this week. Josh and he are a good team. They like to tweak the bow a little to make sure it is accurate. Josh has gotten pretty good doing that after all of these years. I have no skills in that game. The weather is going to turn on us soon, so they need to get out there early today if that is in their plan.

Matthew's attitude was still up and down the past three plus days. It is very frustrating for both he and us. Anger seems to be at the tip of the tongue way too often with him. It really gets to us as we do so much for him and then to be treated like he does. Patti gets the brunt of it more often than I. She deals with his needs more than I and it does get old being thanked in that manner. Sometimes I feel like a ref. Being cooped up for a year has not helped things at all. Everyone is more short tempered than ever before in my humble opinion. So I am not thinking the new med is doing much at all. Bummer.

Nothing much new is expected to happen this week, but you know that doesn't mean it won't. Our lives are pretty much one big routine and that is especially true for Matthew. None of that helps the attitude I would think. Maybe, just maybe, we will see some improvement with the great outdoors opening up. We are thinking also that Matthew may be able to go to AFS again once he has his second shot in him for two weeks. As long as he always wears a mask and keeps his hands sanitized that is. I can't see where that will not improve things for him.

So off we go into another week. It was all made possible with more than a little help from our friends. Thanks you all for caring. Always Hope that someday the anger demon moves away for good. COURAGE MPJ to tread a little more lightly than you have been. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, March 23, 2021 6:53 AM CDT

Gee it only took me about 8 tries before I was able to log on here this morning. That always gives me a little worry right away in the day. I keep waiting for Caringbridge to pull the plug on us here after all of these years. Sure has been a great info tool for us. We make sure to donate to the cause each year.

Matthew seemed a bit on the better side for a Monday. Not an action filled day, but he did what he needed to get done and didn't seem to give much lip about it from what I saw and heard. That is an improvement. Those, however, come and go so there is no need to consider the issues solved. The old one day at a time is actually one hour at a time for us. He was even decent to his mom when it was time to soak and bandage his missing toenails. What a job she has been doing for more than a month now and will continue for months after this when he gets a couple more removed. For some reason, that time has produced many issues. Patti just never can seem to please him at this time. It has to be done and it isn't like he is going to get it taken care of himself.

Today should not be any different from yesterday. That is no insurance that things will not be totally in the toilet attitude wise. He and I had a little conversation about things on Sunday after one of his anger moments. I know it doesn't ever seem to make a difference, but I am always hoping that some of the conversation will sink in. You just have to keep on trying I guess.

So have a good day out there in spite of the wet conditions that are here for the entire day it appears. Yuck! We will do our best on our end too. Take good care and see you back here before the end of the week. Thanks everyone, for being so kind to the Jessen family. It sure helps. Always Hope today is as good as yesterday. COURAGE MPJ to try a bit harder to be kind and thoughtful of others.....especially your mom. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, March 25, 2021 6:01 AM CDT

At least it isn't raining this morning. Now if the sun will come out and dry things up so that we can get out and enjoy the great outdoors some. That surely would help matters. I'm tired of feeling cooped up. I would bet the rest of the gang here at home feel the same way. There is way too much yucky feeling in life right now. Bring on the sunshine!

Things are all right on the home front. Nothing much new going on. I am in the middle of a bathroom update and that is taking up most of my spare time. Patti is busy all day with Kaylee and I do mean busy. Lots of energy wrapped up in a small package. Matthew keeps on doing what he does too. He is planning on, with the help of Josh of course, making some special armadillo eggs that he discovered online. So they bought the stuff to make them and I am not sure when this new creation will take place, but they sound tasty. The weather has kept him indoors 90% of the time and maybe more than that. He is talking about the upcoming turkey hunt and is thinking of using his crossbow. So he will need to get it out and practiced up. Now he says he'd like to try a different broadhead.....the tip of the arrow that does the damage....from the ones he has used for years. So he has a quest to buy and try. He has about three more weeks to go before it takes place.

He has seemed a bit less growly here the past two days. Hate to hex that by saying something about it, but it is worth mentioning. This usually is a temp thing though. Been there and done that a thousand times before. One of these days it may actually stick for more than a few days. Let's hope that it can be that way. We all could use the break from that sort of bad action.

Nothing else new going on. Things will get better down the line. Once we all have the second shot it will at least ease some of the paranoia or at least it should. Won't stop the masking, but an example would be letting Matthew go to AFS again if and only if he does it smartly.

So have a good rest of the week. We will try and do likewise. We much appreciate all of the efforts that you have invested here with Matthew. It sure has kept us in the game that is for sure. Always Hope for good things to come Matthew's way in the days and weeks ahead. COURAGE MPJ to let things roll and not get too bothered by the little things. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, March 29, 2021 6:24 AM CDT

We made it through the last few days without any incidents. That is something to be happy about. After I last wrote, I said that he had been better with his anger management. Well, just as I feared, he then let loose a little that very morning once I was home from work. Josh and Patti thought things were better too and the rug got pulled out from under them just like that. Since then, he has been better, but that is always subject to immediate change sorry to say.

He and I took a little trip this past Saturday. We drove up to NE Iowa to visit my niece in Cresco. She and her mate have a house now that they just bought and my two sisters converged to this little town and Matthew and I shot up there too. First time in many years that all three Jessen kids were in the same room. We were very safe with our masks on as well as everyone had at least a first shot and most two. It was nice to visit and play catch up. Matthew was very well behaved. It was sad though. He was not having one of his better brain days. A little on the confused side of knowing who everyone was. It happens from time to time. Had to be a real downer for him. I know how much it saddens him when he gets kinda lost like that. Doesn't make us feel too happy either. He seemed to enjoy being out of the house and with his extended family. He really took a shining to Britt's little Sadie who is a few months -past a year old. I will try to remember to put a picture of them on here soon. It was a great escape from the everyday doldrums of Altoona. Too bad the weather was so crappy. Glad that we were able to make it happen.

Patti now has had her second COVID shot and Matthew has a couple weeks to go before he gets number two. He will have it in him by the turkey hunt. Got a call from them the other day checking up on who has had shots or not. The chapter of the NWTF is doing all they can to insure the safest hunt they can. Matthew is pretty pumped up for a chance to hunt again. This week he may have the weather in his favor to practice up with the crossbow. He normally is very sharp with it right away, but he hasn't quite been up to par lately.

Nothing big on the horizon for this week. I heard him talking about trying the semi-fasting diet thing. Josh is doing it so maybe that would motivate Matthew. Not sure if he is serious or not about it. Diets never last long with him. Heck do they ever last too long with any of us? I hope that he tries and it works for him. He sure needs to drop some pounds to get lighter on his feet. Walking has become ever so difficult and the weight isn't helping the matter.

Well that is it for today. Be careful out there as the evil is still among us. Be safe and stay healthy. We will do that too. Thanks for everything folks. I truly believe that you have helped Matthew, as well as us, overcome many major roadblocks. You are always appreciated. Always Hope that this week has more good things happening than t5he other side of the coin. COURAGE MPJ to make your life better which would do the same for those around you. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, March 30, 2021 6:23 AM CDT

Not much new after one day of this last week of March. Matthew is trying out the fasting diet that Josh told him about. Heck, Patti and I are going to give it a spin too. Sure would be nice if it worked for Matthew and for us too. This past year has been hard on the waistline if you know what I mean. Just too much down time. Matthew already has plans for when he loses weight. You know, if he really could drop a bunch, maybe he could accomplish some of these wishes. Just never an easy task. We will see.

It was too windy yesterday to get any target practice in. He needs to find the time soon. The turkey hunt will be creeping up on us before you know it. Reminds me that I need to get the Ranger up and running too. We need it to haul Matthew and gear into the woods where he and Todd have hunted the past 5 years or so. I assume that they will be back in that place. Wouldn't break my heart if they were assigned to another spot. This one is so remote and literally small trees need to be cleared to make a path each spring to get to the right spot. I struggle with getting in and out without lights on at 4:30 in the morning.

His attitude was in check yesterday from what I saw and heard. He seemed in a pretty solid mood. That is a nice change from the feisty one he has so often. Patti asked about an increase in the new med to calm him more, but he is getting what she wants him to have right now. Give it time she said. That is easier said than done when you are on the edge most of the time.

So on with the day we head. Never quite know what it will bring us. Thanks for keeping Matthew in your thoughts. It sure does take a village to raise a child. Especially one like Matthew. Always Hope today is full of good things. COURAGE MPJ to be calm and considerate to others. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, April 1, 2021 5:53 AM CDT

Things are rolling along at the Jessen house. Mostly everything is about the same. Matthew and his attitude have been hanging in there without much issue that I have see or heard. Not going to jump up and down too much since that usually is about the time that something less than good happens. I have been really busy trying......struggling with the bathroom remodel. So I have been out of the Matthew loop much more than in it.

He is still doing his best to obey the rules of that fasting diet. Patti and I are doing the same for the most part. Right now the little voice in my head is telling me that it is breakfast time. My watch is telling me a different story though. Hopefully Matthew will see some results from his efforts and that it will motivate him to keep doing his best to shed weight. He has been hit hard by the pandemic like most of us have been in that category.....weight gain.

Nothing much else going on this week. Our boring life has not gotten any more action filled here lately. Matthew has been counting the days until he gets shot number two and the two weeks after that. At that time, he may be able to start shooting at AFS for the first time in over a year. That is huge for him since he just about lived there before the last year KO'd that all out. Think we have about 3 weeks before the turkey hunt too. Should be a good month for him.

Well that will do it for today and the week. Have a Happy Easter and please be careful out there. Thanks for keeping Matthew close to your hearts. Always Hope that this new month is a game changer for Matthew. COURAGE MPJ to keep on the straight and narrow. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, April 5, 2021 6:18 AM CDT

Wow, is it a beauty of a morning outside. 60 plus degrees at 6am. Hope that it could be this nice when Matthew heads off at some ungodly hour to turkey hunt in less than two weeks. Right now I am just going to enjoy it for the short time it is here. What a nice couple days we had this weekend. We all enjoyed the sunshine on Easter making sure that we got out and soaked it up. Hope that you all had a good weekend too.

Matthew has been all right for us. A little off here and there, but for the most part he is pretty much his "normal".
He has been suffering greatly from some very bad shoulders. They ache most of the time and there is little that can be done. Surgery is not really an option for him. Weight loss would help greatly and he has been doing pretty good with the not eating...fasting...for at least 12 hours. Josh has seen results in himself and Patti has lost some weight too. All three of us at home are giving it a shot so Matthew is not alone there. It really isn't that hard when you come to think about it. Just cut yourself off and eat when you can. For me I need to keep busy and keep the old brain off of thinking I need a snack. This could be the best way for Matthew to cut down. Hopefully he can see some results. It could easily improve much more than his waistline. I sure hope it does.

We had a very nice Easter at home. Chris, Jess and Kaylee came late in the morning. The little girl was excited to hunt down eggs in the yard and also see what goodies that old bunny left for her. We all sat down to a nice meal and we kept it fairly simple. We didn't have a King or a queen this year in our annual egg crack......a Jessen tradition. We did have a split decision with a prince and a princess. Jess and Matthew took the shared honors. Kaylee enjoyed her ham and cheddar biscuits. She claimed all of the biscuits for herself. She is a dough eater for sure. A little patio hanging out in the sun capped it all off before they headed back home. Matthew even snuck in a game or two with his big bro. Later we hung outside some more before calling it a day.

Should be a normal week as they have been for....well.....weeks now. I don't see much out of the ordinary happening. Not a bad thing though. Matthew will have his normal schedule to follow and probably better get out and practice his archery skills. Those gobblers are not going to come up and lay there for him to take. Hopefully the weather will behave enough to get some practice in.

Well that is it for now. Take good care as you have taken such good care of Matthew for all these years. We are so lucky to have you on the team. Always Hope for more good days less overeating. COURAGE MPJ to keep going in the right direction. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, April 6, 2021 6:15 AM CDT

Well one more day of this week is in the books and I am still here to write about it. The older I get, the odds are working against that claim. Some days I feel every bit as old as I am and then some. It is nice to have days that sail by without much issue to speak of. Yesterday was pretty much one of those days.

Matthew traveled to the other side of the metro to get shot #2. That is big for us. Now all in the house have had two. Obviously it isn't a get out of jail card by any means, but it sure feels better than staring down a tornado from your mobile home in Iowa. So he will have just about his full two weeks in after the shot before his hunt happens. We didn't see or hear of any bad side effects for him this go round. I imagine the arm is sore. Patti and I were good after ours so hopefully he was the same as us.

By the time he and Josh returned from the shot and lunch, his time to do anything outdoors was shot. Hopefully today they will be able to get some time outside in. It should be a nice day out there for it. Hate to see them spend so much time inside when it is nice like this. Matthew has always been an outdoors kid, but the virus sure changed lots of that for him. Someday it will change back.

Not much else new going on with Matthew. We are 99% finished with the bathroom project. Just a little touch up paint and a few pieces of trim and it is done. It came out nice I do believe. Not fun at times. This old body isn't meant for kneeling anymore. Glad that it is all but over. Now it is time to attack the yard and the outside jobs that need help. Winter is hard on the place.

So have a good one and we will try to do so too. We are so very thankful that you have kept up with this cause and helped Matthew for all of these years. We'd be sunk without you. Again, thanks. Always Hope that the sun keeps on shining in our world. COURAGE MPJ to get fired up to be out there in it. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, April 8, 2021 6:14 AM CDT

The beautiful weather has been interrupted by the rains that started yesterday afternoon. It was just too nice outside to last I think. Still mighty wet out there and is suppose to rain some more the next couple days. Too bad. Just getting use to it being perfect outside.

Matthew is doing all right. More sun than rain in his life right now too. He did get a clean bill of health from the dentist yesterday so that is good. Unlike his old man that has to go back today for his final visit there after three strait weeks of sitting in that torture chair. Glad that at least his teeth are holding up while the rest of him isn't in such great shape. I'm sure that he was relieved too. He doesn't do pain very well.

I am surprised that he didn't get out and enjoy the warmth of spring this week. Not sure why not, but there is no use in pushing my agenda too far. it was mentioned and that was about it. He has yet to check his shooting ability with the crossbow he is to use a week from Saturday. In my mind, he is cutting it a bit short if he is having issues. For me, I have to get the trailer and Ranger up and going properly. It will be needed I would guess. Have to talk to his partner in the hunt about where he is hunting this go round. Maybe they are in a better spot for transportation. The one they have been for years is really a hard one to get in and out of. Especially at 4:30 in the morning.

Nothing new is happening. The routine is being followed pretty much daily as it has for the past year plus. Don't see much change happening anytime soon either. Not a good thing, but not a bad one either I guess. No big weekend plans either. Plenty of chores to be done before we are able to play a little.

Have a good rest of your week. Be safe and stay healthy. Thanks for the never ending support you give. It is amazing. Always Hope the sun will come back soon to shine on us all. COURAGE MPJ to take advantage when it does shine. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, April 13, 2021 6:11 AM CDT

Well it has been a little longer than usual, but things are pretty much the same around our house. I had a doctor visit yesterday morning and it threw me off of my normal routine. Nothing wrong with Matthew or any of us.....well, that can be fixed I guess. Found out that I am old and the old body could use a 250,000 mile going over. Getting older is not that much fun at all.

Matthew is about the same. Has his usual ups and downs. Doubt if it will ever change. Wonder what really goes on in that head of his? He is all over the map at times with what he is thinking about and getting all jacked up about. At times, over the past few weeks, it has come up about what is going to happen to him when we are no longer around. I let him know that lot5s of that depends on Matthew himself. How much is he willing to change and mature. Become more responsible for himself. Not sure that is what he wants to hear or really do. We have no plan. With him, and his temper, it is hard to find anything that will work for him. Believe me, we are beating our heads against the wall trying to figure it out too. Nobody seems to have any sound ideas for us.

He still hasn't been outside much. It does bother me that I have given plenty of things for him and Josh to get done and none are being done. This turkey hu8nt is going to be all on me I guess. I have asked over and over for them to get his tag and hunting license, but no. So I did it last night. Just things like that bug the heck out of me. Seems like we will have to do everything but pull the trigger if he has a shot. I could easily forget the whole thing with only guilt coming from letting Todd down. Things had better change here soon.

Nothing else going on that I can think of. Other than hunting, maybe, there isn't much going on. I am not looking forward to rising at 2:30 this coming Saturday morning. So on with the rest of the week we head. Hope that things can get a little better. They do at times. Thanks for keeping Matthew in your thoughts. Nice to know that people care. Always Hope for better days for us all. COURAGE MPJ to think beyond your next meal. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, April 15, 2021 6:03 AM CDT

Hello to the end of my short work week. I'm not sure if I could handl3e full-time employment after the past 6 months. Getting lazy in my old age. Today I am only here for 4 hours so even this lazy bones can handle that. The house was totally quiet this morning when I took off. I was up early and left early. Nice that Patti and Matthew could both be that sound asleep.

We had a busy day yesterday, Matthew and I. We went up to where he will be hunting this Saturday to help out with the site. It is a little different spot on the same piece of land. I like it much better and Matthew seemed to agree with that too. More open area for the birds to roam and come in when being called. The other site had way too many blind spots. His blind is all set up and the area within a 100 feet or more is all cleaned up of debris that had fallen after storms last summer. We even got good news that he and I do not have to travel way up north for the breakfast meeting if we don't want to. Heck no we won't go! Matthew and I can sleep in an extra hour. 4am sounds much better than 3am to me. We will roll up there at noon for the send off meal and program. Hopefully this is a good sign of things to come for the hunt. Matthew has paid his dues, and then some, in the pursuit of the wild turkey. Time for him to actually bag one.

We are still dealing with some attitude at the house. Nothing really bad, but stacked on top of one another these times really do weigh on a person. Once again I spoke with the boy about losing the good things he has in life if he decides not to behave. We need and deserve a little more respect than what he shows us. Very doubtful that any of that made or will make a difference. It just needed to be repeated once again in hopes that it does.

Other than the hunt, nothing else new. Same old same old is the way it is and has been for so long. Like so many, we are hanging in there as well as hanging on. Someday things will have to change for the good.

So have a good rest of the week. Wish Matthew luck t5his Saturday morning. He could use the positive vibes and scoring a bird would make his year. Thanks for the care and support. Always Hope for the hunting gods to shine right on Matthew this weekend. COURAGE MPJ to do your best to shoot straight and true. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, April 19, 2021 6:07 AM CDT

Can you believe they say we could get snow today? That is crazy. I thought we put that notion away for the next 9 months or so. Glad that the weather held out for the past weekend. Trying to hunt in bad weather is not any fun at all with Matthew. Next to impossible really. It was a huge struggle for him without the weather working against him. Very sad to see.

It was a very crazy hunt this year. Too many ups and downs to really call it a success. It was in many ways and not so much in many more. The bottom line is that he came home without his prize once again. Sad, but so very true. Wait til next year is the battle cry that is being sounded. He didn't have a chance to shoot on Saturday morning. Had a couple in the area, but not close enough to get into action. We had a chance to go again on Sunday morning and we took it. Both days he struggled with any transfers. It was so bad that he almost6 hit the ground at least 4 times. His legs just could not support him. The tone, which is a sometimes rigid effect and then causes the legs to shake and wobble like crazy. They just bounce and jump like something you have never seen before. Been this way for years, but getting much worse than ever. We just about didn't make into the field on Sunday. Took almost 20 minutes to get him from the truck up and into the Ranger. We made it, but it was a mighty struggle to say the least. Once in the blind, he had some big attitude issues. They left as soon as I did and as soon as the gobblers started to come around. He had a shot and took it at a nice big one that was on the move. It was a downhill shot from 25 yards at least. Just shot too low and it kicked up feathers. They cocked the crossbow again and waited. He did have more come a few hours later. He aimed and.....would not come off of safety. Could not shoot ones that were right in front. Once again the luck of Matthew is terrible. It has been that way forever with turkey hunting. So game over for this year. At least he had lo9ts of action including a big coyote coming in to catch a turkey, which then flew back up a tree. What a sight that had to be. It was an adventure and worth it. There will be another day in another year.

That was the weekend for us. Up by 3am and hunt until noon. die the rest of the day for lack of energy. I imagine Matthew will struggle the next few days with all of it. I am pooped as is Patti. Glad that it is over, but bummed that he came so close again without a trophy. That is why they call it hunting. I just hope it can motivate him to shed some pounds and get back on his walking on a daily basis. That should help with the lack of mobility that we saw this weekend. Without the use of his legs at all, there probably will not be any hunting. Just not safe enough and I am getting way too old and weak to keep him from hitting the ground. Patti is on a mission to improve on what he has lost. Go for it mom!

So that is that and here we are. Still hanging in there, but maybe a little down and out. It happens you know. Thanks for helping the cause and keeping Matthew in your thoughts. It does help us so. Always Hope for stronger legs with more stamina. COURAGE MPJ to do something about it, please. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, April 20, 2021 6:04 AM CDT

Matthew was pretty pooped yesterday morning. He had one of his appointments cancel on him so he went back to bed for a nice siesta before getting up for good. I figure he will be very tired this morning. The two day after effect should be happening for him. I know how tired I was yesterday and he had to be twice that. Hunting is hard on the boy........and the old man too.

Had some pain inflicted upon him by the afternoon. Had to see his foot doctor and had 6 toenails removed at once. Makes me sick just thinking about it. His feet have issues since there isn't as much blood flowing down there being in a wheelchair so much and off of his feet. He didn't seem to be too bothered last night, subject to change, with the leftover pain from his surgery. Josh said that when his others were taken off, he had little pain or discomfort while it was happening. This time though, that was not the case. Josh probably has some sore hands and such from the kung fu grip of Matthew easing his pain. Nurse mom will be very busy each day taking care of the wounds. Hope all of this torture gives him some relief.

I can only imagine that he will be less than good today. There has to be pain and we will know about it. Hopefully I am wrong on both parts of that. He was fine last night and that is way better than I would be if someone yanked off most of my nails. He will be taking it a bit easy today as they already KO'd out his shower for the day. Smart move for sure.

That is it for today. Think about the boy and help him get over this latest bit of torture he has to go through. Life has not been easy on him. Thank you all for caring. Always Hope that Matthew heals quickly and completely. COURAGE MPJ to come out on top of this in better shape. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, April 22, 2021 6:18 AM CDT

Boy this spring weather has sure been crazy. snowed like crazy yesterday morning for about an hour. Big old flakes too. Not what one wants to see when they are thinking of green grass and warm days. Didn't help the cause for Matthew either. The cold has limited his being able to go outside. Thought about taking him fishing, but not ice fishing I guess. He and I have our licenses now and are ready to give it a try. I am no fisherman at all. It will be a mighty struggle for us to catch anything, but I want to at least try. I am old enough now to get my lifetime license. What a dubious honor that is. If it warms up some, we will give it a try later today or Friday. Josh is onboard for it too.

Instead of outdoors, Matthew has been going to his favorite spot, AFS, to practice up his shooting. He is talking about joining a league again out there. He needs to find someone to help him though. Neither Patti or I are up to that. Just not a good thing to do with him. He will be making a call or two here soon to someone else. Glad that he has been able to roll out there. They mask up and sanitize. More than most do out there.

The toes are giving him some pain. Not as much as I would be having I'll bet. He seems to be handling it good. Nurse mom is all over it taking care of the wrapping and soaking that will be going on for more than a month. Hope that all of this helps him down the line. He has so many issues with his young, but old body.

Nothing going on the rest of the week for any of us. I'm sure there will be plenty of chores to get done though. Last weekend was a total washout for getting things done. It was the weekend of the hunt. That was all that got done. Looking forward to a little less stress.

Have a good one and we will be back next week. Once again I thank you all for helping us out. No matter how much or little, it does make a big difference. Knowing others care is special. Always Hope for some healing toes and light loads. COURAGE MPJ to make things better for yourself. Keep the faith everyo9ne.


Monday, April 26, 2021 6:04 AM CDT

Looks like a pretty warm day out there for a change. Hopefully we will all be able to get out and enjoy some of it. Maybe the threat of frost is over for us. That would be nice. This weekend I even turned over Patti's garden with the tiller. Good sign of things to come.

Matthew is doing all right. No real issues with the toes at this point other than they are a bit sensitive. Nurse Patti is tending to them daily and they are healing, but there is a long way to go on that front before they are really good to go. He is very fortunate to be living at home where his care is more than good. This would not be possible while living in say his old apartment. Care was not a priority. Hopefully he will be good with them from now on.

We have been laying pretty low since I last wrote. Got out and about some on Saturday late afternoon and then again about the same time yesterday. The old man got a newer riding mower on a deal....of course...and even sold the old one in less than an hour. Matthew was along for the journey on both. He did spend plenty of time resting in his room in the late mornings. No real hurry or need to get up. He likes to stretch out in his bed when he can. The legs get so very stiff and almost rigid at times. Has to hurt. He will lay in there for hours being entertained on his phone surfing and dreaming of what he has to have or do.

Nothing new on the horizon for any of us it seems. I never was able to get him out fishing and will try again this week. today it will be warm enough, but also with that comes the never ending winds. Maybe it will calm down by late afternoon. There is plenty of time to get out there now that I don't work in the afternoons anymore. I'm sure he will roll out to his home away from home, AKA Archery Field Sports or AFS. He is so thrilled to be able to spend some time there again. He and Josh are taking the safety part seriously. Matthew said that quite a few had masks on last Friday when he was out there. Hope that continues for safety and health reasons.

So here we head into another week. Not a bad weekend so hopefully it will carry on to the rest of the week. Thanks for giving Matthew that something extra to make all of this possible. Been a long ride and he can only make it with the help he has gotten. Thank you all. Always Hope that everyone is happy today and feeling springy. COURAGE MPJ to keep it all together and be happy too. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, April 27, 2021 6:04 AM CDT

We made it through another day without more issues than we could handle. I am speaking through Patti as I was not around more than a couple hours while Matthew was awake yesterday. I got home from work and had a mission that took me 100 miles away. So I was gone a big chunk of the day. From the short time I was there and Matthew was awake, I could sense that he wasn't the happiest of campers. Maybe just one of those grumpy days that a person cannot please the boy. They happen way too often in our little world. Felt bad that Patti had to deal with it by herself after Josh took off. I guess it was just another typical day in the life.

He doesn't complain too much about the toes. I'd be miserable I know that. They do give him some pain, but he doesn't spend much time on them either so there is much less pressure on them if that makes any difference. Mom is taking care of them every single day. It's been about a week now so three or so weeks to go with the soaking and dressing.

Hopefully he and I can spend a little more time together the next few days. I am home by noon and Wednesday is a day off. I keep talking about fishing and maybe the winds will calm so we can go out and have a decent chance at a bite before the waters and air turn too hot. It would truly help if I had a clue at what I was doing. Never stopped me before in making a fool out of me though. I would imagine that he would rather shoot a bow than go fishing. That is fine as long as he keeps active and not log too many hours on video games.

Hopefully today will be a bit lighter for all. At least Patti won't have to be a solo bad. Thanks for caring and helping. You are really great people. Always Hope smiles take over our faces. COURAGE MPJ to help with that matter. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, April 29, 2021 6:17 AM CDT

Not much new to talk about this morning. There is some concern about Matthew's toes not healing quite right. The talk was to consult Dr. Scott here in Altoona before going back to the foot guy. Seems to be some circulation issues possibly. He isn't complaining about pain or anything out of the ordinary. Not sure what is going on. The foot doctor was not too concerned about it the last time so who knows. We have worried about his feet for a long time. They are always cold to the touch. Part of being off your feet. He did spend some time, at therapy, walking the other day. Patti asked that they give a bit more attention to that again and I guess they did. Hopefully they continue working on both the shoulder and the legs. We need both working in order to keep our system in place. Can't have him grow weaker as we do too. Not a good pairing.

Never made it out fishing. Tri8ed to get him up for it yesterday, but he was more interested in bow shooting. I went for a couple hours and did land a nice crappie. Not much action though. Would've been hard to keep Matthew engaged without more hits than what I had. One of these days I will get him out there. Hopefully the fish will abide and jump on his hook.

He is hoping to join a 3-d archery shooting league tonight. Not sure if he has it in him to compete at that level. He wants to try and hopefully he can fit in. I worry about his stamina. He will need to take quite a few shots to complete the rounds. it doesn't start until 6:30 and usually by then he is soaking his feet and then heading off to his bed to stretch an our or so before turning in. There will be more than one challenge here if he does start this thing. We will see how it turns out.

Well that will be it for the week. Nothing for us planned ahead for the weekend. I imagine we won't wander too far off of the ranch. Keeping it local. Sure means different this past year or longer. Stay healthy and we will see you all next week. Thanks for making it a point to keep up with Matthew. It is appreciated for sure. Always Hope we can stay on the sunny side for many weeks to come. COURAGE MPJ to remember who is on your side.....always. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, May 3, 2021 6:10 AM CDT

Boy, I sure hope that we could get a little rain soon. It looks like it could, but nothing falling. So very dry. Don't want to put anything down on the lawn without a little moisture there first. It's been nice for hanging outside, well that is if you don't blow away. Lots of topsoil blowing in the air in Iowa right now. What a shame.

Matthew is hanging in there. Not much change, either way, on his toes. They hurt at times and most of the time they are fine, however. All part of the healing. Patti keeps an eye on them and so does Josh during the week. He has been walking some at therapy with Steve the past two weeks. That is a good thing. He has been sticking to his 14 hour fasting schedule too. He is trying to lighten up. We all need a good dose of that. The COVID days are really catching up on me too. Hopefully he can continue in his efforts in the weeks/months ahead.

His anger issues have been a bit better the past few weeks too. Never perfect and probably that would be asking too much of a brain injured person. Not as many angry outbursts it seems to me. There is still plenty of attitude, and probably always will be. Not the most pleasant thing to be a part of, but it is better than the blow ups. Now I hope that doesn't put the old jinx on us by saying this. Been known to happen in the past.

We stayed pretty close to home over the weekend. We did take a little jaunt up to Ames and Nevada yesterday though. Picked up a couple items for camping off of Marketplace. I do love that site. We then took advantage of being in Ames at lunchtime to go to Hickory Park for some takeout. I was more than a little concerned that 8 out of 10 people there were without masks. I understand that eating is impossible with one on, but hardly a mask there. Only the staff were sporting them. Didn't bother me a bit to have mine on. Get it and run is how we do it. Don't know when we will enter a dining area to eat again. Obviously not in Ames.

Hopefully we will have an easy week. I'm sure Matthew's feet would agree. Maybe a little rain along with plenty of clear skies too. Kind of like life itself. Have a great week and keep nice and safe. As always, we thank you all for being on the team and keeping Matthew moving forward. Always Hope less pain and more gain this week. COURAGE MPJ to lead the way. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, May 4, 2021 6:23 AM CDT

Got a little bit of a chill in the air this morning. Hope it doesn't get much colder the next two mornings. I am taking the little camper out for two nights starting today. May need to pack a few warmer clothes. Doing it solo and that will be strange. Down the line we will see if we can get Matthew out there again. Been a good 5 years since we last went.....he and I. Not sure how fired up he is about camping anymore. One way to find out.

Matthew had a very solid day on Monday. His mood was good and showed some good effort in things. Nice way to begin the week. I didn't see or hear anything that would make me think that it wasn't a good day for him. The topper was last night, before he went to bed, he asked to walk to the bathroom. Just like the old days. Walking was a huge challenge and not a very safe one just two weeks back at hunting. After doing more of it at therapy, he strolled right in there without any issue. Now mind you, it is never easy and not all that pretty, but he did it! He then took a bigger walk back to his bed. He looked even stronger heading for home. Feet we getting some air underneath and not dragging. Going to need to keep doing this. A nice victory there for Matthew. Very proud of the comeback.

Hope we can continue to roll along today. I need him on top of his game the next two days. Patti is the number one go to parent and always has been. Care is not the issue. it is the attitude....if there is some. I will be checking in to see how it is going. That is one reason I chose to stay in Polk County with this camping trip. I'm about a half hour away at Saylorville.

Take care everyone and see you back here Thursday late. I am not going into work until noon that day. So a post will not be coming until then. Thanks for helping us out so much. Always Hope that good days are here for....well....good. COURAGE MPJ to keep up the effort. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, May 6, 2021 12:21 AM CDT

Well this is certainly different, writing at this time of the day. Maybe my fingers will function better now that I have been awake longer. My mid week camping expedition is over and it was nice to hit the shower on the homecourt. I am starting to feel human again. It was relaxing, but maybe too relaxing for my taste. Rather be camping with people rather than solo. It was fun no matter what.

While I flew solo there, Patti did the same at home. Everyone survived and she was happy to let me know that Matthew was well behaved. She said the key was set the bar a bit lower and give in to just about everything he wanted. So much easier to give in than be the warden when you are all alone with the boy. He was in good spirits this morning too. Got up and got busy doing his thing. Every day should be this good. I am just thrilled that he behaved for his mom. Always a worry.

I really have little else since I checked out Tuesday afternoon until about 7 this morning. We are planning on spending Mothers Day together as we should be. Patti is the glue that holds this life all together. I think she should get a raise. Need to get Matthew out shopping. I'm sure it hasn't crossed his mind. I will be reminding him for sure.

Have a great rest of the week and keep safe and healthy out there. Thanks for the billion thoughts and words sent for Matthew to use. It does mean the world to us every single day. Always Hope good behavior reigns supreme. COURAGE MPJ to keep up the positive attitude. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, May 10, 2021 6:22 AM CDT

It was a pretty mellow weekend around the ranch. The rains came and stayed most of the day on Saturday, but you know, it was all right. The ground is so dry and even the grass wasn't looking too good. So the rain was a good thing. It didn't stop Patti from getting out and buying up this years plants and such. she got soaked, but brought home quite a haul. Matthew took advantage of the rainy day to catch up on his sleep. He spent most of the morning in and out of it. Sometimes rainy days have a good purpose.

Saturday was a big washout for getting anything done outside. I really accomplished little inside too. It was more of a movie watching day. Spent many a peaceful hour watching movies and shows. I didn't even feel guilty about it either. Matthew was satisfied and so were we. Sometimes we all need a day of doing very little. Sunday was different though. Had plenty to do with Mothers Day.

Matthew kept it all together for his mom on Sunday. He started to get a bit funky, but it was towards me instead of her. It didn't last long either. I spent a good chunk of the morning cooking and Matthew again stayed in bed, but not as long as the day before. I think he was excited. I know he was looking forward to having big brother Chris back home for a while. He just had to wait a while before heading off to his rec room to be with him alone with a few video games. Patti enjoyed the day too. She always glows when the family is all together. Glad that it all came together and made her happy.

Nothing new heading into this week. Should be about the same old same old for us and Matthew too. At least we are consistent if nothing else. Consistent or boring, take your pick. Last week went pretty well so hopefully that stays about the same. Matthew now has a date on Thursday nights. he is shooting his bow in a 3D league at AFS. That is shooting at the big animal looking hunks of plastic....or whatever...that line up and down the alleys there at the range. Jerry Wells is taking him and that has been really nice. Those two go back quite a ways. So Matthew looks forward to that night and spends a couple afternoons there before league to practice up. Been one nice change.

Well time to roll here at the office. Thanks a million or 3even more than that for all of the love and care you have given to Matthew. It has been amazing. Always Hope for another positive week of behavior. COURAGE MPJ to accomplish that feat. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, May 11, 2021 6:16 AM CDT

Day two of the three day work week for the old boy. What a piece of cake it is to only check in three days a week for a total of 15 hours. The good life of the semi-retired. Some days it runs through my mind to just end it and be a full-time retired dude. Not quite yet I keep telling myself. Right now, it is good to have a place to go for those hours each week. It would be too hard for me to quit working cold turkey.

Matthew had tremendous news for us yesterday. Josh had take before and after measurements of Matthew. Before he started his daily fasting hours. He dropped inches off of each and every part of the body that he wrote down before!!! Two and three inches off of some already and it has only been a few weeks. That really motivated Matthew to hit his workout even harder yesterday. he really kicked it up a notch said Josh. His walking has improved more than a hundred percent too! I walked him last night and it was even better, stronger, quicker with less tone. I was thrilled to see that. We were more than a bit concerned about that. Seems that he has improved himself greatly over the past few weeks. What a change since the disaster of walking and transferring at the hunt. So very proud of him. Hope that he feels that way too.

Everything seemed fine with him yesterday. I'm not there to witness the whole day, but what I was there for looked good. Now stringing many days like that together will be the challenge. We all know that those good days come to an end sooner or later. Can't get too jacked up about the good ones or the bad ones seem even worse than they are. Much easier to live at our house when the atmosphere is a positive one.

That is the news of the day. Good news.....great news that is! Thanks everyone for helping make any and all of this possible. Nice to know people care this much. Always Hope streaks of goodness reign forever. COURAGE MPJ to keep it together longer and stronger than ever. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, May 13, 2021 6:23 AM CDT

Things are still going well at the house. Sure hope that doesn't change anytime soon. Much easier and pleasant to be there when the tension is lower. Matthew has found a certain groove right now and is doing rather well. Like always.....subject to change in a heartbeat. Right now we are liking it and enjoying it.

He has been tired in the mornings though. He seems to be wanting to stay up later and that causes the tired Matthew in the mornings. With him, he really does need at least 10 hours
of sleep each night to function. Not sure the last time I even got 8 hours. Of course, I'm not suffering with a brain injury, just an old worn out one. He seems to do much better in the afternoons than the mornings. Today, his morning has some things to get done. Patti had him to bed at a more "normal" hour last night and he slept right through the night without any call outs.

Tonight is his league night at AFS. Hope he is up to it and bringing his A game too. When he is on, he can shoot darn well. If tired or not focused it is not so good. Last week there was an issue with his peep sight on the bow. His shooting was off until they figured it all out and made the changes needed. Then he was back on target. Jerry has been taking him and seems to enjoy it. He is an old archer and loves being in the action again. It is nice that he has given up his time for Matthew. He says that it has been fun for Matthew. The other shooters love to banter back and forth with Matthew. Nothing bad, but in fun. Always said that this place is Matthew's social club.

We have a memorial get together this weekend and hope that it is not wet since it is outdoors. Sounds like it could be getting wet this weekend. Need the rain, but not on the weekend. Other than that, we have little to do. Guess there are always things that should be getting done. Patti's garden is ready to be planted. Flowers are all in so we are ready for spring and summer.

Thanks for taking the time to see what Matthew has been up to. Been such a long road to this point. It is much appreciated that you've been such a help. Always Hope for good days to just never end....if that is possible. COURAGE MPJ to be your best and do your best for yourself and for others. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, May 17, 2021 6:33 AM CDT

Been a rainy few days now here in the metro. Not good when you need someone to get outside and breathe some fresh air. The weekend is now in the rear view mirror and on with another week we go. The weekend was mostly positive, but there were a few times that we thought things could be headed off the rails. Never did get that far, but there was a reason for concern. Being held captive by the weather didn't help either.

We spent too much time staring at the tv over the past few days. With the rains, there was little else to do to keep entertained though. We ended up watching a few movies and even one or two was worth the time spent. What would we do, at times, without Netflix and Amazon. We did get out of the house on Saturday afternoon when it was a real beauty outside. Had a celebration of life to attend. They could not of asked for a better day for it. The rains held off and the sun shined. We touched base with some old friends and Patti saw a few of her old students. It was a nice send off for Ron. He had spent some time a while back with Matthew trying to help keep the boy in line. That is the second mentor that he has lost. Glad that things worked out nicely for the family that day.

Nothing much new at all to speak of. Doubt if there is anything that new happening this week either. Matthew will have his weekly usual things to go to and do and that is about it. Thursday is shooting night at AFS. Hope it goes better than this last week did for him. Not on his game and he shattered a few arrows that will need to be replaced. Not good to miss a target there. Expensive mistakes for sure. He did get a new device that will attach to his string that is suppose to keep him more consistent in his draw back. Hope it works.

Stay dry my friends as well as safe this week. At least things are looking green again out there and water levels are on the rise. Thanks for coming around to see what is up with Matthew. We appreciate it and are humbled by it. Always Hope for sunny days ahead inside and out. COURAGE MPJ to hang in there and smile. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, May 18, 2021 6:18 AM CDT

Not much of anything new yesterday. Matthew was all right and he seemed to be in a decent mood the few hours that I was home and he was awake. Sometimes, that is all I have to measure his day by. Things seemed nice and peaceful around the ranch. Good enough for me. Everyone is about as healthy as we get. That is a very relative thing for sure. The rains keep coming and going and right now they are on their way for another day. So really, there does not seem to be anything out of the usual happening on our end.

I can only think that Matthew will want to head out to AFS this afternoon since they are not open on Monday. He will want to get that new little piece installed and then hit the range to see how it works for him. Hopefully it does the trick. He also needs to find replacements for his broken arrows from last week. he has a stash of them, but each bow has a specific group of arrows tuned to it. Don't ask me to explain to far into it......I am stupid when it comes to his bows and such. I was much better off when he used guns. So getting all of that together should be his entertainment of the day.

Better find plenty of indoor things to do. The weather looks terrible the rest of the week and into the weekend too. By the time things dry out, the grass will be a foot tall. Glad that we got the garden planting all but done last week. It's monsoon season here in the midlands.

That is it for today. Not much to report on. Things are all right and that is always good. Thanks for the help in making it all come together. We are certainly lucky to have you with us. Always Hope we all stay dry somehow. COURAGE MPJ to be on top of things and there with a smile. keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, May 20, 2021 6:08 AM CDT

Well things around the ranch are kind of like the weather here lately.......not the best. Matthew's attitude has gone downhill just about everyday this week. A little here and a little there and the next thing he is all upset. I had to walk out of the bedroom last night as he tore into me just after he did the same to his mom. Talk about biting the hand that feeds you. He has little remorse for what he says and feels free to let loose on us at will. One of these days he will regret it. I have had my fill of his act and would love for him to find a place that better suits his needs I guess. I have zero problem with that happening. Actually, the sooner the better for my taste right now. No use in me going on too much about this and my feelings. I'm calling it a a day on this page. Just one of those times that it is impossible to be or sound positive. Take good care and have a good weekend.


Monday, May 24, 2021 6:18 AM CDT

Another wet and humid weekend here in the metro. Seems like it has been a long time since we had a day without rain. The grass.....and weeds...are really hard to take care of when the ground is wet all of the time. All of this humidity is keeping us at bay. Matthew doesn't do well in it and neither does his old man. I can tolerate it for a while, but my shirts sure hate it as they need to be changed often. We didn't have much of a spring as it now feels like summer out there. Yuck!!

Matthew has been all right for the most part. On the weekends he spends lots of his time sleeping in and charging up the old batteries from the week just finishing. That helps Patti and I get a little break in the action. Nice having some down time just for us even though we are not away from the house. His attitude was a bit better too. It gets a bit upsetting, riding this emotional rollercoaster life we are on so often. Never seems to be much of a time away from the ride. Hold on tightly and hope for the best. You would think that we would be use to it by now, but the dips and peaks still have a certain effect on you.

The three of us took a nice air conditioned car ride Saturday afternoon until suppertime. Just a fairly slow tour through the rural areas of Polk County and a little of Warren County too. Starting to see standing water in the low parts of the fields. Not a good thing for the farmers I guess. We started in sunshine and ended up in a downpour. Had to wait that one out before transferring and rolling into the house. It was nice to get out and gawk at things. Everything is so green right now and that is my favorite color. Car rides have been our big outings the past year plus. We are still pretty darn cautious about things. Guess we have been programmed to think differently. Wonder if we will ever really lighten up.

Nothing much new this week for Matthew. I may be heading off for a night or two of camping mid-week. Not sure if the weather will allow it. Matthew has one of his last weeks of his archery league coming up. That didn't last long. He will be bummed for sure. They go outside after this and he can't roll over the terrain to shoot with them. That sucks, but he knows it. So he better enjoy the last two Thursday night shoot outs.

That is it for me for today. Hope this finds you all healthy and happy. We are hanging in there the best that we can and trying to keep a smile going. Thanks for caring and the support given. It does help for sure. Always Hope the skies decide to clear for everyone around here. COURAGE MPJ to make the most out of the days before the heat really gets turned up outside. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, May 25, 2021 6:15 AM CDT

Well one day down for this work week. This is my Friday. I am out of the office until next Tuesday starting at noonish today. I have some extra time to burn and I am going camping in Carroll.....if I can find a spot at the lake. Plan on two nights and then home for a long weekend. Hopefully it all works out without rain getting in the way. Not so sure that will happen though. It's Memorial Day weekend. It seems like it always rains. We could use a nice dry spell for sure.

Have good news coming from the Matthew's quest to shed some weight via the fasting route. He again has lost some inches. Around three in the chest, and pretty much an inch or so everywhere else. That is on top of the big losses from two weeks ago. The only gain was in the thighs which probably have muscled up with the steady diet of walking the past month at therapy. Isn't that awesome! It seems that this is one diet try that is actually working for him. His hours of eating have closed down enough to make the difference. No food after 6pm. He never least to me....about it at all. Josh does it and so does Patti. I need to jump on the bandwagon too. So happy for him. I walked him in and out of the bathroom yesterday and it took so much less effort for him than say a month ago. Moving in the right direction for once. Very proud of him for getting with it.

I will be worried about Patti doing the solo thing with Matthew the next couple nights. She would do the same thing if it were her taking off. So use to working together with Matthew. There are times when it takes two to deal with this or that. Hopefully this will not be one of those times. Obviously I will be keeping close tabs on things. Realistically, she is the one that needs to take a few days off not me. It is nearly impossible for her to agree with that. One of these days I will succeed in getting that to happen. Lord knows how much she deserves that.

So I may not be back on this page for close to a week. Until then, take good care, stay healthy and smile. Thanks for making the good days happen as well as pick us up from the falls that happen too. Always Hope for sunshine in and out of the homestead in the days ahead. COURAGE MPJ to lead the way. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, June 1, 2021 6:14 AM CDT

Well it has been a while since I sat at this seat at the office. I was kinda getting use to being gone and retired. Back again by popular demand I guess. Not quite ready to give up working at least for now. Not sure if I will continue beyond the end of the year though. Guess I will have to figure that out between now and then.

Matthew is doing all right. Has his moments where he is not the nicest person to have around and other times he can be sweet as heck. The Jekyl and Hyde personalities of the brain injured. It would be nice if the good Matthew would take over all of the time, but that just isn't going to happen. At least he hasn't had one of those terrible threatening outbursts lately. Seems that everyday is just a roll of the dice and sometimes the dice are rolled many times.

We got some less than good news the other day. Dr. Frost, from St. Paul, is retiring soon. They have an appointment, via the web, this month with him so that will probably happen, but beyond that.......he is out of here. That made Matthew very sad indeed. He enjoyed visiting with him and knows that Dr. Frost helped him through most of the bad times of the seizures. Been with him for 13 years or longer. Now we need to find another neuro doctor and probably one closer to us here. Calls will have to be made soon. That was not some news we were wanting to hear. Been a good run though.

We had a nice and easy holiday weekend. Went for a visit on Sunday to see my sister Deb. Other than that, we hung around the ranch for the most part. Matthew did his sleeping in thing and extra day with the holiday on Monday. That boy sure can sleep. He has taken to playing the bags game outside. He beat me and then played his aunt Karen later on Monday and didn't fare as well. It is good hand eye practice for him as well as getting him out in the sun some. We modify the rules a bit to fir his abilities. He has more luck with a shortened distance to throw. Helps everyone else too. Looks like a good week ahead for outdoor activity. Hope he takes advantage of it.

Not much else happening right now. Always something that needs to be done. So we are just rolling with it all and trying to keep moving forward. That is the best that we can do. Thanks for keeping Matthew in your thoughts. Having a team sure beats trying to slug it out alone. Thank you again. Always Hope for those who give it their best. COURAGE MPJ to always try hard to be better. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, June 3, 2021 6:13 AM CDT

Pretty nice out there already. Have enjoyed the past few days with the nice easy temps and lower humidity. Matthew has too. He has been getting out5side more this past week. He is getting hooked on playing the bags game in the driveway. Glad that he has found something like that to keep him entertained without being electronic. Helps his hand eye coordination too. He hasn't been as big on shooting the bow right now so it has helped get him up and out of the house.

Things have been all right lately around the ranch. The big cowboy has been behaving. Hope that doesn't put the old jinx on him/us now. Seems like that does happen more often than I like. Yesterday he got up way earlier than normal and wheeled into the workout room and had at it with his weights etc. That was something new. He was out there by half past 7. When Josh came, he was already deep into his routine back there. Wonder if he will repeat that this morning? My guess is that was a fluke. The boy loves his sleep.

Tonight is the last night of his shooting league at AFS. Jerry is out of town so I may need to step up and do it even though I will be clueless on what I am doing. He may not want me to do it and have Josh go with him and do the shooting at a later date. Maybe they will do it this afternoon. He really just needs to shoot the number of arrows at the certain targets. Not sure what he will want to do. We will leave that choice up to him.

I think that we have a new neurologist lined up for Matthew here locally. Played basketball at noon for years with one at Mercy. We texted back and forth and he will be open for Matthew to come on board. So Matthew has one more visit with Dr. Frost, we sure do hope, before he starts in with Dr. Jacoby. At least we have something in the works. Can't be without one for sure.

Nothing really happening this weekend that I can remember, but don't even think about trusting my memory or recall. Getting old is not that much fun at all. We have plenty of chores and open projects to get done and Matthew has plenty of sleep to catch up on. I think we have the next few days covered. So have a great weekend yourself and be sure to stay safe. We will do the same on our end. Thank you all for the strength to carry on. You are amazing. Always Hope for attitudes to match the nice weather. COURAGE MPJ to keep finding new things to keep you going. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, June 7, 2021 6:10 AM CDT

Well we made it through the sweltering weekend still in one piece. The air conditioned house was our paradise. It was pretty miserable out there. Matthew got out some, but usually it wasn't for all that long of a time. He got in a few games of bags with aunt Karen along with Uncle Lou, aunt Kay and Roman. That was really about his only time outside that lasted very long. Just too darn hot. Hope that you all did your best to stay cool too. Going to be a long hot summer if this is any clue to what lies ahead.

Got word on Friday that the upcoming conference with Dr. Frost has been cancelled. No reason given other than he is retiring. We fear that he is sick with such an abrupt ending to it all. Not the Dr. Frost way. Made Matthew and Patti very sad. No saying goodbye and thank you. guess we will be starting to See Dr. Jacoby way sooner than we thought. Have to get that lined up ASAP I guess. Going to be a little different than before.

There really wasn't much else happening over the past few days for Matthew. Pretty much the same old thing that has been the usual for a long time. Maybe a little less with the heat wave. Not a whole lotta new happening either. Maybe that isn't a bad thing. His behavior is hanging in there. Pretty much in check over the past few days. If I were grading it out, I'd have to give it an A- or even better. Glad that we didn't have to deal with that along with feeling cooped up and held captive with the heat.

Well I am the end of what I can recall over the past few days. The old memory is not what it use to be. Just like many other parts of this old body. Thanks for checking in on Matthew. he is doing good thanks to all of you. Always Hope for cooler days and smooth sailing for Matthew. COURAGE MPJ to keep your head in the game and that it is screwed on right and tight. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, June 8, 2021 6:16 AM CDT

Well this will probably be a short entry. Nothing much at all was happening around the ranch on Monday. Not really a bad thing, just pretty darn dull. Matthew was in good form.....nice to start the week off on the right foot. Again the heat and humidity kept us at bay. Especially so for Matthew. He is not good in heat at all. Maybe not so much that he fades fast and looks bad, but because of the meds he is on it has always been the policy to do your best to stay away from just such heat. So he obeyed that and stayed in pretty much the whole day. The good news is that he has lost a few more inches here and there over the past two weeks. The rapid loss has slowed, but he still took off a good 4 inches or so overall. That is great. he is feeling good about himself and this plan. Probably been the longest he has rode one out. Very proud of him and this effort.

That is really about it for news. Just going to hang in there and try to get through this heat spell. You all take good care and try your best to stay cool and safe. As always, thank you for the never ending support. It makes and has made a huge difference for us all. We are blessed. Always Hope for a break in the heat soon. COURAGE MPJ to keep towing the line on your weight plan. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, June 10, 2021 6:04 AM CDT

Here we are at Thursday already. Ten days into June. Holy buckets this year is sliding bye quickly on us. Wish that I could take credit for having done more with the time than I have. Lately it has been just too plain awful out to accomplish much of anything outside, where I really need to be getting things done. Poor Matthew has been stuck inside too much too. Not good to get that feeling of being cooped up. He has to be having those thoughts right now. He hasn't been complaining, but we know it will take its toll sooner or later on his attitude.

Has not been a whole lot shakin with the Jessens here of late. Heat...heat... and more heat. You know the drill. Matthew gets out at least once a day for something even though he retreats to the chill of the house pretty darn quickly upon his return. Glad that he has been good and I really hate to say that since this is usually followed closely by a time of just the opposite. So far he has hung in there like a trooper through this heat wave.

Not much new coming up here anytime soon either. No trip to the Twin cities this year again. Guess not any forever unless we decide to take a road trip for fun. Matthew will be missing his buddy Dr. Frost. We will too. That trip would've been happening very soon. I don't see any other road trips in the near future that would be of much fun for him. Looked into Royals tickets and it was really kinda funky how you have to buy them. Lots of restrictions still. Maybe wait for another year. Probably try the I Cubs before we go to the majors again.

So we will be hanging close to home for the weekend and more than likely beyond that. Trying hard to keep cool and calm as well as safe. Hope that you all can do likewise. Aloha until next week. Thanks for keeping Matthew in your thoughts and in the game. Always Hope that there are cooler days soon. COURAGE MPJ to keep your cool even when it is so hot outside. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, June 14, 2021 6:06 AM CDT

Good Monday morning to you. The heat is still with us and so we spent most of the hours this weekend inside.....or at least Matthew did I should say. Just not to kind out there again. Not sure when we will get a break from it. So darn dry that it seems mighty early in the summer to look like this. I'm sure the rains will come and then we will be sad that too many day are ruined by it being wet. Life in Iowa I guess.

Matthew is fine. No issues that I can think of the past few days. He has been pretty level. Obviously that is a great thing for everyone around him. He did his usual sleep in and stay up a little longer routine over the past few days. It has been the pattern for some time now. We did have a little company both Friday and Saturday nights. Nice to sit around and shoot the breeze with friends. Chris and family were over for a short time Sunday so we had our share of visits. Sure is a nice change from a year ago at this time. We all tend to keep our distance it seems. That is a good thing. We still wear masks when going into stores, when we go in at all. Maybe we are paranoid, but stupid we are not.

Trying to think back a few days to see if anything different or special happened. This old brain has been fried by the sun too much and is not working well at this early hour. We don't live a very exciting life as you know. Between the heat and being careful, it has limited to what we are doing at home. We get out from time to time....away from the house I should say......but not for long really.

Sorry that there isn't anything exciting to talk about. In many ways, that is a good thing. Socially, not so good. We are just trying our best to stay in the game. Thanks for helping us out for the many years. It is always appreciated. Always Hope that someday soon a more normal life can be had. COURAGE MPJ to hang in there until we lighten up some. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, June 15, 2021 6:08 AM CDT

Well, things did get shaken up some around the ranch yesterday. Not for the better either. Matthew took a spill in his wheelchair on the front deck as he was taking off for some appointment. Pretty much right out of the door and boom.....onto the wood deck he went. Patti had to go and fetch the neighbor to come and help get Matthew back up and in the saddle again. He had smacked his thumb on the post as he went down and it was very sore and a bit swollen. He hadn't noticed that it was actually his foot that took the big hit. He has way less than normal feeling in his feet so he felt the pain in the thumb and not really the the beginning. It was soon discovered that the foot was swelling up and so he and Josh took off for Ankeny and the ortho people there that he has been seeing for this and that. To make a long story a bit shorter, xrays didn't show a break, but it was told that his pain and swelling is in an area that certain breaks don't show up on the xrays. He was fitted with a boot and will need to go back in two weeks for a follow up. He has some pain in it and has been taking some Ibuprofin for it. How's that for a start to the week! It seemed that his footrest on the wheelchair had dropped and caught on the decking.....and more than likely....the ramp. That was lifted and tightened up later on after the damage was done. So now everything standing and walking wise is going to take a hit. Just when gains are being made there is always another setback. At least nothing like a leg or arm was broken. Hopefully he can recover from this soon. He doesn't seem to heal very fast however. I'm sure it will be a long process to get back to where he was before the spill. A genuine game changer.

So that was that and here we are. Guess we will see how it hampers and pains him today. He didn't seem to complain much about it last night. Slept through the night without any issues. That is good. he will soon tire of that boot. Bet it will be hot and sweaty in there. I now have been recruited to assist with getting him into the shower. Wonder how that will work out. Just another big hurdle in the life of Matthew.

Have a good one and I sure do hope that the day is better around are house. Thanks for thinking of the boy and please keep him in your thoughts once again. Always Hope that this is a mere bump in the road and not a roadblock. COURAGE MPJ to overcome another obstacle tossed in your path. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, June 17, 2021 5:59 AM CDT

A few....very few...raindrops hit my windshield this morning on the way to the office. I don't think that the earth is going to feel that at all. Sure could use a day or two of steady rain to cure the dry ground around us here. Top that off with temps hitting record highs today. One big teaser and another big bummer.

Matthew is hanging in there. His foot is giving him some pain, but he has been up in his stander for a short time with it only raised about 25%. Not as much pressure on the foot at that range. I think he is getting tired of the boot too. I would be. Nice hot time to have to strap that thing on. His shower aid was not able to get him cleaned up on Tuesday so old dad went into creative mode and found a solution.....well kinda. I bought a solar shower for camping that I rigged up in the garage. Took out his shower chair and there we go. Very primitive, but it did work for Josh and I yesterday morning. Right now with it so hot outside, it is a fairly easy thing. Not so much if it were winter. We will probably do it again when I get home from work. Not sure if the aid will be there to help. I'm sure that breaks some sort of rule that they have to go by. Hopefully by next week he will be able to walk the few feet into the shower inside. Until then it is roughing it in the garage.

He felt good enough to go to a movie yesterday. He is able to transfer into one of the cool reclining seats there at the theater. He said that it felt good stretching out like that. He probably should take over the recliner in his rec room when he is back there gaming etc. Patti took out her ottoman for that purpose so he can elevate it from his wheelchair too. Doing the best that we can to make things work. Not our first rodeo dealing with issues with his legs. If it is fractured, it will be number three since he fell ill in 2005. The doctor said his bones are thin. So he is now on a Calcium supplement that Patti lined up for him through Dr. Swain.

That is about it for us on this end. Doing our best to adapt. We will make it work. Thanks for keeping in touch here. Always appreciated, folks without a doubt. Always Hope for better days and easier ones for Matthew. COURAGE MPJ to get over another hurdle in your way. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, June 21, 2021 6:05 AM CDT

Boy that weekend seemed to go by fast. It was a good one on our end and I hope it was for you too. Very little issues with Matthew and he did stay upright in his wheelchair too. His foot is mending enough that he can take some slow steps with the boot on so the shower is back in the picture for him. No more rigged up one in the garage. I think that he is mending quick enough to show us that there probably isn't a break in that foot, but who knows....we are not doctors are we.

Matthew kept that famous temper of his in check for the most part the past three days. He did get testy one night at bedtime...of course...before he did calm down. Not a good mix with him being testy and Patti being very tired. Dry wood and matches kinda thing. All was cool in minutes though. Other than that one instance, I don't think there were any other times that he got upset. Hard for one to keep his cool when the temps are so hot outside. Nice to wake this morning to cool weather. Matthew gave me a new fire pit for the patio for Fathers Day and Chris and family a cool lounge chair. So maybe tonight, in the cool air, I will be using them both. By the way, it was a very nice Fathers Day for me.

Took Matthew up to see how the Army Corp was coming along with the archery range project. He was excited to get to use it soon. Well.....that may be a while. I see little if no progress happening there since April when we were by there hunting turkey. What a bummer to see nothing new done. Hope they can at least have it finished and running by fall. Nice to practice outdoors for the upcoming deer season.

Patti's cousin, Lori, is coming to stay a few days starting tonight. She is from Wisconsin and they have reconnected over the past 18 months or so after being dormant for years. Patti is excited and so is Matthew. Kaylee is too. Should be a nice couple days for us. Been a long time since we had overnight guests. Could be a perfect night to gather round the new fire pit.

Nothing else new for Matthew. Should be a typical week for him. Hope he is up for the challenge of keeping it all together. That is a daily and weekly thing for sure. Thanks for being there through the good and the not so good times that he/we live in. We are so fortunate to have you along side of us. Always Hope that this week is an easy going one. COURAGE MPJ to keep working out through the foot issues. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, June 22, 2021 6:00 AM CDT

Had a good day to start the work week off. The weather was just perfect and Matthew took advantage of that with some outdoor activities. He talked Josh into going to the ball field and smack a few baseballs. Hasn't done that in a long time. Matthew has always been a huge lover of baseball. Glad to see him re-kindle that love yesterday. Later in the day, he went out and played multiple games of bags with Patti's cousin Lori. Patti said that he really enjoyed being out there playing with her. He went to bed a happy camper. Not always the case.

His foot seems to be getting better and stronger with less pain. The thumb that he also hurt is still bothering him. I can imagine so since he has always been extremely sensitive about his fingers and toes. Well before he had his brain injury, he was super sensitive about the fingers. It will take some time to heal up. It is good to see him on the mend.

Not much else new going on right now. Most all of his appointments are in person once again. Still has yet to meet with a few though. He hasn't been shooting at AFS in a while. It kind of goes in spurts this time of year. No competitions or hunting going on so it gets put off a little bit. Won't be too long before he starts to get warmed up for fall hunting though. It will be here before you know it.

So off we go with the start of a new day. The house was very quiet today as I took off. Not even the dog was stirring. Thanks for being there through it all and still you come back for more. You really have kept our heads above the water. Always Hope for another cool day on all fronts. COURAGE MPJ to keep your head into the game and not to be afraid to push yourself. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, June 29, 2021 6:19 AM CDT

It was another easy day around the ranch on Monday. Easy for me to say since I was gone for at least 8 hours. By the time I was done with errands and groceries, it was probably closet to 10 hours. In the few hours I was home, when Matthew was awake, all was well I should say. Patti would probably be a better judge of things since she was there through 90% of the time. No negative reports were given to me so out of sight......

Matthew did go to the Ortho doc yesterday to check on his injuries from the wheelchair incident two weeks before. Everything looked good and he was given the the OK to shed the big old boot as long as he didn't have pain. I saw that he had two shoes on for the first time in two weeks. His thumb has troubled him from this spill and he now has a brace to help when he is rolling his chair or doing things that have bothered it. So not on all the time. Good news on that front.

I may be taking a little road trip on Wednesday and if I do, I'm going to see if the boys want to tag along. Of course it has to do with looking over something with an engine and wheels. It is a family addiction that I inherited from my father who had the issue much worse than me. Maybe not, but my eye has always wandered from engine and wheels to the next shiny piece of iron. Thought that Matthew may like to head out of town for a few hours. Will be asking today. Matthew likes the cars too, but his real problem is with weapons of all sorts. Chris likes the cars right along with us too. He at least has the willpower to resist. It is there though.

So it was an easy day for the home team. Especially for this old man who wasn't around all that much. Thanks so much for caring and keeping Matthew in your thoughts and hearts. We do know that it does and has made a difference. Always Hope today is as positive as Monday. COURAGE MPJ to be your best as often as possible. keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, July 1, 2021 6:17 AM CDT

Everything is all right around the Altoona ranch. Matthew is in a good groove with just a small appearance of the evil twin that takes over for him from now and then. As usual, the twin showed up at bedtime. Neither Patti or Matthew could figure out why he showed up. Seemed like no reason at all. Just another brain injury delight I guess. For the most part, there has been peace in the valley.

A good chunk of yesterday was spent on the phone with the government. Three hours of interviews to see if Matthew still is disabled. It is an annual thing and this year may have broken all records for time taken to complete it all. I was there, but hung out with Kaylee while Patti and Josh were with Matthew on the call. Everyone was pooped after that marathon. I was so happy to not be involved. At least that is in the books for another year. Oh, and yes, Matthew is still disabled. Glad we got that all straightened out.

The weather has not been kind to any of us here. The heat is a little less, but the humidity has risen. I'm a bit bummed that the rains we were to get never appeared. The ground and garden could use some free moisture. Did cut the grass the other day and it surely has turned into a mess. Hope this month is not so dry. July is never a great one for rain in this area.

Took a road trip the other afternoon with Matthew and Josh. Went to a new to me place in Iowa. New Providence. I ended up buying a convertible to scratch the toy itch I've had for over a year. Nothing too cool or expensive. I thought it to be a good buy and figure when I am through with it, I should not lose money on it. It was in the country and I tried to work the owner about hunting rights too. They had hundreds of acres with lots of wildlife. He didn't bite on it. Too bad for us. Matthew was heavy into checking out the landscape of the area for sites to hunt. We do that on about every road trip into the country. Lots of dreaming and scheming.

Nothing planned for the rest of the week and the 4th. Just plenty of the same old thing we do most every day and week. Just the low roll that we do. Be safe out there this holiday weekend. We will do the same on our end. We sure appreciate the thoughts and love you send to Matthew. It is working for sure. Always Hope that things keep getting better by the day. COURAGE MPJ to try your best to be as normal as possible. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, July 6, 2021 6:24 AM CDT

Well it was a fourth of July weekend filled with heat and fireworks. The temps soared and so did the missiles flying in the sky in the neighborhood. The legal ones at Prairie Meadows were nice, but the others, well they were a pain. The house didn't burn down, but I did see evidence of rockets that nailed the roof. Glad that it should settle down now that the weekend is over. The heat has still been turned way up. Not fit for man or beast out there.

Matthew did well over the past few days. No outbursts of anger or anything. Lots of later nights and just a late mornings for him. The booms going on outside really matter little to his sleep. He stayed up with us to watch the show at the casino and Adventureland. Hasn't been able to stay awake that late for years. May as well enjoy it as it happens so close to us. It was a nice and easy fourth. Laying low and keeping it slow.

The three of us went for a ride in the convertible in spite of the temps. It wasn't bad as long as you kept moving. Got stuck at a 5 minute light and boy did we cook. It is a tight fit for us all to be in the car, but we made it work. Patti got the short end of the stick being scrunched up in the back. Matthew enjoyed it enough to ask about going again even when it was so hot out. Been a while since I had a rag top that more than two can be in it. It was nice to all get out and enjoy the breeze.

Most of the weekend was spent inside. Matthew is not good in such heat and there was really nothing much to get out for. Looks like we may get a short break down to the 80's for a few days. That could change up things for the better. Spending so much time inside like this is not good for Matthew either. He will probably get back outside for a few appointments and so at least this week. Most everything was shut down for him yesterday. Back to the regular grind time.

Well that is about it for today. Good solid weekend had by all. Sure glad that it could be so good. Thanks for doing what you all do to help make days and weeks as good as they are for us. Always Hope that things can keep cool with the temps so high. COURAGE MPJ to be on top of your game the rest of the week. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, July 8, 2021 6:26 AM CDT

Happy Friday to you all......well it is Friday in my books since it is the end of the work week for this old man. Gotta love the life of the semi-retired. Someday I will pull the plug on working, but not anytime too soon I guess. Right now it fits in nicely and I still have a purpose here at the office. Not being kicked to the curb quite yet.

Matthew has been good this week so far. I hate to say that since it has happened so frequently that he blows up soon after I report that here. Let's hope not for sure. Glad that he is in a good groove. Helps everyone's groove around him too. Finally today he could get a nice break in the weather. I drove the convertible to work and it was actually chilly. So maybe Matthew will want to get outside a do something. He has plenty of bows to shoot and a game or two of bags that could be played. Something...just get out and enjoy.

His foot is well healed and he is not complaining about the thumb as much. So both of those are very good things. He is back to wearing two shoes and not just slip ons. He was lucky, and so were we, that his spill was not worse than it was. Hopefully he learned to exit the ramps just a bit more carefully. He does not need to add any extra to the issues he already has.

Nothing much else new or on the near horizon for Matthew and us too. If it all works out, we may take a cruise to CR to deliver a picture that I bought for a friend. A good opportunity to get out of town and see some different landscapes. Guess that drive will not provide much of a different look though. We all like to get out and about. So that trip would be a win win for the home team. Other than that, not a thing I can think of going on. Been pretty much life with us for years hasn't it. We know it could be much worse though.

Have a good weekend and be safe out there. Thanks to all for caring enough to visit this site and for all of the help and support through the many years. Always Hope that the days ahead are good ones. COURAGE MPJ to keep the anger demons locked up for the good of everyone around you and yourself too. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, July 12, 2021 6:19 AM CDT

Monday Monday. Really not ready for this. Oh well, short hours and short week ahead. shouldn't complain. Just didn't feel like getting up this early today. Matthew woke Patti up twice overnight so I know that she feels three times as much like I do this morning. Must be nice having someone wait on you 24 hours a day.

We made it through the end of the work week and weekend without too much issue. With Matthew, there is always something. Especially guessed it....bedtime. He gave Patti the business Saturday night and me on Sunday. Not too much, but enough to sort of ruin your attitude towards him and make you feel used and abused for all that you do for him. Just the way it is and always will be. Heck, when he moved out it seemed like that part never changed. Just his address. Most of the time he was fine. He slept in both weekend mornings so he is only around and up about 11 hours a day.

We didn't do much over the weekend. I did take him out earlier, in my long weekend, for a nice 30+ mile cruise in the convertible. I recall that it was just perfect out there. We were gone probably an hour so Patti and a brief bit of peace and quiet around the house. He also went on a couple rides with me to the office to check on things with the building. One of them ended in a burger and shake before we touched down at home again. The rains and the threat of rains didn't help getting out and about much. Could be more coming this week too.

Matthew has his first meeting with his new case manager. She has been on board for a year, but with the COVID thing, first time actually in person. She seems fine over the phone, but not quite as nice as the previous one he had for a few years. We had her broken in just right before she and her company was replaced. Hope that this all works out for the best. These pros can be quite the asset. Had too many that just kind of phoned it in to speak.

Should be a normal sort of week out there. I guess we can live with that. Been doing that for 16 years with Matthew. Each and every day has it challenges. When we can roll with them, all is good. Hope that we are feeling might round this week and can roll with the best. So have a good week and see you back here soon. Take good care and a big thank you to all for everything. The ship would sink without you. Stay on board, please. Always Hope for more good than not so good times. COURAGE MPJ to be a little more civil at the end of the day. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, July 13, 2021 6:11 AM CDT

Nice break in the weather so far this week. I'd like it to stay this way, but not to be. Much easier to do things around the house, or I should say outside the house, when it is a bit cooler. Even the grass is growing again after weeks without much rain. Patti's garden is really doing well too. Things just look better outside when they are green rather than brown.

Matthew was all right on Monday. I didn't hear anything negative about the day when I was at work. He was fine while I was home and didn't do his multiple call outs in the night. He does have a bad habit of doing that once in bed for the night too. The first half hour usually brings out two or even three calls for something. It wears on you after a while. Caregivers need a little down time too. Makes the time Patti and I get alone just that much shorter. Between Kaylee and Matthew, she has little Patti time. I should do more to help. I guess I am not motherly enough. I stick to the kitchen where I belong.

Matthew did get out and enjoy the cooler temps with a few games of bags in the driveway. The game is modified to fit his needs and abilities. Shorter distance to the target and only one board is used instead of two. He seems to enjoy that about as much as anything right now. The bows have been sitting unused for a few weeks now. Not sure why the loss of interest in them. He goes in spurts. All in or not at all I guess. We are really less than three months away from deer season at the lake. Will need to get going soon on his qualifying for that with the crossbow. He sure had rotten luck with that bow this spring. Missing a shot at a deer would really be tragic.

Well that will do for me for a while. I am off work now until next Monday. Nice 5 day weekend for the old Jimbo. I may try to get online before then, but if not, do not worry. Thanks for being there for Matthew for what seems an eternity. We are blessed. Always Hope things can shape up nicely for Matthew the rest of the week and beyond. COURAGE MPJ to keep your act together for the good of all. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, July 19, 2021 6:18 AM CDT

Well I am back in the saddle again. Had a nice few days off from here. Didn't do anything too special, but got to hang out plenty. Did take a couple road trips one east and one west I guess. Still haven't left the state for a year and a half at least, but did get away for a few hours. Matthew has really taken to the Camaro convertible and wants to go for rides as often as possible. He and I took a nice one to Winterset in it on Saturday to visit my sister. He was ready to go again yesterday, but the old man didn't feel like roasting in the open cockpit. We went in the air-conditioned comfort of the Subaru. He does like his car trips.

Matthew has found a new love. Well an old love rekindled I should say. He is back shooting his bows. They opened a new facility up at Saylorville Lake, very near where he has hunted for years, that is easy for him to use. Nice outdoor shooting range for bows. He spent hours up there on Friday and was more than ready to return over the weekend. The old man has a bum leg right now so had to put that on the back burner for he and Josh today. It really fits his needs. Even the porta-john there is usable for him he found out. Glad that the project there is finally up and running. I see him there weekly if not more often than that.

He has been behaving well for the most part. Little blips here and there, but for the most part all right. The grumpy guy still has a showing at least 50% of the evenings at bedtime though. He has been calling out in the night and morning more often too. Usually for nothing really. But things are going about as good as they get I guess. Better enjoy it while we can.

Celebrated with a nice lunch yesterday. Chris was named to a top 100 list, nationally, for up and coming lawyers to watch. Pretty big deal and a nice feather in the cap. He busts his butt pretty close to seven days a week at the office and at his home office. At least he got a little pat on the back for it. We kept Kaylee overnight so he and Jess could have a free night. Soon Kaylee will be going to pre-school so better enjoy the times when we can.

That about catches things up for the end of the week and weekend. Life is never easy, but not too bad right now for the old folks at home. Thanks for helping us out with the cause. I know you do just that. Always Hope for a good start and finish to another week with Matthew. COURAGE MPJ to take it easy on those around you this week. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, July 20, 2021 6:18 AM CDT

Can feel the heat already this morning. So humid out there. Not the type of weather that does much for any of us. Patti made sure that Matthew went to his new favorite place yesterday while the temps were only in the 80's. The heat is getting turned way up before the end of the week. Don't think it would be too good for him to be out in that shooting his bow. Got to take advantage of the break in the heat when you can. Good for the corn, but bad on the humans here in Iowa.

That was the highlight of the day for the boy. He spent a good couple hours up at the Saylorville range honing his skills. Josh said that he was really on yesterday. He shoots targets in the manner that you do it in competition. A perfect score is 300 for a round. Yesterday he shot in the mid 270's! That is a solid score for anyone, but for someone with all of his issues, it is almost insane. Some days he is really on and others it is a major struggle. Josh has gotten very good at managing him and his shooting. Does a good job adjusting things with the bow and with Matthew.

The regret of having him go up there is that he has seen at least one person there using a fishing bow to try and spear a fish. Now he thinks he just has to have one. That just isn't even in the ballpark for Matthew. besides the expense, he has no real chance at finding a location that would cater to his wheelchair. Seeing fish in the murky Iowa waters is not easy either. Especially when you can't really lean to look. He doesn't do boats and of course, we do not have one anyway. This whole thing turned into hard feelings and anger last night. Reasoning was not in the picture in his mind. Matthew has a real tough time being told no. It looked bad for the home team managers....Patti and I....just as Josh left. Matthew managed to kick back and calm down though. It actually was a very peaceful night following that. Thank heavens.

I'm sure today will present its share of challenges for all of us with Matthew. Just the way it is. We are not always as successful stomping out Matthew fires as we were yesterday. Had more to do with Matthew than our abilities. Just another average day in the life with the boy. So here we go again doing our best to keep the peace. Hope we win again like we did yesterday. Have a good day and with your assistance we will have one too. Thanks for being with the team. Always Hope cool heads rise above the heat of the day. COURAGE MPJ to do the right thing. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, July 22, 2021 6:44 AM CDT

Another scorcher headed our way today. I could use a day of weather in the 70's, but not happening anytime soon around here. Even rain sounds better than the 90's that we are going to have for the next 5 days or better. What did we do before AC? Suffer.....that is what we did. Not now, baby. Ours is cranking.

Matthew is hanging in there. Moments of not so good still happen, but the frequency is livable. He has been a little more busy with things this week. Less time spent indoors is a good thing. Yesterday he spent most all of the afternoon in the backyard. They set up the archer backstop and he shot with one of his recurve bows. They are much harder to shoot, but they don't travel near as fast or as far. Pretty safe for our large yard as long as there are no others in the area out in their yards. Tore up his arm a bit from the bow string. Should've been wearing his arm guard. He had fun though.

Patti is taking a couple days off. She is headed to Clear Lake to relax two nights and days at a hotel right on the lake. Looks like a nice place with a big patio right on the waters edge. She needs a little time away from us. I understand that completely. Getting her to do something like this took lots of prodding on my part. So Matthew and I will be doing the father son thing for a couple nights. We will survive. Hope that she is able to kick back some and get those worn down batteries charged back up.

Nothing much else new for us. Matthew has his normal things and so do we. Glad that he has been more active lately. He also had good news on the diet plan results. He was down some in at least three areas and even on two others. Overall he has lost quite a few inches in each body part measured. He really has done great with this fasting thing. Very proud of him. It has to be helping him in many ways. Hope he can keep it up.

That will do it for this week. Monday I will be in the office later hours since I need to be home with Matthew until Josh arrives. So look for a post being up here a bit later than normal. Thanks for keeping Matthew in your hearts and thoughts. Always Hope good days are here to stay. COURAGE MPJ to be good for the old man so mom can chill out. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, July 26, 2021 8:28 AM CDT

Good morning is just a bit later today due to Patti being on a bit of a vacation from Matthew and I. Lord knows she sure does deserve one. She has landed up at Clear Lake with a hotel room right on the water. She sent me a picture from this morning having her morning cuppa on the patio deck overlooking the lake. How relaxing is that. I sure hope that it all turns out better than we could imagine for here. Chris and company are coming up today too. He wants to relive a little of his childhood. Take his family on the tour of one of his favorite places growing up.

Matthew and I are doing fine at home. He was no issue at all for me and I am right on top of things. Josh got the baton this morning and his care until 5 is in his good hands. I think that the dog is the one that is missing Patti the most already. For Matthew and I we miss her a bunch, but we are trying to get past it by knowing how much she deserves it. She will be home before we know it.

Matthew was good over the weekend. With the lousy heat, we stayed in for the most part. He did have a nice evening out with the girls on Saturday however. Patti, Cathy and Mary Dahl met at a Latino place for supper. They followed it up with a Prairie Meadows stop to hang outside and watch the ponies run. Matthew enjoyed the night for sure. He bet a few races, with his moms money of course, and won once. Had to be the highlight of his weekend.

He did plenty of sleeping in both weekend mornings. I don't think in my 65 plus years I have ever slept in as long as he did either morning. Then again, my brain almost functions as it should. Wasn't like we were going anywhere. At least Sunday the heat didn't feel quite as nasty. Guess it was a couple of good days just to sleep the week off.

Nothing huge planned for this week either. Just roll with it and see where it takes us. Hope you all had a good one and are going to have a great week ahead. We will try our best to do that too. Thanks for the helping hands everyone.

Always Hope for relaxation for the most deserving one of all. COURAGE MPJ to hang in there and do what you can to improve yourself. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, July 27, 2021 8:23 AM CDT

Made it through the first day of the week without a scratch. Not even a little bump. Had a good day, but the quiet was almost too much for me. Matthew was very good and did everything that was asked and expected of him. Preston, the dog, is confused. His master is missing and he isn't liking that at all. I am very happy for Patti. If anyone in this world deserved some quality time away, it certainly was her.

She had a great day at the lake. Company from Chris and the girls. Sounds like they were very busy. Kaylee didn't want to leave the lake at the end. Clear Lake was always a draw for me. Too bad that Patti is heading home sometime today. Back to the real world I guess. Having just two nights away doesn't really give her the break she needs, but it was a good start. Maybe next time will be easier for her to go. Needs to happen more often too.

So it was a normal Monday except that Patti and Kaylee were missing. Matthew did his thing and was in good spirits. We kept it low and slow. Actually it was darn quiet. He was doing his best to make sure that his mom did not have to worry about a thing. He kept inside most of the day. Don't blame him. That will be the pattern the rest of the week probably. Just too darn hot. Dangerously so come Wednesday.

So that is that. Thanks for the helping paws that keep all of this from sinking. You are the best. Always Hope that today is easy and Patti comes home safely. COURAGE MPJ to be like you were the past two days every single day. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, July 29, 2021 6:39 AM CDT

Well isn't this heat just dandy? Wow, it was still miserable out there last night. This morning it feels very stuffy and warm already. Enough of it already thank you. Obviously Matthew is not doing much outside of the house. He still has appointments, but that is it. Scurry in and out and then scurry back inside the house. Can't blame him one bit there. They say that a break is coming. Be right for once and get this one correct.

Patti had a good time away from the everyday routine at home. She was able to relax a bit.....probably not quite long enough, but it did help. Now my task will be to get her out of here more frequently. Maybe once a month or so. Together, we have not had a whole 24 hours away from Matthew in well over three years. That will not be changing anytime soon either. We will just have to have a few 7 hour trips and then take a night away, when we can, alone. One of us is always going to be left behind. Such is life. Make the best of it that we can.

Matthew has been all right. Some testy moments when it is time to call it an evening. He gets tired and grumpy and we are spent too. Neither parties are too thrilled with this time of day. Patti and I know the odds that it is not going to end well. Funny how his mouth and attitude can go so south in such a short time. That time of day sure gets old, I'm telling you. But, for the most part, the days seem to go all right. It doesn't happen every night, but too often it does. All part of life with Matthew.

We will all be laying low until the weather breaks. I had the day off and spent 90% of it inside at the house. Not good at all. Hopefully that changes here soon. Like to get the boy out for a good long ride in the convertible. he really likes that time. Nothing planned for the days ahead. So you all take good care and keep cool my friends. Save your energy for the good days. Have a good weekend and see you back here Monday. Thanks for the helping hands. Always Hope the heat moves on and we can keep cool heads. COURAGE MPJ to do just cool. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, August 2, 2021 6:41 AM CDT

Well it was quite the end of the week at home. Matthew got sick on us Friday and spent a good deal of time in bed trying to kick it. He had a headache that just stayed around and he was pooped. That continued through the night and into Saturday too. We were obviously very concerned and in fear of the COVID virus. Had a few of the symptoms to look out for. Had at times a little fever, but it went up and down some. He just was flat out tired and slept forever. Only was awake Saturday for eating, which he did little of, and a few minutes here and there. Patti went and got a home testing kit and gave it to him. It was negative to our relief. Hard to judge with Matthew when he is sick. He sleeps so much anyway, and when any of us gets sick with the flu, we sleep way more than normal. His temps stayed down and the head cleared up for the most part. Sunday he slept in and then got up before lunch and hung out for about an hour before retreating back to bed. That only lasted an hour or so and that is normal for him on a weekend. He woke then and seemed so much better and was wanting to be fed. Good sign. He remained up all afternoon and until 6 or so and then wanted to go back to bed after eating well for supper. He was up a few times in the night and didn't complain about being ill. Matthew can be dramatic at times too. We are thinking he had a 24 hour bug or so. Been plenty of that going around. We were never ill and with the negative test, it seems that he just had the flu. What a relief that was. I'm sure he will struggle some today as his stamina is on empty. Of course we will all be keeping a close eye on him. It was a tense weekend for us on the home front.

So it will be a very slow start to the week. We made it through another problem filled weekend and are still standing. Time to move forward, we hope. Thanks for the thoughts and words that keep this old ship from going down below the surface. We are holding up much better than the Titanic. A little dinged up, but still afloat. Hope things improve some today. Always Hope for clear heads without any pain today. COURAGE MPJ to hang in there until you power up once again. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, August 3, 2021 6:38 AM CDT

Matthew went into the clinic yesterday to get checked out. After hearing symptoms, he was given another COVID test. We were more than a little concerned that the one Patti gave him was not true. Just got the word this morning that he was indeed negative. That is a huge relief. He did get a script for an inhaler to help with some of his huffing and puffing at times. That one was a bit of a reach I thought, but better to have something there in case. He is mending and hopefully today he will be able to amp it up a bit more. His stamina is always an issue and with this stuff it was at a very low level. From what I saw in him yesterday, he should be closer to his normal today. That is one huge breath of relief for all of us around him.

So a good chunk of his morning was spent at the doctors office. He missed showering and morning appointments if there were any. He did go to bed fairly early again last night, but it was later than the day before. It will probably take a few days to get whatever it was completely out of his system. Matthew does not mend real quickly. Maybe today they can get back on schedule.

Looks like we will probably be wearing our masks again more frequently and staying clear for indoor events as much as possible. Sounding not so good out there on the virus front. Most everyone around us has been vaccinated so that helps, but we can't be sure of others we are in contact with. The scare over the weekend was enough to sober us all up to the facts once again.

Well I am so glad that this mornings results were a win for the home team. Thank you all for the words and thoughts that give Matthew the fighting chance at life. We are so fortunate to have a team as we do. Always Hope for some healing to kick in for the boy. COURAGE MPJ until you are back at full strength. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, August 5, 2021 6:32 AM CDT

A little wet out there this morning. We could use every drop. The heat is being turned up again on us and that will mean that Matthew will be staying indoors as much as possible. He has been inside most of the time all week as he recovers from his weekend ills. I think he is pretty much back at 100%. It is not beyond him, from experience, to milk it a little too. His energy level is better so I would think that he is about as back as he gets. Hope he can stay healthy from now on.

Not much new going on. He has been picking up the pace on his workouts and appointments. Wednesday is a pretty simple day for him anyway. He got out and about some and that is about the first since last week. He did have therapy on Tuesday and was up on his feet a little, trying to get back to taking some steps. I hear he didn't travel as far as usual, but he also did some leg press things before walking. He really needs to work on that part of his game. Standing, walking and transferring were a major bust last spring for his turkey hunting. It was dangerous, actually. If he has any intentions on deer hunting, he will need to improve in that department or it is plain not safe for him to go out and try. Not sure if he even intends to go. That decision is up to him. Our only option for that season is back at the lake. Guess we will see what he intends to do or not to do. Those legs have to carry him further and stronger than they did earlier in the year.

No real plans for the upcoming weekend. I think there is something, but this old brain box is not always online. Jim has left the building! Too often that is true about my memory. Getting old surely does bite. At this point, we will be sticking close to the ranch as we normally do. Not too thrilled about how the virus is getting ramped back up. It does worry us for sure. Time to do things a little smarter again.

Take good care and be careful out there. There is more things out there to get you than the boogie man. Life is much more complicated, that way, than in our past. Thanks for keeping updated on all things Matthew. Always Hope that the weekend is so much better than the last one. COURAGE MPJ to try hard to make gains again. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, August 9, 2021 6:33 AM CDT

Things have been back to normal around the Altoona ranch these past few days. Matthew has recovered from his bout with, whatever it was that had him down and out by last weekend. Good news for all of us there. Patti and I never got it so we stayed upright through it all. So scary anymore whenever someone has those symptoms that he had. Little Kaylee was not well at the end of the week, but recovered quickly too. Crazy times that we live in.

With all of that said, we still did little since the last time I wrote anything. The weather got hot again and we made sure that Matthew kept it on the low side for activity. He did go to a movie the other day and other than making most of his appointments last week, that was about it for things outside of the house. We didn't do much over the weekend either. I'm thinking that we hare fairly tired of looking at each other. We are probably not the only ones out there that say that about being cooped up between the heat and just trying to steer clear from the threat of health issues. Not looking too good out there on that front. It's going to get much worse around here soon I fear. The state fair starts this week and it will be a good place to stay away from. None of us have any plans to attend. I'd bet that Matthew will hit us up for a trip there, but not sure we'd let him go. He normally steers clear of the packed buildings. Just rolls around the main area and searches out food on a stick.

Things should be pretty normal this week. Matthew does have a first meeting with Dr. Mike Jacoby who will be taking over for Dr. Frost. I hope they hit it off. Mike and I go back a few years as we played basketball together over the noon hour for years. All we need is to have him on board with the program that has been set up by Dr. Frost. Hope that he doesn't attempt to shake things up while they are working well. We don't want to mess with the whole seizure thing again.

So off we go. Hope that things stay on track and we glide through another week without issues. That is helped along by folks like you. Thank you all for keeping the faith in Matthew. Always Hope for good health days this week. COURAGE MPJ to get you activities amped back up to a normal level. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, August 10, 2021 6:36 AM CDT

Nothing new around the house on Monday. Matthew appears to be fully recovered from his bout a week in the rear. He was much better already last week. No new ills to report there. Always a good thing. Yesterday it was a trip to the eye glass store to look for new frames. What a cluster it turned out to be. Patti was not impressed at all. A new person had taken over the operation and nothing seemed to be working as it should. Matthew was told that they had some frames for him there and it turned out that they were for another customer. He having such a large sized melon, it is not easy to find frames that actually fit. Found one that he liked and it was for this other person. Then the same story when it came to looking for new sunshades too. I think I'd be looking elsewhere. So that was pretty much a total washout and waste of time.

Boy is it going to be miserable outside today. Yesterday stunk, but today it will be downright dangerous out there. You better believe that Matthew will not be spending much time outside of air conditioning today or more than likely most of the week. I guess it is about fair time here in the metro. Usually there is so much heat and this year looks to follow that to a T. Matthew has only asked once about going to the fair. I doubt if he will want to if the weather remains like this for long. He'd be better off going out to lunch a few times rather than trying to roll through the concession areas of the fair. Patti and I do not plan on going either.

That is really about it for today. We are staying in where it is safe and cool. Hope you all are doing the same. Take good care and be safe as you can. it's a mean old world out there and it isn't getting any friendlier either. Thanks for the support and words. Always Hope that things settle down for everyone soon. COURAGE MPJ to keep it low and slow until it gets better out there. Keep the faith everyone.


Wednesday, August 11, 2021 6:28 AM CDT

Well this is my Friday this week. I will have the usual 15 hours in today so I am done until next Monday. This semi-retired gig is pretty sweet. I am still waiting for the powers that be to show me the door, but no mention of it......yet. Been a good ride here at the Bar. October 1 will make it 24 years. Love to have those 24 back again. Someday I will be able to say goodbye here. Not today or next month. Haven't quite found my way without working somewhere. Hopefully that comes soon.

Matthew has been steady. No real issues to speak of. Had a pretty solid attitude for us too. Can't complain about that at all. Not being able to get out and about is going to take its toll soon, though. It does for us all. The heat is never ending it seems and here in Iowa, humidity is the key. It's been harsh to say the least. I hope that he can keep quiet about going to the fair, but I know sooner than later we will get hit up about it. Just a bit dangerous on multiple fronts right now. That super spreader event kicks in high gear 24 hours from now. Ouch!

Matthew has not one, but two doctor visits on Thursday. Ouch to that too! We meet with the new neuro doctor, Mike Jacoby, in the morning and then later he has another one with a skin doctor. Glad that I will be there for the first one and not the second. Doubt if his patience will be too good by then. His last medical visit took over two hours so he may not be too happy by the afternoon one. Don't blame him there at all.

We have zip planned for the days in between now and Monday. Just the regular duties along with these doctor visits. The heat will keep us inside for the most part. The four walls will be closing in on us soon. So be safe out there, please. We will be right there with our eyes wide open too. No reason to be careless. Thanks for everything, folks. You are so very important to us. Always Hope things get back to a better normal sooner than later. COURAGE MPJ to tolerate life the best you can. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, August 16, 2021 11:04 AM CDT

I wrote something here earlier today and it did not show up.

Tuesday, August 17, 2021 6:37 AM CDT

Well let's try this again. Wrote twice yesterday and it wouldn't let me post it. Then I couldn't get on it and neither could Patti later from her phone. Not sure what the issue is. So I'm just going to jot down a few words, just in case this whole thing crashes again today.

Matthew is good. Behavior has been good. He does have a head cold that is being passed around the family. Nothing real intense, but Patti has it too and her version seems a bit heavier than his. His trip to the doctor went fine. I think having Dr. Jacoby will work out great. The exam went as planned and no medicine changes at all.

Been getting outside a bit more with the better weather. No fair for any of us this year. Not a bad thing at all. Trying to keep outside contact a little less than what we were doing this past few months. Looks like we hibernate once again. Stay home and stay safe. We all have enough health issues to warrant that.

Well that is it for today. Hope that this works this time. Thanks for being there through the sunshine and the rain for Matthew. You are special people. Always Hope for better times ahead. COURAGE MPJ to keep working hard on your good behavior. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, August 19, 2021 6:41 AM CDT

This is my Friday and I am ready for another long weekend. Not sure how long I will continue to work before I hang it up for good here. Maybe through the winter and into next year and that will be it. Now I just need to find something that will keep me busy. That hasn't gotten any easier the past 10 months or so with my reduced hours. Got to find my way through retirement.

Matthew is doing all right. A bit testy last night at bedtime of course. Not a good way to end the day with him, but pretty much par for the course it seems. More days of issues at that time than nice and easy ones. Not sure why even. If you let him stay up later, then he can't hardly function the next morning when he needs to be up and get active. All he wants to do is go back to bed. That is not how it works. Weekends.....fine, but not during the week.

If he wants to hunt this year, a good question, he needs to get on the stick and get his application filled out and take the shooting test at AFS. Mentioned it more than once and still no action on his part. It is about a month away so he needs to hustle. I talked to my friend Mark yesterday and he may be able to come and sit with him this year. Not 100% sure, but better than a no. Covid kept him out of action last year and the hunt only lasted three times I think before Matthew threw in the towel. I need Matthew to go all in on this or just forget about hunting. I'm not sure he really cares anymore. Easier on the old man for sure.

The rest of the week should be the usual routine. Sunday we celebrate Patti's birthday so there will be good eats and cheer. Last night she made her wonderful lasagna for her sister Karen's birthday. That was followed up with a rousing game of cribbage. So two birthdays being celebrated this week at the house.

Have a good rest of your week. Matthew is hanging in there. Not much left of his cold. That's good. Take good care and know that with your help, Matthew will keep plugging away at things. Thanks for your help. Always Hope that there will be plenty to cheer about by Sunday. COURAGE MPJ to keep your cool in this wave of heat. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, August 23, 2021 6:43 AM CDT

Good Monday to you. Was not the easiest thing to get up this morning to get here to work. Just didn't have the motivation so to speak. Didn't help that Matthew called out at 3:30 this morning because he couldn't find his blanket. Pretty lame excuse to make someone else get up. That is about par for the course though. Why do something yourself when you can get others to do it for you. That kinda put the end to a restless night of sleep for me. That sort of thing happens nearly every night. Not fun at all.

We did have a good weekend. Got real busy outside and Patti did the same inside to start things off on Saturday. Matthew did his thing by sleeping in to close to noon. Nice that he can do that, but it also doesn't sit right with me at times. It is our fault that we have made things just so easy for Matthew. Patti's garden is all but done and so we spent time cleaning that all up. It was a good year for the most part, garden wise. Next year it will be even better as she sorts out what to grow and what not to. Been a good thing for her.

Matthew needs to get going on his application for the doe hunt at the lake. Been sitting there for more than a week. Time for him to spearhead the operation, not me. I remember how bad it got last spring at turkey time between us. It is up to him to get things put in place that need to be done. He has plenty of spare time to get it accomplished. We probably need to have that attitude on more things with Matthew. He needs to be more active in doing things for himself. We are not going to be here forever. He should be able to do so much more than he is doing.

Patti had a nice birthday on Sunday. Had a nice time with the family and then a couple hours with Kaylee after the get together was over. This is her last week of watching her before she goes to preschool every day. She sure deserved every moment of a good day. She is still behind me on days here on the planet. Never will catch me.

Well time to kick it in gear for another week. Nothing huge coming up our way that I can think of. That should give Matthew plenty of opportunity to take care of a few things. Thanks for checking in again on us all. Always Hope for trying a bit harder to get things done this week. COURAGE can do it. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, August 24, 2021 6:43 AM CDT

Not a whole lot going on that wasn't happening already yesterday. Things are all about the same with us. The weather has sure turned uglier that's for sure. Last night at 8 it was so terrible hot and sticky that I think it was actually the worse it has been out there this year. Obviously, Matthew spent little time out there yesterday at all. Just what time that it took to get him in and out of the car for appointments. None of us wanted out there in that hot soup. Sure hope that you were not in it too. Downright nasty.

Matthew had a decent day. Did his chores, workout, went to appointments and even help fill out his sheet to join up with the deer hunt at Saylorville Lake! Very pleased that they accomplished that feat. He and Josh are talking about going to AFS to get him qualified with his crossbow. Normally that is just a formality since he is so deadly with that bow. Hope that he hasn't lost that skill. That is the only hunting spot that he has to go to anymore. It just isn't safe to take him to public grounds and we have no connections to private land. He would rather have a chance at a buck, which are plentiful at the lake but he can't shoot one in this hunt. Doe only......bummer. He needs to get all his stuff done for this hunt or he is just out of luck for the year it seems.

Nothing else happening in our little world right now. His behavior has been solid......well as solid as it gets with Matthew. His normal is not normal for sure. Glad that he has found some peace. It makes our lives that much better not to deal with anger issues along with every other thing.

Time to close out another session at the computer keyboard. Take good care and be safe out there. Don't get cooked. I don't think any of us are on that menu either. Thanks for keeping Matthew close. It makes our day. Always Hope for some cooler temps to take over so we can expand our living area. COURAGE MPJ to hang in there until that happens. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, August 26, 2021 6:36 AM CDT

Well nothing much has changed over the past two days. Especially the weather for heavens sake. Just plain crappy out there. This morning it is so thick that I had to cut my way to get to the Subaru. least it seemed that way. So it will be another day with little time spent outside for Matthew and probably any of us at home. Just what we needed, another day inside.

Matthew did get out on Tuesday and passed his shooting qualification for the fall hunt. I guess he just barely did make it. Highly unusual that it was difficult for him. They did have to tweak his sight on the crossbow afterwards as he was shooting everything to the left. It doesn't take much to bump a scope off and that is what must've happened. Josh has gotten pretty good about tuning bows in and he and Matthew worked on it yesterday. By the time they were done, he was hitting all bullseyes. That made him feel much better about it. So all of the paperwork is complete and the shooting done. I can send in his info pack and just wait for September to attend the meeting and get set up.

Matthew has been behaving for us and Josh too. That is always a good thing. Sure would be nice if he could get out and spend some time in fresh air. That never seems to hurt his attitude any. Right now we are all feeling a bit caged. How about you? About the only thing to do is to go for rides in the car. Can't even take out the rag top since it is just too hot for that too. I sure hope we have a decent fall this year. We could use the break from the oven. Would be great to have good days and evenings to hunt too. Not so good if it is too hot and Matthew doesn't fare that well hunting in the cold either. A little of the Goldilocks syndrome I guess.

Well that is about all I can muster up right now. We are all hanging in there doing the best that we can. Hope that you can claim the same. Be safe out there the rest of your week and weekend. Thanks for taking good care of our boy. Always Hope that things can cool off so the action can pick up. COURAGE MPJ to wait this heat out until then. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, August 30, 2021 6:37 AM CDT

Happy Monday to you. Not real pleased to be here this morning, but it is something to do. Finding it hard to keep occupied when it is too darn hot outside to get anything accomplished. At least I have 15 hours a week here at the office to keep me busy for a while. Not sure how long this will be. They are having a gathering Tuesday afternoon for three of us here that are hitting the rocking chair circuit. I will hang on until the end of the year at least. Maybe until spring as long as they don't show me the door before. Been a good run you know.

Matthew is hanging in there. Got a little feisty the other night just before bedtime. I did bark back and that was it. We didn't speak much yesterday at all. Matthew has it in his mind that he can spout off to us and then things are all right once he is better. We do reflect many of the barbs sent our way, but not always. It gets mighty old being treated with little respect considering all that we do and have done for him. Before he knows it, he won't have Patti or the old man to kick around. We are both on the downhill slope of living. He'll never have anyone like us to replace us. I guess that is what happens when you live for the moment and expect others to take care of you. It will be a rude awakening for him someday.

Enough of that talk. As predicted, we did little over the weekend. Our big adventure was taking Patti to a funeral out in the country somewhere around Cumming. Very rural that's for sure. Chatted briefly with old friends that were there. Been a few years since Matthew and I saw them. Funny to think how close we once were. Most of the time was spent escaping the heat indoors. The usual chores got done and that was about it. Another lazy weekend for the most part. Next up is the holiday weekend. Even more down time without fun things to look forward to. Boy, do we ever sound boring.

Well that caps off the last few days in the life around us. Not bad, but could improve some too. Thanks for checking up on things and especially keeping track of Matthew. Hope your time was good and you remain safe and sound. That is really saying something these days. Always Hope that this current funk can end soon. COURAGE MPJ to appreciate good things before they are gone forever. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, August 31, 2021 6:40 AM CDT

Well you can't say we didn't need the rain that is falling right now. Every single drop is needed for sure around here. The yard is like uneven concrete so hopefully a little of this will help the cause. It could easily mean another day inside for Matthew. Been a while since he spent any real time outside doing something. This won't help with that. Sure do hope that it cools off nicely by the time the hunting season opens at the lake. Been up there in early October and it was just too hot for any good movement. I kind of fear that again this year, the way things are going.

Matthew is doing all right so far this week. Did all of the things that were expected of him for a Monday. Found time in there to go to the movies too. Not sure how long that will last as people are getting sick again in record numbers. He will be bummed about that. His little world really becomes tiny then. Just so sad that people are not willing to do what it takes to stomp this plague out. Will be waiting for our turn to get the booster shot too. Do what we can to keep things safe and open for us and everyone else I guess.

Before I do forget.....happens way too often.....a birthday shout out to Buck Wheeler. Been a huge Matthew fan forever. Happy 29th Birthday!

Not much else new for us. Patti is back on her schedule with Kaylee today and Thursday. Not enough help at preschool to be able to have her attend full time quite yet. It's a shame that there are so many job openings that are forcing places to shut the doors. I'm sure that Kaylee would love to be at school all the time. She needs that interaction with kids. I am glad that I still get to come here and talk to others rather than be stuck without any variety to chat with. This whole thing has gone on way too long.

Well that is a close on today. Stay warm and dry if the rains are falling around you. Thanks for supporting Matthew like you do. You are such good people. Always Hope that things we can't control get better soon. COURAGE MPJ to keep your chin up until they do, son. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, September 2, 2021 6:33 AM CDT

Hopefully today will be a better health day for the home team. Matthew didn't feel good and ran a low grade temp on and off all day. Spent a huge chunk of it in bed sleeping things off. He seemed much improved by dinner and hung out to a normal time when he goes to bed. Seems that this year he has had more issues with sinus things. Probably developing some allergies or so to the environment. It never ceases to concern us especially now with COVID looming. Patti didn't feel well by the late evening, but is better too. Me, well I did it up physically again. My aching hamstring really gave out in the morning as I tried to play pickleball for the first time in two months. That was the first hamstring pull and now it is worse. What a black Wednesday it was at the house.

So Matthew did very little to report on since he mostly spent the day on his back with his eyes closed. I'm thinking he will be much better today. We are should be....I hope. Lucky for us we have nothing going on for the extended weekend. Guess it will be R and R time at the house. Taking long drives is probably out since driving is painful for me no matter if driving or riding. Maybe Patti and Matthew can get out and about. That would be good for them.

So take good care the next few days and see you back on Tuesday. By then our sick bay status should be better. Be safe and careful out there. Thank you for checking in to see what is happening. Glad you helps. Always Hope that the healing begins today. COURAGE MPJ to overcome and adjust the best you can. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, September 7, 2021 6:33 AM CDT

Been a while since I was last here at work. Hope that the long weekend went well for all of you. We survived another round of Matthew not feeling the best. He did his sleep in thing each day and really never had too much energy. Off and on he has had a low grade temp and it is pretty much an extension of the same issues he has had off and on for a couple weeks. Patti is thinking it is a result of a very strong antibiotic he started taking right about the same time. Reading up on it and bingo, had all the symptoms. He even had another COVID test, which came up negative again, before figuring this angle out. So we had to stop this med and see what happens. If he feels better, then we know what caused it for sure. It has been one day since she stopped giving it to him. Should be out of the system in a few days. Hope that Doctor Patti is on to something.

We never rolled too far from the base over the past 4 days. Between Matthew and his very upset stomach and head, along with my very sore leg, just not a very good idea. So it was a very long weekend together. At least our heads were pretty cool after spending all that time together. We did have a nice visit from Chris yesterday then later on Kim and Jerry came for dinner and a nice chat. After 6 months or so, Matthew finally had his long awaited new bow in on Friday I think. So he and Jerry spent some good quality time talking about the bow and hunting I'm sure. That was good for Matthew.

As you can see, we really did little outside of our homestead and Matthew did his usual weekend sleep in thing. Not much else to say about it. He did well and we all survived. Guess that is a positive thing for sure.

Nothing too new happening this week either. Hopefully Matthew can get back to his normal schedule of places to go, people to to work on him as well as time for his personal workouts back at home. Time to get back to a more normal week.

Thank you all for coming here to check on Matthew. Know that what you do and have done has made a world of difference for him in his life. We are certainly lucky to have you all. Always Hope the healing begins today. COURAGE MPJ to hang in there until you really feel that you are back and feeling better. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, September 9, 2021 6:37 AM CDT

Not too much has changed in the past two days. Matthew has improved with whatever had taken over his stomach. Pretty sure it was the high dose of antibiotic that got him. He has not taken it in a few days and then he improved. Good to know that and see that happen. Hard to take care of the boy with that kind of an upset system if you catch my drift. Guess they may have to try some thing different to combat his skin issues.

I did get him all signed up for the hunt this fall with the Army Corp up at the lake. More than likely they will not be moving his blind and so we really know that territory. Hope that this year there are actually deer that pass by. Talked with Ranger Coty and so we are on the same page about it. Should be ready to go the first of October. Now we need a little cooler air to have a chance at a score. Been way too hot for much movement before the sun goes down or comes up. I also spoke with Mark, his partner in the blind, and he is up for some hunting. As a matter of fact, his son has just moved to Altoona. Maybe a little extra motivation for him to come here.

Matthew has been a bit edgy here lately. Quick to get upset about nothing. Not really over the top angry, but not happy and sure lets us know about it. He had a session with Jen Norton yesterday to discuss what is going on. She is his advisor to things that make him lose his cool. Jen keeps good track of him and makes sure that he has the right meds to keep him in check. I heard him talk about his issues with his mom and I. Good for him to get it out and then try to work on it.

Nothing big coming up in the next few days and weekend I guess. Sticking close to the ranch once again. So we will see you all back here again next Monday. Have a good one, but a safe one please. Thanks for all that you do and have done for my family. Always Hope things can get better for Matthew and the world in general. COURAGE MPJ to try just a bit harder and back off a bit sooner. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, September 13, 2021 6:30 AM CDT

Good Monday to you. We made it through the last few days without much, if any, real issues with Matthew. He seemed fairly content this past few days and not so hard to please. We didn't accomplish much, but we did kick back and watch quite a bit of football. I could tell that by yesterday the shine of watching the games was wearing off. Neither Matthew or I were all that interested. It was still on the tube, but our eyes and attention drifted from it. Too much of a good thing I guess. Were not too thrilled with the outcome of many of the games this weekend. The Huskers won.....yea....but all three of our pro teams didn't look too good. Going to be another long season it appears.

Had some good laughs and conversation during the CyHawk game on Saturday. The Dahls were over for the event and Matthew enjoyed that quite a bit. He has grown close to Mike and Cathy over the years. He always perks up around them. Made the game more interesting with all the barking at the tv whenever things went south for the home team. He really enjoyed the array of snacks that we had out for it too. Can't say that I minded that part of the game either.

Not much else happened over the past few days. Matthew seems to be better since he stopped with that one antibiotic that wrecked his stomach. No complaints over the weekend of bad headaches or anything either. That kinda left with the end of that nasty med too. Glad that it appears that things are back to a more normal with his health. We are always concerned whenever much of anything is out of the usual for he and his health.

Can't think of anything more to write about this morning. My head is not quite in the game right now. It is begging for a coffee. So, hopefully your weekend was a good one. Stay safe and healthy. We will do the same on this end. Thanks for caring and for all the support. Always Hope good things happen this week. COURAGE MPJ when things stumble a bit in your life. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, September 14, 2021 6:52 AM CDT

One down and in the books for this week. We are good and Matthew was easy on us yesterday. That makes the day oh so much better. As bad as he can be to us, he can be equally as sweet and Kind. He chose to be the good version of himself on Monday. Good way to start a new week off.

Josh is not feeling the best so that limited to what they accomplished yesterday. Got what was needed done and not too much more than that. Every weekday, Matthew has a routine of working out, stretching, and standing. That is rarely ever missed unless the boy is under the weather. When I got home yesterday, Matthew was on his mat table doing some of his sit-ups and what not. It has become such a routine that you don't hear much static about doing it. The standing is needed to get those legs use to bearing his weight. For hunting, he needs those legs to work the best that they can. Without him having the ability to stand, transfer from a lower level to a higher one, and take a few steps with the walker, he would not be able to hunt where he does. Could be some of the motivation there. It is working.

Should be another usual sort of day for Matthew. Hope that his partner in crime is on the mends. Patti will be busy at home with Kaylee so I hope she only has one to care for this morning. I get home just after noon today in case I am actually needed. Hopefully it is another low stress day. We could get use to those.

Well the brain is fried and that is the total recall that I have for today. Thanks everyone for being there through it all without bailing out. We are certainly lucky in that manner. Always Hope that Matthew remains at ease for many days to come. COURAGE MPJ to keep on the good foot and happy. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, September 16, 2021 6:30 AM CDT

Here it is my Friday at work. Wasn't as easy as most days to get up and ready for it. Not sure why, but I am dragging for sure. No matter if I am working 40 hours or 15, some days it just is a real effort to fire up for it. It could be much worse though so I should just get it together and get on with it.

Matthew is doing all right. He is not too comfortable at times with his bottom. It hurts from old wounds that have plagued him through the years. Every once in a while they will flare up and that is where he is right now. Especially bad for someone who sits most of the time. I noticed that last night when going to bed, he got a bit on the snippy side with me. I don't appreciate that at all. Time to just turn away and walk out. Sometimes it is me that gets that and other times it is Patti. It does get old. Maybe it was the pain in the rear that had him acting like that.

Josh was feeling much better on Wednesday. Been kind of hurting for the past week or so. Hopefully he is on the mends. His work with Matthew gives us a chance to relax a bit and do some things that with him would not be possible. Those two are suppose to go to an outdoor concert on Friday eve. The weather should be all right so I hope that all works out. Josh said he would take care of the transporting so that is nice too. Matthew and he did not go to a fair concert this year so this is the yearly outing that he looks forward to.

Nothing else going on in our little world right now. This will be the last post until next Tuesday. I have Monday off to celebrate.....or mourn....another year on the planet. Hit double sixes this go round. Rocking chair here I come! Thanks for checking in to see what is up in the life of Matthew. We sure do appreciate the help. Always Hope pains in the rear improve. COURAGE MPJ to hang in there the best that you can. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, September 21, 2021 6:32 AM CDT

Well I am back at the office after having another long weekend away. Nice to have a little extra time away. Spent yesterday celebrating another year on this planet. I am now a member of the double 6 club. I guess it is no more than just a number. Sometimes it is hard to think that I am that old. How did this happen? Oh well, may as well embrace the age thing.

Matthew has been hanging in there for the most part. Had his normal ups and downs over the past 5 days or so. Goes with the territory I guess. For the most part it has been good. It is hard for him to maintain that sort of attitude for too long. Something......or nothing it seems.....comes up and he will go off. Yesterday was a good example. He rolled by us and he was fine. Went into his rec room and came out mad. Go figure that one. Just the way it is and will always be.

He and Josh had a good time at the concert on Friday night. They arrived way early to be able to park near the event, which was outdoors. They took Subway along and tailgated before the event. The people there even allowed them to pass through a gate not being used for concert goers. It was an easy way to get to where they had their seats.....or should I say their space to be. Not so lucky on the exit though. Had to roll almost the entire distance around the area to get out and back to the car. Sounds like it was worth it though. Glad that the weather and the concert were both good.

So we are all back to the normal grind now. Mathew held his own yesterday in getting what he needed to do completed. Found some time to take in a movie too. Should be just another week as usual for he and Josh. Pretty much for the rest of us too. We are heading out Saturday for a football game in Cedar Rapids. The big event of the week. It will be good for Matthew to see some different scenery. Other than that everything will be about as usual as can be.

So have a good week and we will attempt to do likewise. Take good care and be safe. We sure do appreciate you checking in on us from time to time. Nice to have the company here on this site. Always Hope that our son shines the rest of the week. COURAGE MPJ to think before you act out. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, September 23, 2021 6:30 AM CDT

Thursday already. Seems like the days are flying by as we are almost done with another month. Hardly seems possible to me. The older you are, the faster the earth seems to more ways than one. Just hang on and hope for the best is about all we oldies can do.

Matthew is hanging in there for us. No real issues or outbursts to speak of. So far, knock on wood, he has been good this week. Things have rolled on much smoother for Patti and I when he is like this. He had a good time on Tuesday night with Aunt Karen as they had two games of bags outside followed by a cribbage game back in his game room. Luck was on his side that night as he swept the games in both arenas. I think he is on a roll as he also took Patti, I think, in a quick connect 4 game before he rolled off to bed. Winning games makes him happy I guess. Well duh, doesn't it make us all happy to come out on top.

I haven't heard much complaining about ills this past week or so. Some of the issues causing him pain seem to have gone away or at least ceased to be a real issue to him. That is very good since he has plenty of other issues, physically, that slow him down. Nice to move past a few of them. Maybe that is why he has been happier for us.

Contacted the park ranger to see if his hunting shack is ready for use at the lake. That hunt can start on the 1st of October. Coty said that he took out a wasp nest and cleaned it out a bit and yest it is good to go. The fear of the homeless camp has been debunked. He said he walked quite a big area without any sign. That is really good. So soon I need to go there and set up his barber chair that works so well for him. Mark, from Carroll, called the other day and he is ready to have at it on the 1st. Now if we can keep the temps like they are right now. We will be busy the next month or so hunting as often as possible. Should make a huge difference with my open schedule.

That is it for the day and the week. Hang in there folks, things have to get better in the world. Until it does, be safe out there. Glad to have you with us once again. We sure do appreciate it. Always Hope that the good Matthew hangs around for quite a bit longer. COURAGE MPJ, to try and make that happen. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, September 27, 2021 6:32 AM CDT

Happy Monday to you. Not sure how happy everyone at home will be this morning. Pretty quiet as I got ready and took off this morning for work. So much darker anymore at that time of the day. I kinda like it when it is nice and quiet like that. Means Patti and Matthew are resting nicely. Good way for all of us to start the day/week.

We had a good solid weekend and days since I last wrote here. Matthew has been behaving and our health has been just as solid. The big event was cruising to Cedar Rapids on Saturday for a freshman football game. We got there in plenty of time and Coach Kyle said for us to roll Matthew onto the track area surrounding the field. So it was paved the whole way! His boys crushed the other team so that was good to see a victory. Too bad the game itself was so one-sided. Nice to catch up with his family too. For us, the lower the level of football, the better we like it. Fun, for us, to watch the younger kids having fun. The drive was uneventful and Matthew had a nice nap on the way there and again on the way home.

This week it will be about the first hunt of the season. Mark is all fired up and will be here opening night on Friday. Matthew needs to take a few practice rounds with his crossbow to make sure his bow is ready to roll. You only get one shot with the crossbow so it better be a good one. Unlike a shotgun where you can rack up another round quickly. It takes some time to do that with a crossbow. Much slower than loading up and firing a compound bow. We have to get his hunting chair loaded up and into the blind before Friday. I have plenty to do before Friday to get all things ready to roll. Hunting with Matthew is no easy or quick task for sure.

Other than that event, the week should be about as normal as they get for all of us. Matthew has a routine each day to follow. He gets sidetracked once in a while, but usually everything he needs to get done in a day happens as it should. The only thing that usually can disrupt that is him being extra tired and needing to lay down again. That happens about once a week. Better get rested up for the weekend of hunting.

Thank you all for helping us make this life possible through the many years. We really do thank our stars to have you with us. Always Hope that the week is easy as pie. COURAGE MPJ to do things at a high level of good for us. keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, September 28, 2021 6:31 AM CDT

Nothing going on for the most part on Monday. Matthew had his usual appointments and duties and all were kept and done. Good attitude from him yesterday too. So we can check off Monday and say that it was a positive day for the boy. Nice way to begin the work week.

Today his mission is to go to AFS and buy his DNR tag for the deer hunt. Then later, I hope to take Josh and Matthew with to the hunting spot so that we can drop off his hunting chair and plywood. Good to be there ahead of time to check the place out too. He can only shoot within 25 yards of his blind so that is pretty darn close in. We will make sure to have orange markers in the trees to lay out what 25 yards is around his blind. He can pretty much shoot 360 degrees inside it with the easy rotating barber chair. I am a little concerned about the heat. Too hot and the deer wait too long to come out. He can only shoot a few minutes after the sun goes down. That is when he got the last one there. I guess we will see how agreeable the deer are this year. Last year they won going away. I should say staying away. Didn't see a single doe. That needs to change.

Really there isn't much else going on so far. As you can tell, when it is hunting time, it takes over his......and At least this year I have so much more free time with only working 15 hours. In theory, we could go about every day. No way Matthew would have that much stamina and neither does his old man.

Have a great day and be safe out there my friends. Thanks so much for caring about Matthew. You are the best. Always Hope for some cooler temps by the 1st. COURAGE MPJ to keep being good and maybe good things will happen right along with it. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, September 30, 2021 6:23 AM CDT

Raining this morning on the way in. That is such a good sight, but kind of strange after having so many mornings that have been clear. Seems like it hasn't rained forever. I see that there is more coming down the line this week. Sure hope that it doesn't mess with Matthew and hunting. He won't be going in if it is raining. As of right now, he is suppose to be hunting Friday afternoon/night and turn around and do it again Saturday early morning. Those are killer for Matthew and us too. Not much sleep the night before for us and less than normal for Matthew. Mark, who is guiding him, thought that would be the best for hunting. So then he would have Sunday off to sleep in. He will certainly need that down day.
We all will.

Things are fine for the most part. We still have to deal with the quick mood swings that Matthew challenges you with frequently. He thought that it would be good to pull one of those on Patti last night at....of course....bedtime. At this point, it is pretty much expected, but not wanted. Don't know why he gets that way. It certainly gets mighty old though. Patti is much better about dealing with it. She said that he was trying his best to bait her into an argument last night. She just agreed with what bull he was dishing out and got things done while he tried his hardest to get her to fold. She kept her cool. He didn't win that one.

Matthew makes it very difficult, at times, to want to do things for outside the normal daily duties. I have flipped out more than once questioning why in the heck to we bust it so much when it appears that it matters so little to him. Hunting is one major effort to pull off. It involves lots of coordination, help, planning as well as the time and money involved on our part. Not sure he really appreciates what we go through for him. It does make it hard, at times, to want to jump through all the hoops. Turkey hunting was a total mistake this spring for us. Deer season will not be so tolerant for bad behavior from him. The plug can be pulled at any time.

Enough of all that. Nothing abnormal has happened this week for us. A very busy couple of days ahead for us all. Be thinking positive thoughts for him on those hunting times. He could use all the good Karma that he can. Thanks again for spending so many hours helping the cause. You are amazing. Always Hope for good Matthew to take over and give everyone a little room to exhale. COURAGE MPJ to get that accomplished. keep the faith everyone.


Monday, October 4, 2021 6:31 AM CDT

Good Monday morning to you. Hope that the weekend was a good one for you. The weather was nice for the most part. Considering that it is now October, I'd say the weather was pretty darn good. It made for some decent hunting temps for Matthew and Mark. At least they didn't have to bundle up much. Could've been a bit cooler for better deer movement, but not bad really. We made it through the past few days without too much issue. There was and will always be a little bit of drama it seems. Just the way it is and will probably always be.

Matthew did not get the doe that he was dreaming of this weekend. He went out with Mark on Friday afternoon until sundown and then again Saturday morning before sunrise until late morning. The night hunt was the better of the two. They had three deer within the meadow area where his blind is, but they never came in close enough for a shot. He can only shoot, according to the rules set up by the Army Corp, 25 yards and in. They were more like 35-40 out. At least they had three there. Last year he saw zero in the three times he went out before he decided that he wasn't interested anymore. Saturday they were not as fortunate. Nothing at all moved into their area. So it appears that the afternoon until dark hunts are the best. That is when he scored all of his deer anyway. Saturday was a a cluster. He was out of gas and the legs didn't behave for us either. We were late getting in too. I thought it wouldn't be good and I was right for once. We have changed up the transferring system and hope that it works better. Mark is talking about a Tuesday night hunt so we will just see.

Hunting took the sap out of Matthew and me too. It isn't easy for Patti either. Lots of stress and anxiety for us all. Matthew and I were pretty worthless after noon on Saturday. He wasn't too bad yesterday so it appears that the second day tired Matthew may be here today. Funny how that goes. At least we enjoyed our favorite teams, both college and pros, actually win one. Rarely does that ever happen all at the same time. It made up for some of the sting of an empty hunt.

So back to the grind and maybe a little hunting too before the week is over. We all have a few tasks to accomplish before the week is up. Today Patti and I are headed in for our booster shot. Sore arms here we come. Matthew will get one soon too we hope. We have a phone conference with social security too. All about my upcoming draw as I am finally cashing it in. Should be an interesting week.

Time to get rolling. Before I do, Patti would like me to give a shout out to SH who has been a follower of this site since the beginning. Wow, that is really something. To all of you who have been with us for.......well....what seems forever, a huge thanks from all of us on this end. Doubt if we could survive it all without you. Always Hope in a world that certainly could use a heaping helping of it. COURAGE MPJ to hang in there until you can brag about the hunt of 2021. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, October 5, 2021 6:15 AM CDT

One day down for this week. Nothing out of the ordinary happened around the ranch so I can say that is a win for the home team. Sometimes the best is nothing at all. I would have to say that Monday was that sort of day. Today may be different you just never do know.

Today will see Matthew back out hunting at the lake. Mark is coming back to town to take him to the hunting hut with the goal of the big score tonight. We decided that the evening hunts are probably the best for him. Wednesday morning is a slow one for Matthew so it should work out pretty well for him/us. With it getting dark by around 7pm, I should have him delivered back home close to 8pm or a little after that. Pretty much about the time he has been going to bed anyway. It would be great if the hunting gods were on his side tonight. It should be his turn I'd say. So we will be loading up and in the field by or before 4pm. Gives them three plus hours to lay low and wait. Hopefully our theory of the deer moving better at night will be correct. Always seems to be a guessing game. Hats off to Mark for coming back so soon. He loves to be out there with Matthew and we are so glad that he feels that way. Matthew seems more relaxed in there with him than any other that has been in that blind the past 5 years.

So with all of that said, Patti and I will be busy today getting things all ready for them. Much of it is already done. I had left the Ranger parked on the trailer just in case he'd go again so soon. Looks like a smart move. There will still be plenty to gather and ready. It's not like he just goes up there and walks in to the woods like everyone else. The weekend hunts got us all back up to speed on what it takes and how to do it.

So that is that. Hope that he is in the mood to be good today. You never are sure which Matthew appears in the morning or for that, anytime during the day. More of an hour to hour thing with Matthew. Hope that you all have a good one and safe out there. Thanks to everyone for caring. Nice to be thought of. Always Hope we get things right tonight. COURAGE MPJ to understand and appreciate what people do and have done for you. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, October 7, 2021 6:44 AM CDT

Well right after I posted here last time, I got a message that Mark was not well and that he would not be coming to town for a hunt. Sorry to hear that he was under the weather, but glad that he was not down here and with Matthew at the time. Sounds like he is improved and ready to try again on Friday afternoon/evening. Matthew was fine with that. Hope that he is happy to have another chance before the week is up. Not sure if there will be another one this weekend or not. Doubt if Mark is planning on it. Our friend Jerry may throw his hat in the ring though. If not this weekend, maybe another. The hunting is best there the next three or four weeks. After that, it will get pretty sketchy there.

Matthew has been good the past two days. Health is fine and attitude not bad either. Last night it was he and I ending the day as Patti had a supper out with some old friends from her Dowling days. We got along just fine. Glad that she was able to slip away for a few hours. Escaping from the usual routine will energize you just enough to keep you going. This is the first week without Kaylee for Patti. It is going to take a bit of adjusting to having all the free time. I know the feeling.

Matthew got to go and see his favorite horse team. The Clydesdales were in Altoona with the Budweiser wagon and of course the spotted dog too. Matthew loves those big horses and it was great that they had a local show for him and I'm sure hundreds of others. If he was reincarnated as anything, it would probably be a big old draft horse like these. They are the horse version of Matthew. It put a nice smile on his face to see them once again.

Nothing else going on that is out of the norm until Friday afternoon and hunting. We are well prepared now and it will take much less effort to be ready and to hit the field. Matthew is healthy and happy a good deal of the time. Both big wins for the home team. Thanks for helping make this all possible. You've been through it all. Glad you've come back for more. Always Hope for good things in Matthew's future. COURAGE MPJ to do what you can to help push the good to the surface. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, October 11, 2021 6:40 AM CDT

A little rain here in the metro this morning. Wonder if it will amount to anything? It is so dry around here, we could use every single drop. There were inch wide cracks in the soil of Patti's garden. Time to dump some rain on it. Maybe this will start the fall rainy season. Hasn't seemed like a real fall quite yet. Too hot for too long.

Matthew has had his issues the past few days. His attitude has not been the best and the temper is too close to the surface. Started last week after I last wrote. He has been complaining about anything that actually requires some effort on his part. Wants to stay up, so he gets attitude there. Then he wants to sleep in every morning with some sort of excuse or whatever. Did not do all of his workouts in a timely fashion last week at all. Never bothered with any of the few chores he has been given either. Matthew has never been one to bust his hump and it really showed last week. Very bummed about that. He is not going to be happy when his weekly money draw is less because of his lack of action. Hit him where it hurts.

Went hunting on Friday night with Mark. No shots taken, but saw two that night in the distance. I can see the desire to go less than it was the week earlier. If he starts to dog it there too, that game will be over. It takes too much effort between Mark coming from Carroll each time and us at home getting everything else taken care of. Not seeing much of that appreciated. Last year was a disaster there at the lake and I can see it coming again. Hope not, but it probably is in the works. Maybe it is time to stop hunting all together. We are getting close to that. Once again it has to do with the lack of effort on Matthew's part along with attitude.

We did not wander from the house much after Friday night. Actually, I don't believe that Matthew ever left it. I only went out once or twice myself. Matthew spent both mornings in the sack until about noon. Of course he had breakfast before that, but he spends half a day in bed before he feels the need to get up. Of course we were busy doing things while he slept it off. Pretty much the normal way we spend each weekend. Anchored to the house.

Better log off here before I get too down. Just the way it is sometimes. Not real pleased with the way things are going. So have a good day and be safe out there. Lots of evil lurking in the world. Thanks for listening to my rantings. Hope it helps me get it out of my system. Always Hope for better days and weeks down the line. COURAGE MPJ to work harder and more often. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, October 12, 2021 6:35 AM CDT

The rains have stopped for today it appears. The cold air is something different. Guess I got what I was asking for in the cooler temps. It feels so much more like fall out there right now. Hopefully Matthew can get a time or two this week in the blind as this temp change just may do the trick for his hunting. Chances are that it may not either. All part of it I guess.

Not much new on Monday to report on. I did see that the boy was more active in getting his chores done. Been close to a week since he last took charge of these daily items. Patti was going to have a sit down with him and Josh about it yesterday and I guess that is what happened. Now if it will hold and become the daily routine once again. It's not like we ask all that much to start off with. It should be very simple to complete, but you just have to do it. Matthew will never be accused of being a ball of fire when it comes to work.

Of course he blew it last night at bedtime once again. Why am I not shocked at this? Had to get grumpy and show off his attitude about that time. Pretty much a 5 day a week ritual that could really use a bit of a change. Never a good way to end your day of caring for him. He doesn't seem to mind though.

Should be a normal Tuesday for all of us. He has an extra fun thing on Wednesday as he heads to see the dentist. I should not laugh about that as I go there too on Thursday. Don't think that either of us enjoy that chair ride. Other than that little gem, his week is about as normal as they get. Could be changing IF he gets a chance to hunt sometime before the weekend.

Have a good and safe one out there today. Thanks for coming here and supporting Matthew as well as the rest of us. Been some kind of journey without any doubt. Always Hope today is brighter in many ways. COURAGE MPJ to be a little more civil to those around you. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, October 14, 2021 6:33 AM CDT

At least it isn't raining this morning. Nice cool weather ahead in the near future too. Good weather to go out in the woods. Things have been peaceful around the ranch the past couple days/nights so getting out there could be happening. As a matter of fact, Jerry is coming out tonight with Matthew for an afternoon/night hunt at the lake. That is if everything goes as planned. You just never know. Matthew, Josh and I did go up to his spot and set up a pop up blind in a little different spot. Hopefully the deer will keep moving down the trail close to where we popped it up. It is smallish compared to the one the Army Corp has there, but it should work. We are trying the best that we can to improve the odds in favor of the home team. Maybe we are the visiting team up there. I think we will probably go for the old one tonight unless Jerry feels that this is the better place. What the heck do I know anyway. Should be on the road about 2:30 and be returning just after 8.

Matthew endured a trip to the dentist yesterday. He didn't have any cavities so that is a great thing. I don't think he has ever had a filling in his teeth. Unlike his old man. Glad that this is out of the way for another six months. He also had two insurance meetings over the phone the other afternoon. Same old questions with the very same answers as before. Really a waste of time for sure. I realize it needs to be done, but........ Patti is always doing battle online and over the phone with his insurance over his meds. He is always being brought on the carpet over the validity of their need. Duh!

No big plans past the hunt tonight. Sure would love to go out again once more or even twice before this nice weather halts. Just about perfect out there. Haven't heard anything from Mark, and I know he has some things coming up that need tending to so he is probably not in the picture. If he doesn't get to go again, well, that is just how it is. We will spend more time doing something else this weekend. Maybe a day trip is in order. Never really know. In our world, it doesn't pay to plan too far in advance.

Have a good day and rest of your week. Thank you kindly for being in Matthew's corner for the many years now. Sometimes it is hard to comprehend how long it has actually been. Be safe and be good. we will do that too. Always Hope the hunting karma is good tonight. COURAGE MPJ to keep hacking away at the demons that get you down. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, October 18, 2021 6:46 AM CDT

Well the last time I got on this site and wrote, we were preparing for a hunt at the lake. Everything went as planned. Matthew was ready and up for it. The afternoon was cool and crisp. Looked to be a perfect night for it. Jerry was ready to rock it too. Loaded everyone and everything up and took off for the hunting grounds. It's about 17 miles or a little better to get up there. Have plenty of traffic to fight between home and there too. We roll into the area and what? Someone has a truck parked in the drive that leads to the field. The one and only entrance that is gated. No other way to get Matthew in to his blind. Needless to say, I was a bit pissed. We fought this battle two years ago with another hunter. It cost us a night and a wasted trip. This is a different person I found out. No parking right there and here he was blocking the whole thing. I left a note, not even too nasty, to inform him that he was not to park there again. Got in touch with Ranger Coty and he too confirmed that it is a no parking zone. He was going to contact them and inform them. So once again we have another element to deal with. Hard enough to find someone to hunt with Matthew, weather to deal with, and of course Matthew and his attitude. What a huge bummer. That was the only hunt planned for the week. Shot down by some inconsiderate turd.

So nothing was accomplished since the last entry here. All the contacts made for hunting are falling through. The weather is just perfect too. I feel bad about it, but what can we do. At least Matthew seems to be taking it all right. I'm more upset than he is. Life will go on I guess hunting or no hunting.

We pretty much hung out the rest of the weekend. Patti and I were busy doing things around the house and Matthew got his usual big sleep in. We did have some fun on Saturday as we went close to our hunting spot to visit a friend and family camping by the dam. Had a nice chat around the fire and Matthew entertained the kids playing cards. Trying to teach them blackjack.....errr...twenty-one. He enjoys entertaining the kids. That was a fun couple hours before retreating back home. Smokey, but happy. It did make me miss camping though.

Matthew has been good the past few days. A little less needy and has been pretty happy for the most part. Makes for good times around the ranch. We took off Sunday for a long convertible ride. Poor Patti is stuck in the backseat when the three of us go. What a great day for a cruise with the top down. Matthew enjoys that sort of ride. So much so that I think he caught a few winks along the journey.

Nothing huge going on this week for us that I can remember. Now that doesn't count for much anymore. No hunts planned yet either. So on with the week we go. Hope this finds you all well. We are doing just fine thank you. We appreciate the effort and the support that you give here. Amazing is what you are. Always Hope things shake out well for the home team this week. COURAGE MPJ to keep smiling away. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, October 19, 2021 6:41 AM CDT

Things have been good for us at home the past few days. The weather has been about as perfect as it can get too. The old convertible is getting some miles on her for sure. Hopefully it will be a great day and night for Matthew.....and us too. Got a call last night about hunting again with Mark. He has a couple open spots in his time for Matthew this week. So we are trying again tonight. That truck better not be sitting in the drive to the gate again. I will not be so kind this time if they didn't pay attention to my note. So tonight and Thursday Matthew will be giving it his best. It would be nice if he could score again. Been a couple years so I think he is due.

Matthew's health has been good. Aches and pains as usual, Patti and I know all about that issue, but nothing to keep him down for the count. I doubt if Matthew ages well. So many issues will be coming as he gets older. I can't imagine all of the heavy drugs he takes and has taken over the years will not have quite the effect on him. Not much choice there. Somewhat have to live for the day with him. The future holds zero guarantees. We will continue to do the best that we can.

Should be a normal Tuesday until about 2 this afternoon. That will be the time to get ready for the night. We have our system down and the Ranger is already on the trailer and hooked up to the truck. Mark is meeting us there at the spot since it is much closer for him and he doesn't plan on staying the night. We will be ready.

That is about it for the day. Before I exit, a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY goes out to my big sister Barb today. I will not disclose her age, but we may be able to see the light coming off of her cake tonight all the way from Wisconsin! Thanks everyone for helping the cause. You are the best. Always Hope the deer are plentiful tonight. COURAGE MPJ to be your best as often as you can. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, October 21, 2021 6:35 AM CDT

The weather has sure turned chilly this morning. Not sure that I am quite ready for that to happen on a daily basis. We are not hunting tonight so it really doesn't matter if the winds are blowing and the chance for rain is present. Guess we had better get use to it being this way outside. Before too long......well you know what will be falling. Yuck!

Hunting was a washout the other night. Not one deer was spotted until Matthew and I drove home and were on the other side of the lake. Tried the pop up blind and it wasn't near as comfy as the other one that sits on the property all the time. Matthew and I are getting frustrated with it. We are both pretty grumpy by the time we load up and take off from there. Time for a little break. We don't have anyone to sit with him anyway so maybe a few days off will help. When it ceases to be fun, it is time to hang it up. I don't think that we are too far from that point. If we only had a different hunting spot, it may be a different story. We don't so no need to dream about it.

Matthew and Josh spent the day together without us around much at all yesterday. We were busy with some chores over at the other Jessen house in Altoona. In the afternoon, Matthew met with his person that looks over all of his matters. Well I guess that is what they do, but rarely are they heard from unless they have to meet up to fill out more paperwork. 90% of things are generated and taken care of by his mom. I think they meet about every 2 months or so. Not much, if any, contact in between.

This old brain can't generate much more right now. The coffee is not working I guess. So I will call it a day and a week for now. We are all hanging in there the best that we can. Ups and downs are all part of it. Just trying to have more ups and middles than the downers. Thank you all for caring and the support that you have and continue to give us. Don't leave home without it as old Karl Malden said 40 years ago. Yes I am an old fart. Always Hope things favor the home team the rest of the week. COURAGE MPJ to try just a bit harder each day. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, October 25, 2021 6:37 AM CDT

What a wet weekend. I swear that it rained all Sunday long. We didn't have anything planned for the outside, but it sure would've been nice to get out of the house just a little bit you know. I think we got all of the missing rain from this year, all in one 24 hour period. At least it seemed that way to me. What a mess it is.

There were no more hunting trips last week and weekend for Matthew. The last trip out wasn't much fun and we also didn't have anyone interested in going. We were planning on this afternoon, but too much rain has washed that one out too. We are hopeful that Tuesday afternoon will be better and Jerry is lined up for that one. His usual blind at the lake does leak. So I can only imagine that the floor is totally swamped right now. Better bring a broom along with me and some towels. Maybe he can get lucky that night. Sure would be nice for Matthew and us too.

Matthew never left the house over the weekend. He slept in both mornings and his mom and I got busy with chores and whatnot. He didn't complain and never even mentioned leaving or going out for some take out. If he did, it was said to Patti. We did watch a little football in there too. Mostly on Saturday. A good day since the Huskers were not playing. Heck, even his lowly Giants won one this weekend. I guess it was one of those weekends to just hang out and hang on.

He has had pretty good health and mentally behaving about as well as he can. I don't recall any instances of anger pouring out of him the past few days. always a bell ringer for us. I even sheared his hair yesterday since it needed it weeks ago. Not much hair left up there. Why did he have to take after me in that way? He used to have a great thick head and then was gone. I guess hair doesn't grow on steel as one guy put it way back in my college days.

Nothing much new coming up in the next few days that I am aware of. That doesn't mean there isn't, just that I'm out of touch sometimes. We will try our best to get out and about more if we can. More rains are headed here by the end of the work week. That won't help. Would like to get him into the blind more than once this week. Not sure that will happen. Old faithful, Mark, is out of the picture for a while. That will make it hard to find someone else to fill in.

So have a great week ahead and please be careful out there. We will do our best to keep it on the low and slow on our end. Thank you all for helping the cause and for having the time for Matthew. Always Hope for clear skies ahead. COURAGE MPJ to stay sharp and be ready for action as it comes your way. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, October 26, 2021 6:36 AM CDT

Happy Tuesday to you. No rain today, but it looks like more is coming our way. That will kill off any chance of hunting for a few days. Right now, we are suppose to go out tonight. I guess I am never sure anymore with the way that things have gone for us. We've been left holding the bag more this year than any before I think. I should put it that we are hoping to get out into the meadow tonight for a shot at it. Could be a sloppy mess. It will be chilly since the forecast has it barely in the 50's this afternoon and dropping like a rock from there when the sun goes down. Good hunting weather.

An easy Monday for Matthew and that translates into an easy one for the parental units too. He was in good spirits from the time that I got home from the office, until it was bedtime. He didn't fight it at all for once. It has been a bit better at bedtime lately. He will be one tired puppy tonight if we do hunt. Just hope that we can both enjoy tonight better than a week ago. That was a total disaster. Much of that rested on my shoulders. It was a cluster from start to finish for me. So hopefully we will all feel better about things a little over twelve hours from now.

Nothing new on any other front that I can think of. No major meetings or appointments that I am aware of, but that doesn't count for much. Seems like Matthew is spending most of his idle time at home lately. Not a trip to AFS for quite some time now. Highly unusual. Even though he is in the heat of bow hunting, he hasn't been practicing much with his other bows. It comes and goes I guess. he has really been into horror movies this past month or so. Not my taste in cinema. He loves it though. Halloween has an effect on him probably.

Well that about runs me dry for today. Be careful out there and think hard for the boy this afternoon if you could. It's about time his luck changes out there in his shack. Thank you all for being there in the past and in the present. It means so much to us. Always Hope today is the day. COURAGE MPJ to smile and enjoy no matter what. keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, October 28, 2021 6:33 AM CDT

Another rainy day in the metro. Looks as if we are getting, or trying at least, to play catch up from the dry summer. Hope that it helps the cause. It will mean that another day spent inside for Matthew. He will get out for at least one appointment today, but I would bet on him being shut in the rest of the day. Obviously there will be no more hunting today and I am not so certain that if or when he will get out again. At least for now he will be staying close to home. We all will be.

Hunting was a bust the other day. They tried, but the deer are gone at his spot. There had been other hunters that got at least two close by, so we are wondering how many have been taken. Not that huge of an area. Could be hunted out for the year. At least he and Jerry had a great time together in the blind. All smiles when we took off. I wasn't smiling though. Got my thumb slashed badly when releasing the crossbow. It really bled and stung badly. Lucky we had a first aid kit in his hunt bag just for such things. I am now pretty much a one handed guy. It is a nasty cut. It happens I guess.

Everything else has been going pretty well at home. The weather change has left all three of us aching and sore. None of our joints are too healthy anymore. Bad enough that it gets to Patti and I, but it is a shame how it hits Matthew at 27. His life will always be filled with pain. Like he doesn't have enough issues already.

No plans for the days ahead. Hoping to mend some. I really miss my right hand. Those crossbows have just been one disaster after another for me. I did learn a valuable lesson on hand placement when shooting one. Duh! So off we go into the end of the week. We are still standing.....well maybe leaning quite a bit at times. Take good care and we will be back next week. Happy Halloween to you all. Thanks for always, and I mean always, being there for us to lean on. Amazing for sure. Always Hope the rains clear out and we regain our wheels a bit better. COURAGE MPJ to continue behaving like you have been. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, November 1, 2021 6:23 AM CDT

Nice and crisp this morning. Frost on the window of the truck as I headed here today. A sign of things to come. Another sign is that Patti and I are headed towards Boone to store the Camaro away for the year. No more afternoon joy rides with the top down. Winter will be here before we know....or want it I guess.

Matthew is doing fine. He never left the ranch over the weekend at all. Had a couple of nice sleep in mornings followed up with hanging out with the "rents" the rest of the day. Not too exciting, but he is healthy and fairly happy so nothing wrong with that. His head is a little stuffy, but other than that he is good to go. He and Patti sat out for most of the Trick or treat candy invasion on Saturday night. He seemed to enjoy that. It was a perfect night for it. Glad that we had more kids that night than usual. Our busy street keeps many at bay. He also had the chance to spend a little time with his niece on Friday night and then again when she came for her treats on Saturday. He loves that little girl with all his heart.

He decided to call it quits for now at the hunting spot. The lake just produced zero deer the last three outings. Enough of that for his taste. Mine too so Mike D. and I went up there yesterday and brought home all of the equipment we had up there. He could change his mind, but I wanted to get it out before it gets more difficult. He did contact and old buddy that has helped him hunt before. Dallas and he go way back to little league. He called me last night and said for Matthew to come on down to his acreage. He has deer running in his yard most every night. So we are checking that one out this week. That will probably be it for hunting. If he scores, for sure it will wrap it up.

Nothing out of the ordinary going on this week for him. I guess hunting, but that happens each week this time of year. Hopefully he will feel good about this place and he can have a bit of fun. His last hunt was sweet for him and Jerry. No deer, but a great time together trying.

So time to get rocking here. Really do appreciate the fact that you are still keeping up with Matthew and his story. The support has kept us all upright for so long now that it just blows me away. Always Hope that things line up for the boy this week. COURAGE MPJ to never give up hope that things can get better for you. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, November 2, 2021 6:31 AM CDT

A very calm and uneventful Monday at the Jessen house. That is great news. Boring maybe, but great no matter. Just the way it is for us pretty much on a daily basis. We don't wander too far from our normal routines. Even when we do go somewhere, it does have to fit into a certain criteria. Matthew has many restrictions on what, where or how he goes and does things. Trying to plan something is never an easy task. You really can't chance jumping in the car and going for an overnight somewhere. Just something that we have gotten use to over the years. Life has gotten so much more complicated with Matthew and yet so simple at the same time. Does that make any sense to you? It did for me this morning. Maybe I need more coffee!

Typical Monday for Matthew. A couple appointments. Working out, standing tall, stretching, and working on the legs as much as possible. They get very rigid. He needs to keep them moving a loose. Taking a few steps is not easy, but at times he does pretty good. He leans heavily on the walker and at least one of us, I still can handle him alone, is holding on for dear life to his gait belt. The boy sure fills up a doorway for sure. Josh does a nice job working him out and stretching those big old legs. We really need to keep him able to walk a few steps.

Today we will try to get to that place for a quick hunt. Now if the deer abide, that will be another story. Looks like it is about 22 miles from home and deep into the country. We will probably take off for it around 4:30 or so. Dallas said the deer come in for apples around 6. Just before sunset. It would be great if this is so and Matthew can actually take a shot. Then it is totally up to him whether he scores or not. Think positive thoughts for him tonight around supper time.

That is about all this brain can dig up today. You all take good care and keep yourself safe and warm. Thank you all for the many hours spent on Matthew. Very much appreciated. Always Hope the hunting gods are with Matthew today. COURAGE MPJ to keep working on all things that will improve your life. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, November 4, 2021 6:42 AM CDT

Not much new since Tuesday. I would say that the biggest thing, and what has dominated the past two days, has been Matthew and hunting at his friends acreage. I've made two extra trips to the country, 44 miles round trip each, setting up a blind for him twice now. On top of that, he has hunted the past two nights there. Has not bagged one yet, but they are there. Tuesday night we saw nothing. We were all bummed and Dallas, owner of the property, was shocked. It was a big deal though. Matthew sat in the blind by himself. That is the very first time. All decisions were up to him. Last night he had Josh in there with him. Boy was Josh excited. Never been hunting before. Just before it turned too dark, a buck came out, but halted as it sensed something not right. Them I'm sure. Thought the hunt was over and then three doe came there too. Once again they were very hinky, but the biggest one came in close enough, not really, and Matthew sent an arrow that way. All three bolted. No hit. We were ready to pack up when they came back for a real short time, still out of range. Pretty darn cool. Matthew decided to use one of his compound bows there. Probably less chance at distance to hit one, but it is his choice. Josh was way pumped about his experience and wants to go again.....soon. So even though no score, it was a win or at least a tie with nature. We probably will try again Friday night if possible. We bought a new bigger blind before last night and it helped. Dallas also had us move it to a less seen location. Maybe not as good for Matthew, but better blended in. Maybe the deer will not freak and stop like last night.

So that is that. Just about all I have as hunting has taken over Matthew. He still has his normal daily activities, but all he is thinking about is deer. Glad that he had an up close encounter to make him happy about things.

So time for me to close this week out. Thank you all for thinking such positive thoughts for the hunter boy. As it gets evening out, think hard again for him. You never know when he could strike gold. All good Karma is welcomed. Always Hope a steady hand and head take charge. COURAGE MPJ to enjoy the good things in your life. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, November 8, 2021 6:37 AM CST

Happy Monday to you. We are still in one piece and doing all right. Could be better, but life seems like it always could be. Can't really complain much though. Matthew's health has been good and other than a touch of the common cold, Patti and I are good too. My thumb is improving slowly too. So I'd say that things are about as good as they tend to be for us.

Matthew got out the other night and it seemed to be promising. I guess someone must've told the deer there that we were coming so they didn't want to disturb our stay. No sightings at all that night. It happens and maybe just a little too often for our taste. Matthew was let down some. He had a good night in the blind and it was a nice night to be out. He is enjoying this hunt without all of the transferring and hassle of the lake hunts. I am too. So much easier and shorter time invested. Going to go out tonight and try again. This time, the old man is sitting with him. Been quite a few years since we attempted that feat. He and I don't do well in the blind at times. We will give it go later today though.

We didn't wander too far the past few days. I don't think that he went anywhere after returning on Friday night. He did his sleeping in trick and that takes a good chunk of time out of a day. The time change is messing with him a bit too. He stayed up way too late last night. Bet he struggles this morning. The hunting trips are taking their toll on him by weeks end. Us too as a matter of fact. He should be back on a normal schedule starting today.

Really that is about it for today. Trying to get as many trips into the field as possible before the season opens for shotguns. Hard to compete at that point. Take good care and see you back in the morning. Hopefully with some exciting news. You never know. Thank you all for, well, everything. Always Hope today is the day. COURAGE MPJ if things just aren't to your liking. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, November 9, 2021 6:07 AM CST

One day in the books for this work week. Boy was it nice out there in the sun. Hard to believe that it was November and not September. I guess the crazy weather is going to continue to be a mystery for us here. We will be getting ours soon though. Cold and wet is on the way. May as well enjoy it while the temps are warm.

Matthew was good on Monday. He had all of his workout items in the book by early in the afternoon. He seemed in a good mood too. Health is better since it seems the touch of a cold he had is not really present at all that I could see. No coughs or sniffles as I sat next to him in the blind last night for an hour and a half. Patti is feeling it though. Welcome to cold and flu season.

We took advantage of the nice evening, well 4pm until sunset, to go out to the acreage owned by Dallas. This is the first time I sat there with him in years. We got along just fine. It was so nice that we were just in shirts without any sort of warmer coats. The new blind is so big that he and I could pretty much sit side by side. He had some action last night too. Had a couple come into his range. I was impressed by his patience as he waited minutes until they were closer. He took a shot and hit one. Off they went into the thicket and woods feet from where he hit it. Dallas I I went in and searched in vain for better than 30 minutes in the dark. Came out empty handed. We are going back this noon to look in the light of day. We don't want to waste a harvest. Not into it just for the thrill. Matthew was very happy of course. less so when we didn't find it yet. He was certainly a champ that night.

So that is that for now. Hope we have luck on the trail today. Thank you all for the words and thoughts that keep Matthew afloat. It has paid off for years. Always Hope things keep getting better for him. COURAGE MPJ to not let attitude and anger get in the way of progress. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, November 11, 2021 6:30 AM CST

How are you this damp Thursday morning? Things are pretty quiet out there after the hours of rain that fell yesterday. Glad that we took down the blind on Tuesday night after the last hunt. Saw where the weather was turning ugly on us for a while so down it came before it blew away. We may return again down the line and will just take a few extra minutes to reset it. Right now we are just hanging in there waiting for the deer to return.

We never did find the deer from Monday night. We took to the brush and woods for another hour and a half on Tuesday afternoon. Not a single sign at all. Did run into a few discarded appliances people had tossed into the woods though. What a shame that it happened like this for Matthew. He isn't too bummed about it, but I know he wanted to harvest that one none the less. We went there again on Tuesday eve to try again and there was no action at all. A couple cats got into a fight, but outside of that, zero sightings. Like I said, going to let the area rest a bit before we return.

Matthew is doing all right. Not causing us any grief or very little at this point in time. Getting the things he needs to do done. Has stayed pretty close to home too. I think the back to back nights of hunting wore on him yesterday. Not much energy there. He was pretty quiet and not real fast at anything. Went to bed fairly early too. His old brain really is tested on things like concentrating so hard on the hunts. Monday night with the highs and lows there did take a lot out of him too. Plenty of down time yesterday to recover.

Patti and I rolled to Newton yesterday afternoon. I saw where they had a nice Isaak Walton League club there I wanted to check out. It is a real nice set up with weekly meals in a space that Matthew can roll right into. A big pond and a few areas outside that may work for his archery habit. We joined up right there and then. What a bargain too. Hoping that it can be a social outlet for Matthew. Maybe get to know some outdoors people that could help him with his hunting needs. Just a place to gather and have some fun.....we hope.

That is about it for now. Trying to keep it low and slow for a few more days. Not much time left in hunting for the year. Between the weather and shotgun season, it puts the bow season to rest for another year. Have a great rest of the week and please be careful out there. Thank you all for the continued support and love. It helps us out so much. Always Hope things work out in Matthew's favor. COURAGE MPJ when the don't seem to. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, November 15, 2021 6:35 AM CST

Well we start off the new week with little news at all from the past few days. We all hunkered down, for the most part, this weekend and end of the week. With that, there isn't all that much to say. Matthew doing all right. A touch or two of the cold that has been going around the family. The same cold that has Patti miserable. I heard him cough a few times this morning while he was still sleeping. He has been taking a few over the counter things to battle it and hopefully it works. Patti is much worse off as her cough and stuffed up head has taken her over for the most part. The time and the season for it isn't it.

Should be a fairly normal week for Matthew. I can't recall anything that would upset the weekly routine at all. He does want to try hunting two more times before hanging up the bow for the season. Talked to Dallas and he said he hasn't seen many deer around, but Matthew is always welcome to try his luck. So we may go Tuesday and Wednesday while the weather behaves.

Next week at this time, Patti and I will be getting things ready for a two night stay in KC. All lined up for us by Patti. Matthew will have overnight company so no worries there. We are celebrating 40 years at the end of the month. Long time since 1981 for sure. So I will be away from a computer until probably Thursday next week after this week of course.

That is it for today. Matthew is hanging in there the best he can. Hopefully he mends a bit or doesn't get deeper into the cold. Thank you all for the care and support. It means so much. Always Hope good days keep coming our way. COURAGE MPJ to give it your best when things are not the best. keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, November 16, 2021 5:42 AM CST

It's early here at the office. Nobody here and I like that. Got smacked down with a big job so I need to put in extra time this week. May as well come in early since I have been up since 4 today. This will cut into hunting for Matthew tonight though. We were going to try for it, but never got the blind reset there yesterday. Like it to sit for a day before hunting it. So we plan on Wednesday with Josh sitting in there with the boy. Hope that we can wrap up the season this week. I'm growing mighty tired of it. I think Matthew is too.

So a normal Monday around the ranch for the home team. Matthew copped a bit of an attitude by about the time he went to bed. He didn't care for the advice that he asked for. Happens often and he never likes it. He just has so many things that he wants and so many of these are really not going to happen. Then we have to go in spin mode to talk him down if we can. Just something that happens way too often. You never know for sure how he will react and respond. Prepare for the worse and hope that it works out in our favor.

That is about it for this Tuesday edition of the Matthew Times. Things are all right, but there is plenty of room for improvement. Patti is not mending from her cold very quickly. She is a trooper and it really doesn't slow her down much at all. Matthew hasn't seemed to be as clogged as he once was either. Good signs there.

Have a good and safe day out there in this mean old world. Duck when you need to. T%hanks for everything folks. It helps us for sure. Always Hope winds are calm today and Matthew is too. COURAGE MPJ to rebound and enjoy a good day. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, November 18, 2021 6:47 AM CST

Hello Thursday. A week from now the aroma of cooking turkey will fill the air. For us, that day will be this Sunday. Alternative Thanksgiving Day for the family. Patti and I will be out of town at the first of the week until Wednesday. So we decided to do it early this year when we are not pushed for time. We will get together on that Thursday too, but not with the whole turkey dinner thing. With that all said, I probably will not be posting anything for a while so don't be worried. Just a little time off.

Matthew has been hanging in there. A bit moody at times, but really, that isn't anything out of the ordinary for any of us. He hasn't complained about the cold symptoms much. Patti, on the other hand, is not healing and coughs like crazy. May not be a great time for her in KC. She hopes that something starts to kick in for her. Could be a long cold and flu season for us. I am starting to feel some signs, bad signs, of things to come too. Crap!

Took Matthew out hunting again last night. Been a week now. Not a thing moving there at all. Pretty sure that it is a lost cause trying to hunt that land now. The deer seem to have moved on ever since he hit one there. I didn't see the sign that read no deer here anymore, but it must be somewhere. It was a good run and can't complain about not trying. I'm pretty sure he went out a dozen times, fired twice and hit one. Recovered none. That is the score card for this season.

Matthew will have a little different care here Monday and Tuesday. Josh is 24 hours on Monday until Tuesday at 5. Then Chris takes over for that night and hands it back off to Josh until 5 that Wednesday when we return. I think he will love it. He misses his brother and there is little that can be done about it with his crazy work schedule and
family responsibilities.

That is all I have for this day. Be back.....sometime... unless we just keep on driving past KC! Just kidding of course. Have a great weekend and holiday if I don't get back to write before then. Be safe my friends and we are so very thankful for you all. Always Hope for happiness in this world soon. COURAGE MPJ to lead the way for our family. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, November 23, 2021 6:33 AM CST

Well here we are in KC celebrating our upcoming 40th Anniversary. Getting away from it all is quite a new experience for the two of us. Been good so far. Nice weather for the end of November. The hotel is working out nicely too. Got to spend a few hours last night with Patti's cousin
Anne and her husband Steve. Good time playing catch up. Today should be a good one too as we will be heading off to check out the downtown area. We will be back to reality on Wednesday.

Matthew is probably enjoying his time too. He is being well taken care of while we are gone. Sending less texts to Patti as the day went on. Tonight his brother is coming to spend the evening with him. That will be a real big deal for him for sure.

Things went well over the weekend before we took off yesterday morning. Had our formal Thanksgiving meal on Sunday with the family and will have something less formal on Thursday.

Nothing else to say at this point. Have a safe day and holiday if I am not back on here again before then. Thank you all for so much that you have given us the past 16 years. Always thankful to each of you. Always Hope there are more good days ahead. COURAGE MPJ to have fun, but be good too. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, November 29, 2021 6:15 AM CST

Well I guess it was time for me to get back in the saddle here at the office. I'm telling you, I really would've preferred to stay at home. Going to take some time getting use to all of this again. It sure was nice to have the time off. Patti and I really enjoyed our mini vacation in KC. Matthew liked having guest parents there with him too. Back to reality for all of us.

Things are all right with us. Patti is still coughing and feeling not quite up to par. Been one heckuva cold she has. Matthew and I have pretty much avoided it for the most part. Nothing compared to her at all. We have spent most of our hours since Wednesday close to home if not there. Matthew has gotten into sitting in one of our new recliners now that it has been moved for Christmas in a place where he can climb in better. He has also wanted to watch Christmas movies. So let the holiday watching begin.

We have now passed our 40th Anniversary. It was yesterday and it sure does seem like it was just yesterday. The years have sped past us. We had a nice Thanksgiving too. Simple, but nice. Chris made us lunch yesterday and it was mighty tasty. He likes to cook just like his old man.

Hope that Matthew is ready for his week too. Been a while since he had appointments and jobs to do. Could take a little for him to get going again. I know that feeling, buddy. It should be a regular old fashioned Matthew week. Time to get things back to the normal way of life for us. It may not be normal for you, but it is for us.

That is about it. This old brain is not firing the best quite yet. Still on vacation mode. Take good care and be safe out there. Glad that you are still with us and that deserves a big thank you from me. Always Hope for good days and nights ahead for the family and you too. COURAGE MPJ to hang tough until things start falling in place again in your world. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, November 30, 2021 6:23 AM CST

Boy was it nice outside yesterday. I think today too. I could stand it being like this until spring. Snow is pretty, but the older I get, the more I understand why people winter somewhere else. Not Matthew's favorite time of year either. Not easy to move around or transfer once there is something like snow and ice on the pavement. He doesn't need anything added on to make his life more of a challenge. Guess we will be seeing what is in store for us soon.

Matthew had a good day. I'm sure he was a bit worn out by all of the action, but he did end up staying up longer than his normal bedtime. Seems like he has extended that a little more each month this past year or so. He has recently started to camp out in either the reclining sofa or the new recliners. We just have to help out with the transfers as his chair will move with all the action. Last thing we want is to deal with him on the floor. Too big for us to handle sometimes. The spring chicken in us has turned old and grey.

No complaints, that I heard, about any health issues other than the normal ones. His head has cleared up and no signs of any cold going on. His stomach has been upset from time to time though. Hasn't turned into an issue though. There is so much crap out there to catch right now. Can't keep him in a bubble, but we do try our best to keep extra contact to a minimum.

Nothing else going on right now. Just hanging in there like so many others. Hunting is in the past it seems and that is all right with the old man. 13 trips out was enough for me.....and then some. So I am closing this session out without much to say. Boring has turned out to be pretty safe and that is important you know. Thank you all for giving us your time and thoughts. It means everything. Always Hope for fair weather ahead through the winter months. COURAGE MPJ to be the best Matthew that you can be. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, December 2, 2021 6:54 AM CST

Happy December folks. Unreal that we are on the last month of the year already. Been quite the year so far. Matthew is doing fine right now I'm happy to report. Thought I would jot down a few lines quickly this morning. I am heading off to an event outside of the Bar Office this morning soon.

Like I said, Matthew is doing good. he is feeling good and acting good for us. He has the Christmas spirit going on it seems. Every night he wants to watch a Holiday movie with his mom and I. He even asked for an oldie that he never cared for before. Don't know what haws come over him. I fear we will run short of movies that are watchable over the next twenty some days. Patti and I don't mind much as we like them too.

Nothing new going on. He's been out shooting his bows again so that is a good way for him to spend some down time. He rediscovered one that he forgot that he still had. So he geared it up yesterday and enjoyed shooting it. He will probably lean on bow practice pretty heavily the next few months. He loves his time at AFS with Mark and the guys there. They treat him so well there.

No big plans in the days ahead. So I'm going to end this without saying a whole lot I guess. Great to have you on the team. We are so blessed. Always Hope for the nice weather to stay for a long while. COURAGE MPJ to keep the positive attitude going. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, December 6, 2021 6:45 AM CST

Just a little different outside this morning than last week. Winter coat here I am. The winds were crazy by last night. Walked out of the door to about two foot of leaves gathered all the way to the top of my side deck. In the middle of the crazy winds we had action in the neighborhood. Two houses down there was a car fire. Flames were really ignited with the winds. Looked and smelled bad. Hope everyone was OK, the car sure wasn't. Matthew slept right through it. Winds and the fire both.

We stayed close to home all weekend. Just didn't feel like going anywhere or doing much at all outside of the ranch. Matthew stayed up later than normal so that meant that he also stayed in bed pretty much until lunch both days too. He has still been getting into the Christmas movies and so have we. Seems like each night brings a new one.....well new to this year that is...out and onto the screen. Funny that we don't recall his love for them before, at least not like this.

Did a little cleaning and rearranging in his rec room yesterday. He has really taken to sitting in a recliner of late. So I brought one up for him in that room too. It feels good to him since he can stretch out and also relax his back instead of being so upright in his wheelchair. His room needed a good cleaning and sorting out anyway. It should be good now for a while. He sure does use that area every day. Perfect fit for his needs.

His cold issues are all but gone, but his stomach is still giving him some issues from time to time. Patti has given him pro-biotics at times and it appears that she needs to either keep it up or get back on it. We all have been suffering with it lately. Seems like if it isn't one thing it is another for that boy. Someday, hopefully soon, he can starting getting a few health breaks. Lord knows he has suffered through about everything the past decade and a half.

That will do it for this morning. Hope all is well on your end. Stay warm, dry and safe, please. Can't thank you enough for keeping Matthew in your thoughts. It has to help and we know that. Always Hope good times and better health lands on and stays with the boy. COURAGE MPJ to stay positive and happy. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, December 7, 2021 6:43 AM CST

Not a whole lot happening around the ranch these days. Just trying our best to maintain. Matthew was at his best yesterday and very cooperative to everyone. Not always the case, but he was on a good roll Monday. Nice to see that happening. He ended up going to bed fairly early as the late nights have caught up to him. No Christmas movie again last night. I fear we will run out of watchable ones way before Christmas day. Too many bad movies made for this time of year. We do have plenty of the classics left to watch though. They will come in handy as the weather has seemed to turn into winter on us lately. The colder it gets, the less Matthew heads out of the house. Could be a long few months ahead for us.

Maybe he thinks that Santa is watching him since he really has been pretty good for a while now. Better not jinx us here, but just telling it like it is. You just never know what goes on in that head of his. One of our great mysteries that probably will never be least by us. You just learn to enjoy the good times and brace for the alternative. Brain injuries are just so unpredictable.

Christmas party for Patti and I tonight. Probably my last one with the ISBA. Doubt very much if I will be working here this time next year. Probably about time I hang it up before I become nothing more than some old hack hanging on way too long. Patti did it right as she ended her teaching career and has never turned back. Josh is staying a couple extra hours with the boy tonight so we can do this dance one more time before the curtain falls.

That is it really. Pretty darn boring, but we are healthy.....for the most part....and safe. That is so very important. Take that over action packed and risky. The older we get the more cautious we are. Well you all stay warm and healthy out there. Thank you all for the help. Never could survive this thing without you. Always Hope today is just as good as yesterday. COURAGE MPJ to make it a reality for us. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, December 13, 2021 6:11 AM CST

Happy Monday to you. Had a nice and easy 4 day weekend again. Always good to have some extra time off. Not that I did much with it, but being able to just take it easy and go with the flow is what it is about for me. Could be the norm ahead as I am winding down my time in the workforce here. Hope that I can handle all of the free time when it does happen. Quite the change.

Matthew is doing all right. His health has been steady with a few ups and downs along the way, but nothing that really gets him down. More seasonal ills like so many of us are having right now. Seems like at least one of us at home have been battling a bug here and a sniffle there. Glad that we have plenty of Vicks and Kleenex on hand. His attitude has been good for the most part. I guess we will always be dealing with some stuff with his temper and attitude. Just comes with the boy. He has been able to keep it in check, but every once in a while he flashes a bit just to keep us honest I guess. We can easily deal with it like that.

Matthew had a real bummer the other afternoon. He messed up and did what is called a dry fire with his new bow. Basically, he drew it back a let it go without an arrow in it. A major no no. It damage some parts on it and it looks as if at the minimum it will cost $150 to repair. Could be double that even. Not the first time it has happened over the years. This time it was the most damage though. We all feel badly for him. All part of it I guess. Biggest issue, besides the cost, is getting the parts in. The way things have been coming in that were ordered, it will be maybe up to 6 months. Guess that bow gets shelved for a while. What a bummer.

Nothing else new around our little world. Doing what we/he is suppose to be doing. Glad that the snow and ice left as quickly as it came. A terrible reminder of things to come. Neither Patti or I look forward to having him transfer in and out of a car with ice and snow on the ground. Getting too old and weak for any error in that process. When it gets hinky outside, we will remain cozy and warm inside and forget about going anywhere.

Well that is it for today. Take good care and be safe out there my friends. We will do the same on this end. Thanks to all for the support. You are really something. Always Hope for snow to stay away as long as possible this year. COURAGE MPJ to keep your attitude in check, please. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, December 14, 2021 6:42 AM CST

Looks to be another nice one out there. Did hear that we are to have crazy winds on Wednesday so batten down the hatch I guess. Probably will be plenty of blow up Santas flying through the air. Just be careful out there Wednesday. Glad I am not driving a truck down the road.

Matthew had a good Monday for everyone. As a matter of fact, he was up already this morning as I took off for work. That never happens. I think he is just excited over his new adventure with Josh. He decided yesterday that he/they would bake cookies and make treats. Then he wants to give them all away. That is something for Matthew. First, he has never shown too much interest in baking and secondly it is nice for him to give back. Sometimes he thinks too much about himself, but right now he wants to do something for others. Bravo, Matthew. That's the spirit. So I think he was having dreams of creating today and so he wanted up to start early on his daily workout routine. More time then to bake n make. He will certainly be gassed this evening.

So it seems that he will be very busy today. That is great. Maybe keep his mind off of searching the internet for what he has to have next. The last thing he told me was that he wanted to save money to go on a wild hog hunt. Guess there is a game ranch here in Iowa that has such things. The boy is always scheming. Probably came about it honestly from his old man. Schemer number one! Wonder what he will come up with next???? You just never know with Matthew. That pretty much covers life with the boy.

So have a good and safe Tuesday, folks. We will try our best to do the same on this end. Thanks again for the care and support. It has taken us far for sure. Always Hope the baking gods are friendly to Matthew today. COURAGE MPJ to be this positive more often. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, December 16, 2021 6:44 AM CST

Well I hope that everyone survived the crazy evening of storms that took over the state last night. It really wasn't as bad as they said in our area, but others were not that lucky. Patti absolutely hates it when it is windy and especially when the gusts get to be over 60mph. I haven't had a chance to see how the house held up since it was pitch black as I took off this morning. Sure do hope it hung in there. Saw that next door lost a window sash as it was planted, broken, stuck to my garage. Not sure if it hit my truck or not. It was right in the line of fire.

Matthew was good through it all. We had plans to get him downstairs if needed. He hasn't been in the basement in almost 17 years. We were ready in case it had to happen. Instead he went to bed like he normally does and slept right through the crazy winds. Glad that we didn't have to flee to the basement after all. Getting back up would have been a major challenge.

He still has been busy making and baking goodies with Josh. They have assembled quite a few different treats. Matthew helps as much as he can, but steers clear of the oven for good reasons. I think they are finally done and ready to box up. He has been so excited about it. We sampled a couple things and they are mighty tasty. The last two mornings, he has gotten up at 6am to do his workout before Josh arrives so that they have more time with their project. I'd say that is real proof of how pumped up he is about it. Matthew getting up early when he doesn't have to? Crazy.

So there we are. Made it through a big storm and ready to get on with another day. Thank you all for the kind words and support that helps carry the load. Our backs would be bent over without you. Always Hope that everyone is safe and sound this morning. COURAGE MPJ to keep finding ways to make yourself happy. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, December 20, 2021 6:37 AM CST

Well we are here at the week of Christmas. Doesn't seem possible, but it is. Time never seems to slow down anymore. Remember when you were a kid that it took forever and even longer for the big day to come. Now I blink and another year is in the books. Just amazing how things change.

Matthew, on the other hand, doesn't change much at all. He yo-yos up and down and you just never know which end of that you will be on next. He had a rough patch on Friday. Not anger by any means, but emotions took over and he was so very sad. A line in a movie that he watched got to him. Sometimes he is somewhat of a deep thinker. Pretty amazing considering the damage his brain has endured. The line made him think and realize that all of his friends from the school days are gone. Never in touch with any of them. He felt like he had never existed with them. The feeling of being alone took over him and it poured out of him that day. So very sad was he and us too. Lucky that he forgot about it or maybe put it on the back burner in about an hour. He was really upset. Didn't do much for us either as we were reminded of the reality of it too. Matthew's life has had way too much sadness in it. Doesn't take much thinking on his part to bring it up and remind him of where he stands. Just a very sad reminder.

He was better the rest of the weekend for us. Got a little growly by the end of yesterday. Most of that was directed towards his mom. Unfortunately she does get way more than her share of grief from him. It never escalated into anything, just a bit on the short side with her. Talk about someone that doesn't deserve that sort of treatment. No person on earth supports or cares for him more than her. Wish that it would sink in and he would make sure that he steers clear from anger with her. Not asking for too much, but there is no way he can deliver on that wish.

Should be a normal week for the most part. Then the holidays hit and things will be turned upside down for a few days. Our trip north has been cancelled due to health concerns all around. Wisconsin is not a state that you want to bank on for people doing the right thing for the good of and safety wise. Maybe we can find some other adventures to keep us busy that week.

Well be safe and warm this week and every week. Thank you all for giving Matthew your care and support. It keeps this whole thing working. Always Hope that the week is a happy one. COURAGE MPJ to remember the positives in your life too. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, December 21, 2021 6:39 AM CST

Just a few more days to go before the big day. Do you have all your shopping done? We do.....I think. Patti has gathered quite a haul for the grandchild and everyone else. She and I are just going together for a present for each other. Nothing says Christmas cheer like a new printer/scanner. This has yet to be bought, but will be coming soon. Aren't we so thoughtful and loving to each other. The family will be gathering on that day and should be a merry one indeed.

Matthew did well for the first day of the week. Not too much action from what I witnessed. Got the things done that needed to be done and that is what is important. I heard rumor that today they.....he and Josh....are making another batch of a candy/ball treat that he loves. They made tons of goodies and gave them all away so Matthew wanted something. So the candy makers will be back at it today sometime.

Nothing really new at all. Just kind of getting things done and waiting for Santa to arrive. Matthew still gets pretty excited about Christmas. Hard to take the kid out of him. He asked for, and is getting, one big thing this year. Of course there will be a few other gifts, but the one pretty much covered it and beyond. We are also shaking up dinner for that day too. Less stress for the old man that cooks like crazy usually. Keeping things simple this year and see how it goes. Matthew is a bit concerned about that. He loves a feast. He has quizzed his mom about the traditional biscuits and gravy breakfast and yes it will be on the breakfast table that morning.

Take good care and be safe. Glad that you have come to see what is going on and giving us all the support we need. We are so fortunate. Always Hope that peace and love rule. COURAGE MPJ to keep the peace on the home-front too. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, December 21, 2021 6:39 AM CST

Just a few more days to go before the big day. Do you have all your shopping done? We do.....I think. Patti has gathered quite a haul for the grandchild and everyone else. She and I are just going together for a present for each other. Nothing says Christmas cheer like a new printer/scanner. This has yet to be bought, but will be coming soon. Aren't we so thoughtful and loving to each other. The family will be gathering on that day and should be a merry one indeed.

Matthew did well for the first day of the week. Not too much action from what I witnessed. Got the things done that needed to be done and that is what is important. I heard rumor that today they.....he and Josh....are making another batch of a candy/ball treat that he loves. They made tons of goodies and gave them all away so Matthew wanted something. So the candy makers will be back at it today sometime.

Nothing really new at all. Just kind of getting things done and waiting for Santa to arrive. Matthew still gets pretty excited about Christmas. Hard to take the kid out of him. He asked for, and is getting, one big thing this year. Of course there will be a few other gifts, but the one pretty much covered it and beyond. We are also shaking up dinner for that day too. Less stress for the old man that cooks like crazy usually. Keeping things simple this year and see how it goes. Matthew is a bit concerned about that. He loves a feast. He has quizzed his mom about the traditional biscuits and gravy breakfast and yes it will be on the breakfast table that morning.

Take good care and be safe. Glad that you have come to see what is going on and giving us all the support we need. We are so fortunate. Always Hope that peace and love rule. COURAGE MPJ to keep the peace on the home-front too. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, December 21, 2021 6:39 AM CST

Just a few more days to go before the big day. Do you have all your shopping done? We do.....I think. Patti has gathered quite a haul for the grandchild and everyone else. She and I are just going together for a present for each other. Nothing says Christmas cheer like a new printer/scanner. This has yet to be bought, but will be coming soon. Aren't we so thoughtful and loving to each other. The family will be gathering on that day and should be a merry one indeed.

Matthew did well for the first day of the week. Not too much action from what I witnessed. Got the things done that needed to be done and that is what is important. I heard rumor that today they.....he and Josh....are making another batch of a candy/ball treat that he loves. They made tons of goodies and gave them all away so Matthew wanted something. So the candy makers will be back at it today sometime.

Nothing really new at all. Just kind of getting things done and waiting for Santa to arrive. Matthew still gets pretty excited about Christmas. Hard to take the kid out of him. He asked for, and is getting, one big thing this year. Of course there will be a few other gifts, but the one pretty much covered it and beyond. We are also shaking up dinner for that day too. Less stress for the old man that cooks like crazy usually. Keeping things simple this year and see how it goes. Matthew is a bit concerned about that. He loves a feast. He has quizzed his mom about the traditional biscuits and gravy breakfast and yes it will be on the breakfast table that morning.

Take good care and be safe. Glad that you have come to see what is going on and giving us all the support we need. We are so fortunate. Always Hope that peace and love rule. COURAGE MPJ to keep the peace on the home-front too. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, December 23, 2021 6:28 AM CST

Good morning on this Thursday before Christmas. Things are sure quiet around here at the office this early. That's when I like it the best here. Seems a bit warmer out this morning too. Not complaining about that at all. A nice balmy 40 degree Christmas would be great. I don't miss the snow, but for the kids out there, it has to be a bummer.

We are plodding along like we normally do. Taking it one step at a time. Trying to finish up with the buying spree before the big day. Actually we have been done for a while now......but, you never know. Matthew has been doing pretty good. I think he is feeling good without much issue from any sort of illness. His aches and pains have been eased some since he bought this sports injury type massage device. His poor shoulders are absolutely shot and his legs get so rigid at times. He says that it really helps both areas. I can hear him using it off and on in the day. Glad that it gives him some relief. Hopefully we all can stay healthy for a long time now. That would be one heckuva Christmas gift.

Our holiday plans include our little family of six. Christmas Day at the old folks house I guess. Patti and I always say that it isn't Christmas without old folks there. Looking around, I guess that we are the old folks now. When did that happen? Trying to keep things a bit more simple this year as I am backing away from the stove somewhat. It will still be good and it is really about having those close around you. We will have that for sure.

So have yourselves a Merry Little Christmas too....or maybe a big blowout. Be happy and safe and enjoy the spirit of the day. Thank you all for so much. You keep us in line and ready to go every single day. We are so blessed. Always Hope that the world can enjoy some time off from conflict and sorrow. COURAGE MPJ to keep the peace close to home. Keep the faith everyone and best wishes from us to you all.


Monday, January 3, 2022 6:30 AM CST

Well Happy New Year to you and yours! We made it all the way to 2022 and that is really saying something. Hope that this finds you healthy and warm this morning. We have had some ups and downs over the past week plus, but we are still around and giving it our best shot.

Matthew has been healthy, thank goodness, but not always the case mentally. Seems that he has had some memory issues that are a little worse than his normal self. Not sure what is going on there. His word search is sometimes a little off too. This happens from time to time with him though. His attitude has been up and down right along with his memory issues. Been pretty short tempered at times over the week. Christmas was a challenge as his attitude effected mine too. Was less than a good day. Most of the time he has been fine. Just that the other times stick out. Being shut in with the cold and snow is not going to help that any. Looking ahead, it could be a very long week ahead.

Had a less than good Sunday. Had to clear the snow, which really wasn't all that bad. It did require using the big snowblower though. Got in from that hour long chore to find the kitchen pipes frozen. We have had the problem before years back. Thought it was solved with some extra insulation, but obviously not. Spent most of the day thawing them out with a space heater. Finally they uncorked. Been keeping heat or running water since. Then after that one, Matthew blew out a wheelchair. Parts for the back rest came falling out and it is down until I can find the right bolts to fix it. We have lots of spares so I fixed him up with a different chair. Just waiting for the next thing to go south.

We will be keeping it close to home all week it looks like. Temps are dropping in another day or so to negative digits. Not good for Matthew or now.......our kitchen pipes. May not be keeping up with the usual appointments either. Better safe than sorry and he has nothing so needed that it can't be put off for another week. Time to hunker down and ride this cold wave out.

So hopefully you all had a good holiday season. Somewhat glad to be back here at the office for a few hours this week. Sure would like to see our luck turn around soon. Not a rip roaring start to the new year. Oh happens. Thank you all for being with us for another year. You all have kept us oiled up and ready for the next challenge. Thank you so very much. Always Hope for better days to start today. COURAGE MPJ to recover and get back on the good foot once again. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, January 4, 2022 6:31 AM CST

Good morning out there. Not as cold as it was yesterday or the day before. It almost feels warm out after those days. Not going to last per experts on TV. No wonder so many retired folks head south this time of the year. That is something we will never know I guess. I'm not sure if I would really care for that either. I don't mind winter as long as it behaves and doesn't get stupid outside. All part of living in this state.

Matthew had a really good Monday. He was well behaved and had some energy. Not all that much, but it was Monday you know. Got the things done on the list and then relaxed some in the afternoon. Hopefully today will be the same. You just never know. Glad for everyone that he was in good form. Sure makes our living that much better. He really does set the tone for the rest of us.

Looks as if we will be cutting back on our going in to places once again. Really getting very stupid out there. Time to mask up wherever and whenever in public. The office is going to be making some changes back to the way it was a year ago I do believe. This means that Matthew will not have the freedom of movies and archery practice like he had just the other week. That is going to be hard on him. His world is very small in the first place and this will hit hard I know. Got to do what you have to do in order to be as safe as one can be. The virus and Matthew are not a good combo.

Be safe out there a please take good care of yourselves and others too. We are all in this mess together. Thank you all for helping us out these long years. It has made a difference you know. Always Hope for healthy days ahead. COURAGE MPJ to understand what is happening around you and why. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, January 6, 2022 6:38 AM CST

Oh baby it's cold outside! Truer words were never spoken on a day like this. So glad the winds decided to calm themselves or it would really be a disaster out there. Just another day in Iowa I guess. Comes with the territory. At least we are usually ready for it. Not our first rodeo.

Matthew is doing all right. Hate to mention it, but he has had some good days in a row without anger. Now watch what happens since I am praising his behavior. As much time as we are spending hold up in our house, it sure is nice of him to be cool. We have done very little this week outside of the house. Probably a good thing since we are being surrounded by people that have tested positive for the virus. To be prepared, both Patti and I went out and bought home test kits for what we figure would be coming our way too. Those things aren't cheap, but when you need answers, they will be right there. What a world we are living in. That was our only trip outside the house yesterday. Matthew did not go along for the ride.

Obviously we will be keeping it close to home for a while. Seems like we did this before. Keeping safe is our number one goal. Matthew seems to be handling it. I know he wants to go and shoot a bow or two, but not right now. His big competition was last weekend and for the second year now, he has skipped it. Not a place to be with so much illness going around.

Well take good care. Hope that things shake out good for the home team. Thank you all for caring about Matthew. Be safe out there my friends. Always Hope pages can be turned soon. COURAGE MPJ to hang in there with the old folks the best that you can. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, January 10, 2022 6:27 AM CST

Good morning on this brisk, but not crazy cold Monday morning. It seems that we are getting a little bit out of the deep freeze this week. That should help everyone with the winter blues. Some sunshine will surely help. Matthew is hanging in there in spite of being held captive in the house way too often. We haven't had him out and about too much lately. I did go for a drive together yesterday afternoon. He and I were scouting the fields for game that he could bag in his mind. Funny how we all seem to look now for deer and turkey whenever we hit the country roads. Even Patti is active scouting the wild. Matthew has really taken over our lives. Could be much worse I guess.

We all remain healthy at home. We are lucky with that. We know more people each week getting the virus it seems. Matthew's shower aid will be out this week as she was exposed to it from a grandchild. My boss at work went down too. Gone back to masking up whenever I/we go into a public place. This is really getting well past old. Almost heading into our third year. Just unreal for sure.

Lots of movie watching over the past few days. Each afternoon we have a matinee along with popcorn. Matthew loves reclining on Patti's new leather sofa. We are certainly getting our moneys worth out of our streaming services. They have been a lifeboat in this troubled water time.

Really there isn't anything much going on lately. Should be an almost normal week ahead. Just missing the shower person. I imagine more of his appointments will become virtual again. Already some are that way and some never have gone back to in person. I imagine Matthew really feels isolated. For me, getting away for work has been a blessing the past few years. These 15 hours a week keep me sane as well as feeling somewhat useful. Looks like all of us have an uphill battle ahead as things have gotten worse out there and not better. Dark days indeed.

So much for mister doom and gloom. Someday this will all be a memory and the sun will shine once again. Until then, please stay safe and healthy. We sure do appreciate the time you have invested in Matthew. Just amazing. Always Hope for a good week for the world. COURAGE MPJ to hit it hard and keep on trying. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, January 11, 2022 6:35 AM CST

Not a whole lot going on so far this week. I would pretty much guess that this will be about par for the course. Keeping things slow and low is about the best thing to do right now. Boring, but that is just how it needs to be as things go downhill around us. Too many people we know are getting touched by the virus and we really do not want to learn first hand what it is like.

Matthew is hanging in there.....well at least for one day this week. He has to be getting tired of the way life is for him right now. He talked about going to AFS to do some shooting, but not sure he will get that done. He was back on track with his chores and daily expectations around the house. We kind of let things slide the past couple weeks. Just being lazy on our part. Hopefully the routine will become just that again for him. He needs to stay more active than what we were letting him get away with. He talked about cooking a meal for us this week. That would be nice for him and for us too. Chris and Jess bought him a nice multi use mixer for Christmas. Sure would like to see him use it soon. I think something is about to happen as they uncorked it from the box yesterday.

Nothing else new with any of us. Just trying to stay warm and healthy. Please do the same on your end. So glad that you are still with us and thank you for doing so. Always Hope for more things to report on in the coming days. COURAGE MPJ to keep doing your best to stay positive in such negative times. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, January 13, 2022 6:37 AM CST

Happy Thursday to you. We have been motoring right along on the home front this week. No real issues to speak of. Matthew has been in good form and seems to be pretty happy. Nice to see that. So much easier to live under one roof when he is content. Of course there are plenty of requests that we cannot give in to, but for the most part he has responded like an adult. Not the case many times. As always, this is subject to change at any moment.

I see that he and Josh are planning to cook something up here soon. Not sure if it is for all of us or just for a lunch for him. He loves to look up recipes and meal ideas online and try to make them His participation is limited at times, but he is trying to do what he can do. Sometimes I feel sorry for Josh. He does more than his share of the work with the creativity. I don't think he minds though. Glad that Matthew has that outlet to make him feel useful. Some of the things are a hit and some a miss, but he keeps at it.

Patti is not feeling well right now. She just texted me to inform me about it. Not sounding good at all. At this point, all one can hope for that it is the flu. Isn't that terrible that we hope it is the flu. We have been lucky to avoid something worse. Not sure that our luck will hold forever though. Guess we will find out soon won't we.

Nothing else new going on for us. Hopefully this illness will pass soon. Hang in there folks and we will do the same. Sounds like our wonderful spring weather is going to be turning ugly by tomorrow. Hate to see that happening. Oh well....this is Iowa you know. Thank you all for the continued thoughts and support. It does keep us going in the right direction. Always Hope for a return to good health for Patti. COURAGE MPJ to keep on trying your hand in the kitchen. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, January 17, 2022 6:25 AM CST

Good Monday morning to you all. Did you get all dug out from the big snows of the weekend? It was fun for sure. At least it didn't drift that much so it could have been much worse here in the metro. The roads are still a challenge in some spots, but not bad with the AWD Subaru. It sails right through it. Matthew and I went out and about on Saturday afternoon when the roads were worse and it really worked like it should. Matthew was glad to get out of the house even if it was just for an hour or so. I didn't mind either.

Matthew is doing all right. Just a bit testy once in a while lately. Last night he was really a grump at bedtime. As much as he enjoys his sleep, it is funny that he can be like that when he is tired. I don't think he left the bed before noon on either Saturday or Sunday. he was up and dressed, but laid back down and looked at his phone. he'd be lost without it I guess. Health wise, he is good. Patti is mending slowly from a bout of stomach flu she woke with on Friday. She is better, but not 100% quite yet. She/we feared COVID, but tested out negative. Neither Matthew or I seem to have it. So glad for that.

The only thing happening, outside the norm, this week is a visit from Matthew's case manager. His last one has moved on and the good news is that he has one coming back on board from a couple years back. She is probably the best one ever. So Patti and Matthew are pretty happy about that. Other than that visit, things should be at par with every other week.

Well that is about it. Not too much going on besides hanging on waiting for better days. Hope that they come around sooner than later. Until then we will just do what we can to keep safe and healthy. You all do the same, please. Thanks for thinking of Matthew today and keeping him in your t6houghts. Always Hope good days are coming our way. COURAGE MPJ to try a bit harder to be good. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, January 18, 2022 6:30 AM CST

Well the week didn't start off too good for Matthew or anyone around him. He woke up in a foul mood and things didn't get much better as the day went on. Had one thing after another that he wanted and every one of them were things that have been discussed and dismissed before. Some of them for years. Just was one of those days where he asked for the moon and was not going to get the answers he wanted. So he went into pissed off Matthew mode for a good part of the day. He seemed to have calmed down some before he dreamed up the next item that he thought he should be able to do. When that got shot down, once again he was off and running in a bad way. By the end of the day he seemed much better. Of course, as he laid in bed, he came up with one more try on something that just isn't going to happen. Sometimes it is just impossible to deal with him. Poor Patti got the full treatment more than once yesterday. She was about totaled out by the time he finally fell asleep. Not a good day for anyone. That had better not carry onto today or I think there will be trouble. He really seems to be looking for it.

Not much else to say. Too bad that these days happen, but it is the joy of living with the brain injured. Talk about Forest Gump and the box of chocolates. That is what it is like living with Matthew. You just never know what you will get. Hope that you are warm and healthy. That we are right now. Take good care and thanks for listening and helping us find the way through the muck of life. Always Hope for a different son today. COURAGE MPJ to cool your jets and realize how fortunate you really are. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, January 20, 2022 6:30 AM CST

Wow is it a bit chilly out there this morning in the metro. -7 is what it says. At least at this point the winds are not blowing. The Subaru, which was outside, was not a happy camper this morning. Talk about stiff. It finally was warming up about the time I got to work. I am still cold and it is nice and toasty in the office. Hope you all are hanging in there too. All one can do.

Matthew has still been.....well....a pain here lately. He just can't seem to settle down about wanting this and that which he really can't do or have. It has pretty much been a non-stop assault on Patti about every single thing he wants. She is about fried and really needs some time off from this. I suggested a nights stay away from Matthew and more than likely me too. I just cringe, and I know she does too, whenever Matthew calls out...."MOM"! Most of what he is asking for is just plain not going to happen. We've done this dance so many times before and we still have to tell him the very same answer. Matthew either can't remember, which happens all the time, or is just seeking a better outcome to the same old requests. Poor Josh gets the same treatment. Wonder how many times he has put out fires before they get to the "MOM" stage? Right now it is simply too much. That is Matthew's method. Hammer and hammer until we give in. Not happening there, son.

He's been shooting bows this week at AFS. I think we take it for granted how easy it is for him to go there since it is a little over a mile from home. He said there was a guy there from Missouri that drove three hours to shoot at AFS. Wow that is something. Matthew and Josh are always wearing masks inside there. I have a N95 that Matthew wears. It is better at not fogging up his glasses. They are good about following our rules for shooting there.

We have a new addition to the garage. Patti and I bought a new truck on Tuesday. It replaces the Tacoma which was traded in for good money. It's a red Honda Ridgeline. Brand spanking new. If you have tried to buy a new car you understand how hard it is just to find one in stock. It was a miracle that we found one. We call it my retirement present. It should work well for Matthew. A bit lower for him to transfer with wide opening doors.

Well that is that for the week. Hopefully today he will calm down some and focus on things he can do/have. That would be a welcome change for sure. Thanks folks for being there for all of us. Wouldn't want to do this without you all. Always Hope smiles replace frowns today. COURAGE MPJ to realize all the good that you already have and focus less on what you don't. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, January 27, 2022 6:41 AM CST

Not sure what went wrong on Tuesday when I tried to log on here. It happens every now and then though. Nothing on our end was wrong, just the site itself. At least it seems to be working today so I can jot down a few things.

Matthew has been hanging in there. Some ups and downs and thin skin at times. Most of the time he is all right, but that quick temperamental Matthew is right there ready to pop up and bite us at any given time. He got that way more than once last night. Doubt if we will ever figure out what is going on in his head then. Whatever it may be, he hasn't freaked out and gone overboard yet this week. Last week he did. Physically he is hanging in there. Been having stomach issues off and on and Patti got some stronger medication, over the counter, and it may be working. It is always something.

We had quite the day on Wednesday. Kitchen water was froze again. Twice this winter after years without that happening. This go round took nearly 12 hours of heat to melt it away. I did some insulating under the siding outside that I hope helps with this. No damage, but worrisome all the same. We've also been having issues with the heat. It drops way low before kicking on. Just can't maintain the temps. I installed a new thermostat and thought it was golden. Not so for long. Did find the reason for it later and now it is better. Hope that today is better for the home team.

Saturday will mark the 17th year of our battles with Matthew and his issues. The world really stopped that day and has never been the same since for us.......especially for Matthew. This is our melancholy time of the year. My mom passed 21 years ago last Sunday, Patti's mom died on the 28th, and then Matthew's day is the 29th. Too much sadness to end the month for us. Time may heal some of the wounds a little, but they never go away.

So have a good weekend and we hope to keep going in a straight line ourselves. Be safe and warm. Love you all. Thanks for being there for all of us. Always Hope that someday January is no longer a time to be sad. COURAGE MPJ to understand that you are not alone in life. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, January 31, 2022 6:35 AM CST

The last day of the month already. Happy Birthday to my big sister, Deb, who is celebrating her.......never mind many years on this planet. We made it through our rough week in one piece. Had three great losses in one weeks time over the years. It is a real bummer of a week for us, but we survived and are ready for some happy days ahead.

Nothing new on the Matthew front over the past few days. Mostly good attitude with a sprinkle here and there of being unpleasant thrown in just to remind us how it can be. Better than some previous days where he was on edge. Helps that he likes to sleep in and then hang out in his bed for most of the morning on the weekend. He spends enough time sitting up in his wheelchair so stretching out has to feel good.

We had Kaylee for 24 hours too. She brings lots of energy to the house. Like all of us, Matthew adores her. So glad that she is not scared of the big old uncle in his wheelchair. It must look very intimidating for sure. Matthew can't wait for the new baby to come around. Still a couple months away, but he has plans for him. Matthew is hoping that he will be the hunting and outdoors buddy of his dreams. One never knows about it though. He hasn't given up on niece either. he thinks she needs plenty of camo
and a bow or two for herself. He already has one there for her.

Nothing new going on this week that I am aware of. That doesn't count for much though. Hopefully we can have a good one and keep things civil around the house. Always the goal. Thank you all for being there throughout these 17 years now. What a long strange trip it's been. Would be much stranger without you though. Always Hope for big smiles ahead. COURAGE MPJ to keep it all together for us and for you too. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, February 1, 2022 6:27 AM CST

The first of a new month. Wonder what it will bring to us? Hopefully it is a good one. We could use some cheering up. Too much cold and sadness this past month. I guess we are one step closer to spring so that is a good thing right off the bat. I think we all are getting tired of cold and snow. Can't wait to bring out the patio chairs and start relaxing back there with the tunes blasting.

Nothing too much out of the ordinary for Matthew on Monday. Did his thing and got what needed to be done accomplished. His attitude was good from what I witnessed. Nice start to the week. He does have a doctor visit this week with my friend, Dr. Mike. He is his new neurology doctor that we started with last summer after our St. Paul specialist retired. Patti will be going with him, along with Josh, this time. She needs to meet him and his nurse, who she has talked to many times already.

Last weekend I got a call from the NWTF people about the hunt this year for the elusive wild turkey. The hunt is on and Matthew is on the list if he wants to have a go at it again this year. Of course he does.....duh. Suppose to get the paperwork this week and we should be set. The date is the 15th of April back at Saylorville. Matthew wants to use a compound bow this year instead of the crossbow. No problem at all with that. Easier on the old man. I'll have to contact Todd to see if he is up to one more go with the boy this year. They are good together.

That is that for today. Things are OK right now and hopefully can stay like this for a while. It is all in the hands of Matthew. We all thank you folks for helping us out. Glad to have you with us. Always Hope today can ring the bell again. COURAGE MPJ to be at your best and show us how good you can be. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, February 3, 2022 6:43 AM CST

Just a bit chilly out there this morning. Hope that you all are nice and warm though. We are fine on our end. Glad that we did not get smoked by that big storm just to the south of us. Looks pretty wicked for sure. Had our share of winter already. So looking forward to the ice age to end here and let us have spring and all it brings.

Matthew is doing all right. Been keeping civil this week as far as I know. I am not always in the loop it seems. There are plenty of things that come to surface way past the time they have happened. I don't always take things lightly I guess. Can you believe that? But, what I have seen and heard this week has been better than it was say 7 days ago. A little less in the "I want" behavior right now. That is a big relief. Nice to get a break from all of that. Even at bedtime it has been much better. He still calls out multiple times once in bed for little or no reason and that is not to the delight of his parental units. It is better that dealing with all the attitude plus the call backs.

Yesterday he went for a roll at a mall. He has an Apple Watch that will count his arm strokes as well as distance for exercise purpose. That was his Christmas present from us. So he rolled and rolled until he was pooped. Too bad we don't have a indoor mall near us so that this can happen more often. He got fed up with the local rec center and some of the limits it had on him. Been more than a year since we ended that after probably 20 years of belonging. Glad that this was something he wanted to do. He could use more of that action.

Nothing on the menu for this weekend. No football games either. We have pretty much exhausted watchable movies on our streaming services it seems. Think it will be warmer so maybe we can find something else to do away from the ranch. Take good care on your end and we will do just that too. We have been very fortunate that you all have hung in there with us for so darn long. Thank you. Always Hope good stuff keeps on showing up. COURAGE MPJ to find ways to keep active like you did yesterday. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, February 7, 2022 6:39 AM CST

Happy Monday. Hard to get my act together today it seems. I think I could've slept in for once. No reason to feel this tired, but life is just stressful and that wears on a person. Matthew isn't causing any more stress than normal, it just seems like the anger of the world is chipping away at me and if not that, then the everyday issues that never seem to ease off. I guess it is just the way it is in the year 2022. No improvement over 2021 as we hoped for on January 1.

Matthew was cool over the weekend. Actually was pretty low keyed. That made it better for the home team. He did his usual thing on the weekend. Slept more than he was awake both days. His brain is pooped by the end of the week and it is time for it to gather some extra power for the next one I guess. Didn't get out much even though the weather was so much better. Our grandchild was hanging out with us on Saturday, so there was plenty of action inside the house. Two weeks from today, she will turn 4. How is that possible? We did get Matthew out and about on Sunday. All three of us went to the local flea market at the fair grounds. Spent probably 30 minutes there total. Nothing really of interest at all. Thinking that may be the last one we attend for a long time. We masked up to be safe. Not many there did so.

The checkup with Dr. Mike went well last Thursday. Matthew feels rather comfy already with him. The banter back and forth was proof of that. Glad they are getting along so well. No changes made at this point. He is looking into his med cocktail to make sure none of the meds are reacting negatively with any of the others. So hopefully we will not see him for another 6 months.

Really that is about it. Nothing huge on the horizon that this old brain can think of. If Matthew behaves this week, I will be taking him to a sports card show on Saturday. Hopefully that carrot will be enough to keep him in line this week. Thanks everyone for hanging out and hanging on with us here. Always and I mean it, always it is appreciated. Always Hope that things favor us this week. COURAGE MPJ just in case they do not. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, February 8, 2022 6:49 AM CST

Sure is nice out this morning. We all welcome that change for once. Hopefully the day will be just like that......nice. I think the world could use a little more nice. I know I could and so could the rest of the family. Good way to start off the day.

Matthew did well, for the most part, yesterday. He was a bit on the touch/growly side for at least part of the day. Not mister happy-go-lucky to start the week. He'd better steer clear of the anger if he wants to attend the big card show this weekend with the old man. That's the deal. He really was better once he ate supper and relaxed before heading off to bed. You just never know with him how he will act and what kind of attitude he will have. It not only varies from day to day, but all way down to minute to minute. Not always a fun thing to be around. Hopefully today will be a good one for him/us.

Really nothing going on out of the ordinary. Our lives have been shrunk down to the basics for the last couple years. Pretty much like many in the world. Getting mighty tired of being under such restraints. Most of them are self imposed to increase our odds of staying healthy and safe. Our choice I guess.

So on with day two of this work week. Thank you all for being there for us through it all. Support is such a good thing. Always Hope good weather and good attitudes go hand in hand. COURAGE MPJ to make it to the show as your reward. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, February 8, 2022 6:49 AM CST

Sure is nice out this morning. We all welcome that change for once. Hopefully the day will be just like that......nice. I think the world could use a little more nice. I know I could and so could the rest of the family. Good way to start off the day.

Matthew did well, for the most part, yesterday. He was a bit on the touch/growly side for at least part of the day. Not mister happy-go-lucky to start the week. He'd better steer clear of the anger if he wants to attend the big card show this weekend with the old man. That's the deal. He really was better once he ate supper and relaxed before heading off to bed. You just never know with him how he will act and what kind of attitude he will have. It not only varies from day to day, but all way down to minute to minute. Not always a fun thing to be around. Hopefully today will be a good one for him/us.

Really nothing going on out of the ordinary. Our lives have been shrunk down to the basics for the last couple years. Pretty much like many in the world. Getting mighty tired of being under such restraints. Most of them are self imposed to increase our odds of staying healthy and safe. Our choice I guess.

So on with day two of this work week. Thank you all for being there for us through it all. Support is such a good thing. Always Hope good weather and good attitudes go hand in hand. COURAGE MPJ to make it to the show as your reward. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, February 10, 2022 6:35 AM CST

Well, Wednesday was not a great day for Matthew. It started that overnight with multiple call outs in the wee hours of the morning. He was having bad leg cramps that had him crying out in pain. Along with that he was feeling like he could toss his cookies. He also had other pains in other areas. Frankly, he was a mess and very uncomfortable. Of course, his mom took very good care of him, even when her eyes were not open. It didn't get much better all day. He slept through most of the day. I would bet he was awake less than 5 hours total. A long old day.

Patti called in the symptoms to Dr. Scott's nurse and they were able to get a sample sent in and now he is on antibiotics
starting yesterday evening. He was still pretty darn miserable. He didn't eat a thing until a bowl of hot cereal around 5 or so. Matthew not hungry? Now that is a sure sign that he is really not well. Hopefully the pills will help with the infection and he can get back on track soon. I would imagine that he will be pretty miserable again today. At least he slept good last night. Patti was able to sleep better too. Sure makes one wonder how in the heck did she do it all those years back? Months went by with Patti getting a couple hours of sleep a day. Dr./nurse mom, on duty.

Obviously our world shut down yesterday along with his. Hopefully today will be better for everyone. Thank you all for the care needed to keep our heads above water. Best team ever. Always Hope mending takes place much sooner than later. COURAGE MPJ to keep your game face on through another rough patch. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, February 14, 2022 6:29 AM CST

It has been a tough few days since last writing anything here. Matthew did not improve much at all from his illness that had him so down and out that all he did was sleep. That was the case all the way until yesterday. So it was from Wednesday to Sunday that he was pretty much out of it. Patti called in more than once for advice and they said just to keep an eye on things and that it could take quite a while for the meds to kick in for his infection. It was so worrisome that we took him in to the local weekend care on Saturday morning. It was deemed that the meds were working and that he was getting better. By then he had improved to the point that he was able to stay awake about 3.5 hours in a row. He still spent most of the day and night in bed sleeping it off. Finally yesterday he turned the corner it appears. He slept in, as usual on a weekend, but pulled out of it enough to stay up all afternoon and some of the evening. He also regained his appetite as well as some of his less than good attitude. I guess that's the reward we get for putting all things off so we could care for him. Hopefully today he will be back to his normal self. Not all good, but at least we will not be so fearful of another stay in the hospital. That was really bad in 2020.

So that was the last few days in our life here in Altoona. Did have some company with Kaylee spending the afternoon and night with us on Saturday. She gave Patti the spark she needed. That little girl sure does have energy to burn. Matthew was glad to see her too even though he was not feeling the best. Did have the kids back on Sunday night for a half of a Superbowl. That's when Matthew decided to get funky on us. That ended that visit quickly.

So here we are at the start of another work week. Hope that things get back on track. Tough week that is now in the rear view mirror. Has to get better than that one on lots of fronts. Thanks for caring and coming here to check on things. It never goes without appreciation. Always Hope we all get a well deserved break. COURAGE MPJ to learn a little more respect for those around you. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, February 15, 2022 6:43 AM CST

Well the week did not have a great start to it. Matthew had little energy and spent a good deal of the morning resting in bed. Not what we had hoped for. I got home in time to help walk him into the shower. Holy smokes, that was one heavy load. Josh and I struggled, but did get him in. The trip afterwards was even worse. Sure would be nice if we had the layout and space to make his bathroom totally work for his needs. We are at the minimums actually, but haven't the room to improve. He was up after that for the duration.

As has been the case for many a day, he went to pieces once Josh left and we took over. I thought we were ready for a big blowout which as we get older is much more dangerous. He cooled off just before he sounded the bugle for his charge. Made for a very tense hour or so. Great way to spend the evening, recovering from that. He is just such an ingrate for all his mother does for him. Lack of respect and lack of caring.

Multiple times in the middle of the night he had to be helped out. It was not a good overnight for Patti and a little bit for me too. Been up since 4am. Patti is beaten down. She was out like a light when I got up and ready. I asked her to make sure and sleep some once Josh came. Been a really rough week or so. Heck, it's been that for 17 years.

Today needs to be better than all of that. Everyone is beaten down. Really nothing more to say. Take good care and hopefully your days have been better than ours. Thanks for being here for us. Always Hope that many positive changes can happen......and soon. COURAGE MPJ to back off and appreciate the sacrifices made for you by your mom. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, February 17, 2022 6:39 AM CST

Matthew is still not quite at full strength. His stomach is a bit on the touchy side and his legs have little ability right now. He is so hard to move around without some power in those big old legs. Attitude wise, well that could use a bit of tuning up too. Very quick to flash some displeasure, so to speak, with anything he doesn't agree with or want to hear. Been a very rough ten days and growing. Hopefully he will mend soon and maybe that will make him happy.

We have a birthday get together to go to this Saturday morning so it may be a challenge to get him in there. Never easy, but right now that could be amped up some. Kaylee is turning 4 already. Cannot believe that it has been that long. She will actually spend her birthday, on Monday, with grandma as her school is closed that day. Of course that is a great thing for both of them. Now to get safely through the weekend get together.

Nothing much going on right now. Matthew has stayed fairly close to home. Did get out for a go at it with his bow on Tuesday. Bet that didn't go well. Somehow he had more stamina to do that and not so much to get to his normal chores. That was it for this week, entertainment wise, for him. Guess he has two more Josh days ahead to see what else he can come up with.

That is all I have for the week. Be good to yourself and to those around you. Stay warm and safe, please. Thanks for keeping up with things here. Always appreciated for sure. Always Hope that more healing is on the way. COURAGE MPJ to take it easy on those around you. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, February 21, 2022 6:40 AM CST

Not so sure that I am happy to be at work this morning. Had to think about getting up and actually get here today. Probably about time I need to say goodbye to working here if it continues to be an effort to come in. Just a real hard habit to give up I guess. Not sure what the heck I'm going to do with all of the time. Maybe time to find out.

We had an all right weekend. Nice to have the weather behave for once. Never really accomplished a whole lot, but it was good even with that. Matthew had his usual ups and downs, but more on the up side I'd say. He is very hard to please at times along with being pretty needy. It wears on you after too long being on call and not appreciated. Seems to be the case way too often anymore.

We had some action over the past few days around the ranch. Had a small gathering for Kaylee's 4th Birthday over at Chris and Jessica's house on Saturday morning. Matthew stayed at home, in bed, instead of coming along. Probably for the best since he has had a hard time being civil at family gatherings as of late. It was his decision. We were on alert the whole time and he ended up being fine without us there for an hour or so. Good practice for him. Later, on Saturday afternoon, we had company at our house. Our friend Kyle, from CR, came with two of his girls to stay the night. They took off for a basketball game around 5:30 and returned later after the game. Boy those two gals really lit up the place. Nice to have some different voices around the house. They stayed the night and left after a late breakfast the next morning. The girls had Patti jumping. I think she really enjoyed it. I had a nice chat with Kyle. Always good to see them.

Today, Patti will be entertaining Kaylee on her Birthday. She has plans and I'm sure Matthew does too. He is excited for her today. We will have some fun and sweets this afternoon before she heads back home before dinner. Once again the house should be a little more active. It's good for us all.

That is it for today. We are still hanging in there and have been teased with spring like weather to the point where anything less will be a bummer. Hope all of you are just as good. Take good care and thank you all for being with us. Always Hope this week marks a turn for the better in attitudes. COURAGE MPJ to get stronger on your feet so you can do the things you want to do in the months ahead. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, February 22, 2022 6:43 AM CST

Just a bit on the slick side out there this morning. Guess we couldn't keep up the almost spring like streak we had going. It was nice yesterday as we were able to get the little Birthday girl, Kaylee, out to the local park for some serious play. She loves those slides. Can't wait until the weather is like that every day.

Matthew had a good start to his week. He and Josh even made and baked a pizza pan size cookie for Kaylee's Birthday. I'm telling you, it was good. Matthew got a real nice mixer for Christmas and he likes to use it. He is planning on deep dish pizza this Friday and will be creating the homemade crust with the help of this mixer.

His walking was a bit better yesterday too. His legs were stronger and able to carry him to and from the shower much better. Still not as good and strong as months before, but better than the collapsing walk of last week. I walked him solo to and from the bathroom later as Patti was out for supper with her friends. He did great. So hopefully he is headed in the right direction. He will need those legs when it is time to hunt the elusive turkey this April.

With the weather going south on us here, I would imagine that he and Josh will stay close to home. Ice and Matthew transferring is not a good mix. Winter is extra rough on him in that way. This season has not been too bad. Knock on wood for that to keep up.

So time for me to check out and check in to work. Have a good one and please be safe out there. We sure do appreciate all the love and thoughts given to Matthew and the family over the many years. Always Hope that good days become the norm again. COURAGE MPJ to make this a reality. keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, February 24, 2022 6:13 AM CST

Here we go again with the stupid Iowa weather. Been on a cold streak the past few days and now they say some snow may hit us. Tired of this happening. Time for spring already. We need something positive to help bring us out of this winter funk. Everything seems so depressing right now. Sure would like to move on to better things.

Matthew is doing all right. Been pretty calm the past few days so I hate to put a hex on that. He is feeling somewhat better too. Hopefully some of that crap is in the rear view mirror. Hard enough to deal with without having multiple health issues too. Glad that it appears that things are getting better for him. It means that things will improve for us too.

Been a pretty low and slow week around the ranch. Matthew has been doing his usual things in his room with his boy, Josh. The work is getting done before the hanging out begins. He did get his wish yesterday as the two went out for lunch at this Brazilian meat place. Not sure what it is called, but it serves up all sorts of meats to Matthew's delight. Guess it was kind of a birthday treat for him. yes he has one coming up this Saturday. Turning 28 this go round. Hardly seems possible, but it is a fact. We will have a few things going on for him on Friday and Saturday. Hopefully he will be good.

His big day will be the highlight of the weekend. Not sure that we have anything else going on. We normally have little on the plate planned. It doesn't pay to plan too far ahead with Matthew. We've learned that over the years. Hopefully it will be nice enough outside to do something. We spend too much time indoors.

So be good and be careful out there. We plan on using that same game plan for us too. Thank you all for giving us so much over the years. It has helped in many ways. Always Hope lots of smiles are on the way for the big day. COURAGE MPJ to enjoy another year on this planet. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, February 28, 2022 6:29 AM CST

It was quite the end of the week/weekend for Mr. Matthew. 28 years young now and counting. It was a pretty busy time for him and us too. I don't think that he was cheated out of any sort of celebration this year. No sir. He was pooped after it all was over by yesterday and needed to hang in bed in the morning as well as a siesta in the afternoon.

He and Josh did it up pretty good by the end of Friday. They started off the festivities with making and baking a special cheesecake for his birthday. Now that is something, making your own birthday desert. Friday was all about Matthew for the two of them. He got to skip his workout and chores and go have fun. They ended up at an arcade in Pleasant Hill where my boss had given him a bunch of money cars to use. That was a couple years back. Well there was $100 worth and they blew it all having quite the good time. Then it was fiesta time at a local Latino eatery. Back in time to create their special deep dish pizza for supper. We celebrated with our friend Pat, who shares a birthday with the boy. The pizza and cheesecake were top notch. It was a great way to spend the day for Matthew.

Saturday was lower key, but he did have company there to wish him a happy birthday along with some nice booty. He enjoyed the visits and presents. Then up next was dinner with the family. Patti made her great lasagna and of course there were more gifts. He had to feel the love that everyone had for him. So many cards and gifts. He was pretty spent after all of that. Slept in late on Sunday to start the day. He needed that.

The weather was so nice yesterday and we got out for a good car ride. Visited my sister and her husband in Winterset. The sun and the clear sky really hit the spot. Just the perfect drive as it is just under an hour there. Took a few back roads just to slow down and enjoy the ride. Nice to see them again. Life has not been too kind to my big sis the past few years. Good to see her in such high spirits. She is a tough one, just like her sister and mother.

Matthew was all in by the end of the trip. Took his siesta, ate some supper, and hit the hay not too long after all of that. Bet he is gassed this morning. Better power up as his birthday is over and time to hit it hard once again.

Thank you all for the wonderful support that comes our way so often. You are really amazing. Always Hope things keep favoring the home team for a good long stretch. COURAGE MPJ to help make that happen. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, March 1, 2022 6:35 AM CST

Well the weather outside was really nice, but the atmosphere inside was not. Matthew has had a very short fuse here of late. He doesn't seem to want to tolerate much at all if it does not go his way. Yesterday was a good example of that. By the time I arrived home after work, he was in a crap mood and ready to explode. It was his shower aide being late by 25 minutes that did it on Monday. Well that is if something else hadn't done it earlier in the morning. He can be as pokey as he pleases, but you, well you had better snap to it. It was her turn to feel the heat I guess. Of course then we did too. He is an equal opportunity pain you know. It took him a long time before he cooled off. It never escalated to conflict, but it was right there pretty much from late morning until 4pm or even later. What a joy.

He has pretty much topped out on happy meds and whatever they are, I'd say they aren't doing the trick. Patti and I have had just about all we can take. If there was a better housing option for him, we'd be on it. Our hands are tied and guess who is the one that has tightened the rope? Nobody out there will take someone with his volcanic nature. The old Acme anvil is hanging over our heads just like in the cartoons.

So a lousy Monday is in the books. Can Tuesday improve or will it sink even lower? The question is never answered until he is back in bed for the night. What a bummer for everyone around him. Stay safe out there and enjoy our spring like temps. Thanks for the support. It is always needed and appreciated. Always Hope we can do better than just survive. COURAGE MPJ to see the hole you are digging for yourself. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, March 3, 2022 6:30 AM CST

I knew it was just too nice outside to continue. A little of that white stuff is mixed with sprinkles this morning here in the metro. So much for sitting on the patio letting the sunshine soak in. Glad we at least had a few good days. We surely needed that.

Matthew has been better since his rough patch earlier in the week. Kind of broke down on us and now is trying to build himself back to a better normal.....we hope. It won't last forever, but it is nice when there is peace at home. At least he trying to be better. He can do it, but for how long is the real question. It has been much nicer the past few days. Hopefully it lasts longer than usual.

He has been complaining about shin splints here lately. Said they have been there for a couple weeks. Not sure how that happens since he spends little time on his feet and even less time walking. His leg tone has been terrible the past 6 months or so. It could be the culprit here. Nurse Patti was attending to them last night as he stretched out in bed. Being healthy, without pain issues, has not happened too often for him over the years. We can see that it is not going to go away or improve down the line. Just something else that he/we will have to deal with. Add it to the list I guess.

He plans on going to the Deer Classic on Friday. First time since the Pandemic. Hopefully we won't regret it. No shooting the bow this time. He is not in any sort of competition shape right now. Still tweaking his newest bow so that he is able to hit the target accurately. It's a bit different than shooting for deer or turkey. It requires so much stamina that he just doesn't have right now. He can't take round after round like it requires.

Little planned for the weekend. Just take it as it comes. Have a good one and see you back here next week. Thank you all for letting Matthew into your hearts. Always Hope the good streak goes on and on. COURAGE MPJ is what it will take to keep up the pace. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, March 7, 2022 6:30 AM CST

What a crazy weather weekend out there. One day it is big old thunderstorms with tornadoes and then it turns to snow just a little over 24 hours later. Nothing strange going on with the planet I'd say. We survived the real nasty stuff on Saturday night. People not too far were not so lucky. What the heck is with tornadoes in March? We toured some of the hit areas near Altoona and it wasn't pretty. We couldn't get very close, but could see lots of damage. Now we get heavy snow. Not heavy in inches, but slop on the bottom snow. Just crazy isn't it.

Matthew had a good end to his week. Demands were less and the attitude was missing. We didn't do too much, but he did go to the big Deer Classic in DM Friday for a few hours. Of course it lit the fire for his "needs" of new and better toys. That isn't happening anytime soon. It was nice to have a better version of Matthew with us this weekend. Other than Monday, he was that way all week too.

Really not that much else to say. Looks like he will need to stay close to the ranch today for the most part. Need the temps to rise and clear the snow away. The slick stuff left under the snow is the killer for him. Transfers are extremely dangerous with this stuff. The last thing anyone needs or wants is to be figuring our how to raise him up off the pavement.

Well take good care. Stay warm, safe and dry. Thanks for the love sent in our direction. It feels so good. Always Hope for things to get wise....for everyone in this state. COURAGE MPJ to keep on doing all you can to be a help to those around you. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, March 7, 2022 6:30 AM CST

What a crazy weather weekend out there. One day it is big old thunderstorms with tornadoes and then it turns to snow just a little over 24 hours later. Nothing strange going on with the planet I'd say. We survived the real nasty stuff on Saturday night. People not too far were not so lucky. What the heck is with tornadoes in March? We toured some of the hit areas near Altoona and it wasn't pretty. We couldn't get very close, but could see lots of damage. Now we get heavy snow. Not heavy in inches, but slop on the bottom snow. Just crazy isn't it.

Matthew had a good end to his week. Demands were less and the attitude was missing. We didn't do too much, but he did go to the big Deer Classic in DM Friday for a few hours. Of course it lit the fire for his "needs" of new and better toys. That isn't happening anytime soon. It was nice to have a better version of Matthew with us this weekend. Other than Monday, he was that way all week too.

Really not that much else to say. Looks like he will need to stay close to the ranch today for the most part. Need the temps to rise and clear the snow away. The slick stuff left under the snow is the killer for him. Transfers are extremely dangerous with this stuff. The last thing anyone needs or wants is to be figuring our how to raise him up off the pavement.

Well take good care. Stay warm, safe and dry. Thanks for the love sent in our direction. It feels so good. Always Hope for things to get wise....for everyone in this state. COURAGE MPJ to keep on doing all you can to be a help to those around you. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, March 10, 2022 6:33 AM CST

Well here we are at the end of another short work week for the semi-retired. Had a change of venue late on Monday for my time on Tuesday. I ended up in Ames and was a judge for a couple rounds of mock trial that is sponsored by my office. So a little different scenery for me that day. It turned out to be an eye opening experience. Can cross that one off of my bucket list.......if it was on it in the first place. Back in the building today to put in my last few hours.

Matthew has been good. He has seemed on a good roll for once. Not sure why or how, but we like it for sure. He found out a couple weeks back that he qualifies for a Silver Sneakers program in his insurance. So they will flip for a fitness membership for him to a local Anytime fitness place. Yesterday he went and tried it all out. Had a few machines and things that a wheelchair person could use. So he got all signed up. Thought that was pretty cool. He stopped going to the Campus once the pandemic hit. So he has options now for working out. Home or the gym.

He also had time to go to a movie with his old friend Buck. This whole virus thing really messed up things and being social. Trying to get back together with some of the people
he has missed. It would be great if we could put this whole panic time in the rear view mirror and get back to a more normal life again. Glad that they were able to find time to go do something.

Nothing earth shaking going on the rest of the week that I can recall. The usual visits to his weekly appointments and I would bet a trip or two to his new gym. Got to fit in some practice with the hunting bow. Before you know it, it will be time to use it in the field. He may have the opportunity to go more than once. His buddy Dallas texted and said he has a place for him to hunt if interested. Guess we will see about that.

So have a great end of the week and weekend. See you back here next week. Thank you for all that has been done for Matthew over the years. Every little bit helps. Always Hope things stay level with Matthew in many different fronts. COURAGE MPJ to workout hard on your whole game. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, March 14, 2022 6:25 AM CDT

It was a very sleep filled weekend for Mr. Matthew. He had done some pretty heavy workouts at his new fitness place the previous 3 days. It did take its toll on the poor little fella. I don't think he woke up totally until about noon each weekend morning. He was up some in bed and then crashed back out for a siesta or two. Made for some quiet mornings this weekend. He hopes to get up by 8 and head over for his morning workout. Hope he makes it. Been a good start to the day for him. He really likes how many of the machines he can use there. So happy that it is working.

We really did very little over the weekend. Did our chores, but with him sleeping in so late, it kind of put us in a less than action seeking mood. We do have a couple clean cars right now. Kept me busy for a while. Patti was happy to have Kaylee over for a late morning to middle of the afternoon visit. She is action packed. She and I went to the car wash together. She chatted all the way there and back. What a kick.

Matthew bought a bow training device with all of his birthday booty. He loves it and uses it daily. You can hear the pop of it so a little hard to hide when he is using it. The things looks like a bow and shoots like one. The targets are on the phone in some app. He thinks it is helping with his scoring on real target practice. Well that sounds like a winner. Time for him to get rockin on the real bow and ready for gobbler season next month.

His health has been all right. Little things here and there, but overall pretty solid. All of us have suffered from little colds as of late. Nothing much, but just a bother at times. He has complained about a sore shoulder once again. Lifting weights is the culprit. Hopefully it will work itself out in time. We are lucky that the rest of him seems to be working all right.

Well there it is for another Monday. Hope you are all well. Be good to yourselves and enjoy the balmy weather ahead. Thanks for the never ending support. Always Hope good things are coming to the boy. COURAGE MPJ to keep the workout pace like you did last week. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, March 15, 2022 6:31 AM CDT

Boy was it nice outside yesterday. Can today top that? So good to feel the sun and get outside to actually do a little work to get ready for spring. Matthew made it outside to do a little bow training. His spot on the back patio had been missing him. Patti was busy with spring clean out too. I think we all had a very productive day. Going to be hard pressed to top that.

Matthew is doing fine. Seems to be in good spirits here lately. Maybe the big weight driven workouts are keeping him in line and a little less feisty. Whatever it may be, I hope it sticks around for a long time. Nice not having to deal with major attitude issues daily. It is much easier to let some things slide that under the normal Matthew attitude would be driving us mad. He changed his workout routine to a little later in the morning. Not enough time to get it done before his first appointment.

Not sure what is on tap for today. Probably more of the can only hope for. Better take some time to get out and enjoy the weather. Maybe a trip up to Saylorville to use the outdoor archery range? That would be good. A bunch of fresh air would do him good.

So off we go with high hopes for another bell ringer of a day. Thank you all for helping the cause. Get out and enjoy the sun yourself. It has healing powers. Always Hope that smiles per mile are hitting new highs. COURAGE MPJ to have fun and also work yourself hard. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, March 17, 2022 6:26 AM CDT

Happy St. Patricks Day to you all. Are you wearing the green? I am decked out in my favorite color this 17th of March. Matthew and Patti will be doing the same. I guess green and not their favorite color that is. Patti's Irish will kick in today on her Saints Day. No green beer for us tonight as that just sounds nasty. Have fun today.

We are doing fine on our end. Matthew has been good this week so far. Wonder if the heavy workouts have had their part in keeping him a little more mellow. Whatever it may be, hope it continues. He is enjoying his new found place to lift and exercise. Wish we had thought of it earlier. I know he is sore, but also feeling pretty good about some muscles tightening up. Now if he could just get those legs into better shape for us.

He and I are now planning a quick trip to the old home town of Carroll on Saturday. Going to look at and hopefully buy a set of ramps used for skateboarding and bikes. It is a modular set of 4 that I think could work well for him wheeling up and then boarding the Ranger hunting machine without depending on his unstable legs. May work and may not. Worth a road trip to find out. A good Matthew and dad outing if not. Sure would be great if it works the way my little mind thinks it could.

Nothing else is in the works for the next few days outside of the normal things. We've all enjoyed the balmy temps and are bummed to see the possibility of crappy snow/rain in our future. It is rainy out there now so I hope it clears soon. I've really missed being outdoors. Been sunning on the patio for hours this week. It feels so good. We don't want all this to come to a screeching halt once again.

So have a great rest of your week and see y'all back here on Monday. Thanks for keeping in touch. always much appreciated. Always Hope for more good days in our future. COURAGE MPJ to keep happy and healthy. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, March 22, 2022 6:39 AM CDT

So much for the nice weather. I heard the word snow mentioned for sometime this week here in the metro. Better be wrong once again, weather gurus. Sure was nice out there yesterday though. Can't wait until it is like that more often. We'll have to wait a bit longer it seems.

Matthew had a good day. Workouts and duties along with appointments. He was spot on yesterday. Even had time and the energy to go roll at a mall for some more exercise. He closed his exercise circle on his Apple Watch. Good for him. Love seeing him care more about his health and well being. Seemed that his new membership at the Anytime fitness has lit a bit of a fire under him. All good stuff. Now if he can keep going down that road we will all benefit.

Going to be looking into some volunteer activities for him. He would like to do something with dogs. ARL is usually pretty well volunteered up and the dogs there are mainly pit bull types. Not exactly what the doctor ordered. He is going to talk with a local dog grooming and I think boarding operation not far from home. He says that he wants to feel like he is worth more than he is right now. Understandable.
With all of his other things going on, volunteer work is his best bet. Hope it works out.

That is about all I have. Things are going well for all of us at home. We follow Matthew's lead attitude wise. Right now he is leading us in a positive way. Thank you all for making a difference for all of us. You do rock! Always Hope more good days are coming. COURAGE MPJ to keep up the work out pace as well as the positive attitude. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, March 28, 2022 6:48 AM CDT

It was a good solid weekend for Matthew. Knock on wood, he has been very good the past couple weeks for us. Very little anger or a short fuse on about anything. Nice spring break for Patti and I. Much better than a trip south. Not exactly sure what has been the difference, but it sure is appreciated whatever it may be.

He spent half of the weekend resting it seemed like. We had nothing else going on so he was more than happy to stay in bed close to noon. He wakes up and does his thing and then has breakfast. Then after the tank is filled, time to siesta a bit longer. You'd think that he is the one retired. Gives Patti and I a nice time to relax, listen to music or even catch a tv movie. Usually on the weekend, one of us takes off for groceries during that time too. Kind of boring to most, but to us, well, it is our time.

He has been keeping up with the heavy workouts at Anytime Fitness. Usually he is a bit sore by Wednesday and takes that day off. So about 4 times a week he lifts. He is getting close to 200 pounds on his bench press. I wouldn't doubt if he clears that mark in the next couple weeks. This place really works for him. Much better than the Campus did for him. So glad that it happened. Too bad we didn't figure that one out a bit earlier.

Had Jerry and Kim over for some smoked pork loin and fixins last night. Matthew loves chatting with his old pal Jerry. They've put in many hours in a blind together over the years. Hopefully that can keep up. Some good adult conversation for the old folks too. Just a bit different than having Kaylee there, taking over the place on Saturday afternoon and overnight. Matthew was about as happy to have her there as she was to be there. He just adores her. She loves playing patty cake on his tummy. He asks for it every time she is around. Quite cute.

Should be another usual week for us. Hopefully the weather will behave a bit better. Matthew needs to get out and practice his shooting for the upcoming turkey shoot towards the end of the month. Sure would be nice if he'd bag one once. Just once is all he really needs. The dues for that have certainly been paid up years ago.

Well that is all for now. Take good care and be safe while you are at it too. Thank you all for helping us out so often. Nice to be thought of. Always Hope good days keep on rolling. COURAGE MPJ to keep that tongue out of trouble again and again. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, March 29, 2022 6:48 AM CDT

Monday is in the books as we count down the last days of March. Hardly can believe that this months is shot already. Been a pretty good month for the home team and its player that leads the way. Now if he can just keep up the pace. I thought he was a bit edgy last night with me, but Patti said she didn't think so. I gave him a buzz cut and it just seemed to me that he was not very pleased even though he was the one wanting it done. At the barber shop he'd have to pay them, but here he couldn't even say thank you. Should've held out my hand for a tip.

He did his workout and got all cleaned up yesterday. He has been a bit lax on his other daily chores. Patti pays him a little something to do them and last week he didn't earn a weeks worth. Doesn't look like a full paycheck this week either. She left a reminder for him and Josh too, to get on it. Maybe he can get back into that routine today.

Not much else new. Trying to plan a week for a little vacation away from town. Got a place in mind somewhere in western Wisconsin that is Matthew friendly. Always thought a cabin in the woods would be nice. This place could work. Patti and I will be diving deep into it and checking it all out. Not too far from home really. 4-5 hours at the max of driving. Hopefully it could work out for us. Hard to find a place that wheelchairs work in. So many have two levels with all the bedrooms upstairs.

That is it for this Tuesday. Hope that you are good and hanging in there with the yoyo weather we call Iowa. Thank you all for the care and support. It does make a huge difference. Always Hope I see a few more smiles today. COURAGE MPJ to get your chores back on track. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, March 31, 2022 6:49 AM CDT

Snow????? Are you kidding me. I am so ready for this cold and non-springlike weather to come to a complete halt. Enough already. I guess we cursed the whole spring thing by breaking out the patio furniture about two weeks back. Been pretty much crap since. But, snow? I give!

We are hanging in there in spite of the wrench tossed into the getting outdoors thing. I'm pretty sure that Matthew is more than ready to be able to do some target practice outdoors for a change. Turkeys don't live indoors you know. That gig is a good three weeks or so away so the temps sure need to rise a bit. Lucky he has AFS so near. He is starting a new league there tonight. They shoot arrows at 3D targets from all sorts of distances. So there may be a bear at 25 yards and a turkey at 35 yards etc. You got to be pretty sharp to nail these at a distance. Josh is doing it with him.

Had a scare at about 2AM on Wednesday morning. Heard a loud crash followed by a yelp from Matthew. One of his side rails, that he uses to turn over in bed and also to transfer, had busted off. Nothing could be done at that hour so we rigged up a half baked block so he didn't roll out of bed. He is certainly hard on equipment. First thing when he got up that morning was to tear into it. Lucky that Josh seems to love a challenge mechanically. He and I struggled to make a fix work, but finally, tada! Back to being functioning and even stronger than it has been for years. His broken wheelchair is awaiting parts to show up. Hopefully it will be road ready within a week or so. Always something needing a fix.

So there we are for the week. Still upright, but wobbling at times. Very little going on the rest of the week/weekend. A garage party on Sunday which hopefully the temps will allow. Have a good one and see you next week. Take good care and a big hug from the home team for all you do and have done for us. Feel the squeeze. Always Hope wrenching skills never fade for Josh, Patti and myself. COURAGE MPJ to work hard to lighten our load. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, April 4, 2022 6:40 AM CDT

Another damp morning is here to greet us today. You know I thought about buying a boat. Maybe that isn't a bad idea this spring. One of these days it will get better......I keep telling myself that. Less than two weeks away from turkey hunting and it will not be fun or pretty in the cold rainy woods if this keeps up. C'mon spring....get here!

A fairly easy and peaceful weekend on the home front. Patti and I kept busy sorting and cleaning up for the annual spring purge of stuff that we have way too much of. Lots of memories to get over and get rid of I guess. The next generation is not too interested in saving things from the past. I get that. My mind is programmed a bit differently, but I am trying. Matthew did his thing while we did ours Saturday. Kaylee came for a nice visit in there too. Weekends are for sleeping in it seems for the boy. He kept up on his end of that deal both mornings.

We did have some action around the place on Friday and again on Saturday. Had two trees trimmed up that were getting pretty overgrown. That work is not fun to do and not cheap either. With as much wind as we get, it was long overdue to get this done. Glad it wasn't me doing anything but writing the check.

Matthew felt poorly on Sunday. So he missed out on the party we were going to for Cathy's big birthday. He just slept in and we kept an eye on him. Patti and I ended up going at different times to the celebration. Matthew did finally get up, but stayed home. Not sure what got in him, but he felt like he was going to upchuck off and on all morning. He was better by the middle of the afternoon. I didn't really see much wrong with him by then. He slept through the night without issue.

Well that is about it for this morning. Pretty much a stay home weekend for all of us. Been plenty of those over the past few years. Hopefully this week will be better for the home team than what the weather will be outside. YUCK! Take good care and know that we certainly do appreciate all of you. Always Hope for good days ahead that are easy on the old folks. COURAGE MPJ to get after those workouts all week long. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, April 5, 2022 6:42 AM CDT

We all made it through another Monday. Matthew didn't seem to have any signs of being sick so I would say it was a one and done sort of thing. That is good. Just a bit hard to get the old motor running. I know that feeling well. I think we all struggled a bit yesterday. Motivation just wasn't quite there.

Patti spent a great deal of her morning online and on the phone trying her best to line up Matthew with a new dentist. Ours has been taken over by a company now and not just a private business. They will take our insurance still, but not Matthew's. He's never known another dentist office. Well, after many hours of searching, she finally found one in Ankeny. So he goes this week for a check up. What a shame things like this happen after all these years. At least Matthew has the worlds greatest mom looking out for him. Many in his situation do not have someone like her.

The rest of the day was like most other weekdays at the house. Appointments and a workout. A little cleaning and a few chores too. I'm hoping that the weather will behave enough between now and the 16th so that he can get some good practice in for that elusive turkey bird. I'm less than fired up about it this year. Hopefully Matthew is enough to seriously get in some practice.

Not much else going on. Patti and I are starting a new project in our bedroom. Lots of work to be done there. More spring cleaning going on too. We have a closet or two of Matthew's to go through before it is over. Time to purge things that are just sitting around without being used or clothing that isn't worn. Turkey hunts and purging is what spring means around our house.

So take good care and see you back here before the week is up. Thanks for keeping in touch. Always Hope things keep getting better for everyone around us. COURAGE MPJ to do things to make your life better too. Keep0 the faith everyone.


Thursday, April 7, 2022 5:33 AM CDT

Here I am at work an hour and a half early. My bad. I had to reset the alarm clock yesterday and it seems I set it an hour early. Not good since I woke, showered and was ready to rock. In a week we will be getting up at least an hour earlier than that as Matthew has his turkey hunt and we need to be 40 minutes away at a 4am meeting. Yikes!

Nothing much has gone on with Matthew over the past few days. Pretty much the same old same old. He has been good for us so that is absolutely great. He hasn't shown any signs of not feeling well either. Glad that it was a one and done last Sunday. He has been doing his normal things this week. Seems like you can just about count on each week being close to the same.

Today is Christopher's 31st birthday. He is about two weeks out from being a papa twice. April should be quite the month for him. We are planning on having him and the family over for eats and treats tonight. Patti is cooking his choice of a meal and it sounds good to me. Hopefully Matthew will be in good form for this. He has a history of getting funky at these events. We could easily do without that.

We are knee deep in our bedroom project. Probably be waist deep by this afternoon. Doing the facelift without taking out the furniture is a challenge. Hopefully we will be back into total use of it in a few days. Maybe by the weekend it will be done. Installing a new ceiling fan/light is my goal for today. That should be fun.....not. I think it will look great if it all comes together like I vision in my noggin.

Well that is that. Have a good weekend and please, be safe out there. It is a crazy old world we live in. Thanks for keeping in touch and supporting the effort here. It means so much to us. Always Hope the rest of the week goes as planned. COURAGE MPJ to behave and be happy. Keep0 the faith everyone.


Monday, April 11, 2022 6:42 AM CDT

Good morning and what a nice morning it is out there for once. No jacket required. It sure would be great if this sort of weather could hold for at least 7 more days. Covers Easter and the turkey hunt as well as plenty of other things for everyone. I know that is asking a bunch. But, what the heck.

We had a decent weekend on the home front. Matthew was pretty good for us. Did see a bit of the old attitude arise, but it was really nothing probably. He could've been bored as we were quite busy each day. Considering that, he was good I'd say. It helped us not having to deal with too many Matthew issues along with the major project in the bedroom. The bedroom has a total new look and is really down to replacing the comforter and maybe the curtains. It looks fresh and clean as well as totally different from the white it has been for years. Glad that it is finally looking good again.

Still hoping that I do not have to break out the Ranger/trailer for this years turkey hunt. I talked to his fellow bling mate and turkey mentor, Todd, about it late last week. He thinks we can manage without. I should know by Wednesday. If not, then I have two days to get it up and running and see how it will all work behind the new truck. I'm more than a little apprehensive about that. I have less than 300 miles on the new baby. Chances of messing up the new paint and such go way up with a hunting expedition. I'm anal about new vehicles just like my dad.

Matthew visits a new dentist for the first time in his life this Wednesday. That will be interesting and maybe a bit tense for him. I think I heard that Josh uses this dentist office so maybe that will help ease his....pain. He just needs a check up and is not having any issues in his mouth. He has only known one dentist his whole life. Going to be strange.

Not much else going on for Matthew, but there still is plenty going on for other family members this week. Getting down to nitty gritty time for Jess and Chris. That new one should be coming out soon. Probably anytime over the next week or so. Matthew is way thrilled of having a chance to pass on his outdoors skills to another generation. He still has hopes for Kaylee too. Right now she is more of a girly girl to be interested in these things he wants to teach.

So have a great start to the week. Mucho gracias to all for keeping all of us upright and moving forward. You are quite the team. Always Hope things shake out in our favor this week. COURAGE MPJ to help that along with a great attitude week again. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, April 12, 2022 6:48 AM CDT

Not much to talk about this morning. Everything seemed to go as planned yesterday which is always a win for the home team. Matthew was in a good mood I thought. Of course I was not around early in the morning when at times he has a bit of a grumpy start from time to time. Mornings and evenings are usually the culprit when it comes to expected attitude with him. When he is good...he is good....and when he is not...look out!

Finally he got outside to practice some of his bow skills yesterday afternoon. We have a set up in our backyard that is fairly safe for him. No kids in the area or other adults. There isn't any houses near either. All of that mowing over the years does have its benefits when it comes to having a big yard. I saw the target he was shooting at. About the size of a small paper plate. He was always in that area at 20 yards. That is a big enough area to hit a turkey at that range. Would like to see him keep practicing until he is in the center most of the time. Of course when you wake at 3am to go hunting, he probably will not be that sharp if a bird trots his way. Hope he will be ready.

I guess that hunt will be the focus of this week. Me too as I have to prepare all sorts of things for it to happen on our end. Especially all I need to get done with the trailer, truck and Polaris Ranger. Funny how this sport really pun intended.....up the time.

So that is it for a couple days. Take good care and know that your support has carried a major load in the life of Matthew. Thank you all for being there for him. Always Hope that good eyes and steady hands are with the boy this Saturday. COURAGE MPJ to make the most that you can out of this opportunity. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, April 14, 2022 6:48 AM CDT

Another chilly one out there this morning. Will Spring ever arrive to stay? Having some doubts yesterday as the snow pellets were flying in the air around noon. Not a fan of this offering of Spring so far. I dread the thought of rolling Matthew out for his turkey hunt this Saturday when the temps will be in the 20's. Lucky that Todd has a heater ready to fire up in the blind that morning.

Matthew is doing all right. A little off yesterday it seemed. Not as agreeable as he has been the past few weeks. Not sure what is going on, but you know, usually we don't have a clue to that. Nothing has erupted so things are in check, just a little less stable than they have been.

Got some great news on multiple fronts yesterday from the above referenced, Todd. Looks like Matthew gets to hunt some new territory that has never been hunted before. Well at least not legally hunted. It is an old 4H camp in between Boone and Madrid. It is a gated piece of property with all of the buildings from the camp still there. Todd says it is perfect land for turkey. The DNR officer said they are all over this place all the time. On top of that, I will not need to break out the Ranger to transport him. The good old Subaru will do just fine. Gravel roads lead right up to the blind. Todd is excited and so are we. I know that this is the year!

Today is Josh's birthday. He and Matthew plan on going out for lunch to celebrate. Josh has become a part of the family. Life got so much better for Matthew once he took over his care. We'd be lost without him. To Matthew, he is more like a friend that he hangs out with during the week. I think Josh feels the same way.....I hope. So Happy Birthday to Mr. Josh!

No cavities or issues at the dentist for Matthew. His first visit to the dentist went well. Glad to hear that. Going to be strange for a while I would bet after seeing Dr. O Meara for all these years. Us too, down the line as he is retiring in the very near future. Thinking we will probably move on to someone closer to home. I know that will be very strange indeed. But, Matthew is off to a good start with the new one.

Not much else to report on. Been having Kaylee over the past few days as Jess is just about ready for the birth of our new baby boy. Been multiple trips to the hospital and so grandma has stepped up for them with Kaylee and yesterday their dog, Indy, too. It was action packed around the ranch last night. Not sure when the big event will happen, but it is mighty close.

Have a great weekend and hopefully I can have some great news on a few fronts next Monday. Take good care and have a Happy Easter. Thanks for everything, folks. Always Hope that the home team scores big time the next few days. COURAGE MPJ to stay alert and awake this Saturday. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, April 18, 2022 6:27 AM CDT

Can you believe the snow out there? Yes it has stopped and all that remains are little patches on cars and decks, but just how depressing was that. Snowing for hours on dare it. Glad that the turkey hunt was the day before. That would've been pretty miserable for the guys. What a crazy spring so far.

Well it was quite the weekend. It started out with a bang as Jessica delivered a healthy baby boy on Friday morning before noon. A good 8 pounder that seems to be sturdy and healthy. With all the restrictions out there we were not able to go a see the newest member of the family. Instead we entertained Kaylee and their dog since Thursday. Benjamin Christopher Jessen is his handle. I like it. Hopefully we will meet the little fella today. Everyone is healthy and that is so important. We are thrilled. Matthew has big plans for Ben down the line.

Speaking of Matthew, he did not bag one this year. Todd said this is the 8th year for those two without a score. I think last year was the closest they came. Not even close this year. Two hens, can't shoot them, came right in front of the blind and all they could do was watch. A tom stayed back behind them. Something scared him off. They went in the morning and the afternoon. It sure took its toll on Matthew and the old man. Getting up at 2:15 is a bit early. Had a good time and we got to connect with some old hunting friends from years past. Wait til next year.....right.

That hunt pretty much did us in for the rest of the weekend. Matthew slept more than he was awake on Sunday. It was a two nap day and an early to bed night. I imagine he will not be much better today either. The price he pays for these early hunting trips. Wouldn't want to do it too often for sure.

Had a pretty low key Easter. Just us and Kaylee. Chris, Jess and Ben were still in the hospital at that time. Patti wore the crown of the Easter Egg Queen this year in the egg cracking contest......a Jessen tradition. Kaylee won their contest at their house.

Well that is it right now. Lots of stuff happening over the past few days. Glad it all worked out even though Mr. Gobbler lives on another day. Thank you all for supporting us here. Hope that you all had a great weekend too. Always Hope for a bright future for the newest addition to the family, Benjamin. COURAGE MPJ to keep working hard to make your life better. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, April 19, 2022 6:44 AM CDT

Well yesterday was pretty much a toss away day for Matthew. He had little gas in the tank. We knew it would be rough for him with his past history of the second day away from an event tired sort of feeling. Patti gave him a hall pass on working out yesterday. I'm sure she will make sure that he hits it hard today.

With that said, there wasn't much going on with Matthew to report on. He did get word that his sponsored bow has been made and will be ready for pickup anytime. I said that we could drive him up there, to Sauk City to get it and thank the people there for giving him the sponsorship. Good opportunity for some photos of the event. Should be good for them there too. He is suppose to get a bunch of swag too. Now to find the right time to roll the 275 miles each way there and back. We are thinking next Wednesday. I'm off and he has little on his schedule too. Road trip!

Patti and I went over to see Ben after lunch yesterday. What a cute little bundle. So darn small it seems, but he was good size at birth. He spent most of the time feeding so there was little time for us to hold and adore. Patti may be going back late this morning for a session with him. I'm sure Uncle Matthew would like to be introduced too. We are blessed.

That will be it for today. Have a good one and enjoy the less than balmy weather out there. At least the winds died down. Thank you for the support through the years. Always Hope stamina comes back for the boy today. COURAGE MPJ to get right back on track ASAP. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, April 21, 2022 6:17 AM CDT

Wow, some serious fog out there this morning. Feels like we are in England right now. Be careful out there is all I can say. The weather has really been ugly this week so far. Time for that to change. Rain and wheelchairs just do not get along very well.

Been a slow week. Matthew finally has seemed to snap out of the funk leftover from the weekend hunt. For some reason, this time seemed to be worse than most early morning hunts for him. Heck for me too. It's the hunting version of a hangover. He made it back to his gym for a workout yesterday. That was a first for the week. Each night he has been in bed by 8 and usually without any sort of push back that it was too early. Hopefully today he will have full power to get things done.

Saturday he has some sort of health interview with his insurance people. Strange to do it on a weekend, but that was the time they had available. Poor Patti deals with so much with his insurance. Always a question to be answered or more forms to fill out. How do other people with disabilities do it without an able parent around? Both he and I would be screwed without her. She is the glue that keeps this ship together.

Nothing else new or going on that is outside the norm. Now all we need is some nice days to make us feel human again. Too darn much time being spent inside. Where is the sunshine?

Have a great weekend. Take good care and see you back next week. Until then, know how much you all mean to us here. Thank you all. Always Hope for spring to actually show sooner than later. COURAGE MPJ to hang on until some better days lead to some more action. keep the faith everyone.


Monday, April 25, 2022 6:38 AM CDT

Good Monday morning to you. Kind of a crazy weekend where we are from. Some pretty big storms again. Seems like I am forever moving the patio furniture out of harms way. We survived and were lucky the real storms avoided us by a few miles. One crazy spring so far. Time to move on from this into some better temps.

We kept ourselves busy over the weekend and weeks end. Patti spent lots of time over with Kaylee and the new one. I was on Matthew duty instead of being there too. His habit of sleeping in on the weekends shoots down plans of getting things done until he wakes up. I did accomplish something though. The Camaro convertible has found a new stable to reside. I sold it before noon on Saturday and in between rain storms. Great timing for it. So while Matthew slept the week off, the old man was "wheelin and dealin".

Matthew finally got to meet his new nephew. Yesterday we rolled over there and Jess brought him out to the car for Matthew. Boy was Matthew happy about that. He loves holding the little ones. He is so big and they are so small. Quite the picture. He has big plans for Ben. Already has claimed that he will be a hunter and Matthew is going to show him the ropes. I see plenty of camo in Ben's future.

Have to get our stuff together for the big road trip coming up on Wednesday. Somewhere between 550 and 600 miles for the round trip. So it is going to ring up about $100 for the gas to do this. Wow, that is really sad. Glad that we are not just starting out in life with the cost of living soaring. Got to think that there is some serious gouging going on. Sure hope that the trip is worth it.

Not much else happening on our end. Lots of small events and gatherings coming up in the next month plus. Looks like we will be pouring plenty of fuel in the gas tanks in the future. Better save up for that. Just kidding of course. The worse off we are physically it seems, the better off we are with the dollars. Wish it would've been the other way around when we were spry and free back in our prime. So glad we are this comfy in our present lives.

So start off the week on the good foot if you can. We will follow your lead. Thanks for keeping Matthew in your thoughts. Always Hope his energy tank fills up again. COURAGE MPJ to get after it this week. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, April 26, 2022 6:34 AM CDT

Pretty much the same old same old around the ranch on Monday. It is a tough day to get the boy motivated. Pretty much like everyone else I should say. Everyone does their best, but he has the "Slow Down Monday" thing going on. Hopefully today there will be an increase in motivation.

The big deal is the upcoming road trip to southern Wisconsin on Wednesday. Said something about the four of us going and he got this upset look on his mug. He didn't think that his mom was rolling with us. I said all along she was going, but in his mind it was a guy trip. No that is not how this is going to happen. I need her there for me. He will be busy with Josh in the middle seats of the van while Patti keeps me going. Going to be about 10 hours behind the wheel so it will be needed for sure. Wonder where he gets these ideas. Not sure he is cool with it yet. He'd better get over it or it won't be happening period.

So that is that and here we are. That is all I can recall this morning. Time to get this day going here at the office. Should be an interesting tomorrow. Better not be a pissy one is all I can say. So have a good one and I'll be back again on Thursday. Thank you all for giving us so much over the many years. It makes a big difference. Always Hope for safe travels and some fun along the way. COURAGE MPJ to keep your act together. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, April 28, 2022 6:25 AM CDT

Well we made to and from Wisconsin all in one piece. It was a good travel day as the sun was shinning and the winds were not that bad. I think we will all be a bit on the travel hungover side this morning if not a little longer. Not use to almost 600 mile days anymore. The old knees were barking at me pretty loud after a few hours. Matthew did well for us and actually slept very little of the 10 hours of driving.

We got up to Prairie du Sac right at noon. There was some nice scenic driving once we got into SW Wisconsin. We'd driven that road a few times, but mostly back when Patti and I lived in Portage, Wisconsin 40 years ago. When we arrived, Matthew's guy, Skip, was waiting for us. We felt he was genuinely happy to see Matthew. He took us right in and explained how the bow was made and all of the wonders of his assembly shop. Matthew loved his dog, Jack a silver Lab, that was there keeping an eye on things. Skip got out the new bow and told Matthew all about it. The boy was in wonderland for sure. He then broke out some goodies for him and of course we took pics of the event. After a while he then took us out into the manufacturing plant area where all the parts are milled and such. It was amazing to see how a block of some sort of metal ends up a piece of art in the form of a bow. This is a small company, but it was way larger than I thought. He sells bows all over the world. Finland is one of his biggest accounts. Skip is a great guy and he was so cool with Matthew. Matthew did a nice job with him too. It was well worth the time, gas and knee pain to witness all of this. I'm sure it is a big highlight day for Matthew. I'm going to try and load some pictures later today.

That area of Wisconsin is really pretty. Lots of green now popping up. So many rivers and open areas for hunting. That was not lost on any of us. We kidded Skip about having Matthew come up to paradise to hang out in the shop and he countered with oh no. He'd put him to work. Matthew would give anything to do so. In another world, we could just see that for sure.

So we pulled in the driveway right at 6:30 after a very long ride home. All of us were ready to get out of the van and relax at home. No place like it after 600 miles and11.5 hours out. I wouldn't count on Matthew doing much today. He takes these things pretty hard. Usually it is the second day away he really feels it. I'm feeling it right now some.

That will do it for this week. A great way to spend some quality time together. Glad it is over though. Have a really good weekend and we will be back here again next week, bright and early. Well at least early. Thank you all for the support as it means so much. Always Hope that spring can finally come and stay a bit. COURAGE MPJ to give it a good go today and tomorrow. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, May 2, 2022 6:31 AM CDT

Not the best of weekends, weather wise. At least things inside were all right. Lots of sleeping going on since there really was not a whole lot to get up for. Doesn't look like the weather pattern of cold, wet and windy is going to be changing this week. Not good for anyone, but fine for the geese that have taken over the metro. Someday spring will actually come here to stay.

Matthew did sleep about half the day away both Saturday and Sunday mornings. We did roust him before noon on Saturday to go with us to try and fit his wheelchair and he into a Honda CRV. He fit all right and it was a pretty easy transfer. We were excited. Then we tried storing the chair in the rear. It barely worked and there was room for nothing else back there. The Subaru is better than that. We were bummed, but that is part of the issue. Hard to fit his needs into a smaller fuel efficient vehicle. Small and Matthew are not included in the same sentence often. Guess it is back to the drawing board.

Other than that trip west, Matthew stayed inside the house. Heck we all did for the most part. I tried a little fishing in the cold and wind yesterday. That was not a smart move I guess. I was chilled for hours afterward without a single nibble. Matthew isn't in to the fishing and really, I'm just trying to find something to occupy some of my spare time. Obviously I'm not smart enough at it to steer clear in that foul weather.

Matthew was busy after the trip to Wisconsin getting his new bow all rigged up to shoot. Quite the operation. Lucky he has Mark at AFS right there to make it happen. I would bet that is back on the agenda for his spare time this week. Looks like he will be possessed with it for a while before he moves onto something else. Could be worse things to be hooked on.

This week should fit nicely into the same shell as most weeks do for us and Matthew. We have a party to go to on Saturday that Matthew is looking forward to. Hopefully it will be one that he can get in and out of without too much issue. I'm pretty sure he can.

Have a good Monday and see you back here in the morning. Thanks for the care and support. It does give us that extra boost that is needed. Always Hope this week shines in more ways than one. COURAGE MPJ to make sure to keep busy and constructive this week. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, May 3, 2022 6:38 AM CDT

Another rainy day out there. Looks as if that trend will continue well into the week. Have you started to build your ark? I would, but the cost of said wood is way too high. Just not very nice out there at all this spring. More than a bit tired of it too.

Another slow day around the ranch. Matthew got done what he needed to do before heading over to the fitness club for a workout. Had to back off his frequency there as the problematic shoulders are screaming at him once again. He usually takes a day off in between sessions over there. Does some different things at home in his rec area instead. A wise move as those delicate shoulders are needed for his everyday life needs. His arms and connectors are his legs. He/we would be screwed if they were to completely blow out.

Looks like another stay close to home day. I would bet he heads over to see Mark at AFS this afternoon. Got some fine tuning to do with the new Gear Head bow. Looks like it could be a good day to do that since the weather is so sloppy. Glad that he has this to do and that AFS is right near us. The best facility for archery in a hundred miles or better and it is right in our backyard.

Stay dry if you can. Things are all right on our home front. We are glad that they are. Especially with so much time being spent indoors together. Not always a good cocktail mix. Thanks for what you do to make Matthew better. It sure has been nice of you all. Always Hope the rains die off soon and sunshine takes over once again. COURAGE MPJ to hang tough until it does and the great outdoors is livable again. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, May 5, 2022 6:29 AM CDT

Well we have made it this far into the week without much issue. Matthew has been on pretty good behavior for us in spite of the fact that the weather has kept us fairly cooped up together. Yesterday the break in the weather sure helped attitudes. At least for Patti and I. We spent hours outside enjoying the off and on sun. At least it didn't rain on us. We had a chance to escape for a few hours. That really does help the two of us. Looking forward to better days when that becomes the norm.

Matthew is doing all right, health wise. He went in for a check up yesterday to see why his heart rate at time gets a bit elevated when walking and moving. Everything checked out fine. He does have some issues with breathing so he was given a script for an inhaler. He had one before. Just in case his breath gets too short on him. I think I may be the only one in the family without one. So it was good to hear that his numbers came in just fine.

The rest of the week should be all right. He is looking forward to a baby shower type party this Saturday afternoon. It is for his buddy Dallas and his better half, Zoey. This will be a first for him, a baby shower. Well this one is different from the old school ones. Hope it lives up to his idea on how it will be. Nice to see Dallas once again. Those two date back, way back, when Matthew played baseball almost 20 years ago. He has been one old friend that has stayed in touch.

So here we are and that is where we will be spending a little time over the weekend. Mothers Day is here too. I thought we had another week, but duh.....a swing and a miss for old Jimbo. Matthew is ahead of the game and has already done something for Patti. I'd better hop to it too. Have a great weekend and to all mothers out there, a big hug from us all for the never ending love and care that you give. Always Hope for lots of smiles and sunshine in our near future. COURAGE MPJ to be good and think of others and how they all help you. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, May 9, 2022 6:12 AM CDT

Well it looks like we have skipped spring and are headed smack dab into summer here in the midlands. Just another crazy weather example of what we deal with here. Not sure I am quite ready for these 80 plus degree days coming. Just too much of a shock to the old system. Better get my act together and hit the yard work hard. It could sure use some help. Maybe Matthew can get out there too and do something fun in the sun.

We made it through the end of the week and weekend without much issue at all. When the temps and rains held off on Friday, I took Matthew up to the outdoor archery range at Saylorville to show me his skills with the new bow. He really has it all decked out already. It is sharp that's for sure. He is still tweaking it and I could tell that it has a ways to come. His shooting was off. I could see that it was getting to him some, so he used another bow that was in his case. That one went a bit better. Sure was nice to get outside and shoot for once.

He was confused this weekend with the schedule of events that are/were coming up. Just had a hard time grasping when and where we were heading. I don't know how many times we had to explain it to him. It happens with him. Can't keep things straight when there are multiple things to do so close to each other. He kept getting this weekends stuff mixed up with plans for last weekend. Very sad to see. We worry quite a bit about the regression of his abilities. Some things are in check while others seem to be slipping. There really isn't that much room for slipping in order to stay in the ballpark of the life he has now. Not surprising, but never the less very sad.

We did go to his buddy Dallas's baby shower/party on Saturday. I think he was a bit overwhelmed with it all. He was pretty quiet. We had a nice chat with Dallas and his mom. Made me sad to think of all that Matthew has lost with his illness and what will never be for him. He and Dallas were once on the same level, and now, well it is just so sad. Glad that we went and hopefully those two can hook up this fall for a little hunting. That would be great for Matthew. Being with someone his own age doesn't happen often.

Hopefully he is ready for another week. Spent lots of time in bed yesterday. We had Mothers Day for Patti with the family there and he just didn't have enough gas in the tank to make it all afternoon without a siesta. He sure enjoyed holding his new nephew.....we all did. He was a bit grumpy at bedtime so hopefully he slept that off. It will be another busy weekend ahead. Another car trip in there for a few hours. Hope he will be ready.

Thanks for helping us out. Always appreciated for sure. Have a good week and enjoy the sun. Always Hope for a bit sharper brain this week. COURAGE MPJ to try hard not to be frustrated when it isn't hitting on all cylinders. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, May 10, 2022 6:27 AM CDT

As much as I hated the cold and wet, this heat wave stinks just as much. Had to break down and go from heat right to AC without any in between. Of course the AC unit didn't cool the house down as it has a very slow coolant leak that needs pumping back up. Us and a thousand other people needing work on their unit. All part of the joy living in Iowa I guess. Like a swamp out there right now.

Matthew seemed to be doing all right yesterday. He fell apart right at, you guessed it, bedtime. It was me, this time, that felt the wrath of his anger. Cussed me out pretty good for having him smash my thumb while helping him transfer. Guess we have no right to show that it hurts when his weight pinches a pinky. He has previously busted that same thumb in a fit of anger years back and it has been bothersome since. Getting a bit old taking his crap. He had no problem calling out for help at 4 this morning just because he needed a blanket. What an ass. If there was an alternative for his living somewhere, I'd be packing his bags right now.

Well I'd better end this before I go off the deep end even further. Life with Matthew is such great fun. Always an adventure. You all take care and see you back here again soon. Stay cool and dry. Always Hope we find a better living solution sooner than later. COURAGE MPJ to think once before you shout. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, May 12, 2022 6:08 AM CDT

Boy it has been a rough couple days around the ranch. Not really anything to do with Matthew.....that is good. We didn't have any AC since the heat turned up on Monday. Two days without it really made us appreciate having it. The tech came out and took care of the issues yesterday and by the middle of the night the house was back to a normal temp. Sure made a difference in sleep comfort. Maybe Matthew will feel energized today. Hope so.

His attitude towards us and the world was acceptable since I last wrote. We were all miserable with the heat, but he was able to keep civil through it after his outburst on Monday. He seemed to have a better two days since then. Been keeping pace with his exercise program and the rest of his chores and duties. Even found some time in there to practice with the new bow. Josh said that he is pretty well honed in on it now. AFS shooting area was hotter than our house they said. We were at 83 yesterday inside so it must be darn hot there.

He has an appointment or two today and then it will be some free time in there hopefully. At least the house is now comfy once again. Since he went to the fitness place yesterday, I would bet he does his other workout at home today.

He is looking forward to our trip and visit this weekend to Cresco. It is a solid three hour drive if not more if I do recall. Lots of country roads between here and there to travel. Better bring a thick wallet to pay for the fuel. It will be great to see both of my sisters at one time. Been over a year since that has happened.

Well have a good rest of the week and beyond. Hope that your AC is working well. Be careful in this heat. I guess we needed one more thing to be careful at. Geez. Thank you all for caring so much to keep coming back here for more. Always Hope that the heat relaxes soon. COURAGE MPJ to not let it get to you too much. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, May 16, 2022 6:00 AM CDT

Boy is it nice out there this morning. Came into work an hour early and now I wish it was a day off instead. Guess you can't have everything. At times that sure would be nice though. At least when I do get off this afternoon, it still should be nice and then I can relax.

Matthew was well behaved over the past few days. He seems to be healthy for the most part. After our road trip on Saturday, he really hit the hay hard on Sunday morning. Didn't get out of bed until after noon. We got home late so he was not ready for bed at that time. Traveling, as I have stated many a time before, is hard on him. I would suspect that today he may not have much in the tank. He was very good for us on the road and at his cousin Brittanni's house for the birthday party. The weather was good that day so he was able to just hang outside and hold court right there in the driveway. It was really good to see my sisters together again. Been over a year since the three of us were together. So glad that Matthew was good.

He has a busy week ahead. I know today he has a two hour assessment meeting at the house. That will make it a long afternoon. Hope that he is on his game for that. Just seems that there are plenty of things coming up this week that are out of the normal pattern. Of course there will be the normal duties mixed in there too.

So off we go for an exciting week. Probably not exciting, but busy I should say. To top it all off, Patti's phone locked up on her yesterday and may be losing all sorts of info on it. That phone is key to all sorts of things. Losing her contacts will be bad enough, but the info and everything else will be a killer. So I hope the rest of the week can go better than what we fear is ahead for her phone.
Take good care and enjoy the sun and lower temps as we will be doing today too. Thanks for the support. Always Hope this week goes without issues. COURAGE MPJ to be at good form today for the important meeting. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, June 2, 2022 6:47 AM CDT

Well I hope that the site here has fixed the issue that I was made aware of the other day. I called Caringbridge and they had it done in a few minutes. Hope that it didn't cause too much issue for you. We are doing all right. Been better, oh yes, but have been much worse too. All part of life and life with Matthew.

Seems that he has been on the edge here of late. Quick to get ticked off and give us the attitude that we get sick of when given in too large of dose. It really burns us deep to take the crap that he deals out like nothing. Seemingly that is what it is to him.....nothing. Not sure what is the source o9f all of this, but it could exit, stage left, at anytime and we would cheer that. Who knows what joys await us today.

We've had some other family issues going on too. Not our little family, but close enough to shake us up some. I can see myself getting in a sort of funk. Been plenty of not so good news here over the past week. Maybe that is why we are so aware of the issues that Matthew has given us on top of all of that. His timing is not good. Seems like the more we think of others, the more he wants to think about himself. Could be that he needs the spotlight and our total attention. I wouldn't doubt if that is the case.

I have a funeral to attend to in Carroll again this weekend. Was going to stay the night with a friend there, but given the thin ice we tread on right now, I don't think that is a good idea. Maybe I will take him along for the ride. Probably a better idea than leaving him with his mom. Just a there and back trip this Saturday.

Well that is about it. Feeling more than a little down about things. The whole world is such a bummer these days that we need more happiness, but it just isn't coming to satisfy the need. Just another hump and bump to get over. Thanks for keeping up and for the support. Always Hope things lighten up sooner than later. COURAGE MPJ to get right and and stay right. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, June 6, 2022 6:25 AM CDT

Good wet morning to you. Boy it came down last evening and soaked everything. Can always use the rain I guess. Glad that we were all nice and dry inside when it all came down. The garden and plants sure enjoyed it more than we did. The lawn did a little happy dance too.

It was an all right end to the week. Not the best, but all right anyway. Matthew behaved fairly well with a little attitude here and there just to keep us honest I guess. I was gone for Friday afternoon until Saturday afternoon, but he was decent for Patti while I was on the road. She did take him to Felix and Oscars for the favorite deep dish, Chicago style, pizza that Friday. I would bet that they both were in dough heaven for at least a little while. He did plenty of sleeping yesterday so there was less time to have issues. He is talking about shooting his bow this week and we are trying our best to nix that. His shoulder is no where ready for that. Let it mend dude. Often it is very difficult to get reason to play front and center with Matthew. Hope that we win this one for the good of his wing down the line.

I told him that I could take him fishing this week. Patti bristled at that one since we usually end up growling at each other by the time that is over. I am willing to give it a try. We can run over to Newton to the Ikes there. They have a nice size pond with a wooden fishing deck perfect for him. Since it is members only on private property, he doesn't need to have a state tag for it. One less thing to buy and not use. Wish me luck.

Should be a pretty normal week with the usual appointments and duties ahead. Something to be said about normal. We may be a bit unusual, but we like normal too. So have a good start to your week and we will try that too. Sounds good to me. Thank you for coming here to check on Matthew and give us that needed support. Always Hope fish can go after whatever he tosses to them. COURAGE MPJ to keep yourself as level headed as you can. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, June 7, 2022 6:23 AM CDT

Nice and cool out there this morning. Hope it stays that way since I am going to try and get Matthew to the Ikes pond to do a little fishing. Neither of us are any experts on the subject and probably both well under that. Hopefully he will be in a good mood and we can catch at least a few good laughs at ourselves. That is the usual catch of the day for old Jimbo.

Monday was all right. Of course it is never without some sort of rough spot, but how many of these spots is how the day is judged. Yesterday it was easily sanded over. Just a bit of elbow grease and the day was almost smooth. Much of the credit, as always, goes to Patti. I don't really think any of this adventure would be possible without her.

He did have a long survey that they did over the phone yesterday afternoon. Some sort of health survey from his insurer. The payoff for it was a gift card. So he will someday get a nice little bonus from Home Depot. I will probably buy that from him since he is not the home improvement sort of guy. The rains came down after that so we sat around and watched a movie until it became more civil outside. There went the afternoon.

Nothing big on the horizon for this week that I know of. That doesn't count for much however. Next week, Patti's cousin, Lori, is coming down from Wisconsin for a few days. Matthew is really looking forward to that. He and she have hit it off and have gone back and forth the past year with texts. Kinda neat really. They connected and over the past couple years, Patti has re-connected with her cousins from the north. Should be a fun few days for Matthew and Patti too.

So on with it we go. Hopefully I will have a big fishing story for you the next time I write. Could be a whopper you know. Until then, take good care and know all the good you have done for this family. We are truly lucky to have you all with us. Always Hope the fish gods are riding in the wheelchair with the boy today. COURAGE MPJ to keep your cool and let those fish know who is the boss. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, June 9, 2022 6:17 AM CDT

Well this is the end of another short work week for the old Jimbo. 15 hours a week is enough to keep me in change and out of the house for a little while. Nice that they allow me to do this here. It works for everyone I guess. Someday I will pull the plug on it and fully retire. Not sure when though.

Matthew has been all right for us this week. He had some troubles at shower time on Tuesday and actually went down on the floor when trying to walk in. That was a mess, but no injuries to him. It sure took plenty out of me trying to right the ship though. I'm not the guy I once was. We will give it a go again today with different results, I hope. Other than that, things have gone pretty much as expected this week.

He and I went fishing the other day in Newton to a pond there. Got a nibble or two, but hooked nothing again. At least he was entertained enough to want to come back. There were plenty of little fish around the deck they built for the disabled. We did see a nice size snapping turtle there. It slowly swam right in front of us and then headed towards my bail. I reeled it in quickly as I didn't want to mess with that. We will try that again someday.

This afternoon we are headed towards Tama. There is a food truck there that sells Indian Tacos and fry bread. Been wanting to go for some time now. They only show up a few days a month. We all have looked forward for this. Hope it is worth the drive.

Nothing out of the normal planned for the rest of the week. Just getting things done and checked off the list. Matthew is staying away from his bow again this week. Maybe he can give it a go next week if the shoulder feels good enough. He hasn't complained about it lately. The layoff has been good for it. Steve, at therapy, has been working on it too.

Well that is it for today and the week. Thank you all for coming and joining the fun. We sure do appreciate what you all bring to the table. Always Hope that life gets a bit better for us and the world in the days ahead. COURAGE MPJ to get your end of the bargain done and done with a smile. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, June 13, 2022 6:20 AM CDT

Good Monday morning to you. Sticky is the theme of the day. Oh my, is it nasty out there already. The air is so thick that I swear it is about to rain with all of the humidity. I guess this is the week that the farmers will see those cornfields get going towards the "knee high by the 4th" old saying. Patti's garden should take off too. Us humans will hide inside where the AC is blasting.

We had a decent week and the weekend was all right too. Nothing too special about it, but we all made it through in one piece. We had Kaylee for more than a day and that helped Patti get back on track. She sure misses not taking care of her little princess. Had a nice social visit from Chris and the family too. That was probably the highlight of the weekend. Matthew spent his usual time in bed and neither Patti or I wandered too far from the homestead. Just a typical weekend for us.

This week should be a bit different. Lots of things going on. Matthew is really pumped for the return of cousin Lori from Wisconsin. He has really taken to her and she will be here later today until Thursday. He has been busy making his plans for them. So many things to do and fun foods to eat. Too bad the weather is going to be lousy. Should be a fun filled week for him and Patti too. Somehow he needs to squeeze in all the usual weekday activities and appointments. Today is going to be a real crazy one. It will be bang bang for this and that. Hope he is rested and ready.

That is about it for now. Thank you for keeping in touch and supporting the cause. Matthew is the better for it, you know. We are much better off too. Always Hope this week is fun and exciting. COURAGE MPJ to be at your best and not run out of gas. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, June 14, 2022 6:31 AM CDT

Oh boy, was it nasty out there yesterday or what? Feels better this morning even though the temp from the car would argue that point. Looks like another indoor day for those who can. Matthew will be one of the lucky ones for sure. Hope that you are too.

Patti's cousin Lori came in the middle of the afternoon. Matthew couldn't hardly wait to be right there in the conversation. Too bad for him he had to wait a bit. His yearly assessment was going on with his case manager, Hanna, so he had to wait a little while. He did have plenty of time to interact with her later. They attempted to make fry bread, but the yeast was old and it never did rise. So when made, they called them crackers. Matthew was just dying to make them with and for her. Maybe another go at it later.

I'm sure he will want to spend some more time with Lori today and Wednesday before she heads back on Thursday. Funny how he has been so taken by her. It's great. I know he has lunch plans or dinner plans for this week to show her favorite places of his locally. Wonder where that will be today?

Not much else going on right now. The extreme heat will make it hard to do much other than hang inside. AFS is not cool in the heat. Like a big old metal box without air. Yikes! Monday was going to be the real busy day, so maybe a little more down time to relax a bit.

On with it we go. Take good care and be more than careful if you wander outside for long. This is Jim's public service announcement. Thank you all for caring so deeply for the boy. After all these years. Simply amazing. Always Hope for the good Matthew to be here this week. COURAGE MPJ to keep your cool in the heat that is Iowa. keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, June 16, 2022 6:46 AM CDT

Not a whole bunch new with Matthew to report on here today. He has really enjoyed his time spent with Lori and with her taking off for home today, he will be missing her. She has enjoyed it too. Too bad there are too many miles between them. Lori is very patient and works with kids that have some of the same things going on as Matthew. She is a pro.

Once again the heat has played a big role in what is happening this week. Matthew did go shooting yesterday at AFS. He wanted to show his skills off to Lori. He came home in a foul mood as one of the guys there got under his skin. This guy does that from time to time and it ruins the time spent out there for Matthew. Makes one wonder why some people just have to be like that. It's not like he doesn't know how Matthew reacts to that trash talk. So that time spent there yesterday was not good at all.

Back to the grind now that Lori will be gone. Matthew has enjoyed all the lunches out this week. Enjoyed them too much. Time to reel it in buddy. That will probably be met with some resistance. He has been lax on his workouts and duties this week and last week too. Going to be rough on him to kick it back in gear.

Well have a good weekend and we hope to do the same here. Thank goes out to all of you who have been on this ride for so long now. Thanks for keeping the wheels rolling. Always Hope for a happier boy today than he was leaving the archery range. COURAGE MPJ to let the not so friendly words keep you from enjoying your hobby. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, June 20, 2022 6:22 AM CDT

Nice and cool this morning as I left for work. I know that is not going to last as it turns into an oven again here soon. I miss those 70 degree type days. I know that Matthew does too. More options for him. The heat is not good for him with all of his meds taken each day. We/he needs to be careful not to overheat. We all will be doing that outside this week for sure.

Had a decent weekend. Patti hasn't been well here lately. Too many bad headaches are keeping her down. Matthew has been fine, however. Win some and lose some. Feel bad for her as it really took its toll on her yesterday. Not sure if she is any better today. She can relax, I hope, when Josh comes at 8 to take over the Matthew watch.

We didn't get very far from the ranch this past weekend. I'm pretty sure Matthew only left with me yesterday for a cruise and lunch. Other than that, he was anchored to home. Patti and I had plenty to get done at home on Saturday and of course he slept in again. That is about the norm anymore on the weekends. It would be nice to have a little more freedom to do things, but he is typically worn out by the weekend. That banged up brain just has too little stamina to do a whole lot by the weekend. Very sad that it is that way when you are so young.

This week will be less busy as there are not any guests coming to spend a few days. Hope that he can pick up the pace a bit on his working out schedule. He has slipped the past two weeks. Going to be very hard to get him back on task. It takes very little time away to develop bad habits.
It may even take Matthew less time to do that.

Well that is it for today. Another week and weekend in the books. We made it without too much issue. Patti is the concern right now more than Matthew. Thanks for keeping in touch and for the never ending support. Amazing. Always Hope things iron out and healthy times are back soon for Patti. COURAGE MPJ to be good, kind and helpful this week. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, June 21, 2022 6:17 AM CDT

Well the brutal weather continues here in the metro. The heat index hit 100 yesterday and is going to top that today. Looks like we will all be hanging inside in the cool air. It would be so much better if Matthew could get outside and do something. The old house gets to be more of a prison than a home when your not able to get out and about. The temps have held Matthew in jail for too long now. Just hope that he can handle it for a few more days.

His legs have been giving him plenty of issues here of late. The tone has really taken over his lower half way too often. It means that the legs shake uncontrollable and it is very hard for him to even try to use them. This means that showering is more dangerous than the normal dangers that are there with him on his feet. Yesterday it turned into one large cramp in his thigh that just about dropped him. I have feared the time when he is not able to walk a few steps. Getting on his feet makes all the difference in the world in being able to do certain things. As we get weaker with age, he seems to be following right along. Not good at all. There is no cure for this. It scares the heck out of me.

Patti is still suffering too. Not as bad, but I think she is putting on a brave face more than feeling much better. She said she felt hungover yesterday. She got up this morning and said it was better, but the head was starting to hurt again. What a total mess we are without her. Been a rough and tough few days.

We will survive as we always somehow do. Maybe a little nicked up right now, but we'll get it together once again. Keep the two of them in your thoughts and help them get back on their feet with a bit more stability real soon. Thank you all for helping and caring. Always Hope things get straight sooner than later. COURAGE MPJ to keep your chin up and your legs solid as oaks. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, June 23, 2022 6:33 AM CDT

With just a quick break in the really bad heat yesterday, Matthew got to go fishing in the late morning over at the Ikes pond in Newton. To his and everyone's delight, he actually caught a fish. Well 5 in total to be exact. He was having so much fun and excitement that he postponed lunch until the fish quit biting. For some reason, he has really taken to that pond over there. Josh also tossed the line in the water and pulled out fish too. He also was greeted by the same snapper that slowly swam by the last time we were there. I was shocked as I was sure it would be a bust with the warm weather that we are having. He wants to go back again this morning if possible. So happy that there was something out there for him to hook onto.

I'm sure that if he does hook a few more today, that's a big if, he will want to go over the weekend too. That is fine. It is easier to roll there than it is to go to Big Creek, which is usually the best place around these parts to fish, outside of farm ponds. Just the way that Matthew rolls. Fixating on one thing and then it fades and doesn't appear for a long time after that. He is not a fan of small docks and such and bank fishing is really hard in a wheelchair. So he needs to go where they have a fishing deck type structure for the disabled. The one in Newton is perfect. Guess we will get our moneys worth out of this membership.

That was pretty much the deal from yesterday. A good day for him to get away from the usual. We all need that more often than we normally get. Hopefully it will keep him happy for a while. I understand the feeling of being caged. Held hostage by the abusive temps. I get that feeling too and I am much more out and about than he is. It is a very small world that he operates from.

Well have a good rest of the week. It would be nice if the weather cools some, but can't count on that. Thank you for keeping Matthew in your thoughts. It helps to know that people still remember him and support him for so darn long now. Always Hope the fish are still biting today. COURAGE MPJ to keep trying to make a better life for yourself. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, June 27, 2022 6:21 AM CDT

How is everyone this fine morning? Looks and feels like a nice one is headed our way. A little break in the heat before the oven gets turned back on. Nice to get a bit of a break no matter how short it may be. Got a feeling that July is going to be a sizzlefest. Hope that I am wrong there.

Matthew is doing fine on this end. A little issue here and there, but nothing to do with anger at all. That seems to be the real problem that we face way too often. He has been talking about moving out of the house again. It comes up every once and again. Patti got him on a list for one place in town that does give the disabled a break in rent so it is feasible. With that being said, Matthew has picked up his effort in taking a bigger role in doing things for himself. We have spoiled him forever and he knows it. So his role in this has increased a little. Hopefully it will go even further. Old Mom and Dad are not going to last forever you know. It will be interesting to see if this flies or dies. We have been troubled forever with the thought of where he goes and how he lives without us around. Maybe, just maybe, we can find out a little more. Knowing that he is good will ease the worry that we have shared for 17 years.

I would lay money on it that Matthew will want to do some fishing this week. Maybe as soon as today. He and Josh have been doing well with it and come home with fish stories each time. They haven't been shut out once yet. I don't think he has ever caught one when I am around since he was about 4 years old. Glad that they have found something outdoors to do.

Should be a normal week heading into the 4th a week from today. That will mess with him some having the extra day this weekend. We have no plans for it of course. Hopefully he can sail right through this week without much issue. A nice reward for being go9od for us on the home front.

Have a great start to the week and enjoy the temp break if you are around the metro. Thank you all for keeping Matthew in your thoughts. It it appreciated on this end. Always Hope for calm and carefree days this week and beyond. COURAGE MPJ to continue working on your independence. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, June 28, 2022 6:52 AM CDT

It was so nice outside yesterday and poor Matthew was not able to take advantage of it. I'm sure he wanted to hit the pond and dangle a line, but he had too many other things going on that restricted his time to fish. What a shame all of them didn't happen when it was 95 degrees outside. One of his appointments was with the eye doctor. She gave him the thumbs up on his eye health. It is at least stable without negative change. That was good and made him happy. It seems that it will be pretty nice out there today so maybe.........he can get out there and enjoy it.

The big 4th weekend is nearly here. Like about every other holiday, we have no plans for it. We almost get trapped with the fireworks display being so big at the Casino. Usually our hood is gridlocked and the main roads are blocked off. On the 4th they even announced that the main drag will be closed most of the morning too. It will be a challenge to escape. Maybe we can find something out of the norm to do over the extended weekend. You never know.

Hard to fathom that June is already over. Time has sped up the last few years. Now that the hourglass is getting empty on one end, it really does seem like we are in high gear all the time. We sure have plenty to figure out before that sand runs out.

Well enough of that before I totally bum myself out. Have a good one and enjoy the kinder temps of this day. Thank you so much for giving us the help that makes things work out for us. Always Hope that someday we figure life out. COURAGE MPJ to keep working towards your independence day. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, June 30, 2022 6:15 AM CDT

Nothing really new to write about. So enjoy the long holiday weekend and be safe out there. Probably will be back again at my desk on Tuesday. Until then, Always Hope for answers to questions that are bothersome. COURAGE MPJ to grow up as much as you've grown out. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, July 5, 2022 6:30 AM CDT

Good Tuesday morning to you. Hope that your 4th weekend was a good one. Boy did it get nasty out here in the metro. The 4th was the nastiest it had been all summer in my book. The heavy rains and then 90 plus degree heat following was just too much. Matthew didn't make it outside yesterday at all. He was a lucky one at that.

We did very little over the long weekend. Pretty much par for the course I'd say. We all went outside on the 3rd to watch the big fireworks display at Prairie Meadows. Nice that we can see almost all of it from our house. The neighbors were out and we all stood there going ewwww and ahhhh as the multi colored bombs lit up the sky. I had a bunch of old fireworks in a stash and lit off a few of them to the delight of the young kids. Not much of a thrill for the adults. Boy the area really went crazy this year on the home displays of pyrotechnics. They were still going off close to midnight last night. So much for not being able to light em up in Altoona, but you sure can buy them.......and they certainly did that.

Had some company over on Sunday eve and Monday afternoon. Good way to celebrate a little. I had smoked a pork loin and we had indoor flies and no heat. Matthew had a nice chat with his hunting compadre, Jerry, and showed him his new bow set up. Jerry was impressed. Nice to see and hear some different people without having to leave the house. Matthew even had a chance to hold his favorite nephew a little over the weekend too. Chris had Matthew over for lunch on Saturday and he got a bit of lap time with little Ben. Boy he loves that little guy.

Really that was about it for any kind of action this weekend. No road trips or much of anything outside of the ranch. Matthew and Patti did go through his bedroom closet and area to clean up and toss out. A little streamlining going on. Lots of talk about finding an apartment for Matthew. Hard to locate one near that has all the needs he has. Especially one that will not totally break his bank and reach too deep into ours too. Everything is so crazy expensive. He has been working on being more self dependent. Just a little here and there. A good place to start.

Well have a great week and stay cool as often as you can. We will do just that too. Thank you all for supporting Matthew through the many years. We would be lost without you. Always Hope things shake out for the boy. COURAGE MPJ to keep on the path for your independence day. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, July 11, 2022 6:12 AM CDT

Well we are hanging in there since the last time I wrote anything down here. Matthew has been pretty good for us and that is key to everything being all right with the Jessen family. His health has been solid with a little bit of a stuffy head here and there, but it never ended up being all that much. That threw him off his normal routine a bit and that routine needs to be found once again this week. He got a bit on the lazy side last week and it just can't repeat itself. Overall we are all doing good.

The weather here has been nasty again. The temps go up and down, but the usual Iowa humidity has been downright nasty. Some days you could cut it with a knife I swear. It takes a little bit of courage to want to go out and do anything in this swampy air. You do pay a price for it. Matthew doesn't do well in it at all. Some of his meds warn you about the heat and what can happen. He has spent most of his hours indoors or in a vehicle with the AC going. I was hoping that he could get out to the pond for some fishing, but it never happened. Maybe this week. he seemed very happy when he and Josh hit the water looking for that monster fish. Hope that it works out better this week. From the feel of it this morning, it seems that it may not happen today.

We have a tentative plan for the end of the month to go to Wisconsin to visit my sister and Patti her cousins. We are hoping to have it arranged so that Matthew can stay at home. We think he would enjoy that more than the trip. I am also hoping to bring his Aunt back with us so he won't be missing out on visiting with her. These things have gone south before so it would really be nice if this would work out. We all could use a bit of time away from each other.

Matthew told me yesterday about his class reunion happening at a bar near the end of August. Not sure that would be such a good idea for him. It could easily trigger some less than happy thoughts about life and his place in it. I doubt if any of his old friends would be there and if they were, they would have spouses along with them. That would easily be a depressing thing for him since he is where he is in life right now. Guess it will be up to him, but it makes me uneasy thinking about the consequences. So sad to have to think that way about it. He hasn't spoken to any old school mates in probably 5 years or longer. That was another world in another time.

Well that totally bummed me out so I think it is wise to end this now. Hopefully you all are in good form and are surviving the summer heat. Matthew is so much stronger with you all at his side. Thank you. Always Hope for a happy week with plenty of smiles. COURAGE MPJ to be that smiling son for mom and I. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, July 12, 2022 6:19 AM CDT

It is so much nicer out there this morning. Cool air has taken over and I sure do like that. My car told me that it was more than 12 degrees cooler today than yesterday at the same time. May actually get out and about if it holds. Matthew didn't make it out much yesterday and I don't blame him. Hopefully that story will change with the change in the weather.

Matthew was good yesterday. Always nice to see and hear. He ended up in bed fairly early, but stayed up past that as he hung there and played around on his phone. That phone is his best friend. He is constantly on it like so many people out there. I guess that makes him about as normal as the next person of his age. We keep a close eye on his activity on it as does Josh. Matthew has had issues with things before, as you know, and he really can't be 100% trusted. The truth is not always what comes out of his mouth. He usually does fess up to it, but initially it is a fib when questioned about things he is not suppose to do. You know, that has never changed since he was little. In so many ways, Matthew is still that 10 year old kid that went into the hospital in 2005.

Now today may be a good one to go fishing. Not sure what the plan is for the day, but just maybe a little lake/pond time might be a good thing. I did the dumb thing a week or so ago and bought a fishing boat. Nobody ever accused me of being smart you know. It would be nearly impossible for Matthew to get in and out of it. He has never been one at ease in a boat. I may try to launch it today or tomorrow and see if she sinks or not. The only boat that he could actually roll onto would be a pontoon. Just a bit on the big side for me and my truck as well as storage in the backyard. If he stays with the fishing, I may have to check it out further though.

Well no matter what, it would be a good day for the boy to get out and enjoy the outdoors. He has slowed down on shooting his bows, but the outdoor shooting range could be a good thing for him today. Hopefully Patti and I can get out and enjoy the fresh air too. Thanks to all of you this is possible. You have been so good to us over the years and Matthew has benefited so much from your care. Thank you. Always Hope it stays cooler and calm outside and inside too. COURAGE MPJ to have fun and enjoy whatever it is today. keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, July 14, 2022 6:19 AM CDT

Happy Thursday to you. Looks like the temps are on the rise here in the metro. Not a good thing at all. The AC units will be on high alert for the next week it seems. Wonder when we will get a break in this extended heat wave? Not good for anything outdoors unless you are hanging out at a pool I guess. Doubt if Matthew will be spending much time outside. He went to AFS to shoot yesterday afternoon and came home one sweaty dude. Not much, if any, AC going on there in that barn of a building. That's too bad. Time to hang in there until this wave of heat dies off.

Matthew tried out a new Chiropractor yesterday after going to the same one forever. He was not happy with her the past year or so and thought it was time to move on. He has a guy now that seemed to do the job he was looking for. Kind of sad to see him switch up after the decades, but he knows what is best for him. Hope that it all works out. His poor back and shoulders really have taken a beating over the years.

Patti and I were really bummed out the other day. We have been looking for a solution to Matthew and his residence as of late. Searching even for condos for sale if they are in the ballpark. We found one last week that fit the bill possibly, but it was already taken. Then it came back on tyhe market and I called to get a showing. Between the time I called and the time we were to check it out, another offer came in that was a solid one. That is strike 2 on the same property. Back to the drawing board.

Nothing big planned for the rest of this week. We are about two weeks out on our trip north without Matthew. These trips have not worked too well for us in the past, but our fall one to KC did work so we are optimistic that it will be golden for us. It will be good for all of us. Getting a break from each other is something we all need.

Well that will be a wrap for this week. Hang in there and hopefully we can get some sort of relief from the oven out there that is warming up. We will take care and you all do that too. Thanks for keeping Matthew in your thoughts. Always Hope things shake out for the home team in the weeks to come. COURAGE MPJ to keep your cool as things heat up. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, July 18, 2022 6:26 AM CDT

I guess we need to brace ourselves this week for the heat being turned on full blast. Really nice out this morning as I watered down the plants and flowers. The nasty is coming so hopefully you all can stay cool and comfy. We will do our best as the AC unit is running all day and all night. Should be a filthy power bill this month.

Matthew is doing all right health wise. Still complains from now and then about a stuffed up head. Join the crowd, son. Seems like this year has been worse than ever. Other than that complaint, his health has been strong. Now his mental health has not been quite as good as it should be. He seems to be more testy here lately. Friday it was the shower aides turn at getting the Matthew treatment. It has happened far too often with her and I would not be shocked if she wants to stop coming. She has been with him since the apartment days so that is really a deep blow if she decides to hang it with him. He can be so mean to people. Patti is going to be in touch with his person that reviews his attitude meds. Something is not working as it should right now. Everyone around him has felt the wrath lately. Not an explosion, but it is getting very heated at times. Not a good thing at all.

We did little over the weekend away from the house. Between him sleeping in and nothing really to do, we just hung out. I know that I was bored out of my socks and I imagine Patti was too. Got too warm outside to do much of anything. I have many things that need attention out there, but not getting anything done it seems. Temps tickling 100 this week will not help either. Matthew has not been fishing now in almost a month. That seemed to come to a complete halt in June. Way too hot now. Tough finding activities for him to do that don't involve some sort of video.

So we go into this week with more than a few issues to be resolved. It would be nice if some answers came and turned the poor attitude around. Being held captive by the heat will not help the cause. Positive thoughts from all of you would sure help. It always does. Thank you all for being there. Always Hope things shake out for the home team once again. COURAGE MPJ to get it together before you lose too much. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, July 19, 2022 6:16 AM CDT

Not bad out at 6am, but I know the oven gets put on high here soon. Yesterday was bad enough and Matthew spent much of the time indoors as we all did soaking up the AC. I don't see all that much of a change for him today either. That is not a great thing. he spends way too much time at the house. Can't blame him when it is so darn hot though. Dashing between car and building is not great entertainment. Looks like we will have to endure this for a whole week or so. Yuck!

With that all being said, not much happening for him right now. His attitude was solid yesterday and hopefully he can maintain that for many days ahead. It is so hot inside AFS that going shooting is not a friendly option for him either. I think it's going to be a long week. It will be a miracle if his good attitude can hold up for that long.

One person that has been, and always is busy, is Patti. Once again she was on the phone calling to stomp out yet another fire. I don't know how disabled people can get by. If they don't have someone that takes care of all the paperwork matters and the hours of phone calls for them. Hardly a week goes by that she isn't spending tons of time on the phone, online, or filling out some paperwork for him. So many things that he is under are seemingly poorly operated or say the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing. There is always something being questioned or changed or needs new paperwork done that matches last years work. Matthew would be totally hosed without his mom taking care of such matters. Who knows how it will go after we are not around to do it. Just another case of questions without answers. They sure do weigh heavy on us as the years pile up and our time is less. Not a comfortable thing to have hanging over your head.

So endure this heat streak the best that you can. We will do that too. Hang in there folks, it has to get better.....doesn't it? Thank you all for caring. Always Hope things stay cool as the heat turns up. COURAGE MPJ to keep it all together for the good of us all. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, July 21, 2022 6:26 AM CDT

Happy Thursday. This heat is getting mighty old. From looking at the news, I guess I shouldn't be complaining as we are actually well below other states when it comes to high temps. Our issue, as usual, is the humidity. Sure makes one wish for a nice and comfy fall right now. Just too hot out there to feel like doing much outside. At least the grass isn't growing. Weeds are though.

Matthew actually went to AFS and from what he said, the AC units were working in the range. So it was much better there than it has been. Speaking of shooting arrows at the range, he did something for at least the second time yesterday. He did the old Robin Hood to a pair of arrows. Shot one inside the other. Kind of a neat thing, but also an expensive thing too. He toasted one of the arrows and they are not cheap ones you buy at Walmart. They are special order competition type arrows that take a few weeks to order and get trimmed to size. Hope it was on a bullseye shot. Glad that he was able to get out in the afternoon for something that didn't involve an electronic device.

Yesterday he went to his new chiropractor for the second time. He is very happy with him and the cracking that he is doing. More aggressive than his old one was. Josh is impressed with the detail he is doing. Not just a snap snap and see you later. Hope it all comes together and helps him out. He is a mess that way.

Sounds like little Benjamin will be spending some time at the house this afternoon. I'm sure Matthew will be right there. He loves the babies. Ben is very happy and smiles all the time. It is cute. It is so good for Matthew to spend a little time with his nephew and niece. He can be very intimidating with his size and that wheelchair. Kaylee is so use to it and him that it never an issue. Hopefully Ben will be the same way.

Nothing planned for the days ahead that I know of. The heat will determine quite a bit on what happens outside the house. I a week we head off to Wisconsin for a few days while Matthew is home with guest parental units. Hopefully he will enjoy it which in turn lets us get a break in the routine and have a little fun too.

Thanks for coming here to see what is up. Things have been pretty good this week for us all. Glad that you were thinking of Matthew and helping him out with this. Always Hope that the times ahead are solid ones with plenty of happiness. COURAGE MPJ the rest of the week and beyond. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, July 25, 2022 6:13 AM CDT

Well we made it through a couple more hot and thick days. Didn't move around much in it. Matthew stayed inside for most of the weekend with us. We did get out and about some in the car. We did not try to do anything that involved that kind of heat. Matthew is just not able to take it. He has multiple meds that can make him an easy target for heat related issues. We have enough problems without causing some of our own. He didn't seem to complain much about it. Took an easy two hour cruise around the metro yesterday and that seemed to keep him entertained. Just do what you gotta do.

Being cooped up is not a good thing for his attitude towards Patti and I. We really didn't witness any of that even though the stage was set. Glad that he kept it together. His one attitude adjusting pill was upped just a bit. Maybe that will keep him in check a bit better. We go up and down that dosage scale with those meds. This time it was up just one pill a day. Once again, just do what you gotta do.

He must've asked 10 times about the trip Patti and I have planned for the end of this week. I think, and hope, he is looking forward to some time without the wardens as we are looking forward to a bit of time away from the everyday grind too. Probably long overdue. Maybe we will all get our batteries charged up a bit after it is all over. Sure hope so. We do not get much in the way of vacations. Take a few days when we can get it all worked out.

He and I talked a little about deer hunting yesterday on our car trip. Not really sure how that will shake out this year. He is not as fired up about it, but that will come when the time gets near. May not go up to the lake for that hunt. Hasn't been too good the past few years. Now there are more hunters flocking to that place and they have a major advantage over Matthew in a blind. There are only so many deer in one area. Guess we will have to do some thunkin on that.

Well time to run. Take good care and be safe out there. We certainly are blessed with people like you helping us out for the many years. Thank you kindly. Always Hope this week is a keeper. COURAGE MPJ to make sure it is just that. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, July 26, 2022 6:27 AM CDT

Nice not having the crazy hot and stuffy early morning temps the past two days. Probably asking too much to have it stay this way for at least a few weeks. A little rain wouldn't hurt either while I am asking for big favors. Would be a good day not to work, but I am here for a long day. Making up time ahead of the schedule since I will not be in next Monday and possibly Tuesday too. Almost like being on vacation. That's a bit of a change.

Matthew had a decent day until the end of it. I didn't notice, but Patti said that he was being less than perfect to her by the end of it. He hates to go to bed early, but then he also hates having to get up in the morning. Not a good start to the day when he has to be forced out of bed in the morning. Sets him up to be grumpy and touchy all day. So in many cases, you just can't win. This could easily be one of those days. Hope not, but it seems it sure could happen like that.

Not much going on this week for him. Hopefully he can get out into the nicer weather after all of the chores and weekly appointments are over. Fishing may be a nice outlet for him. I thought that maybe yesterday they could do that, but it was not to be.

Well I really have nothing else this morning. So take good care and we will too. Thanks again for keeping Matthew in your thoughts. Always Hope for an easy peasy sort of day for the whole cast of this show. COURAGE MPJ to work hard before you start to entertain yourself today. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, July 28, 2022 6:20 AM CDT

Well this will be the last post for a little while. Patti and I are set to go north for a few days and will not return to this office for a bit. Not sure when, but probably sometime next week. Hopefully Matthew behaves this attempt at going away for a few days without him. Hasn't worked out well in the past, but we did do a two nighter for our Anniversary last November. So hopefully he can keep it under control for this trip too.

At times he still has a bit of an edge to his attitude lately. We hoped that a change in meds may help, but that hasn't quite happened yet. Patti called in and they said it could be another week before any positive changes happen. Guess we can't expect miracles. Most of the time he is fine. There are times when you can see and hear that things are starting to fall apart some. Big blow That is one good thing. We know how those can happen with the drop of a hat and he has plenty of hats.

Been practicing up on his archery skills quite often here lately. At least three days a week if not more. With hunting season just around the corner, probably a good thing to be doing. The question with that is always will he be using a crossbow or a compound???? His range is so much better with the crossbow, but he is in love with the compound and usually fights shooting the other one even though it puts the odds more in his favor. Patti and drove by the place he may hunt yesterday. Not a bad drive and it is right off the highway. Next step will be to visit and check out the land and the paths, if any, where the deer roll through. Hopefully he will see as many as he did at his last stop with Dallas's place.

He has an appointment Friday with his neurologist, Dr. Mike, coming up Friday while we are gone. Josh has taken him to many of these types of visits so we have all the confidence in the world that it will go just fine there too. I'm sure Patti will have some questions to be asked by him at that time. Matthew seems to enjoy seeing Mike. I played basketball with him for years before Matthew had to switch from St. Paul to local for his care. Hope that he doesn't get too silly with him. Sometimes Matthew can get a bit carried away. The lack of filter in the brain strikes again.

Well have a great rest of the week and see you back here sometime next week. Wish us all luck. Thanks for keeping Matthew in your helpful hands. Always Hope things roll right along without the parental units around. COURAGE MPJ to show us how good you can be. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, August 2, 2022 6:26 AM CDT

We are back at home after our three night away stay in Wisconsin. Patti was at her cousin's house on the lake in Shawano and I was at my sister's house in Appleton. It sure was great to see everyone and escape the usual in Iowa for a few days. Matthew seemed to enjoy his time away from the "rents" too. Batteries are all charged up and ready for a return to the norm at home.

Things went well while we were gone with Matthew. Didn't hear all that much, but think that they didn't stray too far off the ranch once we were gone. His doctor visit went well and no changes are being made there. That is good. From what I did hear, there were a few horror movies and shoot em up games going on. Glad that it all seemed to work this time. Probably about as long as we could go without it causing issues. Hopefully we can all do something like that again soon. We all needed a break from the everyday life that we lead.

Not much else to say right now. We are back and all is good so that is it for today. Thank you for keeping Matthew and his family in your thoughts for the dozens of years now. It is always appreciated. Always Hope more good days are ahead. COURAGE MPJ to make sure that you grow from this experience and look forward to more time apart. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, August 4, 2022 6:19 AM CDT

The heat is just too much. Too much to feel like doing a darn thing. With that being said, Matthew has stayed pretty much at home the past few days. Just too much danger in this latest heat streak. Everything on the property is turning brown. Just too dangerous for Matthew to spend any sort of time outside. We are just waiting for the caged animal behavior to show. Hope it doesn't, but it could happen for sure. Heck if not for him, for Patti or I too.

He is getting what he needs to get done taken care of, but other than that, he is hanging at home. He did make it out yesterday to do a workout at Anytime Fitness. They scampered home quickly after that though. I guess he did get out for his weekly lunch out. Said that his tenderloin was not up to the usual standard though.

Looks like it is only getting hotter for the rest of the week. Doubt if we will be doing much at all outside of the house this weekend. Hope that all of you can relax in the comfort of AC like we will be doing the next few days. Please be careful out there. Again, we will be doing that too. Thank you all for being on the team and keeping Matthew so close. It helps us just knowing that people do care. Always Hope there is a break in the weather sooner than later. COURAGE MPJ to remember that we all are suffering right along with you. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, August 8, 2022 6:26 AM CDT

A little rain came finally last night. Hopefully that will help turn the brown a little more green. Not sure if it is too late for that or not. It was a miserable weekend weather wise. Too darn hot for sure. It kept us in for the most part. Matthew only came out to roll between the house and the car a couple times. Not fir for man or beast out there. We really have to watch him in this type of heat.

We didn't do too much the past three days. Did take a nice and sweet road trip on Friday as we headed to Pella just to get a little sweet stuff from one of the bakeries there. Boy was that a tasty bit of heaven. Toured all over the town and were amazed at the Vermeer plant there. That place is huge and had its own medical clinic and a big daycare off the main property. The town as a whole is pretty darn nice. Never been a fan, but it is a nice clean town. On Saturday we drove down to see my sister in Winterset for a few minutes. Just wanted to drop off something. Maybe a waste of gas, but it was good to escape the four walls of home for a few hours. That was pretty much the extent of our getting out this weekend. Not too exciting.

Looks like this week will not be quite as nasty as the last one. Maybe Matthew can get out some before the oven gets turned back up. The big state fair begins this week. Doubt very much if Matthew will be going. It is really a tough assignment to wheel him around the grounds. It hasn't gotten any easier over the years. All he is really interested in is the various over-priced food options. Probably just send him out for a good lunch and he will be happy to pass on the fair.

That is about it for now. Hopefully he will keep his act together this week. There were a couple of nights in there that he was not the best behaved. Just part of the joy in living with him I guess. Thank you for checking in on things. We survived the heat blast and are still standing. Thanks to all of you. Always Hope things shake out well for the home team this week. COURAGE MPJ in keeping your self in check when you are not happy. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, August 9, 2022 6:21 AM CDT

Well it was nice not having to seek out AC because it was just so terrible outside. Today may be another just like it. Now we are talking. All of us here in the metro know that it will turn hotter than all get out soon because it is State Fair Time! Yes the human torture and endurance test is coming soon.

Matthew had a good Monday. I thought he was really in a good mood from what I witnessed. I was there during shower time and that on a Monday is never all that good. However, I could hear him chatting nicely and laughing. Not always the case. He is sometimes like the 9 year old boy that fell ill 17 years ago. Not his favorite chore. Yesterday he was good as gold at that time though. What a nice relief to hear him happy for once in the shower.

Once again his shoulder has been giving him issues and pain. Will be an ongoing thing for him forever I'm afraid. Just so much the joint can take as it is his arms and legs when he rolls in the wheelchair. That's a lot of weight he has to pull and push. Dr. Patti has been attending to his pain issues and does her very best to keep him comfortable. The other day I came in from the outside and the fumes from Icy Hot nearly knocked me out. Just kidding of course, but it's sad when the old folks aren't the source of that aroma.

Well Patti and I made a big move yesterday. Today we go in and turn in the Subaru as we traded for a little SUV to replace it. Of course we had to find one that fit both Matthew and his wheelchair. I think we found it in a Hyundai Tuscon Hybrid. Much improved gas mileage along with a little more leg room and rear storage. It is difficult to find one that works and even harder to find one in stock new that isn't spoken for. Hope this gamble turns out to be a winner.

Well that is that for today. Be back again in two days with an update on Matthew and his shoulder issues along with his fit in the new ride. Until then, take good care and enjoy the nicer weather for once. Thank you all for years of support and love. Always Hope the rest of the week is as good as the start. COURAGE MPJ to get through another battle with the bad wing. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, August 15, 2022 6:27 AM CDT

It was a strange week here at work. It messed up my normal writing pattern here. Don't worry, there is nothing wrong. Just messed up schedule for me as much as anything. We are hanging in there like always. I felt guilty for not getting back on here after Tuesday. This week may be off too. Hope it isn't, but it may be.

Matthew is doing about the same. He has some ups and downs, but lately the ups have out numbered the downs. I take that as a win. Hopefully with the cooler temps outside he can get a little more action in. Sometimes I think he/they get into a rut and they just repeat things over and over. I have suggested some fishing and it goes without action on it. Actually it would be a good day for it. May have to nudge them once more. Next up will be to practice some with the crossbow so he can pass the skills test. Not sure that any of us want to go to Saylorville to hunt, but it is a safe bet on having at least a chance to hunt somewhere. A safety just in case the Madison County place doesn't pan out. In any case, I hope Matthew can get out this week and do some different outdoor things.

We didn't go far over the weekend. Little Ben was over on Friday and that pretty much took up that day. Matthew was bummed that the little dude spent most of the time asleep. Not feeling well. Matthew adores him and has big plans, of course, for him down the line. Kaylee came on Saturday and stayed overnight and into Sunday afternoon. We took a little road trip to Gilbert where Patti and I spied a mountain of a kid slide for her. Matthew snoozed while we went off to play. He sleeps well in any vehicle it seems.

He and I watched a couple funny movies over the weekend too. He has quite the taste for action, comedy and horror in his favorite flicks. We also took in at least one preseason football game too. Could be a long year for our favorite NFL teams. Yikes. Can't wait for the college season to start. I am more of a fan of the college game.

Well that is that for now. Hope that you are well and keeping out of harms way. We try our best to do just that too. Thanks for checking in and keeping Matthew in your thoughts. Always Hope that his head is screwed on straight this week. COURAGE MPJ to keep up the positive attitude that we know is there. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, August 16, 2022 6:28 AM CDT

How about that rain we had yesterday! That was sure a gentle bit of wetness that fell on the brown grass and plants. Could've been more, but it couldn't hurt either. Pretty humid out there this morning. Foggy and yucky. Guess we will take it after hours of rain. Hope that it clears off before long. Patti and I are headed to the big fair tonight and are planning on a concert there too. A little ZZ Top for us oldies. Josh is going to hang out with Matthew a little longer today to cover for us. Should be fun.

Not a lot of action from Matthew yesterday from what I saw. He did his chores, appointments and working out, but not too much other than that. It was nice outside and I hoped that he'd be motivated to get out and get some of it. Not to be. Probably just so use to hanging inside after weeks of practice. I did ask him to start practicing his crossbow skills so he can pass the shooting test. Without that, I'm not sure if he will be able to hunt much if any. Nice to have that doe hunt in his pocket in case the other spot doesn't pan out. I'm going to be sending a reminder here today.

One drawback to hunting at the lake is that he has to use his legs to transfer up and into the Ranger. His poor legs are very unstable here the past months and don't seem to be getting any better. Probably just the way they are and will only change for the worse. That will be terrible. He can't step out much, but the little he does makes all the difference in the world. Not having that skill will prove to be really terrible using the bathroom. We always had the thought, in the back of our minds, that someday the use of the legs would go. We are just not ready for that to happen.

Well that will do it for today. I hate to dwell on this issue and bum myself out. So time to close this for today. Have a good one and be back in a day or two. Thank you all for helping the cause. Always Hope that I am wrong about the legs. COURAGE MPJ to summon up the strength to carry on. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, August 18, 2022 6:49 AM CDT

Good morning. Looks like another decent day out there. Even talk about Patti and I and a return to the big old fair this morning. Twice in three days? We did have fun the other night at the concert. Lots of old people attending the 70's and 80's act of ZZ Top and Ann Wilson. We actually felt young there. Now that was worth the price of admission right there.

Matthew is doing all right. He did go out to practice with his crossbow, shot one bolt and then took the exam. He passed with flying colors. So now we fill out the paperwork for the doe hunt and get him ready for it just in case. Glad that he did that early on this year. Now we just need to go down to Madison County to check out the other site and see what it will be like there. Make a few plans and be ready to hunt by the end of September.

Next Monday is Patti's birthday. Sounds like time for a get together with the other Jessen family. Thinking Sunday will be a good day to celebrate. I know that she is bummed that she is having troubles with things not tasting right and eating in general is a challenge. She hasn't requested any sort of special meal from me for the day. Eating has been a huge struggle for her the past couple months. She is down quite a bit of weight since then. Hope she can celebrate still.

Nothing new going on for Matthew. Pretty much the same old same old. He did go yesterday to the mini golf place at our golf course. He had a good time even though his score didn't reflect it. Nine of the 18 holes were wheelchair friendly. So they play those twice. So I guess he did get out and try something new.

Well time to rock on here this morning. Have a good weekend and be safe out there. We are going to be doing that too. Thanks for all of the endless support that carries a large portion of the load. Always Hope for more good days than less than stellar ones. COURAGE MPJ to try even more new things to spice up your lifge. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, August 22, 2022 10:34 AM CDT

Just a few quick words to let you in on some news. Matthew is good. He is trying hard to behave and we appreciate it. It is Patti's birthday today and unfortunately she is spending it in the hospital. More on that at a later time. So I will not be doing much on this page for a while more than likely. Just wanted to make that clear.

Please send Prayers and thoughts for her along with the ones always said for Matthew. They both could use a heavy dose of the good stuff now. Always Hope for better days for the family. COURAGE MPJ to continue your good streak and help the old man as much as you can. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, August 25, 2022 12:41 AM CDT

A little update on things while I am at the office for a couple hours. Matthew has been the champ that we know he CAN be. Behaving royally since his mom has been gone and the world has turned upside down. I could not be happier with him. He gets a gold star every single day. He has had a good week with Josh too. That has eased my worries and pain greatly to say the least.

Patti is mending. No surgery or even worse for her. A bad infection that has complicated things. She is at the point now where being cut loose is coming very soon.......we hope. That means she will be better than is right now. She is getting close.

That is about it. Hopefully by next Monday things will be better and all of us can get back to a semi-normal routine again. Thank you all for your words and good karma sent to Patti as well as Matthew. You are good! Always Hope for healing on all fronts soon. COURAGE MPJ AND PEJ to kick out all of the darkness that has clouded your health and get back on the good foot once again. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, August 29, 2022 6:34 AM CDT

Hello Monday. Much better day than it was one week ago. Hopefully all of that can be put in the rear view mirror and we all move forward. It may take a while, but that sure is the goal. Patti was released from the hospital on Friday and is now recovering slowly at home. We are all happy to have her back where she belongs. Not up to speed by any means, but home. She did have really good care at Methodist for sure. I think we were both rather pleased there. Now all we need is our grandson to get out of Blank and we are all happy and home. he was admitted while she was in the same place. Hopefully he is on the mend too. Everyone is worried sick and feeling very beat down from all of the family woes of last week.

Matthew has been a champ. He was good for everyone that was around him last week. Now with his mom home, he really needs to keep that ball rolling. Sometimes I think he plain does not get it. I keep reminding him to lean on me and not her. Thought that he did pretty well on that one. Praise has been hurled upon him for his good behavior often. Now if we could only bottle it in a pill form to give to him.

The world did not stop while we were away most of the time. Matthew had a pretty good week of action. Did his chores, went to his appointments, and helped out where he could. Can't ask for much more. He was good once Patti got home too. He likes his sleep in time on the weekends and that really was great with Patti being less than up to speed. I have really gotten to know the washer and dryer well over the last week. I'm thinking that Patti needs a raise in salary for all she does. She is wonder woman.

My head is rather thick and dull this morning. Happy though as things are looking up. Thank you all for the care, thoughts and prayers sent to my loved ones. Bless you all. Always Hope this week tiny steps can lead to recovery. COURAGE MPJ is needed from you to maintain the wonderful attitude. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, August 30, 2022 6:37 AM CDT

Good morning. Sure was nice out there this morning when I came in today. Yesterday was pure yuck with all of the humidity. Glad that is at least gone for today. Things are looking up for the Jessen family. Patti is sore and will be for quite some time, but she is getting better little by little. We also got good news that our grandbaby is also home now. A very good Monday indeed.

Matthew is hanging in there. He has been able to keep most if not all of his grumpy self in check for over a week now. That being said, now watch it go down hill. Hope not. He shows us how much he can behave and wish there were some key, other than mother being very sick, to keep him happy like this. Maybe it is the start of something good for him. That would just be almost too good to be true. It has been great. Much easier to want to do things for him and with him when he acts like this. Not sure if he sees it like this. Sure would help out the home team.

His shower aide has been missing the past few times she is suppose to be there with him. Been exposed to COVID and has to be gone a few more days before she can come back without any symptoms. That makes at least 4 people we know in some sort of virus protection right now. When will this ever just go away for good. Probably will be a threat forever. Need some healing to happen for all of those folks too. Of course Matthew isn't too bummed about the shower thing. I think he is part cat in that regard.

Not much else happening right now. Glad our family is all back where they belong once again. Thank you all for all of the support through this current mess. Take a big all deserve it! Always Hope for the whole world to mend from all of the woes. COURAGE MPJ to continue to act like a real good guy for days and days to come. Keep the faith everyone.


Wednesday, August 31, 2022 6:36 AM CDT

Well this is my Friday here at the office. Quick week for me. Next Monday we will all be outta here as we celebrate Labor Day. Later today, Patti and I will head up to Little Wall Lake near Jewel. We rented a cabin there for two nights. Arrangements were made long before Patti's stay at the hospital. Matthew is taken care of too. Hopefully we can relax a bit and Patti can mend from all that has happened to her. She had a little more pain yesterday and this morning said it got to her overnight. Not good, but her doctor at the local clinic said it would take a while. Hopefully today will be better or we may just have to come home.

End of another month. Do they fly bye us any more. Wasn't it just the 4th of July last week? Today is our good friend, Buck, is celebrating another year on the planet. Have a happy one and many more to come. Next up will be my turn at changing my age another notch upwards. One step closer to the magic 70 for this old boy.

Matthew flashed a little of his famous snappy attitude last night. Patti asked him something that he was sure he'd answered just before. Now I can't hear for beans, but neither Patti or I heard that answer before. Boom yes he did claimed the boy with plenty of salt added to the response. Not good to see or hear. He was fine going past it, but that was an indication he is close to giving in to his anger temptations. He is only good for so long before it erodes back to his usual growling self. Hopefully he can overcome that. He is much better off being a nice guy. So is the rest of the world.

That is about the way things sit right now. I wouldn't say things are back to normal, but we are hoping it will get there again sooner than later. Patti is needing a break from her discomfort. Little Ben is mending at his home too. We are getting there little by little. Thank you all for the kind thoughts and words that have helped the family grow stronger once again. Have a great long weekend and be careful out there. Always Hope for more smiles than frowns. COURAGE MPJ to find a happy place that makes us all feel good. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, September 6, 2022 6:31 AM CDT

Been quite some time since I last added anything here. Patti and I really enjoyed our two night stay at Little Wall Lake. The cabin was so nice and being right on the water was just what the doctor ordered. Lots of R and R for Patti as she gets herself back to a more normal place. Matthew enjoyed his time away from the old folks too. The ship is usually run a bit looser without us around. So I guess we all had a little vacation.

Matthew was a little up and down at times over the long weekend. Mostly on the good side of the attitude issue, but had a few instances that required a little more patience on our part. Sometimes it just happens and you are left grasping at air trying to figure out what happened and how come. Just the great mystery, of many, that comes with living with the brain injured. For the most part he was fine though and I guess that is much better than it has been at times.

Had some good family time with Chris and family. Kaylee and Ben sure have a way to bring some action to the house. We had a little delayed birthday gathering for Patti. Spending your birthday in a hospital bed is not going to quite cut it. Patti's strength is not up to par quite yet. She was really beat down after it was all over. Her recovery is taking longer than she had hoped for. It was a good day no matter what.

Late yesterday, after supper, I took Matthew up to Saylorville Lake. We turned in his registration for the annual deer hunt up there. Talked it over with our Ranger friend in charge, Coty, and he may be moving the blind that Matthew hunts in. He is going to check and see if there is a better location for it in the same meadow area. I think that it is a good idea. Maybe would up the odds of seeing deer sooner. In any case, Matthew is signed up and good to go there.

It is shaping up to be a fairly normal week. Matthew should be back on track in his week. Having Monday already our of the way may shake it up a bit though. Nothing that he will not be able to handle. Patti has a few follow up visits this week. Hope all goes well there. Nothing much out of the ordinary for any of us......I hope.

Thanks you all for the good words and support that you always give to Matthew and the rest of the family too. We certainly have been blessed to have such caring hands take care of us. Always Hope for a smooth week ahead. COURAGE MPJ to control the urge to turn on the anger and instead turn it to being happy. Keep the faith everyone.


Friday, September 9, 2022 6:36 AM CDT

Things have been going OK. Not always the best, but we are still standing on our end. Seems that Matthew has exhausted his energy in the behaving area. He has been a little more edgy the past few days since the long weekend. Has that teenage smart attitude I'd call it. One knows about that from being a know it all teen back in the horse and buggy days. In any case, we are not thrilled with that. Normally it is aimed towards his mother. She has done and continues to do more than any other person on this earth for him and yet she is his favorite target. Talk about biting the hand that feeds you. It needs to stop or there will be consequences if this attitude grows. We really don't have to go hunting you know. Not sure if even that would be a big deal to him.

Last night he went with Josh to a local spot and played some sort of music bingo? They were gone for a few hours and came back without any sort of winnings. Even after getting to go and be entertained, Matthew was not in a good mood. Hopefully with the weekend near, he will stay in bed most of the morning. One way for Patti and I to escape the wr5ath of Matthew. Who knows what goes on in that noggin.

Not much of anything else going on right now. Maybe that is a good thing. Less to get angry about. Oh well that is just the way it is. Not a ride that has been easy for any of us around him. Fasten your seat belts is a sign I need to buy and post around the house. Have a good weekend and be careful out there. We will tip toe through the minefield as carefully as possible on our end. Thank you all for the kind words sent Matthews way. It does help him and us too. Always Hope things lighten up....the sooner the better. COURAGE MPJ to gather yourself and think who loves you the most. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, September 12, 2022 6:27 AM CDT

Hello Monday. Not sure quite yet if I am up for this or not. Closing in quickly on 67 and not really sure if I need to be working still or not. When is it time to hang it? Been a question for a couple years now. Always thought I'd run away from work once I hit 65. Didn't quite plan on the hand of cards we have been dealt. Oh well....for now I am still at the office 15 hours a week. Keeps us in spending money and me out of trouble.

Matthew is hanging in there. Wasn't always on top of his game the past few days, but not really off too much. Some mood swings here and there along with a bit of attitude, but overall nothing of any consequence. He did plenty of sleeping in so that cuts down on the time he has to be bad. That may sound cold, but it is what it is. By the weekend, we all need our personal time off. We are no different than he. His time is spent sleeping in until lunch time and ours is chilling together during his morning in bed.

Patti is slowly getting back to a more normal place. Not there yet, but a work in progress. She has more doc visits this week to determine how she is doing. Been a long three weeks for her. Thrilled that she is doing better. Pretty scary times we went through. Didn't see that one coming.

The week should be about the same as the last one. Maybe a little less packed with things going on since we have 5 days to get things done rather than the 4 with the holiday. Hopefully all goes well and the home team thrives. What more can one ask for. Thank you all for the kind words and support. You keep us all in the game for sure. Always Hope today starts the week off with one big lasting smile. COURAGE MPJ to show us how good you can be. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, September 13, 2022 6:32 AM CDT

Yesterday was a really strange one for me. Work went just fine. Then when I got off and headed for home, things seemed to change. A misplaced phone caused great grief until 2 more trips to work brought a solution to the issue. We weren't home all that long and got a call that Jess was broke down in their newish van in downtown DM. Kids with her too. Chris just showed up so off I went for the 4th time into the downtown area. Took about 4 hours before I brought him home and the broken Honda van headed off in the back of a tow truck to the dealer. So with all of the travel back and forth to the city, I really didn't speak with Matthew more than a few words. I got home and he went to bed. What a day. Patti said that he was really good for her. Glad to hear it. Hope that today is a bit different.

I know that Matthew had a meeting in the afternoon with Hannah who is his case manager. Not sure what they touched base on though. She reaches out every other month or so if we haven't contacted her before then for something. She is kind of the in between for us and the many govt. rules and regs that Matthew has to follow. She is pretty good at her job and has been with Matthew twice now. She was much better than the two that replaced her before she came back on board.

That is all I know for now. Glad that his day wasn't as jumbled up as ours/mine. It has to get better. Thanks for caring and checking in on the family and especially Matthew. He is doing the best he can and is healthy right now. Glad that you are there to help him in so many ways. Have a good one and see you back before the end of the week. Always Hope for more time to spend with Matthew today. COURAGE MPJ to try hard to be the good man we know you can be. Keep the faith everyone.


Wednesday, September 14, 2022 6:24 AM CDT

Not much new going on this week at all. Had to come into work today so my work week ends in about 4 hours. Nice having the flexible schedule. Matthew has been good for us, so far, this week. Not always smiling and happy, but able to control that enough not to get himself into any sort of trouble. Guess that is a step in the right direction. It is Wednesday, which is normally an easy day for him. Thinking that he only has one appointment before he is free for the rest of the day. This has been the day that he tries to go out for lunch. I know today there is a fish and chips food truck coming to the area that he wants to try. It is good as Patti and I went there once before. The boy does like his fish. So that should make him happy at least for the time being.

Nothing planned for the days ahead including the weekend. Would like to go scout out the one hunting spot that was offered, but not thinking that it will happen quite yet. Not sure how that will play out. Thus he signed up for the doe hunt at the lake again. Better to have someplace to go than nothing at all. We also learned that an Indian Taco and Fry Bread vendor is going to be open for business this Saturday in Toledo. It seems our world revolves around food trucks. They serve up the best tacos on fry bread. Been waiting months for them to surface again. So there may be a road trip ahead this weekend.

Patti is feeling better and yesterday they removed the drain tube from her side. Hopefully that is the end of that terrible health scare. She has an appointment in a week or so that will determine where she is at. That is such good news.

So that is it for the week. Have a good one and see you back next week. Until then, thank you all for the great support that you have given us. Couldn't do it without you. Always Hope for some easy days ahead. COURAGE MPJ to keep your cool when things start to heat up inside of you. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, September 19, 2022 6:31 AM CDT

Happy Monday. Had a 4 day weekend to chill out. Didn't seem like I did a whole lot, but a few things got done. For the most part, Matthew was on good behavior for us. A little off come bedtime, but that isn't really too much out of the ordinary for him. It does put a sour spin on a day though. We all made it through without too much issue so that is a win.

It was an up and down weekend for most of our football teams. In the fall, football is king around here. Our beloved Huskers were stomped on and hung out to dry this past Saturday. UGLY! Going to be another throw away season it seems. Oh well, can't win em all. Be nice to be on top of a few though. The good news is that Matthew's Giants squeaked out another win. May have to depend on them for good sports news on the weekends. Matthew plays fantasy football and I think he is doing all right there.

Had the grand kids around over the weekend too. Matthew had a pretty good checkup with Dr. Kaylee yesterday. Head to toe. He thought that was pretty funny. Got to play a little with Ben too. Matthew always lights up around the little ones. Always has had a soft spot for kids. Too bad things just didn't work out for him in life. He would've made a good dad. Just like his big brother has.

Yesterday we took a look see into the property offered to him for hunting. It was better than I thought it may be. There seems to be a good spot where deer traffic goes that isn't too hard to get him set up at. I was happy to find that out. Now I need to get an expert there to check it out and do a little clean up of tall grass and weeds. Want to set up his blind well before we hunt it. It is about a 45 minute drive from home. About the same as going to Earlham was. It just may prove to be the jackpot or maybe a bust. You never know.

All things point towards a normal week ahead. That would be nice. Keep it simple and easy. Thank you all for being there for Matthew through the good and the bad times. He is very lucky to have you all in his life. Always Hope things come together nicely for him this week. COURAGE MPJ to maintain your calm when they just don't do that. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, September 20, 2022 6:27 AM CDT

Looks like the oven is getting turned up today here in the metro. Low 90's for the 20th of September. Guess the last day of summer is getting in one last poke before it finally starts to cool off. The public pools have been closed for a good month now and still people could use a cool dip. Nothing like a little global warming to heat up the fall.

Matthew had a pretty good start to his week. Seemed to be in good spirits from what I could see. He is starting to think about hunting I can tell. He thinks he needs this and that to make him a better hunter. So far it has been at least three different things he needs.....and counting. I did arrange for Jerry to go along and scout out the new place. Try to figure a location for the blind that will give Matthew the best view. Heard from our favorite Ranger at the lake too. He said the blind up there, it is a permanent one, had lots of hornets in it. Going to spray it down and has a couple locations he wants to try out for a move. That could prove to be helpful for Matthew up there. So lots on the plate when it comes to Matthew and hunting. That starts up by the first of October.

Seems like everything else is just about as normal as it gets for Matthew. He should be able to handled things this week. Hopefully he can keep his act together and get things done without much issue. Keeping him happy is a challenge at times. Too many times it is like trying to keep the worlds largest 10 year old focused and happy. Not always easy and not always accomplished. We do try.

Well that is that for today. Be safe out there in the heat and see you back here soon. Until then, thank you all for the time and love you have spent on our son. You are amazing. Always Hope fall shows up sooner than later. COURAGE MPJ to take it easy on the old folks. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, September 22, 2022 6:38 AM CDT

Not much new going on since I last jotted down a few lines. Matthew is doing fine. Having some good days for us and Josh. Nice not having to deal with bad attitudes. I think he has an appointment today with one of his behavior pros to see how he is coming along. He really likes Jen so it usually is a good meeting. Hopefully that keeps him in line like he should be. You never quite know.

Jerry and I went down to the spot where he is allowed to hunt this fall in Madison County. Jerry was pretty impressed with what he saw there. Lots of deer traffic and a real nice little meadow for hunting along with a corn field and water source. Can't get much better. I cleared out a nice wide path for the truck and a couple spots for a blind. We set it up already and that is so the deer get use to seeing it. The season starts the first of October so we are not far out. Hopefully this place will be a winner for the boy.

Really there isn't much else happening on our end. Looks like fall is on its way finally. Love this time of year. Football and fall temps just go together. Throw in some hunting for Matthew and .....BINGO. Soon we will be filled with things going on in the hunting world. It's kind of a love hate thing for me. Lots of work and when Matthew gets attitude about it I can't help but hate it.

Have a good weekend and please be careful out there. Thank you all for never giving up on Matthew. Not always easy to do, but you are so good to us all. Always Hope things keep looking up for Matthew. COURAGE MPJ to keep the good ball rolling in your direction. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, September 26, 2022 6:36 AM CDT

Hello Monday.....not so sure I am glad the work week is starting or not. Getting lazy in my old age I guess. Nice a chilly out this morning and would've been a good day to sleep in. Some coffee on the patio with a fire would be nice too. Instead I am back where I have been just a few days short of 25 years. Where did all that time go?

Matthew is a bit off here the past few days. Just getting or having the same cold that his parents have. Not as much coughing as I am, but his head has been full and that makes him pretty slow on things. We've all stayed pretty close to home the past few days. Just not up to doing much at all. We did have Kaylee over for a few hours on Saturday to light up the house some. Got out and about with her before we brought her back to her house. There was a stop at a drive thru for supper in there too. It was nice to have her there. Patti sure misses all the hours they spent together before preschool took over.

Matthew is getting deer hunting on his radar and has been thinking about it daily. Hopefully he can get out opening day/night down at Winterset. He does have his spot at the lake too. I need to run up there this week to check on the blind there. It may be moved since the last time we were there. Hopefully he will have some success this year. Been a couple down years so he is due.

He has been behaving pretty well for us. Of course he has his moments where it falls apart, but most of the time he is golden. Just the way it is and will always be. I'm sure it isn't a pleasure cruise for him either. He has a right to get frustrated at times. Just like it better if he could channel that elsewhere without the use of his anger towards us.

Well my mind is much right now. Not really into working today so hopefully a cup of Joe will bring out the best in me. Thank you all for helping out with Matthew. Every little bit does help. We are so lucky to have a team that cares. Always Hope that this week has many more positives than negatives. COURAGE MPJ to be on the + side. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, September 27, 2022 6:21 AM CDT

I love fall. Sure was nice yesterday afternoon in spite of the wind that kept picking up. Makes me think of football, pumpkins, caramel apples, and now......hunting. It would be nice if we could have a nice long fall for once. The past few years it has been so short it seemed. Time to hang out on the patio and light a fire.

Matthew had a good solid Monday. Did everything he needed to do without any issue. He had a change in the timing of one of his attitude meds and Patti thinks that it has helped. Hope that is the truth. Right now, all he is thinking about is hunting. Every day he is asking about when we are going. Opening day is Saturday and that is when we are hoping to get out. Since I am so far away from being a hunter, we need the experience of a real one to help out. Jerry is our best bet for that. Hopefully he is able to go as he said last week. Will be checking with that today. Yesterday Matthew went up to the outdoor range, near his hunting spot, and practiced with the crossbow. He was accurate up to 40 yards. Now if he can do that well when a real target trots in his sights.

It seems that the cold that Matthew was working on is much better. Mine keeps hanging on. Patti is on the edge of it. He has enough health concerns that another one is not needed or wanted. We are always very concerned whenever he gets even the slightest of colds or flu. He already has his flu shot and is up to date with the COVID shot. He can't live in a bubble I guess.

So on with the day. Thank you all for being there through thick and thin. I know our backs are always covered. What a gift. Always Hope today is sunny from the inside out. COURAGE MPJ to never give in and always compete. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, September 29, 2022 6:32 AM CDT

Been such a nice week outside. Chamber of Commerce sort of days for sure. This is why fall is my favorite time of the year. We loaded up on some firewood so that we can have some nice evening fires in the pit. We had one on Tuesday night and all three of us really enjoyed it. Hope that this great weather can hold up for the days ahead.

Matthew is healthy and doing just fine. Seems to be pretty happy. I know he is more hyped up for the hunting season than I have seen him in a while. Now if we can just organize some hunters to hang with him in the blinds. That is an issue right now. Not sure if he will be able to get out this weekend or not. He has plenty of time ahead to hunt though. It is opening weekend and usually it is not the best of times hunting. I may have someone from the old Whitetail Challenge days willing to sit with him. We've seen each other a few times since then. He and Matthew have never hunted together, but have always had a good time flipping each other crap. Hope it all works out and we can keep the boy happy.

He has been working at PT on walking with Steve. Matthew says he is much better and stronger on his feet with assistance. He has also been doing lots of dips at home to build up his ability to lift his body a bit higher and stronger. All of this will help us in many ways around the house as well as in and out transfers to and from cars. All good stuff. Glad he is trying hard.

Everything seems to be about as normal as it gets around the house. Been a pretty decent couple of weeks. Patti is fairly mended by now and other than a cold or two, we all are doing fine. Other than trying to get out in the field this weekend, nothing is planned for the days ahead. Many times it proves that less is more. Taking it easy is the way to be. Thank you all for keeping the boy in your thoughts. He is more than fortunate to have you. Always Hope things shake out well for the home team. COURAGE MPJ to be patient in the days ahead. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, October 3, 2022 6:22 AM CDT

The nice weather continues here in the heartland. Sure has been great the past week or so. We all enjoyed a couple patio fires to really enjoy the mild temps and falling leaves. Now if this can just continue for a while, that would be perfect. A little warm for better hunting, but I am not complaining about that.

Matthew did get out opening night for a hunt. Didn't see a thing this time. I was a bit surprised nothing showed up somewhere in the area. The property owner sent a picture taken just a day before showing at least three deer on the place. Oh well, that's just the way it goes. It is never an easy thing for Matthew in so many ways. It was a beauty of an evening though. Met and hunted with a total stranger that night, Roger, who was a great guy. He wants to come again and be with the boy there. That is a good sign. We are already planning another visit there on Wednesday evening. Maybe then the hunting gods will shine on Matthew. Going to try to get out at least twice this week. Once up at the lake shack to see how that meadow will hunt this year.

Matthew spent lots of time in bed. Especially after the night of hunting. He sure enjoys sleeping in on the weekends. He seems to be so tired by the end of the week. Stamina has been an issue forever. He was pooped and hungry Saturday night at the hunt. His eyes were closed on the 50 minute drive home after it was over. Morning hunts with him are really hard on the boy. That is why we try to do it evenings. We are were a bit tired after that hunt. Guess us old folks lack the geddyup too.

Nothing big happening this week outside of the hunting thing. Should be business as usual. Patti is doing well, but still not quite up to par I'd say. Long recovery from all of that infection. The colds are still hanging around the Jessen house. All three of us have our moments. That could go away any day now and wouldn't be missed. Other than that we are good to go.

Hope you all had a great weekend. Time to get working here. Thank everyone, for keeping Matthew a part of your life. You are very special to us. Always Hope for good days this week. COURAGE MPJ to find the energy needed to succeed. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, October 4, 2022 6:24 AM CDT

Well we are still enjoying the great fall weather right now. I can't remember the last time it was so pleasant outside for so many days. I did hear the word RAIN being tossed around. Of course they say Wednesday and that is the day we were shooting for another hunt. That is not good. Matthew is eager to get back out there and try again. Hope that the experts change their minds on that one. Hate to have someone lined up and then have to cancel. That happens enough on the other end. Oh well, it happens.

Matthew is fine. Seems to be fairly happy right now. He has hunting on the brain and that seems to be about all he is thinking of. That and what new gadget he "has" to have for hunting. He now has a little recording device that is mounted on his bow to record his hunt when deer are in sight. The boy really likes his gizmos. I was not in favor of this one. Just one more thing for him to mess with when deer are within distance. He has a hard enough time concentrating on getting them in his sights and firing off a shot. Too much for him to do when he is excited. But what do I know.

Not much else happening right now. Getting his jobs done and then dreaming of a big buck. Hope the dreams come true this year. He is due I'd say. That doesn't insure it happens though. Until the next time, thanks to you for helping to make all of this possible. We are humbled. Always Hope that things shake out in his favor. COURAGE MPJ to deal with it properly if it doesn't. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, October 6, 2022 6:29 AM CDT

Happy Thursday......well it certainly is for me as this is actually my Friday at work. Been looking forward to it all week. Feeling a bit burnt this morning. Matthew went out hunting last night and we didn't get home until nine or so. Hard on the old fella let alone what it will do to Matthew today. He gets a day off before we head back into the field once more in Madison County. Last night we were at Saylorville. Luck wasn't on his side as he and Jerry didn't see a thing. They did like the new location of the blind up there though. Much easier for getting in and out for me too. It was a family affair as Patti came along too. It was a beauty of an evening to be outside. A long night, but it was so nice.

Matthew looked a bit stronger on his feet yesterday. Not many steps to take between the Ranger and the blind, but he did it like a champ. I lay down a sheet of plywood so he has an even surface to traverse. Last year he was really uneasy with the steps. He has been working on his steps at therapy and does his stander at home 5 days a week. Looks like it is helping. Patti and I built a 6 inch high platform for him to roll up on to help with truck transfers as well as Ranger ones too. He rolls up on a ramp and then has less of a lift to seat himself from his wheelchair. It worked like a charm. He/we needed to take the pressure off of his transfers.

We will be cranking it up again this Friday with Steve "Cinnamon Roll" Greer in charge of the hunt. He is a great guy that we met years back. I know Matthew looks forward to meeting up and hunting with him. Right now, hunting has taken over our lives. Hope is that he can score and we can back off from hunting for the year. It is an unbelievable amount of work for Patti and I. What won't we do for our kids.

Everything else is about as normal as it gets for us on the home front. Matthew has been behaving at a par for the course level. Ups and downs depending on the hour of the day. He is healthy and at least somewhat happy. That, in turn, does the same for his folks. He is looking forward to having his niece and nephew at the house this weekend some. He does adore them both.

Have a great end to the week and we hope to do just that too. We are so very lucky to have this team. Thank you all. Always Hope something good happens in the field this weekend. COURAGE MPJ if the hunting gods are not on your side. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, October 10, 2022 6:32 AM CDT

Another nice weekend outside. Friday night was spent in Madison County as Matthew once again went hunting. It was a winner right away as he was with our friend Steve. He slays me with his wit and humor. Matthew enjoys the heck out of him too. He was the same old Steve and it went really well, even though they didn't bag one. This time out he actually had a few in sight and took a shot, but missed. Steve said that he led the moving doe just a little too much. It was exciting to see some and have a chance though. It sure justified having the blind set up in the area. It may need to move a little with the pattern of where the deer enter and exit though. It was a great night to outside and in the field. Matthew was exhausted afterwards and especially the next morning. So much concentration really took it out of him. We will try to get back there again this week if possible. Steve wants to hunt with Matthew again in the next week or so. He is a busy guy with his contracting business.

So Matthew was pretty gassed on Saturday. He got up for a while and went back to bed to stretch out and relax not long after lunch. The grand-kids were there for a few hours putting on a good show. Too bad he missed some of the good stuff. The price he pays for evening hunts. Morning ones are even harder on him.

Yesterday he flashed some of his famous temper change on his mom. Once again over nothing more than saying don't do something. Off he went like a cannon. I was in the front yard and heard a couple loud bangs and knew something was up. Rushed in and there he was all sorts of pissed about nothing. Patti exited and I actually got him calmed quite quickly. Too late for not insulting his mom though. I'm thinking there will be no hunting this week as he needs to learn from his latest mistake. He makes it very hard to love him sometimes. We still do, but for a few minutes it is put on hold. He will need to talk to John Stanley about it to at his counseling visit.

That is it for now. Once again it is up and down for us on the homefront. Just another day in paradise. Thank you for checking in and seeing what is happening here. So glad you did. Always Hope calmer head days take over this week. COURAGE MPJ to learn to bite your tongue instead of lashing out. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, October 11, 2022 6:22 AM CDT

Nothing new really for the first day of the week. Matthew enjoyed having his niece and nephew at the house all day. He got up early to pretty much be there when they came. Matthew volunteering to get up early? He must've been motivated. Right off the bat he had Ben in his arms and the two of them were smiling big time. Ben was very happy to see the big guy. I'm so happy for him. He gets great joy from those two. Something special since it isn't in the cards for him to discover that feeling on his own. I am going to try later to load a couple pics on this site. Hope I can remember how to do it. Been a long time.

His attitude seemed good yesterday. Did everything that he needed to accomplish. Don't think it took much pushing either. He spent some time searching through old pennies since now he says he wants to start collecting coins. Maybe it is time to sell off the ball cards. He has tens of thousands of those. Seems like a good clean hobby that doesn't require a ton of space.

He is growing out his beard I see. Hasn't wanted one for years. He will join his father and brother in that facial growth thing. As much as he hates to shave, I thought it would be a natural thing for him. He says he will grow it until hunting is over for the season. It goes until January.

Checking out for the day until Thursday. Have a great day and enjoy the great weather. We are so blessed to have you all on our side. Thank you all. Always Hope today is just as good as the previous one. COURAGE MPJ is what it takes to maintain a civil attitude and you can do it. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, October 13, 2022 6:30 AM CDT

Getting chilly out there. Not a fan of the winds, but the temps are sure nice. Sure does feel like fall now. Good weather ahead for hunting. Too bad we have nothing lined up this week. I may try to get something going on Sunday though. Saturday is out as the three of us are headed to Cedar Rapids for our annual freshman football game at Kennedy. Our friend Kyle is the head coach of the young Cougars. Always a good trip for us.

Matthew is doing all right. Been civil this week after his little brush up on Sunday. Patti is pretty down and out with what seems to be a sinus infection. She really has suffered the past few months with this and more. Matthew, so far, has kept away from this sort of illness. We don't need him to get sick. Flu is deadly to him. Head colds are easier to deal with. He did get his flu shot a few weeks back.

Nothing else happening on our end. Been a pretty bland week action wise. As I said before, I will try and get someone lined up for a hunt. Not sure if it will be out west or up at the lake. Depends on who, if it works out, will be sitting along side of him. The season is young, but still would like to get out as often as we can.

So long for now. Have a great weekend and see you back here again next week. Until then, thank you all for giving so much to Matthew. Always Hope for kind roads ahead and clear heads too. COURAGE MPJ each day in every way. Keep the faith everyone.


Sunday, October 16, 2022 1:57 PM CDT

Just a quick weekend update. We all have Covid at the Jessen house. Started with Patti and then Matthew and finally today me. Matthew is the sickest and the most worrisome of the three of us. He was going to start the once you got it home meds to lessen the effects, but it would not interact well with his seizure meds. Not good. We always worry about his breathing when sick. He sounds pretty rough. Slept most of yesterday and will more than likely repeat that today. He was up when I left for an empty office to print a job that had to be done. Patti's head is full with a nasty cough. Matthew coughs less, but with lots of greeners. They are both worse off than me. Not quite what the doctor ordered. So it appears that we three will be in sick bay the remainder of the week.

So that is what is happening on our end. Stay healthy, my friends and thank you all for the support. Looks like you will be leaned on once again for Matthew and Patti. Always Hope this crap ends soon. COURAGE MPJ in dealing with it and all the issues around you. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, October 20, 2022 6:02 AM CDT

Well here we are on Thursday and recovering from our bout with Covid. None of us ever had any sort of fever, but all three ended up with what you normally would say is one heckuva bad cold. Matthew probably is the one that got zapped the most. His head is filled and sounds nasty. Finally by Tuesday night he had some energy. Wednesday it was back to a fairly normal schedule without anything extra. Patti and I are stuffed up, but OK. I did lose my sense of smell and taste though. It is really strange. It just went in a flash. No fading away, just gone.

So all we are doing is keeping on top of things and mending. Low and slow over the next week or so will be the theme. I am back at work since my 5 days are up. Will be masking up and keeping my distance to others. Not many people anywhere close anyway. So that is where we are at. This is some nasty stuff for sure. Glad that we got our shots as we were suppose to. Once we are cleared, we need to get our last booster. Guess we should've gotten it earlier.

Thanks for thinking of us and especially Matthew. You are wonderful people. Always Hope for lots of healing in the days to come. COURAGE MPJ to be patient until you are back to normal. Keep the faith everyone.


Friday, October 21, 2022 6:27 AM CDT

Back at the office on a Friday making up the time missed earlier in the week. Just a short note again as we are all doing our best to mend. Patti looks to be the champ right now as she is doing better than either Matthew or the old man. Glad that she is feeling better. Matthew is somewhat better too. A little more like his self, but still has a full head that is pretty evident. Hopefully by the end of the weekend we can start to feel almost normal again.

Obviously we have nothing going on the next few days. All things are put on hold. Matthew is chomping at the bit to get back out into the blind for another adventure. Hopefully he is to that point in mending that I can make some calls to see if we have any takers to sit with him. Just some bad timing that he goes down just as the deer started moving.

So that is about it. You all take good care and be safe out there. We are on the mends and will get on top of this soon. Thank you for your support and care once again. It makes us all feel better. Always Hope that the coughing will cease soon. COURAGE MPJ to hang tough until you are back in the black. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, October 24, 2022 6:31 AM CDT

Matthew is still on the mend from the virus. He is better, but the cough and stuffed up head still remains. He is improving just a bit each day. He seems to be functioning about up to par and his stamina is much better than a week ago. He must be feeling better since he asks me multiple times a day about when he can go and hunt over in Madison County again. Going to try and get that itch scratched later this week. A little on the warm side right now. So things are about as normal as they get for us.

Matthew, as well as the rest of us, were happy to have the grand kids around this weekend. Kaylee has been over everyday since Friday. Ben was over on Saturday. It cheers Matthew up to see the little ones. Yesterday he was playing cards with Kaylee. Cute to see them at the table playing together. He has always had a soft spot for kids. I know he really enjoyed going to the school years back working with them. Times change though. Glad that he feels this way with his nephew and niece.

Hope is that this week he will get back to a normal schedule. Last week was a wash while mending and quarantining from Covid. I'm sure he was more than bored by the end of the week. Funny how the routine that seems so blah can look pretty good after being cooped up for more than a week. Time to get back after it.

That is about it for today. We are all trying to get back to 100% and that may take a while. I had lost my sense of smell and taste, but it is coming back a little already. Patti feels like a sinus infection has taken over her face. We will survive. Thank you all for the kind words that has helped us get through this mess. Much appreciated everyone. Always Hope a better week is in store for Matthew. COURAGE MPJ to suck it up and get on with it today. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, October 25, 2022 6:37 AM CDT

Things are getting better little by little each day, health wise, for Matthew. He needed to take another COVID test in order for his shower aide to start back up. He passed it without any issue. That is good. Maybe we can start going forward and put this virus away forever. Patti is doing well and I am getting somewhat better. Glad we are headed in the right direction.

Not much else new is happening right now. The rain put a stop to any hunting thoughts for a day or so. Hopefully we can get something arranged for the middle to end of the week. I am making my inquiries today to see if that is a possibility or not. Matthew really wants to head back to Liz's acres in Madison County. That is where he may have his best chance at a shot again. They are in the harvesting time and I want to know first if they have the field right there done or not. No use in going if they are working it. May have to try the lake spot first if that is going on there. Nice to have options.

The cold is kind of shocking. Not sure if I am ready for this to come. The older I get the less I care for winter and the cold. Not any fun for anyone. It's no wonder old folks like us pack up and roll south for a few months. We don't have that option. Would be worth considering if we did.

That is it for today. My brain is half fried it seems and the other half is slower than slow this morning. More coffee, please. Thank you all for caring and sharing your power to heal with Matthew. We are very lucky to have our team. Always Hope good times are in the making for Matthew. COURAGE MPJ to make the best of what you have. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, October 27, 2022 6:26 AM CDT

What a nice day out yesterday. Won't be many of those left in the year, I'm afraid. I hate to think of what is in store for us in a matter of a month or so. Oh well, that goes with living here in Iowa. Matthew and snow/cold just don't go together well.

Matthew had a good day yesterday. Got all of his jobs and things done early enough to go shoot his bow at AFS. He loves that place. It has been busy there with hunters tuning up before heading out to the field. Speaking of that, we are having some troubles getting Matthew lined up with a blind mate for some hunting this week. Thought we had one all lined up and it fell through. He is taking it well, but I know he is bummed at the same time. It sure would be good if this old man was able to do what is needed and not depend on others to take care of the hunts. I can sit just fine with him, but field dressing a deer is totally out of the skill that I have. We have one more response waiting so maybe it still can happen before the week is up.

Last night Matthew and Josh went to Ankeny to play Trivia Bingo at a bar and grill. Matthew actually won a round and came home with a large pizza for his prize. They are already talking about going another night down the line. It's rare for him to go out and be just like every other young person. He has missed out on so much life. It always makes us so sad. Last night he was king for an evening and that is a great feeling.

At this point that is about all I can muster up. Sure hope he gets a chance to hunt. I feel bad that it is turning out to be such a chore to find people for him. Not throwing in the towel yet. Have a great weekend and be careful out there. Lots of bad people out to do the rest of the world harm. Happy Halloween too. See you all back here next week. Until then, thank you all for caring. Always Hope things shake out in Matthew's favor. COURAGE MPJ to hang in there and it just may. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, October 31, 2022 10:01 AM CDT

I'm a few hours behind this morning with very good reason. I needed to roll to the little town of Milo this morning. Matthew did get his deer this Saturday night in Madison County at Liz's acreage! Oh my was it exciting or what. He was very pumped up because after many years, he finally bagged a nice big old buck! The rack was not pretty and it was an 8 pointer, but the body on this buck was huge. Both Steve and Jerry thought it was well over 250 lbs and maybe even 275 lbs. That is a big one. The biggest one that he has ever taken down. It was almost shocking. The good news is that it didn't suffer long. Ran away and expired within minutes. We only had to track it for 5 minutes before we found him. It was quite a night for Matthew and Steve (his guide) as well as Patti and I. Then the work really begins.

Josh helped me load it up on Sunday morning to take to the locker in Milo. Jerry was there helping unload it and taking care of some details of it the night before. A mighty team effort. That is how it is with all things Matthew you know. So this morning I had to go there again and take care of the paperwork as well as order how he wanted it processed. He was not having it mounted, but kept the antlers. They are such nice people there at the locker.

So the hunt and it's bounty has taken over our lives for the time being. Matthew is very proud of what he has accomplished this year. Hats off to Steve Greer his partner in crime that night and to our landowner Liz for providing him with the opportunity to feel this pride. Without their efforts and generosity, we would not have been able to accomplish any of this.

Matthew is basking in the glory right now and hopefully the feeling stays with him and propels a great attitude. Thank you all for helping him too. The whole village has been involved in his life since January of 2005! Always Hope that things stay on a high for a good long while. COURAGE MPJ is what it took to be patient for that night to become a reality. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, November 1, 2022 6:25 AM CDT

Well things are finally calming down at home after the big hunting weekend. Matthew is still in the mood to do more and so we will probably try a few more times up at the lake shack instead of where he scored the other night. I know that is where he really wants to go back, but we are letting him understand, hopefully, that you do not want to wear out your welcome. It was about getting a deer and not taking more than you need there. The message is not quite getting through. We need to take good care of our relationship there and not wear out our welcome. So I will try to arrange something up at the lake this week or even next week when the weather is better for the hunt. Too darn warm this week.

Matthew is feeling pretty good, health wise. I am more concerned about Patti right now. She still has the sinus thing going on even after the bout with Covid. She finally got a script for some meds that hopefully will KO this out. Been a rough couple months on the home team with one health concern after another. That better not be the pattern through the winter months too.

Hard to believe that it is already November. Wasn't yesterday the 4th of July? The universe is spinning way too fast anymore. Christmas is right around the corner. Next thing we know is that the grandkids will be in school. Just the way it is I guess.

Nothing much else happening right now. Just the same old routine. Not complaining, but it too is just the way it is. Until the next time I write, take good care and stay healthy. That is worth all the jingle in the world. Thank you all for being there for Matthew. Always Hope the nice weather keeps the boy nice too. COURAGE MPJ to be kind to others like they are to you. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, November 3, 2022 6:32 AM CDT

Well the satisfaction of getting the big prize last weekend didn't last very long. Matthew was terrible on Tuesday and messed up enough to cause his shower aide to leave. He had it in his head that he needed to go back to that hunting spot again to keep hunting. We had repeated to him that this was not going to happen. Last thing we need is to wear out his welcome for next year. He just can't get that through his thick skull. It is that way about...well....almost everything. He is so greedy and selfish that it matters little about anything, but Matthew. When he finally calmed down I had a talk with him. He still didn't get it or want to accept it. Now it is time for him to do the next Matthew thing and that is to try and renegotiate a previous agreement. Nothing is ever final in his mind unless it has come from him to you. He even argued about having to use a crossbow at Saylorville in that hunt. Those are the rules set up by the Army Corp in charge. This pattern gets mighty old. He did back off, but you know it hasn't left him. It is there always ready to fire back up. I am tired of it and maybe it is time to just quit with the whole bow/hunting thing. Sell off the collection and move on. Love to free up my garage by selling off the Ranger taking up space there. He'd better watch his P's and Q's is all I have to say.

Yesterday was better, but there is a lingering undertone. We did our best to stay clear for the day. Best to put space between us and him. He was all right last night with me. Poor Patti usually gets more of his arguing than I do. He doesn't like to include the old man in many conversations. She didn't inform me on any more issues so I will take it at that.

Could be a long weekend ahead. No hunting this week for sure. Maybe done for the season or forever. That depends on him. So hang on to your seats. It could be a bumpy ride ahead. Keep the boy in your thoughts and help us survive the shaky times that usually follow such an outburst. Thanks for the help. Always Hope that I am wrong here. COURAGE MPJ to finally get it before you lose it. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, November 7, 2022 6:57 AM CST

Matthew was much better the rest of the week after his blow up on Tuesday. Just a bit more mellow. Too bad this comes after the anger and isn't just how he is all the time. Much easier, as you can imagine, to take care of when he is good. Never really easy, but adding on bad attitude sure makes the job miserable. Glad that he decided to straighten out.

Got the message on Thursday that his deer meat was already processed and to be picked up. Which also meant to be paid for. Ouch. That free deer sure is expensive. Oh well, it doesn't happen every year. Been three years in the making for him this go round. He was pretty darn happy with the bounty that it provided. Our freezer is packed right now.

We did get out to share some of it as well as a couple gift cards for Liz and Steve over the weekend. We took one last cruise over there Saturday to make our deliveries and visit a bit. Great to hear that he will have a place to hunt again next fall as well as a guide to sit in the blind with him. We try our best to make sure that these people know how much their efforts are appreciated.

The rest of the weekend we laid pretty low. Did take Matthew to the flea market at the fairgrounds yesterday as his big outing other than the trip to Madison County. He was drooling over some baseball and football cards. Prices were a bit higher than what they should've been so they were passed on. The time change messed with us too. I was late even for work today. Set the alarm wrong. It will take us a while to get our systems back in line. With Matthew, it takes us a while to get his med schedule back to a normal period in between doses.

Well that is about it for today. Have a good one and we will try to follow along with you. Thank you all for caring. Always Hope the week is solid from start to finish. COURAGE MPJ to keep level headed even when things don't go your way. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, November 8, 2022 6:19 AM CST

Not much new to write about since yesterday. It went about as good as it can get for Matthew. He seemed to be in good shape mentally as well as physically. I think that he is finally over the effects from Covid that we all enjoyed last month. It does seem to hang on. I would say that he is past that now.

He would like to get back out to hunt a few more times up at the lake. Having a hard time finding a person with the time to spare for him. This is where it really hurts the cause that I have never been a hunter of any sort. I'm thinking that I will need to step up and go to sit with him. I'm so screwed if he would hit something. Hasn't happened at this spot but once so odds would be in my favor. Guess I need to make a few more calls to see what or who may be able to go with him.

Today we vote, but not Matthew. He has already cast his vote weeks ago. Later on today, we all will go to a visitation for Matthew's shower aide's grandmother. Patty has been with Matthew for a good 5 years or more. We need to pay our respects. Matthew is good about going to these things. He has issues, but the boy does have a good heart.

We will be back here again before the end of the week. Until then, be careful out there and gracious for all of the good things you have done for all of us. Can never thank you all enough. Always Hope things stay calm and positive for Matthew. COURAGE MPJ to understand why behaving is so important. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, November 14, 2022 6:48 AM CST

Been more than a little hectic and crazy since I last wrote here. First off, Matthew is fine. His health is solid and mentally been pretty darn good. The problem has been Patti again. She had to be taken to the emergency and then admitted for a little over 24 hours on Wednesday morning. She is much better now and we are all left scratching our heads on what went on. Even the doctors there have a clue, but not totally sure. I found her about 10:30 passed out on the kitchen floor. She kinda came to and was in and out before 911 was called. At the hospital, she was out mostly. Not really responsive often. The good news is that there was no damage and no sign of stroke or tumor. She simply passed out and shut down for the rest of Wednesday. They aren't sure what happened, but have a clue or a guess in a couple directions. Scary stuff once again. Been a bad health year for her. I am keeping as close an eye on her as I can. Trying to keep her calm and relaxed. No pressure hopefully. What the heck, huh?

So that has been what we are all about the past few days. Matthew has been good and we are all shaken from this. Not much else to say about it. We will move forward with very light steps. Try our best to be better about things. Matthew agrees and will try his best to improve too. We all can pitch in on that.

Have a good week and see you back here in a day or so. Until then, be safe. Thanks for keeping in touch and supporting all of this. Always Hope no more issues jump us this week and beyond. COURAGE MPJ to be kind. Keep the faith everyone.


Wednesday, November 16, 2022 6:52 AM CST

Well we are in the cold and snow again this morning. Never piled up and yesterday I pretty much just pushed slush out of the way with the shovel. It is slick this morning with the overnight freeze. A bad sign of things to come. Not a fan of winter anymore.

Matthew and Patti are doing all right. Both got a bit heated yesterday morning when Matthew pulled his "I know that" routine when he really had no clue, but was quick to get on her back for not fitting the stander to how he wanted it. I stepped in and got her out of there. That routine gets mighty old. Been like that since he was a little kid. Like he thinks we don't understand that he is clueless on something yet says he does. It bothers me to see how quickly little things escalate between the two. I thought I was the one with the quick temper. The rest of the day was fine. Tried to keep the one on one stuff with me instead of her. After the second call back at bedtime, she was about to boil again. Glad there wasn't a third curtain call.

The good news is that we actually booked a couple rooms for next Friday and Saturday for a short "get outta Dodge" weekend. Going to LaCrosse WI to visit with Patti's cousin. Will meet her there at the motel. Matthew will be along and he is pumped to see Lori again. He loves being around her.
She is bringing one of her daughters along. Hopefully I can make sure they have plenty of time together without Matthew and I. It is about Patti and not us.

Just a heads up that I will be working different days for a while. With Patti unable to drive, I will work when it works for her schedule. Darn lucky they give me that sort of slack here. So the entries here may be on different days.

That is a wrap for this snowy Wednesday. Take good care and be safe if you are in the freezer like us here. Thank you all for the many good deeds you have done for us all. You are great friends. Always Hope warm days return soon. COURAGE MPJ to be a bit more patient and less needy. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, November 17, 2022 6:54 AM CST

Not much new on the horizon for this week. Cold and more cold will keep us indoors for the most part. Not a good thing for any of us. Going to be a really long winter if this current streak, which looks to extend at least another week, keeps up like this. We all get a bit stir crazy after too many hours cooped up. Got to find some things to keep entertained.

Matthew is doing good health wise. He started on a new med that may help him lose some pounds as a side effect. Now that is a good one. Hopefully he gets good results from it. He could really use some help there. So many of the huge amount of drugs he takes are meant to slow his metabolism down. Not good for someone who0 fights weight issues. Now if we can just find a drug that keeps the sweet Matthew there all the time. That would be worth every penny.

We do have a 90th Birthday gathering to go to this weekend. Roger is hitting a milestone and he was the one that hired Patti back in 1984 to start her SEP career. Been friendly ever since. Matthew and his wife became friends years back from therapy at 21st Century. Helen loved to tease Matthew. Later he would go see her at the retirement community when he was volunteering there. So it will be good to see the Rog again. 90

Hard to think that turkey day is a week away. Wasn't yesterday Halloween? We plan on having the family gather that day. On Friday, the three of us plan to head out for a couple nights in LaCrosse. Should be fun to get away.

Have a good weekend. Be back Monday, hopefully. Sometimes I wonder about that. Thank you for seeing what is up with Matthew. He has sure benefited from all your attention over the years. Very thankful for that. Always hope for warmer days and snow free earth in Iowa. COURAGE MPJ to try just a bit harder to be agreeable all the time. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, November 21, 2022 6:45 AM CST

Happy Monday to you. Short work week as I will be here Tuesday and that is it for the rest of the week. It will be nice to escape our town for a couple nights this week. Been a while since we did it with Matthew in tow. Hopefully we didn't underestimate any issues that may happen. Seems like so much has come up without warning here of late. We do not need that happening.

The weekend went all right. Did make it to the 90th Birthday happening for old Roger on Saturday. Lots of old teachers there. Matthew even found a face he knew from therapy. That was about the only thing we did outside of the house. Too many cold days. We did get the last of the winterizing done for the house. Well 99% really. Looks as if winter came early and may stick around for a while.

Matthew behave pretty good for us the past few days. Always a dust up here and there, but mostly just a flare up for a minute and then gone. May not be that fortunate today though. I busted him this morning on some messaging stuff that is not appropriate and not good for him or us. It happens from time to time. So loss of phone privileges will follow. That never goes over well. Bad timing too. He has a chance at an apartment that we were to be notified yes or no by this afternoon. A place that he could afford, in town, and by himself. Trust for being by himself just took a hit.

Should be a bummer of a day. Hard to ever relax when way too often fires need to be put out. Each one comes with a price on our soul. Think of him and say a good word so that he may understand right from wrong on many fronts. Thanks for the help. Always Hope we can get through another down time and know what to do. COURAGE MPJ to beat back the demons that haunt you. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, November 22, 2022 6:24 AM CST

Well this is the end of my work week with the holiday right around the corner. Going to be a busy rest of the week for us. Patti and I have things to get done here and then a quick trip to the western part of the state to decorate my parents stone in Denison. Thanksgiving will be at home Thursday and then the three of us dash off to LaCrosse WI for a couple nights stay. Somewhere in there I'd like to shut down Matthew's hunting shack at Saylorville too. Have some things there to bring home before the big snows hit. Won't have time in there to work here at the office. Should be a challenge. We are up to it.

Things are fine around the ranch so far this week. Patti and Matthew had a little sit down to chat about something that came up and needed to be taken care of ASAP. That went fine and the rest of the day was just as good. Glad that things were ironed out and now we can move forward.

Patti and I ventured up to Ankeny yesterday afternoon to check out the new Costco that just opened. Pretty impressive. Really busy, but not as bad as the other one in WDM. So much to look at. We just kind of drifted around and bought a few things. Bet we will be putting on a few miles over the winter walking around this huge building. Not sure if it is any better than Sams Club, but it is pretty big.

Well have a great holiday and be safe. Not a fan of driving over this weekend, but it will be fine. Weather is going to be all right too. See you all back here next week if not sooner. Thankful for all the love and care that you give and have given through the years. Always Hope for better days on the planet for everyone. COURAGE MPJ to be thankful for what you have and not dwell on what you don't have. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, November 28, 2022 6:36 AM CST

Well it was quite the Thanksgiving weekend for the family. Good gathering on turkey day and everything went as planned. Backed off a bit on the cooking so that made it much easier on the old man. Nice to have our little family together for the holiday. We had plenty to be thankful for. Hope that your day was as good as ours.

We took off Friday morning for our weekend away in LaCrosse. It is an easy drive and we made a pit stop to visit old friends on the east coast of Iowa before crossing the river and heading north again. Patti's cousin and daughter met us at the hotel and we slid right in. Patti stayed in a room with the girls and Matthew and I bunked in our room. Hope that this would give Patti a bit of a break. Saturday night it was just the three of us so that was cozy. Patti and I got to take off some and Lori was in charge of Matthew. They went a few blocks, on the roll, to the artsy downtown area. Looked in some shops and stopped for fancy coffee along the way. Matthew really enjoyed it. He had a blast with them. Games, snacks, fun and plenty of laughs. Patti and I enjoyed a few hours off too.

Today is our 41st Anniversary! That is quite the accomplishment. Plenty of highs and lows, but somehow we have fulfilled our commitment to each other. Had a couple scares this past few months with Patti. It has just made the bond even tighter. No plans for today as we recover from the weekend.

So here we are almost in December. Next thing it will be new years and we will be left scratching our noggins on how the year flew by. Have a great day and enjoy the nice weather while we can. Thank you all for helping with the Matthew project. You are such good friends to us all. Always Hope good days are here to stay. COURAGE MPJ to do your part in this wish of mine. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, November 29, 2022 6:18 AM CST

Even though the day had some ups and downs, mostly issues at my work really, we had a good day. With Patti being restricted from driving for a while, I am the driver of Miss Daisy. We had to roll to the west side for her appointment and then took in a shop or two. We even ordered her favorite pizza, F and O's, to take home for dinner. It was a nice and simple anniversary for us. 41 years and counting.

Matthew had a decent day too. Not only did he get his favorite pizza too, but pretty much sailed through his day. He also went to the Campus to try out their workout machines to see if they fit his needs better than the other place he was going to. He was impressed enough to switch his plan to the Campus. All I hope is that he uses it as often as possible. He needs to get smaller and stronger as we grow older and weaker.

There is a possibility of an apartment for him in Altoona. It would be a solo gig where he lives alone. Josh would still be there M-F 8 hours, but there would be lots of alone time. It actually would be an affordable place for him. We will know more later on. First we need to visit and check out the place to make sure his chair and such is a good fit. It is something that has to be as we will not be around forever and it is time for him to step up and take care of his own needs more. Like I said, it is just in the early stages.

Our little Kaylee goes in today to have her tonsils removed. Patti will be there as needed this week to care for her. It may be a long week. She will not be a happy camper and has to remain low and slow until it mends. Patti already has tons of books and activities awaiting her time there with her.

That is it for today. Hope you are well and can keep out of harms way. It is so hard to keep healthy these days it seems. Thanks for keeping Matthew in your hearts. He is better because of you. Always Hope good news today on multiple fronts. COURAGE MPJ to do your best to help yourself out. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, December 1, 2022 6:53 AM CST

Scraping the windshield every morning is getting old already. Hopefully the weather will warm a bit by the weekend. We do have a couple outdoor jobs to get done before the serious snow comes down the line. Matthew is done hunting at the lake so we have a few items in the shack there to bring home. I will need to truck to the site to pick them up, thus wanting clear paths in there.

Well it appears that the apartment is his for the taking. Not going to say it is reality until the papers are signed. Patti and I scoped it out and met the manager there on Tuesday. It is smallish, but it is handicap friendly for his needs. Especially in the bathroom. He can afford it which has been the biggest boulder in his path. Rent is crazy high and this one is rated to his income. We told Matthew about it with mixed reactions. Happy, scared, concerned about money....all the things we worry about when moving away from home. We worry about his ability to live independent as much as he will need to do in this apartment. If it is to happen, it will be the end of this month or the start of the next one. They are cleaning and painting it. We do not want him to leave before the first of the year. If he needs to take it over before, we will pay the fees and start with the move. This is a mighty huge step for him and us too.

Now it is time to start to gather his stuff for the move. I'll be wearing out Marketplace to furnish it. He has some stuff, but this weekend we plan on checking out all the boxes that we brought back from his last place. Then see what we need from there. I have my eye on a few things and just need to contact the people.

He is doing fine with it and everything else. Not loving the cold, wind and the slick stuff. He will have three ways to get into his apartment. That is really good. The shorter the distance the better. Two of the three are pretty short. He has been using the Campus every day this week. I'm sure the shine may come off soon, but maybe not. He has already talked to some people he knows or they know him. He needs that social aspect as much as the physical.

So it will be a very busy December for us all. The house is all full of Christmas decorations and very bright. Matthew likes it that way, but would never admit to it. He is a real softy underneath all of the bravado. In many ways, he is still the 10 year old that all of a sudden left us. He sure does love presents. May be less fun stuff and more functional things this year.

Have a great weekend. We all appreciate what you have done for Matthew over the zillion years now. He is so blessed to have you in his corner. Always Hope good things continue to find him. COURAGE MPJ to keep it all together. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, December 5, 2022 6:35 AM CST

Happy Monday....or is it? I guess it is still up for a vote on whether it will be a happy one or not. Too early in the game to know who the winner is. Just having a chance to play makes us winners I guess. So lets go with that.

Matthew is doing all right. He is trying a bit harder, since finding out about an apartment, to be a little more active in doing some things he can, but seldom does around the house. Like doing his own dishes and picking out his clothes for the day. Glad that he is taking this to heart and trying to get ready for this next big step. Could be coming in about a month. We may get the place a few weeks before, but will not have him move until the holidays are over. Patti and I are working on something each day to be prepared when the time is here to move him. Bought a second hospital bed yesterday and I hope I didn't make a mistake with that. May be a little to heavy duty. We will see. Still plenty of things to gather, but we pretty much have the minimum of what he needs already.

We had a pretty low key weekend. Not like the one before with lots of miles and hotel rooms. The house is now totally ready for Christmas. Lots of things for the season on display. Matthew seems to be interested in getting presents ready for family and friends. He has some, but has plans to ad to the stash. Glad that there isn't snow on the ground yet. Makes all that we need to do that much easier.

He had a wheelchair breakdown the other day. A frame piece broke and they were out and about at the Campus when it happened. He and Josh made it back home as the chair was just barely usable. I have a fleet of spares at home just in case the main chair goes down like this. He is now cruising in a almost new one that I have been saving. He likes the way it sits for him. A little higher than the good one. Glad that it works and that I have gathered enough chairs for him for just these sort of things. Service has been called on his busted one. Hopefully it will rise from the ashes again.

Should be another usual week for Matthew. Nothing wrong with that. He has been good about working out, but like usual, his shoulders are beat up and very sore. They have been an issue for him since high school days. Hopefully they can get use to the strain and get better. Other than that, he is healthy.

Time to get on with it here so have a good start to your week and hopefully that carries on to us too. Once again I thank you for taking the time to support our boy. You have been the greatest backers of all time. Always Hope this week is more than a bit positive for Matthew. COURAGE MPJ through thick and thin. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, December 6, 2022 6:33 AM CST

All is well at the Jessen ranch this morning. It was a solid Monday and hopefully it will be just as good today. Matthew is doing fine and if it can carry on like this for a while, things will continue to be good for all of us. That would be a pretty nice Christmas present to his mom and I.

Patti watched our granddaughter yesterday as she recovers from her tonsil surgery of last week. Sounds as if she may be hanging with grandma all week. The house was in full Christmas mode with all of the musical snowmen singing their tunes. Kaylee has been into the collection of Patti's for years. She is into them and Matthew is still into his nightly Christmas movie. Last night it was the classic "It's a wonderful life". He petered out and had to go to bed with just 10 minutes left in the show. I bet he knows how it ends. It's been kind of nice watching together. Hopefully the spirit moves him enough to keep him mellow and sweet.

Patti has spent hours again working on all of the info needed for Matthew to get the apartment. She spent hours on the phone, mostly waiting for her turn, to get some of the info done or at least started. Thank goodness she is able to be so patient with this. Between my lack of that and the ability to hear some voices well, I would be lost doing it. So far everything seems to be falling into place.....slowly. So many hoops of all sizes to jump through.

So things are getting there in more ways than one with all of this. We just finished up cards for the season and they were dropped off in the mail this morning. Check another thing off the list. Seems like this is really the time of many lists. Hope that all of you are checking off your lists too. Thanks for making Matthew a priority on your daily list. You are wonderful and we can never thank you enough. Always Hope things work out for the home team. COURAGE MPJ to do as much as you can to help the cause. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, December 8, 2022 6:28 AM CST

Well it's another Friday in my book. Last day of the workweek for this old boy. One of these days I will hang it up, but for now, I guess I need the activity more than the money. Will be a long old winter coming and this will keep me a little bit more sane. Poor Patti is really going to be hating it as she isn't suppose to drive for months. That would be and is torture for her. Winter is also tough on Matthew for obvious reasons. This winter he will be spending it from his long as all goes through. At this point in time, things are falling into place with Patti steering the ship.

Matthew seems to be getting jacked up a bit for the move. We continue to talk positives about it and what it could do for his future. He needs this to be a success and so do we. I think this time it should be better as he will need to depend on himself, and a little help from us and Josh, and not worry so much about the terrible care he is getting from staff. He also won't have to put up with roomies he doesn't care for. It will be a challenge for him to be alone more than ever. We all face that time when we need to leave the nest. He has special circumstances, but not so many that he can't adapt to. Guess we will know in less than a month.

We continue to add to the collection of things for his move. Yesterday I did lots of shopping and trying to score deals on some things that he will need. I ended up with a pretty hifi tv stand, an end table and a lamp for the grand sum of $34. Patti ordered him a new blender and the other day his induction cooking surface came. We are not going to hook up the oven/range for safety reasons. I still have some things to find and it helps being pretty darn good on Marketplace. I do love the chase.

He has enjoyed seeing his niece every day this week. He likes to check in on her from time to time as Patti is looking after her all week. I'm sure he'd like to have Ben-Ben around too. Not right now. He has been busy too. I think he has his Christmas shopping done already. I will make sure that his list is all checked off. He seems excited for the holiday.

Nothing big happening the rest of the week. Nothing wrong with that. Have a great weekend and be extra careful out there with all of the extra traffic as the shoppers go crazy. Thanks for the care and support. Always Hope good will continues for a long old time. COURAGE MPJ to tackle this next life phase like a champ. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, December 12, 2022 6:18 AM CST

Well Matthew has a date for signing the papers and getting the keys to his apartment. It should be happening this Friday sometime. Patti got the call this weekend saying that it is all ready to go and they are ready for the next step in the process. Patti has worked her tail off to get this done. She has had so many hoops to jump through that someone like me would've said screw it. Not her, she is relentless. Hopefully Matthew appreciates all she has done, once again, for him.

Matthew is hard to read on the subject of moving. He has asked to do this many times over the past few years and finally a place that he can actually afford is there for the taking. I think he is excited as much as he is a bit scared about it. We continue to work on getting some sort of eye in the sky looking out for him when he is alone there. First thing is getting wifi up and running there to power the equipment so we can monitor at home. He is signed up for a kind of "I've fallen and I can't get up" service. Not quite what we are after, but a good start and safety net. He has been working on a few things to do himself lately. Things he will need to do daily at his place. Even though we can take over this week, he will not be there living, at night, until the holidays are over. He may want to go sometime between to stay, but not until after Christmas. Gives us plenty of time to get moved, set up, and hooked up. Exciting times for him and scary ones for us.

Matthew had a typical weekend. Plenty of sleep and time to hang out. Not much time away from the ranch though. We were busy doing other things along with just being lazy....or at least I was lazy. Matthew is still on the Christmas movie kick. At least one a day keeps the Grinch away. In the weeks ahead I could bet he spends plenty of time with us on the weekends. It will be a long road ahead for him in getting use to his new style of living. This really needs to work out in so many ways for all of us.

Nothing all that big ahead this week that I am aware of. That is so funny since I am aware of so little really. Hopefully it will be a good one and the whole move thing ahead is a hit for us all. Thank you for checking in and supporting our boy. Could be some trying times ahead, but we know he has people backing him up and that makes it easier for us. Always Hope happy days are here to stay. COURAGE MPJ to keep trying hard to learn new skills. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, December 13, 2022 6:43 AM CST

The excitement keeps building for the big move. Hopefully Matthew can keep up this feeling throughout the process. We are doing are best to pump him up and pat him on the back in letting him know that he is ready for this. It really has to work as you know we are not getting any younger and he will need to fend more for himself in the years to come. May as well start now in getting that transition made. He will never, hopefully, need to do all of this on his own. That he is and never will be capable of doing. Patti is a pro at dealing with the mounds of paperwork, texts, emails and especially the phone calls. Every week she spends hours on this. One step at a time here for all of us. This one happens to be a large one.

Yesterday we spent well over an hour trying to secure internet service through US Cell. After many tries I think we have it. Not only is this needed for his ability to stream TV, but most importantly it will able us to set up security type cameras for when he is alone. Not trying to be big brother, but he will need some monitoring while alone for safety reasons. My friend John, from the office, gave Matthew a new Keurig for his apartment. That saves some coins. It is all shaping up and we are ready to take this on very soon.

Matthew is doing fine. There are always some issues going on, but right now attitude is not one of them. His health has been pretty solid so that is a winner for sure. He continues to try to do more for himself. Sometimes he needs a little push to remember that he will need these skills soon. Just so use to being taken care of. We talked yesterday to an old hunting friend that is also disabled. He was excited to hear of Matthew moving to his own place. He assured us that he will be glad to have that feeling of being independent. He told us not to worry. Easier said than done, but he is right and he would know.

So that is it for today. Just a few more days until Matthew gets the keys to his future. Keep him in your thoughts and help make this work for him. We sure do appreciate you guys being there. Always Hope more pieces fall into place as the week goes on. COURAGE MPJ to be the man we always hoped you could be. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, December 15, 2022 6:21 AM CST

Well the snow is spitting out there on my way into the office this morning. Don't think we are to get much.......I hope. Famous last words. Snow is not Matthew's friend. Now with the signing of the apartment lease a day away, I suppose the snows will come to mess with moving. Sounds about typical. Nothing is ever easy with Matthew. Wonder what he did in such a shot amount of years to get this little black cloud that has followed him for years. Time for it to leave, please.

Had a bit of a rough week and it seems that it isn't getting much better. We now have two sisters, one each, in the hospital. Feeling very helpless with all of this. One is 7 hours away and the other is not wanting visitors. Not a good place to be as a concerned sibling. Top it all off with an outburst from Matthew that really stung and destroyed some feelings on Wednesday afternoon. Pretty tough on us right now. Patti is to be taking things calmly and not letting it get to her....fat chance of that so I am more than worried about her right now too. What a mess.

Friday is the big signing day. Everything we can do is in place for it. Been a real flurry of paperwork, research, form filling, and phone calls. After the latest letdown from Matthew, moving day can't come too soon. I can't imagine that things will go smoothly there either. Why would it.

So have a good rest of your week. Take good care of yourself and be good for goodness sake! Thanks for the never ending support. Always Hope that so many things iron out for this family and so many families out there. COURAGE MPJ to get it together man. Keep the faith everyone.


Wednesday, December 21, 2022 6:33 AM CST

Well it has been a while since last writing. Plenty has happened since then. First of all we did sign for the apartment, if I haven't already said that. Matthew is getting excited and more comfortable with it as Patti has had him there this week helping to put things away. He is not staying there yet. Haven't gotten his bed over there so that makes it a bit impossible. So that is all good. I did a quick trip to see my sister in Appleton Wisconsin on Sunday. She has been ailing and in the hospital there. I'm glad that I did that and returned home yesterday. So this is my first day back at the office. With the incoming storm I'm not sure if it will be my only day here or not this week. None of us is looking forward to that storm and sub-zero temps. So that is where we are at today.

Matthew has been good. He understood that his Aunt Barb was not doing well, she has rallied and is mending thank heavens. So he was the man of the house and did a good job handling himself. Glad that he is getting use to the apartment just a little at a time. We haven't moved much there so hopefully we can get a little more in before the storm hits. That will put the brakes on moving things. His health is solid heading into the holidays too. Thankful for that. Been a really bad time for the extended family the past few months and it appears that it may continue. What a year it has been for health concerns. Hopefully next year we get a well deserved break.

That is about all I know since being out of the loop for days. If I don't make it back here before then, have a wonderful Christmas and Holiday week after that. Thank you all for supporting Matthew like he was your own. Amazing is what you all are. Always Hope for all things to be good the next week plus for all of your loved ones and ours too. COURAGE MPJ to keep a steady hand on the emotional wheel like we know you can. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, December 22, 2022 6:53 AM CST

"Well the weather outside is frightful"......yes it is. I got up and blew off the concrete at home before rolling here to the office. Man it is nasty cold out there. Not so much the snow, but what the winds are going to do with that ammo. Stay home if you can. Us old snowfighters just need to get out in it. Crazy old fool.

Matthew is fine. He was a bit tired yesterday and that hampered some action. He got what he needed done, but his dear old mom made him hit the hay early last night. One last peep from him and then nothing but snoring from his room. He will certainly be home bound any sane person. He has plenty of equipment at home to get his workouts in. Some items will follow him to the new digs.

Patti has been working it, as usual, and they have already installed a new grab bar in the bathroom for him. These people are great and on the ball. Next up they not only approved of an add on in the bathroom, but are going to order and pay for it too! Gotta love that. We totally intended on paying for it, but nope, they got it. Matthew is really being set up for success.

The office is closed on Friday so this will be it for this week. I am off next week, but will try, if the old brain box remembers, to jot some thoughts down. Until then, have the best Christmas ever. Know that we are so thankful for all that you do and for all of the kind words that keep this little machine up and running. Santa should be keeping the coal in his pocket at your house! Always Hope for peace and kindness to take over the world. COURAGE MPJ to do what you can to make this happen. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, January 3, 2023 6:31 AM CST

Well I am back in the saddle again. Seems like forever since I last sat at my office desk. Maybe it is growing near the time that it become permanent. Getting closer as the years pile up. Feeling mighty old these days and the reminders of that are clearer each and every day. Another year in the books and it was one that didn't favor the home team often enough. I'd like to say this one will be better, but we are off to a rocky start. Yesterday, just the 2nd day of the year, I lost my sister Deb. She had been a warrior over the many years fighting off cancer, but in the end her weapon supply ran out before her spirit did. Very sad time for all of us in our family. Deb was the matriarch and I had never taken a breath in this world without her being here until yesterday. We hate January in our family. We've lost too many this month along with the end of Matthew's first life. Wonder when or if it will ever change?

On a much brighter, but also worrisome note, Matthew is now officially moved in and staying at his apartment. Last night was the very first night he has ever been alone. At 28...almost 29, that is something. We spent a big chunk of the holiday time buying, gathering, and moving everything into his new place. He seems to like it right now. Too early in the game to really tell. This really needs to work. He is set up nicely to succeed. It fits every need and is nice and quiet as well as clean. I will post some pics from it when I get some taken. Patti is having a hard time between his departure and my sister passing. One big step yesterday and one giant fall. Just a little much to handle. I hear her there. Bittersweet for Matthew too. He and Deb had a certain connection. He is very sad when he should be quite happy.

Christmas was good, but had a little less joy in it this year it seemed. The anticipation of these two events hung heavy over our heads and in our hearts. We had a nice day over at Chris and Jessica's house that day. Nice to see the kids and all of the colored paper flying. Hopefully next Christmas will be easier on the hearts.

I am about worn out right now. Brain overload for sure. Emotional overload right there with it. What a bumpy start to 2023. I may not be a big fan of this year. Hope I am terribly wrong. Thank you all for keeping Matthew and the rest of us in thought. We appreciate it so. Always Hope that the ship gets back on course sooner than later. COURAGE MPJ to always remember your Aunt Deb and how much she loved you. Keep the faith everyone.

Rest in your heavenly peace, sis.


Wednesday, January 4, 2023 6:32 AM CST

Matthew's first night alone was a success. I didn't know how it went as of yesterday when I wrote. He did just fine. Josh came at his 8am time to find him awake in bed just hanging out. I don't think he got a good nights sleep, the same with us and Josh too. All worried about Matthew and how he would handle this alone thing. Maybe, just maybe this will work out. He seems to be enjoying freedom from us. I get that and so does Patti. We all have the need for being more independent. Hopefully this will propel him to new heights maturity-wise.

On Christmas eve he took a tumble out of his wheelchair and dinged up his foot and big toe especially. Finally got in to the doctor to find out it was broken. Nothing much can be done for it since it is not displaced. More of a break in the middle of the bone we heard. He is going to see a foot doctor later this week. So once again he is in a boot. We have a few around the house so no need to get one. Time will be needed to mend it. So he will be off of his stander until the pain goes away. Bummer, as he needs that time off of his bottom and on his feet.

We went over for a short visit just before night med time. We were there less than an hour. He was tired and went to bed pretty soon after meds. I think he likes to lay there and stretch out before sleeping. He has his phone right there with him if he needs anything. He also has the tv at his finger tips too. Hope that last night went as well as the night before. Until he gets the wifi working, we can't put any cameras in his place for emergencies. Hopefully that will be up and working later today.

No date for my sisters funeral yet. I guess it will not be this week. Shocking, but it seems there has been a rush in services. My other sister, Barb, is coming today to see her big sister before cremation. Later she and her husband will be spending the night with us. I'm sure she will be a mess. Her health is not good either. This will not be easy on her at all.

That is where we stand right now. Matthew seems to be liking the bachelor pad and doing pretty darn good. Eases his moms mind and heart some. I am done working for the week after today. Will be back on Monday. Until then, be good and be safe. Thank you for being there through thick and thin. It always helps for sure. Always Hope things shake out in favor of the home team for a good long time now. COURAGE MPJ to make your own way and do it the right way. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, January 9, 2023 6:28 AM CST

Good Monday morning to you. We are hanging in there on our end and hope this finds you in the black too. It was a pretty rough week on the family with all that happened. Things are a bit better and not quite as hard on the old hearts. Just so much was happening at one time that our emotions were just on overload and ready to just about shut us down. But, Matthew and his success at his apartment has eased so much off the stress that it was easier to deal with everything else. This week started off on a sour note as Patti's cousin, Father Mike, passed away on Saturday night. The family priest has passed on. He helped marry us 41 years ago. RIP Father Mike as you rejoin all of your lost family in heaven.

Matthew, as I said, is enjoying his freedom from the parents. Last night we even stayed away as he put himself to bed and took his evening meds without us. Has a couple issues with that which need sorting out, but overall it was good and good for him. He spent most of the day with us on both Saturday and Sunday, but slept at the apartment. Just a few kinks need to be ironed out, but it has been a pleasant surprise how well he is adapting. This is big stuff folks. He even had a guest stay overnight with him Saturday.......Preston his favorite bed mate. I think the dog was a bit confused, but did well too.

The internet is up and running for him there now. We are going to get some sort of camera in there to ease our worries about bedtime and the alone overnight. Just something there for emergencies. I plan on getting one this week and so we can figure it out. New technology has pretty much passed me by. Josh and Chris are our IT team.

My sisters funeral is not until this coming Saturday. If the weather is good, we expect to have quite a few Wisconsinites there from sister Barb's family. A bad and sad way to have a family gathering. We made a trip to visit with Deb's family on Friday and plan on going back this week to visit her husband Bill and check on things. Going to be a tough day on Saturday.

Well that is that and time for me to get moving on this end. Thank you all for being there for Matthew and us too. So many changes in such a short time. Our heads are spinning. Always Hope for a much easier week on the soul. COURAGE MPJ to keep going in the positive direction. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, January 10, 2023 6:24 AM CST

Matthew continues to do well with his apartment living. It is great to be able to report that. We weren't sure it would be this good, but darn glad that it is happening like this. Should we had done this before now? One of the biggest keys was to be able to afford his own place without any roommates. He is just not able to deal with other people and their issues at all. I just love the little place he is at. So clean, quiet and well maintained as well as budget friendly. Patti really hit the lottery when she discovered Clover Ridge.

He invited us to come over last night for the big college football finale. What a blowout that was. We stayed until it was already out of control, score wise, and he had enough of it too. Patti packed the snacks and that was an important reason for our invite we think. Good to see him in a friendly mood and relaxed.

Bought a couple new things for the place yesterday. Josh thought an Amazon DOT would be a good help for him. Can use for help, turning things off, and whatever else it does. Matthew was having issues turning off the lights with the Clappers we bought. They pretty much suck. So with smart light bulbs, he should be able to call out and turn on and shut off. Technology is crazy. We also decided to change out the mattress that he is using. Needed something a bit shorter since the bed sits so much higher. Safety first and he wants to do all of this night stuff by himself. So we had a regular medical bed mattress and then we bought a quality gel pad for him. Should drop at least 6 inches of clearance for his transfer. That is huge. We will change them out today.

That pretty well sums up Monday. He is healthy and happy. What more do we need. Thank you all for your constant help in Matthew matters. You may not be there in body, but the energy delivered sure makes things run. Always Hope another bell ringer of a day is ahead. COURAGE MPJ to keep driving yourself to self reliance. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, January 12, 2023 6:18 AM CST

Things have been going just fine with Matthew. He really has surprised us, in a good way, with how he is adapting to his new apartment and life. We do our best to leave him to decide if he needs us or not. Tuesday night we didn't even go over to do a thing. He had this, he said. All we wanted was a confirmation that meds were taken and he was safe in bed. Checked both of those boxes off without issue. Still working on a camera there to keep our minds at ease. Bought one and it wouldn't work with our phones. Back to the drawing board. More of a peace of mind thing for us than him.

I went over last night to give him a quick haircut. He takes his place seriously right now. Just as soon as he could, there he was in the kitchen doing the nights worth of dishes. Easier for him to keep up with it by doing them right away. He has done more dishes in two weeks than he had for two years.

Mike and Cathy came over for a visit there after I left. They had a nice time and played dominoes. Cathy said both Matthew and Mike cheated. They stayed until he was done for the night and transferred up into his bed. I'm sure he really enjoyed some company at night that wasn't his parents. Chris may be over tonight with Kaylee if it all works out. Aunt Karen may be coming too. This is how we hoped it could be. Little visits after Josh leaves just for some company. He is not use to having so much alone time. Better to ease into it than to be alone too much.

He will come home Friday night for a sleepover. We need to rise early for my sisters funeral on Saturday morning. Much easier for us to only have to get ready on one front. I'm sure he will be happy to have the pup in his old spot on the bed that night too.

Well that is it for the week. Seems like things are just fine with the move out. Glad it is that way. Proud of how he is taking charge of his own life more than ever. It needs to be that way. Thank you for seeing how things are for Matthew. You are great. Always Hope it gets better and better for him as the days go on. COURAGE MPJ to keep up the positives that you are doing right now. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, January 17, 2023 6:22 AM CST

Been a while since sitting here at the office. We have had quite the few days since last writing anything here. Matthew is doing well. He is enjoying his new place and adapting to it a little more each week. We still are keeping in contact on a daily basis and go over to visit and help when asked to do so. Don't want to get in his way. He gets a bit funky about that at times. Wants the help and doesn't want it at the same time if that is totally possible. Makes it hard to judge where and what we should do. Yesterday afternoon he didn't want a visit and then by 5 or so he called Patti and asked for us to come over. Just the way it is I guess.

My sisters funeral was a nice event for the family even though it was for something very sad. That was the first time that all of the family was together at one time since my mom passed away back in 2001. I'm pretty sure that is correct. The weather behaved and that was a bonus. The boys did us proud and Matthew held his own there. He was right in the line greeting people he had no clue who they were. That takes quite a bit. I think that we are all a bit down from the passing of Deb. I can sense the sadness. Bound to happen for sure.

Matthew spent two nights at our house because of the happenings on the road. I think he was about ready to roll home on Saturday night, but neither of us were up to moving from our warm house. It almost seemed a bit strange having him there. It is great that he enjoys being somewhat on his own. Makes this part of the transition easier for us to deal with.

Looks like the repairs on his good wheelchair will be happening this week. Been close to two months to get the parts. Not sure he will like riding in that chair again. He has really taken to this one I bought years ago. It sits up higher and he likes that part of it. Will ask the tech when he is there if he can raise that one up too.

Well I'm out of things to write about. Time to get going. Thank you all for thinking of us during the troubled times of the past two weeks. We made it with your help. Always Hope for better days with much more joy for the family. COURAGE MPJ to continue on gaining independent ways. keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, January 19, 2023 6:50 AM CST

Not a fan of the snow we just got last night. I'm sure that Matthew would say the same. The last snow that came, his walks didn't get cleared for days. Not a good thing with a wheelchair and having slick footing to transfer into and out of a car. Hope they do better this round. Ours is clean and ready for the boys to come over later this morning. Matthew is getting his wheelchair fixed.

Matthew has a cold. Started a day or so ago and has him all snotty and stuffed up. Not feeling so badly that food doesn't tastes good, but always a scare for us. He has lots of over the counter stuff to fight it. Will be keeping an eye on the situation. I went over last night and stayed until he had to hit the sack. Stayed an hour past that and fed him the night meds before scampering off for home. While I was there, I met the neighbor lady from the apartment right across from his. She seemed nice and wanted to intro herself to him. Too bad he was already in bed. I chatted with her and gave her the Cliff notes version of the boy. Glad she is friendly.

Matthew is down about 10 pounds since moving in. That is a great thing. It will surely help. He really has behaved much better with food. He is doing great with cleaning after himself. All of a sudden he doesn't care for dishes being dirty. It is going better there than we thought. This week he is going to be more needy with the cold. He does like to be babied. Don't we all.

So there we go for this short week. Things are pretty darn good for Matthew as long as the cold doesn't get worse. Thank you for caring and giving him the juice to help him cope with his new life. It is great. Always Hope mending is the word of the day. COURAGE MPJ to keep exploring hidden talents that you may have. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, January 23, 2023 6:29 AM CST

Good Monday morning to you. At least it isn't snowing out there to go along with the cold temps. I'm ready for this season to end. Weather is just one more reason to dislike January. Today marks 22 years since my mom passed on. Patti's mom died this week too. Sunday will be 18 years of Matthew living with a brain injury. Bad week to remember all that has spread doom and gloom to our family. Can't wait to turn the page on this month for sure.

We made it through the end of the week without too much issue. Matthew had his moments that were uncalled for, but we survived to play the game another week. He was more needy the past week with the cold he had going on. Spent more evenings at his apartment than the week before. Hope that he has it together a bit better this week. He did not stay any nights with us over the weekend. Hopefully we won't need to be there tonight. I could use a night off. With Patti not able to drive, I am there each time we are called to give him some attention. I go a little nuts in the small confines. Maybe we will get that break this week.

All else seems to be full speed ahead. He does like his place and it is the perfect place for him. One he can afford as well as the safety factor along with the cleanliness of the building. I hope that he becomes a little more active than he has been since Christmas. Between the broken toe and cold he has really backed off anything physical activity wise. That needs to change. Not up to us it lands on his shoulders. Being lazy about it is not going to help him in the short or long run.

Three weeks into this move and it is going probably much better than expected. Last week was a step backwards so this week needs to get back on track. The less we have to do with things the better off he will be. May sound a bit cold, but he needs to grow in that direction. Who knows when he will really be doing a solo act with our age. Better be prepared.

Have a great start to your week and exit here knowing how much you mean to us. Always there to toss the life preserver to any of us when sinking. Always Hope for a step forward this week at the apartment. COURAGE MPJ to find the energy to do so. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, January 24, 2023 6:24 AM CST

Not a fan of the fog we are having right now. Add that to quite a few other weather related driving issues that I have already. The weather here is just nuts. I'm not thinking this is heaven because it's IOWA.

We are hanging in there. Matthew soloed last night as we did our best to stay away by choice. He was getting too use to having us come over. We needed a break as well. Tonight, Aunt Karen could be coming over to watch another Marvel movie. Hope she does. It is good for him to do the solo thing though. Toughen him up some. Grow up some too. We all have to leave the nest sometime. I think he is doing fine, just want to make sure we don't stand in the way of progress.

Coming up, in a few weeks, he will just have the old man around after 5. Booked a flight for Patti last night to the Corpus Christi area. Wintering friends wanted us to come visit, but one going is better than none. Should be a fun trip for her. I worry much more about her well being than mine. I have ways to blow off steam where Patti internalizes it. She hasn't flown in over 10 years now. I am excited for her. We got this on our end, Matthew and I.

Hopefully things will be brighter than this fog the rest of the day. The sun is a good thing to have show itself in the winter. Much appreciated all of the care you have given this family. Thank you so much. Always Hope things shape up in our favor the rest of the week. COURAGE MPJ to make sure you do all you can to keep it positive. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, January 26, 2023 6:37 AM CST

Things have been rolling along with Matthew. He seems to really like having his own place. Never has he complained about it at all. I'm sure he does miss a few of the perks of living at home, but he likes this new independent Matthew that he is experiencing. What a relief that is to Patti and I. Never thought that it would be this easy this early on. Always subject to change, but a pleasant surprise for sure.

He is happy at night to have visitors come and spend a bit of time with him before he rolls off to bed. Monday he was by himself, but Tuesday it was Aunt Karen for half of a movie and then last night the Dahl's for dominoes....the game not the pizza. We appreciate the visits. It keeps him entertained as well as in the loop with people other than Josh and us. Tonight Karen is back for cribbage night and Friday it will be Chris and Kaylee for game night too.

Here's a funny little tidbit. I dropped some thing off for him yesterday not long before 5. He said that he chatted with family friend Pat on the phone as she is in Michigan right now. He was on the phone for a good 20 plus minutes Josh said. Then Matthew added, "I was right in the middle of getting my dishes washed". He almost didn't have time to talk because he had a task that was important to get done. I find it funny. He also had a lunch date with his old PT man, Joel. Josh said it was funny to see him so chatty. He thinks that he is showing more maturity with the apartment. We think he is right.

The apartment manager was there when I got there yesterday with the delivery. He asked if everything was all right. Oh heck yes it is. This place is a goldmine for Matthew. He was talking about getting a little mini threshold ramp for his outside door. They will buy it and install it for Matthew. Seems like they do everything to make it the best for each person there. It is a great place for seniors and disabled to live on their own. Give Patti all the credit for finding it for him.

Have a great end of the week. We will try too. Thanks for everything. You have helped so much in making this all work for the almost 18 years. Yes, 18 years since this started on January 29th. Wow. Always Hope it gets better and better as Matthew gets into it. COURAGE MPJ to do what you are doing to make a life for yourself. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, January 30, 2023 6:34 AM CST

Well we made it through the weekend even with a few issues that were part of it. Not quite as easy as I'd hoped. Too many trips back and forth to the apartment for my taste. It would've been much easier on Patti and I just to have him at home this weekend. Had to make a couple late bail outs over there in the freezing cold when all I wanted to do was veg in the warmth of our house. We got through it and sure do hope it isn't the sign of things to come.

Had to call in Mike on Saturday morning as the boy fell out of bed trying to retrieve something on the floor that he had no business doing. Patti got in touch with him and he just about beat me there. What a big help that was for sure. Matthew cannot get himself back up once he goes down. Just too big to accomplish that I guess. Like a beached whale. It just took a few minutes and he was back on the bed and ready to transfer. That was my second trip there on Saturday. There was a third and forth trip there later on. Without Patti driving, it is really a hassle. She is bummed about it too.

Kaylee came for a visit Friday night and slept over. She, Chris and Ben went to the apartment Friday night. Matthew was thrilled. They played some Yatzee and not sure what else. We are getting him some table games as he needs them. Kaylee likes to play games and so does Matthew. Glad that they had the time together. He adores Kaylee and Ben.

Didn't go anywhere from Friday on other that Matthew's apartment. Cold and snow prevented that. Winter is getting me down. Glad that January is all but finished. Hate this month with a passion. A week from today, Patti gets to escape the cold for 5 days. Off to Texas she goes. Well deserved and then some. Happy that she let this happen. Not often does she do anything for herself. I had to twist her arm for this. At least she gave in for once.

I'm out of words right now. Time to start another week. Hope all is well on your end. We keep plugging away at it too. Thank you for thinking of Matthew and the family. We appreciate it. Always Hope things are a bit more positive this week. COURAGE MPJ to pick up the pace a bit more on your end. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, January 31, 2023 6:26 AM CST

The end of January is here already. How did that happen? Glad that it is in the books as once again this month proved to be unkind to the family and friends. Today would be my sister Deb's 72 Birthday, but she never quite made it as she passed on the 2nd. Like I said, we will not be sad to see this month end.

Matthew is doing his best to gain some freedom from the parental units. One good thing about this month is how well he has adapted to being alone at night. He wanted some time this week to do that and so he was all alone after 5 on Monday. He checked in to let us know that meds were taken and that he did make it in the sack for the night. Saturday mornings tumble from bed keeps us on edge when he is alone. His phone is always near so he was able to call us without issue that morning. Still an uneasy feeling that will probably never leave us.

He is even tackling his laundry there. Patti did some the first week and little since. He has two machines down the hall from him. He can roll right in there since this place is so wheelchair friendly. Josh is there to help too. We hope that Matthew is helping enough to learn how and what he needs to do there. Nobody likes to do laundry, but you need to be able to do it. She stopped at the bank yesterday and grabbed rolls of quarters for him.

Going to deliver a few leftovers for him later today. We did up a ham on Sunday so there is now slider ham along with scalloped taters I made last night. I think he enjoys those two things more than a ham meal. A taste of home cooking for him. He and Josh do cook quite often too. A menu is made each week and he freelances too. The bachelor life for him.

Have a good day and keep warm during this cold spell. Thanks for keeping in touch. Always Hope someday we can relax a bit more with all of this. COURAGE MPJ to grow and make that hope come true for us. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, February 2, 2023 6:27 AM CST

Everything is pretty much good with Matthew right now. One thing though, he has been staying up much later than usual since he is on his own at night. No nagging parental units there to tell him to shut it down and go to sleep. Well that leads right into being tired the next day. Josh said he fell asleep on the way home yesterday after lunch. Not a good sign for him. Patti asked him to beware of what the later nights are doing to him and to watch it. Not sure if he will heed her warning, but it is out there for him to at least try to understand.

He spent both Monday and Wednesday nights without company. He wanted more alone time is what he said last weekend to his mom. So we have honored that request. Last night he called to see if someone was coming or not. Patti reminded him of that and he was cool with it. Tonight he will probably have Aunt Karen over for game night. Usually it is cribbage, but last week it was dominoes. It is a good way for us to have a peek into his night without actually being there. I understand the need to have this time. Hopefully once the weather is better he will spend some of this time doing something outdoors. His complex is mighty quiet and action free at nights. Heck, not much action during the day either.

He will spend whatever time he wants at home over the weekend. That is up to him, but we want him to sleep at his place. Not trying to be mean, but he needs to keep us at arms length even though he spends the daytime with us. Hopefully the weather will behave enough to get out and about some. It doesn't do any of us good to be captive at the house.

Well have a good rest of the week. Today is my Friday so the weekend starts in 4 hours. Thank you all for helping us out and making life that much better. You are the best. Always Hope good things come Matthew's way. COURAGE MPJ to challenge yourself to become as independent as you can. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, February 7, 2023 6:31 AM CST

Well it was mighty quiet around the ranch yesterday. No Patti and no Matthew. That was really different. Going to take a while to adapt to the silence. The dog is confused about the whereabouts of his favorite human.....Patti. I am thrilled that she is down relaxing for a short time. She really needs a break in the action. It is next to impossible for her not to have stress while she is here. Hopefully she checked that at the airport as she left for the Gulf.

Matthew is doing just fine. Had a good weekend and for once he was happy for most of it. I don't recall any anger at all. He spent time with us during the day and left around supper time. He seems to be handling the med situation pretty good. He started taking his morning med himself too. Patti bought another time activated pill dispenser. It seems to be working. Glad it has come together so well in the month plus he has been there.

Last night he had our friend Pat stop over to visit and she also was bringing a pizza with her for the two of them. He was thrilled to have the company along with the food. He is into playing games when people come over. Yatzee is taking over as has current favorite. Tonight it could be another movie night with Aunt Karen. It has been great to have visitors there to break up the evenings for him. A little eye in the sky for us too.

We are doing good so thanks for helping to make that all possible. Sure do appreciate it. Always Hope for more steps forward than those going backwards. COURAGE MPJ to keep the ball rolling in the right direction. Keep the faith everyone.


Wednesday, February 8, 2023 6:23 AM CST

I didn't hear much of anything from Matthew on Tuesday. Things have really changed since he moved to his own place. At first, there were plenty of calls or text messages just to have someone to converse with. A month later, I am the one that has to be in touch with him to see how the day is going. Quite the step forward in his life and ours too.

His Aunt Karen was coming to watch a movie or part of one last night. He enjoys that. So far he has had company both week nights. Tonight, I think the Dahl's are stopping over for a few games of some sort. I would bet on Yatzee. He seems to be on a "roll" with that game. These visits really lift up his spirits. It is a bummer that he has zero friends his own age. Too many years past school and they are all off doing their own thing. It is sad that it is like this, but the life of the disabled is sad in many ways. As of now, he has yet to meet any of the other people there at the building. Hopefully that will change. It would be nice for him to have friendly faces there to visit with.

Patti is enjoying her time away and on the Gulf. We have touched base with each other and that is about it. She has sent a few pics of the area and it looks cool. Big ships sailing by and lots of things going on. She said they were going to rent a golf cart to ride on the beach and into the town. Glad she is having some fun. Been a long and hard year for her.

That is it for today. Take good care and keep safe and warm. We will do just that too. Thank you for being there for us. It makes our world go round. Always Hope more good days are coming. COURAGE MPJ to hold it together when the not so good ones pop up. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, February 9, 2023 6:25 AM CST

Looks like the run of pretty good weather may be over for a bit. Sure hope that it is good for tomorrow night as Patti flies back in around 11 pm. She has been enjoying her little vacation from us here. I think that this little jaunt will keep her batteries charged for at least the rest of the winter. Hopefully so as she really has been working overtime with all of the Matthew things that went with the move. She is the glue that holds so many things together. Flying solo at home is boring as can be. Can't wait for her to come back and rescue me.

Matthew is doing just fine. I did lay eyes on him briefly yesterday. He had bought me, so kind of him, a package of Girl Scout cookies. Lemonaides my favorite. Awful nice of him. He was in good spirits. Ready for a night visit from Cathy and Mike. I asked him to let me know when he was safely in bed at least, but of course the night went by without him touching base. It's getting easier to blow it off and assume he is good for the night. Very proud of how he is taking this chance to heart. The future is not as bleak as it maybe was a few months ago.

Well that is all I have for this week. I sure do appreciate the support that we have been the beneficiary of for the many years. Matthew has survived through it all with your help. Always Hope for nothing but good days ahead. COURAGE MPJ to keep making me smile. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, February 13, 2023 6:22 AM CST

Well hopefully nobody here is suffering from a Super Bowl hangover after the big game yesterday. Nothing like that happening around the ranch this morning. We all behaved ourselves and the only residual effect is too much in the way of game food and snacks for us. What a way to go though. Matthew enjoyed himself so much that he stayed the night with us. He had stayed the night before too as he had an early archery shoot that he participated in at AFS. All was quiet this morning.

Two night stay at the Jessen resort for the boy. Patti got home in the early hours of Saturday morning after just one delay in the flight home. She had a great time and I sure hope that she got some well deserved relief from all of the stress that makes up our days here. Glad that she is home, but more than happy that she went. Matthew was happy to see her too. He missed his mommy.

His shoot went well I guess. He wanted, and we let him, fly solo on this one. We dropped him off before and just went back after he was done to load him up and scoot off for home. It was a partnered event, shooting at 3-D targets. You know, the plastic animal targets, set at different distances. He was put with another guy and Matthew said he was really nice. Some targets Matthew shot better and some the other guy did. It appears that they were pretty evenly matched. They didn't advance to the second round, but he had fun. Another big step as he did it without any parental help once there. The boy is growing up.

We had company over the weekend too. The grand-babies were
there with us Saturday afternoon. It was action packed. Matthew enjoyed seeing them again. They had been at his place the night before too. Patti was in all her glory is all I have to say. Me too. Sunday, Kim and Jerry came for most of the big game. Good to see them again. Been a while. Lots of good conversation. So the weekend kind of flew past us.

Should be a normal week ahead for Matthew. Some things are already on the to do list with more added as they go. He certainly is enjoying his apartment. Looks like he may get a new person next door. Things were being moved out on Saturday when I was over there. Hope they are as quiet as the last person there.

Have a great start to your week. We will all do the same. So happy you came here to see what's up and spread your happy thoughts towards the boy. Thank you. Always Hope the growth in Matthew continues. COURAGE MPJ as you make your own way through life. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, February 14, 2023 6:34 AM CST

Not a ton of action out of Matthew on Monday. It seems that he caught some sort of illness and it progressed as the day went on. He did make his morning appointment, but was down and out by the time shower time was there. Mmmmmmmm...a little suspicious there I would say. He is not a fan of shower time. His head got all clogged up and a bit down from all of that. He did take some meds to combat it and took it easy the rest of the day. Patti was in touch with him a few times and it seemed that he was better. Pleading his case for some expensive football jersey for his birthday. Patti didn't take the bait........yet at least. He did the solo thing last night and it went well. Went back and forth texting that he was good and in bed. Always a potential issue there. He has only tumbled once since being there, but it can happen anytime. So that was pretty much it for the day. Hopefully he will be back in the black this Valentines Day.

That is really it for today. Glad that you are there and thinking of Matthew today. Hope you all enjoy the candy holiday. Thank you all for the love you send. Always Hope recovery is the word of the day. COURAGE MPJ to fight through this and get back on schedule. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, February 16, 2023 6:55 AM CST

Snow is here once again. It had just all melted by the first of the week and now here comes another pile. Not what the doctor ordered for Matthew. Makes every outside endeavor just that much more an adventure for him and whoever is with. They do a pretty good job cleaning his walks so hopefully they get on it right away.

He is a bit sick still. Head is clogged up and he lacks much energy. Hasn't shot a bow all week. Now that means he is down. He wants to shoot again at the Iowa Deer Classic in two weeks. He'd better get ready soon. Josh says that he thinks the shoulder issues are getting worse for Matthew. Not a good thing at all. We went over last night for an hour to check up on him. He was fine, just needed a bit of friendly company I think. Even though the nights are short, they seem much longer to Matthew. Patti played a game of Yatzee with him and we hung around until bedtime.

Well we did it again, or should I say I did it again. We traded our van and the Honda truck in for a new Honda van yesterday. Our 12 year old one was fine, but aging. My 2022 truck just didn't fit the needs of the family. So bye bye to them and hello to the new white van. It works better for Matthew than the truck and much better for the grand babies. Time for me to stop wheeling and dealing. We should be set for years to come.

Matthew and Kaylee's birthdays are coming up soon. We will be celebrating them on off days from the actual birthday. Matthew is getting cranked up for his as he sees an opening for some free booty. He and our friend Pat share the day. I'm sure the four of us will get together on the big day. Hard to believe the one baby is going to be 5 and the other 29. Time does march on.

Have a great weekend. I will be back next week for the next edition of as the Matthew turns. Thanks for all the care and support through the many years. Awesome is all I can say. Always Hope the snows quit before they pile up. COURAGE MPJ to get back on top of your health game. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, February 20, 2023 6:34 AM CST

Well the weekend turned pretty sour for us on Sunday night. By then, Matthew had gotten himself in one of his funks. The mouth and attitude was going south very quickly to the point of no return. Nothing that Patti or I could do was right. These are the times when you just want to let him know that we are tired of it and stop it right now or there is going to consequences that he will not like. He was right there by the time we dropped him off. It started in the afternoon and built steam until we left. The one thing it does is to leave you with one really bad taste in your mouth. Bad timing on his part since his birthday is this coming Sunday.

Most of the past few days have been all right. Never a need for a reason for him to get this way. It's the one thing he can do all by himself. So plenty of hopes go out the window with the attitude. We both were not happy and then it turns into an issue between her and I. That was resolved quickly at least. It is not easy to forget it with Matthew though. He has some things coming up that he wants to do and right now those are in limbo. We forgive and forget too easily at times and he thinks all he has to do is move on without any hard feelings. It will be remembered.

We will have things to do and kids to watch today and tomorrow. So that will keep us both on our toes and not able to deal with any extra stuff he may toss at us. It is a good thing. Kaylee turns 5 on Tuesday so it is a great time to have her under our watch. Ben is coming too for two days. All will be right with the world.

Hope the week goes better than the last one ended. I'm sure it will be fine. What's a couple hurt feelings? Just add them to the thousands of previous ones between Matthew and us. Just the way it is. Thanks for coming here to see what's up. We appreciate it. Always Hope things improve sooner than later. COURAGE MPJ to grow up and not just out. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, February 21, 2023 6:27 AM CST

Well things are pretty much back to normal with Matthew. As usual, he has all but forgotten that he acted up the day before. I stopped over to his apartment, briefly, yesterday just before supper and he was doing fine. When I said something about behaving better, he looked almost confused as if he had done nothing to get this lesson. I suppose his brain just doesn't remember it as it doesn't recall lots of things. It is so sad to see that it will never get any better and only worse in time. It probably has already started the downhill slide. Try not to think about it or just plain deny that it is happening. Like his walking and his shoulders, his memory is an ongoing issue that will not improve.

So he soloed last night. I was in touch a bit later and once again he agreed to text me once safe in the sack and night meds in. That didn't happen.....see memory issue above. We just haven't quite pulled ourselves from being more than a little concerned about these happening at night. We are both better about it, but some assurance that it is going on would help. We never did install any cameras in the apartment. His Alexa device seems to help ease the worries. He can call out to it to have it dial for help at any given time. Almost all of his lights are run through it now too. He can lie and bed and give all the commands. This is a good thing.

Today is Kaylee's 5th birthday. We celebrated a little yesterday as she was at our house, along with Ben, for the afternoon. Today she spends the day with her mom. Ben will be with us again. Matthew plans on coming over to see the little dude sometime this afternoon or maybe morning. Patti is sad that she is turning school age already. Big step for a little girl. She is more than ready as she reads, writes and does math already. Helps to have a great teacher as a grandma and supportive parental units. Happy Birthday to you, Miss Kaylee June!

Hopefully your day will be a great one and ours will follow suit. Thank you all for caring so much for Matthew. He needs all the help he can get sorry to say. You never let him down. Always Hope he can get on track and keep things civil the rest of the week. COURAGE MPJ to try just a little harder to be better. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, February 27, 2023 6:31 AM CST

It was a fairly busy weekend for us old folks. Two birthday celebrations pretty much wore Patti and I out. We are so out of party shape! First was Kaylee's party at the Bar building on Saturday. Nice little family gathering to usher in her 5th year on the planet. One of the last parties we will host here as I have finally given my notice. I will retire the end of June along with the fiscal year here. One last party to come though. Ben's first will be here in April and then that will be it for us and the Bar reception room.

The second get together was for Matthew and our friend Pat. They share a birthday.....a few years apart....on Sunday. Matthew picked what he wanted to eat and tadaaaa...there it was. Just us three, Pat and the Chris family. It was a nice small gathering with plenty of food and action. The kids sure do light up the place. Matthew was pleased and in good spirits. He had stayed overnight on Saturday with us so he could enjoy the full birthday treatment he is use to. We went to his place at suppertime and stayed until it was bedtime. He beat Patti and I in a game of Yatzee before the night was over too. I hope he had a good day. The last of the twenties for him. 29 years young now.

At the end of this week, Matthew will go to the Deer Classic to test his shooting ability along with all of the action and displays for everything hunting and outdoors. It's like the state fair of outdoor shows. He loves it. I'm sure he will chat with old hunting and bow shooting pals while there. He plans on shooting in the paper target area in the hunting bow division. Shooting his Gearhead bow that he was sponsored for last year. His buddy Skip will be there presenting his latest and greatest bows to the people. Matthew can't wait to see him again.

So it will be a busy week for the boy. Needs to get his bow ready and also himself ready for the shoot. That and a full slate of other things he needs to do and people to see. He already has a nice lineup of friends and family coming to visit this week after 5. It should be a great week for him. he will be pooped by Sunday.

Thank you for keeping Matthew in your hearts. It helps us just to know that you care. Couldn't have made it to this point without you. Always Hope good things will come from this busy week. COURAGE MPJ to keep your strength at a high level all week long. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, February 28, 2023 6:22 AM CST

Not much new from yesterday to report on. Matthew had a solid day. Got done what he needed to do and then entertained guests that night after Josh had gone home for the day. He talked a couple times with his mom last night and seemed really good. Cheerful as a matter of fact. Nice to see him adapt to his newish surroundings like he has.

The big deal of the week will be getting himself ready for his big shoot on Saturday. He is going back to a bow that he hadn't used for a while so it is off to the practice range at AFS. Hopefully he will spend enough time to get honed in, but not too much that he is worn out by the shoot. Matthew will be letting go 30 arrows that day. That is about his limit before he gets beat down from the stress and concentration. His bad shoulder also fatigues right about then too.

So the week has started off well for him and thus us too. Thank you for the help in making this all possible. Always Hope the good days keep piling up for Matthew. Always Hope the shoulder hangs in there for you. COURAGE MPJ to be responsible for more things in your life as time goes on. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, March 2, 2023 6:35 AM CST

The week is moving right along as it is Thursday already. The days and weeks do roll by. Hard to think it is March already. The good thing is it is that much closer to spring. Just a bit tired of winter to say the least. I'm sure Matthew is too. Not his favorite season by a any means. Spring means turkey season for him and hopefully, for once, he will be able to notch one of those elusive birds to his resume. You never know and that's for sure.

He did a weigh in yesterday and for the first time in a while he gained weight. Guess he partied too much for his birthday the past week or so. Time to cut back on the groceries and get back in the weight losing mode again. Guess one can have too much fun. I'm sure he was bummed about that. As long as he sees the need to cut back, he is still good.

His company has been great this week. Uncle Lou and Aunt Kay came on Tuesday night and he had a ball. Pizza and fun galore. Thus the weight gain. Last night it was with the Dahls. Always a good time there. Aunt Karen is tonight's special guest and it will be a game night. Friday is Chris and then after that we will get him home for the night. He will need to rise early and be ready for the Deer Classic shoot. Just a little rough to do all we need for that morning with him at the apartment. he will be back there come Saturday night.

That is about it for the day and the week from me. Things are rolling right along and the boy is doing fine. Your never ending support is working its magic. Thank you all. Always Hope Matthew gets back on track, weight wise, and continues to feel better about himself. COURAGE MPJ to keep doing the positive things that makes your apartment life good. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, March 6, 2023 6:22 AM CST

Good Monday morning to you. Hope that your weekend was a good one. We did OK on our end. It seemed fairly busy and lots of time with the grand-kids too. Matthew did end up spending two nights with us as he was up early for the competition at the Deer Classic and then wanted to hang at home with the little ones. He and we are ready come Sunday night for him to go back to the apartment. Seems that we all need a break from each other by then.

He didn't shoot real well on Saturday. We have all seen him do better. His nagging shoulder didn't help much at all. Josh was with him and said that it seemed that Matthew was a bit nervous and up tight when it came time to shoot. He started out a bit shaky and ended up falling off the pace even more. He wasn't too upset, yet he was not real happy either. We all know he is better than what he scored that day. Just wasn't in the cards. Kim and Jerry went there to watch him shoot. Too bad he didn't do better for them and for himself. At least he tried. I'm sure he was the only one shooting from a wheelchair once again. he is rather unique. We are just happy that he isn't afraid to put it out there. Good for you, Matthew.

We all kind of kicked back after Kaylee took off on Sunday morning. Like Matthew, she spent the night with us. She is a girly with tons of energy. Wears us old folks down. We stayed pretty close to home all day and then went for a ride just to get out and do something. We spied about 10 turkeys hanging in a field south of Altoona. Now hope Matthew sees that many by him when hunting the birds next month. Hasn't been so for a couple years now. It would be nice for him to score, just this once. We will have to roll towards Saylorville in the weeks ahead to see if we can see any birds hanging out where they hunt. His guide, Todd, usually does a good job scouting, but there is never a guarantee that they will be there that morning for Matthew. Hunting is more down time than it is go time.

Should be a normal week ahead for Matthew. He has some meetings scheduled coming up for annual reviews for this and for that. One they pencil him in for three hours! Pretty involved I'd say. Not this week, but coming up. He should be busy with just his normal routine this week. The days seem to fly by and then it is Friday once again.

Have a great start to your week and we will try to accomplish that too. We are always in debt to all of you for giving so much for Matthew. Thank you one and all. Always Hope this week can slide by without issues. COURAGE MPJ to get things done that are on your list. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, March 7, 2023 6:26 AM CST

Matthew was pretty burned out yesterday. The second day syndrome as we call it. It happens often that he has a big day and not the next day he is off, but the second day is the one that gets him. That seemed to be the case on Monday. Hopefully today he will be back at 100%.....or at least 90%. Not sure why this is, but it happens often. He said last night, when I talked to him, that he felt hot and not well, but his temp was actually lower than normal. Patti is feeling a bit of a cold right now so it wouldn't be a shock if he doesn't get some of that too.

He did a solo act last night. Last week his schedule was full of visitors, but not this week. At least last night and Wednesday will be without night company. He needs to have this time to learn how to be just that, alone and fending for himself. Sounds a bit cruel, but it really is for the best. We have spoiled him over the years and it is past time to start expecting the growth he needs to carry on without us around as much. He was fine with it last night. It is and will always be a concern for Patti and I.

Not much else going on right now. No shooting events on the horizon and the next bow thing will be the turkey hunt next month. Time for a bit of a break with that. I asked if he wanted to go to the turkey banquet this weekend and he took a hard pass on it. I am going to go to support the cause even though I am definitely a fish out of water amongst all the turkey hunters and outdoors people. Sometimes you just have to suck it up and do the right thing.

Take good care and enjoy the decent temps while they last. Thank you for sharing your time with and for Matthew. It helps greatly. Always Hope mending is the word of the day. COURAGE MPJ to get back to a better normal ASAP. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, March 9, 2023 6:24 AM CST

No snow yet this morning. Could it be another phantom storm? I am fine with that. Getting so tired of winter. I keep looking out my back door to the yard that needs plenty of attention. Snow will not help me in the need to get out5side and accomplish something. I know that Matthew is ready for green grass again too. Hopefully this will be the end of the snow and cold. Yes, I am dreaming.

Been pretty low key around our end of the world this week. 2 of the 3 evenings have been solo gigs for Matthew. Last night he scared the crap out of us with two butt dials. One to Patti and then a few minutes later one to me. We could hear nothing but rustling in the background. The first thought is that he is down on the ground or another medical issue. I was on my feet ready to roll when Patti finally got through to him. Just a false call. It sure got the blood pumping there for a few minutes. All was fine and he stayed on the line with Patti until he got into bed and was ready to call it a night.

Matthew is doing just fine living on his own.....with plenty of help. We are very pleased and proud of him. So happy that Patti found this wonderful apartment for him. He seems to be thriving there. Sure tries hard to keep it fairly neat and clean. He is a 29 year old single male, so it only gets so clean you know. Trying hard is all that we can ask for and he is doing just that.

Have a good weekend. We have little on the plate for Matthew this weekend. After a couple busy weekends, that should be just fine. Thanks to you all of this is working pretty darn good. You are the backbone of the operation. Always Hope the growth in the boy keeps on the positive path it is on right now. COURAGE MPJ will help steer that ship. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, March 13, 2023 6:27 AM CDT

Going to be a quiet week here at the office. Spring break has a good chunk of the staff out for the week. So the rest of us are left, here in Iowa, holding the bag filled with snow and cold. Not real happy getting another big blast of snow over the weekend. Matthew was with us at home when it came down. He ended up staying the night on Saturday even though it was not in the plan. Patti still is not suppose to drive and that evening I was at the Turkey benefit so it made sense to keep him. Sometimes they are a day late in shoveling at his apartment too. Wheelchairs do not like the snow. It all worked out and he was back at his place after supper last night.

While at the benefit I spoke with some of the people who run the show this spring that Matthew hunts. They are fired up again and it seems that Matthew and his partner, Todd, will have the choice of places to hunt. Maybe this year he will score. The good news is that he may get more than one time out there trying. Todd has secured some private land that he says Matthew can hunt the weekend after the other outing. That will give him a better chance to score. Those two are really due to bag one. Been lots of years without any luck. Matthew was excited to hear that news.

The weekend was spent watching the snow fall and then cleaning up after it. I'm getting too old for this crap. I know this feeling is held by many others out there. It really makes things difficult for Matthew. He gets caged enough and having the snow puts a damper on activities for him that at times are pretty slim to start off with.

Well time to rock into this new work week. Hope that you all are on top of your game and ready for it. We will try to get there too. Thanks for keeping in touch and supporting the boy. Always Hope the snow leaves and is replaced with sunny days. COURAGE MPJ to hang tough until the real spring comes around. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, March 14, 2023 6:41 AM CDT

I still see all of that snow on the ground. Where is the sun and higher temps to get rid of it for me? Seems to me that this winter is longer than one I can think of recently. Maybe not in snow total, but overall winter weather for more days. Whatever it may be, I give. Uncle, uncle, tap me out.

Matthew was good on Monday. He soloed again last night and did just fine. Tonight he is looking forward to seeing his cousin Katie and family who are headed his way for a visit. That will be nice for him. Hasn't seen her in a while. Hope that he has the place looking good for them. He does keep it pretty clean. I think that he is proud of his own place. Hope that is the case.

Patti spent about 8 hours yesterday working and working to get Matthew all on board for a program that will help him with his internet costs. What a major cluster. Do it once and then re-do it. Repeat that about two more times and on the phone waiting for an answer for hours. She deserves a medal for this. I really doubt if Matthew realizes how hard she attacks things like this so he can live the best he can for the money that he has. I reminded him of it last night. Hope is that it will sink in. Pretty sure that it is all settled now. She is really something when it comes to chasing things down.

Not much else to say today. Bundle up again and be careful out there. We will follow right along with you on that. Appreciate all the attention you have given and continue to give our boy. Always Hope for a happy Matthew today and forever. COURAGE MPJ to keep it all together and grow into your new life. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, March 16, 2023 6:34 AM CDT

Not a whole lot new since the last I wrote here. Matthew continues to do all right at his apartment. Been over two months now and....knock on do just fine without much issue at all. He has quite the supporting cast with him most days to help this happen. His cousin "Binky" and husband, Matt, were there with pizza on Tuesday. You know he loved that. Last night it was the Dahls coming to hang out and play a game or two. It is so great that many have come over there to spend a bit of time with Matthew. It means the world to us and really it makes his situation there so much better. Thank you all for being part of this.

There didn't seem to be any fires that Patti had to stomp out yesterday for Matthew. He does have a meeting soon with his case manager to help iron out any issues that there may be. It would help if she did a little more in relieving Patti with some of the work, but I suppose that may not be her area. She seems to do a pretty good job with what she does.

Nothing too big is happening the rest of the week from what I see and hear. Probably have about the same pattern of what we have been doing on the weekends minus the stay over night. Hopefully we will not have a foot of snow again to mess things up.

That is really all I have this morning. Sometimes boring news is the best news out there. Thank you for helping with Matthew for the many years. Nice to know that people still care. Always Hope the rest of the week is an easy one. COURAGE MPJ to make it like that for everyone around you. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, March 20, 2023 6:24 AM CDT

Wow, a weekend without snow! It actually will almost be springlike today. Been a while for that. It's about time for the winter to go park itself elsewhere for the year. We are within the month to get Matthew out into the field for turkey season. Sure would be nice to have warmer weather and no snow. He would appreciate that greatly. The whole state would agree to that one.

Everything is good on our end. Hopefully that is the case for you too. Matthew is pretty healthy and his attitude was positive over the weekend. He did not spend any nights at our house and was happy to head home yesterday after supper to his place. I think it helped that the sun was still out for once. You actually didn't mind going outside. We had a good weekend together. He did his usual sleeping in thing, but that is good if it is what his brain needs. Spent plenty of time watching the March Madness on the box. Had the little ones over on Saturday afternoon too. Matthew adores his brothers kids.

I don't think he will have the company this week like he did last week. He had a full week of guests. I hope that he is OK with that. Seems like he likes to have people there with him after Josh leaves. Whether it is a security blanket thing or just that he needs to have interaction with humans all the time. At least he isn't a hermit. We do our best to make sure his living alone is a positive thing. So far it sure seems to be working. It would be nice if he had a little contact with other people living there, but it is so quiet and private. Guess that is the way it is. He doesn't seem to mind it.

Well off we go into another week. Thank you all for helping us out. Takes a village to raise and keep a Matthew. We are lucky to have our team. Always Hope good attitudes are the norm this week. COURAGE MPJ to smile your way through it all. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, March 21, 2023 6:21 AM CDT

Matthew seemed to be in good spirits for a Monday. Like many of us, he has a bit of a hard time with the first day after the weekend. It wasn't a big deal for him yesterday. One of his appointments was KO'd so it meant that he had a bit more free time. I'm sure he hated that.....not.

Things have been falling in place for him at the apartment with plenty of help from Josh and Patti. Today the boys are headed to our house this morning to get his good wheelchair finally, we hope, fixed. It has been down since before Christmas and he has used one that we bought for a spare. It will be good to have this one put back into service and the other then can be saved for emergency use. His chairs are custom made in Washington state and the parts are not easy to track down and get sent. Hopefully this time it all is good to go. The last attempt at fixing it found more parts that needed ordering. Thus another 60 days or so.

Our friend Pat came over last night with a pizza for she and Matthew. Mighty nice of her. So he had good company last night. He did call Patti as he was in bed. We like to hear that meds are taken and he is safely in bed for the night. Just makes our night easier. He usually forgets to call. Glad that he did and the night was a good one for him.

Hope today follows right along with yesterday. Thanks for coming here to check on things. We are happy that he is happy. It is working so far. Always Hope that things keep going in his favor for many months to come. COURAGE MPJ to try your best at whatever you do. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, March 23, 2023 6:54 AM CDT

Well another Jim's Friday at the old Bar Association. Gotta love short weeks and days. Things have been going nicely for Matthew this week. His good wheelchair is back in working order and under him. Been a while since it was in service. Hope that it stays in one piece for years to come. He had a couple good evening visits from Pat and then Aunt Karen. Thank you to them. Last night he had the old man there for an hour just to keep him company and check up on things. So his evenings have been good and he has called each night when he landed in bed just to give us a little peace of mind.

Yesterday Patti and I fixed up the wall corners he had beaten down a bit and protect them from further damage. Patti found some hard rubber corner protectors that were meant for tool boxes that worked just great for this. Easy peasy to put on and they are heavy duty. Should work great. Patti did a little floor clean up after the bit of mess I made. He is keeping his place cleaner than plenty of 29 year old single males. Good to see that.

Nothing out of the ordinary coming up that I can remember. Time for him to get his hunting bow tuned in as the turkey event is fast approaching. Not looking forward to a 2am wake up call, but if he scores one it will be worth it. We both look forward to visiting with other hunters and guides we've come to know over the years. Like a mini Whitetail Challenge for turkeys.

Well you all have a good weekend and we sure will try to do that too. Thank you for being the best example of people on the planet. Wish everyone was as kind and generous as you. Always Hope that someday the rest of the world will catch up with you. COURAGE MPJ to be just like those who support you. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, March 27, 2023 6:31 AM CDT

Another chilly start to a week. Spring snow and wet crap yesterday did nothing to help us feel like there is spring on its way. I think everyone has had just about enough and more of it. Time for a real change for the better. Matthew would be giving a thumbs up for that one. Just 3 weeks away from his next hunt and snow and cold is not what he would order. Count us in on that one too.

Good end to the week and a pretty decent weekend. Some hard feelings between Patti and Matthew on Sunday, but it really didn't take off from there. I was gone for a big chunk of the day so I'm not sure what was going on, Patti really didn't say much about it. I could see a bit of tension between the two when I was home. It happens and you just have to roll with it.

Matthew is in need of a new recliner at his ranch. The old one is wearing out and an arm rest is wobbly. Just too much pressure put on it when he transfers. It isn't broken and there is a twin right there that he doesn't sit in so he will probably borrow it for the time being. May be time for a new one. Life is still good at the apartment for him. He was home yesterday and asked, right after supper, to go home there. A good sign for sure.

Not much else going on right now. Can't believe that it is the end of the quarter already. Where did March go? Property taxes as well as income taxes are done and we still are afloat. good news there. Matthew doesn't have to file for taxes. Good for a way and sad in another. Such is life I guess. Stay warm and dry today. Be good to yourself like you always are for Matthew. Thanks for caring. Always Hope good weather days come and stay here in Iowa. COURAGE MPJ to make the best of it you can if it remains winter-like. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, March 28, 2023 6:24 AM CDT

Made it through day one back in the saddle. A few bumps in the road though. Not from Matthew or ones that involved me either. Poor Patti had to fill and file yearly guardianship papers for Matthew. Always a cluster. Send this, no that, well you need to include this, and finally sign this and make sure you send it all scanned in one file. Well our printer doesn't scan in one file. So I have the papers here at the office to do that. Patti was at the end of her rope after that and spending an hour on the phone dealing with possibly a new insurance provider for Matthew. I don't know how she does it without totally losing it. Far better than me for sure.

Then last night at med time, his pill box malfunctioned and he couldn't get his pills out. Pat was there and Patti walked her through it on how to manually retrieve. So lucky, in many ways, that Pat was there. She had come with pizza in tow for her and the boy. He was excited for her and the pie! Another friend that has stepped up to make sure Matthew succeeds. He does love Pat.

So he is fine, but Patti is stressed. We took a drive late afternoon just to get away from it all. Even if it was just an hour away, it kinda helped.....I hope. Of course then the pill incident happened and boom....stress again. Hopefully today is much easier on her.

That is that and this is the end for now. Thank you for helping out too. Just knowing that Matthew is never alone makes things better for us all. Always Hope little worries go away pronto. COURAGE MPJ not to add to the stress level your mom is at. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, March 30, 2023 6:27 AM CDT

Things have been rolling along for Matthew.....not so much for Patti as she has spent too much time on the phone and computer doing her best to keep things up to date with all things Matthew. So much red tape and paper trails for his upkeep, health and care. It's been a trying week for her and I feel bad about it. She doesn't need to feel the stress she is going through right now. Not a good thing for someone like her that takes all of this so hard. I worry about her and her health. Why does it have to be this way.

Matthew's apartment had a broken entrance knob to the outside. That is the one he uses all the time. They called it in to the manager and it was fixed by the middle of the afternoon. Gotta love these guys who run and fix things there. Very good to the residents. We also bought him a new stick type vacuum the other day. His hoover upright was too tough for him to manage I guess. So we found a rather cheap one at Menards for him to use. Seemed like it did the job. Small and light with no cords. There is always something to get it seems. He has it pretty good over there. Well set up for success.

Had some more guests over the last two nights. Aunt Karen on Tuesday and the Dahls on Wednesday night. It was Karen's last Tuesday there. Has other obligations, but will still come to play cards or whatever on Thursday night. We are so glad that he has some company at night. He gets very lonely quickly. It is too bad that he just can't get along with a roomy. Can't have one here anyway. His attitude just won't allow that to happen. Little visits seem to do the trick.

Nothing big happening the rest of the week that I am aware of. That really doesn't mean much as I am out of the loop more than in it at times. Just going to tap it in the rest of the days this month. Thank you for helping make this possible. Large or small, every little bit of support is big to us. Always Hope good days and a happy MJ for weeks to come. COURAGE MPJ to do all you can to be successful. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, April 3, 2023 6:26 AM CDT

It was a solid weekend and end of the week for Matthew. I thought that things went pretty well on almost all fronts. Matthew spent the days at home on the weekend and the nights at his place. That is the way it is suppose to be. He is even getting better about calling to let us know he is safely in the sack at the end of his day. It does help ease some worry. It has been 3 months now and lots of questions have been answered. I would think that he is ahead of where we thought he would be at this point. Still a work in progress. Talked to him yesterday about behaving and taking care of himself enough for his mom and I to take off for a few days. Guess we will see how that would work somewhere down the line. Right now, we have too much going on to take off. Maybe this summer when I am free from working.

He is less than two weeks out from the annual Wheelin Sportsmen turkey hunt. It has been not much more than a turkey tease for Matthew. Much better luck with deer. He said that they were working on walking again at therapy. He knows that he will need to take some steps that day. It is not fun for him to walk that early on rough terrain. Not fun for the old man either. Hopefully his legs can get a bit stronger and steps a bit steadier.

He met his new neighbor last week. She seems really nice and said if he needed anything to pound on the wall. From what I know, she is younger than most there at the apartments. Glad that he has met her. She has a chair outside and I suppose he will be seeing more of her as the weather gets warmer.

That is where we are at this Monday morning. Matthew is in deep slumber I would bet. Josh will be rolling in at 8. Matthew was up both Saturday and Sunday mornings as I/we arrived to pick him up. Glad that he is waking earlier than usual. So have a good week this first week of April. Hard to believe it is here already. Thank you for keeping up with the goings on of Matthew. Always Hope he is starting to evolve into the next more independent Matthew. COURAGE MPJ to continue this process of growth. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, April 4, 2023 6:25 AM CDT

Well this entry will be very short as Matthew did not get in touch with us at all yesterday. Patti was busy watching our grand-baby, Ben, who wasn't feeling good and has been sick for a few days now. Matthew usually will call or text something during the day, but not yesterday. Took a while for Josh to get with Patti on the end of the day text and it sounded as if he had a decent day. Thought for sure we would hear from him last night, but again, no call. There wasn't anyone scheduled to be there last night to spend time with either. Kind of hard to sit there and not know, but we just let it go. Have to do that for everyone to grow.

So that is it. Nothing good or bad to report on. I guess that would be on the positive sign. Very proud of him dealing with more things like this. Good prep for when we are not going to be on this planet down the line. Hopefully way down the line that is. Thanks for seeing what is happening with the boy. Seems to be working so all is good to go. Always Hope positives keep rolling in. COURAGE MPJ will be key for this growing up process. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, April 6, 2023 6:21 AM CDT

Seems like things are rolling right along. I went over to the apartment on Tuesday night to see how he was going to handle the storms that came rolling in. He and I watched as the the darkness turned into rain and then hail along with the wind picking up. Always windy here, but it amped up that night. He was fine. Just enjoyed having the company since nobody was set to be there that night. We talked about where to go if he heard the load sirens going off. Funny how he really wasn't concerned. I remember a boy that just hated the storms. Being alone at On With Life sure changed that. Glad of that since it sure appears that we will have plenty of weather in the days and months ahead.

Yesterday he called often. He had some questions that had to be answered more than once. His memory is not good some days and worse on others. He tries, but there is little he can do about it. Things were ironed out, once or twice, and on with the day he went. We are drawing near to the turkey hunt and they went and bought his permit and tags for it. Now to tune up the bow and the archer so he will be ready to go that early morning on the 15th.

Tonight he should have Aunt Karen and her friend for company sometime after supper. I think her name is Cindy and she enjoys coming over to hang out. Been there a few times now. Matthew is fine with it. Glad that he has the company and I know he is too. It is hard to get use to being alone in the evenings. He has done great so far when he has the time alone.

Speaking of time, it is time for this old man to get going on work. Thank you for giving Matthew the greatest support anyone has ever had. Always Hope you are rewarded for your kindness. COURAGE MPJ to understand you are never alone. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, April 10, 2023 6:34 AM CDT

Well the weekend was nice wasn't it. At least it was here in the metro. Finally a few nice days strung together. Best Easter weather that I can remember, but that isn't a big feat anymore with the old noggin not what it used to be. Our family had a nice holiday get together and feast. Hopefully you were able to do the same.

Matthew is doing all right. He was a bit angry at the old man by Friday night. Guess I should've let him sink to the concrete instead of holding up on his pants. That incident caught me some hell from him. My holding him up from hitting the ground set him free. Must've been my fault that he blew the transfer. Sure would seem that way in his mind. Not that I saved him from a disaster or anything. I did not take that well and just ignored him as Patti and I took him home that night. He was sorry the next morning, but the damage was done. Things like that will never change. That act got old 15 years ago. He was better the rest of the weekend even though a few times it appeared that the evil was going to spew out again. Close, but no cigar.

Hopefully he will be a bit calmer this week. Big busy week ahead. Especially by the end of it. Hunting the elusive turkey is not my favorite gig. Just too early and it usually ends up with him being very bummed out. So the effort put out is blown out of the water with his ending attitude. Not something I look forward to.

Time to move on I guess. Hope that you all were able to get some of this sunshine moving the blood this weekend. Thank you all for giving Matthew the support it takes to keep things moving in the right direction. Always Hope it is an uneventful week leading up to the weekend. COURAGE MPJ to be civil and kind this week for all those around you. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, April 11, 2023 6:22 AM CDT

Monday came and went without any issues that I am hip to. Matthew called a few times last night about little things, but there certainly wasn't anything wrong with him. Patti was not happy when he did his final call after nine thirty to tell us he was safely in bed. With the busy week and weekend ahead, he needs to store up on sleep and not stay up to play video games. Hopefully the rest of the week he will mind his early bedtime. Getting up at 3am Saturday will not be easy for him at all. Us either for sure.

He is getting pumped up for the turkey event. They went to practice his shooting with the broadheads on the arrows yesterday. They can throw the arrow path off a bit since they are different than the usual field tip. Hope that he will be ready. I talked to his guide for the hunt yesterday. Todd is fired up for this year's attempt at the elusive prize. Going to a different spot. It should be an easy drop off for Matthew.....I hope. This area has produced bagged birds the last three years he said. So hopefully the stupid birds come dancing their merry little way towards his blind.

Not much else new to write about. It was nice getting out in the warm air yesterday. Walked a couple miles with Patti and then put some finish on one of our patio chairs. So much work outside the house to get done. Nothing will get finished this weekend so I'd better get after it now. Get out and enjoy the spring weather if you can. It does heal the body and soul.

Thank you for supporting Matthew through thick and thin. I am amazed with your never ending care. Always Hope things go his way this week. COURAGE MPJ when they don't seem to be going so well. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, April 13, 2023 6:29 AM CDT

The extended nice weather seems to be hanging in there for us. May not be so lucky this Saturday, when Matthew's yearly turkey hunt, as it shows a better than average chance of rain. It figures for sure. It won't help either if this wind keeps up. His guide, Todd, said he may have another spot for Matthew to hunt if this weekend doesn't pan out. I guess we will just have to see how things roll.

We see that many at the apartments have chairs outside to sit in good weather. So I did a redo on a classic for Matthew. It was always at my folks as long as I can remember. Old fashion metal chair. I've updated it before, but now it really pops again in Husker red and cream. Not for Matthew, as he always has a chair, but for Josh and company. With the temps climbing already into the 80's, he will be turning on the AC. There is only a wall unit for the whole place. He does have two fans to help. Hope that between these it will be OK. He is a hot blooded guy just like the old man.

Today is a big 2 hour meeting to determine if he is still brain injured. Seems like a waste of time, but that is just how the system works. You'd love to just tell them that it is not going to reverse itself, but he just has to do the dance. It will be a big powwow at our house this afternoon. Hope is that it all goes well.

Anne and Buck came over to the apartment last night for a nice visit. Matthew enjoyed that for sure. We are lucky to have friends that have stepped up to make sure things roll nicely for him in the evenings. He does all right alone a few nights, but enjoys company much better than alone time. Tonight Aunt Karen and her friend are stopping in. Friday he will be at our house for an early sleep night as we have to be up hours before the chickens for the hunt. About 3am as a matter of fact. Ugggggggh!

Well wish him luck this Saturday and hopefully he can finally fill that bird tag. Thank you all for being there for Matthew. He loves the company you know. Always Hope that things shake out in favor of the home team. COURAGE MPJ to remember that it is hunting and that is a game in itself. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, April 17, 2023 6:34 AM CDT

Well at least it didn't rain during Matthew's hunt on Saturday. Did before and then again after though. He had a good time, but once again the turkey population did not decrease after his 6 hours sitting in the blind. Two were taken from all of the hunters, but none by Matthew. There is a chance that he may get to go again in a week or so with Todd. He has friends with a lease on a property south of the metro that has produced a couple Toms already. So the game may just be delayed another week or so before it resumes. They did have a couple gobblers in the area, but just couldn't get them to follow in with the turkey calls. Patti and I had 6 deer and two turkeys roll on past us just a bit up the road from them. Just the way that it goes for Matthew and turkey time. Got to talk with some old hunting friends and share a few lies and stories. Thanks goes out to the local NWTF chapter for all of their efforts there. Good people for sure.

That day of hunting and getting up at 2:30 pretty much did us in for the day and beyond. Yesterday we celebrated Benjamin's birthday #1 at my office here. It was quite the blowout. The weather was absolutely terrible, but good company and warmth inside. That zapped all remaining energy that us three had. Matthew manned the front door at the building and Patti and I were busy decorating and then cleaning up. We all feel hungover today. Busy weekend for us old folks.

Matthew's meeting last Thursday was a marathon that lasted nearly 3 hours. Everyone was spent after that one. I escaped outdoors to work on patio furniture redo so I was the lucky one there. Hopefully he passed, or failed I guess, to prove that yes he still is brain injured. It doesn't take a brainiac to see and understand that one. He will do the same song and dance in a year. What a big old waste of time.

This week shouldn't be so hectic. I would bet that Matthew is totally spent today. The second day affect will be in play I'd dare to bet. He has slept well since the early wake up call. Hope he recovers soon. That should do it for this Monday. So glad that you chose to see what is happening in his world. The support is simply great. Always Hope that someday an old Tom Turkey decides to try their luck against his bow skills. COURAGE MPJ to keep dreaming for that moment. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, April 18, 2023 6:33 AM CDT

Not much going on yesterday with Matthew. He was awake when Josh arrived, which is pretty amazing. I know it had to be hard since Patti and I felt really hungover yesterday. He may have handled the weekend better than the old folks. Glad that he was ready to roll.

Didn't hear much from him during the day or even the night. Patti was there twice on Monday. Once to deliver some groceries and another to deliver meds. He was solo last night after 5 and was good with that. He gave his mom a quick call at bedtime just to ease her/my mind about the safe transfer. Always good to hear that at the end of the day.

Patti is going to be really busy today. Has a med issue for Matthew that the whole pharmacy thing is a cluster. Same med that has been nothing short of a disaster in trying to get it filled. The doctor again needs to be contacted because of HyVee screwed up system. Seems like a monthly marathon phone call, back and forth, to get it right. Why is this so messed? Who knows, but it sure is. Top that with our bank has changed hands so all of the electronic payments have to be changed. She is facing hours and hours of phone time today. We need a full time assistant to take care of all of the weekly calls and contacts that are needed to keep Matthew afloat. It is crazy.

Going to be a long day for Patti and Matthew is totally unaware of the time that she spends on him. He needs to be reminded when we get the call for more attention because he just feels the need for it. Buddy, you are being attended to......every single day.

So long for today. Hope the weather can get back to last weeks highs, but that doesn't look too promising. Thank you for checking in on all things Matthew. Always Hope today goes better than it seems to be headed. COURAGE MPJ to show major appreciation to your mom and keep your requests to a minimum. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, April 20, 2023 6:34 AM CDT

Nothing much new going on this week with Matthew. The usual ongoing battles that Patti has trying to secure his meds is right there in the mix as usual. Call after call after call. It never seems to end. Matthew had an issue last night with the tire on one of his wheelchair wheels. They are solid rubber, known as clinchers, and one had come off the rim. He was able to make it to the bedroom and got on his Alexa to call us. Lucky for us, The Dahls were on their way to spend some time with him, and between Mike and I, we got it back on the rim and the wheel on the chair once again. The boy was back to normal business again.

Last night was the first night this week with company. He is doing pretty darn good being there alone. I like it better when there is somebody there of course, but it is getting easier to relax a bit. Tonight his Aunt Karen should be on the schedule for a visit. I'm sure he appreciates that. We certainly do.

Yesterday, as I was driving along, Patti got a call from Matthew. As she talked, she could hear the banter between Matthew and Josh. Patti though they sounded like an old married couple arguing about something. I guess in a way, they have that kind of relationship. Been together now for at least 5 years I'd say. Hopefully it can go on for many more years to come. We certainly rely on Josh for so much. None of this would work without him.

So hopefully the remainder of the week sails along smoothly. This weekend is not a busy one and that is great news. Thank you all for coming to this site and seeing what is happening with the boy. Glad there are plenty of positives to report on. We are so lucky to have you with us. Always hope the rains go away and sunshine kisses the sky. COURAGE MPJ to not feel bottled up if that doesn't happen. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, April 24, 2023 6:18 AM CDT

Hello to another Monday. Strange weather this weekend. Had snow on the car and flakes in the air on Saturday. Never did get too warm. Been a few rough days inside too. Matthew has been all right, but Patti has a dinger of a cold. Lots of coughing going on. She feels just as rough as her throat. Kaylee is sick now too. Different from grandma so we are glad of that. Looks like the week ahead will have plenty of challenges. Hopefully not on the Matthew front.

Matthew needed a new recliner as his one of many years finally wore out. I was able to score a very slightly used power lift chair for him on Saturday. It looks about new really. Probably a tenth of the original cost too. Those chairs have some weight to them. Needed a hand from good old Mike Dahl to get it in the apartment. It was bigger than the previous one so we needed to do a little changing up. His living room is not very big. Patti and I came up with a plan that should make it better. She ordered a new small dining table for him. Almost half the size of the current one. That should greatly change things up. The ever evolving apartment.

Jerry Wells came over last night to visit the boy at his place after we dropped him off. That was a nice surprise for him. He does like his company in the evenings. Hopefully he will have a few nights like that this week. Patti is watching grandkids this week. So daytime visits are probably out.

Nothing else new that this old brain can dig up. Things are going about as good as they will for Matthew. Always a few bumps, but overall, pretty darn good. Subject to change at any moment though as we all know. Thanks everyone for helping and supporting Matthew. He would be in deep *&it without you all. Always Hope better days for the family are ahead. COURAGE MPJ to stay on top of things at your apartment and health wise. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, April 25, 2023 6:29 AM CDT

Really nothing much to talk about this morning. Matthew is healthy and that is always important. I wish that the same could be said for Patti. She went in and was checked over yesterday. No COVID, but sinus infection. She is absolutely miserable. So much so that she didn't watch Kaylee at all yesterday. Matthew is concerned about mom as well as Ben and Kaylee. It's been a rough couple months for Chris and the gang. They have a big Disney trip planned and we all are hoping that it goes off without any further issues.

Matthew tried out the new lift chair and said it was great. Hope that it can stay that way for a few years at least. He did a solo thing last night. Not thinking he has anyone coming again tonight. Will see how he is doing and maybe I can slip over for an hour or so later. He is doing really well with that most nights. He is used to having someone around him at all times so this is a big step forward.

I have nothing else this morning. Glad that the weather is semi good right now. Once again it appears that the Drake Relays will have weather to deal with. What a shame for them and all of us too who need to get outside to work on things. Until next time, thank you all for helping with Matthew. Every little bit keeps him in the black. Always Hope for mending in the family. COURAGE MPJ to keep growing into your new life. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, April 27, 2023 6:37 AM CDT

Not a whole lot has changed since Tuesday. Matthew continues to do well at his place. He did have a visitor last night as he called Mike Dahl. Matthew thought that he and Cathy were coming, but that was last week. Good old Mike came over anyway for a bit and was there until Matthew tucked himself into bed for the night. Confusion is something with the boy that will never go away. Sometimes it is hard to get something through to him. Just part of the brain that doesn't hit on all cylinders. Just the way it has been since 2005. It will probably get even worse with time.

He seems to be healthy and happy for the most part. Patti is still sick. Terrible cough with her sinus infection. So bad that she has been leaving bed at night to get away and tries to sleep upright. Hate to see her suffer, but at the same time, I am glad that Matthew has managed to steer clear of it.

It is Drake Relays time and I think back when I was taking Matthew to the event. Hard to think that it has been over 10 years. Had some good times there in the Marriott tent being treated like kings. Doesn't seem possible that he has been done with school for 10 years. Times is really marching on and speeding up at that.

Nothing planned for the weekend. Will be here soon. Hope that all is well in your world as we are hanging in there. Thanks in no small part to the support we receive from you. Have a great weekend and be safe out there. Always Hope that things keep getting a little better bit by bit for Matthew. COURAGE MPJ to find a nice sweet spot in your new life. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, May 1, 2023 6:29 AM CDT

Well the weekend weather turned pretty sour on us here. Not as bad as our relatives have it in northern Wisconsin though. Snow yesterday and more snow today. Better them than us. Feels like winter out there again this morning. The old fingers are plenty stiff after driving in. Sure hope that we get a positive change here soon.

Matthew was all right over the weekend. a bit on the needy side off and on, but that is nothing new to us. He ended up staying the night Saturday as Patti and I just didn't have it in us to roll him back to his apartment. Chalk one up to us being lazy. He didn't mind of course. We really didn't do squat over the past few days. Took care of the boy and also we have a house guest in Mr. Indiana Jones. That is Chris and Jessica's dog. They are off to Disney World for the week. Sure hope that the kids stay healthy for once.

Matthew says he loves the new lift chair and uses the lift part just a bit so that he can transfer back into his wheelchair easier. It is plenty more comfy than the other one it replaces. We also bought and installed a new smaller dining table for him. Not sure he likes the small size, but it does help open up the room for his wheelchair to get to all corners of his apartment living area.

He went fishing on Thursday, going way back in time, and caught as many fish as his old man usually Had one good bite, but he was busy feeding on a sub himself and it got away before he could hook it and land it. The pond over at the Ikes in Newton is a great place for him to go. Hopefully he will get time to go back soon as this is the time of year the fish are biting there.

I have nothing more that this old brain can conjure up at this time. It needs to warm up like my fingers. Have a great week folks and will see you back soon. Thank you for giving all you do for Matthew. It keeps everything moving in the right direction and always has. Always Hope for a good day and week for Matthew. COURAGE MPJ to do what you know you need to make things better for yourself. keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, May 2, 2023 6:24 AM CDT

Nothing really to talk about this morning. That is a good thing as Matthew didn't contact either of us until it was bedtime. Talk about growing up some in the past few months. He has been there now for 4 months and things just keep getting better in my opinion. He still prefers to have some company at night for a while, but when he doesn't like last night, it is all right with him. Our phones were silent until he was ready to roll into the sack for the night. We always like to hear that the final transfer was complete and safely done. He enjoys having his own space. Didn't we all like it when finally it was time to leave the nest. Of course for Matthew it means having Josh there to make it all happen. Without his help, none of this would be happening. Don't know how we would do anything without him. We have been certainly lucky to have him. Not an easy job, but he seems to enjoy it.

So that is all I have today. Our hats tip to all of you for helping make this happen too. It does take a whole lotta help to make any of this work with and for Matthew. Thank you all! Always Hope that today can be as easy as yesterday. COURAGE MPJ to keep making good choices and living a better life. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, May 4, 2023 6:25 AM CDT

Could be two nice days in a row going on here in the metro. Time to get outside and get some things done before it turns ugly again. Going to a pond and fish a little would be fun today if the winds stay calm for once. I wonder if Matthew will have that same idea for today? He does like to go a little now and then. This certainly would be the time to do it. Hope that you all can get out and enjoy the spring weather finally. I heard from my sister in Appleton WI and it snowed Monday and was in the 60's yesterday. Crazy weather time of the year.

Matthew survived his third night this week without company. Patti and I stopped in on Tuesday for just a few minutes. Other than that, he has been solo. He called Patti last night and mentioned something about meeting another lady there at the apartments. He talked about contacting her to play cards or something. She said they were playing bingo once a week in the common area. So maybe he will give that a try. I know there has to be plenty of others in his building that would like a little company. Hope he follows through.

Not much really happening right now. He was a bit growly with Patti last night at times. He always comes up with some crazy thought about needing this or that. Most of the time it is not going to happen or just simply can't happen. Last night he wanted to have a dog. He didn't like having the brakes put down on this one. He needs to learn to be more independent before he can take care of something else. He is not there yet. He doesn't understand the cost of owning a pet. Preston goes in for a trim and bath today and that always costs a small fortune. It has to be done every two months or so. No way that would fit in his budget. He will move on to the next request soon.

Have a great weekend. Hope all is well on your end. Matthew is doing about as well as we could hope for. Thank you for supporting the boy like you do and have done forever. Always Hope the next request is a small one. COURAGE MPJ to understand how things are in the real world. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, May 8, 2023 6:29 AM CDT

Damp out there this morning. The humidity is good for all of the new flowers that we planted at the end of the week. Not so much for us humans though. Not use to this typical IOWA weather and mowing yesterday was one sweaty job. Better get use to it since there will be plenty more nasty days to come that will make this one look like the minor leagues.

Matthew was fine over the weekend. Had his usual moments where he was less than nice though. He and Patti have their issues now and then. Feelings are hurt and that is about it. It seems to take place often when I am not around. Some of his act gets mighty old and it never seems to end. Weekends at home don't always go well. One of these days that he pushes her/us too far and he will not be visiting home on a weekend. There are limits you know.

He slept most of the weekend away. Lots of naps. He has been staying up well past his usual night routine and it takes its toll. The bad news is that when he does the napping thing, we are planted at home too. Not always what we would like on the weekends. Here in less than two months, everyday will be a weekend for me as well as Patti. Retirement is closing in.

Chris and gang made it safely home from Disney World on Saturday. They had a great time it sounds like. The little Princess got to meet even bigger princesses. The little dude really liked the big furry characters wandering around the parks. We got the Cliff Notes version of the trip yesterday. So glad that it worked out so well and that they all seemed really thrilled with it. Well deserved after a tough year.

Matthew should have a normal type week ahead. Nothing big that I am aware of, but that means little. Hopefully it all will go in his favor. Not thinking the weather ahead will be kind to a guy in a wheelchair though. Thank you all for helping with all things Matthew. It really does take a village. Always Hope things keep falling in line for Matthew. COURAGE MPJ to be kind to all this week. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, May 9, 2023 6:28 AM CDT

Not much new going on with the boy. He did a solo gig last night and I don't think that he even got in touch with Patti after calling about 5 that early evening. We headed out to the other end of the metro to watch a great nephew play baseball. Matthew wants to come along the next time we go. It is always bittersweet taking him to little league games. It seems like only yesterday he stood on the mound for the Angels looking so good in his uniform. Matthew remembers those days too.....kinda. I know it stirs up plenty of emotions for him. It is not always a good thing to have him at events like this. He lost so much so quickly. Now it is a fading memory and packed with questions on how good would he have been He asks it often about his sports days and the future he never got. Damn that makes me sad.

He has really taken to mini golf at the local golf course. 9 of the 18 holes are accessible for him. So he plays two half rounds. He talked to his mom about going with Aunt Karen and her friend on Thursday evening. We sure will do our best to work something out for his transporting there and back. He is still a sporto even though participating is getting harder for him. Terrible shoulders, back and legs that constantly "jump" makes it harder and harder for him to get in there and do it.

Hope today is a good one for him, you and us too. I like it when things go our way. Thank you for checking in on Matthew. Know that your care carries a big load. Always Hope because you just have to. COURAGE MPJ to adapt to your life the best that you can. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, May 11, 2023 6:30 AM CDT

A nice peaceful drive into the office this morning. Yesterday was really a nice one out there. Have to enjoy the great spring days as we all know they will not last and the next thing we know, it will be 90 degrees and high humidity. Matthew likes this time of year too. Less stress on the body and all of the bright green colors make you feel alive again. I know he has been getting out and about more. Last night he traveled over to Mike and Cathy's for a cookout and visit. He really was lo9oking forward to that. Such good friends that go way out of their way to help make Matthew's life there better than ever. Tonight he is going to try and go mini golfing again. This time with Aunt Karen and her friend Cindy. Not sure it will happen since the rains are suppose to be coming before then. Sure hope they can squeeze a little putting action in.

Matthew seems to be doing just great there without the parental units around this week. I guess he only had Monday without visitors. Tuesday it was Uncle Lou who dropped by and hung out watching a movie. I don't think that was a real planned thing. This weekend he will be spending more time with us I guess. We have a road trip to Cresco, a good three hour plus drive, to a birthday party for our great niece, Sadie. We three will be heading up there, along with our brother in law Bill, early enough that we may have Matthew spend the night with us. Easier on both parties. Hope that the weather cooperates since he really can't get into the house up there. Hope to see a good chunk of my family there.

Not much else going on with us here. Staying close to home and tweaking things around the house. In less than two weeks it will be the run to western Iowa to decorate for Memorial Day. Lots of graduations coming up too. May and June is being booked up fast.

Thank you all for helping out here. Much appreciated, always. Have a great rest of the week. Stay dry if the sky starts to cry on us. Always Hope for continued bright days for Matthew. COURAGE MPJ to keep building on what you have been doing. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, May 15, 2023 6:28 AM CDT

Matthew spent two nights, Friday and Saturday, with us at home over the weekend. Nothing wrong, just made it easier on our travel day and that night when we arrived home later than his bedtime. It all worked out, but we need to back off from these overnight stays a bit. There will be times when we are not going to be home over the weekend and he needs to get broken in a bit for that to happen. We have an overnight stay in Sioux City planned in the middle of June. That will be a good test.

We all got along over the weekend pretty well. I'm sure the trip was a long one for him as we were in the car 3.5 hours each way. He slept about half of the time. That sure hasn't changed over the past 18 years. He was good for us at the party in Cresco and seemed to enjoy himself for the most part. Yesterday he was golden for Patti on her day. She/we appreciated that. So I would give the weekend the thumbs up. Nice to see my sister and her family again as well as brother in law Bill.

He has a meeting with his manager today about all things in his care. No longer is Patty the shower person coming. She has moved on to a different job. Hannah, his case manager, is also on the move. Being shifted away from Matthew so he will be getting a new person. Too bad, she has been a good fit for him and for us too. She will be missed.

Hopefully the rains won't mess with him too much. Hate to see him spend so much time in his small apartment. He talked about checking in on his new apartment friend who had a little surgery last week. He may head down on Wednesday to see about playing BINGO with the others. Time for him to expand on his friend base there at the apartments. Can't hurt for sure.

Well have a great week and wish us luck as Patti and I head to Polk County to fight our last tax increase on the house. It is crazy how we all got hosed by that high dollar amount. Thank you for being there through it all. Much appreciated for sure. Always Hope for a good week for everyone. COURAGE MPJ to make your week better by finding new friends. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, May 16, 2023 6:28 AM CDT

One day down and in the books. Seems that all is well with Matthew, but that is always subject to change in a heartbeat as you all know by now. Glad his week is off to a positive start. Not sure how his meeting went yesterday because I heard zip about it. They are usually pretty easy on him. I'm
sure he will miss Hannah when she is no longer his manager.

He talked about going to see his friend, CJ, after her surgery. He thinks she is back at the apartment. Hopefully she is on the mends. He is not sure how old she is, but in his mind she seems about 80. Bet all of us old folks look 80 to him. Hopefully he can get back to playing some games with her soon. He is trying to get into the Bingo game that they had going on Wednesday. I didn't see the notice on the board telling the people about the game like it was a week ago. Hopefully they haven't given up on that. The more folks he gets to know there the better off he will be.

Not sure what else he has up his sleeve for the week. We may be rolling him to a little league game on Thursday night if the weather hangs in there and he actually wants to go. Tonight Aunt Karen is coming over for games.

So on with it here we go. Thank you for keeping in touch here with the boy. Nice to have you here and near. Always Hope today is a good one for the home team. COURAGE MPJ to hit a big homerun to help your cause. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, May 22, 2023 6:25 AM CDT

It's been a while since I last wrote here. Had a very long weekend as I worked my 15 hours by Tuesday so the old man was done for the week. Nice to have the extra time, but didn't accomplish all that I had hoped for at home. Seems that things never turn out the way we plan. Last week is a good example of that.

Matthew has made good strides in his ability to hang at his apartment without anyone else being around. There was a big hole left last Thursday and Friday and he handled it well for the most part. He got in big trouble at home Thursday that added to the alone time, but that is not something I want to dwell on. He spent most of the end of the week and weekend taking care of himself for the most part. We went over for bits and pieces, but most of the hours he was in charge of himself. We gave him the option to come over yesterday, but he actually preferred to stay at his apartment. That would've never happened two months ago. We are happy to see that he can fend for himself better than a few months back. We still will set him up.......say arrange his food and meds.....then he carries on with it himself. I think he is pretty pleased about that.

He had a nice visit and supper with Buck and Anne the other night. They tried out the new Texas Roadhouse in town. I think he really enjoyed it and the company. Nice of them to think of Matthew. Those two have championed the boy since day one in 2005. It is above and beyond and we so appreciate it. He even took it upon himself to go play dominoes with his older friend at the apartments, CJ. I'm sure she enjoys the company too. I would bet there are plenty of folks there that could use a visit. Hopefully he will keep trying to meet people.

Should be a normal week with an extra appointment or two coming his way. Hopefully he is ready for it and can keep growing in the right direction. It is what we need to see out of him. Thank you all for the never ending support. It too is always needed. Always Hope Matthew continues to head in the right direction. COURAGE MPJ is what you showed in the self care you handled this past week. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, May 23, 2023 6:32 AM CDT

Monday is in the books and it was a good day as far as I know. I never heard from Matthew, but Patti did a few times. Things seemed to be going just fine. I think he was happy to have Josh back in the saddle again. Didn't have to deal with mean old mom and dad after the long weekend.

Hopefully they carry though cracking down on the slack time and not getting the chores done before play. There was a stack of laundry that should've been done, but was left and Patti did it on the weekend. If there is time to hang and goof off, there is plenty of time to get that done on his time. Don't want to seem negative, we are happy that things are going well over there. Just a few tweaks to make it even better before those things become bad habits.

I am going over tonight. Patti has a dinner date with her teacher friends and Matthew is alone again. I will roll his way after dinner and hang for a bit. The though crossed my mind to take him fishing, but then I remembered that he and I don't do too well together on the shore. We both think the other knows nothing about fishing. Actually, we probably are about right. Neither of us are very good at it. Sounds funny, but I did have a little schooling in the sport on Sunday. A friend from work has a very skilled fisher husband. He did his best to educate me on river fishing. I did catch a nice 14 inch striped bass. Matthew is way up on me as he landed about a dozen at the lake last week. That is when it is fun.

Thanks for seeing what is up in Matthew's world. We are so lucky to have such great folks still interested. Always Hope good things keep coming Matthew's way as he earns them. COURAGE MPJ to see the light. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, May 25, 2023 6:26 AM CDT

Good morning folks. All at once it turned into summer out there. We broke down and turned on the air last night. Happy that we did that. Today our favorite tech, Nick, is headed our way for our spring tune up so hopefully the AC unit runs like a champ the rest of the year. Matthew has his wall unit on and has been for a couple weeks now. He says it stays fairly cool in his bedroom too. The fan is usually on in there. We were a bit concerned that with just he wall unit, his apartment would be warm. I guess so far so good.

Matthew was bummed that we didn't take him along yesterday for the decoration delivery in western Iowa yesterday. He and I will make a second pass in about ten days so he won't totally miss out on anything. It is a time to talk about the past and old family history. Kind of a dying thing I am afraid. Traditions seem to be forgotten easily anymore. One day the family in the cemeteries will be without flowers for Memorial Day. As George Harrison said, "All Things Must Pass". He was correct there.

Mike and Cathy came over to the apartment last night. So good of them to spends a bit of precious time with Matthew again. They just had a new grandson on Monday. Bet that they are gassed from watching the two other babies. They still had enough in the tank to be with Matthew though. Happy that they did and very impressed too.

No huge plans for the holiday weekend as of now. I'm sure Matthew will be spending some time with us at the ranch. Of course there are plenty of projects to tend to. Patti has a couple of graduations of old students to go to. Could be a good weekend to get out the smoker. My countdown here at the office is just over a month. I am thinking it may be a good and proper time to end this page too. 18 years is a long time to report the happenings. Could be two retirements in one. It's be quite the ride on both fronts. Once again, George said in song........

Have a great long weekend. Be careful, but have fun too. Remember the past, but go forth and live for the now. Words of wisdom....or silliness...from a soon to be pastured printer. Thank you all for the good times and for supporting Matthew throughout. It will never be forgotten. Always Hope good days are here to stay for months to come. COURAGE MPJ to mature a bit more each week. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, May 30, 2023 6:25 AM CDT

Pretty low key holiday. We did all of our traveling before the weekend. Matthew came over and spent one night at home and two at the apartment. Spent the afternoons with us too. The weekends get lonely for him over there. The boy does like his company. He also likes his weekend sleep ins along with pancakes for breakfast. We had the grand-kids a bit too and then Kaylee came and spent the night with her favorite grandma. So it was a pretty good long weekend for us all. Hopefully it was good on your end too.

This past week, Matthew, fell in love once again with his bow shooting. Been a while, but he jumped back into it with both wheels. So much so that he talked me into taking him to AFS on Sunday for a round of 30 shots. Not his best day. I imagine that this is how it is for him. Either he is on or not. He had a little streak in the middle that was good and then fatigue starts to set in and things go south. Give him an A for effort though. Glad he has this to keep him active and the brain concentrating on something other than videos.

Not sure if/what he has lined up for this week. Being a short one, Friday will be here before you know it. Already it has me goofed up a bit. I'm a day behind it seems. Bet Matthew will be off too. He is looking forward to Sunday when I drive him to the western part of the state to revisit the cemetery plots once again. He was bummed not to go in round 1. Glad that he likes to go. Gives Patti some real time off in there too. Me, well I like to drive so it is all good for everyone.

Hope that all of you are enjoying the sun and the extra long weekend we just left. Thanks for coming here and seeing the happenings of Matthew. The support you give keeps the machine rolling forward. Always Hope this week stands out for all the good reasons. COURAGE MPJ to handle yourself the proper way. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, June 1, 2023 6:36 AM CDT

Good rain going on right now. It was getting pretty dry outside so this should help the flowers and garden. Not the best for Matthew if he has appointments to make. Take the good with the not so good. That's just the way life is. It won't kill him to get a little wet.

Matthew has taken to dead lifting weight at therapy. Steve sent Patti a video the other day and the boy was lifting 265 pounds with no real strain at all. I bet it put a bit of strain on his wheelchair though. Hopefully it can help his core and his shoulders. He seems to really enjoy that. Not sure how often he has been hitting the Campus to work out lately. He needs to keep up with that.

Yesterday he rolled down to the common area for Bingo with the other residents. He won at least one round. Think they buy in for around a buck. His friend CJ was there. He did that last night instead of having company. It is real good for him to try and make friends there. Hopefully he will reside there for years to come. Make the most out of it. I know he like living away from home for the most part. It is funny to see him washing dishes or sweeping the floor. His place is never too messy. He still is a guy and we dudes aren't quite the good housekeepers at times.

He and I are heading west this Sunday. Good father and son tradition. He was bummed when he found out we had already done it once this past week without him. One trip is plenty for him though. He may go to a high school grad party with us at the building here. Not sure he will, but he can if he wants to. That is about all we have planned together right now for the weekend.

Have a good rest of your week. We sure do appreciate the effort given to keep up with Matthew. The countdown is on for me here and maybe the web sight too. Been a good run. The last month here will be interesting. Always Hope the rain fades and the sun shines again. COURAGE MPJ to keep lifting your way to a healthier you. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, June 5, 2023 6:23 AM CDT

It was a really rough weekend for Matthew and in turn Patti. By Friday afternoon, the boy started to get sick. Making a mess twice at his apartment before we came over to take over and eventually bring him home with us. He is still at our house this morning. Seems that he has caught some sort of flu that is really strange. He can go hours without being sick and then bam......another mess to take care of. Poor Patti was up at midnight two nights in a row cleaning up a terrible mess. Matthew doesn't really feel bad either. On Friday he did, but since then he has felt good. Just at the times he is spewing one end or another does he feel anything bad. With his mobility, it is terrible and as I said before, very messy. Last night was the first one since Thursday that he didn't have some in the night issue. Hopefully this thing has finally run its course. Josh is coming to our house this morning to either pick him up or maybe even stay there again today. Guess we don't really know at this point. Not really wanting to transport him back and forth if he is still sick. We have been fortunate over the years that these type of ills have been few and far in between.

So the weekend and end of the week were not good. Both Patti and I feel a bit off, but not sick. There have been times when I though, uh oh, but nothing became of it. Plenty of this stuff going around so I imagine it was our turn. I ended up taking the western Iowa swing myself yesterday. Chris wanted to come along, but he and his family have been down and out a bit too.

So hopefully this stuff clears and the rest of the week can be normal. Thank you all for thinking of Matthew today and for the many days in the rear. You deserve a medal for sure. Always Hope for good health to take over once again. COURAGE MPJ to hang in there until it all passes. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, June 6, 2023 6:23 AM CDT

No cure for Matthew at this point in time. He made it through the night again without issue. That is a major relief for sure. He went home yesterday to his place and seemed to do all right. Then by the afternoon, not so good. He still has the poops and it wasn't pretty at times. He came home again last night since it is much easier to take care of him here instead of in his small place. He was fine with us last night from 5 until about 8:30 or so when he went to bed. No more instances. I would say that we think he is better, but felt the same way yesterday after a night free of issues. Patti called in to see about any advice or if they thought his upped meds could be the culprit. They thought more of the flu bug, but if he still has issues by the time he takes this weeks dose, to back off to the previous dosage. Not a good time to be Matthew. He has ate very little over the past 4 days. I'm sure he has lost weight, but not an ideal way to do it. He is getting mighty tired of this routine too. Can't blame him there. It has been rough on him and those around that care for him.

That is really about it for now. Sure would be nice to report on Thursday that all is better. Fingers have been crossed here for days. Thank you all for caring and lending a hand here and there. Stay healthy yourself, please. We will try to do the same. Thanks again. Always Hope things get normal again quickly. COURAGE MPJ today as always when the challenges of life get you down. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, June 8, 2023 6:28 AM CDT

Well, finally after 5 days plus, Matthew is better. He spent Tuesday night with us as he still had some issues. He went back to the apartment yesterday and did it without any more problems. He lost 9 pounds in the last week from all of this so that is one good thing that came from all of the suffering. He needs to continue to take it easy on not only the groceries, but what he is eating right now. He ate popcorn the other day and that didn't turn out well. Glad that he is on the mends.

Last night Mike D. came over to hang. Matthew was planning to go outside and play some bags with him. Mike is rather good at it. Patti suggested that activity instead of sitting inside. Matthew forgets that he has the game over there now. It happens with lots of things with his lack of memory. Patti and I are catching up to him on that front. Our old brains are pretty much fried. The past 18 years has really take its toll on us.

Hopefully he can get back to a normal rest of the week. Some things had to be put on hold with the illness. Time to get back in the saddle again. Well that is about all I can drum up today. Thanks for thinking of the boy and helping get over this latest hump and bump. It does take a village you know. Have a great weekend and be good to yourself. Always Hope that good health is here to stay. COURAGE MPJ to take things easy which will make it easier for those who are caring for you. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, June 12, 2023 6:27 AM CDT

Matthew had a much better weekend compared to 7 days ago. He is back healthy and doing fine. That was a rough one last week and no repeats of that please. Sometimes it takes a weekend like that to make one appreciate good health. He did lose some pounds over it, but what a hard way to do it. Time to stay healthy now.

He came and went from our place over the weekend as usual. Ended up spending Saturday night with us. Patti and he had gone to see Josh, who was in a play, perform in Ankeny. They got home late and he just wanted to crash at our house with the dog. He really likes having Preston sleep at his feet. That was fine as it was past his bedtime and we would be headed over to his apartment in the morning to get him going anyway. Somewhat taking the easy road for us too. He headed back yesterday early evening.

Well we took a step in the right direction this weekend in the quest to downsize a little. Been trying to do so for the past few summers. Looks like the Polaris Ranger is going to be sold. Matthew used it for hunting when needed, but it sat 99% of the time gathering dust and taking up space in the garage. He was shocked and a bit bummed, but I told him who was taking it over and he was good with it. Our hunting buddy, Steve, is the next owner. I gave him the friends discount and he has agreed to let us borrow it if we really need to for a hunting trip. He also hunts with another disabled person as well as his son who guides another wheelchair guy. So it really is a win win. Space for a workshop in the garage will be nice for retirement projects.

Next weekend Patti and I are taking an overnight trip to a concert in Sioux City. We have Matthew all lined up with help while we are gone. I was touching base with him yesterday about it and assuring him how well he has done without the parental units there. Big step forward for all parties. Doobie Brothers here we come!

Nice to see Buck and Anne yesterday. They stopped by for a nice little chat and catch up time. Matthew was happy to see them too. The whole virus thing really put a dent in being able to keep up and visit. Hopefully we have turned that page and can resume a normal type of living.

Well I have rambled on enough. The countdown is at 8 now. The end is near for me here at the office. Hope I am ready to sit in the rocking chair. Thank you all for helping make Matthew as good as he is. It would never have happened without you. Always Hope good health is here to stay. COURAGE MPJ to do what you can to live and stay healthy. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, June 13, 2023 6:32 AM CDT

Not much new happening yesterday with Matthew. He and Patti talked a couple times and it sounded as if things were all right over there. He did seem a bit on the lonely side since no company coming last night. I don't think there is any again tonight so we may need to roll over that way to see him a little before bedtime.

Patti got notice that they are going to be working on the power to his complex on Thursday. From 5-10 at night. That will suck. So we probably will have him come and spend the night here. He will go nuts without power for that long and on top of that it is suppose to really warm up by then. His little place gets mighty warm and stuffy easily. Just as well bring him home for a good nights rest. Hopefully it won't take that long for the fix. I worry a bit about food in the fridge. Guess we will need to do something there.

That is really about all I can muster up this morning. So happy that things seem to be going great, for the most part, with Matthew and his apartment. Never would've thought the transition would go so well. Guess we didn't give him enough credit. He still needs plenty of help, but he has been able to handle some lonely nights without problems. Give Patti plenty of credit for making it all work.

Thanks for checking in and seeing what is going on here. So happy that you have been so loyal to Matthew. He is very fortunate to have you all. Always Hope good days continue to mount up. COURAGE MPJ to better yourself a little more each week. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, June 15, 2023 6:33 AM CDT

Well time is winding down for me here at the office. 6 more episodes of Jim at the Bar and then I'm done. Only 4 will actually be here at the building as we have an annual meeting next week that I will be attending on Tuesday and Thursday. So more than likely, I will just be posting once next week. So maybe just 4 more posts before I hang up this site for good. Been a good run both at work and here on Caringbridge. All things do come to an end at some point. This is about as good as any time to hang it up.

Matthew is doing good. He sometimes sits and goofs on his phone too late at night for his own good. The later he stays up at night the less he is able to accomplish the next day. He really doesn't have that much to do so when he cuts back because he is tired, it really does make a negative difference. It upsets Patti to see him making changes to his chore list or posting to Facebook after 10 in the evening. He did that just last night. He can say that he will abide, but a day or so later he is back at it. He is never far from his phone. At night, it isn't a good thing at all. Emergency calls can be made from his Alexa device that he can yell to from anywhere in his apartment. Matthew has always been weak when it comes to urges. Just the way he was wired I guess.

They called off his electrical service work that was planned for tonight. We thought he would spend the night with us, but now there isn't a need. Probably a good thing as Patti has been busy all week watching two little girls. She is out of shape when it comes to that chore so each night she is bushed. The overnight stay may not have gone well. Two tired people is not a key to happiness.

Saw a video of Matthew dead lifting, from a seated position, 295 pounds the other day. It sure looked like he had plenty left in him to go up even higher. If I tried that it would be ugly. Probably have to change my shorts and go directly to the doctor. He did hear yesterday that his back is seriously messed up though. May have to back off such heavy lifts for a while. It was impressive though.

Looking forward to a day away on Saturday. Hopefully the plans are not halted by one thing or another that seems to plague our planned trips in the past. Time to turn the pages on those and start a new streak of good times getting away for a night or two. It is plenty of work to arrange everything for Matthew so we can be away. Patti is the master.

Have a great weekend and hopefully we do the same on this end. As always, I thank you for caring. It means the world to us all. Always Hope for easy days and night5s ahead. COURAGE MPJ do be a an adult this weekend and think of others before yourself. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, June 19, 2023 6:37 AM CDT

We had a nice time on our little getaway to Sioux City on Saturday. It all worked out with Matthew back here too. Patti did a great job lining things up and Chris pitched in to visit Matthew on Saturday night just to check in on him. Felt good to get away for even 24 hours. By the way, our concert was good too.

Matthew was kind of funky on our return. A bit up and down at times. By the early evening, he was not in a good mood. He will argue that he was fine, but after 29 years of being around him, we know better. Not sure what triggered him and often we never have a clue what does. Last night was a good example of that. Both Patti and I were ready to hit the road again if this is how he is going to be. Not fun to be around. I took him back to his place and he seemed a little better. Didn't want the old man to stick around so I beat it out of there. Later he called to inform us he was safely in bed. Glad that he did that at least.

Going back to Saturday, Matthew was the champ of the Texas Hold Em card game at the apartments. He has been better about socializing with others there the past month. They had a card game organized and somehow Matthew ended up winning the tourney. It sure will help him to be friendly with the others there. We imagine that many of them are as lonely as he or even more lonely since he has lots of company compared to most there. Glad he is trying to fit in and be social.

Busy week for me with the Annual Meeting going on. I am swamped for one last time here at the print shop. With that being said, I will not be writing, more than likely, the rest of the week. Depends on where I am sent the next two days I guess. So next week I will be here and then that is it. Think that will draw this page to a close then too. Just a heads up on both fronts.

Until the next time, have a good week and be good to yourself and to others. You certainly have been good to us and we thank you for that. Always Hope Matthew gets happy and stays that way this week and beyond. COURAGE MPJ to learn to be that, happy, more often than not. Keep the faith everyone.


Thursday, June 22, 2023 6:24 AM CDT

Well I didn't have to spend today at the meeting in Ankeny. It will be a good day to clean out my desk and delete stuff off of the computer. The final countdown now sits at 3 more times here after today. 25 plus years gone by since I first stepped foot here in 1997. What a ride. Seen some major changes in our lives over those years. Many that we could easily do without. One is the reason that has me writing here today like I have for over 18 of those years. Going to be different for sure.

Matthew is healthy and doing about as well as he can. He had some company two of the three nights this week. Jerry came over on Monday and then Cathy and Mike last night. Thursday night is usually Aunt Karen and I would suspect that she will be there after dinner. We are lucky that these fine folks take the time to be with Matthew. Just a little time spent is enough to keep his batteries charged. We will fill in when needed, but he prefers someone other than the parents. Someday that will change when we are no longer around. I know I'd give anything just to spend one more night with my folks. One never really understands until that option is gone forever.

Josh said that he has been acting a bit off at times. Like the memory is not good at times. Then some frustration hops in and you have to fight like heck to keep it from escalating. That seems to be the case on the weekends when we are around him. Less during the week, but it is happening a little more than we would or Josh would like. All you can do is hold on tightly and do your best to defuse it.

Patti heads north this noon for her cousins lake home and a bit of a breather from reality. Good for her. It is well deserved and overdue of course. She will return on Monday so I will be in charge over the weekend. Have a family birthday party to attend on Saturday so that will break up the time a bit. The long drive is a concern of course. Patti doesn't sit behind the wheel for that long often. Probably years since she has. She says some extra stops will be made to stretch and break a bit from the long hours hanging on the wheel.

That is about it for today and the week. Take good care like you have for decades with Matthew. We certainly were darn lucky to have your support. Always Hope good days and easy going attitudes appear to replace the ones going on. COURAGE MPJ to remember we are on your side. Keep the faith everyone.


Monday, June 26, 2023 6:17 AM CDT

We had a decent weekend and Patti did too up in the north country. So happy that she was able to check out of here for a few days. Nice to just take off and leave it all behind even if it is for just 4 nights. I would expect her to return today with a big smile on her face. Matthew was well behaved for me and we also had a couple visits from Chris. Life is good when it all comes together.

Matthew and I went to a couple outings over the weekend. On Saturday, we went to a family birthday gathering in Norwalk. It was for our great niece and nephew. Really missed not having my sister Deb there. That was a first party like that with her family since she passed away in January. She was missed for sure. We made the best of it and enjoyed seeing everyone again. On Sunday, Matthew went along for a little 8 year old girls softball tourney game in Ankeny. Our friends, Kyle and Chris, have two girls playing this summer. This was the younger ones state tourney. They won the game we were at and finished 2nd in state. Crazy winds made it a challenge, but we enjoyed the game.

He stayed the night with me on Saturday after the birthday party. The company was good for both of us. I don't worry as much with him alone at the apartment, but the days get long there on the weekends without any company. Matthew has been better at socializing there. He has met a few of the people and seems to be more at home around them. He told me last night, when I took him there for the night, that there was going to be a bbq sometime soon for the residents. Sounded pretty nice. He will be all in for free food I'm sure. We are so thrilled about how he has adapted.

Only two more times here at the office after today. Going to be strange for a while not having this contact. Some of us here have been together for 25 years and even longer. Pretty sure I am good with it now. 2.5 years of part time has me prepared for the old rocking chair.

Well that is it for today. You all have been rocks and rock stars for us all on this end. We are way beyond fortunate for having you with us. Always Hope that everyone here lives long and happy lives. COURAGE MPJ to keep growing as a human being. Keep the faith everyone.


Tuesday, June 27, 2023 6:25 AM CDT

Patti made it home safe and sound from her trip to Wisconsin. Sounds like she had a great time with her cousins and they are already planning one more time together before the summer ends. I think it is great and well deserved. She was a bit pooped after the drive with all the construction and traffic. She hadn't driven that distance, before this trip, in many years. Glad that she is home. So is Preston the dog. I am not the one he does flips for no doubt.

Matthew was pooped yesterday too. He said it was from all of the fresh air and action of the little girls softball tourney. I really doubt that, but we can roll with that one. He has a set number of chores that he needs to do daily and he had to ask if he could pass on one of them because of his being tired. Guess the old man wore him out over the weekend. Hopefully he has a bit more in the tank today.

Been on a roll here the past week. Not only did we part ways with the Polaris Ranger, yesterday I sold the dirt bike that I just bought a short time ago. My limited wrenching abilities had me stumped in how to fix it to run right. Being such an old bike, there weren't options to get it done in any local shop. So it was one of those toss in the towel sales and move on. There will be plenty more of these fire sales happening with us in the future. Time to part ways with some of our "treasures" and not leave a mess to be cleaned up by Chris.

This day and one more for me. I will be back Thursday for the grand finale. Been quite a ride both here at the office and online with you all. Thank you for always being there for us through it all. Really it has been some ride hasn't it. Always Hope Matthew perks up today to get things done like he needs to. COURAGE MPJ to live a good clean life and be happy. Keep the faith everyone.
